#finding dory quotes
darksideofthemoonpie · 6 months
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thepixarau · 5 months
Woody: we’re the Pixars. We have absolutely no privacy whatsoever.
Héctor: we’re the Pixars. We have too many dishes and not enough cabinet space.
Remy: we’re the Pixars. We don’t get recognized in public nearly as much as you’d think.
McQueen: we’re the Pixars. We all failed our driver tests the first time.
Jessie: we’re the Pixars. We should not be allowed to do taxes.
Imelda: we’re the Pixars. We all take too long in the bathroom every morning.
Helen: we’re the Pixars. None of us know how to cook without burning the food.
Marlin: we’re the Pixars. Our washing machine’s been broken for a week.
Joy: we’re the Pixars. We’re like one big happy family..the kind that gets together every Christmas except no one ever leaves!
Merida: we’re the Pixars. We have zero fashion sense.
Flik: we’re the Pixars. We each have our own unassigned seat at the table! And if anyone takes it, it’s the end of the world.
Ember: we’re the Pixars. We break things way too easily.
Sulley: we’re the Pixars. We have a dozen cars parked in the driveway.
Sadness: we’re the Pixars. We will fight for literally no reason.
Dory: we’re the Pixars. We love getting letters from fans in the mail!
Ian: we’re the Pixars. We look like adults but technically speaking most of us would only be like 10 years old if we were normal people.
Bob: we’re the Pixars. Our walls are not soundproof.
Joe: we’re the Pixars. We own every single piece of merchandise from every one of our movies ever made.
Atta: we’re the Pixars. When one of us gets sick, it turns into a plague and the rest of us inevitably get sick as well.
Barley: we’re the Pixars. Instead of going to the gym we play Wii Sports.
Wade: we’re the Pixars. We like to criticize each other’s taste in music, for some reason.
Mater: we’re the Pixars. When one of us takes a dump we have to warn everybody not to use the bathroom for twenty minutes.
22: we’re the Pixars. Our game nights are a battle to the death!
Mike: ..we’re the Pixars. Everyone here is exaggerating. Our life is actually very normal.
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Lord Betrayus: No one saw where Fluffy went? Everyone: No… Lord Betrayus: That’s a whole lot of eyeballs doing nothing!
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isesalterego · 2 months
"What is so great about plans? I never had a plan. And that's because the best things happen by chance. Because that's life."
Dory - Finding Dory (2016)
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Finding Nemo incorrect quotes because why the fuck not
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cornerofhell · 1 year
Marlin: Hey how y'all -
Squishy: **hiss**
Dory: It don't bite.
Marlin: YES IT DO-
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Marlin: Dory, is there ever a time you HAVEN'T forgot something?
Dory: Yeah, February 30th or 31st, I forget.
Marlin: Neither of those are dates.
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vision-of-sunshine · 9 months
Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.
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ladymiraclewings · 2 years
Ladybug to the Hero Team: No one really saw where Lila or Felix went?
Everyone else: No...
Ladybug: Thats a whole lotta eyeballs doing nothing!
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missbaphomet · 1 year
I thought that because it seemed like your intentions were in the right place we'd be able to have a civilized conversation. Your bad faith readings of my words, clear disregard for common tone indicators, your assumptions that you know more about me than I do, inconsistencies, and refusal to treat anyone you even remotely disagree with with respect have proven me wrong. I've learned everything I know from my irl trans friends and they helped me find my identity. I only joined this platform in any seriousness about a month ago. I hope for your own sake that you're able to leave the tumblr exclusionist echo chamber someday, because your years on the platform have clearly taken a toll on your empathy and critical thinking skills.
One last question, what is it that you're so afraid of that you cling to a false gender binary with such desperation?
I have not read your words in bad faith, I read the words you put to the digital page. It just so happens that I disagree with you. That's not bad faith. The fact I even graced your anons with a genuine response is as good faith as it gets, especially since the easy answer would have been to simply block you. I gave a genuine response of my opinions and posted it so that you and others could genuinely understand my views. This is as good faith as a response can get.
You literally didn't use any tone indicators??? What are you talking about.
Its not that I know more than you, it's that my standard of evidence is "there is evidence at all" while yours is apparently "words feel good". This is a consistent theme across a lot of my "does x exist" beliefs. I don't believe in a God, for example, because there is no evidence. I don't believe in nonbinary because there is no third gender. This is a pretty consistent thing, and it even has a word: skepticism
What inconsistencies? If there were any genuine inconsistencies that were made, I genuinely would like to know because this is how one refines their argument for the future such that it becomes clearer. However if you mean "you say you support trans people but I personally don't like that you adhere to the belief that being trans is a medical issue requiring diagnosis, the treatment for which is transition" then that's not an inconsistency. In fact, that statement in particular is a fundamental part of why these beliefs are held. So if you're actually serious about there being a legitimate inconsistency or else are confused about something I said, maybe you should ask for clarification instead of closing off further discussion and acting holier-than-thou because someone disagrees with you on the internet.
If you "learned this" from your irl trans friends then it sounds like maybe they have the brain rot too. And if you've only been active a month, that timeline lends into the Twitter migration. I'm not saying you are from Twitter, because I don't know, but I am saying the timeline works out and that Twitter today is what Tumblr was in 2014, and that's not a good thing.
I love when people imply exclusionism is some kind of echo chamber because I have found the most diverse range of opinions in any community outside of Fandom *within battleaxe bisexual and exclusionist circles*. I don't think you understand what an echo chamber is, because the mogai community literally is one. They preach radical acceptance without criticism or critical thought. Exclusionism asks people to analyze *why radical acceptance is bad* and how doing such hurts your community. Radical acceptance and mogai is the gateway by which things like pedophiles and zoophiles try to integrate, and by Mogai's own ideals, *they should be able to*. Meanwhile, exclusionism circles look at this and get pissed off. It's exclusionists on the front line against this. It's exclusionists who ask other to examine their bias or x-phobias. It's exclusionists that are the ones making sure that the LGBT community is for LGBT people. Like it or not, we're a pretty vital part of the LGBT ecosystem because we're the ones who keep out people who have no business in our spaces. Tbh we're a keystone species that keeps everything in check so that the community doesn't fucking destroy itself. And this isn't even an exaggeration, I've just made the metaphor blatantly obvious.
My empathy and critical thinking are fine, thanks for asking. I left them plenty of water, a little treat, and some extra enrichment. Critical thinking isn't happy I have to trim her nails soon but I will give her peanut butter and she'll be ok
The gender binary isn't false because sex is binary. Show me a magical third chromosome unique to only nonbinaries and we'll talk. Until you turn up with that evidence of a Z chromosome, this topic can be pretty safely dismissed. That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
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capableism · 2 years
A friend of mine--Her name is Sigourney--Once told me all it takes is 3 simple steps: Rescue, rehabilitation and release.
Dory, Finding Dory (2016)
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thepixarau · 9 months
Dory: did you know you can’t spell “self” without “elf”?
Bob: what does that even mean?
Dory: I don’t know but it really cheered me up earlier.
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Day Eighteen
Thursday 6th October 2022 - 22:05
This is your reminder that there are things in life to be happy about. Sunsets/sunrises, the smell of fresh snow falling, the changing of seasons, puppies, kittens, your favourite book/movie/TV show, your favourite meal. Things may seem tough right now but you are worth it, you deserve to live and you deserve to be happy. And I'm so glad I stayed.
“Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.” -Dory
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isesalterego · 2 months
"The only reason to travel in the first place is so you don't have to travel ever again."
Marlin - Finding Dory (2016)
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More finding Nemo quotes because I have no self control 🙂
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cornerofhell · 1 year
Gurgle: You either buckle down and do your work or you'll end up at McDonald's
Bubbles: We goin' to McDonald's if I don't do my work?!
Gurgle: NO-
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