#fic: kihyun
honeyimissjoo · 5 months
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songs that remind me of you ❤️ [insp. 1, 2]
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Minhyuk As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta X Masterlist Here
He loves playing games with you, and he'll happily spend all day doing so. You'll both scream so loudly when you lose, but I hope your neighbors don't mind! You and Minhyuk are the loudest gamers in the neighborhood. You scream and shout and cheer so loudly that your neighbors probably think you're crazy. But you don't care, because you're having too much fun. You'll spend hours playing your favorite games, whether it's Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., or League of Legends. You'll trash-talk each other and laugh at each other's misfortunes. You'll even get a little competitive, but it's all in good fun. When you finally lose, you'll both scream and shout in frustration. But then you'll laugh it off and start a new game. You'll never get tired of playing games together, because it's always so much fun.
Minhyuk knows how to make you smile, and spending time with him is always so much fun. So when he's away for a few days, you might feel a little bored. But don't worry, there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourselves entertained.
Minhyuk suggested adopting a puppy on a whim, and you thought it was a great idea. You spent the whole day running around the house taking pictures of the puppy, trying to get the perfect shot. You and Minhyuk had been talking about getting a puppy for a while, but you never really took the initiative to do it. But one day, Minhyuk came home from work and said, "I think we should adopt a puppy." You were a little surprised, but you were also excited. You had always wanted a puppy, and you knew Minhyuk would be a great dog dad.
This man will be extremely worried if you get sick or if he sees you crying in front of him. He will do whatever it takes to take care of you, even if it means googling how to take care of you or calling Kihyun at 3 a.m. in the morning. He will hold your hand and tell you everything is going to be okay. He will get you a warm blanket and a cup of tea. He will stay up with you all night if he has to. He will do whatever it takes to make sure you feel better. He knows that you are his priority, and he will do anything to make sure you are happy and healthy. He is the most caring and supportive person you know, and you are lucky to have him in your life.
Minhyuk would love to take you to all the cute and aesthetic places in town. He would start by taking you to a cafe with a beautiful view. You would order coffee and pastries, and you would sit outside and people-watch. Then, he would take you to a flower shop, where you would pick out a bouquet of flowers for each other. After that, you would go for a walk in the park, and you would take some couple photos in front of the fountain. For dinner, he would take you to a restaurant with a romantic atmosphere. You would order your favorite dishes, and you would talk for hours. After dinner, he would walk you back to your apartment, and he would kiss you goodnight. Minhyuk would be so proud to be your boyfriend, and he would want everyone to know it. He would show the members the couple photos he took of you, and he would tell them all about the date. He would tell them about the food you ate, the things you did, and how much fun you had together. He would be so happy to have you in his life, and he would want to share his happiness with everyone.
Minhyuk is so proud to be your boyfriend that he can't help but brag about you to his members. He'll tell them stories about your dates, your conversations, and even your quirks. At first, they'll be happy for him, but eventually they'll start to get tired of hearing about you all the time. They might even start to tease him about it. But Minhyuk doesn't care. He's just so happy to have you in his life, and he wants everyone to know about it. Even though the members might get tired of hearing about you, they would still be happy for Minhyuk. They would know that he's found someone special, and they would be supportive of his relationship with you.
Your relationship with Minhyuk is always exciting and never dull. You always have something to look forward to, whether it's a new date night, a weekend getaway, or just spending time together at home. Minhyuk always knows how to make you laugh, and he always makes you feel loved and appreciated. You feel like the luckiest person in the world to have Minhyuk in your life. He is everything you could ever want in a partner. He is kind, funny, supportive, and loving. He always puts your needs first, and he always makes you feel special. Minhyuk tells you that he loves you more and more every day. He says that you are the most amazing person he has ever met, and that he can't imagine his life without you. You believe him, because you feel the same way about him.
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jnginlov · 2 years
happy birthday texts
monsta x wishes you happy birthday
warnings mentions of kissing/making out (minhyuk, hyungwon), lots of pet names, mention of food (wonho, minhyuk, hyungwon, joohoney)
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↼ monsta x masterlist
note this is super self indulgent, i mean it is a birthday gift to myself so whatever
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months
Never Enough
Summary: A beautifully decorated dorm for Christmas, features the one thing you wish to avoid most. Mistletoe.
Fluff, Established Relationship Au
Word Count: 1,555
Kihyun X Reader
Requested: for the 12 days of winter, can I request #10 “Mistletoe… my arch enemy” with Kihyun? Thank you!! ☃️
Prompt: 9. “Mistletoe… my arch enemy”
Kihyun spends every year decorating the dorm for their annual Christmas party. It’s something that he enjoys. So, when he invites you, it's not only to celebrate the holiday together. It's also to show you his hard work. And honestly, you couldn’t wait to see all his decorations. He came over to your house the night before brimming with excitement, “I want to see your reaction firsthand when we walk in together.” You shook your head at him but couldn’t help but grin, knowing how much hard work he put into it.
While Kihyun is getting dressed for the festivities, you're sitting at your desk doing your last-minute wrapping. You hear him hum and turn towards him. He asks, “Ready, baby?” You look down at your outfit and wipe off a few pieces of wrapping shred, “Yeah!” He pulls you up from your chair, spins you into his arms, and kisses your cheek. You blush as he leads you to the front door. You both pull on your shoes and coats before walking hand in hand to the party.
You gasp as you reach the outside of the dorm. He decorated the outside with Christmas trees wrapped in garland and ceramic snowmen holding welcome signs leading toward the entrance. He unlocks the door, and you notice the beautiful wreath outside the door. You grin before seeing his holy grail: the living room. It looks like he’s been working on this for months. When in reality, he texted you that he was starting to decorate the dorm last Monday. He went full out from white Christmas string lights that line the room and hang down from the ceiling to hanging ornaments and stars from the string lights, making it look like a Christmas wonderland. He watches you with delight as you let out little oohs and ahhs as you take in everything.
And that's when you see his miniature village that lines the wall. He smiles and leads you closer to it, “There’s a house for all seven of us that live at the dorms.” You nod, and he smiles, “That’s our house.” He points to a beautiful two-story miniature with little dogs in Santa hats and two village people kissing. And you giggle before saying, “You made us so cute. Oh, it’s all so lovely, Ki. You've worked so hard.” He fills with pride as he points out each little thing he did. Like how he made the mixture of snow with cotton and glue. And how he used fishing wire to hang the bulbs and stars.
You watch him excitedly tell you about it all. And you hang onto his every word, “What about the Santa hats on each photo frame?” He smiles, “I used that blue putty to attach each hat.” He leads you to the photo you both took together last Christmas, “You gave me a (f/c) hat?” He nods, “I tried to get everyone’s favorite color hat, but I made yours and mine specially.” You look over at him, “Seriously?” He smiles, “I used the regular foam colors for everyone but yours and mine.” You nod, and he continues, “I mixed acrylic paint to make the colors of our hats.” You blink your tears back to avoid them rolling down your cheeks. But you smile at him and kiss his cheek, “I love all of your decorations, but your attention to detail is my favorite.” He smiles, and you pull him in for a hug. He wraps his arms around you, and you squeeze him.
When you pull away, he leads you down the hallway and shows you the pine-like garland he looped along the walls and each wreath he hung on every door. You ask, “Did the boys help you at all?” That’s when Jooheon comes out of his room and says, “He never lets us do anything past putting out the boxes and decorating the main tree together.” You shake your head at him, “He’s a cute perfectionist, ain’t he?” “He’s a perfectionist, alright.” You hide your laugh as Jooheon continues, “Definitely not as cute as me.” You laugh, and as he leaves, Kihyun pouts, and you kiss it away. “You’re way cuter.” He nods, “And?” You sigh, “And handsome.” He smiles, satisfied with your answer, “I swear you learned that from Joo and Min.” He shrugs, “It comes in handy.” You shake your head, and you continue your tour.
You both exit the hallway, and he walks you through the living room to the kitchen. The party was starting to get into full swing when you see it, “Mistletoe…” You glare at it as you grow closer to it. And continue, “My arch enemy.” He raises his eyebrow and gives you a confused look, “What? Why is that?” You shrug at his question and put your hands in your pocket. “I’ve never been kissed under it.” He laughs and shakes his head, “I’m surprised. Someone as cute as you should have been already.” He pulls your left hand out of your pocket and goes, “Come on.” You tilt your head at him, “Why?” He grins, “You’ll see.” He has you follow him to the opening and stops under the mistletoe. “Would you mind if I was your first?” You blush and shake your head, and he holds your cheek in his free hand and brings you in for a short yet sweet kiss.
You hear loud cheers of “(Y/n)!” and “Kihyun!” You turn beet red as you look over to see Hoseok holding a camera and taking a photo of you while Minhyuk cheers for you two to kiss again. Kihyun leans in to ask, “Want to give them a show?” You smirk, your confidence soaring with him in front of you, and give him a nod. He moves his hand from beside your jaw to underneath and kisses you deeply. The two hoot and holler as you move your free hand into his hair and weave your fingers through, deepening the kiss. When he pulls away, you’re both left breathless. The other two are busy looking through their camera shots, but you can only see him. His cheeks are a rosy-red, and he’s grinning at you, “How was that for your first time under the mistletoe?” You mirror his grin and say, “I hope it happens many more times.” He smiles and squeezes your interlocked hands as you release your grip on his hair.
You kiss his nose for good measure before you both walk into the kitchen and grab some snacks to eat. He carries your shared plate, and you get your first drinks of the evening. As you walk back underneath the mistletoe, you grin as you pull him into your arms, and he gasps as you pull him into a kiss this time. You linger in the passageway before pulling away to continue walking and laugh, “I didn’t know my arch enemy could become my most revered friend.” He smirks, “You know that’s not the only time you can kiss me, right?” You shrug, “But it’s more special that way.” He shakes his head and kisses your forehead as you sit together on the couch. You crack open your drinks and say, “Cheers to many more mistletoe kisses?” He laughs and cheers, “To many more!” You clink them together before drinking from them. You smile and snuggle into his side as you both eat your snacks.
You both end up under the mistletoe many more times. For something you hated before because you never experienced it, you certainly couldn’t get enough of it now that you had. And as long as it was making you happy, Kihyun was more than happy to oblige. Although you partake in games and feast, the plant is the most exciting part. And who were you to resist, especially when you get to kiss a guy like Kihyun?
As the last few guests filter out and all of you have rid the dorm of litter. And the rest of the members have retired to their rooms. You dance with Kihyun to the Christmas music that's softly filtering out of the speakers. You sway in his arms as you look over to the mistletoe. He whispers, “You wish to be kissed under there again?” You shrug as you look into his eyes, “Here’s fine, too.” He gives you a small kiss before spinning you underneath the mistletoe and kisses you again. When he pulls away, you wait a moment before pulling him back in, “Because one is never enough.”
You continue swaying underneath the mistletoe before hearing something clattering. You catch Changkyun sliding through the space between the island and cabinets to get a glass of water. You two snicker as he mumbles, “I can’t wait for you two to get tired of the mistletoe.” Kihyun smirks, “You’re just jealous you didn’t get to kiss anyone under it this year.” He scoffs as grabs his glass of water, “Good night, (Y/n). Good night, Ki...” You two giggle at Changkyun as he scoots back through the way he came. When he's made it safely back into his room, Kihyun asks, “One more, for good ole time's sake?” You nod, “Yeah, and then you can put it away tomorrow.” He smiles and brings you in for one last kiss underneath the mistletoe.
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j0514x · 2 years
Wonho + Monsta X - hands
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Hyungwon -
His hands are found in poems spilled from bleeding authors, in paintings rendered with oil so finely the brush hairs could be counted by eye. Ever so translucent, his skin is blushed with reddened knuckles, veins rivers blue. The smallest moment of action immortalised in the canvas of his hands. Angular, they cast harsh shadows, ink black spilling in the chasms behind tendons. You stroke over the bruises on his knuckles; he responds impossibly small, timid, fingertips pulling you closer.
Shownu -
Shaped with artistic intent, they don curves, slopes, edges so beautifully unique. You brush past the flat of his thumbnail, trail caught on the peak of his knuckle. Ridges of tendons twitch under your touch; he watches your travels fondly. Tension radiates through his hand, movements to diversify the landscape you explore. Knuckle to knuckle you walk, before taking his hand in its entirety, threading his fingers with yours.
Wonho -
Rough, blistered, they never rest. He treats them as well as he can, nails tidy and glossy, but the weight they carry leaves remnants of itself on his palms. Collateral damage of his will. You graze a finger across the calloused skin, he laughs, hand squeezing yours. Always so warm, a strength to them that doesn't threaten but reassures. He uses his free hand a frame, bringing it to cup the side of your face. A thumb strokes across the stubble peppered on your skin, a morning rushed, mirrored roughness. He still hasn't let go of your other hand.
Minhyuk -
Expansive, they hold the world with ease. Slender fingers, delicate, but always with a paint stain on of the edge of his clipped nails. Blue, normally. They move with purpose, with practiced skill, stability. They tremble still, in moments uncertain, but you hold them steady, tracing a thumb over the defined tendons, over the plush of his palm. He thanks you with safety, with a grasp that will protect you for as long as it can.
Kihyun -
Teasing, dangerous. He knows the subtle movements, the inconspicuous actions that reward him with legs crossed to hide a sudden secret. He knows the way his fingers move in fluidity, stroking his mic stand, up and down... The way he'll mindlessly spin a ring around the soft flesh of a finger, tarnished silver dizzy. The way he'll trace his own contours, fingers rubbing at the protrusion of bones, of tendons and veins. He knows the way you never look away; the way you keep pulling your sweater slightly so slightly lower.
Jooheon -
Hidden in the warmth of his sweater sleeves, he keeps them safe. A soft 'hyung', and you steal his attention, fingers instinctively reaching out for yours, offer of shared protection on their tips. His hands only feel whole with yours, adopting them as such, sharing pockets, sleeves, gloves... He lets go only with a pout, and a promise to return.
Changkyun -
A silent voice, he tells with his hands what his lips cannot. Eyes drawn down, slim fingers find comfort in each other, a ring being spun, a nail being traced. Hands folded in on themselves. Palm warm, a hand on knee, thumb stroking the thigh soothingly. The expanse of his hand offering comfort, reassurance. Duality, forever on his wrist, forever in his hands.
♡ · · · · ─────────┘
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daebakinc · 1 year
Pretty Woman Finale
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Pretty Woman AU
Pairing: Kihyun x Reader
Word Count: 2.6 K
Synopsis: Rich business man, Kihyun Yoo finds himself lost driving in Los Angeles. Stopping for directions he meets you, a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard. What starts as a one night stand soon becomes a weeklong proposition, as Kihyun needs arm candy for his visit in the city of angels.
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7
~Admin V
             You had trouble sleeping in your own bed. Partly because there were so many possibilities for you now and your mind was playing any and all ideas, and partly because you were spoiled by the Baverse mattress and couldn’t get comfortable.
As you lay awake, you worked out your plans for the next day. First, you’d have to stop by the library and use the computer to look up housing in San Fran. The idea of renting a car to get there seemed more comfortable with all your newly acquired belongings than toting everything on a bus.
Checking out schools for completing your G.E.D. was also on your list. You’d work on the job situation once you got there. The school could have programs to help you with that.
And Kihyun. You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about him. His heartbroken face when you told him you weren’t going to spend the night with him. The way he nodded at the door when he screamed for K.Will to get the hell out. How his lips felt against yours the night before when you kissed him again and again.
At some point you’d finally dozed off. Frantic knocking on your door woke you. Looking at the clock it was a bit after 10a.m. The landlord must’ve been antsy for the rent. Sifting through the envelop from Kihyun, you grabbed what was due, but when you opened the door, it wasn’t the landlord standing before you.
His shoulders relaxed when he sighed with relief. “You’re here.”
Your jaw fell slack. “Kihyun? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane to Korea?” You glanced around in the hall. “How do you know where I live?”
“Changkyun. When I was checking out, he casually mentioned that the limo driver took you home yesterday.” He took a deep breath. He must’ve run up all the flights of stairs to your floor.
Gesturing for him to enter your apartment, he took another breath of relief.
Facing you, he continued. “I’m an idiot.”
You smiled to that. “Yeah?”
He was flustered. It was clear there was so much he wanted, needed to express but didn’t know where to start. “You said this week changed everything for you. It changed everything for me as well. It just took me longer to realize it.” He began pacing in front of you, his words spewing out quickly. “Never, not in a million years would I have bought Honey Bear Records to save it. I was on the path of destruction and had absolutely no intention of ever getting off of it. But you,” he ran his fingers through his hair and looked you in the eyes. “You showed me I still have a heart. I don’t have to be the villain I’d turned myself into.
“When I told you I wanted to put you up in a condo and see you, that wasn’t my intention to have you waiting for me; waiting for money, waiting for me to use you. That was old me. How I dealt with past relationships. They’ve always been about me using them when I needed them.” He cringed at himself when he heard what he’d just said.
Stroking his arm to let him know it was okay and you weren’t running from him, you encouraged him to continue.
“I like who I am with you. And, it will be a learning process. I’m sure that I will still do and say things to fuck it all up, but I can’t let you go.”
Mouth agape again, you could only stare at him.
His confidence was back as he squared his shoulders and took your hands in his. “I can’t go back to South Korea, not without you. I don’t care if we stay here in Los Angeles, or even here in this apartment.” You noticed his grimace as he looked around but he quickly recovered to a face of sincerity. “I don’t care where I am, as long as I’m with you.
“I can understand if you don’t want me buying everything and doing everything for you. You’re a self-made woman and I respect that about you. But I do have money, and I don’t see why it can’t be used if it will help you.” He went back to pacing, seeming to have said something he hadn’t meant to.
“What’s wrong, Kihyun?”
He stopped and focused on you. “You’re not my personal prostitute or beck-and-call girl. I know you’re not.” Taking a deep breath, he stepped closer and looked into your eyes. “But I want you to be mine.”
Your heart beat sped and you felt a blush in your cheeks.
He lifted your chin with his fingers so you were looking him in the eye. “You said yesterday you wanted me to love you. Love you for you. I . . .” He took a sharp inhale, but it didn’t stop his lip from quivering. “I . . .” he tried again.
You couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across your face. “I love you, too.”
Though he looked comforted, it didn’t stop another tremble of his lips and you saw tears sitting in his eyes. They closed when you leaned up and pressed your forehead against his.
“You don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready. We’ve only known each other a week after all.” You kissed the tip of his nose.
Sighing, he pressed away from you to look at you. “It’s not that.” His voice was squeaky and it pulled at your heartstrings. He’d finally slowed down his words. “When I’ve said it before in past relationships, I never meant it. Not like I mean it now.” The tears overwhelmed him as they now trickled down his cheeks. “I’m scared,” he breathed.
Carefully, you held his face in your hands. “You don’t need to be. I am yours.”
When he smiled, you couldn’t help yourself from giving him a soft, chaste kiss. He pressed back, and the two of you took the moment to just savor the feeling, the closeness. Pecking his lips a few times, you pressed one more smooch before leaning your forehead against his again.
Kihyun caressed your cheek. “I don’t deserve such a pretty woman.”
“Then you’re quite a lucky man.”
 Six Months Later
You pulled your brand-new, sleek, cyan blue Dodge Viper in front of Honey Bear Records. Yes, you were a self-made woman, but you also needed a car. And with Kihyun offering to get you such a lovely one for passing your G.E.D., who were you to refuse?
Walking into a studio, Hyunwoo was sitting in the back of the room on a couch. He looked up when he heard your footsteps. “Hey, how’d the test in music production go?”
After retrieving the test in question from your bag, you handed it to him. His face instantly lifted. “Yeah! Look at you, big time college girl!” He gave you a high five then you plopped down on the couch next to him.
“How’s our boy doing?”
Both of you turned your attention to the front of the room. Jooheon was sitting in front of the sound board and recording equipment. Behind the laminated glass, Kihyun was in the zone, warming up his voice before the music started.
You couldn’t hide your smile as you watched him. He was so passionate as he got into the music. Then his lyrics started.
I can suddenly feel something has changed I am becoming an adult I don't hate myself Even when I see my weakness I tended to get anxious Thinking about me after a few years Rather than how I feel today I was like that at that time
I feel like I will miss those foolish Days, which made me work harder The days when I was young and cheerful And the heart that was pumping so fast after dancing hard I feel like the sky is beautiful nowadays
His voice cracked and he indicated for Jooheon to stop the music. Once he had a few swigs of water he kept repeating the note he couldn’t seem to get right.
Jooheon spun around in his chair toward you. “Queen! Tell me you aced the test!”
Getting up you handed it to him.
His face beamed when he looked at you. “That’s my girl.”
You nodded your head in the direction of Kihyun. “How many takes has he been doing for this one?”
“Just a few. You know he’s a perfectionist, so if it doesn’t sound the way he wants it, we start over.”
It was part of his passion for the music.
A mischievous smile appeared on Jooheon’s face. “You know, now that you’re here, I’m sure if he were to relieve some of that frustration, he’d be able to get his notes right.”
“Jooheon,” Hyunwoo warned, embarrassment causing him to blush.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that so?”
Hyunwoo got up and slapped the younger man in the shoulder. “Please excuse him. All this time in the studio has clearly deprived him of oxygen to the brain.” He pulled Jooheon from the chair and pushed him towards the door. “Go get some fresh air.”
Jooheon laughed and faced you. “I’m gonna get some coffee, you want your usual?”
“Yes please,” you couldn’t help but laugh with him. Once he was out of the room, Hyunwoo looked apologetic.
“Though I don’t agree with my partner’s exact suggestion,” he then motioned toward Kihyun, “I do think he could use a bit of a break and some words of reassurance.” The blush was still present as he bowed. “I’ll give you two some time.” He too left the room, leaving it to just you and Kihyun.
Knocking on the studio door, Kihyun looked a little surprised to see you.
“Hey,” he smiled. He looked through the glass and noticed the others were gone. “Where’d they go?”
“Coffee break. Jooheon heavily hinted you could use a release.”
His face turned red. “What did he say?”
You closed the distance between the two of you. “Oh, just that you might sound better if you let some of that tension go.”
The blush was gone and his confident power took its place. “What did you have in mind?”
Smiling, your hand reached down to touch him through his pants. “I was thinking blow job.”
A smirk formed on his face. “And what if you screaming my name will relieve the tension?”
Before you could answer, the studio door flung open. Both you and Kihyun watched as Jooheon walked in, hand over his eyes. “I forgot I had the headphones and the sound still on. Don’t mind me.” It was very clear he wasn’t at all ashamed of interrupting and he even peaked through his fingers at one point, trying to catch any action. When he dropped the wireless headphones in the chair, and made sure all the sound equipment was off, he left. Kihyun and you burst out into laugher. You each laughed so hard you had to sit on the ground until you calmed down.
When you were both back to normal breathing patterns, Kihyun moved so his back was against the wall and pulled you into his arms. He played with your hair as you played with his fingers. The laughing worked to get rid of his stress.
Looking up, you smiled at him. “The song is very pretty from what I heard.”
He smiled back at you. “You think so?”
“I’m very biased, of course, but yes.”
His grin widened. He looked from your eyes to you lips then bent down to kiss you. The musk of his cologne mixed with his sweet tastes made your head spin. You kissed him back until you felt breathless. If it were up to you, you’d never stop kissing him. When he bit against your lip, you couldn’t help the low groan it caused.
Shifting your position, you turned to better face him, crawling in his lap. You deepened the kiss as you breathed him in and he slid his tongue into your mouth. Your new spot in his lap allowed you to grind against him, feeling his growing hardon against your growing wetness.
Kihyun’s hands snaked up your back, under your shirt to unhook your bra.
You jumped when your phone vibrated in your back pocket. He grabbed it for you and you both looked at the screen. It was Jooheon.
He put it on speaker. “Wasn’t it your idea for her to help me blow off some steam?”
Jooheon laughed. “She ordered a coffee. I just wanted to know if it was safe to bring it in to her.”
“Unless you want to clean up the love stain we’re about to make, I suggest you and Hyunwoo leave the building. Now.”
There was stunned silence on the other line, and before Jooheon answered, Kihyun hung up.
He then held you as he again shifted your positions so that you were on your back and he hovering over you.
“A love stain, huh?” you chuckled.
“A big one.” He brushed hair from your forehead.
“Well, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t have a condom.”
“That’s not funny.”
“Well, I’ve changed my profession. I no longer have need to carry around a buffet of safety.”
The sad, puppy pout you gave made you crack up with laughter. You reached into your bra and retrieved a condom. Old habits die hard.
His pout was replaced with a smirk. “You’re going to be punished for that.”
Matching his smirk, you replied. “I better be.”
Kihyun nipped at your nose. His face switched from playful to serious. “I love you.”
Your hand reached to caress his cheek. “I love you, too.”
He leaned down to kiss you again. It was short lived as you pushed him away. “If Jooheon and Hyunwoo are going home, how are you gonna finish recording when we’re finished?”
“Didn’t you have a production test today?”
“ . . . Yeah?”
“Then maybe you can give it a shot.”
You pushed him off so you could sit up. “Are you sure? I’m still unsure about some of the equipment. I don’t want to mess anything up.”
Brushing a stray hair behind your ear, he gave an earnest smile. “The best way to learn is trying. I can help, too.”
He sounded certain, but you weren’t as confident as he was. “I just don’t want to mess it up. I know how you like everything. I don’t want to get lost in the equipment.”
He grinned wider and shook his head. “We’ll figure it out together. I promise to be on my best behavior and not snippy like I am with Jooheon. And if we get lost in the equipment, I do recall getting lost in Hollywood is how we both ended up here.”
Finally convinced, you smiled back at him. “Okay. But now I’m not in the mood to create a love stain with you.”
He jokingly groaned, but you could tell he was also more interested in getting back to the music. Helping you up, you both left the sound booth and sat in front of the recording equipment. Luckily, you did know a good portion of what to do, and what you didn’t Kihyun handled.
With everything ready, he went back into the other room. You spoke into the intercom. “Are you ready for the ride of your life?”
Shaking his head while chuckling, he gave you a wink. “Let’s do it.”
The End
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bookwormingwritesffs · 8 months
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Hi!! If you're over 18 and like reading m/m smut, consider checking out my Monsta X Changkyun/ Kihyun (Changki) story! It's complete~
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miabebe · 2 years
| Monsta X | Seventeen |
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One Of A Kind - Series of the Monsta X Mafia-verse (rated m)
| Trailer | Character profiles |
The streets of Seoul had to be well lit at night, so the shadows cast could be rampant with secrets.
They were everywhere. They saw everything, heard everything. Yet the threat that was looming could not be fathomed - Someone was out for blood. Someone darker than the nights they conquered, someone with more secrets than those that tied them together....
Changkyun: I Am What I Am
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 9.5 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Hyungwon: I Don’t Need Nobody Else (coming soon)
Kihyun: I’m Gonna Lose It (coming soon)
Minhyuk: I'll See You in Your Love (coming soon)
Jooheon: I’m Lost And I Wanna Be Found (coming soon)
Shownu: Love me a little (coming soon)  
The End: I Can’t Help But Love You (coming soon)
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Take My Picture~ Kihyun 1
Pairing- Kihyun x Named Reader
Word count- 1.5k
Includes- public sex, car sex, cock riding, multiple orgasms, slight Dom Kihyun, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine
@yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana
@tannie13 @itsshaydeekaydee @seokwoosmole @marsstarxhwa
@wisejudgedragonhairdo @y00nzin0
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Take My Picture Masterlist
📝Masterlists 📝Monsta X Masterlist
Couple for this series is from Epiphany
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Kihyun POV
Waiting in my car for my girlfriend, I take out my phone to take a few selfies
Holding the phone out, I take a few as the door to my car open as she gets in
"Hi baby", she says, leaning in and kissing my cheek
I smile and take a picture at the same time
I love having pictures with her in them with me
I don't post them because I can't announce us yet but I love looking at them
"More selfies?", she teases
"Always baby", I answer, handing her my phone
I know she wants to see them and send the ones she wants to her phone
The past few months with her have been amazing
She makes me so happy, makes me feel so loved
Going to her apartment and confessing to her was the best move of my life
I'm totally whipped for her, wanting to do anything to make her smile, make her laugh
I'd do anything for her
"This is so cute!", she squeals, showing me one selfie, "Post this one"
"Yeah?", I ask, glancing at the picture as I start the car
If we leave now we'll be right on time for the shoot
I glance over at her in the passenger
seat as she scrolls through my pictures and my mouth drops when I notice what she's wearing
How she looks
So hot in a black and white lacy short dress I bought her a week ago with her Nike sneakers I also bought for her
She's fucking sexy
She's always gorgeous, stunning, hot
But this dress is showing all the right things but still keeping everything covered
Since I've seen her naked I just keep imagining what's under the dress
How I'm going to go through this photo shoot without fucking her in front of the photographer, I don't know
I'm getting hard and it's pressing against my jeans uncomfortably
Also making it hard to drive
I keep glancing over at her, seeing the exposed skin of her thighs and getting more and more horny until I can't take it anymore
I pull the car over by some trees that hide us slightly and turn it off
"Uh what are we doing Ki?", she asks confused
I don't answer her, contemplating on if anyone could see us here
I don't think so
"Ki?", she asks looking over at me
Even if people can see, I don't care
"Take you're panties off", I tell her, taking the phone from her hand throwing it into the back seat
"Wait what?"
"Take them off", I order
I know she likes it when I'm rough and tell her what to do
And right now I want her
So I have no problem telling her what I want
"Uh ok", she says and she lifts her ass off the seat and pulls them down
"Give it to me"
She hands them over and I see that it's some lacy thong thing that can cover absolutely none of her
"You better be wearing this for me", I growl
"Of course I am Ki. Who else would it be for?", she says
"It better only be for me"
"It is."
I toss it in the back seat with my phone then move the driver seat back and take off my seat belt
"Ki what are you doing? We're going to be late. The guys are going to start calling you nonstop"
I pull at my belt, undoing it and open my pants
I'm already so hard and she hasn't even touched me yet
The things she does to my body are crazy
But I love it
I pull my pants and boxers to my knees then lean back
I look over at her, her eyes wide and say, "Get on"
"Get on my cock", I repeat
"But Ki-"
"Joanne, I will not move this car until you get your pussy on my cock and ride me"
Her mouth drops open but she says, "Ok"
She climbs over the cup holders and gets right on top of me
She hovers over me smirking
"This is what you want Kihyun?" she asks innocently
"Yes. I want you to take my cock like a good girl and slide up and down. I want you to make me cum. I want you to make yourself cum using my cock because I'm not moving. You are."
I feel her getting wetter at my words as she drips all over me
"You're not going to move?"
I shake my head, "No. You're going to use me to make yourself cum. I'm not going to touch you. If you want to cum, work for it."
"Ok I will."
She sinks herself down on me, bottoming me out and I gasp at the contact
"Fuck Ki. Love you're huge cock", she whimpers
"Mmm love your pussy baby. Nice and tight and wet"
She's seriously soaking my cock and my lap
It's great
She lift herself until just my tip is in her, then she tightens her pussy and slides back down my shaft
It feels so tight as she slides down and I moan
She starts moving faster, bouncing hard on me, holding her dress up
I have a good view of everything, because the car seat is not all the way down
I can see my cock going in and out of her, her leaving me soaked and slick with her cream
The sight makes me harder and closer to coming
But I don't want to yet, so I hold myself back
I want her to cum first, using me however she wants
I can't help but tell her, "Fuck baby, you know how to ride me so well"
"Hmmmmm", she says
I look up at her and I almost cum at the sight but stop myself in time
Her back is arched and her head is tilted back a little, eyes closes
Sweat is pouring down her cleavage and making that fucking tiny dress cling to her in all the right spots
I just watch her as she moves up and down and I feel my mouth hanging open
I feel her pussy start to tighten on me and I know she's close
She starts breathing harder and harder, getting tighter and tighter
I feel her cum coat my cock as she screams my name, pulsing around my length, orgasming beautifully
"Kihyun! Kihyun!"
God it feels so fucking good
I look back at where she's still bouncing on me and every time she goes up, I see my cock covered with her cum
"One more baby. Cum on my cock one more time"
She leans over me more, her hands on my shoulders, fingers twisting my shirt so much
Her mouth crashes to mine in a fiery kiss and my hands in her hair, shoving my tongue in her mouth, moaning
She fucks me desperately and I know I said I'm not going to touch her but I am
Pressing my thumb to her clit, I rub in circles, making her moan in my mouth
Her cunt pulls me inside her over and over, throbbing so fast
She shakes in my arms, her hand sliding in my hair, pulling hard as she orgasms
The ecstacy that hits me drives me over the edge and I yell her name as I cum inside her
"Joanne! Fuck baby girl! So good baby"
After a minute she stops bouncing as I finish and I pull her mouth back to mine in a kiss
The feeling of her arms around my neck is my favorite feeling in the world
"I love you", I tell her
"I love you", she answers, kissing my cheek then climbing back to the passenger seat
I just lie there and close my eyes for a minute, getting my breathing back to normal
"Damn baby you know how to work me up", I say when I can breathe
"Of course Ki. I know your body baby. I know what you like. I'll always do whatever you want to make you feel good. Just for you", she answers
My god, I was so lucky to land her
I sit up and pull her to me in a heated kiss, savoring the feel of her mouth, lips and tongue against mine
She's my everything and I love her so much
When the kiss ends she smiles then says, "We should clean up. We don't want any stains showing or the guys will never let you forget it
I laugh
She always knows how to make me laugh
"There's tissues or napkins in the glove compartment"
She opens it, grabs napkins and hands me some, both of us cleaning up
I fix my pants and move the car seat backup, then turn the car on
"Hey! My underwear!", she says
I smirk at her, "No. I want you bare and free in case I wanna fuck you at the shoot"
She gapes at me, "Really Ki?"
I nod, starting to drive, "So make sure that dress is down, covering your pussy until I pull it up"
She rolls her eyes, "Ok Ki"
Smiling, I take her hand, kiss the back of it then hold it tightly as we drive to the shoot
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months
Greatest Gift
Summary: This Christmas might just change everything, but in the best way possible.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 2,328
Kihyun x Reader
Prompt: 12. Make your own prompt. - "You're the most beautiful gift I could have ever hoped for. A gift I want to keep forever. Will you allow me?" ------ I was thinking Christmas proposal/ engagement 🤭 ------ Gender neutral ------ With the one and only Yoo Kihyun 🤩 ------ Thank you and happy holidays! 
[A/n: I think I physically ascended when I first read this and pictured him saying it. And to whoever sent this ask, just know I love you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. This was absolutely self-indulgent for me. I hope it’s very indulgent for you too.]
It was finally Christmas morning, and you couldn't be more excited as you opened your eyes. When you were a kid, you’d wake up at six am sharp, rushing over to the Christmas tree, hurrying your parents down the stairs to open presents. While the excitement faded a bit over the years, you still were excited to spend the whole day with Kihyun. Who, for the past seven Christmases, made you feel the joy of the holiday again. 
You throw the blanket down, ready to run down, until you notice Kihyun isn't beside you, ready to push you out of the way as he runs to the tree, too. Your heart sinks, worrying that he left without you, before the door opens, and in pops Kihyun. 
You sigh, full of relief, as he enters, “Don't worry, I didn't start unwrapping without you.” You smile as he walks in with a tray full of breakfast foods. He carefully walks, not wanting to spill anything. You hold your hands out and grab the tray after moving his blanket back so he can crawl back underneath them. With him all settled, he says, “This is my first Christmas gift to you.” You smile as you thank him and kiss his cheek as you settle the tray down over your legs. And see that he prepared everything just like how you liked it. 
Which was different than any of the Christmases before, so you ask, “Did you grow up having breakfast on Christmas?” He shrugs, “It depended if my parents woke up before my brother and I.” You nod, “Ah, I always woke up before mine, so I guess that’s why we never had it.” He laughs, “I can see that. You're usually up before I am. I had to sneak out of here when you rolled over.” You laugh, and he smiles, “I love you.” You blush, “Ever since you wanted to say I love you more easily, you’ve certainly worked on it. But I love you too.” He smiles, and you lean your head on his shoulder after eating another bite of waffles. 
You reiterate to him, “I mean it, you know? Every day that I wake up, and you’re beside me. I’m so thankful.” He kisses the top of your head, “I’m so grateful that I get to fall asleep beside you. I wish we always got to, like those married couples on TV.” You nod, not thinking much of the fact he specified them being married. “Me too, but I guess that’s the beauty of it. Even when they’re apart, they’re together.” He hums, and you move your head off his shoulder to finish your meal. 
When you've both finished eating, he moves the tray, and you follow him down the stairs excitedly. When he asks, “Do you want to start the dinner with me first, and then we open presents?” You pout, “You’re no fun.” He laughs, “But you love me anyway.” You grin, “Yeah. Let’s make it!” Even though it was different, you shrugged it off and happily went with it. You both moved away from the living room and into the kitchen. 
You pull out your cookbook and find the correct settings for the ham. And set the oven as he pulls it out and places it into the sink you cleaned the night before. He takes off the wrapping while you prepare the pan. You hold the bag out for him to put it in before dunking it with a sugary drink and adding brown sugar and fruits to the top. As you smother it, you ask, “Isn’t it kind of sacrilegious for you to eat ham?” He blinks at you before he realizes what you meant and bumps you with his hip. “No, two different animals.” You giggle, “I know, plus you’re more of a shark.” He smirks, “You know just what to say.” You grin and wash off your hands before tying the bag. You hear the buzzer ring, open the door, and put it into the oven as Kihyun washes his hands.
He starts cutting up veggies for the two of you to eat while you watch a Christmas movie, and you pull out a smaller cutting board to work alongside him. You make a small veggie tray for the two of you to snack on. Before heading to the living room, “So, Mr. Let’smakedinnerfirst. When are we going to open our presents?” He looks at the time before looking back at you, “Later.” You tilt your head, “Why?” He shrugs, and you realize he must have a big surprise waiting under the tree for you, or he wouldn’t be hesitant to open presents. 
In fact, this is the first time in seven years. He’s waited to open presents. You want to say something to that fact, but you hold back. Whatever the reason was, it was a good one. And you didn’t want to ruin your surprise by pestering him because you knew he’d probably blurt it out due to his nerves. You let it go and eat your veggies while watching ‘Arthur Christmas,’ “You know, this is probably the most plausible Santa Claus movie.” He agrees, and you both watch as the little girl finally gets her present after the hundreds of trials and tribulations it took to get to her house. Santa finally made it. He says as the movie ends, “I think that was the best role for the older brother to fit.” You agree, “I think it was perfect how everyone ended up.” He nods, and you both get up from your cuddled position to start prepping other things to eat alongside the ham. 
As you’re peeling an orange, he looks at the packaging and watches as you eat a slice, “Shouldn’t you not be eating these?” You tilt your head at him, and he goes, “Because you’re a cutie.” You laugh and tap his shoulder, “Ki!” He grins, “I’m right, you know.” You gasp as he steals the rest of your peeled orange and eats it. And you exclaim, “Kihyun!” He laughs before handing you another orange to peel. You push it back into his hands and cross your arms, and he shakes his head as he peels it for you, “Happier?” You grin as you snatch it before offering him a piece, which he gladly takes. “Now, we’ve both had one full one. And yeah, I’m happier now.” He smiles, “Good.” 
To avoid having loads of dishes later, you start doing the dishes now. As you scrub one, you feel his arms slide around you before pulling you against him. He links his hands around you and says, “I love you. I hope you know how happy you make me.” You look back at him, “I love you too. And you make me very happy, too.” You put another dish on the rack to dry, and he unlinks his arms, grabs a cloth to dry, and puts the clean dishes away. As he puts away the plates, he starts singing one of your favorite love songs. You hum softly along until he encourages you to sing with him. He pulls you away from the soapy sink and holds your hands as he serenades you. He waits for you to sing your lines before he continues along. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve heard his singing voice. It still sends shivers down your spine. You grin as the two of you sing in harmony. 
As he finishes the song with butterflies running amuck in your stomach, he asks, “If you could be with me forever, would you?” You take a second to process his question before answering, “Of course I would. But I’ve already told you that.” He grins, “I know, but I just like hearing you say it.” You shake your head and smile at him. And he places a kiss on your forehead before you both finish up the current dirty dishes. The oven rings after you’ve finished and you put away your cookbook. Kihyun pulls the ham out of the oven and opens the bag while you turn the stove on. 
And in no time, you’re eating Christmas dinner in front of the TV. Usually, you’d eat at the dining table, but because of the holiday and all the specials playing, you just had to eat in the living room. You both could clean up later if it gets dirty anyway. You watch ‘A Year Without A Santa Claus’ as you eat and giggle at the Miser Brothers' scenes, but find yourself sniffling at the “I believe in Santa Claus” song, and you turn to see Kihyun do the same thing. And you nuzzle closer to him, wary not to tip your plate. You finish your plate as the movie ends, and you both head back to the kitchen to clean up and throw trash away. It takes a while before you’re done and your hands are clean again. You head back to the living room, finding you both still have to open presents. You look over at Kihyun with pleading eyes and a pout, and he nods. 
“Can I put it on tape?” You blink at him, “Tape?” He shakes his head, “I meant- I mean, film it on my camera?” You shrug, “Yeah, it’ll be nice to look back on next Christmas.” He smiles, “Maybe even more than that.” You grin and agree. He sets up his phone to film you both opening your presents. You drag your present piles over to the couch in front of his phone, and you do your best to ignore the camera as Kihyun does so effortlessly. You shake off any nerves before diving right into your pile while he does the same. You received a gift from each of your friends and a few from Kihyun. You open your friends' gifts first and appreciate each gift before ripping open the next package. 
The pile of paper around you two becomes bigger and bigger as you open more and more presents. You look over to see Kihyun starting to open one of your presents. You smile as he opens the dark blue sweater you got him. He looks over at you as he puts it to his chest, “You got me the perfect shade of blue.” He winks at you as he takes his current sweater off before ripping off the price tag from the label and putting it on. He waits for you to open one of his, and you smile as you rip it open. And out falls a (f/c) cardigan, “I know you love wearing mine a lot, but I thought you should have one that went with more of your outfits.” You follow suit, ripping the tag off, and grin as you slip it over your long sleeve, “I love it.” You open your last two gifts from him and show him happily, and he shows you his.
You're looking through your pile to ensure you didn't miss anything. When Kihyun clears his throat, you don’t think much of it but still look over at him to watch him slip off the couch onto his knee. You ask, “You want help cleaning up?” Thinking that’s why he was getting off the couch and onto the floor. He shakes his head before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box with a tiny bow on top of it. You whisper, “No way,” as you realize what he’s doing. You quickly move to sit properly and move all the wrapping paper and gifts off your lap. To truly perceive what’s going on. Now you know why he wants to film it other than his regular filming and photographing habits. He smiles as he watches you. When you finish, he’s moved a few things blocking his view. 
He opens the box and reveals a darling ring with your favorite stone in the middle. But what causes you to start crying is when he says, “You're the most beautiful gift I could have ever hoped for. A gift I want to keep forever. Will you allow me?” You move the sleeve of your new cardigan down over your right hand to wipe your eyes before answering, “Of course.” He slips the ring over your left finger as you continue your answer, “You’re the greatest gift I could have hoped for. When I said earlier, I would be with you forever if I could. I meant it. I love you so much. I won’t just allow you to. I want you to. And I want to be with you forever.” He smiles, and you grin as you get on the floor in front of him and pull him into your arms.
When you've gained some composure, you ask, “Is this why you wanted to wait to open presents?” He nods, “I wanted it to be perfect.” You shake your head, “Even if it was a messy proposal. As long as it was from you, it’d always be perfect.” He holds you tighter, and you feel tears hitting, dampening your layers of clothes. You move your head away from his shoulder to look him in the eyes, “I knew five months into dating you I wanted to marry you.” He sniffles as you wipe his tears. And he reaches up to do the same. You can’t help but grin at him, “I love you. Oh, how I love you.” He tells you proudly, “I love you with my whole heart.” before cupping your cheeks and bringing you into a passionate-filled kiss. 
When you are both back on the couch, you ask another question, “And is that why you wanted to film it so badly?” He nods, “Yeah, I wanted us to keep this moment forever.” You smile as you kiss his nose, “Me too. I'm glad you did. We should play it at our wedding.” He grins, “That's exactly what I was thinking.”
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faelid · 11 months
Malignatas: Chapter V
Consider this my corpse being driven across the finish line in a hearse. Obviously I can't be trusted with multi-chapter fics...
Let's just pretend I posted this a year ago, yeah?
Malignatas, a KihyunxReader mini-series
Chapter 5: The Storm
WC: 2.2k
Summary: You and Kihyun thought you knew what you were getting into when you decided to make your relationship public. Neither of you were prepared for a curse from a spiteful fan, cast to keep you apart forever.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]
It’s a lot to take in, hearing it second hand.
It’s not the shock floors that you, leaves you stupefied. It’s that you didn’t see it coming. And somehow, it seems like you should have.
The recording continues, but you don’t hear anything else. Kihyun’s frozen face, a mirror to your own, looks like he still can’t believe what he’s telling you. It would be funny in a different lifetime. Today, it’s lost on you.
An avalanche of thought drowns out the silence, and you don’t notice the others coming back, voices talking amongst themselves.
Does the board know? It seems unlikely. They're usually more concerned about keeping the company profitable, and cutting into Kihyun’s practice time is unlikely to get them the results they desire. Which means it's personal?
But why? And why Kihyun? He can’t have been the first idol to date someone; in fact, you know for fact that he’s not the first to have a relationship, let alone a longer one.
Were you the target? Did you do something to offend someone, other than dating an idol? Hard to see how, when you were no one of any import.
Should you even stay? Is it worth pushing back against Starship of all people, when Kihyun is still under contract; when the others are still under contract? Will fighting back now just bring everyone else down with you?
It’s a torrent of agony; yes, I want this over with and but what about everyone else, pitting you against your compassion, your friends. What if confronting them isn’t enough? How can you possibly stop someone at that level, prevent them from lashing out again later?
It takes more than one knock at the door to startle you out of your reverie. Changkyun eventually has to stick his head in, carefully looking anywhere but at you, and it’s his voice that grounds you.
“Noona? Are you…okay?” He bites his lip, and you choke down your panic. The answer is “obviously not”, but it’s hard to know what else to say besides "yes".
You can’t blame him. “We brought you fried chicken. You can’t eat in here, though.” He doesn’t say alone, but you hear it anyway.
You fake optimism until your cheeks hurt and you’re sure the mask is fading, impatience crinkling in your eyes. They do their best to distract you, to fill you in on the details of their plan – none of them seem to share your concerns, not thinking past having an end in sight. You wish it could be that easy for you, and you know you’re being ungrateful because they’ve had a long night, and they’ve clearly been thinking things through – Jooheon and Minhyuk fall asleep against each other on the couch before you’re free to sneak away, when Hyungwon and Changkyun, too calm to drown out your thoughts, can’t keep the anxiety at bay any longer.
It calls for another round of poorly scrawled messages for Kihyun, a personal diary cum deeply emotional penpal letter. You outline drawbacks, potential solutions, things he maybe hadn't quite thought of, yet.
It’s not that the plan is lacking; between what you gathered earlier and replaying the end of Kihyun’s video message, the whole thing is rather sound. It has padding built-in, enough to support the most pressing outstanding question – how much time does you have during the eclipse?
Packing the go-bag is harder than it looks, but it makes for a nice distraction. The outfit you feel strongest in, the most put-together – no reason to show up slovenly; you don’t want to give Kim Ha Jun the satisfaction of even a minute victory.
When the day finally comes, they leave Kihyun to fend for himself. The backpack goes with Minhyuk to one of the nearer practice rooms, close enough to barrel down the hall if needed; secure enough to wait a few hours if she changes at the beginning of the eclipse.
Kihyun eyes the door before him, the gold lettering glinting at him like a challenge, and grits his teeth. He would be CEO one day. He would make Starship a better place for all idols, for anyone in the entertainment industry. A refuge. At the helm of Starship, he’d take the K-pop industry to a future they’d hardly dared to believe in.
But first things first. A calming breath, straighten the sweater – a knock at the door.
The appointment was scheduled; he’d been expected. But Kim Ha Jun feigned surprise at his presence, anyway. A joyous, imagine-seeing-you-here response to his knock, gesturing him in like they hadn’t seen each other in years, offering refreshments.
Kihyun perches uncomfortably on the edge of the leather sofa and tries to ignore it, just like he’d always politely ignored the man’s terrible taste in cologne, secure in the knowledge that he’d always have warning before Kim Ha Jun showed up.
“Kihyun!” The man bellows. “Have you seen your charts for this month? Streaming is still high – better than we expected, don’t you think?” The man who was CEO of Starship wasn’t endowed with a fatherly aura, but it didn’t stop him from trying. The result was a discomfiting dissonance of corporate interest and the misplaced boundaries of an overly-friendly uncle. “You have great things ahead of you, my boy, great things!”
Kihyun suppresses a shudder and smiles instead. “Only with your vision and guidance, sir. None of us would be here without you.” Ha Jun smiles, pleased with the compliment, and Kihyun glances surreptitiously at his watch. He’d prepared conversational topics – questions, ideas – in the event that he has to stall for up to an hour.
Except right now, he can’t remember any of them, and it’s been less than ten minutes.
He falls back on the safest, most surefire way to keep oneself out of a conversation with a narcissist:
He asks for Kim Ha Jun’s opinion.
When you walk through the door nineteen minutes and thirty-six seconds later, Kihyun could nearly melt with relief, and not just because he’s seeing you in person for the first time in over a year. That part feels too surreal to even put a thought to, like an apparition he’d caught out of the corner of his eye, except it was standing in front of him.
You were standing in front of him. In front of both of them.
Kim Ha Jun, though, looks more surprised than anything. Eyebrows raised to the sky, he frowns. “You’re still around?”
The way he says it scares you, a free admission of guilt. Confronted with a problem he thought resolved ages ago. As if you were meant to have vanished entirely, a speck of lint flicked carelessly off his lapel.
A lapel you only barely restrain yourself from grabbing, from shaking until the last oily strands of hair fell from his head.
“I don’t believe we’ve met in person.” You say, rigid with anger at his dismissal. Kihyun moves to your side, lends you the protection of his presence. “But yes, I am still here. I’m here and I’m pissed off, in case you were wondering. You took away six months out of my life, out of Kihyun’s career, which for all intents and purposes should be a major detriment to the company and for what? Because you didn’t like me? Because I wasn’t good enough for your idol?” With no attempt at moderation, your tone rises, and you find yourself trying not to lose your breath by the end.
Kim Ha Jun still looks unaffected. He doesn’t disrespect you further by refilling his glass, but he inspects it as if it were tempting.
“It wasn’t meant to last. You were a distraction. You would become more of a distraction. Kihyun is in the prime of his career. I can’t afford to have him moping about over a heartbreak – let the other companies lose their fortunes over women and relationships.”
“How was this not a distraction?!” Kihyun bursts. “Do you know what we’ve been through? How agonizing it has been? I wouldn’t have thrown away my career over a break-up – I’d have been sad and gotten over it, like anyone else. That’s normal. That’s life.”
The glass slams onto the table, and you both startle. Ha Jun braces himself on the desk. “It wasn’t meant to be a continued distraction.” He says, eyes flashing. “I was…expediting the matter. Once she was over you, once she decided that ‘idols were too much effort’ – “ he says it mockingly, and suddenly it’s very, very clear that this is about more than you and Kihyun – “then *poof*. You’d be all back to normal Kihyun, and she’d be out of your life for good; all problems solved.”
“And what about her? What would have happened? You think we just…wouldn’t see each other again, that I wouldn’t wonder what had happened to her?” Kihyun is bristling, his face bright red.
Ha Jun smiles a slow, nasty smile. “You’d have a new, one of kind watch, my young flexer.”
The enormity of his implication makes the silence stretch around it. Diabolical enough to forcibly separate you, but setting it up to make you disappear, to punish you for choosing yourself over the farce your life had become? Rather than murdering you outright?
A cold shiver runs down your spine, and your hairs stand on end. In a different world, you might wonder who hurt you? Instead, you fight the gaping maw of terror that's opening, the rapid realization of how horrible a person you face.
"That was not your decision to make!” Kihyun is angry; you both are. But he's also scared, and you can feel his body quivering where it brushes yours. "She had every right to leave me. She had more right to leave me because of you. And she didn't, and I'm grateful. But I never would have blamed her. I would have wanted her to be happy, just like she would have wanted for me." His hand slips into yours, maybe for show, maybe for solidarity. Maybe just for strength.
Neither of you has to do it alone.
"Do you know what that's like? To want someone else to be happy? Whoever she was, she didn't belong to you, Kim Ha Jun." Quieter this time, you're not asking so much as wondering aloud. "She deserved every chance to make her life better, and if being with you didn't improve her life, she had every right to leave."
"She chose me; it's true." Kihyun says, and it's hard to tell who is gripping who harder; both of your knuckles are white, like a storm may come and blow one of you away. "But I also chose her." He glances at you, and you see sorrow in his eyes. "I wish I could have chosen her more often."
It's a confession, but not one you weren't aware of. He'd always worried more about you than himself, would have had you spend your time working your career, your passion, rather than chasing traces of myths and magic.
When you respond, it's to him, and not to Ha Jun. "I love you."
Not "I would do it again"- you'd really, truly rather not. And not "you're worth it", either, because no one could be worth that total loss of self agency. But knowing you could be better? Working together towards that improvement?
That's the partner you want.
Who knows how it may have turned out, without the misdirected vengeance of Kim Ha Jun? Would you be the same people? Would you have become the same strong couple?
In the end, there is no storm. There's no whipping winds or flashes of lightning; just light. Painfully, impossibly bright, it floods the room, blinds you until the only tangible sense you have left is the deathgrip that connects you to Kihyun.
When it fades, Kim Ha Jun is gone.
Standing in the middle of the room, finally free, you find yourself alone with Kihyun at last, both of you human and heaving, emotions still running high. A blanket of silence hovers between you as you lock eyes, and it might have lasted an eternity if not for the alarm on Kihyun’s phone marking the end of the eclipse. 
All it takes is one ragged crook of the lips – it’s from one of your playlists, nothing he’d have ever picked for himself – and then you’re flinging yourself into his arms. You’re not sure who’s holding who, laughing and crying at once as you sink to the floor in a trembling heap.
Surely only a matter of minutes, it still feels like hours could have passed before the rest of the group bursts in, expecting the worst.
The ensuing chaos is a good excuse, but the reality is that neither of you was in any state to notice. It's not until Minhyuk starts to usher everyone back to the dorms for a proper celebration and privacy that someone finds Ha Jun's empty glass lying on the floor in front of the desk.
Next to it is a little analog clock, its little analog brain tick-ticking quietly away. It looks cheap for the room, black plastic and an acrylic cover, more at home in a garage sale from the 90's than in a CEO's office.
You're not sure what will become of it when the board appoints its new CEO, but you don't find it in yourself to care much, either. The door closes soundly behind you, and you don't spare it another thought.
You have the future to consider.
A/N: Epilogue coming tomorrow! Thanks for reading!!
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heisthetypeof · 1 year
Kihyun is the type of boyfriend who gives you the silent treatment when you start to enjoy his bandmates' company way too much (in his opinion). He gets jealous especially when you are the one in charge of organizing Hyunwoo's Welcome Back party. When all you are thinking about is to make the best party for your friend and his hyung.
You will most definitely have to pacify him with kisses and cuddles.
Like, reblog and comment.
From Anon🦊. Thank you!
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daebakinc · 1 year
Pretty Woman Pt.7 (M)
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Pretty Woman AU
Pairing: Kihyun x Reader
Word Count: 4.6 K
Synopsis: Rich business man, Kihyun Yoo finds himself lost driving in Los Angeles. Stopping for directions he meets you, a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard. What starts as a one night stand soon becomes a weeklong proposition, as Kihyun needs arm candy for his visit in the city of angels.
TRIGGER WARNING: Attempted rape *** this is solely based on the movie and not a reflection on ANY of the idols used as characters
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6
~Admin V
             Your lips pressed against Kihyun’s. You hadn’t meant to do it. Your body just moved on its own.
             But they were soft and oh so inviting. Parting your lips, you breathed him in.
             Kihyun startled awake.
             Backing off slightly, you both looked into each other’s eyes. His eyes fell to your lips. Before you knew it, you were kissing him again.
             Now awake, he pressed back, forceful like you thought he’d be, but much needier. His fingers reached for your face, holding it gently as he kissed you. He seemed to breathe you in as you’d done to him earlier.
             Lips parted, you poked your tongue against his bottom one, still minty from brushing his teeth before. He opened his mouth wider to allow you better access. Dipping in a bit, you licked the tip of his tongue.
             Following your lead, he glided his against yours. Taking control, he lifted himself from the bed and leaned into you until you were on your back.
             Your arms snaked around to grab at his shoulder blades, deepening the kiss as you pulled him closer to you. His taste was addictive, and you didn’t think you’d ever get enough of his kisses.
             Making you lightheaded with his tongue, he moved his left hand from cupping your cheek down to your neck, continuing until it rested over your breast.
             You gasped as his thumb pressed circles over the fabric of the negligee against your nipple.
             Kihyun lifted from kissing you, making sure it was a good gasp. “You’re okay?”
             Eyes wide, you licked your lips and nodded.
             He gave a small smirk, then pushed his lips on yours once again, his grasp of your breast firmer and circling of the nipple faster.
             You moaned into his mouth, and you could feel him smile. When you moaned again, he lifted his hand back up to your neck, then moved his right hand down to your other breast, circling the nipple in the same way.
             Pressing your head back to break the kiss, you exhaled, “Shit, Kihyun.”
             He chuckled above you, the thumb from his other hand tracing your bottom lip. “You like it?”
             You nodded your head quickly.
             “Tell me.” He pinched your nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
             Crying out in pleasure, you looked into his eyes. “Yes, I like it.” He pinched harder, making you cry out louder. “It feels good, Kihyun.”
             Satisfied with your answer, he leaned down as if to kiss you again, but his lips rested against your neck.
             Whimpering at the loss from his lips on yours, your hands moved up to tangle in his hair.
             Still working your breast, he kissed down from your neck, moving until his mouth rested on the opposite nipple. Kissing over the fabric, his attention didn’t last there long, and he continued to move downward until his mouth was below your belly button.
             Bringing both hands down, he lifted the negligee above your hips. Your body shook as he kissed a trail at your panty line. He massaged your hips as he did, causing new shivers to wrack through you.
             Slowly, he pulled your panties down, his lips moving down as well. He placed soft, delicate kisses over your mound. Lifting to pull your panties all the way off you, he opened your legs and stared between them.
             You watched as his eyes widened, becoming blown with need. He looked back to your face. “So wet for me, baby.”
             Biting your lip, you nodded at him.
             Kihyun pulled your legs until your butt was at the edge of the bed. He knelt on the floor, fitting your thighs on his shoulders. His right hand reached up to hold yours, fingers lacing. The other held onto your thigh.
             He rubbed his cheek against your thigh, making goosebumps go across your arms.
             Your breath quickened in anticipation. Finally, he moved his lips between your legs. He kissed lightly from the top of your lips down to your slit. The feather-light touch was maddening. He kissed up from the slit back to the top and you could feel your slickness on his mouth. He teased you a few times doing this until you just couldn’t take it.
             “Please Kihyun.”
             He looked up, and eyebrow quirked. He wanted you to tell him exactly what you wanted.
             “Touch me.”
             He kissed the top of your lips above your clitoris once again. “I am touching you.”
             A shiver went up your spine. “I need more. Please, Kihyun. Touch me more.”
             He squeezed your hand in his. His face leaned in as if to kiss you again, only this time his tongue licked between your lips down to your slit. Your body jerked in reaction, your moan loud in the room. Licking you up and down like he had with the kisses, he slowly started changing his pattern, pressing his tongue between one side of the labia upward and moving it down the other side. He licked around your vulva, avoiding your opening and clitoris. His ministrations were precise and you could feel the white heat settling in your tummy.
             His eyes met yours. “You’re getting wetter.” Your body shuddered at his words, making you squeeze his hand tighter and grab at the bedding with your other hand.
             His mouth on you again, his tongue lapped against your entrance. Your back arched as you cried out, tingles rushing all the way to your toes. He touched you like this again and again, your moans filling the room, until he replaced his tongue with two fingers and slid them in.
             Your legs trembled as he pumped his fingers in. He pulled them out enough to leave just the tips in, then pushed back in at a slow pace. His mouth finally hovered over your clitoris and you moaned out in pleasure. He sucked on your bud, hard, his fingers caressing your g-spot.
             “Fuck,” your head pressed back. You were getting close to orgasm. Your body shook as he was sending new sensations of bliss through it.
             He stopped sucking and began licking your clit, lapping at it, moving his tongue in circles, slow then quick, until you screamed out in orgasm and came on his fingers.
             Your chest moved up and down as you panted, your body still humming from the climax.
             Kihyun pulled his fingers out, covered in your ejaculate. He sucked the tips into his mouth, then crawled back on the bed above you. “You taste good,” he whispered, then rested his fingers against your mouth. Parting your lips, you tasted his fingers as he pushed them in.
             He didn’t keep them in your mouth long, as he pressed his lips to yours to kiss you again. Your spicy taste mixed with his sweet and musky.
             As you continued tasting him, your tongue massaging his, you reached down to pull off his boxers. He helped you to rid them all the way off, then lifted your negligee until it too was removed. After pulling you to be more centered in the bed, he reached over to the nightstand for a condom.
             “Can I do it?”
             Handing you the condom, Kihyun looked down and watched you. He looked at your face, your body, your hands as you unwrapped the condom and slid it down his length, making him gasp slightly. You took the chance to cup his balls gently and give them a light press, causing more of a reaction out of him.
             Reaching for your hands, he pinned them next to your face and gazed into your eyes. You stared at each other for a long moment.
             “You’re so pretty.” He bent down and nipped at your lips. “So beautiful.” He let go of your wrist to push your sweat-slicked hair from your forehead, and rested his forehead on yours. It lasted only a moment before he lifted back up to look you into your eyes once again. “Ready?”
             Holding his gaze longer, you finally nodded. “Yes, I’m ready Kihyun.”
             He guided himself to your entrance, both of you letting out a loud groan as he slipped in. With how wet he’d made you along with the lubrication of the condom, he glided in so smoothly. Because of it he moved a little faster than his usual slow and sensual pace. It didn’t stop his thrusts from being earth-shatteringly rough.
             His body rested against yours, allowing you to feel his skin along yours with every pump of his hips.
             Reaching up, you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to you, kissing him like it was your last breath. You simply couldn’t get enough of him.
             Unconsciously, he started thrusting faster, both of you crying out in result.
             As you were getting dizzy from kissing, his movements started to become sloppy. He was close.
             You reached for one of his hands pressing into the mattress and moved it down to your clit. “I want to cum with you.”
             You inhaled sharply with the sudden speed of his fingers on your clit. They moved in the same pace as his thrusts. “Holy fuck, Kihyun.”
             He smirked to that, but he was losing control to his own pleasure and let out a low grunt. “Not until I say.”
             You nodded, but couldn’t quite think clearly. The friction of his fingers on your bud and his thrusts slamming into you, the white heat was right on the precipice.
             “Not yet,” he warned. Your moans were growing in number and volume. You were close, so close. You grabbed at his shoulder blades as your breath was beginning to hitch.
             With one final, hard thrust into you, Kihyun screamed, “Now!” He shuddered above you and you below him as your climax exploded. Both of you shook and cried out for several moments.
             You’d never came so strongly like that before. Your body felt like it was vibrating, skin warm from endorphins. Kihyun was still shaking above you, taking deep breaths until his strength gave out and he collapsed on you.
             Surprised you let out a low groan, but then the two of you chuckled. You helped him roll off, but both whimpered when he pulled out.
             You and Kihyun seemed to pant in sync, inhaling and exhaling next to each other.
             “Wow,” he breathed.
             “Yeah,” you agreed. “Holy shit.”
             That made him laugh. He reached for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours, then bringing your hand up to his mouth to kiss.
             Both of you laid there until the sweat on your bodies cooled. Kihyun started getting up, which made you groan. “Please don’t tell me you’re getting up to shower.”
             He chuckled to that. “I’m just going to clean up. I won’t be long.” He looked you over. “You should probably clean up, too.”
             A small blush filled your cheeks. “I don’t think my legs are functioning at the moment.”
             Kihyun’s head fell back as he laughed. “I’ll clean you up then.” He disappeared into the bathroom. You heard the sink running. After a few minutes he came out, condom gone and steaming washcloth in hand. He leaned over you, wiping the washcloth across your forehead, wiping the wet hair away. He then took his time to drag it down your body. When he got to between your legs, he was careful, gentle, though touching the still-sensitive area made you jump.
             A blush came over him, which made your eyebrow quirk. It was cute seeing his cheeks turn pink. “You okay?”
             Looking sheepish now, he gave a small smile. “I uh . . . I need to wring out the washcloth and go over you a second time. You . . . you came quite a lot.”
             You laughed, making him laugh, too. “You made me cum that much.”
             His chest puffed up with pride as he hurried back into the bathroom.
             Once both of you were cleaned, you crawled under the blankets, Kihyun holding you against his chest with his arms wrapped around you. Your arms wrapped around his arms, your hands stroking against his skin.
             Playing with his arm hair, you continued running your fingers up and down his arms until his breath slowed and you were sure he finally dozed off.
             A sudden feeling came over you. It was there when you kissed him for the first time, and when he leaned his forehead against yours before pushing inside you, and once more when you laid together in the afterglow. Knowing he was sleeping, you felt brave enough to say it. “I love you.” Tracing his arms a few more times, you finally closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep as well.
                         Kihyun was already dressed and eating breakfast when you got up.
             “Good morning,” you grinned at him.
             “Good morning,” his smile was just as wide and earnest. Spending the week with you, he knew what foods you liked for breakfast and had a plate ready for you at the table.
             You sat together in comfortable silence. After last night, the food tasted especially good today.
             Before sipping some coffee, Kihyun spoke up. “It’s our last day together. I go back to South Korea tomorrow.”
             “So any special plans today?”
             His smile fell a little. “Unfortunately I have to close the buy of Honey Bear, so no events in the works.”
             “Ah,” you couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
             “However, I’d like to see you again.”
             You perked up to that. “Yeah?”
             “I was thinking, I could get you a condo in the city,” Kihyun continued talking but you’d stopped listening.
             He wanted to get you a condo. Him. He would pay for it. You interrupted him. “And you’re just going to drop some money off on the night stand every time you’re in town?” He still wanted you to be his beck-and-call girl.
             His smile fell this time. “It wouldn’t be like that. I just want to get you off the streets.”
             But be his mistress to fuck and pay as he comes and goes. “That’s just geography.”
             His expression became hard. “What do you want?”
             Scoffing, you got up from the table and walked out onto the balcony. To be honest, no one ever asked you what you wanted before. Expectations were always put on you. Resting against the balcony wall you turned to face him, as he now stood in the doorway. “Do you remember why I came to L.A.?”
             He stared at you for a moment. “You followed a boy.”
             “Yeah, I followed a boy, because I thought I wanted a boyfriend. Thought I wanted love. A big Hollywood romance, but you know, I’ve learned, there’s no love in L.A. Certainly no love when you’re a hooker.
             “And then you come in, Mr. Prince-Charming to turn me into a real-life Cinderella. Only, there’s one problem.”
             His phone started ringing. He looked to it, then back at you, but as it rang again, he gave a quick apology and answered it.
             K.Will was on the other line with news about Honey Bear Records. “No, no,” Kihyun was looking around now, for his wallet it seemed, “If he’s serious about selling I want to get Hyunwoo down to the office now before he changes his mind.” He grabbed his jacket and put it on. “I’ll be down there in ten.”
             Hanging up the phone he looked to you apologetically. “Only there’s one problem?” He tried to continue the conversation.
             You shook your head. “Don’t worry about it.” He needed to be focused on Honey Bear, which was the reason he was in L.A. to begin with and not worry about you.
             He reached for your chin. “Only there’s one problem?”
             Sighing, you looked sad as you said, “I don’t need to be rescued.”
             The frustration was clear on his face, almost identical to the first night you met him and he couldn’t figure out the stick shift. “I understand what you’re saying,” he looked down at his watch. “But it’s all I can think of right now.”
You felt yourself going back into robot mode. “It’s a really good offer for a girl like me.”
His thumb traced under your chin. “I’ve never treated you like a hooker.” Giving you one last look, he then turned and left the suite.
             Maybe it was a slip in the language barrier, but he’d definitely treated you like a hooker on more than one occasion. You left it to he was in a rush and not thinking clearly, just trying to show you he meant no disrespect.
             No longer interested in food, you decided to lay down again and sleep some more.
             After getting another two hours, you forced yourself up. Since it was truly the last day, no events were happening, and Kihyun was leaving tomorrow, it meant you had to pack.
             Luckily, for the most part, almost all of it was still packed up. You didn’t think you’d need all of it, especially since you hadn’t even worn half of it, but then you thought of the conversation you’d had with Kihyun the night of the yacht party.
             You had $8000 coming your way. Were you really going to continue streetwalking in L.A. Maybe you could go back to school. San Francisco seemed like a cool place while you were there for the concert. The new wardrobe could be perfect for there, albeit you might need to pick up a sweater or two.
             Dressed in shorts and a blouse and almost finished packing up the makeup and accessories, the doorbell rang. You assumed it was Kihyun, forgetting his keycard in his rush out the door. Regrettably when you opened the door, it was K.Will standing there. Your stomach dropped.
             “Hi.” His smile was very obviously filled with fake charm. “Is Kihyun here?”
             “Kihyun’s not here. I thought he was with you?”
             Walking in uninvited, K.Will acted like he owned the place. He made his way to the bar and started making himself a drink. “No,” he scoffed, “No. Kihyun’s not with me. When Kihyun was with me, Kihyun didn’t blow off billion-dollar deals.”
             He blew off the deal? He wasn’t going to destroy Honey Bear?
             “No,” K.Will continued. “I think Kihyun is with you, that’s what I think.” He offered you the drink he’d just made.
             “No thanks.” You were uncomfortable with him in the room. As he sat at the bar, you decided to sit in the living area away from him and try to make yourself look busy with a notepad. “You know, Kihyun should be home any minute.” If he wasn’t at his company, you could only assume he’d not be far behind K.Will.
             “Home,” he scoffed and sipped his drink. “This isn’t your home. It’s a hotel. And you’re not his wifey. You’re a prostitute.”
             Flinching at his words, your unease grew as he got up from the bar stool and walked over to sit next to you on the couch.
             “Maybe you’re a very good prostitute.”
             You dropped the notepad on the coffee table, in case you needed to make a quick escape.
             “Maybe if I screw you, I wouldn’t care about losing millions upon millions of dollars, ‘cause I have to tell you; I do care, I really do.”
             What were you supposed to do in this situation? You wanted to stand up and move, but he was bigger than you. What if he moved quicker and it gave him a better advantage.
             He scootched closer to you on the sofa. “Right now, I am pissed. I am freaking out.”
His fingers brushed against your bare knee. When you pulled away, he grabbed your thigh harshly. “So maybe if I fuck you and take you to a concert, I can be happy, too,” he forced himself on you.
             “No, stop.”
             He didn’t hear you, getting more in your space.
             “I said stop. Get off me.”
             K.Will started grabbing at your clothes.
             Using all your strength, you were able to push him away and make him stumble backwards. “Stop it!” The effect made you slip from the couch onto the floor.
             A crazed look was in his eyes. His arm stretched back as he prepared to hit you, but when he tried to move it forward, it didn’t budge.
Kihyun had appeared behind him and held his wrist. “What the hell are you doing?”
             The two men were suddenly wresting on the floor.
             Pushing the other man away, Kihyun stood up. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
             “I don’t know how to tell you this, but you already did.” K.Will came forward looking at Kihyun and pointing at you. “She’s a whore, Kihyun. A goddamn whore. And you’re going to throw millions of dollars away because of her?”
            Kihyun punched the older man square in the nose resulting an unnerving crunch sound.
            K.Will dropped to the floor, grabbing at his nose. Blood was oozing from it. “I think you broke it. You broke my nose.”
            There was nothing but disdain in his voice as Kihyun spoke. “Get out.”
            “What is wrong with you? I worked with you for years, dedicated my life to your company . . .”
            Putting his hand up, Kihyun interrupted him. “This is bullshit. It’s such bullshit. You don’t love me, or my company. You love the revenge. Making them pay for what they did to you. Well, you’re rich now and had your revenge so we’re done. You’re done. Now get out.”
            K.Will tried pleading with Kihyun, but the younger man simply cocked his head to the door. “Get out!”
            It was clear there was no more negotiating. K.Will picked himself up from the floor and walked out the door, still open from when Kihyun came in.
            You were still in a bit of shock. Kihyun came to you, concern all over your face. When he checked that there were no physical ailments, he took you in his arms and hugged you tightly. When he let go, he held your face his hands. That’s when you noticed his bloody knuckles.
            Forcing him to sit on the couch, you grabbed the ice bucket to fill it. When you returned from the ice machine, you placed some cubes in a cloth napkin then used it to soothe his hand.
            Not looking at him, you smiled. “You didn’t buy Honey Bear?”
            He chortled a bit. “I like Hyunwoo, like you said. Decided to buy the company to save it, like you suggested.
            “It was a good move.”
            He watched you as handled his wound. “Are you alright?”
            Looking up quickly, you nodded. “I’m fine. Nothing happened.”
            He reached for your cheek with his other hand. “I’m sorry for what did happen. It should never have happened.”
            Taking a deep breath, you put the ice down and gave him his hand back. “Kihyun, there’s always going to be someone, some guy like K.Will who will think it’s okay to treat me like that. Think that it’s okay because of what I am. You gonna beat them all up?”
            His brows furrowed, but he didn’t respond.
            Brushing your hands against his shorts, you stood up. “I should get going.”
            Kihyun stood with you. “I noticed you’d packed. Why are you leaving now?”
            “It’s the last day. There’re no more events to make you look good. We did it.”
            He shook his head. “That’s not why you’re leaving.”
            Sighing, you looked him in the eye. “You made me a really nice offer. Maybe if you’d made it the night you picked me up, sure, I’d have taken it, no problem. But everything has changed. I’ve changed. You changed it, and it can be changed back.” You took a moment to gather your thoughts. “I want more.”
            “I understand wanting more.” He gestured to the hotel suite. “What is more to you?”
            “I don’t want to be your employee, your beck-and-call girl, your hooker waiting on my knees when you visit. I don’t want you to save me from my life. I want you love me. Love me for me, and accept me for who I am. Be with me despite knowing what I am.”
            He looked taken aback. His brows were back to furrowing. You’d stumped him for sure. In all honesty, you weren’t expecting him to jump up and down with joy and agree to love you. But with him leaving the country, you figured you might as well shoot your shot.
            Sitting on the steps, you put on your shoes.
            Kihyun reached in his briefcase and pulled out a fat envelope then sat next to you. He handed it to you. “Your $8,000. It’s all there.”
            You took it from him and gave a small smile.
            “Thank you,” he breathed.
            “You’re welcome.” You put the money in the pocket of your shorts.
            He then handed you a card. “If you ever need anything, snap-dogs, people sucking up to you, whatever, you give me a call.”
            Both of you chuckled to that. You turned and looked him in the eyes. “I had a good time.”
            “Me, too,” he smiled.
            Getting up, you draped a few of the dress bags over your arm.
            “You need a bell boy. I’ll call one.”
            “Yeah, thank you.” It would definitely be easier.
            He moved as if he were going to the desk to pick up the hotel’s phone, but then moved back to in front of the door. “Stay. Stay the night with me. Not because you have to because I’m paying you, but because you want to.”
            Your heart broke a little gazing into his eyes. He wanted the night to say goodbye, but not “I love you.” It would ruin the night you had with him last night. It would be like he needed to get you out of his system. You had too much respect for yourself. “I can’t.” Your voice hitched when you said it.
            He looked down at his feet. Not trying to persuade you, he went back to the phone and called for the bellboy. Once all your things were on the cart, the bellboy promised to meet you down in the lobby.
            You looked at him for the last time as he leaned against the desk, his head down. “Goodbye, Kihyun.”
            He didn’t answer, but just stared at you until you walked out the door.
            Down in the lobby you found Changkyun. Both of you smiled at each other.
            “Hey. I wanted to say goodbye.”
            “I take it you’re not accompanying Mr. Yoo back to South Korea.”
            You gave him a knowing look. “Come on, Kyun. You and me live in the real world, most of the time.”
            He grinned at you. He knew you weren’t the niece after all. “Have you arranged for transportation?”
            “I’m gonna call a cab.”
            “No, allow me.” He called over a limo driver and insisted he take you where ever you wanted to go. The limo driver and bellboy headed out to the limo, leaving you with Changkyun.
            You offered him your hand to shake.
            He took it and kissed the back of it. “It’s been a pleasure knowing you. Please come back again, any time.”
            Giving him one last small smirk, you replied, “Stay cool.”
            When you walked outside, all your things were packed in the limo.
            The drive back to your place seemed surreal. This was it. Your last time in this high-style life. Getting back into your neighborhood, everything looked familiar, but it no longer felt familiar.
            The driver helped you to carry all of your belongings up to your apartment. You handed him a large bill from the envelop to thank him, then you were alone.
            Looking around your apartment, it was like you said to Kihyun. Everything had changed. It all seemed different now, because you were different now. You no longer belonged here. It was time you rescued yourself.
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j0514x · 2 years
Changkyun x OT7 [+ strangers] - Gimme a shot to over everything angst + nsfw + dead dove | ongoing | ao3 previous chapter | all
┌─────── · · · · Ch.2: All that's left of you is the regret in my veins
CW: sex in exchange for drugs, dub-con; drug abuse; implied withdrawal symptoms; minor violence
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It's curt; the door to his studio slamming open, bookcases trembling. Something heavy falls off. Kihyun beelines for the bathroom.
Harsh cracks of light stream from the doorway, steam flooding out in plumes around Changkyun's silhouette. A damp towel hangs loosely around his hips, haphazardly secured; it's ill-fitting, Kihyun notes, and likely only a hair towel given the crass amount of thigh it fails to cover. He tries to catch a glimpse of the towel rack behind Changkyun, tries to gauge the last time he did laundry, only to see the gleaming metal bars lay bare, flickers of light catching in the condensation. For the amount of times they've seen each other laid bare, he questions to himself why Changkyun tried to cover himself with what little he had clean. For a moment Changkyun feels like a stranger.
Anger and adrenaline drain from his body, veins left desolate, cold. Changkyun is but a foot or two from him, but he's never felt further away. Beads of water drip from the ends of Changkyun's hair, soundlessly hitting the floor. Watching them, Kihyun realises neither of them have moved, have spoken a word. They exist in purgatory, oppressively silent. A drop of water hits Changkyun's collarbone, trailing down his chest, detours dictated by the curves of his torso. Kihyun outstretches a hand, wordless but expecting. Changkyun frees the towel from his hips and places it in Kihyun's grasp. Towel pulled from palm to palm, Kihyun steps a pace closer, reaching to catch the trickles of water, to dry Changkyun's hair. It's callous, Kihyun rougher than needs be, but slender fingers drag through the knots left behind, combing through swaths of drying hair.  Head hanging, Changkyun swipes away tears he hopes Kihyun overlooks.
Leaning back on the heel of his shoe, Kihyun reclines from Changkyun, job deemed finished. He folds the towel, habitual, before offering it back. It's accepted; Changkyun unable to meet Kihyun's gaze, fingers anxiously kneading at the sodden towel in his grip.
"You didn't need to come here." Breath held, he dives, crashing through the still of the room. Changkyun knows ripples bore crashing waves, and perhaps that's what he seeks.
He is met, instead, water that will not move, with Kihyun's silence.
"I said I was fine." Pebbles thrown to lakes that never hit; Changkyun lifts his gaze to meet Kihyun's. It's scrutinising; he snaps to look away.
"Four days." Kihyun mutters; the tide begins. "Four fucking days."
Changkyun begins padding through his studio, stripped bare, false confidence his blood. "Jooheon spends longer at his studio." He lowers himself onto the sofa.
A sigh, gritted teeth, Kihyun turns to face Changkyun. "Jooheon isn't spending the time letting strangers use him like a piece of cheap plastic for some shitty powder pulled from their jean pocket, Changkyun."
It's biting, cruel even, but spoken with such soft pity Changkyun's ribs cave, chest a hollow cavern. He forgets how to breathe. A beat passes, the water unnervingly still; Kihyun rapidly burns with regret.
"For uh, what it's worth, Joo does occasionally..." Changkyun trails off.
"I know what Jooheon does."
2015... 2015 was the last time things felt this painfully awkward between him and Changkyun. A twitch of the neck, he tries to shake the memory from his head. The watch on his wrist sounds small ticks, small reminders of time continuing without them. A worry grows that perhaps there is simply nothing left to say.
"I thought you stopped being the mom of the group." The words tumble from Changkyun's lips before he can claw them back. He hears the clack of Kihyun taking a step back, shocked; he doesn't look up.
Kihyun stands taken aback, slow blinks as he regains composure. There is no shortage of responses, of things to say to Changkyun, words to cuss, questions to yell.
Instead, he simply leaves. Nothing to gather, to take home, Kihyun simply walks through the door.
It isn't slammed this time, but quietly clicked shut. Changkyun hates how it's more painful this way. Body wracked with turmoil, pain radiating through every fibre of tissue. Knees to chest, he curls into the sofa, squeak of skin against leather. It's a cruel fate, he concludes, to feel both nothing and everything in equal measure; overwhelmingly numb and numbly overwhelmed. Duality.
Whether a mercy or surrender, he allows himself sleep.
Sometimes Jooheon thinks about how it began; in plastic bags the size of his palm, in powders and pills. A sly smile on Changkyun's face, eyes always miles away. The dull thud of bass shaking through the studio floor, the desperate hands tearing past clothes, skin sticking to skin. Breath so thick you could drink it from the air. The carnal desire to reach a place that felt further and further away. Changkyun always bought it closer, somehow.
He remembers the first line, eyes watering, caught off-guard as his sinuses stung. Changkyun laughing fondly, wiping the tear as he continued sniffing in cold air. The first pill, the taste of Changkyun's fingers slipping it under his tongue. The way his head fell back when it finally hit, breathing so deep it felt like the first time his lungs had ever been sated. The first drink, glass shattering between Changkyun's grip as he opened the vial, pouring it into Jooheon's soda. A raised eyebrow, a soft 'Trust me.', a hand on his thigh. God, his hand was so warm, burning through his jeans. Changkyun was setting him alight.
He doesn't remember how long ago it began, just that it did. Maybe that was the first mistake.
Peeling sweat-soaked skin from leather, nights passed in studios with nothing but panted breath and muffled moans. It became routine, scheduled almost. Enough days would pass for Jooheon to get... agitated, itchy. He hated the way he grew nauseous, room spinning whenever he tried to focus, the look of concern on his members' faces. The whispers as he left the room.
He always went back to Changkyun, dragging his feverish body up the staircase to the studio door. He doesn't remember when Changkyun started looking at him with pity, with guilt; when he started asking 'Are you sure?' before handing it over. The corner of Kyun's mouth twitches, pulled sideways, when he pours the vial in now. Jooheon doesn't care, barely even sees it.
And then, Jooheon went to someone else. No one could find him til Changkyun saw him behind a nightclub, stuck down some damp fucking alley on his knees. For a brief moment, veins running cold, Changkyun saw only himself, knuckles white against a porcelain sink.
Collar in fist, he pulls Jooheon off of the cock between his dripping lips, cum fresh on his tongue, yanking him to his feet. The confusion, questions, were answered with carelessly tossed money from Changkyun's pocket, whatever crumpled notes he had to hand.  He drags Jooheon away, into the streetlight, trailed with frustrated muttering.
"What the fuck, I didn't even get-"
Grounded once more on pavement, Changkyun slows, snapping to face Jooheon.
"What the fuck are you doing, hyung?"
Jooheon stops dead in his tracks, scuffing the toe of his shoes. He doesn't like the title, not like this.
"You were busy." Jooheon shrugs, deflecting.
"I wasn't busy, I said no."
"Same shit."
"You need to slow down, Joo. You're gonna fucking kill yourself."
"Like you're not loose enough to take two at any given moment for whatever crumbs they pull out their pockets."
A muscle twitches in Changkyun's jaw. He lunges at Jooheon, spine smashing into the cold concrete of a wall. A cry is cut off, dying in dry gurgles as Changkyun wraps his hands around Jooheon's throat. Nothing is said, aside from one brief choked-out moan.
Changkyun awakes with sheen of sweat, skin tacked against the hide of the sofa. Before eyes open, he's dry heaving, hanging over the sofa edge. His body is collapsing beneath him. Slipping from the grip of leather, he tumbles to the floor, feeble attempts to clamber to the bathroom. Standing brings nothing but the spinning of the room, sweat dripping from his temples, stomach lurching.
With moments only to lift the toilet lid, Changkyun drags himself to the bathroom before vomiting. Bitter waste gushes past his lips, chest heaving as his organs refuse what he gives them. There's not enough substance in him to hold back the bile, violent green hues burning his throat, tears streaming down his face. A shaky hand reaches to brush the hair from his sweat-slick face, and holds it, a makeshift hair tie. Changkyun lets out a sob. He wonders if Kihyun would hold his hair back if he was still here.
He knows the answer is no.
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Monsta X Masterlist
Story Key
Fluff 🎀 Angst 💔 Slice of Life 😊
NonHuman 🦄 Smut 🔞Dark 🚬 Hiatus 🛑
Writing ✍🏽 Complete 👍🏽 Mini Series 🤏🏽
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You’re pmsing 😊🎀
You sleeping on the couch after a fight 😊💔🎀
Blind date 🎀
Sharing food with their friend’s child 😊🎀
Right One Wrong Time 😊💔
↳ Seeing Each Other Years Later: Hyung Line • Maknae Line 😊🎀
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Tea Prompt
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Moodboard 1
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Lighten Up: Shownu is stressed and needs to relax a little 🔞🚬
Rainstorm: You spend the day with Shownu but it doesn’t go as planned. 🎀😊
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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Moodboard 1
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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The Scent of You: Hyungwon isn’t sure he can keep his secret hidden for much longer 🦄😊
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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Moodboard 1 2 3 4
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Love You: Friends to Lovers where Y/N makes the first move 🎀🔞
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Hello, Again🎀😊✍🏽- coming soon
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
Asks For Your Number (request) 🔞
Pspsps 😊
Moodboard 1 2 3
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Welcome To Our House: 𝐾𝑖ℎ𝑦𝑢𝑛 𝑥 𝑌𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑥 𝐾𝑖𝑑𝑎🎀💔😊✍🏽
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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Moodboard 1
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Missed Call ft. Bang Chan: Changkyun’s wife storms out after a fight 💔😊💉
Emotional Damage ft. Johnny of NCT: When two guys love the same woman things can only end in tears 💔💉
Stupid Love: You didn’t mean to fall for Changkyun  💔💉
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
Late Again: Prompt Challenge - 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 #2 - “𝘈𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘦’𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦.” 😊
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Moodboard 1 2 3
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Open Mind: You get the chance of a life time in South Korea 😊
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Best Kind of Hero - Wonho didn’t know his whole life would change when he decided to save Tosha’s life 💔🎀🦄👍🏽
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Pairing- Kihyun x Named Reader
Word count- 3.6k
Includes- Sex, oral, pussy eating, blow job, deepthroating, riding, missionary, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝 Masterlists 📝Monsta X Masterlist
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She opens her door and I look up at her
"Ki? Are you ok? Do you need something?", she asks worriedly
Yes I need something
I need her
I was so blind
My whole life I never noticed her
She's a friend I had since childhood
And she's always been there
She started working at Starship before me as a stylist for a female solo artist
She told me about the NO. MERCY show and urged me to try out for it
She believed I could make it
It's because of her I'm in Monsta X
Once the group was formed, she was moved to us, becoming a stylist for us
I started seeing her more often and we began to become closer, hang out more
I kissed her once
When we just started and were on a dating ban
It didn't go further than that one kiss but I did enjoy it a lot
As we became popular we got more busy and I slacked on our friendship
But she was always there
Comforting me when the pressure got too much and I need to talk to someone
When I needed to cry to someone
She always encouraged me, told me I could do anything
She let me sing to her so I could practice, watched me practice in her living room until I got the moves right
She was always at every performance because she dressed us
And after the performance, she always told me how proud she was of me, how amazing I am, how good my voice is
Always praises me
She was there when my first girlfriend left me for another idol
She held me while I cried, listened to me when I needed her to, comforted me
My next girlfriend was serious and I fell in love
And I dropped her
Stopped talking to her, through texts, phone and in person
My girlfriend would come to the performances so she wasn't able to compliment me when I got off stage
And honestly I forgot about her and ghosted her
For years
Until I found out my girlfriend cheated on me and I broke it off with her
That was last year
I called her at the time and she immediately picked up and talked to me for hours, listening to my stupid problems
She was still there, seeing me the next day, letting me in her apartment, comforting me again when she should have thrown me out, when she should have ignored me
And these past months, we've been busy again
I forgot about her again, neglected to call her
Just a few texts here and there
Now when I'm ushered off stage, I realize I don't even go near her anymore
It wasn't about until about two weeks ago that I opened my fucking eyes
I don't know what it was about that day
All I know is that she was talking to Jooheon and he made her laugh
I noticed how stunning her smile is, how cute her giggles were
I really looked at her and found her to be so fucking gorgeous
And all I wanted to do was kiss her
But I didn't
A week ago, I realized I love her when I saw her talking to another staff member
He was eyeing her, obviously trying to impress her
I don't know if she noticed but I did and I was so pissed off
It threw me off balance and I wasn't able to right myself the whole day
It took me a week to get the courage to finally decide to tell her how in love with her I am
It took the guys telling me to tell her, to get me here in front of her door
The guys noticed something was different about me, that I was off and more quiet than usual
I told them why
"Finally", Changkyun said
"What the hell does that mean?", I snapped
"It means you finally opened your dumbass eyes", Jooheon answered
"We were waiting to see when you'd notice how much she loves you", Hyungwon added
"Uh what?"
"She loves you", Minhyuk repeated, "It's so obvious"
I was shocked because I didn't think it was obvious
I had no clue
"It was?"
Changkyun nodded, "Yeah man, the way she looked at you all the time, it was clear as day"
"Her eyes would follow you around the room and she always smiled when you did something she thought was cute", Jooheon chimed in
I had no idea about any of this
And I wasn't sure about what they said
I decided I needed to talk to her
And now that she's in front of me, I can see it
I can see my whole life with her
Everything I ever wanted, a house, kids, love, happiness
It's with her
And I'm not going to blow it
"I need you", I answer
She looks confused as I step inside her apartment, kick the door closed and pull her to me in a kiss that rocks my world
I never, in a million years, thought I would react this way from a kiss
My heart beats faster when her arms wrap around my neck
I slide my tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss
She kisses me back, her fingers playing with the back of my hair
I slide my hands down to her thighs, picking her up, her legs wrapping around my waist
She's ridiculously light as I carry to her room
Moving onto her bed, I lay her down, moving on top of her
She looks up at me with her fucking deep beautiful brown eyes
Eyes I can drown in, stay in forever
And I plan to do just that
"I love you so fucking much", I breathe
Shock fills her eyes, her mouth slightly opening
"Please be mine", I ask, "I swear I'll love you forever"
She studies my face, her hand touching my cheek softly
"Yes", she says, lifting her head, pressing her lips to mine, "I love you Kihyun"
Pure joy fills my body
The guys were right
I was so stupid
I had my happiness right here in front of my eyes
I didn't see
I'll never be that blind again
She kisses me, pulling me down on top of her, her arms around my neck
I kiss her deeply, moving my tongue against hers, falling into her kiss
God I was missing out
I can't believe it's her the entire time
My baby
Her hands pull on my shirt and that's all it takes
Before I know it, our clothes are off and I'm between her legs, on top of her, still kissing her
Her soft skin moves against mine, feeling so good
Moving my kisses to her neck, I spread them everywhere
"Fuck, I love you", I tell her
I'm never going to stop saying it
I'll tell her everyday, every night
"I love you", she whispers, holding me against her, her fingers running in the back of my hair
"I'm sorry baby", I whisper against her skin
"Sorry for what baby?", she asks
Lifting my head, I look into her eyes, softly touching her cheek
"I'm sorry for not noticing you sooner. I'm sorry for ignoring you when I had a girlfriend. I'm sorry for ignoring you when Monsta X is busy. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. I'm sorry that I was too stupid to see that you're my one", I apologize, "That you were right here all along and I was so blind and stupid. That you're my happiness"
She smiles and it's fucking stunning
"It doesn't matter Ki. What happened doesn't matter as long as you love me. As long as I have you"
"You do baby. I love you and I swear I'll make it up to you"
"You don't need to make up anything Ki. Just love me"
"I do Jo", I assure her
"Then that's all I need", she whispers
I crash my lips to hers, so fucking happy she's mine
All she wants is me and I'm so goddamn grateful
I know she said I don't have to but I will make it up to her
I'll do anything for her
Pressing more kisses to her neck, I move down her body, stopping at her perky books
Licking her nipple, I moan feeling it harden under my tongue
Wrapping my mouth around it, I suck softly, listening to her moans of pleasure
I spend some time playing with her nipple before moving to the other one, immediately sucking on it
I move my hand to her nipple I was just on, pinching and playing with it
After awhile, I move my kisses further down, kissing between her breasts, lick and sucking on the skin of her stomach
Her fingers play in my hair and it feels so good
I had no clue I liked having my hair played with
Moving lower, I open her legs, her pretty pussy so wet already
I can't hold back, laying my tongue on her, licking up her pussy slowly, tasting her juice, feeling her soft skin on my tongue
So good
"Fuck Kihyun", she calls and goddamn, hearing her say my name is music to my ears
I run my tongue up and down, in between her pretty lips and right into her hole
She clenches my tongue, sending shivers down my spine
God, I can't wait until she's clenching on my dick
First things first
I want to taste her cum
Sliding my tongue up, I roll over her throbbing clit, making her shudder and pull my hair
"Kihyun, baby"
Sucking her clit in my mouth, she moans loudly as I tug on her
I can't help but moan too, feeling her clit throb against my lips
God she's so good to suck on
Every part of her
Her nipples, her clit
I'm gonna want to suck on her everyday
Letting go of her clit, I slip my tongue down, right into her pussy
"Oh god", she cries, her body arching
Pulling out, I slide my tongue back up between her lips, ending with sucking on her clit
Then I do it again, going back down and inside her
Over and over, her clenching getting faster
The next slip of my tongue inside her, she screams my name, falling over the edge
Shoving my tongue as far as I can, she cums all over it, tasting so fucking sweet
Oh yeah, I'm definitely eating her out every day
When she finishes, I pull my tongue out then kiss her swollen pussy lips
As I sit up, she does too, gently pushing me down on my back
She presses her lips to my chest, kissing me softly, her lips feeling so fucking pleasurable on my skin
Her tongue licks down my body to my stomach, where she presses kisses to my abs
I watch her suck on my skin, licking the spots she sucks but never leaving a mark
I want her too so badly
I want her to mark me as hers
She lets go the skin she's sucking but I plead, "Please baby. Don't stop"
"It'll leave a mark Ki"
I nod, "That's what I want"
She raises an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"
I nod
I'm fucking sure
Her mouth goes back to the spot she was on before, sucking my skin back into her mouth
I moan from the pleasure, her hand moving down, wrapping around my hard dick
She licks the spot she was sucking on, dark purple on my skin
Fuck I love it
"More", I ask
I want so much more
As her mouth moves from place to place on my abs, her hand moves up and down my length, filling me with more pleasure
She pleasures me at a good pace, not too hard, not too soft
Not enough to make me cum but enough to keep me hard
She leaves so many scattered marks on my skin, some deep dark purple, other light
All so pretty
I close my eyes, feeling her hand moving on me
Suddenly the pleasure intensifies so much that I open my eyes to find my head in her mouth, sucking in time to her hand movements
It's a sight I never thought I'd see
Slowly she removes her hand as she takes me deeper into her mouth, sucking while she goes
"Oh my god", I moan, moving my hand in her hair, my fingers tangling in the strands
It feels so fucking good, too fucking good
Her tongue runs along my shaft as she bobs her head, taking more and more of me in with every move down my cock
Until I'm all in her mouth and my head is in her tight throat
She swallows, pleasure flaring and making my body tremble
Oh god, this is amazing
Her mouth moves, sucking rapidly and going at it like she's never going to suck my dick again
I watch her sucking hard, amazed that my whole length is in her mouth
In her throat
And she's not choking
How often has she deepthroated someone that it doesn't hurt her?
I don't want to think about that because it's just going to get me upset
I should of been with her but I was too stupid
Never again
The more she sucks, the closer she brings me but I don't want to cum
I don't know if I can get hard again after and I'm not risking it
I need to be inside her, feel her
I want it so bad
"Baby, sss...stop", I stammer, "I'm gonna cum. I don't want to"
Her eyes move to mine, a question in them
"I want to be inside you"
She nods, getting my dick out of her mouth, then immediately climbing on me
She takes my cock, holding it under her
She moves down, my head inside her and she continues to sink down my length
I grab her sheets hard, moaning so loudly as I feel her tight cunt stretching around me, hugging me tightly, opening only enough for me to pass through
I've never had this much pleasure just from going in a pussy before
But hers, fuck, envelopes me perfectly and is so wet, I was able to get in easily
"Oh my god, Kihyun", she moans, sitting on me, my whole length buried inside her
"Ok baby?", I ask
She nods, "Yes Ki. It's just....you feel so good. So fucking good"
"Yea?", I ask shyly, happy she likes how I feel
She feels amazing, perfect
She nods, "Yeah Ki. Fuck, no one's fit inside me as good as you"
Funny, I feel exactly that same way
"You're big, thick but still fit inside. Your head against my spot, fuck Kihyun you're perfect"
"You're perfect baby", I say softly, "Wrapped around me so well, throbbing so pleasurably. Like I was made to be in you"
She nods, "You are baby. You're mine"
"Always baby. I want to be yours forever", I confess, wanting that so much
"You are Ki. I'm never letting you go"
"And I swear I'll never let you go"
She smiles so beautifully, leaning down, kissing me
Stars blast in my vision, feeling her soft plump lips against mine
Pulling away, she sits up and slowly starts to bounce on me
And fucking bliss hits me so hard
Her speed increases with each bounce, rocking on my cock when I go back inside
"Oh fuck Kihyun", she moans, pleasure on her face
My mouth drops, watching her move, watching how unbelievably sexy she is
Her skin shivering, her boobs jiggling
Fucking stunning
"God baby, you're so fucking gorgeous", I whisper, "So fucking good"
"Wanna be good for you", she moans, riding me harder
"You are jagi", I tell her
She's too good for me
I'm not good enough for her
Not with the way I treated her, the way I ignored her
I need to be good for her, not the other way around
I grip her hips, softly moving my hands along her skin, feeling it tremble under my fingers
I love it
"Kihyun. Fuck. I can't-", she cries
"Cum for me. Please baby, cum on me", I plead
God I want to feel it so badly
"Kihyun!", she moans, coming and holy shit she's stunning
He head tilting back, soft moans and my name coming from her mouth as her cunt pulses hard and fast around my cock
I feel my dick get soaked, my eyes moving down, watching her hole clench around my cock
God it's so pretty
When she finishes, she starts moving, sliding up and down my length
I moan seeing her cream cover my cock completely, more and more leaking from her as she moves up and down
I can't take my eyes away from that sight
I'm mesmerized
I watch her cunt swallow my cock over and over, taking all of me in her small tight hole
Moving my hands down, I spread her swollen lips open to get a better view of her slit stretch and taking me in
She leans back, her hands on my thighs, riding me harder, slamming her pussy down on me and fucking her spot on my head
Her clit throbs so prettily and I move my hand so my thumb is rubbing it
"Oh god yes baby", she cries, her cunt leaking more juice all over me
"Keep going baby", I choke out feeling her cunt get jnooasibi tight, "Don't stop. Want you to cum"
She nods, practically jumping on my cock with how wildly she's riding me, the pleasure incredible
Her fingers dig into my thighs, her body soaked with sweat, beads of it running down between her bouncing boobs
"Ki...I...so close", she moans
I know, I can feel her
I just need to push her over the edge
When she comes down, I thrust up, smashing her spot and she screams loudly
I keep fucking up into her with every bounce, my thumb rubbing her clit furiously
"Please cum for me baby. Please"
"Kihyun!", she screams, flooding my cock
Everything gets so wet and I move my eyes to her hole watching her squirt around me
She's fucking gushing, so much pouring from her
I'm amazed she can squirt so much
"Fuck baby, look at you, squirting all over me"
"I...I am?"
"Yes baby. So much. So pretty"
"Fuck Kihyun"
When she finishes, I sit up, flipping us over and thrusting into her
Now I want to fuck her
"Kihyun!", she cries
"Yeah baby, I'm gonna fuck you so good", I tell her, "My princess. My baby. My love"
She moans, her arms around my neck, kissing me hard as I hike one of her legs higher up my body
I move my hand to her other leg, spreading that leg open more, giving me more room to slam into her pussy
"Fuck Ki!", she cries, breaking the kiss, "Don't stop"
"I won't baby. Not until you fall apart on my cock"
Pounding inside her, I impale her on my length over and over, pushing her tight hole wide open
And she takes me perfectly, screaming for me to keep going
Burying my cock in, I slam her spot and she screams, coming on me, her cunt holding my shaft in a vice grip
Keeping my whole cock inside her, I let her cum on me, the pleasure from her orgasm, mind blowing
"Joanne fuck!", I cry, shooting cum deep inside her as I cum, her hole throbbing hard, milking my cock for all my cum
Oh my god, this is the best orgasm I ever had
So fucking good
When we finish, I pull out, laying next to her, gasping for breath
I glance over at her, her eyes closed, her chest heaving as she breathes
Moving my hand down, I take hers, lacing our fingers together
Her eyes open as she looks at me, a huge beautiful smile on her face
"I love you", I tell her
"I love you", she answers, making me smile
I love hearing her say that
It'll never get old
Tugging on her hand, I pull her to me, wrapping her in my arms, holding her tightly
She lays her head on my shoulder, her face in my neck and it's perfect
We fit together perfectly, laying in comfortable silence, just being together
She squeezes me tightly as I play with her hair
"Is this real?", she asks softly
"Very real baby. You're mine and I love you"
She lets out a soft sigh, "You don't know how much I always wanted to hear you say that"
"I'm sorry baby. I wasn't paying attention and I was dumb. But I'm it anymore. I know I'm lucky to have you, lucky you love me after everything I did. And I swear I'm going to show you how much I love you every single day. I promise"
"As long as we're together I'm happy", she says
"Then we'll both be happy all the time"
"Good", she smiles, kissing my cheek then snuggling into me more, "Nap time Ki"
I laugh, "Nap?"
"Yup. Sleep then we can eat, then I'm gonna ride you again. Then sex in the shower and more after. I just want to be with you and now that you're mine, I can be"
"Oh yeah, every night baby. I'll be with you every night. I promise"
"Good. Now go to sleep", she instructs, closing her eyes, laying in my arms
"Yes ma'am", I laugh, kissing her forehead, "I love you"
"I love you", she answers, making me so happy
Cuddling her, I continue to play with her hair, holding her tight as I close my eyes
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