#finn x hux
dragon-of-the-soutn · 5 months
I think it’s really fucking funny that Kylux has absolutely destroyed Finnpoe in terms of how many ao3 pages it has. Like Finnpoe, that ship we were all in the trenches with the actors fighting for to be cannon back in the day has been steamrollered by Darth Tantrum and his evil space ginger.
Hilarious. I too love evil gay people with fucked up dynamics and a tendency to kill other people and then each other. Excellent work everyone.
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tomatette · 4 months
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Star Wars Sequel Trilogy characters and "customized" edits of IRL Valentine's Day cards they would send
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buffshipper8490 · 28 days
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(Leia & Ben art @o0-snowdrop-0o | Rey/Ben art @hotside | used w/ permission)
Rating Mature
Chapter Summary
🔞 Smut Ahead! 🔞 Ben Solo reunites with his estranged family and Rey with her friends on Coruscant as the Resistance and the citizens celebrate their victory. A month later, Finn, Rose, Poe, Chewbacca, and the droids receive Medals of Honor at a public ceremony while Rey decides to reward Ben in an entirely different way...
Ben Solo stood at the window of a Senate office that had been repurposed into an apartment of sorts for Rey and him, his injuries fully healed from the previous month. While the apartment was far less spacious than his old royal chambers in the First Order Capitol, Ben didn't mind. He had Rey with him. Having Rey with him made the past month or so much more manageable. Even with his mother's unwavering support, The Resistance still distrusted him, even as he freely gave them access codes, base and factory locations, and signed orders to free thousands of the wrongfully imprisoned across the galaxy. He had avoided his own imprisonment or execution, though he was still ostracized. To go to a ceremony like the one he watched from afar would be a bad idea, even though he genuinely wanted to be there for his Uncle Chewie. To show his respect towards Rey's friends, even if they didn't reciprocate. He knew they only tolerated him because of Rey and his mother, but he did hope they could reach an understanding one day. He understood, he was once Supreme Leader of the First Order, after all. He had spent much of his reign trying to wipe the Resistance out and had personally tried to kill several of them. Forgiveness was going to take a long time. Forgiving himself was going to take even longer. Ben felt Rey's arms wrap around his waist, and she gave him a peck on the cheek. "You should be down there with them, too," he said, looking back at her. "They are your friends." "I didn't fight their battle. They deserve this moment without me taking their thunder," Rey reasoned, resting her head on his shoulder. "I've already congratulated them this morning." Ben conceded with a sigh and folded his arms as he looked away from her to stare down at the parade below. "By the way... I think you should be rewarded, too," Rey said, kissing his neck now. "I don't think we'd be able to enjoy continued victories against the First Order without your intel." Ben shook his head and chuckled mirthlessly. "I'm just righting my wrongs. I don't deserve a reward for that." Rey grinned and turned him around to face her. She placed her hands on his chest, prompting him to unfold his arms. "Oh, I think it'll be just as rewarding for me as it will be for you..." she said with a mischievous grin. "Oh?" Ben arched an eyebrow. " Oh ..."
New fanfic link! Likes ❤️ and Reblogs 🔁 are much appreciated!
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starstruckkenobi · 2 years
Electric Love; Poe Dameron
professor! poe fic
warnings: age gap, professor-college student relationship (mc is of age!), some nsfw content, mature themes, smut in later parts (minors dni, parts with smut will be marked), individual chapters will have their own warnings.
1. pure gold
2. midnights
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okay i may not be a fan of the sequals but kylo ren x hux is a superior ship that needs to be talked about more
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psychosith · 8 months
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rey skywalker
nothing yet!
kylo ren
nothing yet!
armitage hux
nothing yet!
poe dameron
Just Admiring💗
nothing yet!
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poe dameron making a your mom joke while single-handedly blowing up everything in sight in his X-wing is the true spirit of poe dameron
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sweettee18 · 1 year
Star Wars imagines.
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Sorry guys, no smuts.
Imagine your adopted daughter, Henrietta, throwing DJ under the bus after selling you, Finn, Rose to the First Order. And she managed to get Hux to let you all escape.🤣
You were all just captured by the First Order, thanks to DJ for selling you guys out. At this moment you were beyond pissed, you were furious that you can almost see your blood underneath your skin boil as DJ walks away to his shuttle with the payment that Captain Phasma had given him.
But, as fate would have it, your adopted daughter, Henrietta, who was no more than seven years old, looked up at you, and let’s just say, I guess you didn’t teach her how to use her inside voice from time to time. But you may be glad that she said it loud enough for everyone in the hanger of the Finalizer to hear her echoes and that it has saved not only you, but Finn and Roses’ lives.
She says, “Isn’t DJ going to turn that redheaded man over to the Resistance after selling us out?”
Almost immediately, all eyes and heads turn to you and Henriettas’ direction, including Finn and Rose. “ What was that she just said?”Asked Finn after hearing what Henrietta said. “I think she just threw DJ under the bus.” Rose managed to whisper to Finn.
General Hux, who was standing at least 20 feet away from where you both were standing, looked over to one of his storm troopers, and ordered him, “Bring me the little one.” 
The storm trooper did as he was told, and surprisingly, he did not grab her by the arm, or by the wrist, but by her hand. The storm trooper placed Henrietta before Hux and left to join the rest of the troopers. Henrietta began to shake, and she looked over at her mother, being very scared of what he might do to her.
The general began to walk toward her and got down to her level, with his hands behind his back, and he asked her,“What is your name, young lady?”
“Henrietta.” She says, with her voice still a bit shaken.
General Hux lifted his eyebrows as he replied to her, “That is a beautiful name for a small girl like you. Do you know who I am?”
Henrietta nodded her head and replied, this time, her voice was more steady. “Your name is General Hux of the First Order.”
“Very good, someone has taught you very well of who to identify.”
Henrietta looked at you with a frightened look, and you gave her a nod. Hux gently grabs your daughters face and turns her back in his direction. He continued, “Would you care to repeat what you just said earlier about me being handed over to the Resistance?” She took a deep breath and says it again.
“ DJ said he was going to hand over to the Resistance after selling us out to the First Order.”
Almost immediately everybody, including Phasma, started looking at each other, and then they turn back to DJ, who try to run, but luckily, some storm troopers blocked his way. At this point, you were thinking, “I think DJ just got canned.”
The general look at Henrietta, with his eyes completely wide with rage. He stood up to his respective height and signaled the same storm trooper to have Henrietta returned back to her mother. Even from far away, everyone saw that Huxs’ face went from pale snow white, to tomato red, almost as if to match the color of his ginger hair.
Immediately, the general snaps his fingers and pointed out to have DJ be brought over to him and take back the payment that he was given.
DJ began to stutter, trying to find an excuse,“I-I-I don’t know w-what she’s talking about. She must’ve misunderstood. You know kids these days, they hear things that may be made up in their mind”
That comment made you really mad. But you couldn’t do anything about it because you, along with the rest of your friends and your daughter were handcuffed. Before you could say a word, Hux balled up his fist, and it made a connection to DJs face. BAM!!
Finn and Rose, never thought Hux could punch so hard that it almost knocked DJ off of his feet. But the storm troopers were holding him., “Take this filth into confinement.”Hux manage to say through his gritted teeth. 
As DJ was being dragged down the hall to his new residence on the Finalizer, he turned back to Henrietta and walk toward you and Henrietta. You clutched your daughter very tightly, hoping that he wouldn’t try to snatch her up. But instead, he looked at you and said, “You must be her mother.”
“Adoptive mother.”Hux was taken aback when you said this. Again, he speaks, “Well, it seems that she is in good hands. You have a brave little girl here. You should be very proud of her.”
“As a matter of fact, I am very proud of her.” You reply back to Hux as he gets back down to your daughters’ level. “Since you’re the one who had exposed DJ for his deception, and his true intentions, whatever it is that you want, young lady, I will see to it that it will be granted.” 
Henrietta looked at Hux, they looked back at you. Then she looked back at Hux again, and she says, with most confidence in her voice, “I don’t want any money, no luxuries and no toys. I just want me,my friends and my mother to leave this place, never to be seen or heard from again.”
Hux was taken aback at Henrietta’s request. He looked back at Finn with disgust, but he looked back at Henrietta, he then closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said to the storm troopers who were holding Finn and Rose hostage,“Release them.”
They did not hesitate to do what they were told. As soon as the handcuffs fell off their wrists, they made their way the hallway where they came in followed by you and Henrietta.
Captain Phasma walked over to Hux I asked, “Do you have any idea what you just did?”
Hux turned to her with the most evil smirk on his face. “I do believe I know what I just did, but they don’t have to know about it.” Behind her helmet she too, was smirking. 
The group make it to another shuttle, and made their way back to the resistance on Crait. Where Leia, who happened to be the godmother to Henrietta, was waiting for them as everyone was preparing to battle the First Order 
Thank you for reading this. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
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coffeeandbatboys · 2 years
Okay I need to share these thoughts or my brain will explode.
I had an idea for a Solo OC who's married to Poe during the sequels, and different scenarios with her.
I have no intention of writing a fic for this, but I have quotes bouncing around in my head.
Anithea “Thea” Solo-Dameron
(Ani is an homage to her grandfather)
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Parents: Han and Leia Organa-Solo
Spouse: Poe Dameron
Occupation: Resistance Scout/Part Time Mechanic/Part Time Spy/Former X-Wing pilot
Friends: Rose, BB-8, Chewie, Rey, Finn, Uncle Luke
Main Enemies: Kylo Ren, Hux
Leia adores the two idiots, her daughter and protégé
Flying is natural for Thea. Let's face it, she is her father's daughter
Though she mostly helps her mother on the ground, she still flies from time to time
The sass is strong with this one
Has her mother's hairstyles
And her father's smuggler fashion
Calls BB-8 "Buddy", "Beeps" and "Beebee"; secretly considers him a son
Perfect aim with a blaster
Former Black Squadron
Is there when Kylo kills Han
Something strange sparks inside him and he lets her go
Is with Poe when Leia passes.
Rey consoles her about Ben's death
Has a mental breakdown in the shower
Poe comforts her
In the end, she honors the memories of her family, though she has three siblings left, she feels very distant from them
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langdonskywalker001 · 2 years
Star Wars
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Fluff: 💕; Comedy: 🤪; Angst: ⛈
(If you want me to write for another character that isn’t on this list, feel free to send in a request for them as I'll probably write for them)
Nothing yet :(
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader:
El Tango de Roxanne (this is a series...first two parts are on my other blog btw if you get confused)
Obi Wan Kenobi:
Nothing yet :(
Padmé Amidala:
Nothing yet :(
Luke Skywalker:
Nothing yet :(
Han Solo:
Nothing yet :(
Leia Organa:
Nothing yet :(
Nothing yet :(
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo:
(the first two are definitely not my best as I wrote them awhile ago and even had them private posted for a bit cause I hate them but some of y'all might like them lol…might go back and edit them)
You’re mine ⛈💕
Choose me ⛈
Nothing yet :(
Poe Dameron:
Nothing yet :(
Nothing yet :(
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
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Chapters: 12/?
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Poe Dameron/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Original Male Character(s), Amilyn Holdo/Phasma, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Poe Dameron & Rose Tico, Poe Dameron & Armitage Hux, Poe Dameron & Amilyn Holdo, Poe Dameron & Phasma, Armitage Hux & Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux & Phasma, Phasma & Kylo Ren, Amilyn Holdo & Rose Tico, Kylo Ren & Original Male Character(s), Phasma (Star Wars) & Original Male Character(s), Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren
Characters: Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Original Male Character(s), Phasma (Star Wars), Luke Skywalker, Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Star Wars), BB-8 (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Amilyn Holdo, Snoke (Star Wars), Lor San Tekka, Mentioned CC-2224 | Cody - Character, Mentioned CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives - Character
Additional Tags: Dark Poe Dameron, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Asexual Character, Asexual Armitage Hux, Hurt Armitage Hux, demisexual Rose Tico, Nonbinary Character, Nonbinary Luke Skywalker, Gay Male Character, Gay Poe Dameron, Hurt/Comfort, Father Figures, Kylo Ren is a father figure to Hux and Phasma, Kylo ren is a hopeless romantic, poe dameron is a sweetheart, Sith Poe Dameron, Kinda, Smut, First Order Poe Dameron, Making Out, supportive Captain Phasma, Phasma Ships It (Star Wars), Armitage Hux ships it, Soft Kylo Ren, soft first order, Blow Jobs, Fluff and Smut, Protective Kylo Ren, Protective Captain Phasma, Protective Armitage Hux, Force-Sensitive Poe Dameron, Lightsabers (Star Wars), Armitage Hux is Dyslexic, Author is dyslexic, Feminization, Daddy Kink
Jakku was Invaded. Poe Dameron had gone back after giving the map to BB8 and keeping a copy for himself. Stormtroopers force Poe to Kneel in front of Kylo Ren, forcing him to make eye contact. Colour seeps through the both of them.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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solopisces · 2 years
First chapter of our new fic It Was Always Meant To Be You Two is up now!
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stevengrantshubby · 1 year
Fandom: S
Rating: G
Warnings: No
Relationships: Finn/Armitage Hux
Characters: Finn, Armitage Hux, Slip - mentioned
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Nonbinary Finn
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Finn is at an office party. Hux is also there.
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buffshipper8490 · 3 months
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Rating Mature
Chapter Summary
Emperor Palpatine makes Rey an offer to join the Sith on Exegol. Meanwhile, the Skywalker arrives on Coruscant to help Finn’s army of Coruscant citizens and rebelling stormtroopers to begin their attack on the First Order Capitol...
Rey stepped beneath a massive monolith that seemed to hover in the air. She startled a bit when the section of floor she stood on detached from the rest, began to descend. She looked around, alert to any sight or sound, but all was as silent as death. Then a rumble sounded, too distant to identify. The lift settled, and Rey stepped off. She raised her weapon, and its blue light snagged on huge stone faces, sparking with electricity. She knew, without knowing how she knew, that the statues commemorated Sith Lords who had come before. This place of evil must have been here for centuries, maybe millennia, for the air was heavy with the weight of time and dark secrets. Rey was suddenly aware that she was not alone. Figures scurried in the shadows, but she sensed no immediate threat from them, so she continued on. A few more steps took her past a dizzying array of lab equipment—monitors, tubes, some kind of tank, all empty and abandoned. Just like the planet’s surface, the floor here contained fissures, and light flashed deep down—Rey couldn’t tell how deep—as though Exegol’s entire crust had formed around a core of electricity. She came to a narrow stone corridor, and her gaze was pulled forward. A chill pimpled the flesh of her arms, because resting upon a dais was the shape from her visions. A chair with spikes curving up and around it, like a halo of giant thorns. The throne of the Sith. Rey found herself inexorably drawn to the throne, and stepped toward the dais. The rumble grew louder. The corridor broke open into an an amphitheater as big as a hollowed-out mountain, brimming with robed figures. There were thousands of them, faceless in the dark distance, but pulsing with zealotry. Religious disciples, awaiting the return of the Sith. The Sith Eternal. As she approached, the rumbling shifted and became a hiss, like an oversized serpent ready to strike. "Welcome to Exegol, young Rey..." came a voice from her nightmares, deep, resonant, and slow, as though he had all the time in the galaxy. Rey turned toward the dark voice. A robed figure materialized, suspended from strange machinery. Rey's grip on the lightsaber tightened when she saw his face. He was a ghastly sight, with red-rimmed eyes, his skin barely clinging to his skeletal form, the flesh disintegrating into oozing sores. One of his hands had even half rotted away. It was the Emperor. Darth Sidious. Palpatine, his spirit trapped in an artificial form, his power too devastating to contain. "I have been watching your journey for my Wayfinder with great interest..." he continued, the weight of his voice thundering in Rey's skull. "Perhaps I was mistaken in attempting for your life..." The ghoul was repulsive, but Rey's feet twitched toward him. She could not look away. There was something terrifyingly compelling about him. "You... are drawn to the throne... aren't you, child?" asked Palpatine like a kindly grandfather, gesturing over to the Sith throne. "The Dark Side calls to you... a fine Sith you would make..." She forced herself to sound strong, to back away from the Emperor. “I haven’t come to join the Sith. I've come to end them." Several figures stepped forward, draped in crimson, similar to Snoke’s Praetorian Guard, which she and Kylo had defeated together. Rey had a feeling these guards would prove more formidable adversaries. “As a Jedi?” the Emperor said, his voice oozing contempt like the sores on his skin. Rey snarled defiantly at him. "Yes!" “I sense your hatred... your anger. Qualities of a Sith," Palpatine smiled. Rey tried to deny it, but he saw right through her. It was written all over her face. "You want to kill me. That is what I want! Kill me and my spirit will pass into you, as all the Sith live in me. We will be one!" The cultists roared their approval...
New fanfic link! Likes ❤️ and Reblogs 🔁 are much appreciated!
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The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the ship in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple ships tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every ship in last place will be eliminated, even if all the ships have tied equally.
When there are only two ships remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
If the ship that you consider the best isn't listed here, hit the 'you forgot the best ship' option and reply to this post with the overlooked ship. The ship with the highest 'write-in' votes will be added to the next round. Unless the 'you forgot the best ship' option is the least voted for, in which case it will be eliminated.Welcome to the fray, Kalluzeb!
This is all for fun. Don't take it too seriously ;)
Adios Anidala! Wow, I'm shocked they went down so fast! With all of that amazing romantic dialogue!
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Anyway! Round Three, here we go again!
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
I know this is impossible
I do not ship all of these myself but I wanted to see what would win so I picked a few popular ones I didn’t ship. I apologize for the single Lesbian ship the only other two I could think of are both canon lol
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