#francois fillon
dadsinsuits · 4 months
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François Fillon
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rotor25 · 1 month
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vincentreproches · 1 year
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Pour une présidentielle plus pop
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valentin10 · 1 month
Emplois fictifs : pourquoi François Fillon, définitivement jugé coupable, va bénéficier d’un nouveau procès – Libération
La Cour de cassation a validé mercredi 24 avril la condamnation de l’ancien Premier ministre et candidat à la présidentielle pour détournement de fonds publics, mais annulé ses modalités. — À lire sur www.liberation.fr/societe/police-justice/emplois-fictifs-pourquoi-francois-fillon-definitivement-juge-coupable-va-beneficier-dun-nouveau-proces-20240424_OXTTEE23LZEYNIUWWBP6AGS3QY/
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romanmigracs · 2 years
Telex: Két éve a politikai elnyomás csak eszköz volt a lopáshoz. Most már cél, ez vegytiszta fasizmus
És ott van még az Oroszországból közvetetten érkező korrupcióexport, amit a volt észt elnök, Toomas Hendrik Ilves csak úgy nevezett: schröderizáció. Gerhard Schröder volt német kancellár óta ugyanis minden európai vezető tisztviselő tudja, hogy ha nem kerül konfliktusba Putyinnal, akkor kaphat egy nyugdíjbiztosítást, ami például Schröder esetében évente több mint 600 000 dollárt jelent – a semmittevésért. [A volt német kancellár tanácsadói munkák után bekerült az Északi Áramlat 2 gázvezeték mögött álló, Gazprom többségi tulajdonú Nord Stream AG felügyelőbizottságába – a szerző] Ennek a lehetősége befolyásolja a politikusokat, és Schröderen kívül sokan mások is éltek vele, mint az egyik volt finn miniszterelnök, François Fillon francia exkormányfő, vagy Karin Kneissl osztrák exkülügyminiszter – sok hely van az orosz állami vállalatok igazgatótanácsaiban. Az még hagyján, hogy ez a négy-öt ember elfogadta ezeket az ajánlatokat – de befolyásolja az ítélőképességét annak a többi 40-50 vagy talán 400 vagy 500 politikusnak, aki tud erről a lehetőségről. Ez egy hatalmas probléma, amivel szintén foglalkozni kell.
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atlatszo · 4 years
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captain-jale · 5 years
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Guyyyyyyyyyys !!!!!! There's a François Fillon filter !!!!!!
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April 6 2017 - Conservative candidate for the French presidential elections Francois Fillon gets covered in flour at a campaign rally in Strasbourg. The French use the expression "rouler dans la farine" (rolled in flour, literally) to describe being lied to. Francois Fillon is embroiled in several corruption scandals at the moment. [video]
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npr · 7 years
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dadsinsuits · 4 months
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François Fillon
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missfrenchygirl · 7 years
On peut dire ce qu'on veut mais en tout cas moi je suis contente que ce ne soit pas LEPEN/FILLON au second tour.
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serenadeyoursilence · 7 years
@helshades replied to your post: Thank You, France!
You do realise that Macron wants to get rid of the Social Security system, to cut pensions and unemployment benefits, screw over minimum wages, impoverished people, single mothers, students, and of course impede unionised action everywhere? And that’s not even the end of it. Basically, he is a younger Trump with his own hair. The only real thing he’s got over the extreme right is that he doesn’t do open racism, he’d rather fuck up the lives of foreigners far away.
I don't understand how you came to the idea that Macron is Young Trump with his own hair. You must forgive me, if I don't want to talk about their personalities or physical appearances. They are meaningless to me, when there's a fate of a state and its people at stake.
And I want to make myself clear, I am talking about the French Elections and the candidates based on the programs they offer.
Trump's and Macron's programs have almost nothing in common, except in economy. Trump would prefer a weak Europe and an alienated France. They have different world view regarding Syria and refugees, too.
The only similarity is both of them want to have flexibility in hiring and firing workers. And both of them want to delegate the power to the local governments. I am not sure about Trump, but Macron wants to set the minimum payment for workers (for normal firing), and the maximum responsibility for the business owner. "Floor and Ceiling" rule, if I wasn’t lost in translation.
Let's face it. France has a massive unemployment problem. Something HAS TO change.
 Point one, everybody seem to have agreed they needed to cut the government's employees and bureaucracy.
 I read Fillon's, Hamon's, Mélenchon's, Le Pen's and Macron's programs. It's difficult for me to agree with Fillon, because his programs are heavily tinted with Thatcherism. Hamon's programs are weak, it's almost like tea, which has been brewed too often. Mélenchon's programs, aside from his crazy income tax, who shall pay for all that? As I said to my friend, it's Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen in Mélenchon's world... an utopia, which I refuse to believe since a long time ago. It will not surprise me if many government's employees voted for Mélenchon, because his programs definitely give them a lot of benefit.
Macron's programs are combination from both Fillon and Hamon. He seems to have been able to select the best parts of both of their programs and put something new, like unemployment money for everybody.
I also don't know from where you get the idea about the single mothers, pensioners, etc, because that's not what I understood from his interview on Les Echos..
Look, as far as I am concerned, France has to chance. I kinda agree with what Macron said on not protecting the jobs, but more protecting the people. Jobs come and go according to the needs, but skills stay.
The business world has to be made easier without neglecting the needs of the workers. Trained and skilled people will always find a new job. But to create jobs, the money owners must also be given the possibility to protect themselves.
More importantly, the youth has to have the opportunities and possibilities to improve their lives through education and training. We shall not fail. If we don’t want to create a breeding ground for domestic terrorism.
Then again, Macron’s presidency has not even started. We will see what he wants to do to or with France. The best thing that we can do is to let him work and see what happens.
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vincentreproches · 7 years
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Il y a débat.
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uminookaasan · 7 years
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Ce matin @mariuspontbambi m’a suggéré Fillon as Don Salluste et en faisant ces gifs je suis convaincue que c’est son oncle lointain @onestenrepublique @theblackwook
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atlatszo · 5 years
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nakayutah-moved · 7 years
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Rends l'argent 😭😭
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