#finally. validation for the best pokemon of all time
shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
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stestir · 2 months
Amethio is emotionally neglected.
An analysis from a neglected person standpoint.
Wo hoo another post about the little shit, yaay.
Anywho, this time its not me being super angry and ranting, instead I will psychoanalyse the boy and give out him diagnosis.
Analysis post under the line
So, I believe that Amethio is heavily emotionally neglected by Gibeon. I'll explain in a bit how he shows it.
So I'll begin with his beef with Friede. Yes, I will talk about it again like I didn't already do that several times, Shh.
Here I want to start from, well, start of their conflicts. Episode 2, first conversation. Amethio says that Friede is... Wait, lemme see... khe khe, "Oh, Friede? I heard of you being a great trainer." That means he sees Friede as someone who has experience and who's respectable. That will be important later.
So, first battle, the air ship, all that. Friede sends out a Pikachu, and Amethio is immediately annoyed. I think the main reason is that he wants to have a true validation of his skills, hence why he reacted that way. Seeing Friede, someone he thinks is a professional, send out a Pikachu, a pokemon often seen weak, looks like a mokery to him.
It also goes further and weaves itself into all their incounters - the want to be acknowledged and taken seriously. With each episode, it escalates and escalates, showing out Amethios' bad traits along the line - impatience, easy irration, and often distraction from the main mission.
The tension finally snaps at episode 25, where in their 6th encounter, they finally finish the battle, and Friede takes the win. And where Friede says, "I have to take you seriously." This hurts Amethio so much that in the next arc, he starts to train to become more powerful. He even appears in an opening, training himself to an exhaustion.
All of this highlights really heavily that Amethio always tried to find a validation of his battle skills [ and by excention, him in general ] in these fights, hence why he always was irrated by Friede not paying full attention - "Look at me!", "Don't be distracted!". All of this points to me that he doesn't receive it oftenthsys why he jumps into the opportunity to have this attention.
And this is the first sign of emotional neglect! The attention seeking behavior.
It's clear that Gibeon does not give him enough attention, as he's trying his best to give everything to him and only disobeys the orders to catch Rayquaza / Terapagos for Gibeon. All of Amethios' actions are for him, which indicates to me that he's trying to get at least a lick of affection from him [ aka a validation that he did a good job ].
And it's also seen in Hambers' actions towards the boy! Unlike Diana, who's parallel he is, he's cold towards Amethio and practically emotionless, only doing what he needs to do. He also doesn't even use his name, only honorifics "Master."
All of this translates to his behavior, too, and shows another sign:
The masking of emotions & anger issues.
These two go hand in hand in Amethio, as he tries his very best to hide any case of emotion. But this mask is also really weak and fragile, as it shatters under any pressure, as it showcased in his fights with Friede.
Even in episode 2, the beginning, he already showed how his mask is easily slipping with irritation [ his eye twitching when Friede sends out Pikachu ]. He always tries to be cold, just like Hamber and Gibeon, but because he also desperately needs aknowledgement, it does not work. He becomes impulsive and starts to go more by emotions than reason, as it is evidenced by him always prioritizing a fight rather than going by the misson, episode 6 being an exception ( And even then he still doing this cause Friede didnt pay him enough attention 💀).
He tries to mimick his parential figures by being emotionless but ultimately heavily fails at it because he does not have an outlet for his emotion, nor affection to actually release all the tension in his mind, hence why the mask is so fragile and he is easily irrated.
From that its goes into another problem:
Closing off from any support from other adults.
And in this part comes in his relationship with Zir and Conia, and how he doesn't let himself be weak in front of them.
Throughout the whole anime, it can be seen how much both of them are worried for the boy. Hell, its even got into one of the promotional material, where they even when cut by a comic barrier, still look at Amethio, concerned. But Amethio does not let them know about his mental state, as evidenced by Zirs "Its so hard to talk to him lately."
It seems that Amethio never let his guard down, resulting in him being tense all the time. Even when Zir and Conia genuinely care for him, he rejects all of this affection, still trying to chase the one from Gibeon. It makes me believe that Amethio idolizes Gibeon and thinks of him as the only trustful source of care.
Which of course makes everything worse for him in turn, as Gibeon does not give him anything and just makes him work, which makes him become more and more tense.
It even starts to project into his battle style, as he gone from calculated actions to a desperate attempts to do something [ which is also a sign of being neglected, yahoo ]
Anywho, ending this, I'll say - Amethio is a brilliantly written character, I love love love the writing team behind the Horizons. The way he's obviously abused is so clearly seen that it almost pains me as someone who has also been neglected in childhood.
And also, dont take this post way too seriously - it's written without any serious research whatsoever, and mostly is me speaking from experience and observations.
I hope you had a nice read!
[Me: Amethio is a 3-dimensional character with a lot of thought behind him. Also me: He-he, he's literally this meme:]
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
I finally gathered the courage to make a request! The pokepasta brainrot is real, so can I get a reader who is from another bootleg pokemon game becoming friends with Grey and maybe relating to his troubles with being stuck in a poorly made game? Platonic if you can! Thank you!
When you met Grey for the first time, ya'll pretty much did the spiderman pointing meme.
"You're from a bootleg game??? And you had a life before your soul got converted into broken code????"
"No way you went through that, too???"
But in all seriousness, he's relieved that somebody finally understands him and his situation.
Glitchy Red, Blake, Lost Silver, and Steven are from their own hacked games...although he finds it hard to relate to any of them because those were somewhat functional.
They all got to have their own teams and be champions or at the very least battle gym leaders.
Grey didn't even have that.
Whoever developed his game got lazy and left it unfinished, abandoning him in a cold, barren Pokémon-less world with Shinto as his only company.
You shit talk about your game's many flaws, but he just vents about how lonely he felt in his world and how he wishes he got the "authentic trainer experience".
He genuinely thought he was all alone until you showed up and sympathized with his struggles (bro was so happy he legit cried, he felt extremely validated).
He notices that you're always accompanied by a protective Mew who you got from the infamous Mew Glitch, (hence their uncanny appearance).
Apparently your game's creator only wanted to make a world for the Glitch Pokémon, and while you did have a few in your party, Glitch Mew was the only one with any real sentience.
And just like Shinto, they can turn into a nightmarish version of themselves...although it looks like a distorted Mewtwo.
You mentioned that the developer was likely some dumb kid that wanted Mew to evolve into Mewtwo, so they tried to program that into the game....and ofc it didn't go as planned. And that causes Glitch Mew to frequently evolve/devolve depending on their mood.
When meeting Shinto, however, she respects them and the two often play together and chat telepathically.
To outsiders, it looks like they're having a staring contest.
But tbh Grey is just glad to have somebody to keep her occupied while he hangs out with you.
It's hard, but you both try your best to have fun and act like normal kids.
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championleonsslut · 4 months
Lol I love your blog but I wanna ask soemthjng as a lurker so I can show my friend later lmfao. How about a trainer who DESPISES Leon with all her might and beats him out of spite but the hater to lover trope comes to mind?
Ooh well this is interesting! I’ll do my best as always, I hope you enjoy, anon!
“Fuck that guy in particular… Not literally.”
There he goes again. That arrogant, stupid, stuck-up champion. Winning another match like always! Someone needs to knock this guy off his throne.
He’s just so obnoxious! He’s always getting “lost”, which is probably more for publicity than anything.
Well, at least that’s what you thought.
You weren’t quite sure where your hatred for Champion Leon sprung up, but it was intense. You hated him with every fiber of your being, and would give anything to hit him with a chair.
Surprisingly… He had always been extremely friendly to you. He’s probably just like that with everyone. It’s probably all an act.
And what a bad actor he was, you could see right through it!
To clear off some steam after seeing that purple haired dumbass around again, you headed out to the Wild Area. Maybe you’ll do a Max Raid, or some fishing, or catch a wild Pokemon, or you’ll make a new batch of curry for your team.
You were just about to head into the forest, when a voice caught your attention.
“Uh… Excuse me?”
You turn around, only to find him, with a stupid smile on his face, and he gives a little wave.
“Hi there! I uh… I’m kinda lost-“
Of course you are.
“I was hoping you could maybe point me in the right direction to Motostoke?”
I’ll point you in the right direction to your death, how’s that sound?
But of course you didn’t say those things. You didn’t get a chance, not when he spoke up again.
“Oh wait! I know you! You’re one of the gym trainers at Raihan’s gym, aren’t you?”
How’s he know that?
He grinned from ear to ear, “I’ve seen you battle a few times. You’re a great trainer! Really! Would you… Be willing to battle me before I head off?”
Battling Leon? Well… If you beat him, the victory will sure feel good. Maybe you can even rub it in a little and watch his face drop.
So you agreed.
The battle was fierce, both teams fought violently but also passionately. In the end… You came out victorious!
Leon chuckled as he sent his final Pokemon away, “That was really great! Thanks!”
You nodded and sent your final Pokemon away. You were surprised when he walked closer to you.
Leon sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, “Hey… Would you wanna… Hang out some time? Maybe not to battle but if you want to…”
That was the last thing you wanted, but you didn’t wanna be rude to him. You may hate him, but he’s being so nice! Even if it is all an act…
So you nodded, “Sure. You know where to find me.”
And he sure did. He found you… Multiple times. He would come see you after matches, hang out with you in the Wild Area, you guys even ran into each other at the library once!
Slowly but surely, your hate for Leon diminished… and was replaced with the biggest crush of your life. He was so sweet and charming! So funny and handsome… He was perfect.
So when he asked you to battle again a few months after your first one, you rapidly agreed. Anything for Leon’s validation!
You won, again, and he came over to you with a chuckle.
“Great job as usual.” He smiled and held out his hand for a handshake.
You looked up at him, your fingers centimeters away from touching.
That was when you blurted out:
Leon blinked at you for a few seconds, while you slapped your hand over your mouth.
“I-I didn’t-“
Leon cut you off, “I’m glad you asked first, because I barely had the courage to!”
You could only stare at him as he gently took your hand in his.
“And that’s how I met your father.” You smiled down at the three children from your couch, as your husband sat next to you.
The three children blinked up at you, and the eldest spoke up.
“Tell it again!” He grinned.
“She just told you that one!” Leon chuckled, and kissed your cheek
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Do you think the results would be different if you mixed the generations together earlier than this? Rather than finding the best of each gen first?
Technically speaking, the only absolutely valid result from an elimination tournament is the absolute final one. You can't even find the second-place winner from the semi-finalists. (You have to run another tournament consisting of everyone who lost to the first-place winner.)
To this end:
I do think the first-place winners for each Generation are valid results*, but after the Inter-Generational Tournament is complete, w will only have 10 points of data: the best of each Generation, and the best overall. If we wanted to find the second-place Pokemon, we would have to go back to the Gen of the Inter-Gen winner, re-poll for our 2nd-place, and then return to the Inter-Gen and pit that against anyone who lost to our 1st-place winner.
So, if we really did just mix all Pokemon together, I do think that our finalists could look different! I'm sure the Generations also wouldn't be so evenly represented as they are here. I think there's also a good chance it would look different from tournament to tournament provided the seeding was different, even if the methodology is the same.
*Results are valid for this tournament and its following, and I've found over time that results are largely consistent and predictable once you have enough information (with some exceptions and prediction doesn't apply to close-matches). However, the following are potential confounding factors:
The earliest polls on this blog were voted on by a fraction of the people voting on the polls now. This could lead to a different set of results, and this does impact the tournament as it progresses.
Additionally, is my following truly representative of the Tumblr Pokemon fanbase? Or is it mostly composed of certain voting blocks?
I know for a fact that several polls had their results skewed because they were reblogged by blogs with a large fanbase. I am not sure if this necessarily invalidates though results, though
Seeding, of course, plays a strong role in what later layouts look like. (Remember, though, seeding is mostly there to keep the tournament interesting and to make the later rounds more balanced, but it shouldn't be able to invalidate a final result, provided that voting is consistent.)
Did I fail to rematch something that should have been rematched? (Notably, none of our Inter-Gen finalists ever rematched.)
(And more! But I'm afraid I have to leave right now, so I can't continue.)
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kafus · 5 months
i would super love to hear another cool pokemon story if there's one you wanna share!! literally anything; all your pokemon posts are so interesting and engaging to read ♡ also!!! i hope you're doing well and finding reason to smile each day
ogh THANK U i hope ur doing well as well
one of these days i might run out of stories 😭 BUT i don’t think i’ve talked about the pokemon competition i went to when i was around 8 years old??? and i’ve been thinking about that recently so why not
i’ve talked before about how my interest in pokemon as a young person was defined by loneliness/isolation and how i never really had the social pokemon experience that most people did, so the few times i actually got to interact with other people over the shared interest stick out very strongly in my brain. in particular when i was i Think 8 years old, there used to be a small family-owned video game store in my town (it shut down a long time ago unfortunately, i miss it) and they ran events sometimes. i managed to find out they were running a singles competition in pokemon battle revolution, and my mom actually agreed to taking me
it’s important to keep in mind that i was like 8 and i didn’t know shit about competitive battling. i loved sinnoh and had pokemon i thought were strong but at this time i didn’t even know natures affected stats. i was an inexperienced little girl and i just brought my team of in-game guys that i liked. amusingly i was the only girl there, i just remember walking in and being surrounded by boys LOL both my age and older, like there were some older teens and maaaybe adults idk
anyway all things considered i actually got decently far because competitive mons was much more niche back then and no one knew what they were doing LMAO. i was mostly pitting my in-game mons against other kids’ in-game mons. i knew type matchups by heart and had some pretty decent pokemon to my memory - i don’t remember my entire team but i know i had torterra and articuno at least (articuno was one of my favorite pokemon at the time)
eventually i was… like… idk right before semi finals? i wasn’t quite in the top 4, i think i was in the top 8? i went up against an older boy who actually knew what he was doing and had a genuine competitive team. i’m not sure how old he actually was, at the time anyone above the age of 13 looked like an adult to me lol, i’m guessing in retrospect he was 17 or something. he THOROUGHLY kicked my ass with fucking BLISSEY TOXIC STALL lmao. at the time i was dumbfounded at how his blissey just took no fucking damage and it’s really funny being able to understand what happened in retrospect, i kept bringing my special attackers not being aware of blissey’s extremely lopsided defensive stats.
you’d think i would have been upset about losing but i was moreso really impressed with this guy’s blissey, and then smth i’ll never forget, after i lost he shook my hand and looked at me in the eyes and said that i did a good job and that i should keep playing pokemon because he thinks from the way that i played that i had a lot of potential. i was literally over the moon, it meant so much to be acknowledged with full seriousness by someone so much older than me who also lest we forget literally just beat my ass with toxic stall lol. having my interest in pokemon validated and being told i was good at it just made my entire week. or month. or year tbh.
nowadays that i’m a ribbon master mod and going to my first regionals next month, i think about that guy a lot. perhaps i was a late bloomer but i think whatever he saw in me was real. not that i’m the best pokemon player ever or something, and i’m certainly still learning a lot about vgc in particular, but like. yeah i do really care about this game and i think i have the potential to be good at it. and it was prophesized long agodjdjdk
always be nice to kids cause small gestures like that can stick with someone for the rest of their life tbh
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roxannarambles · 26 days
What if Kieran AND Juliana were in the vicinity of the tera blast by Terapagos so Nems tanked the hit instead of Koriadon/Miraidon? What's your thoughts (I'm an angsty feral beast and always wanted to imagine this happening cuz wynaut >:3)
I feel like Nemona would just. Die. That's a tera blast from Terapogos, I don't see any human livin' that 😂 That might just be me though, I always imagine pokemon moves are pretty lethal to humans
Anyway if it didn't vaporize Nemona and she could eventually recover after medical care, I still dunno if it adds anything compelling for Kieran's story/character; Kieran already hurt a lot of people through his actions, and I don't think he needs any extra guilt piled on top of it, as it seems redundant. Maybe it might be interesting for Mrs. Briar, because although she is eventually apologetic for sending the kids into danger, the whole thing felt a bit rushed to me. So the extra guilt for Mrs. Briar could show us some deeper facets of her character. (We really didn't get to explore her character much, after all)
As for Juliana, well the situation really wouldn't be Juliana's fault since Kieran and Briar were the ones acting so recklessly, Juliana would just be caught in the crossfire so to speak. But no doubt she'd still feel somewhat guilty and blame herself for not being more on her toes or whatnot. She'd be incredibly worried and stay by Nemona's side in the hospital until she got better . . . and then apologize to her but Nemona wouldn't let her blame herself. And Juliana might also try to tell her to not get herself hurt on her account but, that's not gonna fly either because Nemona would do it again in a heartbeat, and Juliana would for Nemona, too. So instead they decide to just do their best to be careful and support each other.
Sorry, I'm not very good at angst-- you're probably looking for something much angstier. Like Nemona falling into a coma for a semester or something before finally waking up? Or Kieran going off the deep end and going full-on villain? I tend to turn to fanfic to give me hope in the world and some respite from rough times, so I couldn't bring myself to inflict that degree of angst on these characters. Folks who do are totally valid, of course! It's just hardcore angst isn't my cup of tea.
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dragontamer05 · 1 year
Personally I found the Pokemon Direct, fine.
While I won’t say I don’t entirely understand some of the disappointment some felt but at the same time like to a point especially those who get like irrationally angry/ complain about things that were by and large never even a remote guarantee of being announced - that’s brought about by their own fault.
Nothing wrong with getting excited or even having particular hopes for things you want to see but like you know I think some people need to learn to be reasonable about it.
Especially those hypocritical bunch that complain when there’s no new game (be it main or not) mention but will also turn around and complain and rip on Nintendo/ Game Freak for pumping out yet another game so soon after the release of the most recent. And complain that it’s gonna be so rushed and bad.
1) I have to ask do you get the bored of the games so fast that only after a few months you demand the company pump out something brand new?? If so I think that’s more a you problem then a game problem (Personally I’m still finding plenty of enjoyment especially with my friends)
2) Would you expect that with any other game at all to suddenly announce a new game after only just releasing something I’d hope not- like I wouldn’t even expect a teaser to say ‘hey we’re in the planning for a new thing for the future’
3) As for remakes sure maybe we’ll get them eventually but again BDSP has only been out for like a year i hardly expect anything relating to Gen 5 for awhile
4) Personally confused by the expectations that’d we’d get the old gen pokemon games so soon. Yes with GB and GBA on virtual I won’t be surprised if they arrive eventually but they only just rolled it out and seems like there are still plenty of other games to be rolled out yet as is- including in there add that showed the Pokemon tcg
5) Alright I can agree it kinda is a downer to have to wait so long for the DLC but you know what if it gives them that much more time to polish it and make it fun I’m all for it
6) Holy shit whether true or not I think some may put to much stock in leaks/ or at least get to stuck on one idea - despite it not being a guarantee and could either be fully false or just implying any number of things (i.e like how I get the feeling a lot jumped on the idea of gen5 remakes with that one leak having gen5 mons, when at best it seems like it was just connected to that fact it looks like we’re getting some of them in the DLC stuff.
- Look nothing against theorizing or having wishes of what you’d want to see, hell I do it to but I really think so many need to take a breath, relax and realize that there is every chance things aren’t gonna happen that way- even if it’s something that seems a guarantee to happen eventually.
7) Okay sure I’ll agree this Pokemon Day Direct wasn’t nearly as packed or ‘hype’ if you will, as some they’ve had in the past but at least for me personally it also wasn’t anything worse then I’d expect.
- Generic updates for their various mobage games
- Finally getting proper confirmation on Pokemon Sleep was fun and nice to finally get
- the Tcg collectors things was cool honestly
- and of course DLC confirmation that had always seemed pretty likely
A bit average of a direct with no major reveals but like I don’t think every Direct Pokemon or Nintendo in general needs to be some big, massive packed thing.
And personally I think it ads to the interest of what might happen come next year- perhaps next year will be the year of big reveals where they pull the curtain and tease us with new things being worked on.
Again feeling let down or disappointed totally valid and I get it, while not expected a part of me almost hoped maybe they’d announce later this year pokemon Pinball coming to virtual or something (Unlikely as hell for sure but would have been fun) but going full rage... like that wouldn’t even feel acceptable if GameFreak suddenly came out and announced their final pokemon game or something.
I don’t normally says this, but genuinely I think those that do get unreasonably upset / angry over something as small as a Pokemon Direct not having something they want / not living to expectations need to go out and touch grass, or at least get some fresh air take a deep breath, and realize no matter how frustrating it is it’s not worth getting bent out of shape for.
Plus isn’t the saying No news is good news?
For all we know behind the scenes a select group of people be it in house or outsourced- are in the planning stages for some spinoff or a remake or gen 10, whatever they plan to release next onto their game library but are still in such early stages there’s no point in talking about it yet, have nothing to tease or reveal (I’m not saying they do but hypothetically on the slim chance it is happening just saying)
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cooledtured · 2 months
Finding Good in a Bad Situation
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The Pokemon franchise suffered various “controversies” in regards to its games. Pokemon Sword and Shield is regarded as the moment the games took a nosedive in quality. The graphics are much worse than you’d expect from a game company, as big as it is, the lack of voice acting can sometimes take you out of scenes, options that were available in previous games were for whatever reason taken out and there are at times game breaking glitches that can ruin your experience. Suffice it to say these are all things that you wouldn’t expect considering how big Gamefreak is and how popular Pokemon as a whole is. While I don’t believe that voice acting is necessary to make a good game, these other complaints are still valid criticisms. So with all of that in mind let’s see how this all affected the newest mainline games Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
I want to start off by mentioning that I was fortunate enough to not experience any of the glitches that are actually in the game. That being said, I have at times seen where they cut some corners. For example, at the very end of the first cutscene of the game if you pay attention you’ll see that all of the characters present go into a t-pose. Even so, these things weren’t game breaking so I won’t go too much into it. From what I've seen, the only times you will likely encounter these glitches is if you play on multiplayer. So a single-player experience will usually be fine unless you’re actively looking for glitches.
In terms of graphics… there really isn’t much to say. The Pokemon designs are cool and the layout of towns is nice, however, the graphics can really take you out of it. The best way I heard them described is as an early PS2 game. This is furthered by the fact that if you go far enough away from an NPC or Pokemon, then it will start moving very slowly until you get closer to it. I would normally give this a bit of a pass since Pokemon isn’t usually open world, however, a game that came before it (Legends: Arceus) was also open world and didn’t suffer from this issue.
But let’s not forget one of the biggest issues: the lack of choice. One thing that Pokemon introduced a while back that I feel is a great addition is the Exp all. This item makes it so all Pokemon in your party will gain EXP and level up together. The issue that some people have though is the fact that it is always on with no option to turn it off. This ties into another issue where previous game options to make battles harder are no longer available, causing a lot of players to feel alienated by the game. With the lack of character customization as well, the player’s lack of choice was evident.
Even with these issues though, I still found myself enjoying the games a lot and even consider them one of the best. The story of the game is hugely improved from the last. Battles, while at times feeling easy, can be very difficult if you let your guard down with the final battle of the game being one of the hardest in the series. Characters are actually likable and have memorable story arcs that you can get invested in. Arven, for example, starts off as a bit stand-offish, but quickly grows to be a fan favorite as you progress his story. Even just traversing the world can be fun as you go around using the new legendary.
Scarlet and Violet are by no means perfect games. However, I can still say with confidence that they are games that you will have a fun time with. And unlike Sword and Shield, the DLC isn’t required to make it feel like a complete game. If I had to give a score, I’d give them a 6.5/10.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer POP-COOLEDTURED SPECIALIST cooledtured.com |  GROW YOUR COLLECTION
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livyamel · 7 months
I'm feeling salty and have decided to share some unpopular Nerd opinions with the internet. I have indeed gotten hate for all of them. Fun times.
Unpopular Nerd Opinion #1: Tangled is over hyped (and while I think it's decently made and mother gothel is an excellent villainess, it's my least favorite Disney movie).
Unpopular Nerd Opinion #1.5: Flynn Ryder is EXTREMELY UNATTRACTIVE in both looks and personality (and yes I know about the way he was created)
Unpopular Nerd Opinion #2: The Eeveelutions don't look like foxes at ALL. Eevee has the tail of one but that's it. The fox resemblance to me is more their size and sort of how they run, but I don't think any of them were based on foxes. I see mostly cat and rabbit influence, with Jolteon looking canine and Umbreon looking canine in the anime but not games or manga. If they were foxes they'd have canine anatomy and long snouts. And "it's the art style" isn't a valid argument because explicitly vulpine and canine pokemon do have long snouts (Ninetales, Vulpix, Thievul, Stoutland etc)
Unpopular Nerd Opinion #3: Season 4 is the best season of AoT (and I personally prefer the Marley characters except Armin).
#3.5: Gabi hate = indicative of a lack of understanding of the story.
And finally ... What else ... Oh yes. #4 ... The Lion King is overrated. It's a good movie but overrated. And Timon is irritating
Hope you enjoyed? Lol. What are some of your unpopular nerdy opinions?
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woozi · 1 year
henlo yza beloved <33
it's been the same for me 😭 how is april even ending like? i am still in my 2023 just started zone, i've been on autopilot mode tbh, also on purpose avoiding the dates lmao because i don't want to perceive the real time (if that makes sense). i'm so glad and proud of you btw <3
" maybe writers didn't think they'd get that far " CRYINGJSJSDJSK 😭😭 they're just like me then <3.
love how we're so alike <3 because i also don't vibe with the revenge type of media too much, nothing is exciting drama wise this year. trying out classics sounds fun, which ones did you watch? i would love to know <3 AND ALSO SAME I'VE BEEN WATCHING MOVIES SM THIS YEAR, it's surprising to me because i used to be like 'i am not a movie person' turns out i just didn't know how to look for what i really vibe with 😭. i've been trying to watch more slice of life-esqe movies these days, i highly recommend canola ( 2016, korean movie) and also a not so slice of life movie, unlocked. i checked it out because of im siwan skjsksks and ended up wishing for him to not come on screen throughout 😭 ( just bit of warning it's creepy and scary </3 ).
i truly get you </3 hope you get will to read soon <333 it's not a solution but i try to read even just 2 pages whenever i feel like my reading block is out. been reading a book like this since feb djsjsksk ( finally at last few chapters lmao ) i just tell myself slow reading is a thing and don't think too much of it.
sorry bss - second wind. i am now friends with seventeen and fml <3 I AM SO HAPPY YZA <3 i didn't know i needed a song based on dragon ball z this bad lmaoo ( i have zero clue about dbz btw, i was a pokemon - digimon kid) but i get woozi, if i was an artist i too would make all songs about my hyperfixations
i love the song, album and them esp woozi 😭. coups wasn't joking around when he said woozi will shine this cb. they all did tbh.
last two days were definitely the second highlight of this year after bss album for me. it's been so long since i got to be in the whole cb fanfare with anticipating teasers till cb day checking out the music. ( i still have to sit down and listen to the album with lyrics. i first listened to album then read all lyrics next day jsdkks haven't gotten time to both together yet ) i really liked everything about this cb and i love that for me. saur excited for the fml mv too. also today is woodz comeback i'm excited about that too it's been long since i heard new music from him
i've been annoying my friend since caratland about woozi (we both watched it together) 😭 now i think this cb cemented woozi as a bias wrecker for me. sorry that got too long i am just rambling same thing atp.
which ones are your top 3? mine atp are fml, super and idubilu ( yesterday third one was dust dhsjjs ) tell me your thoughts about cb hehe very curious about it
i haven't seen the carat day live either, just watched it through twt clips jdjdks ( i can't watch actually because the app hates me 💀 it doesn't load anything on wifi for me since last year )
ikr <333 plato's been my place to cool down fr. rules about ludo +#(#)#)2 the rules about ludo are that there are no rules 😭 they keep changing locally too. differs from person to person i think. i grew up playing with '6 is the only number which will give you chance to come out of the house' rule, nothing else. feel free to text on disc we can arrange time and date to play 🥰🤍
thank you for taking time out of your life to hang out with me it means a lot, i enjoy your company 🥺🤍. i hope you're taking care of yourself mentally and physically despite the busy schedule 🫂 i love you 💌 sending the best and peaceful days your way my yza <3
same </3 and no bc… how are we finishing a quarter of the year already,,, i also feel like we're just beginning 2023 😭 ALSO SO VALID?????????????????? also not to be morbid, but it just feels like we're accelerating to our deaths atp LMFAOOO
it's literally like,, watching sumn to stress on 😭😭 what is the pOINTTTTTT???? maybe other people wanna live vicariously through those characters but i just want a lil silly plot </3 just some people being nice and happy we already have enough bad shit irl!! the most memorable one that i've watched lately was the truman show!! (WHICH IS INSANE TBH BC LITERALLY A FEW DAYS LATER THE SVTEENIES DROPPED THE FML TEASER WHICH HAD SO MANY REFERENCES TO IT JKFJKGJK) AND URE SOOOOOOOO VALID TBH DFHJFDH we really are so much alike 😭 ALSO LOVE THESE RECCS OMGGGGGGGGG thanks for contributing to my list <33
slow progress is much better than no progress <3 love how u intentionally try to get back to hobbies, that is good for the soul 😋
ALSO MADE ME LAUGH FJDHJDFHFJDDF this album really is woozi-coded 😭 from the dbz references, the mv itself… he's SOO,,, and the amt of woozidans now,,, i'm gonna have to fight for my life buying tickets now LMFAOOOO ALSO COOL OMG <#3333333333 my cousin was also a digimon kid, but i wasn't so i don't actually know anything about it 😔
FELT TOO OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG i also have forgotten how busy cbs are (especially svt ones tbh) so it was also such a fun experience for me <3 ALSO LOVE HOW U REALLY TAKE UR TIME TO READ THE LYRICS!! more than the vibe and music itself it really is a crucial factor to consider when looking at the whole package <3 AND AGREED!!! i also really liked everything (sans the office photos jfdjkfdjfdk, BUT I LOVEDD the group teaser one bc of the table lol, just feel like we've seen enough office concepts from them and wished they spiced it up a lil but i get how it fits into the whole fml thing). AND PLEEK OMG I DIDNT KNOW?????????? i should've realized that he also had a cb when i saw the tiktok w vernon 😭 the way u open new paths for me every time is so <33
AND PLEEEEEEEEEEEK i'm glad more people are realizing his actual Power <3 he really was so fluffy during caratland wasn't he? 🥺
mine also changes a lot kjfgkjgjk but ms fire will never be dethroned from the no 1 spot <33 rn my 2 other faves r super and dust <3 i previously word vomited on al about that here if u wanna hear more abt my comeback related bs LMFAOOO
ALSO PLS KJFKJDDJK NOT THE NO RULES 😭 and that's so interesting 👁 AND YOU'RE ALWAYS SO SWEET PLS </333333333333333333333333333333 i will actually cry n throw up thank u for always investing time on me </3
AND OFC </3333 I SHOULD BE THE ONE SAYING THAT!! also tried my best but i've been sick for the past 6 days lmfao 😭😭 hope you're staying well and safe on the other hand <3 ily ma cherie <3333333333
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rooflascl · 2 years
Pokemon sage download not mediafire
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#Pokemon sage download not mediafire skin#
#Pokemon sage download not mediafire Patch#
#Pokemon sage download not mediafire software#
#Pokemon sage download not mediafire download#
Some have been tweaked slightly, and some feel like completely new games. Here you’ll find a list of our favourites. These Pokemon ROM hacks are some of the best on the internet. That’s thanks to the incredibly talented Pokemon community who spend months, if not years building these ROM hacks in order to help gamers get through those rough times.
Launch your Game Boy Advance emulator, select the ROM file, and start the game.I’ve been playing around with the best Pokemon ROM Hacks for years now, and each of them never fail to do something new.
#Pokemon sage download not mediafire download#
Download and install a Game Boy Advance emulator compatible with your device, like VisualBoyAdvance-M or My Boy!.Finally, click on 'Apply Patch', and here you have a valid Pokémon Unbound ROM.
#Pokemon sage download not mediafire Patch#
Next, browse and select the Pokémon FireRed ROM file as the file to be patched and the Pokémon Unbound file as the patch file.
#Pokemon sage download not mediafire software#
First, open the patch software tool, click on 'Apply a UPS patch to a file' and a window will open to let you specify both the ROM file's path and the patch file's path. Apply the Pokémon Unbound patch to the Pokémon FireRed ROM.It contains the Pokémon FireRed ROM, the Pokémon Unbound patch to be applied to the ROM, and the patch software tool. Download and unzip the file we provide you.Pokémon Unbound, as a ROM version of the FireRed version, can be considered rated 7+ like other Pokémon games. Pokémon Unbound is considered to be one of the best Gen III Pokémon ROMs by many fans due to its combat system, its high customization, daily quests, monthly rewards, and more! Age rating There are no specific game modes, but the game offers diverse content, puzzles, missions, etc. If you want more content, you can finish all the extras and play for at least 80 hours. You will play for about 25-30 hours as a solo adventure before completing the main quest. A brand new universe awaits you! Additionally, you will be excited to know that a custom OST containing over 50 songs has been composed explicitly for Pokémon Unbound. Pokémon Unbound offers a beautiful and coherent Pokémon universe using the Gen IV graphics, the Gen V interface, and a day and night system. An extended post-game experience: You will be pleased to know that hours and hours of content await you after the main campaign scenario, including missions, chasing legendary Pokémon, and many more.Play Sherlock Holmes: Discover Borrius and all the mysterious secrets and puzzles you will be able to solve.You will also be able to experience many different events in Borrius some are daily, and you can find others at specific locations during the day. Crazy diversified content: Many minigames and diversified content await you too, including the Underground Mining or the Safari Sniper.
#Pokemon sage download not mediafire skin#
Customize your look: Customize your character thanks to the 300 combinations of outfit colors, skin tones, and hair colors.
Countless missions: The game contains more than 75 missions you can complete, and you can also track mission progress with the new mission log.
Setup your difficulty: Do you want to fine-tune the game difficulty? With Pokémon Unbound, you can choose one of the 4 different difficulty modes, from easy to insane.
In Pokémon Unbound, you will be able to have access and use all of the HM without needing to teach them to a Pokémon instead, you only have to have a Pokémon that can learn the HM.
Free to use HM: Hidden Machine, or HM for short, teaches a Pokémon a move usually used to clear obstacles or transportation.
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epicspheal · 3 years
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[Image Description: Screenshot from Twitter of a side by side comparison of N on his throne from the recent Pokemon Evolutions Episode and Blue (Green) Oak on the champion’s throne from the Pokemon Generations Episode. The caption of these two images is “Same Energy”] Okay so this is such an interesting and extremely valid comparison made by Twitter User Oresti. First off these two shots are some of the most powerful images from their respective episodes but as was said in the caption of the pic above, they both have the same energy.  For N, he’s done pretty much everything he has set out to achieve. He has become king of Team Plasma, he was able to befriend one of the legendary Pokemon and even defeat the Champion of the Unova Region. His Castle has surrounded the Pokemon league. He’s this close to achieving his goals. And yet he doesn’t even look remotely pleased. But as we know his journey as a trainer throughout Unova, specifically with all his confrontations with the protagonist (Hilda in the Evolutions episode) have made him really question this ideal he’s been taught to pursue. Is he really in the right? 
And For Blue, he’s finally done it. He’s become champion of the Pokemon league. He went out and caught a wide variety of Pokemon and picked the strongest of those to blast his way through the gyms and elite four. Now he’s at the top. He finally has something of his own that doesn’t relate to him being Professor Oak’s grandson. And yet again, he doesn’t seem all that pleased. But we know that he still has yet to defeat one trainer, Red. His former friend now bitter rival. The one Oak seems to prefer over him. Is he really the best, the most powerful trainer in the world if he can’t beat Red? Both N and Blue are achieving what they want but it’s not enough. It’s not truly satisfying what they want deep down. And also as we know both of them are about to be knocked off those thrones very soon, ending two talented men’s time at the top. But what’s more once and for all their worldviews are about to challenged thoroughly. 
N is about to realize that his goal of Pokemon Liberation was wrong, even though to be fair this goal had been challenged rather heavily throughout his journey. But this was going to be the final straw where everything comes crashing down. Not to mention the ugly revelation of Ghetsis’ true feelings towards him and his true plan. I mean even in the episode Alder blatantly calls Ghetsis a conman and the shock N had was palpable Blue was going to have everything he wanted stripped from him from a former friend and then his grandfather who was actually there to congratulate him is about to give him the berating of the lifetime in front of a former friend. The one time he was this close to getting some genuine words from his grandfather got turned into yet another “I’m disappointed in you” rant.  So in short, give both N and Blue a hug they need it. 
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art-blogge · 2 years
Track A-5
"No, Jirachi is not an Ultra Beast. It comes from space, not Ultra Space. There is a difference."
Emmet gave up understanding the difference between space and Ultra Space at least half an hour ago. Space was space. What was next? Mega space? Great space? Premiere space? Luxury space? Oh, he liked the sound of that one!
Cameron lightly nudged his boss, trying to make him focus. He was also having some trouble absorbing all of the new information they were being given, but at least Cameron was trying. Someone in this room had to be listening to all of this. Cameron knew it must be relevant to the current case, and did his best.
Cloud raised his hand for the fourth time in the last ten minutes.
"Hoopa cannot travel through time," responded one of the international police agents, "If he were only spatially relocated, then Hoopa could have been a possibility." These poor officers were instructed to explain the circumstances to the Gear Station agents, so that they'd understand what possibly happened to their unfortunate boss.
Only Jackie realized it would be smart to take notes, and for the exact wrong reason- The best scary stories are the ones that are accurate and thus feasible! But at least someone was writing this down.
Cloud continued suggesting various legendary and mythical Pokemon, and continued being shot down. Very few of them are able to interact with Ultra Space, and even less actively do so. But he was getting info about legendaries, so he still won in the end. Even if he was still starving, he'd definitely won this interaction.
"So far we got Celebi and Hoopa being jerks together, the Sinnoh dragons, a real big Girafarig, the Unown, and now space beasts?" Jackie asked, checking over his notes.
"Ultra Beasts," an officer yet again corrected. "Pokemon from space like Deoxys are incapable of such a feat. Unown are not legendary, but are still unlikely. They very rarely leave their own dimensions." After a moment of thinking, they added "Most Ultra Beasts are also not capable of causing this by themselves. We are still working with the Aether Foundation to decide if Necrozma or Cosmog are or aren't Ultra Beasts."
Yuuuuuuuuuup. Emmet was still verrrrrrrrrry lost.
The Depot Agents weren't fairing well with the sudden influx of unknown information, either. Ramses and Josh were both horrified by it all, and had mutually decided that clinging to Furze was a valid idea. Isadore had given up in the first ten minutes and left to take a nap. Hank was still trying to process the idea that Pokemon could come from space. Only Jackie and Cloud survived the infodumping.
"New question!" Jackie shouted, raising his hand, "Do we have any idea where or when Ingo could've ended up?"
Finally someone asked it.
"Not yet," replied an officer, "But it's entirely possible that he's already been ki-"
"SO ANYWAY!" Furze suddenly interrupted, throwing his hand up, "There were no Ultra Wormhole traces in the Gear Station, right?"
Emmet's smile faltered. What was the officer going to say? Furze never interrupted people unless it was an emergency, he knew that. So was something wrong? Already been what? The gears in his head weren't turning as fast as he'd like them to be.
He was so deep in thought that he missed the following explanation. Emmet would need to be told later about the lack of Ultra Wormhole traces anywhere in the city, and how odd the situation was as a whole. Emmet only tuned back in because he felt someone staring at him, that being Cameron doing a concern. Emmet gave him a blank smile in response, not sure what Cameron was worried about. What'd he miss? Damn. Maybe he should have taken notes like Jackie. Oh, but then they'd be covered in little Joltiks and Archens instead of actual notes. Speaking of Joltik, he could feel a few of them traversing the inside of his coat sleeves. He had to resist the urge to immediately pull them out and place them on the Agents, this definitely not being the time nor place for that.
"I've got something important to add," said an officer, their voice piercing straight through the off-track thoughts Emmet was having. Emmet immediately looked up at the officers expectantly, maybe staring a little too hard.
"Most missing persons cases of this caliber get solved, so please do not fret. We're on it, and we already have ideas of where to start."
The Subway Boss and all of his Agents exchanged looks before Emmet's smile returned in full force. What a relief! They were going to find Ingo! How verrrrrrrrrrry exciting! So exciting that he'd started bouncing and stimming with an excessive amount of force. A spare Joltik got flung out of his sleeve at Mach 4.
Cloud shifted forward to lean around Furze so he could look at Emmet. "Well, you know! Unlike what Jackie likes to think, Time always gets fixed in the end!"
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magma-queen · 3 years
We're Your Dads Now (Hardenshipping x Platonic!Reader)
Dadadada! I am here to share kind words and tickly scenarios to you, my friend! I hope this fic provides lots of comfort and smiles to you! Remember to take care and you are strong, valid, and enough! :3
Have an amazing day/night friend!
You put down the phone with a shaky sigh as you replayed the conversation you just had with your father, feeling equal parts dread and anger pool in your belly.
Why did every conversation you had with him always end like this?
“Hm? Oh! (Y/N)!” You startled when you heard a familiar voice, turning to find Archie and Maxie nearby. In their arms were supplies for what looked like a dinner, their Pokemon proudly carrying some of the bags themselves.
“Hey kid! How have you been?” Archie grinned his usual grin, eyes kind. “The region treating you well?”
“Oh, hi guys...” You tried to smile, but it felt so forced and weak that you felt yourself cringe. “Yeah, the region’s been treating me good. I’m taking on Flannery soon.”
“Ah, Flannery.” Maxie nodded, eyes growing concerned at the sad look in your eyes. “She’s a strong trainer. Be prepared for her flame attacks.”
“Heh. Yeah, she’s a real firecracker! Hehe! See what I did there, Max?” Archie grinned at his husband, who was clearly fighting back an eye roll. “Clever, Archie. Very clever.”
As the team aqua leader cackled at his own joke, you felt the pit in your stomach move up to your throat. Blinking back tears, you tried to laugh along with them, pretending you're okay.
It didn’t work.
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” Maxie was the first to see the tears welling up, Archie’s laugh dying down into a look of concern as well. “Kid?”
“I-I’m sorry! I need to go-!” You pushed past the men, rushing out of the Pokemon Center and running towards who knows where, the tears in your eyes falling down your cheeks.
You didn’t know where you were, or how long you’ve been crying, but it wasn’t long before the pair found you again. “Hey there, mind if we sit with you?” Archie asked softly, doing so when you nodded.
Maxie joined you as well, hesitating before offering his arm. “Do you...want a hug?” He asked, be it a tad awkward? Outwardly affection wasn’t his strong suit. Still, you nodded and leaned into his side, sniffling as his arm came around you comfortingly. “Thank you…” Archie smiled kindly, reaching out and running his fingers through your hair, providing comfort from his end. “Of course, Kiddo. We’re here for you.”
After a little while, you spoke. You told them about everything that had been bothering you, the problems you had with your father, the pain he made you feel. You voiced all of these until your voice was hoarse from crying and your eyes were moistened with fresh tears.
Archie and Maxie were quiet throughout, their hands comforting, voices soothing. After a bit, Archie spoke. “Screw it. We’re your dads now.”
“What?” You and Maxie asked at the same time, surprise in your expressions.
“See? We even got the same reactions!” Archie grinned before returning to serious mode. “Really. From the sounds of it, you don’t have a good father figure in your life. So we’ll take on that role. I’ve always wanted kids!” He grinned proudly, reaching out and ruffling your hair. “Starting today, you’re my kid now!”
“Don’t forget I’m also in this relationship, Archie.” Maxie spoke up, though there was no frustration in his voice. “They would be our kid.”
“Psst, (Y/N). He’s right But you know I’m the best.” Archie staged whispered, making you smile. “Excuse me? You, the best? Last time I checked, I was the one giving them advice for upcoming gyms. That makes me the best.” Maxie declared, making you smile more.
“Yeah, but I’m the fun one! I tell all the jokes and make them laugh!” As if on cue, you laughed, proving his point. “See?”
“Guys, guys.” You said, reaching out and patting their arms. “You’re both the best. There’s no need to fight.”
“Hehe, see, there’s that smile we were missing!” Archie grinned, his hand dropping to your waist and poking lightly. “Now, where’s that laugh?”
Maxie, who’s arm had been loosely around you this entire time, suddenly tightened his grip, his other hand coming over to poke your other side. “Yes, (Y/N)! Come on, laugh for us!”
“Ahahhahahahrchie! Mahhahahahhaxie!” You squeaked and laughed, twisting and squirming in their arms as you giggled yourself silly. “Aww, someone’s ticklish!” Archie teased, adding both hands now to tickle along your sides and stomach. “What a sweet sound you make, (Y/N)! I’d love to hear more of it.” Maxie added, his own voice taking a more gentle tone, hand squeezing along your hip and thigh.
“Gahahhahahahahahhahahys! Ohohohoohohohohokay! Ohohohoohohohokay! Ihihihihiihihihim lauhuhuhuhuuhhuuhuhuhghing!” You cried, tears of mirth dotting your eyes and threatening to spill down your flushed cheeks.
Taking mercy, Archie and Maxie stopped their playful attack, letting you slump against Archie’s broad chest as you recovered. Sucking down greedy breaths, residue giggles punctuated each intake. “Hehe...hehehe...T-Thahank you. I neheeded that.”
Archie laughed and gave you a squeeze, Maxie reaching out and taking your hand in his. “Of course, (Y/N). We’ll always be here for you. Whenever you need us.”
“Even if you aren’t our kid, biologically, we still consider you a part of our family.” Maxie reassured, squeezing your hand comfortingly. “So never worry- we’re always gonna be here.”
You smiled, closing your eyes and resting between the kind men you’ve grown to care for as well. “Thank you, you two. You really are the best.”
(Apologies for the edit but I need to say something before I post this wonderful submission.)
Shout out to @giggly-squiggily for being an amazing friend and making me smile tonight. 😭😭😭 Go follow this wonderful person. I’ve been dealing with my biological father for far too long.. the distance between us started 11 years ago, when I turned 10 years old. And it will never get better. He’s broken our relationship, and I’ve finally come to terms with it. I’m lucky to have my mother and rest of my family, who care for me deeply. @giggly-squiggily, thank you.. from the bottom of my heart. ❤️ this has both made me smile and made me cry. Thank you for being such a great friend to me and comforting me when I was so down..
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createandconstruct · 3 years
can i ask about amarant coral? the monk in red himself~
Can you ask about Amarant Coral? *cracks fingers* Oh I insist that you do. Welcome to my Amarant Appreciation Post:
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favorite thing about them: First off best thing about Amarant? His theme. The percussion and the guitar. It’s great and it captures him so well. People out here like “take Amarant out of the game he adds nothing.” EXCUSE ME? You remove the Amarant you remove the Amarant Theme my friend and that is something I do NOT vibe with. 
least favorite thing about them: I wanna know more about him. Now Amarant doesn’t need a backstory or history in the game. In a sense, he already has one that connects him to Zidane and explains his motives and actions and eventual arc. But my issue is, Square never gave him anything else. If you look at Ultimania there’s additional lore about other characters, like Steiner for instance. You learn Steiner was a war orphan who was saved by the Pluto Knights - explaining his devotion to them. Amarant though? Square was like “uh... yeah he was born....? And then he uh got famous...? Idk then he met Zidane. You figure it out.” Square. I hate you. 18 years from his birth until he became “well known”. WHAT WAS HE DOING. WHY’D HE BECOME A SECURITY GUARD. WHAT WAS ON HIS RESUME. TELL MEEEE. Like, okay, what the actual in-game canon gives us on Amarant is sort of enough. He’s a purposely written mysterious “cool-guy” character so we’re given scraps to make him unknown but come on. In the published after-game canon, like Ultimania, we could have been given a bit more. He says he doesn’t remember anything about his origins or parents, but why. Was he another victim of Gaia’s wars? Probably. Was he born on a battlefield? Fighting for his life, living without comrades, taking scraps whenever he could? Was he betrayed when he was young? Is he a supposed to be a version of Zidane had he not been adopted into Tantalus by Baku??? These are questions I deserve answers to, Square.
favorite line: “’I can't just walk away. It goes against my nature...’ You're a real simpleton. Forget it, guys. There's no stopping this fool." I love this. Amarant figures Zidane out pretty quickly after Ipsen’s Castle. Zidane is hardheaded and also an actor. He acts cool and pretends his reasons for doing things are loose but when he’s decided something it’s always for a reason. You don’t need a reason to help people, but Zidane has his reasons for helping Kuja and while Amarant doesn’t give two shits what they are he knows Zidane won’t be stopped because, despite everything, Zidane saved a loser like him. Also this line “Tell me! Why didn't you kill me!?" Because I quote it all the time and it makes myself laugh. Amarant is such a drama queen and Zidane knows it. Zidane’s like “dude... what is your damage, it’s 5 pm on Tuesday in Madain Sari. I ain’t getting blood on my gloves cause you’re having a temper tantrum.” And then Amarant runs away to have an existential crisis. He’s 26 but compared to Zidane, he’s the real teenager with angst.  
brOTP: I could talk about Zidane or Freya with Amarant but instead I’m gonna say the underrated dynamic of Amarant and Eiko (and also Vivi).  Amarant with the kids is truly the greatest gift given by his presence in the game. Amarant has never known true suffering until he became a designated legal guardian of a group of minors. It also kills me how he’s the one to volunteer to carry Eiko and Vivi up the Iifa tree. He looks at Zidane and is like “you have seriously been the ‘adult’ of this group???”
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OTP: Gotta say the Freya and Amarant dynamic. I really enjoyed their unlikely friendship in the game but then the content. The fan content. The Freya x Amarant fans out there, you win. Ya got me. You captured me and I am now imprisoned by their banter and begruntled allies to lovers story. Even if they’re not romantic I love them together and really wish the game gave us more of them. But even Lani and Amarant together are valid, though I prefer them as butting head bros. Not much content for my girl Lani out there either, she deserves more.
nOTP: Nothing I can think of. I tend to like platonic pairings for Amarant. The dude needs friends because he can barely define the word friendship.
random headcanon: Before Zidane returns at the end of the game Amarant wanders around a bit, unsure of what to do. He doesn’t feel any place with the others in Alexandria, Burmecia, or Lindblum. I imagine he goes off on his own for a bit like before but this time he’s not after Zidane or a fight. Instead he’s got no particular destination. Yet he somehow always finds himself running into people just like him - or the old him - friendless lonely people who are looking for a fight. He doesn’t go out his way to find these folks he simply runs into them and decides he might as well knock some sense into them. He does however make it his business to go after any murmur of people hatching any ideas of going after the far off little village on the Lost Continent. The home of the genomes and black mages. They were so helpless, so weak that anyone who’d want to mess with them is pathetic in Amarant’s book. Until Zidane returns, no one has the chance to even look at the Black Mage Village the wrong way because in the shadows Amarant lurks, making damn well sure of that.
unpopular opinion: I kinda love that he’s just there for most of the game? While I agree he gets the short end of the stick in the same way as Freya, not receiving additional individual character spotlight (which could have very well been supplied through discoverable lore in the world/npcs or through sidequests) I never considered his “standing off to the side” as a detriment to his character. 
Many would probably agree that Amarant always felt like a bit of a parody of the loner character, or at least the stereotype of the loner character. Amarant is so easily paralleled with Squall and Cloud’s surface-level attitudes because his dialogue always felt like something to poke fun at. As the player we’re supposed to align with Zidane’s way of thinking and how he views Amarant. When Amarant loses to Zidane and pretty much grits his teeth and goes “KILL ME,” along with Zidane we’re supposed to kinda raise our brow at him and go “...really, dude?”
 Amarant’s a character introduced as an antagonist who has more in common with the power hungry villains of the game. Like many of the characters in FFIX, Amarant is in search of purpose in life, which he has never found, because he was always looking in the wrong places - in places of violence and power. Very toxic-masculinity of him. Amarant is “cool” on an aesthetic level but in reality he’s the polar opposite of cool in terms of what FFIX states about the need for others to be intertwined in your experiences so that you can live a full life. 
I sort of love that he’s like a grumpy pitball following a 16 year old and his friends around. Then he sits in the corner when they all meet up and discuss current events acting like he doesn’t care (not to mention he casually walks as everyone is running as fast as they can to escape Terra - made me laugh cry on my first playthrough) He is “just there” but that’s because he has no where else to be, no where else to go, he’s a man without a home. And until Zidane offers his hand, at the point where Amarant is most willing to take it at Ipsen’s Castle, he’s not truly a party member. He IS an outsider for almost the entire game but at Ipsen Castle he joins the party, becomes a comrade, and decides he’ll allow himself to change paths and start a life where he has friends and lives, as well as fights for them. Which is why after that moment, Amarant finally has a victory pose.
song i associate with them: I was scratching my head for so long trying to think of a song or track that had Amarant vibes until it hit me. Outskirt Stand by Tsukasa Tawada (from Pokemon Colosseum). Amarant is so chill, he’s not a bombastic guy, so he needs a theme that drops me in the rocky open desert of the Lost Continent like I’m just lumbering around looking for a monkey-tailed menace. Some other Amarant tunes:  Pyrite Town, The Under, Snagem Hideout tracks from Pokemon Colosseum. This post is just an elaborate call to action for everyone to listen to the Pokemon Colosseum soundtrack. Tsukasa Tawada is so great and he has a YouTube. Check him out.
favorite picture of them:
Yoshitaka Amano’s Salamander Coral. I love him. He had too much power. 
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Also everything drawn by @crispy-ghee. Everything. I will think of this Comic forever until I die. Tattoo it on my flesh. The banter, the dynamics, the post-game content, the Zidane prince-consort outfit, the new Amarant outfit, the stuck-in-the-same-place relationship him and Freya have. Perfect. Go read it and consume Crisipy’s stuff. And also check them and their current art out, they just consistently get better and better. Here’s a first panel preview of my fav comic. Read it.
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 @hannahlady​‘s Amarant art and their Freya/Amarant art is just ugh. *Chef’s Kiss* Here is another preview because you should go look at it.
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Here’s a piece that deserves so much more love by @snackage. I LOVE how they drew Amarant. Here’s a little preview. It’s SO GOOD
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Anyway TL;DR: Amarant is love and life and you’ll have to pull him from my little gremlin hands.
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