#frosty winterbum
mittch22 · 4 months
I love your headcanons for the WGP! Such underutilized characters that Pixar will never come back to. Which makes it all the more fun to come up with the headcanons and their personalities.
Also do you have headcanons for the regional replacements of Jeff Gorvette in the international dubs of Cars 2: Long Ge (my personal bias), Flash Nilsson, Memo Rojas Jr, Frosty Winterbumper and Vitaly Petrov?
Another Ask! Thank you!!!
I must admit, it was a challenging one. I like to have a little background info before I add HC's to pre-made characters. But alas, there is not much to go on.
Im glad you bought these fine chaps to my attention. They are VERY cool. My favourite is Vitaly personally. Lets give this a go, shall we?
Long Ge - He is insanely polite and will go above and beyond to ensure the comfort of others in his presence, even sometimes to his own detriment.
He can occasionally get a little nervous talking to others, but thats down to a small amount of social anxiety. He wants everyone to like him.
Long Ge is respectful of his fellow competitors at all times, however, he can occasionally get a little arrogant, but its all in good humour.
He is heavily supportive of racers in need, especially when it comes to physical injury. Regardless of his position on the track, he will stop to help if he deems it necessary. In his spare time, he will volunteer to assist those in need.
He loves traditional board games.
Lightning McQueen ended up introducing him to Tex Dinoco and they got along straight off the bat.
Flash Nilsson - Flash is spritely and energetic and its utterly contagious. He knows exactly how to get a party going and how to keep it rolling.
He's amazing at poker.
He gets jestfully angry when fellows sing or play the Flash Gordan theme song when he enters a room or aproaches a group. He will start singing along with it though.
He's a bit of a practical joker and can spend ages thinking up amazing pranks to play on his friends. He loves to have a good laugh.
Flash spends a lot of time practicing on different tracks and honing his skillset in a variety of different ways. He's always looking to improve himself and learn loads of different techniques for different situations.
Memo Rojas Jr - Memo loves learning about different cultures and sightseeing the countries he visits.
He is a highly suspicious vehicle and carries a luck charm with him for his races.
You'll never not hear him humming or singing musical tunes and jigging along to it.
He gets on really well with Raoul and they have become quite firm friends after the WGP.
Memo is rediculously quick off the mark and shocks fellow racers with his ability to just shoot himself forward off the starting line. It can be quite startling and intimidating.
Frosty Winterbumper - Frosty is a talker. As in he is an incessant talker. Good luck shutting him up. Especially when its on a subject that he is particularly interested in.
He loves basking in gentle sunshine and believes there's nothing better than a quality nap and a decent amount of relaxation time.
He is a bit of a risk taker on the track and enjoys the rush of that.
Despite his wintery namesake, he despises being in cold environments. He can't stand the cold and will do pretty much anything to ensure he stays warm. A deeply set chill can really throw him off his game.
Vitaly Petrov (Виталий Петров) - Vitaly is an avid chess player. His father was a regional champion at the game and athough Vitaly had bigger interests in racing, he is still very good at the game. So good luck beating him.
He is used to freezing climates from growing up racing in rally sprints and ice races and just doesnt seem to get cold. He has techniques for staying warm and he will always share them with any fellow racer who feels the cold easily.
Vitaly is the only race fan in his family and built himself up in the racing world from scratch and he absolutely loves it. He does it purely for his own enjoyment. It just turns out he's really damn good at it.
Chrysler help you if you find yourself in a snowball fight with him. He is pretty merciless.
Bonus content:
I have an amusing screenshot (at least I found it amusing). Tumblr is being a bit funny on mobile at the moment with asks. And for some reason its staging out the words in the ask box when I go to answer it. This is what it came up with:
Tumblr media
PS: His name is Frosty Winterbum now.
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