#foes of fern
myvinylplaylist · 4 months
New Jersey Road Trip
The Stone Pony Ashbury Park, New Jersey
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50th Anniversary Celebration
Local favorites will rock us through 50 Years of the Pony, marking our anniversary weekend with a special show. Don’t miss this unforgettable celebration with each act performing hits of their decade:
1970s – Karmic Juggernaut
1980s – Des & The Swagmatics
1990s – Lost in Society
2000s – Foes of Fern
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foerodens · 1 year
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I finally watched the second Avatar movie a couple of days ago and just for fun here’s a bit of a “night on Pandora” color scheme edit.
I know heavy editing isn’t for everyone but in my opinion it’s alright to (intentionally) overdo it sometimes. :D
Photo: Foe Rodens
The blue one is available in my Redbubble shop, but I can add the purple one too if you're interested.
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tumblingxelian · 6 months
So @matt0044 tagged me in a good post discussing some of the massive double standards experienced by women in media. In brief:
Men are allowed to be unlikable and even the fucking worst and will get mountains of meta about their emotional complexity and goodness.
In contrast, a woman cant so much as turn down a man she's not interested in, or be negatively impacted by trauma without being demonized.
Unsurprisingly a lot of this plays into RWDE's "Critique" of RWBY. IE, how they'll ignore Qrow and Jaune outright assaulting Oscar, but insist Yang attacked him because she was angry at Ozpin.
It also made me think of a recent 'complaint' regarding the excellent Sousou No Frieren. After the introduction of third main character Stark, someone said:
"To bad the author forgets about him after this."
Which flabbergasted me, as I knew the very next episode/chapter were were gonna get more of his backstory, motives ad emotional depth. I also knew of upcoming battles where he's every bit as much of a major character as fellow MC Fern. Let alone more stuff to come regarding backstory and old foes ETC.
But then it hit me.
Stark isn't somehow getting less attention than the women in the cast, he's getting the same amount. But to this person, this was him being forgotten about and maligned, because he was on the same playing field focus wise as women.
Which is rather akin to how most men perceive women as talking too much or over them if they speak the same amount.
Which also ties back into RWBY and how a lot of RWDE flip out about a female centric show... Focusing on women, and not their favorite male projection character who wasn't even advertised as an MC.
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unverified-mawa · 2 months
Just caught up with the Frieren manga: I'm really loving how the First Class Mage Exam arc played out, not just in the anime and manga where it's a highlight of the series, but also how it affects the trajectory of the series as a whole.
Manga spoilers below.
Like, almost every single arc since has tied back to the characters introduced in that arc or the Central Magic Association.
A lot of shonen manga will start shaking things up at around chapter ~40, but often it's done by cycling through side characters (killing them off or otherwise incapacitating them) to make room for new characters, and often that tonal shift can be frustrating for readers.
Frieren, by focusing on a relatively small cast and then expanding it significantly at this point close to the border of the northern lands, manages to make that tonal shift more subtle without being needlessly wasteful of its characters' lives.
It then feels a lot more rewarding when these characters show up again in later arcs because it feels like part of a wider plotline outside of the immediate goals of Frieren's party.
And it is a significant tonal shift: the exam is the first time we see Frieren significantly injured and after that we see her get injured several more times against immensely powerful demon foes. Fern and Stark also sustain more injuries the further north we go, despite becoming a lot more experienced fighters along the way.
It makes me wonder about Sein; it seems likely he will make a return, but he'll definitely have needed to get some combat experience to survive with the party going forward.
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cluelessteam · 5 months
Eternal Harmony: {~Melody of Souls~}
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Summary: Y/N's ordinary life takes a supernatural twist when they encounter the mysterious Cullen family in Forks. Immersed in a world of eternal love and trials, Y/N becomes a vital part of the Cullens' immortal story. Guided by Alice's visions and Jasper's wisdom, they face cosmic threats and navigate the complexities of supernatural existence. The story unfolds through eclipses of emotions and trials, culminating in a dawn where enduring bonds and love echo through the ages—a forever-bound journey in the supernatural realm.
Characters: The Cullen family
Pairing: Jasper x Reader x Alice
Warnings: No Warnings
Word Count: 624
Chapter 2 --- Chapter 3
The dense forest surrounding Forks seemed to come alive as Alice, Jasper, and Y/N ventured deeper into its depths. The towering trees, shrouded in mist, arched overhead, creating a natural cathedral that resonated with a profound sense of ancient wisdom. The forest floor, adorned with ferns and moss, cradled their steps in a carpet of nature's embrace.
Alice, her every movement a dance with the unseen, turned to Y/N. "Our family is not what it seems, and the secrets of our existence are written in the language of the forest."
Jasper, walking with a quiet confidence, added, "We've lived through centuries, seen civilizations rise and fall. The forest harbors the echoes of our immortal journey."
As they meandered through the verdant sanctuary, Alice occasionally paused to pick a wildflower or share a snippet of the future she glimpsed. The air was thick with the earthy scent of pine, and the distant murmur of a hidden stream added a melodic undertone to the symphony of nature that surrounded them.
Y/N, caught in the enchantment of their surroundings, couldn't help but feel a growing sense of curiosity. "What are you trying to show me?" they asked, their voice a mere whisper in the vastness of the ancient woods.
Alice turned to Y/N, her golden eyes reflecting the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves. "A place where we can truly be ourselves. A place away from prying eyes."
Soon, the trio reached a secluded meadow bathed in the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the trees. It was a place untouched by the passage of time, a sanctuary hidden from the curious gazes of the mortal world. As they settled into the natural tranquility, Edward and Bella emerged from the shadows, their presence adding another layer to the unfolding tale.
Edward, with his tousled bronze hair and a gaze that seemed to pierce through the veil of reality, greeted Y/N with a nod. "Welcome to our secret haven."
Bella, her warmth a contrast to Edward's intensity, added, "You're in for quite a journey, Y/N. The Cullen family has its fair share of surprises."
As they sat in the meadow, the Cullens began to share snippets of their immortal lives. Carlisle, with his sage-like wisdom, and Esme, the epitome of maternal grace, joined the group, each member contributing to the mosaic of stories that made up their shared history.
Emmett, with his infectious enthusiasm, regaled Y/N with tales of epic encounters with formidable foes. "You've got a front-row seat to the best supernatural show in town," he boomed, flashing a grin that could rival the sun.
Rosalie, elegant and enigmatic, offered Y/N a nod of acknowledgment. "You've entered a world of legends, dear. Choose your path wisely."
As the afternoon unfolded, Y/N found themselves immersed in the vibrant tapestry of the Cullen family. Laughter, shared memories, and the unspoken bonds of kinship filled the air. Amidst the tales of their supernatural existence, Y/N sensed a palpable harmony, a melody of souls that resonated within the heart of this extraordinary family.
Alice, ever attuned to the nuances of the future, turned to Y/N. "You're a part of this now, Y/N. Embrace the melody, for your presence has added a unique note to our eternal composition."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the meadow, the Cullen family stood together. In the quietude of the twilight, Y/N felt a sense of belonging that transcended the boundaries of mortality. Little did they know that the journey had only just begun, and the melody of their intertwined destinies would echo through the ages, creating a symphony of immortal love and timeless connections.
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ghouljams · 7 months
I just saw your post about what plant/herb Witch and Price would be. I'm really curious on what you think the rest of the darlings and Fea!boys would be 💗.
Ghost is a Willow for sorrow and mourning, but also for the beauty of it. As a tree he's sturdy and recognizable, but also well loved. He could also be Gladiolus, which is meant to represent piercing the heart, a very literal take on the way he hunts.
Soap is a hydrangea, big and flashy, the Victorians used it as a symbol of pridefulness and being too focused on one's appearance. I also see it as a flower that's very changeable since the color is so dependent on the soil quality and the environment it's in.
Gaz is... monkshod. Which can both represent gallantry and also symbol that a deadly foe is near. He's a knight hiding a dagger in his boot. He's beautiful but deadly. Also hugely magical.
König would be... idk maybe fern? Fern is seen as a magical plant, it grows in wet areas but it's leaves are water resistant. It also feels the most natural to me. On the other hand he could be foxglove, unlucky if picked, housing fairies, deadly.... König is very versatile.
For the darlings:
Threat is a datura or devil's trumpet. Beautiful but extremely deadly. They lure you in with their charm and you never escape.
Love is a crocus, the first flower to break through winter's snow. Vibrant and cheerful, the first harbinger of spring. They represent cheerfulness and youthful glee.
Liebling is a clematis, which represents ingenuity and cleverness, but also consumes the things that it grows over. Clematis never fails to find its way up and over difficult terrain, it finds its hold and holds on tight.Liebling is very smart, and when she decides to hold on Konig she holds on TIGHT.
Sunny is a tulip, highly valued and sought after. Supposedly in floriography tulips were used as a declaration of love. Although tulips aren't the golden flower they used to be today, they're still incredibly well loved and carry that history with them. If anyone is going to know value when they see it, it's Gaz.
Crybaby is baby's breath, representative of innocence. Sort of a callback to the way they never should have been involved with the fae. They're an innocent in this that's gotten in too deep and can no longer get out.
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Stately Sequoia Series
Larissa Weems x OC (Fern Rogers)
Stately Sequoia
Fern Rogers begins working at Nevemore Academy and quickly falls in love with everyone's favorite headmistress. An old foe returns to try and tear our lovers apart.
The Cedars Have Eyes
Immediately after the events of Stately Sequoia, our characters are thrown into a new mystery. Fern's powers seem to be out of control as the power of a colonial curse threatens to harm our characters.
Violet and Rose
Finally, peace and love for our favorite duo. They feel its time to introduce their parents to their new love. How will the parents react to their new relationship?
Vines Forever Intertwined
After a few years of domestic bliss, Fern and Larissa are called back into the dangerous world of cryptids, curse breaking, and outcast mysteries.
Cold Dead Heart (Marilyn Thornhill x Rowan Ali)
A spin off series centered around the love life of Fern's vampiric best friend, Rowan Ali. The vampire falls deeply in love with Marilyn Thornhill. This story moves throughout Stately Sequoia, The Cedars Have Eyes, and Violet and Rose.
Various oneshots of Fern and Larissa as they move throughout their life together.
Character Info
Here you can find the faceclaims for various OCs within the series
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lychniis · 2 years
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kaeya alberich x reader.
 “let me protect you / shelter.” + “beware, a deadly foe is near.” + reverse comfort.
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WARNING(S) : contains mentions of blood, reader is a medic, kaeya is wounded, kaeya being smitten ( but it's low key ), reader being tired, that sort of shit.
#main masterlist | flos anthalogy masterlist
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IT WAS THE STORM that brought Kaeya to you.
Kaeya, who was drenched in rainwater and mud, who leans against the doorframe with practiced breaths that slowly waned and grew weaker, who was dripping red on the wood floorboards of your home. The storm brought Kaeya home to you, wounded and pained and vulnerable and your hands are upon him in an instant with concern in your eyes and on your lips.
He leans his face into your shoulder. You can feel it, the strain on his body, on every muscle and the shaky rise and fall of his chest — you can feel his insistence on letting this stay an inconsequential encounter. “Think of it as a tryst, dear doctor.” he laughs when he is seated on your chair. He stains the cloth with his blood and you’re too busy and too worried to appreciate his joke.
Between the robotic haze and the familiarity of this routine ( he always has you patch him up; some of them easy enough and gifted a safe kiss in the end and some of them intensive enough for you to call upon the young deaconess to aid you through it ) you find yourself hunched over him, sewing his laceration with practiced ease. 
“How did this happen?” you despise how your voice shakes — with anger perhaps? Or was it your anxiety? Perhaps it was both, to have Kaeya be so foolhardy sometimes, to bear these wounds even when his job calls for it ( every knight sports their own scar; from training, from fighting. He was no exception ). You sound selfish, yes, for daring to let your mind wander to the darker parts of you where reason refuses to spread its roots. 
He was silent this time — and Kaeya loved to run his mouth, to tease away the heavy atmosphere. It’s uncomfortable, the quiet and you wanted to shout, to say something to pull off this unwanted blanket.
“Treasure hoarders.” His reply was short and you involuntarily flinched. It explains the stab wound. This was the workings of a human, after all, rather than the local monster. “I hope you don’t mind me barging in so impolitely…I’ll be off your skin soon after this.”
Your head snaps up and you feel everything; the incredulity, the annoyance, the exasperation, the worry and fear, your affection for this foolish, foolish man —
— you may have tugged the bandages a bit too tight as a result. Kaeya covers up his wince with a weak chuckle, his delicate fingers ( they were worn down, scarred from training. But they were still pretty hands, suited for gifted artists or prodigious musicians ) curling around yours. 
“Absolutely not.” you snap and there is finality in the way you speak, and unmoving stubbornness in how you hold yourself. Kaeya blinks, then he frowns and he lets go of your hand ( and you know that he was not happy with this, happy with your refusal ). “You’re still wounded.” you continue, tying the bandage up while you set aside the bloodied rags and the needle and thread.
Kaeya fixes upon you that impassive blue stare.
“My, my you seem quite worried. It’s not that bad, you know.” he smiles. It’s an innocent gesture but it feels like ice, like the depths of winter; it feels cold and bleak and sullen and deceptively beautiful ( a reflex, you realize ). 
“Yes it is.” you breathe out. You stare at him, then at his bandaged stomach, your palm just hovering over it. Kaeya is still watching you, but his gaze softens, the ice melts and you feel your shoulders sag just a little when his brief annoyance fades to reserved acceptance.
“Why leave?”
“They will come after me.”
“Let them. I’ll just deal with it like I always do.” Your answer is blunt. Kaeya raises a brow. “Come on now…you can lay down on my bed. You look exhausted.” Helping him up, you ease his weight over your shoulder. His warmth engulfs you entirely but his hands are cold when you clasp them. You feel his exhale on your neck. 
“I can make you something hot to drink.” you offer.
“You spoil me, dear doctor.” he muses, letting you tug him along. Kaeya leans his head against your shoulder and you can hear the smile in his voice. In the background, the lightning crackles and the rain washes the dirt down. When Kaeya is laid on your bed, you see how he tilts his head just a bit to rest his cheek on the soft covers of your pillow and he whispers your name.
( Maybe, somewhere else in Teyvat, the weather is a bit more pleasant and a little less grim. But Kaeya crinkles the corner of his eye when you remove his eyepatch and stroke the scarred tissue. Your name is whispered again, you find yourself smiling and the rain and everything else but this very moment was forgotten. )
“I’d like a blanket though.” he says suddenly. 
“That’s it?” you ask carefully. Kaeya hums.
“And maybe you.” he adds with the slightest hint of a grin as he pats the empty space beside him. You laugh softly, and you feel a little less stress on your shoulders as you join him. His snark dissipates once his head is on your lap and he finds his comfort in your warmth, into something shyer, a little less sure. “Thank you.” was his exhausted response as the splendor continues to chip away against you.
“I’ll be right here.” you promise quietly, stroking his hair and his cheeks and everywhere else you knew he liked to be touched in these moments of soft intimacy. “If you ever need me.”
He shuts his eyes. There is a smile on his face and you think you could live a thousand more lives over and over just to see it again. The thunder rumbles once more and the rain pelts down harder. 
Then there was a knock on your door.
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
requested by @voidlesslove!
nyehehehe yes i'm leaving it at that XD.
taglist — @x-zho, @dustofthedailylife, @deus-lapidis, @silentmoths, @nebulaera, @niverine, @aestellia.
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AINE © 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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therobotmonster · 1 year
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She's divorced. The kids are off to college, and she's ready to live life to the fullest But someone had to go and kidnap her pool boy, and she must defeat eight of the Housing Association's deadliest hottest moms to gain the powers needed to rescue him.
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Technical hoozits below the fold.
I've been wanting to do something narrative with Midjourney, but consistent characters has been an issue. However, this tutorial demonstrated how you could use image prompting mid-iteration stream to create (mostly) consistent characters.
Dinosaur adventurers are a bit too wild for this technique, so going off the logic that the best part of the 'toon is the protagonist's hot mom... well, you can see the results.
I generated some initial results by a combination of image prompting and text prompting, then iterated those slowly from photographic to an animated style. The best results were then isolated, cleaned up, color-edited, and used as image prompts and prompt injections to generate initial turnarounds good enough to edit into proper reference art. This let me producer expression sheets and pose sheets that will hopefully allow for comic-style narrative.
I just also have to do the same thing with all the major characters. Including the Eight "Boss Moms"So things may be focus-dependent.
I still have a few possible power origins I'm mulling on, but functionally, she's like Megaman, in that she can beat a foe and gain a special ability and outfit change.
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capsarcastica · 2 months
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire Review
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Following so closely after the vastly superior Japanese reboot, it's clear that Warner Bros' run with Godzilla is all about spectacle over substance. It is undoubtedly the weakest entry in the franchise. While the stories in this universe have always been weak, this one is the thinnest. The plot comes across more like a child playing with action figures than something thought out for a multimillion dollar movie.
Godzilla has no story and little purpose, kept in merely because it's his universe. The writers add in some third-act monster reveal just to give him something to do, which ultimately is just a rehash of How to Train Your Dragon 2.
The good news is the story is so thin that for once the human element doesn't detract from the rest. Not that it serves much purpose anyways. The most interesting element of the film is linking Kong and Mothra's tribes together, though that's just to give the humans something to do.
Kong is the only one worth following. His story feels like they were trying to copy Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The main villain looks and acts just like Koba but without the interesting backstory. While this could never compare to that classic, it at least gives the audience something to follow along. It's a shame that the movie introduces two original villains, considering all the series' original villains are dull and boring, when there's so many iconic foes from Godzilla's long history to draw on.
The cast is fine. There's only three returning characters from the last one. Two are at least attempting to have an emotional arc while one is just there to be the audience surrogate for information dumps.
There's really only two new human characters. Alex Ferns as the soldier-guide is interesting at first but devolves into just another stereotypical movie jerk. Dan Stevens' Trapper seems to be the only one having fun and he definitely lightens things up whenever he's on screen.
What the previous movies lacked in story, they made up for in visual spectacle. Unfortunately, this movie doesn't deliver. Rarely do these feel like gigantic skyscrapper-sized creatures as it's often shot on their eye level making them seem like any human.
Considering how well Hong Kong was done in the last movie, it's a shame that this does little to integrate the actual cities the fights occur in. The Pyramids of Giza are the only iconic thing used, while Rome's Colosseum seems like someone was just using some stock photos. There's no reason the finale is set in Rio de Janeiro as whatever potential is completely wasted.
The greatest waste of potential is the fight without gravity. What should have been an interesting spin devolves into the usual slamming of creatures into one another.
The worst part of the movie is that it's just dull. It comes across as just content to fill space rather than something anyone really wanted. Elements like Godzilla's pink form and Kong's robot hand feel committee generated to revive toy sales. Mothra's return should be exciting given her legacy, but feels thrown in just to have another iconic character and a deus ex machina for a problem they couldn't solve.
Ultimately, it's just a popcorn movie. Something to enjoy for a few hours then immediately forget.
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foerodens · 10 days
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Forests are one of my favourite places to be!
Photos: Foe Rodens
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morningstar-warriors · 7 months
Omen of Fire (Play Group 1)
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Player: Blue (She/Her)
Name: Darkstar (She/Her)
Rank: Leader -- Heart of Fire
About: Darkstar is a large black cat with scruffy fur, and scars covering her pelt. A massive scar marks the right side of her face, and a blue star sits in the center of her forehead. This mark signifies that she is the leader of Fern Clan. Darkstar is very tense she cat with a lot on her shoulders, but she tries to do what's best for her clan even if she can be blinded by her fear and rage. She is known for her intimidating presence, and piercing glare. Those closer to her know she isn't as harsh as she looks, but she isn't gentle by any means. Darkstar was born during Fern Clan’s darkest era, while her father Bramblestar reigned. He was a cruel leader and an even worse parent, putting her and her brother Darkshade through twisted hazing rituals. Most of her siblings didn’t survive Bramblestar’s tests. What was left of her kin were exiled once Darkstar, with the help of Dustclover and Buttermoss, took down her father and their allies. Now she looks after Fern Clan, and mentors a small blonde tom cat names Goldenpaw.
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Player: Leaf (She/Her)
Name: Dustclover (She/Her)
Rank: Deputy -- Claws of Wind
About: Dustclover is a fluffy she cat with light grey fur, and patchy splotches of brown that look like dry clay in her fur. Her eyes are a light yellow, and small green clover leaves stick to her fur. Her claws are a metallic silver, and her left paw has a scar from a dog bite. Dustclover is a loyal she cat who stands by her friends and defends the clan. She is a formidable foe in a fight, but despite her skill, she serves as the voice of reason in tense situations. Dustclover knows when it is better speak then to fight, but isn't afraid to jump to action especially when a friend is in danger. She is mentoring a young cat named Berrypaw, and tends to have a more calm but carefree demeanor. Her claws are made of silver, which she had received after fiddling with a twoleg vat of molten fiery liquid. This gives her an extra nasty swat, which called on the interest of The Dark Forest. Now Bramblestar haunts her dreams promising her power. Despite this Dustclover is loyal to the code and her clan. She rejects him over and over, if only she could remember her dreams…
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Player: Cookie (She/Her)
Name: Buttermoss (She/Her)
Rank: Warrior -- Heart of Fire
About: Buttermoss is a plump blonde cat with flowers strewn about her fur. Her eyes are a sparkling blue, complimented by her pink nose and ears. She has a notable scar across the center of her throat and chest, and always has a sunny disposition. This warrior was once a kittypet, called on by Star Clan and save Fern Clan from Bramblestar's reign. Buttermoss is a remarkable fighter, despite her outward friendliness and positive attitude. She has taught the clan many things about two leg life, and is a friend to all of Fern Clan. Presently she is mentoring Rockpaw, son of Darkshade and Darkstar's nephew. Even those who have their own prejudices against kittypets can't seem to hate Buttermoss. The best way to describe her is resilient and unbothered. Life throws many challenges at a warrior, but the best know how the smile through it. Star Clan guided her here for a reason, she is the light and the lion.
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Player: Flame (He/Him)
Name: Applethorn (He/Him)
Rank: Stoneteller -- Star Seeker
About: Applethorn is a massive orange tom with bright green eyes and leaves sticking out from his fluffy fur. He has a somber look in his eyes, his massive tail curls over his body protectively, blocking others out. He’d been named Applepaw for many moons past the day he became medicine cat, never receiving a naming ceremony until he had already begun to break under the weight of his clan's expectations. Even now, as Fernclan's stoneteller, healer, and de facto seer, the marks of that pressure are clear on Applethorn's psyche. Nobody knows quite what happened to his brother Grizzlebark, the former clan seer, when they travelled up the Seer's mountain together. His skill in battle is brutally conniving and constantly brushes the outer limits of what the Warrior's Code deems acceptable. His bedside manner sucks. As for his countenance? Well, he's still the shy, stuttering kit his clan grew up with... but something isn't quite right.
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Player: Bug (He/She/They)
Name: Grizzlebark (He/Him)
Rank: Loner, Stoneteller -- Path of Familiar
About: Grizzlebark is a towering orange tom with scars covering his pelt, and a large bear paw print on his chest. He has powerful heterochromia eyes, one green and the other yellow. He often has a cold and distant demeanor, though there is a strange wisdom about him. He originally was Fern Clan's Stoneteller, and the keeper of Fern Clan's Familiar Grunger the bear. His mentor, Ripplefoot, had returned after the entire clan including him assumed her dead. With her still alive it explained his struggles with his powers and his weak link to Star Clan. But by then it was too late to convince him he could be a seer for Fern Clan. Judged by Sorreltail, Ash Clan's Stoneteller and leader of the council, he had only two options. Resign and allow his brother to take his place, or step up and claim his title. Grizzlebark decided he would reject the old ways of the clan, denouncing them all at a gathering. He requested that Applethorn meet him in the mountains to show his brother what he has seen. To take him into the new era, and reject tradition. Grizzlebark did not return from the trip...
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Player: Button (He/Him)
Name: Ashwind (He/Him)
Rank: Loner, Stoneteller -- Undertaker
About: Ashwind is an old tom with a crisp white pelt. His muzzle, ears, legs, and the tip of his tail are gray. He has a distinctive scar on the right side of his face, that eye now dull and blinded. His second most prominent scaring is where his left leg used to be. It’s now replaced with an old stripped stick strapped onto him for support. His good eye is a piercing blood orange, and he always has a smug smile. Ashwind was a talented young tom cat, but remained in his sister’s shadow. He finally was able to shine when Bramblestar anointed him as Stoneteller. His methods are unconventional, finding power from the Dark Forest rather than Star Clan. He often says unsavory things, and his ideals are very conservative. While living alone in exile, he quietly listened to and aided Bramblestar in the Dark Forest. It's unclear why he still helps his old leader after death, but perhaps his scheme will soon unveil itself. While life began to crumble in the clans following the mysterious deaths of apprentices and warriors, Ashwind stepped in to aid them. He successfully tricked Redstar from Boulder Clan into taking him in for a while before being turned in back to his old clan... Now he is held as prisoner at Fern Clan camp.
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Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6 (Part1) Game 6 (Part 2) Game 7
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Game 8 Game 9 Game 10 Game 11 Game 12 Game 13 Game 14 Game 15
Book Three: New Moon
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
Ju'rohn sera Talviel,
Pardon our poor writing skills.
It is rare among our kind to even speak an understandable language for n'waah.
We are curious about your knowledge. Each thing to know is better learnt than left, is it...
We do come from the Ashlands, deep inside the desolated lands of Molag Amur. We do remember dances, clashes, traditions, war, but merely feast and drinks from those times. We left decades ago, and only music helps us remembering how life was back then. Music and body paint.
Have you ever met an Ashlander, from the Erabenimsun maybe, that did not want to cut your throat at sight and accepted to share with you the words and secrets of his tribe? Mephala taught us the benefits from discretion, we may be asking for something dangerous. If you never had, then proceed carefully. Withdraw at sign of bothering.
Part of us talks about smells, spices and hunt, and I would appreciate to give him a piece of the past through meals he may have already experienced as a child.
We know it may be complicated.
We will be thankful and draw your name in the ashes when dawn arises.
- Sangre
Under sun and sky, warmest greetings, friend!
While many outlanders are cautious and are treated as hostile by Ashlanders, I have worked hard over many years to create bonds of trust, respect, and friendship with those who are willing. Namely, I am on cordial terms with the Urshilaku and Mabrigash tribes, and while I am (and likely always will be) but an outsider they treat with caution, I have made solid bonds of friendship with these two groups.
I cemented our bonds of trust with trade of both goods and news from across Morrowind and Tamriel, and in exchange, I have been offered a glimpse into their ways of life, culture, and food customs. In particular, I have offered what I can in the way of aid to these tribes, who after many years still feel the effects of the Red Year. I bring medicine, ingredients, fabrics, weapons and tools, and more in open solidarity, expecting nothing in return. However, I have gained worlds of wisdom, hospitality, and Nirn's best roast guar recipe in return- far more than I could ever have hoped for.
Regarding a meal befitting Mephala, served in accordance to traditional Ashlander customs, I would recommend a traditional ceremonial nix-ox stew, due to the glory that comes with bringing down such a tough foe, and the slow and deliberate process that comes with cooking this dish (not recommended for novice cooks). You will also have to gather cliff racer eggs, now found predominantly in the Blacklight region, a handful of ash hoppers, guar milk, blood, and fat, and forage plants like fire fern, saltrice, any mushrooms of your choice, and ash yams.
Firstly, boil the fire fern with a good amount of Bitter Coast peppers, salt, and dried scuttle powder (I also recommend adding any favourite herbs and spices, wrapped in sedge grass packets). When the stock is thick and red, add the nix-ox meat and chopped ash yams, and bring the flame down, leaving the pot to simmer for two hours.
Fry together the mushrooms and ash hoppers in guar fat until crispy. Set aside as topping for your stew.
Whisk together the guar milk, blood, and cliff racer eggs until frothy, and slowly pour into the soup while stirring continously. Again, leave to simmer for another hour, then add the saltrice, allowing the stew to thicken. Add guar milk as needed if it starts to dry out. Pour in a good measure of shein until the stew is a deep, dark red. Bring the stew to a boil once again for thirty minutes, before finally serving.
Serve the stew piping hot and top with crispy mushrooms and ash hoppers. Best eaten with wickwheat or saltrice flatbread.
I hope that this long-winded message has not bored you. While we may not be well-acquainted thus far, I hope that I may pass on my sincerest wishes for peace and friendship with your tribe, and that if ever you desire it in the future, my company and expertise is yours. ~Talviel
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tsunflowers · 7 months
I want to see fern and stark facing a succubus while frieren is busy with something else and fern is like "stark you'll be worthless against this foe so go hide behind a tree. her powers only work on men so I'll dispatch her quickly" but she doesn't know shes a lesbian and the moment she sees the succubus shes knocked out flat on the ground
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The music of the forest (part 1)
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Adar x reader. This is part one of two.
Please note: this is going to be heavily AU.
Imagine being an Elf soldier stationed in the Southlands like Arondir. Before you became a soldier you were a musician, and playing the violin has remained your greatest passion; clearly you are not allowed to play while on duty, but sometimes, while in the fields or in the mess hall, your comrades like to listen to you and enjoy your music, sometimes even singing in time with your melody.
Every time you have some time for yourself you go walking in the woods, to practice some new pieces or simply get away from the barracks; after all you are a Silvan Elf, and being surrounded by trees, the quiet whisper of the wind among branches and leaves, has the power to calm you and console the homesickness you feel for your family and friends.
It is during one of your solitary concerts that Adar sees you for the first time; he is bathing in a nearby stream and, made curious by your music, he slowly approaches. It is the first time he has heard music in a thousand years, let alone music produced by one of his people, and he is fascinated, by you as well by the music of your violin, as he watches you play sitting on a rock in a small clearing, under the clear sky of a sunny spring morning. He feels... perturbed, moved, like you melody has awakened something in him he was sure he had lost forever; hidden among bushes and ferns, he wishes he could stay there until the end of the day, but fifty years as a soldier have taught you to perceive when you are spied.
"I know you are there." you state in the end, gently placing your violin on the forest floor before standing and unsheathing your dagger "Come out, if you are friend or foe!"
Normally Adar would just leave, avoiding unnecessary conflict, or simply shouting for his uruks to come and kill you. This time, though... he finds himself taking a completely different decision; he is intrigued by you, and he wants to hear more of your music.
He stands, letting you see him, and approaches, slowly so as not to scare you. "Please, do not be alarmed." he says "I don't want to hurt you."
Recognizing him as one of your people soothes your fears only in part; your heart fills with compassion seeing his scars, but you are still diffident. "Who are you? You are not one of the Eldar sent here to watch over the Men of this land. How did you come to this place?"
"I have been here for much longer than you and your comrades. You can call me Adar."
"Don't make me laugh, Adar this is not a name and I am not your daughter."
"This is the name my children gave me; I do not ask you to like it. I don't want to hurt you, I just... enjoyed listening to your music".
He seems sincere, you decide, and as a musician you appreciate whoever in turn enjoys your music. Slowly, ready to act at the least sign of danger and holding the dagger as well as your violin, you go sit on the grass next to him.
"How did you come to live here? I thought us soldiers were the only Elves in the Southlands. Were you... kept prisoner? Did they hurt you?" you ask, wondering if the terrible abuse he must have been victim of took place by the hands of the Men who served Sauron. This poor Elf, you think moved to pity, he must have suffered so much!
But Adar doesn't seem inclined to answer your questions, which is his right, since why should you be informed of his personal matters? He looks at you out of the corner of his eye, not exactly shy but somehow nervous, like he doesn't know what to expect from you and he is not accustomed to the company of his own people anymore.
"You are a soldier. Yet, you appreciate the beauty of music".
"The two things can go hand in hand, I have discovered in the last half century. Do you... know how to play?"
"I do not. But I enjoyed listening to those who did, and I hadn't realized I missed it."
The unspoken question remains for a moment suspended in the pine-scented air around you. You are alone but for the small animals that populate the forest, and the barracks are too far away to hope your comrades could intervene if you shouted for help. You should leave immediately, because you know nothing about Adar and for all you know he could be as dangerous as Sauron's creatures, but there is something in him that makes you trust him, at least for the time being. Wordlessly, you sit more comfortably on the grass, pick up your violin and its bow, and start playing your favourite melody.
He listens intently, his expression neutral but with evident pleasure, sitting so close your knees almost touch. He looks at you and, since you know the piece you are playing by heart, you look at him, openly, almost brazenly, and Adar doesn't seen to notice, or at least, to be bothered by it. For a few minutes it is like the world stops around you; your duties, his painful past, everything disappear, everything ceases to matter. There is only the two of you, and the music linking you in something that is not friendship nor camaradie, but it is too powerful to ignore.
In the end, you stop playing and stand. "I am sorry, I need to go; I am on patrol duty tonight and I cannot be late." you explain.
"I understand" Adar answers simply; none of the two says that they are happy to have met the other, or that you shared your music with him, but somehow you both know it. And this is the reasons why, a moment before leaving, hesitant but sure it is the right thing to do, you say:
"In three days I will have some more time to myself, and I almost always come here to play. You can come back, if you want. To listen, and... whatever else."
He simply nods, without a verbal answer or a smile, but as he looks at you departing until you disappear among the trees, you simply know he appreciated your offer, and he will take it.
He does, over and over again.
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Tagging the always kind @starlady66 and @grinkitty.
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simslegacy5083 · 4 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 2: College Bound
At last Luigi got the news he had been waiting for: he’d been accepted into Foxbury’s computer science program and the future was awaiting him!
He quit scouts to join the e-sports team, having fallen in love with the idea of playing games for a living. Unfortunately, he quickly realized that he wouldn’t be eligible to become an official member of the team until he aged up. While he waited, he sharpened his skills in random tournaments.
Starting at the bottom gave Luigi plenty of time to practice not just his gaming, but also all of Papa Jack’s lessons on temper control. Win or lose (and there was far too much losing for his taste against older sims) his competitive spirit made it hard for him to be gracious with his foes and teammates.
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Peachy had been worried about that temper ever since Luigi had decided that living in the dorms would be preferable to living at home.
He knew that trying to stop the headstrong young man would only cause further harm to their already damaged relationship, but fortunately Great Grandpa Chance had an idea to share with him over dinner one night as they were discussing their concerns for the younger generation.
The secret to keeping a wild young sim in check was to team them up with a reliable partner, and they had the perfect sim in mind.
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Servo and big “cousin” Tess Miller had been made specifically to help raise Robin and Little surprise Fern, but she’d been a frequent playmate for their whole generation, and a good friend to Luigi as he had grown up visiting his cousins and hosting family at the homestead.
She had long expressed an interest in higher education and was quite excited about broadening her horizons, learning about the “dark side of simanity” with a villainy degree from Foxbury. Luigi was thrilled to have a friendly and familiar face to room with and the two Sims immediately starting figuring out what to pack from both households to use as decoration or furniture in their dorm room.
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And so Luigi began his great university adventure with his robotic relative, his favorite picture from that wild summer at the beach, and the most important companion and decoration of all – the urn of proud Papa Jack, there to watch over his new life as a computer science major up close.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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