#final quarter
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dromaeotrash · 2 months
death is not the end, there's 4 more signs after
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bixels · 4 months
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Posting a sneak-peak of this now because I'm about to be In The Shit school workload-wise, so this'll take me a while to finish.
Doing some character design exploration/expression sheets for Celestia and Luna. Figuring out Celestia's weird ass anatomy while I'm at it.
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news-folds · 2 years
AFL 2022: David Mundy’s son cries as career ends, video, Collingwood defeat Fremantle
AFL 2022: David Mundy’s son cries as career ends, video, Collingwood defeat Fremantle
It’s not the way it should have ended, but David Mundy has waved goodbye to the AFL on Saturday night. The Fremantle legend showed throughout the 2022 season he still had what it takes to make it at the top level, but he announced his time was up. Watch every match prior to the AFL grand final Live & Ad-Break Free In-Play on Kayo. New to Kayo? Start your free trial now > In his final outing…
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puppysdog · 4 months
yes marcille is cis but she still has a dick because shes an elf girl
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 3 months
Quarter-Final Four
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Mr Tilney (2007) :
I do think that Mr Tilney needs to be seen in motion to be appreciated his attractiveness is his personality and just general charisma and he's FUNNY definetly the funniest austen man
Super charming, cute, fun, and handsome. What is not to love?
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Mr Knightley (2009) :
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GIF by dearemma
I was just going to send in the actual dance but the little panic he has when Emma says she knows his secret is just soo charming. There was some thread on twitter a few years ago about how a romcom man's most important quality is knowing how to look at a woman and JLM is just the master of it in this Emma
I really feel like the pictures say it all. He stands there, head tilted to one side. He is listening to you. His posture is relaxed. His gaze open, frank, candid. He's not trying at all. He just is.And that's why he is Knightley.
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Some propaganda, not just for Jonny Lee Miller, but the general interpretation of 09 Knightley. I have some excerpts here from my review of the 09 adaptation:
What I really think is great about the 2009 interpretation of Mr. Knightley is what an easy and comforting presence he is, without being apologetic when he scolds Emma. I think this is communicated especially well by how often we are actually shown Mr. Knightley taking his almost-daily walks to Hartfield, how smoothly he comes and goes, and how happy Emma is every time she sees him coming up the path (usually, just at the perfect moment when she needs something to put her back to rights.)
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Here is Emma, feeling lonely after Miss Taylor's wedding. And in the background, walking up to Hartfield--there's Knightley. He's always been there for her, and he always will be.
And also this Mr. Knightley is as understated as ever, but I wanna highlight this outfit and why I love it: This is Knightley’s first appearance in the series and it’s the perfect establishing shot that shows the viewer everything they need to know about Emma and Knightley’s relationship and how it has always been. He sort of materializes, out of focus in the background, but Emma immediately knows he’s there. And to accentuate how much Knightley is part of her home and scenery, his clothes (similar shades of pale tan, white and minty green to the wall behind him) almost camouflage him and make him seem at one with the moulding of her home.
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Additionally, Jonny Lee Miller captures Knightley’s playful qualities, and his exasperation is so endearing
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I can’t be the only one tickled by this Knightley’s frustration with Emma! JLM FTW!
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macksartblock · 6 months
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he's okay
surely, he's okay...
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vintagetvstars · 8 days
Lynda Carter Vs. Gillian Anderson
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Lynda Carter - (Wonder Woman) - I feel like you just have to vote for her. she's on tumblr. she'll see it if you don't.
Gillian Anderson - (The X Files) - GILLIAN MY QUEEN
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Lynda Carter:
The woman, the myth, the legend, Wonder Woman herself: Lynda Carter!
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Gillian Anderson:
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Quarter Finals: Evan "Buck" Buckley vs. Alistair Theirin
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Evan "Buck" Buckley - 9-1-1 | Alistair Theirin - Dragon Age
reblog if u have a moment! love u <3
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ask-lu-wild · 3 months
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Elliott propaganda:
“Just look at him. Pure hunk energy.”
“I will punch anyone who dislikes him. He’s like a fire emblem character in the modern day. He’s so flamboyant and handsome, he can play the piano and he’s best friends with the old fishing man!”
“dramatic writer man with sexy hair”
"Since I like elliott. I will state some reasons why I like him
Imagine if Mr. Darcy didn’t insult your family first time you met him, that’s Elliott. The man who’s basically the hallmark romance love interest. He’s a writer who moves to the small town in the country side to find inspiration for his writing. Then he finds the farmer.
He has a crab living in his pocket
He can play the piano (hopefully it isn’t the river flows in you however)
His fans sometimes hc him as a merman and that’s just a major plus IMO
He genre of the book he writes is dependent on what genre you say you like.
He also sends letters to you if you marry him
Okay and also some things I dislike
His liked gifts, the easiest one is pomegranates, which cost like 6000g to grow a tree if you don’t pick the fruit cave. I AM NOT GETTING SQUID INK IN YEAR ONE FOR YOU.
he might be British /j
The fact he has no kitchen but still likes food like lobster, like he is just a mystery. Lives in a cabin, with no kitchen, no washroom (okay no character has a washroom), but still likes the most fancy food out there and has luscious hair worthy of a L’Oréal ad.
Gifting him on rainy days when you don’t have two hearts"
Asra propaganda:
“He GIVES AWAY HALF HIS HEART TO REVIVE YOU okay but like. He's the MCs roommate and they were together for a few years before the MC caught a plague and died and he obsesses over a way to bring them back before succeeding by making a deal with a god to trade half his heart for MC and betraying the emperor. And then when MC comes back but without any of their memories, he takes care of them and teaches them how to live all over again and he never asks for anything in return. On all the routes where you don't choose him he's really supportive and helps you out despite your history and overall he's just really nice and supportive of the MC and is their rock no matter what route you go down. Also he has a pet snake named Faust and I love her she's so <33 
Idk I just appreciate him so much”
"He gave you half his HEART!! He would literally go to hell and back for you!! He wants to take you on adventures all around the world—doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s by your side!! AND he’s nonbinary!!!"
"He is so caring!! Anyone who says he is boring or his 'route' was boring is a LIAR or didn't really understand his character! He is such a sweet person
Asra propaganda on this poll doesn't even do him any justice!! He makes friends wherever he travels to , likes knitting for his familiar snake , is a sweetheart, WILL take care of you even in the lowest point of your life"
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Zukka previously defeated: Makorrasami, Zutara, Pemzin
Sukka previously defeated: Linko, Baavira, Linzin
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tragicsibsshowdown · 1 year
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se-hos · 3 months
eris is such a cunt god i love him
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 3 months
Quarter-Final Three
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Colonel Brandon (1995) :
Alan Rickman has the sexiest voice. Just listen to him reading poetry to Marianne at the end to witness how hot he is.
Alan Rickman simply embodies the truth of Col. Brandon in a way that no one else every could. It's the perfect merging of actor and role. He brings the perfect combination of honor, decency, sensitivity and passion. He is the ultimate mensch.
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Brandon propaganda in which even the film's director agrees that Brandon is sexy.
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Mr Bingley (1995) :
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Give me a Bingley who openly refutes his sister’s attempts to badmouth Elizabeth ❤️
Some fun facts about Crispin Bonham Carter: he left acting to become an English teacher, which means some people may have been taught P&P by Mr Bingley himself; and he appeared on Christmas University Challenge where he answered a question about the Bennet sisters. (is this propaganda? idk but I want people to know these things anyway)
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