#flatland au
jozlyn-moon · 2 months
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Bill and Kryptos
When it comes to both of them, especially in the AU, they have a history that goes all the way back to flatland. Kryptos being older than him by just a few years as well-
Kryptos, in the most TLDR was I can put it, is someone who Bill escaped to as an escape, a way to get away from his parents since they were less than empathetic in the grand scheme of things.
Now, Bill wouldn’t admit then, or now that he relies on Kryptos for more things than one, but his pride gets the best of him. Kryptos was a professor then, thanks to his technical 4 sided build, even if being by definition an irregular. He was a teacher in private to Bill, teaching him things usually his class of shape would never get to learn (Being an equilateral and merchant by proxy.) Allowing him to learn things even considered taboo by nature, that of the third dimension. Contained within books that once belonging to the circles, Kryptos allowed Bill to access those ideas, which Bill proceeded to hyperfixate if not obsess over horribly.
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Bill became enamored and filled with the desire to leave, escape. To the point where Kryptos began to worry, he understood Bill at this point, his wants his desires to leave flatland and tell it to fuck off, but what he’s learnt is that the methods they found were only reckless, time and space destroying even by the equations he’s found.
But as he told this to Bill, he simply waved it off, but not without Kryptos noticing his more antsy nature as… they built a portal very similar to a certain one most would know. And like Fiddleford to Ford, couldn’t help but want to stop the project in risk of their more risk taking friend…
But it’s not like Kryptos could stopped what happened after. He leaves for only some time only for their actions to be reported and as he rushed back to the lab where they were making it- It was too late as Bill had pushed the button by then and was sucked right in.
Sucking in what unstable energy it held, his genetically unstable and malleable body deforming and taking it in like a sponge and breaking his mind in the process.
Kryptos watched in horror, as his friend was changed, and a rift began to form and destroy their world where their portal once stood.
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bl4pe4r · 3 months
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The Pines as Flatlanders!!!
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inquirewithbillcipher · 3 months
Have you met Will Cipher?
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I’ve seen them around!
(( Dayo belongs to: @dipperpines-kin ))
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
your flatland art is SO GOOD RAHHHHHH
Thank you so much! I'm happy there are still people who enjoy my silly occasional Flatland art lol. I need to start posting more of these guys cuz as much as I love the Flat Dreams stuff, I wanna see my silly pookies more. The true Flatland content /j
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Take a doodle for the ride btw, I'm happy you like my art^^
Have a lovely day :)
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nishastisowl · 6 months
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big Expectation sometimes the opposite to reality
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dipperpines-kin · 3 months
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A Yin plushie i made for my shape shelf!
Yin belongs to @theautismgoblin from their Gravity Falls Golden Acrobats AU
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theautismgoblin · 5 months
Dusk of Flatland Page 1
Okay so you remember when I said I was making a comic, WELL I kinda sorta maybe,
The second page isn't done, but I don't wanna wait to post this!! SO HERE IT IS!!!
Tw- Character death (both Implied and shown), Eye trauma and blood, racism, and ableism
Please read with caution!!! This is very heavy and dark..
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--Lines spoken-- From each panel (Just so folks know where something is)
Yin-yang "Hello to all Denizens of Flatland"
Yin-yang "It has come to our attention many are frustrated"
Bill "Scuse me"
Yin-yang "With our rule"
Yin-yang "Especially with the recent "Clean-up"
Yin-yang "So we gather today with an offering"
Yin-yang "For the untimely demise of one "Liam"'
Yin-yang "We offer up one of our own"
Yin-yang "For execution"
Crowd- Murmers and whispers
Crowd "A defect?!" "They're an imperfect??" "Who knew?!" mixed with Murmers and whistles and a gasp
Bill "Wait defect, but?"
Bill -very quiet - "no"
Bill- gets louder "NO NO NO NOT THEM NO"
Crowd-"Hey" "Watch it"
Celeste - *Heavy breathing*
Yin-yang "An eye for an eye as they say"
Crowd "What?" "Watch it" "HEY"
Celeste's eye is impaled by the spear from behind.. Scattering out their blood.
Guard circle "Hey ya' ain't allowed up here TRIANGLE"
Bill "MOVE IT" and a shove
End of transcript
Click for better quality
Ooohhhh boi, this took too long to make.. And I STILL GOT ANOTHER PAGE to DO!!!
Also I am sorry to all Celeste lovers, it had to happen..
Part 2--- HERE
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triangle-meanace · 11 months
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Evil. Evil but right.
Conrad belongs to @jozlyn-moon
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goosessideblog · 6 months
i think about a square just. breaking down sobbing for a solid [unspecified measure of time] in the movie (it might’ve happened in the book too, but i don’t remember so.) after being transported back to flatland a normal amount. you are a lowly being, who has just watched god disappear before your eyes. you are a student, who’s mentor died because he was too preoccupied with protecting you. you are an effect of happenstance, and the interesting stranger who you hold to such a high regard has gone up in flames along with his company. and in each of these universes, he deemed your survival more important than his- he didn’t grieve, or hesitate, or fight back. he ensured your safe travel to the best of his ability, and accepted his fate. you barely knew eachother for half a day
of course there’s the whole dealing with divine madness thing too but.
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A-Cube: “So, tell me where it all began…”
A-Circle: “When I was but a wee boy… I was destined to be great! but I couldn’t handle…….”
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jozlyn-moon · 2 months
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Lily and Liam
(The Cipher Twins)
Finished my updated drawings of the two twins along with their flatlander forms! Each also having their own prospective mind entities as well, Liam’s crisps (Crow Will-o-wisps) and Lily’s L1L-3s!
Both entities reside in each twins’ mindscape, there to protect their thoughts and memories from harm!
(As well as some doodles of em)
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bl4pe4r · 3 months
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I love him
Marilan, of course, is quite fond of putting himself above others, but Bill is like some kind of idol to him (this bro knows what he killed absolutely everyone in their world)
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Have any of yall seen madoka magica
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katiekatdragon27 · 6 months
More Flatland stuffff~~~
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[Cursive transcript: I'm so sorry this is so sudden, but I had to keep my Chosen safe!]
So, uh, the 4th dimension, am I right?????
So, on my last post, people were more interested in A. Tesseract than I thought. I did not expect her to stir so much interest, but here you go lol.
More under the cut lol / lots of notes:
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Some basic information on 4th dimensional beings:
They refer to themselves as "hypersolids" and "polytopes". Only Tesseracts prefer a different name than just "hyper(insert shape here)". When talking to other dimensional beings, they call themselves "Spacelanders".
They usually keep their eyes closed, and they do not emote much.
Their bodies naturally morph as they talk. They are also partially transparent, so you can see their inside movements. Not organs or anything, but the next emotions or actions they are going to express. Sort of like key frames or a fade in effect.
They call "Spacelanders" "Heightlanders".
Their civilization is located in space. They are able to breathe through little pockets of air on their rings that recharge when they enter the atmosphere of other plants. (This is why they are spotted relatively frequently)
Buildings are constantly moving spirals. They also fly everywhere, so they require a lot of energy to maintain their health. Luckily, any stars nearby tend to charge them up just fine.
Also, everyone goes by they/them along with another pronoun if they choose. Gender constructs be damned (or certain groups are fighting for that).
There will be more once I think of it, but that's what I have in the world-building department right now.
Some basic information on Angelica "A." Tesseract (she/they):
She tends to say "I'm sorry" after anything they might think could have been of inconvenience or offensive.
They are relatively soft-spoken, but they are incredibly smart compared to her peers.
Her quiet nature causes others to disrespect and step all over her.
She overthinks LITERALLY EVERYTHING. You could tell her something that is even the slightest bit vague and they have the chance of spiraling.
She KNOWS there are more than four dimensions, but they are struggling to prove it with science.
They are much more emotional compared to other hypersolids. They tend to cry easily.
She chose A. Sphere because of his confidence and drive to get his points across. They admire him for that.
Some basic information on A. Sphere in this:
He's much less snarky. His whole vision of the world was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and he's stuck in another world completely unknown to him. He's going though it currently.
He's still blunt about everything. If you suck, he'll tell you. If you are cool, it'll take a little longer, but he'll tell you.
He got his eye busted after the attack on Messiah Inc. When getting removed from "Heightland", his eye got caught in the blow last minute and it got damaged. He can still open it slightly, but he can't see out of it.
He was relatively indifferent to seeing his body transparent. He was more worried about his eye injury over anything else.
At first, he did not like A. Tesseract (cuz kidnapping), but he learns to appreciate the gesture and does his best to help her out.
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[Cursive transcript: For now, I'm afraid so... sorry. / I'm so sorry. If I was just a but faster, I could have saved your eye.]
Yeah, their friendship starts out really rough.
A. Sphere adjusted to the environment very poorly at first. He was very standoffish and snappy, but it then soured to just sorta feeling sad all the time. He gets better eventually the more he learns about the world, but it takes a lot of effort out of A. Tesseract to get him there.
I mean, he expected to die, lost his eye, everyone in "Heightland" hates him now, he lost his business and research, and he fails to take the blame for anything for a while. I would also be super pissed and sad.
A. Tesseract was not any better. She feels an incredible amount of guilt for not stepping in in time to prevent A. Sphere's eye damage, and she constantly apologies to him for everything. This sucks for A. Sphere since he finds it super annoying.
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[Cursive transcript: N. H.Sphere: You weren't supposed to bring them HERE! / A. Tesseract: I'm sorry, I had to save him- / N. H.Sphere: I should fire you-!]
N. H.Sphere is a mega grouch. He is A. Tesseract's boss who treats her terribly. Discrediting her work, ignoring their research, and just not valuing her opinion cuz women, he is not fun to talk to or just be around in general. No one knows how HR lets him stay in charge, but some theorize that he pays them off or something.
Despite all of the traumatic crap A. Sphere has gone though in this story, he still does not stand for disrespect from anyone. When he learns that A. Tesseract is constantly being pushed around by her bitchy boss, he decides to defend her.
This solidifies their friendship and later science partnership when the story ends. This also makes N. H.Sphere more resentful towards both A. Tesseract an A. Sphere. This leads to A. Tesseract actually getting fired from her job. Thanks A. Sphere.
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[Cursive transcript: N. H.Sphere: Why are you so scared? He's fine! / A. Tesseract: It's my un-medicated anxiety!!]
One of the downsides of being in the 4th dimension and living in space is that the gravitational pull is super sporadic with no real patterns. Some areas have super powerful gravity while others have zero. 4th dimension beings have learned to adjust perfectly fine.
The pressure changes and general lack of oxygen negatively impact A. Sphere's body, however, so to help him be okay, he sits in those vacuum boxes that allow for added pressure to be put on him to help even his breathing. He usually isn't put in unless he is fading in and out of consciousness, since he hates the confined space. It freaks out A. Tesseract every time it happens.
Her boss thinks she's stupid for worrying so much and using company tech. A. Tesseract worries more for A. Sphere than keeping her job, so she ignores N. H. Sphere.
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[Cursive transcript: Care to see him again?]
Outside of the partial angst and stuff, this dimension is the reason why A. Sphere shows up in A. Square's hallucination.
During A. Square's trauma-induced hallucination, he shows up in the 4th dimension briefly with the Monarch of Pointland. A. Sphere and A. Tesseract take notice, and she offers him the ability to talk to A. Square one last time for closure reasons.
In this version, this scene would be longer, with A. Sphere possibly apologizing for denying the existence of the 4th dimension and not being able to assist A. Square in the way he wanted to. It's more wholesome and conclusive than transactional like in the movie. The other stuff is there too, but having more sentimental moments would be so cool.
I am very sorry how messy these particular doodles are, I was drawing all these super late at night during my shift, so I was not paying much attention to the flow of the images. When the inspo hits, you don't really realize how incohesive they are until you start photographing the images to post lol
Thank you once again for reading this whole thing, and have a wonderful day :)
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vasilisk-vp · 1 year
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have an art dump of these two fuckers i have SO MANY!!! TAKE THEM!! TAKE THEM ALL!!
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irregularbillcipher · 10 months
woe! cringy absolutely-not-canon-to-my-fic fankid be upon ye
(aka, i'm still going through old art files, found a character design experiment from like a year back and decided to touch her up)
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