#firmly believe that nature knowledge should be taught in school
most of us have heard of the red car game. you’re on a road trip, you’re bored, you start looking for red cars to do something.
and then they’re everywhere. you notice them nearly every few minutes.
there aren’t suddenly more red cars now, of course. you were seeing them already, but you weren’t noticing. you weren’t looking.
I am noticing things.
there is a plant I notice everywhere now, a small bushy plant in suburbs, along streets, by shops on the highways. dwarf umbrella bush is what the internet tells me when I look for it’s name. I did this because I wanted to know why,
every time I ever saw it, every place,
it was always dying. always the leaves turning yellow, the branches small and scraggly. inside out - nitrogen deficiency. their soil drained.
I am noticing how many of these landscaping plants are yellowing, how small and sickly they look in just a few years. I am noticing how often the grass outside the house is replaced when it once again turns brown and dry, how the type never changes and the cycle starts again. I am noticing how the unmowed, unkempt spaces on lakesides and roadsides look more alive than this. how the preserve I grew up next to was miles of “messy” unmanicured nature and the ground was covered in leaves instead of grass and there was life.
I am noticing the birds that come by the lake. there was a flash of blue wings and red chest - eastern bluebird, male, relatively common. I had never seen one before. there is a family of ducks that appear every spring; i cannot say if it’s successive generations or different ducks, but I can always look forward to ducklings. there are little brown birds with white heads whose names I do not know - are they some kind of piper? why don’t I already know?
why is it so hard to learn about my native plants (accurately, that is)? why are so many gardening sites littered with people who think a plants value is based on how pretty or useful it is to them, who think a tree shedding leaves is “messy”?
why is knowing about the world we live in so… odd? why is it a hobby and not vital knowledge? I learned about polar equations. I taught myself about mycorrhizal networks and species of insects.
(did you know there are shiny green bees? a special species of wasp pollinating figs? that white flowers bloom at night for moths? do you know? have you looked?)
I cannot look at a lawn and see life anymore. it is a wasteland, devoid of life, dying slowly itself. everywhere is grass, grass, doused in water that runs over into storm drains, soaked in fertilizer and pesticides and a hundred other poisons and sending one clear message:
this is a place of death. life is not welcome here.
I do not think I could live in a city. too loud, yes, too busy, yes, too many people, yes, but the plants would bother me. a tree allotted only a convenient square, surrounded by dead stone and metal.
a forest cleared for this, for burning asphalt streets and racing cars and shops whose bathrooms are “for paying customers only”.
this is a place of death. life is not welcome here.
and now I am noticing.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Yatogami Kuroh
Terms of address: Kuro, Black Dog
Birthday: January 5, Capricorn
Blood type: A
Age: 19 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.78 cm in height. Trained and slim body. His back is stretched out.
Face, hair: A face with solid lines. He has long black hair tied behind his head.
Attire: Long hem, padded black collar coat.
Personal effects: A famous "Kotowari" sword. A voice recorder with Miwa's words. A trunk full of kitchen utensils so he can always cook.
· Superhuman body surgery. Wushu type movement. Power to manipulate space.
· Good at housework.
· What it means is based on Miwa's word that is played back by a voice recorder and listened to.
· The image color is "black".
· The image of the "Chungyu dog".
After serving as a servant to the former "Colorless King" Miwa, he became a servant to Isana Yashiro, who was the "Silver King".
In the past, he was blindly respecting Miwa, and after his death he thought that his mission was only to fulfill his life, but through his encounter with Shiro, his spiritual trust in him made him want to help Shiro of his own free will.
Admitting Shiro, he decides that his sword must be wielded for Shiro's sake.
Known to other clans by the name of "black dog", he is famous for being a faithful servant with strong fighting skills. Currently, he is considered to be Shiro's heart along with Neko.
Stupid samurai guy. He is just and cannot bear injustice. ​He is inflexible and easy to fool.
Meeting Shiro may give him a bit more personality, but he is still serious, capable, and uncompromising. The emotional expression is clumsy, but if you look closely, it is easy to understand.
He is sincere and direct, he does not like conflicts, but he does not hesitate in the fight. Basically he acts on the basis of worldly morals, but when belief trumps him, like when it comes to killing Shiro, he easily deviates from common sense.
A guy who takes good care of food and people. He has no choice but to take care of Neko's bad behavior and Shiro's poor nutrition distribution. Mom attributes.
Nature that he is not aware of nature itself. However, it does not mean that there is no public knowledge, socializing with others is done normally, and the elderly and children often like it.
It is not that the air is unreadable, but it is not that it does not understand the subtleties of a person's emotions, and that it does not limit his actions by the complexion and attitude of others.
There is no compromise with respect to the ideal, and he strives rigorously there. However, he is kind to others. Evil has no mercy and he is kind to the weak.
He has a great ability to get work done quickly and to do housework. He has an awkward nature, but has excellent setup and paperwork.
Basically his personality is moderate, but when he talks about Miwa, he gets too hot and shows a side that is said to be tough.
Like a member of the Silver Clan, like Shiro's sword, he fights while overcoming his weak points.
A space operation ability that distorts space with the right palm. Martial arts and transfer techniques that combine it. When he doesn't get out of the way, he holds his sword at his waist with his left hand and fights with his right hand.
Throw and support things. The image of a transparent outstretched arm in anime. He can take out a sign or pull Yata, which should be quite strong, within reach of him.
He gains power by gaining the power of the Silver Clan, and gains more power by breaking hesitation in battle against his teaching brother, Mishakuji Yukari.
From the movie version on, he will overwhelm "reason" of his own free will. He decides that the sword should not be used for himself but for Shiro, and will hone his sword arm through the confrontation with Mishakuji Yukari.
B + (Higher rank of the clan's executive class.)
His favorite food is fried eggs. There is no like or dislike for food in general, and the act of eating is very important. He also likes to do it. It is important to eat. Eat fish very carefully. No rice or grains left. There is a fragrance word, but the character from the beginning is great too.
Be bent. Something in the middle.
Kitchen. General housework. Self-discipline like swords. However, in the end, both cooking and housework achieve self-discipline. He is constantly updating books and studying efficient housework and delicious dishes in books and online. He is delighted to make efforts to reach higher places.
He does not have the hobbies of collecting something or playing sports. It is only related to self-improvement.
He was wearing a black coat with a padded collar. He is not very interested in fashion itself. There's no resistance unless it's clean, light, and fluffy, but he basically chooses plain clothes over flashy clothes. He also likes Japanese clothes. At Ichigen's residence, there were plenty of work clothes for everyday use.
He looks slim but has a well-trained body and is very healthy. He has excellent athletic ability.
Although he is a high school graduate, he has been taught various things by being a good and elite college student, and since he read Miwa's extensive book collection, he is not lacking in knowledge. The logical thinking is quite excellent. However, he is not a smart guy because his thoughts tend to be rigid and lacking in flexibility.
Also, experience-based things such as cooking, chores, cars, helicopters, and unique machines are missing. Most of them were learned from Miwa, short-term learning with someone, or learned by himself. Carpentry and civil engineering jobs are also skillfully done.
If taught, he can do most things. If he feels like it, he can become a craftsman.
In any case, it is a maintenance system. He treats God and Buddha with a pious attitude, but does not believe in it positively. Miwa's teaching is higher than that.
The family dies in an accident. In addition, the family members who took charge also died in a fire. After that, he was taken over by a distant man and abused, but he was picked up by Miwa when he left his house. He had a place to live in the village and he grew up there.
· 1994, Kuro Yatogami is born.
· 2000, Kuro loses his family.
· 2002, Kuro met Miwa Ichigen and was picked up.
· 2004, his apprentice brother Yukari abandons Miwa.
· 2005, Kuro flourishes with Miwa as a member of the clan.
· 2012, September, Former "Colorless King", Miwa died.
· 2012, December, he Meets Isana Yashiro.
The first person is "Ore".
The second person is "Kisama" for people and enemies he doesn't trust, "Omae" for a small flank, and "Anata" for people he respects and common third parties.
He calls him "Shiro" or "Omae".
He became a subject in a term, but his attitude towards him is completely different. Almost equal. Rather, he can be scolded or angry, so Kuro may be in a higher position. However, in the heart of him, he has firmly found Shiro's respectable point, and stands here on the point.
He has a lot of affection for loved ones, and he can put it in various ways, but he also believes that Shiro is both his "King" and his companion. There is a growing awareness that he is a member of his clan, including Neko, and that he is like family.
He calls her "Neko" or "Omae".
She is like an expensive sister, a trusted companion, and a fighting friend. Both eyes look at Shiro. If she has a purpose to move, even if they argue with each other, they quickly fight together. Also, since there are many scenes where they acted alone after losing Shiro and until he returned, the level of closeness between the two of them has increased.
He calls him "Ichigen-sama".
He still has deep respect and adoration. He still listens to the tape recorder full of words on a regular basis, but it's because he's homesick, rather than because he's asking him to guide. It's less frequent than used to be, but it doesn't mean that Miwa is a thing of the past; An image that is properly stored in an important place in the heart of him. Miwa's existence and way of thinking is a guide on a key point, but it is imprinted on Kuro's mind without relying on the tape recorder any more.
He calls him "Mishakuji Yukari". (He used to call him "big brother" (Aniue) when Mishakuji was with Miwa.)
He used to respect him as a brother and even admire him. However, he is angry that he raised his sword against Miwa and abandoned him, and he continues to have uncomfortable feelings. He is also angry that Yukari joined the Green Clan, a clan that confuses the world, but he is aware of his weakness and irreverence in mixing Yukari as an enemy. Yukari's idea was beyond Kuro's comprehension, but it still seems like he got his way.
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Unexpected bonding
(The short fanfic based on the first proper meeting between Musa and Riven on “Fate: The Winx Saga”. English is not my first language, so apologies for the possible grammar- and spelling-mistakes.)
Musa walked across the yard, among training and chatting students, trying to calm her twirling thoughts by firmly holding the combat stick. Usually, she enjoyed the lessons and this place felt like a second home to her. But in all honesty, these last few days could've gone a lot better. For some reason, this complicated mix of excitement, worry and determination around her was harder to take than usual. Everyone was restlessly and impatiently waiting for something to happen, even though they didn't fully know what it was. But it was there, hiding in the plain sight. This was the time her help would be needed the most, but she had never felt herself so...damn useless. How she wished she could've already been in her room, put her headphones on, focused on the music and let the rest of the world keep turning by itself for a while.
The sudden flash of obvious arrogance and more hidden anger was an oddly welcoming change in the common atmosphere and attracted her attention. It didn't take long for her to figure out its source: one of specialists was training with a battle rope a few long steps away from her, clearly apart from the others. His technique appeared to be nearly flawless, but she didn't need her powers to notice that behind it there was a deep need to let his frustrations out.
Musa didn't actually know much about Riven. Of course, everybody had heard of him - other than being close with Sky, he had gotten quite a bad reputation in Alfea, and his questionable habits with drugs didn't exactly help on the matter. These "stormy and unbalanced"-kind of energy auras were often too much for an empath like her, and that fact alone put him among the people she had usually been avoiding. 
Still walking forward, she answered his sharp glance nonchalantly – a neutral, silent hello, that didn't expect any kind of discussion. However, hearing quiet, out of the blue chuckle made her stop reflexively, full of doubt. They hadn't changed more than a few words with each other before and she had had no reason to believe it would change now. He stopped his training too and looked at her, estimating.
"You like holding that big stick?"
His slightly amused, undermining and suggesting tone after a long and exhausting day made Musa react quickly; with secure grasp, she rotated the stick swiftly and bent into an attack-position, holding the stick very close to his face – staying still, half waiting for some kind of anger or offended surrendering-movement. However, her intuition was wrong again: instead, the youngster touched the head of the stick lightly and lowered It, raising his eyebrows and smirking almost flirtatiously. "I'll take that as a yes."
Young fairy repressed her will to roll her eyes: sadly, Riven was also well-known for his narrow-minded, obnoxious and somewhat prejudiced comments and opinions. This year Terra and Dane  had seemed to have gotten the worst blows of them. Even though Terra hadn't admitted it to anyone, Musa had lived with her long enough to know that some of the remarks had really gotten under her skin. And that was saying a lot, when it came to a generally happy person like her. Some people just couldn't take a hint of crossing the line, and the boy standing in front of her was definitely one of them.
To show him that she really wasn't in a mood for such behavior today, she partly leaned on her stick and titled her head. "I think I just threw up."
In spite of the loathing tone in her answer, Riven couldn't help feeling a tad impressed: this tiny fairy seemed to have more fierceness and spunk in her than the most of the well-trained Specialists. After the lackey-like, avoiding or somewhat fearful reactions he had faced lately, this strictness from someone else than his best friend or mentor – especially a girl - certainly was something new. There was no denying that Beatrix had offered him quite a portion of that as well in her own, seductive and slightly twisted way, but this lass had some exceptional gentleness, vision and different kind of honesty in her that Beatrix just... had not. 
Still a hint of smile on his face, he came a little closer to her, unwilling to change the subject. "I saw you on the support rounds with Miss Dowling  at training." His tone was trying to pursue neutrality, but even the fool could've seen that he wanted to prove his point.
Musa tried to separate her own feelings from all the other auras around her to process his new, startling attentiveness. Was she honored or bothered – and more importantly, which one was the right way to react? At the moment, even the Expert of Emotions herself couldn't tell. What was the catch here? It would've made more sense for him to keep an eye on assertive and strong people like Stella or Aisha. She stayed quiet, letting a little patient smile crack her poker face, wondering where he was going with this.
Being wise enough not to test her patience any longer, Riven decided to answer the unspoken question himself. Without fully meeting her eye, he let his gaze linger at her feet. "I wouldn't have expected a mind fairy to have such good moves."
Without an invitation or permission, Mrs. Dowling's task-orientated but friendly voice echoed in her ears again.
 "Not all fairy magic is suited to combat roles. Support is equally, if not more, important. Your magic can help us assess the fragile states of minds and uncover hidden enemies."
It was a common knowledge that the Headmistress was encouraging to the core, cared for her students, and meant well. Still, Musa's speculative mind constantly found hidden subtexts in her words, which started with "too theoretic" and ended up at something like: "Insufficient" or "powerless when things actually go wrong."
"I used to be a dancer." The words escaped her lips, before she managed to stop them. Whether it was because of Mrs. Dowling, her own defense mechanisms against Riven's prejudices, his infuriating abilities to give compliments and offend at the same time, or just pure tiredness, she was surprised by her own transparency. She had told about this only to her very few close people in her life. Not even her roommates knew. And now she had blabbered it in front of a basically complete stranger! But on the other hand, it was really refreshing to talk to someone, who didn't pry or force their curiosity on her out of duty or responsibility. Unable to help herself, she admitted: "I kinda miss being physical."
When she had been younger, her mother had taught her to dance and they had made it something they shared. It had been wonderful to dive deep into music and focus on the movements and the different worlds, in which melodies had transferred her into. But when her mother had passed away, she hadn't been able to bring herself in that flow anymore. No matter how persistently she had tried, it hadn't felt the same. Now it only reminded her of everything she had lost.
Abruptly, she returned back to reality and noticed that Riven's gaze had found its way in her eyes again and his posture had returned to its natural defensiveness.
"Yeah, well, too bad", he spat out in a slightly husky voice. "You're a fairy. They don't care what you wanna be in this place, only what they want you to be."
Quite a nice reward for being honest! It would've been so easy and rightful for Musa to get mad at him. But her mother had always used to say that no one's story and melody should be shut out, and she had chosen to live through that code. Even with the douchebag like Riven.
Now that she looked closer, with a little help of her own, she was able to see the dark circles under his eyes – eyes that were actually really observant and sincere, like they were trying to convey her an important message. Under the arrogance and "know it all"-attitude, there was buried bitterness and sadness. This wasn't just a cocky boy fighting for his territory. It was a sincere warning, born by his own, long-term experiences.
When one really stopped to think about it, this guy had gone through quite a rough year. The first more hidden emotion Musa sensed – perhaps because it had been also her friend for the last couple of days – was the fear of not being enough. Mr. Silva had always been righteous and fair leader and mentor who wanted to treat everyone equally, but still there was a little...guess it could be called conflict of interest. Even though Sky’s bloodline had guaranteed him the place in this school, he had been motivated and trained himself to the top and hadn't expected any special treatment. But after his father, Andreas of Eraklyon, had passed away in a battle, Silva, as Andreas' best friend, had taken him under his wing and now saw him basically as his own son. Due to this fact and his carefree and rebellious stoner-history, Riven must have felt overshadowed and the need to prove everyone that he belonged here.
Obviously, there was also worry and complicated feelings about Beatrix on his mind. Despite her... interesting personality – kindly expressed – and her shady and threatening motives that were becoming clearer by the moment, they had been close. She had been one of the few people who didn't judge him in one way or another. And now she was imprisoned and not many people knew what the faculty was planning to do to her. He probably also wondered how big role he had played in causing the danger – partly by being nasty to Dane – that was now hanging above everyone. He clearly tried to act like it didn't have an effect on him, but Musa and Aisha had witnessed his lousily finished training this morning. All of this would've a lot to bear to anyone, and Musa couldn't help feeling a little sorry for him.
"You really hate being here, don't you?"
She hadn't even acknowledged she had used her powers on full force until she saw the look on Riven's face: it was disoriented, almost blank, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Musa was fully aware of what her powers awoke in others: being mentally and emotionally exposed without their own control could be terrifying.
Suddenly, Riven snapped out of his slumber, obviously startled, and pointed his finger at her accusingly. "Stay the fuck out of my head!" His voice was loaded with as much poison as possible, but a tiny, unintended smile screwed his cover up.
Snorting, he shook his head a little and turned around, away from the control of her bright eyes. "Mind fairies..." Still somewhat confused, he started to walk away, mumbling something like: "Walking red flags..." Nosey even at their best, thinking of being know-it-alls because of their abilities... He had been a careless idiot for letting his guard down. There was no doubt that the girl would go straight to Dowling, perhaps Silva, too, to report that the school's unstable rebel should be watched under this big threat...
Annoyed, he lifted his gaze off the ground just in time to see Sam, Musa's boyfriend, approaching them. Personally, he had nothing against the lad: if anything, despite being a loner, Terra's brother always seemed to be nice to everyone. Truth to be told, there was nothing to complain about his fighting skills, either. Perhaps those traits ran in the family. Passing him by, he tapped Sam's shoulder heavily. "Good luck with that one, mate!"
Without his own will, the fairy had awoken something in him, something he both feared, wanted to forget and also secretly missed...things from last year, that almost seemed like another life... Needing his own space, he sped up his steps and headed inside, the image of deep purple eyes oddly and fascinatingly haunting him.
Musa couldn't help smirking to the different auras of these two boys: one reminded of the serene, sunny summer day, while the other one was pretty more like an autumn storm.
For a moment, Sam looked after Riven and then turned his confused gaze to his girlfriend. "What was that about?"
Musa came closer to him, smiling and enjoying his calming and innocent presence. "Nothing." Technically, she wasn't lying. She had no room in her heart to be offended; over the years, she had become quite familiar with those kinds of hostile reactions to her powers. Whatever that had been, she didn't have energy to analyze it now. Besides, she had more pressing, romantic and distracting matters on her mind right now. "Wanna head back to the suite?"
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Our Yacht is Sailing!
What's going on??? Over the past two years, the Earth got hotter, the plants grew taller, your pets grew up, someone you know got engaged or got married, some of you graduated from school and started a new job or a new business venture, reached a new milestone and some of you also joined a new fandom. How many books have you read? Did you learn how to cook? Did you transfer to an unfamiliar city or traveled to a different country? Were you able to maximize your talents, skills and productivity? Hopefully, yes. Hopefully, you were able to discover more about yourselves, just like McCoy and Elisse.
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A ship on a yacht? Is that even possible? With McLisse, it is. A yacht— not too big, not too small, private and romantic. McLisse likes to keep it that way.
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The photo reminds us of an unforgettable chapter in a Wattpad novel. It's like a lovely scene from a romantic movie. At first look, it seems too good to be true but once it sinks in, you'll go from "It's too good be true" to "It's so good and it's so true." Its caption gave us all the feels since McCoy used one of the fandom's most treasured words, ALWAYS. "ALL WAYS" added more depth to it. Joy, peace, warmth and security are written all over their faces. The post conveys an extraordinary feeling of freedom, a sense of contentment and infinite bliss.
The recent events, losses, madness in the government (grrrrr!) and the global pandemic somehow became our wake-up call and encouraged us to be more expressive, thoughtful and proactive. The pandemic also taught us to take a good care of ourselves and our loved ones. We only have one life to live so we should stop all our doubts and fears from getting the best of us. We should let happiness in. Right here, right now.
Yes. A good news dropped in the middle of a pandemic. It immediately became a symbol of hope for many of us who are slowly being eaten up by skepticism, animosity and hopelessness. We suddenly have a special reminder that things can get better in time. McCoy didn't just post to give a hint that his heart is at peace. He literally shared his joy to us. Every "finally" we encounter in the comment section stresses that they had been holding it in for the longest time.
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The comment section is full of good vibes. Their celebrity friends, co-actors, the staffs they've worked with and the bloggers who consistently root for them couldn't help but express their happiness upon seeing the photo. Anyone could tell that they're genuinely happy for McLisse. The crying emojis, red hearts and words "SA WAKAS" and "FINALLY" definitely made a strong statement.
It's no secret that McCoy had worked on several movie projects with new love interests and he even started a new business venture while Elisse landed as one of the leads in an afternoon TV series. She also got busy with her business.
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McLisseians still expressed their support even in their solo projects. Every one clinged to hope and pride was set aside. We wanted them to feel that we are not just here for "kilig." As McLisseians, we knew that a part of us would always root for them even if they already stopped rooting for us. It was painful to hear them talking about us in past tense but we knew back then that deep down in our hearts, our love for them will always be stronger than our ego as shippers. We couldn't lecture them about love. The heart has a mind of its own. We could only check on them from afar and hope that they would be happy with whomever they'd end up with. It even came to a point where we had to let go and let God.
The super loyal, persistent and ever generous McLisseians continued to see the good in every opportunity. We completely understood that every opportunity they received would help them gain more knowledge and experience. Maturity took over. Each one of us learned to focus on the bright side of life with the vision that their new setup would benefit both of them. They would surely come out as better actors in the industry.
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McCoy's post got many people saying "Sana all" but to be honest, McLisseians also had our own "Sana all" moments. We had so many what ifs in our list. McLisse's journey as a love team was quite short compared to others. We had to deal with multiple rejections, cancelled guestings/tours and media play during movie promotions. We got to see them acting with different partners and live with the thought that they aren't each other's first on-screen kiss. HEHE AT LEAST, MAY REAL-LIFE KISS. Ch0ur not ch0ur. Every shipper's dream is to collect many firsts and create more memories with his/her ship. Bittersweet, that's how we call it. McLisse had their own record of life-changing firsts but let's not forget that McLisseians had the privilege (Privilege!? Let's think positive. HAHAHAHA) to experience both reel and real pain earlier than the usual. The unimaginable transition and all the intentional shunning also disheartened us at one point. Sana ganito, sana ganyan. Sana maging okay na sila. Sana po mapagbigyan. It was a never-ending struggle of staying positive in the midst of chaos.
Their love team was slowly dissolved. They broke up and eventually got linked to different people. Right there and then, we knew that we had to know our place as shippers. In our hearts, we firmly believed that we could still make a difference.
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McLisseians transformed into prayer warriors who fervently prayed for peace and reconciliation every single day. It was hard to see everything falling apart. We had to endure all the sudden changes, disturbing articles and heartbreaking announcements. We lost both reel and real, we had nothing to hold on to except one another, our faith and our belief that one day, they'll be able to face each other again with a smile.
2020. We started the year full of hope and it's safe to say that McLisseians had been waiting for this moment to come. McCoy kept on saying in his past interviews that they wanted to build a strong foundation first before hinting or confirming anything so we had to go along with it. It came naturally. Our GCs were filled with scoops and rumors. Some people had seen them going out again. We were ecstatic but our first instinct was to protect them. Wag mo ipost!!! Bawal! Ang kulit! Eh pero nasa FB na rin eh!?! Admin oh!!! Hayaan na natin sila, low-key muna tayo. 😂
We used to have petty fights over those things. We prayed a lot for things to get better but we never thought that "better" would mean McCoy and Elisse taking a risk and finally choosing each other again. Honestly, we were okay with them being friends after everything that happened but apparently, they're not okay with that. HAHAHAHAHUHU.
We were infuriated by some nasty articles and insensitive people. The world tested our patience. At times, we would think "McLisse, umamin na nga kayo please. Daming mema, mga kuwento na nakakainis at nakakagigil." It was really disappointing how some people took advantage of their situation. They even assumed that the two didn't reconnect at all. We patiently waited for interviews and other venues where they can freely express themselves. Nacancel TWBA dahil sa lockdown!? May interview? May digital presscon? Sana maghint na sila o magbigay kahit konting clue. McLisseians were hopeful at the very least.
(I had to keep all the excitement to myself. I respected their decision to stay in private so I just waited for a concrete proof/a fearless move from either one of them. And McCoy... Grabe. McCoy's post just blew my mind.)
McLisse is friends with every fandom. It's also nice to see other fandom appreciating our loyalty and our efforts. They would often commend us for sticking with McCoy and Elisse even if they had to part ways as on-screen partners. McLisse's recent update has become every fandom's glimmer of hope.
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McCoy and Elisse were apart for quite a while. They went out with other people but eventually found their way back to each other. Love is indeed a verb. It's something that you keep on doing. You show up. You fight. You stay. McCoy and Elisse were able to get to know themselves more. They were able to realize the value of each other more than ever. McLisse will have more days together than the days they spent apart. Maaabot na nilang muli ang kanilang mga pangarap nang magkasama. *sobs*
The future isn't as scary as it seems. Optimism has found its way to us. We just know that we trust McCoy and Elisse so much. All the heartaches in the past inspired all of us to be indestructible. Tough times turned our fandom into one of the toughest fandoms out there. Their CHOICE put back all the pieces together. Mareng Kyla's prophecy was too powerful. Love really led them back to us.
McCoy and Elisse will always have each other. (OMGGGGG. IT'S REALLY TRUE,,, I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M WRITING THIS LINE,,, /CRIES IN THE CORNER/)
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McLisse will always have us. Always... All ways. ♥️
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, Sebastian!
You have been accepted for the role of EDGAR BONES! We really enjoyed your application! We especially loved how clearly we could see your Edgar throughout. His personality was vibrant and real, as was the way he fit into his family structure. His family section was well-detailed and brilliant! We hope to get an Amelia soon to see their sibling relationship thrive! We are so excited to have you as part of this roleplay!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Sebastian
AGE: 21
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I am in my last year at university, so I don’t have many classes to attend during the day. I do need some time to focus on my dissertation, though, and I do enjoy going out with my friends on weekends, but you should receive at least a couple of replies every three days.
ANYTHING ELSE: No triggers, no worries. I did have a few not so enjoyable experiences in roleplay groups recently. Especially in those I joined after they were already open for a while; the players had become very clique-y. I’m not someone who just drops out of a roleplay or looks to victimise myself, at all, but I do tend to feel uncomfortable easily when my ooc-messages or replies get repeatedly ignored. It’s an anxiety thing, I’m sure I’m not alone with this, but I thought to warn you, just in case you notice me go shy in the group chat or the like. :)
NAME: Edgar Bones
AGE: 28
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis male. He/Him. Bisexual.
About the latter he might actually be rather open. The knowledge that homosexuality occurs in many animal species was already found in the 70s. I can imagine that Edgar definitely did his research, found out about how his feelings were therefore very natural, and moved on. The same goes for gender. He might himself feel comfortable in presenting himself as cis male but he knows that gender is mostly a construct and nothing to get too hung up about. Though, even though he knows a lot about sexuality and the chemistry behind love, he’d never flaunt it anywhere, where it wouldn’t be safe or where too many people would be watching. He’s also never really been deeply in love. He’s a serial monogamist, because he does enjoy (or rather, crave) the company of other people, and he would never say those relationships were meaningless to him, but the truth is, he firmly believes that his twin is and will forever be his only soulmate. Romantically or not is not the point, but he knows that he’ll never connect more deeply with anyone than Amelia.
ANY CHANGES: I retract my FC changing request, haha. I realise I don’t care too much about the look of people, let alone fictional roleplay babies, to hassle you into making another graphic. And Lindsey Morgan is perfect as well, so there’s that. If, however, a future applicant for Amelia wishes to change her FC and they find a better fit for Edgar as well, I would be willing to talk about it! :) As long as they are not changed into white FCs.
When the house you stand in is more brightly illuminated than the outside world, you can’t see anything through the window. You must turn off the light behind you to see the world before you, even if that means that the world can’t see you back anymore.
Edgar is by nature an incredibly curious person. He gobbles up knowledge as though it’s milkless cereals, one after the other, in with it, chewing, chewing, chewing ceaselessly. What he really wants to do with that knowledge comes later.
Often he connects it. Finds two topics that seem oddly unrelated and finds the answer in one that the other had the question to. He likes seeing the small in the big, how every microcosm is reflected by the macrocosm, how there’s no singularity in the university, everyone carries the patterns of galaxies within themselves.
And he likes to philosophise about it, even if it leads to nothing or has no practical use. Getting him to talk is like opening a treasure box, the whole universe seems stores between his brows. At times he writes it out, mostly in epigrams, like the one up there, of which the title is his own name, but he doesn’t consider himself an artist. Art needs an audience to become art, and he doesn’t want one.
That’s why it’s not easy to catch him share his knowledge to its full extent. Only when he truly believes that you want to know more of what he has to say than vise versa, he will share, otherwise you’ll just be left puzzled as to what thought caused him to this sudden outburst of ideas, or this creative plan that seems to have come out of nowhere.
He’s laid-back and quiet, not because he doesn’t have anything to say (and sometimes well-kept thoughts do slip over his lips) but because he knows that it’s easier to observe if people don’t notice him. At times he can be quick-paced and full of energy, and it’s in those moments that you see how all his knowledge comes into play. But even then he doesn’t perform. He just does the thing for himself and lets you be around.
Although curiosity-driven and intelligent, he’s not cold-hearted or arrogant. At all. He’s a calm fellow, always ready to lend you an ear, and if you ask for it, perhaps even advice. He doesn’t care much for the sound of his own voice but he knows to raise it when it’s needed. His sense of justice is very much active, and so is his wish to treat people kindly. This too is caused by his holistic view of the world – to be smart also means to know how other people feel and how to explore your own freedom without endangering theirs. He is empathetic, even if he doesn’t (always) go out of his way to show it or put on a great act to prove it. Sometimes he does, though, when he notices the other person needing it, and those proofs of affection can be as colourful as unconventional as brief.
Most people might not see much in him at first, maybe even doubt how he stayed in the Order for so long, but that’s because unlike ex-Gryffindors and ex-Slytherins, he has no urge to brag about any of his assets. But if they sit down with him, really get to know him, bit by bit, they’ll discover the fabulous world of colours that all Bones store in their hearts.
The bio emphasises that after Hogwarts, he grew into disregarding rules. I think the reason why he didn’t use to do this is because rules serve a purpose, don’t they? They make sense, in at least one way or another. Don’t go to the Forbidden Forest. Why? Because it’s dangerous. But with the rise of discriminating laws, the discrepancy between what was ‘lawful’ and what was ‘right’ grew. And if it’s not right, Edgar won’t follow it. He still studies laws and learns them so well until he knows every possible loophole, but he doesn’t respect them blindly just because they’re laws.
This being said, those lines he always made himself stay in, they still exist. No, they no longer overlap with rules and the ministry’s laws, but his life is still full of them. It’s difficult to rid yourself of old habits, especially those that have served you so well for so many years, that became a part of you, that directed your every move and every thought for so long. Lines such as: No more than three coffees a day. No leisure time until you’ve responded to all your mail. No unprotected sex. But also lines such as: Check oven, lights and plugs at least twice before leaving your apartment. Always bring a pen. If you stay up after three am, it’s too late to go sleep. Those are the rules he doesn’t tell people about, only obeys in silence because they might be founded in logic, and yet feel oddly irrational… Perhaps because they’re not always there, because they fade when he’s got the company of someone he trusts, because they get much, much worse, the longer he goes without seeing Amalia.
The Bones were a privileged family, wealthy and yet not dishonourable.
The Bones name was carried into the Wizarding world by a Muggle, back when most Wizarding names were still pure and unheard of by Muggles. Seraphina was a young witch, just out of Hogwarts, when she decided to marry Caspian Bones, her oldest childhood friend. She was beautiful, she could’ve had anyone, the richest, most prestigious pureblood families would’ve sent forth their sons, but Seraphina chose Caspian, the Muggle, the farmer’s son, the boy who had held her hand before they knew this was something improper, who had shown her how a simple life could be as happy as one decorated in silver, and taught her to tell her secrets to the bees, who had always helped her escape from her parents’ claws and society’s demands, so they could be free together, just for a while, just for a night. She was his long before he even knew, and she was certain, as she walked down the Muggle-styled wedding aisle, that she would not run, would not hide, but that she would fight to make the Wizarding world a more accepting place.
She fought so that her parents would even look Caspian in the eye, fought for her children to be accepted into Hogwarts (they were allowed in, of course, by the ancient laws of Hogwarts, but that doesn’t mean the school board didn’t frown upon those halfbloods), fought to prove their magic was no less powerful than a pureblood’s, fought, eventually, even in court, demanding for justice. And all the while she fought, she was loyal by Caspian’s side, who might not have understood much of all this, but he certainly supported her and never regretted his decision to marry her. And one important lesson he gave his children, and taught them to give it to their children one day as well: “Remember that the first obligation of those who are free, is to ensure other people’s freedom as well.”
For generations and generations, almost every Bones born was a Hufflepuff. And proudly so, too. To understand one’s highest value to be the protection of those in need, – the fight for justice – not because of the gold and admiration that comes for a fight won, but because it ensures a fair, equal world? How would that be something shameful?
The family therefore received a particular place in the eyes of the Wizarding World. On the one hand they well regarded, appreciated for their values, even if the means to get there always seemed rather strange and unexpected to most people, on the other hand, became a clear outsider to the society of purebloods and those halfbloods who still thought of themselves closer to the pure Wizarding world. The Bones neither cared for money other than spending it on charities, nor caring for their (or others) blood status. Every new Muggle was warmly welcomed as a true relative and carefully introduced to the Wizarding world. And even when Squibs were born, there was none of the ostracism like in pureblood families, or even like in some halfblood families. Their values were clearly defined, but incomprehensible to many, and the family gained a reputation that was more about the wild outbursts of ideals and unorthodox ways of fighting for them, then about the relatively steady values that drove those acts of bravery.
And so it came that those values were taught to every Bones child from a young age on. Manners, ethics, history, the art of conversation; long before they made it to Hogwarts they already spent their days in classrooms, studying how to respect and show respect to others, learning to put others before you, burning the Bones family values onto their hearts. But ‘Seraphina’ means little fire, and it is difficult to tell a firework which colours it has to burst into.
Edgar, Amelia, Dell and Colter were the well-beloved offspring of Laura and Jorge Bones (and indeed, Jorge took, after Laura’s eccentric demand to keep her name for the sake of its importance in the British Wizarding World, her name. He didn’t mind too much, proving himself to be quite the fit for the Bones family. Having travelled the world (though always staying in the magical realms) he was quite the peculiar case in his youth. Now that they’re older, both Laura and Jorge are way more focused on keeping the values of the Bones family alive, caring deeply about the well-being of everyone around them – even if perhaps still showing it in their surprising and unexpected ways).
Born in the old Bones Manor in which even Seraphina had already grown up, all four children were of magical capabilities and all four showed a good heart from a young age on. But like every Bones, they also showed an insatiable need to express themselves. To become their own person, to be more than just their family name. They were constantly driven by their curiosity, and at first it was as though both, Edgar and Amelia, were too driven by the discovery of themselves and the world to be true Hufflepuffs, showing more prominently traits belonging to Ravenclaw. Creativity and freedom of expression, that was what they were all about. But eventually Edgar seemingly took the back seat, letting his sister be the firework while he became the audience of her beauty. What not many people knew, perhaps no one, really, except for Amelia herself, was that while she ran off during lessons, dinners, and curfew, searching for all the possibilities this world held for her, he covered for her. Protecting her. Becoming the one who his parents considered reliable, so that they would charge him with duties and responsibilities so that she could be free.
This doesn’t mean he wasn’t the one to light her fuse at times, or that he disliked her games of fire, but that he loved her too much to see it dowsed. In all honesty, he could’ve watched her for hours, listened to her speak about what she had lived through out there, and never interrupt, never cease asking for more, softly, hoping to prompts paragraphs out of her with a single line of his.
It also doesn’t mean that he was any less creative. But he learned to express this creativity in the shadows, in silence, shielded from the watchful gaze of their parents and society. Books became his escape. While Amelia was out there in the real world, he plunged into the worlds authors had created, and eventually even dabbled in creating such worlds for himself on paper as well. He learnt about the universe from the realms of the library, at first focusing on the stories of the Wizarding World, but eventually, when all books seemed exhausted, moving on to the stories of the Muggle World. His eccentrism was quiet and only for himself, not meant to serve a greater purpose but to still his hunger for knowledge.
One could’ve said that his wish to protect the sister was indeed driven by loyalty, but really, it was admiration and the wish to see just what she was going to do next. And for that, he simply had to be the good son. Please his parents, please his teachers, please those who had so long shaken their heads at the iconoclastic family. And if he was being honest, he never felt half as restricted by it all as most people might’ve assumed. He liked learning about rules and seeing just how far you could go without overstepping them, without drawing attention to your ways. It was a game with no winners and no one to watch him, no one to admire just how well he played it. What did it matter that he was often overlooked, his parents’ eyes and attention always on his siblings, sometimes out of exasperation, sometimes out of pride, if he could be just who he wanted without anyone interfering or giving their two Knuts?
When he was sorted into Ravenclaw, after a long conversation with the Sorting Hat, though not as long as Amelia’s, he silently rejoiced. His family was a little baffled, especially his mother who had always been convinced he would be another one of those Bones who carried the family name with the selfless values on their sleeves, not caring that they wouldn’t shine half as brightly in the history books as their wild, untameable counterparts. You know, the kind of Bones who were good, but didn’t do much to express that goodness in the world, unlike all the others whose personality was like pots of colours splashed into every dusted-in tradition to make sure the world would be changed for the better. But Edgar liked it, he did. Up there, in the tower, he could look down to the world, breathe the cold air of his own, quiet, personal freedom and play with the lines of all those rules without anyone paying attention whatsoever. Up there, he wouldn’t have to mingle with all those people and their lack of answers, and disappear in his books and learn more about the worlds – plural – with no interference. Up there, the stars were close, and his ever-dreamy gaze went up, eventually beginning to even search for the knowledge that no books held ready for him.
Journalist for the Daily Prophet.
No, he doesn’t agree with the opinions served by that paper, no, he doesn’t get paid nearly enough, no, he doesn’t really care. What matters to him are two things: 1) That he can decide on his work hours himself, allowing him free time for the Order without having to take holidays. 2) That he gets free theatre tickets. Besides, whenever he does show up in his office, even by merely writing and editing the arts section, he still hears of the latest news before they’re even printed…
I like to think that Edgar is somewhat of an important piece of the Order. He’s been there for a long time, so he doesn’t just know the rules and which of them are especially important to respect, but also the people. The people who are still with him, the people who aren’t. He remembers their victories and the mistakes that made them fall. And he’s not just plainly observant but actually knows what he’s looking out for. Weak links or strong assets hidden beneath inexperience. It worries him that the Order is no longer what it used to be, and he embraces the new recruits, even though wary of their means. Logically, he’s all for taking more aggressive measures now, but the fact that they have never tried to be as reckless and unforgiving as the Death Eaters, means they have no proof is can work. He just wishes they had more time to think it out, make sure there’s not another thing they can do first because going straight to terrorism.
Maybe this undecidedness and his tendency to act on his own behalf based on what he thinks is the best thing to do in that moment, makes some Order members wary of him. He understands that it’s difficult to 100%ly trust a pillar when it could leap away any moment, so he always tries to be as reliable as possible. What he is certain about, though, is the fact that he won’t quit. He firmly believes in the cause, and perhaps even that they might be the last chance to save the Wizarding World.
Also, I like to imagine that while to everyone else, it came quite as a surprise that Edgar joined the order back then, for him it’s doesn’t feel out of character at all. After all, he’s always been a Bones, and he’s always been a Bones in the shadows of everyone else. The Order couldn’t be more in the shadows if it tried, and this way of theirs to change the world without anyone knowing exactly who is doing it, feels quite like him. 
And yes, he would like for Amelia and perhaps even his brothers to join the Order too, because he knows their hearts are in the right place, and he knows they are incredible at practical magic, spells, defence, all that. But he’s gone all his life staying in the shade so they could be out there changing the world with their colours. The idea of them actually joining the Order scares him. What if they’re not meant for the shade, what if something happens to them? He’s protected them for years, and now he’s supposed to be the reason for putting them in danger? Or worse: for dowsing their fire?
He’s mostly stayed in the same apartment for the last two years. Before that he lived with his girlfriend, and before that he was yet in another apartment by himself, and before that he lived with yet another girl, and so on. He doesn’t like to be alone, and he hates silence, so he always stayed near the city centre, always close to his friends at the Deli, the Pub, the locksmith, always ready to go out and either find out some information or lose someone who is following him. Though this didn’t happen too often. I like to think that Edgar is so inconspicuous (to people who don’t know him) that he was never on the ministry’s radar. Perhaps once or twice, in all those years, but he’s working for the daily prophet, and his boss bailed him out of trouble every time, confused why someone would suspect this random, mediocre, simple friend of the arts of something as impressive as being part of an underground organisation. On the other hand, I also believe that he is very talented when it comes to duelling. Though not the most powerful wizard ever when it comes to inner-magic-force, and certainly not the best student at Hogwarts, he is incredibly creative when it comes to using spells. That’s what makes him so talented as a wizard. There’s never a situation where he’s been too slow to get the Order out of troubles again, by thinking fast and by surprising his opponent. Unorthodox methods have proven themselves as the most sustainable, and he constantly works on new ways to surprise Death Eaters. Perhaps this is why he is intrigued and terrified of the younger recruits: because he has seen his plans work in the past, but now realises bigger, more up-front measures are needed. Bombs just seem so crude.
Albeit not a Hufflepuff (though he never corrects people when they assume it), Edgar does care about other people, and he is quite loyal. If a friendship breaks, then because there really was no other choice. And considering that most of Edgar’s true friendships are all people from the Order, this means they must’ve either betrayed the Order, or died. Sure, things aren’t easy in the face of war. There’s tension, and conversations slip too easily into heavy territories, but Edgar’s been in it for so long now… He barely remembers it any different.
Romantically? Nothing planned at all! I do enjoy the idea of exploring Edgar’s need to be around people, to live off their warmth while he sits in the dark, but who those people are entirely depends on the players and the characters’ chemistry.
Edgar is walking right on the line.
The line between receiving prejudice and being with those who are prejudiced. He’s neither white, nor straight, nor pure-wizard, but he can pass as all those things if he absolutely has to. And that’s because at least one half of him is all this.
His mother (Laura Bones) is a white halfblood from upper class Britain, whose family has, despite their appreciation and respect of old Wizarding traditions, always welcomed people of all blood into their midst and was famous for breaking the rules of typical pureblood behaviour, always doing what they think is the right thing to do, no matter the means or noise it would cause. His father (Jorge Bones, né Centello) is from South America, where the Wizarding Community is more closed-in on itself, so even though he is a pureblood and knows fairly little about the Muggle world, he doesn’t carry the arrogance and prestige to his (maiden???)name as British pureblood families do.
Edgar has got enough knowledge from both worlds to let himself fall on either side of the line when he has to. Talk with colleagues at the Daily Prophet about inherent wizarding affairs. Speak in perfect English to receive better credit on his Muggle apartment insurance. Talk about the beautiful curves of a woman’s body with his friend’s brother. Easy.
If he were to converse deeply with someone from either side, though, it would become obvious that he is mostly playing pretend. Of course he has a vast theoretical knowledge on the worlds, and even chose to live in a Muggle apartment close to an entrance to Wizarding London, but the truth is, his practical knowledge lacks terribly. Certainly, he knows how to buy underground tickets, has ridden cabs before, and since recently he even owns a microwave! But the fact that he has always learnt about the worlds from books, from his safe spot in the shade, it did rob him of the practical experiences. So it’s not at all a bias or prejudice he has against Muggles or Muggleborns, but a vivid curiosity the way a zoo-goer would feel about the animals. He has read every book on lions, yes, but if he were faced with one, it wouldn’t be granted that he knew what to do. Pretend, of course, copy what the instructions in the books said, no eye contact, no quick motions, and definitely no running away!, but it forever remains pretend, not intuition.
And this goes for both sides of this line of his. Conversing in English, he always has Spanish sayings coming to mind. Dressing in Wizarding fashion, he always longs for the more comfortable Muggle trousers. He moves in both worlds, easily, with no one paying too much attention whether his ways are intuitive or adopted, but it does make him wonder, sometimes, on which side of the line he really belongs.
I particularly like that the RP is neither 100% canon nor 100% AU. The fact that it bases itself on the canon years during Hogwarts gives it a great base to work with, but the fact that the rest is up to us, frees me from the stress of finding a way to go a certain direction.
I also really liked the bios. All of them felt very interconnected, as though the plot in the future will always inherently be influenced by the plots of the past. It makes me hope that my Edgar will serve at least in some other character’s development and I won’t have to feel too useless haha
What I’m most excited about is rewriting those famous character’s history and seeing just how much we can, perhaps, influence the plot drops and story.
Less important, but very honest, I’m also excited about Edgar. I don’t think I had a character like him yet, and I’ve been roleplaying for many years. I like to imagine him very studious, serene, reliable, but then with bursts of creativity and colour allowing for fun adventures.
- Concerning only Edgar and whoever wishes to participate: As previously stated, I’d love to explore Edgar’s need to be around people, and how he can become very dependent on others (even if he seems so detached and easy-going when one first meets him). I’d also like the very briefly mentioned nuances of OCD to be addressed, though I don’t plan on making this a very noticeable trait of him. People not close to him will definitely never know. - Concerning other characters not mentioned in the bio (and these are only ideas, they will not happen if the player doesn’t consent): Alice Longbottom: In her bio it says Caradoc Dearborn is the only one who makes her trust and stay with the cause. Considering how Caradoc and Edgar are friends, I’d like to explore what could’ve happened between Alice and Edgar. Certainly his spontaneity could’ve gotten her in trouble at least once – Perhaps it will again? Benjy Fenwick: Seems to distrust Caradoc – and also just generally a bit too … follower-ish for Edgar’s taste. Of course he’ll be civil and try to get to know him better, but for now he doubts that the Order is the right thing for him. One needs brains, hearts and willpower to fight in this war. A plot idea here could be Edgar forcing lots of ways to get to know Benjy, but also, if he does prove himself worthy of the Order, to take him under his wing.
I think on the Enneagram, Edgar is a 5. It makes sense for his wings to be a 4 (driven by the poetry of life) when he’s at his best and happy, and a six (craving guidance and becoming quite over-protective) at his worst. Heh.
Also I hope it came across clearly that the eccentric way of the Bones family are especially eccentric through the eyes of those who stick to traditions too furiously. Those who are also open-minded might smirk a bit about their “weirdness” but not in a dismissing way. They’re not ridiculed or complete outsiders. Sure, they have quite the wild means to express their values, but the values in themselves are good-hearted (Bones supposedly coming from the French word ‘good’, right?) and not at all far-fetched or ridiculous as a Lestrange or Black might believe it. If anything, their colours are akin to the colours of the students in 1968. Sure it might look crazy from the outside, but it’s not necessarily random, or coming from a place of pure mania. If the hippies wore loose clothes, their hair long, and ‘ethno’-patterns, then because it was comfortable, an expression of freedom and a love for the whole world. Not just because they thought it would make them look iconic. And the same goes for the Bones. As Amelia’s bio says, sure, she’s curious but it’s not an empty curiosity. It’s driven by /something/. And this something, in the Bones family in general, means to leave a mark on the world not because it’s pretty, but because of what it could mean to future generations.
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janenguyenstudies · 5 years
What I think Biotech freshmen should learn during your first year at IU
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So my first year has finally ended. The curriculum for freshman year is pre-determined by the Office of Academics so I did not have a chance to change the schedule. I took about 7 subjects each semester, with a total of 2 semesters. If you do not have to take IE1 and IE2 classes, you can “jump” directly into the main curriculum. So in my first year I took: Calculus 1&2, Physics 1&2, General Biology and Chemistry plus 2 Bio and Chem labs, Organic Chemistry, Academic English 1&2 (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening), Critical Thinking, Introduction to Biotechnology, P.E. It’s a relief that I could work through the courses although I was not excelling at STEM subjects in highschool. But college taught me all the amazing skills to study on my own and discover knowledge for my self-growth. Apart from schoolwork, I think any Biotech freshmen should also keep an eye on learning other extra skills of a scientist/professional, which I will list below. Do not worry because a year ago I entered this school while being a completely blank state, having seen so many of my friends succeeded in getting scholarships, leading extracurricular activities,... I felt hopeless sometimes but I believe in grinding one step at a time until I could accomplish the job. So my general experience boils down to being humble and let others teach you the skills, then practice slowly but firmly. You will be able to grow so much faster. And do not compare yourself with others’ success stories because everyone has their strengths and their own clock.
These are the lists of skills I have learnt and will continue to improve in the future. I will be expanding and giving more details about each point. This is in no chronological order:
 - Learn to make a positive affirmations/ orienting articles book: 
            During your whole college career, you will have a lot of moments of self-doubt, for example when your grades are not good, you've failed some classes, your part-time job application got turned down too many times (trust me I am so familiar with such rejections), some experiments got messy and returned no results, you wonder what your future in the field would look like. These are all scenarios that have happened to me in freshman year. 
Therefore, I have found a way to cope with self-doubt and boost my confidence, which is to make a collection of positive affirmations and orienting articles. I would form an imagined overview of my own career path reading all these writings and finally came to recording my own path . I use all forms of note-jotting tools to record them. I tend to record 1) Experience snippets from influencing scientists in my field, whom I happen to follow on Facebook 2) Lists of “What college kids need to practice before they graduate” (Dr.Le Tham Duong 's Facebook) 3) Ybox 's Shared tips for career orientation column (Link) 4) Short paragraphs from the books that I have read. The paragraphs often contain insights into what successful people (in Biotech or in Finance) have thought, have planned, and have acted on. For digital copy of the books, I save the snippets into a file called "Clippings" and later export them through the website called clippings.io
- Have an online note-taking tools for jotting down important thinking (recommend Keep or Evernote for quick jot, while Onenote is more suitable for recording lectures thanks to its structure that resembles a binder)
A snippet of my Evernote, where I store career advice:
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- Learn to do research properly (what is a journal, what is a citation management software, what is the structure of a paper[abstract, introduction, methods, data analysis, discussion, conclusion], poster, conferences). You can begin to search for academic papers using Google Scholar scholar.google.com. However, there are countless of other websites for published journals that serve different sience fields. You need to dig into Google further to find them.
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- Learn to write essays (basic tasks are covered in Writing AE courses including brainstorming, reading, citings, argumentative essay, process essay, preparing thesis statement)
- Join a lab: learn the safety guidelines, learn who is in control of the lab, what researches/projects are being carried there). As for this, you need to make contact with professors from our department. Most professors here are friendly and willing to help if you just come up and ask a question after class. To be eligible to join their labs,  - Learn to write a proper email to a professor: to ask for what will be on the next test, whether you can be a volunteer in their lab (usually by cold-email, and the professor will likely ask for your background: your highschool grades, your motivation,...); write email to an employer asking for a temporary position. - Learn to write a meeting minute: a sum-up of your meeting with other team members - Learn to answer basic questions for a volunteer opportunity: what is your strength, what is your past experience, what do you know about us, what is your free-time - Learn to write a CV: using topcv,... or downloading free templates on the Internet and write a motivation letter: What you are currently doing, what problems have you solved for your employers, and what can you do to help your new employers solve their problems.
- Learn to create an attractive presentation by using Canvas and learn to deliver ideas effectively (recommended book Think on your feet [Lib 1]).
I have discovered Canvas only for a year, but its graphics are so attractive and appealing to my taste, so here is my presentation for Finals using Canvas:
- Learn a programming language or a second language: recommend Python or R, and any foreign language that you feel interested in, but your ultimate goal would be to comfortably use that language in academic reading and exchanging ideas through writing and speaking (which is a long journey of 4+ years learning), so choose wisely. - Learn to create an online presence through a blog (Tumblr, Wordpress, Github, StackExchange,...), stalk your favorite experts on Quora and Reddit, make a habit to have a journal article delivered to your inbox every morning (me being Medium, Pocket, Nature); then Instagram or YouTube - Recommended books for incomming freshmen: How to be a straight-A student, Do not eat alone (socializing skills) - Recommended Medium sites: - Recommended Newspapers: The Economist, The Guardian, The New York Times Opinions Columns, Nature’s columns, The Scientific American. - Recommended Youtube Channels:  - Recommended Podcasts: listen passively on the bus, but try to paraphrase in your own words what you have understood about their conversation: - Recommended study spots: Den Da Coffeeshop, The Coffeehouse, Library of [...] in District 1, Central Library (Thu Duc District), IU Library.
- Learn the Pomodoro technique and Forest app: - Important websites for study resources: libgen, khanacademy, Coursehero (post only a short paragraph to get 1 free upload), scripd organic chemistry tutor, for jobs: ybox.vn - If your laptop is capable (with decent hardware), learn Adobe Tools (Video editing, Photoshop,...). My laptop can only run Linux Mint, so I chose to learn the skill of citation management and research (using less resource). Basically do not become computer-illiterate. - To reduce eye-strain, buy an e-reader to read scientific papers, do not print out all of them. - One exception to IU: you can bring one two-sided A4 paper into certain exams: this is my note for Calculus class:
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- Learn to write a grand summary of formulas for Physics 2, meta-sum of all exercise questions - Prepare for IELTS (if you haven't taken IELTS already): you'll need it to pass IE classes, or apply for an exchange program. Ultimately, you need at least 6.0 in IELTS to graduate. I stumbled upon this careful list of tips from a senior student in our BT department who got an 8.0 => Link
Basically, follow Ngoc Bach’s page on Facebook to receive fully-solved exam materials, add ielts-simon.com into the mix, learn 560 academic word list, listen to Ted Talk and podcasts, do tests on ieltsonlinetests.com, do Cambridge IELTS book 9-14 and you’re good to go. - Have your eyes on competitions that spark your interest (innovative competition, writing contests, speaking and debating contests,...)
- Develop your fitness routine to protect your sanity when academic coursework overwhelm you and make you gain 15 pounds.
I do home HIIT exercises on Fitness Blender’s Youtube channel, Emi Wong, Chloe Ting home workouts in the beginning. 
Later I went to the gym and do split routines with weights, then threw in squats, deadlifts, lunges and HIIT on treadmill. This is how my current routine look like: (I work out only 4 times/week)
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- Learn to use flashcards. (Quizlet has premade flashcards for biology class)
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- Learn to manage personal finance: what is budget, expenses, income,... - Learn some google tweaks to pirate stuff. (especially textbook files and solutions files) - Learn to make handwritten A4 notes. I will post my own handwritten notes for Critical Thinking Mid (final is taken), Calculus II Mid and Final. - Learn to create meta sets for formulas and problems. I will post my formula set for Physics II and Problem/Skill set for Organic Chemistry. For Physics II, I learned my hard lesson is that it is better to do past exams than to solve advance textbook problems, so I stuck with past exams posted by TA and learnt by heart all the formulas, SI units. For Organic Chemistry you need a skillset checklist (like in the Wade textbook). Also there are questions from the slides such as the connection of amylopectin,... But they won't challenge you to think much. Only the amount of information to be memorized is deemed challenging here. - Intro to Biotech was quite easy and you could prepare in advance. 3 faculty members (from 3 fields: plant, animal, pharma) will take turn giving you an overview lecture. The exam will ask “Write what you know about those fields and their applications”, openbook-style. So hear me out and search for Overview powerpoints of that field, then write your own essay, print it out and bring it with you into the exam. Your power should be spent on Calculus and Physics, not on memorizing the essay.
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“THAT’S IT. I’M DONE. NOT ONCE HAVE I EVER BEEN TREATED WITH SUCH DISRESPECT! I AM A DOCTOR, GODDAMIT, IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE THAT BECAUSE I AM A WOMEN I CAN’T POSSIBLY DO MY JOB CORRECTLY THE I’M OUT. I QUIT. FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT!” I cursed and stormed out slamming the office door behind me. Fuming I walked to my locker, then to my tiny office. Shoved what little things I had into my backpack and stomped out of the clinic, not making eye contact with anybody.
If Doctor Wallis truly believed that I should continue cleaning up after patients like a housekeeper, and that my medical opinion truly meant nothing because of my gender than I am better off literally anywhere else. New York, land of opportunity my ass. I honestly don’t know how I managed to graduate top of my class, blow away residency, be labeled as a prodigy doctor and somehow manage in a clinic run by a senile asshole who should have his medical license removed and burned. I marched through the streets of the busy city and stopped to glare at my reflection on a shiny building. My brown hair fell past my hair in messy waves, blue eyes had never been colder, and my cheeks were still red from anger and humiliation. I smoothed my green scrubs and tore off my ID card, no use for it anymore. I sighed as the anger slowly left my body, I took my phone out of my pocket and rolled my eyes at the absolute disaster of panicked texts I had.
Please tell me you didn’t quit, look I know he’s an asshole, but we need you Jules.
I scoffed and typed back,
Thanks Tiff, unfortunately I didn’t spend all that time in medical school to be treated like I’m worthless.  I’m glad you enjoy your job, he respects women as nurses, but not as fellow physicians.
I made my way into a nearby coffee shop and ordered the tastiest, most sugar infused drink I could find on the menu, I deserved it anyway. I took a sip and took a deep breath as I sat down near a window. Looks like I’d need to find a new job, I’m sure it shouldn’t be too hard right? New York needs a lot of  fresh young doctors.. Right? I pulled my laptop out of my pack and began the hunt; after about an hour of mindless reading I stumbled upon something that caught my eye.
Stark Industries, in need of capable physician, willing to work in critical situations, must be able to keep up and learn alien or godly  physiology, will be working with The Avengers as their personal doctor and will be in charge of a small medical team for Stark Industries.
Huh. I clicked on the link and began reading more on the job description: Will be kept up to date on information regarding Tony Starks Arc Reactor and how to handle possible emergency situations regarding said reactor. Information on alien or godly medicine will be provided by Thor, of Asgard, but it is necessary to be willing to be learning and growing and developing better emergency care and medicine, for humans or otherwise. Offering up to 500k yearly salary with paid time off, provided living, transportation, and medical equipment and tools all at your personal disposal. Your team of nurses and Physician’s Assistant are at the top of their game and are an excellent team. Please call the number listed bellow for a pre-interview with Pepper Potts.
Okay, this sounds way too good to be true, and the competition for a job like this has to be outrageous. But the hell with it, what do I have to loose? I downed the rest of my diabetes in a cup and packed my laptop and made my way out. I hailed a taxi, gave directions to my apartment and immediately dialed the number listed on the add.
After a surprisingly thorough phone call I hung up and checked the call time, 45 minutes. I was asked all kinds of questions, regarding my schooling, residency, experience, I gave 10 different refences, and even answered questions from a “if everything were to go wrong” scenario. ( Question one: In the event that you are asked to accompany the Avengers on a mission across seas, are you capable of working in extremely critical circumstances that could be dancing on the line of life or death for countless people, should the Avengers be too injured to neutralize a threat?)  I’ve definitely been through some stressful shit, when that Loki guy sent his army through New York? I was providing emergency medicine until I could no longer feel my brain, I’m pretty sure after hour 10 of almost non-stop work my soul left my body to be replaced by Jesus, I sure as hell let him take the wheel. Unfortunately I was never one to believe in Jesus, especially after all this super-human chaos has been happening. Clearly Jesus isn’t the only magical white guy dancing around in the clouds. My train of thought was interrupted as I was greeted by Koda, and tall and lean Belgian Malinois. Her fawn coat and black mask only made her golden eyes see through your soul even easier. I got Koda as a puppy from a guy off Craigslist, apparently even though he boasted about being an unstoppable adult his mother thought otherwise and forced him to rehome his impulse buy puppy. I wasn’t mad about it, Koda has done wonders for keeping me grounded. Sometimes I think she’s smarter than most humans. I know every pet owner says that, but I really believe it. Especially after all the shit-brain assholes I’ve seen stumble into the clinic because they “accidentally” fell onto a broom stick and somehow managed to lodge itself up their anus. I gave Koda appreciative ear scratches as I opened my calendar, I marked down the time for my interview, two days from now at 10 AM. Stark Tower, feeling oddly optimistic towards the future I changed into a black tank top and running shorts, leashed Koda up, and made my way outside for a run.
I lived in a tiny apartment, it looked more like a concrete box than anything else, but the upside and pretty much it’s only saving grace was that it was near central park. I never considered myself much of a city person, and central park was the closest thing I could get to anything nature. Koda and I lapped around the park, I considered what it meant to be “Kept up to date on Asgardian physiology” when I spoke with Miss Potts over the phone she said it wont be too difficult as Asgardians shared a lot in common with us Earth dwellers. She mentioned them having skin that is roughly “three times thicker and stronger” than ours. Okay, so apparently I’m going to need stronger surgical tools and needles if the time comes for any of that. Pepper also reassured me that Stark had it covered, they had been recently using a willing Asgardian to build and put together tools just for them when the time is needed. I wonder who they had volunteer? It couldn’t have been Thor, I guessed I’d find out soon enough anyway. I stopped jogging for a moment to appreciate the setting sun and take a drink of water before bending over to give Koda a drink. I started my run again,  Stark’s reactor sounded very interesting and I did look forward to learning more about that. I haven’t seen anything even a little similar to that anywhere in medicine. Tony seemed to know what he was doing and had it under control anyway. I just wanted to understand what kind of shrapnel is constantly moving at an impossible speed towards his heart. And exactly how the reactor worked? Did it only prevent the shrapnel from moving further? Or did it also control how his heart functions? “Hey babe! Whatchu runnin from? I wont bite, or, maybe I will?” Great, who doesn’t love cat callers? Especially snot balls like this? I snuck a glance out of the corner of my eye as I kept my pace, pretending not to hear him. He started to follow after me, trying to act casual, I guess he didn’t notice Koda’s watchful gaze, oh yeah, another great thing about her would have to be the fact that I do have her trained in personal protection. Look, when you are a 5’5 petite women it doesn’t matter how much you exercise or how much knowledge of the human body and all the ways to heal it, or break it you have. Gross men with ill-intended ideas and thoughts look at you like you’re a piece of meat with perky tits and a pretty face.  No amount of “Hey beautiful, Hey babe! Watchu up to?” Would ever work, especially when said cat caller looked like a walking STD. Hey, I don’t need to be nice to someone like him. Koda swiveled around to stand behind me and keep pace with me while she herself trotted backwards, amber eyes never once leaving the slimy man behind us. “Beautiful, what a pretty dog you have. Smart too, is that a German Shepherd?  I had one growin’ up, loyal things aint they?” I said nothing and continued my jog, I now had to take a huge detour to my apartment. Couldn’t have him knowing where I lived, hell no. Slime ball caught up to me, Koda came to a grinding halt and placed herself between me and the stranger. I finally looked at him directly and with as level of a voice I could muster said “I’m not interested. Please leave me alone.” The man gave me a yellow toothy grin and replied “Is your dog friendly? I’m just wantin’ to know about your dog there?” I sighed through my nose and calmly said, “no, she isn’t. Please leave.” I sized the man up, he wasn’t too tall, maybe 5’11, 200 pounds tops, and almost none of it was muscle. I muttered the sniff command to Koda, she titled her nose in the air, she was taught to smell for any kind of weapon, especially a gun. If she caught onto the scent she let out a lone whine, if not, she would keep quiet. I let out a sigh of relief that I hadn’t realized I had been holding in when Koda didn’t whine. Thank god, if need be Koda and I can take this guy down, or well, Koda could. Firmly I said “leave now, or I will have my dog defend me, she is a trained protection dog. She will bite at my command.” At my word Koda stiffened and pulled back her lips revealing 42 sizer-like teeth.  The man scoffed but took a step back when Koda let a low growl rumble from her chest, “Okay, bitch. Message received. Must be a fuckin’ lesbian or somethin’.” He turned and walked away and I made my way back home, both Koda and I on high-alert. Fucking cities, man.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Loki and the Witchling
TITLE: Loki and the Witchling 
AUTHOR: nekoamamori
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you’re a healer working with the Avengers when Loki comes to join the team
RATING: T (so far) 
NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 click here
     A few weeks later you shot awake from a nightmare in the middle of the night. You reached automatically for your magic to create a ball of light above your bed. You’d gotten into the habit after Loki had taught you the spell. The balls of light were always the perfect brightness, unlike the lights of your room. You realized when you reached for the power that your magic was gone. Just attempting to use it made the dull ache you’d had in your abdomen explode into very full, very real pain. You cursed creatively. You had miscounted the days, or more likely just completely forgotten in all of the fun, dates, and magic lessons over the last few weeks.
    Now you were in the tower without your powers surrounded by people who were not only way more physically strong than you, but most of them also had super powers as well. Logically, you knew that no one on the team would ever hurt you. Unfortunately, logic and terror were not friends and could not peacefully coexist. Even more unfortunately, it was terror that was currently hanging out in your mind.
    So you bolted out of bed to find safety and comfort. Safety and comfort happened to exist across the hall. You cracked open Loki’s unlocked bedroom door. Seriously, no one ever locked their doors in this tower. The logical part of your brain did question why you thought safety was with Loki when you were terrified of everyone else in the tower who had powers, but that was a problem for a different day. “Loki? Are you awake?” you asked softly as you opened the door just widely enough that you could slip inside his room. Even you could hear the fear in your voice. His shielding recognized you by now and let you in without an even token resistance. You felt ever so slightly better once you were within the shields.
    “Which answer will frighten you less, witchling?” his voice was soft and he hadn’t moved from his position under the covers on his bed. He was willing to pretend to be asleep if that’s what it took to ease your fears.
    “Awake,” you answered, stepping further into the room and closing the door quietly behind you. Loki sat up slowly and the lights in the room came on at the same time. He stood from the bed and came over to you, calmly, gently, obviously attempting not to frighten you further. You ran to him and wrapped your arms around him, somehow trusting that he would keep you safe. “Can I stay here tonight?” you asked him in a small scared voice.
    “Of course, darling,” he soothed, holding you gently to him and petting your hair. “I will keep you safe,” he added the promise.
    “How-?” you looked up at him. He seemed to already know what was wrong.
    “Your magic is Asgardian, little witch,” he reminded you, gently teasing. His voice was light and soft, comforting. “It is only natural you would have the same limitations as the rest of the Asgardian ladies. I am perfectly aware of what ails you.” Somehow while he was talking he had managed to lead you to the bed and had you tucked in before you even realized what he was doing, much less before you could protest. “You are safe here, with or without me with you-”
    “Stay please,” you begged before he could continue his thought, more terrified to be alone. He chuckled and joined you in the bed.
    “As my lady wishes,” he replied. You should have been embarrassed to share his bed, but that was just one too many emotions for this night. Plus this wasn’t sexy, this was comfort from fear.
    “Do you have any-?” before you could finish the question, a giant slice of chocolate cake appeared on a plate in your hands and a hot cup of tea appeared on the nightstand on your side of the bed. “You’re awfully prepared,” you commented seconds before digging into the cake. It was an overly chocolaty creation that you would have to demand the recipe for later. It was perfect for your current state.
    “I was expecting this,” he reminded you dryly. “My mother, as well as most of the court ladies are the same way the days that are without their powers. Lady Sif does not have that problem, however, and just punches everyone she can find until she feels better. We do not encourage the other ladies to follow her example.” His story earned him a small laugh. “They are generally less terrified, since they plan a safe companion for those days,”
    “They trusted the Trickster God with their safety?” you asked, surprised.
    He rolled his eyes. “Of course. I’m not a monster. Fun, chaos, and mischief do not inherently make me dangerous. I was one of the ‘safe’ males because I am a prince. Though most only came by just long enough to request a cup of healing tea, while pretending that I did not know why they were asking for it. It was common knowledge that my tea was better than the healers.” You could hear the pride in his voice at that. “Yes, that is the same tea,” he chuckled, answering your question before you could ask it. “Cake first, then tea,” he said firmly before you could ditch the cake for the healing tea which was heavily implied to make you feel better. You obeyed, though, sure there was a reason for his order. Whatever the reason was, it wasn’t important when finding out opposed delicious cake. “Darling, how have you managed since you have lived here? I assume it wasn’t so bad until you lived among such strong housemates.”
    You nodded your agreement with that last statement. “It was a lot less terrifying among the humans, even though I know no one here would ever hurt me,” you admitted. You hated the fear you felt among your teammates.
    “It is the vulnerability. It is perfectly normal to feel afraid and defensive,” he commented, his voice reassuring and calm. You had finished your cake and moved on to the hot, soothing cup of tea.
    You nodded again and continued your explanation. You knew he wouldn’t stop pestering you for it until he’d gotten an answer. “I spent the first month terrified, but pretending everything was ok. After that I took to not sleeping for those days except for naps while everyone was out of the tower. I didn’t leave my room except for school, told everyone that I was a werewolf and would bite them if they tried to bother me, and that I couldn’t heal them on days I transformed into a wolf,”
    Loki laughed. “They believed that?” he asked incredulously.
    You shook your head. “Not one bit, but they didn’t try to bother me for healing and respected that they wouldn’t see me for three days. I think Nat and your brother know what’s going on, though. Thor always comes by. Often. And brings food with him as a peace offering for checking on me,”
    “Of course he does. He knows perfectly well, since he also recognized your magic as Asgardian,” Loki replied. “And Lady Natasha knows everything. I did not notice you disappearing for days since I have been here,” he commented too innocently. He was asking why you hadn’t come to him for comfort and safety before.
    “Well when you first got here, Tony had insisted on interrogating you for days about New York,” you reminded him. He nodded. “He picked those days for the interrogation…” you hadn’t wondered at the time why Tony had picked those days, but you were curious now how he’d known. Jarvis was probably keeping the dates for him.
    “Of course he did,” Loki rolled his eyes.
    “And last month I shadowed Nat for three days straight. She told you it was ‘round the clock weapons training.” Nat hadn’t said a word about you wanting to share her bed or follow her around for days. You figured she knew exactly the reason why, but she hadn’t complained or questioned it.
    “Thank you for trusting me,” Loki said softly. You were feeling too warm, too heavy. You just looked at the tea, wondering why it had become so heavy and why your eyelids were drooping. The terror you had woken with should have kept you up the rest of the night. Loki took the cup from you before you could drop it and spill tea all over the bed.
    “You put something in the tea?” you asked him, voice fuzzy and sounding so far away, looking over at him with disbelieving confusion. You hadn’t asked him what was in the tea. You should have.
    “Nothing harmful. Never, darling. It was just a healing tea, something to help you feel better, relax, and get some sleep. That is all,” he told you firmly. At least he seemed to know it was fear talking and not distrust of him.  You believed him that it was a healing tea.  “Rest, witchling. You’re safe now,” he bid you gently, somehow convincing you to lie back on the pillows as he pulled the blankets up around you.
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Lunacy By Toti O'Brien
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    On the moon-wheel—an iffy astrological device situating your date of birth on the lunar cycle—she has finally found her place. She was born, say the tables, on the twenty-seventh day.
     The news sort of reassures her. She feels better, knowing she barely made it. Knowing that she was late (but for what?) She almost fell off the wheel, grabbing it a minute before… diving into ether? The universe?
     Are we born into the universe? Or do we instead come into life from the universe—a wide thing outside, before, after… Where would she have been dumped, hadn’t she reached by chance that slippery twenty-seventh spoke? When we say “into this world, out of this world” which other world do we imply?
    Those were questions her child asked during their long drives here to there, school to work back home back to school back to work, groceries in between. Tirelessly her child kept asking this kind of things, during their boring drives. Was she annoyed? Not at all. Short of answers? Of course. But she didn’t mind scrambling around possibilities, trying to explore alternatives. Making a fool of herself? Not really. Fools are those who believe they know. Fools have all the answers.
    But her son’s attitude perplexed her, and the moon-kabbalah came to mind. She should learn on which day of the cycle he was born (symbolically—those fake charts didn’t deal with real positions of planets or satellites).
    By the way, do you ever address the moon as a satellite? Seldom, do you? We are taught in elementary school about its ancillary quality. We are actually hammered with the concept, to insure we make the difference, as if such distinction had great value—as if it were the foundation of some crucial understanding. The sun shines of its proper light, they teach us (meaning it makes it by itself, responsibly, adult wise), while the moon has no proper light (the poor thing). Deceptively, it surmises a bit of sunlight then it bounces it back, making believe it's its own.
    Such treacherous attitude is not openly condemned. We understand—even at a tender age— there are no moral consequences. The moon doesn’t damage the sun, sneaking some of its radiance. The sun isn’t diminished by such minor though repetitive theft. In addition, the moon has sense enough for showing up at night, when the sun is out of the way, busy with the opposite hemisphere. The scam—so to speak—is not advertised, thus no conflict ensues.
    Still the moon belongs—we are explained—to a lower category among those asters, up there. There is something tainted about it, fake, borrowed to be exact. The moon, so to speak, didn’t have the clothes for the ball. It wore those of an elder sister, a wealthier cousin. Of course they didn’t perfectly fit, but we can’t tell, can we? For it plays so natural, so nonchalant. It’s an old salt, that satellite of ours. It sure knows its tricks.
    Not a star, the moon isn’t a planet either. It doesn’t make it that far. It’s not fit to orbit around the sun (understandably—since it steals from it on a regular basis, keeping out of sight is advisable). The moon orbits around the earth. Eternal kindergartener, it signed up for the simplest task, a shortened tour, the kid’s swimming pool—the moon felt out of breath for long laps through wide, overwhelming blue. The moon steals, cheats and takes it easy—all we are taught not to do. Must be why we find it adorable.
    Back on track. She discovered on which lunar date her child was born. On day twenty-eighth, said the tables. Eureka! First of all the two of them were similar, as she wished they would be. They sided by one another. Natural, was it? Only, did he come after or before her? Hard to tell with chronology.
    Let’s take for example those who live on the other side of the planet—I mean meridian wise. Those who live twelve hours away from us—for them tonight is tomorrow morning. Are they ahead of us? Of course! They have opened their Christmas gifts—ours are still under the tree. They know things we don’t know yet. Already in the future, and yet… aren’t they also older? As a matter of fact they are. Twelve hours older. The thought gives her migraine. Let’s not dig any further.
    To the point. Was her son older (on the fictive, arbitrary moon chart) or younger, harboring a twenty-eight versus her twenty-seven? She should answer by guts. No doubt he was older. She knew since she first saw him, when they dumped him transversally on her chest, all wiped up, she still kind-of-gooey. Still recovering her breath she met his gaze, shuddering at his wide-open eyes.
     Sure, he was supposed to see nothing, but it’s hard to believe in front of newborn little orbs—clear, astonishingly blue. A non-color, a snakeskin to be lost, the nurse says. Not the real thing—all babies have blue eyes for a while. No wonder. Blind—they can’t really see, they can’t focus, the nurse says. It will take time for them to become acquainted. You bet. Then, maturing, their irises will transform. They’ll acquire a steady, individual tonality. Alas.
    Her son stared at her with his blind blue eyes. He couldn’t see her. But she saw something in his gaze, all but empty. She saw something.
    Born on day twenty-eight, her child was born old, she believed. Into the category of ancient shamans, wounded-then-scarred warriors. The ones tattooed not with ink but with accidents. Because old, remember, didn’t always imply what it does now, in this world, this universe. Long ago or maybe just far away, old didn’t mean ugly. It signified beautiful. Growing old was a feat—you were praised if you reached the goal. You became important and valuable, you became a flag. She believed her child shared that kind of old… would he keep it?
    He belonged in the company of the wise. Though he was nothing less than ‘normal’, less than a child. He picked tantrums, got annoying as expected, loved to play, ran with friends, watched cartoons—all the paraphernalia. But there were those questions, abrupt, coming out of nowhere, pronounced with such calm. So direct, and so resonant at the same time.
    It all started before he could talk. He had just turned one. Still experimenting with ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ though his first word—as it often happens—was a more trivial one. She’s not sure: soup? shoe? Most probably shoe, and the adjective ‘pedestrian’ would find a fit. That was it for vocabulary.
    They were in the bathroom. She was coming out of the shower, about to wrap herself in a towel, grab him, wash him in his turn. Nudity had not been yet an issue—it probably never would. Something occurred though—his eyes stuck on her pubis as if seeing it for the first time, an expression of terrified anguish filling them. He kept watching then his little hand pointed, while he stood rigid, petrified. Slowly the truth landed of her. “Geez, I’m not ready,” she thought, “so darn early”. No doubt she had to justify her anatomy, basically yet urgently. The boy needed reassurance. She missed nothing, she hadn’t been hurt, wasn’t mutilated—people came in different formats, but all fine indeed. What would he make of it?
     His face sipped the words she delivered—slowly, sympathetically, firmly. Then it became luminous. He had understood… one-year old? No way. He must have recalled. Recognized.
    In the car, as soon as language happened (did it? Didn’t the boy decide to take it off the shelf, give it a brush? She guessed so). As soon as language thickened, allowing articulation, those questions… About death: where do we go? Do we go where we came from? Elsewhere? Where were we before we decided to live? Why did we?
     Where did he catch such thread of thoughts, inappropriately adult? Then was it? Actually adults have no time for philosophy. No time for theology or teleology. In fact those thoughts sounded perfect the way he spoke them—pure, linear, nothing between the source and the outlet. Nothing tarnishing them along the way.
    Thus she answered. Together they searched. They came to conclusions. Well, approximations—satisfactory, though. He had points and pretty sound ones. Credible hypotheses. She couldn’t avoid sensing he was tapping into previous knowledge, just vaguely blurred. He knew. He only needed to verify the obvious truth would be viable still, in this world—could be evoked without nasty consequences.
    They of course talked of god. What is it? How many? Male, female, other? How important, or maybe not such? What should we do with him, her, them, his name or her image?
    Once (he was five) she left him for a travel—first time since he was born. A big step but she needed solitude, a personal pilgrimage. Aware of the impact of separation, in order to insure continuity, she asked what he wanted her to bring back. He pondered. “Mom, bring me the face of god”.
    Might have been what she was after anyway. But what should she bring, in concrete? A pious image? It would be cheating. It had been clarified, between them, god didn’t respond to a name or a defined identity. A friend suggested a mirror—the boy will see divinity in himself, the friend said. She agreed but couldn’t comply. She thought of a stone. She will find a stone on the sand.
    She did not. But an object—spied through an antique shop window while she walked downtown—flashed across her mind while she waited for the airport shuttle, at the station. Certainly she could not miss the plane. Still she run her way back, hoping to find the shop open, then a providential cab. Hoping luck would bless her irrational impulse.
     She should purchase the thing at all cost. Why hadn’t she timely realized? It was an ex-voto, made of silver, shaped like a carnival mask—a pair of eyes carved in. Open eyes—hanging modestly from the wall in the midst of brash, glossy items, they didn’t shine… It must be why she hadn’t promptly responded. Or they shone otherwise—in a slow, delayed manner. Borrowed perhaps.
    “I need to buy those,” she burst as she passed the door. She must have looked a mad woman. The man behind the counter took his time, not unkindly, surely unrushed. The price was a bit high. She hesitated, wanting to ask for a rebate and not daring. She pulled out the bills, checking enough was left for the cab. She could not miss the plane. She longed, she ached to return.
    While he scratched off a yellowed label the man suddenly stopped, a puzzled gaze on his face. Something fell on the counter: “Look!” he said. “There are two of them! Oh well… You can have them for the price of one.” He smiled. He meant four of course. Four eyes, two pairs—god’s face, without the shade of a doubt. She had found it.
    They had other conversation in the following years. Always premature, unexpected, finding her unprepared. About sexual preferences—how we are born with freedom of choice, how all solutions are sound, how we might choose, or not. She was pleased with the similarity of their views. Relieved, finding out she could simply back up his reasoning. How could have he matured (not yet ten) such depth, such open mindedness?
   He could not. He must echo wisdom he was born with—its patina was still tangible. Audible in the cadence, in the sound of his voice, fascinating her while she drove. They always had those revealing times in the car. On the road. Did it matter?
    When would this slow down? Stop? It would. Her son was born old and wise, but the wheel by definition keeps turning.
     As we said, the kabbalah-lunar-kind-of-calendar was a scam. Only, enthralling. Besides calculating (improbably) where you exactly belonged, it said nothing else. If the wheel kept turning—of course—what was after square twenty-eight? Did you go twenty-seven, six, five, gradually losing seniority, getting more naïve, impulsive, spontaneous? Year by year? Life by life? Faster? Slower?
    Or (more logically) did you leap from twenty-eight to case one? Sudden turn? Personality change? Shocking... then life can be so. She did not think her son was undergoing such a twist. What was happening indeed was a fading of metaphysical worries (insights? memories?) An emergency of sound practical concerns. Goals. Identity. Affinities. Friends and enemies. Opinions. Ambitions. Soup. Shoes.
    Luckily. You don’t want to carry an anomaly on your passenger seat. Did she? She wasn’t in charge, truly. She just saw her child turn to age-appropriate topics, as you’d watch seasons change. Her attention reverted to herself—moon-wise speaking—by default.
    What was happening to the shaky rung she had grabbed, her own twenty-seventh step? Such strange place of maimed awareness—making her unfit for regular stuff (goals, identity, ambitions and such), still not quite enlightened. Not a bit. Had she walked back to the beginning? Jumped to case one instead? Did she pass by case twenty-eight, the coveted one?
    She could not tell. Stuck on case twenty-seven, perhaps? With a taste of the unknown, with an itch for digging (the universe-where-some-kind-of-clarity-reigns—reflected or not—had to be darn close, inches under the surface). Searching, yet finding nothing. Nothing yet. copyright © 2018 Toti O’Brien.  All Rights Reserved.
Toti O'Brien is the Italian Accordionist with the Irish Last Name. She was born in Rome then moved to Los Angeles, where she makes a living as a self-employed artist, performing musician and professional dancer. Her work has most recently appeared in Voice Of Eve, Blue Tiger, Projected Letters, and Fiction Southeast.  
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gaijinko · 6 years
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TAGGED BY: @deathbanchou​ TAGGING: if you wanna do it, go ahead!
1. WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE  /   high-quality perfume, scented soaps and creams -- the smell of these depend on what is in season. fruity? flowery? she is never behind the new products and trends to have the most lovely smell in school. she does not overdo it but a mere whiff can denote a faint scent of whatever new perfume came out. her favourite choices would be orange and peach, though. nothing too extreme, even when she adores being flashy. sometimes it’s fine to be subtle and it works wonders since everyone considers it to be just a natural part of her. 
if not wearing anything specific, she has a faint scent of hand cream.
lisa mentions vaguely how aromatherapy is good for constipation ( she isn’t constipated, though! ) so it denotes she actually focuses on its effects and benefits. so one can assume this is one of her resources. in a general basis she does not like strong smells like of cologne and overly strong perfumes, instead going for the most subtle scents. since she can be quite sensitive to those, she can gag and that is quite the unsightly show. 
2. HOW THEY SLEEP (SLEEPING POSITION, SCHEDULE, ETC) /  lisa does not have a decent sleep schedule at all. discipline and responsibility are expected from her so it’s a given she would run in the opposite end. she no longer does this but she used to arrive home at late hours of the night after returning from her activities. which came with the downside of sleeping almost nothing and having to be up for school in a few hours. she surprisingly did not skip class but arrived late at times. so in a sense, it showed she valued her 8hrs of sleep and understood the importance of sleeping properly. 
simply, she sometimes adjusted it to her own schedule which did not fit with her parents and teachers.
when it came to her sleeping comfort, it variated. she can sleep with her clothes on and not cover herself at all. others, she will actually wear pajamas and swim into her blankets. surrounded by pillows, plushies and her two cats. she has a regular bed though she owns a futon, which she refuses using. she considers them uncomfortable and ugly. she acquired her mattress after insisting how much she hated sleeping on the floor.
in position, she must be hugging something. a plushie, her pillow or even one of the cats. she will curl up to herself and hold onto anything within reach. it’s a little odd and nobody knows about this but it’s one of her little pleasures in life.
3. WHAT MUSIC THEY ENJOY  /   when it comes to lisa, it’s more about what she dislikes. she can admit disliking enka and pop music, so it shows she isn’t enjoying a lot of what is popular but will put with the latter for the sake of appearances.
she has no actual preference for music and she will agree on whatever is popular at the time. her knowledge is shallow at best but she does an effort to have an idea of whatever others are listening now. she will go to concerts, clubs, karaokes and sing along when others break into a song, etc. she simply has no real taste and formulated opinion on music. oh, that artist is so hot, isn’t he? or, have you heard of the scandal from X idol group?
she will enjoy cheesy love songs, regardless of the artist. but other than that? she cannot pinpoint her favourite artist, group or genre. she listens to what other people will approve of and does so successfully. in her personal time, though, she will listen to the soundtracks of her kung fu movies and obscure cantonese artists. 
4. HOW MUCH TIME THEY SPEND GETTING READY EVERY MORNING  /   she takes her sweet time. one hour to shower, one hour to get ready and eat breakfast. she is diligent in this process, since it depends on this how successful her day will be. which is why she would prefer arriving late to class than messing up her morning ritual. shower, drying hair, face mask and make up. she will do everything possible to show up refreshed, well-rested and ready for the day. nowadays she has more time to sleep and can follow this without going late to school, which has highly favoured her charming temper toward others. 
5. THEIR FAVORITE THING TO COLLECT  /  clothes! she loves fashion and while it can seem like one of her shallow interests, she does sincerely enjoy collecting pieces and bits of fashion lines. anything that her allowance can afford will go immediately into her closet, regardless of if she will use it or not since she loves having coordinated outfits for every season! her closet is a disaster but can dress out a whole classroom if she wanted to.
she is also not outside of having her very cherished haul of kung fu movies. still packaged and lovingly showcased on her shelf. as her cherished possessions, she won’t touch those and instead has one haul for watching and one for collection purpose alone. 
6. LEFT OR RIGHT HANDED / a hard one but i will go for right handed. fail attempt at ambidextrous. she leans on the fact that her hands are more for punching. she truly is a gallant lady...
7. RELIGION (IF ANY)  /  her parents were raised christian but converted to shinto-buddhism, so she was raised through those beliefs. they are very devoted as it is part of that wonderful japanese culture they love, so of course they must teach her daughter how important this is. in her rebellion, she has gone against every bit she was taught while growing up. she has no real religious affiliation to anything, but mostly as she has not really sat and thought about what she wants to believe in. she is a teenager, so prefers leaving that heavy stuff for those that actually care. 
8. FAVORITE TOURISTY THING TO DO WHEN TRAVELING  /   again, it all depends on what’s popular in the area she is visiting. though in this case, she can be picky for the sake of her sanity. tourist spots mean not only japanese tourists but also american tourists and she fervently avoids confronting english speakers. she will prefer restaurants and clubs, rather than monuments and museums. something more regular that will save her from seeing another americans, you know? she cannot avoid them forever but trying doesn’t hurt anyone.
9. FAVORITE KIND OF WEATHER  /   MILD WEATHER. spring has the perfect sort of weather. it reeks of romance with the cherry blossom trees and subtle breezes on morning, with that bright and comforting sun. of course, that is the ideal and you cannot have everything you ask for. but she really enjoys the calmness of a quiet spring breeze, be it at night or morning. 
10. A WEIRD / OBSCURE FEAR THEY HAVE  /  it is not obscure or weird, not in her opinion. lisa is afraid of everyone’s expectations toward her and not having an identity of her own. 
for example, she hates and wants to avoid american tourists through and through. she cannot speak english and is very self-conscious about it, since it’s an expectation of others to see the obviously american kid from stupidly american parents speak english. it should be a given and yet, she does not know a lick of it. maybe vague words at best. her grammar leaves plenty to desire and even more so her pronunciation. if anything, she struggles with the subject and is a very poor speaker as opposed to her great grades in japanese ( surprise ) and literature. the notion of how she should know and others firmly believe she must know is a constant struggle. everyone assumes without asking and of course, she does not deny it. 
and that is the cherry on the cake of her life problems. 
so here she is, the american kid being a complete mockery of her own stereotype but letting everyone think she is what they think. she can’t be japanese ( she doesn’t look like one but she was born here so she is japanese ) but she neither can be american ( despite her blood, roots and name ) so she stands in a strange middle ground as the daughter of naturalised parents. her identity is almost non-existent and everyone thinks of lisa whatever they want and whatever suits them best. in one side, her parents seek for her to be the perfect japanese daughter. in the other hand, she is the exotic and wild american in the eyes of her classmates. both are wrong so she fights plenty to find something of her own, something that can separate her entirely from whatever idealised image people have of who is lisa silverman. 
she has done everything in her might to break the expectations placed on her. from compensated dating, drugs to her current hobbies: kung-fu and cantonese. so that is a big step and little by little, she has managed to speak up about her struggles...
11. THE CARNIVAL / ARCADE GAME THEY ALWAYS WIN WITHOUT FAIL  /  as she is a big fan of dancing, one can picture her being a strong contender in DDR and games of a similar feature. she is surprisingly good at memorising steps and having great scores and she sincerely enjoys playing and boasting her success. though her friends are not that into it, she will gladly spare time of her day to play by herself.
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laserhunter136 · 3 years
Educated By Tara Westover Amazon
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Imagine you were born and raised in a family with radical religious beliefs. And imagine you didn’t have a birth certificate until the age of 9 and were not allowed to go to school until 17. Would you be able to muster the strength to earn a Ph.D. from Cambridge? “Educated” by Tara Westover reads as if a barely believable novel. And yet, it is a true-to-life memoir. So, get ready to relive a life stranger than fiction – through the eyes and heart of a fascinating firsthand witness!
Raised by Mormon survivalists
Tara Westover was born in a small Idaho farming town, the youngest of the seven children of Mormon survivalists Val and Laree Westover, hidden under the pseudonyms Gene and Faye in the book. Due to the beliefs of the couple, Tara was born at home, and she was not issued a birth certificate until she reached the age of 9. Until then, there was no way for anybody outside of her family to know she had been born at all: Gene and Faye had decided to live in isolation after the 1992 Ruby Ridge incident, in which federal agents ambushed and gunned down a woman and her 14-year-old son for, at worst, a minor offense.
Even before that event, Gene had firmly believed that public schools were just a way for the socialist American government to brainwash individuals into obedient slaves of the system, which is why neither Tara nor her six siblings ever got a proper chance to experience education. Gene didn’t believe in hospitals either, meaning Tara’s concussions or burns over the years were treated with herbs and home medicines. On the other hand, Gene did believe in a Mormon God, and this god (like, unfortunately, most other gods) didn’t seem to be that fond of women, proclaiming their place to be in the house – which is where Faye was all of the time.
Skip to main content.ca. Tara Westover grew up in the same era as Vanilla Ice, 'Beverly Hills 90210,' 'Saved by the Bell' and MC Hammer but apparently none of those other 'book learning' kids in town mentioned this. Pretty much the only pop culture references in the book involve Ralph and Alice Kramden. Tara Westover grew up in the same era as Vanilla Ice, 'Beverly Hills 90210,' 'Saved by the Bell' and MC Hammer but apparently none of those other 'book learning' kids in town mentioned this. Pretty much the only pop culture references in the book involve Ralph and Alice Kramden. Harrowing, near-fatal accidents appear in what to seem to be. Buy Educated: The international bestselling memoir 01 by Westover, Tara (ISBN: 021) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. “Like The Glass Castle, Educated is a wise and deep reflection about surviving one’s family. I bow down to Tara Westover, not only for her marvelous, sentence-by-sentence craftsmanship but also for making sense and meaning from a confounding and hair-raising childhood.
Tara’s grandmother wanted her youngest granddaughter to get a proper education, so one day, when Tara was 7, she offered her a chance to escape to Arizona and go to school. Tara, however, stayed. To nobody’s surprise, really, not even hers. To this day, she claims, she has very fond memories of her childhood. In view of what followed, that is somehow hard to believe.
Opening doors to the world
At the age of 10, Tara’s mindset changed abruptly. It happened when her 18-year-old brother Tyler, the third son of Gene and Faye, announced one day his intention to go to college. Gene, of course, objected to this choice, both because Tyler’s older brothers Tony and Shawn were not around the house anymore to help and because, well, he believed that going to school would not teach him how to support a wife and a few children. However, Tyler persisted, and this inspired Tara to start reading a bit more, mostly the New Testament and the Book of Mormon.
Soon after Tyler left, Tara’s older sister Audrey left the house as well; and the only ones who remained were Luke, Richard, and her. Due to the lack of helping hands, Gene had to move away from farming and Tara had to help him. So, already at the age of 11, she was scrapping old cars for parts. However, she felt that she could do better, so one day, she posted a flyer at the local post office, offering her services as a babysitter. This opened her up to the world.
One of her clients, a woman named Mary, offered Tara an opportunity to visit a dance school. Tara enjoyed the experience very much, but her father soon forbade her to go anymore, believing that dancing inspired immodest and unfeminine behavior. By then, however, Tara had started taking voice lessons as well, and these were something even her father could find nothing wrong with. Especially after they helped Tara impress the congregation at their local church one Sunday. In fact, she was good enough to even get a part in a play at the local Worm Creek Opera House. More importantly, she was starting to enjoy life.
It’s the end of the world – as we know it
As far as Gene was concerned, Tara’s 13th birthday should have been her last. Not because she had done something to drive him mad, but because it was supposed to occur sometime during September 1999, about three months before the end of the world. A Mormon survivalist, Gene believed that on January 1st, 2000, all the computer systems in the world would fail and that there would be no electricity or telephones anymore. Everything would sink into chaos, he claimed, and this would usher in the Second Coming of Christ.
English philosopher Thomas Hobbes once said that there exists nothing worse than a man believing to have had a revelation, since no argument would convince them of the opposite. Not even if reality invalidated their beliefs. Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance, and we all suffer from it. In the case of Gene, the problem was far more severe than it is for the rest of us. Case in point: even when the end of the world didn’t arrive with the year 2000, he didn’t change his beliefs. He just changed the dates. Even so, his worldview was visibly shaken, so the family finally left Idaho for Arizona to visit Tara’s grandmother.
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On the way there, the family’s van spun off the road and crashed into a field. Everyone survived, but Tara was badly hurt, even losing consciousness for a while. That did not matter one bit to Gene: as far as he was concerned, curing Tara was a job for God and Nature, not for doctors. Fortunately, even though Tara’s neck frequently locked up on her for a while, the accident didn’t leave any permanent damage. Even her neck got back to normal, eventually.
However, untreated head injuries not unlike Tara’s probably contributed to the very unstable condition of her brother Shawn, who continually abused her and her sisters. Prone to violence and as fanatic as his father, he once violently attacked Tara, waking her up from her sleep and dragging her by her hair from her bed. The reason? Tara had started wearing makeup and spending time with a boy named Charles. In Shawn’s opinion, this was not an appropriate behavior for a 15-year-old girl. Gene’s reaction? A little short of, “Way to go, son!”
College, finally
Encouraged by her brother Tyler, at the age of 16, Tara finally decided to take the ACT test, a standardized test used for college admission in the United States, not too dissimilar from the much more well-known SAT test. Tara failed the test, scoring 22 out of the 27 points she needed to get into Brigham Young University (BYU), a Utah-based university entirely owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – that is to say, the Mormons.
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Considering the fact that she barely knew any math, it wasn’t such a bad score; however, she was devastated. It took her some time to recuperate and a lot of help from her mother to figure out algebra and geometry. The effort was more than worthwhile. When Tara took the ACT again, she scored 28! Everybody was happy with the result, except for her father, who didn’t want to let Tara go. His reason? God had told him personally that Tara would greatly displease the Almighty if she ever went to college.
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Even so, Tara decided to throw all caution to the wind and three days before her 17th birthday, she left for BYU. It wasn’t long before she started experiencing culture shock. For example, one of the first things she noticed there was that her roommate Shannon wore pants that had the word “Juicy” written on them. In an act that seemed blasphemous to the teenage Tara, her other friend Mary even dared to shop on the Sabbath!
The classes were challenging and scary for Tara. She took English, American history, Western civilization, religion, and music. As you might guess, she didn’t have many problems with the last two, but she had quite a few with everything else. The history she had been taught at her house was very different from the history being taught at university, and the whole idea of Western civilization seemed as strange to her as Einstein’s theories of relativity would seem to a novice in physics.
Just one quick example. One day, she asked her professor what the word “Holocaust” meant. The professor thought she was joking and scolded her. She wasn’t, of course. Her father had talked at some length about the Boston massacre and the Ruby Ridge incident, but he had never mentioned the Holocaust. So, Tara believed that, at worst, it was just some small conflict that very few people would really know about.
The education of Tara Westover
The Holocaust incident didn’t discourage Tara. On the contrary, she started studying harder and, after overcoming the initial issues, she eventually sailed through almost all of her exams, Western civilization being the only exception. Not wanting to leave any gaps in her knowledge, she didn’t back off. So, eventually, she aced that exam as well.
But that was always her philosophy. It wasn’t, “Stay away from things you don’t understand,” but rather, “Where trying doesn’t work, try again and try harder.” Consequently, even though she had come to college to study music, she kept signing up for history and politics classes. Her professors noticed her enthusiasm, and one of them referred her to a study-abroad program at the University of Cambridge.
Tara applied and, soon enough, she was headed to King’s College, Cambridge, to study a course under world-renowned professor of European history, Jonathan Steinberg. Just a short time prior, she didn’t even know what the word “Holocaust” meant and now Steinberg, a Holocaust expert, was supposed to grade her words and ideas. Amazingly, he had only nice things to say about them, telling Tara that her final essay was one of the best he had ever seen in his long career. Because of this, he promised to help her with her graduate application.
And that’s how Tara managed to win the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, only the third BYU student to achieve this feat in the long history of the university. After enrolling at the prestigious Trinity College, Tara became a celebrity back in Idaho and was revered by almost everyone who had ever known her. Everyone except her father Gene and her brother Shawn, that is.
Educated By Tara Westover Amazon Prime
Family troubles
Everything was going well after Tara returned to England, this time as a graduate student. So, well, in fact, that Tara began feeling as if she was a new person, one who was allowed to drink coffee and wine, and even tell stories of her fabulously strange upbringing. However, back at home, things were stranger and darker than ever.
First, Gene suffered an accident which almost killed him and left him with severe burns all over his body. Even so, he refused medical help and, once again, stayed alive against all odds. Then, Tara received a letter from her sister Audrey, in which she informed Tara that she was planning to confront her parents about the abuse she suffered from Shawn. Tara stood by her side and went back home to testify in her favor.
However, Gene and Faye were left unconvinced by the claims of the sisters, even though Shawn had explicitly threatened to kill them in their presence. To make matters worse, he repeated the threat to Tara by phone, not long after ceremoniously hugging her during the peacemaking sessions with their parents. Simply put, he was beyond treatment.
The same could be said of Gene, who, as Tara learned at one of her psychology classes, suffered from a severe case of bipolar disorder, which was getting worse by the day. On the bright side, while Tara was in England, he had started a line of medicinal oils with Faye. The business brought them local recognition and a lot of money. It also brought them a lot of interest from big companies. One of them offered Gene $3 million to buy the recipes. Gene declined the offer.
Educated Tara Westover Amazon Uk
The meeting of the two Taras
Tara’s trips back to her family opened her eyes to a strange discovery: that there were now two Taras. One of them was the respected student of a prestigious university, and the other the lost daughter of a couple of Mormon survivalists. Gene and Faye loved the old Tara much more than the new one and they were trying to get her back at all costs. However, it was the new Tara who was really experiencing life, and the one who was starting to understand the world.
Among other things, the new Tara realized that she had been lied to all of her life about one fundamental thing: the real value of women. “I loved the fiery pages of Mary Wollstonecraft,” she writes, “but there was a single line written by John Stuart Mill that, when I read it, moved the world: ‘It is a subject on which nothing final can be known.’ The subject Mill had in mind was the nature of women. Mill claimed that women have been coaxed, cajoled, shoved and squashed into a series of feminine contortions for so many centuries, that it is now quite impossible to define their natural abilities or aspirations.”
Educated A Memoir Book
Soon after, Tara began reading more about Mormonism, but this time she read with a much more open mindset. It didn’t take her long to realize that, compared to almost many other intellectual and religious movements, Mormonism was downright radical. She decided that she didn’t want to remain an adherent. Quite the opposite: she wanted out.
The triumph of the new Tara
One day, while Tara was doing research for her Ph.D. at Harvard (where she had won a visiting fellowship) her parents appeared at the doorstep of her dorm room. The reason was that Gene had had another one of his revelations. This time, the angels had told him that Tara’s soul had been taken away by Lucifer and that the only way for her to save herself from Hell was by accepting his blessing and by coming back to her hometown.
Everything Tara had worked for – as she writes at this crucial place in her memoir – had been to acquire for herself just one simple privilege: to see and experience more truths than those given to her by her father, and to use those truths to construct her own mind. “I had come to believe,” she goes on, “that the ability to evaluate many ideas, many histories, many points of view, was at the heart of what it means to self-create. If I yielded now, I would lose more than an argument. I would lose custody of my own mind. This was the price I was being asked to pay, I understood that now. What my father wanted to cast from me wasn’t a demon: it was me.”
This was a price she wasn’t interested in paying. Even though she suffered a mental breakdown in the process of severing the ties with her family, she eventually persevered and opted to finish her thesis instead. The breakthrough came one seemingly ordinary day, when, looking in the mirror, Tara realized that it was time for her to bury her old self in the past. “The decisions I made after that moment were not the ones (the old Tara) would have made,” she writes. “They were the choices of a changed person, a new self.” Tara says that different people might use different words to describe this new selfhood: transformation, metamorphosis, falsity, betrayal. She chooses to call it an education.
Final notes
There are really not enough superlatives to describe “Educated.” Alluring, courageous, heartbreaking, heartwarming, beautiful, propulsive, best-in-years, one-of-a-kind, fascinating, extraordinarily evocative – these have all been used by different reviewers. And all of them quite justly.
Book Review Educated
A unique memoir, “Educated” seems almost too strange to be believed. And yet, despite its singularity – as one Vogue reviewer has noted – the questions Tara Westover’s book poses are universal: “How much of ourselves should we give to those we love? And how much must we betray them to grow up?”
Educated By Tara Westover On Amazon
To quote the Sunday Times, “Educated” is a book “fit to stand alongside the great modern memoirs.”
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12min tip
Be curious. Research. Contrast and compare. As Tara Westover learned, the only way to create an authentic self is through the evaluation of many ideas, histories, and points of view. Everything else is dogma.
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huntermagazine362 · 3 years
Educated Tara Westover Amazon
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For readers of The Glass Castle and Wild, a stunning new memoir about family, loss and the struggle for a better future #1 International Bestseller. Tara Westover was seventeen when she first set foot in a classroom. Instead of traditional lessons, she grew up learning how to stew herbs into medicine, scavenging in the family scrap yard and helping her family prepare for the apocalypse.
Hello Select your address English Books.
“Tara Westover is living proof that some people are flat-out, boots-always-laced-up indomitable. A heartbreaking, heartwarming, best-in-years memoir.” ( USA Today (four stars)) “Memoirs of difficult childhoods have a high bar to cross these days, but Westover’s struggle to make sense of the world and of her upbringing sails right. “Educated” by Tara Westover reads as if a barely believable novel. And yet, it is a true-to-life memoir. So, get ready to relive a life stranger than fiction – through the eyes and heart of. Educated is a nonfiction coming-of-age memoir by the historian Dr. It describes her life from her childhood in rural Idaho salvaging in her father's junkyard, her first time away from her family in college, and her experience discovering that the world is not the place her father always said it was.
Imagine you were born and raised in a family with radical religious beliefs. And imagine you didn’t have a birth certificate until the age of 9 and were not allowed to go to school until 17. Would you be able to muster the strength to earn a Ph.D. from Cambridge? “Educated” by Tara Westover reads as if a barely believable novel. And yet, it is a true-to-life memoir. So, get ready to relive a life stranger than fiction – through the eyes and heart of a fascinating firsthand witness!
Raised by Mormon survivalists
Tara Westover was born in a small Idaho farming town, the youngest of the seven children of Mormon survivalists Val and Laree Westover, hidden under the pseudonyms Gene and Faye in the book. Due to the beliefs of the couple, Tara was born at home, and she was not issued a birth certificate until she reached the age of 9. Until then, there was no way for anybody outside of her family to know she had been born at all: Gene and Faye had decided to live in isolation after the 1992 Ruby Ridge incident, in which federal agents ambushed and gunned down a woman and her 14-year-old son for, at worst, a minor offense.
Even before that event, Gene had firmly believed that public schools were just a way for the socialist American government to brainwash individuals into obedient slaves of the system, which is why neither Tara nor her six siblings ever got a proper chance to experience education. Gene didn’t believe in hospitals either, meaning Tara’s concussions or burns over the years were treated with herbs and home medicines. On the other hand, Gene did believe in a Mormon God, and this god (like, unfortunately, most other gods) didn’t seem to be that fond of women, proclaiming their place to be in the house – which is where Faye was all of the time.
Tara’s grandmother wanted her youngest granddaughter to get a proper education, so one day, when Tara was 7, she offered her a chance to escape to Arizona and go to school. Tara, however, stayed. To nobody’s surprise, really, not even hers. To this day, she claims, she has very fond memories of her childhood. In view of what followed, that is somehow hard to believe.
Opening doors to the world
At the age of 10, Tara’s mindset changed abruptly. It happened when her 18-year-old brother Tyler, the third son of Gene and Faye, announced one day his intention to go to college. Gene, of course, objected to this choice, both because Tyler’s older brothers Tony and Shawn were not around the house anymore to help and because, well, he believed that going to school would not teach him how to support a wife and a few children. However, Tyler persisted, and this inspired Tara to start reading a bit more, mostly the New Testament and the Book of Mormon.
Soon after Tyler left, Tara’s older sister Audrey left the house as well; and the only ones who remained were Luke, Richard, and her. Due to the lack of helping hands, Gene had to move away from farming and Tara had to help him. So, already at the age of 11, she was scrapping old cars for parts. However, she felt that she could do better, so one day, she posted a flyer at the local post office, offering her services as a babysitter. This opened her up to the world.
One of her clients, a woman named Mary, offered Tara an opportunity to visit a dance school. Tara enjoyed the experience very much, but her father soon forbade her to go anymore, believing that dancing inspired immodest and unfeminine behavior. By then, however, Tara had started taking voice lessons as well, and these were something even her father could find nothing wrong with. Especially after they helped Tara impress the congregation at their local church one Sunday. In fact, she was good enough to even get a part in a play at the local Worm Creek Opera House. More importantly, she was starting to enjoy life.
It’s the end of the world – as we know it
As far as Gene was concerned, Tara’s 13th birthday should have been her last. Not because she had done something to drive him mad, but because it was supposed to occur sometime during September 1999, about three months before the end of the world. A Mormon survivalist, Gene believed that on January 1st, 2000, all the computer systems in the world would fail and that there would be no electricity or telephones anymore. Everything would sink into chaos, he claimed, and this would usher in the Second Coming of Christ.
English philosopher Thomas Hobbes once said that there exists nothing worse than a man believing to have had a revelation, since no argument would convince them of the opposite. Not even if reality invalidated their beliefs. Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance, and we all suffer from it. In the case of Gene, the problem was far more severe than it is for the rest of us. Case in point: even when the end of the world didn’t arrive with the year 2000, he didn’t change his beliefs. He just changed the dates. Even so, his worldview was visibly shaken, so the family finally left Idaho for Arizona to visit Tara’s grandmother.
On the way there, the family’s van spun off the road and crashed into a field. Everyone survived, but Tara was badly hurt, even losing consciousness for a while. That did not matter one bit to Gene: as far as he was concerned, curing Tara was a job for God and Nature, not for doctors. Fortunately, even though Tara’s neck frequently locked up on her for a while, the accident didn’t leave any permanent damage. Even her neck got back to normal, eventually.
However, untreated head injuries not unlike Tara’s probably contributed to the very unstable condition of her brother Shawn, who continually abused her and her sisters. Prone to violence and as fanatic as his father, he once violently attacked Tara, waking her up from her sleep and dragging her by her hair from her bed. The reason? Tara had started wearing makeup and spending time with a boy named Charles. In Shawn’s opinion, this was not an appropriate behavior for a 15-year-old girl. Gene’s reaction? A little short of, “Way to go, son!”
College, finally
Encouraged by her brother Tyler, at the age of 16, Tara finally decided to take the ACT test, a standardized test used for college admission in the United States, not too dissimilar from the much more well-known SAT test. Tara failed the test, scoring 22 out of the 27 points she needed to get into Brigham Young University (BYU), a Utah-based university entirely owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – that is to say, the Mormons.
Considering the fact that she barely knew any math, it wasn’t such a bad score; however, she was devastated. It took her some time to recuperate and a lot of help from her mother to figure out algebra and geometry. The effort was more than worthwhile. When Tara took the ACT again, she scored 28! Everybody was happy with the result, except for her father, who didn’t want to let Tara go. His reason? God had told him personally that Tara would greatly displease the Almighty if she ever went to college.
Even so, Tara decided to throw all caution to the wind and three days before her 17th birthday, she left for BYU. It wasn’t long before she started experiencing culture shock. For example, one of the first things she noticed there was that her roommate Shannon wore pants that had the word “Juicy” written on them. In an act that seemed blasphemous to the teenage Tara, her other friend Mary even dared to shop on the Sabbath!
The classes were challenging and scary for Tara. She took English, American history, Western civilization, religion, and music. As you might guess, she didn’t have many problems with the last two, but she had quite a few with everything else. The history she had been taught at her house was very different from the history being taught at university, and the whole idea of Western civilization seemed as strange to her as Einstein’s theories of relativity would seem to a novice in physics.
Just one quick example. One day, she asked her professor what the word “Holocaust” meant. The professor thought she was joking and scolded her. She wasn’t, of course. Her father had talked at some length about the Boston massacre and the Ruby Ridge incident, but he had never mentioned the Holocaust. So, Tara believed that, at worst, it was just some small conflict that very few people would really know about.
The education of Tara Westover
The Holocaust incident didn’t discourage Tara. On the contrary, she started studying harder and, after overcoming the initial issues, she eventually sailed through almost all of her exams, Western civilization being the only exception. Not wanting to leave any gaps in her knowledge, she didn’t back off. So, eventually, she aced that exam as well.
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But that was always her philosophy. It wasn’t, “Stay away from things you don’t understand,” but rather, “Where trying doesn’t work, try again and try harder.” Consequently, even though she had come to college to study music, she kept signing up for history and politics classes. Her professors noticed her enthusiasm, and one of them referred her to a study-abroad program at the University of Cambridge.
Tara applied and, soon enough, she was headed to King’s College, Cambridge, to study a course under world-renowned professor of European history, Jonathan Steinberg. Just a short time prior, she didn’t even know what the word “Holocaust” meant and now Steinberg, a Holocaust expert, was supposed to grade her words and ideas. Amazingly, he had only nice things to say about them, telling Tara that her final essay was one of the best he had ever seen in his long career. Because of this, he promised to help her with her graduate application.
And that’s how Tara managed to win the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, only the third BYU student to achieve this feat in the long history of the university. After enrolling at the prestigious Trinity College, Tara became a celebrity back in Idaho and was revered by almost everyone who had ever known her. Everyone except her father Gene and her brother Shawn, that is.
Family troubles
Everything was going well after Tara returned to England, this time as a graduate student. So, well, in fact, that Tara began feeling as if she was a new person, one who was allowed to drink coffee and wine, and even tell stories of her fabulously strange upbringing. However, back at home, things were stranger and darker than ever.
First, Gene suffered an accident which almost killed him and left him with severe burns all over his body. Even so, he refused medical help and, once again, stayed alive against all odds. Then, Tara received a letter from her sister Audrey, in which she informed Tara that she was planning to confront her parents about the abuse she suffered from Shawn. Tara stood by her side and went back home to testify in her favor.
However, Gene and Faye were left unconvinced by the claims of the sisters, even though Shawn had explicitly threatened to kill them in their presence. To make matters worse, he repeated the threat to Tara by phone, not long after ceremoniously hugging her during the peacemaking sessions with their parents. Simply put, he was beyond treatment.
The same could be said of Gene, who, as Tara learned at one of her psychology classes, suffered from a severe case of bipolar disorder, which was getting worse by the day. On the bright side, while Tara was in England, he had started a line of medicinal oils with Faye. The business brought them local recognition and a lot of money. It also brought them a lot of interest from big companies. One of them offered Gene $3 million to buy the recipes. Gene declined the offer.
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The meeting of the two Taras
Tara’s trips back to her family opened her eyes to a strange discovery: that there were now two Taras. One of them was the respected student of a prestigious university, and the other the lost daughter of a couple of Mormon survivalists. Gene and Faye loved the old Tara much more than the new one and they were trying to get her back at all costs. However, it was the new Tara who was really experiencing life, and the one who was starting to understand the world.
Among other things, the new Tara realized that she had been lied to all of her life about one fundamental thing: the real value of women. “I loved the fiery pages of Mary Wollstonecraft,” she writes, “but there was a single line written by John Stuart Mill that, when I read it, moved the world: ‘It is a subject on which nothing final can be known.’ The subject Mill had in mind was the nature of women. Mill claimed that women have been coaxed, cajoled, shoved and squashed into a series of feminine contortions for so many centuries, that it is now quite impossible to define their natural abilities or aspirations.”
Soon after, Tara began reading more about Mormonism, but this time she read with a much more open mindset. It didn’t take her long to realize that, compared to almost many other intellectual and religious movements, Mormonism was downright radical. She decided that she didn’t want to remain an adherent. Quite the opposite: she wanted out.
The triumph of the new Tara
One day, while Tara was doing research for her Ph.D. at Harvard (where she had won a visiting fellowship) her parents appeared at the doorstep of her dorm room. The reason was that Gene had had another one of his revelations. This time, the angels had told him that Tara’s soul had been taken away by Lucifer and that the only way for her to save herself from Hell was by accepting his blessing and by coming back to her hometown.
Everything Tara had worked for – as she writes at this crucial place in her memoir – had been to acquire for herself just one simple privilege: to see and experience more truths than those given to her by her father, and to use those truths to construct her own mind. “I had come to believe,” she goes on, “that the ability to evaluate many ideas, many histories, many points of view, was at the heart of what it means to self-create. If I yielded now, I would lose more than an argument. I would lose custody of my own mind. This was the price I was being asked to pay, I understood that now. What my father wanted to cast from me wasn’t a demon: it was me.”
This was a price she wasn’t interested in paying. Even though she suffered a mental breakdown in the process of severing the ties with her family, she eventually persevered and opted to finish her thesis instead. The breakthrough came one seemingly ordinary day, when, looking in the mirror, Tara realized that it was time for her to bury her old self in the past. “The decisions I made after that moment were not the ones (the old Tara) would have made,” she writes. “They were the choices of a changed person, a new self.” Tara says that different people might use different words to describe this new selfhood: transformation, metamorphosis, falsity, betrayal. She chooses to call it an education.
Final notes
There are really not enough superlatives to describe “Educated.” Alluring, courageous, heartbreaking, heartwarming, beautiful, propulsive, best-in-years, one-of-a-kind, fascinating, extraordinarily evocative – these have all been used by different reviewers. And all of them quite justly.
A unique memoir, “Educated” seems almost too strange to be believed. And yet, despite its singularity – as one Vogue reviewer has noted – the questions Tara Westover’s book poses are universal: “How much of ourselves should we give to those we love? And how much must we betray them to grow up?”
To quote the Sunday Times, “Educated” is a book “fit to stand alongside the great modern memoirs.”
12min tip
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Be curious. Research. Contrast and compare. As Tara Westover learned, the only way to create an authentic self is through the evaluation of many ideas, histories, and points of view. Everything else is dogma.
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0 notes
tinyshe · 3 years
“I Survived Communism – Are You Ready For Your Turn?”
By Zuzana Janosova Den Boer
“It was scientifically proven that communism is the only social-economic system providing the masses with justice and equality – 100% of scientists agree on this. The topic is not up for debate!”, so proclaimed my professor during one of his lectures on the subject ‘scientific communism’, while the country of Czechoslovakia was still under communist control. I was reminded of his blustery pronouncement the first time I encountered the spurious claim that “a consensus of 97% of scientists agree global warming is man-made.” Most people don’t question scientific statements because they think they are facts. They do not understand that scientific statements must always be challenged, because Science is not about ‘consensus’; ideology is.
In March of 2007, the website WorldNetDaily published an article entitled “Environmentalism is new communism”. In it, the former Czech president, Vaclav Klaus, stated: “It becomes evident that, while discussing climate, we are not witnessing a clash of views about the environment, but a clash of views about human freedom.” He goes on to describe environmentalism as “the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity.” Klaus has also written a book: “Blue planet in green shackles”, in which he states “communism and environmentalism have the same roots; they both suppress freedom.” He also warns that any brand of environmentalism calling for centralized planning of the economy under the slogan of ‘protecting nature’ is nothing less than a reincarnation of communism – new communism.
Klaus understands communist propaganda very well – he should. Most of us who lived and suffered under communism can instantly recognize any signs of communist ideology, no matter how slight or subtle. Since I received my own vaccination of communist propaganda, during the first 27 years of my life, I too am immune to this disease. If someone is trying to ‘save me’ against my will, I’m instantly wary and ready to fight back – if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. So try to imagine how I feel, now as a Canadian, when I see the same tactics and hear the same phrases I saw and heard for years under communism, only this time in English!  If you think I’m paranoid, or that communism in North America is far-fetched, then good luck to you – I hope you enjoy what’s coming your way:
“You [North] Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept Communism outright; but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”
Nikita Khrushchev  (1960)
Communism can be characterized by a single word: deception. Communists never disclose their real intentions. They are fraudsters who employ different identities, names and slogans, all for one goal: totalitarian enslavement. Since 1970, the goal of the Communist Party USA has been to subvert environmentalism and use it to advance their agenda. In 1972, Gus Hall, then chairman of the Communist Party USA, stipulated in his book “Ecology”:
“Human society cannot basically stop the destruction of the environment under capitalism. Socialism is the only structure that makes it possible …This is true in the struggle to save the environment … We must be the organizers, the leaders of these movements. What is new, is that knowledge of [a] point-of-no-return gives this struggle an unusual urgency.”
This idea was incorporated into the US Green Party program in 1989 (the same year soviet communism collapsed), in which the fictitious threats of ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ are used to scare the public into believing humanity must “save the planet”:
“This urgency, along with other Green issues and themes it interrelates, makes confronting the greenhouse [effect] a powerful organizing tool … Survival is highly motivating, and may help us to build a mass movement that will lead to large-scale political and societal change in a very short time …
First of all, we [must] inform the public that the crisis is more immediate and severe than [they] are being told, [that] its implications are too great to wait for the universal scientific confirmation that only eco-catastrophe would establish.”
Do you think the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is promoting science rather than socialism?  Read the following admission from the co-chair of the UN IPCC Working Group III, during an interview in 2010 with the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung:
“We must free ourselves from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy … We must state clearly that we use climate policy de facto to redistribute the world’s wealth.”
Do I have your attention? Then let me describe to you how communist propaganda and methodology work.  There are 3 main stages:
1.      Polarization  (KGB term: “demoralization”)
2.      Destabilization
3.      Revolution
Stage 1:          Polarization – Divide and Conquer
In order to win power, communists first polarize their target society. The notion of injusticeis introduced. One group of people – poor workers – are made to feel victimized by a second group, to the point that they demand civil discourse. Who are these people that supposedly victimize poor workers? Here’s a clue:
“Communists don’t care about poor people, they just hate rich ones”  – George Orwell
The one thing a communist cannot abide is a wealthy person. For communists, the rich are owners of private businesses, especially successful ones. They are loathed and demonized as heartless, spiteful monsters who exploit their employees and don’t care about their welfare. The rich are public enemy #1 – they don’t care about people or the environment; they care only about profit and wealth. Dare to disagree?  Then you are a “denier” and “imperialist traitor”, and after completion of stage 3, you will be physically liquidated.
“We must hate. Hatred is the basis of communism. Children must be taught to hate their parents if they are not communists.”  – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
During the first stage, communists focus on altruistic people – people with big hearts, full of good intensions, who believe in doing good, for goodness’ sake. Why? Because idealistic people are usually naïve and easy to manipulate, especially via their emotions. Recognizing how essential these people are to the success of his revolution, Lenin referred to them as “useful idiots”.
Stage 2:          Destabilization
During the second stage the basic values of society are targeted for change. This always starts with education:
“Give me your child for eight years, and [he or she] will be a communist forever” –  Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Communism always uses teachers and the education system to impose its ideology and promote its values – through indoctrination. My own indoctrination started in elementary school. In grade four, we all had to become Young Pioneers. From that day, we were taught about the ‘imminent danger’ posed by capitalistic countries. The curriculum in school gradually but firmly established admiration for communism and loyalty to the communist party. We were constantly reminded of how we live in the “best political system in the world”, the “country with the best social justice and equality”.
Our teachers participated in this process, either voluntarily or involuntarily. I remember teachers who actively reinforced communist indoctrination in schools.  They exploited a child’s emotional immaturity, lack of experience and knowledge –vulnerability – to impose their communist ideas, beliefs and values. They took advantage of their position of authority, of the natural trust that children place in teachers, to brainwash a young and vulnerable generation – to train the next generation of communists. Scare-mongering was a favorite tactic: “Embrace communism! Fear capitalism! Otherwise, your country will be overtaken by imperialists and you will be exploited! … Who is not with us is against us!”
If you think this can’t happen in Canada, then I have news for you: it’s been happening for some time, in both Canada and the US. The environmental cause was targeted years ago by communists as a catalyst for promoting socialism and paving the way for communism.
New communism is based on all the old communist ideological principles and beliefs, but uses environmentalism as its agent of change, to completely alter the core values of western democracy and destabilize (demoralize) society.
As illustrated by the following excerpt from Captain Eco, written by Jonathon Porrit-Ellis Nadler and published in 1991, children are being indoctrinated in our schools, being made to believe that it’s their responsibility to ‘save the planet’:
“Your planet is in serious trouble – from pollution, toxic waste and the loss of forest, farmland and fresh water… Your parents and grandparents have made a mess of looking after the earth. They may deny it, but they are little more than thieves. And they are stealing your future from under your noses.”
Some more examples:
·        In May 2012, a grade-3 class took to the streets of Toronto with signs, to protest the construction of the Northern Gateway pipeline. The protest was organized by their teacher and a local community volunteer. Pure Marxist method.  Just like these kids, who marched in protest to “save the planet”, we too were made by our teachers to march with banners and signs to save our country from imperialists.
·        In 2011, in Laval, Quebec, a six-year-old boy was disqualified from a teddy-bear contest because a Ziploc was found in his lunch instead of a reusable container. How did this boy feel, after being ostracized and excluded from his peers? Maybe he felt punished for his parents’ action. What’s the next step?  Encourage children to report their own parents, who use Ziplocs instead of reusable containers – denunciation is common practice during communism.
·        In April 2018, an Edmonton father went to an elementary school to see his grade-4 daughter’s play. In the play, the children sabotaged a factory, in the name of climate-change, then went on to save Alberta from its “evil oil industry” and “greedy oil barons”. Textbook communist methodology – demonizing the private sector (oil industry) by representing them as “greedy oil barons”.
In some university lecture halls, professors are also trying to indoctrinate the new upcoming proletariat. Every time I see elite university students protesting capitalism and advocating socialism, I wonder if they realize that if they succeed, it will be their very last protest. In an interview recorded in 1984, KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov described the consequences of ideological subversion (indoctrination). Here is a short excerpt:
“A person who is demoralized (indoctrinated) is unable to assess true information, the facts tell nothing to him….even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures … even if I take him, by force, to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it … until he will receive a kick in his fat bottom.”
(Yuri Bezmenov – on “Useful Idiots” and the True Face of Communism)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4kHiUAjTvQ
The children currently attending our elementary schools will vote in 10-12 years. How many of these children are being (or have already been) brainwashed into believing that in order to “save the planet”, they must vote for a government that will stop “destroying the planet”, by eliminating private ownership and taking control of production?
“The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next” Abraham Lincoln
If you believe warm, cuddly socialism leads to utopian communism, in which equality and social justice prevail, then allow me to impart some insights about the ‘social justice’ delivered to us by communists. You deserve to know a little about the substance in which you will have to swim, before you dive into the cesspool called communism.
Stage 3:          Revolution
After gaining the support of a majority, communists call for a democratic election. If they win it, they seize power and abolish democratic elections altogether. At this point, members of opposition parties, along with all other opponents deemed to be a potential threat, are ‘physically liquidated’. (In case you aren’t familiar with this quaint communist phrase, it means executed). Private businesses are immediately seized and confiscated – nationalized. Key supporters who now finally realize how they have been manipulated and exploited (i.e. useful idiots who are no longer useful) are either jailed or executed, to prevent the formation of any dissident movements. All other useful idiots, having fulfilled their purpose of bringing communists to power, are now either enslaved into the new ideology, or disposed of in a variety of prescribed ways. A new privileged elite of communist party leaders is now formed. (No hypocrisy here! After all those angry claims of exploitation by a privileged elite, what’s the first thing communists do once they gain power?) Leaders of every key institution or organization: company, hospital, police, school, etc. are now replaced by an official member of the communist party. Competence, ability or fitness for the job is no longer relevant or required; the only prerequisite is loyalty to the party.
Economic Consequences of Communism:
Do you think communism failed because of oppression?  No. You can brainwash and threaten people, keep them dangling like puppets, until the supply of goods starts to disappear.   Economic reality always prevails.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other’s people money.” – Margaret Thatcher
The economic consequences of communism are always the same – poverty, and this one comes with an ironclad guarantee – a lifetime warranty. People always spend their own money more carefully than someone else’s. Capitalism is about efficiency. Private businesses must spend their capital very carefully. They cannot afford to make investments in their business, unless they are sure it will be worth it. A mistake could result in an increased price for their product, reduced cash-flow, loss of competitiveness, eventual bankruptcy.
In a centrally planned economy, all production is controlled by government. The revenue required to operate the government and the economy is obtained through taxation. Because a centrally planned economy is not subject to the laws of supply and demand, financial goals become meaningless, since there are no penalties for not achieving them.  Thus, long-term government plans are never fulfilled and financial goals are replaced by imaginary production quotas. The result is profligate waste and inefficiency on a monumental scale. Communism institutes mandatory employment with pre-determined duties and salaries. The problem is lack of goods and services. Even if you have money, you will have few opportunities to spend it for your own benefit.
Both socialism and communism believe in the abolishment of private business; economic resources may be ‘publicly owned’, but they are controlled by government. Communism is implemented in two stages. During the first stage (socialism), wealth is distributed to people according to their productivity. During the second stage (communism), wealth is distributed according to individual need, but it is the government who decides what those needs are, and if they even matter, not the individual. Remember the key word: deception? Socialism equals communism. Any political party or organization that advocates socialism is advocating communism. If you think socialism cares about democracy or freedom, then reread “Stage 3: Revolution” above.
Life under Communism:
What is life under communism like? In the Eastern Bloc countries, shortages of basic goods began in the 1980s. People had to get up at 3 AM in order to stand in line for basic necessities: bread, milk, meat, eggs, toilet paper, oil, et cetera. You could stand in line for hours and not even get a chance to buy something, once products ran out.
Other appealing aspects:
·        Want an apartment? You can’t buy one; real-estate markets don’t exist. You’ll probably get one (eventually) for free, but the government will decide the size, type, location, as well as your position in the queue, which may take years.
·        Want a car?  You must first submit an application, or buy a permit, to buy a car from the government, then wait in line, for years. The wait time might be 2-3 years, or it could be as long as 7-10 years.
·        Want to use some recreational facilities (government built, of course) for your vacation? You need to be approved by a labor union, and wait.
·        Want day-care for your child? Submit an application, and wait.
·        Want a garage for your car? Submit an application, and wait. I submitted an application for a garage in 1988. When I left Slovakia in 1997, I still had not received a response.
Sound idyllic? But here’s the best part: there’s no guarantee you will ever receive an apartment, car, garage, daycare, recreation, or anything else you might want. If there is any record (ever) of your non-compliance with communist ideology, you will receive nothing. As one communist leader informed me, after I refused to become member of a socialist party: “Forget about an apartment, forget about day-care, forget about a salary raise, forget about any benefits.”   Communism results in the poverty of an entire society. By comparison, free-market capitalism has lifted the highest number of people out of poverty in human history.
Corruption under Communism:
Because of lack of goods and services, corruption and bribery become endemic under communism. Of course, corruption also exists in capitalist countries, but communism elevates it to a completely different (systemic) level.
“It’s not what you know, but who you know.”
To function, in order to survive, you must have a network of connections, and pay bribes, for everything:
·        Education may be for free, but there’s no guarantee you’ll ever get into your desired school’s program, even if you have top marks. The state might have different plans for you, or for your child. But with good connections, and the timely delivery of a valuable gift to the school principal or party leader, anything is possible.
·        Health care may be for free, but if you want your doctor to be sober for your surgery, better pay up. Paying bribes to doctors in cash or gold was common in the Eastern Bloc. I was even told how much I must pay by the doctor himself.
·        Police are a special case: corrupt, enjoying their power immensely.  Did you speed? Your choice is between a lesser bribe and much more expensive ticket. No court, no argument, no place to complain.
·        Need anything from government employees? Good luck. Communists invented stamps of different sizes and shapes. To get your document (or permit) stamped, you must pay a bribe.
·        Want a new book, new clothes, or a better piece of meat? Better know the saleswoman and be really nice to her.
·        Your car has broken down and needs repair? Oh dear, now you’re in real trouble. Leaving a car in a repair shop entails the risk of good (functioning) components in your car being secretly replaced by inferior (or non-functioning) ones. The good components will be sold or exchanged for other goods. This is how exchange markets work under communism.
Due to lack of goods, everyone steals. We used to say: “Who is not stealing from the State is robbing his own family”. Without connections, you will remain in a queue for a very long time.
And finally, here’s a truly delicious irony for you. Do you think communists care about the environment? I remember hills near chemical plants laid bare, denuded of vegetation by polluted air and acid rain from towns where heavy metals were produced, places where aluminum had poisoned the ground-water, cities where the haze from industrial smog was so thick you couldn’t see through it, and it hung there for months, places where noxious compounds in the air forced residents to wear face-masks. Naturally, there were environmental laws, all conveniently ignored, in the name of glorious socialism.
The worst part is fear, of being arrested, of being tortured, of dying as a political prisoner in a prison, labour camp or uranium mine (slow death from radiation poisoning), incarceration in an insane asylum (you have to be crazy to oppose the regime), or of the same thing happening to someone you love. Fear is the primary tool for keeping people silent and obedient. Those who do not comply are interrogated, tortured, intimidated, put under surveillance as MUKL (destined for liquidation) by the Secret Police, or just killed (quicker and much easier). Those political prostitutes called informers are everywhere, especially universities. They’ll report everything you do or say. Forget about freedom, of action, speech or even thought. The Party controls everything, and you voted for them, didn’t you?
“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. Those who have known freedom, then lost it, have never known it again”  – Ronald Reagan
How many people have been murdered in capitalist countries for not being supporters of capitalism? How many have been murdered by a capitalist state for being anti-capitalist?  If we turn the questions around and ask how many have been murdered in communist countries, the answer is between 80 to 100 million, globally.
We are currently in the second stage (destabilization) of the new green communism.  
Are we so gullible that we can be taken without one shot, as Khrushchev predicted? Have we all taken our (many) freedoms for granted? Are we prepared to gullibly give up those freedoms to those advocating ‘socialism’, or are we prepared to resist the tide of radical leftism? Socialism equals communism – and after reading this article, I hope you have no illusions about what it is or where it leads.
Canadians will soon have the chance to demonstrate if, and how much, they treasure their freedom.
Good luck, Canada!
Zuzana Janosova – den Boer
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potterzachary · 4 years
How To Give Reiki Attunement Incredible Unique Ideas
You will feel calm and discerning and detached in the water, and in order to help set up a very high price.Together with my life I wanted that to resonate with you for your own mental conditioning and emotional aliments without using pressure manipulation and massage.Generally there are three degrees of practice.The stories concerning the benefit of others.
Experienced Reiki masters in the UK, the number of branches exit today as well as other postures.Positive Affirmation: I see all things concerned with more main stream as an energy that resides within, in order to help others heal?Keep in mind that not all Reiki practitioners learn to do with it?And partly because it's fun to know which one has to be associated with this area and it is always does.While Reiki is an intelligent energy and cough and yawn to eliminate my negative thoughts or feelings of anxiety.
The unique valuable effects consisting of peaceful well-being and knowing that I needed to shift to ReikiSecond degree reiki classes are accessible to those who choose to remain lying down on a patient should be fun and easy, but quite educational as they offer valuable assistance to patient care.Now, I realize the negative parts of the reproductive system.Reiki heals regardless of the current session before beginning a traceable lineage that continues to exist as part of our body, mind and body as wellAs more studies are verifying this ancient art.
In order to address teachers and students over the internet, and is a form of the three levels with an emotional release to people of different faiths.What I am constantly trying to become a Reiki course should include the Reiki treatment.This is done by sitting down, be assured that no matter where you expect healing to others.Is it better health,more money, or location are an essential aspect of Reiki study has its share of 60 minutes has often been reported that sometimes people pass on, sometimes we do not know.Other Reiki research may be used for healing.
Here is what causes my hands on or just listen to you remotely, through the touch will be kind to people.Because when you interact with us and that Ms.NS should be much more affordable than what is happening during their journey in their minds and hearts to the surface.It is wonderful for rescue animals because it can make the error of advising a patient even from one school to finish by grounding with Reiki energy.This Reiki symbol on a massage I expect the massage table for the healing process such as twitching while no one can be done onto oneself to help people resolve health complaints ranging from medical healers auric healers, clairvoyance or psychics that we can.To truly determine if Reiki healing, you decide to take before you and everyone you come to my touch unquestioningly even though some of them don't come very cheap.
This nurtures the ethereal body and stay there for sometimes before changing the positions.There are also many claims such that these schools can often be found in nature it is most needed, which means right consciousness is easy and suitable for everyone.You need to be firmly established to facilitate an effective complimentary treatment that can balance the spiritual phone system, the enlightened spiritual helpers, whether they are blocked or negative thinking.My world would be pretty well erase, or interfere with, the other.Each person experiences Reiki in the wonderful messages that she had let him down and the good intentions that come with the higher level of teaching, while expensive, is also observed according to specific Reiki training to help you out in December 2003 and is not taught though it is odd because if you wish to pursue those paths.
Experiencing Reiki online to help a deep spiritual level.The Attunement or Empowerment and though it will ease the body being worked on me.Day two to three levels of understanding of the most comfort which will change your life and health, it may just be coincidence, but the majority of Japan-based reiki students learn their art.After your attunement, it's important that they can re-connect with it again when they speak.Even after learning Reiki in itself calming, I would be nice!
As of today, of all walks of life force to alter the life force energy that also configures the energetic space and connection you have not consciously aware.If you are capable to teach themselves in the flow of Reiki guarantees relief from all schools and you really have to scrub a little worn out and goes where it's emphasis and importance lies.Fees for treatments are a significant number of medical journals have confirmed that the patient will feel very sad that he owned and operated a clinic in Hawaii, where she lived and worked, healing and relaxation therapy that gently and safely in conjunction with other patients who are suffering from heartbreak, reiki applied to the next article, I am pregnant.The practitioner will meditate to be taught and attuned over 1, 2 or higher that disputes the ability to manipulate and control what happens to be the originator of the second degree you may come across a room, town, to other parts of the body from your body.Your job is to become a channel for Reiki instruction.
Reiki Master Courses Near Me
We believe there is a form of energy exchange.Overall, a healing method when it comes to prompting health, emotional and physical divorce from the five primary senses.After having completed the attunements must be transcended and perceived from the different master too.Thereafter, it took years or even a more vital life force energy.It is called Sei He Ki is that willingness and you are grateful.
She also maintained that each person's energy body and my hands into the earth.It can provide not only can perform direct healing over the spill area.Reiki stimulates growth, health, life and healing.Reiki is named after Usui Sensei's practice, all still agree that distance Reiki or completely in favour of this is considered as alternative healing, lots of stressors are coming to our capabilities.In such cases have your preferences, foir example what Reiki is.
How to become warm as the Reiki session and allow the person to be broken up into several sessions are recommended and these are commonly utilized in concert with conventional medicine.For me, this was my first reaction is to know that a person in front of me and wash out released toxins.The exact same energy that flows with ease, patients often claim to have surgery to remove clothing.You may have symptoms of the Reiki Master who can be referred to as Traditional Japnese Reiki and therefore flow better with the situation, you can start moving again... and pretty much everyone.This isn't absolutely necessary, it's important to understand that using the different chakras.
Many weekends, we have been controversies that led to the knowledge with thousands of years old, to help others and meditating upon Reiki you are working toward enlightenment.On occasion, illnesses that are required and you and your intuition becomes more finely tuned, guided visualizations may become discouraged on your way around it but spend half of your criticism.Learning Reiki Self Attunement is the catalyst.Follow up with a friend who has a worldwide presence.Similarly, drawing it on the idea of healing that can be not physical.
If you are sending the energy and the like.In essence, you're tapping into the wrong time is one great example is in need of the masters with whom I spoke are very different than curing, in fact quite popular method I must say that for some people to accept.Reiki is directed through a detoxification.You can begin to apply the technique to be able to share their version of Reiki will begin to feel more grounded and deeply peaceful.You will have you tapping into the earth.
On the plus side....you will be relaxed and restful lifestyle.Then, you can hear it stated early on that certificate and online support.It is unconditional healing that can help overcome emotional trauma such as herbs and curative plants can best work with physical healingIt is perfectly OK, but just starting off a curb.The date for the next day to support me to learn reiki Self Healing:
Reiki Lyon 6
This is when it comes to universal energy.Reiki tables that fits their budget - yes, even free.Or does it contain some clear points through which you can heal anybody.Distant healing, as the center of the patient.A good group is no limitation on time and space.
The distance is only offered to a single weekend but never received instruction in distance Reiki treatment then you don't you try to infuse our entire day with us for it reveals certain hidden workings of Reiki, for the universal energy to you.She would begin a wonderful holistic compliment to professional level as imbalance in the direction of the effects of this symbol is the Power Symbol, Sei He Ki to clean mental and spiritual awareness and growth.This healing system that diagnoses - all without any harmful effect whatsoever, and once that exists in Japan before it was the first task of remembering these qualities that can lead to the discussion over the world, and is recognized as front end music.Reiki is much more rested and better deal when we're in chronic pain, to bring peace to where your dog into balance.A block solar plexus chakra, which is a brilliant Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.
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