#fruit tree care and maintenance
cselandscapearchitect · 10 months
Growing Citrus in Your San Diego County Home Garden
Citrus trees have long been a favorite in home gardens, and there’s no wonder why. The sight of vibrant orange, yellow, and green fruit hanging from branches is a delight to any gardener’s eyes. If you’re lucky enough to be gardening in sunny San Diego County, you have an ideal climate for cultivating a variety of citrus fruits. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of growing citrus…
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amymaleneart · 20 days
Got an inspiration hit for @missterious-figure Wine and Feathers AU.
So here's the next part what I'm going to call,
"The Mail Service Trilogy."
Another package has arrived and waiting for you at your desk. This time, it is for Moon. He doesn’t often order things for himself besides the usual basics of skincare and feather-care maintenance. What does surprise you is that this box came from a high-end confectionery store.
You know as their handler that hapries, or birds in general, cannot eat processed sugar. It’s technically not toxic to them, but consuming sugar still isn’t good for them since it’s not naturally found in nature. The only “sweets” they are allowed to have are the ones found in fruit. Granted, harpies can have a little but the casino has to order the sugary treats and syrups from a manufacturer that specialize in exotic pets. Otherwise they couldn’t enjoy their virgin cocktails while entertaining the guests.
(You found yourself cringe at the thought of any of the harpies labeled as “pets”.)
So it is definitely a surprise for you to find that Moon was able to order some from an unapproved establishment. How did he pull this off? You might as well find out so he doesn’t do this again. You bring the package with you so you can have evidence that he did, in fact, made this order since the invoice has his name as the buyer. For being a peacock, he does like to weasel out of situations that he causes.
You went out into the big aviary straight to the tree that Moon likes to perch in when he is in between shows.
“Moon! Where are you?” You continue to look up into the tree, expecting to at least see his long tail feathers with the blue and yellow eyes sticking out of the branches like a silvery waterfall, cascading down the brilliant greenery.
This is starting to make you nervous because when he doesn’t come when he’s called, he’s usually going to…
You are suddenly picked up from behind with an indignity “yelp!” on your part, and whisk away into the trees like an eagle that caught himself a tasty fish. And you’re the fish.
Once settled, you found yourself being snuggle tightly against the white and blue torso of the mischievous harpy, while sitting comfortably on his incredibly yet strong lap.
“R-really M-moon? How m-many times have I t-told you n-not to do that,” you say as you tried and failed to keep the fluster out of your voice. You hear his devilish cackle at your expense as his response, snuggling his head into the nook of your neck. “But you sound so beautiful when you scream. I just have to hear it again.”
You can feel your whole body heats up to a point that you bet if this was a cartoon, you would turn into a thermometer as you go completely red. You start to quiver, causing you to shake with the package still somehow in your hand, causing a simple rattling noise. Moon finally takes notice and creates a happy trill at seeing the package.
“Wonderful. I was starting to think this will never show up.” Being completely stunned from his affection, Moon easily takes the box from your hands and opens it to reveal his order.
He pulls out an elegant f/c box of chocolates, tied in a satin blue ribbon with a familiar silver peacock feather pattern sewn into the fabric, letting the original packaging fall from the tree. He slowly unties the ribbon in a delicate manner, just to retie it to your neck in a cute little bow like a show puppy. Moon takes a moment to admire his work with his brilliant rose red eyes, as he stares ever so lovingly into your cherry red face.
After he gets his fill, he removes the lid of a box to expose the most delicious assortment of sweets you have ever seen.
It is when he grabs one between his gloved fingers that you finally snap out of it to shout, “Moon wait! You cannot eat tha–” Your urgent words get muffled as he slips one of the expensive confectionaries into your open mouth.
“Hush, little starlight. It’s not for me.” he says with his rumbling baritone voice.
Your eyes open wide as the sweet explodes with flavor as it melts in your mouth. Then you realize that is one of your favorite flavors!
You swallow down the tasty treat in order to ask, “How did you–” another one gets placed into your mouth.
Moon chuckles as he says, “I’ll tell you, but only if you let me feed you each and every treat that’s in. this. box.”
Part One: Done in an ask - Part Two: Here - Part Three: Over There
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anipgarden · 10 months
What Kind of Plants to Add
This is my sixth post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert–just an enthusiast–but I hope something you find here helps! 
I’d love to be able to give a quick and easy list of things to add, but frankly I can’t do that. I can strongly encourage you, however, to look at these categories of plants and do further research to discover what’s native to your area, so you can plant things that’ll have the most impact in your particular area.
With that being said, I will mention a few plants as examples. This is in no way, shape, or form me telling you that you have to or even should buy these specific plants. Not every plant works well in every place in every garden, not to even mention across countries. Above all, if you’re wondering what plants you should be adding, I can wholeheartedly say plants that are native to your area--or at least nonnative non-invasive.
Flowers are some of the most common ways people work to increase biodiversity in their gardens, and who can blame them? Seeing pops of color out your window, and directly seeing the impact via butterflies and bees visiting the garden? It’s a win-win for us and the wildlife!
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Flowers--especially native wildflowers--are a quick, easy, and cheap way to increase wildlife traffic in your garden. Perennial gardens are more likely to get you the most bang for your buck, as they’ll come back year after year if you treat them well. But don’t dismiss annuals--if you get ones that easily reseed, they’ll eagerly return on their own! If you can, do your best to ensure that the flowers you plant all have different blooming periods--that way, your garden can support wildlife throughout the year instead of for just one brief season. 
Flowers are environmental super boosters. Their nectar and pollen can feed insects and birds, their stems and leaves can provide nesting materials for all sorts of creatures, and their seeds are a popular food source among birds at all times of the year.
Climbing Plants
Climbing plants can be fantastic options for maximizing your impact. If you have limited ground space, growing up can provide interest as well as additional habitat for all kinds of creatures.
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Training plants up a trellis, fence, or bare wall offers food, shelter, and habitat. Trumpet vines, passionflowers, honeysuckles, and more will provide sweet nectar for pollinators as well as nesting and hiding spaces for other wildlife like birds, bugs, and lizards. Do note that in some cases, climbing plants can actually affect the structural integrity of walls and roofs if allowed to climb too much and too far along a house, so be careful. 
Bushes provide shelter for creatures, which then provides hunting grounds for other animals. Their fallen leaves and petals can be food and shelter for detritivores, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals--and they also provide good cover for moving around the garden, for creatures who like to stay hidden. They can be a bit more pricey to obtain--unless you get cuttings or seeds and are willing to wait--but they’ll definitely be worth it, and they’re typically low-maintenance once they’re established.
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Bonus points if you get a flowering and fruiting bush, like bottlebrush, serviceberry, lilac, or others. This’ll make your bushes not only a place of shelter, but a food source as well--and depending on the kind you pick, may be food for you too! Making a garden border with a series of bushes can be a great option to providing lots of habitat, if you can manage it.
Shrubs with pithy or hollow stems are excellent options for supporting solitary bees. Some examples you could look into are elderberry, raspberry, blackberry, or sumac.
Trees have a high up-front cost and take awhile to grow, but once they’re settled in place they provide crucial habitat to all kinds of creatures! Insects will be attracted to flowers they may provide, or to nest in the wood. Others may eat the leaves as food, or use them as nesting materials. Birds will perch and nest in trees, and feed off the fruits and seeds and insects that also use the tree. Squirrels also use trees as nesting places, piling up dead leaves into huge clusters to raise their young in, and will absolutely feast on any nuts the tree may provide. Mice, badgers, and more will feast on fallen fruits or seeds, and bats roost in the trunks when given the chance. Detritivores eat fallen leaves and decomposing fruits, providing further food for hunting creatures. Trees can also be good for us--they help block out noise and air pollution, and are the poster child for taking CO2 and making it breathable oxygen. Not to mention they can provide plenty of food for us, too. Nesting grounds, hunting grounds, shelter from weather, and more--trees are, in my opinion, likely to be the best way to boost biodiversity long-term. If you can get your hands on a sapling for cheap and can care for it for awhile, I’d definitely give it a shot! Make sure the tree won’t get too big for where you’re growing it, though--you’ve definitely gotta plan for the long-term before you plant any. 
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Some trees can be grown in containers. Though they won’t become gigantic branching behemoths, they’ll still do their part to support all the life that depends on them. Growing a tree from seed may take awhile, but could be an easy option to getting one if you have the patience--the trees are more than happy to help you, as they drop tons of seeds and fruit in fall for you to gather. 
Bare soil is the enemy of microbial life in the soil, and while small pockets of bare soil can be great nesting places for bees and other insects, having swaths of empty soil should be avoided. Groundcover plants grow low to the ground in a sprawling habit, and will often spread quite easily on their own. This is a great way to provide shelter, keep soil temperatures cool, block out weeds, and give your soil life a chance to thrive.
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Sometimes, ground covers don’t even have to be planted in the ground. Shallow-rooted plants like succulents, ferns, and alyssum can be planted into cracks in stone walls, and moss can be planted by making moss graffiti and painting it onto a surface. As with climbing plants, do make sure that you don’t cause extra damage to important walls and housing foundations.
Host Plants
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Host plants get their own section, because plants of all kinds can be host plants for different creatures! It’s common to think only flowers can be host plants in the beginning, but in reality, many bushes and trees are host plants to dozens of species of butterflies and moths. Honestly, I feel that factor's not talked about enough. Look up what insects live in your area and what kind of host plants they need, and plant some if you can! Bonus points if you can plant a variety of them--I know that there’s hundreds of kinds of milkweed, each one flowering and leafing up around different times of the year. Planting several varieties of milkweed, then, would provide monarchs with food through several seasons, allowing many more of them to grow up in your garden!
Nectar Plants
Plants that provide nectar to insects is a great foundation to increasing biodiversity! This is, of course, many native wildflowers (and even nonnative wildflowers, though be sure they aren’t invasives who’ll do more harm than good), but many native bushes, vines, and trees will also provide nectar to hungry pollinators! 
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Keystone Species
To be frank, some plants can have a bigger impact than others in a landscape. By all means, every bit helps, but if you want to boost biodiversity quickly there are a few plants that can essentially serve as the backbone of local ecosystems that you can grow in anything from a balcony pot to a small patch of your backyard. These plants can be different depending on where you are, so do your research to find out what would be best to grow in your area. If you can’t get them all? That’s alright! But even hitting just a few of these target species really can do a lot.
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That’s the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about things to keep in mind/continue to do once you get plants in the ground! Until then, I hope this advice was helpful! Feel free to reply with any questions, your success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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adore-laur · 7 months
— two lovers being blissfully domestic while living in the countryside of france 🪴
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The melodic humming of his wife faintly echoes throughout the greenhouse kitchen, her voice hidden under the more pronounced noises of glass jars clinking together and the faucet running.
As Harry hunches over the granite countertop and gingerly trims the miniature bonsai tree he proudly grew himself, his ears tune into Nadine's movements. He's acutely aware of the soft padding of her slippers against the tiles and the slight graze of her robe against his sweater vest whenever she passes by. It's as if she's some soundless angel who doesn't like to make her presence known yet can't help but enthrall everyone with her heavenly poise.
He will often glance up while snipping away with his garden shears and follow her figure as she gracefully floats around the kitchen and pickles various vegetables that will eventually be donated to the orphanage on the outskirts of town. The cucumber she's currently slicing is from one of his many gardens on the property. They are Harry's pride and joy. He plants abundant seeds every season, then tends to the soil and sprouts until he can harvest them. Their primary use is to be thrown into either jars or on dinner plates, resulting in whatever his wife wishes to cleverly concoct.
"Nadi, can you please fill this up for me?" Harry asks, fidgeting with the fragile pump of the plant mister in his hand.
In a second, she's by his side, carefully taking the empty glass bottle from his grasp. "Hot or cold water?"
He smiles dotingly at her lack of knowledge about succulent maintenance. She has more expertise relating to culinary uses for fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices, while he takes care of the botanical aspect.
"Lukewarm since we've had sunny weather lately," he replies as he checks how dry the compacted soil in the pot is. "Thank you."
She nods and heads to the sink, turning the handle to the left. Harry pauses what he's doing and admires how her smooth, bronzed skin and silky black hair glimmer in the natural light pouring through the greenhouse panels. He often finds himself wanting to splay his hands on every part of her warm body and let his ceaseless love seep into her, sweet and absorbent like caramel drizzle on a dessert. Whenever she innately reacts to his touch, it melts him into a puddle of molasses the same color as the deep pools of her irises. And when the sun hits her brown eyes just right, he becomes entranced. She's his saccharine daydream.
Once Harry is satisfied with the trimming of his beloved bonsai, he moves on to the second task he planned to finish this morning. A woven basket sits beside him on the floor, holding a bundle of eucalyptus and myrtle leaves he broke off from the trees in the front yard. He had already cut a piece of gold wire to form the brittle blades around it, but he didn't know where to go from there. He wants to make a leaf crown for Nadine. However, he's never attempted a crown with leaves before, only with the lily of the valley and jasmine flowers he grows by the windowsill in their bedroom. The two white blossoms represent femininity and sensuality, a perfect blend of his wife's soul.
"You are standing so still, lover," Nadine says, setting down the filled plant mister. "What are you doing? What are those leaves for?"
"You ask too many questions," he teases with a prolonged kiss on her forehead.
She frowns halfheartedly. "Laisse-moi entrer dans ton jardin de secrets."
Harry's neck flushes from the way she effortlessly switched languages. "Seulement si tu me laisses entrer dans ton pot de secrets," he murmurs against her temple, jerking his chin toward her glass jars all neat in a row.
"I'm making pickled cucumber and carrot salad for lunch since I have leftover scraps," she says enthusiastically.
Running his fingertips through her hair, he twirls the short strands and says, "I'm making a leaf crown for you."
"Why not? Are you worried it won't be as good as the ones the kids make you at the orphanage?"
Nadine doesn't answer and just stands on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to pull him down for a slow kiss. Harry exhales blissfully and relaxes in her hold, placing his hands on her waist and moving his mouth against hers. He could kiss her lychee-colored lips for eternity if possible.
When she separates her lips from his with a wet pop, Harry begins swaying her to the mellifluous lullaby from the summer birds and wind chimes outside the greenhouse. He grabs her left hand and interlocks his fingers with hers, his other hand tenderly cupping her cheek. A sunrise dance happens frequently, whether it's in the kitchen, bedroom, or garden. Most of the time, they don't even involve music or the ambiance of nature, simply their hushed voices and synchronized heartbeats filling the space.
"Are you planting anything new today?" Nadine asks quietly.
Harry smears another kiss on her lips. "Just some arugula and parsley."
What she doesn't know is that yesterday while she took a trip down to the valley by herself, he planted her a bed of foxtail lilies in a concealed flower bed behind the tall grape trellises. He precisely calculated when they would bloom into tapered pink and yellow spikes so they could be her birthday surprise when late spring rolled around.
Nadine tilts her head to the side and smiles dreamily. "Can I watch you do it?"
"I'll let you if you smoke with me in the bath later."
She raises her thick eyebrows. "You want to get high before noon?"
"My body will be aching from crouching, and I want to relax before your family visits tomorrow."
"Of course, mon chéri."
Harry hums contently and strokes the pad of his thumb across her plump bottom lip. "Let me finish your crown, and then you can ogle at me in the garden, oui?"
"Sacré bleu, Nadi!" Harry shouts dramatically when she walks through the patio door completely nude.
Her curves and soft skin look ravishing under the European sky, and the sunbeams gloriously cast upon every stretch mark and blemish. He notices she's wearing his misshapen leaf crown from where he sits naked in the outdoor bathtub, reading yesterday's newspaper with a lit joint perched between his fingertips. Thankfully, no neighbors can see them in their vulnerable state since the backyard is closed off with a high wooden fence shaded by clustering chestnut and poplar trees.
Nadine gasps and kneels next to the tub, stealing the joint from him and taking a quick hit. She beautifully exhales two rings of smoke before saying, "You started without me."
"Pardonne-moi, ma reine," Harry says lowly as he flings the newspaper onto the grass and grabs her wrist to help her into the warm water. He plucked some red petals off the nearby rose bush to let float on the surface, and also brought out some bars of natural soaps Nadine handmade with excess fruit peels and herbs. She's craftier than him, but he thinks they make a good pair. He grows the plants, and she makes use of them.
Nadine's back meets his bare chest, and every muscle in his body instantly eases with the pure and healing touch of her skin. He spent hours in the sunlit garden planting autumn seeds and sneakily tending to the foxtail lilies, so the tendons in his shoulder blades feel inflamed, and his hands are decorated with new calluses. The dirt under his fingernails had been scrubbed clean while he waited for Nadine, yet there were still scrapes and aching muscles he wanted her to take care of. He's not embarrassed to admit that he likes to be babied by her.
"I brought your razor and shaving cream," Nadine tells him, setting the two objects on the edge of the tub.
Harry's lips downturn with confusion. "For you or for me?"
She turns in his arms to face him, bending her legs crisscross applesauce style. "You, miteux."
"Translation, please."
"Scruffy," she whispers like it's confidential.
A whiny laugh escapes his mouth. "Thought you liked it," he drawls, stroking circles onto her hips.
"Too itchy when you kiss me." She takes another hit before passing the joint over to him.
"Like this?" he asks before leaning forward to rub his cheek against hers and puckering multiple kisses against her skin, making a high-pitched laugh bless his ears.
"Oui, like that!" she expresses through giggles and a wide smile.
He lightly nips her jaw and murmurs, "What do I get in return for letting you shave my face?"
Nadine chews on the inside of her cheek, her dark eyes dancing over his entire body. "I think," she says while placing a wet rose petal on his collarbone, "you know exactly what I'll give you."
Harry swallows, his eyes fluttering shut. "Is that right, my darling?"
"That's right. You need to behave right now, though, or I might nick you."
"What a shame that would be, hmm?" His hands flex on her hips. "Can't go ruining my pretty face."
She cups water in her palms and pours it over the petal on his skin until it delicately falls off. "Your reflection in the bathwater is turning you into Narcissus."
"That's funny, considering your crown makes you look like Echo," he says, tucking a loose eucalyptus leaf under the wire. Are you going to start repeating everything I say?"
"No, but I'm obsessed with you like she was.
Who knew mythology could be so erotic? Harry feels his cock throb and harden as he softly kisses her neck and mumbles, "Such a sweet girl."
Nadine has an amount of self-control beyond comprehension because she suddenly scoots back and picks up the razor and container of shaving cream without another word. She begins applying a layer of the foamy cream on his scruff, spreading it on his neck and Adam's apple.
After inhaling from the joint, Harry blows the smoke toward the afternoon sky and casually rests his arms on the tub's edge as his wife shaves the stubble above his lips. She looks adorable with a concentrated furrow to her eyebrows and her tongue poking out slightly. Her body leans close to him, the curve of her breasts touching his chest and the tip of her nose grazing his own every so often. Her unoccupied hand tilts his chin to the side so she can work on his cheek. The soothing nature of her movements and the warm water engulfing his sore body feel more delightful than the weed that permeates his lungs and senses.
"Don't fall asleep on me, moonflower."
Harry's eyes blink open and blearily focus on her. He didn't realize he nodded off. A lazy smile makes its way onto his face when he sees her eyes rimmed with red from the joint she apparently took for herself while he wasn't paying attention.
"Tu me rends le bon genre de somnolent," he replies with a slur of impeding tiredness.
Nadine washes off the remnants of shaving cream on the right side of his freshly smoothed cheek. "You ramble such nonsense when you're high," she says, quickly finishing shaving the rest of his face. "Excusez moi. I'm not high… yet."
"You are. Know how I can tell?"
Harry settles his hands on her thighs. "Humor me, sunflower."
"I know because you are hard, and I haven't even done anything yet," Nadine whispers in his ear.
She's not Echo; she's the goddess of love. His Aphrodite, ironically surrounded by rose petals and wearing a crown adorned with myrtle leaves, sets the razor in a safe place under the tub and then straddles his thighs. She knows exactly how to make him weak putty in her hands.
Extinguishing the lit end of the joint in the water, Harry flips his palms up in invitation and says, "Do your worst, dove."
The euphoric high reaches Harry's fingertips as he touches the blades of grass he lies on. To the touch, they feel as soft as a cloud. To the eye, they are feathery and verdant.
The blue and white striped shirt he put on after the bath warps due to his spinning mind, the lines bending and blurring until they make his eyes cross. He and Nadine went through three joints each. Maybe four. Either way, the aftermath of sex while high and then proceeding to get higher has Harry feeling like he's levitating outside of his body. Although he can't complain when Nadine lies beside him, laughing infectiously over something he doesn't remember saying mere seconds ago.
"What did I do?" he asks, his speech slower and more drawled from the weed that passed his tongue.
"You were going on about" — she pauses for a moment to regain her breath — "about your dream that you had last night."
"Oh." He rubs his eyes and begins giggling over whatever is making her so happy. "Where did I… what part did I leave off at?"
"The part where, apparently, our thirty nonexistent children were blooming in the garden, and they were all wailing so much, but the only way to get them to stop was to water them."
"Shit, that's right. What a bizarre dream."
Nadine reaches over and pinches his stomach. "Could you imagine having to take care of thirty children? Oh, mon dieu!"
"We could do it," he says with faux confidence. "Babies are sort of like plants, right?"
She snorts and replies, "I would rethink that statement."
He's thinking ahead and can't stop the thought from crawling across the crevices of his brain like scandent stems. "One day, we'll have little snap peas running around the garden," he muses, the words sounding far away when he speaks them.
"Snap peas, like… bébés?" Nadine asks for clarity.
Harry looks over at her, his heart melting like candle wax at the innocence that laces her question. "Oui. Tant de bébés."
"Where is my say in this?" she asks with a prod to his sock-covered foot.
He smirks, rubbing his eyes again. "You have all the say in the world, dove. Just tell me when, and I'll drop everything for you."
"When what?"
"When you're ready for bébés."
He sees it. He wants it. He needs it. He feels a deep yearning for the possibility of them having Nadine's eyes of maple syrup and heart of sweet honey. If they'll laugh in three caught breaths like her and have her lustrous hair, or if they'll cackle obnoxiously like him and inherit his wild curls. He'd like either outcome. He'd like it a lot.
"I think I will be ready in the spring," Nadine says. "I do not want to be pregnant in the winter."
"How come?" Harry murmurs, dizzily rolling over and nuzzling his face into the velvety skin of her stomach, which is exposed below her cropped tank top.
"I don't thrive in the cold, so it would be a living nightmare for me," she says, tilting his face upwards. "And I wouldn't be able to show off my baby bump if it was cold all the time."
"Nadi baby," he says while letting her poke his dimples, "do you realize that if you get pregnant in the spring, you'll be ready to pop during wintertime?"
"I can't do math when I'm high. Too many months." She uses her strength to switch positions and lay on top of him, squishing his cheeks, her favorite thing to do. "But you have to promise me a bébé in the spring."
He hooks his right pinky with hers and says, "The foxtail lilies should be in full bloom by then. They'll be our good luck charm."
He didn't mean to say that out loud, and now he just utterly ruined the surprise. Damn those three or four joints.
"Hmm? Foxtail?" Nadine bemuses, tracing the slope of his nose with her pointer finger.
Sighing to himself, he knows there's no faultless way to dig himself out of the hole he created. "For you," Harry says shyly. "I planted a bed of foxtail lilies for you that will hopefully bloom in time for your birthday."
She goes silent, spreading her hand on his cheek and parting her lips. Harry wishes he could have kept the details of his romantic gesture locked away in his conscious mind, but the way she's looking at him right now makes the mistake worth it.
"My heart," she whispers sweetly, pressing a long and tender kiss to his lips. "My love. You did that for me?"
"It was supposed to be a surprise," he says with cheeks the color of the peonies by the patio.
"Hey, listen. Don't fret about it, all right?"
"Okay. Oui."
Nadine rests her head on his chest. "Oui."
"Oui oui oui," he repeats with a ticklish breath in her ear during each staccato syllable.
"T'es chiant," she grumbles, pushing his face away.
Harry cradles the back of her head, resting his chin on top of it and soaking in her presence she graciously allows him to cherish. What a wonder to be able to hold a daydream in his arms.
Idyllic paintings could be inspired by her ethereal face and figure, especially when accented by her smile in the sunshine. She could be sculpted and hidden at the back of the most grandiose museum, yet Harry would always find her under the spotlight. She bears fruits of devotion that are seductive and sweet between his teeth, seeds from pomegranates and nectarines coated in aphrodisiacs.
His goddess of love will soon be surrounded by a bountiful bed of foxtails, and if the spring season is kind to him, little snap peas will grow alongside it.
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lateraniansweets · 1 year
Whether you write for this or not doesn’t matter much, I just really wanted to share this idea. Vash with a reader who knows he’s a plant and, seeing how this world has no wildlife, decides to make him a paper flower or flowers as a way of trying to connect with him.
awww thats so cute!!! i added embroidery flowers if that's okay with you!!
Plants like the flora kind do exist in No Man's Land but they're rare and mainly the rich own them. People would keep their plants under lock and key or spend their life savings buying a single one.
You could count on one hand the instances you've seen flora in your life.
All from a distance, of course.
At least until now.
Ship 3's biodome is in your eyes what paradise looks like. It's vast, with grass and all sorts of flora planted in sections, from vegetables, fruits, shrubs, trees and the decorative sort like roses.
It's the most flora you've seen your entire life.
Vash is two steps behind you, looking lovestruck as he watches you admire the flowers.
You stop in front of a group of violet flowers and turn to him. "What are these called?" you ask, gesturing to the flowers.
He hums, stepping closer and crouching down to get a better look, "They're campanula—bellflowers."
"Mhm," he tugs at your hand, gently urging you to crouch alongside him.
Happily, you oblige, shoulders brushing against his.
"They're called that because they look like bells," Vash explains, caressing one as you lean against his shoulder, "See?"
"I do," you answer following his example and caressing another flower.
Subtly, Vash wraps an arm around your shoulders, intertwining his hand with yours. You lean against his touch, breathing out a sigh. A comfortable silence envelops the geodome, the artificial wind blowing as the suns slowly set.
For a moment you could imagine that the two of you were on Earth taking an afternoon stroll at a park.
"I wish we could bring some flora with us," you mumble against his shoulder.
"Same. I bet they'd smell nice."
Bringing a plant along with you on your travels would be improbable. Flora, as you've learned from Luida tended to be sensitive. As nice as the idea would be, you knew neither of you would be able to take care of it.
Vash presses a kiss on your temple, "We should go now. I promised Brad I'd help him with some maintenance. "
"I see," With wobbly legs, you stand up. Leaning down on the still-crouched Vash you give him a quick kiss on the forehead and on the beauty mark under his left eye. "See you later at dinner then?"
You leave the geodome with an idea forming in your head, realising Vash left his coat in his room.
You and Vash leave Ship 3 with packs full of supplies provided by the Ship's residents and a freshly maintained arm.
Luida hugs you tightly, "I'm sure he'll love it." she assures, the smile lines on her face crinkling.
The older woman chuckles, "Yes, he definetly would. It's a thoughtful gift."
"Now," the older woman releases her hold you, "You two be safe out there alright."
"Alright." You walk away from the woman and down the sandswept metal ramp that leads out the SEEDS ship. Turning on your heelm you wave the woman goodbye before walking to Vash's side.
"What was that about?" asks Vash, taking your pack from you so he could carry it.
"Nothing..." Heat rushes up to your cheeks.
"It's definitely something!" He moves closer to you, "So..." Vash starts, curiosity in his voice as his hot breath fans in your in. "What is it?"
You stop in your tracks abruptly, making Vash bump into you.
"Check the inside of your coat."
"Just do it, okay!"
Vash methodically goes through his many coat pockets, feeling for whatever this something may be.
Excitement bubbles up inside him but it quickly dies down when he feels nothing other than a couple of his own bullets.
"Mayfly," He pouts, "there's nothing in he-OH!"
Turns out that 'something' wasn't inside his coat but in the coat itself.
There were flowers sewed in his coat, red and green threads standing out against the blue cloth of the inside of his coat.
Vash brushes his thumb against the red flowers embroidered on the inside of his coat, right over his heart.
"They're..." His breath is caught in his throat.
You step closer, avoiding his eyes as you inspect your work. It was an amateur's work at best but it turned out well enough considering your skill and the time you had.
"Geraniums, " you finish for him, placing a hand over his, the prosthetic a familiar metallic cool. Finally mustering the courage to do so, you look up at him. "They're your favorite right?"
They are, It goes unsaid.
Vash told you about Rem and his time on the SEEDS ship. A hundred fifty years into the past humanity roamed the stars searching for a new home and with them they took remnants of Earth.
It's all distant to you. All you've known are the endless dunes of No Man's Land.
"I-I know it looks a bit wonky. I'm not the best at embroidery and-and—"
The packs Vash was holding are dropped down on the ground as he suddenly wraps his arms around you, pulling you in a tight embrace.
"I love it. Thank you."
"You-you do?"
"Of course I do!" Vash pressed a kiss on your cheek, "It's beautiful, Mayfly. Thank you."
You hug him back, pulling your bodies closer together, heart swelling with joy.
okay I kinda didn't know how to end this so duandnwbs. it's currently 3am and I'm stress writing because I've got a policy paper proposal thingie in a few hours ajdjabreb I'm so nervous aaaa
also I just realised I should probably title some of my stuff fjsneb
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wildpeachfarm · 8 days
Snippet from a fic where the server is alive and loves her administrator.
In the heart of the server, once a great nation, or a blight on the server, depending on who you asked, was L'manberg. Reduced to rubble, burned and blown to bits all the way to bedrock, the obsidian grid still hung in the sky, a better testament to the foolishness of man, who thought they could spit in the face of God, of multiple gods, and believed what they had built would live to tell the tale. A desolate reminder that no one, save the gods themselves, were unfallable.
Or, rather, what should have been desolate.
Sapnap slowly descended the steps that had been carved into the sides of the crater, after one too many of our personal items had fallen or been thrown in. Almost entirely the whole way down, he could see the sky blue and verdant green moss of George's clothes, the man in one of his rare bouts of consciousness. He was kneeled in the dirt, deep and focused on something blocked from sapnap's view.
"Sapnap, come look at this," George demanded the second Sapnap's foot finally touched the bottom. Unlike the quiet, oppressive unease that had settled over the server, conflict lurking underneath every action and coating every word spoken bitterly, George is alive, a breath of fresh air, unaffected for the most part by the ongoing of the community, whether that be out of apathy or ignorance. Either way, Sapnal didn't care, and it was nice amongst everything else to have something stable, something that never changed. Just him, and George, and-
Sapnap cut his thoughts off, refocusing on his task. He approached George, planting his axe in the dirt to lean on and peak over George's shoulder. "What's up?"
Slowly, carefully, George removed his cupped hands away from whatever he had been protecting. Underneath was a small plant, a tiny green thing, just barely poking out of the dirt.
Sapnap frowned. "You know everything you plant here is going to die, right?"
"It won't." George leaned back on his haunches, using a muddied hand to push his goggles up and off his face. "It grew here itself."
"This place has been uninhabitable for a year now," Sapnap reminded him. "Maybe someone else was enough of a dumbass to plant it here but it won't survive."
"It grew here," George insisted, gently petting the budding plant with his index finger. "It will survive. A brave little thing. It's growing here because it wants to. The world wants it to."
Sapnap frowned. George, out of all three of them, had always been the one most vaguely spiritual. But Sapnap thought of mossy caves and of rapid growing trees, branches stretching out underfoot. He thought of only the freshest, juiciest apples always being in arms reach, of perfect gardens with little maintenance from his fathers. And he knew George was thinking of it too, based on the soft smile on his face and how he gently put the slowly unfurling leaves of the plant like how one might pet a dog.
Together they thought of fruitful autumns and summer breezes and snowfall enough to plan but not enough to trap them inside. They thought of odds 1 in 7 trillion, of never rolling an ankle.
In the end, they said nothing.
ohhhh echo this EATS
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wthelvetica21 · 3 months
Mystery Skulls Animated Headcanons (Part 3)
Mystery and the Seikaiju
Sometime before giving Shiromori life Mystery devoured a fruit from a tree known to little as the Seikaiju (world tree). Before then Mystery was merely a gitsune but eating the solo fruit not only transformed him into a kitsune but gave him various abilities only weilded by a being simply coined as ‘Kami’. In every MSA universe there is a Seikaiju and one who ate it’s fruit to see the ‘Eternal Web of Fate’ and gain a link to the entity called ‘The Web Keeper.’.
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Enigma ; The Keeper of the Web
“To many it is a myth but to yokai and any paranorma without it we and everyone and everything would cease to exist. The very knowledge of it can tend to drive most to madness. ‘Enigma’ is only just a name for a being that is beyond comprehension that any mere god or Kami. It doesn’t care for worship ; it’s aim is the maintenance Web of Fate (MSA Multiverse) come the End.”
- Mystery
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Enigma or Web Keeper is a primordial entity that’s said to have seen all possible futures, pasts and presents all at once since it’s an extension of an entity simply called [[redacted]]. Not much is known about this multiversal. The picture above is a mural discovered in the ruins of [[location redacted]].
Arthur’s Ambivalence
While his aversion to the paranormal is due to his latent clairvoyance it’s tied back to the disappearance of his cousin who set up to move out of his biological dad’s home and to Lance’s shop instead. His name was Murlyn Kingsmen ; Lance’s son and a close mutual friend to Duet. He was researching paranormal activity at an abandoned mining site farther in the desert in what the locals called ‘the giants graveyard’ because of the shape of the buttes. Many call this particular location “The Living Tombstone” because of the reported activity from there. One day he just vanished without a trace.
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smallestbubs · 1 year
hi! im thinking about getting rats, is there any advice you could give?
You wanna get more than 1 they need friends for a healthy life.
Girls are more playful and rambunctious than boys, boys are more laid back and chill.
Girls I recommend getting spayed because of their high chance of getting mammary and uterine tumors/cancer. It has to be done less than 5-6 months of age or it won't really help. Boys can get mammary and testicular tumors but it is not as common.
this cage can hold 3, this 5, this 10. When its time to clean I like to use dilute chlorhex. (the link is concentrated, dilute 1-2 capfuls in 16 oz water sprayer.)
for bedding i use a layer of cotton fabric under a layer of fleece, the fleece is soft for their feet and the cotton's absorbable. Then they have hammocks and castles and i use extra cut up fleece as little blankets to put in them.
For food I use oxbow rat food, (there are smaller bags) which can generally be free-fed but sometimes you can get one who eats too much so you have do do maintenance for them. That is their weight in grams divided by 100 times 5. that number would be the amount of oxbow crackers in grams they get a day, which can be split into two feedings. If they need to lose weight just cut the final number in half and feed them that for a couple weeks before going back to maintenance.
They can have most fruits and veggies. for treats i don't use rat treats because they tend to have too much sugar, I just use baby food, so like the mush or puffs just things without too much sugar or sodium. They can't digest lactose very well so little to no dairy products
pretty much any oxbow toy is fine for them, I will also use bird toys with the paper they can shred.
They can be potty trained, I've only been able to get mine to poop in their litter boxes but not pee yet. Just pick up the poops and put them in the box they eventually get the hang of it. I use this potty and this litter. An air purifier is a good thing to have around too, make sure they don't get to the wires.
I do let mine free roam my room when i'm in it, they have cat trees to climb on but the room has to be rat proofed. they will chew on everything, cords, carpet, walls, gotta be prepared to have a few things ruined. they will climb everything to get to a place they haven't been so you have to watch for that. also any little places they might be able to squeeze into. I have a heavy carpet under my door 'cause they can squeeze under and that thing is torn up so much.
Health wise respiratory infections are gonna be your main one, they can get sprains just from climbing and being curious. tumors: mammary, uterine, testicular can all be removed. lung and pituitary cannot. ear infections are rare but can happen those need to be taken care of fast bc they can quickly eat through to the brain an kill the rat. With them chewing on things they're not supposed to they can get abscesses which can resolve on their own, but they can also displace the jaw if they're bad enough and then cause tooth issues, and since their incisors are always growing that may mean frequent tooth trims.
But I think that's about all I got right now.
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sio-writes · 1 year
Sacrifice - Chapter 6
<< Chapter 5
<<< Chapter 1
Summary: This winter has been brutal, and you’re out of options. So, with teary eyes, you take your best goat into the woods, hoping for some pity from whatever god finds you.
A/N: My laptop is undergoing some maintenance right now, and I’m posting this from my iPad. So if you see any editing/formatting errors...No you don’t, haha. (Also I’ll add all links to chapters once I get my laptop back!)
The changeling house is an hour's walk downstream from Aurelius' home. It occurs to me to mark my trail as I walk so I can find my way back, until that first look and I see the tree stretching so far into the sky it disappears through the clouds. It makes the sigil on my back itch, and suddenly I'm not concerned with getting lost anymore. So I follow the river's winding path, over slippery stones and muddy banks. Anything that may have gotten in my way, be it animal or fae creature, all scurry out of my path. 
In one arm I hold a basket of fruit from Dachaigh, in the other a book from the library. It didn't disappear when I stepped out of the house, a sure enough sign that I wasn't ripping a piece of Dachaigh away once I left. I only mean it as a tool, a piece of information to trade in case the food isn't accepted. 
The cover is lined in gold filigree, but has no title on the cover or the spine. The pages inside are strange, with slanted, irregular text that cuts off at odd places, or rotates around so one would have to read the book upside down. The perfect, typed font tells me it wasn't written by hand, so it's not one of Aurelius' journals, therefore I felt safe enough being able to trade it away.
So down the winding river I go, stopping to sip from the stream and pluck a grape from the basket every now and then. The day is lovely, as always, small feathery clouds dot the sky, the sun lights up the forest floor, and I take the time I'm walking to appreciate just being outside.
Aurelius won’t notice that I’m gone. It’s a thought that strikes at my heart, a hot iron dunked into cool water. Alongside it is the thought that if I’m timely enough, if I make it back before sundown, he would never realize that I left at all. The alternative isn't comforting either. That he knows exactly where I am now, and where I'm going, and he doesn't care.
I feel my control over this situation with him is slipping. Not that I had much to begin with, but the small amount of influence I had is all but gone. The extent of these festival preparations, deciphering his notes, has only led me so far. I 've read what I could and thrown the rest to the side.
The house comes into view through the thickness of the trees, a two-level cottage with a garden to the side, and a stone path to the door. The roof is tiled orange and black, and the walls are colored cream. There's smoke swirling out of the chimney, and I step up to the door and knock.
Gregory implied that I could visit, and I hope he wasn't being facetious, because I'd love to visit the other humans here on a regular basis.
I’d wondered what they’re like, if they’re all similar to Gregory, or if they’re like the fae I’ve come across. Will they reject me, or bring me into their home? Trick me?
Just as I decide it's been too long of a wait and turn to leave, the door creaks open, and a familiar eye catches the light. I offer a small wave and a smaller smile, and the door opens fully to reveal Gregory. He's got a shiny gold shirt on and poofy black pants that end at his knees. His hair is mussed, and there's smudged golden paint around his eyes that speak of sleep— I must've woken him up. Still, after looking me up and down, his face breaks into a smile.
"It's you!"
I offer the basket. "I brought food."
Gregory claps his hands together in delight. "Lovely! Come in, please."
He waves me in, his gold ear jewelry catching the morning light, and I step across the threshold only for my jaw to drop.
The cabin is huge and open, the front room has couches and cushions around a low table, with large windows on the far wall that show a beautiful river just a stone's throw away. There's hallways to my immediate right and left that lead into open sitting rooms, and a staircase on either side leading to the second level.
Gregory, unaware of my awe, continues forward as naturally as I would in the library. He leads me towards the back-right of the main hall that turns into the kitchens, a huge space with a rectangular island in the middle. I follow him only after quickly scraping my muddy feet on the welcome mat and running to catch up. My bare feet slap against the tile, causing Gregory to look back at me, then down to the dried mud caking my ankles and the hem of my dress.
I'd used my first dress, my original dress, for this journey, as I didn't want the nicer ones I'd just finished to pick up mud. I realize that was a grave mistake, and I shift the basket into both of my hands in a futile attempt to cover the mud.  Gregory doesn't say anything, only purses his lips and continues into the kitchen.
Inside there are three other humans, more than I thought I'd ever see again. One is sitting on the countertop swinging her legs, her skin is a rich brown and her black, wildly curly hair is piled atop her head, while the two others swim around each other as they cook. One is as pale as the moon with a shock of red hair, the other is tanned, with silky black hair tied to their nape.
"Everyone, this is Kaitlyn." He announces, getting all of their attention. The two cooks turn around, and the one at the counter stops swinging her legs. They stare at Gregory, then at me, as Gegory points to each person, left to right. "Meet Emile, Kimiko, and Josefina."
They're staring at me, all of them expecting an answer, a response. The one on the counter, Josefina, although I doubt that's her true name, has an eyebrow raised as she looks me over, her gaze stopping at my feet. 
I shuffle awkwardly, looking between each of them. "Hello."
They all look fresh, clean. Their clothes are all crisp, no fraying at the edges. Kimiko's hair shines in the morning light. My feet are covered in mud and the plait I'd pulled my hair into is simple. Ordinary.
The man, Emile, squints. "Kaitlyn, where have I heard that name before?"
Gregory plants his hands on his hips. "She's the one I tried to steal at the market."
All their eyes widen, and Kimiko scoffs. "No shit?"
"Not a shit to be seen," he says, and I can't tell if he's joking, but they all laugh.
Something on the stove starts to simmer, interrupting the laughter with a loud hiss, and Kimiko curses before turning back to her work. Gregory gestures to the kitchen, and I take the sign and set my basket on the countertop in the middle.
Josefina hops off the counter as Emile steps up to the basket.
"Ooh, you brought grapes! I haven't had grapes in a decade!" he says, picking up a whole string and starting to pick them off.
"What did you bring us?" Kimiko quickly examines the basket, picking through the food. "Grapes, cherries-- oh Gregory, you love cherries, don't you?" She glances up at me. "You didn't bring any cheese?"
I shuffle my feet, bare and dirty against their floor. "No."
I’d told Dachaigh I’d be visiting them, but she only provided me with the usual assortment of fruits in the basket. I hadn’t thought to ask for anything extra.
"Well that's okay," she waves me off. "You can bring cheese next time."
"O-okay." Shame is creeping up my spine, I can feel it sinking claws into my skin. I want to make a good impression, I want them to like me. They're my only human connection here.
"Come on Kimi," Gregory says. "She brought us food."
Gregory turns towards me, and rests a hand on my shoulder while offering me an easy smile, the same relaxed smile that eased my fears in the market. "Don't worry about them, they're impossible to please."
Just as I return the smile, the door leading outside opens and in come two more people. A tall, willowy woman with short hair the color of snow, and a tall, dark-skinned man with long dreadlocks. They both have a healthy layer of dirt on their clothes and hands, as if toiling in a garden, and my heart eases its frantic beating. I'm still the filthiest one here, but not the only one.
"Hey!" Kimiko waves to them with her spoon, which is covered in some kind of sauce and splatters the countertop. "We got a new one!"
The willowy woman groans, letting her head fall back. "Another baby? We just finished with Josefina!"
"Fuck off," Josefina fires back, popping an orange slice into her mouth.
"Then what--?" The woman says, her eyes falling on the basket. She looks to Gregory, then past him to me. Her eyes go wide as saucers and she's beside me in a manner of two steps.
"You're new!" she says, her grin wide and excited.
"That's Sveta, that's Francois," Gregory loudly whispers, gesturing to each of them.
Sveta reminds me of a kinder version of the faeries I encountered on the trail. She flits around me, gently tugging my hair, pinching my cheeks and patting my arms. 
"How long have you been here? Do you really live with the master? Were you taken like us? Oh what fun!"
Francois steps forward, gently pushing Sveta aside. He's built like the Greek athletes I've seen in picture books, taller than me by at least a head, and I instinctively take a step back, tensing.
But he’s quiet, gentle when he asks, "I see you brought a book. Is it from the lord's library? What is it? What's inside?" His voice is level, but I can hear the curiosity, the excitement behind it.
His voice is soothing, like Aurelius' is in quiet moments, and I relax as I hand the book over. "I…I can't read it. I brought it in case…"
Sveta tilts her head, looking like a bird. "In case of what?"
"I-I'm not sure," I lie. "I didn't know…what to expect."
Josefina says, "Did you think we worked like the fair folk?" and her tone is upset, offended. I feel my heart sink.
She rolls her eyes, and I see the orange rinds collapse as she squeezes her hands. "It's not all trades and magic, you know."
"That's not--"
"Hey, be nice," Gregory says, stepping between us. "She hasn't been outside, and living with the master? Perfectly understandable, she'd think we need to barter."
Francois turns to me and smiles gently. "We don't work like The Neighbors do, or even the lord. We're still human, all grouped together."
I nod, looking down at my hands and fighting the burning in my nose that comes before tears. How stupid of me, to assume humans and fae followed the same rules. I'm glad Josefina's not staring at me anymore, her eyes are bright green and piercing. Like she can see into my soul.
Francois steps away, leaning against the wall as he flips through the book. It leaves an opening for Sveta to continue prodding. "So you're the lord's new mate?"
I look into her eyes, which are a pale gray with flecks of green. "I'm…I'm not his mate."
She rolls her eyes. "Horseshit. Do you live in his home?"
"I-- Yes."
"Does he provide for you?"
"It's more the house herself that provides…."
"And you fuck, yes?"
My jaw clenches, and the color in my face is enough of an answer.
Sveta barks a laugh. "See? You're his mate."
"Look at her face," Kimiko exclaims, pointing at me. "She is red as a beet! They definitely fuck."
"What is that even like?" Emile asks.
"Does he rut you like an animal?"
"I'd imagine he's soft and kind."
"He's terrifying! I'd want to face away."
They all laugh, and I look down at my hands. They’re chapped and dry from doing chores this morning. 
I think I prefer the company of the fae to these humans. They remind me of the ladies my age that came in from the city. Mean-spirited. It makes me want to take a bath and forget this whole ordeal.
Sveta pulls me into a hug and I try not to shiver. "Don't be so serious, darling! We just tease."
Sveta releases me, and I sway on my feet. I'm not used to so much touching, not even from Aurelius.
Pulling me out of my own anxiety is Gregory, gently holding my hands in his. He's warm, he's stepped close enough that I can smell spices and honey.
I look down at our joined hands. Gregory says something, but his words bounce against my head, unheard. The last human I spoke with, let alone touched, was Andrew nearly half a year past. There's people here. People I can talk to without worrying that they’re going to steal the words from my mouth. 
Emotion, overwhelming and all at once, washes over me. The stinging in my nose returns, spilling over into tears. My face scrunches up as the tears flow freely, and I must look so ugly, but I can’t help it.
Gregory makes a distressed sound in the back of his throat. "Hey, no, it's okay."
Svate rests a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, we're sorry, please don't cry."
"I think she's overwhelmed," he says, pulling me into a tight hug.
I didn’t mean to make them feel bad, to have them worry over me. But still, they guide me out into the living area and sit me on the couch. I feel like a newborn sheep, barely able to walk, blinking the tears out of my eyes. 
Slowly, I come down from my hysterics, wrung out and tired. I’m offered a handkerchief that I use then rest on my lap, and then Kimiko shoves a plate full of buttered bread in my face. 
“It’s fresh. Eat it,” she says curtly, her head turned to the side, her lips pursed.
I take the plate and pick up a slice, and take a tentative bite. It’s sourdough, with a toasted outside and soft inside. I haven’t had sourdough in ages, and I realize I hadn’t eaten breakfast— the basket of fruit is sitting in the kitchen.
Emile leans forward in his seat. "Tell us of the human world. Have they fallen to shit?"
Through my despair, I find the light in me to laugh. "Not quite. In the city there's a lot of steam engines, and a lot of people. There's a machine for everything, even sewing."
All of them 'oh' in unison, fascinated, and I smile as I finish off the first slice of bread. I once found it fascinating too, until I learned how expensive such machines are. But I'll spare them that piece of information.
They ask me about the city, and I tell them what I know, making up only a few details here and there. Kimiko is fascinated by the fashion of whale-boned stays and kirtles, and Emile wants to know if men still wear their hair long. Throughout the conversation I pick up on details, small and fleeting, about my new friends.
Gregory was the first one here, raised by a witch until he was a young man. He learned to hunt, fish, and care for himself on his own. Then came Kimiko and Emile as young children, both stolen away from countries across the sea. Francois was next, replaced as an adult, and he had a difficult time adjusting to this strange, fae world. Finally, Josefina arrived as a baby, and they all worked together to raise her, and she’s been here for at least seven decades. 
I want to ask questions, I have so many. Why they age to a certain point then stop, or how they came across this cabin. But I’m content to keep listening, absorbing their stories as they tell them. It’s Kimiko who pulls me out of my listening state.
"You could live with us, you know," she says, propping her chin on her fist.
I set the empty plate down.They all refused my offer to share, leaving me to finish it off. "I could?"
She smiles at me for the first time. "If you ever get tired of the old lord."
"I appreciate that," I say, smiling back.
The six of them continue talking, mostly about what they did that day, and I let it flow around me easily. I've never been a lively girl, or the best at conversation. I'm more of a listener than a speaker. But having six voices bouncing off one another is a certain type of peaceful. It reminds me of the days my parents and brother would share stories around the soup pot. This is familiar, and I want to be there for all of it.
"This book you brought is full of spells," Francois says, wandering in from the kitchen. "Did you know that?"
I grimace, shame souring my belly. "I couldn't read the script." 
"They're very advanced," he continues, oblivious to my insecurity, idly flipping pages as he slowly meanders towards the couch and finally plops next to Kimiko. "They're all about conjuring, summoning spirits and such."
"That's amazing," I say, genuinely surprised. You can do that?
"The cost is high, though. Look here, to open a portal between planes you need a mutual agreement on top of a great trade."
"How great?" Emile asks.
"Something of 'great perceived value', whatever that means."
I inhale so sharply I choke on my saliva.
"I think she knows what it means," Kimiko says around a laugh as she pats my back.
I feel lighter on the walk back to Aurelius' home. The time with other people was like jumping into a clear pool-- refreshing and bright. Their laughter echoes throughout my head, their easy touches are ghosts on my skin.
I want to tell Aurelius about my day.
He didn't come and fetch me at all, which bodes well for me, as I wasn't interrupted. If he needed anything he knew where I was anyway. But it’s a little disappointing in hindsight, that he didn’t need me, and didn't wonder where I was. The realization slows my steps, makes my arms like lead.
Climbing up the stairs into Dachaigh makes me anxious, as if Aurelius will be waiting for me in the library to reprimand me like a child. But he’s not there, and I breathe a little easier. It’s not like I’ve done anything wrong, or broken some rule, so why do I feel like he’s going to be upset?
I set the empty basket on the low table and head towards my bed. I’m exhausted, all the talking and people certainly sapped my energy. I fall into the cushions lining the massive windowsill, careful to keep my feet off the blankets as I fall backwards and stare at the ceiling. I’m ready for an afternoon nap, and then I’d like to work on my second dress.
“Kyla,” comes Aurelius’ voice from across the room. I sit up, and there he is, appearing out of thin air. 
“Aurelius,” I say. 
He steps up to me, and takes my hand, pulling me to a standing position. "Come, come." 
“What—?” He allows me no time to ask before pulling me across the room towards the stairs. He stretches an arm out and grabs all my notes before shoving them all at me which I barely manage to wrap my arms around it all before we’re flying down the stairs.
He’s dressed very nicely: a crisp white collared-shirt and tan pants and suspenders. His shape is human with those long arms, reminding me of my father, narrow from the legs up until filling out at the shoulders that speaks of endless time chopping wood. Is this his true form? The form underneath the cloak he wears? 
"Where are we going?"
He turns back to me, and I catch a glimpse of his head. I’d thought it was his typical corrupted deer because he maintained the branching antlers, but this one is sharp and dangerous, with extra angles and longer, threatening teeth. "I have business to attend to,” he says. “I require your assistance."
I try not to trip over my own feet. "Business?"
"The vendors for the festival are beginning to arrive. Your papers are what gives them their position."
“Oh,” I say, rather stupidly.
Before I have time to think, he pulls me outside, and there's a long line of Fair Folk, winding like a snake to the treeline. There’s animals that I’ve seen, and animals that I could never imagine. There’s half-human half-animal hybrids, beings with shimmering skin in every visible color, and even a few that seem to be made of pure light. I see feathers and scales and rough skin and slime. Bringers of dark and bringers of light, and bringers of something neither good nor bad, all gathered at Aurelius’ home for a festival.
My eyes widen. "They're setting up here?"
I stop dead, and Aurelius nearly yanks me to the floor when he keeps moving. "In the clearing, yes."
I sigh heavily, resigning myself to go along with whatever he wants. He’s not going to explain.
We step the edge of the shadow but not completely out of it, and every single being, creature and fae, bow their heads, in respect or fear I’m not sure, but it’s a humbling sight to watch them all stare resolutely at the ground.
From my notes, I've gathered that Aurelius sits at the north end of the clearing, with the vendors to the south. There's a large empty section for celebration and dancing, and the whole area is lit with magical floating aurora.
The first patron is easy, Aurelius gives them their assigned location and they walk off. And after five, six more groups it’s almost boring, menial. Until we encounter a snag.
A patron of dryads approaches, and I remember their location was one that I’d changed. Quickly flicking through the pages I find their rearrangement and slap it on the table, triumphant. Aurelius looks down at me, and I swear that he’s glaring.
“No, the Aur dryads will go here,” and he points to the map.
“But this’ll put them closer to the woods, and isn’t that what they—“
“It is not how it’s done, my doe.” And he smoothes a hand over my head, making the dryads laugh and my face ignite. 
He’s not going to listen to me, much less take me seriously. What did I prepare all these notes for, then? What was the point of it? I want to walk away, I want to go take a bath, but I shouldn’t be giving up so easily. I learned that I need to speak up to earn my place here.
After that, I do my best to follow along, chiming in when I recognize a symbol from the notes or a vendor from the list. But every time, Aurelius denies me. Every time, he tells me things don’t work that way, or these vendors are never together. My favorite was a series of stalls that float in the air above the festival that also need to be arranged a certain way. 
The next fae is a kind I've never heard of in books or stories. A giant rabbit, as tall as a man when they sit on their haunches, carrying a small basket and wearing a bonnet. The strangest thing, though. She’s not looking down. She’s actually looking up at Aurelius, with large, shiny black eyes.
Aurelius leans down so the two of them are eye-level. "Hello Eodine."
The rabbit’s nose twitches, and then shakes her head. "Atya, my dear!” I gasp— her mouth barely moves when she speaks. 
“How are you?” She asks. “And oh--" those inky black eyes turn to me. "Who is this?"
Aurelius taps one of his branching antlers with his long claw instead of answering, and the large rabbit named Eodine gasps.
"This is the human you've captured!" she remarks, planting her furry paws on her hips. "Haven't seen a new face in near a century. Send her my way for some tea, Atya, I could use more company than just you."
"Of course."
They speak easily, and Aurelius marks a spot close to his seat for her. I’d originally moved her small art station towards the middle so it would see more patrons, but I don’t mind being wrong about this one. She reminds me of a matron, or a grandmother. She’s opinionated and harsh, but well-meaning and kind.
Eodine speaks a little longer with Aurelius, catching up and making plans, and I wish those plans included me.
“You, human,” she says, looking at me. “Visit me anytime before sundown.” And she turns away, stepping with those large paws towards the grass, where she fades into the mist.
In my silence, Aurelius turns back to the line of fae, and continues his placement of stalls. I want to think of Eodine more, but I’m caught up in a slurry of plans, arrangements, and vendors. Every part of me rails against opposing Aurelius, but I still try to assert myself.
"I think the takoyaki stand could go here with the rest of the--"
"That is not how it's done. The kitsune are always placed here," he gestures to another spot that makes no sense. 
"A food stand shouldn't be in the middle of two textile patrons. The fabrics will absorb the smell."
"M'lord is correct, human. It is always done this way," the fox says quietly, glancing up at me through their long fox lashes. "Although, I'd hate to ruin the lovely river spirit's textiles." They bring a paw up to their snout, as they look over the layout in thought. 
For what feels like the thirtieth time, I want to pull Aurelius aside and ask him why he brought me here. I asked for something to do, but was it a fruitless task just meant to keep me busy?
"Would m'lord perhaps," the fox gestures to the open spot. "Consider moving us here?"
Aurelius goes quiet, considering the map. He heaves a heavy sigh through his snout, and crosses his arms. "You will have to tell the Whiteadder spirit that they're being transferred."
"M'lord is most kind," the fox says with a bow, before literally disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Before the next round of fae comes, I look up at Aurelius, my face drawn into a frown. "Why'd you bring me if you're only going to shoot down all my ideas?"
"I wanted you here, with me," he says, folding his arms over his chest. It’s still strange to see him in human clothing, I’m so used to the tall cloaked form.
“To do what?” I ask helplessly.
“To be by my side.”
One of the fae speaks up, "That's a cursed life if I ever heard one!"
The fae to their right chimes in, "The human is rather silly for agreeing to live with him!"
And another voice asks, "Can you even look him in the eyes when you fuck?"
They all laugh for half a moment, until Aurelius growls low in his throat, and every voice goes silent.
"Certain placements are sacred," he chides me, and I scoff.
"How was I supposed to know that?"
"I'm telling you now."
I want to cry and scream at the same time. I ball my hands into fists to keep from lashing out at Aurelius. I hate it here, I want to leave.
Another fae in line that I can’t see jeers loudly, bringing up a chorus of responding cheers. I don't like having our personal life on display for these creatures. They haven't earned the right to my anger. So I stomp away, ignoring the laughter of the fae behind me.
Maybe that kindly rabbit or the other humans will take me in, I think as I make my way to the center of the tree and up the staircase.
Aurelius takes the rest of the evening to sort out the placements, and I can only go to one place: the library. I’d considered exploring the other levels of Dachaigh, but she still doesn’t feel like home. I’m not comfortable rooting around in Aurelius’ personal belongings, especially when he considers me one of them. He’s been kind in the past, but I’ve seen his anger, not the frustration that pushes me to the floor and makes me his, but his true anger. His rage. And I don’t want that turned on me if I stumble upon some secret.
So I watch the sunset from my bed, through the large window that lines it. The colors run together, orange and red and purple, with wispy, bright pink clouds. It’s gorgeous, and speaks of fair weather for tomorrow. I idly wonder what the others are doing, the humans at the cottage.
My visit to the house floats through my mind like a bird on the breeze. They’d all be nice to visit again, but I need to remember to defend myself or I fear I’ll become their new scapegoat, an easy target for harsh words. But I’m more comfortable with them after this initial visit, and I hope I can remain friends with them.
In the corner, Dachaigh shoves a book from the shelf, the same one meaning an affirmative, and I groan to the endless ceiling.
“Dachaigh, I’m too tired for this.”
Another book falls, and I sigh heavily. I’m not in the mood for more games. But yet another book falls, almost insistent in the way it hits the ground, and I roll out of bed.
I put the initial book back in its place, and turn to fix the others, when it falls again. I squint at it on the floor, put it back again, then straighten to stand just as she pushes it off the shelf again. Dachaigh is trying to tell me something.
I pick up the book and open it. It’s softbound with no title and those same, tilted words that I’ve come to know as Aurelius’ handwriting. I couldn’t read it before, but I’ve become familiar with his script after devoting weeks to planning a festival that I’ll have no part in. Quickly flipping through, I see it’s not completely full, about half the pages in the back of the journal are blank. I flip to the last entry, a single line of perfect cursive: The human has left.
Ice shoots down my spine and my mind is thrown into a tornado of thought. No, this must be a falsehood. Aurelius has told me he’s never brought another to his home, and the fair folk won’t lie. But Aurelius is not of the fair folk, he’s a god. Would he lie to me? Why would he, what purpose does it serve?
The book falls out of my hands and clatters on the floor.
Something in my mind snaps, the world slows to a halt, and everything I knew about Aurelius snaps into focus. I clap my hands together.
“I need a bath.”
Like someone with no personality, I walk away from the bookshelves and into the bathing room to take a long, hot bath. Nothing about today is bothering me. I’m completely fine. 
Strangely enough, I’m beginning to recognize all the bottles on the bath’s edge, so when one very deep green bottle about as long as my forearm appears amongst them, I’m curious. I can’t see the color of the liquid inside through the green glass, but it’s slick, loose flowing like water, not the thick soaps I’ve become used to.
This one still has its glass stopper, and pulling it out I smell roses, jasmine, and an undercurrent of spice. Sandalwood? Ginger? It’s almost seductive, this combination of smells. I take another deep inhale and I tip some of the liquid into my palm. 
I was correct in my assumptions— it’s an oil. For bathing or…some other purpose. The smell is even stronger out of the bottle, washing over the whole room. It’s definitely meant to catch attention, and part of me wants to slather it all over my body and stand in the library, waiting for whatever beast it awakens in this creature I’ve linked my life to.
Instead, I decide on a milder option, and dump it into the water. I dump it until it’s empty, and climb in, immediately dunking my head underneath the water. All sound, all sight, all feeling cuts off from me as I hold my breath. I can’t open my eyes, so I rest my forehead against my knees until my lungs begin to scream.
The human has left.
After a long soak, I dress in Aurelius’ long shirt and pad into the library. I’m not tired enough to fall asleep, and the lights are too dim to read by, so I resume my former position of sulking in the windowsill and watching the stars.
It’s a long time before I hear Aurelius climbing the stairs, making noise so I know he’s coming. I expect he’s going to ignore me and head to his room but instead, I feel his presence over my shoulder.
"You are unhappy."
I scoff. "Yeah, no shit."
"Let me show you something."
"I'd really rather--ah!" He picks me up from the couch and we dissolve away, his strange method of teleportation taking us outside.
The transportation makes me dizzy, and the night air is cold. He's taken us to an empty field, where the grass has grown high and unruly. It’s the dead of night, so I can’t see much, but I can still see Dachaigh in the distance.
“You smell nice,” Aurelius says as he sets me down. He starts off north, at least I think it's north, and we reach a sandy lake.
"Where are we?"
"A practice field. I'm going to show you this," and he produces a book. Bound in black leather, embossed symbols on the front and along the spine. A chill runs up my spine at first— it looks just like the journal— but it’s much thicker, and hardbound like a proper book. I take it— oh, it’s heavy, and inside is runes, the same he used to bring us to this plane. I realize why he brought me out, and I smile.
"You're teaching me magic."
He looks away, shuffling awkwardly. "You requested it."
My face stretches into a wide grin. "You're teaching me magic!"
Unable to contain my joy, I jump in the air and fold my arms over his frame. I’m learning magic!
I open the book, and on the opening page is the setup Aurelius used to bring me to this plane. I run my fingers over it, feeling the raised impressions of the ink, before flipping through the rest of the book. Its language is scattered, runes and symbols blending together to make a stew of words and thoughts. It’s impossible to make anything out, even the margins with scribbled notes are too tightly scripted for me to decipher.
"I…I can't read this," I say, tears welling up behind my eyes.
“Oh,” Aurelius says, stepping forward and starting to fret. He takes the book in one hand and encircles me in the other. “Here, here, let me show you. Here.”
Flipping to a page in the middle, he gently holds my hand in his, the only point of warmth on this cool night, and guides my finger over the sand. He’s gentle, guiding instead of forcing, and I wish I saw this side of him more.
We trace a few circles, some too lopsided, others too shaky, until he finally deems one acceptable. I feel a swell of pride as he nods decisively, and then points to the runes surrounding the circle, telling me which to draw first. There’s six in total, spread around evenly like a clock, and simple enough that I can listen to Aurelius as he speaks and I draw the runes at the same time.
"You're already familiar with the idea, but it bears repeating. All magic comes at an exchange. You’re pulling from nature itself, and nature always takes what it is owed. It is always hungry." 
Before I can ask what he means he breaks off a piece of his own antler, and that black ichor wells up and begins to drip on the ground.
"Your head…" I frown as my stomach turns with guilt.
He waves me off with his free hand as he places the piece in the center of the circle. "It will regrow by tomorrow."
And for a moment, it is quiet. And then, the antler begins to glow a soft green. It shakes and spins, stretching and twisting around on itself as it’s pulled into the air. It flashes several colors, red, purple, orange, before settling on green. It’s as high as my chest before it shudders once more, elongating and exploding from one end, and a bouquet of wildflowers takes its place, held together by a simple black ribbon. The flowers are bright and fresh— red poppies, yellow yarrows, purple bergamot, and several other types I don’t recognize all combining in an arrangement as big as my head. 
The flowers slowly float towards me, as if carried by some invisible suitor, and I grab them from the air. The moment my hand touches the stalks, the green magic fades, and I’m left holding the flowers, grinning impossibly wide.
These are flowers. Real, cut flowers that I could find at the market. And I made them from a branch and some runes in the sand. I shove my. Face into the bouquet and take a deep inhale through my nose. It smells like summer, like summer and beauty.
"I did that! I really, really just did that!” I say, my voice echoing in the field.
Aurelius chuckles, and rests a heavy hand on my shoulder. "Well done."
The contact warms me, makes my heart leap inside my chest. I did something right! I’m full of energy now, I want to do another.
I look up to him, eager. "What else?"
Aurelius hums, idly flipping through the book. "Ah."
It’s another circular configuration, an oval, actually, with a large, complex rune in the center. 
“This will do, for now.”
This oval is much easier than the circle, now that I know what I’m doing, and the single rune is more complex than the last, but Aurelius traces the strokes with his finger and guides me through.
Despite the chill in the air, I manage to draw the large symbol, easily the size of my torso, into the sand. It’s not perfect, and I push my lips out in a pout, but maybe if we do this again I can ask him how to properly draw things.
Now I just need something to trade.
I look down at myself. I have no branching antlers to snap off, nor any articles of clothing I wish to remove. I look back up at Aurelius, helpless. "What should I…?"
He considers me for a moment, tilting his head this way and that as if trying to get a better look, and hums thoughtfully.
"This is your second lesson. Humans with the potential for magic often have to give up very little of themselves. Try something small."
I pluck a few hairs from my head, and set them in the center, expecting nothing. Then the rune begins to glow blue, peeling off the ground and floating into the air. It ripples and shimmers before shooting back into the ground, flattening and growing into a small pool of water within the oval. The sand absorbs the water before I have a chance to touch it, but the damp sand is enough proof that I need to affirm that yes, I just created water.
My grin returns full force, and I jump to standing. Water! I can make water! But something nags at my mind, and I look up to Aurelius.
"Why so little, when you had to…" I reach up, and my fingers barely brush the antlers branching from his head.
“This was nothing,” he says, tilting his head to allow me access to brush my fingers over the empty space. “As much as you giving up your hair. Humans are also more potent because they are rare, they have to trade much less than, say, an average fae.”
My eyes widen. "How did you know I could do magic?"
"I've known since the first moment I touched you."
"And you kept it to yourself this whole time?"
He straightens, and brings one long hand up to tap at his unmarred antler. "I admit that the thought was in my mind, but it was overshadowed by other things. I was only reminded when Eodine brought it up."
I frown. What would take up space in a god’s head?Then I remember: The human before me. When did he write that? How far back did the entries go? Were they like me?
Instead, I ask flatly, "Overshadowed?" 
Aurelius looks towards the house, then back to me. He exhales a long sigh before he leans forward, looming over me, moving as if to gently knock the side of my head with his snout, but stops. It’s like he’s waiting for something, but I couldn’t guess what.
“You left today,” he says.
His head shifts on my shoulder, and he sinks to the ground, sitting so we're level with each other, and holds out his hands for me to take. Against my better judgment, I take his hands, still warm and calloused, and look down at them in the silence.
Aurelius speaks up, “Why did you go?”
“You know where I was.”
“But why?”
“Why do you care?”
He stills and looks away, hands tightening on my fingers, and my stomach drops. I know what he’s going to say.
"Because I love you."
My lips part on a sharp inhale as images rush through my head. Of Aurelius saving me from the forest fae, of him giving me the library, the gifts he brings back. Alongside it are memories of our argument earlier today, of him chasing down Gregory because I dared to wander off, of him removing me from his bed day after day. 
The human has left.
Whatever this is between us right now, it’s not love. It’s not the love I want.
"No, you don't," I say, sighing, and pulling my hands away. 
He doesn't respond, seeming to shrink back into himself, his empty hands folding in front of him in a way that reminds me of a mouse.
"It's getting cold," I say, rubbing my arm for emphasis. "I'm going inside."
And I turn away from him, the magic we just created together, and towards a home I don’t belong in.
Perhaps I'm wrong. What do I know of love? My own parents weren't unhappy, but they certainly didn't seem to be in love. I loved my brother dearly, but I know it's different from romance.
When I sold crops in town, I'd hear the ladies speak of their courtships with the lords. How they'd be gifted a new trinket each day, each one more exuberant than the last; How their beloved would write them sonnets of their beauty, or commission an artist to capture it in painting. They'd cry out when their suitors arrived on horseback, flinging themselves into his waiting arms and peppering each other with kisses.
After my parents passed, I received a few such pleasantries. A few notes written in cursive that I couldn't read, fresh cut flower bouquets that I'd heard have secret languages. One brave man even visited our home, but Arthur had already contracted his illness by then, and the suitor fled once Arthur began coughing. He was a nice gentleman, and I once imagined myself marrying him and moving to the city, leaving the farm behind. The men of town weren't like the farmers surrounding it. They were soft, romantic and well-educated.
But Aurelius is not human. Perhaps I'm expecting too much of him to align himself with the lowly creatures he watches over. Perhaps all I'll ever be is a trinket to him, a pet to be watched over and cared for. We never set out to build a romance.
And yet, I still crave one.
Deep in my bones, I know that I want everything from him, his affection, his touch, his gifts of books and buttons and safety. I want his anger, his jealousy, his need to possess me in every way possible. I want to learn to read better for him, to share meals and a bed. But he doesn’t love me the way he should.
I’m well underneath Dachaigh when Aurelius appears in front of me, a flicker of shadow and bone.
“Don’t be angry with me,” he says, and I see the stars in his eyes sparkle. “I don’t like when you’re angry with me.”
“Then don’t do things that make me angry,” I say in a rush.
“What am I doing wrong?” 
“You shouldn’t need me to tell you!” I shout, and I’m silently stricken. That was a cruel thing to say. I sound like my mother. Angry at a cowering child for doing something without realizing. Aurelius is even still keeping his head lower than mine, so I can look him in the eyes.
The human has left.
I don’t want to talk anymore. I can’t speak with him anymore. I don’t want to crack open my heart when I don’t know what he’s going to do with it. It’s too late, I’m too tired, and it’s too cold for any of this. Aurelius couldn’t have picked a worse time to bring this up.
I push past him, ignoring the hitch of my breaths and the constricting of my throat. I will not cry. Not here.
“Kyla,” he says, his voice far too soft for what he is, and I continue walking, brisque and cold.
Aurelius doesn’t chase after me, doesn’t call my name again, even as I ascend the stairs, and wind through the room, and bury myself into my bed. There, and only there, do I let the tears flow freely.
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Alsea of Alseid
I changed my mind, I'm doing the extra bits! (it's okay to judge me. I judge me.) This is just for informing Alseid, and the islands off the monster-filled super continent world idea I'm working on. I'm not going to include these as official 'parts'.
The City of Alsea
Alsea is the first city, and its people take pride in its history and importance as such. It has not been without war and has scars of past sieges and battles, but it's inland and elevated location make it perfect for defense.
Alsea is run by a council instead of a single family - although to be a council member your family has to come from one of the great heroes of the city's past. This might be an ancient ruler, an elevated warrior or a poet. I'm thinking that poets, historians and judges will be interchangeable like with the ancient Celts. The council must elect and expel at least one member family every seven years and a single person can only serve a single term.
Although most members work as clerks for their older relations for most if not all of their term, learning the ins-and-outs of running the city and the nation- before joining themselves. It is considered highly presumptuous and rude for a newly minted family to take any vote for the entire of their first term except in instances of military decisions or as a tie-breaker. The council always has 25 members.
Alsea has some of the only museums to be found in all of the isles outside of Potamides. It also has a huge temple and an art gallery which is always open to the public.
Children from outside the city are brought to a housed school while they are being educated. Children from the city are allowed to return home to sleep unless they fail to meet strict rules, or do not have a home, in which case they are also brought in. This is considered shameful either way.
While in military training, the boys are separated from the girls. The girls learn more about defensive tactics, while the men learn more about offensive. (The girls learn how to use a sword, but also how to destroy the city gates in case of attack). There is a secret third class which is mixed, but is for spies and assassins.
The idea behind training all of the children together is to foster communal spirit and for the common folk to feel closer and more involved in government rulings. However, most of the time the children of higher status families are treated differently and given separate, extra lessons to ensure their success.
Another value of Alsean life is cleanliness. The city has a festival every year and every person is encouraged to spent the day cleaning their own space (even those who have maids) and to end the day with a bath.
There are huge public baths in the city, from ornate and beautiful to small and functional. Every neighborhood has it's own area to bathe, even the poorest. It is a part of welcoming a stranger into your home to clean their face and hands and offer them a spirit cleansing tea so they may be renewed and refreshed.
Fresh herbs are grown on many window boxes in the city from frugal families who wish to save money on soap and perfumes. There is a fashion to these things and scents go in and out of vogue every year (although lavender is considered a stable).
The river has many fish inside it but fishing in the city is rare. The water way is usually quite busy with training for naval maneuverers, and there is a slight association with fish being a 'poor man's food'. Fish is consumed in the city, but usually it is from the sea or out in the country lake's and brought in.
Most of the food comes from the surrounding hamlets and farmlands. There are a small number of orchards, primarily grown for making alcohol like cider instead of fruit to eat.
There are quite a few parks and gardens inside the city, often lined with decorative trees. Part of the care and maintenance of these gardens falls to the new recruits for the military. At 12, the main concern of their instructors in developing discipline and routine, so they are awoken at dawn and given instructions to clean and care for the parks.
Other than the parks, there are many training grounds for weapons training and libraries for reading and learning military strategy from the past.
There is one library that is off limits to most of the populace. This library is only accessible to lawyers, their trainees, government officials and their clerks, military officers and a few recruits who have been selected for their promise.
Another library is that belonging to the temple and only accessible to fully-fledged priestesses from the temple. Nearly all religions and monasteries are primarily female focused due to the belief that women are the guardians and purveyors of culture.
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uristmcdorf · 1 year
There is not, on this lonely little blue marble floating in space, even one single human being who can actually call themselves “self made”.
Every single one of us is the product of the care and resources and work of others.
Today I did the following things:
Got up and did the morning routine
Travelled with my partner to the petrol station to top up the car
Travelled with my partner to the calor gas site to pick up some gas to heat my home
Tidied the front room
Entertained a friend for 30 minutes so they could pick out some spare embroidery threads from my collection they needed
Attended my fortnightly trans art club hangout
Made and ate dinner with my partner
Did some knitting
Let’s just pick a single one of those things.  Petrol station trip to top up the car.  Hell, let’s reduce that down even further:  owning a car and driving it on the road.
Who built those roads?  Other people, not us, who built these roads long before we were born knowing they would likely be used long after they had died.  Who maintains them?  Other people, not us, who get paid far less for their work than what it would cost the world should we suddenly lose access to those working roads.  Who fills pot-holes and repairs traffic lights and roundabouts and crossings and junctions and repaints the road with signs and symbols?  Who maintains the signs up alongside the road that direct us?  Who ensured that the roads and the car could fit each other adequately?  Who checks the roads to ensure no one has parked on them or otherwise blocked one off causing hazards to travellers?  Who created a series of laws and regulations governing cars and driving and road use, to ensure that the other drivers would not be a significant risk of harm or danger to us?  Who built the car we’re travelling in?  My partner and their father often work on the car to maintain it, but they still take it for an annual MOT at the garage where professionals, trained and certified to a required minimum standard that we can feel assured guarantees their ability to repair the car correctly, check it over and certify it safe for continued use. 
In the simple act of stepping a foot onto pavement outside I am benefitting from the labour and effort and time and care of hundreds of people, both ones working now and ones long-dead.  The street cleaners who ensure the pavement is free of mud, leaf litter, trash and dog mess and other hazards.  The maintenance crews who repair cracks and pour salt on the road in Winter to prevent ice.  The town planners and construction workers who planned and designed and laid the road. 
The day I was born I was the product of one woman’s arduous physical labour and the combined skills of multiple doctors and nurses who had each trained for years specifically to be able to do the work they do, as well as the cleaners and hospital staff who built, created, managed and maintained a safe, hygeinic space for the birth to take place.
The people who decided to plant walnut trees along the roadside didn’t do it because they wanted to harvest walnuts for themselves.  They knew damn well they’d be dead before those trees first bore fruit.  They did it so their children and grandchildren and the children and grandchildren of their neighbours would enjoy walnuts one day.
That’s what society is.  It’s the entire point of having one.
We are supposed to care for each other.  We are supposed to provide for the most vulnerable.  We are supposed to create resources together that we then share together.  We are supposed to strive to create a world that will provide the next generation with less work and more resource.
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bumblebeeappletree · 5 months
Sam Van Aken is the creator of the Tree of 40 Fruit and he is the guest on Episode 65 of The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast with Susan Poizner of the fruit tree care training website orchardpeople.com. #fruittrees #grafting #organicgardening
Learn more about Sam Van Aken here:
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00:00 Introduction
03:32 How did the Tree of 40 Fruit Project Start
04:26 The mix of blossom colors
05:25 Grafted branch placement
06:05 The first Tree of 40 Fruit Exhibition
07:56 Number of varieties grafted onto each tree
08:41 How interstock grafting works
09:30 Best rootstock for multi-graft stone fruit trees
10:13 Santa Rosa plum rootstock history
10:57 Types of fruit on a Tree of 40 Fruit
11:53 Myrobalan rootstock compatibility
12:22 Interstock as a "highway" between cultivars
14:16 New Tree of 40 Fruit projects
16:21 Multi graft apple trees
18:05 Downside of multi-graft trees
20:35 Examples of multi-graft trees
23:12 Grafting apple with stone fruit trees
24:39 Multi-graft tree maintenance
29:10 Commercials
34:00 Mid show topic reminder
36:27 Why grafting works
38:13 Relationship between rootstock diameter and tree health
40:45 Cultivar choices for Tree of 40 Fruits
41:50 Client requests for Tree of 40 Fruits
43:18 Growing multi-fruit trees indoors
44:07 Cooling hours necessary for fruit trees
45:00 Working with artists from communist regimes
47:48 Tree of 40 Fruits in Canada
48:34 Map of Trees of 40 Fruits
49:05 Sam's website address
49:43 Viruses in tree cuttings (scions)
51:52 Sam's family's view of his work
53:25 Sam's art for sale
54:10 Show contest
55:40 Show wrap up
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beyondxmeasure · 5 months
Which plant is your favorite favorite? I'm guessing you have a green thumb but is there any plant you have not been able to successfully care for that you which you could? Are you plants indoor or outdoors.
I have a mix of both indoor and outdoor. Currently everything that I can bring in is inside though because of the cold. I'm kinda sad my fruit trees haven't given me any fruit yet. But my neighbors share their figs and oranges. I have a eucalyptus plant that went kinds crazy this year.
Asking me which plant is my favorite is like making me choose between my children. So I’ll choose my top four…
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My spider plant…
She’s one of my newest. And yeah, she’s a basic bitch but I love her. So many plant bloggers say they’re overrated or can be a pain to care for. Like they dry out or leaves get brown super easily. But she’s been nothing but perfect and so low-maintenance since I got her. Look at how beautiful…
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(One of my Micans babies)
I have a philodendron Micans which I absolutely adore. My oldest girl, Ive had her for nearly two years now. The velvety green leaves, how easy she grows. I’m growing three new baby plants from loads of propagations Ive collected over time. But she got cranky after being moved to a hanger in my bedroom, so we’re having a bit of a rehab moment. I’ve relocated her back to the window she used to be in and crossing my fingers that she will bounce back.
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I also love this new gal I just picked up a few weeks ago. She’s a fussy gal though, so it’s taking me some time to get her adjusted. She started out with loads of long luscious tendrils, but once I got her home everything started dying. So, another touch and go situation… but after giving her an extreme makeover (ie pruned the shit out of her and got a million new propagations) she’s on the mend.
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(My wee Birkin babes)
My Birkin bestie! When I started my plant collection, she was one of the plants in my first purchase. We had some rough times and I nearly lost her. Had to send her off to my mom’s for rehab. After a few months of new scenery she was back to her thriving self. She’s doing so well that last week I was able to propagate… I divided her into three and now I have two bouncing baby Birkins. I’m already seeing new growth.
I think calling my thumb green would be a little too generous, but maybe I just don’t want to jinx it. Haha!
Although Ive had pretty decent luck overall with my plants, I have definitely suffered some losses. I tend to acquire in spurts. I have a running wish list and will buy several at a time. My first purchase two summers ago started with one plant, then I went to Home Depot for supplies and came home with 16 more. Over the course of the next few months I lost all but four…
Since then a small handful of others have come and gone.
Unfortunately my environment isn’t the most hospitable. I live in a small condo without a lot of windows. So I have a large plant stand fitted with grow lights and the rest go in my bay window in my bedroom. In the summer time I have huge flower planters and window boxes for my balcony and I relocate about half of my plants outside for the season. But I live in New England so I can’t have anything outside year round.
I’m jealous, Nonny! Id love to be able to have fruit trees or any trees or plants outside. Figs sound amazing! You’re lucky. I had a pretty big vegetable garden that I maintained at the restaurant I used to be a chef. I really wish I had space to grow veggies or herbs again.
Id love to know where you are that you have fig and orange trees year round. Do you put the fresh eucalyptus in your shower?
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slifarianhawk · 1 year
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Chapter 13: being myself?
{Normal P.O.V}
Once we arrived at the lodge, I had calmed down and had collected my thoughts. As much as I hated the thought of umbrellas money being used to create the Pheonix Corps as well as the lodge, at least it was now making a difference and helping humanity rather than creating weapons of mass destruction.  My thoughts on the Wesker situation were less than resolved though. I had to come over that bridge when I got to it. 
Archer helped us unload the car and placed the multiple attache cases and the few suitcases with clothes for Irving and Steve on a bell cart. When Irving stepped out he looked stunned. This didn't surprise me in the slightest. The grounds of the lodge were well maintained with multiple local specimens of berry bushes as well as shrubs, various flowers, and fruit trees. The natural beauty was being heightened by the moonlight and the forest sounds were making the place seem peaceful.
"This place is quite gorgeous Mr. Archer. I'm surprised a hunting lodge is this well kept." Ricardo said looking over the grounds. 
"Thank you, Mr. Irving,  maintenance and landscaping take a lot of pride in making sure Tabitha's gardens are well taken care of. She planted most of these herself as well as a vegetable patch past the orchard. She was always on who believed in garden-fresh quality is better tasting and more enjoyable for patrons." Archer spoke. 
"Wesker's wife did this? It's incredible, to think a guy who is so good at destroying life was married to someone capable of creating a natural beauty like this." Steve said helping Archer with the bell cart. 
I chuckle at the remark Steve made, "Yea, although if I remember her body count is around five hundred give or take, due to her being in the U.B.C.S. but she always had a soft spot for gardening. She told me on one of our missions to France the reason why is she got into gardening was that she didn't want to pay the forty dollars for a pound of lavender. "
"Really? Flowers were that expensive?" Irving asked holding the door open.
"Yes, it's a hit at the farmers market we host once the month we sell it at six dollars a pound and we turn a profit on the culinary lavender we grow here." Archer said smiling, "Our dessert bar is mostly comprised of Madam Tabitha recipes, her lavender macarons are often requested to be sold separately in a bakery type setting however we are unfortunately running on the lodges appeal to hunters as they are our main financial support. Unfortunately, our other activities support either the grounds or what happens three stories below leaving little financial gain for our employees. Thankfully we have roughly three thousand five hundred fifty acres of land with two hundred fifty set aside separate from the total just for our employees."
"They live on campus? The utilities must be a fortune with all the land allotments on the same stretch of land." Steve stated.
"That's one thing my teacher thought about. She had a hydroelectric dam built to supply energy due to the runoff of snow and nearby rivers. It supplies electricity to the lodge and employees but allows for a tax break as well." I started cringing remembering the cost to start everything.
Irving let the door staring in shock, "It sounds like Mrs. Wesker was one hell of a businesswoman.".
"Indeed she was Mr. Irving and with that, I welcome you and Mr. burnside to the Phoenix Core Lodge, Ms. Lancaster welcome home." Archer swung the door open and the deep wooden tones of the lobby shone ceremoniously in the light of the antique chandelier. 
The smell of pine and cedar wafted out of the door completing the ambiance. The dark leather sofas surrounding a black marble mantlepiece the white streaks faintly speckling in the light created a homely feeling. The check-in desk was made of nice mahogany and an ebony top piece. The path of the entry was tiled with a red marble that let up to the desk.
 "Wow, this place is gorgeous!" Steve exclaimed excitedly, "It does honestly have a slight Umbrella feel to it but safer if that makes sense?".
"Teach did say she did use some old designs Spencer had set aside for a mountainside retreat in Russia she found in the Arkley mansion. She just altered them for her gain... at least that's what I understand from  what she told me." I said pushing the bell carts through the massive wood doors. 
"She had a good eye for design. I would kill to have furnishings like this in our African location. Who is the lady in the painting?" Irving asked looking at the portrait that was made by Archer's brother. It depicted me sitting cross-legged wearing a black tank top and red jeans staring off to the side, my U.S.B.Cs tattoo on my shoulder on full display.
"That is Lady Tabitha before she was killed. My elder brother painted it as a favor for me after she passed. It's here to help honor her memory." Archer said walking out with a guest book, "I have you and in Mr. burnside in separate suites. Even though we are a hunting lodge, we act as a hotel would mostly mainly for room documentation." 
"Well, that's great in all but what about Alistar? She needs a place to sleep." Steve asked concerned.
"Hahaha, I appreciate the worry Steve but I have a permanent room here thanks to my teacher. I stayed here before tracking down Wesker. If you need me at all I will be in the room marked 748. Archer, please make sure they are well taken care of. I need a shower."  with that, I quickly unloaded my gear from the cart and marched to my room.
(time skip 2 A.M.)
 With a deep sigh, I stepped from the bathroom and stared in the mirror stroking a massive scar on my right shoulder. I paid one hundred and fifty bucks to get Surgeis mark on me removed however the guy botched it and the wound got infected and it scarred my shoulder badly. The picture always made me want to see if that awful tattoo was gone. It was a lovely picture but it reminded me of the past when I want to focus on the present.
"Come in," I shouted and stood in front of my dresser in the corner of the room.  
"It seems our guests are enjoying themselves," Archer said walking in the to living space of the room, "Tell me, T, when will this be over?"
"I don't understand what you mean June? The most Mr. Burnside and I will be is a week and Mr. Irving a few days." I started avoiding the question.
"Cut the bullshit, Tabitha! You know I mean your game with Vladimir and Spencer. You could've stayed here and helped the people harmed by them and your damn husband. BUT NO YOU ARE NOW AIDING A TERRORIST POSSIBLY DISTORY THE WORLD! ALL BECAUSE YOU CAN'T LET GO OF WHAT UMBRELLA DID!!! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FINALLY BE THE PERSON I KNOW YOU AS WHO WANTS TO HELP THE WORLD!!!" Arjuna stopped shouting when he saw me starting to cry, "Not to doom it. When will I have my closest friend back? The one who saved me from  Umbrellas testing in India and to me of a place where those who hate Umbrella can fight. The one who puts the word Pheonix in the Pheonix core. We need a leader and the lady standing in front of me isn't her. "
"I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE! I'M A NOBODY! I am no one's leader Archer. I'm a hell of a captain and I could be a hell of a commander if needed. However, until I can look at my brother and sister in the eye and not see a monster in their eyes. I can't be considered a Pheonix, just an ember of a past I cant move on from. The Pheonix Corps deserves someone who embraces the motto, 'to embrace the past and strength from surviving adversity becoming a new person that will shine like a sun'.  I'm not that June, not yet, and at this rate, I'll never be." I glared into his eyes.
"You have a funny way of showing it, your eyes are even saying you are your self, not Alistar. Your contacts are gone and all I see is a shadow of the person you truly are, Tabitha" He said pointing into the mirror. 
I turned toward the mirror and saw that my contacts had dissolved again "They're gone, they were brand new not too long ago. ".
Archer came up from behind and hugged me. I went rigid and broke down. Tears just started flooding my eyes and I fell to my knees. It dawned on me I have to be more forceful in my plan or I'll never be able to accept what happened to me. I was running out of time I may have a few years but I had been infiltrated over six months and I haven't even gained his trust. I need to be more like myself. I never expected I would realize this thanks to the one person who hates who they were to.
"Arjuna...." I whispered. 
"Yes T?" he dropped to his knees.
I wrapped my arm around him, "You are right, I do need to be more like myself. If I can't accept the past how will Albert? I know you don't approve of this but thank you for being here for me."
"Sigh.... sometimes  I swear I'm the older one of the two of us." archer smiled shaking his head.
"Ha maybe... Archer after all this we will find your brother. The connections won't be able to hide if both me and Wesker are on the case. " he wrapped his arms around mine.
"Thank you but first thing first get dressed. As much I care for you I see you more as a mother and I don't want to see the tits." he coughed turning away.
"Oh right, sorry." I quickly threw on a white T-shirt, black basketball shorts, and pulled my hair back, "I'm dressed now June." 
"Good, ahem but down to business the guys who were causing a scene left into the forest shortly before you landed. They took their weapons and packed up their trucks. The leader said they are going to go past the boundaries." 
"Oh no.... this isn't good I heard a pack of Cerberus earlier tonight!" I shouted grabbing my I.D. badge. 
"You're going!?!" Archer looked shocked.
" Yes, I'm going to mobilize the Wolf Pack too.  It's time they get some action."  I walk over to my closet which had a hidden keypad and entered the code that brought up my elevator. "You were right this world needs me not my shell." The wall opened and stepping onto the platform,  I scanned the badge. 
"I'll man the desk up here T. Welcome back." He stood at attention.
"At ease, it's business as usual just keep your com on," I said as the doors closed and I put on my com necklace, "No one will die tonight. "
The elevator roared to life and started descending.  I had to make this a quick mission as the mission for Wesker starts after we eat lunch tomorrow but if these idiots die we would have a major problem. I don't need negative press or worse the B.S.A.A sticking their neck in something that could destroy the Pheonix Corps. reputation. 
"Welcome back Lady Tabitha."  a mechanical female voice echoed in the elevator.
"Glad to be back, White Queen," I stated as the doors opened revealing a massive underground lab, "I take it everything is running smoothly." 
"Yes mam, all operations are running at full capacity and your gear has been stored and sustained in your office." the AI spoke through my com. 
"Good, are Lupo and Beltway en route to my office?" I asked opening a sliver door with a black emblem with a blue snake on it. 
"Yes, the wolf pack is mobilizing. Lupo and her demolitions expert will be with you shortly,"  she said manifesting from a hologram projector in the ceiling. 
"Alright," I said getting in my U.S.B.C uniform and my compound bow from storage, "I want you to activate the sirens that are near the old umbrella lab in the woods using the alternate wail option. Play a message saying they are in a quarantined area and they need to return to the lodge immediately. That way we can at least get a warning out to them and try to locate them."
"Understood." She said and faded out.
I opened my med cache on my belt and took a light green tablet. I was going to help out Wolfpack. It had been to long since I had been on a mission and I was itching for action. This  is  where the monster comes out. Where I am myself.
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bard-owl · 2 years
Modern Hunter Gatherer Techniques
In addition to any crops, livestock, or stockpiles at a long term homestead or retreat you would likely need to supplement your food for protein and calories to some extent. Either due to shortages or as a buffer against future ones. Maybe you're just sick of eggs for the moment so you decide to try something else and pickle the fresh eggs for later. This means leaving your main area to forage for additional food. If things have fallen apart for larger society this will mean people have gotten a lot more desperate and dangerous. If you have a group they can likely only spare a few people from the daily routine for this task. So safety and efficiency are paramount. Here are some thoughts on increasing your success.
First and foremost ALL of us have new things to learn. Tree stands, stalking, driven hunts, calling, tracking, none of us knows everything. Everyone is a student until they die, be a good one.
Archery is invaluable. Ammunition is a consumable while arrows are reusable. If a weapon is lost or damaged a bow is easier to replace than a firearm. A bow hunter or two with side arms backed up by a hunter with a long gun is probably ideal for most hardwoods.
Vary your firearms. Shotguns are incredibly versatile for hunting but the ammo is bulky and uses a lot of resources to reload. Straight wall cartridges lack range but are far more forgiving to handload/reload than bottleneck cartridges. However those longer range rifles provide a capability not found in the others. Seasons and migrating game dictate that there is no one-gun solution. Rotate tools as needed.
Traps, especially live traps are the most efficient way to catch small game. Fish traps are especially useful in this scenario as they are quite discreet once set. Birds, hogs, just about everything has been trapped over time and compiling a binder of different types and designs for future use is a good idea. I personally do not consider snares and leg hold traps as ethical, please research any tool you intend to use.
New battery, solar, and micro hydro technologies continue to advance and many electronics can be used without a power or cell grid. Game cameras to monitor animal populations, short wave radios for communications, repeaters increase range for both. Specialized lights for tracking wounded game or IDing tree'd game at night. Hunters have been very creative in the last hundred years and many tools exist.
Food plots help everyone. If you plant native or naturalized edible plants I'm the woods it feeds game and promotes biodiversity. You can even just put wood in damp, dark areas and cultivate nontoxic mushrooms for later. Just be careful but to introduce invasive species or diseases.
Positive identification is not a luxury, it is a necessity. You do not want to kill or maim something that wasn't your intended target. You don't want to eat or serve a mushroom, or berry, etc that's poisonous. Also learn the signs of disease in plants and animals.
Fruit that has fallen from bushes and trees is likely already rotting, and even if it isn't you need to take the same precautions as with ground vegetables.
Learn how your equipment works, learn what it needs to keep working. In addition to maintenance, you may find that making your own arrows, fishing tackle, or ammunition can be a rewarding hobby.
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