#fuck britian
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injuries-in-dust · 1 month
Don't vote Conservative on May 2nd people.
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
anyway I am going to spoil everyone's fun. The Mummy is a racist movie, it's frustrating that it's popular and no one discusses that, and let me explain why
Whitewashing/brownface/self orientalism. The Carnahan's are meant to be mixed race. Their actors are white. Oded Fehr is white and a significant portion of his career has been playing exotic brown people in media made for white people, specifically while weaponizing the ethnic ambiguity he does have. Imhotep is white- insult to injury, his actor is an Afrikaner! Playing a pre-colonial African character! The only Egyptians played by people who arent white are the sex pest warden, Dr. Bey (also a minor character who dies), and Anck-su-namun. None of their actors are Egyptian.
The portrayal of Egyptian men. The warden and Jonathan are both portrayed as pathetic, weak, morally circumspect, and the warden is a pervert. Imhotep is also a pervert, frankly. The Egyptian public at large- mostly male crowds and male workers- are literally canon fodder and senselessly killed on multiple occasions. They're turned into mindless zombies, with no consideration given to what happens to them afterwards. Did hundreds of people just die? In public? The only two Egyptian men that aren't utterly horrible are Evie's boss, Dr. Bey, and Ardeth.
The portrayal of Egyptian women. The only two we actually hear speak is Evie and Anck-su-namun, both of whom have orientalist tropes applied to them- Evie, when they make her dress "local", and Anck-su-namun with the whole titlating "the pharaoh has me walk around naked and covered in wet body paint so no one can touch me without him knowing" nonsense- similar tropes are applied to Ardeth, frankly, with how his tattoos are portrayed, his ethnic background, etc. They specifically chose tattoos a Western audience would still find sexy (which aren't based on the actual local tattooing traditions). Face veils in early 20th century Egypt didn't really look like that, even the ones you might call flirty, and I find portrayals that make Ancient Egyptian society's overall often greater comfort with bared skin into titillation for the audience pretty offensive, especially as there are currently existing cultures in Africa viewed through lenses like that. It's not merely ahistorical, it's apart of a broader issue with how living people are viewed by others.
This is more of a me thing, other Egyptians may not agree: I think mummies as a horror trope are racist. The key fear to mummy movies is that white people might get punished for disturbing the graves of the honored dead. You are asked to identify with literal colonizers and view the local population as antagonistic (past and present in this case), especially in this movie, which is set before England started pretending it wasn't controlling Egypt (and by the damn way, ask ANY Egyptian when the country got independence and we'll say 1956. Between 22 and 56, England still had explicit control over some of the government, notably foreign relations and military, it used this an excuse to justify control of Sudan, and it was militarily occupying the country, especially the Suez area. When King Farouk tried to make a decision they didn't like, they put his palace under seige. That is not independence. Whoever made the 1922 declaration the first result on Google is manufacturing apologia for imperialism).
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
I'm happy every country gets to hate Britain. It really unifies us across the world.
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it drives me nuts how much suffering we force people to go through to meet some arbitrary idealized standard vs something that'd actually help. they're making my 60 yr old mom with fibro take pain management classes because they're too scared to put her on the prescription pain meds that she was already on before. i just read about someone with adhd talking about how the only med that works really well for them without making them depressed when it wears off or causing anxiety is desoxyn but doctors are too afraid to prescribe it to them because it's technically methamphetamine. the drug war is a complete burden on society
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da-riya · 8 months
Highlights from my EU4 Austria game up to 1600s
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#og post#eu4#pdx games#not in order but still funny#Had the worst RNG I didn't get any Personal Unions peacefully and had to fight wars to get Milan & Hungary & Bohemia & Brandenburg as PUs#Burgundy fully evaded my grasp and all of this got me so hated I got excommunicated and lost the election to Fucking Pfalz#I'm calling them the German name cuz it's more cringe then The Palatenate#(3 of the 7 electors are literally Theocracies what do you expect. Excommunication and the religious league wars were the end of me)#I got so pissed I switched to the Protestant side of the 30 year war and curbstomped Pfalz but only to sign the Treaty of Westphalia#Allowing me to gitch out and become an Easter Orthodox Christian member of the HRE (since it's peace between ALL Christians after all)#I can't even begin to explain how funny this is. Everyone picked sides based on me being Catholic!#When I switched sides all my allies were my enemies and all my enemies were my allies now.#Everyone lined up to kick my ass and I joined the queue. Then we beat up on some kid instead of me#Anyhow I also married into England without an heir and just... Got a Tudor as heir. The game pesters me to bring back the Habsburgs but no#It's better this way cause then I can try to take control over all the other Tudors (they hate me so that'd be hard)#England rebelled during my orthodox rebellion and so became an independent state seperate from Britian. Those are now two distrinct entitie#There's a England and there's a UK but they're nowhere near each other#And England wants to colonize overseas despit being landlocked. Like... No. Go back to paying me taxes!
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sword-swallower-pin · 2 years
i was so surprised when i actually read about the causes paul has supported thru adult eyes & realized he's like a semi-socialist instead of the milquetoast liberal ive come to expect of old rockstars. however hes far too non-confrontational & horny for the queen to ever fully turn his back on the monarchy <\3
Paul McCartney has two wolves in side of him, one has a natural disdain for authority and the other has a fetish for it. This is at the heart of all of his issues.
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sephirajo · 1 year
Welp a friend on FB was just like NO WE CANT HAVE SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE THEN THE LABOR PARTY WONT WIN.  Look, man, I’m sorry that Labor in England is so fucking terribad and neoliberal they couldn’t get elected out of a plastic bag on their face that’s NOT the problem of the Scottish people who have been, as I understand, pushing for this for a very long time, a lot of ways from the left.
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mkay so at this point I have decided that instead of dealing with billionaire-bizarro-land, lets send all our aspiring trillionaire-conglomorates up in a space shuttle on their merry way to Mars or whatever planet they want to colonise. We don't want you here and neither do you, so get outta here and into your privately owned villa in your privately owned country on your privately owned planet and let us handle the earth we actually love and want to rehabilitate. Enjoy your space rocks like the robot aliens you are and we will try to undo the damage you've done. Thank you!
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timeisacephalopod · 5 months
Part of being Canadian is how similar we are to the US, and honestly not a single person on earth I think could genuinely pin point the difference between Canadian and American culture but the average Canadian. Americans assume we're the same as them (we aren't), even a bunch of Canadians think we're Americans, especially around voting seasons, and about half our cultural identity is "we're Not American!" but there are some cultural differences and if we all spoke French equally we could have had a language distinction but nooooo. Despite not being America unfortunately such a fuck off massive country right below your teeny tiny ass country (population wise) does result in a cultural avalanche from said fuck off massive country. Especially when you share a language.
The war of 1812 will forever be funny to me though because Americans were like "hmm maybe Canadians would also like to tell the British to fuck off, we will invade to show them!" And Canada was like *burns down the white house* and we've been tentatively chill with each other ever since lmao (even when we probably like. Shouldn't be cool with America but like. We could not risk that implosion politically or otherwise it'd be suicide).
#winters ramblings#apparently americans think they won the war of 1812 and you did not. you did not achieve your goal#and a bit over 100 years later canada would nicely ask sempi to be free and britian decided yeah i guess#you guys did a vimmy ridge in WW1 i guess you can be yourselves#and native people- still unable to vote and would be ineligible for another some 50 years or so- were probably like ??!!!!?!!!#REMOVE these pale faced demons!! and i cant say i blame them for that even if my settler ass does not mind being from here#no fucked up spiders very few fucked up bugs ok seasons amd weather where *I* live anyway#i cant complain too much aint no spiders the size of my head OR fucked up weirdo beez on steroids that look like some feckin#HUNGER GAMES ass shit and not an earth bug. if i lived on either coast though my opinion would be different#especially the east coast FUCK their ocean-y assed winters lake effect is bad enough. the SNOW BELT is bad enough#i cando without that shite too although outwest aint better especially in the praries but still no fucked up bugs so 🤷🏻‍♀️#anyway i do genuinely believe if youre not canadian you wouldnt even know the difference between America and Canadian culture#OR the difference of history and even CANADIANS dont know our voting system isnt the same#like we dont even have half the shit Americans do like an electoral college and canadians STILL think we need to vote#as if we're in a 2 party system. we arent. arguably were in a 4 party system but 3 if you reasonably dont count Greens#its fuckin weird though because youll see people talk about canada and america interchangeably#and like i cant evenblame em when even some canadians get confused or WORSE actually WANT to be america#usually conservatives who like deepthroating boot#although i do think this is somewhat odd as a phenomenon because America doesn't have ONE culture#what canada is near idential to is NORTHERN Americans like the south is a whole Thing with a textured history#like obviously the north is too but culturally i get that more than what the south has going because you could even argue#the south have MULTIPLE cultures and in the north you could at least argue the coasts are distinct culturally#like they got terms like pacific north west we dont have ANY of that we are an EXTREMELY small rural country#its strange to confise it with America but at the same time like. yeah that makes perfect sense to me. and not all at once lol
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opossumfeels · 2 years
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vaugarde · 4 months
oh my god i forgot about the dub changing the championship to coronation in the dub. it is not fucking called that
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space-777-girl · 2 years
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major-enbydyke · 10 months
everytime i see someone say stuff like "why should we help underdeveloped countries? they got like that themselves" the rage I feel literally like almost kills me.
how stupid are u...
to just ignore colonialism and like the blatant thievery, genocide, and like other horrible shit other countries have done to them to have them be that way.
like think about all the beautiful Indian jewelry and resources stolen by Britian, the stealing of resources from the African continent, the Berlin conference, fucking slavery (and not just African slavery brought to the Americas), the "white man's burden", AND SO MUCH MORE SHIT that has negatively affected the lives of people living in these 'third world countries' like hmm maybe they're having a hard time providing for their people because the thriving countries stole a lot of their shit!!!
like how gross can you be??!!
also feel like this needs to be said, but a lot of what ppl consider "underdeveloped" works for the people that live there. and when I say this, I mean villages where ppl have everything they need to live and thrive that preserves their tradition, but isn't what we are used to. and Africa is a big continent many of those countries are thriving economically.
but anyways my post is talking about those countries that are actually struggling to provide their citizens their basic needs and rights.
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little-ajax-56793 · 2 years
I love being stubborn about random historical interpretations. The American Revolution lasted from the Stamp Act Congress in 1765 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. (Treaty of Ghent and not the War of 1812 because fuck Andrew Jackson specifically.) Change my mind. You can't. Anyway the scariest thing about being trans is that I'm going from girl who likes history (sexy) to guy who likes history (red flag)
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Something about King of England just sounds wrong
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