#fyodor’s ability
u-angel · 2 months
hot take: sigma was looking at the memory from the guard who “killed” fyodor, and not from fyodor himself.
the memory should have ended once fyodor “died”, yet it continues in the perspective of the guard, who was there from the start of the memory
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2. we can assume the memory ended once the guard was struck by something (likely fyodor’s ability)
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3. and most obviously, the corpse does not resemble fyodor’s face, and i think you can guess where i’m going with this
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what do you guys think of fyodor’s ability :3
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my-hyperfixations · 2 months
Me after seeing Dazai and Chuuya find Fyodor’s dummy:
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ollieartss · 4 months
I have THREE bsd predictions and i feel as though they will all come true. if they do i am the bsd messiah.
Stormbringer will be animated into a movie between season 5-6 (dead apple style) so the manga can get ahead (I AM NOT READY)
Fyodor is 100% alive. We don’t know his ability yet and the Jesus line before he died was a telltale sign.
Bones will fuck up Stormbringer panels. Specifically the panel of Dazai smiling on the stairs as Chuuya goes to fight the equivalent of Godzilla. that one in particular. they absolutely will fuck it up.
See you bitches in 1-2 years when everything I say is correct 🏂🏂
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Just rewatched The Dead Apple and noticed something about Fyodors ability.
Every other ability that doesn't have a manifestation and is brought to life by the fog follows these 2 rules.
They form a copy of their wielder with a blank face with glowing eye's, and they have their Gem weak spot on their foreheads.
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The only abilities that don't follow these rules are ones that have a manifestation and even then the humanoid ones still keep the gem on their forehead.
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But then theres Fyodor, his ability not only manifests in a different outfit, but with a fully detailed face.
And his gem is on his hand, which is completely different to every other ability.
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So Fyodors ability has not only completely ignored the drive to kill its wielder, but also does not manifest like any other, It breaks all three rules of the fog. The only other abilities to have faces are Elise and the Tiger, both of which have physical forms with faces outside of the fog. does this mean that Fyodors ability can actually manifest as a physical person outside the fog too? is that how he's communicating with the outside world from the prison? it opens up so many questions.
But there is one other ability that also breaks all three of these rules; Atsushi's
The tiger has its gem on the back of its neck, it also has a full face and at one point it attacks rashomon instead of Atsushi which is the only other time an ability deviates from attacking its user.
We know Fyodor was the one who told Shibusawa about Atsushi, and that he somehow knew his ability was special even before it had manifested. there is some connection between them that hasn't yet been explored and I'm really excited to see where it goes.
BSD is one show where details like this are rarely just coincidences, and considering how much mystery there is around Fyodors ability I'm sure that there is way more going on then it would first seem.
Analysing this gave me a new theory about Fyodors ability but I'll put that in a separate post, for now please tag me if this post inspired any new theories for you, I'd love to here them
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skkpaws · 1 month
this coulda been dazai and chuuya flying back to yokohama but dazai’s gotta have that stupid ass ability
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hoshiumiumi · 9 months
fyodor moving furniture around on the areas nikolai frequently uses as his landing after hes pissed off by the latter so when nikolai teleports inside he just stubs his toe in a table lands on a lego trips right into a rake steps into a mouse trap
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lovereadandwrite · 22 days
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Fyodor resurrecting for the first time: 🤷🏻‍♂️:3
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nixnephili · 5 months
Crime and Punishment
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The extension I gave him relates to the 2 sets of arms, as I'm sure most have noticed. The top set is the permanent one, and the bottom set is the manifested one.
To explain: CP will walk around most of the time worh his singular, normally positioned set of arms. The second pair only forms and materializes from his form when Punishment calls to **Execution**. And will retreat afterward.
Going into what I'll have CP do, considering we don't know much of Fyodor's ability and its exact rule-set. CP will follow a path of standard executioner. Whomever is pointed out, CP will follow a harrowing, relentless pursuit to execute them. Unlike Fyodor, a touch is not the preferred method for CP. Once appointed, a target CP is analytical, calculated, and adopts a very "terminator-like" approach to things. He will not be hindered or slowed and will always execute the target. Unlike Fyodor's he is ruthless, however.
Anything that applies goes. |"Decapitation- disembowelment, dismemberment", he does not care for theatrics. And neither do most of the other unleashed abilities.
Though CP is faulty, and can/ will refuse cooperation with his oh-so hated user...
The middle weapon is a sword - symbolically throughout history, swords were much more often used for execution than axes were.
The sword is also the weapon of judgment and justice. The depiction of justice typically wars a blindfold, holding a sword and scales.
That is the muddle part
The top part is a circle/ circlet/ halo. In poetry and literature, circles and circles symbolize divinity and purity, perfection. As it was in ancient times, monarchs wearing circlets of gold as a representation they were picked by the divine to rule. In poetry, the circle is also seen as infinity, a perfect geometrical form. No corners, uniform, and perfectly even on every side. So the top represents heaven/ divinity.
The bottom is a chasm, a deep drop into a pit. With steep walls and no escape, under the watchful eyes of the vile.
The bottom part is damnation, failure, hell.
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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spacexseven · 1 year
Could you do a Yandere Mori or Yandere Fyodor x reader, with an ability that makes them come back to life after being killed. They can die from old age but not by anything else. Maybe they witnessed a crime and had to be silenced but only for Mori or Fyodor to see the ability activate and them come back to life. Either one has never seen this before and it can be extremely useful.
this is so...this is interesting thank you :> i really like the idea of this ability ^^
cw: death, start of yandere themes
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fyodor hadn't thought much of it when he unleashed his ability onto you. you, as far as he was concerned, were just another nameless sacrifice in the pursuit of his ultimate goal, just another unimportant person whose fate lead them to die at his hands.
really, that should have been the end of it. fyodor would walk away and everything would continue as normal. your death made no difference to him, your life remained meaningless to him, and your face forgotten already. until a strange noise echoed in the empty alleyway behind him, and fyodor turned around to see an unbelievable sight.
you were standing in the same place he had just killed you, looking perfectly fine except for the blood splattered all over you.
it's only then he notices the defiant look on your face. it only lasts for a moment before you, with a natural ease that simultaneously intrigued and surprised him, pat down your shoulders, arms and legs, as though checking for something. seemingly satisfied, you spare him one last glance before staggering away.
fyodor feels something inside of him fill with a new, strange sensation. something between curiosity and fear; what was this unnatural phenomenon? an ability that defied god's law—how was he supposed to deal with that?
though seeing your retreating figure, fyodor thinks that you don't pose much of a threat, if at all. he wonders again, why he had to kill you. suddenly, his own reasons escape him, following your steps.
stranger than all of that is how you don't return to exact revenge. apart from that fleeting moment of anger, that glare directed right at him. he's curious about the logistics of your return from the dead, but more than that, he's curious about you. how does one walk away from the face of death?
in retrospect, there wasn't any fear in your eyes, though the scent of death was heavy on him, and his murderous intent was poorly veiled. were you already aware that you would not—could not—die, despite the corpses that littered the alleyway, and the merciless look in his eyes?
he glanced at the warm hued sky, and mulled over his options. the detective killer was waiting on his instructions; fyodor was supposed to meet that man at this time, but now, something far more valuable had crossed his path. something worth delaying his plans for.
when he stands beside you on the train platform, you barely spare him a glance. fyodor reaches out a hand, about to place it on your shoulder when you speak up for the first time.
"are you really about to do this here?" you glance around, then, with a sigh, "i'll forget about what i saw. nobody has to know."
"very clever," he remarks, "but i don't want you to forget."
out of the corner of his eye, fyodor notices your hand discreetly slip into your bag. he's anticipating your response, whether it be verbal or physical, but before you can reply, the train groans to a stop and the crowds flood out, taking you with them. fyodor is left standing on the empty platform, looking out on the tracks as he reflects on your words.
what a shame it was that you left when you did. he was looking forward to seeing that defiant glare again, but this would do well, for now. fyodor takes note of the list of stations, recalls the image of you, and decides to leave it at that. there would be other opportunities for him, other chances to find you. if not today, another day.
though he had a feeling that the fateful day would be coming very soon
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
Imagine: Fyodor standing in the control room, smug as hell as he watches his impending victory. He’s sent chuuya off to deal with Dazai and he’s all alone, he thinks he’s won. Then, a soft touch on his cheek, a voice echoing in the darkness, “Want to hear an android joke?”
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bungouchronicles · 2 months
I'm so happy that one scene when Fyodor cuts his finger and let's the blood drip into a cup wasn't just him being edgy
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sableeira · 1 month
Was the reason why Shibusawa’s ability didn’t really effect Fyodor because it would have created a singularity? Because if Fyodor’s ability kills him while they are split into two beings that would be a pretty bad situation for him.
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So this was all an act, right? BUT WHAT IF IT WASNT?
WHAT IF- What if the original owner of that body took possession? Just for a moment? Doysotevsky could have let the shift happen, only for a moment to make it genuine. It would also explain "what year is it?"
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I may spouting bullshit here, but thing is: fyodor had no reason to write that note. None at all. So, what does it mean? It wasnt ever explained in the actual story. It's possible that the original owner of the body is still alive even after fyodor takes possession.
This could mean Bram is alive.
Also the fact that Bram could feel fyodor taking possession a bit before it happened? Oughhhh. Ouooooghhhh. Meaning: something tells them it's going to happen. With the guard, we didn't see much other than him tweaking out, but Bram? Bram was aware he was being taken over and had the time to warn aya (probably due to his experience with abilities).
Does this mean that the hosts can detect fyodor, and even still be in there? Is it possible their consciousness- or perhaps even their soul- still remains?
Idk man I haven't been clear headed in days but. It's just something to think abouttttt
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 8 months
if Sigma worked at the ADA dazai would call him pet names relentlessly, doesn't matter when, where, or who's listening:
"Hey pretty bird~ could you..."
"Oh, birdy can handle that, can't you, birdy?"
"Me and pretty boy are gonna go check out the crime scene,"
"Come on sweetheart, please, pretty please do my paperwork?"
"Morning darling~"
"Who decided to put their hands on our little bird," (no one touches Sigma. the entire ADA agree's on that one)
"Want to join the rest of us for lunch angel?"
"Good job, love,"
"Go get'em princess~"
"Hey hun could you help me with this report?"
"Come on beautiful, can't be late to that meeting or Kunikida's gonna have both of our heads,"
he doesn't stop, ever, and it starts spreading to the rest of the office.
Yosano will jokingly use the pet names when they're off the job or making fun of Dazai, but honestly takes to using them at work as well after a while, they're really pretty when they blush, wat can she say? (transfem!Sigma x Yosano yuri.... I think maybe)
Kunikida, after months of yelling at Dazai for being unprofessional and Sigma telling him "it's fine, really, it... it's not that much of a bother", will deadpan the pet name's with a very tired "I can't believe this is what my work like has come too" tone, esepcially cause Dazai will only refer to Sigma as said pet names in his reports (which Sigma and Kunikida always revise) and in the office groupchat/email chain.
Ranpo uses them in the gc.
Fukuzawa is tired of getting the reports from Dazai where a birdy is missed by Kunikida and Sigma's tireless revisions.
everyone else knows exactly who's being referred to when they hear those pet names, even if they don't use them themselves, just like Sigma pretends to not like it, but responds every time he hears one of his many titles.
they become his monikers in the field. Dazai is elated.
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vivid-vices · 19 days
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can we talk about nikolai calling a man who turned out to be (most likely) hundreds of years older than him dos-kun?
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