#francis crozier x lady terror
daincrediblegg · 9 months
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They are in LOVE your honor.
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asparklethatisblue · 5 months
The Adventures of the Dreamship Error
or the Traumschiff Surprise x The Terror mashup I felt like we all needed in these tiring times
translation under the cut
Francis: did your bring your passport?
James: of course
Francis: closed the windows?
James: yes, I even closed the blinds!
Francis: oh for the love of god, stop closing the blinds all the time, that way everyone immediately knows we're not home!
Francis: he isn’t even a pureblooded Vulcanette
James: am too!
Francis: nooo you’re a mongrel dog!
James: gasping
Francis: there is something, that you still need to know
James: what is it?
Francis: I’m… an absolute loser in bed
James: Francis! Me too!
Off screen: oh! Someone laid down on the floor!
Francis: yes. That is John
Francis: Ow! Schrotty are you insane!
James: mutiny! 
Francis: Do that one more time and you’ll be sleeping in a single bedroom in Honolulu!
James: absolutely, ey
James: Pulle (Bones) was right. I’m simply too fat!
Hickey: Captain?
James: careful, don’t get too close
Hickey: the measuring of the automatic control system shows a certain smooth factor. They’re using strong vibrating modulations to push through to us. 
Francis: and… so?
Hickey: should I let them penetrate, Captain?!
James: gasping
Francis: And what are you supposed to be? 
James: I’m the Captain 
Francis: pft, you just fucked your way to the top
James: so? What’sthe issue with that?
 Sir John: Pugspeed!
Sir John: Pugspeed!
Gore: Captain, begging your pardon, but pug speed is currently kinda dumb
Sir John: why
Gore: we’ve got weasel damage
Sir John: very well, time to go home!
Jopson’s line: it’s ok daddy, you can count on me!
Lady Jane: there they are!
Barrow: I can’t believe it, how can someone get so far off course?
Lady Jane: contact them at once!
James Ross: they’re at the arse end of the world?
John Ross: does that surprise you?
Francis: do you even know who I am? My name is Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier, Captain of the Terror, and i carry both the responsibility for that sofa, as well as for my crew of over 40 men! And I’m telling you, it’s not easy to feed that many mouths
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somebirdortheother · 9 months
Revealing my fictional crushes 👀
I was tagged by @lady-of-imladris and @coraleethroughthelookingglass - thank you ladies. Your crushes are *chef’s kiss*
Here are mine, in no coherent order.
1. Hannibal Lecter (all incarnations: books, films, TV series). Just love that brilliant douchebag. He’s got the best/worst moral compass imaginable and he is uncompromising in it. Iconic.
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2 and 3. Hari Seldon and Gaal Dornick (Foundation TV). As @lady-of-imladris knows, they come as a pair. They are brilliant, hot, impulsive (yes, you too, Dr Seldon), and share exactly one brain cell that’s actually held by my next crush.
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4. Salvor Hardin of Foundation TV. She has the missing brain cell that Gaal and Hari seem to have misplaced. Lowkey the smartest person in the galaxy.
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5. This year I’ve been infected by The Terror Brainrot. So naturally Francis Crozier has settled in and I’m ready to be depressed with him. I am also currently reading The Terror and can confirm I’m crushing on the novel’s Crozier, too, though I didn’t like him as quickly as I liked the sad sack on the show.
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6. Dana Scully - X-Files. Just look at her. The voice of reason.
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7. There is no visual for this one, but Madeline Miller’s Circe has me completely bonkers for the eponymous protagonist. I am tremendously smitten with the goddess with a human voice who detested being a god. 💔
8. Once again, no visual for my last enduring crush, but I’ve always adored Ursula Le Guin’s Shevek - the protagonist of The Dispossessed. Shevek is an Anarresti physicist attempting to develop a General Temporal Theory and an uncompromising revolutionary.
For fun, here is my quick tally, apologies for the small sample size:
Crushes where a character is a mathematician/scientist/holder of a doctorate degree: 62.5%
Crushes where the character is a murderer: 12.5 %
Crushes where the character Has Been Right The Whole Time: 37.5%
Crushes where the character Suffers, Endures, Persists: 37.5%
This was fun. Show me yours: @queenmeriadoc @niennawept @thenookienostradamus @brotherdusk @daincrediblegg @gmache @helenvader @ichabodjane
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Lady Jane: I’m cold.
Sir John: Well here, take my jacket.
James: I’m cold too.
Francis: Well damn, James! I can’t control the weather!
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metalheadfreak1 · 3 years
Hello everyone! I know when was the last time I posted anything in a long time! But I wanted to tell you about a new fic I’m writing.
If you enjoy the terror I’m writing a Captain James Fitzjames x reader which I on archive! Please enjoy it cause I’m having so much fun with it!
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AMC The Terror and Mika's Lady Jane crossover.
That's it. That's the post. Do whatever you want with it.
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daincrediblegg · 9 months
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“I’ve got a Terror I can’t shake”
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
relationship asks: all numbers with a 6 in them, for lady terror of course ^_^
OH HELL YEAH THANK YOU KITTENS FOR THIS MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNITY (this ended up being a 4 page fucking document but fuck it WE BALL. so I'll show a few and then put the rest under a cut- especially since some of them are a little bit raunchy. ENJOY MY LOVES COME GET YOUR SWEET FRANCIS/LADY TERROR CONTENT)
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6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would their S/O answer?” Honestly I think Lady Terror would be the one to ask. Francis tells her yes and if she wanted to stay with him as a worm she’d “ be the best kept worm in all of christendom”, in his words (whatever that means, babygirl). 
16. Who is the better caretaker? Does their S/O like being taken care of? Honestly they’re both very good caretakers, though Francis is much better at “doing the things that need doing to care for a person” bit while Lady Terror I think is a bit better at like. Keeping people calm and feeling cared for (not to say that either of them are not as good as the other, because they certainly are, but they have their strong suits). And oh my god man yes Francis loves being taken care of by lady terror oh my god she lets him rest his head in her lap and everything.
26. Who gets jealous most often? How does their S/O deal with that? I honestly think it depends. I think Lady Terror has more potential to become jealous (even though it doesn’t happen very often honestly)  from 1) her lack of experience being committed to,  2) her own trauma from past relationships and coming out of those feeling horribly betrayed and 3) also the whole divorce scandal with her parents. Did I mention her parent’s divorce scandal? Yeah there was a whole divorce scandal. But even when she is jealous she remains relatively level-headed about it and doesn’t act out from it (usually, unless an offending party provokes her to it), and she is nothing if not articulate and aware of what she’s feeling. And credit to Francis where it’s due he’s never been dismissive of her emotions, and that I think helps them actually work through it rather than let it escalate to lashing out or acting rashly.
Francis doesn’t so much have a jealousy streak when it comes to Lady Terror (though time was he might have, and he definitely knows that), and I think it’s because she has pretty consistently made it clear that she has chosen him to share her life with, and having never been picked in such a way, has a bit more faith that she wouldn’t betray him. (also she’s always been the more sociable one. She’s definitely more of an ambivert than he is and doesn’t take personal offense in those kinds of situations. Besides, she will NOT interact with people she doesn’t want to interact with. He knows this and he loves her for it.)
36. What is something that would break their hearts? For Francis, I think it would genuinely be another romantic rejection- or more precisely to be left behind. I don’t think he could bear being rejected for a third time by anyone, let alone by Sofia but by anyone. He’s too old to have his heart broken like that again and it’s why he takes so long to even admit to himself that he has feelings for Lady Terror because he cannot fathom the kind of pain it would cause him.
Lady Terror however I think it would break her heart the most to be dismissed. To have her thoughts and feelings disregarded. Granted, she’s used to it happening with most men and some women, but to have it happen to her coming from someone she loves and respects and who she thought loves and respects her in turn would devastate her. 
46. If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?  Lmao both of them. Because they both have savior/self sacrificing complexes and they’re calculated with it but they WILL take a risk if it means saving more lives. It’s something that I think they admire about each other when hearing of their past exploits before they met.
56. Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral? Oh Lady Terror is absolutely more feral. She is very very smart when she is feral but she is much more willing to act on impulse about it (for more information, ask Mr. Hickey. He knows.) Francis is definitely more level-headed but absolutely has more of a fiery temper in comparison to how cold Lady Terror’s fury is (but no less passionate, mind).
60. Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason? They ARE willing, but they are very very shy, (and also lmao you know how the victorians are about propriety if a couple isn’t married yet. Big no.) But also it’s a bit of a carry-over from their time on Terror. They did their damndest not to show that kind of affection for one another for fear of discovery (which would doubtless have caused a mutiny- if Francis’ pre-sobriety behavior hadn’t started that line of thought with some long before that). But they are not beyond the occasional hidden gesture of affection from prying eyes. Holding hands behind each others backs, brushing their fingers against one another subtly as to not give them away. They become more open about their affections eventually, but my god does it make them blush like crazy. 
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word? Francis (on Lady Terror): Good. Lady Terror (on Francis: Handsome.
62. How would outside characters describe their relationship? By-in-large I think people are a little skeptical at first about them together. Like perhaps they shouldn’t be together for some reason or another, that it’s a bit odd, a bit queer. But when people see how affectionate they are to one another, to see how much they truly care for one another? How Francis truly seems to soften and relax around her and how she brightens to talk about him… to those who know each of them best that’s the sign of true love right there.
63. How would they describe one another in bed? I think Francis would describe Lady Terror as a port in a storm. Welcoming, warm, tender in ways he never thought he’d know for himself. At the same time she rides him like the waves of the storm itself, and he can’t help but admire the sheer power she has over him and how easily he’s taken by her. Lady Terror on the other hand finds him sturdier and steadier than strong oak… and weirdly just as bendable (I mean HAVE YOU SEEN THAT MAN??? HE’S SO LIMBER FOR HIS AGE!!! It’s truly miraculous). Though his cock doesn’t quite always cooperate with this image she has of him (although it should be noted that he’s had a much easier time of it since he embraced sobriety it still happens every now and again), he’s very grounding as a lover and seems to find that her pleasures feed into his, to which she certainly has no complaints.
64. Would they ever answer the above question if it was asked to their face? How would they react? Oh Francis would be too much of a blushing mess. He was never one to kiss and tell much even with his closest friends like Blanky and Ross (even though those two definitely HAVE actually seen him in intimate positions before). But I think the lovestruck look in his eye would probably say all you’d need to know- that yes she fucks him well and yes that is probably where he’d rather be right now. Lady Terror might be a little more inclined to give a more cheeky answer in the company of a good friend, but otherwise much prefers to keep her and Francis’ doings to Francis and herself.
65. Who tends to take the lead in intimate encounters? They both can, and do. Both of those bitches are switches and they live up to it. Literally it all comes down to how either one is feeling on any given day.  
66. Have they ever been caught in the act? What would be their reaction if they were? Yes. By Blanky. Everyone else would have the care to knock first at Francis’ cabin door if it were shut but not Thomas (and understandably so). And listen. They’re all three of them good enough friends to laugh it off eventually, but that happens for some sooner more than others (aka. Thomas starts laughing about it immediately and making raunchy jokes while she and Francis scramble to make themselves relatively decent, even though it’s a bit too late for that now. It has Thomas in fucking stitches. He is genuinely happy for them but he can’t believe his luck). 
67. Have they ever done it anywhere questionable? Believe it or not, not particularly. At least not on Terror (they’re already paranoid enough about being caught behind closed doors in quiet hours, they’re not going to risk anything more). After that… well… you’ll find out.
68. Who is more vocal? Who is more experienced? I think Lady Terror is probably overall more vocal (but jesus christ when Francis moans it’d make an angel weep I swear to fucking god), and Francis is certainly more experienced overall, but there are times when she does things to him that have never been done to him before and it makes him feel like he’s a virgin all over again all the same (yes she gives him prostate orgasms. That’s what I’m implying here in case that weren’t clear). 
69. If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go? I think Francis would WANT to hold the bags but Lady Terror wouldn’t let him carry all of them. Lady Terror would probably plan where they go a little bit ahead of time but absolutely will deter said plans if Francis wants to have a look in somewhere. Whatever babygirl wants honestly.
76. Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that? I mean yeah duh what are you talking about I think they both think they have found something really rare and special with each other that I think they would qualify as being soulmates, but truthfully I think Francis might actually believe that more than Lady Terror does (and of course not to say that she doesn’t, but she’s formed many deeply meaningful connections with people and knows that Francis has as well, and she wouldn’t limit the depth of how she feels or has felt about others as lesser… but at the same time Francis is absolutely the love of her life and the only man who has ever truly treated her in a way that made her feel like an equal to him, and has wanted her romantically as such… so yeah. Soulmates without a doubt). 
86. Who gives the best gifts? Who gives the more thoughtful? Who goes for expensive?  Ok here’s the thing they both are VERY good gift-givers, both of them are VERY thoughtful and give gifts as truly heartfelt gestures. Though Lady Terror does tend to spend a little more money on her gifts sometimes (by virtue of being just a little more financially well-off) whatever she uses that money towards is no less heartfelt and will go out of her way to buy something dear to someone especially if they don’t have the means to get it themselves. 
96. Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?  They have two copies of the paper delivered to the house bro BOTH these bitches READ. (but they save the cartoon page to read together. Most likely with Wee Ellie I MEAN HUH WHO SAID THAT???) 
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daincrediblegg · 9 months
for the three-sentence fic: how about Francis Crozier + Lady Terror and any au setting you choose 😊
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hmmm... western au stuff it is 🥰
It was nearly noon when Francis emerged from the Sheriff's Station that day. The Main Avenue was all abustle, as he'd expcted, from the sound of the hammers near the railway station still being constructed on the far end of the street- the same that echoed the pounding in his head like the rhythm of an ancient and terrible drum that threatened to make his head explode.
And it was this same reason that brought him to the street in the first place. Down to the Saloon to find the hair of the dog that bit him, since he had none left himself, and by Deputy Jopson's account, they were not likely due for a new shipment of this particular supply for a few more days yet. He would, of course, prefer to keep his vices away from such a public house, but if it meant making his head ache a little less, and a little fire in his belly so he might attend to that so-called Mr. Hickey currently locked in their cells, it would do for him to shame this walk.
As he shuffled along, and kicked up dust from the poor makeshift road ahead of him, he chanced a glance towards the general store, only to find a woman just stepping out, and making way towards her horse.
He'd hoped this wouldn't happen. He'd hoped that perhaps he would miss her entirely. Of all these witnesses to his shame, he'd least wanted Miss Sinclair to bear it , but perhaps, for the sake of deepening that same shame, he deserved it, to be seen in such a state by the little entrepreneur.
She wore a periwinkle dress that day- the kind that reminded him of pretty little wild flowers in springtime. He should like to walk in the garden of her, if only he were brave enough to tread there without fear of crushing them under his horrible heels.
The clank of something falling to the ground pulled him from his grim reverie, and the knock of something gentle against the toe of his boot.
An errant can, it seemed, had decided to escape its owner. Though it pained his head to bend down, he plucked it from the ground, and turned it over in his hand. Peaches, the label read. Since when did they carry peaches?
When his gaze rose over the brim of his hat again, to find the owner of this errant can, he found Sinclair's dark eyes directly on his, and it made his stomach jump. It was one thing to observe the woman at a distance, and another entirely to be seen by the darkness that made him feel naked from within with their warmth.
He approached slowly as he might a spooked mare, his step more gentle now. Sinclair's eyes never left him, it seems, as he stood before her, and handed the errant thing to her. She smiled.
"Thank you, Sheriff."
And that sound in her voice. As sweet as those peaches, and twinged just the same with concern, for him no doubt, for he was sure it was a sorry state that he was in.
"Miss Sinclair..." he uttered, on the cusp of whispering more. And how he wanted more. How his eyes sparkled down at her for wanting more. To skip the saloon entirely. To accompany her back to her house just outside town. To talk. To dine, perhaps, even to...
These thoughts he swallowed, exercising the muscle for its ventures in the not too distant future. Swallowed them to make room for what he needed. "Good day to you," he said as he twitched the corners of his mouth into the best smile he could manage (which was not much of one at all), and tipped his hat before passing her by. He could feel her eyes still as he paced faster towards the saloon, and his heart ached for it. But this was not the day for it, and it was better to spare her from him anyhow.
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
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My talents are being fucking wasted on film editing today I’ll tell you that
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
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daincrediblegg · 9 months
three-sentence fic: crozier and lady terror, epistolary. <3
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From a plaque beside a series of letters in the Canadian Museum of History
One of the more fascinating discoveries from the latest dive to the impeccably preserved HMS Terror is a series of notes, written in the hand of Captain Francis Crozier and the then-Junior Ice Master of the HMS Erebus Genevieve Sinclair, who records indicate he would later marry in his hometown of Banbridge Ireland in 1852. The letters, sealed in an air-tight capsule similar to that of the Victory Point note later discovered in 1859 which confirmed their retelling of events upon their return to England in 1851, display a forthright nature between the couple, and indicate the early affection displayed between the two shipmates who would soon become lovers in spite of their horrific and tragic circumstances. Sinclair's writings in particular hold a specific interest to many Franklin Expedition scholars, as few of her records from the expedition exist from her return to England, but these documents indicate not only a sharp mind for the task she was appointed to the expedition for, but as well as a measure of wit that no doubt kept warm the flame of affection between her and her Captain in the constant chill during their 5 year long residence in the polar regions.
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
Psst: hey… horny vampires under the cut 😘
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Sucking blood (and cock) for 3 centuries entitles a lady to some cuddles
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
Pssspsps.....I'm sorry your day was shit bc of that project! I wrote you a silly little drabble for when you get home :)
"Come here," Francis whispered.
His voice was gentle as a sailor could manage, and his gloved hand caught your elbow. He had been thirty-eight years in the service, but before that, he was a young boy outnumbered by no less than six sisters, and he knew when a woman needed comfort.
Exhausted, you took his hand, and he pulled you tightly to him, pressing your cheek against the rough wool of his overcoat.
"You did as well as you could, and that's enough for now." The Irish burr of his accent made him sound gruff, but you couldn't mistake the tenderness beneath. "You're worn out, ye poor thing."
He gave the top of your head a light kiss. Just the barest brush of his lips, and it sent a wave of warmth from your crown to the tips of your toes, even as he stepped back to the more appropriate distance, tucking one arm behind his waist. Even alone, and hundreds of miles from England, you were safe with Francis, and you knew he would always protect you, even from himself.
"I must tell you, I admire your ethic, staying up so late into the night to complete your work. Don't give any regard to what Doctor Stanley might have said about your report."
He gave you a slight smile over his shoulder as he went to the table and poured tea. He offered you a cup.
"Now, its finished, and you must decide what you wish to do now. Will you go to your quarters and rest...or will you stay up a little longer to drink this with me?"
The lines around his eyes deepened with a smile at your answer
... *deep breath* I don't even have a gif strong enough for how I am currently reacting to this. I just don't I'm not even going to try. but I am crying. I am. with joy. I need you to know that. I am curled up into a little cozy ball and I am feeling love and light in my heart and I cannot thank you enough. oh my gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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daincrediblegg · 2 months
For the oc ask Eggie pie 🤗💙
Who reminds the other to wear a coat when it's cold out?
How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
What is a song that reminds you of the OCs' relationship?
Flae bae. You have saved me from my torment. and for that, I thank you <3
Who reminds the other to wear a coat when it's cold out? It's probably Francis having to remind Lady Terror. Not that it seems to help she tends to get so cold so easily either way.
How do they comfort one another when the other is upset? Without spoiling much... It kindof depends on what or whom Lady Terror is upset about, and she's very hot or cold on the matter of what to do for her comfort, but Francis has learned that when she says she wants to be left alone, then that is a surefire sign to leave her alone. But if she seems otherwise stressed? Hold her. Let her feel things for a while. Francis is very similar in regards to sometimes just needing to be held for a little while, but also talking whatever needs talking through with Lady Terror helps immeasurably.
What is a song that reminds you of the OCs' relationship? God... there are so many. But lets do a little throwback. I'm going with She's Always a Woman by Billy Joel
This song is really so special to me for a lot of reasons. It feels like it's being sung from Francis' perspective and I'm always a mushy gushy mess thinking about them and listening to this song. Also I think this song speaks to a lot of complexities that the narrator sees in their partner, and a lot of the contradictions and complexities that a person can exhibit, and to then absorb all of them and to love them for it? It's a rare thing to find in a love song, and on top of all of that, in lieu of saying "I Love You" it says "She's Always A Woman To ME". And yeah. Yeah. That's how Francis feels about her.
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daincrediblegg · 7 months
How did Lady Terror and Crozier meet? What was thier first thing constiting as a date?
God I can't believe I forgot my notes today so I can't pinpoint the date exactly (THOUGH I DO HAVE THE DATE!!! I SWEAR), but in an official introductory capacity they met at the Admiralty's reception for Sir John (and Francis) a month or so before departing Greenhithe on the expedition. Before that time, they were near strangers to one another (though one knew more of the other before they met- and that is all I shall say). And honestly? the whole expedition is kinda the first date 😂😂😂 (but between you and me? watch out for Chapter 2 of One Warm Line. if I ever have free time to write ever again, that is.)
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