#forgot i took this picture its rlly pretty
rogdona · 8 months
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uriekukistan · 2 months
yomo for the character ask if you feel like it! 😄 i love reading ur tokyo ghoul and jjk opinions btw! hope ur having a good one ✌️
aaaahhhh thank you and thank you for the ask :) hope you're doing well too <3 sorry this took so long i fell asleep dghkjld
favorite thing about them: i love it when a character has a stoic exterior to hide a warm heart. like he never even told touka and ayato that he was their uncle (at least im pretty sure he didnt, at least not until much later), but he still always looked out for them
least favorite thing about them: hmmm i cant rlly think of one 😭 i guess as with most characters in tg, i would defintely liked to have seen more of him. especially since his kagune is cool as fuck
favorite line: its not really a "line" per se but i like how he's the only one to call kaneki "ken" regularly. since he's a more quiet type, affection doesn't really flow from him easily, and i think if he didn't refer to kaneki that way it might come off a bit like he doesn't care for him, which isn't true
brOTP: uta & itori ofc. i love how they balance him out
OTP/nOTP: combining this to say that i am not necessarily for or against him with uta. i guess i just don't think about it enough to form an opinion
random headcanon: he's either one of those people who doesn't listen to music ever, or he listens to every kind of music
unpopular opinion: i had something in mind when i started this post but i FORGOT...
song i associate with them: everlong by foo fighters
favorite picture of them: what a guy
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
i am now going to write the longest most rambling account of my day but i’m gonna put it under a read more FKDSKLDF 
ok so i also got to see yoon jisung today too bc he was there?? and i thought i wouldn’t get to go to his part of the fansign but i got to like watch it happen? which was nice because he’s pretty FDKLSSDLK but then they like ushered us all out and they did the photos and i walked into the room to put my bag down to take my picture and just b were looking at the people coming in and i think i looked so like Absolutely Shocked and In Awe that byeonghee made eye contact with me, whispered something 2 limji, and then they both waved at me and i immediately panicked so hard before waving back and then i like collapsed when i realized that had happened KFLLSK and then we were like walking up and i walked up for my photo and i said hi to all of them and they were all so so so insanely pretty i think i am taller than the short members which. was fantastic KFLSDKL so i sat down and they didn’t warn me that they were taking the photo so all 4 of my pics look identical FLDSLDF and then i didnt know if they’d let us talk long to them for the fansigning so i looked at lim jimin and went “you’re my favourite idol of all time, i love you so much” and he grinned really big at me and said thank you and i almost collapsed and then the staff ushered me off and i went to get water and my hands were shaking so much that the water was spilling out of the cup they gave me KFLKDLS my friend had to hold me still fksklf and then we had to line up. again? for the fansign which took forever because the company was crazy disorganized but we were waiting in line and then one of the staff opened a door and the door handle HIT ME IN THE ASS and it HURT !!!!! but like whatever the adrenaline kept me going i was having a panic attack literally as soon as i caught a glimpse of them KFSKL so the order for the fansign was doyum chuji byeonghee limji geonu sangwoo and i forgot everything i was gonna say to them so i repeated myself a lot but KFSKL doyum i went up to and said he was my favourite member of 1the9 and i’d been a fan since under nineteen and he went “oh, really??” and i said yeah and i told him i really like his grrrr cover and that i think hes so talented and he thanked me and then i said i loved his outfit and he laughed and went “you’re so cute” and then i almost passed away and i had to move on to chuji. chuji i said hi and how are you to and he said he was good and that he was nervous and i said i was super excited to see them perform on monday and he said he was excited too and i told him our dogs have the same name and he went “oh ruki??” and i went “yeah!!” and he smiled and went “i’ll remember that!!” which was. so cute guys hes SO cute hes so so cute. anyways next was byeonghee and allow me to just say byeonghee is INSANELY pretty irl. like its so crazy. i was so distracted by him that the first thing i said to him was “you look so pretty today” and he smiled and thanked me and said i looked pretty too and again i almost passed out and i told him i also liked him on under nineteen and he looked surprised and then i got to tell him i absolutely loved his drivers license cover and he looked rlly happy about it and then. it is . Him. i remember staring and just. speaking so quickly and stuttering so much and lim jimin was smiling so big at me because i think he remembered me from like 20 minutes earlier when i slightly held up the line to confess my undying love for him FLKSKDL and he was so so sweet i said he looked so handsome and he was making like the most intense eye contact with me he is SO PRETTY like hes INSANELY PRETTY i am INLOVE WITH HIM hes the prettiest man of all time i wish i could remember our interaction more but i told him id been a fan of him since before his solo debut and he went “really?? thank you!” and smiled and i almost PASSED AWAY and then i was saying something but i had to move on because the staff were starting to rush us so i moved to talk to geonu and i said hi and asked how he was and he said he was good and i asked him how he was liking canada so far and he said he’s really been enjoying it and he likes the weather and then i told him his outfit was cute and he thanked me and then the staff tapped me again so i had to move on to sangwoo and i also asked him how he was and i told him i love him sm and that he’s gotten so much more cool and charismatic since debut and he thanked me and then i said “you’re such an amazing dancer” and he GIGGLED and his little smile was so CUTE he was so endearing and then i started to say something again but the staff was like “u gotta go” so i thanked him for coming and got my items and i had to go and then i sat on the floor and just. existed for a little while it was so sos so sos ososososoooooooo surreal i cannot believe i met my favouritest some guys...................anyways if u got this far i apologize i have completely and fully lost my mind KFLDSKLFD
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bronwyns-art-locker · 4 months
another short story i wrote for class. kinda gimmicky. i still like it.
[8:38pm] veronica_is_cool: Can we take a break? :3 I wanna hear about your day!
[8:38pm] xlincoln_logx: sure! u first tho
I’ve been talking to this Veronica roleplayer for about 3 months now. We met in one of those open role play rooms on ChatterBox. We ended up talking for hours that night, so we decided to make a private room for the two of us. It’s pretty rare to find anyone roleplaying Veronica these days in the Magical Arrival community, especially since they killed off her character last season. I guess one could say the same about my character, Lincoln. He’s not necessarily a protagonist, but he’s a recurring character that I really related to. That’s really the beauty of roleplaying online – even the most minor characters can be fleshed out by the fans in whatever way they want. 
[8:40pm] veronica_is_cool: My day was fine I guess! Today at school some kid tried snorting salt during lunch so that was weird xD!
[8:42pm] xlincoln_logx: thats insane lol i was out from school today tho so i just spent most of my day doom scrolling online as usual 
In the 3 months since we’ve started talking, I've gotten really close to her. When we stop role playing we just talk like regular friends. She told me her real name is Lili. She loves to draw, write short stories, and role play Magical Arrival online. What’s cool is she’s the same age as me – or at least I assume so. The thing about online friends is that you can never really discern if they’re telling you the truth about their lives. I took what I could get, though. She still listened to me and treated me like a real friend. Honestly, she was the closest friend I had at the time. But I had never seen her face. Or heard her voice. 
[9:16pm] veronica_is_cool: I’m just really shy, Max. Plus, how do I know that when we video call there’s not gonna be some older creep staring at me through me screen ;P (just joking). 
[9:18pm] xlincoln_logx: nah i get it, im rlly shy too 
[9:21pm] veronica_is_cool: I’m just worried you won’t like what you see.
More than anything, I just wanted her to say yes one day. I wondered what she was so afraid of.
[9:25pm] veronica_is_cool: Max, do you ever feel… out of place sometimes?
[9:25pm] xlincoln_logx: yea like all the time
[9:26pm] veronica_is_cool: How so?
[9:27pm] xlincoln_logx: i mean i dont rlly have friends at my school if thats what u mean. 
[9:28pm] veronica_is_cool: Not really. I mean like, do you ever feel out of place in your own body? Like you wish you could just be born different. 
[9:30pm] xlincoln_logx: i cant say that i have. why, is that how u feel??
[9:31pm] veronica_is_cool: Sometimes. 
I failed to come up with a reply. I had never heard her express something like this before. 
[9:45pm] veronica_is_cool: Sometimes I just look at myself in the mirror. I look at my body, my face, my hair… and I don’t feel like I’m me. I have, like, this picture of myself in my brain of how I want people to see me, but I know that will never happen. Really, the only person who sees me the way I want to be seen is you. 
[9:46pm] veronica_is_cool: I guess that’s why I’m so afraid to show you my face. I’m sorry. 
I didn’t know what to say or what to think. I didn’t know how to interpret what she was trying to say to me. Had she been lying to me about who she was this whole time? I felt a strange anxiety creeping up my body. It started at my legs, and made its home in my stomach. I couldn’t look at my screen for too long or else I’d just fixate on her words and get more afraid of what she was hiding from me. For the first time in a few hours I looked away from the bright glow of my laptop, and let my eyes wander around my room. 
I looked at my bed sheets, then my unfolded laundry. I got so deep into talking to her that I forgot to at least clean my room. Then I glanced at my mirror, and held my gaze longer than I expected. I examined my face; my expression. I looked tired, but not unlike myself. I guess I could stand to get a haircut, because it was getting a little long. And I needed to shave the rat-stache I had been growing since 8th grade. I definitely had an awkward appearance, but that never bothered me. I didn’t feel like a stranger in my own body – not at all like Lili said she felt. I looked away. 
My eyes then landed on the Magical Arrival poster hanging on the wall across from me. It featured all of the major characters standing at a bus stop together in poses that represented their personalities. On the far right stood Veronica. She was staring down at her shoes with her hands in her coat pockets, acting just as shy as she usually was on the show. As I studied her figure longer, I realized that I actually had a face I’d picture when I would think about Lili. 
[10:03pm] xlincoln_logx: we’re friends right lili? 
[10:04pm] veronica_is_cool: I’d like to think we are. 
[10:05pm] xlincoln_logx: you mean a lot to me. you’re someone i want to stay friends with for a while. 
[10:05pm] veronica_is_cool: I feel the same way. 
[10:06pm] xlincoln_logx: then would it be too much to ask that you dont keep anything from me? 
[10:08pm] veronica_is_cool: It’s not… 
[10:09pm] xlincoln_logx: do you trust me enough to show me what ur afraid of? 
[10:10pm] veronica_is_cool: It’s not that simple. I don’t think you get what I’m trying to say.
[10:11pm] xlincoln_logx: i think im starting to get it. can we just try and figure it out together? 
She didn’t reply for a while. I was afraid she had left entirely. I was afraid I scared her away. 
[10:45pm] veronica_is_cool: Okay. Let’s do it. 
That anxiety I felt earlier had found its way back into my body. Instead of being in my stomach, it found its way up to my chest and my arms. I was breathing manually now, and I felt a subtle tightness in my shoulders and on the sides of my ribs. My arms felt like they had 20 pound weights on them. I nervously opened up Skype and typed in her username. It felt like the ringing lasted forever, until she finally picked up and all I saw was her profile picture: a drawing of Veronica. “Sorry,” she mumbled, “I’m turning on my camera now.” Her voice sounded strained, like she wasn’t speaking in her natural register. She finally turned on her camera. 
It was my friend. For the first time since I met her, I finally saw my friend’s face. She had pale skin, and some acne on her cheeks. Her wide lips were contorted into a nervous smile as we stared at each other, just examining each other’s appearance. Her hair was long and slightly unkempt. It reached the tops of her shoulders, and was a deep brown color.  Her blue eyes hid behind thick, rectangular glasses and in the reflection of them I could see myself on her screen. I was surprised to see that she was wearing winehouse style eyeliner, and it was neatly done.  Draped over her body was an oversized “Deftones'' t-shirt; her favorite band. She looked undeniably nervous. Her eyes were shooting around the room, trying hard not to look at herself on her own screen. The more I looked at her the more I thought about our conversation. I thought more about why she was afraid to show herself to me. I thought about how much courage it must have taken to do this video call at all. I thought about the trust she put into me to reveal this side of herself. I needed to break the silence. “You know, you look just like her, right?” I said.
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dolliedarlin · 3 years
Be4 reading this take into consideration are over the age of 18? It’s rlly not to bad but the Subject is slightly vulgar! You’ve been warned ;)
Yea- also there maybe some grammatical errors mb in advance
Alr picture this, you/y/n is getting gangbanged by the bakusquad
(For starters let’s just say y/n isn’t a virgin)
y/n is a female btw
Mina and Denki would 100% be in charge of 4play I just know it, y/n would be on all fours and Mina would be in between her legs (won’t go into detail because u said censored hehe but I think Yk) while Denki is on his knees in front of y/ns face pretty sure Yk where that goes.....After they do they’re thing with y/n overstimulating tf outta her and all, Sero Kiri and Bakugou would obviously want sum but, Mina and Denki being stingy wouldn’t budge
Side note: I think Sero and Bakugou r the main tops
Mina seems like a top as well and Denki and kiri give off switch vibes in my opinion (lmk what YOU think :)
Oh and y/n Issa sub Lmao
Anyway, Mina and Denki would have to be pried away from y/ns body or Sero, Kiri and Bakugou wouldn’t even get a chance with her-
TW: double penetration well rlly it’s triple but whatever lol
We all know there are 3 holes and there’s 3 of them (Sero,Kiri,Bakugou) 😏.
I cant go into detailllllllllllllll
I’m not a smut writer but it’s been in my brain for a hot minute ;).
thank you so much for providing that warning, dollface! i would like to reiterate it now, too, please, if you are a minor, do not interact with this post, do not read it or like it or reblog it, none of that please, thank you!
even though this is uncharacteristic of me, i wanted to add onto this ask, hence why it took me so long to reply, i’m sorry about that, dollface! but i here’s a little snippet of a potential smut??? wish my luck on its execution bc i don't really have the time to edit everything right now for grammatical or spelling mistakes as i'm off to bed. nevertheless, i hope you enjoy what i've tried to write!
again, minors please don’t interact with this post! thank you!
It was hot. You were caught up in everything and constantly took up the space in the middle of everyone. Their eyes were on you, devouring the delicious curves of your body; scorching your supple, naked skin with their heated gaze. Marking you as theirs. All of theirs.
Mina holds you close as she sets about devouring your mouth, both of you almost competing to moan the loudest as Kaminari presses into you from behind, trailing soft kisses across the delicate expanse of your exposed shoulder, sucking and nibbling at some points. The touch of his lips are subtle but lovingly meaningful. It’s a complete contrast to the frenzied but masterful work of his hands at your most intimate part. One hand urging your leg to open as the other played with your velvet folds.
“You’re soaked,” the blonde whispers into your ear, breathy and electrified. He hums in thought, “I bet you taste sweet,” at that point, you open your eyes to squint at the muted red light of the room but quickly roll your eyes back when hits that sweet spot before reaching up to have a taste of you on his fingers.
“How does she taste?” Kirishima calls, his voice low and slow, like a sensual dance meant to seduce onlookers. And seduce he did; you felt yourself clench around Kaminari’s stretching fingers.
“Oh?” Kaminari chuckles lowly, ignoring the red-head’s question, “What was that?” you didn’t answer despite Mina setting your lips free with a lick of her lips as she lowers herself paint your neck purple and pink. “Did you like hearing Kirishima’s voice?...” you whimpered, “don’t tell me you forgot they were there the whole time?”
Mina giggles into the juncture of your neck, “they can’t take their eyes off of you,” she looks up and stares into your eyes deeply just as Kaminari picks up the pace with his fingers, earning a sultry moan from you, “I’m sure they’re just dying to have you, right now,” she pauses and bites her lip, “but they need to be a little more patient,”
“It’s gonna be a long night,”
In that moment, caught up between Mina and Kaminari, you look to the side to find the three remaining men leaning back into the sofa as they shamelessly displayed the obvious tents between their legs, eyes never leaving your form as they burnt your image into their minds. You looked oh so delectable. They couldn’t wait until it was their turn to have their fun.
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muwur · 4 years
long distance headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for daichi, suga, hinata & tsukki
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.5k words
a/n: hello yall this is my first post! nobody asked, but i just started this haikyuu reader insert blog, feel free to check my page n see wazzap. also requests are open pls come fhorfjepfiwf;
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✧ after high school, he stayed in miyagi while you went to tokyo, about 5 hours away, for college
✧ texting or calling whenever u can!
✧ you be like “heyyy”
✧ then he clap back with a “go focus on your lecture”
✧ “im not in lectureee”
✧ “you gave me your schedule so i know you’re in the middle of class”
✧ “...”
✧ makes sure you’re awake on time for your classes and calls you if he thinks you’re oversleeping (and hes usually right, this man just KNOWS)
✧ “morning y/n, i think you need to get to class soon”
✧ “mmrghhhghhh” *checks time* “holy sHI-- i forgot to set my alarm. IMMA BE LATE. THANKS DAICHI I LOVE YOU ILL TALK TO YOU LATER BYE”
✧ definitely skips out on some nights out with his friends to video chat you. you catch up, talk about future plans, reminisce, complain about not being able to hug one another, etc. occasionally one of you falls asleep on call, particularly after a long day or week. if he sleeps, you make sure you screenshot his sleeping face and start a picture collection  
✧ you hit him up when you get drunk lMAO
✧ “daiichiii, i miss youuu, i needdd youuuu AND i needa peeee---” “hey daichi, this is y/n’s friend. y/n’s pretty out of it now but they’ll be okay! we’re heading back to our place right now” “im gonna pEE IN THIS CAR”
✧ daichi coordinates with your friends to make sure you arrive home safely, use the bathroom, and get tucked into bed. he thanks the universe you have good friends. if it weren’t for them he’d probs have a heart attacc. sends you cute, reassuring voice messages for you to wake up to the next morning with hangover tips he learned from suga
✧ always checks in with you throughout the day, every day. able to pick up on the slightest hints if you’re feeling unwell and calls you immediately to try to make you feel better
✧ makes plans to visit you! you get really excited to introduce him to your college friends (who, after meeting him, tell you not only is he a hottie but is such a kind guy, fosho a keeper. they also ask if he has any cute friends)
✧ either holding your hand or has an arm around you most of the time.
✧ you spend all day together outside and wandering the city, then spend the night back at your place (sorry roommate, but we’re gonna have to kick you out for a lil bit--)    
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✧ you finally secured a job! unfortunately, the company required you to work for a year at their main facility, which was a 4 hour drive away from miyagi
✧ if suga wasn’t needed in miyagi for his teaching job, he would’ve tried to come with you
✧ after unloading your things in your new apartment and before parting ways, suga was like
✧ “everything’s unloaded everything from the car?”
✧ “yes maam”
✧ “do you have enough snacks?”
✧ “we just went to the grocery hun”
✧ “did you bring enough underwear?”
✧ “gDI yEs I dID”
✧ “:c promise to call me often”
✧ “<3333 of course”</p>
✧ good morning texts before y’all leave for work! you send each other cute pictures when you’re getting ready for the day (suga with bedhead, brushing his teeth? suga with his tie half done?? sign me up)
✧ always texts you when something reminds him of you, usually sends a picture along with it
✧ “the store was having a special on oranges today! this one reminds me of you”
✧ “why”
✧ “it just looks so cute~”
✧ will immediately call you if you send him any sort of message that worries him
-“hello? y/n what’s wrong, why is there blood?? speak to me, you haven’t replied in 5 minutes”
✧ “ohhh my bad, i’m just cleaning up don’t worry! i didn’t explain, but the picture i sent you isn’t blood, it’s ketchup i spilled on myself lolol”
✧ poor man nearly fainted from worry
✧ would pay you a surprise visit, making sure to plan it carefully so he knew you weren’t busy with work or plans. brings you gifts of your favorite snacks and a scarf that matches one of his own for the upcoming winter
✧ plans out that weekend for y’all, mans did his research beforehand. together, you toured the city and the surrounding nature, took lots of selfies (and many candids of you), and taste tested lots of foods before returning to your apartment and collapsing into your bed with exhaustion
✧ but y’all not too tired for cuddling n a lil something else >.>
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✧ sure, being a couple hours away was hard for some... but y’all in different countries right now
✧ calls you immediately when there’s any inconvenience that occurs in his life, no matter how minor, thinking you’ll know how to fix it (or at least give him the reassurance he needs)
✧ “hey y/n...”
✧ “what’s wrong? you sound worried”
✧ “i broke my bike, what do i do”
✧ “you what? are you alright?? how? where are you? it’s midnight there, honey”
✧ “i was biking back to my apartment after staying late to practice! i didn’t wanna hit this turtle, so i swerved into a pole and now my bike’s wrecked :**”
✧ “ahh, are you okay?? you’re not hurt are you :(”
✧ “no, im okay... but im tired and i have two miles to go ;(((”
✧ “;( im sorry babe but you gotta walk home. we’ll get you a new bike. ill stay on the phone with you until you get back. tell me about your day <3″</p>
✧ talks about you all the time to his friends! introduces you through video chat to them! “look how pretty and cute y/n is!”
✧ together you work out your time differences and busy schedules so you can chat whenever possible
✧ he lets you know whenever he bought something for you, but never shows it to you because he’s excited to see your reaction in person when you reunite
✧ always asks you to send him pictures of yourself, he wants to see what you look like everyday he’s missing you in real life
✧ you surprise visit HIM. he’s so happy he could cry. shows you around every place he loves, shows you off to everyone he knows, holds your hand the entire time and never wants to let go, is practically glued to you not that you mind  
✧ you spend your last night together lying in the grass, hand in hand, looking at the stars and sharing sweet kisses  
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✧ y’all went to separate universities. while he stayed relatively close to miyagi, you went across the country to okinawa, which was about a 3 hour flight away
✧ he sees all the couples around campus n becomes lowkey bitter, texts you immediately about gross pda like hand holding that he secretly wishes he could do with you “these people in relationships are too happy, i didn’t ask to see them gawk at each other all day” “u just miss me lmao”
✧ once overheard a convo on a shuttle at school that went like :
✧ person 1: “ugh, he’s so cute”
✧ person 2: “why dont you go out with him??”
✧ person 1: “i dunno, his dorm’s down the street, i can’t really do long distance”
✧ nANI (by the way, this is a irl conversation my friend overheard, oml)
✧ tsukki nearly choked on his morning coffee
✧ bothers texts you in class bc he’s bored and in need of your attention
✧ “hey tsukki this prof’s lectures are rlly dense, i needa focus, ill text u after”
✧ “but arent i more interesting than rocks”
✧ “trust me, id even rather watch some dino documentaries with you than be here”
✧ *read*
✧ likes to chat with you most nights as he lies in bed before going to sleep, staring up at the dark ceiling and listening to your voice through his headphones. usually just talking about how your days went (as if you weren’t texting all day) or just casual talk and banter
✧ you remind him to make sure he’s taking care of himself and eating well
✧ “who are you? my mother?”
✧ “no but you’re about to be single”
✧ surprise visits you, tells you it was yamaguchi’s idea when it was really his own and yamaguchi was just teasing him about it  
✧ you show him around the city, sharing what you know about its rich history and culture. you visit most areas you both wanted to see before calling it a day
✧ your roommate conveniently spends that night over at their friend’s they just wanna give you alone time, which y’all very much needed. you make it a note to repay your roommate somehow.
✧ sweet lovin that he’s been missing, then some spooning as you sleep    
a/n: just wanna tackle these about 4 characters at a time but if u wanna see this headcanon w/ other characters feel free to hmu w/ an ask <3<b> also sorry if i text type a lot and that im inconsistent with my apostrophes, let me know if that’s something you want me to fix! 
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artnerd1123 · 3 years
A Familiar World
Pen Pals (pt 1) ——————————————
Just a bit of book exchange and small talk between a couple sorcerers. 
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
whattup belle n @vaaloirr are back at it again with another joint chapter, ft alex n journ!!! vaal wrote the letters by alex, and i wrote the ones by journ! these were rlly fun to write, so y’all will prolly see more in the future :>
hope y’all enjoy!!! 
Dear Journal
I hope you’re having a good week, over there, hope life’s treating you well. I’m here with my book recommendation, as usual. I hope you like this one. It’s an intriguing little piece called “Forgotten Shoals”, a story about a small group of people, mostly mercenaries I think, getting shipwrecked and separated on a very strange island. I was a little lost? About halfway through? The story’s kind of too vague for its own good at certain points, but overall it was pretty good. It’s in a pretty old time period, when there were still kings and stuff, so that’s pretty interesting, how they handle that. It’s only two books, but they’re long ones. They make for fun animated book nights, especially if you’re watching in a dark room. It really helps the atmosphere, so there’s that to keep in mind.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Thanks so much for the rec! It came at a great time, I’d just finished with the last series. I’ll be sure to let you know what I think of this one. I’ll work them into my schedule sometime. Probably at midnight. That’s the best time to read, haha. Maybe we’ll both get confused, and we can compare notes. Life’s ok over here. I finally decided to get better acquainted with my roommate. My book rec for you comes from him, actually. It’s a book of really old questor legends- maybe you’ve read it before? Sorry if you have! He called it “Legenday legacies.” There’s a whole series of them. They don’t really go in any order, but the oldest are marked first. I’ve only read a couple, but they’re really cool. It’s best to have them animated, too. My roommate said they were old oral stories that someone finally decided to write down, so the animation has some really neat extra details. This letter got a little long, haha. Hope you’re doing ok over in your town!
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, midnight’s the best time for a spooky book, haha. And thank you for the rec! I actually had the first book when I was a kid, but I forgot it when I left home. I would love to read it again, and to read the other books too… I’ll definitely try to snag them the next time I’m over there. I always meant to go back to them, so thanks for the reminder. And I’m glad you’re getting along with your roommate, it wouldn’t be very fun if you weren’t, haha. I couldn’t really picture myself with a roommate, me and Lucy is just fine. And I’m doing fine, though things are a little hectic over here right now. Someone says they saw a monster nearby recently, which… I’m pretty certain was just a random wolf they got spooked by? It was late. But you know. Rumors are a hard snowball to stop once they get rolling. Hopefully it’ll all get sorted out. Anyway, I’m running out of room on the paper, so I gotta call it here, haha. Have a good one.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Oh, nice! Hopefully the next ones are a good read. And I get leaving books at home on accident. I had to leave a bunch of mine when I left home, too. I got the important stuff! But you can’t quite replace a lifetime of books overnight, haha. At least we have libraries and book merchants, right? Roommate life isn’t for everyone. I’m glad you and Lucy are getting along well at your place. Though the rumors sound rough. It’s hard when a whole town is going off about something. Sorry you’re dealing with those. Hopefully they’ll quit when they catch whatever the critter is, haha. Could make for a town legend, right? I’ve heard plenty of those. They’re certainly something. Before I run out of paper, I actually have one somewhat unrelated question. Does Lucy ever run around the apartment at 3am for no reason? My roommate’s familiar is a cat, and he does that. I’m not sure if it’s a familiar thing or a cat thing. We didn’t have any cats in the house growing up. Hope this letter finds you well.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, a lifetime of books is not the easiest thing to replace, haha. And the rumors aren’t really rough, so much as annoying. It’s a merchant town, so once monster rumors start, everybody’s gotta hold up while some people go out and find whatever it was. They’re very on edge when the topic of monsters is brought up. But hey, what can you do. Hopefully it’ll be a boring town legend at the end of the day, haha. And as far as the 3am thing, yes. All the damn time, every night. Without fail. My mom had a few cats when I was growing up, and I can confirm that it’s a cat thing. They just do that. I don’t know why, you can have the laziest cat in the world and they’ll still sprint around at full speed at 3am. It’s actually kind of hilarious. Also, if we’re gonna be trading questions, I actually had one… Your roommate is a questor, right? I was wondering if you could maybe ask for a few questor tips from him for me, if that's alright. Have a good one.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
I mean, a legend’s a legend, right? But I do hope whatever it is doesn’t bother the townsfolk much. We used to have some problems with woodsy critters back at home. I don’t know if they’re still having issues now, but sometimes wolves can get pretty bold, haha. And that’s good to know. It is pretty funny to just hear my roommate’s familiar sprinting around outside my door at Revaew awful hours of the night. I just have to make sure he doesn’t wiggle his way into my room. He’ll go curl up on my bed to claim it and not move until 6am. Usually that’s not a problem because I stay up late, but it means I crash later during the day. Not so great when I'm in the middle of magic training, haha. I went and asked my roommate about questor tips for you. I didn’t know questors were actually a separate class of sorcerer, so that made for an interesting conversation! He told me that you should keep an eye on the questing board- you have one in town, right?- and to keep some sort of compass/map on you among your supplies. Make sure to pack a snack and water if you don’t already. If it’s a fetch quest, make sure to find the quest giver beforehand to check for any special conditions. He said a bunch of other stuff, too, but half of it sounded like he was trying to be a mother hen. The guy’s a bit of a softie. I could send you my notes with my next letter if you’d like to see all of them.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, yeah… I still think it’s just a wolf. Or maybe a bear. Who knows. Honestly, I would be more shocked if people weren’t bothered by this, merchants are just such uppity people. At least the ones around here. You definitely don’t wanna crash during magic training, yeah. I remember when I was training with my uncle, when I used to live with him, I was not good at keeping myself in check at all. Most of the time not spent practicing was spent napping because I would use all my energy trying to get this one spell, and then just pass out. I was young and excited, to be fair. He got me out of that habit. And maybe you should let the little familiar claim your bed sometime, there’s probably room for both of you, haha. Y’know, the more you talk about him, the more I think he and Lucy would get along great. You didn’t know questors were another class of sorcerers? I mean, I guess the distinction isn’t exactly obvious, now that I think about it. And we do actually have a questing board! Though it’s a little bare lately. Mostly just odd jobs, not much else. Any nearby dungeons have apparently decided to be quite shy, haha. Be sure to tell your roommate that the advice is appreciated, he sounds like a nice guy. And I would love to see your notes! If you’re good with it, that is.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Haha, maybe I will. It’s sort of weird sleeping in a room by myself right now. I have had a lot of siblings. Maybe the company will do me some good. And maybe we can have them meet up the next time you’re in town. I’m sure my roommate would let me take his familiar out. His name is Roo. He’s a shy little guy, but the library is quiet enough that he’d do ok. Just have to find him a fairy tale book and he’s all set, haha. As for magic training, that sounds so cool! Having your uncle train you sounds so exciting. My old mentor sort of took me under her wing because I was trespassing on her woods. She’s a strict teacher, but I’m really grateful to her. She taught me a lot, and gave me an amplifier a while ago. We still exchange letters and I still try my best to stick to what she told me. Learning magic is hard work, but I’m willing to reach for it. Guy’s got a dream, you know? And, for the record, I didn’t grow up in a very magical place. I think my magic mentor was the only sorceress in the entire area of my hometown, haha. Totally different story in this town. There’s lots of sorcerers- my roommate included. He’s pretty cool. Buys me coffee and gives me training tips sometimes. Anyways, all this to say I’ve attached a copy of the notes. Sorry if the ink is a little faded. I wanted to try out a duplication spell I’ve been practicing, and I don’t know if it took all the way. Simple spells can be hard for me, but I’m working on it, haha. Hope you and Lucy are doing well.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, I bet the change from “a lot of siblings” to “one roommate and his familiar” is a bit jarring. I wouldn’t really know? I was an only child. To be honest, I always wondered what having siblings was like, maybe you could tell me sometime? If that’s good with you? Maybe when we introduce Roo and Lucy to each other. Roo is such a cute name by the way, I hope the little guy knows that, haha. As far as my uncle goes, he was a very good teacher! He knew a whole lot of spells, and still tried to learn even more. He was a show sorcerer, so he knew so much neat stuff… I kinda miss him, but you know. He’s got his career, and I wanted to be a questor. At least it helped me get used to travelling a lot, haha. Your teacher sounds super cool too, like? Meeting a sorcerer in the middle of the woods and getting taken under their wing? That’s some legend stuff, man. Awesome. My town wasn’t very magical either, but it wasn’t super unmagical? There were sorcerers here and there. Not enough to really call the town magical, though. It wasn’t a hotspot, I guess is what I’m trying to say. I heard it’s become even less so since I left, but I digress. Oh! And the notes were really great by the way! Thank you so much! And don’t worry about the faded ink, I’ve read more illegible, haha. I think you did a fine job. You’ll get better with practice! I believe in you! And we’re doing fine, though Lucy is getting a bit claustrophobic. I hope you guys are doing well too.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
I apologize in advance if my handwriting gets messy. I’ve rewritten this letter at least three times now. My hand just tends to make absolute chicken scratch if I get too excited. That being said, you mentioned your uncle being a show sorcerer? How long has he been performing? How did he start? What category is he? Are all his shows the same or does he switch it up every time? What does he travel in? Sorry for all the questions, I’ll stop myself there. Show sorcerers are sort of an interest of mine. An aspiration, if you will, haha. Hearing that you worked with one sent my mind into overdrive. That’s so cool! Maybe we could practice spells together sometime. And a legend? Maybe. My mentor tells a lot of those. Sometimes I swear she’s telling an actual story that happened to her. She never confirms, though. I don’t know how much of legend material I am yet. I have to work on my magic some more. One day, though. It’ll happen. Especially if the notes weren’t as bad as I thought, haha. It’s progress! Also, we’ve got solidarity on non magic towns, haha. Glad we’ve both got somewhere that has more pizazz. Just a couple magic guys trying to make their way in the world, ammirite? Anyways, sorry about Lucy. Maybe taking her on a walk would help? We’re doing ok over here. My roommate has been painting scenes from the books we’ve animated. It’s pretty cool. And Roo seemed to like the idea of meeting Lucy! He was a tad nervous, but that’s the norm for him. I think he’d like having another cat friend. Maybe we can get together soon? I might have some sibling stories. Depends how much I remember that day, haha.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Your handwriting’s fine, don’t worry. I’ve read worse. As for all your questions, uh… since he was a teenager, I never asked, I can’t remember the categories but he does a lot of stuff with legends, dragons, and dragon legends, they have the same themes, but he has a bunch of different shows, if that makes sense, and he travels in a little caravan with his familiar and a couple of his friends. I get being excited, it’s all good. Maybe we could have a Q&A the next time we see each other, haha. And I’m sure uncle Leo would love to meet and practice magic with you, but he’s really busy nowadays, so you might have to hold that thought for a bit. He’d have to find a gap in his schedule. You really need to introduce me to your mentor eventually, she sounds awesome. And I’m sure you’ll get a legend or two for yourself one day. I mean, nobody was born the star of one, am I right? And I wouldn’t really say my current town has more “pizazz”, but it’s definitely more tolerable than my old town, I guess. Some people were very opinionated there. Especi Yeah I took her on a quick walk through town before writing this letter, actually, and she’s feeling a lot better! Sometimes she just needs a little bit of fresh air like everybody else. I bet your roommate's paintings look great, I can’t paint to save my life, haha. Lucy’s a little nervous too about the meeting too, so I guess the feeling’s mutual. Hopefully we can all get together soon!
Sincerely, Alex
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flowrxchild · 5 years
🌼Get To Know Me Tag🌼
Thanks @satans-helper for tagging me!!! This is gonna be a long one so if anyone feels it’s necessary, please tell me to shut up! oke doke les do it❤️
1. What’s your middle name?
2. How old are you?
20, very cool and very funky years..
3. When’s your birthday?
January 8th
4. What’s your zodiac sign?
Capricorn 🐏 also an Aries rising, Libra moon if anyone cares lol
5. What’s your favourite colour?
Rn it’s yellow!
6. What’s your lucky number?
Ok I rlly gotta pick one soon cuz I just don’t have one lol
7. Do you have any pets?
Used to have a chubby brown lab but she was an old girl:( BUT recently I have fed a stray cat enough for him to come back everyday so he is now mine by Ricky Law™️
8. Where are you from?
Toronto, Canada baybee
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
7 and a half? I think?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Not that many like 5 tops lol
12. What was your last dream about?
Last night I dreamt about going horse back riding?? I woke up like ...she’s a horse girl, I knew it..
13. What talents do you have?
I can draw/paint?? Also I’m a pretty snazzy photographer
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I’m definitely intuitive...I’ve experienced some very strange coincidences in my life...
15. Favourite song?
Jimi Hendrix’ Voodoo Chile
16. Favourite Movie?
Moonrise Kingdom
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
*stares in Josh Kiszka yearn*
18. Do you want children?
Erm not sure yet
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Lol I want whatever the opposite of a church wedding is..
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes. I’m so clumsy I am a danger to myself at this point...
22. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
No I’m literally a baby chicken and will cry if u raise ur voice at me
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Not formally? I’ve seen a lot of random celebrities just walking around tho cuz I live in a big city
24. Baths or showers?
Showers, practically but I love me a good bath now and again
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Im not wearing any ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ;-) Sam Kiszka tease ;-) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
26. Have you ever been famous?
One time my painting was put into a community art gallery and they took my photo for the local newspaper except they made the centre fold of the page fold into the picture around my face so it got all distorted and it was like when Mike Wazowski was in the Monsters Inc commercial...
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Not rlly..
28. What type of music do you like?
Rock, folk and indie but I will listen to anything
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes. Me and my friends do it every year as a cottage tradition!
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
3...I need to be snuggled AND supported
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
I don’t sleep unless I curl up into the smallest ball possible like a friggin cat
32. How big is your house?
She smol
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Literally just coffee most days. I love anarchy
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Nope. Don’t have the desire to either.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
I have not but I’ve always wanted to!
36. Favourite clean word?
37. Favourite swear word?
Cunty but like as an adjective
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Not rlly sure...probably only a day. I’m a very sleepy person
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
If I told you, they wouldn’t be secret ;-)
41. Are you a good liar?
No not at all. My face gives it away so badly
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I like to think so. My first impressions of people tend to be true.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Ya but not well ahsgag
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think I do, but my family from the states always says we have the stereotypical “Canadian accent”.
45. What is your favourite accent?
I loooove Irish accents. I find them very pleasing to hear!
46. What’s your personality type?
INFP-T to be precise
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
My prom dress I think? I got it a Free People for 90$ and at that store, that’s a steal...
48. Can your curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
If this is referring to my belly button then, innie
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Ew ya
52. Favourite food?
Ok my fave food is also my fave foreign food and it’s Indian!
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrase?
I really am not sure...
56. Most used word?
probably ‘like’. Yes I’m gen Z, yes I have trouble articulating my thoughts. And what about it???
57. How long does it take you to get ready?
I need at least an hour...I like to plan
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I don’t think so??
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
If you bite lollipops, you’re in jail now, I don’t make the law.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, I’m the funniest person I know.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Yes, funny you ask, I’m not only the funniest person I know, but also North America’s greatest entertainer!
62. Are you a good singer?
No! But I will preform for myself and the spiders living in my room. Yes, we exist!
63. Biggest fear?
Losing the people I love, being trapped.
64. Are you a gossip?
No yuck i hate it.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
this is too broad and difficult but The Witch. It’s spooky and dramatic.
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I don’t rlly have a preference...
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Probably if I try really really hard lol as a Canadian, this is a good road trip game
68. Favourite school subject?
Art or English!
69. Extrovert or introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No but something about makes me anxious
71. What makes you nervous?
I would really love to find something that doesn’t make me anxious. Let’s start with that.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
No! I find it comforting sometimes actually
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Depends. I hate confrontation so I only do it if it really matters...
74. Are you ticklish?
Ok I wanna know who isn’t! Like whomst is not ticklish??
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
I hope not...I would feel very stinky
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
If by authority you mean telling my sister to get out of my unassigned-assigned spot on the couch even though my voice cracks a little as I do it causing her to laugh even harder, than yes.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Yes. *police sirens grow closer*
78. Have you ever done drugs?
I have done a weed or 2. Yes
79. Who was your first real crush?
My neighbour lol
80. How many piercings do you have?
3! My ears and also my cartilage! Used to have my septum, but it caused me too many problems so i let it grow over :(
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type?
So fast *spongebob voice* wanna see me do it again?
83. How fast can you run?
I would probably be the first to go in a horror movie
84. What colour is your hair?
Dark brown
85. What colour are your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Nothing substantial.
87. Do you keep a journal?
Ya I do!
88. What do your parents do?
My mums a school secretary and my dads a fraud investigator
89. Do you like your age?
U know what, ya..I can’t complain.
90. What makes you angry?
Injustice and rudeness
91. Do you like your own name?
Ya I don’t mind it
92. Have you already thought of baby names if so what are they?
I mean I have names that I like but it’s not something I write down so I always forgot lol
93. Do you want a boy or a girl child?
I really couldn’t care less
94. What are your strengths?
Physically, I’m a sack of bones with the upper body strength of a new born baby but I like to think my sense of humour makes me tolerable *finger guns*
95. What are your weaknesses?
I am one frightened human bean.
96. How did you get your name?
Tru story: throughout my moms whole pregnancy, everyone including the doctors were convinced I was gonna be a boy because they could never get a clear look at me in the ultra sounds so my parents had only picked out boy names until I was born to which they changed their choice of “Eric” to Erika :))
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not at all lol
98. Do you have any scars?
Did I already answer this one? I think I did?
99. Colour of your bedspread?
White with pink floral pattern! (From ikea lol)
100. Colour of your room?
It’s an off-white
Ok I wanna tag these lovely beans @pe2chie @turntonightfirelight @camomillacatalina @witchgoddess @blackdressedtinyone 💗💗💗
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a new type of dance part 2
continuation of my Anna and Katherine fic!! part one here. I rlly liked this one haha so hopefully this one goes okay too. this parts a little more angsty but I <3 the end ;)
for the first few weeks they were together, Anna and Katherine were blind to everything but each other. they had told the rest of the group right away, and everyone was supportive. Jane finally understood why Katherine was so receptive to Anna, and loved her for the support she showed. the morning after they told everyone, anne came downstairs and proclaimed “after a lot of thought, I’ve decided to give you two my blessing. congrats!!” Katherine and Anna made confused eye contact. “well thanks for that” Cleves said “but what makes you think we need it?”. anne laughed and said “don’t be silly. I'm Kat’s cousin, so only I'm allowed to give her permission to date. but don’t worry, you have my approval! just don’t hurt her or its-” anne made a slicing motion across her neck. Katherine and Cleves could barely keep from laughing, but they decided to let anne continue her charade. in the beginning, they could barely keep their hands off each other. whenever it seemed like the others were occupied (they usually weren’t, and always knew when the couple was sneaking off) they would go to Katherine’s room (her bed was much fluffier) and made out. Katherine still didn’t seem comfortable going any further than that, and Cleves was happy to accommodate. 
at first, Katherine’s anxiety and panic attacks didn’t bother Cleves. she knew that the younger girl had been through hell and back, and she would do anything to help. but the more they continued, the more they weighed on Cleves. every night on stage, she would violently flinch when the other girls touched her as part of the choreography. she hid it from everyone else but from Anna, there was no hiding. she noticed when Kat’s lips would tremble, when she would mysteriously disappear to the bathroom and return sniffling. it broke anna’s heart. she couldn’t help but feel guilty, like she had played some part in Katherine’s torture. the first three queens had been dead when Katherine took the throne, and Parr wasn’t yet in the picture. she alone had been witness to the abuse that she had experienced, to Henry’s jealousy, to the way he twisted the entire country’s opinion against her. and when it came down to it-when Katherine was actually being dragged by guards to her death-Anna simply sat in her castle. on her stupid throne that she had to brag about every single night. it killed Anna to sing about how much fun she had, only to be followed by Katherine’s heartbreaking tale. one night, as Anna tried to help Katherine calm down after another panic attack, Anna couldn't take it anymore. she texted Jane “Kat needs help, quick”. within seconds, she could hear Jane running up the stairs and she burst into the room. Katherine looked confused, but not upset to be embraced by Jane. they were growing closer and closer, and Jane was pleased that Anna had trusted her to help in this situation. as Jane rocked the younger girl, Anna quietly slipped out of the bed. she went back to her own room and locked the door. tears escaping her eyes, she knew what she had to do. as much as it broke her heart, she knew that she had to do whatever she could to help Katherine. after her previous failures, being selfish wasn’t an option. she had to break up with Katherine and let Jane take care of her. although Kat might be upset at first, once she wasn’t around Anna so much Kat would see what she really was. A selfish, weak, coward. she wasn’t there for Katherine when she needed it most, and Anna didn’t deserve her now. 
After 20 minutes or so, Anna had made up her mind. she would break up with Katherine in the morning. she had to warn Jane first, so that she could be there immediately after. as she walked out into the hallway to speak to Jane, lost in her own thoughts, Anna nearly knocked Boleyn over. her anger at Anna’s carelessness quickly turned to concern as Boleyn saw her puffy eyes. Boleyn hadn’t seen Cleves cry. ever. she immediately knew something was wrong. before Anna could say a word, Boleyn yanked her into her room. nearly tripping over dirty laundry, the pair sat on her bed. Boleyn awkwardly started “look, I'm not good at this. but I’d like you to tell me what’s wrong, if you’re up for it”. Cleves sniffled. she was embarrassed to be crying, especially in front of Boleyn. normally she would have stormed out, but she was too distraught to think clearly. she said “I just can’t see why Katherine would want to be with me. I’m basically the reason she got raped, then murdered. how dare I think I could be worthy of her?” she burst into tears, burying her face in one of Boleyn’s (many, many) pillows. bewildered, Anne awkwardly smoothed Cleves’s hair. she said “what are you on about?? how was that in any way your fault?” Cleves scoffed. “I sat there in Richmond, with my palace, while Katherine was abused. Henry and I were friends. I’m sure I could have stopped him”. Boleyn pulled Cleves into a sitting position, a little rougher than Cleves expected. looking directly into Anna’s broken eyes, she said “Anna. listen to me. you had nothing to do with that. Henry was a jealous, mean, awful man who hurt all of us in different ways. don’t you dare blame yourself for his actions. plus, I seem to remember giving you my blessing. that didn’t come lightly; I thought about it for a whole night. if I thought you were good enough for Kat, then you met some pretty high standards”. Cleves couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “how can I look her in the eyes, knowing that I could have done something while she was being hurt?” Boleyn thought for a minute, then said “by being there for her. always. she can’t be abandoned again. she trusts you and she loves you, and there's nothing you can do about that. you owe it to her to help her grow, help her heal.” Cleves was taken aback. she always forgot that beneath Anne’s chaotic and silly appearance, she had a sharp mind. she sighed, and hugged Anne. as they broke apart, Cleves was struck with an idea. she leapt up, and quickly left Boleyn's room. Boleyn smiled in a self-satisfied way, and muttered to herself “another happy customer”. 
Anna slipped back into Katherine’s room, and saw that Jane had calmed her down. the younger girl was now sleeping, and Anna didn’t want to disturb her, but needed to feel her warmth. She slowly, carefully, lowered herself into bed next to Katherine, gently putting her arm over the girl’s shoulder. though asleep, Kat grabbed hold of Anna’s hand and snuggled closer. Anna almost cried with relief. as she listened to Kat breathe, her mind was racing. the next morning, unaware that anything was amiss, the six queens continued their usual banter over breakfast. Boleyn couldn’t help but glance over at Anna, who only smiled back at her. As they cleaned up, Anna announced “I just want to run to the store and grab some more milk, we seem to be running out”. before anyone could react, she was gone. 
twenty minutes later, Anna returned. she wasn’t alone. she was accompanied by a little white Pomeranian that went by the name of “wolfie”. she picked the dog up, and softly walked into the apartment. absorbed in getting ready for that afternoon’s matinee, no one seemed to notice her furry companion. she almost sprinted up the stairs to Katherine’s room. entering quickly, she closed the door behind her. Katherine, without turning around said “sorry love, I don’t think we have any time now. I’ll have to wait until after the show to have a piece of you”. Anna blushed, but didn't say anything. bemused, Katherine turned around from her makeup. she gasped. crossing the room in a leap, she snatched Wolfie out of Anna’s arms. Cooing gently, she gushed “aren't you just the cutest wittle thing in the world. you are, aren’t you? oh you are just adorable”. Anna beamed. Katherine said “who’s dog is this? where did she come from?” Anna said “well...he’s yours. ours. if you want it, that is. I’ve just been thinking a lot about how I wasn't always there for you-you know, in the past” she cleared her throat awkwardly. “but I always will be now. and if I can’t be there, then wolfie will be. and when you snuggle her, you’ll know I’m there”. Katherine was stunned. she launched herself into Anna’s arms, and the trio fell back onto the fluffy, pink bed. Katherine alternated kissing Anna and Wolfie, and a warm feeling came over Anna. She was finally felt worthy of Katherine’s love.
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unclejuho · 5 years
sf9 in london event + concert experience ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
this is my 5k essay on what happened 190512 // enjoy reading!!!
so i got to the venue at 11pm the night before bc i was so stressed by the other concerts (ppl at la started lining up at 6pm??) i really wanted to be near the front since im coming all way from the netherlands anyways i better go big or go home!!!! so like i waited there for an hour amongst other fans who were still waiting from a diff concert and when they left other fantasy arrived so we started queueing up. i rlly have to thank sf9 uk casue they were so nice to me and they kept letting me use their hotel next door to let me go to the bathroom and change ♥️
i ended up getting nr1 (or nr21 ig isbdhs) so!!!! we did it LMAO succesfully got a good spot even though my feet and butt were dead by the time anything even happened,, its so hard to wait for 16+ hours to go to a concert but its sf9 so who cares about health 🤡 we didnt get knifed and a lot of ppl came up to ask who the fuck we were waiting for hdbshsh it was so funny
so i started handing out my juho stuff ofc and ppl seemed to like it!!! so im glad haha eventually even i didnt have any anymore so i was happy ppl liked it!
skip to like 1pm which is when the members arrived at the venue, i was a lil late noticing cus i was waiting for those signed narcissus albums but i ran to the front anyways n saw youngbin chani tae leave the van (like what they posted in the travel preview) so that was!!!!! jdbdbsb they were so unbothered it was so cute so i went to get my albums and came back to line (i got all hwiyoung pcs oshshah) 
also there were so many other fans handing out fanmades it was so sweet the entire atmosphere was fantastic bc everyone was nice to eachother, rlly everyone i talked to was super sweet!!! also so many fansites with slogans or fans so i went broke once more but it was all worth it theyre so pretty...
at like 4.30 was the special event which lmao i rlly was so tired and i got sooo nervous i had my already signed fanfare from mwave bc if ure gonna sign any album it should be fanfare (looking at ALL the ppl that gave them narcissus) sooo us 20 were led upstairs to some sort of bar area and they had a long table w water bottles so we had to wait a lil while the staff checked our signed items if they were ok and then we had to form a line to wait (they were late) i met another dutchie so that was nice hdhshsh
finally the members walk out and im shaking bc baek ju is the first to enter the room!!! he was wearing that leopard sweater and i didnt even hate his mullet seeing it upclose...
jae was wearing that stupid unbottoned shirt skbssbsb and he came in giving ALL the fanservice like him and inseong were here for the entire thing osbdbsb the other members just sat down and sociaized with eachother like yb kept being adorable and pulling faces at the table it was everything and i couldnt see rowoon bc ppl were standing in front of him but i was!!!! shaking already bc whos idea was it to start off this event with fucking rowoon lmao is like immediate heart attack! ju was last which was oof...
so i had like ideas of what i wanted to talk abt w each members but lmao??? i didnt talk abt any of it to any member my mind was so shook...
first up was rowoon and he just hdhshsh???? the eye contact of this man and just seeing him upclose was so intense tf he rlly was.. so gorgeous n bc of his hair up his eyes looked even bigger n shimmered and the pics rlly dont do him justice... so the first thing i said was wow so handsome bc why not.. i was gagged indeed hdbdbsb he said like woooow our debut album and you already have it signed oabdbs i didnt explain the entire mwave thing bc wud he understand haha but he opened n he saw the pic of himself hes like what do u like better me now or me here??? me being myself im like fanfare bc ur hair down is so cute oahdhshs i rlly not a narcissus hag anyways but fanfare was best rowoon as always... so rowoon did his sign and i asked him to do sky castle impersonation he didnt understand so i just repeated sky castle he was like ah the voice thing im like yes cha minhyuk isbdbsh so he did the fucking thing and i was dying lmao great to have seen it in the flesh ofc...
after rowoon was taeyang and taeyang!!!! was so hyper and attentive like hdnsb whenever u see him in vids hes usually very casual but he was soooo sweet and he too was like ahhh fanfare he took a while to say but he said his heart was still in there hdhdhsh so i was 🤧🤧 i just asked tae if he was doing okay or if he wasnt feeling tired and he said he was doing great bc i was there im like dying hdhshsh so i said yah me too!!!! 
jae was after taeyang n jae was jdhshshs soooo into it i know korean fans say ppl change biases to jae after meeting him and i have to say i can see why!!! i didnt rlly know what to say to jae beforehand but he said oooo i really love london and im like haha i dont like it here im like im from the netherlands so he was shocked he said thank you for coming to travel here and he held my hand isbdbsbsb
next was inseong and... the eye contact level was sooo severe he rlly threw all into it hes like hi thank you for coming so much so i was wearing this shirt w a 🥩 on it and im like inseong do u like my shirt bc i know u love meat iahdhahsh so he was laughing n said yea wow this is my favorite shirt oshdhshs rlly had me going LOL he asked if it was my first time seeing them im like yea but im going to korea in the summer tho oshdhshs he said that was great n asked how long i was staying for,,, so im like im going a month so he asked why i was going so long im like im going for u!!! hdbshsb he gave me some hearts and i moved on ndhsbsab
so chani was next up and he looked so shy,,,, im sad bc i forgot to say everything i wanted to say to him at the beginning and i was just like chaniiiiiii and he laughed and signed my album before i went i quickly pushed in a URE MY FAVE DANCER n he highfived me hdhsbs
so youngbin was next and i... lmao... i was weak haha he just read my name hes like hiiiii gia im here being depressed saying HI YOUNGBIN I LOVE U SM thank u sm for everything u do for us and i shit u not my eyes like tearing up oshdbsbs yb asking me how im feeling im like YEA GREAT tears in my eyes oabdbs i rly couldnt speak otherwise id actually have them roll down my face so i just nodded and moved on iabsbs
hwiyoung im so sorry... i was still emo from yb and i even forgot to say happy birthday like pls hit me... hwi cheered for the fanfare album and im like yess hwi i love ur hair here i love the blonde;; hwi thanked me for coming 
next up was dawon and jdbsbs i came in saying hi fantasy president so he said yeeee fantasyyyyy and hes an unbothered legend oabbdhssbn he signed quickly and within a minute i was away again jdhdhs
so juho.. my god oshdhshwh hes so:((( pretty let me breathe liek... i came there im like juho i love u oahdhshsh hes just nodding his way going to sign my album and he drawing that heart stickman so im like i have a question can u draw— hes like this is my signature drawing LUCKILY i drew the jucasso next to my name so im like pointing at it being like lmao boy we dont want this heart flop bdhdhsh so he quickly drew it and i said i hope u feel better soon and i was off again,,, rlly dawon and juhos signing went so quick...
so we moved on to the pictures and they were grabbing the chairs and ju was standing all way back at first but then no members went to sit on the chairs oahdhs so JUHO THE MAN WENT FOR THE SEAT NEXT TO THE MIDDLE HDHSHSH and hwi on the other side and jae behind so im blessed like juho... he rlly did it... hdhshsh i quickly go to grab one of my banners bc im like bitch i gotta fucking rep for it now otherwise i wudnt know a pose anyways oahdhshs so i quickly took off my glasses as well
so its my turn im going up and sitting down and like handing this banner to ju and hes like ???? oh???? he quickly reads it n was impressed hdbsb so there was one pic and tae was sitting next to ju and wanted to read what was on the banner so he turned to us but then we had to take another pic so he had to turn back quickly again oahdhshsh and then i had to go again but as i walked away ju was explaining to the members what was on my banner so i :(((( 
after everyones picture was taken they said goodbye and waved and inseong stayed behind a lil to joke abt drinking beer (i rlly hate him but also me?) and then they left and we got our merch bags n went back downstairs
so i quickly ran over to my bestie to tell her abt it before realizing we had to line up to go inside for the concert so i was like stressed running away i rlly almost lost my first spot LOL but we were let inside the venue i had like 50 bags but i ran to the front and BLESS IT there was like tiny space left at the left side which is were i wanted to be bc juwoon!!!!!! so i rly did get barrier thank god i could put down all my bags as well and the fantasy next to me were great as well!!!!
// i’ll add the concert later as im tired rn and this is already 5k osjbhdbhjas
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jaxcns · 5 years
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y’all know this mans? yuh.. really gets ya thinkin that men might deserve rights after all huh? i mean they dont but it makes ya think! anyway.. i’m urayai ( uri for short ), eighteen, she/her, and from bumfuck nowhere usa over in the est timezone. we livin in a winter wonderland over here rn issa nightmare :) if ya feelin the vibe now then check out my statistics page yuh maybe i went the extra mile MXDDDN! anyway if ya poppin ya p*ssi to nct, love wastin time playin the sims, or are prayin for both taes scalps then smash that heart! we need validation in order to live in this economy laid ease!
basic details
( wong yukhei, cismale, he/him ) — meet jaxon wu, the nineteen year old sophomore at washington state university. i heard that the hedonist is a literature major who spends most of their time either practicing on the soccer field or interning at dorrance publishing two days a week. if you ask around, you’ll find out that the scorpio was born on october 28th, that the last song they listened to was uncomfortable by chase atlantic, and that they currently live in the kappa zeta nu fraternity house. ever since the death of carter hayes though, the only thing anyone can seem to recall when it comes to them is that they used to share a room with him at the frat house.
+ smoke-filled lungs, constellations in his eyes, denim jackets, disappearing acts that rival houdini, heart-shaped boxes, thumb rings, lazy grins, broken promises, and rainy mornings.
full sleeve on his right arm plus a chest piece in progress
ears and nose pierced but he doesnt always rock the nose
emotionally stable? no. financially stable? also no.
on an athletic scholarship for soccer but he loves hockey more so its #emohours
plays soccer, hockey, and baseball
loves the finer things in life but can barely afford the free breadsticks at olive garden ja feel
hes a snake who loves that 5 finger discount
selfish but also too invested in people he cares for
impatient as hell like.. chile
middle child ya he was dealt only the best cards in life
loves space and conspiracy theories #wow so original amirite
gets super obsessive over projects hes def a perfectionist
bisexual / bitter / bilingual
mom is a bank tell and dad is a professor at boston u
not very close to his older brother since hes off gettin his doctorates degree
very close to his little sister tho they’ve always been best friends
enjoys goin on hikes to clear his head
other than writing he also enjoys all other things creative like painting, drawing, sculpting, photography, etc
he attends a weekly art class in the city
he def dabbles in drugs so if ya lookin he can probs hook ya up
he was carters roommate 
ADAMANT — stubborn as shitttttt like fr. once he sets his mind on sumn and believes hes completely right cant be wrong then theres no changin his mind! at all! even if he realizes later that he was wrong he’d rather lower himself into the grave than admit it. he’ll also argue with you til the ends of the earth until the bitch literally dont have vocal chords anymore!
CONFIDENT — if i could’ve picked an alternate label for him then it woulda been the bellwether. he always carries himself with confidence which he gets from wearin nice clothes and accessories plus always bein well groomed ig? like his hair is always done, you’ll never find a speck of dirt on his shoes, that type of shit. even when his hair is messy it was done that way he would never go outside lookin like a wreck so jot that down!
IMPETUOUS — this bitch reckless af! he does things to benefit himself and only himself most of the time without taking into consideration other peoples feelings or how it might impact them. thats not to say that he doesnt regret it after the fact but lbr he normally? doesnt? see: selfish. hes just tryna get ahead tryna get dat coin tryna get him sum gucci slides!
PETULANT — sulky, bad-tempered, etc is jax thru and thru! and he aint afraid to take everyone down with him either. hes def the type to stir up drama ngl but he’ll back it up too and he aint afraid to throw hands! hes been in his fair share of fights and with his shiny new fake id y’all been knew hes been in more than one bar fight with more to come i’m sure!
plot ideas
MUSE — pretty self explanatory i think? this person just ignites fuckin inspiration for him whether it be thru takin pictures of them, writing about them, filmin them, drawin them, etc etc. jax always knows that when hes in a slump he can find them and that shit will come back as quick as flippin on a light switch!
RIDE OR DIE(S) — y’all already know wtf it is! we love those friends who just talk shit with each other, those that’ll go to bat for one another, but also arent afraid to be like “yo step back ur gettin a lil outta line” ja feel? literally gimme all that!
ANGST — i live for anything angsty tbh like im one of those bitches that gets bored when things are goin too well for my chara so i need someone to fuck that shit up fam!
RELATIONSHIPS — im here for it all! im talkin enemies, friends, rommates, party buddies, smokin buddies, fwb, exes, partners in crime, etc etc! im here and ready to snatch em all up!
TEAMMATES — jax plays hockey, soccer, and baseball so if ur chara does too then? uhhhh we def gotta plot cause we could go any way with the teammates thing like imagine teammates who hate each other and purposely try to hurt one another durin practices.. ugh we love pettiness!
ADVENTURE BUDDIES — hiking, goin to abandoned / haunted places, spontaneous road trips, etc! need someone or multiple people who’re down to just drop everything and go. doesnt even matter where tbh they’re just always up for a lil adventure.
SEESAW — lemme be basic for a sec ok just hol on! i rlly want a plot based off of yoongis song seesaw where maybe the two of them were together and at first it was great but then they just fell out for wtvr reason and obvs didnt wanna be together anymore. neither of them wanted to let go tho maybe it was like a comfort thing? so they just kept repeatin their same old shit and actin like everything was cool until one of them finally took the step and ended it just.. ik there’d be angst ik it and i need it!
PARADISE — the new song by chase atlantic! bitch! i felt it in my soul maybe i cried? jax dabbles in literally everything hes truly a mess so havin someone who just checks on him would rip my soul in half? someone who gives him a call randomly in the middle of a sunday night and is just like “hey ya been ok? not fallin back on bad habits are u?” shit like that. it would def be a thing where he falls a lil bit in love with them because its smth hes not used to tho that def doesnt mean at all that they feel that way about him! it can unrequited i dont rlly care tbh.
ik i forgot sum shit and ik this is a damn m e s s but if ya wanna plot then just lms and i’ll hit ya up! we can brainstorm or pick from one of our wcs idc just give this h*e sum plots i’ll literally die without em? im def the type whos down to prettymuch™ fill anything so if ya got a plot that ur rlly wantin but no one seems to be takin then give it to me i’ll 100% take it lmao! ya im desperate what about it?
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maiverie · 2 years
ok mai i FINALLY gather some proper time to send u an ask over triage and just a warning over my screams. i might start to get a little crazy over here!!!! don't mind me simping for nerd!heeseung and his lil cutesy specs 🙆‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤣
first of all: THIS. CHAPTER. WAS. EVERYTHING (and im not exaggerating im hella serious im even wearing my glasses for this— again serious🧐) CUZ EXCUSE ME DID LEE NERDY AND DORKY HEESEUNG JUST GAVE OUR YN A RIDE HOME ON HIS BIKE????????? AND HE BOUGHT AN EXTRA HELMET AND ALL THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT??⁉️⁉️ lord i ask ME WHEN⁉️😭 the way he just approached her, then went full on concerned over an accident was sjwjwmekdodoxccene ok i took a few rereadings cuz of the cuteness overload 😿💔 truly heartwarming i felt the simple teenage romance fluff from here AND I LOVE IT‼😭
ryunjin was an ass this time but i dont even bother the bullshit she and terry play around at this point im way too focused on the main ship and how its SAILING MY FRIENDS ITS SAILING MY MANIFESTATIONS WORKED MY PLEAS WERE HEARD!!!!!🙏😭 (also heeseung's cousin was??? like homegirl know ur damn place here WHO even asked u to talk shit ab ur cousin at least im sure he's smarter than u 🙄)
the whole tutoring process of how to date w heeseung has been so sososo *LOUD SCREAM OF IM SO SINGLE AND THIS IS MAKING ME WANNA HAVE MY OWN CUTE NERD* ‼🗣🗣🗣🗣
i cant get over the fact their relationship truly blossomed??? now yn spends time w him and ditches parties to hear him ramble over anything he wants? she makes him laugh and then laughs with him? he makes her laugh too? they make each other smiley and send texts all day? they go to aesthetic cafe's and just again cuteness overload⁉️😭 THEN HE ASKED HER TO BE HIS DATE TO THE WEDDING IM— i had to take a walk, around my room yk? pace back and forth lock unlock my phone cuz heeseung just said THAT???? HE WANTED TO CONSIDER YN HIS FIRST OFFICIAL DATE? AND HE CALLED HER PRETTY? IN HIS CAR NOW NOT THE BIKE???? BUT NOT THAT WE WOULD MIND CUZ IT COULD A NASTY CORNER IN A RANDOM STREET AND I WOULD STILL SIMP UR HONOR I WOULD SIMP‼🗣
the ending. im in shambles. lee heeseung u fucking nerd i just want u to smooch ur girl and ask her in marriage already 😭😭😭😭 im twisting and turning around🤸‍♀️ running laps for this series UR NOTIFICATIONS LITERALLY MAKE ME SO SIAKAS I GET ALL GIGGLY!!!!
mai ure the best author indeed ‼🗣💗 ur writing makes me ascend in how perfect it is, ur brain amazes me hella fucking tons cuz damn ur ideas are so incredible 😭😭😭😭 I LOVE UR WORKS SO DAMN MUCH 😿💗 i also saw ur wip list and, ok. im. LOSING W A BADBOY HEESEUNG UPCOMING FIC??????? ARE U RLLY GONNA MAKE US ENGENES TRIP SO BAD AGAIN????MAI 😭😭😭😭 ur jake and hoon fics also sounding sooooo addictive already im set for when it comes PLS TAG ME ‼🙏 i will scream sm u will have to block me or sum cuz i will lose my mind in this app!!🤣🤣
this ask got super long im so sorry but triage!heeseung just makes me 🤸‍♀️💔😭😿🗣🤪🙆‍♀️ if that makes some sort of sense? gosh i need to touch grass 💔 mai pls place heeseung as a warning next time 🙏 istg i won't survive the next update 🤣🤣🤣
SKY IN SPECS??? YEP IM GNA NEED A PICTURE OF THIS 🤨 BUT NO fr TYANK U SM FOR READING IM LITERALLY SO SO SO OVERJOYED THAT U LIKED IT???? no LITERALLY BC triage is just a whole teenage romcom atp like it’s so cringe i have no idea why u be reading this shit when THIS SIMP ASS SPEC WEARING LITTLE DWEEB OUT HERE DRIVING A MF PINK BIKE??? ONE W STREAMERS COMING OUT THE HANDLES???? nah cause we already been knew he gets absolutely ZERO pussy but i rlly wanted to accentuate that this chapter 😇😇😇 SKY IF U RLLY BE LIKING THESE TYPES OF BOYS THEN I TRULY CANNOT DEFEND U ANYMORE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ur honor please feed her to the wolves 🧎‍♀️
fr tho as much as i give triage!hee shit for being a dork,,,, ryujin and taehyun r not the vibes THEY RLLY AINT SHIT 🗣 AND OH EM GEEEE YESSSS U GOT IT THEYRE SUCH SIMPS FOR EACH OTHER NOW ;-; their little friendship is honestly smth i want so so so so bad with heeseung like WHY AM I CONVINCED HE’D JUST BE THE BESTEST FRIEND EVER IM YELLING I HATE MY LIFE 😭😭 LORD PLEASE GIVE ME A BOY THAT TEXTS ME DURING CLASS AND LETS ME DRAG HIM TO CAFES ☹️☹️
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bleedingfairy · 3 years
shud i stop talking ab my ex? yes. am i gonna? no. so anyways it's so funny and cool that the day he told me we shud go on a break started with us talking abt fucking living together eventually amd shit amd then a few hours later he messages me abt how we shud go on a break,,, nd i was so fucking high i didnt know if it was real and it felt like everything came crashing down,,, nd then i went to the hospital bc i thought i was oding. i felt p ok abt everything, esp after i finally came down (it took 4 fucking days for me to come down). i wasmt so worried bc it was just a break right? and then i asked him how long it wud be and he said a year, then he said maybe permanent. i told him its unfair to leave it up in the air like that so he just broke up with me. we got off the phone nd i went to the patio where the group was and i cried for maybe 10 minutes and then nothing. i didnt know who i was or where i was or how to do simple shit like brush my teeth,, nd it lasted 6 hours before i knew who i was. when i was still having that episode i found my list of phone numbers nd even though i didnt recognize any names i knew his was important nd i knew he was my boyfriend, even if i didnt know what that meant. even when i forgot everything i remembered that i love him, so i was like hm ill call him tmrw morning <33 and all of the people in the same hall as me had to explain to me why i should not fucking call. the next morning i remembered most things. not everything, but i was me again. i dont know that i was rlly done with the episode though, because i ended up calling him. my friend say that i was just gonna ask him to delete my nudes. so i remember 1 part of the conversation and it was when i told him to delete the pictures. he goes "i did already, im not that much of an asshole" nd i said 'debatable'. i dont remember the rest of the conversation, but when i got out of the hospital he told me that on the phone i called him a pos nd hung up,,, but 'he wasnt mad bc he knows i wasnt fully there, hshdhsjjad thats so fucking funny too because i talked to a mutual friend who saw him the next day, and they told me he made a huge deal abt it. they told me he knew that i dissociated (i think i told her on the phone the morning i came back) and that he was just kinda like,,, oh ok. then a few days later i had to call the cops bc a nurse grabbed me and after calling the cops i just went down my phone list, and no one answered so when i got to his number i said fuck it and called nd he had blocked the phone. i know he didnt wnt to deal w me but fuck it hurt,,, he really didnt wnt shit to do with me huh? we messaged when i got back nd he said we arent talking for now and that maybe we'll be friends later. and thats pretty much my whole life for the past 3 weeks 😁😁 this post is long and stupid but holy shit i have no one in my life that i cam talk to abt this so!!! i will scream into the void that is tumblr imstead ✋✋✋
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
imagine park woojin as your classmate
project partners to dating partners :’)
(( AS REQUESTED // omg since ure a woojin stan can i get a request where y/n and woojin study in the same course after his wanna one activities (before he debuts in brand new music) and got closer after a project andddd you can write whatever after that LMAO :^) THANK YOU ))
okay so ure a fan of wanna one
who isnt tbh
and lucky u bc it turns out tht ure going to college w the one and only park woojin!!!!!!! (srsly tho what r the chances)
u forgot tht woojins age is kinda similar to urs bc he always acts like a tough guy on stage or a little kid off stage and u forget that hes a student like u
its a little weird to get used to seeing him in person after all the pictures n videos uve seen of him online
like?? hes a Real Person??? what a wild idea
and even tho ure both in the same college course, u try to keep ur distance
as much as ud like to befriend him, hes still an idol (even tho he hasnt debuted w brand new yet) and its rlly hard for u to start up a conversation w someone famous
also ure lowkey worried tht its going to ruin how much u admire him, and that actually talking to him will destroy how highly u view him
little do u kno hes seen u around campus before n thinks ure pretty cute
okay but anyways
u make sure to stay out of his way bc the last thing u want is to bother him by asking for a signature or picture or smthn
u try and keep a minimum of like 10 yds between u at all times
(bc itd be even more embarrassing if u tripped right in front of him and that was the first thing he noticed abt u)
but lucky for u, life doesnt care what u have planned
bc its only a month into the semester and u already have a huge project assigned
of course, it’s a partner project
it might be okay if u were able to choose ur partners, but ur teacher insisted on trying to help everyone “bond w their classmates” so its all completely random
unfortunately for u, u get sick the day that ur teacher assigns partners
so u have no idea who ure paired up with
ure stuck asking some of ur classmates, but none of them rlly remember
everyone was a bit busy stressing out over their own partners tbh
and u keep asking around a bit, but u only know so many ppl in the class so eventually u kinda give up and hope ur partner isnt too bad
u settle on focusing on ur other classes, studying for future exams and reviewing ur notes in the library
even tho ure not sick anymore, u still feel a bit drowsy from all of the different medications u took and all of the work u were trying to catch up on
so. all excuses aside u fall asleep
prob not the best plan esp since some of ur things are balancing on the edge of ur desk
but the heart wants what the heart wants, and it rlly wants to sleep
ure having a rlly weird dream abt pirate monkeys when ure jolted awake by someone bumping into ur side
u look up to see someone sprinting away from u and like okay. thts a little weird
u try not to think abt it too much bc ure still kinda sleepy
so u settle on gathering ur things so u can head back to ur dorm and decide whether or not u want to study, sleep more, or find something to eat
as u collect everything, u notice a little post it note that hadnt been there before
in messy handwriting, it says “i didnt want to wake u but im ur partner for the partner project. im woojin and u can text me at [xxx-xxx-xxxx] whenever u want to meet up i hope u sleep well”
u realize that ur partner is prob the one u saw sprinting away from u earlier after he accidentally bumped into u lol
somehow u momentarily forget that ur partner is THE park woojin and ure like aw cool this woojin guy seems nice
then ure like WAIT A SECOND
ure highkey in shock and keep pinching urself to make sure its real
so u end up taking the rest of ur stuff back to ur room and wondering how u should text him
eventually u decide on a simple greeting and ur name, and u ask him when hes free
u have to send the text and then throw ur phone onto the floor bc U JUST TEXTED PARK WOOJIN ABT MEETING IN PERSON. GOD BLESS
ure suddenly super grateful abt every decision tht led u to this moment
ur phone buzzes on the floor so u scramble to pick it up
only to realize tht its a text from ur mom asking how ure doing
u text her back and tell her not to worry, then attempt to clean ur room a little instead of waiting for woojin to text u back
u just finish reorganizing ur closet when he texts u
its a quick text, smthn along the lines of “im free tmrw afternoon, do u want to meet by the cafeteria” so u agree quickly and hope u dont seem too desperate
and u KNOW its not a date
u guys havent even spoken to each other before so???
but ure still rlly nervous bc its WOOJIN and u want to impress him, even if ure just going to spend most of ur time talking abt boring coursework
u both settle on a time to meet and u pretend not to freak out
anyways skip to the next afternoon
u get there a bit early but ?? hes there already ??? ldsjks
and he looks Really Cute like hes wearing a sweater and ripped jeans and looking like complete boyfriend material wow ure p sure u can feel ur heart stop in ur chest
hes a bit awkward but uve heard abt how shy he is so u try not to take it personally
as soon as he sees u he blurts out tht u look nice and that is not helping the way tht this feels like a date
u guys end up moving to a bench in the shade bc its rlly nice out and this way ure able to talk freely without worrying abt being too loud
he explains the project a little, and u guys go back and forth offering up ideas
he always nods super enthusiastically whenever u suggest smthn and its honestly the cutest thing uve ever seen
its so weird for u to remember that this is the same guy uve seen videos of online bc what the heck
neither of u are extreme geniuses in the class, but ure both still pretty smart
ure pleased to find tht u guys complement each other well, w different areas of interest inside the same field
it helps ur project run a lot smoother than u thought it would, so u guys split up the work and agree to do as much as u can before u meet up again
ur conversations are still a bit stilted bc ure both still shy w each other, but overall u seem to get along well so ure happy
u text each other every once in awhile to talk abt the project or ask questions
u meet up a few more times in the next couple weeks but its all work and no business
still, over time u find urselves joking around with each other a little more, teasing each other and talking abt urselves instead of the project
of course, all things must come to an end
so all too soon, the day u submit the final project arrives
and ure a little worried tht woojin is going to disappear from ur life again
bc maybe he’s only been this nice to u bc hes just a sweet guy, but as soon as the project ends he wont care abt talking to u anymore
after all, its not like u guys meet up for meals or to hang out that often - even when ure just relaxing w each other, theres always some part of ur convo tht centers around the class
so as ure freaking out over this
he texts u asking if u want to come over to his dorm while he submits it
and mb u guys can just hang out afterwards?
obviously u agree and u cant stop smiling
when u show up at his dorm, hes wearing sweatpants and a tshirt and he looks adorable as heck when he invites u in
u guys sit on his bed as he loads all the stuff on his laptop and u try not to be hyperaware of the space between u two
woojins also screaming internally but somehow u dont notice the way he keeps staring at u out of the corner of his eye
u click the “submit” button together and HIS HANDS ARE SO GENTLE also theyre shaking a little???? huh
u assume its just bc hes Extra Nervous for the project but honestly? no hes just never been this close to u and hes freaking out
but anyways
u decide to go out to eat off campus afterwards to celebrate being done
a lot of the places have long waits or are too expensive so u just eat at a chikfila
its rlly casual but its fun and u guys argue abt whether chicken nuggets or chicken sandwiches r better and u cant help but think abt how much fun ure having w hiim
u end up blurting it out to him on accident and ure v v embarrassed
but he laughs and admits tht he rlly likes spending time w u too
so u promise each other to keep hanging out afterwards
it gets to the point where weeks later, ure still texting each other to complain abt classes or ask abt the other persons day
it still feels like a dream tbh
but u guys enjoy each others company whenever u can
most of the time u end up meeting each other at the cafeteria or studying together in the library, but u both just rlly like spending time w the other person
this routine continues for awhile and its prob the best part of ur life
but at one point ure trying to sneak up on woojin and surprise him when u see him talking to himself
as u creep forward, u realize tht hes actually on the phone, and he looks kinda stressed
it feels a bit invasive so ure looking around trying to find a place to go while he finishes up his phone call
but then u hear him say ur name so. consider u INTERESTED
and he keeps getting flustered and shutting down anything tht the other person says which is weird bc hes p shy, but hes never usually tht adamant and blushy abt something
eventually he tucks his phone away and lets out a Huge sigh so ure like,, hey u good
and he laughs it off but u can tell hes a little antsy, so u decide to tell him tht u overheard a little bit of him on the phone, and u ask him what it was about
he literally turns into a tomato its so funny u wish u had recorded it
but hes like “HOW MUCH DID U HEAR”
even tho u tell him u didnt hear much, he refuses to believe u and he spends the next few minutes pouting
u keep trying to get him to talk to u normally, but he refuses
finally he ends up grumbling smthn and ure like ???
and after a few half hearted efforts to repeat himself hes like “just tell me u dont like me back”
and. WHAT.
he pouts again and its so sos sosososoos o so cute u think ure going to combust honestly
“i kno u heard me tell him tht i like u!!!! just tell me u dont feel the same and leave me alone to cry”
and u have to reassure him tht u definitely didnt hear that BUT ALSO what???
n hes literally mortified when he realizes ure serious
but he has this rlly cute determined expression like “ok well now u kno i like u!!!!! y/n, please go out w me???”
n its like OF COURSE and u tell him tht u like him too and he keeps smiling and acting shy
honestly u both just make each other super happy
when u start dating, its not too diff from when u were friends, except now ure more affectionate w each other
both physically and with ur words
he loves hyping u up, and u feel the same
esp when he starts practicing more to debut w the rest of the bnm boys
u support the heck out of each other and can always count on the other person to be there for u when u need it the most
honestly its super soft and ure totally proud to be a lowkey campus couple even tho u have to keep ur relationship on the down low bc of dispatch
still u both care for each other a lot and u wouldnt trade what u have for the world
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jianhyuk · 7 years
best friends w astro
part 3/??? (part 1 || part 2)
theyre having a photo shoot
and of course you got to go with them 
eunwoo: what time do you have to be at the shoot?
you: an hour before you
you: kinda sucks i was up super late last night and completely forgot about the photoshoot 
you: i need coffee 
eunwoo: up for a coffee date???
eunwoo takes you on a coffee date because youre going to be exhausted as heck during the photoshoot today 
he pays for you and you have a nice chat 
“what book are you reading?”
“i dont know, it’s just super long and super boring. people with no lives probably read this book in their freetime”
“i think ive read that book.”
he buys you breakfast too 
you two go to the studio earlier than the other boys because theyre probably still getting ready and the manager doesnt mind the boys trickling in one by one,,, as long as they get there on time 
you brought your homework with you in case you get some time to yourself 
eunwoo doesnt talk to you because he knows youre exhausted and just want to lay on his lap
honestly what is your job because as the temp assistant youve just being paid to hang out with your best friends 
when the boys get to the studio, theyre super hyper
jinjin has ddoca and he’s filming everything 
fun fact: no one knows youre besties with astro bc youre scared of what ppl may say abt you 
but ya know, jinjin COMPLETELY forgot that you didnt want to be filmed 
you hiding behind sanha when you realize that he’s filming you 
sanha trying to shield you from the camera 
mj and rocky pushing you out from behind him
bin and eunwoo are first to get their hair and make up done
jinjin remembering and apologizing so many times about filming you 
“im so so so sorry, i completely forgot”
“its o-”
“you probably hate me now and want to quit your-”
“jinjin its cool i dont care anymore”
honestly fansites have posted pictures of you with astro so youre already kinda known if people study the faces in the background
plus you gotta be exposed eventually 
jinjin and mj gotta go get their makeup and hair done so youre stuck filming rocky and sanha doing dumb stuff
rocky and sanha try to stick stickers on as many people as they can
rocky doing some dumb dance and sanha insulting him 
rocky making you do some dumb dance and sanha filming it 
when socky gotta go get prettied up for their photo shoot, you’re left sitting alone with ddoca
you dont really know how to work ddoca so you kinda just hold it up and talk about yourself 
“hi im the temp assistant of astros manager while the real assistant is on maternity leave”
awkward silence 
more awkward silence
finally the photoshoot begins
you film the boys doing some poses and film yourself imitating them with the other members 
when its time to eat you basically hide yourself from the camera because you hate being filmed while eating
“hey, can i have your egg roll?”
“no you cant”
bin taking your food without permission 
“bin- cmon that was the last egg roll!!”
mj tricking and messing with you the whole time
“here you can have some of my food” 
mj feeding you with his chopsticks 
when they get rlly close to your mouth he swerves it and its the food he was going to give you 
“mj im going to fight you”
“no you arent” 
you tackling mj and mj being pinned to the ground by the boys
you and bin eating his food together as revenge even though bin took most of your food 
rocky, sanha, and you playing rock paper scissors for the last fry 
rocky ends up winning but sanha goes for it and eats the fry
rocky pretending to be made and staring into ddoca like hes in the office
mj, jinjin, and you are laughing rlly hard that this point 
eunwoo feeding you and bin 
when the photoshoot is over, the boys walk you home
on the way home, eunwoo and jinjin buy you bubble tea and you stop by a park to hang out in
praying that no one recognizes them because their manager thinks theyre going straight to their home 
sanha zipping his coat up all the way because of mosquitoes 
holding!! hands!! with!! jinjin!! because!! he!! wants!! to!! take!! you!! on!! a!! walk!! alone!!
you two talk about life
when you return to the rest of the pack, rocky and mj are singing at the top of their lungs 
everything is a mess 
bin is snooping through your bag and is kinda just staring in awe at your neat notes in your notebook
sanha was silently watching you n jinjin
apparently eunwoo was filming a majority of your walk 
“you know, im going to get alone time with y/n and im gonna have longer walks with them than you jinjin!!”
“the walk would be so short. you’d see a butterfly and runaway, sanha”
“s-s-shut up.” 
they walk you the rest of the way home 
a big group hug when you get to their door 
you closing the door behind you and your groupchat is already being spammed with messages from them
you dont go to bed till midnight because youre just chatting with them anyway 
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reesebird · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://reesebird.com/2019/08/04/i-think-i-was-sexually-abused-by-my-sister-when-i-was-a-little/
I think I was sexually abused by my sister when I was a little
I was reading a post about sexual abuse and suddenly remembered something and discovered that I might be sexually abused by my own sister about 13 years ago, but I’m not sure if it counts as a sexual abuse.
I am the younger daughter (17yrs now)and my sister is about 4 years older than me, we grew up in a single-parent family because our dad is a jerk and he abandoned our family and took all the money before I was even born, I think it left my sister quite a scar. My mom never got married again after that so there’s always just the three of us, no male.
I think when I was about 3-6 years old, I don’t remember exactly, my sister would physically abuse me when we were home alone. My mom was a young single parent and working several jobs at the time trying to support the family, so she’s often not home. And we didn’t grow up in US so I guess it was not illegal to have little kids alone in the house? Anyways my sister would hit me with different stuffs, bite me, scratch me with her fingers, smash my head against the bed posts, etc. She would also sit on my neck and choke me, if I cry a bit louder she would cover both my nose and my mouth tightly and i would suffocate, she would let go before I pass out. I remember secretly placing a (nose)blood-stained napkin on my mom’s table, hoping she would find out about the beatings. But then when my mom came home and asked me about the blood I could only laugh and casually say my nose was bleeding suddenly because my sister was in the room too. My sister had warned me that if I ever tell mom about this she would beat me harder next time, I was so scared. I just wished my mom could find out herself, but every time she asked me about my bruises and scratch-wounds I could only say I got those by accidents myself. That period of time was a living hell, just too much for a little kid at that age to endure.
I’m leaving out a lot of other things and details here but I think eventually my mom found out, but I don’t remember what happened next, I don’t remember if my sister got punished or anything, which I found really strange since I have good memory(I even remember things when I was 1). I even had a good relationship with my sister after until these two years, we don’t talk anymore because of some other things, which is another story. The beatings had never really been an issue between us even tho deep down I knew I couldn’t forgive her for what she had done, but she was a kid too, I mean, it’s all in the past, right? Years ago I asked her once why would she do such hurtful things to me when we were little and she laughed and said “I don’t even know, I thought it was really fun torturing kids” And she said it like it was a joke, I think I even laughed with her, but inside I was weeping so hard I could cry.
But I just remembered something else she used to do, she would force me to take my pants and underwear off, she would use her phone to take pictures of my virgina, zoomed in so the picture would fill the whole screen. And she let me look at it and told me if I was being a bad kid she would show the pictures to her boy-classmates. I was so ashamed but I had to pretend that I didn’t care and promise I’ll be a “good child”, whatever that means. Because I could tell she enjoyed it, all the beatings, she enjoyed it. If I show fear or cry she would enjoy it even more so I had to pretend that I didn’t care. Oh my god, now thinking back, I was only a 4 or 5 years old child! How could I even manage to be so strong!?? How!
I will always remember the shame I felt, i could never forget how it hurts me. I never forgot that this happened but I also didn’t really think too much about it. I never thought of anything sexual about i either, I grew up with Eastern cultures and in my mind somehow child sexual abuse are usually performed by older male to younger female. I didn’t realize that what happened to me might be a sexual abuse until today. And when I realized it I was overpowered by shame once again and crying. I was disgusted by myself when I look into the mirror. I hate everyone but I hate myself more. I just had to share this out or else I will go crazy. But I don’t know how will I get over this now that I remembered what had happened.
Thank you if you read this far, I’m rlly sorry about all the grammar and the length of this post. I know everything I wrote was pretty unorganized but I can’t go back and fix it because I had a hard time even writing these down. I will update tho, I think. If anyone wants to read more.
Fist update: I wanna thank you for all the encouraging words. Really, they were so kind. Thank you.
I remember my sister saying something like she was also physically abused by someone older, but idk about the details. Also before our dad went away he used to live with my mom and my sister and when he left my sister begged for him not to go but he still left so I guess she has been through a lot. Maybe that’s why she did those things to me, maybe she just wanted to revenge them on me, I don’t know. But I remember her face when she was doing all those things, how she enjoyed it and thought it was entertaining. These abuses were very different from the beatings I got from my mom when I did something wrong, cuz my sister was just torturing me and having fun with it. She was only a 7-10 year old kid, how could she be so cruel already? I could’ve understand about the beatings due to her own trauma but the sexual abuse part I couldn’t. She’s a girl and she has her own private parts, so curiosity is definitely out of the way. And she’s not a lesbian, I don’t think she would have sexual pleasure humiliating me like that. I figured she probably just wanted to torture me, and it was “fun”.
My sister and I had some good years(after the abuse), even though we never stopped fighting. But even i thought I was over the abuses when I really was not. I just never realized what it was and its effects on me. I think remembering this experience also helped me understood a lot of things, like why was I so scared and disgusted and ashamed if one of our family members caught me naked after a shower even if they were all female like me, or why am I always fully clothed even when it’s really hot inside the house. Why am I so twisted and dark, also why I just couldn’t feel too much love for my sister.
Of course I know none of this is my fault and I shouldn’t have brought the hatred upon myself, but I couldn’t help it, my own existence just disgusts me.
The truth is, my mom often tells me I should be better to my sister because she’s been through so much, especially the dad thing. My sister is extremely emotionally fragile and I’m pretty sure she has some serious mental illnesses, which is why we don’t talk anymore these two years because we would get into horrible arguments and (actual) fights where she would hit me. But she has a good excuse since, you know, she has mental illnesses, so we should all be good and kind to her and understand her. In my mother’s mind I have always been the normal, strong child where she doesn’t have to worry too much about. It was a relief for her. Everyone thinks I’m over the beatings and it’s something long lost in the past. I’m just the perfectly healthy kid who is growing up strong. How can I be so cruel to tell her “No, mom. I’m not mentally healthy and I’m suffering because my sister sexually abused me and therefore you should also get me a phycologist just like the one you got my sister and spend as much money on me too. “ I just can’t say that. And the reason why my mom never get married was because she feared for the possibility that her boyfriend or husband would sexually abuse us, how ironic and sad. I feel like our family relationships are really complicated, we’ve been through very hard years together struggling just to survive, i don’t think I can bother her with “little things” like this which happened more than ten years ago, they might think I’m just being too dramatic. Well, asian families, we all have to stay very strong. But I’ll probably go seek help when I can afford it myself. Idek.
Sigh. Life is hard.
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