vex-bittys · 2 years
Flufftober 2020: Day Sixteen
Prompt: Kemonomimi
Pairing: Fellswap Muffans (and some Muffyrus)
Category: Familial
Note: That’s right, I am going to complete Flufftober! It’s 2 years later, but it’s happening!
Young monsters wear stripes. In more peaceful universes, these simply help identify a monster's age. In dangerous universes where monsters lie, steal, and dust to get ahead, stripes provide a modicum of protection for children. After all, who is going to waste magic bullets for such a meager amount of EXP?
Once a monster's animal ears and tail appear, all bets (and stripes) are off. The badge of adulthood told other monsters exactly how much EXP and trouble a monster was worth. Predator ears and tails warned potential attackers of their victim's power and intent. Prey ears and tails loudly broadcast an opportunity for a quick, safe stat boost.
So far Mutt's sharp wolf ears and Raspberry’s striped sweaters had served the pair well, but Mutt began to lose sleep to a gut-churning mixture of hope and worry as Raspberry teetered on the cusp of graduation from stripes to ears. What form would his undersized brother's ears and tail take?
Please let them be something suitably intimidating, Mutt pleaded to whatever unseen power might be listening to the desperate prayers of monsters in their stars-forsaken Underground, though none had answered him yet. I just want him to be safe.
Mutt awoke to the sound of his brother wailing. The normally lackadaisical skeleton leapt to his feet in an instant, bone attacks at the ready, wolf ears twitching to pinpoint Raspberry’s exact location. Right outside his bedroom door? Weird, but convenient. 
Mutt opened the door, ready to deliver some well-deserved brotherly teasing, but the sight before him froze his SOUL in his chest. There, atop his brother’s skull (and ridiculously easy for him to see from his superior height) sat a pair of oversized, floppy rabbit ears. Mutt didn't bother checking his brother’s tail; the ears alone were a death sentence. He stood speechless, his little brother staring at him with wide, desperate eyelights.
"I HAVE FLOPPY BUNNY EARS," wailed Raspberry unnecessarily when his brother hesitated.
Mutt fumbled for some reassurance to give him. "maybe they'll stand up if you give 'em time?" The words fell flat, and both skeletons knew it.
"THEY'RE BUNNY EARS." Hysterical tears overflowed Raspberry’s sockets. He looked pathetic in his plain, unadorned adult shirt and drooping ears, exactly the kind of appearance that screamed EXP fodder. Turning away from his unhelpful brother, Raspberry dashed down the stairs… and out the front door.
Not bothering to throw anything on over his “tank top and boxers” sleepwear ensemble, Mutt followed.
Muffet just wanted to get the tabletops in her bar scrubbed down before she opened for business, but the commotion taking place outside her door caused her elegant lynx ears to flatten in irritation. With a sigh, she abandoned further cleaning in favor of going outside to teach some noisy hooligans a lesson. Instead of the expected hooligans, the spider monster found skeletons, skeletons she grudgingly admitted to being quite fond of, surrounded by a mob of EXP hungry attackers.
The first time she'd laid (all five) eyes on the skeletons, Mutt had been digging in the dumpster behind her restaurant, the tiniest of babybones tucked under his worn striped sweater for warmth. Realizing he'd been caught, he bravely stood his ground. He only had one request, and it wasn't MERCY for himself.
"you c'n dust me if y'want, but please don't hurt my little bro."
He pulled the babybones out from under his shirt, just a tiny skull visible from the tightly swaddled maroon blanket that he now wore as a bandana. Little Raspberry was fast asleep, exhausted by cold and hunger.
So she fed them. 
And she let them move into a house she owned in Snowdin. 
And if she happened to "find" spider silk garments in exactly their respective sizes as they grew up, who dared to question it? The skeleton brothers were orphans, after all.
Her orphans.
The older skeleton brother, Mutt, pushed his younger brother behind him, but not before Muffet spotted the source of the problem. Poor little Raspberry had sprouted a damning pair of lop bunny ears overnight. Magic crackled in the air, but it dissipated as soon as Muffet stepped outside onto the snow covered street. Her reputation alone forced the assailants to take a collective step back.
Pretending not to notice the deference,  Muffet strode over to the pair of skeletons. Standing next to Raspberry, she stroked the soft magic of one of his ears. In a voice that carried to the entire crowd, she complimented him.
"Ahuhuhu, I haven't seen such elegant Boss monster ears since Queen Toriel stopped visiting! You'll achieve great things with ears like those, I'd bet my restaurant on it!"
After her words faded, Muffet fixed each monster in the crowd with a baleful five-eyed glare, the tufts on her lynx ears giving her an impressive height and providing the crowd with a spectacular view of her wicked fangs. The unspoken statement rang out crystal clear: these young skeletons were under Muffet's protection, and her ruthlessness far outweighed the damage done by having an adorable pair of lop bunny ears, even with the little cotton ball tail to match.
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mariannacr99 · 8 months
Muffet au Short hair 🔄 Long hair
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undertalebrittle · 6 months
Undertale Brittle: The Muffets
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(Available to ask)
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Undertale Brittle:
Queen of the Spiders, even if the power behind that title has faded over the years. She serves as a doctor in Hotland, creating medicine from Green Magic (Specialty: Item Creation) by mixing refined Green Magic with various other chemicals and substances. Was promised to King Asgore by as a political move by the previous King of Spiders. She has a long-standing affair with Grillby. Tired, but a socialite.
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Underswap Brittle/Beam:
A young farmer who sees everyone she meets as an equal. Unable to read Lettering, she takes lessons (as a hobby) from an elderly fire elemental by the name of Grillby. She hopes to be one of the few Monsters who unlock Blue Magic so that she can understand the stories written in untranslated books. Friendly.
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Underfell Brittle/Bright:
A nomadic merchant who serves as her group's appraiser. She considers herself to be necessary, and occasionally pushes her chores off on those who let her. Her group travels the Surface and makes frequent deals with both Humans and Monsters. Plays the fiddle when she feels like it, and not before. A free spirit.
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Fellswap Brittle/Beeper:
The friendly and responsible eldest of the Spiders. Painfully oblivious to the effects she has on others, to the point that her cooking is inedible to anyone other than spiders. Unintentionally traumatizing, at times. Once dated Papyrus (Wysteria), but they left each other on amicable terms and treat the other as friends. Immune to poison. A bit clumsy.
Health- Moderate
Strength- Low
Endurance- Low
Charisma- High
Constitution- Best
Pictured also is Tuffet, Muffet's youngest sister. Bites, is venomous, and has yet to comprehend that not everything is food. Attempts to eat Muffet regularly. 5 months old. Immune to poison. Head empty.
Health- Low
Strength- Low
Endurance- Low
Charisma- Moderate
Constitution- Best
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Undertale Brittle Biephasic Terror:
An E-Girl streamer with a decent following. Has undergone various cosmetic procedures due to the new Humanization trend, including Arm Reduction, Eye Reduction, Eye Whitening, Chitin Softening, a full-bodied skin-colored tattoo, and the removal of her fangs. Wears a wig and contact lenses. Currently in a relationship with another influencer with a similar number of followers, but is looking to bump up her game with her boyfriend's brother, who manages a cosmetics line (or so he claims). Competitive.
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"A lady has to get her hands dirty if she wants to bake a pie, fu hu hu~"
Version with blood under the cut vv
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voidandabyssal · 3 months
FS red brothers with a platonic reader!
(I got bored and wanted to write something! Enjoy)
Black (SF sans):
Bros a tough nut to crack
If you wanna get close to him you gotta work for it
Once you do though? Oh boy, be prepared
He is a very overprotective friend
Friends are far and few in-between. So those you do care about are very harshly protected.
If this is in the underground he’s gonna insist on you either living with them, or next to them
You’ll probably spend a lot of time on patrol with him
Honestly if you’re anything like his brother he’ll have to do a lot of saving
Be prepared for a lot of lectures
Mutt (SF red papyrus):
He’s a jerk. A huge jerk. But he’s your huge jerk
Constantly playing pranks on you, all with inappropriately timed music of course
Somehow the two of you are always getting into trouble. Seriously how??? It shouldn’t be this easy??
Black is literally getting stress wrinkles from the two of you! Stop it!
Though you two probably spend most of your time in his room or hanging around Muffets
Just shootin the hoops, smoking dog treats and having some drinks
He’s one of those friends where you lose all of your collective brain cells the longer your around each other
If your friends with mutt then you’re likely to be friendly with Undyne as well
Meaning the two of you get to test out her latest gadgets 😈
Black fears the day either of you actually manage to sneak one home
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fsg-settings · 4 months
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*瀑布的水是不干净的,带有辐射。 *雪町的洞壁顶上有很多的太阳灯提供照明,太阳灯连接了核心的能源。因为怪物在书里读到人类缺少太阳会生病,于是想到了做自己的人工太阳。在官方的书里会写,是皇家研究所建了人工太阳,也不会提及人类。
*Grillby是一个军火商,他只会给骑士团+其他王府机关的上层交易。 *他有一个会所,但是那个会所是私人性质的。
女皇:为什么在雪町出现了编号xxx其中一颗人工太阳被冲锋枪打碎的情况呢,而且聚集了很多人。 酒:这是我们在低温环境下测试Grillby这一批次的弹药。 酒:有很多人来看热闹,他们因为寒冷喝了很多酒,我已经把他们都驱散了。 事实:Grillby来Muffet店里拿着面包圈求婚了,喜结连理,Grillby掏枪对着天来了一梭子。 女王:嗯,低温测试弹药还要平复民众情绪,你做的太好了。
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I feel like I'm getting threatened...
Would you guys want me to add her?
I could call them...
UT: Muffet
UF: Arachnid
US: Recluse
FS: Widow
SF: Fangs
OT: Orb
HT: Huntsman
MT: Webs
UL: Spinneret
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A single ask killed Muffet's typing abilities
ye “fs 👍
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maxladcomics · 2 years
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Fellswap Muffet (Judge) meeting Underswap Annoying Cat (Also Judge)
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fellswap-au · 3 years
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Introduction comic for Fellswap Muffet, who is the Judge of Fellswap.
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j-demi · 5 years
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Inktober Day 14: Muffet
FellSwap! Muffet bashfully enters the scene!
Dude FS! Muffet is so fuckin cute omfg 
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thatdragonsdrabbles · 6 years
SwapFell VS FellSwap (SwapFell Red) - Muffet
SwapFell Muffet is very much a more punk Swapfet in some respects. She is snarky, focuses on making her drinks crazier and more hazardous for your health, and runs her business as she sees fit. She doesn't accept criticism of her practices or recipes, even from other bartenders. She has a collection of odd ingredients to try using in recipes either at work or at home.
FellSwap Muffet is very much a more hands-off Fellfet in some respects. She thinks food should always be greasy and in large helpings, doesn't provide any customer service, and will sidestep any violence without blinking. Thanks to her good relationship with Grillby, she has access to plenty of self-defense, if she feels like she needs it. In a perfect world, she would only talk to spiders instead of other people.
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tumbling-roses · 3 years
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Fellswap brainrot go brrrrrr
Lil doodles of chara n muffet I did last night ^^
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sloweia · 6 years
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Gloomy Studio Fellswap take Muffet.
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vrnicky · 2 years
Okay, while dying here it is
-Short summary of characters of FS Wine!!
Butcher (Sans): Quiet, pretty calm, hard to control and lie to, overprotective, beast when angry, need a leader, scary aura all the time.
Twist/er (Papyrus): Crazy, takes pills, his own boss, hates the leaders, can feel the lies through the souls, extreme strength when out of control, still checking his sanity, easy to tame.
Pithon (Undyne): Silent, ninja, loves HTTYD, wanted to create robot dragons, experimented with Patience, turned some monsters submissive and useless. Didn't wanted but put on Bravery on Twist by order of Glorya, that turned him crazy.
Glorya (Toriel): Cold, barely has feelings, Hates cowards, wanted brave men, Butcher was her ideal... Twist wasn't, she asked Pithon to change him, she was satisfied. Never liked Crooks.
Crocodile (Alphys): Hates Glorya but appreciate her for giving her the big role even being "a girl and small". The thing is, she never felt fear of death and followed her own rules.
Bruneldo (Grillby): Really loud, crazy, likes burning things but not his kitchen, hates dirty and messy people but enjoy eaters, he can show up his cooking.
Venti (Muffet): Stopped drinking but still smokes. Sells the adictive stuff, not drugs, she stopped doing that, but martinis, etc. She found the pills and gave them to Twist, he needed the most. She has the doubt of the royal doctor and wants to meet them.
Rotter (Gaster): Was the calm right hand of Glorya, he could calm her down without a problem, she meet the soulmate of his and he suffered changes while he was raising his kid and finally died, leaving Butcher at 10 and Twist of 5.
Herald (soulmate of Rotter): A nice looking bat monster, was way too rough but slowly opened to Rotter and got soulbonded. He carried Butcher and helped with the magic while Rotter carried Twist.
Viktor (Asgore): Got depressed when the kids died and out of rage, he killed the first kids and guilty of doing it, he lend the soul to Twist, trusting Him of taking the soul to the scientist. He never blame Glorya, they were unstoppable together... then the humans did that.
Isaac (Chara): The calmest young teen that ever appeared in that underground but when he saw how they wanted to kill him... he just pulled a pocket knife and started threatening, he never Killed someone. He's a coward.
Recky (Happstablook): Depressed ghost with low self esteem that hides it with anger.
Mister (Nappstablook): Also depressed robot that tries his best at his music business and disco but its really hard.
Fall (Frisk): The first fallen kid and second kid of the Dreemurrs. They were Killed when Denly, his brother put poison on his food but his soul tried hard to reject death and tried to reset but they were already weak and ended up death anyway. Denly took his soul to go outside the barrier. No one knows what happend after.
Denly (Asriel): The biological kid of the Dreemurrs, he got jealous the moment Fall come in, he really likes them but never said anything and tried to Killed them several times, the bad one was the poison when they finally died, he took his soul and ran away... That got him killed.
Note: monster kid never existed here in the first place. It just messed around my stuff already done so he doesn't exist. Sorry.
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kiokodoodles · 3 years
Aster and Cyrus for the ask thingy?
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Y'all want to hear about them?! Okay! also @underfell-crystal since you also asked this
Sexuality Headcanon: Biromantic ace! But he’s a big hopeless romantic
Gender Headcanon: He’s not opposed to using he/they pronouns!
A ship I have with said character: *sighs dreamily as I make yet another Napstasans ship in my fellswap*
A BROTP I have with said character: Ryuko (FS! Alphys) and slightly Metta (FS! Mettaton). Kind of Metta because I think they’d both be one of the few who are actively against violence. Also he and FS! Grillby.
A NOTP I have with said character: He and Tiana (FS! Toriel) for many reasons that involve Tiana and Cyrus not having the greatest relationship with each other.
A random headcanon: Aster takes on a various number of jobs like Sans does. While he does run around as a medic, Aster works a bit as a comedian at Napstaton’s place and actually owns his own store with monster food and armor.
General Opinion over said character: Here comes my little boy <33 I literally made this interpretation, I should be loving him. He’s kind, but not a pushover. But, please let this guy rest. He’s trying to survive every day without getting killed. His relationship with his brother is strained and he doesn’t really like the queen. But he’s a good, nice lad!
Sexuality Headcanon: Pan and demiromantic
Gender Headcanon: He is a dude who doesn’t mind using he/they pronouns
A ship I have with said character: *sighs dreamily as I make a Papgore ship in my fellswap*
A BROTP I have with said character: Also Ignacio (FS! Asgore) and FS! Muffet. He doesn’t have a lot of friends either. His relationship with his ex Metta is complicated to be a BROTP.
A NOTP I have with said character: He and Halia (FS! Undyne) and Ryuko. He and Ryuko are coworkers of sorts and have complicated history. He and Halia definitely do not have a great relationship.
A random headcanon: Do not let this guy make or choose food. He makes and chooses the weirdest and grossest combinations of food.
Anyways I love him. He’s sort of a tease. He’s pretty serious. He loves the supernatural and cryptids. Cyrus feels the need to protecting people. He has a complicated relationship with his brother, Halia, Metta, and Ryuko. He doesn’t like Tiana at all. The only people he trusts is a guy who lives in the ruins and a spider monster who runs a cafe. Cyrus is also tired. He needs some sleep. But I would give him a hundred smooches and give him the love he deserves even though I technically made this dude.
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