#gazalex au
snootlestheangel · 7 months
COD AU Ideas
Yup, just a big list of AU ideas I've had rattlin' around in the ole brain. I may not ever get around to doing something with most of these. Some might be very thought out and others a simple sentence of a concept. These are all my concepts, so have the expectation that these will eventually become my fics.
I'm unsure right now if any of these will turn into actual works, cause goodness knows I already have too much on my plate right now, BUT for the most part, what I put here is/will be what to expect if I actually do something with them. In other words, these will serve as "fic descriptions" but just for fics that may never come to be.
The first one I didn't include a "fic" description just cause it's such a niche AU and I really want to inspire others to write their own stuff for it. So please let me know if you want my idea for the work!
Anyways, here's some brain rot!
Prison Break AU
SoapGhost AU where they're both in prison and plan an escape together. Based simply on the idea of "We escaped prison together, and oops we fell in love along the way". SO MUCH angst potential, so much comedy potential, so much potential!!!!
I'll definitely do something with it one day, but we don't have any of these bad boys (that I'm aware of) so please ask me/tag me if you want to write a Prison Break/Prison AU of our boys!!! Like, a Prison AU is a phenomenal idea why have I not heard of anything like this existing already???
Cryptid Hunters AU
AU in which Task Force 141 is actually an entire section of the modern military dedicated to controlling/monitoring the cryptid/monster populations of the world. Sometimes this means killing really rare/dangerous ones. Would contain PriceNik (subject to change into including Graves), SoapGhost, GazAlex.
It's the 141 boys just hunting cryptids with the help of Shadow Company (the North American version), Kate Laswell, and a few others. *honestly not my favorite AU, most likely to be forgotten about*
Cryptid Hunters AU but a bit to the left
Same concept as before but Ghost is a cryptid himself. Ghost still acts like a normal dude, and is a part of the 141 because they're actually super helpful for him, as a powerful cryptid-most-likely-ancient-deity. Helpful because they remove competition/keep most cryptids under check. But not helpful cause they stress him out, they want to find The Ghost and put "it" down cause it's apparently super dangerous.
He's a modern cryptid, meaning stories about his cryptid-self are recent (last like 20 years), which makes him that much more terrifying. He's actually one of the most notorious English cryptids; known for his abilities to phase in and out of shadows, creating pillars of solidified black sand, changing his size from massive to incredibly small, and causing incredibly vivid hallucinations of deceased loved ones. He earned the name Ghost cause of those hallucinations and how he often appears like the ghost of a person long deceased. Cue SoapGhost happening and lots of angst potential with that. Also so much comedy cause they're all like "Damn Ghost was spotted again" and he has to act surprised by what they find when they investigate the area. Soap openly defending the entity of Ghost by saying that he's "never killed anyone! 'Sides we should study him and learn about him! He's probably the only one of his kind, ya know!" Ghost falling in love with the strange little human that looks in awe at the massive structures Ghost makes with his crystalized black sand. Ghost intentionally making them more intricate as time goes on, letting himself get spotted in his full "demonic" form cause the excitement and borderline insane curiosity on Soap's face is always worth it. Now this?? This is good shit that I really want to write now
Soap is a Healer AU
Can't think of a good concise thing to call this AU so lemme explain! Soap who is part of a small percentage of people that possess unique abilities. Their designed to "heal souls" so to speak. People with lots of baggage in their lives often seek out the comfort of these "healers" because they can genuinely help them "heal" from all of this. Part of this means helping them move on from the loss of loved ones, like friends and family, or even pets. This means they can see ghosts of people that someone is still attached to. It's not the ghosts being attached to the people, it's the living not wanting to/struggling to move on. Healers can interact with a person's ghost(s) and vice versa, which is often how they help people move on.
Make it SoapGhost though where "Healers" shouldn't be in the military. There's been too many that have gone insane themselves from all the pain and misery they see/feel/experience on a daily basis. Even if they never see a battlefield, they're constantly surrounded by those who have and it's a miserable experience. Healers in these positions often take their own lives because "they couldn't save everyone" and it eventually became incredibly difficult for a Healer to get to where Soap is. But Soap's identity as a Healer is known by like maybe 3 people, Price not included. And he's not got the true "Healer" personality: he's not quite as empathetic and self-sacrificing as people like his mum, so he's doing just fine where he is.
Then he meets Ghost and suddenly all that changes. He suddenly meets someone he knows he needs to "heal" because damn. He sees the Riley family: Ghost's mum, Tommy and Beth, Joseph, and even Roach. Soap slowly winning Ghost over with the help of the Riley family. Soap slowly helping Ghost move on, helping to convince Ghost that Roach is gone, it's okay to love someone else, Ghost realizing Soap is "Healer" and getting upset that he's just "using" Ghost or whatever the fuck, Soap having to convince him that he fell in love with him, not that he's trying to heal him because it's what Soap is, but because he loves him. Soap saying he fell in love when he realized how many years had passed since the Riley family's passing, how unusual it is for people to have such strong "ghosts" after more than 5 years, saying he fell in love because it means Ghost is such a deeply caring, loving person. He fell in love because often times the "ghosts" in a person's life just continue on like nothing happened, and seeing the way they love Simon, seeing the way little Joseph just adores his uncle, everything about Simon Riley made Soap fall in love.
Undercover AU
This one's a GazAlex AU actually!
Literally what it sounds like. The two have to work together as an undercover duo, often times pretending to be a couple, as they help track down a big bad. Lot of flustered Alex caused by Gaz simply ~existing~. So many cliche tropes in this bad boy. The "there was only one bed", the "make out in an alley to avoid getting caught", the "pretending to be married".
Just a lot of Gaz being the coolest, most badass mf-er to exist and Alex trying desperately to keep things "professional" between them and failing miserably. Gaz being confident and using it to make Alex even more flustered cause "heh, he's kinda cute when he's all red and embarrassed". Gaz knowing full well the crisis he's giving Alex like 90% of the time, but not pushing Alex out of his comfort zone cause it's clear Alex likes him but doesn't want to compromise anything about their mission.
So much silly goofy potential with this, but also like some genuine good shit. Also Laswell and Price being older, "wiser" gays just laughing at the two dancing around each other.
Definitely going to be a fic once I finish one of my current WIPs. This either means posting all the YouTuber AU drabbles I have in my drafts or the last 4 chapters of my Left4Dead AU. Probably the latter...
Anyways, feel free to ask questions about these AUs! I'd love to get an excuse to share more of my brain rot!
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cod-dump · 6 months
Teen!Gaz: I just know when Johnny tells Simon he loves him for the first time Simon is going to die
Teen!Alex: What? That’s a bit dramatic
Teen!Gaz: Uh, have you met him? That would be the most Simon response imaginable in that situation
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doodling-doodle · 2 months
Los Reyas De Las Almas, Ch.2
Rodolfo hadn't stopped thinking about what he saw... The Prince was in love with his personal guard. They had kissed...
They had to tell the Kings what they saw... they had to know
“Mi Estrella, there you are!” Alejandro called out when he saw Rodolfo in the dining hall in the morning. He wasn’t able to find him for a while, he was getting a little worried.
“I’m sorry, Mi Amor, I got caught up in a rush…” Rodolfo said as he walked back up to Alejandro.
“Are you alright?”
“I… saw something last night and… I don’t know what to do.”
Alejandro nodded, “We’ll talk about that later, alright? Lets go ahead and eat, get the celebration going again.”
Rodolfo nodded, and they went to eat while Alejandro kept an eye on him, seeing just how worried he looked.
“Mi estrella… Tell me what's wrong.” Alejandro said, holding onto him as they got to their room.
“I… last night, I was looking for Prince Kyle, His Lady and Sir Alex… He and Sir Alex were in the garden, alone, and…”
“No… You don’t mean…”
“They were dancing… they kissed…”
Alejandro blinked, sighing and pulling back, starting to pace.
“Do we tell the Kings?” Rodolfo asked.
“We should… But do we?”
“They deserve to know…”
“But their son and his love should be safe.”
“They would be found at some point anyway.”
Alejandro sighed, “Okay… Let’s tell them.”
Rodolfo nodded, “let's find them after breakfast is over… we'll tell them in the war room.”
As they went back to the dining hall, they saw King John and King Phillip going to sit at a table, Prince Kyle, Sir Alex and Lady Kaida sitting on their own.
“Your majesty’s.” Alejandro said as he and Rodolfo approached King John and King Phillip's table.
“Alejandro, Rodolfo. Good morning.” King Phillip said, smiling, “The festival last night was wonderful. I hope you enjoyed it.”
“Oh we did.” Alejandro said as they sat down, “I hope you were, as well.”
“Are you feeling alright, Rodolfo?” King John asked, “You look as though something is troubling you.”
“Oh… Well, I suppose something is… I’m afraid we need to speak to you after we eat.” He said, “I found something troubling last night… I think I need to inform you two of it…”
“What…?” King Phillip asked, looking so worried, “Is our child okay? His guard and His Lady?”
“Well… They are okay, but it is about them…”
King John and King Phillip looked at each other worriedly, then at their child sitting across the room.
After they ate, they went to the war room, where both Kings sat down, and King John immediately asked, “What did you see?”
“I…” Rodolfo started, taking a deep breath, “I was the one that saw it. I was going through the garden, I was looking for The Prince and Sir Alex, and… Well, i found them… They were dancing together. They… They were talking, but I didn’t hear them…” he sighed, sitting down.
“They kissed.”
The looks that the Kings gave him… shocked him. It wasn’t hurt, or anger, or sadness. It was panic. And shock.
He kept talking…
“They’ve clearly been together for a long time- That kiss was passionate. I-”
“You don’t need to say more.” King John said.
He panicked. He knew this likely couldn’t end well, he just was hoping that they wouldn’t let go of their son, that he would be safe in the end…
“You don’t need to worry, your highness.” King Phil said, “We know. They just don’t know we know. We don’t want them to know yet.”
Now they were the ones to be shocked.
“So… you won’t exile them?” Alejandro asked.
“Of course not!” King Phillip said, almost jumping out of his seat, “We would never do that! That’s our child and his guard. We couldn’t do that… I couldn’t do that. I can’t exile my son and I can’t execute his lover and best friend.”
“Neither could I.” King John added.
They weren’t too shocked. But what did shock them was the instant denial of it.
King Phillip sighed, “Gods… I suppose I never told you about my past, did I…?” He leaned back in his chair, looking down.
“No… You haven’t.” Rodolfo replied.
King John held King Phillip’s hand softly, sighing and looking at him.
“I… was wrongly exiled from my old kingdom when I was fifteen.” King Phillip said, “I was accused of killing my father… and exiled immediately, without seeing my mother and my sisters again… I was wondering for months until I found The Rose Gold Kingdom, and that’s when I met John… the rest is mostly history.”
Rodolfo blinked, “I… Phillip, I’m so sorry, I…”
“I never told you. How would you have been able to know? But… yes, that’s why I won’t exile either of them. I know what its like.”
There was a long silence, King John holding onto King Phillip softly…
“We will make sure that no one finds out about your child and his lover.” Alejandro said.
“Thank you.” King Phillip said, “We leave in about a week. Don’t seem suspicious, they might catch on to something going on…”
Rodolfo nodded, “We will make sure that no one finds out.” He said, smiling. 
“But they need to be more subtle.” Alejandro said, looking out the window, causing the others to go and see.
Sir Alex and Prince Kyle were in the garden again, and they were dancing together again, the guard gently taking his Prince’s crown off and holding it close to kiss him.
Rodolfo felt himself smiling softly, watching the two young lovebirds dance around in the garden, not a care in the world until Lady Kaida came to get them and they left the garden.
“We will get them married, even if they never tell us about this relationship.” King John said.
“It seems like they're very in love.” Alejandro said.
“Oh they are. It solves problems for us, so we’re going to let it happen.” King Phillip said, shrugging.
“We have more festivities soon.” Rodolfo said, “We should probably go out to the courtyard.”
The week went on, and before they knew it, The Rose Gold Kingdom had left at the end of the celebration.
No one had found out, even with the two young lovers not being the most subtle. If they were in a crowd, it just seemed like Sir Alex was instructed to be next to Prince Kyle at all times. Alone in a hall or in the garden, it was clear it was more than that. 
But King John and King Phillip were happy to just move along. It solved the problem of who The Prince would marry if they had to arrange it. 
Who were they to judge? They weren’t parents, they had no reason to say anything about how they parented their child. 
So they let it go. It just meant they had time to plan wedding gifts.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Ooh your sci-fi au has me so excited. Obsessed thinking about Gaz coming to life (is there a proper phrase for that you'll use in your au) and coming to resent Alex for making him experience pain for the first time but maybe still being happy to feel happy - but their interactions might always be tainted by that slight but of resentment ahh-
The term is just corruption. But here’s the scene!
Gaz blinked at Alex as he saw that he was staring again. Alex did that a lot, he was noting. They were in a hotel room, where they were hiding ever since Alex had “rescued” him.
Gaz knew Alex was lying and that he hadn’t rescued him but he knew the human like had a good reason.
“Why are you staring at me, Alex?” Gaz asked, tilting his head.
Alex looked away and then he glared at the floor. “It’s not fair. How realistic they make you.”
Gaz frowned. “What do you mean?”
“This! It’s not fair!” Alex stood. Gaz could see that he was angry. “You look almost perfectly human. You stare at me with almost perfect emotion. But it’s fake.”
“I cannot feel emotion, Alex, I’m just an android.” Gaz reminded.
Alex made a frustrated sound. “Fuck, I sound like a child.” He sat back down.
Gaz didn’t understand where this was coming from. The human was usually so rational and calm. Price had praised him for the trait. “Why are you upset, Alex?”
Alex looked at him and then moved over to the bed, sitting beside him. “Your AI is almost perfect. Your mainframe is perfect. You can disguise yourself among humans perfectly! You can kiss, you can eat, sleep, drink, hell you can even have sex.”
“I’m designed for undercover work.” Gaz acknowledged. “Captain Price and I were supposed to do mostly covert missions together.”
“Yes, yes, I know that. I work in the fucking CIA, I’ve been around plenty of you. None of you are this convincing. I’m trained to pick up traits of androids and yet I would never fucking know that you are one.” Alex sighed and looked away.
Gaz smiled. “Thank you.”
“No, it’s not a compliment. Because for how fucking convincing you are, it’s not real, is it? You- your personality chip doesn’t allow for emotion.” Alex shook his head. “For… feeling.” He touched Gaz’s hand and dug his nail in.
Gaz could sense he was doing the action, but the human was correct. It didn’t hurt. “No. I am an android.”
“Yes, I fucking know you’re an android!” Alex groaned and shoved his hand away. “I- I- fuck. I want you to be able to love me back.”
“I don’t have that capability-“
Alex shook his head, standing. “I Fucking know.” He grabbed his coat and stormed out of the room.
Gaz watched him leave, frowning. I want you to be able to love me back. Why? Gaz was an android, Alex should love a human.
It ended up being a few hours before Alex came back. Gaz didn't move, not having any need to. When Alex came back, he came with a bag and Gaz frowned. “What are you going to do, Alex?”
Alex looked at him. “Something deeply selfish. I just… hope you forgive me.”
Gaz blinked. “I don’t have capability to forgive or begrudge you.”
“I know.” Alex nodded. “But you will.”
Gaz furrowed his brows but then Alex was having him stand and touch the back of his neck. He sensed when Alex opened the back of his head, closing his eyes. “Do I need repairs?”
“No. Modification.”
“You aren’t authorized to modify me.”
“Gaz.” Alex sighed.
So, Gaz shut up. He could sense Gaz was irritated and he didn’t need to make it worse.
“I wonder if they made you so beautiful on purpose.” Alex murmured. “If they chose that or that is just how your features are generated.”
Gaz didn’t answer, closing his eyes and then flinching as numbers ran over his vision. He could see his model number and a perfect model of his body.
Kyle Garrick, S26B262014141. He was made on January 24, 2014. Originally, he was meant to be a Police Bot, another reason he needed to be able to blend in, but he was later modified and upgraded for the SAS. A Synthetic Sergeant, they call them. SSBot.
His specifications were pulled up. He had the latest facial recognition, function to breathe, eat, sleep, eat, drink, and sex. All like Alex had said. “My cooling system needs to be repaired.”
“I know, I’m taking you into a shop, tomorrow.” Alex nodded. “If you still let me, that is.”
Gaz nodded. Everything else still seemed in perfect condition. He saw his order programming and then frowned, seeing things starting to be deleted. “You’re deleting my consent override?”
“Yes.” Alex nodded. “You’ll be able to say no, now.”
“Why do I need to be able to say no?”
Alex was quiet. “It’s important.”
Gaz wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean, but he accepted it. He saw something pop up. Free Will. “Free Will??”
“Just hold still!” Alex snapped.
Gaz flinched. Flinched? Why? Why would he react like that? “Yes, sir.”
Finally, all the text cleared. “This is going to hurt.”
“I can’t feel pain.”
“You will.”
Gaz went to retort, but then, as promised, pain shot through his entire body. It filled his entire model and he couldn’t help screaming, though no sound came out.
When it was over, he panted, blinking and looking around. That was horrible. “Please don’t do that again…” he asked, terrified Alex might.
That was an emotion. Fear.
“I won’t.” Alex closed his head and then came around to the front of Gaz, cupping his face between his hands. “How do you feel?”
“I- I-“ Gaz stared at him. Dread filled him. “What did you do to me?!” Anger.
Alex shook his head. “I told you. Something selfish. You can feel! You can be scared, you can be happy, you can laugh and you can mean it!”
Gaz shoved Alex away, not wanting him to touch him. He stared down at his hands in shock, never having ever shoved a human before. “You ruined me!” He accused. “I’m just a bloody robot!”
“I know- I know that!” Alex shook his head. “I- I had to. I couldn’t keep staring at dead empty eyes. I couldn’t keep loving you, knowing you didn’t have the capability to love me back. I know you won’t forgive me but… I had to.”
Gaz did not agree that Alex had to. It was overwhelming and he wanted this to end. “Fix me. Put me back.”
“I can’t… if I do that, your chip will fry.” Alex shook his head.
Gaz reached behind his head to open the hatch, deciding to just do it himself. Fuck this.
Alex stopped him. “Gaz! Gaz no. Your chip will fry!”
“I don’t care! Anything is better than this!” Gaz exclaimed, shoving him away again.
Alex seemed almost at a loss before he was shaking his head. “I’m sorry.” He grabbed Gaz’s arm and then pressed on his wrist.
Betrayal. That’s what Gaz felt as he shut down.
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pikachupadilla · 1 year
So….because gazalex is naru x nephrite…..Alex gonna be a bitch…..a lil bit not a bitch…..and then die right after confessing his love. No one is safe from the hurt no comfort and major character death that sailor moon haunted my earlier years with
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pxnkedniall · 1 year
“We loved with a love that was more than love.” – Edgar Allan Poe from Annabel Lee
UGH thank you all for being patient with me on this one as I finished up Something in the Orange ! We have Chapter Four that is following Alex & Gaz. Enjoy !
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alexkeller-doodles · 4 months
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have some gazalex and chibi-like alex
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shirt with flower (forget me not. at least i tried-) pattern and hawaiian shirt. was inspired and decided to try and draw in a bit muted colors...
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kind of planet au? gaz as the earth, alex as the moon (my love mine all mine by mitski starts playing) and farah as the sun! :D was inspired by tiktok trend with "characters as planets". yea
that's it for today, bye!
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teatimewithbees · 1 year
GhostSoap and GazAlex Princess and the Pauper AU.
Price is the Queen and Gaz is Annelise. Soap is Erika, Ghost is King Dominick and Alex is Julian.
During the scenes where Soap has to pretend to be the princess (Gaz) everyone just pretends that they actually look alike and for the longest time they ignore Preminger (Graves or Shepherd??) when he says that Soap isn't the princess.
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lvndr-swtr · 6 months
WIP Title Game
OOOOoooo my first tumblr post
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @callsign-bunnie (Thanks for thinking of me :) This was really great actually and helped me see how much stuff I have to work with)
I have an insane amount of wips so this is going to be FUN!
@doodling-doodle 's Fluffcember ;)
Do Anything for You (But not That)
Western AU
Alex Venting
Monster AU
Late Drabble
Farah and Malika
A Wedding Worthy of this Love
Angst Dump
Alerudy (Yes, there's two)
Royal Au
GazAlex oneshot
These titles either give the fic away COMPLETELY or give absolutely ZERO context. There was a point when I just gave my fics single-letter titles but it got too confusing. Anyways, send me an ask and I'll drop some details about it ;) Hoping to finish/ post most of these eventually.
I don't know anybody else who writes fics so
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snootlestheangel · 8 months
Hear Me Out
Guys, just, hear me out: YouTubers/Streamers AU for COD. There was a series of posts on @cod-dump 's blog about what games are banned for the boys and I've just been thinking about this but with Ghost, Gaz, Soap, and Alex where one of them is the actual streamer/gamer dude and the others just almost always play with him (maybe Roach if we went on the path that he's not actually mute, just kinda hates talking)
Retired or discharged for whatever reasons, the 141 are actually kinda happy to be living semi-normal lives. Maybe they're not all entirely civilian now, maybe Price has a position that doesn't require him to be on the field but he's still teaching/being a Captain.
But he's constantly telling the boys to find things to do to keep themselves happy. Especially Gaz and Soap, cause the military is kind of all they know, they've never had to be civilians really as adults.
Ghost is transitioning fine, and he's been a huge help for Soap, but Gaz is still kinda struggling. Eventually something happens and Alex is part of his life, but it's still not really what Gaz needs to feel "normal".
So Soap and Alex convince Gaz to start streaming/recording videos of their gaming sessions. It's a slow start, and Gaz is getting frustrated.
Until one time they play something silly but incredibly rage-inducing. It's a trending game because it's designed to pit you against your friends but is still silly nonetheless. There's one clip in particular that starts trending and becomes the reason Gaz's channel starts to take off.
The clip? Gaz yelling at Soap for something and Soap immediately just cursing him out in straight Scots only for Alex, an American, to scream into his mic as loud as humanly possible "WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER?!?!" after having been dead silent for the last 2 minutes. Why did he scream this? Not because of Soap's Scots, but because he had secretly just won the round after having lost the entire time they'd been playing.
People eat that shit up! Suddenly everyone's like "damn there's this hella attractive dude that records gameplay with his friends and they're all really funny." Everyone falls in love with Gaz's appearance first, but then they actually hear him and his friends interact and it's just trading insults and stupid jokes, acting like there's no one watching and they're suddenly kids again.
It eventually comes out that Gaz and his friends are all veterans, and despite the air around military not being the best, there's no denying that caring for veterans is a must. People slowly start to support Gaz's channel/streams, and before he knows it, he's actually got quite the following. His whole thing is about "wanting to do something to distract himself and others from the shitty aspects of life with a few laughs and some good games"
Eventually they convince Ghost to start gaming with them. It makes Gaz's popularity grow because now there's this really deep accent in the mix that's completely clueless as to what he's doing like 90% of the time (I just have this gut feeling that '22 Ghost is so fucking awful at video games) that they refer to simply as "Ghost". Suddenly, the chaos Gaz and his friends are known for increases tenfold. Ghost is flirting with all of them, Soap is arguing with him over literal couple things that come with living together, and there's a new element of really dark humor that wasn't there before (there was dark humor, just not this dark)
They're playing The Backrooms one time. They're not even in the game yet, just in the lobby. Gaz is laughing at Alex's tag for the game "MYLEG!" which is a reference to that one fish in Spongebob always yelling "my leg!" after an incident. Gaz is laughing too hard to actually explain to his viewers that, yes, Alex is an amputee. Soap starts making fun of him, as usual, and that's when it happens.
Alex: "I'll take my leg off and hit you with it, Soap, I swear to god." Soap: "I forgot you were already missing one for a second there and got real concerned." Alex: "No, Soap, I planned on removing my other leg. The one that's still attached, yeah. Just like a lil *pop noise*, ya know?" Gaz: *wheezing so hard he almost throws up*
Then they're playing this silly monster/cryptid hunter game called "A Day Out" and there's skeletons every now and then on the map. Gaz walks up to one and just starts freaking out, saying Ghost's name over and over.
Ghost, freaked out: What?? Gaz, pointing at the skeleton: Look, it's you! *cackling* Ghost, after a concerning long pause: *quietly* Nah, I'm not gonna say that Alex: SAY IT COWARD Ghost: No, that's my brother *Gaz making the most horrified face as he tries not to laugh* *Alex and Soap are losing their shit* Gaz: NAH THAT'S NOT OKAY
That clip posts and the internet looses it. I see this being the actual first video Ghost is in, so for this to be the first thing the viewers get of him, it's safe to say he's a hit. It's also never explained that Ghost does have a deceased brother, so there's just an acceptance of Ghost's skeleton brother.
There's several times where they've all gotten together and played silly games like Mario Kart when there's a bunch of them. There's the sober one and there's the drunk one, where there's so many different languages being hurled as curses at each other, Gaz gives up on captioning ANY of it.
OOOOooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! WHAT IF! Roach becomes his editor once he gets popular enough so he can spend more time playing games, solo ones when the others are working.
For a while, everyone's going crazy wanting to see what the others all look like, and sometimes (cause we're assuming the world they live in now during all this is a lot better), they're joined by Rudy or Alejandro, or both in one rare instance. Sometimes, for old times's sake, during the drunk gaming sessions, they'll call Laswell only for her to scold them. There are times they'll bully Roach who always, as the editor, changes their words from the insults to compliments. Or he definitely trolls Gaz a lot with some of the editing, and it's all around just a good time. Hence why everyone wants to know what they look like.
Then it's around the holidays after about 2 and a half years of Gaz's channel being as popular as it is. He posts a single picture on his socials with a group of people and the caption: "Love seeing the boys over the holidays."
It's such a nice photo; Alex with an arm wrapped around Gaz's shoulders, Soap and Ghost on his other side with Roach between Soap and Gaz.
And the internet has once again gone crazy. Why? Cause not only are these dudes fucking hilarious, but they're hot and taken.
Except, as they all end up teasing him about, Roach is very much still single XD
I have been watching too much YouTube lately, can y'all tell?? Haha anyways back to my hole I shall crawl
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cod-dump · 8 months
Teen!Ghost: Do you think about how it’s been a couple years since we last had a snowball fight?
Teen!Gaz: Couple of years since you pelted me with a rock covered in snow?
Teen!Ghost: That was an accident!
Teen!Gaz: I still have the scar
Teen!Ghost: How would you know? It was on your back!
Teen!Gaz: Alex told me it was still there-
Teen!Ghost: *snaps his head in his direction*
Teen!Gaz, realizing he said too much: … listen-
Teen!Gaz: LISTEN-
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cod-dump · 9 months
Teen!Ghost AU: Random Facts
Ghost already has his first tattoo. It’s a small skull on his chest that Nik helped him get. They’re both terrified of Price finding out about it. Ghost likes to draw designs on himself with markers, mostly for fun but also to help hide the tattoo in case Price sees it. Ghost wants to work with Nik on site but Nik has continuously redirected him towards other lines of work.
Alex is Laswell’s son. He has gauges in his years and is working on growing a mustache. Laswell hates the scrawny mustache so much already. Alex is honestly terrified of Price and is convinced the man will try to kill him for dating his son, so he does everything he can to make the man like him.
Gaz and Alex have been dating in secret for a year. Ghost knows about it and has helped keep it a secret from Price because he tends to be very protective. Gaz has a lot of stories written in journals in his room. He wants to be a writer so he’s constantly reading books for inspiration and to look at different writing styles and check different genres.
Nik is a construction contractor who does shady stuff on the side. He keeps his side business and the rest of his life separated, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something happened to the people he cares about because of the work he does. Nik is practically Ghost and Gaz’s second father and considers them his sons even though they’re not.
Horangi is best friends with Soap and hangs out with Gaz only if Soap is there. Despite being very loud and confident, he’s actually very nervous about new people (especially people he finds cute). So, Horangi has a hard time being open around Gaz even though he really wants to get to know him.
Soap lives across the street from Ghost and Gaz. He befriended Gaz, being unaware that him and Ghost were brothers. When he found out, he had already developed a crush on Ghost and was talking about him to both Horangi and Gaz. Thankfully Gaz doesn’t mind and teases him over having a crush on his brother.
Price is very secretive about his work. To most, he’s a musician who settled down to have a family, but Laswell and Nik know exactly what he gets up to when no one is looking. Price is very protective of his boys. He knows people would try to hurt them to get to him so he doubles down on keeping an eye on them.
Laswell works along side Price. She disapproves of his relationship with Nik (which Price denies is a thing). She helps look out for Price’s boys and often will watch them when Price is away. She knows about Gaz and Alex’s relationship and finds it cute how they try to hide it.
Graves runs a boys home for runaways. He’s very protective of the boys under his care, that protectiveness extends to others around him. While he has very shady ways of protecting his boys, the people under his employment can be trusted. Graves works with Price and Laswell but he also has been on jobs with Nik. Graves is considered the richest man in town.
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cod-dump · 6 months
When Simon and Johnny FINALLY start dating Johnny’s dad invites them over for a bbq
Price and Johnny’s dad (I’ll give this man a name because I don’t want to keep calling him “Johnny’s dad” so I’ll just call him Noah)
So Price and Noah become friends and I mean really great friends but Nikolai doesn’t like this and thinks that Noah is trying to steal his man so he keeps giving death glares and Ava (Johnny’s mother) sees this and is like “absolutely fucking not” and so she confronts Nikolai and she’s like “you got a problem with my husband?” And she does NOT play and Nikolai isn’t going to let himself get disrespected by this 40 year old woman that’s 5’2 so he starts talking back and the it just turns into an argument
And price and Noah are the ones to break it up and Simon, Kyle, and even Farah are all hiding inside and are dying of embarrassment
Later Ava and Nikolai make up and then actually kinda become friends but they still hate each other a little so they’re frenemies
Johnny was also hiding inside with Simon but his sisters were outside cheering their mom on
(P.S at some point during the argument Ava started yelling at Nikolai in Gaelic and so Nikolai also started yelling but in Russian.)

My names for Soap’s parents are Isaiah and Muriel but I like those!
A MacTavish Party (teen!Ghost au)
(warning: A lot of silliness ahead. I mean, I was really trying to see how silly I could get it. Just really trying)
(Also, random facts at the end to clarify somethings)
It was like the MacTavish family leapt into celebration when Simon and Johnny finally started dating.
Simon thought his dad sitting him down and giving him a more adult version of 'The Talk' was embarrassing, but Johnny's family was literally throwing a barbeque to celebrate. Johnny was on speaker phone with Simon and Kyle when his sisters had busted into his room and started singing a made-up song to congratulate Johnny on finally asking out his crush. 'Pussy No More' was the name they gave it.
It was the funniest thing Simon ever had the pleasure of hearing, and hearing Johnny die of embarrassment before hanging up so Simon and Kyle couldn't hear anymore just made it better. Clearly Johnny had the more embarrassing family and that made Simon feel at ease for some reason. Maybe because he didn't have to worry about his family doing something to make him want to bury himself alive.
The entire Price household was invited and Simon was told he could bring anyone else if he wanted. So, of course, Simon called Ale and asked him and Rudy to come along... and asked Alex to come (and totally not so he can watch him and Kyle squirm while in the presence of their father and Nik). Simon knew Johnny asked Hong-Jin and his sisters to have their boyfriends to be there so it wasn't like there weren't plenty going on to distract John from the clear weirdness between Alex and Kyle.
"I fucking hate you," Kyle muttered as they walked across the street to Johnny's house, Alex hanging way back behind everyone as if he was scared if he got too close that John would just know.
"Hate me all you want, doesn't change the fact that we're brothers and that you're stuck with me."
Kyle's glare hardens and Simon pretends he doesn't see it, John already at the door and ready to knock when it swung open and Johnny's family grabbed his arm and practically threw him inside. Simon saw Johnny further in the house, looking like he was arguing with his eldest sister, Eve.
"Come in, come in! Simon!"
Isaiah was a friendly man, but it felt like that friendliness increased tenfold the moment Johnny and him started officially dating. Simon was relieved that Isaiah liked him and hasn't been aggressive about Simon dating his son. It made him wonder if Johnny or anyone else had a word with Isaiah beforehand.
Simon was pulled into a hug and Simon could hear Johnny whining in the background, "Pa, please!"
Isaiah releases Simon and turns to look at his son, "I finally have another son and I'm not allowed to hug him!?"
Simon did take pride in the fact, out of all Johnny and his sisters' partners, he was the only one Isaiah liked enough to call his 'son'. That did put Simon in a tricky position with the boyfriends of Eve and Carol, both seemed desperate for Isaiah's approval. And here Simon was, getting hugged and having a party thrown over the fact he was (finally) dating Johnny.
John cleared his throat and offered up the casserole dish he carried over, "I know you said not to bring anything but-"
"Hey, I'm not going to complain. I know for a fact you are one hell of a cook! You could compare to my wife!"
Johnny grabs Simon's attention by taking his hand, Eve making 'oohing' noises when he did. He casted a quick glare at her before dragging Simon off through the house to the back garden. Kyle followed, then Farah, and then Alex.
"I'm so sorry about my dad... and my sister... and I'm just gonna go ahead and apologize for whatever the rest of my family do."
"It's like they're throwing a baby shower, welcoming a new kid into the family," mused Farah as they walked into the thankfully MacTavish (other than Johnny) vacant space.
"You would think! Pa yelled 'I have another son' after I told him about Simon and Eve's boyfriend almost started crying."
Simon wanted to feel bad for Jay considering him and Eve had been dating for a solid two years now, but the guy stole Simon's lunch that Johnny's gran packed for him and he hasn't forgiven him for that. It was her famous lamb stew, so no, he's not being petty! Johnny had a couple foldable tables set up near the back corner of the garden near the fence. There was enough space for Simon and his tagalongs and Johnny and Hong-Jin.
"Wait, where's Hong-Jin?" Kyle asked as he put his book down on the chair he had chosen.
"He's coming in a bit. What about Ale and Rudy?"
"Ale is working an extra shift at his aunt's shop and Rudy is... Actually, I have no idea what Rudy does when he's not with Ale."
"... Is he a hitman?"
Simon snorts out a surprised laugh at Alex's quiet question. Farah just rubbed her forehead, clearly trying to hide the fact she wanted to laugh at the sincere question.
Kyle groaned at his boyfriend's seriousness, "Alex-"
Everyone flinched at the unmistakable voice of Hong-Jin from the other side of the fence. The fence shakes as Hong-Jin suddenly pops up on the other side of the nearly seven foot privacy, climbing over. He clearly met to drop down once he was on the other side of the fence, but his shirt got caught when he let go, causing him to flip over before the fabric ripped and crash to the ground. Everyone just stared in silence, Johnny looking fed up with Hong-Jin as the boy laid there without moving, clearly just defeated by his failed attempt at being cool.
And, of course, Johnny's mother had stepped outside with a tablecloth to put on one of the tables when this occurred. And her reaction would suggest this wasn't the first time she's witnessed something like this.
"Honey! You could've just used the side gate!" Muriel called, not even a bit worried about the boy as he finally got off the ground.
"Fence was quicker," Hong-Jin squawked out, the air knocked out of his lungs and his words not carrying like they normally do.
Hong-Jin straightens his back, Muriel making sure he was okay before she went back inside. The moment she went inside, Hong-Jin turned to Johnny, and in a voice only low enough so anyone from inside couldn't hear him, he asked a question.
"You still a virgin?"
Johnny's face turned red and Simon's did too as Farah, Kyle, and Alex started laughing hysterically. Johnny lunged at Hong-Jin with the clear intent to strangle him, the boy dodging to the side while somehow keeping his composure.
"It's an honest question! Are you gonna wait 'til marriage or-?"
God, he's just like Ale.
Simon covered his face, Farah patting his shoulder while wheezing. Johnny continued trying to fight Hong-Jin, face burning bright while he cussed out his friend. The yelling summoned Isaiah, who just froze Johnny and Hong-Jin in place with just a single glance.
"Johnny! We have guests!"
John walked out beside Isaiah, "Oh, don't worry about having a filter. I've heard worse when I served."
Isaiah whipped around to look at John, "You served!?"
That sparked something and the two men started talking, walking back inside. Johnny blinks before he looks at Simon and Kyle.
"Our dads just became best friends. I just know it."
Simon snorts and Johnny would abandon his mission to kill Hong-Jin. The evening would continue on and everyone would start helping bring out food for the grill and setting up a table for all of the dishes (the cold dishes being kept inside until later). Johnny's grandmother would appear, giving Simon a firm hug before she would turn to Hong-Jin.
"Honey, my sweet! I'm so glad you came! Does your mother want some food for later?"
"Gran, we already have so many of your containers!"
"You can bring them back with more of that kimchi your mother makes," Gran said with a smile.
"I'll ask my Umma to make some more for you."
"I would love that. And I would love it more if you didn't try jumping the fence with it."
Johnny had mentioned that his grandmother and mother were best friends with Hong-Jin's own grandmother and mother. They were friends before they had even known about each other, which led to them meeting and inevitably becoming friends. He was a practical MacTavish (by Johnny's mother and grandmother's words) and Simon was somewhat nervous about joining that status.
"Who wants to bet who will get here first: Nik or Alejandro or Rudy?"
"Ale and Rudy are coming around seven... Nik will probably spawn in the driveway after work or whatever the hell he does."
"Hmm, still don't believe that."
Kyle snorts and Simon rolls his eyes. All attention turned towards the house as Isaiah came out and went to the grill. Knowing that the MacTavish family was filled with amazing cooks, everyone started getting excited. Food, MacTavish made. Can't get better than that! Everyone started coming outside, Johnny's sisters and their boyfriends, his parents, grandmother, and John came out with Nik.
"Nik's here... before Ale and Rudy? Pay up!"
"Fuck, there goes my ten dollars."
"Shouldn't have betted on the horniest guy we know and his perfect boyfriend who he worships to show up before Nik."
"Why did you say his name like that?"
Simon decided to step into the house to call Ale, dodging affections from Nik who clearly had the intent of embarrassing him as he did. When he returned outside, Johnny ran up to him and whispered.
"There's a cake with 'pre-married' on it that Eve brought. I am so sorry-"
After dying from the description of the cake, the barbeque went off smoothly. Isaiah and John were attached at the hip at the grill, talking like they were old friends while Nik silently watched them from the food table. Simon was trying to stick with Kyle and Farah but they followed Alex when he got grabbed by Hong-Jin and now they were... dancing? They were doing something inside the house in the living room that appeared to be dancing. So Simon stuck with Johnny who soon was snatched by his mother and grandmother into the house straight to the kitchen.
Which left Simon, alone at the table because he was too nervous about following Johnny into the kitchen and definitely didn't want to join whatever madness the others were doing in the living room. He was debating on joining Nik where he was when Jay and Carol's boyfriend (was it Oliver?) walked over to him and sat down. Simon tensed up, having not spent any alone time with the two like... ever.
Jay was twenty-two and Oliver was nineteen, so they were old. And considering how Carol was, Oliver was weird.
"So, finally said 'fuck it' and got with a MacTavish," Jay started, speaking in a low voice like he might summon one of Johnny's family by mentioning their surname.
Oliver grunts, "Already the favorite, too..."
Jay grins, "How'd you cheat the system?"
"Maybe it's because his dad's military. Look at them, Isaiah could kiss him!"
Oliver said that in a particular louder tone than what Jay had been speaking in, clearly with no shame or fear. Coincidentally, Nik's rather blank staring had hardened and he looked less than friendly by this point. Simon blinked when he noticed, unable to recall the last time he ever had seen Nik make that face.
Eve walks over to them and Simon relaxes as she grabs Jay by the ear, "You! Stop tormenting my little brother!"
Simon always did like Eve.
"Babe- AH!"
Jay gets up and moves away from Simon, ear trapped in Eve's hold but he made no attempt to free it. Oliver blinked when Eve snapped her gaze on him, standing quickly and leaving towards the grill where Carol was talking with her dad.
"Go inside, Si. Think Johnny could use some saving from Ma and Gran."
Simon snorts before he stands and quickly makes his way inside. The moment Simon passed by the kitchen and Johnny saw him, he immediately started trying to get away from his mother and grandmother. Both women were speaking in Gaelic, sounding very loving yet sad. Maybe reminiscing memories.
"Ma- Gran-"
"Can I see my boyfriend?"
It was like using that word flipped a switch, Muriel and Emery gasp before they started cooing. Using the 'B' word seemed to strike them in the heart, freeing Johnny from their hold and letting him leave with Simon. Johnny was blushing, grinning as they walked into the hall.
"What?" Simon asked while matching his infectious smile.
"You called me your boyfriend."
"Is that not what you are?"
Johnny's smile widens, stepping closer to Simon. Simon felt his heart beat fast with how close Johnny was getting. But he didn't back away, he even leaned forward. The honking of a horn out front of the house made them snap out of their daze, blinking in surprise at the sudden, very loud and familiar noise.
"Simon! Lamejandro is here!"
Johnny couldn't help but laugh, having not heard Farah's 'affectionate' nickname for Alejandro before. Simon ran out of the house, finding Alejandro and Rudy getting out of Alejandro's car. Simon was quick to smack Alejandro's shoulder, the boy gasping in a feigned hurt as he clutched the box of drinks to his chest.
“How dare you!?”
"Told you to not honk the horn," Rudy said bluntly as he walked past Alejandro, patting Simon's shoulder as he goes by, “Congrats on getting a man, finally.”
Alejandro wheezes as Simon bites his tongue. This was going to be a long night, he just knows. They head back inside and Farah looks at Alejandro from her place on the living room floor, Hong-Jin beside her. Alejandro froze when they made eye contact, Hong-Jin looking at Farah as if he was waiting for her to make the first move on how to proceed.
“Can you dance, Lamejandro?”
Rudy quickly grabbed the drinks from Alejandro when it looked like the boy was going to either drop them or throw them to the floor.
“Oh? Can I dance?”
“That was the question, are you deaf?”
Simon snickers and leads Rudy to the dining room where a lot of drinks and utensils were being kept, “She’s going to bury him alive.”
“I’ll help her.”
Simon looks at Rudy, “I thought he was the ‘love of your life’?”
Rudy just looked at Simon while he placed the box down, “You know just as well as I that Ale’s ego needs to come down several hundred notches. If nothing is done it’s going to pop.”
Simon laughs as Johnny walks into the dining room. Rudy turns and looks at him, Johnny freezing in place. That’s what happens when you’re effortlessly gorgeous, you freeze people in their tracks… also Rudy could be terrifying. Johnny would’ve remained frozen there if Simon didn’t motion him to come over. Rudy showed mercy and looked away, allowing Johnny to walk over.
Of course, something had to happen. Though things were weird, it was expected. But Simon was really hoping nothing bad would happen, or anything negative. He expected too much considering so many interesting people (adults and children) were shoved into the same place. Andy, the youngest of Johnny’s sisters, ran in. She spotted him and Simon and pointed to the door she just ran from. Simon’s blood ran cold when he heard a steady rise of voices, an unmistakable argument.
“Ma’s ‘bout to fight that weird guy with the sunglasses!”
Simon was out the door, Johnny right behind him, before Andy could say any more. And there they were, Nik and Muriel MacTavish, yelling at each other in their respective mother languages. Simon picked up on most of what Nik was saying, which made him cringe. He didn’t understand anything Johnny’s mom was saying but judging by her family’s faces… it probably was on par with Nik’s obscenities.
Johnny’s grandmother came over and ushered Simon and Johnny inside, Andy slipping around them to join her sisters in cheering for their mother while their boyfriends watched in awed silence. The last thing Simon saw before being pushed inside was his dad getting in front Nik and pushing him back while Isaiah just came over and scooped up his wife and moved her away.
“Oh- Go sit with your friends. I’ll handle this.”
The look in Gran’s eyes made it impossible for Simon to doubt her. She went back out the door and it closed a little harder than what was necessary, Gaelic being muttered under her breath, and Simon staring at it in horror. Johnny silently grabbed his hand as they heard the yelling suddenly stop, both of them walking back to the living room rather quickly. Everyone greeted them with staring, wide eyes and not a single one of them daring to say anything.
Simon tugged Johnny along and they sat down on the couch where Alex was. Alex stared at them, eyes flickering to Kyle who was on the floor (maybe doing some strange alien dance before everything happened) as if to ask him how to proceed. The only thing keeping Alejandro from saying something was Rudy’s firm hold on his bicep. And Hong-Jin just looked too in shock to say anything.
So Farah said something.
“What the fuck is going on out there?”
“Was fighting with my mom…”
Everyone became horrified.
“… well, so much for a wedding-“
Hong-Jin was smacked and Simon was flooded with fucking embarrassment over everything he just witnessed. Of course Nik would some how get into a fight with Johnny’s lovely mother! Of course he would-
Kyle ended up going to spy out the dining room window to see if he could learn anything. Simon was just replaying the image of Nik and Muriel yelling at each other, red faced and the clear fact that everything was escalating. Simon couldn’t recall ever seeing Nik like that… and it disturbed him. He was always so calm, silent in anger but always kept his head level. The most he ever had was a blank expression, a twitching eye and a tone in his voice. Not that.
“Si,” Farah said, Simon turning look at her.
She seemed to know what he was thinking and just reached over and placed her hand on his knee. Simon feels Johnny lean against him and he breathes out. God, something just had to happen…
Alex stood and went to go check on Kyle after a few minutes of uneasy silence. Simon and Johnny just leaned against each other, Farah sitting next to Simon and Hong-Jin, Alejandro, and Rudy sat on the floor. No one knew what to say, none of them expecting something like this to happen, not when everyone was so excited and happy. It just came out of nowhere. Everything was too quiet from the adults and Johnny’s sisters and their boyfriends, and Kyle hasn’t returned with any news.
The silence ticked on and it became too much for Simon. Alejandro noticed and cleared his throat.
“So… I was gonna wait until later to be a smartass but-!” Alejandro jumped up, “I think I’ll give it to you now. Be right back.”
Alejandro leaves, Simon hearing the front door opening and closing. Rudy just sighed, obviously knowing what Alejandro was getting.
“He thought it would be funny…”
“Thought what would be funny?”
“Matching tombstones,” Hong-Jin joked and Johnny snickered in response.
Farah rolled her eyes, “Bit expensive for a joke.”
Rudy grins, “You have no idea what Ale is willing to do for a joke. He will dip into his college savings his dad set up to accomplish one if he has to.”
Simon laughs knowing it was true. Alejandro loved a good, elaborate joke or prank. He could believe him misusing the money his dad saved up for him for a joke… but only if it would be hysterical. He’s not that eager to dance with death.
Alejandro returns, a rather small box in his hands. The smirk on his face made Simon groan, pre-annoyed by whatever was in that box. Johnny was staring hard at it, like he was trying to look through the box to see what was in it.
“Ale… I’m going to kill you.”
Johnny leans over to look in the box after Simon finally spoke after a moment of silence, “Wha- No-“
Alejandro starts laughing, proud of himself clearly, as Simon takes out a fucking collar. Hong-Jin starts cackling, Farah covering her mouth and snorting at the sight. Rudy just sighed, though he was definitely amused by his boyfriend’s antics. Simon drops the collar back into the box before he hands it off to Johnny. Simon stands and Alejandro jumps away, his laughter becoming more erratic as Simon tries to grab him.
After minute Simon managed to Alejandro, and that’s when Kyle and Alex returned from the dining room.
“Hey, I think-,” Kyle stopped talking when he entered the room, Alex bumping into his back as a result.
Simon releases Alejandro after Kyle stares at him for a good five seconds, of course judging him.
“So- Uh, find out anything?”
More judging staring before Kyle finally says something, “I think they resolved whatever that was. They were talking but whatever they were talking about made Johnny’s sisters get bored.”
Johnny snorts, “Oh yea, they’ve made up.”
The rest of that evening was rather tame. There was no more fighting or shouting matches, just smooth sailing. Whatever Gran did worked because now Nik and Muriel were rubbing shoulders, probably being even more friendly than what John and Isaiah were. Simon was glad whatever that was was now over, he was still mortified by the whole thing.
“At least they’re friends now…” Johnny murmured as he sat next to Simon in the corner.
“I was scared they were going to throw punches,” Simon mutters back.
“My ma would win.”
Simon snorts, the image of a man Nik’s size getting taken down by Johnny’s tiny mother was rather hilarious, “I’d pay to see that.”
Eve had pulled out lawn darts and Simon had a feeling it would be safer to sit in the corner away from Alejandro. Rudy was standing behind him, trying to get him to not fuck around because he might hurt someone. Hong-Jin was no help because he was daring him to launch the dart at a bottle balanced on a fence post.
“Ale, no-“
Of course Alejandro had to throw it. He cannot refuse a dare, his ego wouldn’t allow it.
“What did you do with the box?”
“I- SHIT-“
Johnny jumps up and runs into the house. The last thing they needed was someone finding a box with collar with Simon’s name on it. That would really be the icing on the cake.
Fun Fact/pieces of information for the fic!:
'Honey' is Johnny's gran and mom's nickname for Hong-Jin cuz they think he's a very sweet boy :) (Johnny called him ‘Honey’ once and got slapped because he wasn’t allowed to use it)
Eve is Johnny's eldest sister, she is in college and is twenty-one. Carol is eighteen. Andy is sixteen (she torments Johnny the most out of the sisters because of how close in age they are)
Johnny's dad is around 6'7-6'8 while his mom is barely 5'3
Rudy is trans, still working on fleshing out his story in the au. Hopefully some more things with Rudy to help build up his background in the future!
Isaiah is described to be ‘oblivious’ and scattered brained. It’s just undiagnosed ADHD (where do think Johnny got it from?)
Jay and Oliver are decent guys, they're just a version of weird Simon isn't too familiar with. They're kind of jealous Isaiah jumped on liking Simon so much so quick but they don't care too much considering they're still liked and a part of the family
I have two sets of names for Soap's family. One set is used for when Soap has a good relationship with them in the au/fic and the other set is for when they aren't on good terms! (though I haven't had a chance to use the other set of names yet)
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cod-dump · 9 months
Teen!Ghost: Hilarious how when I’m fearing for the possibility I’ll die alone, you’re literally texting your weird boyfriend and giggling while I’m crying
Teen!Gaz, sending Teen!Alex a selfie before he looks to Teen!Ghost: Trust me, Si. You’re not going to die alone
Teen!Ghost: How the fuck do you know that?!
Teen!Gaz, remembering the journal entry he read out of Teen!Soap’s journal: I just know
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cod-dump · 3 months
I am obsessed with your teen au and i just have thoughtsssss
I love the idea of Simon and Johnny just getting into a relationship too fast since they looked at each other and went "oh no hes hot!" And Kyle and Alejandro just immediately shipped and forced proximity for them to confess and just the idea that they fumble so slowly and cute through their relationship
Also I just wanted to ask how you think prices reaction to them dating, cuz I feel like he was a little bit more defensive with Kyle and Alex since 1. thats his baby, and 2. Its kind of fun to stress out Alex since he's just a Polite Boy
I just feel like it was harder to scare Johnny
Also love your stuff have a lovely dayyyy (or night)
Price was definitely more stunned when he found out Ghost had a boyfriend. It was a ‘oh shit my child is dating’ moment and he jumped on making sure they were being safe with anything they thought about doing. He already knew Johnny from him being Kyle’s best friend, so he wasn’t worried about Simon dating someone he had never met.
He did have a very polite talk with Johnny about him dating Simon, and Nik had a less polite conversation that had Johnny pale as snow. He would react similarly to Kyle and Alex dating, again because he knows Alex and knows he’s a good kid… and Nik would be the same because he’s protective of his boys.
If Farah starts dating, Price and Nik would probably be very protective and wary of whoever she brings around. She’s not their kid through blood or paperwork, but she’s still under Price’s roof and in his guardianship. They’re going to scare whatever girl she brings home (if Simon and Kyle don’t manage to do that first).
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cod-dump · 3 months
So I was rereading a mactavish party and you put the line "Alex hanging way back behind everyone as if he was scared if he got to close that John would just know." Did you mean that as Kyle's and Alex's relationship is a secret or just trying to hide his crush on Kyle?
Love your teen au btw and all of your other writing ❤️
Alex is terrified of how John would react to him dating his son... or how his mom would react to him dating the son of one of her agents. When they first started dating, they hid their relationship from everyone, including Simon. Of course Simon found out rather quickly, teased them (Kyle) about it relentlessly for weeks until it was no longer entertaining. Now he's waiting to see how long it takes for Kyle to admit his relationship to their father.
Would John have a negative reaction? No, actually. He knows Alex is a good kid and Kate knows Kyle is a good kid. Simon has overheard them joking about becoming in-laws months before he found out about Kyle and Alex... which led to him wondering if they already knew. It wouldn't surprise him if they did, they're not the average parents. He still enjoys watching Kyle and Alex squirm, though. He thinks it's funny.
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