#fiona the elf
blossom-blur · 3 months
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Here's Finn and his friends here. Enjoy! 😊
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thedemonofcat · 4 months
So, everyone’s heard of Non-Human Jaskier.
There’s elf-Jaskier
Fae Jaskier
Siren/merman Jaskier
Nymbh Jaskier
Dragon Jaskier
Seen after few others, but now I raise you
Eldritch abomination, Jaskier.
He’s just currently chosen to walk around as a human Bard for the fun of it
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angivarrrre · 11 months
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He didn’t even deign to reply. He passed her by unceremoniously and walked off along the avenue of statues.
‘Or you, perhaps?’ she yelled. ‘If you want I’ll give myself to you! Well?
Won’t you sacrifice yourself? I mean, they say I’ve got Lara’s eyes!’
He was in front of her in two paces. His hands shot towards her neck like snakes and squeezed like steel pincers. She understood that if he’d wanted to, he could have throttled her like a fledgling.
He let her go. He leaned over and looked into her eyes from close up.
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ghostlylicious · 10 months
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he got annoying-travel-bestiezoned
(i wanted to draw a bg but too lazy plus i suck at bgs)
(fun fact i was supposed to make them be jn toussaint but then realized i dont think avallac'h would be allowed in toussaint)
(he likes her but she likes a woman n on top of that is v oblivious to the fact that he may like her)
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spadoodle · 2 months
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.Daughter of Bhaal.
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geekwarriorgoddess · 3 months
I'm looking for a witcher fic, Help!
I'm looking for this fic That I know I've read somewhat recently, and I'll break it down below, but I wanted to share some screenshots as well.
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First, when I search what I'm looking for I get a snippet of the synopsis right there. I'm nearly 100% certain that that is the fic I'm looking for.
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Which then leads me to these, and the fic is not there. There are nine fics under the monarch Jaskier tag, and none of them are what I'm looking for.
Synopsis, as I remember it:
This is after the mountain fight, so Geralt and Jaskier are separate. I think Eskel finds him and invites him/asks him to come help. Over the past few years, Geralt accidentally conquered a town/ lordship area because the Lord was doing some bad stuff. Anyway, they had conquered this area and then left, and then Bandits came into the town and were violent, so the witchers are now trying to basically be the Lords of this area - it's not going great. So they invite Jaskier just to help de-stress Geralt, to be a friend, and then Jaskir ends up taking over. Eventually, he becomes lordship and then it turns out that he's out of the elf and they're doing a lot of work to help non-humans, and they're fighting with the human Lordships and kings, and eventually they crown Jaskier. Throuout this there's talk about how Geralt wants to be a knight, and then he becomes Jaskiers 1st knight.
I'm at a point where someone can find this, I will pay actual cash money for it. I don't even remember if it's that fabulous a fic, it's just driving me insane that I can't find it but I know I've read it a couple times.
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bardcore-jaskier · 1 year
♡ Challenge for Netflix: stop treating Jaskier as comedic relief ♡
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(I made this post piggyback riding off of my last one, like a part two if you will.)
Ok, so you know how Jaskier always seems to get into trouble? And either Geralt and as of season 2, now Yennefer as well, always seem be rescuing him? Even Jaskier himself made a joke about it to our beloved witch.
- "You don't get to play damsel in distress. That's my job."
Sadly, it paints a little bit of an unflattering picture of him to the audience, making many of us wonder (well, not on this side of Tumblr, we know he is a badass motherfucker) about how he survives whenever he is not by a strong witcher's/sorceress's side.
Have you considered though....
That the entire series is written and shot from the POV of ridiculously powerful individuals and Geralt in particular, being the main character of both the books, games & the series, has an extreme savior complex, more so bordering on a martyr complex.
In the Netflix Witcher series and unlike the books: Geralt's friendship with Jaskier started off rocky until he begrudgingly accepted that he can not get rid of the bard, eventually becoming a little fond of him, appreciating Jaskier's loyalty above every other quality Jaskier has, which makes Jaskier easy to trust. (However it is still apparent that their friendship is a little, if not a lot, one-sided)
Obviously Geralt doesn't want Jaskier's death or severe injury on his conscience, which is why he jumps in every time he senses danger, to save him before anything bad happens.
We as the audience only see Netflix's or rather Lauren's version of the story about a scorned hero who has a fragile, trouble magnet, human friend he feels responsible for. When in reality, the only few instances Jaskier wouldn't have survived without outside help were a) the Djinn, b) Rience, c) the opening scenes of Blood Origin.
Other than that, Jaskier is actually a VERY competent person! Alas, not much of that competence was shown on screen, we got mere crumbs of it to be honest. Like how despite being a flowery pacifist, he is braver than most + apparently he is a beefcake too. At 18/19 years old, he wasn't scared of approaching a witcher who at the time, was rumored to be a murderer. He always finds a way to stay lighthearted during the most dire of situations, always getting right back up with a smile or a snide comment after every traumatic experience, as if it never happened. (Is he like immune to PTSD or something? Nothing brings him down.) He even managed to start an elf smuggling operation for fuck's sake!
During the finale episode of season 2, many seasoned witchers died in battle at the hands of Voleth Mier, his chances of surviving were beyond slim. Any other normal human being would have dropped that damn jasper and ran for their life, but not Jaskier! No sir! He crawled his way towards Geralt under a wooden table, as monsters and witchers alike dropped to their deaths around him, all to help his friend!
In the books, Dandelion is presented to us as a smooth talker, able to get himself in and out of almost any kind of trouble with words + charisma alone. He is an Oxenfurt professor, has worked for the Redanian intelligence, he has connections all over the continent.
And I really hope that we will get to see all of that in future seasons, I hope that Geralt's attitude towards him changes, I hope that Jaskier gets the respect he deserves! Because after season 2, I am going to keep watching the series only for Jaskier alone. Also Yennefer. I do not much like Geralt and Ciri in the live adaptation at the moment.
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mentoskova · 2 years
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"Half of my kingdom shall be yours"
Some experiment! W3 Eredin with his maniac obsession gives me Bohun vibes and this pic is based/referenced to one of Bohun/Helena scenes from "With Fire & Sword".
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cirimanga · 1 month
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marinamd29 · 2 years
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by @icpe
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blossom-blur · 3 months
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She's a puppet elf and has a very beautiful voice, and can use her power of her singing voice to put those to sleep, make them joyful, or other so. She's Finn's 6th friend and 6th main character of Fairyrule. Enjoy! ^^
Name: Fiona Gender: Female Age: 24 Species: Puppet/Elf Height: 4'8 Hair: Yellow-Blonde Eyes: Black Skin: Fair Home: Fairyrule, Hazeltown Occupation: Finn's 6th Friend Personality: Intelligent, Kind, Gentle, Polite, and Friendly Likes: Singing, Her friends, Music, Fun, Magic, Happiness, Peace, Flowers, Children, Animals, and Helping Dislikes: Rudeness, Danger, Violence, and Coconut Powers/Abilities: Great Singing Skill / Can use her magical singing voice to make them sleepy, happy, or other so / Speed / Cooking and Baking Skills Fun Fact:
Her favorite dessert is honey tart.🍯
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thedemonofcat · 2 months
Centuries ago, in a realm now lost to memory, dwelled an elven Prince whose name echoed through the ages: Jaskier. Legend spun tales of his curse, a slumber lasting a millennium, his form crystallized into an ethereal statue, known only to ancient chronicles.
Through the passing eons, Jaskier's story intertwined with folklore, blending into fable and myth, fading into uncertainty. Yet, fate had a surprise in store.
In the present day, the witcher Geralt of Rivia found himself in possession of the mysterious statue after a perilous quest. Unsure of its significance, he sought sanctuary in the stronghold of Kaer Morhen, where mysteries found refuge within towering walls.
As the millennia neared their end, a whisper of magic stirred within the statue. Petrified features softened, and Jaskier, freed from his curse, emerged into the light of a new era.
For Geralt, Jaskier's awakening marked an unexpected journey, guiding a lost soul through a world transformed by time. Together, they roamed the lands, Geralt's heart warming to the melody of Jaskier's existence.
Meanwhile, Jaskier, no longer bound by his royal lineage, struggled to find his place as a bard in a world that had forgotten him, seeking to reclaim his voice amidst the echoes of centuries past.
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lazyroseart · 1 year
More Fiona... I think I have a problem...
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Oh yeah I decided to change Miraak's eyes btw.
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cityandking · 3 months
playing In Hushed Whispers for the first time (I know, I know, shush) and the vibes are creepy af. love that.
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
i love it when this fandom will unironically act like the dalish are the only "real elves" in dragon age and then also hate s/era for getting pissed off about the dalish because, JUST by being a city elf, she's simply not "elven enough". city elves are elves???
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faerune · 8 months
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i have two mages ready to go into the next expansion and yet my brain wants a new one because neither of them are the right race
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