#gakupo at home if you will
cross-armageddon · 5 months
Happy New Year's Eve!
Or, well, at least for me. It's 3am of December 31st.
Anyways! I have posted my last Prima work before 2024! Ikuo Heiru COLOR FES card story! Have a good read and a happy new year.
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 4 months
Had a 💡 moment.
Currently traveling and I badly want a fighting game with vocaloid/megpoid/utauloid characters in my head. I’m eager to learn game dev/ coding for this specific idea. I’m madly in love with
I designed Catsune/Nyatsune Miku with hair paws/claws. I also just came up with
Nyatsune Miku- Hair paws/claws. Her basic attacks are ofc her hair punch, spam and you get a hair stand oraoraoraoraora! Her hair grab and 👋 slap. Popipo vegetable juice riding it and running across the screen, leek helicopter (levanpolka). World is mine, love is war, brs and other that i could think of as song finishers
Luka Megurine - Ofc, tentacle hair. Octopus Luka. Her attacks are giant baseball throw of tako luka with a giant tuna, giant tuna smash, fresh catch, & hair grab. Some ideas for her finishing songs are JBF, Night fever, World dance hall, enbizaka, Magnet
Meiko- fox, cus it just seem fitting and she ate. Basic attacks are her sake, swinging her microphone stand, maybe a drunken fist style? Top of my head for a song finisher is conchita, will do more research since I forgor the others
Kaito- Wolf? cus Im basic. His attacks are ice cream/popsicle related! Freezes the enemy. Slaps them with giant popsicle & basic attack with his long scarf. Id like to add stuff like if he wins against a gakupo enemy madness of duke plays lol bunch of song finishers in my head cant remember titles-
Rin and Len- still not sure if otter or fennec. But Lens design would focus on his banana hair, he takes it out like my nendoroid and he throws it like a boomerang, he spamms and regrows his banana hair and ofc rin on her ribbon, ofc theres a theme here and its gonna be a huge ribbon, thinking if she uses each as shureken to mirror len’s banana boomerang throw! Also thinking if she could fly like Tails with it- 🚁 Too tired to list the songs but ofc ill include the daughter of evil series on everyone
Gumi- Rabbit. I love love love LOVE gumi and I remember her being 🥕 so a rabbit/bunny seems fitting! Giant carrot ofc, carrot attacks, her harvesting and pulling out the carrot only to bonk the enemy with it. Some songs that have two voice banks singing it would appear in their song finishers like Matryoshka!
Gakupo- Tiger? Lion? Still not sure but one of the finisher songs is def gonna be Madness of Duke- where if you finish of the enemy *you win* signs appear and him and the “ladies” are all lined up in the bg? Cant explain it properly but ye. Dancing samurai, go google it are on top of my head
This idea is heavily inspired by Super Gem fighter 😭 I love that game so much I want something similar except in the consecutive acts where like you change “outfits/designs” in Super Gem fighter (SGF) in this game you do it also with Song references changing outfits/designs/ base on that songs mv and each phase of the attack is a different song reference where if you finish of an enemy in that phase of the attack you finish them of with the song and stay on that costume/outfit/design and have like a finishing move or moment i.e Len vs Rin Daughter of evil and Servant of evil, Rin(Player1) finishes off Len(enemy/player2) and winning the game, Rin crying after-
Ofc theres secret characters. Top of my head rn is BRS. Not sure if Teto should be a secret character. Maybe her old design and then her new one is included since you know her being official! Additional characters/content would be Kaii Yuki, Vflower, SeeU, Iroha, Lily, IA and more. Theres so much still on my head and I want to make it happen 😭😭😭😭
Just blabbering my thoughts if anyones gonna even read hahah! Its really cold from where i am rn 🦭 This sparks inspo when I get home
Also this is a pixel base! Gotta love them classics
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kokofromwattpad · 1 year
Featuring: Sateriasis Venomania (Gakupo)
Plot: Duke Venomania was slowly but surely building his harem filled with beautiful women from across the land. Although, he will forever has his heart set on the person who saved him with just their voice and a few macarons.
Cw: yandere! Duke Venomania! Gakupo, gn! Reader, yandere themes, baker!reader
A/N: Gakupo holds my heart and soul I swear on god
This story begins a long, long time before the main plot had even decided to take place.
In a small village, deep within the mountains, was a young boy. He wasn't very liked by the other children in the village. He was pushed and shoved all the time. His purple hair was pulled and tugged all day and his deformed face was smacked and punched. From sunrise to sunset he was hated.
It went down hill when his close and only friend rejected his feelings towards him. It was all because of his deformed face. That was the only reason that he was hated and scorned upon.
He walked along the gravel roads after breaking free from the cellar his father kept him locked in for all of his short life.
He walked past a bakery, where there was a faint light coming from the kitchen within the little building. He opened the door and a bell rang, signaling his entrance.
A short child around his age came out from the illuminated room and came to greet him.
The small boy's eyes twinkled with adoration at his peer's face. They seemed really nice.
"Is there something you need help with?" the child lightly asked the boy.
The other child's voice sounded so nice. It sounded like sweet honey spread over the sweetest flowers. And it seemed that they did not mind how ugly and deformed his face was.
Immediately, the little boy was enamored with this person.
"I- uh- don't have a-any money-y" the little boy stuttered out.
"Oh! Alright then, but would you like to have something to eat though?" the pickney queried.
The boy nodded his head vigorously. The other child grabbed the young boy's hand and dragged him to the attached kitchen.
The boy, Cherubim as the other child learned, stood in the corner of the kitchen as the other one pulled a hot tray out of the wood burn oven.
Small pink macarons sat in lines on the tray as the boy's peer swung a thin cloth back and forth over the desserts to cool them quicker.
After about five minutes of swinging the cloth, the kid scraped a row of five macarons into a small brown bag and handed it to Cherubim.
"Here you go! I hope you like them." the youth exclaimed happily.
The purple haired boy flushed a deep red. He smiled shyly at your words. He hugged the bag of macarons to his flat chest and ran out of the bakery and into the night.
Those events happened many years ago. The baker child grew up to be a fine adult who ran their inherited bakery with ease.
The adult received a thin letter one day as he was getting ready to open up the bakery. It was just an order for a cake that someone wanted delivered.
After the adult finished putting their employees to work, he went straight to work for order he was given.
The cake was a simple chocolate drip cake with blood red strawberries chopped over the top.
The human gently placed the cake into a box and ordered one of his employees to keep everything in order while they were away.
The baker held the cake box as they looked over the letter to see where the cake need to be delivered. It was a place dubbed 'the Venomania manor'.
The baker had heard of the rumor surrounding the manor for a while now. Rumors about how beautiful women will go in the manor and never come out. Luckily, since the adult did not dub themself as beautiful nor ugly, they did not have any fear about having to go that manor at all.
The trail that lead up to the Venomania's home was difficult to say the least. There was several times when they thought that they would trip and accidently squash the cake from their weight.
When the tall manor slowly started to creep in the baker's field of vision, they took several heavy breaths before they paced to the front door.
They tightly wrapped their fingers around the golden knocker and slammed it three times against the wooden door. The sound of metal slamming against wood echoed through the baker's ears for a good minute.
When they released the knocker from their grip, the door slowly creaked open by itself. The adult poked their head threw the crack in the doorway and saw almost no one.
They passed the box to their other hand and opened the door wider to let themselves in.
Their was a sweet smell in the air. The adult had almost no idea where it was coming from. They had an undeniable urge to follow the smell to it's source, feeling like if they do, good things shall happen.
The baker followed the smell to a another large door. They opened the door, only to be met with the back of seemingly rich man.
"Uh...hello?" the adult squeaked out.
The man's attention head was flicked upward, and he turned his entire body in the baker's direction.
He was a beautiful man. Long purple hair tied in ponytail. He had matching purple eyes which seemed to sparkle in the chandelier light.
The man's expression went from surprised to ecstatic. He speedily ran to the baker and pulled them deeper into the room. The duke lifted the box out their hand and held it above their head.
"Are you the owner of this manor?" questioned the baker to the taller man.
The duke smiled down on them and said in his velvety voice, "Of course I am dear. I suppose you are the baker I ordered this cake from?"
The baker felt uncomfortable in the man's presence. They felt the abrupt need to run for their life, but just can't seem to move their legs.
"Would you like to stay for a while and have a slice of cake?" questioned the duke happily.
As if their voice activated by themself and as if their mouth moved by themself, the baker answered, "Only if it is for a short while..."
The man's face spilt into a wide and happy grin. He wrapped his arm around their shoulder as he walked with them to the dining hall.
The pair walked down several flights of stairs until they were met with a woman.
She was a cute one. With green hair tied up in two separate ponytails that curled at the edge. She was wearing a skimpy pink dress with black lace adorning the edges.
"Mikulia, be a doll and cut us two slices of this cake for us." gently ordered the duke.
The girl smiled brightly as took the cake and ran off, leaving you and the man alone by yoursleves.
"Who was that?" asked the baker.
"That was one of my wives." he replied.
"Wives? As in plural?"
And with that, the baker felt instantly uncomfortable.
Duke could tell how they were feeling about the matter to which he told the baker that all of his wives were aware of each other and are comfortable with it.
The two entered a large, extravagant dining room. There were other women, supposedly the duke's other wives, who were conversing with each other, but when they noticed that their husband had walked in, they all turned in adoration towards him.
The man lead the other adult to the end of the long dining table, where he sat at the end and with you on his left side. The woman from earlier came back with the cake you made on two small plates and placed them in front you and the man.
The woman then stood next to her husband, as if waiting for his command. The duke patted his thigh, and with glee, the woman sat herself on the duke's lap. She wrap her lender arms around his neck as the baker started to place small bits of the cake into their mouth.
"I don't think you have told me your name yet dear." noted the duke while he started to eat his slice of cake.
"My name is {Y/N}{L/N}..." the baker replied quietly.
The man nodded his head at their words.
"My name is Sateriasis Venomania. But I am better known as Duke Venomania.
Although, you know me as Cherubim." he proudly announced.
It then struck the baker like a bullet to the head. The little deformed boy that they gave free macarons so many years ago, was now all grown up and has a harem full of beautiful women.
The adult would sometimes wonder what happened to the boy that they fed. Did he die? Did he make a life for himself? These questions ran through their mind for a while after the two of them had departed ways.
"Well... it is lovely to see that you have survived this long." the baker commented.
The duke chuckled at their humor. Of course he would. Since the moment the baker opened their mouth and spoke such kind words to him, he was completely obsessed. He wanted to make himself someone worthy of being in their presence.
"I... wanted to repay you for those macarons you made me." Sateriasis explains as he gently pushes his wife off of his lap.
"How so...?" nervously asked the baker, their instincts starting to spike.
"I was hoping..." the duke starts as he stands up to stand by their side.
Steadily, the duke pulls a small velvet box from the right pocket of his purple tailcoat. All of the women in the room gasped at their husband's motions.
The duke bends down and gets down on one knee by the bakers side. He opened the small box to reveal a large jeweled ring. There was a jewel for every color.
"Please, let me make you mine. You deserve everything this world has to offer. Ever since I saw you come out of your family bakery's kitchen, I knew that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life." the duke preached with a determined look painted on his face.
The baker panicked. They jumped up from their seat and ran for the door.
"NO! COME BACK!" screamed the duke, desperation embedded into his voice.
One his wives tackled the baker to the ground before they could make it to the door in time. Sateriasis got up from his knee and hurried over to their side, where he then peeled his wife off of their shacking body.
"Don't worry dear, you will learn to love me and my home with all your heart, just like me."
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It's the dancing samurai Gakupo, Hyaah!
It's the second cosplay that was mainly made by my mom. Just like the last one, she sewed everything, while I helped with patterns and materials. But hoo boy, we learned a lot on this costume. Application, working with bias tape, using online patterns, fabric painting, the whole shebang.
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I really love the details. Some aren't as visible when wearing the complete costume though.
The painting of the shirt was very tricky. It was a white, non-natural fiber sport shirt, so the initial wash machine dyeing was... not as bright as I'd hoped. The panel painting was done by brushing it on, but the fabric sucked it up so much and so fast, I had to buy extra paint.
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It's also the first time I've worn a proper, non-carnival wig. And of course, I had to start with a long one xD . It did teach me to properly secure wigs , so that's good!
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The accessories were made mainly with cardboard and foamboard. Back then, I just used whatever I had at home, so it was nothing too fancy or expensive. (though I have to say, studying architecture at an art school made sure I had plenty of cardboard and paint!)
We also made many mistakes xD That's why I remade the costume not even a year later. The first few pictures are actually of the newer costume (with the exception of the painted t-shirt and most props), because I don't have the first version anymore. The only (proper) picture of the first costume is in the group picture! But I like the newer one better, with the proper purple and a not-so-floppy collar xD
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This old picture was taken at Hasshin 2010 in Antwerp. I'm happy we all decided to do a Vocaloid group cosplay and even if it was a weird con...at least we got this picture!
Kamui Gakupo by me~ Kagamine Rin by @shinybumofleonardodavinci KAITO by @wfl-art Hatsune Miku by @katyuna Megurine Luka by @whenwolfbaneblooms
I do not have the socials of the rest (nor the photographer) but if somebody knows, let me know~
Reference picture is below the read more.
This was one of the only reference pictures at the time. There are many newer ones, but I never got to use those xD
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I still love Vocaloid music. You have to get used to it a little bit, but some were/are so damn good.
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justanie · 1 year
please tell me about your fankids omg omg i want to hear all about them (when you have the time!)
To be bluntly honest, I didn't think the day would come soon...I guess I still plan to talk about My Fankids in separate posts with much more detail where I have better built their info...but I guess a definition of each of them my Fankids wouldn't hurt!...I Guess...
(Arranged from oldest to youngest)
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Summer (12): Gumi and Yuuma's eldest daughter. A girl who at a jovial age is usually someone responsible and a bit mature, resulting in being the voice of reason in the group and who makes sure to take care of her siblings like the rest of the children. Likewise, she does not take away from the fact that she is someone endearing and who knows how to have fun so as not to stress with her homeworks and schoolworks.
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Kankyō (10): Gumi and Yuuma's middle child. He is usually someone sensitive, calm and of few words, Kankyō mainly spends his time living with Souta, Renji and Arashi, and like his older sister, he acts as the voice of reason for these three (I'm sorry I don't have many things to explain about my boy ;-;).
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Souta (9): Younger son of Kiyoteru and Meiko. He is a complete contrast to Yukiko, a rebellious and unruly boy who often brings fun to his friends/cousins by unconsciously getting into trouble. Although, it seems Souta does not learn from his lessons, he tries to be a better son for his parents and a good example for his group and the rest of the children so as not to be seen as a bad influence.
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Rabenda (7): Gakupo and Luka's eldest daughter. A "flower girl" (forgive the redundancy that her name is Lavender in Japanese), the small lady of her family who loves to play with dolls, have tea parties and dress up like a princess. She loves her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, cousins and friends so much and Rabenda would never be able to leave them.
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Sachi (6): Gumi and Yuuma's little daughter. Being the little sister of Summer and Kankyō, she is very cared for by her parents as well as her siblings, except that Kankyō is not as "relatively close" to her. Sachi is a very curious girl and asks "why?" her not understanding what happens around her.
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Fujiro (4): The second child of Gakupo and Luka. On few occasions he made it known that he is an infant with a big brain, a small prodigy among his family. But Fujiro at the end of the day is a little boy and wants to spend more time with his loved ones and play games, than immerse his brain in books and complicated words.
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Nyuto (6 months): Kaito and Miku's baby. Along with Shinichi and Natsumi, he is more cared for by his parents and siblings, considering that he is an infant, his personality does not develop, it is only stated that he is very tender with his family as new people who love have to know.
I could only talk about half of them since I reiterate; the other Fankids belong to @ask-the-vocafamilies and with his permission he let me add them in my universe which means that most of them don't change from their original concept...with three exceptions that stay away from the original Fankids concept of Vocafamilies. I would like to clarify, he also accepts this, so a brief summary of them will also serve for this post:
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Yukiko (17): Older daughter of Kiyoteru and Meiko, and older sister of Souta. Unlike the original Yukiko, she is a very shy, insecure girl and is usually very close to her family for fear of talking to other people (with the exception of the other Vocaloids and their children). This is because she grew up almost locked up at home, without going to school in a calm way because Kiyoteru and Meiko were not in the best of moments with their Vocaloid lives...
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Shinichi (Aka. Shisui) and Natsumi (Aka. Uzumi) (3 months): Baby twins of Gakupo and Luka as well as the younger siblings of Rabenda and Fujiro...yes...I think that just saying this description gives Let's see what are the ones that have had the greatest change when it comes to integrating them into my universe—
I'm sorry that this will turn out like this, but as I said at the beginning, most likely I will reward you with posts that I do separately and I will have my time to detail and talk better about each of my Fankids in the future. For the moment, you can enjoy these small summaries of each one :')
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vocaimagines · 2 years
Hello! I don't know how much characters you would allow so you can just pick one/two of them; What would be the ideal date for Meiko/Gakupo/Flower headcannons? Like, how would they prefer the place to be etcs because the (GN) reader wants to prepare the things up smoothly. Thank you.
Meiko requests, I am weak for the wife…
Meiko would love to take you out somewhere, she loves spending time around the city/town and enjoying the sun/doing as much as possible! Even though Meiko loves going out to drink, if her s/o doesn't drink or wants to do anything else, she's incredibly flexible with whatever you're ok with as long as you guys can fit in as much as the day allows! The perfect ideal date for Meiko? Take her sightseeing, spoil her rotten during a shopping spree! If it's warm enough, amusement park or water park! Too cold? Send her to the movie theatre, super cold with snow? Perfect time to take her ice skating or make a couple of snow angels. She loves it all as long as she can spend time outside with you. Make sure that you're always holding onto her though, she needs the physical attention as well. The best part: you can always surprise her with it, Meiko will never say no to a good time.
You knock on the door, a large smile on your face. Meiko looks at you with a small smile as she places a kiss on your cheek. "Come on in!" She says, "I was about to head out, but I can stay home." You laugh as you grab her hand and pull her out of the door.
"If you're already heading out, then it's the perfect chance to go on a date!" You say. Meiko loops her hand into yours as she grabs her keys from her pocket and locks her door. "You ready? I heard there are a couple of new street dancers this week!"
"Of course I'm ready!" You two giggled like newlyweds, heading towards the city for a day of fun.
Flower on the other hand is a total introvert. She adores the silence, just being able to sit in a spot with her and her s/o is just more than enough. Do you want the ideal date with her? Wait till the sun sets, the world slowly becomes peaceful, and find a nice spot to watch the stars and listen to nature. If you're a talkative person, talk about your day with her, and tell her all the stories you wanted to share with her. She loves listening to your voice. You barely have enough time to tell her about how you've been doing and she finds her life too dull to ramble on about. She's always been a listener, to begin with. Play some relaxing music for her as you wish on shooting stars, hum to the music, anything that's relaxing and serene.
Flower rested her head on your lap, feeling your fingers brush through her hair. You watched in adoration as she tried to nuzzle closer towards you. "No stories to tell me this time?" She asked. You replied with a small "no" hardly audible to the world, but loud enough for her.
You continued to play with her hair, your eyes growing tired as the soft music that came from your phone was nothing but a mere lullaby for you. You wished that you could stay like this forever, together under the stars, blessed by the moon's light. But for now, you made every second count.
Gakupo is a mixed bag, you want to take him on the perfect date? You gotta watch out for his mannerisms to figure out what he's looking out for! If he's hugging you 24/7, jealous when he doesn't have your attention, or ends up pouting cause you have to head home. You're gonna have to shower that man in some of the sweetest solo time in the world. Normally, he's more of an extrovert and planner, he wants to be the one to plan all the dates. However, he doesn't mind a surprise here or there. Take him to his favorite restaurant! Make sure that no matter what, he doesn't pay for anything. He'll pout and whine that it's the right thing to do and he wants to be a gentleman! But, all you gotta do is convince him that you are able to spoil him just as much. Feed him at least once and he will be putty in your hands in no time. Don't forget to shower him with compliments, despite his facade, he sometimes needs to be validated and knows how much you love him. Finally, take him home and crash on the couch. Put on his favorite movie and just watch as he clings to you.
"You should have let me pay for dinner…" He mutters under his breath, his head laid comfortably on your chest as you playfully patted his back. The two of you barely fit on your couch, but, if he's not complaining there's no harm in it. "You spoil this old man too much, how will I ever repay you?"
"Well…." You start, you point towards your lips with a smile and he quickly dives in for a small kiss. Gakupo presses another kiss to your cheek before going for your forehead and then to your other cheek. You're attacked by a burst of kisses before Gakupo finally pulls away.
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Under the Mistletoe:
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It was night and the streets were full of people who strolled to see the Christmas decorations and fairs while another half of the people in the city prefer to celebrate with their families at home. Among the people of the first option are Gakupo and Luka who at the last minute had to buy the other missing gifts for their friends.
Although when they finished, the time passed and what was a gift hunt ended up turning into a Christmas date, Luka, as always, loves spending Christmas with her loved ones and being able to see what the creative decorations and Christmas fairs have to offer the square, Gakupo, since it wasn't so Christmassy, ​​he could still feel that joy with his girlfriend accompanying him.
Midnight falls directly, it's already December 25, at that time Gakupo decides to give his gift to Luka, taking advantage of they stay in the square...a kiss Under the Mistletoe ♡‿♡
These are the Backstories that I mentioned in my Ships Christmas drawing post, I will publish them in reverse chronological order from the last drawing I did to the first one (and you'll know why later~)
> Here you can see the rest of the drawings <
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anies-artblog · 2 years
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Consider this a small and minimal preview of what I have planned to post tomorrow (depends on my home internet) for Gakupo's actual 14th anniversary.
Just like the drawing I published today of Una, I made this drawing and comic of Gakupo on his previous anniversary last year. I hope you will like the drawing that I will publish tomorrow!
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Long post incoming! So I just remembered that Vocaloid exists and seeing as I Cannot Be Stopped: TCF but it's the Bad End Night Series (kinda)
For anyone who hasn't seen it, the Bad End Night Series is a play/musical in which Miku, a villager trekking through the woods on a stormy night, comes across a manor and asks to stay the night. She's invited inside and meets the others (Kaito, Meiko, Luka, Rin, Len, Gumi, and Gakupo) and they party as they should according to the script. They go to bed, wake up, and it's still night time-morning never came and time has stopped. Someone stole the next page of the script and broke the clock and they're going to loop and reset until this gets fixed. Miku looks around and finds some secrets in the basement and everyone has a very bad time for the rest of the series.
For roles I figure it could be like this:
Cale as Miku (Main Lead, Villager)
On and Hong OR Basen and Lily as Rin and Len (Doll Girl and Doll Boy)
Choi Han/Alberu/Eruhaben/Deruth as Kaito (Master)
Rosalyn/Cage as Luka (Lady, the Daughter)
Rosalyn/Mila/Violan as Meiko (Mistress)
Ron as Gakupo (Butler) and Beacrox/Hans as Gumi (Maid)
As for the story itself, I'm thinking Cale is either dreaming, trapped in an illusion, or was transmigrated into a parallel world, one that seems like a play where everyone has a certain role and has to follow a script (like a game au). Cale arrives at either the Henituse Estate or the Underground Villa and meets the others. He thinks that if he just follows the script or goes along with the others' actions he'll reach the ending of whatever this is and go back home. Maybe along the way he notices them acting or looking strangely, but brushes it off and enjoys the party. (Whether or not he's familiar with the Bad End Night series is up to you.) Either way, time stops, part of the script is missing, and Cale finds a secret (caskets) in the basement. He would like to go home now.
I see this going four possible ways. 1) It turns out this is a Dark!TCF Squad and their Cale is dead and they want this Cale to replace him and stay forever. 2) It follows the series; they party and reset and Cale goes a little crazy from all the looping and finding the other Cale (pristine and preserved, almost frozen in time it seems) in one of the caskets and maybe takes the World Tree Dagger instead of the clock hands to his heart and escapes back to his reality that way. 3) AU White Star is the mastermind and has trapped everyone in this play-like illusion and is making them loop. Cale has to find a way to defeat the White Star to free everyone (and maybe the White Star is hiding in plain sight, masquerading as one of the others). 4) Cale uses the empty page he got from the letter (that one Miku had in her pocket in the series) and writes a new, happy ending for everyone and goes home that way.
I would go into detail for each song but that would make this a much longer post.
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Round One Polls
Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs William Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Waluigi (Mario) vs Grimace (McDonalds)
Spyro vs Jeff Wiggles (The Wiggles)
Spike (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic) vs James (Pokemon)
Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory) vs Slam Tasmanian (Loonatics Unleashed)
Professor Plum (Clue) vs Adam West's Batman (Batman)
Purple Crewmate (Among Us) vs Prince
Tinky Winky (Teletubbies) vs Thanos (Marvel)
Ultra Lord (Jimmy Neutron) vs Barney The Dinosaur (Barney And Friends)
Cheshire Cat (Alice In Wonderland) vs Skeletor (He-Man)
MewTwo (Pokemon) vs Hawkeye (Marvel)
Chowder (Chowder) vs Zumbah (Boobah)
Count von Count (Sesame Street) vs Ferb (Phineas & Ferb)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Night Vale) vs Randall (Monsters Inc)
Bob (Animal Crossing) vs Purple Link (Legend of Zelda: Four Swords)
Kokichi Oma (Danganronpa) vs Espio the Chameleon (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Souma Kanzaki (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Stan LaVey (Monster Prom)
High Geologist Shaggy (Tumblr) vs Darkwing Duck (Darkwing Duck)
Ichimatsu Matsuno (Osomatsu) vs Gengar (Pokemon)
Beerus (Dragon Ball) vs Austin (Backyardigans)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) vs Lotor (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara) vs King Amethar Rocks (Dimension 20’s A Crown of Candy)
Stacy/Stacaesar (Zenkaiger) vs Kafei (Legend of Zelda)
Virgil Sanders (Sanders Sides) vs Purpled (DreamSMP)
Jason Grace (Heroes of Olympus) vs Gerard (Monster Prom)
Repliku (Kingdom Hearts) vs Aaravos (Dragon Prince)
Purple Yam Cookie (Cookie Run) vs Eduardo (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends)
Baraggan Louisenbairn (Bleach) vs Nidoking (Pokemon)
Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone) vs Purple Pieman (Strawberry Shortcake)
Essek Thelyss (Critical Role) vs Ryuga “Shark” Kamishiro (YuGiOh Zexal)
Gentoku Himuro (Kamen Rider Build) vs Dionysus (Hades)
Frank "Doc" DuFresne (Red VS Blue) vs Fujitora (One Piece)
Mike Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Kaito Momota (Danganronpa)
Weyoun (Star Trek Deep Space 9) vs Shockwave (Transformers)
Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass) vs Enderman (Minecraft)
Big The Cat (Sonic) vs Cyclonus (Transformers)
Marx (Kirby) vs Ramattra (Overwatch)
Kurloz Makara (Homestuck) vs Kratos (Tales Of Symphonia)
Shinsou Hitoshi (My Hero Academia) vs Marv (Going Under)
Tallest Purple (Invader ZiM) vs Leone Abbacchio (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom) vs Kamui Gakupo (Vocaloid)
Mayoi Ayase (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Genya Shinazugawa (Demon Slayer)
Alois Trancy (Black Butler) vs Lucifer/Hanzo Urushihara (Devil Is A Part Timer)
Rick Shades (Epithet Erased) vs Evillustrator (Miraculous Ladybug)
Frank Zhang (Heroes of Olympus) vs Taako (Adventure Zone)
Therion (Octopath Traveler) vs Yuri Leclerc (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Shinobu Sengoku (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Henry (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs Klug (Puyo)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom) vs Ravio (Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds)
Louie the Lilac (Batman 66) vs Prince Kanata (Go Princess Precure)
Epel Felmier (Twisted Wonderland) vs Adonis Otogari (Ensemble Stars!!)
Chase (Kamen Rider Drive) vs Trunks (Dragon Ball Z)
Rosho Tsutsujimori (Hypnosis Microphone) vs Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
Galvatron / Megatron (Transformers) vs Orphaner Dualscar (Homestuck)
Tedd Verres (El Goonish Shive) vs Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls)
Preminger (Barbie Princess & The Pauper) vs Mason 'Siris' Wu (Red VS Blue)
5 (BFB/XFOHV) vs Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Kumon Hyodo (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!) vs Purple (Animation vs Minecraft)
Chu Chu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Goliath (Gargoyles)
Star Platinum (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Caius Ballad (Final Fantasy)
Wakiya Murasaki (Beyblade Burst) vs Henchman (Cuphead)
Narancia Ghirga (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Reo Mikage (Blue Lock)
The Arcanist (Flight Rising) vs Hino Eiji/PuToTyra (Kamen Rider OOO)
Face (Nick Jr.) vs Prince Humphrey (Harpy Gee)
Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios (Star Wars Rebels) vs Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Prince John (purple outfit edition) (Adventures Of Robin Hood 1938) vs Prince Humperdinck (purple outfit edition) (Princess Bride)
Cooler (Dragon Ball Z) vs Skull (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Dabi (My Hero Academia) vs Skywarp (Transformers)
Ryuutaros (Kamen Rider Den-O) vs Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko) vs Aroma (Go Princess Precure)
Erin Ruunaser (Aurora) vs Endrance (.hack//G.U.)
Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts) vs Mr. Kat (Kid vs Kat)
Bonnie (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs The Purple People Eater
Hawkmoth (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem)
Sonic (One Punch Man) vs Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basuke)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) vs Juandissimo (Fairly OddParents!)
Fear (Inside Out) vs Akira Otoishi (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Emperor Zurg (Buzz Lightyear) vs Soundwave (Transformers)
Gamzee Makara (Homestuck) vs Shaun Gilmore (Critical Role)
King Dice (Cuphead) vs Prowler (Into The Spider-Verse)
Asgore (Undertale) vs Miguel Barragan/Bunker (DC Comics)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Critical Role) vs Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Tarantulas (Beast Wars)
Shuu Tsukiyama (Tokyo Ghoul) vs Nelson (LEGO Ninjago)
Parado (Kamen Rider EX-AID) vs Cyno (Genshin Impact)
Vaati (Legend of Zelda) vs Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai)
Ai / Dark Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains) vs Huntsman (Lego Monkie Kid)
Kirune (Cevio) vs The Wizard (Stardew Valley)
Yesod (Lobotomy Corporation) vs Blinky (The Hatchetfield Universe)
Pocketcat (Fear & Hunger) vs Professor Purple (Gloomverse)
Garry (Ib) vs Sara Toujou (Confession Executive Committee)
Ongo (Jelly Jamm) vs Damien Ramsey (Magical Diary)
Me (Baba Is You) vs Luntik (Luntik)
Purble (Flight Rising) vs Chiko (Kikoriki)
Kanatsune Ame (Entropic Float) vs Penn Guindel (Dreaming Mary)
Cockroach Boy (Nekra Psaria) vs Wally (Kikoriki)
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thefinalsnart · 1 year
Tag Game: Tunes
Hello Hello! I was tagged by @lets-wreak-havoc to list 5 songs I actually listen to regularly, but the thread was pretty long and I didn’t want to bog down everyone’s feed. So here’s a new, separate post.
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5 Songs I Actually Listen To
1. Running Out Of Time - Paramore
Paramore’s new album This Is Why came out recently! It feels great to have them back, and I’ve been listening to the album a lot. This song in particular hits very close to home for me.
2. I Never Told You What I Do for a Living - My Chemical Romance
My Chemical Romance is my favourite band, and Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge is probably my favourite album by them. I don’t think there’s a song on it that I skip, but if I had to choose just one song from the lot it’s this one. I think it finishes the album wonderfully.
3. Fast As You Can - Fiona Apple
I’ve been listening to Fiona Apple pretty regularly these past few months, both older and newer works. But after hearing a cover of this song in the game Hi-Fi Rush, I just can’t stop listening to it. It’s an exhilarating song, perfect for a boss fight.
4. Strangers - Ethel Cain
“I tried to be good, am I no good?” From my love of MCR you can probably tell I love a concept album, and Preacher’s Daughter is no exception. Absolutely obsessed with it.
5. Nobody Like U - 4*TOWN
This song beat out R U Mine? by Arctic Monkeys, the 2 year reigning champion, from my Spotify Wrapped. (R U Mine? definitely gets an honourable mention.) I loved Turning Red! And 4*TOWN reminded me so much of listening to the Jonas Brothers and One Direction when I was younger. This song is so so good.
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Part of the tag game was tagging 10 people who follow you, but I have so much anxiety in my body and don’t want to bother anyone or impose— but I will leave a couple of suggestions from my followers below, along with a link to the original post so you can see other’s answers. Thank you Wreak for tagging me, and thank you for reading!
Blogs to check out:
charlilil (my wonderful partner! They make the most beautiful art, please look at it.)
alienaiver (Haikyuu and MHA and D.Gray-Man writing, and Nohr is very lovely!)
julnites (more art, James’ digital painting is so beautiful!)
kandasgolem (Multifandom writing, you know I love of her D.Gray-Man posts!)
ravenlunaticart (Brann is such a talented artist, please look at their works and what they curate over on their blog!)
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welcometomy20s · 2 years
May 19, 2022
Warning - Extremely Long. I'll try to limit myself to three-ish lines.
#152 - THE WORLDS (M.S.S Project) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 13-10-08, Upload Date: 13-01-18
M.S.S. Project is known for playing Minecraft, but they are more of a music group, and it shows in this opening theme to their gameplay videos. Three of their songs are in this list, so I will tell their story in these parts. But the song is not that bad.
#153 - glow (keeno) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 13-10-20, Upload Date: 10-06-28
There’s a lot of arrangements, but the base song is good. Keeno’s iconic soft tuning of Miku makes the agonizing lyrics that more painful and the song is simple but well-established enough that you can hear the different arrangements.
#154 - Moon-Viewing Recital (Jin) [IA]
Achievement Date: 13-10-22, Upload Date: 13-07-02
About the boy who lost faith and a girl who wants to bring it back. I think it’s better of the idol songs in Kagerou Project, and mainly due to the more relatable lyrics and better instrumentation. Jin’s IA is still too quiet to sell the idol image, however.
#155 - paranoia (Tsunamaru) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 13-10-29, Upload Date: 12-03-13
The quiet neo-classical trance makes the song have this mystic quality, which I really like. Kind of an underrated classic in this list. I’ll keep the review short here.
#156 - Your Diva (azuma) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 13-11-01, Upload Date: 07-09-18
We return to ‘Miku introduction’ songs with one of the oldest songs on this list. Nothing home to write about and I don’t even know if the producer still works… fun fact - the song was used as an ending to a NHK show about the internet. Fitting.
#157 - Crazy ∞ nighT (HitoshizukuP, Yama)
[MEIKO, KAITO, Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, Gakupo, GUMI]
Achievement Date: 13-11-12, Upload Date: 12-07-18
Second of the nighT series. A bit fuller and happy than the original. Kind of the reversal of the original but with a twist in the end. It’s not better or worse, just a variation.
#158 - Outer Science (Jin) [IA]
Achievement Date: 13-11-17, Upload Date: 13-08-31
The ending of the Kagerou Project, or least the bad end. As it stands, the song leans towards dark and synth-heavy. IA finally sings a bit here, showing a bit of a loud and high soaring tone that she would be more famous for later down the line. 
#159 - What Do You Mean?! (KuchibashiP) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 13-11-28, Upload Date: 11-01-13
Kuchibashi-P is one of those one-hit wonder producers, but you know there is always that ‘second hit’ for these people, and this ‘soon-to-be-copied-as-Turing-Love’ song is that for him. Some say it was a well-made MMD that did it and… I guess so. 
#160 - Envy Cat Walk (Tohma) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 13-11-28, Upload Date: 11-10-22
I think Tohma is an odd one out of all the major producers of the era, but this song is the most well-known from him. While Tohma’s song has no real throughline, the theme is follows as it’s about a prostitute. Mix of English and odd tuning make this stand out.
#161 - Summertime Record (Jin) [IA]
Achievement Date: 13-12-16, Upload Date: 13-09-12
The overall ending theme to the Kagerou Project, and while it isn’t listened to as much as other songs, it is still considered the most well-liked of Kagerou Project. The song that screams summer and probably a good transition to the King of IA. 
#162 - Donut Hole (hachi) [GUMI]
Achievement Date: 13-12-25, Upload Date: 13-10-28
As the name suggests, a general song about the emptiness one feels about life, could be just a person or a memory, or could be something grander. Probably Hachi at its most commercial and the transition from Hachi to Kenshi Yonezu.
#163 - Yesterday Evening (Jin) [IA]
Achievement Date: 13-12-27, Upload Date: 13-08-04
The summer festival song set way before the final two songs. Kind of the poppy version of Summertime Record set in a different moment of happiness. Kind of reminiscent of the HoneyWorks songs that would dominate later parts of this list. (But better.)
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Some more dancing samurai! (technically the posing samurai? xD )
I was extremely happy with the remade Gakupo cosplay, so I went to get some good pictures taken at the perfect place, the Japanese Gardens in Hasselt.
The pictures were taken in 2011 by @shamanrenji (again, thank you so much for the opportunity~)
Also, yes, that is a replica of the Tensa Zangetsu katana from Bleach. I didn't know how to make sword/katana props back then, and I had this at home so, good enough xD
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minorisato · 4 months
the ghost that i am behaves like a human
vocaloid / kiyogakukai / wc: 595 / warnings: past character death / notes: what even are these ship names man i'm floundering. i'm the first person to ever ship this. anyway ghost au
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"Are you going to eat that?"
Kiyoteru jumped, snapping his head to the source of the voice. "Kaito," he sighed, relaxing a bit, "you scared me again."
"Sorry," the ghost responded, voice quiet, floating closer to Kiyoteru. "Are you going to eat that, though?" He gestured, with an overly long sleeve, to the sandwich Kiyoteru had just made.
"Uh." Kiyoteru started. "Yes?"
"But it hardly has anything on it," Kaito sighed, his wispy hair seeming to droop down.
Kiyoteru sighed as well. "I'm just picky about what I eat."
Kaito nodded. After a moment, he perked up a bit. "Ah, it's almost eight, by the way."
Kiyoteru glanced at the wall-clock, finding that Kaito was right. If he waited any longer, he'd be late for work. "Thank you for letting me know," he told the ghost, nodding his head in a small bow. Kaito did the same in return. It felt a little strange, doing this with a ghost, but it was polite to do so. Kaito had been nothing but kind to him, after all. "I'll be off."
"Have a good day at work," Kaito responded, smiling gently, waving his overly long sleeves as a goodbye.
Kiyoteru turned to face his class. "So, the capitol of Germany is Berlin, and the capitol of Austria is Vienna." He smiled softly, glancing over the room. Most of the students looked quite bored, except for Yuki, attentive as ever. "Can anyone tell me what the capitol of Switzerland is?"
Yuki raised her hand excitedly, but a voice that distinctly wasn't hers shouted before he could call on her. "Bern," the voice answered, deeper than any of Kiyoteru's students. When the teacher shifted to look at the source, he saw-
Long purple hair, pulled up, though just as wispy as Kaito's. He was dressed in what looked like a standard yukata, though it appeared quite old. Another ghost?
Kiyoteru must have been staring for a bit too long, because eventually, Piko- another student- piped up. "Hiyama-sensei?"
The teacher jumped a bit, startled. "Right! Forgive me." He turned back to Yuki, smiling at the youngest of his students. "You had your hand raised, Kaai-san?"
She nodded. Her face looked deadly serious, though he understood that she often looked that way when she was determined. "It's Bern, sensei."
"That's correct!" Kiyoteru said, clapping his hands.
"I said it first," the deep voice grumbled, closer to Kiyoteru this time. The teacher elected to ignore it for now, turning back to the blackboard.
When the lunch bell rang, his students practically rushed out, except for Yuki, who carefully collected her things and gave a polite goodbye before leaving. Kiyoteru waved goodbye to her before slumping over in his chair, grasping for his lunchbox. "Are you still here?" He asked the (seemingly empty) room.
"Yes," the deep voice replied, from right behind him.
Kiyoteru yelped, whipping his chair around, suddenly face-to-face with that same purple-haired ghost. "Who are you?" He asked, trying to keep his voice down in case anyone were to walk by, but at the same time unable to fight the panic gripping him.
The ghost sighed, though it wasn't a sad sigh like the ones Kaito would let out, more-so a sigh of annoyance. It was then, too, that Kiyoteru got a good look at his face, and while Kaito always appeared a bit sad, this one held a straight face, seeming more frustrated than anything. "Gakupo," the ghost replied, "Kamui Gakupo."
Kiyoteru swallowed, forcing himself to relax. He'd done this before, with Kaito. It'd be fine. "How long have you been haunting this school?"
Gakupo glared at him. "I've been haunting these grounds longer than they've homed a school," he spat. "You've been here for a while, too."
Kiyoteru nodded, trying to appear as polite to the ghost as he could, his hands balled in his lap. "Not nearly as long as you," he chuckled, a bit nervously. "Are there any other ghosts here?"
Gakupo just kept staring at him. "Not any you can see," he explained, voice even. "You can only see ghosts you're in tune with. Don't get cocky, thinking you can see all of us."
In tune, Kiyoteru considered. I'm in tune with Kaito and Gakupo?
"That girl you called on," Gakupo continued, "her imaginary friend, Neko-chan. Neko-chan is a ghost, their name is Iroha. But you will never meet Iroha."
Kiyoteru blinked. "Kaai-san? She's in tune with a ghost?"
Gakupo leaned back from the teacher, and it was then that Kiyoteru noticed just how tall the ghost was. "Eat," he commanded, "you only have so long."
Still, though, Kiyoteru just looked up at him. "You..." he started, nervous. "You aren't going to kill me, are you? I'd just like to know."
Gakupo, at that point, seemed to smirk a bit. "You'll need to find out, won't you?"
Kiyoteru really treasured his lunch that day.
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noctswife · 6 months
Love how so many comments in nonsense game are talking abt kaito and gakupo's sex appeal. girl give them a minute when they come home from work they are passing out at the doorway and sleeptalking "as per my last email". "I need you to kill me for real during sex this time" type beat
0 notes
banillasstories · 9 months
This chapter and the next sort of feel like filler, but I know they aren't :(
I've not really felt up to writing much lately due to school, I started junior year and while I love the teachers, it's still really overwhelming.
But in good news, I've got two chapters this time! Since I missed the date I prefer posting during (usually weekly of Fridays, preferably around 5-7, but that's not been happening, lol)
Enough with real-life talk, I hope you guys are doing well. You guys are amazing <3
Chapter Text
It was a late Saturday night, the sky had gotten dark hours ago, and though it was cloudy, the sky was so dark that the clouds were practically invisible, it seems. Megurine Luka was at home, sitting on the couch in the living room, with her laptop in her lap and a mug of coffee in her non-dominant hand. The teacher was grading papers and had been for the past two hours.
‘I’m really regretting assigning the sophomores that paper.’ she thought, taking a break to rub her temples in frustration, it was way too late at night for this.
Luka’s headache suddenly got much worse when her phone rang, the sound of the very loud coconut mall music playing from her phone, she instantly knew who was calling her. Her ex-husband, Gakupo.
Luka smiled and put her laptop and coffee mug down on the coffee table, and got up to pace as the call went on. “Gakupo! What’s up?” her voice was cheerful but tired, and she heard the tiredness in his voice. “Luka, something happened. Are Miku or Gumi with you? Or are you on speakerphone?” Gakupo sounded worried like something was eating at him as the seconds went on.
The teacher looked around, making sure Gumi or Miku wasn’t in the room, they always had great hearing. After a few seconds, she responds with “No, they aren’t here, I’m not on speakerphone. What happened?” it took a few seconds for him to respond.
“Luka, someone was killed in the forest behind the Yuzuki’s bakery. The local police have no clue who it is yet. Do you know a tall man with shoulder-length blonde hair and orange eyes?”
Luka took a few seconds to think, she didn’t know anyone who fit that description, “I can probably look through social media for posts about missing people if that would help?” Luka wasn’t exactly sure what she could do to help, but she wanted to at least try to do something.
It took another few seconds before a response came from Gakupo, in the form of a quick “Yeah, that uh - that works!”
Luka nodded, before remembering that Gakupo couldn’t see her nod. “Gotcha. Be safe, Gakupo.” Luka heard a quick “I will, bye.” before hearing a quiet click .
Kaito opened his eyes, slowly, but surely. His vision was foggy, only dotted with small, clear, white dots, they were bright. So, so bright. He could hear a faint beeping noise, alongside some murmurs from three voices. He wasn’t sure what he smelt, it sort of smelt like disinfectant wipes? Something like that.
His vision got more and more clear as the seconds went on, before he could vividly make out the area around him. He was laying in a hospital bed, and was facing a white stone wall, there was a dresser pressed against the wall and a medium-sized computer monitor, which was turned off.
Why was he here? He wasn’t too sure, he could hardly even notice how he tapped his fingers against the railing of the hospital bed quietly, but quickly, And even though he felt nearly completely relaxed, he could feel how his entire body became unsteady and shaky, trembling as if the room was a pool of deep arctic water.
He blinked three times, trying to clear his vision up, even if it didn’t really need it.
“Kaito!” an excited voice rang out, causing the man to jump.
He looked to his left and froze, spotting a short boy with messy cream-blonde-colored hair, and wearing a navy blue jacket that was clearly too big for him.
The blonde hurried closer to the side of Kaito’s hospital bed, so he could hug him and Kaito quickly hugged back, still feeling a little off. His memories were still quite foggy, but Kaito still remembered his little brother, of course, he did!
Kaito pulled away from the hug early, and looked around, seeing only Oliver, and two doctors, one of them was very tall, and had long gray hair, but didn’t look old, her hair had been put into two ponytails.
The other doctor was a little less tall and had very long blonde hair that was very loose.
The two doctors didn’t particularly interact with Kaito or Oliver, except to discharge Kaito later that day.
Kaito had felt a headache rearing from the middle, back of his skull, it slowly fades in and out and seems to creep closer to the front of his head.
The blue-haired man held the back of his head as he follows his blonde brother. Oliver was chirping and chattering about god knows what. At first, he talked about his pet bird, but soon enough, his talking became bittersweet as he told Kaito about Yohioloid.
“Yohioloid might come to visit again this summer! He said just last week that his college is taking a long break because of the flu.” Oliver's voice carried excitement. Yohioloid had been gone for seemingly forever ever since he left for freshman year of college.
The blonde usually felt alone when Yohioloid was gone, as Oliver and Kaito had never had much in common with one another.
That wasn’t to say that either was a bad sibling! Oliver had always been caring towards Kaito, and Kaito had always been a great older brother.
“..Really? That’s great!” Kaito sounded out of it. He clearly wanted to sound more excited, but his brain was just not working right at the moment, and he hoped Oliver had understood.
Oliver did, evident by how he smiled and nodded. “Do you think Grandpa and Grandma would be able to come over around then?”
Kaito hesitated, but gave his little brother a “Sure, I think they could make it!”
Oliver smiles.
Kaito Smiles.
The girl behind Kaito smiles too.
Meanwhile, at the megurine household..
L uka had stayed up far later than she expected, she had her laptop out, along with a tablet. The television was playing on some news channel, and the tablet was researching the VNN (Voicecity News Network) website, and her laptop had been on Facebook, looking through the various groups specifically around the town.
T he only groups she can find are …strange to say the least.
There are plenty of groups meant to bring attention to missing people, but Luka can’t find anything about a tall blonde man.
U ntil she heard a familiar jingle from the television.
It sounded like a stereotypical news jingle, but even more lifeless, if that’s even possible.
But, it did its job, it brought Luka’s attention right to the tv as a blue screen quickly appeared, staying still as the news reporter, a woman known as Lumi. her white hair was done in a high ponytail, and her fringe complimented her face, in Luka’s opinion.
Anyways, Luka’s eyes focused on the tv, and the woman speaking.
“Last night, we covered the disappearance of Yohioloid Shionne, a local man who grew up in Harmonia Hills. Yohioloid left for college last fall, and got the ‘welcome gift’ from hell. Murder.”
Luka reeled back, ‘ that was insensitive.’ she thought. She knew that news stations were typically insensitive, but about a young man?
After a few seconds, Luka saw a picture of the man. He was pale, and had golden eyes, like the sunrise. And Blonde hair.
“WAIT!” The pink-haired woman’s eyes went wide, that was the man in the woods!
She had to tell Gackupo, regardless of the fact that it’s … Luka checked the time, it was only twelve o'clock! Gakupo should be up!
Luka picked up her phone, it was a sleek black case with a dusty maroon ‘03’ on it, and she typed in her ex-husband's number.
‘Riiii-’ “Wha? I don’t need Geicko. OR Yahoo answers’ stocks”
..Said the groggy, clearly-just-woke-up voice of Gakupo.
All Luka could really answer this with was a brisk “What? Gakupo, no. I found stuff about that man.”
A hum of interest sounded from Gakupo, a clear sign he wanted her to continue.
“Switch to the news channel!” Luka got up from the sofa and heard Gakupo groan, a few arm pops were heard, and Luka kept ushering him to get up and go closer to wherever the tv was in his house.
She heard how he bumped into walls, and knocked plants over (each plant drop caused a small “Awe fuck-” to escape Gakupo’s mouth)
“C’mon, c’mon, C’mo- aw man, you missed it. Anyways, does the name Yohioloid Shionne ring a bell?”
“You mean Oliver's older brother?” Gakupo inquired, his voice was more ‘awake’ than earlier, probably from bumping into potted plants.
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