#flatland fan art
katiekatdragon27 · 6 months
More Flatland stuffff~~~
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[Cursive transcript: I'm so sorry this is so sudden, but I had to keep my Chosen safe!]
So, uh, the 4th dimension, am I right?????
So, on my last post, people were more interested in A. Tesseract than I thought. I did not expect her to stir so much interest, but here you go lol.
More under the cut lol / lots of notes:
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Some basic information on 4th dimensional beings:
They refer to themselves as "hypersolids" and "polytopes". Only Tesseracts prefer a different name than just "hyper(insert shape here)". When talking to other dimensional beings, they call themselves "Spacelanders".
They usually keep their eyes closed, and they do not emote much.
Their bodies naturally morph as they talk. They are also partially transparent, so you can see their inside movements. Not organs or anything, but the next emotions or actions they are going to express. Sort of like key frames or a fade in effect.
They call "Spacelanders" "Heightlanders".
Their civilization is located in space. They are able to breathe through little pockets of air on their rings that recharge when they enter the atmosphere of other plants. (This is why they are spotted relatively frequently)
Buildings are constantly moving spirals. They also fly everywhere, so they require a lot of energy to maintain their health. Luckily, any stars nearby tend to charge them up just fine.
Also, everyone goes by they/them along with another pronoun if they choose. Gender constructs be damned (or certain groups are fighting for that).
There will be more once I think of it, but that's what I have in the world-building department right now.
Some basic information on Angelica "A." Tesseract (she/they):
She tends to say "I'm sorry" after anything they might think could have been of inconvenience or offensive.
They are relatively soft-spoken, but they are incredibly smart compared to her peers.
Her quiet nature causes others to disrespect and step all over her.
She overthinks LITERALLY EVERYTHING. You could tell her something that is even the slightest bit vague and they have the chance of spiraling.
She KNOWS there are more than four dimensions, but they are struggling to prove it with science.
They are much more emotional compared to other hypersolids. They tend to cry easily.
She chose A. Sphere because of his confidence and drive to get his points across. They admire him for that.
Some basic information on A. Sphere in this:
He's much less snarky. His whole vision of the world was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and he's stuck in another world completely unknown to him. He's going though it currently.
He's still blunt about everything. If you suck, he'll tell you. If you are cool, it'll take a little longer, but he'll tell you.
He got his eye busted after the attack on Messiah Inc. When getting removed from "Heightland", his eye got caught in the blow last minute and it got damaged. He can still open it slightly, but he can't see out of it.
He was relatively indifferent to seeing his body transparent. He was more worried about his eye injury over anything else.
At first, he did not like A. Tesseract (cuz kidnapping), but he learns to appreciate the gesture and does his best to help her out.
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[Cursive transcript: For now, I'm afraid so... sorry. / I'm so sorry. If I was just a but faster, I could have saved your eye.]
Yeah, their friendship starts out really rough.
A. Sphere adjusted to the environment very poorly at first. He was very standoffish and snappy, but it then soured to just sorta feeling sad all the time. He gets better eventually the more he learns about the world, but it takes a lot of effort out of A. Tesseract to get him there.
I mean, he expected to die, lost his eye, everyone in "Heightland" hates him now, he lost his business and research, and he fails to take the blame for anything for a while. I would also be super pissed and sad.
A. Tesseract was not any better. She feels an incredible amount of guilt for not stepping in in time to prevent A. Sphere's eye damage, and she constantly apologies to him for everything. This sucks for A. Sphere since he finds it super annoying.
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[Cursive transcript: N. H.Sphere: You weren't supposed to bring them HERE! / A. Tesseract: I'm sorry, I had to save him- / N. H.Sphere: I should fire you-!]
N. H.Sphere is a mega grouch. He is A. Tesseract's boss who treats her terribly. Discrediting her work, ignoring their research, and just not valuing her opinion cuz women, he is not fun to talk to or just be around in general. No one knows how HR lets him stay in charge, but some theorize that he pays them off or something.
Despite all of the traumatic crap A. Sphere has gone though in this story, he still does not stand for disrespect from anyone. When he learns that A. Tesseract is constantly being pushed around by her bitchy boss, he decides to defend her.
This solidifies their friendship and later science partnership when the story ends. This also makes N. H.Sphere more resentful towards both A. Tesseract an A. Sphere. This leads to A. Tesseract actually getting fired from her job. Thanks A. Sphere.
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[Cursive transcript: N. H.Sphere: Why are you so scared? He's fine! / A. Tesseract: It's my un-medicated anxiety!!]
One of the downsides of being in the 4th dimension and living in space is that the gravitational pull is super sporadic with no real patterns. Some areas have super powerful gravity while others have zero. 4th dimension beings have learned to adjust perfectly fine.
The pressure changes and general lack of oxygen negatively impact A. Sphere's body, however, so to help him be okay, he sits in those vacuum boxes that allow for added pressure to be put on him to help even his breathing. He usually isn't put in unless he is fading in and out of consciousness, since he hates the confined space. It freaks out A. Tesseract every time it happens.
Her boss thinks she's stupid for worrying so much and using company tech. A. Tesseract worries more for A. Sphere than keeping her job, so she ignores N. H. Sphere.
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[Cursive transcript: Care to see him again?]
Outside of the partial angst and stuff, this dimension is the reason why A. Sphere shows up in A. Square's hallucination.
During A. Square's trauma-induced hallucination, he shows up in the 4th dimension briefly with the Monarch of Pointland. A. Sphere and A. Tesseract take notice, and she offers him the ability to talk to A. Square one last time for closure reasons.
In this version, this scene would be longer, with A. Sphere possibly apologizing for denying the existence of the 4th dimension and not being able to assist A. Square in the way he wanted to. It's more wholesome and conclusive than transactional like in the movie. The other stuff is there too, but having more sentimental moments would be so cool.
I am very sorry how messy these particular doodles are, I was drawing all these super late at night during my shift, so I was not paying much attention to the flow of the images. When the inspo hits, you don't really realize how incohesive they are until you start photographing the images to post lol
Thank you once again for reading this whole thing, and have a wonderful day :)
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billcipherstuff · 9 months
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Old forgotten memories
*😩 depression face*
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OOhhh, found another picture in here... This is something Bill brought to me one time. He wanted me to at least, kinda know who his family was.. .Kinda made me a little guilty especially since I refused to do the same... But this is Bill's family.
-Celeste Yang
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styllwaters · 1 year
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(remembers that i have flatland ocs)
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dipperpines-kin · 5 months
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baby boi baby <3 I love him so much, thank you @inquirewithbillcipher for drawing him, hes so cute!!! Hope it's okay to share this single panel on my tumblr :D
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misterradio · 7 months
may i be honest. wtf is the correlation between flatland and gravity falls??? i see a lot of stuff about gravity falls / bill cipher in the flatland tag and i have no idea why. is it because he is a shape??? what is the correlation?
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jaskersneakthief · 10 months
'been a long time since I've drew my non-fandom ocs
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Frankenstein novel if it was cute and a little more fucked up
This is Mi.n and J2dy(Judy- Ju-dee... Two-D...get it)
Mi.n: aromantic///asexual(Also in a reproductive way)their species haven't invented a concept of gender so they just go by they/them+probably xenos ,but I like to refer to them as a little crazy scientist cylinder man
Fun fact: MIN is the name of their species too. It meant "US" in an ancient language
J2dy: hermaphrodite two-dimensional creature/genetically modified/has no clue about what's happening ever/goes by she/he/it /// pitbull named princess
Art from some months ago
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znvorz · 2 years
instagram live doodles
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the tiny shapes are Bill and Thompson's kids, at least some of them. some of them only have mouths and can't see, most of them are irregular
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abyssalzones · 5 months
Just ignore/delete this ask if you feel uncomfortable with the subject, but I'm really worried the book of bill is gonna be 80% nostalgia-bait 19.75% new lore about bill and 0.25% about the Pines. Granted the book is about Bill, so it's prolly mostly gonna be about him, but yeah I don't really get why the book is being made... I liked having most of bills existence/lore being up to interpretation and in reference by Flatland. Feel like the book is a quick cashgrab but I hope I'm wrong
Not to be the one to affirm your fears but that's... pretty much exactly what I'm expecting?
A lot of people seem to think this art post I made was purely a joke, based on the sheer amount of "I'll never get enough of this guy lol!!" responses it's gotten, but I'm sincere when I say I've had enough of that guy. In general It's really exhausting seeing something myself and other fans have enjoyed expanding on in our own ways be dragged back out after five years of radio silence to generate some more disney money. like yeah it's goofy yeah people are allowed to have fun about the new content, god knows morbid curiosity will likely get the best of me and I'll check it out, but if people can't see this as an obvious cashgrab because they happen to like the character alex hirsch keeps resurrecting in increasingly annoying ways (why else would the book be rated for adults if not to target an adult audience's 2016 fandom nostalgia) then they possess an innocence I envy.
everyone seems to understand how beating a dead horse for money cheapens a story that was supposed to be over and done with until it's about the grandfather of h*zbin hotel I guess
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
I often get a little annoyed when I see posts that are something along the lines of "Y'all have GOT to learn to engage in media without shipping. Art is not just for shipping. If you get into art for shipping and nothing else that's bad and you have no media literacy why won't you care about THEMES?" because, yeah, they are technically correct. If you only egage with art in this one hyperspecific way you're going to miss out on a lot of good art and miss a lot of good things about the art you do like because you're only busy shipping.
But also... it is literally impossible to tell if someone is doing that based on a tumblr blog. "Everywhere I go I can only find people shipping why doesn't anyone care about anything else?!" A lot of them probably do, they're just not talking about it on their ship blogs.
This is a fanfic focused blog. Fic, and shipping by extension, are a very specific way of engaging with a work that I only use with a small amount of the art I experience. You know what my favorite book that I read this year was? Piranesi. Favorite movie? Everything everywhere all at once. Favorite series? Midnight mass.
And guess what? I'm not gonna write fanfic about ANY of those. And while I'll reblog posts about them that cross my dash I am also not going to seek out other fans on tumblr for these works specifically. And so, from looking at my blog, you'll have no idea that I read and loved these works, or that I spend a lot of my time thinking about them, their atmosphere, characters, and themes.
And that's just the narrative art I loved most. I've also gone to museums, and I'm definitely not writing any fanfiction about mondriaan's paintings.
You know what work I'm thinking about most these days? The book Flatland by Edwin Abott Abott. (Yes he is named Abott twice) a book about A Square (first name A last name Square) living in a two dimensional world being visited by a sphere from our three-dimenaional world. I read it several years ago, interested in the mathematical aspect, because by looking through A Square's perspective of meeting a creature from a world with a dimension he cannot fundamentally comprehend, we can imagine what the fourth dimension might look like to us.
I read it, loved the mindfuckery aspect of it, but was at various points annoyed at the horrible misogyny. The men in flatland are polygons with social status based on he number of sides and the widness of their angles, circles on top and triangles at the bottom. But the women are all simple line segments, automatically lower in society than even the lowest ranking men. A Square tells us women have to emit a "peace cry" when they walk, because walking into them (due to their sharp point) can be deadly, and if they don't do this they're executed. And women with any sickness that causes "involuntary motions" which can be as little as sneezing too hard, is instantly killed. He seems to think these are rational laws in the interest of public safety and also in the best interest of the women themselves. He also says that due to their lack of angles, women "are wholy devoid of of brainpower, and have neither reflection, judgement, nor forethought."
"I like it, but you can definitelly tell this was written by a man in 1884" I remember telling my mom.
Well guess what? This year I found out that flatland isn't just about having a low-level existential crisis at imagining the fourth dimension (beings from the 4th dimension would be able to directly see and touch our insides guys. Like. Just entirely bypass your skin and poke at your spleen) it is also a satire and social critique of victorian society. The misogyny is there to criticize victorian concept of gender roles! The bogus and violent laws that are shoddily justified to be for "public safety", the complete exclusion from women in the advancement and social class, the made up standard of angles and sides pretending to be biologically sound such as to "scientifically" justify their oppression. That's misogyny, baby! It's on purpose!
And it's a flawed attempt. A Square, as a man of his time, has no respect whatsoever for women and the few female characters the book has get barely any pagetime. This is accurate for the sexist pov the story is written from, and Edward Abott Abott, in a foreword of a revised edition, makes it clear that thay was exactly his intention. But it does mean that we never get to actually hear what any of the women of flatland think about living in this horribly misogynistic society. It's intended as a critique of misogyny, but any misogynist reading the book who doesn't find the sexism of flatland all that outlandish, can read the whole book with those assumptions going unchallenged. The satire only works if you already agree women are people.
But it's still good, insofar as portraying a ridiculously sexist society and the mind bogglingly stupid and arbitrary justifications mysoginists try to give for their bigotry, it is accurate. By removing it from our own world and putting it in flatland, we can more clearly see that connecting social status to wideness of angles is ridiculous, and the misogyny has no material basis. As a person who does agree that women are people, and is no longer under the impression that, because it was written in the 1880s, the misogny must be genuine, I can now, on a reread, appreciate the satire.
Prior to this post, looking at my blog, YOU WOULD NOT KNOW THIS. And I don't plan on posting many essays about flatland in the future. I read it because my mom recommended it to me, and so the way I discuss my thoughts on it is mostly with her, in real life. And I enjoy that more than I would posting about it here.
So yes, people SHOULD approach media from different lenses than shipping alone. Because shipping only works well for a subset of all art out there, and it is only one of the many ways to engage with it. But posts on tumblr are not solid proof of whether people are doing that or not.
It's also funny because a lot of the complaints of "why is everyone only interested in shipping for X" are about, like, adaptations of ya novels or comic books or god forbid shounen anime. You know, the shows with huge casts of usually likable, attractive and varied characters? Where a big part of the appeal is the entertaining dynamics those characters have which each other? Aka prime material for shipping?
Like, yeah, it can suck when it feels like the rest of the fandom is too busy smashing fictional barbie dolls together to have interesting conversations about the things you liked about the show. But please don't watch the Ship Show and then complain that everyone is shipping.
I wanted to end this post by telling you to go read flatland because there's no fanfiction of that but there are, in fact, over 40 works on ao3 for flatland by edwin abott abott and over half of them are gravity falls fics. It completely undermines my point but it's too funny to leave out.
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cacozealous-cat-hours · 2 months
reputation: i think your cool and i like stuff you repost XDD its very FUN to read
one (1) thing to know: hmmmm.... are there any other aus/worlds/things that you'd like to tell about in this blog sometime or post art or memes with one day? c:>
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oh yeah absolutely! everything in the pinned post is something I could potentially make art of or spill lore about, they're all active^^
I'm just currently hyperfixating (I think?) on Monday Fight Rankin and it's corresponding au Ghost Town, but I have been making art of the others
The order of what I'm focusing on is jumbled around a bit but it's approximately- (under the cut)
Ghost Town
(i just got attached to the idea of spirits and went ham with it lol)
RW Hearth AU
(rainworld lore is really epic, and it's very interesting to think up characters and what they'd be doing in Situations especially if they dont like the idea of ascension,,, also it has slugcats and,,, yknow)
(been a fan of Undertale nearly my whole self-aware life, undertale yellow definitely helped me start thinking up more stuff for this again but first i might mostly focus on the main two)
Fellowship of the Mingmings
(would be higher but I forgot how to draw cats well, and also,,, warrior cats writing has kinda sucked sometimes for a very long while, like ive never read the books but ive read the lore and its just weird so i aint up to date)
6 Pals Perspective
(would be higher but the book Flatland is very mathy and I'm kind of intimidated by some of the fanbase cause my AU is derived partly from a not-so-well-liked movie of Flatland and there isn't any angst- AND ALSO SERIOUSLY SOME FOLKS ARE DOING DOWNRIGHT SPECULATIVE BIOLOGY I CANT COMPETE-)
(would be higher if Homestuck as a whole wasn't kinda intimidating too. again, my guys are kinda just vibing, not much angst, the hemospectrum is way different, etc. it's like comparing an intern to the board of directors)
Rhamnousian System
(not as interested in Solarballs itself anymore but I like cool celestial bodies stuff and thinking up lore for how they would even live, have a culture, hierarchical systems, etc.)
(would be higher but I don't know the lore much and part of it is kinda inappropriate lol)
(would delete but I like the character premise of Forced Ghostbuster, if I do delete this expect another OC to pop up with the same backstory)
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katiekatdragon27 · 6 months
If I posted Flatland (2007) fan art, would I be publicly shunned and executed?
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billcipherstuff · 1 year
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I wanted to make a hurt/comfort au cause why not ;) (warning: cringy and I suck at writing actual stories)
This is also based on PengyChan’s flatland fanfic so check that out(I finally figured out who was in my dream)
My Gravity Falls/Flatland au Idea :The Axolotl lets Bill live but wipes his memories and takes away some of his powers causing bill to look like that, now he only remembers his life in flatland…before Liam gets consumed…
Bill wakes up, he squints his eyes before getting up in a cold sweat and covered in vines.He looks as his surroundings, confused and bewildered at the sight of “color” and the 3d world.He the looks down at himself to see vines. “W-where… who am I?Is anyone here?”However, before he could even think, his feels a sharp pain in his head, in his mind.
Suddenly, he gains certain.. memories of a time where it was a flat world, with flat people, with f-flat minds I- think… Bill gets sudden flashbacks to his life in flatland. He now slowly remembers the society of flatland, his birth, his foster parents, his friends, his job, his name, the books, and most importantly his brother… “Liam…”. Bill holds his head trying to ease his migraine. “ I remember Liam, I remember him… Is this, really the Third dimension? The one Liam wanted to see” Bill looked at his surroundings in complete awe, the fresh pine air, the huge, comforting dark green and brown trees, the clear sky, the soft grass, the deer peacefully eating a leaf, he was bewildered and confused by the “new” sights he was seeing and for the “first” time, he actually felt free instead of that prison of flatland…but, something is off…Bill looked around himself “I shouldn’t be the only one who escaped RIGHT, where’s Liam, where’s Tad, the old man, a circle even…ANYONE?!”, Bill then takes a good look at himself, suddenly feeling his unknown sins crawl down his back“ Did I… do something to them, is that why I look so strange, is that why I don’t see anyone or how I even got to this strange place?!” Bill basically screaming at no one. Then after calming down and acting rational,“I don’t remember much but I want to find my brother as soon as I can, but for right now I need shelter”Bill says in his head. Bill then removed the vines on him and dusted himself off, for a minute he looks at himself, contemplating the fact he did it, he made it out of that hell. Finding a newfound hope, he left to find shelter. Unknown to Bill he is about to meet some of his old “partners”.
I know this au might be a little similar to the other au I made but this one has an actual storyline that might have a part 2 if I get at least 10 likes! :D
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that-weirdmango2 · 2 months
hello! you can call me Mango and this is my blog…
i use he/him pronouns and i mainly reblog and post art!
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- requests are open, but i might forget about them or not do them (or i will after long periods of time)
- my current and old hyperfixations/special interests: Scott Pilgrim (all media), Gideon Graves, the Kennedy’s history, Gravity Falls, Bill Cipher, Flatland (book and movie), Captain Underpants (all media), Cuphead (all media), FNAF, Sun and Moon, the 30s/40s/50s/60s/70s styles, Tomodachi Life, Animal Crossing (mainly New Leaf and New Horizons), Child’s Play/Chucky Franchise, Clone High, Algebra, Bob’s Burgers, fashion, my friend’s OCs and a satirical/inside joke story I wrote… there might be more, but I don’t remember now
- do NOT follow me if you’re a proshipper, a homophobe/transphobe, a terf, a racist, a pedo, an ableist, if you fat or slut shame, NSFW blogs, fetish blogs, dreamsmp fans, helluva boss and hazbin hotel fans, (idk if i forgot something)
- do NOT spam or I will block you
- i will NOT answer to direct messages for safety reasons
- do NOT repost or use my art ever, if you want to for any reason you can ask me, but you will have to not press on the matter if i say no
- do NOT use my art to ‘feed’ AI or NFTs
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on-noon · 11 months
that's cause my Pointland post is my second Flatland post. i had previously shared a woodcarving fan art i did
words written for this ask: 108
total words for motivation experiment: 15,763
project worked on: Countdown to Magic
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zazu75 · 2 years
Gilderguste is my favorite CotC ship
Gilderoy is my chosen. Auguste is an immediate fave. No, canon doesn’t exist. I write my own. And I will fix it. This is self indulgent. Mildly spicy. and after this? y’all will likely suffer more. :3
So Gilderoy works with nobility, this means that he has some knowledge of the arts, whether that’s actual art, poetry, novels, plays… the Arts (™). 
It helps him connect with clients and keep their interest for longer. Which means more business! It’s a win win. So it’s not so much of a hobby as something he does for work. Still, he enjoys it. 
He hears a lot about this one playwright. Everyone loves his works. Especially the people in the flatlands. So when he’s in Theateropolis, he hears about a play happening and decides to try and see it. 
So Gilderoy gets to the theater, there’s no one guarding the doors so he kinda. Sneak in.
Gilderoy catches the end of the play, and when Auguste comes out to take a bow, the ring flashes, so he heads out to wait and see if he can grab a client or two, especially one of the actors/actresses. Maybe even some nobility. Either way, looking for business. 
The audience start to leave, and a group of ladies gather round the door to try and catch a glimpse of the actors and actresses leaving, fawning all the while
And just their luck, Auguste comes out too! And they are fangirling so hard and he’s being so nice. 
Anyways he spots Gilderoy off the side and immediately starts flirting with him and Gilderoy flirts back. 
And Auguste leans in and they keep flirting (keep in mind everyone around them is watching) and the two of them agree to meet later at a room Auguste gives Gilderoy directions to.
And they absolutely go at it. And talk. And go at it again and talk. They're there for several hours. And Gilderoy actually makes a sale two Auguste. Two necklaces, one of which is a locket. 
And Gilderoy leaves with a bruised and maybe bloody bite mark at the junction where his neck meets his shoulder. 
And it spreads like wildfire in the rumor mill. 
A noble lady comes at Gilderoy the next day, insisting he deliver the letter to Auguste (it’s a fan letter). 
And honestly at this point Gilderoy is like “sure. I’ll deliver it. Maybe see him again ;)” because he had fun. He likes Auguste more than just a client. He’s fun to be around. 
He gets to the theater, and it’s a slow day, no plays are happening, so he makes his way to the backstage area and again, there’s no one to stop him. 
But then a man stops him and tells him it’s a bad idea to try and see Auguste.
This man’s name is Schwartz, and he is after revenge!
He tells Gilderoy that Auguste is a killer, and that he’s killed many of his fans and understudies and workers, and says that Auguste killed his wife, and that he has been seeking revenge for a very long time. 
Gilderoy insists on going to see Auguste anyway, and Schwartz accompanies him because danger!! 
Now, on screen, almost immediately, the player is shown Auguste killing an actress in front of other actors, who don’t react. 
Gilderoy, however, doesn’t walk in until the lady is being carried out, eyes closed, between two actors who, again, aren’t acting like anyone’s dead. 
And Schwartz is quick to point out it was murder, and that Auguste can get away with it because his workers worship him as a god. Because he’s so damnably famous.
But Gilderoy kind of. He didn’t see a body being carried out. He saw a lady who was out cold and saw no wounds on her.
By the time that conversation is done, Auguste has left the stage to his study.
So they chase him. 
We get there first. And Schwartz starts rummaging thru the desk and papers
Auguste arrives soon after, covered in blood. Recognizes Schwartz and they talk and it turns out, Auguste kills for inspiration. It helps him get ideas and be able to write it down.
Auguste sics some guards on Schwartz and leaves, giving absolutely no glances towards Gilderoy. 
But Gilderoy helps out in the fight because he was in the way and has no choice. 
After, they can’t find Auguste anywhere, and they part ways, Schwartz still swearing revenge. 
A few weeks/months pass, and Gilderoy has gone off to do other things and look for the other rings. He still can’t get Auguste out of his head tho. Because…. well. He has a ring. And murder is bad. And also… he’s handsome. 
He stumbles upon Schwartz in a tavern in Valore getting food and drinks and talks to him. 
Schwartz has found out where Auguste lives. It’s a big villa right outside the city, And asks if Gilderoy will join him.
Gilderoy realizes he still has the letter from the noble lady who harassed him ages ago, and he decides that yeah, he wants to come. He wants to try and talk with Auguste. He still remembers the last meeting in the study and how Auguste ignored him, after they’d clicked so well the day before. And he’s not stupid, something’s up. 
And during his travels he learned that the rings also influence their holders. So maybe… maybe the ring had some sort of influence over Auguste. He wants to know more. To either put his mind at rest or…. Try something probably stupid. He wants to find out what’s what. 
Especially since he has met with the lead actress before (Fransesca), while looking for the study, and she mentioned that Auguste isn’t interested in the fame his plays bring, yet he keeps working on them. 
So he wants to try and talk. And the letter is as good an excuse as any. 
They go to the villa and find Francesca outside with a kid.
Kid’s name is Mikhail! He’s a ray of sunshine—and he’s Francesca’s and Auguste’s kid!
Awkward moment ensues for Gilderoy in “I didn’t know he was married” but she replies with “he’s not” “oh.”
(The game is very unclear about whether they’re married or even together, tho art doodled by Mikhail shows at least a happy-ish family. So I’m going with together but it’s rocky af)
Fransesca locks them outside of the mansion, telling them to leave, and they don’t, because Schwartz is set on finding a key, and sees an abandoned house/shed near the villa and decides to search there. 
Inside, they find the keys with a diary detailing a few killings Auguste has done.
Gilderoy finds this kind of sus, because while the building does belong to the villa, it’s 1) abandoned 2) there’s no blood anywhere 3) the rest of the journal is pretty empty and there’s just it and the keys there. 
But they get the keys and go inside and they find Fransesca desperately searching for her son, who’s been told to avoid the “purple man”
Which Gilderoy finds contradictory while they’re looking for him. Because Auguste wears purple, a lot of it, and there’s drawings Mikhail did of him and Fransesca and Auguste as a family. And even some that are just him and Auguste, all in purple. 
He doesn’t get to ask however. The three find the kid soon after, and he’s been poisoned by Auguste. And Auguste takes the rest of the poison. Turns out, Fransesca has a dose of the antidote on her, inside the locket necklace she was given a day prior… the one Gilderoy recognizes he sold Auguste. 
… And she can only choose to save one of them. 
Schwartz is stricken. Horrified. He begs her to save her son, but it just makes her indecision worse, and Gilderoy is trying to calm this lady down and make Schwartz shut up to no avail. 
In the end, Francesca chooses Auguste, who, surprise! Has a second dose of the antidote. Which he takes. And then says he’s been inspired to finish his current work and leaves.
Schwartz tries to get Fransesca to give Mikhail the antidote after, as he’s still alive, but she snaps
And tries to outright kill her kid and the two men
And Gilderoy is forced to kill her to save her child. They do manage to save him, but Fransesca is dead and the kid was aware during all of what went down. 
They take the kid to a healer, and once they’re sure he’s okay, Schwartz says he’ll use his contacts to find him a new home. 
Gilderoy goes to the tavern, mostly to get drunk and maybe eat and process wtf has happened.
Because it was jarring, but so much of it didn’t make sense.
As Gilderoy sits there, drinking, Schwartz shows up and joins him. 
They talk a bit about what happened, and it segues into Schwartz asking Gilderoy about why he was there at the theater to start with, and Gilderoy explains about the letter, then how he got the letter, and Schwartz is in such disbelief because you slept with that man?? and Gilderoy is just look he's hot and he flirted with me first okay
And it goes on a bit more and Schwartz is basically teasing him at this point and Gilderoy picks up on it and is embarrassed and kinda grumbles that Schwartz isn't as focused on his grief as he makes himself out to be.
Schwartz makes it very clear that he is still grieving but he is not blind and Gilderoy is good looking and tucks a strand of hair behind Gilderoy’s ear. 
Gilderoy is speechless for all of ten seconds before he decides, yeah, okay, why not. Schwartz teases him about it, and they flirt a bit then go back to the inn to get a room. 
And it's during their time being intimate in there that Gilderoy realizes that.... Schwartz and Auguste are... very similar, physically. Under the clothes, their body types, their skin color, their... everything, is very similar.
He decides he is not sober enough to process this and to enjoy it instead.
After, he and Schwartz talk. First it’s a little bit of flirting, then it gets serious. Schwartz wants to go back and make sure Fransesca’s body is buried. And see if there’s anyone else dead and bury them. Gilderoy agrees to help. 
So the next day, they go back to the villa. And Fransesca’s body is as it is. They also find the maid who died of poisoning, still where she is. So they work on burying both. It’s a silent, sad affair. They work quietly, though Schwartz looks like he’s about to cry more than once. Gilderoy sits with him and they hold hands a few times and it seems to help Schwartz. And when he gives Gilderoy a grateful smile… well. Gilderoy gives him one back while actively trying not to blush. 
They go back to Valore, after, get drinks, kiss, and wind up in bed together again. 
Gilderoy again notes the similarities and decided not to pay any attention to them and stay in the moment instead. 
Next day, Schwartz tells Gilderoy he's heading back to the theater to try and find a way to get to Auguste. He'd be very hard to get close to, right now, buried in work. But the premiere of the new play has a date set already, a date he gives to Gilderoy and says to meet him there.
Gilderoy in the meantime starts to really think things through, because a lot of what he saw contradicted so much?
and he... finds himself in the worst situation ever. 
For starters, he finds himself pining.
Which freaks him tf out at first because he does not fall in love?? hello?? 
And it sucks. He doesn’t like the longing. And he’s longing for a murderer. Except he’s still not sure. Because the murder he saw doesn’t match with the murders he read about. And the lady’s reaction and fear over her child being lost in his own home makes no sense. 
There’s too much that doesn’t make sense, and he’s not sure how to put it together. 
And then there’s Schwartz. The man after revenge. The man he’s also longing for. And their similarities! 
It’s driving him crazy. 
So he does something crazy. 
He goes back to Auguste’s villa. 
It’s weeks later, now, and the villa has been abandoned for almost that entire time. Monsters are starting to take over, but there’s human activity too. 
Gilderoy walks around aimlessly. It’s a sunny afternoon and he’s wandering and not sure what he’s looking for. He just wants answers. And finds himself in Fransesca’s and Mikhail’s room, looking at the drawings. 
He takes one down, a hand drawn family portrait, carefully folds it and pockets it. 
Maybe… maybe he can give it to Auguste later. Or Schwartz. Or maybe even Mikhail himself. 
The sun sinks low on the horizon when he decides he’s not going to find answers and goes to leave. But he decides to stop by Auguste’s office, because maybe he’ll find something. He remembers a lot of papers there. So he heads there and—
—There's someone there. The silhouette is familiar. And his heart goes to his throat. It’s Auguste. 
And he’s both really happy and really terrified. Because did he find the man he charmed or the monster Schwartz showed him?
And something about that thought makes him blink. That’s right, all the bad things he’s seen were when Schwartz was around…
But he decides to ignore that for now and instead approaches the man. 
There’s a somber mood about him. A haunted look in his eyes. He’s soft spoken and charming and Gilderoy is not afraid. 
He moves closer. They talk. Or well, he tries to. Auguste isn’t very willing to discuss anything. So he’s not surprised when the playwright kisses him. 
He goes along with it. Because he wants it so badly. Because pining sucks and his heart hurts and this is so much easier. 
He goes along with Auguste pushing him into a bed and goes along with everything after, until they’re both spent and it’s dark out and it’s dark inside and it’s silent, just them breathing in the darkness. 
Gilderoy pulls Auguste close and Auguste presses his face over his heart and it’s everything Gilderoy has wanted for the last few weeks. 
They’re falling asleep when Gilderoy decides to ask, in a whisper, what happened with Mikhail. Auguste answers. It’s an answer that Schwartz would know, not Auguste. And Auguste seems to catch himself and tenses. But Gilderoy whispers that they’re already asleep and it’s okay and he knows Auguste doesn’t believe him but the walls come down for a while and they talk naturally. But they’re both sleepy and fall asleep. 
The next morning, Gilderoy wakes up alone. And he’s back to pining. 
It sucks. 
And he still doesn’t understand everything, or how to connect it together. 
So he goes back to working on getting the rings and gathering information and trying to do his job as a jewelry merchant, until the date of the premiere comes, and he goes to meet up with Schwartz and realizes he's still crushing on Schwartz and since when did he crush on people? ever?
but they sneak in through the theater's back door, and the play is starting, and they need to stop the man before he kills again. Schwartz seems especially desperate, probably because he's so close to his goal of revenge.
But Gilderoy grabs his hand and tells him that he won't help unless he promises him something. Schwartz asks what, and Gilderoy says he wants the opportunity to talk to Auguste. Even if they wind up having to kill him, he wants to be able to talk to him first.
Schwartz reluctantly agrees, and off they go.
They can hear the play going on as they make their way through the back to the theater to the study. They find him there, in his chair. Gilderoy tries to talk to him, but he's ignored. So Schwartz attempts to taunt the man before he attacks him 
Only for the body to hit the floor. It's not the real Auguste, but the theater manager dressed up as him. 
And it all falls in place for Gilderoy.
He figures it out.
But before he can say a word to Schwartz, the man has already rushed out. They can hear "Auguste"' voice from the stage, and they decide to make their way there.
They arrive at the finale, right as the lead actor "Auguste" is asking if a hateful blade would kill him. 
Schwartz gives Gilderoy no chance to talk and attacks the man. A fight ensues on stage, until the actor is stabbed fatally. He stays a few more lines then collapses, dead... and the audience claps, thinking it's all part of the play, and the curtains fall.
Gilderoy takes a deep breath, then, to calm himself. Turns to Schwartz and asks him if he's content now, that his play has ended. 
Schwartz's eyes widen, a pleased look comes onto his face, and he asks when he figured it out.
Gilderoy explains all the indiscrepancies he found, and how it all came together just a bit ago, and follows it with asking if they can talk now.
They talk, and Gilderoy is right, he can see beyond just what the ring is, and the person inside isn't what he's seeing, but the only way to free that person is to take the ring away, which isn't going to happen in a peaceful way.
So he talks to the entity instead, the thing that's acting in the human's place, and hears its woes and its need for blood for inspiration, and Gilderoy knows that inspiration comes in many forms, and one such form can easily be travel.
He points out that Auguste has rarely left the region, and never far, that there's so much beyond that, and he's willing to stake his life on finding a new source of inspiration for the playwright.
Enticed by the option of murdering Gilderoy, they talk more of it and make a deal, if Auguste doesn't find three new stories within a year on the road, he can kill Gilderoy and return to write that play.
So it's arranged. He takes a haitus and goes undercover to travel with the merchant, dressing down in more sensible colors for leather, and losing all of the makeup. And within weeks, he's already found a new story. He writes lots, goes through lots of paper, and gets along well with Gilderoy.
And Gilderoy keeps looking past the entity and to the human, to where the human learns to accept the demon that's inside of him. It's an extreme of his emotions, things that he had shamed himself for, and he comes to terms with it, which is something he's never done had before. 
To the point that, when Gilderoy gets the other two rings, and Sazantos comes to Gilderoy asking for the three rings to seal them, the entity possessing the human willingly gives the ring up.
This essentially kills the entity, or at least lays it dormant, and for the first time in a very, very long time, the human is free.
But the possession did leave its mark on him. He's not as unhinged as the entity was, and he doesn't have the same amount of bloodlust, but he is definitely more stabby than your average person. 
He’s a stepford smiler who Gilderoy learns to read, definitely thinks of murder as the first solution to most problems, and he's still an excellent playwright and actor.
He's also very clingy and overly affectionate to Gilderoy, who finds that he really, really likes it.
Gilderoy finds that he likes having his affections returned and likes the excess hugging and hand holding and even kissing in public, which--scandalous!
But he loves Auguste, even though he skirts around it and deflects the topic if/when asked directly. 
And Auguste… he’s not sure if Auguste feels the same way. But he has his affections, so he’s happy. 
And after that I've essentially gone with "this feral, semi-violent, stepford smiler version of Auguste joins the party in trying to get the rings back!"
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