#for correctly detecting a positive case
sarasa-cat · 1 year
The at home rapid antigen test #1 is negative. Still feel like crap 💩 tho. And sweaty 🥵.
My throat is definitely prickly and my nostrils are still cranky from that test’s sample collection stick… which was a messy ordeal.
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crezz-star · 8 months
( do not reblog. this is just a pinned post.... )
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20 + | Cancer | Artist | INFJ | Devil May Cry ( Nerologist ) | ONE PIECE ( Zorologist ) | ENGLISH / FILIPINO / (bits of basic) JAPANESE
Greetings! I'm Crezz! I DRAW WHAT I WANT and what I love and give me inspiration. I found myself drawn to Isekai fantasy genres lately! I also love sparkles, color gold/yellow, cats and DMC's NERO, very very much! ✨✨✨✨
I like games / manga / anime / comic though I do have my favorites that will be stated below:
✨ Devil May Cry series ✨
✨ Final Fantasy XIV ✨
✨ Detective Conan ✨
Hazbin Hotel
Final Fantasy VII Crisiscore
Kingdom Hearts series
Final Fantasy XV
Tate No Yuusha no nariagari
I like to draw on my own pace as i do not like pressure nor being hired with a deadline. I work best when i'm taking my time because I find inspirations to fuel me to make the piece exquisite.
>> Also NOTE: I like a chill environment and time so I am very much the fiction is and only remains fiction type of person, meaning i'm PROFICTION / PROSHIP, and thus can tell the difference, and DOES separate IRL from fiction. Meaning I can handle seeing most dark themes as well. Although If there's things I do not like, I tend to ignore / mute or block it to avoid it. So i'd recommend you do the same if there's things you don't like that i draw / like / make or plainly of me being proship. Because I am not anyone's online babysitter. This is my blog and YOU came here. Don't act like you own me or control what I make. You don't, so don't go acting entitled.
>> Also 2nd NOTE: Pairings / shipping wise I have top / bottom positionals preference for very few particular characters. That being firstly DMC Nero (top only) and Roronoa Zoro (top only). While there may be times I like art that depicts them as the opposite, its more of appreciation to the art and skills of the artist itself. Nothing more.
>> Also 3rd NOTE: anywhere I go, which ever social media account. I block people. It can be the stuff they make (fanart of pairings i don't like) /say makes me uncomfortable or I see them agreeing or even doing cyberbullying and doxxing of others themselves. It's nothing personal. I just want to vibe and have a good time and avoid terrible people so I use block ( or mute ) . Especially on X where I go on blocking spree sometimes, block chain, to keep my timeline peaceful and thus peace of mind.
>> Also 4th NOTE: any anons planning to send hate in my ask box. don't even think about it. You will only make yourself look like really terrible laughable ( in a bad way ) clown because I will just delete your ask and block you. ( yes even when you are anonymous, there's an option to block, which if i recall correctly, it's your ip that tumblr blocks instead. ) save your energy. Because AGAIN in case you missed it. I DO NOT HOLD BACK IN BLOCKING. Use your energy on things that makes you happy rather than hating on people.
I hope you enjoy your stay! May the stars shine your path to a sparkling future!
Gank ( with monthly art rewards )
X ( twitter )
facebook page
pixiv🔞 🪦🕊🔞
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llynwen · 2 months
Hiii love ur rustposting one thing that has recently made me crazy are how in the interrogation scenes there are these moments where rust drops some comment toward each person where the subtext is like, are I can read this off you because I’m the same/felt the same as you/done the same as you and how often it reveals this little devastating nugget of information about him……like the first b&e kid where he says “you were drug down by that same weight that wouldn’t let you have a mom” (oh. oh.) to the pharmacy shooter “how you gonna say a guy that’s on nothing is crazy but a guy that took something that made him crazy isn’t” (OH.) to the Charmaine character, “some people mistake a child for an answer to something, a way to change their own story” (Oh. OH. AAAAH). What the fuck. How dare they do this
hello noonie! i've been thinking about this quite a lot, actually, so thank you for bringing it up!
i've talked about this before, but i think rusty is extremely sensitive and hopeful, and the way he is is a direct result of him trying to squash those aspects of himself. ironically, i think his sensitivity is what makes him such a good detective.
he greatly downplays his interrogation skills in the 2012 interviews, saying that he can just see it in their eyes (if i recall correctly), but i think his real talent lies in being able to Connect to people. now, we all know how awkward he is in interpersonal relationships, but what i mean by connect here is Sympathize. even though the wast majority of the people he interrogates are bad people, they are still People. so be it on the basis of a shared experience/perspective, as you've mentioned, or just being able to put himself in their shoes, so to speak, he is able to make accurate predictions. he Empathizes with the suspects and murderers, and by doing so can understand them better, understand their motives and mindsets.the most interesting case of him doing this is, to me, the munchausen lady (who i am not sure actually even has munchausen. i've had a looksie at this medical journal (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17970367/), and it doesn't really fit. we don't hear about her taking her kids to the doctor's or the hospital, or them presenting with suspicious tummy aches/suspicious symptoms before their deaths. but i have no medical training, so what do i know). even though killing children is The Worst Possible Crime to him for obvious reasons, he is still able to sympathize with her. he expresses compassion, comforts her as she writes her confession down, and even though he is visibly disgusted by it (which results in him telling her to kill herself), he is able to, on some level, connect to her. he brings up munchausen to, in a way, excuse her actions, which makes her more willing to confess (since it's not really her fault.)(you know what i mean).
this behavior does reveal a lot about rust as a person. it drives home the point of just how Vulnerable he is, how Sensitive. he is painfully human, has a fluffy soft underbelly, and all of his crass behaviors and personal philosophies are just an attempt at concealing it, not allowing himself to be hurt again. this is why the ending is so Positive to me. him finally opening up and Showing himself to another person. now That's growth. this is just my take on the situation, and i'd love to hear what you think about this. i'm sorry for dropping another essay in an ask reply, i guess my academic conditioning is stronger than me. thank you again for letting me talk about this, love you mwah
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managedserversus · 1 year
Website Uptime Monitoring and Management
In today’s digital age, having a website that is always available and accessible is crucial for businesses and organizations. A website downtime can lead to missed opportunities, loss of revenue, and damage to a company’s reputation. This is where website uptime monitoring and management come into play.
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What is Website Uptime Monitoring?
Website uptime monitoring refers to the process of regularly checking the availability and performance of a website. It involves using specialized tools and services to monitor the website’s uptime and promptly alert the website owner or administrator if any downtime or performance issues are detected.
Website uptime monitoring services typically work by periodically sending requests to the website from multiple locations around the world. These requests simulate real user visits and check if the website responds correctly. If a problem is detected, such as the website being down or loading slowly, the monitoring service sends an alert through various communication channels like email, SMS, or push notifications.
Benefits of Website Uptime Monitoring
Implementing a robust website uptime monitoring system offers several benefits:
1. Minimizing Downtime:
Website downtime can occur due to various reasons, such as server issues, network problems, or software glitches. With uptime monitoring, you can quickly identify and address these issues before they escalate, minimizing the impact of downtime on your business.
2. Protecting Revenue and Reputation:
A website that is frequently down or slow to load can lead to frustrated visitors and potential customers abandoning your site. This directly affects your revenue and can harm your reputation. By proactively monitoring your website’s uptime, you can ensure a seamless user experience and maintain a positive brand image.
3. Tracking Performance Metrics:
Uptime monitoring services provide valuable insights into your website’s performance metrics. You can track metrics such as response time, average uptime, and downtime duration. These metrics help you identify trends, set benchmarks, and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s performance.
4. SEO and Search Rankings:
Website downtime can negatively impact your search engine rankings. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that provide a reliable and uninterrupted user experience. Consistent uptime ensures that search engine crawlers can access and index your site properly, positively impacting your SEO efforts.
Website Uptime Management
Website uptime management goes beyond just monitoring and involves proactive steps to optimize and maintain your website’s availability. Here are some essential aspects of website uptime management:
1. Reliable Web Hosting:
Choosing a reliable web hosting provider is crucial for ensuring maximum uptime. Look for hosting providers that offer high availability, redundant infrastructure, and strong security measures. Additionally, consider the scalability of the hosting solution to accommodate your website’s growth.
2. Regular Maintenance and Updates:
Performing regular maintenance tasks, such as updating software, plugins, and security patches, is essential for keeping your website secure and stable. Outdated software can introduce vulnerabilities that could lead to downtime or compromise the integrity of your website.
3. Load Testing and Performance Optimization:
Conduct regular load testing to ensure your website can handle increased traffic without slowing down or crashing. Performance optimization techniques, such as caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and code optimizations, can significantly improve your website’s speed and reliability.
4. Disaster Recovery and Backup Plans:
Prepare for the worst-case scenarios
by implementing robust disaster recovery and backup plans. Regularly back up your website’s data, databases, and configurations, and store them in secure off-site locations. This ensures that you can quickly restore your website in case of any unforeseen incidents.
Website uptime monitoring and management are vital for ensuring a reliable and high-performing online presence. By proactively monitoring your website’s uptime, you can address issues promptly, protect your revenue and reputation, and improve your overall user experience. Combine this with effective website uptime management practices to maximize the availability and stability of your website. Remember, a website that is always up and running is a key ingredient for success in today’s digital landscape.
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
On Lucy's lack of promotion
I've seen some speculation and frustration regarding Lucy's lack of promotion lately so I just wanted to add my 2 cents on the matter.
As of episode 5.09, Lucy is a P2. Per the LAPD guidelines, one becomes eligible for P3 only after 3 years on patrol. A P3 usually remains a patrol officer, but they can also choose to become a patrol training officer (like Nolan did). Once a P3, you can qualify as a detective or a sergeant, but only after your 4th year in patrol. The show has actually respected this so far : in 2.02, Armstrong mentioned that he switched to detective after 4 years on patrol and he was an exception, not the rule... And in the same episode, we found out that Angela decided to become a detective after 7+ years on patrol (if I remember correctly).
If we stick to the timeline, Lucy has been a P2 for less than 2 years : 3.09 we see her promoted to P2. From there we can add 1 month at the beginning of 4.01 (Nolan's 30 days extension is over) + 3 months mentioned at the end of 4.01 + 13 months of P1 Aaron between 4.02 and 5.03) + whatever months between 5.03 and 5.09 (unlikely to be more than 6 though).
So Lucy not being promoted yet is not a problem in itself. Even more reassuring (to me) is the fact that the writers don't forget about her at all. They keep acknowledging in canon how good she is - this season alone, we have references of her future in 5.02, 5.03, 5.06 and 5.07. And so far, her path is really good : she gained so many different experiences (her own UC operation, sergeant's aide, helped the FBI when they didn't have to invite her on the raid, UC school, acting sergeant...). I mean it is a terrific resume. On that note, I absolutely love that we see her trying and thriving on so many different positions, and thus keeping her options open.
And most importantly, it also keeps in line with the other characters' promotion (minus the very obvious one). Tim had to wait around for his sergeant position, even after passing the exam (first mention was in 1.15 and he got promoted in 4.02), Angela had a bit of a fumble but was able to become a detective in a reasonable amount of time (first mention was in 1.01 and we see her as a fully detective in 3.02). Even with Aaron, while they do mention him being a detective, it is still explicitly stated that it will take time (and not because he failed the Angela/Nyla test). If Tim gets promoted to S-II before Lucy becomes a P3 it will be because in his case you don't have a time constraint in his case. So up to this point, it is relatively grounded in reality (for a TV show obviously).
Except for one character. Now in regards to Nolan... that's where it is pure insanity and all the previous rules goes out of the window. In 3.05, we found out that he could qualify for TO exam in 2 years if he has his college degree... Considering he's still in probation... Nope. And, I find dubious it only took a month to finish his college degree. But the best part (and by that I mean infuriating) is that in the end it only took a year later (4.21) for him to be able to take the TO exam... What happened to needed two years? Whatever. Only he can't take the exam because he is sent in a hole so he'll have to wait two extra years (which is basically what should have been the case from the start). But not to worry, he gets a golden ticket, the thing that is allegedly practically impossible to get (it took years of UC work for Nyla in comparison...). So why the rules that applies to everyone in Mid-Wilshire but not him? Well...
Now I could get past that if at least he was having some troubles with his new position (there's a reason why you don't get promoted immediately : lack of experience is one of them). I liked 5.02 for that... but since then, nada. Worse : after being explicitly told that he should not let Celina drive (again there is a reason and it has nothing to do with Celina), he still does it. Again, whatever.
Anyway, back to Lucy. I get the frustration, especially in comparison with Nolan (I could rant all day seriously). But I don't think the writers would mention all these opportunities and not do something about it. My guess is, we'll have a promotion towards the end of season 5/next season. I think we are going to have a deeper conversation about her future in LAPD in 5B. If only because of her burgeoning relationship with Tim and how it is going to impact their careers.
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thralloftimegaming · 11 months
Game Dev Update for June
Happy July everybody!! ??? Half the year is gone already oh no!!!
I hope you're all well and staying safe out there!
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My month was going alright, but one of my housemates moved out so my rents went up, I should be opening some #commissions soon for #pixel #portrait #gifs!
Anyway, here's what I did in June!
(full quality version here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83905870)
NPC Buildings
Since painting is done with Brushes (or bombs!) now, I took the menu option out of the House menu. In it's place I've added the option to change the Building materials.
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Even added a preview of the material change. It's actually just changing them and then reverting when you cancel, but don't tell anyone!!
I've taken out the floor and replaced it with a draw loop on the foundation, figured it saves the number of objects in existence.
Rebuilt how NPC Buildings are generated, they now use an array of strings as reference and loop a designated row/column if the size is bigger than the source size.
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Used the same system to draw the NPC buildings when in the Build/Placement Menu!
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Now I can just edit the array that stores the data and all 3 will change!
Updated the system for changing The Materials that Building parts are made from to no longer destroy and remake the Building. This means I can keep Painted sections if I bring that back.
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Reworked the Collision detection for when you're resizing Buildings, it now correctly detects the Buildings Objects, like Bed/Control Orb/etc
Also updated this so if the size hasn't changed it doesn't destroy and recreate the building again, which was always daft XD
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I guess I should do something about Rugs being placed in relation to the Building coordinates instead of the World coordinates ?:| Also I still need to save the location of the Objects for Save games, since when you load it will put them back to where they were in relation to the original shape/size.
Building Objects now have the correct position loaded on Save file load!
And I only broke rugs once in doing it!
Found a slight issue, you can get stuck in the Bartop in Cafe's if you resize too much  Upwards, so I've disabled that for them specifically. Guess you'll have to choose you placement more carefully!
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Goblin Schedules/Pathfinding
Updated Housed Goblins to go to their bed after 22:00, and wake up after 08:00.
[image too big for tumblr, see Patreon post for fullsize gif :(]
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Shortly after recording this gif I fixed pathfinding so they wouldn't walk too close to solid objects making it no longer look like they walk through them.
Gave Goblins a Sleeping bag in case they don't have a house! And you can see them sleeping in the NPC menu!
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Fixed Farms not working after the first crop, updated Apiary code was clearing the soils connection to them so the Goblins would just stand there until bedtime.
Changed the controls, now I've got a designated [Item Action] button instead of it being an [Attack] button with with most other Items being used with the [Interact] button. Also upgraded the Shovel to have Charge up,kinda overpowered right now though!
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Also added the Watering Can to the Charged Tool system
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Added some Particle effects and scale tween to Mining. I'll adjust their appearance at a later date, they seem a bit chonky? Getting particles just right is finicky work.
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Also added Particles to Chopping Trees.
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...added Mirrorball item for...partying? I dunno, blame Bluwit she gave me the idea!
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It's basically a modified Glowstick, kinda want to make it bounce up and down?
...or make it continue to work when on a Pedestal?
I'm also conflicted as to whether the coloured lights should show in the white light areas?
Minor Changes
-Removed Flooring from NPC Buildings, now just drawing it instead of them being objects.
-Added NPC Buildings to the Minimap, including their culled parts list.
-Fixed Buildings expanding into Flooring/Paving
-Fixed Walls connecting to Buildings, this would cause problems if you deleted the building as the wall wouldn't autotile afterwards.
-Made Paving not qualify as "Indoor" for the purpose of Placing things.
-Cleaned up Minimap code, removing old array stuff.
Unrelated to Goblins
I made this as a small thanks to Bluwit for supporting me on Kofi, it's Nia a character from the game she's making. Please check out her stuff! https://gamejolt.com/@bluwit @pixel-bluwit
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Thank you all once again, I really appreciate your support and couldn't do this without you.
Please stay safe out there and look after yourselves.
And please keep being awesome!
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nya-vivi · 10 months
I'm only lucid enough at 2 am so here I go again ♡
I finished Heizou's hangout and realized two (2) things: 1) I am not as a horrible of a detective as I thought and 2) it's the canon ≠ fandom time on Heizou's characterization.
Anyways I have Thoughts™ (more like a rambling).
(cw: spoilers for Heizou's character stories, voiceovers and hangout. Not proofread).
Disclaimer on all this: I will talk about the voice actors and the translations. This doesn't mean I deprecate in any way or form the work of the voice actors nor the translations issued by each translation team.
To adress the second point, I don't know if it is a 'lost in translation' type of issue or what exactly, but having I played it in the japanese dub and on spanish subtitles, I can say this:
I don't know where the 'Heizou is flirty' statement comes from.
I could count like 2 to 3 instances Heizou actually could sound 'flirty' and most of them are when we (traveler) either agree with him in something important or answer correctly to something Heizou asks us. In his voice-overs he also doesn't sound 'flirty', he actually sounds charismatic and relaxed.
That being out of the way-- the real rambling lolol
Heizou is actually such a good person tho.
Like. In the last ending of the hangout mans really said he kept quiet about a very trumatic case for Ryuuji (who it is shown he cares deeply about) FOR YEARS because he was scared the truth would be too much for him at the time while also jeopardizing his relationship with Sango (who it seems he cares a lot for, like Ryuuji).
And well, he is right with this point. Imagine being told that your recently-assassinated father figure was actually not as a good of a person as he made himself to be and was assassinated also because of a political complot and that you were implicated directly on the assassination (unknowingly). Yeah.
And also it shows how well both Sango and Heizou knew each other, because Sango knew Heizou was hiding someone from her.
And when he said to Sango that he would help her search for Ryuuji in case he didn't go back to work the next day, without prompting? It shows he cares. A lot.
Same thing happened in Watatsumi. He knew something was fishy (it was not mean to be a pun, be my guest), but he also knew it wasn't exactly their fault and that something as big as this could put in risk a lot of people.
I feel like players forget that all about Heizou is to stop crime at it's root. It is not to be a great detective or to work in cases (those are a mean to an end), but to impose so much that criminality rate just either goes down or it stops existing. So telling the commission about Watatsumi is like the worst outcome.
He revels and hides in that position as 'great detective' but not without setbacks: because he is a great detective no one from work actually listens to him when he needs advice. Because he is a great detective and he is smart enough.
And the fact that he hates lies and liars the most? I think it is stated in one of his stories that he hates lies. And we can see that with the street theatre he makes to raise awareness about scammers. It is shown he doesn't have the patience for them, he keeps them around because they are useful and also because they can get reformed (linking this with the 'stop crime' agenda he has) so in his brain it works like this: reform=not crime.
He says it, he could have left them in jail. But he knew it wouldn't be productive for his vision of the world. Instead, he gets information, reduces crime and get community service.
Heizou works with a flexible but strict sense of morality. He understands better than anyone the grays in the black-white scale. It doesn't mean he personally have to like it.
Idk if this is even legible. I will think about it more this night. Idk if I will expand on this.
I love Heizou <3 Goodnight
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owlnoire-writes · 11 months
What It All Means
Prior to meeting Connor, if anyone had told Hank he would one day care about an android, he would've decked them. But now, with Connor quickly fading in his arms, the only thought in his mind was this: he couldn't lose another son.
Shameless angst about Hank Anderson and his android son.
After the Revolution, Connor quickly realized he had nowhere to go. For the first time, there was no one telling him what to do, when to function, or, well, what to be. He wandered for a little while, never staying in one place longer than necessary, unsure whether other deviants—those he'd once hunted—would accept him. Markus had tried to take him in, let him know he always had a place in New Jericho. Connor appreciated it; he truly did. But for the moment, while his processors tried to keep up with the rapidly changing present, he knew there was only one place he could go. One place where he truly felt... comfortable? No, it was more than that. Safe. The one place he truly felt safe.
If Connor analyzed things correctly, Hank was happy enough to see him show up on his doorstep. Of course, he attempted to hide it, covering up a smile with a "get your ass inside before you freeze to death, you idiot." Connor had held back a retort 
("Androids do not feel the cold, Lieutenant.")
and stepped into the house. Sumo had greeted him with an elated bark, and Connor had smiled despite himself. All things considered, he was happy to be around Hank and his dog again. He wasn't... accustomed to feeling anything as a Deviant, not yet, but he supposed it would get better with time. Until then, he was content to accompany Hank back to the station, rejoin the Detroit Police, and get back to work. Only this time, he wouldn't hunt those whose only crime (and it wasn't really a crime at all) was wanting to be free.
All of that had happened nearly a month ago. Now, as Connor sat on the couch in Hank's living room, pale hands folded together in a tight, but not uncomfortable position, he couldn't help but smile to himself. Things were, arguably, starting to go back to normal, though the constant tension between humans and the now free androids was practically palpable. Connor knew it would stay that way for a while, but he had to admit, it troubled him. He had every ounce of confidence in Markus that he could muster, but sometimes, it felt like it wasn't enough. Connor wanted to do more to help. But, times like these, he wasn't sure where to even begin.
The red "error" message that shot across his vision made him blink--and rapidly at that. Gently pressing two fingers to the side of his head, Connor ran a self-diagnostic and frowned when it came back with nothing. All of his systems seemed to be functioning normally. But if that was the case, then why were his stress levels rising? He'd had a pretty standard week. Nothing too exciting had happened at the precinct, save for a case involving a dangerously rogue deviant. But he and Hank had easily dealt with that, even managed to save the deviant from itself--and the humans that wanted it dead. Connor, in all honesty, had nothing to stress about. So then why—
"You okay there, Connor?" 
At the sound of Hank's voice, Connor immediately snapped out of his trance and plastered a small smile on his face. Hank stood in the doorway to the kitchen, Sumo at his side. He looked tired, but nothing like the days from before Connor had gotten to know him. It was a good kind of tired, the type most people felt after a rewarding day. Nevertheless, Connor didn't feel like burdening him with anything out of the ordinary. "Just fine, Lieutenant," he said. "Only running a diagnostic."
"Uh huh." Judging from Hank's tone, he didn't believe a word of that. He watched the android with an unreadable look in his eyes, though with his analytical systems, Connor could just barely detect a trace of concern. "Then why's your LED flashing red?"
Blinking, Connor softly shook his head and tried to dismiss the subject. "I don't know. It might have something to do with the intensity of our most recent cases." It wasn't completely a lie, but he felt compelled to add: "It's nothing serious."
Hank gave him a look, one that clearly said he knew there was more to this than the android was letting on, but he thankfully let it slide. With a heavy sigh, he shrugged and started walking toward his bedroom. Before he disappeared down the hallway, he called over his shoulder: "Don't overwork yourself, Connor. Try an' get some sleep. We have the day off tomorrow."
And with that, he went into this bedroom and shut the door. Connor was left alone with his thoughts once again. Ordinarily, that would've been fine. But on a night like this, when his stress levels were rising for no apparent reason, he had to admit, being alone... frightened him. Briefly, he considered changing his mind and telling Hank everything, but thought against it. The lieutenant was obviously tired, and he didn't need anything else bothering him. 
Shifting until he was lying down on the couch, Connor decided to take Hank's advice and enter rest mode. Surely, this whole ordeal would be better in the morning. But as he allowed his eyes to slip shut, as his processors started working at a slower pace, he could feel his stress levels creeping up again. Nevertheless, he ignored it in favor of going to sleep.
Hank woke abruptly, roused from sleep by some sort of loud noise. Groaning, he glanced over at his alarm clock. One in the morning. God-fucking-dammit. As much as he wanted to go back to bed, deal with whatever happened in the morning, he could already feel a knot forming in his gut. It wasn't worry—he didn't get worried—but it was enough to make him throw the covers off of himself and stand. No doubt, Sumo had blundered into something in the dark. Or something along those lines (though, he had to admit, that dog never bumped into anything). 
Opening his bedroom door, Hank stepped out into the hallway. Almost immediately, the knot in his gut nearly doubled in size until it was almost painful. The entire hallway was red. It took him a moment, one terrifying moment, to realize that no, it wasn't blood. It was the light from Connor's LED. But that did nothing to ease Hank's worry. He quickly walked toward the couch, unnerved by the unnatural crimson glow. 
Hank flipped on the lights—and felt his heart freeze. At first, he didn't know what he was seeing, and he could only stand there, rooted to the floor. Then, his mind kick-started again, and he rushed to the figure on the floor. Connor lay there, shaking uncontrollably, blue Thirium leaking from the corners of his mouth. As Hank knelt next to him and placed a gentle hand on his arm, he jerked away and started thrashing.
"Connor!" Hank all but shouted, gripping the android's shoulders and trying to hold him in place. "Connor snap out of it!" 
The android didn't seem to hear him. He continued shaking, desperately trying to free himself from Hank's arms. Unsure of what to do, the lieutenant used most of his weight to pin him. He knew it wasn't the best solution, but he didn't have any other ideas. 
"Hey, hey, take it easy, son." Hank tried to keep his voice from trembling. "It's okay. You're okay."
Connor's LED briefly flashed yellow, signaling that he'd heard him, then went back to red. Hank felt himself calm down a little. If Connor could hear him, then that meant he could still wake up. Refusing to look at the Thirium flooding from the android's mouth, Hank gently cupped his face in his hands and spoke in a tone he hadn't used since... since—
—since Cole died.
"It's going to be okay, Connor." Hank gently brushed the hair from the android's forehead. "But you gotta open your eyes, for me. I can't help if I don't know what's going on."
The LED went to yellow again, but this time, it stayed there. Slowly, painfully slowly, Connor's eyes cracked open--just barely enough for Hank to see his brown irises, but they were a welcome sight. He breathed out a sigh of relief. 
"H-Hank?" Connor sounded confused, tired, and above all: scared. "Hank, what's happening to me?"
Hank felt his heart fracture in his chest, but he powered through it, knowing Connor needed him to be strong. Not yet, he thought as he brushed the android's hair aside again. Don't freak out yet. 
"I don't know," he admitted, deciding that the truth would be the best. Even as weak as he was, Connor would likely see through a lie. "But we're gonna find out. Think you can walk?"
Connor frowned, LED flickering red, then--thankfully--back to yellow. He looked up at Hank with wide, frightened eyes. "I don't know." A heavy pause. And then: "I could try."
Hank smiled reassuringly and got to his feet, offering his hand to help the android do the same. Miraculously, Connor managed to keep his balance, though he leaned on Hank heavily for support. Together, they made their way to the front door in an awkward shuffle. Hank commanded Sumo to stay as he fumbled with the lock. The dog whined, but did as he was told. 
Once they were outside, Hank guided Connor toward the car, careful to keep his footing on the icy ground. Connor shivered from the cold. Alarmed, Hank began to say something, then thought better of it when he realized what was happening. Connor was deviant. Of course he could feel cold now. Still, the lieutenant internally cursed at himself for not thinking to grab Connor a suitable jacket. The one he had—the one from Cyberlife—wasn't warm enough.
He helped Connor sit down in the passenger seat, then shut the door and hurried to the driver's side. The second he got the car running, he cranked up the heat as high as it could go. A quick glance over at Connor told Hank the action was appreciated. But for a moment, Hank saw something else, something that made him feel colder than the snow outside.
Connor's LED had turned off for a second. 
It was quick, almost quick enough for him to miss, but goddammit, Hank rarely missed anything these days. He sped off in the direction of New Jericho, determined to get Connor to the only people who would know what to do. 
"Hey Kid, do me a favor," he said, keeping his eyes on the road. "Don't fall asleep, okay? Just stay awake."
When Connor didn't respond, Hank risked another glance at him. Thankfully, the android's eyes were open, but they were unfocused. Hank pushed harder on the gas. He knew he was breaking every traffic law known to man, but at the moment, he couldn't bring himself to care. All of his attention was devoted to Connor, to keeping him alive. If Hank knew one thing and one thing only, it was this: he wasn't about to let his kid die. He'd already lost one son. He wouldn't—couldn't—lose another.
"Connor!" He allowed his voice to rise. "Stay awake. That's an order!"
The android blinked blearily and shifted his glassy eyes over to Hank. The lieutenant almost froze when he saw the fear in them. God, it looks just like--
He shut down the thought before it could go any farther. Redoubling his efforts, he pushed the car nearly past its limits toward New Jericho. Connor remained silent next to him, staring at his feet. Thirium continued to drizzle from the corners of his mouth at an alarming rate. It almost looked like he was hemorrhaging. 
They reached New Jericho in record time. By then, Connor's eyes had slipped shut again, and his LED was flashing a terrifyingly faint red. Hank coaxed the car to a stop, then all but kicked his door open as he rushed to the passenger side to get Connor. The android wasn't moving, didn't even react when Hank unbuckled his seat belt and hefted him out of the car. He was dead weight in the lieutenant's arms. Hank tried not to think about what that could mean.
Androids scrambled to get out of his way as he hurried into the building. By some miracle, Markus stood close to the entrance, followed by someone else--North, if Hank remembered correctly. 
"Lieutenant Anderson?" Markus sounded confused as he stepped toward him. "What--"
He cut off when he caught sight of Connor's limp form, cradled securely against Hank's chest. For a moment, Markus just stared at them, clearly trying to process what was happening. Hank knew they didn't have time for that. Connor was already slipping away.
"Don't just stand there!" The lieutenant snapped. "Help!"
Immediately coming to his senses, Markus turned to North. "Get technicians in here with a gurney--now!"
North almost seemed to pale, but nodded and immediately left to do as she was told. Satisfied, Markus turned back to Hank and extended his arms. "I'll take him."
Hank shook his head. "I got him." He couldn't quite keep the hard edge out of his voice, nor the slight tremor. 
"Lieutenant." Markus' tone was gentle as he took a step toward him, arms still outstretched. "It's okay. I won't hurt him."
Dimly, Hank was aware of two technicians rushing in with a gurney, and he ignored Markus in favor of gently laying Connor on to it. The lieutenant felt his back twinge, but he shoved the feeling aside. One of the technicians, a female android who looked no older than twenty or twenty-one, immediately began taking Connor's vitals. 
"Stress levels critical," she stated in a tone which suggested that was anything but good. "Wheel him to room three. We need to get him stabilized."
As they rushed Connor away, Hank made to follow them, but a firm hand on his arm kept him in place. He spun around to face Markus, fists clenched like he was ready to throw a punch. To give the android credit, he didn't even flinch. Instead, he made eye contact and said: "He'll be okay."
Hank felt the stress of the night beginning to take its toll. Taking a step back, he wrenched himself free of Markus' grasp and tiredly ran a hand through his hair. The android watched him with a sympathetic expression. It nearly drove Hank crazy. He didn't need anyone's pity right now, and definitely not from Android Jesus. 
"I can't lose him," Hank heard himself say, too exhausted and terrified to feel embarrassed about it. It was true: he coudn't lose Connor. Not now. Not after everything that had happened. "I... I just can't."
Markus nodded and reached out to take Hank's arm again. "I know, Lieutenant. But you have to trust that Connor will pull through. He's strong. You of all people should know that."
Allowing himself to be led to some sort of waiting room, Hank resigned to pace for the next three hours, stopping only to gratefully except a cup of coffee from North. It seemed to take forever, but eventually, the female technician from before walked into the room. Hank immediately went to her, but froze when he caught sight of the Thirium staining her uniform. 
"Lieutenant Anderson?" Her voice sounded like it was coming from some long distance. Nevertheless, Hank managed to hear what she had to say. "Connor pulled through." She smiled reassuringly at him when he sagged in relief. "He's awake now, if you would like to see him."
All Hank could do was nod. He felt like he was floating as he followed the technician to the exam room. "What happened to him?" He asked, unable to stop himself. Part of him didn't really want to know, while the other part wouldn't live with himself unless he did.
The technician pursed her lips, clearly debating how much to tell him. "The short answer is that there was a glitch in his system," she eventually said. "It caused his stress levels to rise, with him not being able to lower them. Androids weren't built to handle that kind of..." She seemed to be struggling for the right word. "Tension. So we had to go in and manually fix the regulators." 
Hank nodded as if that made sense to him and didn't sound like a foreign language. "So... he's going to be okay?"
"He'll be fine." The technician smiled at him. "Connor's strong, a lot stronger than we thought. He wasn't going to go down without a fight." 
They reached the exam room and stopped just outside the door. The technician smiled at him again, gave him a soft good-bye, and took her leave. For a few seconds, Hank simply stood there, collecting himself. There was no sense in letting Connor know just how worried he'd been. He didn't need the kid's stress levels to start rising again. 
Sighing, Hank pushed open the door. Connor was lying in what looked like a hospital bed with a bunch of wires hooked up to his arm. He smiled tiredly when he caught sight of Hank and tried to haul himself into a sitting position. Hank was at his side in an instant, pushing him back down as gently as he could.
"Easy, son," he said. "Just relax for now, okay? You've been through a lot."
Connor gave him a sideways look, but nodded nonetheless. "That certainly feels... accurate."
Hank pulled up a chair and sat down, looking Connor over, making sure for himself that the kid really was alright. When he finally got an answer that satisfied him, he relaxed. 
"Why didn't you tell me something was wrong?" He demanded, then internally winced when Connor's brow furrowed. So much for keeping his stress levels low.
"Because I didn't want to worry you," the android said, sounding confused. "But now I'm starting to think I did anyways."
Struggling not to roll his eyes, Hank leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "Just... tell me things from now on, okay? I don't wanna—"
The words "lose another kid" played on his lips, but he stopped himself before he could say them. 
"I don't wanna make this a habit."
The corners of Connor's lips twitched, as if he knew what Hank was really going to say, and he tipped his chin in what resembled a nod. "Got it."
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maines-electrical · 1 year
Smoke Alarm Service Brisbane: Safeguarding Your Home and Family
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Smoke alarms are an essential safety feature in any home. They provide early warning in case of a fire and can save lives. However, smoke alarms need to be installed and maintained properly to ensure they are working correctly. This is where smoke alarm services in Brisbane come in. In this article, we will discuss the importance of smoke alarms, the services provided by smoke alarm professionals, and how to choose the right service provider.
Why are Smoke Alarms Important?
Smoke alarms are crucial in detecting smoke from a fire and alerting occupants to the danger. This early warning allows people to evacuate the building before the fire becomes too dangerous. Smoke alarms can also detect carbon monoxide, a deadly gas that is produced by some fires. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, making it impossible to detect without a working alarm.
According to the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES), working smoke alarms increase the chances of survival in a house fire by up to 60%. The QFES also recommends that every home should have at least one working smoke alarm installed on each level of the house, including the basement and attic.
What Services do Smoke Alarm Professionals Offer?
Smoke alarm professionals offer a range of services to ensure that your smoke alarms are working correctly. Some of the services provided by smoke alarm professionals in Brisbane include:
Installation: Professionals specializing in smoke alarms are capable of smoke alarm installation in your residence. They will provide recommendations on the most suitable positions to install the alarms and guarantee that the installation process is carried out accurately.
Maintenance: Regular smoke alarm maintenance is essential to ensure they are working correctly. Smoke alarm professionals can provide maintenance services, such as cleaning the alarms and replacing batteries.
Testing: Smoke alarms should be tested regularly to ensure that they are working correctly. Smoke alarm professionals can test your smoke alarms and provide advice on what to do if the alarm is not working correctly.
Replacement: Smoke alarms have a limited lifespan and need to be replaced after a certain period. Smoke alarm professionals can advise you on when to replace your smoke alarms and install new ones.
How to Choose the Right Smoke Alarm Service Provider
When choosing a smoke alarm service provider, there are several factors to consider:
Experience: Look for a service provider that has experience in installing and maintaining smoke alarms. An experienced service provider will have the knowledge and skills to ensure that your smoke alarms are working correctly.
Qualifications: Ensure that the service provider has the necessary qualifications and certifications to install and maintain smoke alarms.
Reputation: Look for a service provider with a good reputation in the industry. You can check online reviews or ask for references from previous clients.
Cost: Compare the cost of different service providers and choose one that offers a reasonable price for their services.
Smoke alarms are an indispensable component of home safety as they provide early warning in case of a fire, which can ultimately save lives. Smoke alarm services in Brisbane, such as Maines Electrical, offer a wide range of services to guarantee that your smoke alarms are functioning correctly. These services include installation, maintenance, testing, replacement, and smoke alarm repair. It is important to carefully consider factors such as experience, qualifications, reputation, and cost when selecting a smoke alarm service provider. By entrusting the installation and maintenance of your smoke alarms to professionals like Maines Electrical, you can ensure that your home and family are protected from the hazards of fire.
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enkisstories · 1 year
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A day at work with the vampire detective:
Early in the morning Gavin arrives at the police station to the sight of the faithlful janitor sweeping the porch.
Connor: “Very funny...”
Gavin: “You’re right, that wasn’t funny. It’s more fun when you drop from that broom. You landing correctly with it is boring.”
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The dutiful leading officers then make sure to stay in top condition to protect the city!
Connor: “Hey, training is training, doesn’t matter if we punch sand sacks or spar with electric t...”
Gavin: “Toys?”
Connor: “...training devices!”
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Retired officers often retain a bond with their co-workers and workplace. That goes even more so for those fallen in the line of duty, like Officer Marlon Wilson here.
Everyone say Hello to Marlon!
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A detective has to make quick decisions at a crime scene. Following the clues amassed so far, Gavin spots four potential suspects at an arrest site.
Problem: They are all decoys positioned to allow the real culprit to get away. (All of them are pre-existing sims, the suspect in almost all cases is a newly spawned sim, the only exceptions I know of being Caroline Phillips and a random cat.)
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Gavin is just about to arrest the third woman from the left, a vampire whom he knows to be evil and had violent encounters with before, when suddenly the fourth suspect draws an automatic weapon and points it at him!
(She is a Batuu npc.)
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Unwilling to take unneccesary risks, Gavin uses his vampiric powers to compel the offender to accompany him to the police station. Then he handcuffs another decoy and leaves with two arrests for “aiding and abetting criminals”.
(I used “Command to Leave”, actually, that was the closest I could think of, because I wanted to use my actual Arrest option on the other vampire.)
All in all it was a slow day today, with nothing out of the ordinary!
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ratralsis · 1 year
Welp, that was miserable
My blog was terminated for a little over two weeks because I tripped some kind of spam auto-detection filter.
It was probably my AC blog, @megatownac, not this one, because I hadn’t posted on this one in over three weeks, and my most recent post was just a stupid joke about how I think it would be funny to see Mario as a cannibal.
A lot’s happened, though. I went to Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent 2022, a big expo for, well, AWS. That’s Amazon Web Services, because that scrappy little online bookstore now also owns and operates the world’s largest cloud service provider, which even the federal government uses. If ever there was a company that was too big to fail, I’d say that one qualifies.
It was alright. I’m glad I went. I got to check Vegas off of my bucket list, and it was on there, don’t think it wasn’t. I’ve gone there now, though, and I don’t feel like going again. It was huge and loud and bright and overwhelming, just like you’d imagine. For a mildly autistic dude like me, it was simply too much. I did zero drinking or gambling while I was in Vegas, but I did see David Copperfield perform live. That was fun.
I also got COVID during the trip and spent about a week recovering from both it and some other kind of disease, probably RSV. I say that I had two diseases at once because my dad, who picked me up from the airport, did not test positive for COVID but also went through a set of very similar symptoms as I did. Could be wrong. Could have just been COVID and he didn’t do the test correctly. Who knows.
My cat, Max, had surgery on December 15th that required sutures, and he managed to rip a couple of them out that night despite my putting a shirt on him specifically to stop him from doing that, which meant he had a hole in his side with exposed muscle underneath it that kept bleeding into the shirt. That was the case for about 14 hours or so, which is when I was able to get him to the vet again to replace the sutures with stitches which have held for the last three days. He also now wears a massive, pillow-like collar in addition to the shirt. He hates it. I feel sad for him. This will be the case until the 29th.
I’m still working on my book. I don’t have anything new to say about it.
That’s all the news. I’ve had this blog for over ten years, and it was deeply jarring and upsetting to have it taken away from me so quickly and suddenly like that. There was no warning or anything. It was just gone one day.
I’m afraid it may happen again. If it does, just remember that I’m Ratralsis everywhere I’ve thought of registering the name Ratralsis. Twitter, Hive, Mastodon, Twitch, Instagram, and who knows how many other places. I’m easy to find if you look for me.
Not that I expect anybody to look for me.
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dot-24 · 9 hours
Drug Testing for Medical Purposes: Ensuring Safety and Health
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Ensuring Patient Safety: Why Drug Testing is Essential in Medicine
Have you ever wondered how doctors ensure that the medications they prescribe are safe and effective for you? One crucial method is drug testing. It's like a safety net that catches any harmful substances before they can cause trouble. This blog explores why drug testing is vital for patient safety and how it helps keep you healthy.
What is Drug Testing for Medical Purposes?
Drug testing for medical purposes involves examining biological samples, like blood or urine, to detect drugs and their metabolites. This process helps determine whether a patient is taking their medications correctly, if they are taking harmful substances, or if there is a risk of dangerous interactions.
Why is Drug Testing Important?
Drug testing is essential for several reasons:
Patient Safety: It ensures that medications do not contain harmful substances.
Medication Adherence: It checks if patients are following their prescribed treatments.
Substance Abuse Detection: It identifies if patients are using illegal drugs or misusing prescriptions.
Preventing Interactions: It helps avoid dangerous drug interactions that could harm the patient.
How Does Drug Testing Work?
The process of drug testing is systematic and involves several steps to ensure accurate results.
Types of Drug Tests
Urine Tests: The most common type, used to detect recent drug use.
Blood Tests: Provide information about current levels of drugs in the system.
Saliva Tests: Used for detecting recent drug use, often in workplace settings.
Hair Tests: Can show drug use over a longer period, up to 90 days.
Steps in Drug Testing
Sample Collection: A sample is taken, such as urine or blood.
Laboratory Analysis: The sample is tested in a lab for various substances.
Results Interpretation: The results are analyzed to determine the presence of drugs.
The Role of Drug Testing in Medical Care
Drug testing plays a critical role in ensuring that patients receive the right medications and treatment.
Monitoring Prescription Use
Doctors use drug testing to monitor if patients are taking their prescribed medications as directed. This helps in:
Assessing Effectiveness: Ensuring the medication is working as intended.
Adjusting Dosages: Changing dosages if the current amount isn’t effective or is too strong.
Identifying Misuse: Detecting if a patient is misusing their prescription.
Detecting Substance Abuse
In cases where substance abuse is a concern, drug testing can:
Identify Drug Use: Show if a patient is using illegal drugs or misusing prescriptions.
Guide Treatment: Help doctors create effective treatment plans for addiction.
Preventing Drug Interactions
Drug testing helps doctors avoid prescribing medications that might interact harmfully with substances already in the patient’s system.
The Importance of Drug Testing in Different Medical Scenarios
Drug testing is used in various medical scenarios to ensure patient safety.
Pain Management
Patients receiving pain management therapies often undergo drug testing to ensure they are using their medications correctly and not abusing them.
Psychiatric Treatment
In psychiatric care, drug testing helps monitor if patients are taking their medications properly and not using substances that could worsen their condition.
Surgical Procedures
Before surgery, drug testing ensures that patients do not have substances in their system that could complicate anesthesia or post-surgery recovery.
Challenges and Considerations in Drug Testing
Despite its benefits, drug testing has some challenges and considerations.
Privacy Concerns
Patients may worry about their privacy and the confidentiality of their test results. It’s important for medical professionals to handle results sensitively and confidentially.
Accuracy of Results
False positives or negatives can occur, leading to potential misinterpretation. Confirmatory testing is often used to verify initial results.
Cost and Accessibility
Drug testing can be expensive, and not all patients may have access to testing facilities. It's crucial to consider the cost and make testing accessible to those who need it.
What Patients Need to Know About Drug Testing
Understanding drug testing can help patients feel more comfortable with the process.
Communicating with Your Doctor
Be Honest: Always tell your doctor about any medications or substances you are taking.
Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask why a test is needed or how it will be used.
Preparing for a Test
Follow Instructions: Make sure you understand and follow any instructions given before the test.
Hydrate Appropriately: Drink water, but don’t overdo it, as it might dilute your sample.
Understanding Results
Discuss Results: Talk to your doctor about what the results mean for your treatment.
Next Steps: Ask about any follow-up actions or changes in your treatment plan based on the results.
Interesting Facts About Drug Testing
Here are some intriguing facts about drug testing that might surprise you:
Ancient History: Drug testing isn’t new. Ancient Egyptians tested for certain substances as early as 1300 BC.
Olympic Origins: Modern drug testing started with athletes to ensure fair play in sports.
Variety of Samples: Besides urine and blood, some drug tests use sweat, breath, or even fingernails.
The Future of Drug Testing
As technology advances, drug testing is becoming more efficient and less invasive.
Digital Testing
New technologies are making it possible to perform drug tests using digital devices that provide quick results.
Improved Accuracy
Research is ongoing to improve the accuracy of drug tests and reduce the chances of false results.
Drug testing for medical purposes is a crucial step in ensuring patient safety. It helps doctors monitor medication use, detect substance abuse, and prevent harmful drug interactions. Understanding the process and its importance can help you better appreciate the care your medical providers take to keep you healthy. Always communicate openly with your healthcare provider about any concerns or questions you have regarding drug testing.
By being informed and proactive, you can play an active role in your health and safety. So, next time your doctor mentions a drug test, remember it's all part of keeping you safe and healthy!
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nasaxroofing · 6 days
Roof Leak Specialist Singapore: Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Service
A leaking roof is more than just a minor inconvenience—it can lead to severe structural damage, health risks, and significant financial loss if not addressed promptly. In a place like Singapore, with its tropical climate and heavy rainfall, the importance of timely and professional roof leak repair cannot be overstated. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about finding the best roof leak specialist in Singapore, from identifying common causes of leaks to understanding the services offered by professionals.
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Common Causes of Roof Leaks
Understanding what causes roof leaks can help you take preventive measures and seek timely repairs.
Weather Damage
Singapore’s weather can be harsh on roofs, with heavy rains, strong winds, and intense sunlight causing wear and tear. Typhoons and heavy storms can lead to immediate and severe damage.
Poor Installation
A roof that wasn’t installed correctly is more prone to leaks. Poor workmanship or substandard materials can lead to early deterioration and water penetration.
Lack of Maintenance
Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your roof in good condition. Neglecting maintenance tasks such as cleaning gutters or inspecting for damage can result in leaks over time.
Age of the Roof
All roofs have a lifespan. As they age, materials can deteriorate, making them more susceptible to leaks. Older roofs need more frequent inspections and repairs.
Signs You Need a Roof Leak Specialist
Early detection of roof leaks can save you from more significant problems down the line. Here are some signs that you need to call a specialist.
Water Stains on Ceilings
Yellow or brown stains on your ceiling are a clear indication of a water leak. These stains often expand over time, showing that the leak is ongoing.
Mold and Mildew
Excess moisture from a roof leak can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can cause health issues and further damage your home.
Damp Walls and Floors
If you notice dampness or water damage on your walls and floors, especially near the ceiling, it’s likely that your roof is leaking.
Unexplained Puddles of Water
Water pooling in unexpected places, particularly after a rainstorm, is a sure sign of a roof leak.
The Risks of Ignoring Roof Leaks
Ignoring a roof leak can lead to severe consequences that are both costly and hazardous.
Structural Damage
Water can weaken the structural integrity of your home, causing wood to rot and metal to rust. This can lead to expensive repairs and potential safety hazards.
Health Hazards
Mold and mildew from persistent roof leaks can cause respiratory problems and other health issues, particularly for those with allergies or asthma.
Increased Repair Costs
The longer you wait to fix a leak, the more damage it can cause. Small, manageable repairs can quickly turn into major projects requiring significant financial investment.
Decreased Property Value
A leaking roof can reduce the value of your property. Potential buyers will be wary of purchasing a home with known water damage issues.
Qualities of a Good Roof Leak Specialist
Choosing the right specialist is crucial for ensuring quality repairs and peace of mind.
Experience and Expertise
Look for specialists with a proven track record in roof leak repair. Experience means they’ve handled various issues and know the best solutions.
Licensing and Insurance
Ensure the specialist is licensed and insured. This protects you from liability in case of accidents and guarantees that the work meets professional standards.
Positive Reviews and Testimonials
Check online reviews and ask for testimonials from previous clients. Positive feedback is a good indicator of reliable service.
Use of Quality Materials
A good specialist uses high-quality materials that provide long-lasting protection. Ask about the products they use and their benefits.
Services Offered by Roof Leak Specialists
Roof leak specialists provide a range of services to address and prevent leaks.
Inspection and Diagnosis
A thorough inspection is the first step in identifying the source of a leak. Specialists use various tools and techniques to diagnose the problem accurately.
Repair and Replacement
Whether it’s a small repair or a complete roof replacement, specialists have the skills and tools needed to restore your roof.
Waterproofing Solutions
Waterproofing is essential in preventing future leaks. Specialists apply treatments and coatings that protect your roof from water damage.
Maintenance Services
Regular maintenance can prevent leaks and extend the life of your roof. Services include cleaning, inspections, and minor repairs.
Choosing the Right Roof Leak Specialist in Singapore
Selecting the right professional requires some research and consideration.
Research and Recommendations
Start by asking friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations. Online forums and review sites can also provide valuable insights.
Requesting Quotes and Estimates
Get quotes from several specialists to compare prices. Ensure that the quotes are detailed and include all potential costs.
Evaluating Proposals
Look beyond the price when evaluating proposals. Consider the scope of work, materials used, and the specialist’s approach to the repair.
Checking References
Ask for references and contact previous clients to get a sense of the specialist’s work quality and reliability.
Cost of Roof Leak Repair in Singapore
Understanding the cost factors can help you budget for roof repairs.
Factors Influencing the Cost
Extent of Damage: More extensive damage requires more materials and labor.
Type of Roof: Different materials have different repair costs.
Accessibility: Hard-to-reach roofs may cost more to repair.
Labor Rates: Rates can vary based on the specialist’s experience and reputation.
Average Price Ranges
Minor repairs can cost a few hundred dollars, while major repairs or replacements can run into thousands. Always get a detailed estimate.
Tips for Budget-Friendly Repairs
Regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs.
Address leaks early to avoid extensive damage.
Consider financing options or payment plans offered by specialists.
DIY vs Professional Roof Leak Repair
Weighing the options can help you decide the best approach for your situation.
Pros and Cons of DIY
DIY repairs can be cost-effective but come with risks. Without proper knowledge and tools, you might not fix the problem correctly, leading to further damage.
When to Call a Professional
If the leak is severe, widespread, or you’re unsure of the source, it’s best to call a professional. They have the expertise to handle complex repairs safely.
Safety Considerations
Roof repair can be dangerous. Professionals are trained to work safely at heights and handle hazardous materials.
Preventive Measures to Avoid Roof Leaks
Preventive maintenance can save you from the hassle and cost of repairs.
Regular Inspections
Schedule regular inspections to catch potential issues early. Professionals can identify and address problems before they become severe.
Gutter Maintenance
Keep gutters clean and free of debris to ensure proper water drainage. Clogged gutters can lead to water overflow and roof leaks.
Roof Cleaning
Regularly clean your roof to remove leaves, dirt, and moss. A clean roof is less likely to develop leaks.
Prompt Repairs
Address minor issues immediately to prevent them from becoming major problems. Timely repairs can save you money and stress.
The Importance of Regular Roof Maintenance
Regular maintenance is key to a healthy, leak-free roof.
Extending Roof Lifespan
Routine care and timely repairs can extend the life of your roof, delaying the need for a costly replacement.
Preventing Future Leaks
Regular maintenance helps identify and fix potential leak sources before they cause damage.
Saving Money in the Long Run
Preventive maintenance is less expensive than major repairs or replacements. Investing in regular care can save you money over time.
Case Studies of Successful Roof Leak Repairs in Singapore
Real-life examples can illustrate the benefits of professional roof leak repair.
Residential Projects
Homeowners have saved thousands by addressing leaks early and choosing reputable specialists for repairs.
Commercial Projects
Businesses have avoided significant downtime and damage by investing in regular roof maintenance and prompt repairs.
Lessons Learned
The key takeaway from these case studies is the importance of timely action and professional expertise in maintaining a leak-free roof.
FAQs About Roof Leak Specialists in Singapore
1. How do I find a reliable roof leak specialist in Singapore?
Start with recommendations, check online reviews, and ask for quotes from multiple specialists.
2. What should I look for in a roof leak specialist?
Look for experience, positive reviews, licensing, insurance, and the use of quality materials.
3. How much does it cost to repair a roof leak in Singapore?
Costs vary based on damage extent, roof type, and accessibility. Get detailed quotes from several specialists.
4. Can I repair a roof leak myself?
Minor leaks might be manageable for DIY, but major leaks require professional expertise for safe and effective repair.
5. How can I prevent roof leaks?
Regular inspections, gutter maintenance, roof cleaning, and prompt repairs are key to preventing leaks.
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bttnusa1 · 9 days
On/Go COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Self-Tests
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The On/Go™ COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test is an over-the-counter, self-administered rapid test that delivers results in just 10 minutes, with 95% accuracy.* On/Go is proudly manufactured in the United States. This test is authorized for non-prescription home use for individuals with symptoms of COVID-19 within the first 7 days of symptom onset. The On/Go Self-Test is also suitable for individuals without symptoms or other epidemiological reasons to suspect a COVID-19 infection when tested twice over two or three days with at least 24 hours and no more than 48 hours between tests.
The On/Go 10-minute COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test is an over-the-counter (OTC) diagnostic tool designed to quickly and accurately detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.
Engineered for convenience and ease of use, this self-test provides reliable results in just 10 minutes, making it an ideal solution for individuals seeking quick and private testing at home. The On/Go test is designed for use by adults and children aged 2 years and older, with adult supervision recommended for children.
This self-test kit includes everything you need to perform the test: a nasal swab, test cassette, buffer solution, and detailed instructions. The On/Go test utilizes advanced immunoassay technology to deliver rapid and precise results, enabling timely decision-making regarding your health and safety.
95% accurate*
Rapid results at 10 minutes
Detects the antigen protein of all known major COVID-19 variants of concern (including Delta and Omicron)
Authorized for non-prescription self-use for individuals 14 years or older or adult-collected samples from individuals 2 years or older
For individuals with or without symptoms
Qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein antigen via lower nasal swab samples
Only for use under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
Single test for individuals with symptoms within 7 days of onset or two tests over two or three days for individuals without symptoms
For in vitro diagnostic use only
Test Type: Antigen self-test
Time to Results: 10 minutes
Sample Type: Nasal swab
Sensitivity: High (ability to correctly identify positive cases)
Specificity: High (ability to correctly identify negative cases)
Storage Conditions: Store at room temperature (15-30°C / 59-86°F)
Shelf Life: 12 months from the date of manufacture
Regulatory Status: FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
Shop Now:  On/Go COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test
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aastgeneralnews · 10 days
Name: Merna sameh
Reg: 20102726
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Artificial intelligence is one of the most important things in our lives and has become an important part of our daily lives These are some of the important advantages that artificial intelligence offers:
Disease screening: Artificial intelligence helps quickly detect the presence of diseases, especially cancer, as it is a serious disease that is difficult to treat, and it is better to detect it early because it is easy to treat. This great role in the speed of detection is due to artificial intelligence.
Reducing the phenomenon of extinction of animals and insects: Artificial intelligence helps protect insects and animals from extinction, especially bees. Artificial intelligence helps collect data to prepare bees around the world, which helps guide officials in the correct way to protect bee colonies.
Helping people with disabilities: Artificial intelligence helps people with disabilities, such as people who are blind, by having applications that help them know what they are looking for on their phones, which facilitates their lives and makes them interact better. Also, those who suffer from paralysis, artificial intelligence helps them move better and deal with their condition and themselves. Better and more and more other cases
Innovation and creativity: Artificial intelligence is used in many fields such as art, music, culture, and writing, which leads to the existence of many new ideas and many new contents that arouse our inspiration and enjoyment.
Economic Growth and Job Creation: Artificial intelligence helps increase job opportunities, as it requires the presence of engineers to control and program artificial intelligence, which also leads to increased economic growth, as artificial intelligence enables us to make decisions correctly and in the fastest time.
There are many achievements and positives of artificial intelligence, and yet there are decades of innovation and our comfort has increased. We guarantee that everything within us is increasing. We also feel that the control over artificial intelligence is clear, responsible and ethical. It would be a very wonderful thing to unleash its influence on society.
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crecentg · 11 days
Bookkeeping Services: Essential Tips for Accurate Financial Management
Accurate financial management is vital for any business's success. It ensures that resources are used efficiently, helps make informed decisions, and keeps the company financially healthy. Bookkeeping services are vital in maintaining organized and precise financial records, assisting companies to make informed decisions. This article provides essential tips for utilizing bookkeeping services to ensure accurate financial management.
Understanding Bookkeeping Services
Bookkeeping services involve recording and managing all business financial transactions, including tracking income, expenses, sales, and purchases. Bookkeepers categorize these transactions, reconcile bank statements, generate invoices, manage payroll, and prepare financial statements.
These services include tracking income and expenses, managing invoices, reconciling bank statements, and preparing financial reports. By maintaining accurate records, bookkeeping services help businesses comply with tax regulations, analyze financial performance, and plan for the future.
Choosing the Right Bookkeeping Services
Selecting an exemplary bookkeeping service is essential for maintaining accurate financial records.
When selecting a bookkeeping service, consider its experience, reputation, and the variety of services it offers. Choose a provider with a strong track record and positive feedback from other businesses. It also provides comprehensive services covering all aspects of bookkeeping, such as payroll processing, tax preparation, and financial reporting.
Implementing a Consistent Process
Consistency is critical to effective bookkeeping. Businesses can avoid errors and discrepancies by regularly updating financial transactions and maintaining a consistent approach to recording data.
Establish a consistent process for recording financial transactions and setting a regular schedule for updating records, correctly categorizing expenses, and documenting all receipts and voices. Consistency helps prevent errors and ensures that economic data is up-to-date and reliable.
Utilizing Technology
Modern technology can significantly enhance bookkeeping efficiency and accuracy.
Use bookkeeping software to automate and streamline financial tasks. Software solutions can automatically handle invoicing, expense tracking, and bank reconciliation tasks. Additionally, cloud-based platforms allow for real-time updates and access to economic data from anywhere, facilitating collaboration and improving accuracy.
Regularly Reviewing Financial Reports
Regular review of financial reports is crucial for informed decision-making.
Schedule regular reviews of financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets, and reports on cash flow. Analyzing these reports helps identify trends, track performance, and make informed business decisions. Regular reviews also help detect and address any discrepancies or irregularities promptly.
Staying Compliant with Tax Regulations
Compliance with tax regulations is a critical aspect of bookkeeping.
Bookkeeping services ensure that all financial records are accurate and complete, facilitating compliance with tax laws. They also keep track of tax deadlines and ensure that all required documents are prepared and filed on time. Staying compliant with tax regulations helps avoid penalties and legal issues.
Securing Financial Data
Protecting financial data is essential for maintaining business integrity.
Implement robust security measures to safeguard financial information. Use secure passwords, encryption, and access controls to protect digital records. Regularly back up financial data to prevent loss in case of technical failures. Securing financial data ensures the privacy and integrity of your business's financial information.
Leveraging Professional Expertise
Professional expertise can enhance the effectiveness of bookkeeping services.
Hire professional bookkeepers or accounting firms to manage your financial records. Their expertise ensures accuracy and compliance with financial regulations. Professional bookkeepers also offer valuable insights and advice on economic management, aiding in the growth and success of your business.
Bookkeeping services are essential for accurate financial management. Businesses can ensure accurate financial records and make informed decisions by selecting the right service provider, maintaining consistent processes, using technology, regularly reviewing financial reports, adhering to tax regulations, securing financial data, and leveraging professional expertise. For reliable and comprehensive bookkeeping services, consult experienced professionals who can help streamline your financial management and ensure your business's success.
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