#futbol fan fiction
futbolfanficpunk · 2 years
Pedri gets a friend
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Players: Pedri and Gavi Words: 700+ Main theme: Bromance It was winter in Barcelona, Pedri was finally getting better from his long injury after the Olympics. Xavi was now the coach, the team was slowly working on getting back to Tiki-Taka style of play for Barça and Pedri was running at la Ciutat Esportiva with his two physios, almost ready to get back to the group. He looked around, and felt kind of lonely being apart from everyone.
Since the summer Pedri had gotten closer to Eric, spending time during the Euros, in the club, Tokyo Olympics, and sometimes giving Pedri a ride home back when he didn’t have his license. They talked quite a lot during trainings and hung out after training at least once a week but even though they were close, out of everyone in the group, Pedri wasn’t his best friend. Pedri was close to Trincão during his first year, but not outside the club hours though. if anyone was his closest friend during his time in Barcelona, it was his brother, Fernando. Not anyone at the club. There were people in the team who seemed to be closer than most, like Ansu and Eric, Frenkie and Memphis, Nico and Gavi, but Pedri did not have a teammate that he felt a strong connection to, even though Eric had become a good friend. Just after the Christmas break, while in the dressing room, Pedri overheard Nico complain that he had to drop off Gavi at La Masia, yet again. Nico was going out on a date and Gavi was making him late. “Hey, Gavi! I can drop you off, if you want” Pedri said without thinking about it much. “Vale, sí, I don’t want to hear this gilipollas complain anymore” responded Gavi, making Pedri chuckle. Nico said “Gracias, Pedri, I’m glad you can be the babysitter tonight”.  Gavi punched Nico’s left arm. 
The tiktokers and fans were waiting outside and they pulled out of Ciutat Esportiva. Pedri stopped to sign some autographs and take pictures. Gavi didn’t particularly like it, all those strangers in his face, but the memory of being a fan was fresh in his mind, so he took the time to lower his window as well and do the same. After a minute they were out of there.
 “Joder, I’m still not too used to that” said Gavi, taking his hand to the back of his neck with an awkward smile. “Yes, it took me a while, because it’s not like it was in Las Palmas. It’s intense here” said Pedri. “Yea, Barca B shit is nowhere near that” Gavi replied. And they spent the 15 minutes from Ciutat Esportiva to La Masia talking about their experiences of going from being virtually unknown to a not having a lot of privacy as a Barca player, they surprised each other on how  similarly they both viewed the whole thing, the awkwardness they felt but also how they both did not care about the fame game at all. Pedri felt like maybe, he hadn’t thought of Gavi as a potencial mate or friend because of how young he was and how intense he was a training but maybe Gavi could be cool to get to know, he thought as he dropped him off and waved good night.
When Pedri got home to Fernando, he asked Pedri how his day at training went. He explained that he was about to join the group trainings, injury was 99% done with, but he was the most excited to tell him that he spent some time with Gavi today. “Gavi, the 17 year old with the undone shoelaces? You think he’s cool?” Fernando said with an incredulous face. “Yea, he seems very down to earth, and kinda mature for his age….I think” Pedri said while raising his shoulders. “Well, que guay, maybe you won’t be Eric’s bitch anymore” said Fernando as he laughed “Oh, shut up!” screamed Pedri.
Just then his phone lite up and made a noise “@pablogavi sent you a message”, Pedri opened his instagram’s DM. “Hey Pedri, Thanks for the ride, bro. Here’s my number, I don’t think you have it, +34***********”Maybe another Nico-substitution is not out of the question for another day, por fa?”
“I think I made a new friend” Pedri said to himself with a grin on his face.
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protect-daniel-james · 10 months
kinda nsfw niche funky idea including Unai Emery and the Aston Villa stadium, and yes, I will elaborate. Read more at your own risk if you know me. (all is a work of fiction etc.)
(I blame @longeyelashedtragedy for this, for - and I quote - saying "he seems like the type who’d fuck his stadium at midnight")
Anyway. Unai is... special. Different. Probably neurodivergent, if we like throwing these terms around. He's a bit of a mess, but also in desperate need to have things under control, to micromanage everything. His long talks and motivational speeches are legendary - and it's no secret that not all his players bought into his style of speaking and describing and demanding stuff, especially considering how he looks and how intense and passionate he can get when speaking about his one true love, football. I mean, imagine how kids behaved towards the one nerdy guy who would make a 20-minute-long presentation about his very niche topic of interest at school and struggled a little bit with getting some points across although it was obvious he was passionate. What a weirdo! I doubt some of the big egotistical star players have a lot of time for someone like that.
So maybe at times, Unai struggles to feel a connection with the players. Or maybe he does, but as always, he wants more. He desperately tried to build the connection with Villa fans, which so far has been a great success - they love him. Maybe he wants even more, he wants to understand the DNA of the club etc., all the usual stuff, but Unai means it, in his own weird way.
He is el enfermo de futbol, "sick for football", he's been laughed at (in a joke-y way) that he fucks football. maybe he doesn't quite do that, but he "experiences everything very intensely", and even his feelings about football are not all that... normal? with his obsession with details, planning, and micromanagement, he loves all of that - the smell of grass, getting out the cones before training, the material of the seat in the dugout, his beloved clipboard with papers with tens of different scenarios that he wrote by hand presumably during long night work sessions.... And these things are like the physical representation of football. Don't forget he started at 3rd division of the Spanish league, doing everything himself, and kinda retained that approach and mentality until today. He is the custodian, he is the "protector", he is the one responsible for the club. Sometimes it didn't work out. Now everything seems to be working out.
Enter the stadium, the place of magic. "This is really a home, not only a Stadium."
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utvaddiction? For him, definitely. He's addicted to work, to progress, and to football. And the stadium represents all of that - the possible future, the dreams, the historicity of the club. Don't forget Unai co-owns a historic club Real Unión in Basque country, where his grandad used to play! He knows what history means in football. He spoke about this in an interview with Michael Calvin about how you can smell the football in England at the stadium with the crowd, and I don't think he was exaggerating. He wants to smell it, he wants to touch it, he wants to feel it. Not the round ball used for playing but the abstract football, but that's only possibly through its physical representations.
Basically, he wants to fuck the idea of football.
Where better than at a stadium, at midnight, probably after a winning match, when the memory of the crowd and the smell of football is still present?
Lets say the cameras don't work at night. Or he - of course - knows which spots around the stadium are hidden from cameras. It's basically jerking off in an empty stadium - but in a very frantic manner, with all the reasons described above, it's not just about rubbing a quick one out lol, it's intense and deep and maybe he gets to rub himself against a seat. Or, if there are really no cameras, he would probably want to get on the pitch actually. While being very respectful and fearful, almost afraid to lay his hands on the sacred grass but - I mean he's religious. He fears and loves at the same time, right? Does the same there as well. A football pitch is a sacred place and he worships it in the best way possible, knowing that this is the most intense and for him a lasting way to build and have a connection with the club that nobody else can understand.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, you can unfollow now.
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scottmcwinchester · 7 years
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Melly | 1.7k Emre Can smut
Melly woke up to the sound of rain beating against the house windows. She felt around for her boyfriend, Emre, who always gave good morning cuddles, but he was nowhere to be found. Instead, Melly rolled over on her back and yawned. The alarm clock read 8:30, which was too early by her standards, but she caught a whiff of waffles in the air and smiled. Emre must have gotten up and fixed her breakfast. He was always doing sweet things like that ever since they moved in together.
Melly pushed the blankets off of her and grabbed her clothes. She went in the bathroom and got ready. She tried combing her black curly hair, but her hair wasn’t cooperating (as usual). Melly shrugged. She put on her clothes and made her way to the kitchen.
Emre was facing the stove when she came in, so he didn’t see her. Melly made sure he wasn’t holding anything dangerous as she crept up silently and wrapped her arms around him. Emre, use to her surprises, simply said ‘Good morning babe.’ He turned around and kissed her. He looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow. “Nice outfit.”
Melly pretended to bow. “I thought you would appreciate it.” Melly was wearing Emre’s old jersey. It was too big for her and looked like a mini dress. She opted out on pants and was just wearing a pair of socks with rainbows on them.
“You know me so well,” Emre smiled. He grabbed a handful of chocolate chips and sprinkled them on Melly’s waffles. Emre, who normally stuck to his strict football diet, had blueberries on his. He put the waffles in stacks before placing them on two separate plates. He walked over to the counter and set them down. “You’re right on time babe.”
Melly hopped up on the counter. She grabbed a kitchen towel and put it over her bare thighs before placing the warm plate on them.
Emre coughed. He was sitting at the dining table less than two feet away. He motioned his hands around. “You know we have a table for eating Melly.”
She shrugged. “We barely use it anyway.” She grabbed a fork and took a bit of her waffles before scrunching her nose. “This is missing something.”
Emre frowned. He instantly got up. “What do you mean? I added everything. I even added all the syrup even though you know how I feel about all that sugar.”
Melly rolled her eyes. “Unlike you, I am not a professional football player. I have the privilege of eating whatever I want, when I want.”
Emre fondly shook his head. Melly always teased him. “Okay Miss Melly, what did I forget to add?”
Melly pointed to the refrigerator. “The whip cream, duh!”
Emre smiled and obediently walked over and grabbed the bottle of whipped cream. He popped the top off and handed it to her. “Happy now?”
She replied by spraying an abundant amount of whipped cream on her waffles. “Happy now!” She said between a mouthful.
Emre sat back on the table, his body turned so that he could face Melly. Moment likes this always made Emre be in awe of Melly. Here she was, wearing his old jersey, her curly hair framing her hair always so beautifully, without her even trying. The little diamond stud in her nose was shining. Her rainbow covered feet were kicking back and forth so absentmindedly. Emre simply loved her.
“Um, do I have something on my face?” Melly asked.
Emre snapped back to reality. “What? I’m sorry, I was staring wasn’t I?”
“Again,” Melly giggled. “Am I that beautiful or something?”
Emre nodded. “Yes you are.”
Melly blushed. She wasn’t one to get embarrassed easily, but Emre always had the ability to make her feel like a little school girl again. “Aren’t you sweet?”
“You’re sweeter,” Emre said. He stood up from the table and walked up to the counter between her legs.
Melly, put her empty plate on the counter. She looked over his shoulder. “You didn’t eat your food.”
“I’d rather eat you instead.”
Melly’s face went even redder. Emre was never a subtle kind of guy. She looked in his eyes and saw that they were wide and he had a spark in his eyes. She knew that he was serious. In an instant, her heart started racing.
Emre moved his hands to her thighs. Melly felt a tingling sensation travel through her body. Emre moved his hand in slow circles, making Melly hotter by the second. But as fast as she got hot, Emre moved his hand back to the table.
“Emre!” Melly whined.
“I’m sorry baby,” he said frowning. She was confused, but she saw Emre move his plate off the dining table and put it in the microwave. Emre came back and patted the dining table. “Come her and lay down.”
Melly didn’t need to be told twice. She hopped off the counter and lay back flat on the dining table. The table was strong and sturdy. She was anticipating Emre climbing on top of her, but instead he sat in the chair. She was about to ask what he was doing, when she felt his hand between her thighs. His hands were warm and she felt an even warmer sensation in her panties. Emre ran his hands over her panties, before gently tugging them off. His hand was back in an instant, rubbing Melly’s clit. Melly closed her eyes, focusing on Emre’s touch. The firm yet soft touch of his fingers had Melly fully wet. She was waiting for him to enter her, but instead, she felt his head go between her thighs.
Emre was half leaning over the table. His thick black hair was tickling her underneath the long jersey. She wanted to take the jersey off and see him, but Melly was too comfortable. Emre was flicking his tongue between her lips over and over. His tongue slowly went into her. Melly slowly thrusted, feeling the bridge of Emre’s nose nudge her. She closed her eyes and focused on the sensation. His tongue was as good as his fingers. It was a feeling that made her body feel tight yet loose at the same time. She was on fire yet she felt an icy chill.
Emre moved back and kissed her thigh before leaning back. Melly was breathing heavily and still lying flat on her back. She didn’t bother looking up because she trusted Emre. She soon heard a bottle being shook and felt something frosty hit her thighs. Melly finally got up and propped up on her elbows.
Emre was smiling while holding the bottle of whipped cream. “I didn’t want to forget it this time,” he said with a wink.
Melly moaned. She yanked the jersey off and kept her eyes focused on Emre between her legs. He was spraying the whip cream between her thighs, every spray getting closer to her pussy. She felt his tongue get closer to her, but he stopped. Instead, Emre climbed on top of the table. He bent down and kissed her hard. He sprayed whip cream on her nipple and circled his tongue around it.
Melly grabbed his hair as his teeth slowly sunk into her breast. The sharpness of his teeth was a sweet juxtaposition against the warm softness of his tongue. His tongue lapped around her nipple as she grabbed his hair. She almost wanted to pull his mouth off of her, but at the same time, she never wanted his tongue to leave her. Emre trailed his mouth across her chest to her other breast. He sunk his teeth above her nipple, biting hard at the fleshy soft skin. Melly tightened her grip in his hair. Emre flicked his tongue across her nipple, smirking when he felt it harden. He sucked on her nipple until he heard Melly moan. When he heard her moan, he knew that she was ready.
Emre positioned himself between her legs, wrapping one of them around him. He looked at her and once she smiled, Emre slowly pushed himself into her. “Relax baby,” he shooed as he felt her tense up. He bent down and kissed her, feeling her loosen up. Emre propped himself on his elbows and gently began thrusting into her. Her warm tightness made Emre felt like he was going to explode, but he kept it together as he looked at her. Melly had her eyes closed, but she was biting her lips and digging her fingernails into his back. Melly always liked it rougher than most, so Emre picked up his speed. His hips were driving in between hers as he felt her wetness drenching him.
Melly snaked her hand between their chests to grab at her breasts. She missed having Emre’s warm tongue on her. Emre noticed because he wrapped his hand around the hand over her breast and gave it a tight squeeze and a shake. He quickly removed his hand, licked his thumb, and used it to rub her exposed nipple. Melly wrapped her other leg around Emre, wanting him deeper. Emre was all the way in, but Melly wanted more, she always wanted more.
She looked at Emre and saw that he was looking at her like she was the only thing in the world. Emre turned his head, smiling and turning red.  Melly almost said something until Emre began thrusting harder than before. Feeling Emre between her and inside her, had Melly moaning. She grabbed his biceps and held onto them as Emre began fucking her like there was no tomorrow.
She felt that familiar fire warming up in her stomach. It went from her head to her toes. Feeling Emre all over her had Melly on edge. It wasn’t until Emre snuck a hand between them and began rubbing her clit that made Melly’s arch back. She moaned as she clenched around Emre, losing control of her body and thoughts. Emre’s mouth dropped into an ‘o’ as he came a few seconds later inside of her.
They both were out of breath. Melly struggled to push Emre’s heavy body off of her. Emre moved over and Melly felt more comfortable as she snuggled into his side. Emre wrapped his arm around her.
“Best breakfast ever,” Emre said with a smile.
Melly nodded. “I’ll never complain about your cooking ever again.” She kissed him. Melly was never a morning person, but with Emre by her side, she would be willing to wake up at every sunrise with him.
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minervacasterly · 3 years
Leave the “TEAM” mentality for SPORTS
As a history buff with a BA in History, I have faced worse harassment, bullying and demeaning in this fandom than in other fandoms. And this is not something to laugh about. Perhaps the reason why I did not say something right away is because I have faced abuse my entire life. I grew up scared I would be the recipient of terrible consequences if I voiced my opinions - especially if these were different from the mainstream.
The “support” response I would get would be “if you can’t get your voice heard then no one is going to speak for you. Stop whining and stop caring about yourself and care about others more miserable than you.” This is verbatim what I was told by many so called “advocates”. Most of the times (in different variations) they’d say this but the message remained the same. And to their credit, they brought me down to the abyss to the point that I did speak for those less fortunate than me and in return all I got was more abuse.
I am tired. I have survived burns and other horrible accidents and am going through a medical crisis of my own that could shorten my lifespan. I don’t know and don’t care anymore if I don’t wake up tomorrow. So this is why I am writing this and telling the Tudor history fans to stop putting people in boxes and attacking those with different opinion from you. I used to be a Tudor fan. Tudor history is what got me more interested in history. The first book I read pertaining to this era was the novel by Jean Plaidy “The Shadow in the Tower”. Naturally I became empathetic to Queen Mary I of England’s story. But soon I discovered more about Elizabeth. Once again, influenced by fiction in the form of the film “Elizabeth” (1998). As a little girl who was way too curious for her own good - as I was often told when I was mocked by fellow kids and adults alike - it did not take me long to hit the books and separate the fact from the fiction. Still, I was fascinated by these two women and their dynasty. That took me to invest more on the dynasty preceding them (the Plantagenet dynasty) and the wars of the roses that put the Tudors on the throne.
My empathy for Mary I grew as did my admiration for Elizabeth I. To this day, I find them fascinating. Granted, I posted more about Elizabeth I because I found her more fascinating. However, soon as I grew up of my hero-worshipping phase at the age of 11, I stopped idolizing her and every other historical figure. It is why I don’t fan-girl in my posts about her or other historical figures I admire.
But this admiration has been extinguished by the aforemention bullying and harassment from Tudor fans. I do not consider myself a Tudor fan any longer. I will always find this dynasty fascinating and continue reading and posting about these figures, but I can’t be part of that crowd that does all of these nasty things that would otherwise not do in real life to people if they saw them face-to-face (if they do, then I am sorry for them because that is not the way I was taught someone ought to treat others. No matter what age we live in, the golden rule remains timeless.
I am a big fan of sports. I naturally watched the olympics as I do every four years. I am an even bigger fan of the world cup. Let me tell you, football and futbol (soccer) crowds can get crazy. When you walk into a bar or are with your friends watching your teams play, things can escalate pretty quickly. Even then, that does not compare to the level of meanness and cyber bullying by the Tudor fandom. Not even when people I knew who were shouting and showing off how their favorite team won did they engage in these antics.
Of course it is not all, but let’s face it. It is a loud majority. And many turn a blind eye to it because they get to bash whoever doesn’t agree with their views of their favorite Tudor monarch or figure. This is beyond crazy. It is sinister and despicable.
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Fan Fiction. La final ideal.
Moscú, primero de Julio del 2018. 22 grados centigrados. 
Javier “Chicharito” Hernández se encuentra en el vestuario sumamente nervioso; no puede creer que está a punto de jugar el partido que todos los que alguna vez jugaron futbol han deseado jugar. Se pone las calcetas, voltea a ver a sus compañeros y reza en una lengua extraña. Cada vez falta menos. Cuando era niño su abuelo le contaba lo maravilloso que era jugar un Mundial, y ahora él estaba preparandose para jugar una final. Sabe que no son favoritos, que enfrente tiene a Alemania, el mismo equipo que le metió tres a la Selección en la fase de grupos. Juan Carlos Osorio, su técnico, le da las últimas intrucciones. “Tienes que comerte a Boateng, es todo tuyo.” Con estas últimas palabras, Chicharito se encamina al túnel de vestuarios. Saluda a un par de alemanes con los que coincidió en su aventura por el Bayer Leverkusen para después tomar de la mano a una tímida niña y salir al campo. Ahí está la Copa. Jamás la había visto tan de cerca; dorada, majestuosa, inalcanzable. Sabía que entre los futbolistas dicen que es de mala suerte verla, pero a él no le importó; tenía hambre de gloria. Con el himno nacional no pudo evitar que un par de lágrimas salieran derrramadas de su rostro. El rugido de la afición con el pitido inicial fue un latigazo de realidad para él. Los alemanes empezaron muy fuertes, ordenados y sólidos. México ni siquiera olía e balón, todo se jugaba a placer de los bávaros. 
Minuto 10: primera salvada milagrosa de Ochoa; un tiro lejano del jugador del Arsenal, Mesut Özil, obliga al cancerbero a estirar todo su cuerpo y alma para evitar que el balón se colgara en la escuadra. Javier voltea a ver a su técnico buscando respuestas, pero solo encuentra una cara profunda de preocupación. Es cuestión de tiempo para que Alemania se adelante. 
Minuto 22: Córner a favor de la Selección Mexicana. Un centro medido de Andrés Guardado cae en la cabeza de Javier, pero el cancerbero alemán lo detiene con facilidad. Después de despejar, el portero sonríe a Javier y le dice en un retorcido español “No esta noche Chicha”.
Minuto 28: Un contragolpe perfecto liderado por el Tecatito Corona termina con un tiro que se estrella en el palo derecho de la portería alemana. El público mexicano despierta y alienta a su equipo a no bajar los brazos. Los alemanes se miran desconcertados; este no es el mismo equipo que enfrentaron hace solo unas semanas. 
Minuto 42: Penal a favor de la Selección Alemana. Un error en la marca de Diego Reyes obliga al defensa mexicano a derribar a Goretzka, delantero alemán. Mesut Özil cobra el penalti y lo mete con maestría, engañando sin problema al arquero mexicano. 
Minuto 45: Fin de la primera mitad. La Selección Mexicana está confundida, habían empezado mal, lo sabían, pero también consiguieron asustar a los alemanes. El partido se podía ganar, solo faltaba un último empujón. Ya en el vestuario, el eterno capitán Rafa Marquez se acercó uno a uno con sus compatriotas a darles ánimos y consejos. 
Minuto 52: Nueva salvada milagrosa de Ochoa. La defensa mexicana se duerme y deja al cancerbero mexicano en un uno contra uno. Segundos después de su milagrosa parada, Ochoa sigue sin saber de donde sacó esa mano. 
Minuto 64: Tiro libre a favor de la Selección Mexicana. Andrés Guardado coloca el balón y reza. Su ejecución fue perfecta. Los esfuerzos del portero alemán fueron en vano, ese balón estaba destinado a entrar en la porteria. Con el uno a uno, Chicharito lo sabe; hay partido. 
Minuto 75: Después de 10 minutos arrolladores, México tiene contra las cuerdas al equipo alemán. La defensa de la Mannschaft no sabe como detener las galopadas del equipo tricolor. Boateng alucina con el Chicharito, se había enfrentado con él en un par de ocaciones, pero jamás a este nivel. De pronto, los 17 centimetros que separan al mexicano del alemán parecen esfumarse. 
Minuto 82:  Alemania vibra. Se acaban de salvar de la derrota. Después de una jugada hilada a la perfección, Miguel Herrera metió un balón al punto penal que Hernadez impactó de manera perfecta. Una vez más, el poste derecho salva a los europeos. El portero alemán resopla y besa a ese poste; sabe que no alcanzaba ese balón. 
Minuto 88: La Selección Mexicana está sumamente cansada. Los desenfrenados últimos minutos empiezan a cobrar factura. Las piernas ya no responden y el equipo nacional lo sabe. No podrán aguantar 30 minutos más de tiempo extra, es ahora o nunca. Desde el banquillo mexicano, Rafa Márquez alienta a sus compatriotas, siente el triunfo cerca.
Minuto 91: Córner a favor del equipo nacional. Los nervios son palpables en el Estadio Olímpico de Moscú. Toda la selección alemana defiende a pesar de su clara ventaja en altura, tienen miedo. Chicharito respira, sabe que es posiblemente la última jugada del partido. Guardado golpea el balón y la pelota se detiene en el aire... Javier recuerda todo. Recuerda todas las horas de trayecto para ir a entrenar de niño. Recuerda ir a los partidos de su abuelo. Recuerda llorar por el fútbol. Recuerda cuando el equipo de sus amores lo rechazó. Recuerda todo el trabajo que hizo para poder callar bocas y debutar con el equipo que lo ninguneó. Recuerda su primer gol. Reuerda a Fergusson, el técnico esocés que apostó por él. Recuerda sus Premier Leagues. Recuerda su sufrimiento en Inglaterra. Recuerda el desprecio de los aficionados de su país. Recuerda su gol a Francia en el Mundial del 2010. Recuerda su gol a Coracia en el Mundial del 2014. Recuerda su paso por el Real Madrid. Recuerda el sufrimento de no poder demostrar de qué está hecho. Recuerda su gol al Atético de Madrid en Cuartos de Final de la Copa de Europa. Recuerda al mítico Santiago Bernabéu coreando su nombre. Recuerda su paso arrollador por alemania. Recuerda su regreso a Inglaterra. Vuelve a recordar as veces que lloró por el fútbol. Recuerda todo lo que el fútbol le debe. Recuerda su amor por el fútbol. Recuerda donde esta la pelota... Javier “El Chicharito” Hernández remata de cabeza ese córner perfecto. 
Gol de México. La Selección Mexicana al fin es campeona del Mundo. 
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booksformks · 4 years
Non-Fiction Review: Soccer Stars on the Pitch
Non-Fiction Review: Soccer Stars on the Pitch
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Soccer Stars on the Pitch by Tanya Keith 4 out of 5 stars Soccer (or futbol) fans will love these biographies of today’s top players from around the world! There are chapters for each position, showcasing the top goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards in the game today.
Some of the bios are several pages long, detailing how the players overcame obstacles and practiced hard to be…
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hooliganxo28 · 7 years
Tagged by @deadsamurai13 1: Are you named after someone? Um no? 2: When was the last time you cried?   I honestly don't remember 3: Do you like your handwriting? Lmfao noo 4: What is your favorite lunch meat? Turkey!!! 5: Do you have kids? No but I have a birb who is my baby 6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Hell yeah lol 7: Do you use sarcasm? Bruh always 8: Do you still have your tonsils? You bet 9: Would you bungee jump? Nope but I would love too 10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? Frosted wheaties 11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nope I just kick them off 12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Haha yes and no. 13: What is your favourite ice cream? Ever, ever? Bruh homemade vanilla 14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Smiles and height 15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I hate my teeth. Gosh dumb decisions made it what it is. 16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Denim and I'm barefoot 17: What are you listening to right now? The Weeknd 18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Um bitchin blue 19: Favorite smell? Gain laundry detergent 20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My boyfriend Jesse 21: Favorite sport to watch? Futbol 22: Hair color? Really dark brown 23: Eye color? Dark brown 24: Do you wear contacts? I wish but nah 25: Favorite food to eat? Pizza!!! 26: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy 27: Last movie you watched? Reviving Ophelia (a good movie about the domestic violence) 28: What color of shirt are you wearing? Black and white 29: Summer or winter? Spring and Fall 30: Hugs or kisses? Hugs are nice 31: What book are you currently reading? Um fan fiction lol 32: Who do you miss right now? @deadsamurai13 and his mum 33: What is on your mouse pad? I don’t have one cause I use mobile 34: What is the last TV program you watched? Cold Case 35: What is the best sound? A babies laughter 36: Rolling stones or The Beatles The BeeGees 37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? San Luis, Mexico and Orlando,Florida 38: Do you have a special talent? I make people laugh... I tag @ughcas @stayoutofmyheadcharles umm but you don't have too lol
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metaborderlines · 3 years
Sam and Cait and Bradley and Gaga
Outlander-related You Tube videos. Discuss? Type 1, interviews and panels made up of the cast and writers, costume and set designers u.s.w., answer questions and display their wares. Want to know how Jon Gary Steele created Louis XV’s star chamber where Claire practices white magic? A: he constructed a dome on one of the vast sets in Cumbernauld, near Glasgow. Want to know what Jamie would choose if he could borrow one thing from Game of Thrones? A: a dragon.
Type 2: clips of Jamie and Claire in or out of their roles, in love scenes or offstage, the actors teasing or snuggling in interviews, set to dreamy pop music. Welcome to the fan wars, like futbol when Barcelona plays Real Madrid. Or Juventus. Does the love affair between Jamie and Claire transfer into real life? Discuss. Certainly looks like, although we know the actors have private lives, “she said tendentiously.” I escape into Jamie and Claire’s lifelong love affair as pure fantasy. It makes me happy to dream at the end of the day. The actors’ flirtation or whatever it is makes me happy too.
Addendum, another example of the thin membrane between reality and performance. After the Oscars in 2019 when Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga sat together on a piano bench to sing a duet from, A Star is Born, a critic wrote in The Atlantic, “Sunday’s supernaturally intimate rendition of “Shallow,” the building-then-boiling duet that would later win Best Original Song [showed how].…Actors and pop stars traffic in fantasy, but rarely has the alchemy by which real people morph into fiction been toyed with so powerfully. ”” Next morning, the Internet was in a lather, did the actors sit too close to one another on the piano bench? Welcome to the Oscars, Queen Victoria. Who when she saw Hamlet (a play she hated, indecision, so un-royal) probably did not entertain questions about whether or not John Barrymore had gone home with Ellen Terry after the prince had died of his wounds and Ophelia had drowned. 
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futbolfanficpunk · 1 year
Panicked clarity
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Player's fan fic: Gavi, Pedri Word count: 2690+ Gavi and Pedri's friendship is tighter than ever, soon after his 18th birthday Gavi starts noticing his feelings towards Pedri change, meanwhile Pedri has been going through his own journey Warnings: Flirting, Fluff, Angst, Heartbreak, Secret Love
Gavi was turning 18 and everyone was making a huge deal out of it. His family came over from Los Palacios and they were planning a big party in his Barcelona apartment, his club had brought a birthday cake with 18 number candles for him to blow it for videos and social, and his agent told him the heads of the club were ready for him to sign his first team contract, finally. That last one was the most important for him. Being 18 years old meant finally getting an adult, professional contract. He might even get to play with the number 6 on the back of his jersey by the end of the winter transfer, his agent told him. He was excited about all that, more than just turning 18. But being 18 also meant he could get his driver’s license, go to clubs and other adult-only situations where he was always being excluded and it had started to annoy him because most of his friends were now older than him. Not anymore.
Pedri and Gavi got into’s the elevator in Gavi’s apartment building, and as Gavi pressed the button for his floor Pedri said “Okay, It’s official! Congrats, Gavi! Feliz cumpleaños” and gave Gavi a big hug. He wanted to be the first one to celebrate him tonight.
“¡Gracias, hermano!” said Gavi as he patted Pedri’s back and gave him a kiss on the shoulder.
“We can finally go to a club or something” said Pedri as he pulled back
“Like you ever go dancing or drinking, you dork” Gavi said while bursting out a laugh. 
Pedri shoved him as the elevator opened in front of Gavi’s apartment door. 
As they walked towards the door Pedri put his arm around Gavi’s shoulder and said “Just try to have fun, and don’t be shy! It’s your party” “I’ll try, but help me if you see struggling” replied Gavi making a pleading face.
Pedri laughed, nodded and assured him by ruffling his hair. Guys from the club and La Masia were coming with their girls and some people the family invited. A lot of  attention on him made Gavi feel a bit awkward, but he always felt more comfortable in social things when Pedri is around. They went into the apartment, music was already playing and Gavi’s family all screamed “Pabloooo!” when they came in. 
Gavi and Pedri’s friendship had started getting closer the past season, just after Pedri got better from his first injury they started hanging out more. Especially after Pedri became Gavi’s official ride to and from home on training and game days. When Pedri got injured for the second time, Gavi visited him sometimes to show him support and they even spent a few days of vacation time before pre-season in Barcelona with Eric.  For Pedri, it was easy to be his friend, he loved teasing Gavi, he was easy to talk to and joke around with. They shared the same interests and they respect each other but most important he was a loyal friend. Gavi was a Pedri fan, he really admired him and wanted to be around him all the time. He loved that Pedri was a jokester but also a good listener, he never felt judged by him for being the baby of the group and always gave him sound advice but most of all that Pedri was just a good friend, who always had his back. They were pretty close, they were always together.
A few days after the party, Pedri asked Gavi if he wanted to go out before their day off, to something adult, as Pedri put it. “Adult like what?” asked Gavi
“Like a bar, or a club or something” Pedri shrugged “ something that you couldn’t do before and now can, I mean” he said while gesturing with his hands.
“Well, I don’t drink and neither do you, so, a bar seems stupid” Gavi said as he looked to the side trying to think of something to do “but a club seems like an okay idea, but only for like an hour or two. And only if convince Ansu or Eric to come!” he concluded “Eric is like a retired old man, he doesn’t like clubs” Pedri said “but I think Ansu would say yes, plus I think he might be a good dancer, and might teach not to be so stiff” he said smiling and making a stiff dance move
“Fuck off, I’m not stiff” Gavi protested
“¡No! ¡Que va! No, of course not!” Pedri said sarcastically
Ansu, Gavi and Pedri got to one of Barcelona’s most exclusive clubs and went straight to the VIP booth section they reserved after zooming past security. Piqué recommended the club because they had a strict cellphone policy when it came to the VIP area, plus the main dance floor was so big you usually got lost in the crowd anyway. Ansu announced a champagne bottle and 3 shots as he got into their booth while a waitress served them. “Bueno, Gavi, I know we don’t usually drink, but we have to, at least, have a shot and a glass of bubbly to celebrate your birthday and your official first club outing. Don’t worry! We will take care of you”
“Oh my god, Can I say no?” asked Gavi
“No, you cannot! Right, Pedri?” insisted Ansu
“Fuck it! It’s not that much! Let’s do it!” agreed Pedri
They all had a shot after screaming “Salud!” Gavi fucking hated it, it was straight gold tequila. He shooked his head. “Ok, I’m gonna try to be your wingman but first, we gotta work on your dance moves,” Ansu said as he poured a glass of champagne for each  “might be better after a bit of this.”
They spent the next hour making fun of each other, Ansu failing to make Gavi dance like him, then they danced on the VIP dance floor when a Quevedo song came on. They all sang and danced, while some girls joined around them, who eventually ended up dancing with them on the next reggeaton song that came on. Ansu was a natural dancer, Pedri was comfortable swaying his hips to reggeaton and Gavi did all right in his reserved manner. After the song ended Pedri gave the signal for them to go back to their booth area and invited the girls they were dancing with to tag along. They all started talking and Ansu asked for new glasses for the girls and gave them the rest of the Champaign while they all talked. The girls were visiting from Madrid and had decided to go clubbing, they explained. Gavi was sitting next to Penelope as she smiled, stared at him, and said “You have a baby face, you know? I’m 20, and I feel like sitting I’m next to a little kid” as she pulled away from him. Pedri, who was on the other side of Gavi, heard her and said “Yes, he does, doesn’t he?” grabbing Gavi’s chin “just look at those big eyes, they look at you and you just want to squeeze his face” Pedri joked “Oh, my” Penelope teased, “you noticed the power of the eyes too? Cute. Maybe you two should kiss”
Gavi’s stomach instantly got knotted up, and his heart skipped a beat, Why was she saying that for? he thought. Pedri gave Penelope a mean stare and said  “Or maybe, you should be the cute one that gives me a kiss”. The alcohol had made Pedri feel extra bold. “Hostia,” said Ansu under his breath, shocked by Pedri’s cockiness Penelope climbed over Gavi’s legs and kissed Pedri in front of everyone. They progressed from a small kiss to intense french kissing while Pedri held Penelope’s face with Gavi stuck in between them. Gavi was having a moment of panicked clarity while the rest of the group cheered them on in awe. Gavi fucking hated Penelope, he didn’t want her or wanted to kiss her but he definitely didn’t want her to be kissing Pedri. He didn’t want to kiss Pedri either, he thought, he didn’t like boys that way. Then, why was he so mad? He felt so jealous as he saw Pedri open his mouth to kiss Penelope. Sometimes he did feel warmer inside when Pedri was around or smiled when Pedri texted him. He started breathing harder and faster while his heart was racing, the room moved in slow motion. He felt a bit nauseous. “Can you two fuck off?” he shouted as he pushed Pedri and Penelope back to get out from between them, and stood up. 
“I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be back” Gavi said as Pedri and the rest looked up at him a bit confused. He rushed into the bathroom and went into a bathroom stall. He used his hands to fan air onto his face. Gavi felt a rush of anxiety, he felt so confused by what he was feeling. Pedri was his friend, and a guy. He always liked girls, right? But he was confused about Pedri. Maybe he did want to kiss him, he wanted to the one who climb on top of someone else legs and kissed him. He told himself to get it together, he tried to control his breathing for a minute, he punched the bathroom stall wall and got out. He went to the bathroom sink, splashed some cold water on his face, dried himself and tried to fix his hair and outfit. 
He told himself in a whisper while looking in the mirror “Nobody will know, you can’t tell him, this is just a thing that will fade away. Let it go, Pablo.” He sighed.
As he approached the booth he saw Ansu was dancing and talking to Ines and Lucia, the two other girls, while Pedri and Penelope were smiling and talking to each other. Penelope had her legs over Pedri’s and he had his hands on her thighs. Gavi felt like someone had punched him in the stomach when he saw them. 
“Gavi! Sit! Penelope says she doesn’t follow football but her family is full of Atleti fans” said Pedri
“I’m going home, hermano, I’m calling an uber” Gavi said
“ What? Why?” asked Pedri as he moved Penelope and stood up.
“I don’t feel well” Gavi replied
“Then, I’ll go with you”
“You don’t have to, thanks”
“But I want to”
“It’s fine”
Pedri got closer to Gavi and said
“Stop being so fucking stubborn, I’m coming with you” 
“Are you leaving?” asked Penelope
“Yes, we are. Gavi’s not well. Send me a DM on IG with your number. I’ll look you up. When we go to Madrid next time we’ll see you, yea?” assured Pedri “I’ll DM you but I don’t believe you, at all,” Penelope said while smiling “Gracias por el beso .Thanks for the kiss” said Pedri and he pressed his lips on hers as a goodbye kiss
He turned to Gavi who had bigger and sadder eyes than normal. 
“Let’s tell Ansu and leave.” “Don’t order an uber. I’ll order one for us” -Pedri instructed Gavi when they walked out.
“What? We’re going to different places, Pedri” said Gavi “No, I think you should stay at my house tonight. You can stay in my guest room, I got a bunch of new clothes you can borrow. I’ll get Fer to make us breakfast or I’ll invite you to breakfast at this nice French place a few blocks from my house. I know tonight ended bad for you, a bust. I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you. Vale?” Pedri asked
Gavi looked confused but his lips formed a smile. “Okay” he replied
It was 9:45AM and Pedri has been up for an hour. He had drunk some water with lemon, he had already cleaned up and showered, got dressed, and even got some clothes ready for Gavi in a bag but the lazy bum hadn’t woken up yet. When it what 9:55 he decided to knock on the guestroom’s door to see if Gavi was almost up or beginning to get ready.  Nothing. He knocked again
“Gavi?” he inquired.
Silence. He decided to get the bag of clothes and just go in to wake him up. He was getting hungry, and honestly, bored of waiting. 
Gavi was still passed out, topless under the covers, sleeping on his left side on the left side of the bed with messy hair and some half curls touching his forehead. He actually looked quite peaceful, and sweet thought Pedri. He wanted to wake him up but instead, he just looked at him while he was sleeping. Unbeknownst to Gavi, Pedri had been battling with his own crush on Gavi for a month now, and it had been very painful. He felt guilty sometimes because Gavi was a very affectionate guy who was constantly hugging him and being playful, and he would get butterflies in his stomach every time it happened, but Gavi was clueless about his feelings. Pedri would stare at his light brown eyes and soft mouth every time he was telling a story, or talking to him in his car. He looked forward to seeing him at training or on game day. Goosebumps would show up on his skin every time Gavi kissed his neck, shoulder, or face whenever they celebrated a team goal. Every night, in bed, he would dread the idea of Gavi figuring it out and ruining their friendship. And yet, there he was, just standing over Gavi, watching his soft breathing. Pedri wanted to touch his hair, caress his cheeks and run his fingers down his neck and shoulder and just tell him “Please, wake up. I’m hungry” while Gavi slowly opened his eyes. Instead, he took a pillow from the bed and said 
“Wake up, cabrón” as he hit Gavi on the head with the pillow.
Gavi turned to cover his head “No!” he whined
“It’s almost 10 am and I’m hungry, you know I get hangry. Wake up!” scolded Pedri
Gavi sat up and stretched then said with a whine “Ok, just let me get cleaned up” while he rubbed the back of his head. “There’s a bunch of clothes here in this bag and new towels in the guest bathroom. Hurry up, we’re going down to the French place two blocks from here, Fer already left”
“Vale, vale. Avanzo. Ok, ok, I’ll hurry” 
As they both walked down to the French cafe they were mostly silent, each assuming the other was tired but they were both in their heads thinking about the other. As they sat down on an outside terrace table of the restaurant, waiting for their food and drinks after ordering at the register, Gavi sighed. “What’s up?” Pedri inquired
“Nothing, just tired” Gavi replied but couldn't help himself from making a sad face
“Oh” Pedri looked around trying of what to say next but just blurted out “So, what happened last night?”
“What do you mean?” said Gavi frowning
“Well, when...you disappeared to the bathroom?”
“Um.The alcohol didn’t mix well with me, I didn’t want to be sick in front of everyone”
“You puked?!”
“No, idiot, I didn’t puke”
“Oh, so, that’s why you wanted to leave so early? I thought it was kinda fun” Pedri shrugged
“Fun for you, obviously” Gavi snapped, frowning “¿Estás celoso? Are you jealous?” said Pedri while smirking 
Gavi blushed and flipped him off
“You’ll get to kiss whatever girl you want, Pablo Gavi from FC Barcelona, don’t worry” 
“Fuck off, Pedri,” said Gavi, angry that he couldn't even try to kiss the one he wanted
Pedri snickered and pushed him from the side. 
Just then a waiter came with their order as Gavi was trying his hardest to not lose it. Pedri’s questioning had made him nervous, he felt knots and butterflies all over his body. He couldn’t deny that what he felt last night was real because it was lingering on but he could never admit it to Pedri, he was too afraid, for himself and for their friendship. Meanwhile, Pedri sipped a bit of coffee and thought about how something between Gavi and him could never work out, even if he wanted it to with all his heart. He would just have to stay secretly in love with his friend. Pedri told himself to just keep acting normal.
“Do you need a ride to training, tomorrow? Or is Ansu taking you?’ asked Pedri
“You’re taking me” responded Gavi before drinking some water
“Obviously” affirmed Pedri with a grin on his face as he watch Gavi devour his breakfast.
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futbolfanficpunk · 2 years
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Making time
Players: Pedri, Gavi
Word Count: 560+
Theme: Bromance, Platonic love
It was 11:00pm at night and his phone was going off. The girl that Pedri met at Eric’s TikToker girlfriend’s party during the weekend, Ana, finally texted back and they started chatting on Whatsapp. Dating has never been easier or harder. Being well-known is confusing when you're famous, but Ana seemed authentic. The third year in Fc Barcelona has started well and for now, September is looking great. The team is winning, and most of the new guys are fitting in and understanding the Barcelona style. His friendships with his teammates were as bonded as they could get. Ferran and Eric are always texting and when they're not with their girls, they all hang out. Gavi is his best friend at the moment. He is the closest friend he has ever had besides his brother, Fernando. On Thursday’s training, Eric was teasing Pedri about Ana, according to Eric, Pedri had little game but Ana was into him anyway. “Hey, Pedri, are you talking to Anita? It’s been a while since you’ve been on a date, hermanito." said Eric “Yea, you'll start feeling like a virgin soon” Ferran interrupted. “Guys, grow up, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin. It’s going great for me” said a smiling Gavi as he got into their conversation’s circle. They all laughed. “Yea, I’m talking to Anita, she’s nice and so cute, we’re figuring out when to go out and what to do”. said Pedri “Oh, great! Now I’m gonna lose another friend to a fucking novia” snapped Gavi. “Gavi, I’m too young for a girlfriend! That’s too serious,” said Pedri defensively, “we’re just talking”. “Right, sure!” Gavi said sarcastically. 
Later that day Gavi and Pedri went to Pedri’s house to watch TV, eat a bit, and play FIFA. They both were half sitting, and half laying comfortably on the couch. Gavi was drinking water and had his big light brown eyes wide open while looking at the TV.
Pedri looked at him for a second, while remembering the conversation in training. “Mira, Gavi, even if I get a girlfriend, I won’t disappear. I’ll always make time for us, you know” he said with a bit of nostalgia in his voice.
Pedri didn’t care if he sounded like he cared too much, Gavi had really become a good friend and he wanted to guard him and his feelings. They understood each other, how they both hated the cold and navigated towards the warmth like in their home cities. They are the same in a lot of ways, like how they both could only think of football, being good at it, being in shape, driven to be technically better, and winning, but they’re also family people and trying hard not to be affected by all the attention and money. They both had their parents manage their money, it wasn’t important to them to be flashy. Gavi was important to Pedri.
Gavi looked at him with a shy smile and said “Hermano, I know. I feel the same way” and immediately he side-hugged Pedri while kissing his shoulder at the same time. Gavi always showed his feelings with physical attention. Gavi admired Pedri, deeply, he felt so lucky to have his friendship. “Ok, now when this episode ends. How about we get a snack and play FIFA? I’m out of practice, but I promise to beat your ass." said Gavi “Ni lo sueñes, enano” said Pedri with a side smile “I always have Messi on my FIFA team”.
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futbolfanficpunk · 1 year
The Barcelona call
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 Player: Eric García Word count: 1970+ Summary: Eric gets a call while at an away game with Man City from his agent, if he says yes to his agent, it will change everything for his future and yours. Warnings: Angst, fluff, slight smut. Author's note: This took me various drafts and rewrites because it's the first one I write with a bit of smut in it, hope you like it. -----------------------------------------------------------
It was late in the spring and it was starting to get a bit warmer. Eric and y/n have been dating for a few months now. He was away in London playing against West Ham. You talk every day, even if you only see each other an average of two days a week right now. Man City is playing in the Champions League, Caribou, and the Premier, so, that means, you could barely see each other in person but you video call constantly. You even came up with a fun idea of watching movies or series at the same time wherever you are and texting each other while you both watch it, just so you could feel like you’re spending time together.   
      That night, after the 1-2 victory over the London side, Eric called you when he got to the hotel. You were already in bed, getting some reading done for one of the classes at uni. You click the green facetime button. 
“Bona nit, Eric” you said when you saw him on your screen wearing black thick frames, trying to impress him with one of the three Catalan phrases you know
“Bona nit, Y/N” Eric said while smiling “Did I wake you up?”
“No, I’m in bed reading something for tomorrow’s class but I saw a bit of the game, though, you guys did well” you responded
“Yea, we did. No minutes today but hopefully some soon” Eric said while fixing his glasses
“Oh, I’m sure!” you said trying your best to be supportive “you’re the youngest defender, it’s normal, right?”
“Yea, exactly” he replied “but, anyway, I wanted to ask you if we can get together tomorrow night, if you’re not busy with school.”
“I have some things to do for a class, but I can take care of it and we can meet up, not a problem. I want to see you, I miss your face, so much!” you said raising your voice in excitement. You really were craving to hold him and have his scent nearby when you’re close. You had fallen hard for Eric. Every time you met in person, you felt like fireworks were going off around you, you talked and laughed, and couldn’t keep your hands off each other. You were always looking forward to seeing him, hearing his cute Spanish sounding Catalan accent in person and taking off his thick nerdy glasses to make out with him. You made out everywhere there wasn’t a lot of people, and made love constantly. The chemistry was undeniable. 
“Great! And I miss you too, baby! We’ll fly first thing in the morning, go in for a recovery training, and then I will go home. I want you to come over to my flat, I have some big news that I want to share” he finished saying as he was grinning.
“Big news? Can’t you tell me now, please?” you pleaded
“I could, but I want to tell you in person, it’s important” 
 “Oh, is it something bad or…?” 
“No, it’s good.I think you will think it’s great.”
“Hope so!”
“I’m going to let you finish your work. I’m going to sleep, ok? Long day”
“Okay, sleep well, love”
“Good night, baby” he said as he blew a kiss for the camera, you blew one back.
“Night” you said as you waved to him through the video camera and he hung up.
What could it be? It made you anxious to know. Hopefully it was the news of a renewal, or a new contract with better salary or that his parents are moving to the UK. You had no idea.
You arrived at Eric’s apartment all dolled up in a dress, smelling of a soft perfume and subtle makeup. You let your hair down because you knew Eric loved to touch it and run his fingers through it when you were near each other. You rang the doorbell, and Eric immediately opened the door, you both said hello, he gave you a quick kiss, and let you in. Once in, he took your jacket off, and hung it for you, like a perfect gentleman, he turned around to face you and gave you a soft and small kiss that lingered on for a few moments as you felt your body melt with tenderness. When you opened your eyes as he pulled back, you smiled, he squeezed your arm and said  “I’ve missed you”. 
“And I’ve missed you” you replied. 
He had wine and tapas on his small dinner table waiting for you both, he took your hand and guided you to it, signaling for you to sit as he tells you to do ahead, to eat and drink because he made it for you. He pulls your chair closer to his before you sit down, and pats it so you'll sit.
“So, how’s uni?” he asked while sitting down and reaching to grab some of the tapas “It’s fine, but, are you going to tell me what’s going on?” you asked, while sipping a bit of wine, you were desperate to know and couldn’t do any more small talk. “The big news?”
“Yes, Eric, the big news, Can you just tell me? It’s driving me crazy” you said, truly feeling anxious. “Ok, so,” replied Eric“ my agent called me last night and told me Barcelona wants to sign me!”
“Oh! WOW! Fc Barcelona? That’s huge! Congrats” you said as you clapped with excitement
“Yes, I’m so happy! Of course, I told him to make the move happen. I’m going back home this summer, playing for the best club in the world!”
Your heart sank. Barcelona, this summer? You thought. How is that supposed to work out? You were so excited for Eric you hadn’t thought about the fact that he would not be around anymore. Your relationship was going well and you had fallen for each other but it wasn’t a super serious one yet, certainly not a moving in together in another country serious. You felt flustered and hot, your heart was racing and your chest was burning. You drank the rest of your wine. Eric was staring at you, noticing how your body language changed and how fast you were drinking while you were lacking a vocal response. He had some wine too. 
“Hey,” Eric said as he traced your jaw line with his finger “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking…I’m thinking…that I’m going to miss you a lot. And that I’m happy for you. I know it was your dream growing up, playing in the Barça academy, to play for the first team,” you said as you refilled your wine glass and then raised it “so, cheers, darling!’ and you drank half your glass in one gulp. You wanted to cry.
“Miss me?” asked Eric as he pulled you in and gave you a kiss on the cheek “Why would you miss me if you’re in Barcelona too?”
“What are you talking about? I’m working in the summer, I can’t go on vacation to Barcelona with you, I can’t afford it, plus what is the point of it? We’re going to be so far away from each other afterward, it’s not going to work, is it?” you felt like you might burst into tears
“Y/N. I’ve been thinking about this since I hung up with my agent. I’m going to Barcelona and I want you to come too. I love you and I need you to come. And not just the summer, I mean, permanently. I really thought about it, kept me up last night, and it’s fine if we both agree that moving in together right now is a little much but I’ll get you your own place, your own apartment. No pressure.  I’ll get my family to help us with the whole university situation, to get you transferred. You can get a part-time job, or focus on studying, you don’t have to worry about money. Whatever you want. I’ll help you. I just want you to know that I’m not leaving you here, in Manchester. There’s no chance of that happening. I don’t want us to be apart more than we already have to. I’m not letting you go” said Eric in a rant, he sighed and asked, “ Is that okay?”
“Are you serious?” you asked back, in shock
“Totalment, amor meu” said Eric “ Playing for Barcelona, I will be able to afford it and I’m not taking no for an answer”  
“This is a lot to process” 
“I know, I’ve been thinking about this all day, but, Do you love me?”
“You know I do, Eric” 
“Then, that’s all we need. We’ll make it work. Please, say yes” he begged as put a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You felt so overwhelmed by everything that had been said but you couldn’t deny that you were head over heels for Eric, you wanted to be with him, plus he just said one of the most romantic things you’ve ever heard. Although you were skeptical about how everything was going to work you couldn’t find a reason to say no, you were in love, it made you hopeful and you felt you could trust him. “Okay,” you said as you shrugged “Let’s try it!” as a small giggle came out.
He kissed you right away, and said “Good! I was scared you might said no” as he put his lips on yours again “I’m so relieved” “I was afraid we were breaking up there for a second, I’m glad that didn’t happen ” you said putting your hands on your cheeks, blushing.
“That’s never happening. Come here!” he said and he pulled your body towards his, making you sit on top of him as you were facing him. You embraced each other in a kiss, he slowly deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue in your mouth with palpable desire. You responded with as much passion to kiss him back, then paused to kiss his face and neck, you let your lower lip feel his neck all the way up to his chin where you gave him a lick. He chuckled. You took off his glasses and went back to kiss him some more. You wanted him, you put your hands around his neck while he hung onto your waist. He had been thinking, fantasizing about being with you all week and he let it be known. “I couldn’t wait to get back,” he said as he put his hands underneath your dress to touch your ass, “I want you,Y/N, you have no idea”. He pulled you closer to him, making your legs spread wider. You grind on top of him while you kissed him, as you felt your hips crave for him, you could feel him growing under his pants. You softly moaned in his mouth while your tongue danced around with his, you pulled away to respond “Me too, all the time” catching your breath. Your heart now was quite agitated, you were quite turned on. “Let’s take this to the bedroom, yea?” he asked while kissing the cleavage your dress offered. “Si us plau” you responded while looking at that beautiful dark hair man kiss your tits, you remembered how to say please in Catalan. He looked up “Speaking Catalan already, beu? Maybe this move won’t be so hard”
You stood up, took off your dress, smiled, and walked towards the bedroom in your underwear saying a flirty “Maybe”
He smiled and followed you saying “ I can’t wait to fuck you when we’re there too” 
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futbolfanficpunk · 2 years
Dressing room feelings
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Players: Neymar Jr, Leo Messi Leo is overwhelmed by his move to Paris and Neymar comforts him Themes: Bromance Words - 775+ Requested by amitokedhuyedibo
Dressing room feelings
         Leo thought he was alone in the dressing room, everyone had left after training and the cleaning staff were in a meeting in one of the conference rooms. It’s only been two months since he came from Barcelona, the most devastating event in his life. He never cried quite like the day he had to leave Fc Barcelona, even the night after Argentina lost the world cup to Germany, he always felt he would be a blaugrana until death.
And yet, here he was, in October, in Paris. Fucking freezing his butt off, miserably, and not having great performances. He could only think of Antonella, dear Anto sobbing the day they left their kids in their new school; 
“What are we doing here?!” Anto said with a broken voice and started sobbing in their SUV.
He hated the thought of the love of his life crying, yet he couldn’t do anything about it now. Fc Barcelona was on the brink of bankruptcy and Laporta gave up on signing him. He was still hurt and after not having a great game today and having minor pain in his hamstring, he was frustrated. He felt overwhelmed by all his emotions, by the change, by the French.  Leo put his hand over his face, his face and his head felt warm, his stomach was in knots. A wave of sadness covered him as he started to silently cry in front of his locker.
Neymar was walking back to the dressing room, he had accidentally left his headphones and charging cable in his locker, plus he didn’t see Leo getting into his car in the parking lot. He looked around to see if he could see him. He walked into the dressing room and saw that Leo was in front of his looker his his hand covering his face.
“Oye, Che!” Ney screamed jokingly
Leo jumped up, surprised “Pelotudo! you scared me!” he whined, trying to wipe the tears from his face looking flustered. 
“Irmâo! I’m sorry!” said Ney, looking noticing Leo’s face “ But, Are you ok? What’s going on?”
“Nothing, Ney. Just feeling overwhelmed that’s all, no reason to worry.” said Leo with a quicker pace that usual giving hint of sadness in his voice “I was just getting something and leaving.”
“Oh, Okay” says Neymar slowly while he walks to his looker to get his charging cable and headphones.As he turn around he sees that Leo is walking towards the exit he shouted
“Leo! Espera! Let me tell you something, okay?”
Neymar knew that it was important for him to show up for his friend, just like he did for him back in the Barcelona day. He knew what a difference it could make. 
Leo turns around to find Neymar in front of him.
“Remember back in my first year of Barcelona, that one time you came into the locker room while I was crying. I was just feeling so lost, and you talked to me, comforted me and told me you had my back and everything was going to be all right?” said Neymar as he put his hand on Leo’s shoulder, trying to reassure him.
“Of course, I do! I saw a kid who need help and support. So, I gave it to him because it’s the right thing do, and I wanted to show him that I was there for him” Leo responded
“Yes, and I thank you everyday for that, it really turned my season around. I felt so much calmer after” he said while gently squeezing Leo’s shoulder as Leo smiled. “But I also want to tell you that, it’s going to be the same here for you. Things are going to get better, easier, you’re going to find your feet, not that you need that much, but you’ll feel comfortable and all this drama will go away. You will be the same Leo that we all know. The GOAT! I have have no doubt it my mind, we are going to win the league, you will score, and you will make Kylian and me score, make us a better team. Everything you came here to do! Ok? Just give it a chance, give it time, trust the process, just be present, here, now.” 
Leo smiled, Neymar really was a grown man now, not that young kid anymore. Still as crazy but a better person, a player, and a brother in arms. Leo sighed.
“You’re right, hermano. Gracias.” Leo said while nodding. They hugged while patting each other’s back. “Let’s go!” said Leo.
Neymar did a little dance before signaling for them both to leave. They both laughed.
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