#felix x byleth x dimitri
insomnikat-mused · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thank you for the ask! TBH I both hoped and dreaded this one coming my way. I don't usually like looking back but, in the end, this was actually more positive than painful.
1. The roles we play
(KakaSaku, 45.6K) Do you remember what you thought an ideal love would be like in your teens VS. what your ideal love (after love) would be like as an adult? Anyway, this was the fic that brought me back to writing. Fun fact: I was not a KakaSaku fan starting this. I just made myself one by the end.
2. Regret is the secret you keep
(Kirigan/Alina, 1.9K) - That one-shot that comes once in a sleepless blue moon, in a fandom you've never written for, and likely never will again (unless Ben Barnes makes a comeback). I still love it because it was so inspired, so effortless to write, so perfectly compact and complete when it was released less than 24 hours later. I have yet to recapture this kind of writing magic.
3. Mantis, Shadow, Wolf
(ItaSaku, KakaSaku, 49K) - At some point, we all crave something darkly beautiful. This was my point. I explored AU-building and a more visually symbolic writing style. It's intimate-- a Sakura character-study and journey about healing that's actually quite personal. And I'll always be proud of the amount of "raw" and "haunting" comments this receives.
4. Pretty hate machine
(Felix/Byleth -> Byleth/Dimitri -> Felix/Byleth/Dimitri, 13.9K) - A Felix character study which led me to conclude that the one true happy ending for him is a love triangle that stays a love triangle. Because something something triangles are the sturdiest shape. I admit the implied M/F + M/F + M/M = M/F/M doesn't sit well with everyone and every character interpretation, but I'm so SO happy with the friends I did gain through this fic.
5. You missed the ending (love)
(KakaSaku, 15.3K) - I honestly thought I wrote all I could write for KakaSaku before this. But as it turned out, I just got tired of angst. There was a very conscious effort to make this one feel-good and funny, with splashes of humor, generous sprinkles of romance, and an indulgently smutty finish. Essentially, a rom-com with an unquestionably happy ending. I was pretty pleased with the result (except for the going over my self-imposed word limit by +10K 🙈).
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Happy Birthday Dimitri!
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asperrusual · 1 year
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3H x Tumblr
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allcaplock · 2 years
Todays FE3H memes
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fiction-box · 3 months
Blood From A Stone
Blue Lions Boys X Fem!Reader
Hello, my lovelies! I wrote this in an attempt to psyche myself up for these next few days as I will be traveling for a job interview. I hope you all have been staying warm these past few weeks (the temperature has been consistently negative where I am now). I will attempt to start working on my inbox once I return. This work was not originally going to go this far in-depth, but this is where the story wanted to go. Nonetheless, please enjoy!
Requests are open. The story will continue under the cut.
After what might have been a ten minute walk, Professor Byleth halted her Blue Lions in the middle of the woods surrounding the monastery. You felt the warmth of the late spring sun shining through the trees; an experience made more pleasant by the soft breeze rifling through your hair.
You and Ingrid had been speculating what exercise you might be coming outside to do, taking an opportunity to make conversation during the walk. Each Friday, the professor enforced some group activity - shopping relays in town, competitive hunting, blindfolded sparring matches - to let everyone better learn the strengths of their classmates.
Sure enough, you watched the former mercenary pull the infamous blindfolds out of the satchel sitting on her waist. A hefty exhale resounded next to you.
“Aw, come on! Not this again…” Annette whined.
No one could blame her; Dedue had hit her uncharacteristically hard in the confusion of his blindness during their match. She might even still be sore from last weekend.
“Now, now - repeating the same exercise two weeks in a row wouldn’t be much help to us. This is meant to build our sense of camaraderie, not our dread for the end of the week,” Byleth corrected. “Line up, please.”
You did so, shuffling into a spot between Annette and Ingrid as your teacher scrutinized the class.
Dimitri caught a green bandana in the same second Dedue was handed a brown one. Green for Ashe and Mercedes, brown for you and Annette.
“Teams,” Dedue noted.
“Please tie them around your foreheads. I’ll explain in a moment.”
A brown scrap of fabric landed in Felix’s palm, the bluenette bringing it to his forehead before Ingrid and Sylvain received their green cloths. Silently cheering, you watched Professor Byleth fix the final brown textile to her own head.
“Today’s activity focuses on both stealth and strategy. Everyone received a color responding to their team. Your objective is to steal all of your opponents’ headbands - the first team to lose all of which will lose.”
Immediately, Sylvain reached over Ashe’s head to pull Felix’s bandana off his head, dangling it in the air.
“One down, everyone!”
“You know damn well we haven’t started yet!” the swordsman snapped.
Dimitri grinned, “I must say Felix, I never saw you as someone to be so easily caught off your guard.”
Ingrid hardly held back a snicker, Ashe’s body practically trembling with a similar sentiment as he reflexively moved out of the way of the two nobles.
Felix clenched his hands into fists, “I’ll tear that cloth into tatters while it’s still wrapped around your insolent-”
“That’s quite enough.”
Professor Byleth eyed Sylvain, prompting him to quickly return Felix’s band. Not without receiving a moderate punch to the arm in retaliation, of course.
“The forest will be split down the middle in regards to starting positions. Those with green bands will begin on the east while brown will start on the west. Each team will be given one minute to conceal themselves, come up with a plan, and do anything else they see fit before I sound the whistle.”
“Your opponents’ accessories can be taken by any means necessary. While use of stealth is encouraged, feel free to use weapons and other advantages as you see fit. The goal is to win, first and foremost. Once you are eliminated, you are to return here until we finish.”
“Prepare to sit on your ass for fifteen minutes, boar.”
You couldn’t help the sound that came out of you at that. Dimitri’s eyes flashed over to discern your reaction before his face promptly flushed a light hue of pink.
“Wh- Sylvain took your headband, not me!”
The redhead frowned, lightly ghosting his hand over his new injury, “Throwing me to the wolves so quickly, your Highness? Maybe-”
“Oh, enough already,” Byleth huffed. “Off to the woods with you all. Right now. Sixty seconds!”
Newly motivated by the time constraint, everyone shifted to group up before rushing to their respective sides.
You weaved between the trees, Professor Byleth following close behind as you trailed Dedue and Annette. Not long after you reached a central-western location, Felix instantly pulled the two in front of you aside.
“...-ce at the northern end of the forest where the dirt is…”
A bit confused, you shifted your eyes to meet those of your professor. Apparently, neither of you were invited to this strategy meeting.
That meant you weren’t needed then, right?
It was all the same to you. Better than the same, actually; an archer flying solo on a stealth mission in the woods didn’t sound like a terrible assignment in the least.
To top it all off, Professor Byleth on her own elsewhere in the forest at the same time? The anticipation would surely kill you. Maybe you would even see her skills more personally than you had on the few traditional battlefields your class fought on so far.
You were brought back to the present as your professor turned to you in real life, nodding at you before slipping into the shadow of a thick tree.
Sticking around just a little longer, you gathered enough snippets of Felix’s conversation to understand his plan. He wanted to make a hole in the ground on the northern side large enough to hold as many members of the opposing side as possible. It sounded a bit ambitious, but you supposed that was nothing new concerning the second son.
In any case, your team seemed to masquerade as the better part of a mess. You wondered how things were with Ingrid…
…45, 46, 47…
After a moment, you strengthened your resolve. The best way to see what the other team was up to would be to go see for yourself, right?
Swiftly working your way counterclockwise around the forest, you snuck over to the eastern side, crossing over only upon hearing a shrill note knocking against the trees. It was now imperative to stay hidden in whatever darkness would conceal you. Having a bow certainly made this easier in terms of mobility since you could just sling it across your body.
Even the animals seemed quiet. Accordingly, you were on high alert. Your movements became more careful, more deliberate as your heart began to race in anticipation. No stepping on branches or leaves; just grass and dirt. No bumping against the trees or sudden movements; just liquid flow and shady cover. Soft, swift, and silent.
Once you believed yourself to have rounded the terrain far enough, you stopped, climbing the tree with the best vantage point in the area and scanning the shady path where your opponents must have started. That is, if the ruined leaves on the ground served as any clue. Prepared for action, you took your bow off your back and pulled an arrow out of the slim training quiver you had been given. Patience was a game you were sure to win, especially in such a good position.
Nothing happened, though. You detected no movement, no flash of colors, and you eventually concluded that the other group must have had a similar idea. After all, most people are right handed, so they might have felt more comfortable countering on the northern side than from the south.
You were somewhat discouraged at your failure to help, but it was no big deal. Especially not when you heard the sound of branches snapping back the way you came. Felix’s strategy must have worked - there was nothing else you could imagine that might make that kind of sound. It must have been effective, too; you recalled an offhanded comment he made about Leonie teaching him something about traps.
Resigning yourself to picking off any stragglers that might have strayed from the group near Felix, you lowered yourself from your tree. Perhaps enough time remained for you to return to your side and assess the damages to see who was left.
Progressing back the way you came would be simple enough. Although you were intent on remaining undetected, you heard several branches snapping and some shouting up ahead.
Felix must have really gotten to them.
You grew close enough to the commotion to recognize Dimitri and Ashe’s voices as the ones yelling, but it made no sense. You had hardly moved a few paces past the tree you were in, and you were still circling the southern side of the forest.
Why were they being so loud? Did they lose, or did they forget this was meant to be a stealth exercise?
But that didn’t make sense, either. They were the best listeners in Professor Byleth’s class, barring Annette; there’s no way they would slack off now of all times.
Silently, you crept toward their shouts until you were brought to a wall of greenery. If you went through…
You didn’t have enough time to hide before they came barreling through the bush.
“Woah!” an ambush? And you fell for it, no less?
Ashe’s eyes widened, his natural agility allowing him to dodge you just in time. Dimitri, with no such skill, slammed into you. The two of you crashed into the ground, the prince scrambling to the weapon you knocked out of his hands as Ashe pulled you onto your feet.
“Come on, get up!” the archer begged you.
 Dimitri frantically shot off the dirt while Ashe started to guide you in the direction they were running. You didn’t have a moment to collect your thoughts or ask questions.
The crown prince’s longer legs carried him past you before he grabbed your left arm with his free hand. Your right hand still connected to Ashe, the three of you formed a chain for a moment as Dimitri lent you his momentum.
A terrible roar emanated from the bush where the boys appeared, prompting you all to detach and pick up the pace. The sounds of three sets of feet slamming against the dirt bounced off the trees in the forest. 
Two crest beasts barrelled through the shrubs, snapping branches in their pursuit of you and your friends.
“How?” you pleaded, your legs moving impossibly faster with the new adrenaline rush.
“No clue,” Dimitri weaved between the trees, his breath heavy, “where they came from.”
A wave of terror pulsed through you. All you felt were eyes on your back, on your friends, and there was nothing you could do about it. They approached, so much larger and covering so much more ground.
Naturally, your smaller size and unfamiliarity with the area caught up with your group. The demons pursuing you could simply demolish the forest in their path, but Dimitri could only get so far before his height forced him to fumble through a group of low-hanging branches.
Unable to slow down, you crashed into him, sprawling to the forest floor. Ashe had once again been attentive and agile enough to change course, but you and the prince lied prone on the ground.
A sound of anticipation came in the form of an unearthly squeal from one of the monsters trailing seconds behind you. If you did nothing here, you would surely die. 
Upon noticing Dimitri had again dropped his lance in his fall, you snatched it and flipped over to face one of the beasts, contesting a well-timed snap of its jaw by holding the weapon up and angling it to act as a pike. It worked just well enough to force the creature’s mouth open…
…until the beast’s maw clamped down on the training weapon, struggling over it with you before it splintered and snapped.
Knocked backwards, your shoulders never got the chance to hit the ground. Dimitri had been given enough time to stand, placing his hands under your arms and dragging you back while Ashe shouted from another direction.
The archer’s cries were enough to split the horrific hunting party, though the only thing you and Dimitri did was continue running.
This is hopeless. All our weapons are meant for training, Ashe is on his own, there are no other fighters with us…
“We can’t keep running,”  you breathed, looping around a tree to throw the monster off your trail, “something has to change.”
You curved around the forest, switching to head back to your group, “Follow me.”
The two of you determined that zig-zagging was the best way to outrun the monster, though if you slowed down, you would no doubt be back on the ground again.
Intuitively, you followed the path you were fairly certain Dimitri’s teammates must have taken to get to the western part of the forest. All the while, you silently prayed that your legs would continue to carry you at a pace fast enough that the beast wouldn’t gain too much ground.
Not that it could be helped; you took two strides for every one of the beast’s.
“Felix! Felix, where are you?”
“Felix!” Dimitri followed your lead.
A figure appeared in the distance, his fair skin and blue hair giving him away, “Why the hell are you two-?”
The shriek from the beast trailing you and the prince drowned out the rest of his sentence.
“Felix, where’s the trap?!”
“Shit,” he cursed, though you couldn’t hear. “This way!”
Pushing yourself just a bit further, you forced your mind to ignore the screams of protest from your body. Felix sprinted just ahead of you, his lack of fatigue allowing him to match pace with your adrenaline spike before he rounded a bush.
“Get the professor!” your teammate ordered someone you couldn’t see.
Dimitri rushed past you to follow the bluenette. Upon leaving the beast’s line of sight, however, he was yanked into the large shrub. You recognized Felix’s hand wrapping around your arm before you stumbled into him, entering the branches as well.
“Thank you, Dedue,” you heard Dimitri’s voice next to you, the phrase uttered out between gasps for air.
It was in the split second before the beast rounded the shrub that you turned your head and recognized the trick. The covering on the pit was placed in the path next to the bush you four were in. If someone hadn’t known to stop and take a route through the hedge, they would have fallen through the dirt.
And upon seeing Professor Byleth appear at the other end of the pit, creator sword drawn to lure the crest beast toward her, you recognized how smart your teammates really were.
The pit wasn’t big enough to hold a crest beast by any means, but it certainly did the trick to immobilize it as the monster lost its footing. A well placed strike to the crest stone on the back of its neck shattered the source of its power. You could only stare at the crumbling animal, its bony limbs reduced to dust. The only thing lying in the crater at the end was…
“A person?” Dedue balked.
You moved to get a closer look before realizing Felix still had his arm around you.
Absentmindedly, he released you, throwing an apology over his shoulder before going to examine the woman lying dead in what very much could have been her grave.
Unbeknownst to you, your body was beginning to shut down. Running all that way left you exhausted, and having done so at a sprint certainly didn’t make matters any better. Yet the second you sank to the ground to truly catch your breath, you remembered.
“P-Professor,” you coughed, “...Ashe-”
“Damn, we left Ashe in the forest!” Dimitri agonized.
Byleth’s eyes sharpened, “Understood. I’ll go find him.”
“I’m coming, too.”
“What?” Felix questioned. “No, there’s no way - you’re way too tired.”
“Dimitri and I are the only ones who know where he is!”
At this, the prince attempted to rise from his position bracing on his knees “Then I’ll go.”
“Are you kidding me? You’re a worse candidate than I am - you’re still bleeding from the trees!”
“Bleeding? I’m not-”
“Your highness,” Dedue cut him off, “your chest.”
Certainly, his uniform was ripped in places, blood pooling out from the cuts he received when he scraped himself on the branches, earlier.
“You must not have felt it due to the adrenaline. We should get you to Mercedes.”
Sure of yourself, you began to walk backwards in the direction you came from, “Professor, there’s no time! You have your sword, so if push comes to shove, I’ll be fine. Ashe doesn’t have a proper weapon, though, and he must have been running for a long time!”
Professor Byleth wasted no words, “Fine then. Lead the way.”
As the two of you picked up the pace, she turned to call out, “Be sure to clear that girl out of the pit! Get her to Mercedes!”
The dull ache in your legs became impossible to ignore once you ran back into the forest. Still, through a mix of retracing your steps and following the sounds of roaring and trees snapping, you managed to get close to where you and Ashe had parted ways.
Sure enough, several trees had been reduced to splinters and fallen trunks. The damage created a small clearing, through which you could see your friend. He looked really out of it, the forest around him a mess from the beast’s rage. 
“Ashe! Over here!”
The professor hit the creature a few times with her sword, extending its reach to divert its attention to herself. Recognizing her attempts to hurt it, the beast reared its head and focused its efforts on Byleth.
She had provided enough of a distraction that Ashe could make it to you. Allowing himself a moment’s respite, he braced himself on his knees similar to how Dimitri had earlier. Breathless, the two of you watched your mentor’s skills at work.
The creator sword would wrap around the wild creature’s neck; Byleth’s obvious attempt at trying to break the stone. Each time, the tether was countered by a snap of the beast’s teeth, or her attack missed entirely. The angle was impossible from where she was standing.
“Fall back, you two - I’ll be right behind you!”
Ashe began to protest, “But-”
“You’re both tired, you’ll need whatever headstart I can give y-ngh!”
Her opponent had grown impatient, swiping its claws at the chain of her sword before her next attack could connect. The weapon was yanked to the side, knocking the professor off balance for a moment and sending the weapon flying out of her hand.
“Just go! I promise I’ll be right there!”
Willing your legs to move, you grabbed Ashe’s wrist and pulled him up, guiding him the first few steps of the way. Once he managed to find his footing, you took a position to lead him back to the group in the west.
You didn’t think you would be able to do much of anything tomorrow, after this. The taste of blood stained your every breath, your throat felt dry to the point it hurt, and you were surprised you could even lift your legs anymore. The adrenaline had worn off by the time you left Dimitri with Dedue.
The noise increasing behind you cut off your train of thought. The pounding of paws much heavier than your own feet thundered against the forest floor. Leaves crushed so loudly you could have sworn they were snapping logs, and the veil of the safety you thought you still had was quickly torn away.
What about Professor Byleth? She should have been on her feet, should have caught up to you and Ashe by now if-
“Keep moving!”
The voice next to you startled you almost enough to make you lose your footing, but a steady hand at your back and the sight of a flash of green hair at your side kept you upright.
“Over here, Professor! This way!”
Annette waved her arms over her head, signaling a new location nearby. They must have created a separate trap in the time you had been away.
But why…?
A snap at your backs inspired the three of you to round this new shrub at record speed. This time, you were ready when Dedue pulled you into the bushes.
You supposed you had forgotten to warn Ashe.
Sure enough, everything else was the same story, just with different people. The Professor pivoted out of Sylvain’s hold in time to pull the sword she retrieved from her hip. The beast fell in the trap upon rounding the hedge, giving her a more advantageous angle to properly fracture the stone, reverting the creature to the body of a young man.
“I don’t understand,” Felix’s brow furrowed, Ashe ducking out of his hold and falling to the ground to finally breathe.
You were beginning to feel similarly. Were it not for Dedue, you doubted you would be standing. Your classmate seemed privy to this knowledge, as well.
“I will bring you to Mercedes.”
A nod was all you could muster while Dedue bent to put an arm beneath your legs, lifting you off the ground. The air you were practically drinking filled your lungs with more oxygen than you thought they could hold, and your resulting breaths sounded almost raspy. Respectfully, you ensured that your head was turned away from Dedue (though it was also to ensure you could get as much air as possible).
Even still, you managed to catch the final words of those behind you.
“Why didn’t you just take that girl to Mercedes and reuse the last trap?” Professor Byleth wondered.
“Well…” Sylvain, “there wasn’t really a point...she was already dead.”
“...then…this boy…?”
You tried not to focus on the silence that followed her final question.
A few paces later and Dedue had made it to the outskirts of the woods. It was where you all met at the beginning of the exercise.
Mercedes approached the two of you before you cleared the trees, guiding Dedue to set you down on a patch of soft grass in the shade next to three green scraps of fabric. She must have anticipated your arrival.
“Will she be alright?”
“Oh, yes,” Mercedes assured him, though her light tone didn’t match the furrow of her brows. “She’s mostly dealing with fatigue, but the strain on her lungs should be soothed before she tries to go anywhere.”
A moment of silence.
“Where is his Highness?”
The glow of soft magic hovered over you before you felt inclined to close your eyes. You tried not to focus on the strange feeling coursing through you - you still weren’t used to healing spells, yet.
“He and Ingrid went back to the monastery to consult Lady Rhea about all this.” She sighed, and you felt a pause in the flow of her enchantment, “I don’t really understand everything that happened today. It all feels so wrong.”
“I agree. There should not have been any crest beasts this close to the academy. The knights should have noticed.”
Another pause led to a stronger wave of magic passing through your lungs; it was all you could do to focus on breathing next to this weird feeling, but you opened your eyes just to make sure you were still okay.
 “I will head back to the monastery as well.”
The healer nodded, “I’ll let the professor know.”
“Let me know what?”
It seemed the rest of your class made it out of the forest. Professor Byleth approached at the lead, followed close behind by Annette, and finally by Felix and Sylvain supporting a pale and winded Ashe.
As Dedue filled your teacher in on everything, Mercedes abandoned you to go help Ashe. Annette replaced her, kneeling where her friend sat just a moment ago to continue her work. Fortunately, you didn’t feel like there was much left to do.
“Right. You can head back. Take some of the training weapons with you, please - I have a feeling everyone else will have their hands full by the time we head back.”
Dedue removed the brown band wrapped around his forehead, adding it to the pile lying about a meter away from your feet. Picking up the discarded wooden lance, bow, and sword lying in a pile closer to the woods, he turned and wordlessly took the path leading back to Garreg Mach.
“My bow…” you remembered, testing out your voice from your position on the ground, “I think…I dropped it somewhere in the forest?”
Felix scoffed, “With the amount of trees those beasts managed to fell, I don’t think a bit more wood lying around would hurt anyone. The Church can just buy a new one. They replace training weapons all the time.”
“Take it from Felix, they’re used to broken weapons,” Sylvain grinned. “Repairing a broken bow can’t be much different than replacing a missing one.”
A small huff of air came from the swordsman’s nose at his classmate’s remark. Rather than respond, however, he just turned back to you.
“How the hell are you still awake after all that? I expected you to have passed out by now.”
“Me? Shouldn’t you be more worried about Ashe? Whatever running I did, he ran and then some.”
“He did pass out.”
Turning your head to where Mercedes knelt, you found your friend sleeping on the grass, uneven breaths heaving from his chest.
After everything he went through by himself, you could only think that he deserved to rest.
“Professor? What is it?”
Annette’s inquisition immediately led your mind to drop the subject, turning instead to see Professor Byleth lost in thought.
“I’m just…trying to understand something. Those people that came from those monsters - did I kill them, or were they already dead? How did this happen so close to the monastery without anyone coming to help us? And…”
No one knew what to say. You hadn’t recognized the people that died, not their clothing or their faces.
“Nevermind. We need to head back in case anything else unexpected is looking to find us.”
“That should be just fine, Professor,” Mercedes agreed. “I’ve made sure these two are stable. The best thing for everyone now would be to rest.”
“Very well,” your teacher began circling around to everyone, collecting their headbands to place in the bag she had left here earlier.
Annette extended her hand out before Professor Byleth made her way over to the two of you. Taking it, you attempted to get up only to be frustrated by the fatigue of your legs. A sharp inhale followed by a hiss of pain accompanied the feeling of Annette lowering you back to the ground.
“Yeah…might not be ready for that yet…” you gritted your teeth.
Byleth walked over, tugging the brown textile off your head in a fluid motion, “Sylvain, please help her get back to the monastery. Felix, you can carry Ashe.”
Sylvain barely contained his laughter, approaching you with easy footsteps and lifting you off the ground bridal-style.
“You’re sure you want Sylvain of all people carrying the woman that can’t walk? Or fend for herself right now, for that matter?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of experience with this sort of thing.”
“...with carrying people?” you raised a brow.
Sylvain winked, “...with carrying women that can’t walk.”
Professor Byleth hit him on the back of the head so hard that Sylvain dropped you on the ground.
You landed, reeling with a small squeak and a light curse. Your breath came labored through your teeth from the incidental blow to your legs. Not that it could have hurt as much as whatever she just did to Sylvain.
“Agh- What the hell, Professor?!”
“You and Felix have done an excellent job of changing my mind. I think we would all feel better if you volunteered to carry Ashe back with us, instead.”
Now it was Felix’s turn to fight a smirk, though he was hardly trying. After making sure you were okay from your slight fall, he picked you up in much the same way Sylvain had mere moments ago.
Meanwhile, Sylvain seemed to be making a point to carry Ashe over his shoulders.
The seven of you headed back to the monastery together, Professor Byleth calling off her lessons for the beginning of next week just to make sure everyone was well rested. Annette tried to reason that taking the weekend off would be plenty of time for most of the Blue Lions. After all, you, Dimitri, and Ashe were the only ones that really suffered any fatigue. Your teacher countered that if she were holding class, you three were the most likely suspects to insist on attending regardless, no matter how badly you were injured.
Perhaps you left too good of an impression on the professor today for her to think such things of you. Regardless, you agreed with her, if only to save Annette from the pointed glares of Felix and Sylvain at the idea of rejecting a day out of class.
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
A Treatise on Felix Hugo Fraldarius
Every day. EVERY DAY I’m thinking about the genius move in Azure Moon’s writing to have FELIX be the only one to warn Byleth about Dimitri’s darkside.
It’s genius because of its tragic futility. Felix is the absolute worst person out of the Blue Lions to reveal this knowledge, however, not because we won’t believe him. Except for perhaps about his feelings (textbook tsundere), Felix doesn’t lie—the game establishes straight out of the gate that he is a very blunt person. No, it’s not because we can’t believe him, it’s because both we the player and Byleth the character don’t want to believe him.
We the player are witness to Felix’s interactions with his fellow classmates, and with little insight into his backstory, his early supports paint him as an abrasive, unfeeling jerk who hates his dad and his friends and cares about nothing but fighting and…well, fighting. As most of the barbs and accusations we see him throwing at his friends are for the most part untrue (though he certainly himself believes them, so he’s not lying), we have no reason or desire to believe Felix’s claims about Dimitri.
The same goes for Byleth. The game establishes in White Clouds that she grows more attached to her students than she has to anyone before—in fact, by the end of the game, the implication is that they essentially restore her humanity to her, or even create it in her where it hadn’t existed before. If this is the case, and Byleth is learning from her students how to feel emotions, then why would she want to believe someone who not only tears her students down, but actively represents the philosophy she is trying to escape?
Furthermore, Byleth’s relationship with Dimitri is undoubtedly different from hers with anyone else in the monastery, even from the beginning. While the other students undoubtedly support her, Dimitri is one of the only ones to ask how she is doing as a professor. He’s always offering his assistance and support, canonically is the first to bring out her emotional side, and is the only one of the few to truly empathize with her after Jeralt’s death, even going so far as to offer his assistance in securing her revenge. As he is arguably the person she is closest to in this route, even from the beginning, why would she want to believe he is a soulless monster driven by nothing but bloodlust?
However, here’s the kicker—while Felix is the one she is least likely to believe due to her emotions, he’s the person she’s most likely to believe logically. As I briefly mentioned earlier, out of all the students, Felix most closely resembles the mercenary’s philosophy (no, not you, Leonie). He represents what Byleth used to be (this is kinda the reason I don’t ship Felileth, but that’s another story for another day). Felix even essentially says as much in their supports—much of those supports have a heavy emphasis on establishing their similarities.
Byleth tells Rodrigue mid-White Clouds that she understands Felix. She may not resemble him, or act like him, but she understands him, because she was him, once. She understands his logic, his reasoning—why he comes to the conclusions that he does. Logically, she should know that if Felix is calling Dimitri a boar, it wouldn’t be based on something petty like childish jealousy.
But she doesn’t. She refuses to consider it—she shoves it down and makes excuses. Throughout White Clouds, for the first time in her life, Byleth is caught in a war between her head and her heart—her heart, newly beating, desperately wanting to cling to this strange sense of care and family that she’s never truly felt before, and her head, the voice of the mercenary, the voice of Felix telling her to stop being so blind, to look up and see the evidence around her.
But that’s the tragedy of Felix, the true Cassandra of Three Houses. He knows the truth, but because he’s so bitter and jaded he can’t communicate, he will never be believed—and the one person who should believe him refuses.
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claudeletheart · 2 years
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Felix Hugo Fraldarius 💙 one of my favourite Blue Lions, I love his character and the way that he stands up to Dimitri throughout the route, he’s definitely Dimitri’s closest friend!
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Hi there!
You have the most beautiful writing style I ever read! If you haven’t write it may I request a jealous Felix, sylvain and Dimitri?
Thank you soooooo much 🥰
Dimitri: Jealous Dimitri is a monster. He tries to conduct himself as a proper king should, but it’s clear that when he’s feeling neglected, it sours his mood.
The more times he sees you sparring with Felix or working on some other project with another man besides himself…gods, it does twist his heart up with jealousy.
The time you share is so precious now, and the months drag on so long in between your visits to Faerghus, and he to the monastery.
Why on earth should he be sitting there, letting you frolic with other Lions when he hasn’t even had a chance to spend time with you all day?!
He’s an absolute terror throughout the day, without a doubt. His glares are sharp and blood curdling, his words blunt and cruel depending on who speaks with him (men who have had a chance to take you away for a few minutes get the worst of it).
He accidentally rips apart both training dummies and weapons in the yard, and he’s unable to hold a quill for more than a second before they’re snapped mercilessly into pieces.
The jealous rage is only placated when you come to bed early that night, suspecting that he’s been behaving poorly without your presence.
Seeing how he suddenly becomes bashful when you gently prod him about this change of his, you realize that he was indeed in a foul mood all day.
Nothing that quiet reassurances and a flurry of soft kisses can’t fix.
…Well, soft kisses that very quickly turn into something much more possessive and lovemark-y once the two of you have fallen into the bed.
His mood is notably improved the next day.
Felix: He’s already the most sour and angsty Lion there is outside of Dimitri during the war. The only difference is that he maintains that negative attitude that no one can really handle except for his wife.
Although, that’s only because he completely softens whenever you step into the room and give him that warm smile only meant for his eyes.
The biggest issue with that soothing touch is that you aren’t around to give it! You’re off gallivanting with Sylvain and Ashe, doing some sort of important stuff with them that has something to do with the monastery and- honestly, when you said you’d need to spend time with those louts, he found himself unable to pay anymore attention.
So naturally, he’s pouting throughout the day. He mostly keeps to himself, but the loud sighs, annoyed cursing and the loud shifting/slamming of things around the duke’s manor is impossible to ignore.
Whenever somebody tries to see if he’s okay, or if he needs something, they’re met with a deadly, cold glare that send most people away instantly.
It’s odd, considering most would think Felix to be more explosive in his jealous outbursts, but it turns out he’s a little more passive-aggressive now that he doesn’t have war raging in the background, exacerbating his stress.
It’s pretty clear that when you return, though, he makes sure that you’re aware how much he missed you. Possibly because of all he’s been through, he’s surprisingly clingy when you come back to him.
If you come to his office, he’s pulling you onto his lap while he’s finishing his work, listening to you tell him about all the pointless stuff you did with the other Lions.
When you’re eating together, he’s holdingyour hand under the table, and when you’re off to take a bath before bed, you can bet your ass he’s going in there with you.
Mostly to make sure he scrubs off any unnecessary touches from Sylvain (of which there are many, of course).
The final touch is bedtime; he’s got you snug in his arms and flush to his chest. He hasn’t had his hands on you all day, after all! What else was he supposed to do? Not cuddle up with you?
Naturally you give him plenty of teasing for his possessiveness and his jealousy. 
It’s deserved, but he does still glare at you for it.
Sylvain: The man is much more reserved about his jealousy, though it’s pretty clear he’s not happy that he has to let you spend all your time with Dimitri for a week. The king needs to borrow his wife, the Archbishop, and there’s no telling what kind of hijinks the two of you were going to get up to without him.
He tries his best to keep himself busy, but when he hears about all the fun you’re having without him, routing bandits and clearing out territory that the Adrestians still had a weak hold on.
All that means though, is that he’s stuck listening to reports and reading little letters you’re able to send his way, but he doesn’t really care about it.
His questions revolve more around what Dimitri’s up to while you’re with him. It was pretty clear that he had a crush on you a long time ago, though it was clear Sylvain had much stronger feelings that just had to be acted on.
He was not a paranoid or self-conscious person, but…he couldn’t help but be a little worried if Dimitri wanted to try anything.
After all, the two of you were all alone. What was he supposed to think? What if he tried to do something he shouldn’t do, or told you something that would make you reconsider your husband of two years?
He would eventually pull himself back together, since he knew full well he was just being melodramatic.
Sylvain trusted you more than anyone he knew, and he did love you so very dearly. It was no big deal, and that nothing terrible would come of you spending time with the king.
Maybe it was because he loved you so much that he just wanted to lie down and sulk without you around; whenever you were gone, it did feel like ther ewas nothing to get done.
You’d been talking about children in the near future, so maybe that would help keep him rfom falling into a jealous blob of sadness whenever you left; but for now, he would simply sulk, push his food around, and stare wistfully out the windows and hope some other Farghus casanova didn’t steal you away.
Of course, that never happens; you return home after a week, breathless and brightly smiling from the thrill of returning to a proper battlefield. 
Nothing makes you happier than falling into the arms of your husband, who simply can’t go a second without peppering you with kisses from head to toe. He squeezes you tightly and laughs, telling you how happy he is that you’re home and how much he missed you.
He does try to joke about Dimitri trying to win you over, but you quirk an eyebrow and tease him about possibly being jealous. He brushes it off with a huff and a blush (which is an admission of guilt if you’d ever seen one).
So you plan to take a few days off to recover, spending them all with your sweet Sylvainiiiiiiiii to reassure his jealous little goblin in his heart that he’s all you need.
At least, until you reveal the pregnancy to him about a month later. Though Sylvain seems to make an exception to your “sharing attention with anyone else” rule for the little pink-faced bundle that would soon enter your lives. 
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radient-emblem · 2 years
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now i'm happy with it^^
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You Two Should Just Fuck Already || Felix Hugo Fraldarius ||
A/n: Fuck it, I’m going it.So enjoy my shitty drabble with Felix and Shez { name changed to Firiel }
Pairings: Felix x Shez { Firiel } Byleth x Dimitri.
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Byleth has always been a blunt woman, she always said what’s on her mind but when it came to this particular group she’s decided to keep her mouth closed on certain matters.She was new one the group after all and it was thanks to the purple haired merc that she still had her head attached to her shoulders.
But this, this was just getting out of hand and she had to do something about this matter. She was getting annoyed by the young woman and Duke dancing around each other’s feelings that or relive some tension they were so obviously carrying towards one another.
She couldn’t be the only one that saw how the two would glance at each other, how they would often spar with one or the slight brushes of fingers. It was infuriating and she felt like she was insane. Gritting her teeth she slammed her hands down on the table, if no one was going to do anything then she would have too. “This needs to stop!” Everyone in the mess all seemed to turn to face her.
“Uh you okay Byleth?” Firiel let out a nervous laugh rubbing the back of her neck.
”You two just need to fuck! Just fuck and get it over with. I feel like I’m going insane watching you both dancing around your feelings.”
”What?!” Firiel could have sworn her voice went up ten octaves and Felix’s cheeks turned a bright pink, his eyes moving to his lap.Though the young woman stormed off before she could even reply.
Letting out a sigh, Dimitri pinched the bridge of his nose then forced a smile. “I’ll go speak with her.”
Then he was gone too, Felix seemed to focus his anywhere but the young woman as Sylvain let out a snort. “I mean she’s not wrong.”
“OWE! What did I do?”
Firiel nervously chewed her bottom lip, her fingers playing with the strands of her purple hair, she never thought she was that obvious about her feelings, maybe Felix wasn’t the only one that could read her.Now she was starting to wish that Byleth never joined them.
”Firiel!Can we talk?”
Out of everyone, why did it have to be him! Sinking her teeth into her lip she slowly turned her body giving the man a tightropes smile. “Sure! Haha hope it’s nothing to bad.”
Wrinkling her nose Byleth glanced at Dimitri, she was starting to feel guilty on her outburst. “I will apologize later but.” Stopping in her tracks her hand quickly clenched around his as she tugged him back.
The couples eyes landing on two figures slipping out of a room. Clothes disheveled and hair a mess. Felix giving Firiel a small kiss to her head as they walked off holding hands.
Blinking a few times, Byleth glanced up at Dimitri giving him a pleased smile as Dimitri let out a sigh, he knew he was never going to hear the end of this.
“At least he’ll be less tense on the battle field.”
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the-angel-ashe · 1 year
*Mouth directly on mic* Hello, I've just finished a fanfic
I haven't posted about it here yet, (I've been waiting until it's done) so here you go if you're interested :)
(It's Dimileth, of course. Enemies to lovers. You get it.)
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asperrusual · 1 year
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3H x The Reductress
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methinkethashipeth · 2 years
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Ship dynamics brain go brrrrr-
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allcaplock · 2 years
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Collection of memes I made on my phone
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1035: Taking the Challenge Head On (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
10:45 a.m. at the Blue Lion's Dining Halls......
Ashe: You want me to take part in the.....(Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) "No Nut November Challenge"?
Sylvain: (Smiles Brightly) Yep! It's one of the few challenges to test your endurance, patience, vulnerability, and worth of being a true man.
Ashe: Ah I see. (Frowns a Bit in Uncertainty) But....do you really think I have what it takes to complete the challenge?
Sylvain: (Happily Nodded) Definitely. You're practically one of the most devoted and hard working guys I've ever known, besides yours truly of course.
Ashe: (Smiles Brightly) Why, thank you Sylvain. I know I don't say this as much, but I really wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for yours and everyone else's support and guidelines.
Sylvain: And we couldn't be anymore prouder of you, bud. (Wraps his Arm Around Ashe's Shoulder) Now listen, the challenge itself is gonna be a long road ahead and you'll might have a 80% chance of going crazy along the way, but I'm sure you'll have no problems making it through as long as you keep your urges in check and have a clear, neutral mindset. Just like our friendly neighborhood giant, Dedue-
?????: I failed.
Sylvain eyes starts to widens as he slowly turns his head towards to Deude sitting next to Ashe, drinking a cup of tea in a casual like Manner.
Sylvain: .............I'm sorry, you what?
Dedue: The challenge. I've already failed it-
Sylvain: Yeah, you already told me the first time. What I wanna know is how in the hell were you failed so easily? You're a Dedue Molinaro! The right hand man of King Dimitri himself! I figured if anyone in our unit would have a chance of completing the challenge, it would be you, what happened?
Dedue: (Shrugs) The temptations had gotten the better of me last night. (Starts Blushing a Little) I suppose that's.... the price I have to pay for being in love.....
Mercedes: (Happily Makes Her Way to the Boys' Table) Why, hello there, boys!~ I hope we're all having a wonderful morning today. (Uses her Two Fingers to Rub Under Dedue's Chin With a Bit of a Flirtatious Smirk on her Face) Especially you, my sweet gentle giant~
Dedue: (Chuckles Lightly By the Chin Rubs) I'm having a fine enough morning for the most part. As well as a nice and memorable last night, many thanks to you, of course, m'lady. (Gently Brings her Hand Down Before Kissing the Top of It)
Mercedes: (Giggles Softly and a Bit Ticklishly by the Kiss) Oho you!~ There's no need to thank me for that. (Lovingly Hugs her Lover) If anything, I should be thanking you for keeping me company all night~
Dedue: No thanks is needed. I'll always be there for you.
Mercedes: As will I, my dear~
The couple begins to romantically rub on each other's noses while the boys watches.
Ashe: Awwww~ (Suddenly Felt a Hand Covering his Eyes Before Turning to the Culprit) Sylvain!
Sylvain: This is part of the challenge, Ashe. Don't let it blind you.
Mercedes: (Giggles Some More) Alright. I believe it's time for me to get started on breakfast before I embarrass the boys some more. (Kiss Dedue on the Lips Before Placing her Forehead onto His) Try not to miss me too much, you hear?~
Dedue: I'm sure I'll manage to pull through for the time being. Try not to get yourself hurt while you're in the kitchen cooking, okay?
Mercedes: I'll be extra cautious. Promise. (Gives One Last Kiss on the Forehead Before Walking Away to the Kitchen and Waving Goodbye at the Trio) Wish me luck!~
Dedue: (Wave Back at his Lady) Well do. ('Sigh') One of these days, I will marry that woman.
Sylvain: Well, ain't that sweet. Still doesn't change the fact that you disappoint me. (Went Back to Grinning) But no worries though. Cause the next person I have to set an example is none other than my main man, Feli-
Felix: (Takes his Seat on the Trio's Table) I failed the challenge.
Sylvain: (Immediately Gives his Childhood Friend a Deadpinned Look) Seriously?
Felix: Yes, seriously. Last night, in her tent, Annette wanted to try and take the next skip I'm our relationship. So we....(Starts Blushing a Little) did it. And it was nice.
Felix turns to see Annette making her way to the kitchen door in the distance. As she opens it, she sees her boyfriend staring at her before shyly waving at him with a smile on her face and walk inside.
Felix: (Slowly Waves at the Closing Door Before Sighing) Anyways....(Turns Back to Sylvain) Mind telling me why you're bringing up that dumb challenge for in the middle of the morning?
Dedue: He wants Ashe to take part of it for the first time.
Felix: (Groans While Pinching his Nose) ('Ugh') Are you kidding me? Ashe is way too soft and naive to be taking that challenge, let alone know what it really is! (Turns to Ashe) No offense.
Ashe: (Smiles Sheepishly) None taken, I guess......
Sylvain: Hey, I just figured Ashe is now in an age where he could test his might as a man. But now that you and Mr. Gentle Giant over there failed the challenge already, I might as well ask Dimitri to come over here and set an example.
Dedue: About that......
Sylvain: (Starta Pinching his Nose in Annoyance) Oh my fucking-You mean to tell me Dimitri failed too? Really!?
Felix: I always figured the boar would have a better chance at completing it out of all of us here.
Dedue: (Takes a Bit of a Deep Breath Before Explaining) Okay, this is completely speculation and haven't heard anyone of this from, but.....the other morning, when I walked down the halls, writing down the daily routine for the day, I saw the professor sneaking a tray of breakfast into the majesty's chambers, whole only wearing a robe that resembles that of the majesty's.
Sylvain: A robe.....(Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Realization) Wait. Was the color of his robe blue and silky?
Dedue: (Simply Nodded) It was, yes.
Sylvain: Ahaa....See? I knew it would look familiar every time I see Dimitri wear it. (Starts Smirking Teasingly) So the king and teach are already getting busy these pass few nights, huh?~
Felix: (Shrugs) Can't say I'm surprised. Those two has gotten a lot more closer since the day they got see each other again for however long.
Ashe: (Smiles Brightly) Well, I'm happy for the both of them. They've been through a lot these past few years. So I think it's nice to see their bond gradually grow into something more each time passes. (Eyes Suddenly Widens at the Realization) Oh! That reminds me.....(Turns to the Gang) There's something I've been meaning to ask you guys.
Sylvain: What's up?
Ashe: What exactly is a....."Snu-Snu"?
Felix: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat) And that's my cue to leave.
Ashe: (Watch Felix Casually Walks Away) Oh.... o-okay.....(Waves Goodbye to Felix) See you later, Felix!
Dedue: Uh...Ashe? What..... (Raises an Eyebrow in Uncertainty and Confusion) exactly made you want to know what that word is?.
Ashe: Well, you see, yesterday after we returned home from one of our....(Starts Blushing a Little) many date night sessions, Petra asked if we could ever try doing this "Snu-Snu" session this evening but I'm afraid I have no clue what it is.
Sylvain: (Starts Shaking his Head) Oh sweet, sweet, naive, Little Ashe. Let me tell you a little thing about those two simple syllabl-
Sylvain: (Immediately Gets Startled) Oh God! (Turns to see the Local Gatekeeper Presenting Him a Envelope) Uhhh....(Receives the Envelope) thanks....
As The Gatekeeper salutes to him before marching off, Sylvain opens the envelope and reads the letter from inside. The longer he reads it however, the more he begins to blush and let out abnormal, goofy like laugh, causing Ashe and Dedue to stare at him weirdly.
Dedue: Uhh....Sylvain? (Raises an Eyebrow) What exactly did that letter sent to you say?
Sylvain: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! (Turns Back to the Fup as He Quickly Hides the Letter Behind his Back) N-Nothing! Just some boring.... request letter for a side mission or whatever. (Chuckles Awkwardly) Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have to head out to see Ingrid at my bed- I mean chambers- I MEAN TRAINING GROUNDS! (Claps his Hand Together) YES! Training grounds! So uh.....
Without any second thought or reason, Sylvain hurriedly runs away towards the door leaving his two fellow Blue Lions behind in the Table.
Ashe: He....seems to be in a hurry.
Dedue: ('Sigh') That he has....We'll just head to the library to find out what this....."Snu-Snu" really is after we finish our breakfast.
Ashe: (Nodded in Agreement) Okay.
The hours has passed since Ashe and Dedue has discovered and learned more about the meaning of the word "Snu-Snu", so the up and coming knight has decided to man up and test this new discovered with his beloved princess of Brigid later that evening. Needless to say, as wild and unexpected as the experience was....He still had a very good time at the end
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beezonia · 2 years
Swan Byleth au!
So I came up with this au a couple of days ago!
Byleth was cursed by a powerful magic user who vowed to only break the curse when someone proclaimed their love for them or Byleth proclaimed their love for the sorcerer.
Byleth being Byleth doesn’t say anything at all so when they go to Garreg Mach, no one apart from Jeralt knows about their predicament.
Now being with the Blue Lions (older blue lions this takes place after dimitri is crowned king) they teach them everything they know and do (with a few musical numbers too!) and byleth and dimitri start to form a bond with each other.
But it’s at the night of the annual ball when the sorcerer (Hubert ooo) comes back to get their final answer from byleth.
Said teacher runs away from the ball Dimitri hot on their heels, only for Hubert the sorcerer to place several distractions so they can’t get to the lake on time because he knows the answer will be the same.
Unless their life is slowly fading away and they beg for him to save them.
But that does not happen, before they take their final breath Byleth manages to confess how they feel for dimitri.
Dimitri over Byleth’s “dead” body confesses he loves them to and challenges Hubert to a duel.
He “kills” him and byleth wakes up, and then happily ever!
Or maybe not.
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