#filoni don't you dare
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Why does it feel like he's looking in a mirror? Why does it feel like he's thinking "this is what you had to become. Here are all the sacrifices you've had to make. But it was all worth it."
Why did they linger on this shot for 4 seconds ?? Is it foreshadowing his death? The lines he's willing to cross to get Omega back? How dark he is willing to become?
We've seen him desperate. We've seen him angry. Sheer, stubborn determination has not left him once throughout this season. But-
"Captain I will need your access card" and Hunter just shoots the guy. Stone cold, no reaction. I'm not even sure if his weapon was set to stun. The absolute batshit crazy plan to catch a ride to Tantiss attached to the bottom of that imperial ship. The absolutely chilling "negative" with no music score over it.
Should we be scared?
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Kay babes, I already posted a salty kinda tongue-in-cheek thing about Kalluzeb, in context of *MANDO SPOILERS* Zeb appearing sans Kallus in the Mandalorian. Because in honesty, he should be on Lira San with Kallus enjoying retirement, but I have no beef with him doing whatever it is he’s doing other than the part where he’s doing it without Kallus, because that is a huge red flag for me.
I thought I would have to worry about the following issues when it came to Ahsoka, but I guess they’re either setting him up for an appearance in that or they’ve decided to explore his post-Empire story in Mando, which is fine. If ye be free of indignation about Kalluzeb/Zeb just being gay, read on! If you’re an apple riddled with the worms of homophobia or if you’re very strongly anti-Kalluzeb, then this is not the post for you, and I would rather you just left now than got mad at me in the comments.
I’m going to specifically discuss this in terms of Ahsoka first, because I’ve had this in my drafts for months, so I wrote it before Zeb getting no-homo’d was a present and immediate danger. This may not be the best-written I’ve ever produced, but it is fairly logical, so please take it in context of the first section being written months ago, and the last section as being written today, and then you’ll be sitting pretty.
So it’s basically common knowledge at this point that Hera and Sabine will appear in some capacity in Ahsoka, and probably going to be in contact with our queen herself. I have doubts that Zeb will be a significant part of the show; maybe a cameo here or there, or they mention him but he stays off-screen. If Hera/Sabine gets off a comm in the back of their spaceship and Ahsoka’s like “hey, who was that?” and Hera/Sabine says, “just checking in with Zeb,” there is a choice. And because I have no faith in anyone to canonize Kalluzeb, this is what feels much more likely to happen: The writers will either throw in a single line after that (such as Ahsoka replying with “oh, cool, how’s his wife?”) or there will be no mention of a spouse. And believe you me, there is literally no reason that Zeb, who would be off-screen at that moment, and whose Rebels ending involved no female Lasat, should have a wife for that throwaway moment. It adds nothing to his story and it would be completely out of nowhere, probably never to be explored again. Mentioning a wife would literally just be the galaxy’s biggest, flashing-neon “no homo” (or, in Star Wars terms, you might say that he got Zorii Bliss-ed). There’s no reason to do it. Not saying he has a wife technically doesn’t even disprove the concept that he might have a wife *sarcastic snort*. So if something like that does end up in Ahsoka, we all know why. There is legitimately no other reason to add in a throwaway line like that other than to disprove the concept of Kalluzeb. Or maybe just to disprove the concept that Zeb is gay. I would honestly rather they never mentioned Zeb at all, even in passing, than throwing that kinda thing in our faces. There is no reason to disprove it. Leaving Zeb with a slightly ambiguous relationship poses no problem. No plot hole. No loose end in desperate need of tying up. There is no reason to officially, explicitly de-canonize Kalluzeb or gay Zeb, because there is no significant woman in his life he might possibly have a solid, built-up, understandable relationship with, and because his most significant person (I would argue) is a man. I can’t say it enough. This is the test. Either we get Zorii Bliss-ed again, or Zeb gets to continue enjoying the grey space. (Because I don’t have enough faith in Filoni, the man who still has not made Ahsoka a splesbian [lesbian in space] to canonize arguably one of the most dramatic potential romances in Star Wars history. Even though Kalluzeb makes sense. Even though Kallus’s entire reformation arc is started by Zeb. Even though in his little screen time as a Rebel, it is still obviously Zeb who means the most to him out of all the Specters. Even though Zeb, who is often portrayed as being kind of rough, is much kinder and more honorable towards Kallus than he deserves, before they’re on the same side.)
In context of Mando, the same rules apply. There is no need to mention him having a wife. There isn’t any urgent need to even explicitly canonize Kalluzeb, other than the fact that Star Wars needs to improve its queer representation by leaps and bounds to get up to standards, and also that Kalluzeb makes a whole lot of sense. I am terrified of him existing in post-Rebels media because thus far, he is without Kallus, and with the way their Rebels storyline ended, there’s really no reason he should be. Kallus should be by his side.
UNLESS Kallus is A) currently enjoying retirement on Lira San, and Zeb is off-world for short periods of time every now and then but goes home to Lira San and Kallus or B) they’re saving Kallus for a moment when Kallus shows up late to whatever business he and Zeb have and we get a quiet, “hey, husband of mine” and there’s no fanfare, no Zorii Bliss situation, just two gay dudes being married and living their lives together.
This is it. This is where I find out if it’s even crossed Filoni’s mind (or the minds of other miscellaneous writers, but he really sticks to his characters) to leave our plausible couple be. This is where I find out if his viewpoint of *paraphrased* “it wasn’t my intention, but I won’t de-canonize it” (https://gizmodo.com/star-wars-rebels-producer-dave-filoni-is-totally-fine-w-1823593680) holds up if he’s going to explore characters close to Zeb (which includes Kallus) post-Rebels.
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Why? Why does it have to be like this??!?
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ghostmistdraws · 1 year
The Bad Batch 02x10 Review and Thoughts
I enjoyed this episode! It was a side quest, sure, but a necessary one! Loving the gonky love in this episode and Benni has massive Ezra Bridger vibes, as a Rebels fan I loved it.
I'm trying avoid negativity *cough twitter cough*, since it tends to dampen my mood on my current obsession. But I have seen the usual complaints, which I'm not surprised by. But I personally don't believe in filler.
I loved the parallels drawn between the Ipsium miners and the Empire. Because it's true, the same corruption on a smaller scale. I enjoyed seeing their reactions to what was going on and Omega's reaction especially. It had massive Rebels vibes and I loved it.
It may not have been the most plot driven episode, and you can't expect every episode to drive the plot hard when its a 15-20 episode season, but I had a lot of fun watching it and talking about it with my friend!
Can't wait for next week!
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gffa · 11 months
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Ahsoka's place in SW can be a complicated thing, because I feel both things about her--I too am often frustrated by how Filoni writes her, but I too am also grateful that her character exists and isn't the "default" straight white cis dude character. (Though, I do wish she were played by someone other than RD because of All That.)
Ahsoka got so much flak when she first appeared, people hated her just for existing, for daring to take up any space in the Star Wars story, and then she swung around to being nearly put on a pedestal by a large chunk of the fandom, she was lionized pretty heavily in some corners, and I think we're now going through the further growing pains of backlash against the hype, especially because Ahsoka is in the position of often being used as a bludgeon against the Jedi.
To be honest, I don't see nearly as much criticism of Ahsoka's character as I do for other popular characters, I see far more of Obi-Wan and Anakin and Yoda, but maybe that's just the sphere of experience I have, but I see that criticism balanced out with a ton of fic, art, and positive commentary about her. And it makes me wonder if she's in that awkward spot of not quite as central to the story as the movie characters, but more important than almost any other SW character (in the sense of any one character ever being able to be more "important" than another, you know what I mean) where we haven't quite settled into a stable balance of how to approach her character.
So, she's high level enough now that she can take some people being critical of her character or even just flat-out not being kind to her, because she has so much support from the story itself and from all across the fandom, even as honestly I haven't seen much that's been notably mean to her character. Sure, I see a few posts talking about how Ahsoka is Filoni's Blorbo, but are they truly more common than the posts that are celebrating her character? Genuinely wondering, because that hasn't been my experience. (Honestly, I would say Qui-Gon fans have it worse, given that he's another of Filoni's Blorbos, just without the added bonus of actually having anything fun to counter balance it, where even the people who say he was a True Jedi don't really care about Qui-Gon, you know? There's no skits, no commentary, etc. Just a handful of fic authors who are quietly doing their own thing and being the good in the world they want to see.)
At the same time, I get what you're feeling, that it feels uncomfortable to be critical of a female character, especially one who is played by a WOC, especially in a fandom that is pretty fucking vicious towards female characters having anything to actually do in the story. That the criticism of Ahsoka's character/status as Filoni's Blorbo isn't always fair or considerate, because people are frustrated and SW fandom wears all our nerves down to the last.
I'm not really sure where I land with all of this, because I get both sides, the frustration and the affection both, and I think there needs to be space for both in fandom just because we can't police other people's reactions to stuff. It's hard to continue liking her when she's being pitted against your faves, it's hard to be kind to Jedi fans when they're frustrated because she's being used as a bludgeon against their faves, it's hard to just walk away from people ignoring that Ahsoka is really meaningful to a lot of people because she's a non-romance-focused female character coded as/played by a woman of color, it's hard not to feel like Ahsoka's such a popular character that she can take a few people on tumblr not liking her.
My best advice is to just keep loving Ahsoka in the way that you think will attract the other friends you want to have around you--like, for me, when I talk about Anakin, I often try to do so in a way that's affectionate towards him and the Jedi, how much they loved him and how much I think he loved them in returned, because that's who I want to gravitate towards in fandom, those who like both. I try to do the same with Qui-Gon now and again, when I start getting frustrated by how he's used to bludgeon the Jedi, I start going HEY GUESS WHAT I'M EMOTIONS ABOUT HOW MUCH QUI-GON LOVED HIS JEDI FAMILY and it makes me feel better! I would love to see more people do the same with Ahsoka! Prop her up by appealing to how much she loves other characters, too! Like, every time I get frustrated at the way some of fandom treats her, I remember SHE WANTED TO GO BACK TO THE JEDI, SHE LOVED THEM, and I'm like THAT IS MY GIRL I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHE IS SO BRAVE TO STRUGGLE THROUGH ALL THIS AND STILL FIND THE LOVE IN HER HEART.
Or sometimes, like with Bo-Katan, I like to lean into them being a hot mess because yessssssss I love a hot mess of a lady because I am a hot mess of a lady and Felt That. I hope Ahsoka gets to be all kinds of deliciously fucked up in her series and making mistakes and learning and being interesting and working her way back to the surface from her own depths because she is SUCH a strong character and deserves to be crunchy as hell/have bite as a character, like HOW MANY YEARS did she stew in her guilt about Anakin, refusing to let it go? How long did she hold onto that fear, so much that even the Force had to smack her in the face to try to make her let it go on Lothal? GIRL, I AM CRYING FOR YOU, YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH, LET ME GET YOU SOME SOUP AND I HOPE THE FORCE-GHOSTS ALL COME BOTHER YOU TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE EATING ENOUGH, because I love a character that has bite.
This kind of got away from me, but that's usually where I end up when trying to wrap my head around the frustration of a character's place in fandom. I get why people are frustrated with the way Filoni writes her, but also the frustration of feeling like the important representation of her character sometimes gets lost in the shuffle, that both sides have validity, and my best way out of this is to double down on loving everyone in this bar.
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silver-starss · 9 months
I have (spoilery) Thoughts on Ahsoka episode four
First of all how dare you
Second of all how dare you
Bro why is Hera taking Jacen on this mission? I know she has a penchant for lugging around badass kids, but he's what, 10? A bit young imo.
Called it. Marrok was a red herring. Filoni knew that we'd all go nuts about the identity of yet another cool masked dude and let fan speculation run wild. Though him turning to dust does bring up new questions...
Sabine and Shin round two! I like that Sabine was actually able to use her armor/equipment this time and fight Shin on more even ground.
That moment when Marrok died and Shin seemed genuinely shook? And Sabine recognizing this and trying to take advantage of Shin's shookness? *chef's kiss*
Really good special effects in the shot with the ring coming out of the atmosphere! That was stunning!
Ahsoka and Baylan fight was genuinely cool, and the choreography felt much more Ahsoka-esque. Particularly that flip she did, which didn't look wired like the one from Ep 2.
So Clan Wren is dead. :/ Not surprising, I assumed that would be Sabine's character arc when the series was first announced (feeling survivor's guilt after the Purge), but what does Ahsoka have to do with that? Is it an emotional support thing?
Sabine joining up with the bad guys makes sense. Her #1 priority is finding Ezra and they're her only means of getting there. She's probably planning to gun down Thrawn in the process, though I imagine Baylan is fully aware of that and planning accordingly.
On the bright side, this gives us more opportunities to explore her rivalry with Shin...
Speaking of, love the dynamic with Shin being the feral one yet actually listening to/respecting her master. I imagine there's a story there and I'm very curious to hear it.
I don't know whether to be mad or impressed that Jacen said part of the Iconic Star Wars Line but not the full thing.
Beautiful transition between the ocean and the World Between Worlds. It looks absolutely gorgeous in live-action.
Why and how is Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds?
HAYDEN ALREADY???? I didn't think he'd show up until episode 5.
"SNIPS" (!!!!!)
Holy fucking shit I'm losing my mind.
He looks way better than he did in Kenobi, but the de-aging isn't 100% great. Still though.
Interesting that Ahsoka's first instinct was to call him "Master". Old habits (and attachments) die hard I guess. They're going to have some serious issues to sort out next ep though.
Lmao casuals must be super confused by this ending. Imagine that.
Goddamn that's a cliff-hanger. And on the strongest episode so far!
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officer-tk593 · 3 months
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"I tended to do a lot of little sketches on the plane, trying to figure out interesting moments for the pitch. Jon loves this one, the first drawing of the pram. And the ball floating and the baby. That's the whole thing. I need to get that framed for Jon. This was the drawing that, dare I say, really sold the idea of the show. It was the image that made everybody go, 'Even if I don't know what a Mandalorian is, I get what this is.' And I like his posture, kind of leaning in and leaning out at the same time. And you wonder, 'Is the kid floating that ball? What does that mean?'" Dave Filoni
The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One)
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ultra-rockart · 9 months
I have a problem with the Ahsoka series...
As someone who didn't watch Rebels and just getting back to Star Wars after being out of the fandom, episode 5 left me kinda flat...
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Anyone who plays Jedi Fallen Order will immediately realize that the scene is a mirror of Cal and Jaro's 2nd vision duel. In fact, there were major Fallen Order vibes all throughout this episode and other episodes including all that psychometry (which Ahsoka has never demonstrated before this series but hey... the power of retcon compelled Dave Filoni).
But why did Ahsoka vs Anakin feel so flat for me? What should have been an emotional scene didn't hit me with the same feels that Fallen Order did.
And I got to thinking...
In Fallen Order, we first meet Cal and from the get-go we understand that this is a kid who's had to live on his own for a long time. He doesn't really think that much of himself--as evident by his "Trash, just not approved trash" comment. 
Fallen Order and Survivor have been brilliant, character-driven games that really delved into issues of trauma, survivor's guilt, PTSD, insecurity, and loss of self-worth. 
We learn that Cal survived Order 66 when he was just 13.
And that his master sacrificed his life to save him. And we soon realize that Cal has remained trapped--emotionally and psychologically--that day he escaped clutching his fallen master's lightsaber in fear and helplessness. The fear became a means to survive--a coping mechanism.
When Cal first meets a vision of his master, Jaro Tapal, it's on Dathomir. The vault is booby trapped to test anyone who dare enter. He's faced with a vision of his fallen master and is overwhelmed with his own failures and breaks his lightsaber.
Through Cere's urging and guidance, Cal travels to Ilum to retrieve his crystal and rebuild his lightsaber.
There, he is tested and he faces his failures and shortcomings. He learns to forgive himself and face the past head on. He returns to Dathomir and back to face his master. 
What was the lesson in Cal facing Jaro? The lesson was forgiving himself of what happened. Of learning to trust that 13-yr-old child within. Jaro's sacrifice will always be a part of him but he also needs to move forward with the lessons he's learned. As long as Cal is alive, he has a choice to keep fighting--"Hold the line, and trust only in the Force."
It's a classic heroes journey.
The Anakin vs Ahsoka scene is similar in a lot of ways. But I found myself not having the same reaction.
If I watch that Fallen Order scene, I'm always moved to tears because in the hours I spent playing as him, I lived all of his failures, his fears, his emotions--I was Cal Kestis. I was that 13-yr old boy who emotionally shut down to the point that he lost his connection to the Force.
Fallen Order took the time to establish that Cal had been dealing with the guilt of not doing enough to save his master for the last 5 years. It took the time to lay the groundwork so the emotional beats really hit you in the feels in moments when they should.
My problem with the Ahsoka series is it breaks a fundamental rule in storytelling--Don't assume anything about your audience. A good chunk of that audience never saw Rebels. So, a good chunk of us were asking ourselves, "huh, so what exactly was the lesson here?"
In Ahsoka, we're never shown what her attachments to Anakin are. Is she a Padawan feeling abandoned by her master? Does she feel betrayed? What exactly is that baggage that she needs to move on from?
We get none of that because the series doesn't do enough character work to make her struggles known to the audience beforehand. Unless you watched Rebels, you'd have no clue nor feel the significance of the scene. What we get is her looking forlorn at any mention of Anakin. They just expect us to understand that she has unfinished business with him. What that is... it's never clear in the dialogue. So when we have a vision of her facing her master, it doesn't have the same emotional punch in the feels that Fallen Order has (unless you saw the animated series).
So her lesson was to live? Did we see her struggling with her purpose before this scene? No. Did we see her doubt herself and her place in the Order (in or out of it)? No. Do we see her still yearn for the past and what would have been her place in the Order but struggle with their betrayal? No. The message is jumbled, the lesson is vague because the show didn't do the work it needed to to earn that emotional payoff.
The one thing I loved was the visuals. Cinematography in this episode was breathtaking but it sacrifices storytelling over fan service and nostalgia.
Collider put it bluntly, "Ahsoka’s “training” stands in the place of actual storytelling. By driving Ahsoka and Anakin straight into a duel, we’re robbed of dialogue and character moments that could heighten the story that Filoni is attempting to tell. Filoni mistakenly believes that what audiences have been longing for is another poorly lit lightsaber duel — only this time between Anakin and Ahsoka — but that isn’t what anyone has been pining for. Especially not casual fans who know who Anakin is, but have no concept of why this duel with Ahsoka should matter to them... Star Wars is more than just lightsaber duels and resurrecting the Skywalkers for drama. It’s about the connections forged between the characters who are thrown into situations, cast against the backdrop of a galaxy at war, both seen and unseen. Those connections feel hollow when left to molder in the shadow of nostalgia."
Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor work from a storytelling perspective because they made us care about these characters. They built connections to Cere, to Jaro, to BD-1 and the rest of the Mantis crew and how they play a significant part in Cal's growth as a person and Jedi. And likewise, how Cal plays a part in each character's journey to self-actualization.
The more I think about the episode 5 scene the more pointless it felt (for lack of a better word) because this happens 5 years after Return of the Jedi... the part where Anakin was saved by Luke. She's also met and spoken to Luke so would know that Anakin was saved in the end. 
So unless this is just Ahsoka sorting out her own issues of abandonment or whatever inside her head... it doesn't make sense for Anakin or the overall story. He was already saved. He went back to the light side after defeating Palpatine. Luke was able to do what no one else did. Or did she resent that or hate herself that it wasn't her that brought him back to the light? The problem is the show doesn't make it clear what her attachments to Anakin are. If it had spared a few episodes looking back at her training, Anakin's betrayal and her feelings of abandonment, it would have felt like a more full circle moment. If the show had taken the time to portray her going about her life without reason or purpose, the lesson would have meant something. The dialogue doesn't do the visuals justice. It's purposely vague and cryptic because the show doesn't know what Ahsoka ought to be struggling with. She has baggage but what that is they don't even know. So the visuals try to cover for the lack of any compelling dialogue.
We didn't need a duel or callbacks to Vader or Rebels. What we needed was to see was the same Anakin at the end of Return of the Jedi-- the same Anakin that was saved and made whole. We needed a conversation, not cryptic lessons--a conversation about why he lost himself, Luke and Leia's place in his life and salvation, and a reassurance to Ahsoka that she couldn't have prevented his fall from grace because he made the choice to fall to the Dark Side. Anakin alone made the choice and paid for his sins. That conversation would have brought more closure than "I choose to live."
It felt like the writers went "This would be such a cool scene to have" and "What would happen to get there?" Rather than have everything matter and happen organically to the overall story. By doing that, Ahsoka suffers the same problems as the sequels.
Fan service should serve as a purpose to further enrich your story. And your story should be clear to everyone not just a niche of your audience. A good story, no matter how simple it is, should stand on its own merit. Good character work and set up matters.
Just my 2 cents.
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lirinck2 · 1 year
I loved this episode of tbb but holy shit FILONI YOU BETTER NOT DARE TO KILL TECH
Needless to say, my heart was in my fucking hand while watching this episode
Filoni PLEASE don't do this to us, don't do this to me he's my confort character
I'm actually fucking shaking, I fucking hate Star Wars sometimes
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nateofgreat · 6 months
i usually genuinely don’t like to use the term Mary Sue bc it does happen to get abused and used for a particular female character that certain folks just Hate even if it doesn’t apply to her.
but with ahsoka? i feel it’s very justified bc she truly has just turned into The Bestest Most Powerful Not Jedi (Or Is She? She’s Still Better!* Shrug*) To Ever Live Perfect Angel Who Can Do No Wrong And If You Ever Dare Say Otherwise, If You Even Hint That She’s Not, Then Dave Filoni Will Eat You.
y’all laugh at it when other people do it but somehow it’s acceptable when he does it?
im sorry that i don’t want to kiss dave filoni’s ass and that im not charmed at all by him and his cowboy hat! he sucks.
I don't care for the term Mary Sue either as it's essentially become interchangeable with "character I don't like." On TVtropes alone there are fifteen different possible (but still loose) definitions for what a Mary Sue even is. I think the only time I've used one on this blog is when I talked about Darth Traya.
... Yet I struggle to find a reason not to call Ahsoka one. I shared a link to a video that does a deep dive into an argument for why, but what really clinches it for me is the meta aspect of it all, it's the same reason I dubbed Darth Traya one, because she's practically the writers mouthpiece in KOTOR 2.
Dave Filoni's carting his own creation along and trying to push her into the spotlight at the expense of other characters and even setting her up to become a goddess or at least the champion of one.
He does seem like he legitimately tries has Ahsoka one-up all the other characters to demonstrate how amazing she is. She's given rare, unique powers and access to an all-powerful dimension that allows her control of time and space itself. She survives when everyone else dies. And she gets to steal other people's ideas and have it passed off as though they actually learned them from her.
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account7567 · 1 year
Star Wars Fandom: Don't you do it Filoni. Don't you dare. Please. Don't. Do. It.
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stardusthuntress · 1 year
You guys I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS (for Dave) after those two episodes!!!!
WHO is going to be Hunter’s impulse control next time a smol bean that needs a family pops up in their path?
Why is it called Echo Base, and we never see the clones on Hoth? I’m SO WORRIED ABOUT THIS. DON'T HURT ECHO THE MAN HAS TAKEN ENOUGH WRATH ALREADY!!!
Hunter is now missing his sanity check and voice of reason. How much more exhausted is the poor man gonna get?
WHAT THE FUCK did they do to that poor clone!!! Please tell me they didn’t also do that to Crosshair!!! Who was he, will we ever know or are we gonna have a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorial going on now? And did anyone else panic when Rex went to turn the man’s face, worried we were gonna see a 5 emblazoned on the man’s right temple? They gave us Echo back, which I am forever grateful for, but Dave seems intent on doing things like that in the most painful ways now. I wouldn’t be surprised if he brings Fives back in a way that is completely the opposite of what he died fighting for. But this man was a sniper… who was he? And again, what did they do to the poor man?
When is Cross coming home? That means he has to now, right? Because Hunter needs him to be a voice of reason?
Filoni - HAVEN’T THE POOR CLONES SUFFERED ENOUGH YET??? I KNOW UIU HAVE NEW FODER FOR EVIL BUT GIVE THE POOR MEN A BREAK PLEASE. And no I do not mean just filler episodes, tho I do fricken MISS the lightheartedness of those episodes now.
I am glad Rex got his Echo back tho. Those two need each other more than ever now. The last of the boys in blue… fuck that hurts… but Echo was the Batch’s moral motivation and Omega’s source of emotional stability and “no sharp objects, you already remind me of Fives” expression, and… SO MUCH ONE SENTENCE DOESN’T DO IT JUSTICE.
AND HE'S GOT HUNTER SO FRICKEN CLOSE TO JOINING THE REBELLION NOW!!! What was that he said to Rex “if you ever need us, just say the word” or something like that? That’s gonna be the finale, isn’t it? Rex calling them back for a mission together that solidifies them at Rex’s side in the rebellion? BUT WHAT'S IT GONNA COST THIS BATCH???!!! DO I WANNA KNOW??? (I don't think it would be good for me to know, my heart's already broken rn man, but now it’s in my mind I have to think about it)
Speaking of, we know Rex lives because Rebels, BUT PLEASE LET ECHO SURVIVE THIS SEASON!!! IMMA CRY FOREVER IF THAT'S WHY ITS CALLED ECHO BASE!!! AND TECH AND HUNTER AND WRECKER AND CROSSHAIR NEED TO SURVIVE THIS TOO!!! I don’t think I could watch another of the men go down. It hurts enough when it’s clones we just met, DON'T YOU DARE TAKE ONE OF THE MEN WE HAVE ALREADY FALLEN IN LOVE WITH DAVE!!!
And for the love of all things sacred in Star Wars IS CODY ALRIGHT??? I feel like I need that damn deep breathe seagull to truly stress just how tired I am of asking this question. Somehow I don’t think Filoni is gonna let us stop asking that one tho....
Idk about you guys but I need to know that more than 3 clones survive and have a good life. I need to know that Rex’s little group isn’t alone in the Galaxy.
'scuse me, Imma go cry in a corner till I fall asleep now. THAT ONE HURT DAVE!!!
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ok Thoughts™ on the last seven episodes of the bad batch because I procrastinated a lot lol
not much I can remember since I did watch three episodes one after another but I did almost cry when Mel "died",
felt like the weakest episode so far tbh
literally sobbed from as soon as Gungi appeared until the end credits rolled,
was prepared to send Filoni my therapy bills
The Clone Conspiracy:
god I love Riyo,
my boy?!?!!! my rexy?!?!!
tbh it took me like three weeks to find time to watch the next four episodes so I don't really remember what happened in the first three but yera lol
Truth and Consequences:
everyone but Megs skipping stairs on their way off the Marauder 😂,
Echo momming omega 🥹,
Echo wants to help the rebellion so much,
I'm literally so scared for omega in the Senate, I feel like she's gonna die or something,
oh fuck oh fuck rampart
ok he didn't notice her I think
also he has one hell of a chin
bail is out here nick furying
burtoni is gonna fuck them over I'm calling it
I know what happens with echo bc I accidentally stumbled across spoilers but I can see the exact moment he decided to help rex
"he's still not better with heights?" "this is him better" 😂
that's one way to get on a venator
they're just stealing a whole ass venator at this point
idk what Rex was thinking asking for tbb to help on a stealth mission, these fuckers are less stealthy than fucking Skywalker
riyos a badass
oh rampart you're fucked
and it was all for nothing, great 😒
low-key bawling at how omega had no clue what was going on
The Crossing:
omegas sarky this episode, I like it lol
damn that was almost a lion king moment
megs needs a helmet fr tho
omega has attachment issues
tech and emotions don't really get along lol
I'm slowly becoming more and more of a tech girlie by the episode
so tech is definitely autistic
the cave is kinda really pretty tbh
this planet reminds me of the gerudo desert from botw
who knew Gonky would eventually be useful
this benni is pissing me off ngl
not the marauder
how dare you call Gonky a defective power droid you shit plant
the Mando adoption gene is gonna flare and they're gonna adopt Benni I swear
mokko got what he deserved
idk who this boy is but he is becoming a blorbo very quic-- oh nvm he's dead
damn the greenery around that base is stunning tho
wtf is going on????? this feels like a Halloween episode so far
NALA SE?!!?!!!!
dr hemlocks kinda a dick
her concern is warranted, tech, because something massacred the crew on this ship ffs
this feels like the brain worms arc
I'm probably wrong but is that a baby zillo beast?????????? I haven't watched that arc in ages but it kinda looks like one
ok I googled what the zillo beast looked like and I swear to GOD THATS A FUCKIGN ZILLO BEAST
it's fucking eating electricity
omg it gets bigger everytime it eats electricity
OMG I WAS RIGHT!!!!!! it is a zillo beast
awww tech protecting megs 🥲
I simultaneously can't believe the empire decided to clone the zillo beast but also can't believe they waited so long to clone it
we all know palps was eyeing the mofo from the beginning
yeah no shit palps made the order before he was emperor, he was the one who ordered it to be brought to coruscant in the first place
and our boys are gonna be revealed to be alive
tbh how they didn't know with tech's whole racing shebang is beyond me
omg and they're going after omega again 😒
also I'm sick rn so this might make no sense but too bad
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
So Din WAS going to find the circuit board for IG-11 himself. We just had to interrupt that with the Bo-Katan scene where she tells him to go to Mandalor (which he already was going to do...?), end the episode, do the circuit board quest on Tatooine at the start of the next episode, then he goes to Mandalor like Bo-Katan said.
I don't want to tell Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni's hat how to make TV shows, but maybe do the Peli Motto thing at the end of Episode 1, then Episode 2 starts with him trying to join up with Bo-Katan, she says fuck you, he goes straight to Mandalor.
Why would you do it the other way? It doesn't make sense. I really don't understand why they did it this way.
I like the part when Din and Grogu and R5-D4 were exploring an ancient ruined mine and got attacked by frost trolls.
Why do I suddenly have an urge to play Skyrim? Huh.
And I feel bad saying this, but stop trying to make R5-D4 a thing. Seriously. He is a one-off sight gag of an exploding prop robot from a 46 year old movie. Leave it alone. This season of course has Grogu, and also those cute little mechanic guys. You don't need to be pushing Wacky Broken Coward Robot on the 6 year olds.
I mean, it didn't work back when Lucas tried it with C-3PO. And that was when the only alternative was a 7 foot Sasquatch who screamed like a walrus all the time. And kids picked the Sasquatch.
Also...I'm not saying this show has become a stunt man gesticulating in Mandalorian armor while Pedro Pascal got paid to record lines out of context over Skype on the set of the Last of Us. But I am saying that if they decided to make the next season that way, I can't imagine it would look radically different.
[Aside: Disney, out of all the streaming apps I use, yours is not the worst, that would be HBO Max, that shit crashes every time you dare to use your phone for anything besides watching 20 year old Adult Swim cartoons. But only the Disney+ app keeps coughing and sputtering every time my wireless connection gains or loses a bar. Shudder doesn't do that. Fucking TUBI doesn't do that, and Tubi is free with ads.
Stop arguing with DeSantis about what the King of England said you can do for 10 minutes and fix your shit that you keep making me pay more for.]
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gffa · 1 year
What do you do when you start hating/gets annoyed with a character that you previously liked/was cool about bc of bad or "i personally don't like it" writing? I loved the mandalorian, but since the slight at the jedi in that random episode in the middle of tbobf i'm so bitter about him, i can logically reason with myself that he's being kinda prejudiced since he doesn't know shit about jedi but i just can't get over it and i feel stupid tbh. That's also happening with ahsoka and i'm sad about it
It can be hard to get over a character bashing other faves or when they’re used as a weapon against your other faves and I don’t have a perfect answer, I still have to work at it and I can’t always get over it. But a few things help me: - I have friends who like those characters, like Din or Ahsoka or Qui-Gon, and they also like the Jedi at the same time.  I think of their affection for those characters and I want to be on their side, I want to share in that joy, so I determinedly look at the bad writing as “how dare you do this to my friend’s Blorbo!” and focus back on the things that they love about those characters. - I stop and think about:  What do I really want out of my experience in Star Wars fandom?  Sure, I get mad about Felony’s writing sometimes or I get mad at how people try to use Qui-Gon as a weapon against the other Jedi, but then I try to take a step back and ask myself if I really need the whole of fandom to be my playground.  Hell, do I even need the newer content to be my playground all of the time? And the answer is that I don’t.  I have the movies and TCW.  I have my group of people who like the same things I like and enjoy the characters in a fun way.  In five or ten years, when I look back on my time in this fandom, I want that to be what I experienced.  Because when I look back at my fandoms from 10 years ago--that’s what I remember.  Hanging out with funny people in our little corner of the fandom.  I don’t remember the vast majority of dumb things people said or the things that annoyed me about the writing, I remember chatting with people about character interpretation or what if ideas. The entirety of Star Wars doesn’t have to be for me.  I can just mentally snip out the parts I don’t feel like dealing with, nobody can stop me from going, “Felony has to prove himself to me with each episode and he failed on that one, so NOPE bye bye to that dumbass interpretation.” - Fake it until you make it.  We’re all human, we all have our salt days, we all get annoyed by stuff, but the more we focus on those parts, the bigger they loom in our minds.  I find that it actually genuinely does help to just say nice things about the character!  I find myself annoyed by how fandom uses Ahsoka as a weapon against the Jedi sometimes, I find myself salty every time I try to talk about Filoni’s writing of her, so when I got a lovely ask about her relationship with Obi-Wan in season 7, I decided I was determinedly going to talk about her with as much sympathy as I could.  And you know what?  By the time I was halfway through that, ruthlessly snipping out any parts where I started to get salty about her or complain about her writing, I was back on the Ahsoka Affection Train! Writing something that is purely affectionate about those characters can genuinely help.  All you need from fandom is the corner of people you surround yourself with, and if you’re surrounding yourself with people who love Din or Ahsoka or Qui-Gon and who love the Jedi--that’s what the Star Wars fandom experience is.  You don’t have to “win” at the source material or anything, all you gotta do is “win” at fandom, and you can do that by building the space you want around you and just going, “Nah.” to the rest of it!
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space-ayce · 3 years
Clone fans after the introduction of Howzer
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