#gateway abroad
dreamzconsultancymbbs · 8 months
"Studying Abroad is the Gateway to Fulfilling Global Medical Education A...
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globalopportunities · 10 months
Expand your horizons with Study Abroad Consultants: The key to unlocking a world of global education and boundless opportunities! Embrace knowledge from across the globe.
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abroadgateway0 · 2 years
All you need to know about IELTS
IELTS (The International English language testing system) tests the proficiency for the four skills of language i.e. Writing, Reading, Listening and speaking. As we all know, that English IELTS gives you the ability required to move. If you take it on a PC or on paper, IELTS is the lone test for language proficiency that is required to move throughout Australia, Canada, New Zealand as well as in the United Kingdom. It focuses on. human interactions as it continues to set standards for English test taking currently. There are numerous IELTS Coaching Institute in Chandigarh with professional guidance and specialists to assist you achieve outstanding outcomes. Read on to find out more about IELTS.
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Importance to clear IELTS
Everyone is interested in studying abroad or immigration, and in some instances when applying for jobs abroad might require an IELTS exam since it is accepted as a requirement by over 10,000 companies across Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada the United States, and the United Kingdom.
IELTS job openings are attractive and impressive and the majority of us need to work abroad and receive a fair compensation package. IELTS is a crucial requirement in the event that you decide to join MNC as well as other top companies with communication abilities. It can assist you in getting visa quickly and easily from all government agencies for having a certificate that is globally accepted.
IELTS is not just essential for admission into reputable universities, but it is crucial because it offers opportunities to improve your communication skills.
Why IELTS is the Best Choice?
As we all know, IELTS is among the famous English test for language proficiency But do you know why it is the most suitable alternative for newcomers around the globe? There isn't a single reason but there are there are a few significant reasons to consider why IELTS tests can give you the highest scores. Here are the top reasons consider taking IELTS for your English proficiency test if you are planning to move in another country.
One should select IELTS to be able to work and get an immigration permit
It is recognized and accepted by all over the world
Faster Results
It test your accuracy
You'll receive the best advice from experts.
It can certainly assist you in getting into international universities
IELTS includes the entire range of British as well as American English
Therefore, I can tell you that IELTS is a way to prove of your proficiency in English. English language.
The IELTS Examination Format
There are four distinct sections to the IELTS Exam and the total testing time is two hour and 45 mins. You must complete listening, Reading, and Writing in one sitting. The final portion of speaking must be completed this day. Or within five days prior to or following the tests.
Listening (30 minutes, 40 questions)
This kind of IELTS exam is generally taken by those who wish to pursue their studies in an English-speaking setting, like at a university or college. The instruction is provided by experts and the test determines whether the applicant is prepared to start with academics in English
Reading (60 minutes, 40 questions)
The reading portion of the IELTS exam is several questions specifically designed to test the reading ability of the applicant. In this test, the candidate must read the most important information, concepts, facts and determine the essence of the writer's thoughts and opinions.
Writing (60 minutes, 2 questions)
The IELTS composition test requires that the candidate be able to complete two tasks related to issues of general interest, based on the section they are taking.
Speaking (11-14 minutes, 3 questions)
The speaking Module of IELTS tests a candidate's communication in English skills. The test is conducted in three sections. It is then recorded for purposes of assessment.
Abroad Gateway: IELTS Coaching Institute in Chandigarh
Abroad Gateway is a career consulting company that is based in Chandigarh helping students and applicants to go abroad to improve their lives. The principal goal for Abroad Gateway is to prepare candidates to attain their desired IELTS bands and to select the country of their preference. They have integrated an integrated system that combines IELTS studying i.e. offline coaching as well as online coaching according to the needs of the students. Here are a few reasons why students should select Abroad Gateway Services for IELTS:
Abroad Gateway is focused on tutoring one-on-one with students
It provides a free online platform for students to learn
They offer classes with very few students
Flexible timings
Different types of plans that can be adapted to students' methods of learning
1 Mock-test for free
You can take the IELTS online using a free 5-day trial and lots more.
Therefore, Abroad Gateway has an outstanding network throughout the country and provides assistance with visas and travel assistance. The entire team is dedicated to helping students build a bright and successful career. Make your appointment for a 30-minute demonstration with Abroad Gateway today!
We hope that this article about IELTS was informative and you've got all the details regarding the IELTS exam. To find out more about IELTS information and coaching, contact us or visit the Abroad Gateway website.
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ohsalome · 1 year
Today is a 37st anniversary of the Chornobyl Nuclear Plant disaster. It's hard to talk about one unprocessed national tragedy while living through another.
The Chornobyl disaster was totally preventable and it took away countless lives of people living in the region, especially in Ukraine and Belarus - both the liquidators and the civillians. Despite the very air and dust being literal poison, the soviets had not only hid this information from the people, but forced everybody to partake in the May the 1st parade - because god forbid we lose our face before the international community as a working class paradise! If not for the nuclear scientists in Sweden who raised the alarm about the dangerous levels of nuclear particles coming from northern Ukraine, who knows what would have happened. It definitely would have been swepped under the rug and forgotten by the international community, together with its victims - just like Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan is barely known abroad.
With russia constantly threatening to turn Zaporhizhzha nuclear plant into second Chornobyl, the wound caused by this tragedy is cut open again.
We all love the HBO Chornobyl series, and I genuinely am grateful to Craig Mazin for the amount of empathy and respect he brought to the series; but for today I indulge you to watch something made by ukrainians, to try to understand what this tragedy means to us and how it influences our lives even today.
For the documentaries, my favourite series by this day remains the "Dragons live here" by Your Underground Humanitarian School Youtube channel, which, unfortunately, can only offer automated english subtitles - they should, however, be sufficient.
As for the feature films, I recommend "Gateway" (you can stream it online with english subtitles here). And here is the official english trailer:
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
could we get more of being alhaithams wife… he has me in a chokehold omg waxing remorse, waning candlelight and flickering candlelight were so good‼️
btw do u take emoji anons? id like to be 🎀 if u do!
Hell yes, I thought you'd never ask :) I took my time with this, hope you don't mind and welcome abroad dearest 🎀<3
Desire, Denial, Demise
yandere!al haitham x f!reader
cw(s): yandere, drugging (not to reader), lots of tension, allusions to stockholm syndrome
wc : 2.5k+
[ previously in this au ]
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The curry is boiling.
The strange symphony of the bubbling broth, the heated haze veiling around the kitchen and the appetising aroma of spices open the gateway for you to temporarily lose yourself somewhere far, far away. You're thinking of everything and nothing at the same time. Your fingers, victimized to small cuts from occasional slip ups during chopping vegetables, are fiddling with a tiny vial, its exact contents are unknown even to you but its apparent enough that its less palatable than the steaming curry.
It would seem as if you'd been at this practice for some time now, sometimes taking off the clog of the vial to slightly dip it at the dish only to pull away before any of the substance actually fell only to clog it up again and resume stirring the curry instead. The curry itself is almost ready but you're still unable to reach a decision. You seem to be far more interested in the rhythm of the bubbles appearing and disappearing, a peculiar peace enveloping your heart, so much so that even the rising temperature around the stove fails to have your attention swayed.
What does break your trance is the pair of firm arms snaking around your waist and an embrace, so deceptively loving and domesticated, because, you're neither allowed inner peace nor to pass your attention to something that wasn't your husband.
Alhaitham has a talent for making almost anything appear normal to outsiders, by which you'd imply the oh-so loving gestures he initiates with the excuse of your marital bond. In truth, they're as one sided as his love for you and if this was even just a few months ago you would've resisted but not now, for you've learned. Learned how to tempt the monster with scraps of its desires, promising something greater and slowly gaining its trust, so that when eventually you shatter it to irreparable bits, the monster would feel ten times the hurt it'd inflicted upon you.
Or, that's what you've been scheming to do to your beloved husband and you're hoping the poison containing vial you not-so-subtly hide away from his gaze would just do the trick.
“What do you have there?”
You vaguely lean towards his abdomen (not like there's much space to considering how close he already holds you), eyes still fixated on the stove.
“And?” he probes further, whether its intentional or not you can't deduce from his even tone.
Your eyes move towards the right, you sense him doing the same, “More curry,”
“And.. soup. I had intended to make biryani but you arrived so early, sorry.”
It's not like you're completely lying, you were hoping to have some more time alone. After all, having more varieties of dishes would've made it less suspicious when you refused to eat a single one. You don't even have to turn around to see some of Alhaitham's facial muscles churn in distaste against your cheek, you've seen it more times than you cared to count. Alhaitham doesn't like soup, or anything that hinders his peaceful reading time but there's a counter theory in your head, suspecting whether he'd noticed something amiss yet. Because if he did, he's doing a splendid job at pretending that he hasn't.
You're not so easily thrown off-the-edge anymore either, you learned how to act from the master himself. Though, you would be lying if you said this sudden low guarded approach wasn't irking you the slightest. You hadn't wrapped your arms around his shoulders nor pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek upon his return like you usually do to act like the loving housewife you aren't, you didn't greet him with the usual ‘welcome home’ that you know makes his heart melt and on top of that, you're fidgeting with your surroundings. You don't dare to think this routine you'd painstakingly followed the past months to lower his guard actually had this much affect, this is Alhaitham you're dealing with.
So you're only left with the hypothesis that he has taken notice and will jumpscare you with it any moment, as much as you hoped against it. Finally, after what felt like forever, you turn off the stove and face the Acting Grand Sage, he doesn't loosen his hold in the slightest.
“How about you freshen up while I serve the dinner? You look like you've got a headache— annoying scholars again?”
You push aside the urge to pinch his cheeks, opting to instead hold his face in your hands with as much delicacy as you can gather and you almost falter when he answers by leaning into your touch. No matter how many times you've done this, you can never take his reciprocations seriously. Or rather, you can't believe just how easy it gets him to do so with each passing day.
For a moment, you feel like a wicked villain. Alhaitham looks so at peace in your palms (literally), his innocence right now could convince anyone that he hadn't committed any of the atrocities he did to get you where you were at now. You hear the echo of a nagging thought, this really might've been the ideal married life so many dreamed of ; a husband that views you above everything else, a secure place to stay and stability, overall.
Alhaitham would often tell you how people would kill to be loved in the way he loves you, you'd never actually let his theories in your head but now, you found yourself hesitating. All this strenuously built trust would crumble like the sand palace Kaveh had planned to make in a drunken stupor should you get caught and in the off chance that you don't, this.. almost, almost perfect marriage life would too if you really poured out the poison from the vial.
“Alright,” Alhaitham presses one kiss to your palm and leaves. Leaves.
You wonder if Alhaitham was hiding more surprises for the night, for, he never lets you off easy. You watch his silhouette vanish within the inner-quarters of his house, you peak around the corner to see if he was hiding there or not and— nothing. As much as you despised acknowledging it, your husband was always an uncertain amount of steps ahead. You might be his weak-spot but even you haven't been an exception to his overwhelming scrutiny, because, a wise man knows to guard his weakness well.
So, for that man to just leave without gauging the cause of your peculiar behavior like he's always (or, now that you think about it ; when was the last time he'd tweaked with your mind? three months ago? four? five?) done sends your nerves ablaze. You take out the vial from where you'd tucked it in, almost dropping it because of your restless fingers. You're still facing the entrance of the kitchen, the vial is brought up to your eye-level. The translucent liquid lacks any indication of it actually being a poison, it came as the byproduct of your last escape attempt months ago ; exchanged with all your remaining mora from an equally shady merchant — you didn't care then, you knew you'd be caught so might as well take a weapon with you back, right? At present though, you found yourself slowly regretting that decision, unless you're to experiment with it personally, there's really no way for you to be certain.
You shake your head, nonsense. You aren't the one dying when you still have hope, you weren't the one who'd forced someone to be their spouse with methods that make you shudder upon recollection, you deserved freedom and he, deserved proper punishment for his crimes.
You take off the cog of the vial, glancing one last time towards the direction Alhaitham went. You still your hand from shaking and celestia, you can still feel Alhaitham's lingering kiss there.
Without even looking you pour the entire vial of the substance into one of the pots and then toss the vial out of the window. You grasp at the kitchen counter, heaving.
You did it.
The next time you face Alhaitham, he looks eerily pleasant. You do your duty of serving him the food, hesitating on putting the curry on his plate and you almost consider throwing it out with some half-assed excuse but gather your resolve again. You will see an end to this. Keeping your expression placid, you take a seat on the opposite end of the table and serve yourself something to avoid suspicion. It's as quiet as it normally is since neither you nor Alhaitham are that talkative while eating, you sometimes sneak a glance towards him to see if there's any change ; he seems to notice this.
“You're awfully interested in my face today, is something the matter?”
“Ah, I was just wondering if you're finding the food palatable.”
Your husband tilts his head, you never ask for his opinions regarding anything ; was today a special occasion by any chance? Alhaitham searches his memories, no, your anniversary passed last month and even then, your effort for that day wasn't anything remarkable.
“Anything made by you is good,”
Alhaitham may mistake your aversion of gaze as fluster because of his unexpectedly suave comment but in reality, his way-too-honest answer struck your conscience. You shook your head, counting the seconds rather impatiently, no appetite aiding you to finish your plate.
Why isn't the poison taking affect?
Momentarily, the merchant's twinkling eyes upon handing you the vial flashes in your mind and it inclines you to think that you may have been scammed. All the while, Alhaitham seems to have finished his plate, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief.
“[Y/N], be honest, is something bothering you?”
You nearly jump out of your seat at his voice and your husband looks at you with more concern but asks for no further clarification.
Yes, you almost utter out, “No,”
Your eyes dart around the dinner table where most dishes still lay untouched, Alhaitham seemed to have eaten very little. When your eyes settle on the bowl of soup, a dreading realization strikes.
Don't tell me.. I didn't poison the soup instead, did I..?
“Actually,” you cringe at the sudden high pitch of your voice but it does its job in halting Alhaitham from getting up and possibly making his way to you, his eyes press you to continue. It only occurs to you then, what are you supposed to tell him now? ‘I poisoned this soup that I know you clearly dislike because I hate you so please, gobble it up and end my misery?’
This isn't the time for jokes, wake up!
“Haitham, to be honest, I prepared that soup for you with your stress induced state in mind. But.. ” you wet your lips and choke out the rest, voice fading in a sad adagio, “Since you don't like soup, I guess I'll just have to throw it out.”
It takes everything in your will-power to not break the pathetic act and slap yourself. You don't dare look up and see your husband's expression, already mentally preparing him to drop the bomb and interrogate you on all your weird mannerisms tonight.
In no way will Alhaitham of all people buy that, I wouldn't believe that, not even a rat will believe that, whoa—
You expected exactly two outcomes after your sad excuse of convincing (brought fresh to you by past experiences) ; 1. He tells you to eat half of the soup first, probably with the surface level reason that he won't be able to finish all of it and when you inevitably refuse, the truth will be revealed and 2. No need for roundabout approaches, you wouldn't be surprised if Alhaitham knew your scheme since the start. But no amount of past experience could prepare you for when your conniving husband took the bowl of the soup that he repeatedly said he despised and gulped it down in one go, without an ounce of hesitation — all because you muttered you made it especially for him?
(Admittedly, you feel a little touched.)
You stop gaping like a fish and with a fake cough chastise him, “Dear me, no one was stealing that from you, you could've just taken your time — what if you burned your throat?”
Alhaitham chugs down a glass of water, he doesn't look the most content with that decision either but seeing you worry over him like this... he has no regrets.
“The faster, the better, no? I really would just like to go sleep now.”
Hmm, he wasn't entirely wrong about that. The faster the poison takes effect the better it is for you but, he doesn't need to know that part. It's dead silent again, none of you seem compelled to move, your focus is on Alhaitham solely ; in the first few seconds, he seemed fine but then he started to loosen the collar of his shirt, an obvious expression of discomfort painting his normal poker face. You lean forward in your chair, unable to tear your eyes away.
“On a second thought, you were right. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten so hastily. It feels...so...hot...?”
Alhaitham's voice fades to incoherent words, he brings a hand to the locks of his gray hair, laboured breaths filling the vacancy of the dining room.
And then, his head meets the wood of the table.
You push back your chair, unable to believe the sight before you. That was fast, way too fast, perhaps. You take ginger steps towards Alhaitham's chair, when you're beside the Scribe's unmoving body, the weight of the situation drops on you unmercifully.
Wait wait wait, t-then this means that... I.....I killed my husband...
You can feel your vision blurring, no no, you're supposed to be happy! Happy that his tyranny is finally over! Happy that he'll no longer be able to hurt you or any other being for that — happy that he's gone.
These are tears of happiness, right? Right?
You hands move to wipe them furiously, you don't believe it, there is no way he'll die that easily. You'd fantasized about this moment so many times ; when the colour from his disgustingly beautiful eyes fades, you'll be on your merry way from this hellish life, you'll be allowed to wander anywhere, befriend anyone — but now, such desired dreams have lost their colour, as well. With no regard to your escape plans, your hand reaches for his unmoving figure, hunched over the table ; your senses are closing in, you can see nothing but him, you can hear nothing but the ringing in your ears and you're not sure what happens afterwards.
One moment, you feel your skin barely graze his shirt and the next, something warm springs up, grabs your wrist and your back slams against the table, legs dangling over...
There is Alhaitham, up and about, albeit he looks.. perturbed and delirious. Extremely delirious.
“Sly woman, what were you thinking?”
Heated skin, reddened face, hearts in the eyes—
These symptoms, oh no...
You try to shove him off and create as much distance as possible, the effect your puny struggling has is non-existent ; he only holds you more suffocatingly in his lap, closing in slowly slowly slowly—
That is the moment you accept ; you have been scammed, just not in the way you were speculating you've been.
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glamrpevents · 23 days
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Glamcity, we're heading to France! Prepare to be enchanted as we whisk you away to the beautiful and captivating city of Marseille, nestled on the sun-kissed shores of southern France. Marseille, often hailed as the "Gateway to the Mediterranean," beckons with its irresistible blend of old-world charm and cosmopolitan allure. Lose yourself in the rich tapestry of Marseille's history as you wander through its ancient streets, where each cobblestone whispers tales of bygone eras. Marvel at the architectural splendor of landmarks like the majestic Notre-Dame de la Garde, perched atop the city's highest point, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the azure coastline below. Indulge your senses in the breathtaking aromas wafting from bustling markets, where colorful stalls overflow with fresh produce, artisanal cheeses, and fragrant spices. Savor the culinary delights of Marseille's renowned bouillabaisse, a traditional fish stew bursting with flavors that will transport you to gastronomic heaven. But Marseille is not just a feast for the senses—it's also a playground for the adventurous soul. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of Calanques National Park, where dramatic limestone cliffs plunge into turquoise seas, inviting you to explore hidden coves and secret beaches. As the sun sets, surrender to the city's infectious joie de vivre as its vibrant nightlife comes alive. From chic rooftop bars overlooking the glittering harbor to cozy wine bars tucked away in labyrinthine alleyways, Marseille offers endless opportunities to toast to new adventures and unforgettable memories. So pack your bags and join us on this journey to Marseille, where every street corner holds the promise of discovery, and every moment is infused with the magic of the Mediterranean. Get ready to fall in love with the charm, beauty, and boundless allure of this enchanting city. A bientôt à Marseille!
This event will take place from Friday May 17th until Sunday May 26th, 2024.
All celebrities within the group are invited and are expected to participate in some capacity.
As this is an event that spans over the course of more than a week, we will ask that you put all non-event threads on hold, as we hope for active participation for the event.
All characters will be staying at the same hotel for the sake of convenience within the group. The roommate list will be posted the day before the event takes place.
Threads, paragraphs and interactions written for the event should be tagged with GLAMCITYMARSEILLE + GLAMCITYEVENT004
We highly encourage people to post event outfits and aesthetics. These should be tagged with GLAMCITYOUTFIT.
Please like this post once you've read it!
As we prepare for our upcoming excursion to Marseille, we'd like to remind all participants that while this trip offers a wonderful opportunity for relaxation and exploration, it's also a chance for your characters to engage in group activities that will be posted in the coming days. These activities are designed to enhance the overall experience and foster interaction among characters.
We kindly request that all participants make an effort to participate in these planned activities to enrich the collective narrative and ensure everyone's enjoyment. However, if for any reason your character is unable to join the scheduled events, we encourage you to still have them explore and enjoy the city of Marseille independently.
Attendance at this event is mandatory for all characters. If your character is currently on tour or vacationing abroad, please arrange for them to go to France for the event. For characters who are married, we will naturally accommodate their marital status and assign them roommates accordingly. However, please communicate with the admins if this applies to your character. Failure to do so may result in the assignment of a random roommate.
To ensure everyone has some input regarding their roommates, please send us an ask or an IM with one person you'd prefer to room with and one person you would not prefer to room with. Even if your preference is random, please provide two names. We kindly request that these names be sent within the next 48 hours to allow ample time for us to organize everyone into groups of three.
Additionally, it is required that attendees interact with their roommates at least once during the event.
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justbeingnamaste · 8 months
…One cannot overlook the burgeoning national debt, which stands at a staggering $28 trillion and counting. Every dollar sent abroad is a dollar not spent on alleviating the numerous issues faced by the average American. From skyrocketing healthcare costs to the looming threat of inflation, the problems at home are plenty and pressing.
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dreamsgazer · 1 year
Day 3 - Holiday Food
12 Days of Christmas
Warnings: Some minor swearing, mention of sex but no smut or anything graphic.
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I wasn’t exactly surprised when Lemon told me that most of the Twins’ Christmas meals used to come out from a frozen plastic tray, when they were children. 
I was more surprised however, that things haven’t changed much now that they can definitely afford food worthy of its name.
Lemon grabs an apple from the Murano fruit bowl Tangerine and I bought in Venice for him during our last romantic gateway “I guess the holidays are not really a huge thing when you risk to be abroad during them because you have a mission.”
He bites the fruit, shrugging “I mean, we put on the decorations and all the stuff, but we never know if we will be in London to enjoy them during the actual day. They are still nice, though,” he adds, looking around with pride. I let my gaze take in the decorations he has picked during one of our longest shopping trips earlier in December. While my Tangerine definitely likes the more traditional - and obscenely expensive - decorations, carefully arranged with measure in the halls of his penthouse, Lemon is... eclectic.
If I must find a theme, I will definitely go with Winter Wonderland Candyland & Glittering Stuff that Lemon randomly liked. It works, though, in its own way. Exactly like Lemon.
I stop staring at a glittery tree decoration shaped like Thomas the Tank Engine –  one of the many, many Thomas ornaments spread around us ”Well, since this year you both are going to be around to enjoy them, how about we organize a proper Christmas lunch?”
”That’s a good idea,” his face lights up with sheer delight “we can have turkey and festive punch and all the good stuff! We can phone a restaurant and see if they deliver on Christmas day!”
“Or I could do it!”
Lemon looks at me, his eyebrows lifting in surprise “You mean you are willing to cook us a meal?”
“Not a meal,” I tut with fake annoyance “but a full, complete, hopefully tasty Christmas lunch.”
He seems at loss for words, but not displeased. I shrug “Listen Lem, you guys always do nice things for me, all the time, so it seems only natural I want to reciprocate.”
“Well, you are banging my brother and you are a sweet, fun person to have around,” he interrupts me with a huge grin “It’s no big deal to be nice with you!”
I hope I’m not blushing at both the brotherly teasing and the sweet compliment “Uh, thanks I guess. But that’s my point: it’s no big deal to cook a nice meal for people I care about. Especially for Christmas!”
He still seems reluctant to accept my offer so I insist “If this makes you feel better, I can let you help me. Tangerine is out of question,” I quickly add “I love him to the moon and back, but I would like not to set my kitchen on fire! Or having the turkey thrown in frustration outside the window! Or-”
“Yes, point taken, darling, thank you very much.”
We both turn on our tall stools in time to see Tangerine entering Lemon’s kitchen with a pouting expression, back from his tailoring session for a new suit. 
“Already back?” Lemon asks.
“Yeah, just in time to listen to the two of you trash talk my cooking skills”
”What skills?”
Tangerine flips him off, making his brother laugh “C’mon mate, do you remember when you tried to make us a Crisp Sandwich and you somehow destroyed the packet and then smashed the crisps?”
”I was fucking ten, Lemon!” is the indignant reply.
”So was I, but my packet didn’t look like a T-rex had gone through it.”
I try not to laugh, gently grabbing Tangerine’s tailored jacket and forcing him to bend over where I’m sitting. I kiss him lightly, the familiar tickle of his moustache a welcomed and well-known added sensation “Sorry, T, I didn’t mean to offend you.”
I’m aware that while he’s not annoyed for real, some cuddles are not going to hurt. He likes them too much even if he won’t ever voice that out loud. 
Tangerine huffs against my lips, wrapping an arm around my shoulders “Kiss me again and maybe I will consider buying you a nice Christmas present, you naughty little thing.”
Lemon pretends to gag in the background, and I laugh pushing my lips against Tangerine’s. He lingers a moment longer, then straightens himself “So, Christmas Lunch, uh? Do you think I have enough culinary skills to help you at least with the groceries?”
I want to reply something sweet and warm, but Lemon interjects with a devilish grin “I fear not. Do you remember two years ago when I asked you to buy some custard and you came back with a jar of mustard?”
My snort is covered by Tangerine’s frustrated groan “Oh, fuck off, would you?”
”Don’t worry, love,” I pat his arm affectionately “We’ll let you pick the wine. Maybe.”
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sovaghoul · 1 month
In my Intro to Sorgae post, I mentioned a related Tarot deck. This is part of text that accompanies the Fool card.
The Fool is the card of possibility, the beginning of a journey. It is sometimes associated with youth, naivete, and a lack of caution and planning. On the flip side, it can also represent having the courage to take a blind leap, putting trust in the Gods to provide.
In the Sorgae deck, the Fool is represented by our God of the Northeast, Who we sometimes call the Man in Black. He is the Gatekeeper, the Ferryman across Time and Space. He has the power to open doors, sending us wherever and whenever we desire. However, we must have our destination clearly in mind, or risk becoming lost. The Man in Black reminds us that anything is possible, so long as we have the wisdom to pursue it. We are renaming the card The Infinite.
Historically, the Man in Black was a liason and proxy for Witches and would travel abroad in their stead, conducting Magickal business with others, bringing news, and sometimes serving as a Priest when needed. Our Man in Black is similar to Charon in Greek mythology. He is the one who "opens the gate" to enable traveling to Venusburg, Benevento, or Blockula (these are old names for places where Witches held their Sabbats, their meetings). He has said He is called ONLY when one has seen the Path and needs the gateway opened.
Otherwise, it's a very "don't call Me, I'll call you" type of situation. Hence, we don't know much about Him at all, except that this directional placement in the Northeast associates Him with the Element of Smoke, and the Power of Potential.
So, in lieu of more experiences, I'll share some song lyrics that fit Him.
"Don't Pay The Ferryman"
by Chris de Burgh
It was late at night on the open road
Speeding like a man on the run
A lifetime spent preparing for the journey
He is closer now and the search is on
Reading from a map in the mind
Yes there's that ragged hill and there's the boat on the river
And when the rain came down
He heard a wild dog howl
There were voices in the night (Don't do it!)
Voices out of sight (Don't do it!)
Too many men have failed before
Whatever you do
Don't pay the Ferryman
Don't even fix a price
Don't pay the Ferryman
Until he gets you to the other side
In the rolling mist, then he gets on board
Now there'll be no turning back
Beware that hooded old man at the rudder
And then the lightning flashed and the thunder roared
And people calling out his name
And dancing bones that jabbered and a-moaned on the water
And then the Ferryman said
"There is trouble ahead
So you must pay me now" (Don't do it!)
"You must pay me now" (Don't do it!)
And still that voice came from beyond
"Whatever you do
Don't pay the Ferryman
Don't even fix a price
Don't pay the Ferryman
Until he gets you to the other side
Don't pay.....the Ferryman!"
These lyrics convey His somewhat chaotic and unpredictable job. If the traveller cannot tell Him precisely where they wish to go, then it is not His responsibility, nor His fault, where they end up. He is not so concerned about the traveler, nor the destination, as He is with the journey.
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duplicitywrites · 1 year
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That's Money, Honey [1/2]
Explicit | 5,223 | WIP
Co-written with @dividawrites 💚
Tags: Alternate Universe, Explicit Sexual Content, Age Difference, Sugar Baby Tom Riddle, Manipulative Tom Riddle, Bottom Tom Riddle, Divorced Harry Potter, Auror Harry Potter, Blackmail
Tom is a dear friend to many beautiful older women who love to treat him like their beloved son by spoiling him with presents. It is the perfect gateway to the perfect lifestyle—one full of frequent spa days, free holidays abroad, and all of the latest fashions. When Auror Harry Potter claims to be investigating Tom's 'inappropriate' relationships, Tom decides the best course of action is to instigate some 'inappropriate' behaviour of his own.
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Fic Rec Friday
This week’s theme: Rec a ‘gateway’ fic - a fic that you read and it was so good it lead you to read multiple works by the same writer.
The rules: Tag a fic and explain why it was a gateway fic / what you liked about it. Then tag some people to see what everyone else is reading. Spread the love! Lola will do the round up on Sunday again, so if you’re still recc-ing on Saturday, no pressure. Please tag @welcometololaland or #fic rec friday so she can compile the masterlist!
thank you everyone for the tags! i finally have the mental energy to complete one of these!
there are many different authors i could choose from here, except for the slight issue of i mostly don't remember what was the first fic i read from y'all. except for my beloved @welcometololaland, because the one i found first was the first thing she wrote for rwrb. Speak for Yourself is amazing. it is serious and silly and heartfelt and features zahra as a bartender and some of my favorite june and nora around. and as a bonus it feels like my study abroad to me. side note: i looked back at comments from the first couple chapters and like, remember when we didn't all know each other? wild.
911 Lone Star
i'm just gonna rec two things from @liminalmemories21 because i can't remember which i found first, but it was definitely either Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there OR Two Paper Airplanes Flying. mostly i just remember staying up far too late one night reading like ten fics in a row because i fell in love so hard and fast with the writing.
tagging: @chaotictarlos @jesuisici33 @whatisamildopinion @paperstorm and whoever else would like to play. i'm sorry i've got a headache rn and this is all the focus i had in me, please assume i meant to tag you and just forgot
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askvectorprime · 1 year
What is the story of stardrive in idw2019?
Dear Stardrive Seeker,
Not all newly-forged Cybertronians spend their early lives on Cybertron—always, there are those Cybertronians born with an instinctual thirst for adventure, who yearn to venture beyond the confines of their metallic homeworld. Thus, in the years following the War of the Threefold Spark, the Cybertronian government authorized the creation of a cultural exchange program between the Cybertronian commonwealth and some friendly galactic neighbors, an incentive program where newly forged Cybertronians could study abroad on a diverse range of planets, assimilating the local culture and language as part of a possible career in Xeno-Relations.
I should comment, briefly, on the history of the Solstar Order—it originated corewards of Cybertron, not far from the barricaded region of space known as the “Quintessence”, and expanded outwards not through conquest, but by carefully negotiating trade agreements and alliances with alien civilizations and gradually building a strong federation of many diverse species: Elonians, Intriessians, Karkans, and more. By the era of the Nominus Edict, the borders of the Solstar Order nearly bumped up against remote Cybertronian colonies like Velocitron and Omicron. Despite their proximity, the two star-nations had only ever enjoyed a strained relationship. The Solstar Order consolidated much of its recent power by absorbing the defeated remnants of other empires, smashed to bits by Cybertronian hegemony—in particular, a large contingent of Szorian refugees who’d seen their homeworld obliterated by the Titan Waypoint eyed the Transformers with a deep and abiding distrust. More recently, tensions flared when unscrupulous elements of the Cybertronian government conspired with the ambitious Natalus to abruptly declare that the planet Probat was a Cybertronian colony, despite the fact that no Cybertronians lived there—deliberately smashing years of careful accession agreements that would’ve seen the citizens of Probat join their galactic government.
Into this already-tense environment came Stardrive—already a model mentee with a rare triple-changing bodyframe, a knack for languages, and eying a possible career in Xeno-Relations—who announced that she would like to study abroad on the planet Elonia. The request, while highly unusual, went through, and before long Stardrive had arrived in Solstar space and enrolled in a xeno-linguistics program on the planet Ofsted XVII, with a minor in astro-navigation. Although she faced prejudice and even outright discrimination from many of her organic classmates—and indeed, more than one lecture hall had to be renovated so that she could fit into their classrooms—Stardrive persevered.
One day, Stardrive and her class were on a field trip to monitor the unique phenomenon known as the “Quintessence”, a seemingly insurmountable barrier of electrical energy that prevented the Solstar Order from expanding any closer to the galactic core. Suddenly, while monitoring the phenomenon aboard an orbital research station, Stardrive witnessed a bizarre astrological phenomenon: what appeared to be a nebula somehow shifted into a massive portal that crackled with arcane power, a gateway through which a new kind of shapeshifting lifeform came to attack their vessel! The creatures, their slug-like bodies immune to conventional weaponsfire, easily breached the station’s hull and devoured many of the beings inside. Those who survived were infected with toxic biomatter and converted into more of their kind. However, the invaders hadn’t prepared to deal with a Cybertronian, whose mechanical biology rendered her immune to their necrotic touch, and whose tight-beam plasma blasters could simply burn through their arcane biology. Fighting her way through the hordes, Stardrive piled as many students as she could—including their professor, Rom K’atsema—into her space fighter alternate mode, then beat a hasty retreat as the station exploded behind her.
By the time Stardrive limped back to Elonia, it soon became clear that the Solstar Order faced a grave crisis. The “Dire Wraiths”, as they were now called, had launched coordinated invasions of outlying worlds like Xeres and Buras, and lightly-armed planetary garrisons had already been overwhelmed. Although the Solstar Order’s celebrated diplomatic corps had long since assumed that they could defuse any problem with negotiations, it soon became clear that they were fighting an enemy that had no obvious means of communications, and would accept nothing less than total extinction. It soon became clear that the Solstar Order would need something new to combat the hordes… and, eventually, all eyes fell upon the one Cybertronian in their midst.
Before long, Solstar scientists had gathered enough firsthand testimony and video recordings to draw up a weapon capable of meeting the aliens head-on: a full-body suit of armor forged from artificially-synthesized cybertonium that would be cybernetically grafted to one’s skin, equipped with a plasma-blasting “neutralizer” powered by a miniature energon reactor. While the scientists referred to their creation as merely an “anti-Wraith battle armor”, it was Rom who joked that the suit resembled the knights of old—and so it was he who volunteered to become the first organic to undergo the procedure, and emerge as “Rom, the Space Knight!” Inspired by his example, other courageous members of the Solstar Order stepped up to undergo the process, and over time the efforts of these “Space Knights”, supported by Stardrive herself, gradually helped push the Wraiths back.
It soon became clear that Stardrive couldn’t fight alone; fortunately, the Cybertronian embassy on Elonia was able to pull the strings that would allow Sentinel Prime to authorize the deployment of the Wreckers on the technicality that the Dire Wraiths posed a threat to Cybertronian territory—namely, their embassy on Elonia. Supported by a hundred Space Knights, Stardrive and the Wreckers took part in the effort to take back Xeres, which had, by this point, been turned into a grotesque hive-world where billions of fast-breeding Wraiths reproduced. Their victory was pyrrhic; they were able to cut off the primary source of the infestation, but only by destroying the planet and scattering millions of Wraiths across their member worlds. The Solstar Order would have to prepare for a protracted war against the alien infiltrators, who'd already put down roots on dozens of planets—but Stardrive, honorary Space Knight, gladly agreed to support the Space Knights in their quest.
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aturnoftheearth · 1 year
he was asked about the night we met and how he’s addressed before that a lot of fans are probably there from that song and if it was a big song for them: “yeah, we put that song out on strange trails, and actually, my wife and i were on our first big trip abroad where we were living sorta in the countryside in france for a few months between albums and had a friend that let us live there for really cheap. and um, my manager called and said ‘hey they wanna use this song in this tv show’ and honestly i was like ‘i don’t want to deal with this right now. let’s not do it.’ and my wife was like ‘well, might as well.’ like- we’re pretty cool about putting our songs in narrative projects. like i don’t want to be on a dishwasher soap commercial. but like i’m cool if i can add a little something to someone else’s story they want to tell. so we’ve been pretty liberal about letting people use music if its in something creative. so we ended up saying yes and they used it on the show, called ‘13 reasons why’ um, and it, y’know, i forgot about it honestly and went about my trip. and then, y’know, it ended up being this hit show and the song plays a big role in the story so it kinda made it even more of a connection with people. and yeah, it just really took off. so, we’ve been super thankful that it’s a song we like (laughs) y’know, one of our favorite songs to play. it’s very gratifying to see people connecting with that on such a deep level.”
podcast host: “did you tell us it had a billion downloads or something like that?”
ben: “yeah, i mean uh, spotify recently sent us a plaque because it was streamed a billion times just on spotify. it’s hard to believe. it’s really cool. it really expanded our audience. and hopefully, y’know, it’s just a gateway where people will get into the other stuff. and so far it seems like it has been. people will start there, get a taste for what we’re doing, and then kinda find out there’s a lot more to the style.”
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abroadgateway0 · 2 years
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brightgnosis · 6 months
To Fly By Night
For this deed of Arte a leather thread and a hagstone are required; the latter being a stone thorough which there is a hole naturally worn through: A gateway graven by the hands of earth and charmed to open by the tongues of the river. Taking the hagstone in one’s grasp, one should contemplate its opening and entreat it to be a doorway for your going-forth in dreams. One should then take leathern thread and, holding it in one’s hands, should fantasize about the ways of the magical night-procession.
Consider the spirits. Think of She who flies forth out of the body and into the freedom of the darksome midnight. Ascend with the spirits through the openings of the flesh; take leave of your mortal abode and roam abroad with the unseen company of the Aire. Step upon the wind and lay yourself into the arms of the sky. Hear the sonorous beating of bird-wing and spirit-wing; hear the rhythm of their flight echoing words of enchantment, patterning the nocturnal plains with sigils of forgotten desires. Behold the gateways to the Other: Silhouettes glimpsed against the vault of the stars. Be at one with them; be at one with the night-wandering host of the sky. Let the coolth of the star-river enliven your soul and lead you to the scent-trail of the pathless path. Hear the wing-beats of the spirit and feel your heart-beats; hear the heart’s drum and count your steps into the boundless dance of god, man and beast. Behold the companions of the round dance. Behold!
With each poignant atmosphere of fantasy, knot the thread and thus create a rosary of dreaming potentials. When the thread has seven knots, pass it through the mouth of the hagstone and tie to form a loop through which one’s hand may be placed. The stone and thread should be entreated with a final prayer for the spell to work. Then, at the end of one’s waking day, the stone should be held in one’s hand (generally the one most seldom used) and the cord wrapped around the wrist. The stone should rest within the hand like a child in its crib. Then I bid you forget about it ‘til morning. Perchance in dreaming your spirit shall pass through the stone-mouth and wander abroad in the night-walkers’ procession, flying freely to the place that some have called ‘Sabbat’. Where-ever the dreaming takes you, the thread of knots shall guide and bring you home, once more to waken at the edge of day.
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From 'What is Traditional Craft: A Brief Discourse Regarding the Nature of Traditional Witchcraft and Allied Forms of Magical Practice'; Andrew Chumbley (My Ko-Fi Here)
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00queasy00 · 3 months
queasy's recent fic recs
multiship + mulitfandom. i apologize for my silly thoughts, i am not well-worded in explaining my thoughts and feelings. i tried.
how i placed the names in the shipname order is not relevant. fandoms mentioned: Harry Potter, Code Geass, Hazbin Hotel, and Boku no Heros
please read and understand the tags and warnings on each story before reading :3
Second Best by onbeinganangel
Regulus/Harry - Harry Potter - Rated Explicit
Summarry: Can you make me like you wanted him? Because I do. - Thoughts: A very very tasty read >:) The mix of lust, grief, curiosity, and yearning for something more was a
Chains of Fantasia by Persephone1 and LawliPop
Suzaku/Lelouch/Zero - Code Geass - Rated Mature
Summarry: It is the nineteenth century. Suzaku works as a stage hand in the Avalon Opera House when a mysterious figure sweeps him away in a swirl of wonder and music. Will Suzaku succumb to The Phantom of the Opera?/ZeroXSuzakuXLelouch - Thoughts: A BEAUTIFUL mix of The Phandom of the Opera 2004 movie and Code Geass! It is not exactly a retelling with code geass characters, BUT a inspired story that follows the movie's plot points on-and-off throughout the story.
Wolf Like Me by purpjools
Angel Dust/Alastor - Hazbin Hotel - Rated Explicit
Summary: Forging an alliance through marriage is an old tradition among the more criminally inclined families of New York. It's a dated one, in Anthony's opinion. Out of touch and definitely not in vogue. Unfortunately Fortunately, the antiquarian suddenly engaged to his sister his sister's fiancé has other plans. - Thoughts: A delicious read of Anthony's attraction and desire towards his sister's husband-to-be. I love how queer Alastor is presented here and the struggle of gender and self identity Anthony goes throughout the story.
deadbolt by pwplicity (duplicity)
Tom Riddle/Harry Potter - Harry Potter - Rated Explicit
Summary: Tom is stunning at sixteen. He has always been an exception in a sea of mediocrity, a chameleon of sorts, conducting himself with the arrogance of genius astride the pity of orphanhood. Each facet of Tom Riddle is a domino on the path of Voldemort; it is up to you to divert them. Or: Harry goes back in time again, and again, and again. - Thoughts: A very interesting take and presentation of Harry traveling back in time again and again! I love the absolute terror Tom is in his own way each and every time. Also Harry's spiral is fun too.
That's Money, Honey by Divida, pwplicity (duplicity)
Tom Riddle/Harry Potter - Harry Potter - Rated Explicit
Summarry: Tom is a dear friend to many beautiful older women who love to treat him like their beloved son by spoiling him with presents. It is the perfect gateway to the perfect lifestyle—one full of frequent spa days, free holidays abroad, and all of the latest fashions. When Auror Harry Potter claims to be investigating Tom's 'inappropriate' relationships, Tom decides the best course of action is to instigate some 'inappropriate' behaviour of his own. - Thoughts: Spoiled greedy Tom, a babygirl that needs and deserves the best, even if the best is that disaster of an Auror Harry Potter >:)
It Grows on You by lordmarvoloriddle
Tom Riddle/Harry Potter - Harry Potter - Rated Explicit
Summary: Every single day, with dead precision, at Tom’s orders, Borgin would lead the poorly dressed unlucky persons who wandered into Borgin & Burkes into the back of the shop and acquire precious body parts. And then the boy. - Thoughts: This one had me feeling haunted for days after reading it. A truly dark story that was wrapped so nicely in beautiful writing and presentation.
Tomorrow brings them true by asterismal (asterisms)
Tom Riddle / Harry Potter - Harry Potter - Rated Mature
Summary: The boy from District 1 is staring again. - Thoughts: The soulseeker boys in a Hunger Games Au >:) So so SOOO good. I am eating up Harry's pure distrust and anger at Tom being a menace for personal gain.
malediction by eleven_eaves for merrivale
Tom Riddle / Harry Potter - Harry Potter - Rated Explicit
Summary: After Harry gets thrown into Kings’ Cross station at limbo during the Final Battle, he faces a choice—to return to the present or go to another time. Unfortunately, not everything goes as planned when he shows up in 1943 and finds himself only able to speak Parseltongue. As the only other student who can speak Parseltongue, Tom is assigned to be Harry’s guide throughout the remainder of the school year. - Thoughts: I love love the pure chaos and power moves played in this story!!! The absolute sass and snarks between the two was so fun to read.
Worth The Wait by midoriyasour
Midoriya / Shinsou - Boku no Hero Academia - Rated Explicit
Summary: Izuku didn’t mind being a virgin. He didn’t. He was just a little jealous, but nobody had to know that. - Thoughts: The build up and Hitoshi's absolute respect and care towards Midoriya's feelings was so very sweet : )
Twisted Mirror by Lomonaaeren
Harry / Harry - Harry Potter - Rated Explicit
Part 1 of a 2 fic series
Summary: Devastated in the aftermath of Sirius’s death, Harry goes to the Room of Requirement and asks for someone who will understand him. Why he then gets delivered a copy of his alternate dimension, much scarier self will remain a mystery - Thoughts: This series was so good!!! The equal footing, despite Hadrian being older and from another dimension, was something I did not expect but was very very happy to read about. I love the way the two are similar yet different yet know the other so well -- consider they are the same person from different dimensions. A banger of a series >:3
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