#fun ask!
biteofcherry · 16 days
It's Wetnessday my hoes 💦
You're invited along to a bachelorette in Vegas but don't have a great time. It's ok but you often get left out. Just like now in an expensive club that you can't even afford a drink in. You're watching your friends dance and have a good time until a handsome stranger sits down next to you. He's easy to talk to and even buys you a few drinks without seeming to want anything out of it. It's so nice you even forget your friends and your drinking limits. One drink too many and you're more than tipsy. Which ends with you waking up with a huge handover. You're sore all over and don't know why till you open your eyes and realize you went back to the hotel with the stranger who definitely was naked next to you. Holy shit his dick was huge and judging by the soreness it was inside you just a few hours ago. You go to rub your face and something sparkling on your finger catches your eyes. As you're freaking out your husband wakes up and makes sure any rational thought is fucked out of your brain. He can't have that when he's taking you to your new home later today.
Who's your new husband?
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
Hi Wetnessday Anon! 🥰 I hope you're feeling better and this week is treating you good 🩷
Now I decided to give it a serious thought. On one hand, many of my favored babes could fit the description of a charming, slightly deceitful man with a pretty, big cock 😎
Now I thought of not only which man would hold the conversation through the evening, making you feel at ease, but who wouldn't feel guilty for getting you really tipsy and using your vulnerable state to get what he wanted.
He may have been drinking, as well, but he sure paid attention to his level of alcohol. I don't believe the Vegas marriage here was pure stupidity and coincidence of the typical Vegas crazy drunk night. He orchestrated it. Even if it was a decision made on a whim. Bet it wasn't even an Elvis chapel, but some scared registrar brought to officiate the wedding in the privacy of the most expensive hotel room.
Which means your husband is someone who can be impulsive in his decisions, but makes sure their execution is perfected. No mistakes. No trails leading hounds to his door.
Lloyd crossed my mind, but would you really feel at ease with him in the beginning? There's this edge to him that wouldn't make you trust him enough to let him buy you more drinks.
Andy or Ari, however...
They don't spend each evening in their clubs, they have trusted people who are responsible for the smooth working of that business machinery. But it just so happens they were in that particular one when you and your friends were celebrating, since they held a meeting in the office right above the main floor.
Andy was quite annoyed with Ari, who kept glancing through the two-way mirrors at you, sitting there alone and nursing a drink while you pretended your smiles were genuine.
But Andy has been prickly lately, ever since the head of the mafia family declared that Andy was to solidify their take-over of the turf by taking a bride. A sister of the man who was now subservient to the new iron rule.
Andy would follow with the plan, even if he wasn't happy about it (even if he snapped at Steve Rogers himself that he should get himself a wife, if he so wishes for unions in blood).
Ari - the romantic that he was - fell into the wedding spirits. Especially as he watched the bachelorette party take over the dance floor and gain attention of most of the patrons.
He wasn't planning on actually marrying anyone, not at the moment as he walked down the stairs and onto the club floor. But then he slid onto that chair beside you and with each passing quarter felt the need to possess your attention forever increase.
Ari may not believe in love at first sight, but he trusted his instincts. And they whispered at him to take you. To make you his.
Now, as you screech and storm out of the bathroom, holding your hand outstretched as if the big diamond on your finger was burning you alive, Ari feels that excitement and satisfaction ignite anew.
Your eyes are so beautiful as you stare up at him shocked and hopeful, as if he could solve this problem and save you from any dangers.
And he will.
Just not from this marriage. No, this he will ensure you see as a blessing, not a problem at all.
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fumifooms · 3 months
With what we know of Chilchuck's daufhter's personalities; Who do you think would each daughter get along with best among their father's party members?
Alright so we got 4 options: Laios, Marcille, Senshi and Izutsumi.
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Immediately I think for Meijack it’d be Senshi. Yes yes, very ironic since she’s the only one not after his heart lol.
A lot of people consider her to be Chilchuck 2.0 but I don’t think that’s really true, she takes after her father in conscientiousness and profession yes, is the most serious and reserved of the daughters, but that’s the thing— I flip flop a bit on wether I think Chilchuck is an extrovert, introvert or just ambivert, he loves hanging out with people, but it’s distrust from past professional experiences plus boundaries due to drastic personal events that push him to avoid being open, especially since we see how cheery he used to be. With Meijack though… She’s an introvert, that’s it. She looks so so tired lmao. Chilchuck says it himself that she’s brusque/not personable. Obvi she might also have trauma that push her to be this and that way, but from what we see I think she’s just genuinely the type to stick to her business, be quiet and stick to her corner.
So why Senshi then? I think she’d gravitate towards him because he has the least overwhelming energy, Senshi can get fired up but mostly he tends to be laidback and gentle. While the others would be talking and arguing, Meijack would be sitting besides Senshi and helping him cook or tend to the fire, working in companiable silence. And if they do talk, I think they’d have nice conversations, Senshi giving life advice that affect her somewhat. Having a stable work and future is very important to Chilchuck and I’m sure he drilled that into his daughters as best as he could, so seeing Senshi thrive, the very opposite of a working responsible adult with a secure lifestyle aka an hermit hunting alone on the fringes of society, would be a wtf moment. If nothing else she’d be intrigued I think. I wasn’t even thinking of that but I do feel like she has daddy issues, if I had to write for her her arc would prob center on that, so in that way yay her getting a second, very different and uplifting father figure! 🎉 Senshi would be nothing but warm and happy to take her under his wing and chat, and much like with Chilchuck in the traps chapter would like learning a thing or two from her too.
Honorable mention to Izutsumi! I don’t think they’d hit it off which is why I didn’t pick her, but I think the people making fics about her and Izu interacting have the right idea, they’d clash at first I think especially on Izutsumi’s side since she’d see Meijack as a stick in the mud, and Meijack wouldn’t have a favorable impression either esp with how rude and irresponsible she is, but… I 100% believe that if they spent times together and got used to each other, to the point that Meijack understands Izutsumi somewhat and Izutsumi stops being prickly with her, that they’d develop an unlikely but strong companionship. Meijack’s section is already long so I’ll stop here but yes Meizu brotp
Marcille. Next-
Ok jkjk, but also yeah I feel like this one is pretty self-evident. They share the same sort of emotive demeanor and social values, they both seemingly love gossips and romance, and most of all Flertom is very social. We see with her panel at her workplace, the tavern, that she cheerfully talks with customers, this girl is a social butterfly who loves talking and making new acquaintances. She values her family a lot as shown by her taking in her mom and sending her dad a letter alongside a gift, so they could even bond over having a broken off family or over trying to solve others’ problems hah. They’d have a grand old time getting to know each other and swapping stories (maybe even about her dad specifically) and I could totally see them starting to exchange letters even.
Honestly without reaching, the only thing I could see them arguing over is if Fler has a competitive streak, or if she’d think Marcille too uppity/academic on some occasions, but even then I think she’d appreciate Marcille’s elven princess flair and they’d both be too emotive to bottle shit up and let bad blood brew between them, althouuugh yeah they could totally give each other the silent treatment after arguing for a while hah. Chilchuck doesn’t help them reconcile, but he does tease both of them about it. They reach out to each other soon after and apologize, and laugh it off. "Haha my parents taught me what happens if you don’t communicate and aren’t willing to self-reflect and apologize haha" … Me just now realizing that maybe this is how Marcille can get the details on the wife situation and the family dynamics, tho idk at which point, on one hand I could see Flertom being pretty flippant over it but on the other I can imagine it’d be a very personal and sensitive topic. Who knows if she’s had friends to vent to about the stress of the divorce- oh pardon, "separation"— But I do think she’s the kind that it’d really help to talk it out and vent, AND YET I do think with my family hcs that Flertom tended to take it on herself to help around the house and be an emotional support glue with her sisters and would notice the strained parts about her parents’ relationship so she’d have kinda grown being able to bottle her emotions up a bit… Okok I’m done, next fr this time.
Ok imo she’s the hardest to pin down, and that’s a part of why she’s my fave. Because of her being optimistic and cheerful I tend to compare her to Marcille a lot, but beyond that they aren’t all that similar, even if Puck also is interested in romance like Fler. She has a bunch of stuff that’s implied, like her working in scams, but they’re all under like, layers of interpretation. She’s shown to be cheerful and allegedly careless, happy-go-lucky, a bit of a ditzy, and although Chilchuck isn’t necessarily an accurate judge of character about it even, what we’re shown with that is that she worked selling "dragon dung" for a while and it’s implied she switches jobs regularly. What Chilchuck’s saying about her being reckless and too optimistic is probably about her not having a stable career, reliable work & income. Before the new comic from the Complete Adventurer’s Bible that was all we could glean from personality wise, but now we can see she’s also direct, and she’s emotive though not as much as Flertom, and she’s quick to scheme, not oblivious at all and sharing a conspiratorial spark with her sister. I’d describe her as laidback, here for a good time not a long time, ambtious and self-driven, and doesn’t let obstacles scare her or keep her down. She’s like….. Is she like, a cheerful Mickbell. A little scamp.
… Ok what now. Honestly Laios and Izutsumi tie with each other in my heart. I think she’d enjoy conversations with Laios and would find him fun/entertaining to be around, would like when he gets excitable and fired up. Puck seems like she might try her shot to get romantically involved with him, but maybe while doing that she sees something in him that’s worth hanging around to even if for platonic reasons, but mostly I think they’d be like friendly acquaintances. I honestly personally don’t see Puck being all that into making deep friendships, I get the sense that her life’s a lot about herself and where she wants to go next, so friendships would also be oriented towards having a fun time and not as much like, deep emotional connections. But the Izutsumi angle… Izu is the cool rebellious older sister. Izutsumi’s brutish and unruly free spirit attitude have her enraptured. She wants to hang around her because Puck thinks she’s cool and lowkey admires her, and thinks she’s fun and a good influence to have around. Finally someone who Gets It, to go on shenanigan adventures with. I think Izutsumi would also be interested by her, in a big part because unlike her party members, Puckpatti would be interested in following her as she does her thing, encouraging her in whatever she does even, unlike Chilchuck Laios and Senshi who kept trying to instill in her values and lessons and looking after her so she doesn’t do something reckless. Izutsumi notices early on that Puck’s easy to have around, nice even, and from there on Puck couldn’t get rid of the cat that took a liking to her even if she tried. Izutsumi brings her dead birds and stuff like "Hey Patti look at this isn’t it rad!" and Puck is like absolutely, you rock. Oh maybe Puck would want to run some scams together tbh, because of her ninja/stealth skills or otherwise. Anyways yes devil-may-care troublemakers duo, the bane of Chilchuck’s existence.
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Yeah I think Izutsumi is Chil’s fourth daughter and she should have a bond with all the daughters <3 Flertom’s the sis you go to if you need comfort, and she accepts Izu easily into their circle.
Between worrying about maybe his oldest and most serious thinking about courting Senshi (she’s not), Flertom teaming up with the nosiest and loudest friend he has and the duo of reckless agitators about to get in all kinds of trouble, Chilchuck is truly sandwiched by horror and agony.
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Are there any particular types of whump you really enjoy? (eg. Historical whump, Sci-Fi whump)
I'm a big caretaker whump person! I really like stubborn, fiery whumpees who don't want to be taken care of paired with caretakers who are just as stubborn. I think it's fun to both write and read. Bruised, scared whumpees and soft, loving caretakers is just 👌
I've also got a bit of a soft spot for medical whump.
What about you?
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heartbreakprincehbk · 4 months
Which one of the Von Erich brothers do you think would've tried recreating the iconic dance from Dirty Dancing?
This is literally so adorable Dirty Dancing is one of my top 3 favorite movies of all time. I’m assuming you’re referencing just the little lift with Baby in particular?
I feel like Kerry definitely because he seemed like a sweet golden retriever himbo dork that would’ve jumped for the opportunity to show off his strength. He’s so perfect for this. Kerry would not watch Romcoms but if something got his partner’s attention, especially another man, he would instantly try to outdo that (and in this case succeed.)
Also Kevin, because he was also insanely athletic and strong and would probably be like hey I can definitely lift my partner up and hold them (I mean that lift abs dancing in general is so similar to wrestling). He’s a bit more reserved though, but at the right time and place I could see him showing off. I could actually see him liking the film and watching it with you regularly and also dancing together just the two of you for fun.
I feel like David probably loved a good two step and line dancing when he had a few drinks, but I’m not sure I see him attempting this. He definitely could though, and I’m sure he would try it if he was convinced and begged enough. But he would say no first. He would be even more adamant about not watching romcoms than Kerry, but he’s not a stupid man. He would watch it to make you happy when you’re sad or sick and he can always be convinced to do just about anything because he would live to make his partner happy.
Bless Mike but if he attempted this he would definitely drop his partner 😭 and it would be endearing (and hopefully not painful) all the same. He would love Dirty Dancing though.
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barbieburnanator · 11 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love! 💖💖
Oh! This is a fun one, let me show you what I got!
First piece is made for a zine last year, Vode An Zine. Really like how the colors and sunset turned out. Helmets were a pain, but I think it was worth it in the end. (you can also find a print of it on my INPRNT)
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Second is a piece that I've seen go around on here, another clone piece. Had the idea for it around the time I did the piece above. I enjoy seeing the different comments about it and how people react to it. (you can also find a print of it on my INPRNT)
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Third piece is one I did for a friend. I got to draw a cover art for her fic! Really like how the details in the armor and lighting looked in the finished version.
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Fourth is one I did years ago but I still like. It's referenced off a picture I took of a road I drive on all the time. (you can also find a print of it on my INPRNT)
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Last is one from a batch of commissions I took on a few moths ago. I love the color dynamic and I never drew a kiss as good as this one. Really enjoyed painting it!
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Thanks so much for the ask! I'll keep the train going and ask a couple more people.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 4 months
Given that we can't properly define a fish, if you were to have an evil blog named after you, what would it be??
I assume this ask is also from you:
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I really love the tongue-eating isopod one haha. It’s creative! But personally? I live by the belief that fishes are definable, just in the morphological sense — though, there most likely can’t ever be a definition with terms that fit every single fish out there, only terms that fit most fishes. Fishes are so diverse! After all, they are really just groups we’ve lumped together because they look so similar but are just as distinct from each other as they are from us… but, that’s beside the point. If I were to have an evil twin blog, it would most likely post about the opposite of fishes, which would be “non-craniate organisms that live primarily on land, have limbs, when present, with digits, do not use gills to breathe as their chief respiratory organ, usually lack scales, and usually are not endothermic”. I’m not quite sure if such an animal exists, but leaving out some parts and really leaning into the lacking parts of the “usually”s, “when present”s and the “primarily”s I bet we could find an invertebrate that matches most of these terms, just like how not all fish match these terms either. Maybe earthworms! Earthyearthyearthwormtimes, anyone?
Another option for an evil version of me would be for it to post about “fish”, but use the phylogenetic meaning of the word and really only post tetrapods, especially non-aquatic ones! Though I’m not sure what such a blog would be called because it is also a definition of fish just like the morphological one.. Tetrapodytetrapodytetrapodtimes? Maybe Tetrapodspace because my blog name has “times”! Naturally my evil version should be named BBQ, or perhaps Mayonnaise.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
If you could play as any type of anthropomorphic arthropod in a game, what arthropods would you gravitate towards and why?
house centipede character for extreme agility and dexterity stats. lasso + sting play style. can outrun most enemies, shed legs if trapped, and very good regen ability. venom can one-shot anything unarmored and smaller than it. low HP, very weak to spiderwebs, can’t fight anything bigger than it, but probably the most fun
Rhagodes solifuge for a berserker type melee experience. not as tanky as a scorpionid, lacks venom, and no armor in the back, but the front end is snowplow/meat grinder/pruning shears type mouthparts that just shred anything they meet. very strong against ants:
see also Manticora, Amblycheila, Sia ferox for similarly vicious insect counterparts
non-combat wise, a parthenogenetic roach like Pycnoscelus surinamensis would be fun for the clone army of followers that you’d accumulate. maybe eumenine wasps or mud daubers would make for a chill pottery-building game + caterpillar hunting minigame after the pot is completed. maintaining a colony of social atemnid pseudoscorpions in a crevice would be a fun building sim (gotta spin webs, brood eggs, set traps for passing bugs)
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hamliet · 3 months
Hamliet, can I ask from which author (BSD characters) have you read the books? Hope my question is not confusing.
Atsushi - read the poem his ability is based on
Dazai - read several works, including No Longer Human
Yosano - read several poems
Akutagawa - read many of his stories, including The Spider's Thread and Rashomon
Chuuya - read the poem his ability is based on
Kouyou - read some poems
Verlaine - read quite a few poems
Fitzgerald - read several works, including The Great Gatsby
Lucy - read several works, including Anne of Green Gables
Margaret Mitchell - read Gone With the Wind
Hawthorne - read The Scarlet Letter + parts of other works
Steinbeck - read several works
Twain - read several novels and short stories
Lovecraft - read several short stories
Poe - read a ton of his work, most of it in fact
Louisa May Alcott - read several works, including Little Women
Pushkin - read Eugene Onegin
Dostoyevsky - read almost all of his works, many multiple times
Gogol - read several works, including The Overcoat and Dead Souls
Bram Stoker - read Dracula
Agatha Christie - read quite a few works
Rimbaud - read lots of his poems
Herbert George Wells - read quite a few short stories + some novels
Verne - read Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, haven't read Journey to the Center of the Earth but am very familiar with it
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ladyelainehilfur · 4 months
if there was a fight between jake, wolf, ben, and a bear (to be clear its 3v1 vs the bear) who do you think would win. keep in mind that bears are actually super duper tough and its very difficult to kill them.
the fight is to the death because neither the bear or wolf is willing to let the other side get out of this alive.
no outside help, no weapons, no traps.
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jokes aside, I think if we work within the powers Weak Hero established is possible in that universe, Ben, Wolf, and Jake could probably take down a bear. If Ben and Jake could get Wolf to cooperate, they could form a strategy on who distracts the bear while someone punches it. It'd be a very close shave, but Wolf is basically impossible to kill, Ben tanks hits well and has unmatched raw power, and Jake is agile enough to avoid anything the bear tries. So I'm giving this one to the boys.
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milder-manners · 4 months
There are also other humanoid races, like the Netherfolk (piglins, demons, etc.), wardens, endermen. They populate nearly all regions
Does this mean they reached a certain level of awareness to separate them of regular mobs (skeletons, zombies...) and can communicate (in a loose way) with humans ? Or are they actual human-level of consciousness ?
They have human levels of consciousness (I'm talking specifically about canon Mob Bosses here!).
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starscribes · 7 months
Happy Blorbo Blursday! :D Which of your characters know how to drive? Which ones should never be allowed near a vehicle?
Thank you for the ask! For my current WIP the Devlins all know how to drive but cars haven’t been invented in the dimension they spend the majority of the book in, but they do have airships! Rodnee is the captain of their own airship so of course she knows how to drive that. However they would probably be a terror behind the wheel of a car, they would definitely go too fast and cut people off to get where she wanted to go.
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misswoozi · 1 year
Who would be most likely to buy this cause something about it just screams Kard (maybe minus JSeph) 🎮
I would say
Chanyeol (as a gift to Suho tbh)
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graaaaceeliz · 2 years
Top 5 poems if you don't mind
Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe (?) Shelley. Love this one, I like to stand on the prom at the beach and yell it into the wind in winter.
Prelude excerpt, William Wordsworth. Yes the fells ARE like sleeping beasts black and dark against an endless sky of hanging stars and the waters ARE like endless abyss reflecting forevermore and I AM terrified.
The Year's Afternoon, by... I can't remember.
Sonnet 81, Shakespeare. Thy love is better than fine works.
Hard choice, but Spring by Christina Rosetti.
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vamprisms · 2 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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badolmen · 5 months
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daikaiju-arts · 27 days
May we see some Gangle x Pomni plspls I just like them in your style 🙏🙏
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I don’t necessarily ship them romantically per se, BUT I do like to think of them as being close friends 💚 I friendship them lol
Also a Bonus:
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