#gears x iceberg
drnightingale · 1 year
Iceberg: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles. Gears: Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one? Iceberg: Seize the dick.
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moonennie · 2 months
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Little Icie!!!
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vinnyberries · 2 months
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from-thoseghosts · 7 months
I just put the most popular (and some that I like) so tag if I forgot anyone
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nayadefenix · 7 months
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@cupinho of dr.Iceberg femboy and dr. Gears.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 1 year
Hi, could you write about how Dr.Glass, Dr.Bright, Dr.Kondraki, Dr.Gears and SCP-073 would react to their S/O who seems to mentally regress when being yelled at (looks down, can't stop crying, needs to hold onto something to ground themselves, apologising constantly/not being able to say anything). Thanks
Hi :D I don't write for SCPs bc I don't want to characterize them in a wrong way, so I'll throw Iceberg in there if that's okay
characters: Simon Glass, Jack Bright, Kondraki, Charles Gears, Julian Iceberg
✧ Would never yell at you, not even to call you if you are like, in another room.
✧ As I stated in the Glass Headcanon thing, he can be manipulative and a little shit.
✧ He once heard a fighting going on and he went on the room where it was happening to put a stop to it.
✧ His blood was boiling when he saw you standing in place, shaking and holding back sobs while hugging yourself and looking down.
✧ Someone he didn't care to know the position of was, indeed, yelling at you and he probably was and will be the first person to see Glass mad.
✧ He didn't spoke a word, walked to where you were, stood in front of you and punched the guy square in the face and then in a very calm voice he told him a bunch of stuff that went from how 682 would crack every bone of his to how clef would do the same thing but slower.
✧ He took your hand and led you away, when you both were back in his office he grabbed some candy he always had for his patients and put them in the table, then he started telling you that everything was okay, you were safe now and if you wanted, you two could take some free time until his next session and watch something you like.
✧ He doesn't panic, he knows what to do to make you feel safe again.
DR. BRIGHT (She/He used)
✷ Similar to Gears and Kondraki, she has a lot of power in the foundation.
✷ She's goofy nd shit but can be scary when he gets serious.
✷ Now he didin't saw who yelled at you, she just came into the cafeteria and saw you on one of the tables being consoled by a really confused Clef.
✷ She was by your side in two seconds and started asking what's wrong, when you didn't answer he started asking more and more until Clef told him to shut up.
✷ The 3 of you just stayed there waiting until you felt better and were able to talk, Jack was holding your hand and running his thumb across it while Clef just ate his lunch in silence.
✷ When you finally told him what happened he held your hand a little tighter and then shot a glance at Clef.
✷ "I'll give you 100 bucks if you kill that fucker"
✷ You had to convice both of them that they shouldn't.
✷ Bright did however, made that person's life a living hell, she told everyone what they did and probably exagerate a little.
✷ Next time he crosses this person in the hallways he is going to make sure they felt the same way you did or worse.
✷ They should feel lucy tho, the only reason they are not a D Class or a victim of 682 was because you didn't thought that was the solution.
✴︎ He was probably drunk when he did it, and you were trying to help him like Draven did.
✴︎ And he yelled at you to stop and to just let him drink his sorrows away.
✴︎ It was like magic, he felt sober in the moment he heard you say a weak 'sorry' and start sobbing. He quickly stood up from his chair and hugged you and started apologizing while you did the same.
✴︎ He would feel guilty the rest of the day and would quit his drinking for a month.
✴︎ Even if you said you forgive him, he would buy you gifts, spend more time with you and each time he will say sorry.
✴︎ He will try never yelling at you again, drunk or sober, stressed or not. He doesn't want you feeling bad and then hating him.
〠 Not the best at comforting.
〠 It was probably Iceberg who yelled at you, because he yells at anyone. Gears would try to do things he saw others doing, he'll put his hand on your shoulder and just stay there with you.
〠 He really doesn't know what to do because that never happened to him,, so he can't relate that much and his lack of emotional reaction doesn't help.
〠 He will drop more work into Iceberg and will buy you your comfort drink (if you have any)
〠 He shows he cares with gifts and sometimes words, but he thinks is better if he doesn't say anything when you are like that, he may come a little too harsh.
〠 He'll pet your hair if it makes you feel better? Again, not the best at comforting but he'll try.
〠 Eventually he'll get back to work if you are feeling a little better, will tell Glass to be with you today, he probably knows what to do.
❆ Probably the one that yelled at you, he won't do anything to comfort you at the moment.
❆ You will find little gifts on your desk, your work will be done and there will be a letter where he apologizes in his,,, own way.
❆ "i'm sorry I made you cry but it will happen again but I'll try not to make it happen again"
❆ He's not the best with words or physical affection, but he will show that he's sorry by controlling himself around you, when he's about to yell at you or someone and you are in there he'll excuse himself for a moment, and then will come back a little calmer, or will tell you to get out so he can chill the f out
❆ Not the best to date if you are like that tbf, but he will try
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average-limbus-fan · 5 months
Think I went a bit overboard with the yandere drabbles… almost 1.5k words and that’s not including Hong Lu’s part. Welp I hope you all like it at least. >.<
Might start on that Faust angst in a few days, I kinda wanna do some things for the scp doctors tho, I kinda feel bad I’ve barely written anything for them. So feel free to send in some requests for the doctor’s. :3
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urfavcaller · 1 year
I need more gearsberg content so bad rn help me
(They r plaguing my mind and i need to draw more of them)
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theyanderespecialist · 10 months
Can I have a request about Yandere? Gerald x Darling! Iceberg scenarios, please? Which focused on Gerald's obsessiveness about Iceberg and Iceberg's reaction to that, please? Sorry for my bad English :(((
Anything specific you want to see? or continue the mini-series of Yandere Dr. Gears x Darling Iceberg, also I will send a link to the audiobook version of it!
(Getting the link)
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angelbroad · 2 years
Fandom: SCP Foundation
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Relationship(s): Dr. Jack Bright/Lotus[fake Dr. Edith Feathers], Dr. Jack Bright/Dr. Edith Feathers
Characters: Dr. Jack Bright (SCP Foundation), Lotus[fake Dr Edith Feathers] (oc), other character(s) mentioned
Tags: hurt/comfort, comfort fic, dealing with grief, crying, bonding, implied relationships, Dr Bright needs a hug, dubious touching, nothing dirty, mild descriptions of violence, flowers, implied character death
Summary: Bright stumbles into Lotus in the hallway and it offers help despite not being asked to.
Today was going to be a long day. Granted, it’s not like he could do anything fun within the Foundation’s reach anymore thanks to that ridiculously long list.
He was needed for an experiment later that day, so the best thing to do would be to just grab a hot beverage and wait the hours away. Maybe he could go and see Glass too.
He settled for coffee. He lightly blew on it for the hot liquid to become cold enough to drink as he walked merily down the mostly empty hallway. There wasn’t much commotion, suprisingly. Bright was used to the hallways of every building of the Foundation being flooded with researchers and guards, especially with him inside. But maybe he was overthinking things, he needed to find more ways to spend his time other than a cup of coffee. That very much unwelcome distraction came when he slightly sprinted around the corner, only to be met with someone else head first. Both him and the researcher fell to the ground, and the hot beverage was spilled all over the floor. “Ah dammit.” he said, only half-excited, “Now Gears will give me shit again for breaking another mug.”
The other figure got up first, and extended a hand to seemingly help him get up. Bright didn’t look up, and as he tucked on the hand for leverage, it detached from the figure’s body, with the vines that connected them being shown more clearly now. That accursed plant.
“Ah. Sorry.” the once-woman said in a jolly tone, the vines reconnecting the body parts back together with an uneasy squelching sound. Bright got up on his own, refusing to look at anything that wasn’t the spilled coffee on the floor.
The lotus expressed its apologies for the wasted beverage, but they knew that they wouldn’t give the man back his beverage by using only words. They started walking while dragging the red haired man down the hall by the sleeve of his labcoat, leaving him baffled. “What the hell are you doing?!” “I will make you coffee. Replace what was spilled.” the plant couldn’t form sentences properly, but they could still make their words have sense in them. They were walking to the break-room, one of them at least, with the flower leading and Jack reluctantly following the pull on his hand.
As they entered the relatively small room the male researcher took a seat on the table close to the kitchen counter, leaving the other entity to figure out the coffee machine by itself. Watching a plant in someone’s body trying to figure out how to use such simple things would be quite amusing, if that body wasn’t Edith’s. He stared at his hands on the table, toning everything else out. What had happened was, at some degree, predictable. So why did he feel such despair fill his heart? Is it perhaps because..he couldn’t tell his dearest friend his true feelings when she was still here?
May 22nd, 2000. Bright and Feathers were heading toward the research area to assist in the SCP-Lotus study. Bright wasn’t sure what he was needed for, except maybe because he was bored and the O5 feared he might pull some antics. They weren’t wrong to assume that, really.
“The last host died about a week ago. We still don’t know if that thing is using the bodies it attaches to or if it’s just feeding off of them.” Edith sighed in annoyance. “Gee, thought you’d be more excited to get back to office!” Jack exclaimed, mimicking the way his friend walked. The dark haired woman tried containing her smile, only to give up and resort to giving him a nudge at the shoulder. She chuckled a little, before her hand reached to touch her left eye, concealed by an eyepatch, upon contact her brows furrowed a bit and her smile dissapeared.
Things had been difficult lately. Having to pluck your own eyeball out to prevent an infection wasn’t exactly ideal, though Feathers argued that for the Foundation it would be seen as just another Saturday, and Bright couldn’t really argue with that. Due to the injury, Edith was off-duty for a few weeks, returning to work only five days ago.
The Foundation is currently breathing down everyone’s necks to figure out exactly what this plant does. From the window overviewing the containment area, Feathers explained that the flower seems sentient enough to move around on its own upon sensing an open area from which it can enter the body of a host. Much like a previously discovered object, scp-035, it has the ability to scramble the host’s brain waves, seemingly altering them. This by its own wouldn’t be anything new, however this particular object kept the host’s body fresh throughout the period of about thirty days, continuously making changes in the brain before eventually causing the body of the host to rapidly decay and proceed to exit their body entirely. The way it functions is still a mystery to everyone.
Soon after, the D-Class for the next test had entered the containment area along with two researchers, including Edith Feathers, and five armed guards.
The D-Class received a wound in his gut, leaving a pathway for the object to enter the body. However, the flower was unmoving. Surprised, Feathers asked the other researcher to take notes. The other gave an affirming nod, while the latter stepped closer to the D-Class, and by extension closer to the flower. As she reached her hand toward the wounded man, the flower sprung to action, using its roots to leap into the air, and found ground in Feathers’ face. The amethyst eyed woman let out a surprised yelp as the object made contact. The guards rushed in to help, but the damage was already done. The vines and roots slipped underneath the eyepatch, finding home inside the hole where Edith’s left eye used to be.
Upon realizing what had happened, the guards escorted the other researcher out of the containment area, Bright watching in disbelief and horror as his friend let out a final gut-wrenching scream while holding onto her head, pulling out her black locks of hair, before finally falling to the ground limp.
He was brought back to the present by a warm object making contact with his hands. It was a coffee mug, with a reddish-brown liquid inside. He looked up to see the lotus sitting beside him. “I think I figured it out!” it said excited, the vines from the flower pulling the limp mouth into a wide grin, and as the right eye closed he could just barely make out the thorns pulling the eyelid.
Not trusting what it had in store, Bright took a sniff of the liquid “This smells nothing like coffee. What did you put in here?” before the other got to respond, he got up to empty the contents of the mug into the sink. As he turned toward the coffee machine, he saw an open bottle of vinegar tipped over. “Did you...use vinegar to make coffee?” “Well, I saw Iceberg use vinegar for machine yesterday. So figured that is how coffee is made.” He knew this was supposed to be a dangerous entity, but 343 was it stupid. The only reason it was allowed to freely roam was because despite its possibly dangerous abilities, it was generally harmless.
He let out a groan and poured himself a glass of water, and then sat across from the other. He took a sip of the water and pointed at the glass. “This is what we use for coffee, not what you put in there. Iceberg was probably using it to clean the machine.” the vines contorted the mouth to an ‘o’ shape. He gave a sigh, figuring he didn’t have the courage to make another cup of coffee.
As they sat in silence, Bright begun reminiscing about the past. It was just Edith, Simon, and himself, almost an inseperable bunch. She used to make the best coffee for all of them, and she treated Jack more like an actual human instead of just another anomallous entity. A hand touched his own, startling him. It was the lotus. He gave an annoyed sound before seeing the confused expression on the thing’s face. “You are sad.” He turned away to ask the next question, “Why do you care if I am?” “Former cared about you, a lot.” it said pointing at itself, Bright finally turning to look at it.
There was a small pause before the flower continued. “When I go inside host’s brain, I can see the memories, feelings. This one...cared a lot about you. And I feel sad too.” Jack stared at the form in front of him, unable to believe what he was hearing. “What...what do you mean?” he asked. It looked down as it spoke, “Took away loved one. An important person.” it lifted its head back and got up, “But I want to help.” the red haired man could only stare. The lotus moved toward him, and before he could react, he was enveloped into a hug.
“W-What are you doing?!-” “I saw Clef doing this with Kondraki and Say. Comforting gesture.” Bright wasn’t sure if he even wanted this action to happen. He put his glass on the table and let his hands drop on his sides. Still, the hug wouldn’t loosen. He missed this, he missed Edith, he missed everything about their relationship. He knew he would outlive her, but he never wanted her image immotalized by some macabre parasite. Still, it felt so warm. Soon enough, tears started streaming down his face as he pulled the woman in a tighter embrace, and the flower allowed it, simply because it wanted to bring this one good human the comfort he deserved.
Author's note: About time I brought back SCP! The demo for the new game SCP Files got me so excited and the scp fan inside me has awaken once more. Anyway, have my comfort ship from this fandom ^^
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rndmcreeps · 1 year
the introduction .
❝Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind?❞
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hello ! i am moria, or xea .
i am opening my requests to the scp foundation ,,, however its only to the researchers (my specialty !!)
here are some rules before you request...
HCS/DRABBLES: available :]]
please do not send anything nsfw, no matter what. not comfy writing like that + i am a minor !!
no ocsxreader or ocxcanon...sorry
the max limit of characters per request is 3 !
my reader will generally have no anomalous properties unless the request states otherwise
blacklisted topics: things regarding eds, pregnancy, s31fhrm (acceptation being about scars from s3lfhrm) ... yeah not comfortable writing bout those .
i have the right to delete and / or deny your asks without warning. if your ask hasn't been written yet, please dm me on the progress of the request.
other accounts ran by me !!
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❝Sometimes, through the noise of its thoughts, it hears the universe, yes.❞
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drnightingale · 2 months
The following is a message from @frostmoon-willow / @frostmoonwillownova regarding her mother's behaviour over the past few months, which involves forcing her to continue to do a medical assistant course that she didn't want to do in the first place after it severely worsened her mental health. Details under the cut.
"Hello everyone! I love you all so much, and thank you for all the support and kindness you have given me over the years! It genuinely means so much to me! -Frostmoon"
The following is the message she sent to her mother earlier today. I have so far heard nothing, but I will keep you all updated through reblogs and further posting.
"This has gotten to the point that I feel I need to write this.
I'm sick and tired of you choosing everything for me. You keep saying that you aren't choosing everything, and that you're doing all of this for my better. You have been choosing everything for me for a long time. Choosing my classes for me, making me go into different things that I don't want to. I have not expressed one ounce of interest in medical assisting, and you put me here. I may not plan on going into EMS in the future, but you know full well that I enjoy EMS and EMR things. You say that this is to get me a good job, but I am not going to get a medical assisting job.
You say that I hate this class because I'm behind, but the reason I'm behind is because I don't care. I'm not just procrastinating this because I'm a natural procrastinator, I am because I don't feel like or care about doing any of this. I have not had any fun in this class, except for the blood stuff because I wanted to be a blood spatter analyst (which I'm thinking I might not be, I'm not interested in taking physics). 
Everyone in my year has chosen fun senior year classes. I could have been in science fiction, where they go to movies and write stories. I don't care if I would have taken a math class, that would be way better on my mental health than this medical assisting class.
You force me to do things just so I can do things I enjoy, like playing video games and hanging out with friends. I have been struggling through this class so far, but I don't want to continue. 
I don't have a fear of needles, but I dislike them. Seeing knives sticking out of skin somehow doesn't bother me, but needles do. They make me uncomfortable. Yes, I get shots, but have you noticed how I never look at them? I don't like needles.
If you hadn't put me in this class I could have been doing things that would help me on the path to a career I do want. I could be taking online courses for forensic science. I could have a lot of things done and that would help me get the job I want, not the one you want for me. I think you are projecting your wants onto me. You are into nursing and medical assisting and are making me do that. 
I do not want to do this. I am not happy, and I am struggling mentally. I've cried multiple times during this class, and you know I've gone to talk to counsellors. How has that not rung a bell? Can't you tell I hate this? I'm behind because I have no motivation to do this. I have to pretend to be characters to get stuff done, but at this point of doing injections, I am done. 
I know you've paid money to get me into this course, but I don't care. I'm struggling. I could've had an amazing senior year like everyone else, and like what I imagined. But because you always choose things, I'm stuck in this class, crying, because you won't let me out. I'm sick and tired of it. You don't listen, and you continue to tell me that I'm only struggling because I'm behind. But I'm behind because I just don't care. 
You think that it's my friends that are telling me you're a horrible person, but I've noticed some of the things you do as well. You think you're guiding me to an amazing future as a medical assistant, but that is not what I want to do. You choose everything for me. I don't get a say in things. You didn't even ask me if I wanted to do the medical assisting program, you just signed me up. I told you I didn't want to, but you still went with it. 
I don't want you to take away my video game privileges or my snails, but I'm done. I want to be able to enjoy my life without having to think about coming here every day and doing things that I don't care about. I understand that I have multiple mental issues, and I know you're trying to help me with that, but forcing me to continue this course is not helping me. I do not want to continue with this.
I've decided to try and write this to try and have you realise how much I'm struggling, but I know you'll either ignore this and force me to continue, or even if you let me drop out, take away my phone and video game privileges. And don't you see that as a problem? I'm nearly 18, and here you are, grounding me like I'm a little kid. I know I struggle with many things, but this is one thing I'm done struggling with. 
I would like to be able to not worry about forcing myself to do these things just to play video games to make myself happy. I've tried to tell you a million times but you don't listen. You blame my friends for making me think you're horrible, and blame them for making me 'gay'. All I would like is for you to accept me for being pansexual, and maybe even try to support me. It would be wonderful. But you try to squash that out of me. 
I'm tired of being controlled by you. I want to be happy, and the medical assisting program is making me stressed and depressed. I really am tired of you making huge decisions like this for me. I don't get to choose, and you force me to stay in this class just because you think it's good for me.
I don't know how things will end out after you get this, but I just hope that somehow this might make my life easier. I hope you can find it somewhere in your heart to do what's actually best for me and my mental health. I want to be accepted for who I am, and want to begin on the course I want for my future. If you get mad at me, fine. I'm actually quite used to you being mad at me for contradicting you. But I hope this can persuade you to actually take a moment. and think and realise that what you are doing is causing me stress and anxiety.
 I'm tired of you being controlling. You are even if you think you aren't. You may not be a helicopter parent, but you are forcing me to do things, and monitoring my every move. You cut off contact with my friends just because they're against what you see as right. I'm tired of it all.. What I would like is to have a supportive mother, who will help me do what I want, not what she thinks is best for me. A mother who asks what her daughter wants and tries to help with exactly what she wants to do. 
I hope you read this and take a moment to think about all of this. I haven't written a note like this yet because I was scared you'd ground me, take away my phone, video game privileges, and snails; but this is at a point where I just can't take it anymore. I'm done.
I am hoping to hear from her soon, and I will keep you updated on the situation, however, depending on how her mother reacts, it may be a while.
I'd like to end this off on a happy note.
I don't know much about her mother, only that she is an ex-nurse and a very strict Mormon woman who controls frostmoon, not only in the ways mentioned there, but also forcing her to wear makeup, go to church and abide by Mormon doctrine when she fully knows that she doesn't care about any of it.
Frostmoon standing up to her mother like this is a huge step up for her. I have tried to convince her to stand up for herself more over the past year we have been together, but she has always been too scared or nervous, and for good reason. But today, even if it was because she hit an all time mental low, she made a huge step to communicate what she needed from her parents, concisely and clearly, and I cannot be any more proud of her.
Anyone with experience with these kinds of parents are welcome to offer advice if they wish
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moonennie · 2 months
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Another fire art of Icie 🧊
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scpwiki-official · 2 years
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annihilation (film ) but with the scp blorbos
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reddiamondgamer · 2 years
Fic for a fic
This goes along with my other SCP fic! These are off-camera moments!
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nickfowlerrr · 9 months
keeping secrets - chapter seven
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series masterlist / chapter eight
pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader (dark!soulmate au)
warnings: short chapter. no explicit smut but it’s there a lil bit. +18 only, as always. a lot of this is from bucky’s pov. angst with a hint of fluff. mostly angst though. and this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg for these two 🥲
words: 1.9k
notes: i’m belaboring it, i’m sorry lol but thank you for bearing with me through my bouts of writers block. i appreciate all of you who are following this series and reading and commenting and reblogging, you’re all wonderful and i love you. hopefully this will help kick me back into gear. please let me know what you think, and again, thank you for reading and reblogging. 🖤
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It’s still dark outside when Bucky jerks awake again in a cold sweat.
His heart is racing and his breathing is heavy.
He takes a second to collect himself before he peeks up to the bed from where he lays on the ground. He runs a hand through his hair as he calms down at just the sight of you, still sleeping peacefully, sprawled out on the mattress you’d both fallen asleep on just a few hours ago.
He’d woken up earlier from another nightmare, not one of the usual ones, but the one that’s been recurring more and more frequently since the day he’d met you..
No matter how he tries to change the dream, it always ends the same.
Nothing but hurt, pain, and tears.
He tries so hard to change it, wants nothing more than to save you from the inevitable heartbreak that waits for you both, but it’s futile.
It’s his fate, and by some sick twist of it, you’ve unfortunately found yourself tied to him, which can only mean the same for you.
But the nightmare isn’t reality, he tells himself. It may be unchanging in the dream, but he can’t let that happen in his waking life.
He won’t.
He spent a good ten minutes just holding you in his arms, watching the rise and fall of your chest with each breath you took as your lashes fluttered in your sleep and you nuzzled into his embrace, before he gently moved you off of him. He wanted to commit the sight of you so at ease to his memory, taking in your every feature and letting himself indulge in the feeling of your softness pressed against him. In that moment, he told himself he could never have you so close to him again. The list of reasons why seemed never ending.
And though being with you earlier was incredible, words he couldn’t manage to find to describe the perfection that was you and the deep intimacy you shared - something he doesn’t think he’s ever felt before - something he’s sure he’ll never feel with anyone else, he knows he can’t do this. Not to you.
You deserve the world. A happy ending. And he wishes so badly that he could be the one to give it to you - no matter how selfish the desire is - but he can’t.
A happy ending has never been in the cards for him.
And he won’t keep that from you.
Still, that selfish itch is there, clawing at his chest and filling his head with impossible fantasies.
As he sits there, he wonders, though, just how long he’ll be able to keep away from you - even just physically. Your touch alone.. It’s indescribable.
He wishes he could let himself be next to you right now.
He counted himself lucky for not having woken you up after the first nightmare, but couldn’t risk it happening again. He had moved to the floor and listened to the steady sound of your heartbeat to ease him until he eventually fell asleep again.
Until now.
This nightmare, thankfully, wasn’t involving you.
It was the cold.
That chair.
Those words.
The excruciating, violent pain.
He’s glad he moved, there’s no way you wouldn’t have felt his twitching in his sleep if he was still next to you.
No way you would’ve had the dream to begin with if you were still next to her.
His brows furrow as he grows agitated at the thought. He gives it no further attention, though, as he sits up.
Maybe it’s early enough to excuse being awake, he thinks as he pulls himself off the floor.
He looks over at you once again and his heart clenches, wanting him to just crawl back into bed with you and sleep until you decide it’s time to get up.
But he can’t listen.
So he heads quietly out into the cold of the cabin and goes to find his phone.
The bed is cold when you wake up. The cabin is quiet. Only one thought is on your mind as you come to consciousness.
Where is Bucky?
There’s a tight squeeze in your chest as you take in your loneliness. A surge of anxiety that grips you though you try not to give it attention. You sit up and look around the empty room.
You get up and peek out the door, down the hallway.
You head to the bathroom instead of seeking him out for now, quickly getting ready for the day.
As you come out, you hear the front door open and close.
When you walk into the living room, you find a sweaty Bucky pulling his shirt off.
“Hey,” you breathe, leaning against the hallway opening, arms crossed over your chest lightly.
His eyes shoot to you, and you watch as it takes him a second to respond.
“Hey,” he responds a little out of breath.
You give a half smile as you return his unwavering stare. Pushing off the wall, you saunter over to him. Bucky doesn’t stop you as you lean up to kiss him.
Somewhere in his mind, he is telling himself to stop. But the thoughts aren’t loud enough for him to listen.
He leans down and kisses you back, deeply as his hands find your bottom.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing as one kiss turns into two, turns into three, and before he knows it you’re breathing each other’s air as his tongue explores your mouth while you’re making out on the couch.
He knows he’s sweaty but you don’t seem to care in the slightest as you refuse to let up just the same as him.
He isn’t sure how much time has passed when you finally pull away, breathing heavy as you catch your breath.
You look at him in a way that makes him feel seen. Truly seen. The warmth of your gaze - the love it radiates - it’s something he never wants to lose.
But his heart hurts at your next words - a sense of panic taking over him.
“We should talk,” you say softly, moving a strand of hair out of his face, your soft touch caressing his cheek as you admire him for a moment.
You should talk. He knows that. But he knows exactly what’s going to happen when you do.
He doesn’t want to. He doesn’t want this to end so soon. He doesn’t want to lose you so soon after finally being with you. He doesn’t want to hurt you - though he knows no matter what, he will…
“Yeah,” he breathes before leaning back into you. His lips are on yours again, softer as he takes his time, leaning you to lay down on the couch as he holds himself above you.
It’s as much a distraction for himself as it is for you.
With Bucky above you, you let your hands find his hair as you kiss him back.
But it’s not just a kiss - it’s so much more.
Everytime you touch, it’s like a wordless confession of devotion.
Unlike anything you’d ever experienced. And it’s addictive.
You pull him closer, urging him down until he’s nearly right on top of you. A hand slips from his hair and softly trails along his neck, down his chest and stomach until you tug at the waistband of his shorts.
He exhales gruffly as his eyes shut - a second passes as you watch him, perplexed at the look that crosses his face. Briefly unsettling until he opens his eyes and looks at you. Mesmerizing as always, full of longing.
Your clothes are lost as you fumble with each other, touching and yearning; kisses broken off with gasps - each deep thrust of Bucky inside you working you closer and closer to the high that seems to never end as you beg him not to stop, as if he had any plans to.
He can’t get enough, and you’re both insatiable.
You aren’t sure how much time has passed when you’re both laid out on the ground, panting and sweating as Bucky pulls you into him. You’re a dripping, overstimulated mess as you curl into him, feeling full and sated, yet wanting him ever closer.
The comfort he effortlessly exudes relaxes you further as your lashes flutter while you start to regulate your breaths.
“I’m a mess,” you mumble as you nuzzle into him. “You’ve ruined me.”
His fingers are lightly dancing along your soft skin, but his movements stop at your words. You look up to see his face as you let out a quiet titter. He looks guilty, like he’s agonizing over it. Your stomach twists as your arms hug him tighter instinctively.
“I was just kidding,” you murmur with a small smile. “We should shower, though. Did you hear from anyone? Are we cleared to go back today?”
His eyes are trained on you when you meet his gaze again before he blinks, securing you closer to him again. “Haven’t heard yet. Not sure that bodes well for us.”
“I don’t know… another day alone out here doesn’t sound too bad,” you say, lips ghosting his neck as you curl into his warmth.
“Yeah,” he breathes through a twinge in his chest.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He wants to stay here, just like this, forever. Just him and you. No need for things to end.
But he knows better. Or so he keeps telling himself.
The truth is, the moment you guys leave here, you’ll have to leave all of this with you.
He just got you close. He can’t force this ending so soon, he can’t.
It’s selfish and come tomorrow will probably be even more painful, but he needs you. For as long as he can have you, he will.
You pull away from him with a kiss to his cheek, “‘M gonna call Stark. Warm up the shower for me?”
“Yeah,” he answers in a trance as you let your hand slip across his stubbly jaw, watching you stand and saunter off to get your phone. “Anything,” he almost let slip before catching himself, “anything for you.” The sentiment may not pass his lips, but it echos deep in his chest nonetheless. A heavy, gripping truth he couldn’t deny if he wanted to.
You’re drying off, trying not to let how wobbly your legs are at the moment be too noticeable as Bucky gets dressed near the bed. You feel his eyes on you every five seconds, so you know he’ll notice the second you give yourself away.
Your phone dings on the side table, catching both of your attentions.
You open the screen to find a message from Stark. He had said he’d get back to you as soon as he knew if you were good to go or not.
Departure at 16:30 tomorrow night. Sorry, but try not to kill each other. We’ll see you back at the compound.
And job well done, by the way.
“16:30 tomorrow,” you say aloud, glancing to Bucky who is already looking at you. “Got a little over 24 hours to kill… what ever shall we do?”
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