fancyfade · 4 years
For the hated characters ask: Doc, Pierce (SWTOR), Kyle Ron, Agent Ka//us
(for send me a character you hate and i’ll tell you if i hate them too)
Doc: Yes i hate him. We should be able to refuse him being on our crew >:(
Pierce: Same :P I agree w/ ur idea that Lorant would be better in his role
Kyle Ron: Bleck. Need I say more?
Ka//us: I didn’t hate him in season 1. I hated him in season 2 when it seemed like the writers wanted us to feel sympathy for him, and then even more so when his fans like flooded by notes about how that episode actually wasn’t bad or w/e. it’s like some villains can be portrayed sympathetically, but if you started with them having committed genocide maybe... don’t... try to retcon sympathy into their role? Oh noes ka//us is sad because a lasat killed his co-workers on onderon or w/e... sorry people were trying to resist your violent regime...
ANYWAY that got ranty oops
but yes i hate them all
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
amoral nerds are my jam, or something
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lavampira · 4 years
Visas Marr
how hot is that character meme
not my type | alright | cute | adorable | pretty | gorgeous | LORD MERCY
top tier video game wife. forever in love with her. and one day I’ll finally get around to fixing up my mods on my other computer to make an exile to romance her with the f/f mod, I love her that much. lmao
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lesbiannova · 4 years
url change: gayjuhani → visasmarr
Changing to another KotOR-related url, and this time, I have the honour of having the Visas Marr url!
Thank you @bucellati so much for giving this url! 💜
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gayjuhani · 4 years
url change: gayjuhani → visasmarr
Changing to another KotOR-related url, and this time, I have the honour of having the Visas Marr url!
Thank you bucellati so much for giving this url! 💜
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malavaisquinn · 5 years
malavaisquinn → gayjuhani
I have changed my url to gayjuhani
As a huge fan of KotOR, I’ve been wanting to use a KotOR-related url for my main blog for a while, but I couldn’t decide on which url I wanted to use.
Eventually I chose to have a url named after Juhani, since she is my favourite in the first KotOR game, and as a lesbian myself, being able to have a url named after a canon lesbian character like Juhani is an honour. However, the juhani, juhanis and lesbianjuhani urls have all been taken, so I add the word gay in my Juhani url.
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fancyfade · 4 years
For the ships thing: SWTOR
tys for ask!!
Jaesa x Vette. 
favourite canon pairing
felix x harin so (my jedi consular)
worst pairing ever
corso x fem smuggler. he’s so overprotective and condescending >.
guilty pleasure pairing
lana x lycaea. I say guilty pleasure cuz they are SO morally incompatible, which lycaea finds out as they keep dating, so... it doesn’t really last.
a pairing you want to see more
lemda avesta x messilandre (really just bring her back TBH). like... the first romanceable female character and they just ignore her.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”
well i dont’ think its popular on tumblr, but in other sections of hte fandom, male sith warrior x vette. especially since it seems as if the writers decide to infantilize vette or make her seem young or naive in need of male sw’s protection
favorite non-romantic pair
tank (my republic trooper) and jorgan. she ribs him so much. Or xareesh (BH) and mako. or kaliyo and aereinys (my agent). they really bounce off each other in the worst manner tho but its fun to imagine :P
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
For the character ask meme: Sabine Wren
How I feel about this character
the one true mandalore.
but this is a point i will belabour down below, so i will just say this: i love that sabine is an artist, and i love that the show celebrates art and artists as important. i love that it showcases the power of propaganda and the importance of cultural arts. ‘of course it means something. all art means something.’
All the people I ship romantically with this character
it’s been a while but i seem recall her history with ketsu feeling pretty gay.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
honestly? ezra. they had a strong brotp thing going on. also zeb.
My unpopular opinion about this character
i don’t know how unpopular this onion is but she deserved the darksaber far more than bo-katan and i will die mad about this. the only thing bo-katan deserves is an indictment for crimes against humanity sentients. (granted, as the inventor of arguably a wmd, sabine is iffy too, but that’s star war for you.) sabine earned that saber. sabine showed she had the ability and humility to learn to become a leader, and the willingness to accept all worthy of the name mandalorian. bo-katan on the other hand was established as a space!racist slaver back in tcw. so like.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
sabine! for! mandalore!
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lavampira · 4 years
Favorite class story in SWTOR?
thanks!! :’)
ask for favorite things
full disclosure: I’ve only played the sith warrior, jedi knight, bounty hunter, and sith inquisitor stories to the end so far, but the rest I’ve seen through videos aside from how far I’ve gotten in them myself
however, my favorite is definitely the bounty hunter story, despite its flaws - I love the involvement of the mandalorians (even if I heavily disagree with some of their portrayal, especially re: mandalore the vindicated) and getting to join them, I love that the crew (aside from skadge who I refuse to acknowledge) actually feels like a family, and I love how much it focuses on themes of vengeance and honor (even though it falls apart in the third act). also, it’s the only story that I’ve binged through in a single weekend because it had me so invested in it, too.
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lavampira · 4 years
@gayjuhani replied to your post “why is it so hard to find prequels + tcw + rebels blogs to follow that...”
Also K*lluzeb
yeah. I can’t believe I forgot to add that but definitely that too.
fandom stop shipping actual trash challenge
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lavampira · 4 years
gayjuhani replied to your post “god could you imagine getting hylo as a companion instead of sk*dge...”
I ship my BH with Hylo, in fact
you are so valid and I love that
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
gayjuhani replied to your post: “you know what though seeing people playing swtor for the first time...”:
TBH learning about how shitty SWTOR and related materials like the Revan novel handle Revan and the Exile was the biggest reason I refused to play SWTOR until it went F2P
that is 100% valid of you. the revan novel is an absolute dumpster fire of a novel (even by vidya tie-in novel standards) without even getting into the hatchet job that the game does on revan/the exile. (i’d like to say i took a Stand but the truth is something closer to ‘i am eternally broke’)
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lavampira · 4 years
Top 5 KotOR series companions
thanks leilukin! 💚
ask for top 5 things
visas marr
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
gayjuhani replied to your post: “lord save me from douchebags in comment sections trying to argue that...” :
I was tempted to create an Ars Technica account just to correct those who argued that Juhani isn't a romance option, but I just saw you and someone else did it, and I thank you. Side note: I was indeed interviewed by the author of that article.
congrats on that btw!! :D
but yeah i don’t understand why That One Asshole is so dedicated to erasing juhani’s romance. ‘she’s not romanceable!!111′ no friend she very much is even without patches and mods and no amount of ‘but nuh uh’ on your part is gonna change that
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lavampira · 5 years
For the character ask meme: Vette
thanks leilukin! 💚
how I feel about this character:
she’s genuinely one of my favorite companions. aside from how much I adore her spunky and playful personality, I really love that she has ideals and goals and isn’t shy about voicing them. she deserves so much better than how the game handles her.
all the people I ship romantically with this character:
ls jaesa willsaam. they would be so sweet, funny, and supportive together.
I want to say that I’d ship a ls sith warrior of any gender with her, as long as the shock collar is gone, she isn’t considered a slave, and her emotions aren’t toyed with, but even then that’s like..... setting the bar so low and still makes me uncomfortable, personally, so. I’d maybe ship it with rewritten game canon (see: ‘things I wish would happen’ below) by someone I trust to handle them right.
my non-romantic otp for this character:
vette and risha. the way they talk about each other makes me want a reunion for them so bad.
also, vette and my smuggler, jörani, as twi’lek pirate friends. it also works because I headcanon jörani as eventually marrying risha (since the game doesn’t allow a f!smuggler to romance her), so they actually have potential to meet and get to know each other.
my unpopular opinion about this character:
playing swtor, and specifically the sw story first, within a couple of months after finishing the kotor series gave me a vibe like the writers intended her to be like an older mission vao redux. it makes me concerned for a multitude of reasons, but especially in all the horrific ways that vette can be mistreated, and as a romance option.
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
a way to remove the shock collar AND state that vette isn’t the sw’s slave, both as soon as possible. I’d also change vette’s entire introduction so it’s not seeing her get tortured with the shock collar, but instead encountering her in the tomb and teaming up for mission purposes. (which, iirc is very similar to a post you’ve made about it, and I fully agree with it).
also, I hate the decision between saving her or saving torian — it’s pointless, it adds nothing to the narrative other than shock value, and it’s clearly the writers’ backpedal from the previous chapter’s torture porn of vaylin by making her appear “irredeemable.” I want that entire bit gone from the plot.
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lavampira · 4 years
Re: the KotOR mods you use, have you considered using a mod that allows female Exiles to recruit Brianna?
I’ve def been wanting to! unfortunately, I play kotor on my mac, so I’m not sure how to install more complicated mods outside of simply placing them into the override with it. (and it’s also why I haven’t yet used your visas romance mod myself, even though I have it linked for later reference).
and I’m pretty sure the computer I’ve borrowed for swtor and dragon age has enough storage space for kotor, but the idea of getting all the mods set up again is a little daunting. lol. but at some point I’ll figure out a way because I absolutely do want to recruit brianna, too.
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