eritvita · 1 year
continued from x ;
He laughs brightly, unperturbed by her slight of memory and pressing in a dimple at either cheek. "I was! As fond a mem'ry as vibrant as rose petals 'pon the vines! I am Roland," introduces he, in twice upon this upturned Gaze.
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His hands come up as if to grasp her own, companionable and cherished to find familiar, friendly greetings. "Borne upon the velvet lining of the Night, Lady Nadja! Good Evening!"
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viciousgold · 10 months
also smash or pass nadja at @flcralist
"I think you would be very fun. Smash." she purred.
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nrth-wind-a · 1 year
closed doric starter for @flcralist
Rassalantar was... pretty. Quaint. Quieter than the city of Neverwinter by a long shot-- and Doric liked it. Anywhere that she could get a break from the intense hustle and bustle of larger cities like that was more than welcomed, as something akin to peace bloomed wherever she could hear bird calls and wander only a few feet to find grass and wood.
It reminded her of home, of living with the elves, and even if settlements outside of the sanctuary of the Neverwinter Woods or the Ardeep Forest still made her feel somewhat skittish, she felt reassured by the knowledge that her party would back her if there was ever trouble.
That being said-- sometimes, she really needed a break from them, though she loved them fiercely and unshakably. As wonderful friends as they were, Doric was not the type to survive constant attachment to them every second of every waking day.
So... she'd gone off on her own, slipping away from them at an opportune moment, to go and see what the town had to offer.
And offer something wonderful, it did: the smell of sweet teas drew her in almost immediately, so, shyly, ideally without drawing attention to herself, she slipped in through the shop's door, taking a moment or two to decide what she'd like to buy.
Or... she tried to do that. Until she realized that the names of things were mostly unfamiliar to her, which meant that she wouldn't be getting out of this without asking for help, something which never failed to make her heart gallop.
Here goes nothing...
Approaching the person behind the counter, she quietly asked, hardly able to make eye contact beyond what was polite, "Would you mind recommending an herbal tea?"
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whsprhouse · 2 years
@flcralist​     /     continued from here
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            ANYONE WHO SAYS TRUE ROMANCE IS DEAD is a big fat liar && can go fuck themselves, because laszlo is quite certain that the love between himself && nadja will never get old, nor be any less pure  ( or dirty! )  than it was on their wedding day. he would do anything for her, && he knows she feels the same, which is why he’d made two assumptions with confidence:
that nadja would wholly && completely understand why he’d done what he’d done
that nadja would have long since forgotten her anger regarding that subject
what a fool he’d been.
“i say, my darling, calm down!” the wild look in her eyes is familiar && really quite tantalizing, but he would prefer to not be ACTUALLY killed a second time by her, && right now it seems like this isn’t just an elaborate form of roleplay. “no need to get your knickers in a twist, we can work this out!”
oh, he is very, very hard right now.
“i told you in my letter!” he protests, but that’s not really what she’s asking, is it?
because he hadn’t made the decision in the moment, though someone really ought to acknowledge his acting skills. no, the decision was made the moment he saw that disgusting, ugly baby alone on the floor, stained with the filth from colin robinson’s chest cavity. 
“look,” laszlo begins, && he is being sincere, as sincere as he’d been when he told nadja the truth about leaving england in the first place. “since the day you came through my window, we have never been apart more than... a few days, a week maybe. the thought of you going to london alone terrified me, not because i didn’t think you could handle it, but because I couldn’t. every moment apart from you was torture, my darling, && it was the most difficult decision in the world. which is why i couldn’t tell you. because i think you knew how hard it would have been for me, && had i told you the truth beforehand, that i HAD to stay to take care of the boy, i feared you would decide to stay too, for my sake. && i simply could not have that. you deserved to go off on your grand adventure. finally the beautiful, strong, independent woman you always have been. i did not want your conscience weighed by my own responsibilities at home.”
he sighs, leaning back against the wall && brushing hair out of his face, looking at her with as much love && adoration as a man whose life is in serious jeopardy possibly can. “can you blame me, my darling, for wanting someone there to look out for you?”
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nrth-wind · 11 months
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Game Changer Starters Pt. 2 II Accepting II @flcralist
Skrael narrowed his eyes at Nari suspiciously. "What manner of spell is that?"
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thegreatstrongbow · 1 year
❛ if the world is divided into seeing & not seeing, i will always choose to see. ❜ from polly @flcralist
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"That is a strange way to see the world." Beleg pondered, oddly philosophical. "I think... I do not think it is so black and white. But yes - most things are better seen."
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flcralist asked : ❛ forests have secrets. it’s practically what they’re for. ❜ from polly to varric
DEATHLESS. / @flcralist -- accepting
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        𝐓𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. In the long stretch of woodlands around them, the house of that family of four seemed like a faraway dream. Blackwall trudged along, his massive sword all across his back, and yet he was the only one that managed to not get any blisters in their hike through the Hinterlands. But in this long, rather painful walk, Varric had his mind stuck on his next book, and overhearing Polly’s observations had only helped stir his mind in that direction.
        ❝ I overheard that the creation of forests was by the Dalish. ❞ Whether that was true or not, he would have to ask Solas. ❝ Long ago, they transformed a prairie into the vast woodlands we see today. ❞ As he began to explain his tale, he was starting to doubt that claim more and more. But what he could believe--if only a little--was that the forests could hold secrets in them. Rituals under the moon, deep in the shadowy forests, apostates hiding inside a burrow to escape Templars. With how long these large trees have nested in the soil, there wasn’t any doubt that a thing or two had occurred around them. Whether the trees truly spoke of these “secrets”, stranger things have occurred.
        ❝ And do they whisper these secrets to you? ❞ He had also heard that plants responded well when they were spoken to, but whether they communicated back, he didn’t know. With Polly’s inclination to magic, she might be able to solve that mystery for him.
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tempesttragedya · 2 years
flora hands circ'e a cup of hot tea // @flcralist
the warm vessel is taken gratefully, an equally warm smile offered in return. gaze searches the mask for a brief moment, hoping to catch flora’s eye before Circ’e takes a measured sip - and promptly burns their tongue. 
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a sharp yelp passes their lips, but they manage to not drop the cup - thank heavens! - as attention shifts to placing it down on the table between them. still, she must look a fool with her tongue stuck out just between mostly closed lips, where cool air can breeze over it and relieve some of the discomfort. 
“note to self, blow on drinks before drinking...” 
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paramounticebound · 9 months
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I finally have a thread tracker, which can be viewed here.
And, uh, due to notification issues and the fact that I will literally reply six months later to something, I'm going to tag all of you in it. There are a lot of people I write with and this is easier than going to everyone individually. If you're tagged but don't see a thread, it's because it's currently in my queue/drafts-to-do.
If there's something you want to continue, but don't see, tell me!
Please let me know if you do not want to continue it (or if we're not even mutuals anymore thanks tumblr), and I'll take you off. Totally cool if you don't want to continue/interact anymore, I just don't want to bother you if that's the case!
( Also, I know that some of you do want to continue, are on a hiatus, are busy, etc, I just didn't want you to feel left out. c; )
@vuulpecula @learnedlucidity @fasciinating @goldkiing @jundlcndwastes @justicescreaming @mehrere-musen @middaysandmidnights @therapardalis @commandsir @honorhunt @ramblingsofamoonwatcher @auroradicit @noblehcart @tealeavesandthorns @asteritm @ssolessurvivor @lcvelj @frombehindpaleeyes @lettherebemonsters @backonmybullshit91 @hollowichor @cripplemagics @ncmad @factiousfcrged (/ all of your blogs penny) @loyaltyandchaos @godresembled @abeautifulmencgerie @ethrouthier @thebrazenandbold @troublesomemix @bloodyxballet @flcralist @leatherfangs @dethqveen @general-kalani @eskelwolf @griefdestined @lykaiia @trailofstxrs @levixthxn-thegirl @chainsxwsmile @ramblingsofamoonwatcher @auroradicit @eclipsecrowned @the27percent @hauntedreality @jadedpathways @depictedblue @yunharlaquin
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miss-polly · 1 year
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ㅤ         — MISS-POLLY
I cannot rid myself of the feeling that I’m not in the right place - Franz Kafka
a study in isolation, self-worth through service to others, fear of the unknown, baked goods, kindness, and one very, very spoiled cat.
— Fandomless baker oc — Magical + Mundane verses available — Penned by Ree — Sideblogs: @leatherfangs (vampire oc) and @flcralist (super low-key multimuse)
I'm just making it official, I'm here on the dash and I'm open to plotting and sending memes, but I won't be posting any replies until I have enough written up. I may post a few replies here and there, but I just need to take this off my plate for now while I balance a few other things that need my attention irl and my mental energy/health.
Thank yall again for being patient! If we haven't plotted yet or are starting to plot, please keep chatting with me, as I'm lurking most every day. I'm open to shenanigans and informal threads, but just know that we likely won't be able to do serious writing together for a bit.
Daisy says she loves you! (jk she says please give me ham but it's close enough)
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electriceccentric · 2 years
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this was in my drafts and I know what it is and @flcralist knows what it is but you don’t and I think that’s just great
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eritvita · 1 year
‘ won’t they miss you at the ball? ’ / from borya @flcralist
"Possibly," comes he amiable, contented to sit cross-legged at a steeple of pure marble, wreathed over with blooming vines at the lip of an ancient, gurgling fountain.
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He beams pleasantly, dressed in fine garments befitting a Faery ball, dripping with gilded brocade and adorned in nothing but green velvet and clean, white hose. "But art thou finer company than to gossip above flutes of bubbl'ng champagne, Goodly Gardener. If naught dost thou mind this nosing company a'fore thee." And Roland's handsome eyebrows bounce in thrice, resting his chin within the cup of his ready palms.
i can't find the meme .
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zoophagist · 2 years
“i love you, i've always loved you, i will always love you”
it's commitment, it's devotion, it goes often without saying, but is felt nonetheless. it's accepting that you would travel to hell and back for them if they asked and knowing that they would do the same for you. it's an old ache, long after they've burrowed deep into your chest and settled there like a weight- grounding, an anchor point. even when you're apart, you can still feel the shape of them, it's like phantom pain. neither of you can help but succumb to the other's gravity, yet neither of you fear the collision. it means that you trust them, that they make you feel safe, that they feel like home.
tagged by: @flcralist thanks (<3)
tagging: @daedaluscried (for eirena), @elisethetraveller​, @fromgallowsandgraves, @greyhoundgxrl, @polarean, @reastless, @st-riley-the-brave, @themasterssong, @vyrulent (for lucy and/or jack), @wcstenra, @ycllowhaired
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bladedwoe · 2 years
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communication is everything. you love to stay in touch with loved ones no matter how far they may be, and you have an easy time making friends. you want to be visible, to be seen, and even though you feel insignificant, i promise you your role is important. you are deeply aware of your surroundings and the goings-on of the world. you might be interested in social justice, teaching, or being an author-- whatever gets information out to those who need or want it. a bit of a social butterfly, you talk a lot! and that is ok. your passion will carry you to heights you never could've imagined.
TAGGED: @flcralist​ ( thank you! )
TAGGING: @coyotesteeth @honorhearted @manenimittliv & anyone who wants to do this!
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whsprhouse · 2 years
@flcralist​ sent a message in a bottle: ‘ bravo! that is the most unforgiving speech you’ve ever made. ’​
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             SHE DOES FEEL a little bad, but nadja’s approval   ( she thinks it’s approval ?? )   feels good, so marwa finds herself giggling anyway, breaking out into a grin. “i wanted to let him down easy,” she laments cheekily, “but also, he has to understand that i can’t just GET OVER what happened — && i really don’t want to be married anymore. was i too harsh, miss nadja? i truly don’t wish to hurt nandor.”
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erebius-moved · 10 months
@flcralist / coriander : " what did you do ? "
HIS WHITE SHIRT IS NEARLY DYED WITH BLOOD NOW , strands of hair stuck together , fallen out of his updo in what seems to be no small amount of chaos. on the bright side , it doesn't seem that any of the blood is coming from victor , but he is a sight———and can't hide the tears that threaten at the edge of his eyes , the way his hands tremble and clench into fists to try desperately for stillness. something happened , and he's gravitating towards coriander for comfort once again , held back only by not wanting to get blood all over her.
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victor sighs , a shaken thing , and motions towards the gates of skyhold. ❛❛ nothing , this time. i mean———wasn't my fault , i mean. and this isn't my blood , d—don't worry. ❜❜ leave it to victor to comfort and assure coriander , even in such a state as this. he wipes a hand over his face , paling when a smear of blood comes back with it. ❛❛ fucking hell ... we were just on a scouting mission , got attacked on the road , one of 'em got their throat cut ... ❜❜ he pauses here , looks over coriander with a quirked brow , and relents. she doesn't need to hear the details of it anymore than he needed to see it. ❛❛ doesn't matter now , but i'm alright. just dizzy , i—i need to sit. ❜❜
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