#flash nilsson
stickers95 · 4 months
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Forgot to post this here but here are all the jacket designs I’ve done so far
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This is a drawing I made almost a month ago for the user @ninesposting since it was his birthday, but unfortunately he never gave me feedback on the drawing so I didn't post it. I hope he's still active since I haven't seen him around a lot lately 😟
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mittch22 · 4 months
I love your headcanons for the WGP! Such underutilized characters that Pixar will never come back to. Which makes it all the more fun to come up with the headcanons and their personalities.
Also do you have headcanons for the regional replacements of Jeff Gorvette in the international dubs of Cars 2: Long Ge (my personal bias), Flash Nilsson, Memo Rojas Jr, Frosty Winterbumper and Vitaly Petrov?
Another Ask! Thank you!!!
I must admit, it was a challenging one. I like to have a little background info before I add HC's to pre-made characters. But alas, there is not much to go on.
Im glad you bought these fine chaps to my attention. They are VERY cool. My favourite is Vitaly personally. Lets give this a go, shall we?
Long Ge - He is insanely polite and will go above and beyond to ensure the comfort of others in his presence, even sometimes to his own detriment.
He can occasionally get a little nervous talking to others, but thats down to a small amount of social anxiety. He wants everyone to like him.
Long Ge is respectful of his fellow competitors at all times, however, he can occasionally get a little arrogant, but its all in good humour.
He is heavily supportive of racers in need, especially when it comes to physical injury. Regardless of his position on the track, he will stop to help if he deems it necessary. In his spare time, he will volunteer to assist those in need.
He loves traditional board games.
Lightning McQueen ended up introducing him to Tex Dinoco and they got along straight off the bat.
Flash Nilsson - Flash is spritely and energetic and its utterly contagious. He knows exactly how to get a party going and how to keep it rolling.
He's amazing at poker.
He gets jestfully angry when fellows sing or play the Flash Gordan theme song when he enters a room or aproaches a group. He will start singing along with it though.
He's a bit of a practical joker and can spend ages thinking up amazing pranks to play on his friends. He loves to have a good laugh.
Flash spends a lot of time practicing on different tracks and honing his skillset in a variety of different ways. He's always looking to improve himself and learn loads of different techniques for different situations.
Memo Rojas Jr - Memo loves learning about different cultures and sightseeing the countries he visits.
He is a highly suspicious vehicle and carries a luck charm with him for his races.
You'll never not hear him humming or singing musical tunes and jigging along to it.
He gets on really well with Raoul and they have become quite firm friends after the WGP.
Memo is rediculously quick off the mark and shocks fellow racers with his ability to just shoot himself forward off the starting line. It can be quite startling and intimidating.
Frosty Winterbumper - Frosty is a talker. As in he is an incessant talker. Good luck shutting him up. Especially when its on a subject that he is particularly interested in.
He loves basking in gentle sunshine and believes there's nothing better than a quality nap and a decent amount of relaxation time.
He is a bit of a risk taker on the track and enjoys the rush of that.
Despite his wintery namesake, he despises being in cold environments. He can't stand the cold and will do pretty much anything to ensure he stays warm. A deeply set chill can really throw him off his game.
Vitaly Petrov (Виталий Петров) - Vitaly is an avid chess player. His father was a regional champion at the game and athough Vitaly had bigger interests in racing, he is still very good at the game. So good luck beating him.
He is used to freezing climates from growing up racing in rally sprints and ice races and just doesnt seem to get cold. He has techniques for staying warm and he will always share them with any fellow racer who feels the cold easily.
Vitaly is the only race fan in his family and built himself up in the racing world from scratch and he absolutely loves it. He does it purely for his own enjoyment. It just turns out he's really damn good at it.
Chrysler help you if you find yourself in a snowball fight with him. He is pretty merciless.
Bonus content:
I have an amusing screenshot (at least I found it amusing). Tumblr is being a bit funny on mobile at the moment with asks. And for some reason its staging out the words in the ask box when I go to answer it. This is what it came up with:
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PS: His name is Frosty Winterbum now.
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tamamita · 1 year
Thoughts on PM Nilsson being removed from secretary of state for illegal eel fishing? Haven't looked into it all that much saw a random news flash while on the bus just seems incredibly funny
Swedish politicians: I can excuse the obvious hatred and prejudice against Muslims, but I draw a line at eel fishing without a permit.
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blueelectricroom · 2 years
I often wonder if pop & country wunderkind Lynn Anderson was a hard-driven ace manipulator or if she just got by on authentic charm and talent.
Talks her parents into buying a ranch, then becomes a teenage star on the California equestrian scene.
Takes an interest in singing and lands a gig on the Lawrence Welk Show (demands that Welk change music arrangements for her).
Wants to make “real” music, so she has the family move to Nashville.
Needs to prove she’s not a California TV brat, so she out-Rocky Tops the Osborne Brothers on the charts.
A year later she insists on covering a minor Joe South track she had heard years earlier, something called “Rose Garden.” Proceeds to own country music for a while.
Anyway, I’m going with charm and talent—based on her assured, old-pro regular appearances on Dean Martin’s show, and this appearance in early 1971 for “Top of the Pops.” She’s what, maybe 23 years old here? (And not much older when she begins that run with Dino.)
Seems to take her a second to warm up to the kids, but soon enough she’s swaying and flashing those smiling eyes. I love the almost-dance move she adds here and there. A lot of pop stars—the Walker brothers, Harry Nilsson—used that move on the stage. Of course you can’t go full-bop with a microphone in one hand (unless your name is Tom Jones), but here Anderson makes it fun and kind of sweet.
And yeah, how about BBC's gaggle of groovy people?
These are English kids, but some of the girls are sporting an aesthetic nod to Spahn Ranch, circa Charles Manson, and a goodly portion of this crew seemed to have wandered in from the set of Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Seriously, at 1:42 that blond fellow in the cream double-breasted who’s purple-hazing his way through the whole number is a Michael Blodgett clone.
But there are enough girls with shag cuts and fur & feathers in place so that everyone seems ready for T Rex’s appearance next week. (There will always be a glam rock England, even as its youth briefly revel in crossover country from across the pond.)
So for now, this is Lynn Anderson’s happening and it does NOT freak her out. 
That’s probably because she’s cleverly arrived in lesbian-vampire-by-way-of-Nashville mode, wholly appropriate for with-it London to-dos. That hair, that gown! If she climbed into a limo with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee after the show and sped off to Bray Studios or Black Park for another late entry from Hammer, who would blink an eye?
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parkerbombshell · 1 year
The Menace's Attic #834
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The Menace’s Attic Mon-Sat 5pm EST bombshellradio.com on ​Bombshell Radio Sunday’s 8pm EST New Shows Wednesday’s 1pm-2pm EST 10am-11am PDT 6pm-7pm BST bombshellradio.com Repeats Friday 5pm EST #classics #pop #rock #classicrock #themenacesattic #BombshellRadio This Week – Episode #834 (02/24/2018)   "Even Though We Limit This Show To Six Decades Of Rock and Roll By Theme, There's Always Something New On The 7" Edition!"   Opening Song  Hey St Peter (Short Version) Flash & The Pan (Midland International) Set #1 Imagine You Come Upon An Original Reprise Copy Of An Iconic Kinks Song, And You Think, How Good Can It Sound? And Well, It Does! Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks (Reprise) I Guess The Lord Must Be In NYC - Nilsson (RCA Victor) Gotta Have More Love - Clima Blues Band (Warner Bros.) Set #2 When You Come Upon An Original DJ Copy Of A 45, You Know It's Going To Sound Better Than The Millionth Pressing, If indeed it Gets One.  Society's Child - Janis Ian (Verve Forecast) Talk Of The Town - The Pretenders (Real) Spelllbound - Rachel Sweet (Stiff) I Can't Stand The Rain - Ann Peebles (Motown) Set #3 The Thing About The Beatles Is That They Sound Equally Good Remastered, Or How I First Heard These Songs On The Scratchy Parlophone Singles!  I Saw her Standing There - The Beatles (Parlophone Norway) Starry Eyes - The Records (Virgin) My Maria - B.W.Stevenson (RCA Victor) If I Feel - The Beatles (Parlonphone Norway) Set #4 Speaking From Experience It Takes A Lot More Than Sex And Candy, To Make A Marriage Work. In Fact, When The Whole Thing Falls Apart All You're Left With Is A Dizzying Array Of Wimpy Divorce Songs! London Calling - The Clash (Epic) Baby Come Back - The Equals (RCA Victor) Doo Doo Doo Heartbreaker - The Rolling Stones (Rolling Stone) Closing Song  It's The End Of The World As We Know It - R.E.M. (I.R.S.)   Read the full article
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magazineprefecture · 2 months
Can you share some of your greatest love poems? Can you share some of your poetry in general?
And who said I wrote poetry? In the words of someone awful, I write “such bloody awful poetry”. The poetry I write is typically meant for certain people - oof the cheek. That said, I went to a bar last night and whilst I was waiting for a friend, wrote this as an answer to your question:
With lips like those, And a laugh like that, Is there space in-between those cheeks, Beyond the words, the wit, the wiggly bits, For a kiss, One spare for me, Scrawny, admiring, and lonely. 
If you're looking for liquor like words of love and pages of subtly on those I yearn for. I cannot give them. I am better at speaking them than writing them down. I prefer to write about cities and people from afar. I'm not very good at writing about those close to me.
I recently saw this response given by a man when asked about his wife:
I still see the 19-year-old university student I met in 1972 with whom I shared an umbrella in a late summer rain shower when I look at her.
On top of that, I think like most people, music stirs me. These feel like love poetry to me:
Music the makes you feel like you did in that first moment: >Every Kind Of Way - H.E.R >いい時�� - EVISBEATS >17 - Wunderhorse >Moon River - Frank Ocean >Don’t Delete the Kisses - Wolf Alice
Music that sounds like love: >Your Sweet Love - Lee Hazlewood >Love’s theme - The Love Unlimited Orchestra
Music for remembering why you love her: >Sound of Sounds - Gomez >Everything she does is Magic - The Police >Into My Arms - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Music that warmed me when I realised i'd finally got over someone: >How Time Slips Away - Willie Nelson >Better Days - Graham Nash
Music to have passionate and loving sex to (pretending you’re some 70s band member in an LA hotel bedroom): >Jump into the Fire - Harry Nilsson >Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith >Get it On - T. Rex >Paranoid - Black Sabbath
A vanilla kind of roleplay. I also tried to smoke whilst having sex. That looks way fucking better in the movies than it feels in real life. You have to contend with the ash, and you're out of breath so just chuffing on the thing like a retired dock worker.
I had a long think about your first question - 'have you met anyone who you thought could’ve been a great love in your life but slipped your grasp?' There may have been another. A northern Irish girl I met last summer. I felt a rush, real prospect. I was genuinely excited and could feel myself getting carried away. I reckon I could given myself to her and fallen quite sickly in love. We went on a few dates. Kissed under the flash of a nike advert on a billboard at Piccadilly square. I really like her.
She ghosted me. We weren't right in that moment.
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egomaniaque · 4 months
Памяти Тима Норелла / Remembering Tim Norell
Из жизни реальной в жизнь вечную 16го декабря перешёл легендарный композитор, гениальный мелодист Тим Норелл / Tim Norell. Он всегда был в тени созданного им проекта Secret Service, ставшего одним из самых ярких шведских коллективов 80х, покоривших многие страны мира. Ему было интереснее работать в студии, писать песни, создавать мелодии, чем кататься по гастролям и светиться в прессе и на ТВ. Ходили легенды, что его и вовсе не существует, что он - фантазия. Он и был фантазией. Его мелодиями в исполнении Secret Service, Army of Lovers и других артистов наполнены крупнейшие радиостанции и телеканалы мира, стран бывшего СССР и России: Авторадио, Дорожное, Ретро FM, Твоя Волна... Первый, Пятый, Рен, Муз, Bridge, Music Box, Шансон ТВ... его скромность и наивность, вера в чистоту помыслов людей играли не всегда в его пользу. Авторство многих его песен настолько хорошо "упаковано" друзьями и коллегами, что лишь в недавнем времени нам с супругой и менеджером Тима Норелла - Леной Эфрон удалось "распутать" часть большого клубка. Много проблем создала пандемия и последующие за ней новые крестовые походы. Об этом можно снять целый фильм, но лучше - снять фильм-мюзикл "10 o'clock postman" по истории знакомства Тима и Елены. С этой идеей я несколько лет стучался к разным людям, но разве нужны в наши времена такие истории? Они будут нужны чуть позже.
Моё знакомство с Тимом Нореллом случилось относительно недавно, я как всегда пытался пробить российского артиста на шведский Melodifestivalen и искал все возможные варианты. Меня познакомили с Леной Эфрон, на уровне видеозвонков и аудиосообщений мы с помощью Лены Эфрон общались и с Тимом. Собралась небольшая команда единомышленников, она понемногу увеличивалась. Мы выпустили новые песни Secret Service к 40-летнему юбилею коллектива, мы вдохновили Тима на то, чтоб он записал новые песни своим голосом как соло артист. Новые контракты, новый виток популярности в Швеции, новые песни для Людмилы Соколовой и Анюты Славской на музыку Тима Норелла, новые идеи о перевыпуске золотых хитов и созданию новых версий для современных радиостанций. Огромный фронт работы, много волшебных мелодий, делающих мир прекраснее - от тех, что были созданы до моего рождения, сопровождали меня в детстве, юношестве, звучали на любимых радиостанциях 90х, прятались в дорожках компакт-дисков и на вещательных компьютерах радиостанций, где я работал. Мне выпало счастье стать маленькой частью того, что стало большой частью меня.
Remembering Tim Norell - Renowned Composer Passes Away at 68
Tim Norell, the composer whose extraordinary talent elevated pop music into an art, died on Saturday, December 16th, in Stockholm after a long battle with a serious illness. He was 68.
Widely regarded as one of the greatest songwriters in Swedish pop history, Tim was the composer behind a long list of international megahits such as "Oh Susie," "Flash In the Night," "Ten O'Clock Postman," and Swedish classics like "En dag," "Dansa i neon," and "Give My Life," among many others.
With his pop group Secret Service, the song "Oh Susie" topped the charts in 29 countries.
During the '80s and '90s, Tim was behind a long series of hits performed by some of the biggest Swedish artists of the time.
Some examples of the music he wrote include "Dansa i neon" with Lena Philipsson, "Allt som jag känner" with Tommy Nilsson & Tone Norum, "Give My Life" with Army of Lovers, "It Started with a Love Affair" with Jerry Williams, and "Jeannie's Coming Home" with The Boppers.
Secret Service YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SecretServiceMusic
Tim Norell YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/TimNorellMusic
Музыка вечна!
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hits1000 · 11 months
Top Songs of 1968 - Hits of 1968
Top Songs of 1968 - Hits of 1968 Top Songs of 1968 including: 1910 Fruitgum Company - Simon Says, Amen Corner - Bend Me, Shape Me, Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears, Aretha Franklin - I Say A Little Prayer, B J Thomas – Hooked On A Feeling, Barry Ryan – Eloise, Bee Gees - I've Gotta Get A Message To You, Bobby Goldsboro – Honey and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. 1910 Fruitgum Company - Simon Says 2. Adriano Celentano - Azzurro 3. Amália Rodrigues - Vou dar de beber à dor 4. Amen Corner - Bend Me, Shape Me 5. Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears 6. Aretha Franklin - I Say A Little Prayer 7. B J Thomas – Hooked On A Feeling 8. Barry Ryan - Eloise 9. Bee Gees - I've Gotta Get A Message To You 10. Bee Gees - The Singer Sang His Song 11. Bobby Goldsboro - Honey 12. Canned Heat - On The Road Again 13. Cass Elliot - Dream A Little Dream Of Me 14. Cliff Richard - Congratulations 15. Des O'Connor - I Pretend 16. Diana Ross & The Supremes - Love Child 17. Dion - Abraham, Martin & John 18. Dorthe - Sind sie der Graf von Luxemburg 19. Engelbert Humperdinck - A Man Without Love 20. Eric Burdon & The Animals - Sky Pilot 21. Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - Lady Willpower 22. Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - Young Girl 23. Georgie Fame - The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde 24. Gianni Morandi - Scende La Pioggia 25. Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talkin' 26. Heintje - Mama 27. Janis Joplin - Piece Of My Heart 28. Jeannie C. Riley - Harper Valley PTA 29. Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower 30. Joe Dassin - Ma Bonne Etoile 31. Johnny Taylor - Who's Making Love 32. Juan Y Junior - Anduriña 33. Karina - Las Flechas del Amor 34. Leapy Lee - Little Arrows 35. Los Canarios - Get On Your Knees 36. Love Affair - Everlasting Love 37. Love Affair - Rainbow Valley 38. Manfred Mann - The Mighty Quinn 39. Marisol - Corazón Contento 40. Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine 41. Mary Hopkin - Those Were The Days 42. Massiel - La, la, la 43. Nina Simone - Ain't Got No, I Got Life 44. Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay 45. Patty Pravo - La Bambola 46. Pop Tops - Oh Lord, Why Lord 47. Richard Harris - MacArthur Park 48. Roberto Carlos - Se Você Pensa 49. Sheila - Petite Fille De Français Moyen 50. Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs Robinson 51. Status Quo - Pictures Of Matchstick Men 52. Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild 53. Sylvie Vartan - Comme un Garçon 54. The Band - The Weight 55. The Beatles - Hey Jude 56. The Beatles - Ob-la-di Ob-la-da 57. The Box Tops - Cry Like A Baby 58. The Casuals - Jesamine 59. The Doors - Hello, I Love You 60. The Equals - Baby Come Back 61. The Grass Roots - Midnight Confession 62. The Human Beinz – Nobody But Me 63. The Moody Blues - Voices in the Sky 64. The Rascals - A Beautiful Morning 65. The Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash 66. The Tremeloes - My Little Lady 67. The Zombies - Time of the Season 68. Tom Jones - Delilah 69. Tom Jones - Help Yourself 70. Tommy James & The Shondells - Mony Mony Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1968, Best Jukebox 1968 Playlist, Late 1968 Non Stop , Top 1968 Non Stop, Mix 1968 Compilation, Best 1968 List, Late 1968 UK, Best 1968 Playlist, Best 1968 Non Stop, Best 1968 Video, Greatest 1968 Non Stop, Mix 1968 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1968 List, List of 1968 Mix, Top 1968 USA, Best Songs of 1968, Top Music 1968, Hits of 1968 Relate Hashtags: #songsof1968 #hits1968 #songs1968 #listof1968mix #hits1968 #bestsongs1968 #classic1968playlist #greatest1968nonstop #best1968list #best1968video #top1968mix #greatest1968video #mix1968playlist #top1968nonstop #mix1968compilation This Youtube channel does not receive any advertising income, we are very grateful for any Paypal donation, no matter how small, to continue making videos about the history of music. Link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HEHMNQ4E3T3ML https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atYzeYEJiOQ
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stickers95 · 4 months
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Father and son…
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inspiredwriterstory · 2 months
Heyo @inspiredwriterstory
I'd like a mini story about Vampire Raoul Caroule and Shu Todoroki. Can be platonic or romantic between them. Can also include a bit of Raoul feeding on Shu.
Also what are your headcanons for the regional replacements of Jeff Gorvette in Cars 2 (Long Ge, Vitaly Petrov, Flash Nilsson, Memo Rojas Jr, and Frosty Winterbumper)? Since there isn't as much lore behind them as the other WGP racers, I love when people come up with their own interpretations!
1. Uuuuuhhh.... I don't even know where to start with this.
2. Who is vampire Raoul?
3.I didn't know they swapped out Jeff Gorvette.
4. Cars 2 ain't cannon if you ask me so I don't have the headcannons.
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ask-shu-todoroki · 2 years
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Imagine if all of these Max Schnell recolors that Pixar made because they’re lazy raced together. XD
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rrrauschen · 3 years
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Jessica Nilsson, {2003} Stressless
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galenaes · 5 years
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└ Star Trek: Discovery - 2x14 'Such Sweet Sorrow Part 2’
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myrecordcollections · 4 years
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Harry Nilsson
Flash Harry
@ 1980 UK Pressing
So I acquired this album and the forthcoming 13 albums from the same owner, in a batch.
For some reasons I think it’s tied up with a interesting story that connect all these albums (or at least most of it)
And upon reviewing all the following 14 posts (including this one), please do share your affections on these albums as well. 
Though Knnillssonn supposedly ends Harry Nilsson's American discography, there's another item: a little-known, one-off album for Mercury/Phonogram that was recorded in Los Angeles and released in Great Britain but not. apparently, in the U.S. This would be Flash Harry -- the English nickname for a snappy dresser, which at this time, Nilsson was notoriously not. Surrounded by his pals and many crack L.A. session men and guests, with Steve Cropper behind the production controls, Nilsson seems to struggle to stay interested in this project; conserving his cigarettes-and-alcohol-ravaged voice; collaborating on some new songs but often relying upon others for material. He doesn't even appear on the leadoff track; instead, Eric Idle and Charlie Dore open the album with Idle's happy-go-lucky ode to Nilsson, "Harry." "Cheek To Cheek" soon dissolves into faux-Mexicanisms; "Rain" experiments amiably with a reggae groove; "I've Got It!" is another of those nutty, late-period Nilsson doodlings -- this time apparently about a transaction with a hooker. As a reminder of his friendship with the then-retired John Lennon, Nilsson covers "Old Dirt Road" in a somewhat strangled voice; in any case, it's not much of a song (Nilsson had a hand in the lyrics); nor does he cast it in a different light from Lennon's own version. Another ex-Beatles buddy, Ringo Starr, plays drums on the album and collaborates with Nilsson on the relaxed reggae tune "How Long Can Disco On" -- whose title is easily the cleverest thing about the track. The best tune of all is the closer -- Nilsson's lazily loping singalong cover of Idle's wickedly ironic "The Bright Side Of Life" (from The Life Of Brian ), which has tripping orchestral trappings that harken back to Nilsson's first RCA recordings with George Tipton.
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topoet · 3 years
Midnight Movies Madness
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This mp3 compilation is devoted to soundtracks & music related to soundtracks. On it are Midnight Cowboy – John Barry: Nilsson, Elephant’s Memory; Zabriskie Point (Expanded) Pink Floyd, Jerry Garcia; Zachariah – James Gang, New York Rock’n’Roll Ensemble; Batman & Robin: Sun Ra; New York Rock’n’Roll Ensemble: Reflections, Manos Hatzidakis; Billy Ocean: Love Zone: When The Going Gets…
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