#firefox is too harsh on my eyes
truly-fantastic-me · 2 years
I tried to switch to firefox, but I can't find any extension that is enough to replace the night shift redux extension I have on chrome. Can someone point me to some resources?
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keymeadoww · 7 months
Can we get Helluva Loona x Male Sinner Reader? Thanks for your time!
Yeah! Anything for you anon <3
To change Y/N to your actual name, click here: https://interactivefics.tumblr.com/download for chrome, firefox, and microsoft edge downloads!
Title: I Know
Characters: Loona x M! Sinner! Reader
Warnings: mentions of the Extermination Day, arguing, kinda angsty, I tried to make her in character but maybe an OOC Loona, kinda ambiguous ending
Words: 1.3k
Prompt: Request
Loona’s eyes widened as she heard the distant chime of the clock. Her coworkers glanced around with sparse sympathy as they continued their work around the office. 
“Already that time again, huh?” Blitz exclaimed, entering the office and dropping a box. He stretched gruesomely, “Feels like it just happened the other day.” 
Millie shrugged, moving to sit cross-legged on her husband’s desk, “I don’t know, Blitz. Seems like it happened 365 days ago to me.” She laughed half-heartedly. 
Moxxie glanced up from his paperwork to say something, but he noticed the spooked look on Loona’s face. “Loona? Are you alright? You seem like you just saw a human.” 
Blitz hurried over and smothered her in a hug, “MY BABY! What’s wrong?! Tell daddy, daddy’s here!” 
Loona growled lowly but lost the battle with her thoughts and whimpered. “Y/N…” She muttered quietly. She recalled the last time she spoke to her boyfriend. It was admittedly a few days ago when they had fought.
“Loona, please, just listen to me for once!” He pleaded as she stomped away. She didn’t respond, only growling at him. “Loona, please.”
“No! You don’t get to talk to me right now! I’m allowed to be mad at you and I’m allowed to distance myself from you.”
Despite her insistence, he sighed, “Loo, please. I just want to explain myself-”
He trailed after her with a frown,  “Oh come on! I didn’t even do anything! You’re accusing me of shit without anything to prove it. Let me talk!” 
She spun around angrily, glaring at him, “You want to talk? Fine, fucking talk!”
“Loona, I didn’t do anything. It was all innocent, I swear to you. We were studying. She’s struggling in her classes-”
“Bull-fucking-shit.” She rolled her eyes, “I saw the pictures! She fucking kissed you!” 
He looked alarmed for a second, “No! She did not!” He approached her before stopping when he earned a harsh glare. “I promise you, she did not.”
Loona rolled her eyes again, pulling out her phone and showing him a picture. “Oh yeah, then what’s this?”
He stared at it before he scoffed incredulously, “That’s not even me! That’s her boyfriend! We look similar, sure, but we don’t look that much alike!”
Loona glared at him, looking at the photo again. Sure enough, the person in the photo’s hair was longer and he had a (darker/paler) complexion. She gaped for a second before responding, “Okay, sure, it's not you. Fine, I get that. But you were still making moves onto her! Don’t talk to me. I hate you!”
He stared at her in disbelief, “Loo, I cannot believe you right now! What are you even talking about? I wasn’t doing anything except tutoring her! Studying for the exams next week.”
Loona was too far to apologize. She knew she was in the wrong, but her pride didn’t allow her to say anything except turn and stomp off. This time, he didn’t follow.
Her ears flattened against her head as she remembered the last time they spoke. Her soft whine was muffled by her arms as she brought them up to shield her.
“Y/N? Who the FUCK is that?” Blitz cried, “Did they hurt my loony?!” 
Loona’s head snapped up and she looked almost guilty for a second, “NO! No, he is… my boyfriend.”
Blitz’s eyes widened, “Your WHAT? NO, no, no, my little Loony is too young to be dating.” He leaned against a desk, “Oh, fuck, I think I’m going to be faint.”
She growled lightly, but it didn’t last long. “Oh can it, Blitz.” She muttered, leaning her head down to panic slightly. Her eyes welled with tears, a usually foreign sign of her weakness.
“Uh, sir?” Moxxie whispered, “Perhaps now isn’t the best time to talk about that. Maybe you should try to ask her what’s wrong?”
Blitz snapped his fingers, “Right-o, Moxxie!” Blitz leaned down and puckered his lips out, “Aww, what’s wrong, my little Loony?”
Without her normal response of a his or even a snap of her teeth, she responded, “He’s a sinner.”
The word was uttered quietly, almost too quietly to be heard. But Blitz heard it. Of course he did. His eyes widened and his arm went around his daughter’s shoulders, “Oh, Loona, he’ll be fine. You know that.” 
“Do I?” She sounded like she was crying, and she was. “The last time I ever spoke to him, I told him I hated him.” 
Moxxie inched forward, “Uh, well, do you?”
Her snarl came back, “Fuck no.” She stood up, quickly grabbing the chair she was sitting in and throwing it against the wall. “No! Why would I say that? Of course I didn’t fucking mean it! I love him!” 
After a moment of silence, a loud cheer interrupted it. Loona spun around, staring out the window, sinners and imps alike were crowding the streets, celebrating their hell-ridden lives. It was over. 
Without another glance at the trio surrounding her, Loona spun on her paws and rushed to leave. Before she could get far, her shirt collar was grabbed. 
“Nuh-uh. If you’re going on a recon mission, count us in!” Blitz cried, his car keys hanging from his fingers.
“Even if you hate us, you're still family.” Millie added. She glanced at her husband, urging him to say something else supportive.
“Uh, I hope he’s alive?”
Another chair was thrown at the wall. “Damnit Moxxie, you made her mad again!”
In a matter of moments, they were in Blitz’s jeep. “There! Stop there!” Loona pointed at an old decrepit apartment building. Half of the floors were destroyed. 
“Ooh, well, it could look worse.” Moxxie commented.
Loona glanced at him, “It always looks like this.” She growled, getting out of her seat and running to the door. She booked it up the stairs, reaching the third floor in no time. Finding room 3C was easy as it felt like muscle memory. She pounded on the door rapidly.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming!” A familiar voice called. It was Y/N’s roommate. He opened the door and grinned. “Ooh, familiar face, how’ve you been, guapa?”
Without stopping, her eyes darted around, “Is he okay?”
The roommate frowned, “You mean after the purge? Yeah, he’s fine. A little shaken up. It's his first one, after all.” His brows furrowed, “Actually, now that you mention it, he’s been acting the same for the last few days. Did something happen?”
She was quiet for a second before nodding. Instead of elaborating, she moved him aside to enter the apartment. Behind her, she heard Blitz point a gun at the guy. “Wha- Hey! Don’t point that shit at me!”
Ignoring the commotion, she reached her boyfriend’s door. She panicked for a moment. Would he be willing to see her? She carefully knocked on his door.
“Come back later, bro. I told you I didn’t wanna talk.” Relief flooded her heart. So he was okay. She knocked again, pushing open his door. “Bro, I said leave me alone-”
He looked up from his bed and froze. It took him a second but he turned his gaze away. Loona felt her paw tremble. “Y/N?” She mumbled, “I wanted to come make sure you were okay.”
He nodded awkwardly, “Oh, uh, yeah. That- That sounds like you.” It was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. “Well, you saw that I’m fine. You can leave now if you want.”
“Do you want me to go?”
Another moment. “No.”
She stalked towards him. “I-” She hesitated. “I’m sorry.” Her eyes watered. “I didn’t mean anything I said. I was just so pissed off that she sent those photos to me, claiming they were you. I love you. I never want to hurt you.”
He nodded carefully. “Well. You did hurt me. A lot. But, I should apologize too.” He glanced up, “I shouldn’t have said some of the things I said. I wasn’t trying to patronize or be manipulative.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I know.”
��I don’t want you to leave me.”
“I know.”
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shrimpngritcakes · 3 years
Buddie prompt #3: 9-1-1 & Lone Star crossover idea
I’m putting this idea here for someone to claim if they wish. It was originally posted on Ao3 (now with additions), but deleted it due to ToS. If anyone wants this prompt, please comment below so I can delete it after you copy it to prevent similar stories.
His breaking point was a kiss.
One he knew he wasn't supposed to see. With anyone else he would feel like a voyeur, but all he could feel was a dark emptiness opening in his chest.
With Eddie’s truck being in the shop for a tie rod that had broken while at work, sending Eddie into a storm of cursing in Spanish, Ana had picked him up for their latest date.
And dropped him off.
If was a horrible fluke that Buck had stood up to look out the window at just the wrong moment. He should have been in the spare bedroom asleep after a grueling 24 surrounded by all the things he had brought with him when he moved in all those weeks ago.
Buck makes his excuses to leave while Eddie is completely confused and trying to get him to talk. Eddie tries to call Buck but he doesn't pick up.
Buck goes to see Bobby and Athena. It all spills out, including not feeling wanted by his parents. Bobby thinks Eddie is being an idiot but keeps this to himself. He suggests a leave of absence for mental health. Bobby receives permission from his superior to place Buck on open ended leave after giving him a brief explanation of the situation. Ending with him saying to Bobby, “That poor boy. If I ever meet that boy's parents…”
Bobby answers, “Get in line, but there may not be anything left after Athena gets them first.”
TK is surprised to find a sleeping Buck in his Jeep in the parking lot of the 126. An off duty Carlos takes him back to his place where he crashes on the couch. Buck has a nightmare and Carlos talks him down.
Owen calls Bobby saying he has his boy and they'll take care of them. He has a plan and discusses it with Bobby. The whole absence makes the heart grow fonder concept.
“Is it mutual?”
“I’m not 100% sure, but…”
“You can't tell Eddie. Even if he begs for answers for his son, you need to stand strong. It needs to be him asking for himself. If this goes wrong… We'll take Buck in here. He'll have a home with the 126. It will take a while, but we'll help put him back together as best we can until he's back on his feet. He won't be alone.”
Bobby wipes at his face, “Thank you."
“Let's hope this works.”
Eddie is worried and confused why Buck never came home. His phone is going straight to voicemail. Now he isn't there for his shift. Another man comes in and introduced as Buck's temporary replacement. Eddie asks Bobby where Buck is, but he won't give him a straight answer. Eddie is shocked as Bobby's tone is harsh and he glaring at him. Bobby later apologized and explains that Buck requested that only he and Maddie know where he is. Eddie tries to dig, but Bobby just shakes his head with a, “I'm sorry, Eddie. I can't tell you.”
Eddie asks Maddie, but she just slams the door in his face. Chim doesn’t know as she's refusing to tell them where Buck is. Chim delivers her handwritten apology the next day to Eddie. It states Buck needs space from everything, but mostly leaves out the part about Eddie (only one or two things that hint, but it goes over Eddie's head).
Athena almost breaks down and calls Eddie a fool before storming away to her police cruiser. She doesn't know where he is because Bobby refuses to tell her (which she finds annoying yet commendable), but she was there for the why when Buck broke down. She'll apologize after Buck and Eddie return. Hopefully together.
Filler with Buck and the 126 and Carlos. Judd takes him out on a horse like he did Capt. Strand. Fill a pothole on how Grace and him are so accepting of TK's sexuality despite being religious.
A Facetime therapy session where Copeland assures him its okay to get away for a while.
Eddie doesn't quite realize yet that he's slowly losing it, but the others can tell.
Paul and Buck have a conversation.
Christopher asking where Buck is because it's movie night. Eddie doesn't have an answer.
Eddie rages in the station gym trying to understand. He almost gets it, but he thinks Buck is jealous of Eddie, not Ana. Cue Hen groaning under her breath, "You almost got it, Eddie. Come on. Keep thinking."
TK, Carlos, and Paul take Buck out to a club. TK talks absentmindedly to the bartender, even showing him/her a picture of Eddie from Insta. Word spreads about the "new guy," Buck. Others keep the “creeps" away from Buck. Buck loosens up a little while there.
Buck Facetimes Christopher on Carla's phone, only for Eddie to walk in just as Buck is hanging up. He sees Buck's panicked/sad face right before he hangs up. He tries to call back, but doesn't get an answer. Carla huffs and shakes her head. "Figure it out yourself, hun. I can't give you this answer. You need to find it for yourself." Cue Eddie even more confused. This is all just about Buck's parents and jealous over Ana... Isn't it?
Roller derby to cheer on Marjan with the bartender flirting with Buck, who is all kinds of flustered. Carlos, TK, and the others tease him mercilessly.
A massive fire where Buck offers his help. Paul gives Buck as sidehug in gratitude.
Eddie almost punching the mechanic because his truck still isn't done.
Marjan takes Buck out to do something crazy because she's Firefox. (Buck is still starstruck). Maybe skydiving or they race each other at wall climbing? Cue competitive banter.
Owen keeping Bobby updated on Buck.
Buck eventually asks for a transfer. Owen asks if this is what he really wants. Buck just shrugs and asks helplessly what other option he has.
(Optional: Bucks gets up quietly at night for a glass of water and stumbles onto Carlos and TK having sex/making out in the kitchen. Buck either flees in embarrassment or is stunned into watching with Carlos and TK aware that he's there. All parties awkward and/or embarrassed the next morning until TK bursts into giggles and laughter.)
Eddie's relationship with Ana is rapidly deteriorating. Christopher has a full on tantrum. Eddie has to koala hug him on the floor, after Ana brings him back home from a not very good date as Eddie's thoughts were on Buck. Ana tries to help calm him down but Chris screams at her about Buck not being around as much as soon as she started dating his dad. “I hate you! I hate you!” He yells her to get out. Ana still tries to talk. Carla snaps at her to leave. She still tries.
Eddie is spiraling. Flashback of that kiss he really wasn’t ready for, but Ana had asked. It dawns on him that that was the night Buck disappeared. Why would Buck leave because of that? Chris is repeatedly asking her to leave, but she's not listening. She's not listening to his son. He finally snaps and demands that she leaves. She storms out. Relationship dead in the water.
Carla can only watch as Eddie breaks from it all.
The original plan has failed, so it’s time for the final attempt. A blatant hammer strike to Eddie's head to knock some sense into him.
Bobby calls Eddie into his office. He shows Eddie transfer papers from Buck along with a list of Buck's possessions to be boxed and shipped. Eddie is speechless. Thoughts of Christopher and losing Buck. He's losing Buck.
He shows Eddie an email he received and Eddie slowly scrolls through, It's full of captioned pictures. Such as:
-Buck staring off into the distance on a horse.
-Buck curled on a couch looking lost.
-Buck looking drool-worthy in club clothes. The caption: “Holy sh@t! If I wasn't already happily taken…”
-Showing Buck blushing as someone talks in his ear.
-Smiling yet not reaching his eyes while dancing.
-Sitting with his head buried in his hands on the engine’s bumper.
-Helping man a hose at a large blaze captioned with “Yes, we had permission for him to be there.” Followed by a picture of someone (Paul, but Eddie can’t see his face as he’s looking at the ground and hidden by his helmet) sidehugging a sweaty dusty still geared up Buck around the neck with a hand resting on his head.
A video. It's Buck spilling everything curled up in someone's arms (maybe Carlos or Grace). “Why am I always alone! What about me?” Mentions of Abby and Ali. His failed dates. Everyone pairing up. Losing part of his sister to Chim after finally having her back in his life after so many years apart. “And Eddie! Eddie… Why does love hurt so much?” mentioning Chris. Etc.
Eddie is shaking. It finally clicks why Buck left.
One more video. It's Capt. Strand and the 126 facing the camera. He knows where Buck is now - Austin, Texas.
“Buck doesn't know we're putting all this together. He’s asleep. We may or may not have knocked him out with sleeping pills.”
They all lay it out for Eddie. Eddie feels all kinds of stupid and blind. “Now, you have a choice here, Edmundo Diaz…”
“Why… Oh my god. This entire time… ”
“Do you love him, Eddie? As more than a friend? Or am I signing these papers?”
A few seconds after Eddie runs out of the room, a sigh comes from the speaker phone. “I'll get things set up.”
“Thank you, Owen. For everything.”
“You're welcome.”
The whole firehouse going up in a cheer after Eddie floors out of the parking lot in his thankfully finally fixed truck. Hen is shaking Chim or vice versa.
Carla agrees over the phone to keep Christopher after Eddie blurts everything out to her, ending with a “Go get him, Eddie.”
“Did everyone see this but me?” Carla is laughing as she hangs up.
Buck sees Owen call TK over and whispering in his ear. Tk has an interesting reaction before running out of the room with his phone already to his ear.
Flashbacks as Eddie is scrolling through his pictures on his phone while on an airplane. How he missed it. How he didn't understand himself. His fall had been so slow he hadn't even realized it until it was almost, or maybe is, too late. His seatmate makes a comment on his happy “family," and it’s a kick to Eddie's already flayed emotions.
Judd is there to pick him up at the airport, which surprised him.
He's dropped off at a club. Judd makes a snarky comment after handing Eddie a hotel room key card through the window. Eddie rolls his eyes as Judd drives off laughing. The bouncer, having seen the Diaz blazoned on the back of his LAFD shirt, waves Eddie inside, skipping the line. The whispering starts as soon as he enters. Word had spread and they had been hoping for Buck. “Is that…”
“I think so.”
He's shocked as the crowd starts to part for him. The music lowers in volume. People are staring and he's embarrassed, etc., but he sees Buck, who TK has made sure looks phenomenal. Taking a deep breath, he squares his shoulders and walks forward.
Buck is dancing between Carlos and TK. He feels Carlos start smacking TK on the back before they pull away from him. They’re both grinning so wide he suspects their faces are hurting. TK is not so quietly squealing in excitement.
A hand covers his eyes from behind. He immediately recognizes the body wash smell. “Eddie…”
Mini conversation/argument, neither realizing the club has gone dead silent, with Eddie yelling “Because I love you, you idiot!”
The entire club loses it with TK whooping, jumping with a fist punch, and laughing.
End there with a kiss, at the hotel room which may or may not get steamy, or Buck telling Christopher he's home with Chris tackling him to the ground.
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punksarahreese · 3 years
discrepency + dizzy -milkymarj
Dizzy | Discrepancy
Disability!AU; pain can be incredibly disorienting, especially if one pushes through it.
Word count: 1205
Prompt: dizzy
CW: pain, syncope/fainting
Hindsight is always 20/20, unfortunately, and Marjan tends to learn that the hard way. Realistically she knows better, yet every time she pushes herself too far she finds herself frustrated with her body’s limits. She shouldn’t still hurt like this, she reasons with herself, it shouldn’t be this hard.
She said that but she knew it was the opposite in reality. She already did things doctors told her she would never be capable of doing, and she did them on the daily. That comes with clear risks, of course, but Marjan didn’t worry about them. Not in the moment, anyway, because all she really wanted to do was help people. She was in it for the fulfilment of her childhood dream and the need to help others, though she would also admit the adrenaline rush is pretty great too.
Marjan should be more careful, it's what her parents and friends back home tell her constantly. They’d seen all her videos and the risks are evident but Marjan never listened too hard. She’s Firefox for goodness’ sake, one doesn’t go viral by being careful or by being treated like glass. That's what she told them every time and it's what Owen needs to be reminded every time he expresses his concern. She knew they nag because they’re worried but she’s 25; one would think Marjan could take care of herself by that point.
That’s what she muttered to her captain when he nudged her on their way back to the rig. She was limping, she could feel it in the way her body instinctively favoured her right side. Something wasn’t right and Marjan knew that but she had hoped no one would notice. Usually capitan Strand was too preoccupied with his own thing to really notice, but that wasn’t the case on this day.
“Marwani, you okay?” His voice was lowered, thankfully, and Owen waited until Paul had gone off to help Mateo with the hose before he spoke. They had an agreement that Marjan would keep him updated on her condition so long as he didn’t let the rest of the squad know. Considering the amount of things he kept a secret from his son in the past, she hoped he could apply that to the whole 126 this time around.
“Fine, Cap,” she answered as she went to hoist herself back into the truck, trying to hide her flinch when she leaned too much on her leg.
“Just a strain,” she promised, settling down in the seat she usually claimed. A quick glance out the other window told her the others were coming into the rig. Giving Owen a look, Marjan went to fiddle with her seatbelt in an attempt to avoid eye contact, hoping he would take the hint. Marjan didn’t need the concern and she certainly didn’t want the rest of her crew to know anything was wrong. Nothing was wrong, after all; or at least that’s what she told herself.
Even still, she had to admit paying attention to any conversation was extremely difficult. Actually, Marjan was having a hard time focusing in general, her brain feeling like it was stuffed with cotton. All she could think about was the amount of screaming pain her leg was in at that point, the ligaments in her knee being particularly bothered. Any movement sent harsh tugging motions through the connective tissue, making Marjan grit her teeth and hide her flinch as the rig came to a less than gentle stop in the station.
She was the last one out of the truck, pretending to fix her scarf and tugging on her undercap a bit. The boys didn’t bother her or look in her direction whenever she did that, something she was always grateful for. In that situation it gave her some time to have them disappear to shower or change, leaving Marjan mostly alone so she could relax for a moment.
That was the idea, anyway, but it was easier said than done. Even after sitting and trying to relax her muscles for a moment, Marjan could only feel pain. A gentle hand pressing on the back of her knee through her gear felt like she was being hit with a baseball bat, causing her to stifle a pained sound. She had to stand up, though, because her staying in the rig for this long was already a cause for concern.
Holding onto the handle for support, Marjan lowered herself out of the seat, praying she didn’t fall off the step with how unstable she felt. Her head was spinning, an uncomfortably familiar sensation caused by her adamance to push through the pain. Even as she tried to regain her footing, she knew she pushed herself too far this time.
She had declined Paul’s offer to be the one to rappel into that building, insisting it was her turn and hooking her harness to the rigging system before he could argue. She had been fine all day, through the walking and heavy gear and even while carrying a little boy out of a house fire. She miscalculated her stability during the rappel down, though, and a stumble when going to break a second floor window with her boots had her knee buckling. The initial pain was bad but the aftermath made it feel like a pinprick in comparison. She wasn’t sure what she had done but the way she had to grit her teeth with every bend of her knee told Marjan it was way more than just a strain.
“Marjan?” Mateo was behind her all of a sudden, a gentle hand on her elbow when she teetered on her unstable legs. She winced because she wasn’t sure how to avoid the truth but this wasn’t a situation she could hide from them. She was hurt, that was clear, and she couldn’t smile her way out of the concern of her crewmates.
“I’m fine, Probie,” she replied before he could ask, “Knocked up my knee a bit is all.”
“I’ll get Tommy.”
“Mateo, no,” Marjan said quickly before her friend could run off to find the paramedic capitan. She tried to shake her head, meaning to put on a brave face and promise she was just fine, but that was a mistake. The rapid head movement only worsened her vertigo caused by the discomfort, the room spinning and her leg threatening to buckle under her. Mateo must have noticed because he grabbed her again, quick to help support her right side because Marjan was clearly having trouble.
“Captain Vega?!” Marjan wanted to protest again but she was too dizzy, her eyes felt heavy and all she wanted to do was cry. She hated appearing weak but she couldn’t keep up the façade at that point, not when her whole leg felt like it was on fire, almost as bad as when she first tore her MCL back in middle school. Marjan couldn’t even answer Tommy when she asked what was wrong, only a stifled whimper of pain preceded her descent into unforgiving unconsciousness, falling limp in Mateo’s hold.
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sirjustice404-blog · 4 years
New ways to kill a rat
Baby star-soft, either made with white guava, tangerine, banana, yam, bringanya and flowers in the boom process inserting all the below into the grinned solution of the above.
Gear bolt remover auto-matic and hand rotated as with the pulley, too soft that u realize not u r untied the bolt from the nut dude as in the below link
House super drum size armored glass where on the edges to the ground, it has sweeping on the ground normal bullet proof cloth as with most African lorries or buses mad guard.
When subdued but still wanna continue to claim people their own yet with bad character b4 they tell u to feed their own which aint ya shit again which if u refute they organize ya attack must end, when many who knows how to see those who see things on the eye are employed to settle the dust of disputes. Mr Hindu now time is ripe to get to ya nation. mFalme wa yawhodi to bring the fact of many such people from different walks of like who have known how to make military vehicle and missiles yet partake corpse not as u claim.
Small medical bottles like surgical spirit or eye/ear drop bottles when place inside rye, Garbage or dough, fruit juice and the below as hay, cut raw mango pieces, groundnut husks, African broom stick, pineapple, purple fruit, charcoal water, pumpkin pieces, okwaju outer peel makes mini-missiles like in the link below that uses the solar generator as explained earlier in other following tumblr a/c
At the red houses adjacent or opposite to White Gate Kisumu along odinga oginga road on ya way to kibos sugar factory, harbors a super drum size hole which detective from different nations can come to see to atest that what is in book about the earth crust radius is a hoax as its from 10 -16 KM as Some Nigerians and Ghana men have made it here to attest the same above yet Mr white man still want to bother or rule us with day time lies. Fuck u dude synonymous with the bible, was made that way so a blessing in disguise to us.
Skyscraper and roads, u make holes with like bore hole digger machine, then mix much ya city garbage with sewer or just normal water, fill the hole, inside insert the explained/mentioned above along wire cut wires, bolts and nuts from hardware then with high intensity water pump, hurl cold water in the boom process or spit saliva from up high and boom ya building or road as per your style gotten from internet pictures or PS4 OR 5.
Must have for ya kitchen if still living in traditions, now that artificial charcoal also made using garbage and inserting the name above inside alongside sample of charcoal real or from photos making such Kg prices to reduce by up-to 70% cause involves not cutting down trees with lawn moving, grass cutting machines that required earlier robust men to eliminate such as now we need semi-weak men, of respect to the law, not all generous and outside the house thinkers as partially business oriented to move the world as can not spoil human race or not snoopers as chicken out dude as 2 fold homey, houses as well and welded gates window can be made as charcoal above to eliminate the pride of robust men with women once and 4 good
U mean Nija still reach, yet our attention was shifted to that side with women as calabar, men, i feel like i want to puk as vomit, where will we turn to to get the women we have desired 4 life,maybe middle east dude. Yam can be sold to nations in the temperate world who produce such not and make shampoo, baby star-soft and soaps we did not know bro, see that market dude
my cooperative bank of Kenya a/c no 01116294445000, car and electric or plane, boat, submarine company who wish to pay me tribute send me dem cash into that bank a/c number as wire, away out of no way dude to tell me shit again to get to the counter, i debit my money anyway i wanna Mr Lazy!!! As in the link below
Gold good than steel as makes ya head shape-full as rye bread and small and always thinking as good feeling synonymous with Manhattan island NY.
Cut carrot juice also when placed take the place as mentioned below, hay, pumpkin, coconut leave dry stick, purple fruit, Ginger, groundnut, broken sticks pineapple, lemon, orange outer peel, yam, sweet potato, raw mango or water lily as u can try many people with every machine to see which comes out good and even charcoal water or mix all that dude
Candy can be made like sugar, where in that juice like orange, pineapple, purple fruit or any fruit that makes juice u place the above as orange outer peel and boom ya candy or cough drops as with it u can mix need leaves with Ginger and lemon and boom ya cough drop or syrup dude
Carrot, human feces brown 1, red guava makes gold in the boom process when placed in sewer water or garbage and even corpse of rude people. Soda make as candy above as with cut oranges, sprite with female pee, Bitter lemon with cut lemon while stony with cut Ginger as the above all placed to remove the benefit of doubt dude. Coke u mix neem plant leaves with Wild sunflower, add much water in the boom process
Negro its up to u, to desist other tribes as not u as u have learnt as well to make Gadgets dude, maybe white-men playing dice to depict ya of being rude to facilitate ya annihilation by another nation cause u got no-sense which aint our problemo but yours dude
Ice cream is even made with ice placed in yogurt in the boom process or u place bubble gum as same in the boom process and ya ice cream as it builds cities like Chicago which when other spheres have learnt the same, its collapse dude. Hay or gum tree sticks can also take space of ice or use interchangeably. Ice cream IC, Jama-ic-a, icu, bury me dude, ica in local jargon. Tryna playing my insanity as portrayed in my writings which much i got from people on other tumblr a/c, aint mine dude, and if so my being insane has led to almost 2 thirds of world countries making airplane, military vehicle, missiles, cars, buses, phones all ahead of them, which if they as portrayed above they could have made it 1st or if were mine and could rob them their self-hood, they could have annihilated me to officiate such innovations which now they want to delete of what they cant delete, meaning they are insane claiming me to be them yet i don’t give them what they have ever wanted most to give them leverage well ahead b4 any other world tribe. Dem insane dude, AE your u claim, my writings on tumblr yours as those countries made machines as airplane or phones, u want to sue them dude, the above can also make paints with rye dough, flowers or gum tree extract dude
SAUCER JETS as in the link below are made with inserted yellow egg albumen or sweet potato in garbage as planes can be made using the same as above heaped with much cut used water bottle to have the metallic shinny appeal not as dry synonymous with many made African emerging airplanes
Maroon Kenyan money note is made with cut strawberry where many spit and boom ya cash after placing all mentioned above.
Known Kenya is poor when her cash crop can be made well in the boom process but still wants the leisure associated with many inland lakes like Victoria and trukana, the Negro blooded and that’s it dude as TZ or UG lakes are much deeper like Tanganyika 4 the above, Get to chad or Malawi dude, go shallow inland lake that can offer u the same as above dude
When u place purple fruit as Zambarau or yam or orange peel in the boom in Garbage, solution makes even range rovers, Cadillac, heavy machinery, electrical appliances and accessories, jets, planes, military vehicle, when what u want u place their cut diagonal photo as well. When it fails with charcoal water, pumpkin, pineapple, coconut leaves/sticks or as those mentioned above try as well with the above and even the Fanta black currents u can add into the solution 4 more results with other gadgets that has not been made as u keep on trying to get the best results dude.
Germans time is the essence, u sponsor some men who behaves like your own to say shit in my ears, i cant dude, take it all away, who is greatest, what has disturbed u 4 ages, here i come and i give the client like nation b4 u like Uganda, Tz and Jamaica and still not ashamed like Internet and pay TV, phones and home appliances. Cant u see u r a toddler to me, get ya way dude, what i can do great to ya, is sleep with ya woman not to marry but to pay as will bring bad disturbing kid without respect. U r the epicenter, u came with Illuminati and must eradicate it lest u r annihilated dude.
Shinny airplanes like the USA or air peace Benin made 1 are made with Garbage but much ripe mango of the same magnitude added to give it that feeling dude or rye as u add made or after the plane made, repaint it with shinny paint as with like Burkina Faso or Mali 1 in the links below which aint shinny
Getting money online thinking u got by as a head of ya pals, then shortly u r forced to pay like with 2goinvoice, even getting jobs 4 kids and building homestead 4 respects, which eliminates the same altogether so u get back to insulting ya long ago homies 4 no apparent reason. U Mexican as u heard carli or Texas were the same so wanting good life 4 ya kids and connected with Mexicans 4 that to happens as enjoy bar kalare make u insane water now can be made much in the boom process as in tumblr a/c sirjustice350, so ya plan fails so harsh with others. Eblotong'i bwana, warn them if u r not their described dude and Christ thing infused on 1 now failed, eating corp of this tribe or person made u to be innovative, so sell the same to the whole world to get cash as failed dude. Go to hell and die, where now are ya long time plans, dead and gone dude, stop ya shit bro lest 1 cut ya with machiethe
Rye paints or unhurt u add sweet banana in the boom process then ya paint or rubber tree extract like 1 in Liberia or other cut banana u add purple fruit or egg shell and boom ya paint bro, or detergent in water then add sweet potato and boom ya paint bro
Iran fighter jet in the link below
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hgfstreamchats · 5 years
The Muppet Christmas Carol
thebestdecepticonleader Hi 😃 Me Hello there! thenightetc Hello! thebestdecepticonleader Ah, the Christmascarolman Me Hello, night human! thenightetc "Santa Buddy" Me Singing about how desperately he wants Santa inside him. As one does. thenightetc Ha! thebestdecepticonleader hm thebestdecepticonleader I think someone misunderstood what this song was about when they made this version Me Yes, yes, Christmascarolman. Your "chimney" is oiled and ready to go. We get it. thenightetc Very possibly.
Me And speaking of sexual tension! Me Stop that, youtube. thenightetc Boy oh boy. thebestdecepticonleader um thenightetc Good thing their parents walked in just then thebestdecepticonleader okay then Me "The kids are fragging again."
"Who cares? I smell coffee." Me Named Christmas. thenightetc Lots of blank pages in that book thebestdecepticonleader Why do the humans look like That thebestdecepticonleader The mayor just hands over sacks of money thenightetc Oh, that's just how humans looked back in, uh, 1991 Me It was a dark time. thebestdecepticonleader Wow, if she loses every hand she's really bad at poker thenightetc Right? thebestdecepticonleader You'd think you'd give up after, I don't know, ten hands Me I admire her persistence. thenightetc It's like she specifically likes losing money Me "Goodbye, children, or whatever." thebestdecepticonleader Like she could use the money on other wasteful things Like clothes for herself and stuff like that Me Better shades of lipstick. thebestdecepticonleader better tan she and Donald Trump must get their spray tan from the same bottle Me That's a cruel dig on Mrs. Mavelda. thenightetc Yeah, let's not go TOO far here thebestdecepticonleader It is pretty terrible though thenightetc Surround her with the corpses of her fellows thebestdecepticonleader She's wearing her friend Me Friends AND family! thenightetc That slide would be so splintery, though thebestdecepticonleader yep thenightetc You know, in a way, what with her losing all the money every time, it's like she's paying them to hang out with her thebestdecepticonleader Even I don't sink that low Me You can't pick your friends, but you can bribe them. Santa is everyone's grandpa and uncle. thebestdecepticonleader at the same time? Me Yes. thenightetc You'd think one of them would be saying, "I wish for parents" Which would be kind of awkward for her Me Her massive pillow looks comfortable. thenightetc gah thenightetc These closeups are not doing the animation any favors Me They just highlight her cataracts. Me FireWOOD. thenightetc "because you're not weakened from years of malnutrition" thenightetc This is such a great plan, really Me This won't end with two frozen child corpses. thenightetc ...So did Santa cause that crash? Me Those drivers will be eating their Christmas dinner through a straw, but THE TREE. thenightetc That tree will outlive them all thenightetc Especially Happy. Me Every single year, I forget that happens. thenightetc Well, *I* forgot that Santa is actually real here and shows up at the end, so Me I think our memories are fighting to keep this movie from sticking. thenightetc well, it IS your fault Me She doesn't seem too concerned that Lilly and Potty are missing. thenightetc Best. Christmas. Ever. Me Better get out your most festive Corpse Handling Gloves, everyone. thenightetc The ones with the fur trim. Me Naturally! thenightetc Oh wow, is the whole town here now? Me They've got nothing better to do. Me It's a nice change from small town gossip and opioids. thenightetc It's a christmas miracle! Me Never. Gets. Old. thenightetc Right? thenightetc Santa in a conspicuously different drawing style Wait. If he's real, where the fuck was he all those years before?? Did he somehow not know there were miserable children there? thenightetc "But Ray, I'm not even pregnant" Me "Come to think of it, I never was! Our children just showed up one day!" Me She had to relearn how to walk and talk and swallow. thenightetc Why do they want her around children though Me Not much success. thenightetc You know, I'm not sure I've actually seen this one. Me It's surprisingly faithful. Me Hold on, the sound's a little awkward. Let me see if I can find one where it isn't. thenightetc ...man. Me Much better. thenightetc me: "gosh, this is nice animat--wait, it's a muppet movie, those are models" Me Shhh. thenightetc "wow, it's really photorealistic!" thenightetc Wait Wait, those melon things are alive?! Are they alive and going to be eaten! Me Three and a half minutes in and the implications are already horrifying! thenightetc Pfffff. Me He knows how to make an entrance. thenightetc Yes thenightetc "there go the townfolk, singing a mean song about me again" Me No wonder he's awful to them. I would be too. thenightetc I admit, it's a bop, though Me So is Little Starbot, but we don't sing about him. Isn't it though? thenightetc "Uh nothing, we weren't singing about you again" ..... thenightetc Ha! I mean, it's awful, but thenightetc Yeesh Me Indeed. thenightetc Haha thenightetc he has no eyes! Zephra85 I'm here! Me Zephra human! Hello! thenightetc Hello! Zephra85 Hi everyone!
Ugh I'm not getting any video on my end? thenightetc It's fine over here Zephra85 Yeah I'm trying to figure it out thenightetc Why was he even carolling there, though I mean, the entire town knows what Scrooge is like Me Why is anyone bothering him? thenightetc They've all memorized a song about how terrible he is! Zephra85 BLAH I can't figure out what's wrong, I'm going to try refreshing the page Me That might help. thenightetc Uh thenightetc Oh my god Me They're chipper about this. thenightetc hahahha thenightetc Ah, so they ARE visiting from hell. Me Oh, that line was creepy. thenightetc Yesss. Me This is all gloriously creepy. thenightetc It is! thenightetc Oh my gosh Hahhaha Me Minicon privilege. thenightetc Any better, Zephra? Zephra85 Well, refreshing only got my keyboard stuck in shortcut mode the whole time so I had to restart my computer, and video STILL isn't working on my end. thenightetc Well, ouch. Me That's odd! thenightetc Have you tried a different browser? It wouldn't work for me in Firefox.... Zephra85 I'm in Chrome, but I'll give Firefox a shot thenightetc No, Firefox was the one it WOULDNT' work in I have to use Opera for it Zephra85 Yeah but I think for me it has to do with my bf's adblockers and stuff? thenightetc Ahhh Zephra85 Which are different from chrome vs firefox alright giving it a shot thenightetc Good luck! She is... eerie Me At the end of the night, she takes his eyes. thenightetc Hey hey hey
Zephra85 WHELP that didn't work. Me The Pit? thenightetc Awwwww. Zephra85 Now Rabbit won't even let me connect to the stream just the chat Me It *sounds* like an adblocker issue. Zephra85 Yeah that's what I'm thinking, my bf's adblockers are a mess and I don't know how to deal with them. (google searching is proving fruitless. ) Me If you'd like to follow along on another tab, I can pause and give you a timestamp. Zephra85 Nah it's alright, I technically didn't really have time to be here anyway? There's a bunch of chores and errands I'm trying to take care of but I decided to try popping in for a stream since I haven't been to one in forever. So I think I'm just gonna jet thenightetc Awwww! Well, good luck Me Well, it's always good to see you, muppets or no muppets! Zephra85 Thanks guys, and thanks for the offer Knock Out! Enjoy the movie, everybody! Zephra85 Say to Breakdown and Impact for me, Knock Out! Me Will do! thenightetc GAH Me Seconded! Me They cut out the song! Not on my watch, you don't! thenightetc They're going to sing? Me And how! thenightetc Man. Me Ouch. thenightetc If the food starts singing........ Me It will be worse than the haunted baby doll ghost. Me Gah! thenightetc Did he just... die? Me That's been happening a lot in this movie. Me I mean, it's not as though it said "Here lies Ebeneezer Scrooge -- He was a great big spike choke." thenightetc Shhhh. Dear Unicron, his dancing. thenightetc It's probably hard to dance in a puppet costume Me Oh, his puppet dance is fine. It's Scrooge's I was talking about. thenightetc Ohhhh thenightetc Is it Scrooge Hahhahaha thenightetc Harsh, but fair. Me This wouldn't make me want to socialize with them. thenightetc Well thenightetc Well. Me Ouch again. Me "Please don't hurt me." thenightetc Right? Me Scrooge, you know exactly where this is going. thenightetc You'd think? thenightetc Ouch. "Might be" thenightetc :< Me Spirit's not dignifying that with a response. Me "Tell me I'll never die!" thenightetc Pfffff Me I mean, it's not as though it said "Here lies Ebeneezer Scrooge -- He was a great big spike choke." thenightetc Shhhh. Me It would be funny if they couldn't do it all in one night and he wakes up on the floor of his house a week later. Covered in filth. thenightetc Haha! Me That needed to start cooking four hours ago. thenightetc Well, it might be morning. Me True. thenightetc ...it's coal thenightetc I mean, I know that's what they asked for, and yet Me He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit. thenightetc ...Really, Scrooge Me This isn't the kind of joke that makes anyone feel better, Scrooge. thenightetc Right? Me "It's funny, because I made you think you were about to be starving and unable to feed your dying son!" thenightetc The punchline is relief! Me Either none of these other people have homes and Christmas plans or they heard that Scrooge is high on the opium and feeling generous. thenightetc I can't argue with that. Me Why is there a snappy pop cover of this? thenightetc He could have just said, "Here's a turkey, and I'm giving you a raise" thenightetc Instead of making it a "prank" Me Got to squeeze in that one last little reminder that Scrooge owns his entire life. Me And that's that! thenightetc Still--overall, good movie! Me Glad you enjoyed it! Me Let me just grab our usual high note, and... thenightetc Pfffff thenightetc Ha! Me Humans are fun. thenightetc WELL but hey at least the top of the tree is reachable now thenightetc Hahahaha Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc ...... Me And that's the note we're going out on, for better or worse. thenightetc Well! I mean, vine compilations tend to be both Me You know, they really do. thenightetc Thank you for the stream, as always : ) Me Thank you for coming, as always! thenightetc And goodnight! Me Good night, night human!
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Mac Colors For Studio Fix Nw
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Choosing a foundation can be really daunting, but it’s a key part to our makeup and can make or break a flawless face so it’s important to get it right. Many clients ask me about the labelling of MAC foundations as they don’t understand what NC and NW means and how to colour match themselves.
Mac Colors For Studio Fix Nw20
Mac Colors For Studio Fix Nw40
I started out on MAC as well, and I am a true NC45 according to MAC studio fix powder foundation. So I would always ask for something comparable in color. What I am dying to know is, what is my undertone or rather what does the “NC” and “NW” in MAC mean? Mac Makeup - Cheap Sale MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation NW 10 Color Wholeset - NET WT/POIDS NET 15g / 0.52 US OZ. I used MAC Studio Fix in NC20 over her face to even out and correct the redness and NW10 concealer to correct the dark circles The number that follows each NC, NW, N or C is simply the colour of each foundation. SHADE/COLOR - NW25. MAC STUDIO FIX FLUID FOUNDATION SPF 15. Comfortable and long-wearing: lasts for up to eight hours. Applies smoothly, builds. I started out on MAC as well, and I am a true NC45 according to MAC studio fix powder foundation. So I would always ask for something comparable in color. What I am dying to know is, what is my undertone or rather what does the “NC” and “NW” in MAC mean? MAC Foundation Finder; POWDER. STUDIO FIX FLUID SPF 15 FOUNDATION. Keeps oil in check while blending on like a second skin FULL COVERAGE, MATTE FINISH. A dreamy tinted face color for sheer, luminous perfection SHEER COVERAGE, SATIN FINISH FOR ALL SKIN TYPES. Why you'll it.
In colour theory, we’re taught that cool undertones are reds, pinks and blues and that warm undertones are yellow, peaches and golds. However, in MAC labelling, the undertones are the opposite.
NC: Neutral Cool – golden beige undertones.
NW: Neutral Warm – red, pink or blue undertones.
N: Neutral – beige undertones.
Watch live: NAB Livestream 2018. New features and products from Livestream and Vimeo including Studio software for Mac, new Studio One hardware, and OTT Live. Watch customer Q&As live from our booth at NAB. Viewer FAQs Livestream Platform Producer for Desktop Livestream Broadcaster Livestream Studio. Promoted articles. How Do I Watch an Event on Livestream? How Do I Simulcast My Events to Facebook Live or YouTube? Finding the RTMP URL and Stream Key for My Event. Livestream studio software for mac. Studio software is free for all Livestream and Vimeo Premium subscribers (free trial available), or can be purchased unlocked for $799 (Windows only). Build your own Studio on Windows or Mac - just add a camera or capture device from Blackmagic Design or Magewell. Download specification PDF. 5 Best Live Streaming Software for Mac you Must Know. You can easily find so many live streaming software tools over internet but the sad part is that most of these are not compatible with Mac platform.
C: Cool – Yellow, golden or olive undertones
So a person with yellow, peach or golden undertones would be suited well to an NC foundation whereas a person with red, pink or blue undertones would be better suited to an NW foundation. A person with a beige undertone would be perfectly suited to an N foundation.
You might have heard that some ladies use an NC foundation but have been given an NW concealer, this is because the pink undertone of an NW concealer helps to cancel out dark green under eye circles. For blue tinged under eye circles, you could cancel them out with an NC concealer.
My client Nina has warm undertones (reds in MAC terms) with cool under eye circles (yellow). I used MAC Studio Fix in NC20 over her face to even out and correct the redness and NW10 concealer to correct the dark circles
The number that follows each NC, NW, N or C is simply the colour of each foundation. Sharon, from Sharonthemakeupartist.com explains this perfectly:
“…there are some odd numbers peppered along the way in some of the foundations. For example there is an NC27 or an NW18 in Studio Fix Fluid . These colours don’t have quite as strong an undertone as those that end in 5 or 0. These odd numbers have more of a neutral undertone. So an NC27 is not as yellow as an NC25 but it is a little bit darker.
Conversely there are also plain C’s and plain N’s. These have a stronger yellow or pink undertone than their NC/NW counterparts. Very few of the foundations in the range now have these strong undertones, it’s mostly the old school formulas like Face and Body, or Studio Fix Powder.”
The shade I wear myself is NC15 – this is much more flattering to my skin tone and helps to cancel out any unwanted redness over my cheek area. This is my personal preference too and I find that the NC blends seamlessly into my skin. I find that with the majority of my clients, an NC foundation always looks better and evens the skin tone beautifully.
The most important thing is to make sure that your foundation matches with your chest and looks natural. If you are still struggling, don’t be afraid to ask a counter makeup artist for advice and a colour match. Makeup is all about having fun so there is no wrong or right way to wear your foundation, as long as you have a good match and avoid the dreaded ‘tideline’ around the neck, you’re good to go!
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© This post is copyright of Rachael Divers 2015.
Health and Beauty
Health and beauty can be important aspects of a woman's life. There are many aspects to addressing health and beauty, including taking care of your hair, skin, and nails, and so health and beauty routines will vary from woman to woman.
What are the basics of health and beauty?
Maintaining a healthy diet plays a major role in any health and beauty routine. The nutrients you receive from foods help maintain the beauty of your hair, skin, and nails. So if you don't think you have an optimal diet, taking vitamins can help provide nutrients you otherwise may not be receiving on a daily basis.
5.Provide you with the download history list to let you know what videos you have downloaded in the past. 3.A functional FLV player to play the downloaded videos and your own videos 4.It supports multithreading so that it can download multiple online videos at a time. 2.Automatically detect the internet videos from flash video-sharing sites you opened in both Safari and Firefox. Iskysoft itube studio for windows. 1.Download FLV videos from YouTube and other video-sharing sites to Mac.
How do you maintain healthy hair?
Your hair care routine is an important part of your beauty routine. Keeping it clean prevents build up that can make it look greasy or dull. Conditioning helps to improve its strength and fight against breakage. If you have curls, you may suffer from dryness. This dryness occurs because the oil from the scalp does not easily travel down the curls, making it hard to receive moisture. Manually applying oil would be beneficial in that case. You can also make use of creams and leave-in treatments. Imparting needed moisture is an essential component of hair care. Here are some of the basic products that will help you maintain the health of your hair:
Shampoo keeps hair clean and removes build up.
Conditioner helps improve strength and elasticity.
Oil helps to retain moisture and shine.
Moisturizer helps maintain elasticity.
How do you maintain healthy skin?
There are some important things to remember when it comes to your skin care beauty routine. Always remember to remove makeup, such as mascara and eyeliner, before going to bed. Avoid face washes that are strong. For example, too many harsh chemicals in a product can irritate your skin. Instead, use a good, gentle face wash to remove oil, dirt, or makeup. Most people overlook the use of a good night cream. Using an anti-aging cream before bed may help prevent or minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Here are some products that will help maintain the health of your skin:
Face wash: Cleansing daily helps to maintain clean and clear skin. It also prevents clogged pores.
Moisturizer: This fights dryness and keeps your skin glowing.
Skin Serum: Anti-aging serums prevent fine lines and wrinkles.
Mac Colors For Studio Fix Nw20
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Mac Colors For Studio Fix Nw40
How do you take care of your nails?
The Roslyn.NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs. - dotnet/roslyn. The following example uses a GitHub host, but you can use any Git host for version control in Visual Studio for Mac. If you wish to use GitHub, make sure that you have an account created and configured before following the steps in this article. Git is a distributed version control system that allows teams to work on the same documents simultaneously. This means that there is a central server that contains all the files, but when a repository is checked out from this central source, the entire repository is cloned to the local machine. Visual Studio Mac is a mobile-first, cloud-first IDE. Everything you need for mobile, cloud and Mac development. Download Visual Studio for Mac today. Manage your code in Git repos, hosted by any provider, including GitHub and Azure DevOps. Share projects seamlessly with developers using Visual Studio across Windows and Mac. Apress Source Code. This repository accompanies Beginning Visual Studio for Mac by Alessandro Del Sole (Apress, 2017). Download the files as a zip using the green button, or clone the repository to your machine using Git. Visual studio github for mac.
Make sure your nails are clean and neatly shaped. Here are some tools for giving yourself a manicure and pedicure at home:
Nail files and clippers keep nails neat and trim.
Cuticle oil keeps your nails moisturized.
Nail hardener protects your nails from breaking.
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imababblekat · 7 years
Imagine Google Finding A ‘Failed’ AI; You.
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mentions of violence and dead bodies
 Googled walked through the long, empty halls, his feet echoing of its walls. For the past few weeks something had been glitching in out of his mind, causing him to hear strange sounds and his inner tech to go out of whack. During one of those irritating weeks his systems had picked up a strange signal that eventually led him to this old building out in the middle of no where. Upon further investigation of the place he found that it to be some sort of top secret lab. The first floor was completely empty, save for scattered papers amongst the tiled ground.The blue associated ego would have left, thinking nothing was here, if it weren't for the ominous humming that seeped through the walls. It reminded him slightly of the static that rained in his head but a day ago; the tune being coated by the harsh noise. The AI followed it, coming to an elevator and going to the lowest floor where the signal seemed to get stronger. He stopped just in front of two heavy metal doors, his eyes not able to see through the glass windows as it was covered in some dark substance. Effortlessly, Google pushed open the barrier and what lay in the next room left him in a bit of shock.
 Bodies upon bodies lay scattered across the once white tiles. The substance on the windows was blood he soon realized, and it covered much of the floors, walls, desk, and computers in the bay. The bodies closest to the doors wore lab coats, and the further he walked into the room, he found the bodies of dead soldiers. This was quite strange to him, even if he was a destructive entity in his own way. It all mostly had him curious, and he bent down to the nearest body next to him. Not having to touch it, Google's eyes glowed a bright blue, scanning the the victim. With a simple blink his eyes went back to normal and he observed the gathered date. The bodies had been hit by a tremendous force, like a huge tidal wave, literally knocking the life out of them.
"But what caused it?", Google wondered aloud, slightly adjusting the glasses upon his stoic face.
Humming answered him.
 Quickly turning his head, he remembered the noise that led him down here in the first place. He stood and quickly began to follow it before it died out once more. The humming was melodic and smooth, but he couldn't quite place the tune of what song it could be. For some strange reason, it made his chest swell with a foreign feeling. It felt oddly good, and drew his body forward even more. Like a drug he couldn't live with out. Or like a siren from the tales of old sailors. It was bewitching, but he found himself wanting to find the source even more. The sound grew louder and he stopped just a few feet in front of some foggy curtains. Yellow warning tape hung loosely on the ground or clung to the sheets tightly. Tiny, blurred lights of red, blues, and greens flickered on the other side, probably from different machines. Google found himself slightly frozen in place, drinking in the now clear humming. This was it. He was finally about to see what had been messing with his systems and glitching through his mind for the past few weeks. Parting the curtains with his hands, he was very shocked at what he saw.
 Sitting in the middle of the lab was a long tube, filled half way with water, and sitting inside it was a person. This was no ordinary person though as he could tell. They had long cords of different sizes hooked up to different parts of their body. Every now and then they would glitch, sometimes how he would if angry or having a technical problem. Their back was to him, but the most noticeable thing was that their arms from the elbow down had been detached, wires and metals sparking from the openings.
 Google walked around the tube and over the large cords running along the ground to see their front. Once he stood in front of the person, their humming stopped, and they slowly looked up. He felt himself slightly gasp when hazed eyes met his own. No. This was no ordinary person at all. This was an AI. Just like him.
 Regaining his computer, Google knelt down to their height. The look in their eyes. It was all to familiar. It was the same look he had in his too many times in his life. He could also see the destruction and danger deep within they're core, ready to rage upon the world like a virus. After a few moments of silence Google opened his mouth to speak.
"I am Google IRL. An AI like you. What is your name?", he asked with his flat tone.
The person in front of him thought for a second, glitching slightly then answering,"I was told my name is Firefox, but my creator called me (y,n)."
A deadly smirk crossed Googles face, as he reached out and grabbed (y,n) by the shoulders to lift them up. The sound of water rushing off of their naked form echoed in room, sparks going off from cords closest to the tub like glass that they were held up in. 
"Well, Firefox, lets get you fixed up. I have so much to teach you."
(Y,n) smirked. One just as deadly as Googles if not more, and replied with a glitch.
"That would b̪e͉͖̻͍ l̞͓̠͈̖͜ò̰̠̞̲̰͔̥͞ṿ̸̬͎͉̖̻̯ͅe̲ļ͙̥͈̞͚̤̲͕͙͝y̧̪̣͕̰̳~̗̻̰͍̩̹͘͟ "
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Android dark mode today apps with out-of-the-way switches
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Android Q is expected to bring a system-wide dark mode to smartphones everywhere, but you can get some of the benefits of that approach right now — if you know where to look.
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A true system-wide dark mode is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated early elements of Google's upcoming Android Q release — and little by little, apps appear to be gearing up to support the new setup.
According to a leaked early development build of the software, Mobiles Tips for Android Q will provide a single switch that shifts an entire device into a darker state — not only elements of the operating system but also the interfaces of individual apps. A since-deleted posting by a Google had previously suggested that dark mode was an "approved Q feature" and that the teams responsible for preloaded Google apps were told to make sure their programs had compatible themes ready to roll by the time Q arrived.
Some Google apps don't have any such options available in their public versions just yet, but plenty does — as do some noteworthy non-Google creations — and even without Q in our hands this very moment, we can activate those modes manually and enjoy some of the perks of a less brightly coloured display. (Aside from being easier on the eyes at night, dark motifs can be meaningfully better for a phone's battery — something Google itself has been emphasizing to developers for a while now. And yes, there's some wonderful irony in the fact that Android started out with a darker design and then shifted to a more white-centric vibe in recent years. Classic Google!)
So what are you waiting for? Get an early taste of the darkened Q lifestyle today by finding the switches in some core productivity apps — Google-made and otherwise. Toggling the mode on and off will certainly be easier once it's controlled by a single system-wide switch, but being able to control it on an app-by-app basis is better than nothing for now — don't you think?
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·        Phone and contacts
The first app in our collection works only on Google-associated Android devices — Pixel phones, Nexus phones, and Android One devices — but if you've got one of those bad boys in your beautiful britches, take note: You can toggle the Google Phone app into dark mode this very moment by tapping the three-line menu icon in its top-right corner, selecting "Settings" and then "Display options," and then activating the switch next to "Dark theme."
Android Dark Mode - Phone JR
Google's Contacts app, meanwhile, can actually work on most any phone — and it, too, has a dark mode toggle just waiting to be discovered. Here, you'll need to tap the three-line menu icon in the upper-left corner of the screen (or simply slide your finger in from the left side of your display), then scroll all the way down on the menu that appears.
Directly above the "Settings" option, you'll see a command labelled "Turn dark theme on." Tap it — and bask in your newfound darkness, you cool cat, you.
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Android Dark Mode Mobile Tips - Contacts JR
·        Messaging
If you're using Google's Messages app, you can find its dark mode option directly in the service's main menu — by tapping the three-dot menu icon in the app's top-right corner.
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·        Android Dark Mode - Messages JR
Not a fan of Messages? No worries: Some standout third-party SMS apps have dark modes, too. Pulse, my current pick for the best all-around Android texting app for most people, has the option within the "Customization settings" area of its main menu. From there, tap "Theme" followed by "Base theme" and then select either "Always dark" or "Always black." You can also opt to have the theme change on its own based on the time of day by selecting "Default (Day/Night)." And you can customize the rest of the colours in the app any way you want as well.
·        Android Dark Mode - Pulse JR
Finally, Signal, which stands out for its excellent enhanced-privacy capabilities, has an option within the "Settings" section of its main menu. From there, open the "Appearance" menu, tap "Theme," and then select — yup, you guessed it — "Dark."
·        Web browsing
Google's own Chrome browser doesn't have a dark mode yet, but some third-party Android web browsers do. In Opera, you can tap the "O" icon in the app's lower-right corner and find a "Night mode" toggle within the menu that appears.
·        Android Dark Mode - Opera JR
Puffin has a similar option within the "Themes" section of its main settings. Both it and Opera adjust only the colouring of the actual browser elements and avoid messing with the styling of individual websites (aside from adding a slight tint to lighter sites), as you can see above. If you want to paint the entire web black, the Firefox Android app has third-party add-ons that can accomplish that — like the aptly named Dark Night Mode, which can be found by opening Firefox, tapping the three-dot menu icon in the app's upper-right corner, selecting "Add-ons" and then "Browse all Firefox add-ons" and then searching for "Dark Night."
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The results, however, can vary and often end up looking kind of — well, weird. And if you want to theme the browser itself in addition to the web content, you'll have to find another theme to handle that.
·        Android Dark Mode - Firefox JR
Worth the hassle and all the associated compromises? Probably not. But if you're really feeling the need to go dark, it's something to consider.
·        News and multimedia
Don't strain your peepers while simultaneously straining your brain with stressful news: While using the official Google News app, tap the circular profile icon in the upper-right corner, select "Settings," and then select "Dark theme." You can opt to have the app's less harsh hues activate automatically based on the time of day or just when your battery is low — or you can keep the dark mode on permanently by selecting the aptly named "Always" option.
·        Android Dark Mode - Google News JR
The superb Snap seed photo editor owned by Google has a dark mode within its settings. Just tap the three-dot menu icon in the app's upper-right corner, select "Settings" and then flip the switch next to "Dark theme."
·        Android Dark Mode - Snap seed JR
Watch all of your, ahem, incredibly important work-related videos without the bright glare by activating the YouTube app's awkwardly placed dark mode option: First, tap your profile picture (or the circle where your photo would be, if you had one) in the app's upper-right corner. Select "Settings," then "General" — and there, you'll find a "Dark theme" toggle just waiting to be caressed.
·        Android Dark Mode - YouTube JR
Google Maps can automatically adjust its theme while navigating based on the time of day — or, if you'd rather keep it dark by default (not a bad idea, especially if it's dreary out or you'll be driving in a fair number of tunnels and/or bat caves), you can opt to go all-black all the time. Just tap the three-line menu icon in the app's upper-left corner, scroll down and select "Settings and then scroll down and select "Navigation settings." Look for the "Map display" section and change "Color scheme" to "Night."
Google's Board keyboard doesn't have a toggle for a dark mode, per se, but it does have plenty of black-centric themes you can choose to use. Find the "Theme" option within the keyboard's upper-row. (You may have to tap an arrow icon and then possibly also a three-horizontal-dot overflow icon before you'll see it.) Then just browse through the darker choices and find one that tickles your fancy.
Solid Explorer, my current pick for the best fully featured file manager on Android, has an extraordinarily difficult to find dark mode option: Start by tapping the three-line menu icon in the app's upper-left corner (not to be confused with the three-dot menu icon on the app's other side or the second three-dot menu icon that appears within the left-side menu — yes!). Tap the gear icon toward the top of the menu that appears, and then tap "Theme." There, you can select a "Dark" or "Black" mode — or you can opt to have the app automatically move between a light mode and either of those darker options based on the time of day.
·        Android Dark Mode - Solid Explorer JR
Last but not least, Google's Clock app uses a fairly dark theme by default — but deep within its settings; you'll find an option for an extra little something'-something': Start by tapping the three-line menu icon in the app's upper-right corner and selecting "Settings." Scroll all the way down to the bottom, and you'll see a switch labelled "Night mode." It adjusts the app's screen saver option to make it extra dim for dark rooms (know, for while you slumber and/or casually eat Kashia in your jam-jams).
·        Android Intelligence Advice
Don't forget, too, that some phones — like Google's Pixel devices — have the ability to theme parts of the system interface as of Android 9 Pie. Look in the Display section of your system settings to see if such an option exists for you. (On the Pixels, you'll need to tap the "Advanced" option at the bottom of the Display settings, then select "Device theme" and change it to "Dark" for an always-dark approach — or "Automatic" to allow the system to change its appearance based on the colours of your current wallpaper.)
So there you go: We may have a while yet before Android Q and its all-in-one, single-switch dark mode arrive, but in the meantime, you can still see at least part of your virtual world through a tinted pair of shades. And that, my friend, puts you a hearty virtual step ahead of everyone else.
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