#feiell tabris
inkprintedfox · 4 years
Played with -THIS- picrew. I think it's really pretty, sadly no elf ears though. :( But the dresses and hair are pretty awesome so maybe they make up for it.
I tag @starsandskies to play with it to. Only if you want of course!
Herah Adaar Feiell Tabris
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Aarion Brosca Lelenah Mahariel
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Jynn Hawke And I did me for fun lol
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
OC Study
Tagged by @advena87 to fill out -THIS- OC question prompt.
I tag @starsandskies @1orweth @kanawolf
This is time consuming so I can understand if you guys don't want to do it, so no pressure. I spent roughly a week and a half, almost two weeks on this? No regrets, mostly took so long for me because I work full time and I tend to space out a lot and ramble. Lol
It is quite a bit of fun and a good exercise to help develop your characters so I do recommend It! Don't recommend doing more than three OCs at a time though, three was hard for me and usually I'm an over-achiever. Go easy and dont burn yourself out! Also would be a good exercise if you're writing with a canon character and want to get a handle on working with them.
I wanted to answer this in character originally but it would have been twice as long and probably taken me a month or more. 😅 Perhaps I'll do something like that one day....
Dragon Age OCs per usual for me.
Warden-Commander and Hero of Fereldan (DAO & DAOA)
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Growing up in the Denerim Alienage has made Feiell a very bitter, angry, and agressive person. Biting and scrabbling to survive she also had to fight to keep her family and neighbors safe from the rich humans that liked to exploit the destitute elves. She gained a reputation as a protector but also a very hard woman.
She redibly accepted her conscription into the Grey Wardens, not only to escape the persecution of the law, but also to escape the narrow world of the Alianage. Collecting the people that would later be affectionately called "The Blight Brigade" exposed her to many new adventures as well as lifelong friendships, love, and personal growth that could not have happened otherwise.
The Champion of Kirkwall (DA2)
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Laid-back, vain, and honestly somewhat lazy, Aiden has never wanted to be anyone's savior let alone a whole city's. Family has been the only thing that mattered in his life and after his father's death, he naturally took on the role of protector and main provider for his mother and siblings. This also made it very natural to take in the stray band of misfits that became almost like family and also why it is so natural for Aiden to constantly help people, even at times he would rather not.
His bleeding heart drags Aiden into the center of conflict far more often than he likes and he constantly berates himself for it. This automatic altruism has jaded him which fuels his sarcastic and sometimes bitter, self-deprecating humor. A tad over dramatic at times means that while he rarely, it ever, says no to aiding someone in need, it certainly doesn't mean he has to be quiet about it either.
The Inqusitor (DAI)
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Max has been fortunate for most of his life, from growing up in the wealthy Trevelyan family, to his good looks and, quiet frankly, fantastic smile it's easy to assume he'd be another spoiled rich brat. You'd be giving in to a stereotype that doesn't, quiet, fit him though. From a young age Max has always been outgoing and adventurous which made him a handful to raise. His father frequently grappled with finding things to keep his youngest son occupied in ways that he hadn't had to do with his previous three children.
Born with a naturally sharp mind and quick wit, Max picks up new concepts quickly and with ease. Which means he often grew board with tutors, burned through the family library in a handful of years, quickly became very competent on horseback as well as the breeding and rearing of them (part of the family business), and often terrorized his siblings as well as the hired staff. Once he exhausted most of the interesting things at home he started running off to search for new adventures. Boredom and frequent arguments with his father often lead to habitual bouts of running away from home. Hence where Max got to truly learn about the world and open his eyes to the kind of privilege he's been so lucky to be born with. Unfortunately this also has ingrained his habit of running away from problems he doesn't see a forward solution to. (*cough*theinqusiton*cough*)
OC Study
Warden-Commander Feiell “Fe" Tabris
Champion of Kirkwall Aiden Hawke
Inquisitor Maxwell “Max" Trevelyan
1. Is your OC easily bothered by things?
Feiell – Small things don’t really bother her but she is a tad hot-headed so if you give her a hard time you might not be in for the best experience. She also has zero tolerance for idiots or assholes.
Aiden – He’s a petty bitch that mostly whines and complains to annoy his friends. Also whining about petty things is a good cover for the bigger worries and anxieties he hides underneath.
Max – Mostly an easygoing, carefree type. It takes the numerous responsibilities of the Inquisition weighing down on him all at once before he starts cracking.
2. How easily does your OC make friends?
Feiell – Most defiantly not a people person. Her natural stoic demure and biting sarcasm keeps people at bay. You have to spend quite a bit of time around her before she warms up to you.
Aiden – For reasons he doesn’t really understand people like Aiden. It’s probably his easy smile and sense of humor which he uses to get what he wants or needs out of them. Not really manipulative just doesn’t feel like he deserves the attention. The humor mostly hides his pain and keeps people at arms length, mostly unintentionally. He hates to burden those he loves.
Max – Max loves people, mostly entertaining, or teasing them. His signature charming smile and good looks usually put people at ease which makes him very likable. It also lets him get away with the mischief he often gets into.
3. Does your OC go beyond what they have to do or do they usually do just enough work to get by?
Feiell – Has almost literally killed herself to get where she is. Her work ethic is legendary and she’ll do almost anything to support her family and friends.
Aiden – Will do the barest minimum to get by. Her lazy as hell, even though he is incapable of saying no when someone needs help.
Max – Believes in doing things right the first time and if not the first time then defiantly the second time. Whatever the job needs to get done he willing to do and if it’s a favorite project he can lose himself in it indefinitely.
4. Is your OC respectful of others?
Feiell – She will be as respectful to you as you are to her, but will out match you if you’re a dick to her or her friends.
Aiden – Respectful enough to not cause trouble and get people to leave him alone.
Max – Perfect manners, and ridiculously charming. He believes everyone deserves respect unless they prove otherwise.
5. Is your OC imaginative or more down-to-earth?
Feiell – Defiantly no-nonsense and down-to-earth. She believes in hard work to active your goals.
Aiden – More of a day-dreamer but pulls a practical side together to care for and help family and friends. Dreams are nice but plans put food on the table.
Max – Total idealist, truly believes even the most impossible is attainable if you work at it long enough. Most of that idealistic optimism is broken after Trespasser, but that’s a long story.
6. Is your OC comfortable with themselves?
Feiell – She’s always been comfortable with who she is and has never felt any shame for it. She owes that to her parents and cousin.
Aiden – Feels like a constant failure and a burden despite how hard he tries not to. Doesn’t feel comfortable with opening up about his feelings and weighing others down with them. Is also terrible with expressing more painful emotions.
Max – Is mostly comfortable with himself. Always felt like a disappointment to his family because he never had the kind of goals for his life he thought they would want from him. Also never really saw himself as reliable but the Inquisition changed all that.
7. Does your OC plan things and stick to it or do they make it up as their go?
Feiell – Always has a plan and is a master of adjusting things on the fly if needed. Prefers to stick to the plan but has accepted how rarely that can happen.
Aiden – He’s been winging his whole life and it somehow hasn’t killed him yet.
Max – Usually has more of an outline than a hard plan. Trial & error are his best friends and somehow he’s still alive, that’s probably because he uses educated guesses more that throwing things to the wind.
8. Was their life eventful before the start of the story, or was it more dull?
Feiell – Depends if living in poverty and oppression is dull to you. I guess since it was normal for her it was boring.
Aiden – The stress of hiding a mage father and sister was more than Aiden ever wanted. He would have preferred boring.
Max – While the constant mischief Max got himself into means things were never dull they certainly seem boring when compared to life in the Inquisition. Josephine certainly had her hands full going through all of Max’s past exploits.
9. Do they have the habit to insult other people?
Feiell – Is a salty, little bitch so defiantly yes. She has a sharp tongue.
Aiden – Bit of a smart-ass and occasionally he can’t help it so it gets him in trouble.
Max – Mostly no, it takes quite a bit to get on his nerves enough to make him snap at you. Usually very polite.
10. Would your OC be described as “the life of the party”?
Feiell – She can be described as the death of the party.
Aiden – Likes to think he is.
Max – Is the actual life of the party if he wants to be. Usually he is.
11. Are they critical of others?
Feiell – To a degree, yes
Aiden - Mostly critical of himself
Max – Not really, he’s pretty non-judgmental
12. Do they like art? what is their favorite type (paintings, songs, fashion, etc)?
Feiell – The art of war perhaps, but music is good too.
Aiden – He considers Fenris a work of art if that counts.
Max – Paintings, music, nature, pretty clothes (mostly on Dorian), Max loves it all. He was especially fond of watching Solar paint his murals.
13. Are they more accepting or more controlling of the people in their life?
Feiell – As long as you’re not bothering her and no one gets hurt she doesn’t really care what people do.
Aiden – He has no control over his own life let alone any one else.
Max – Very accepting of people but not above a subtle nudge to do things he feels might benefit them.
14. Is your OC a good listener?
Feiell – She listens more than she talks, so yes.
Aiden – The one who’s always there to listen when you need him.
Max - Yes, he also has a great memory so he's very good at keeping track of all the drama in life. Lol
15. Are they opinionated or more willing to change their minds?
Feiell – Pretty opinionated but not impossible to change her mind, not that it is easy to do so mind you.
Aiden – Too changeable at times and mostly keeps his opinions to himself.
Max – A few solid moral opinions that he won’t move on but open-minded on nearly everything else.
16. Are they the kind of person who’s always on the defensive?
Feiell – Much less than she use to be but definitely yes.
Aiden – Only when he feels blamed for everything, which he is often.
Max – No, he dose his best to own up to his mistakes and rarely takes things personally.
17. Do people like hanging around them? do they have a positive, friendly energy?
Feiell – I will file this under HELL NO. She scares the crap out of most people if she doesn’t piss them off. It can take quite awhile for friends to warm up to her, if at all.
Aiden – People love Aiden, but the older he gets the less Aiden likes people. They demand too much from him but he’ll never be able to say no, or miss a chance at a passive-aggressive joke. Or a regular bad joke for that matter.
Max – People love Max almost from the moment they meet him. There is just something about him that puts everyone at ease and makes it easier to trust and smile. Must be the charming smile, yeah, has to be. He’s not bad looking either.
18. Is your OC a procrastinator? if they are, what’s an example of how much?
Feiell – People die if she puts things off, so no. Some days she wishes she could put many things off though. Like dying anytime soon, there’s too much to accomplish.
Aiden – What is productivity? If nobody is dying or it’s not dragging him, kicking and screaming, by the hair then its probably not getting done. At least no time soon. Guilt trip him hard to speed things up.
Max – Important things get done but if it’s not a pressing issue then it often can be temporarily abandoned for more enjoyable activities. Even if it’s set aside, the thing will still be done in a reasonable amount of time. Unless he forgets, which can happen frequently.
19. Do they tend to panic in certain situations or are they more calm?
Feiell – Always calm, if something bothers her you’ll never know.
Aiden – Panics constantly. Somewhat hides it well…somewhat…
Max – Takes most things in stride, the sudden dump of responsibility and people’s lives was really stressful but he adjusted to it.
20. Are they vengeful?
Feiell – I literally made a post of her being a deity of vengeance lol.
Aiden – Petty or bitter, perhaps, but not full on vengeful.
Max – Yes, touch the people he loves and see a whole different side of him.
21. What are some skills your OC has a talent for and what are some that they worked for?
Feiell – She’s has a natural flair for swordsmanship, her mother started training her and Fe kept up the practice even after her mother’s passing. Her leadership skills were…a little more rough. She had to learn how to organize and lead people on the fly because of the Blight but luckily she learns quickly.
Aiden – He’s scary good at lying, not even Varric can catch him in one. (Honestly most of his book is just Varric's best guess on Aiden's thoughts) Knife throwing took quite a bit of practice though. He can now nail someone at 100 pages and is unmatched at darts.
Max – Politics and navigating the Great Game are weirdly natural for Max even though he kinda hates it. His archery skill is something he is extremely proud of because he’s practiced relentlessly to be as good as he is. And he really is good, until a natural like Sera comes and shatters his ego. Lol
22. Are they more socially awkward or socially confident?
Feiell – Awkward, but in the way that she doesn’t care what people do or say. She dose her own thing and ignores everyone else.
Aiden – Smooth on the outside, tired wreak on the inside. Not that anyone will ever know.
Max – Social chameleon, and life of the party. Until he slips away unnoticed somehow.
23. What is something really dumb that irritates your OC a lot?
Feiell – Dumb questions about her hair: “How long is it?”, “Why do you keep it that long?”, “Is it really that red?”. Usually answered with “Why do you care so much, it’s not your hair.” Also people touching her constantly, she doesn’t see the need to constantly clap people on the shoulder or grab their arms when somethings funny.
Aiden – Orlesians, if you don’t know anything about DA then I’m sorry, this probably doesn’t make sense to you.
Max – Assuming he's stupid or that because of his wealth that he doesn't do any work. He's a natural busy-body so assuming he sits on his are all day is really irritating.
24. Do they tend to see the good in people?
Feiell – No, she’s had too many bad experiences before so distrust is her default until proven otherwise.
Aiden – Sometimes, mostly sees people in shades of grey. No one is 100% good or bad.
Max – He sees the good in people as often as he can and tries to pull some good out of those who are sometimes a little lost.
25. What does it take for your OC to trust someone?
Feiell – Doing what you say you will, not hiding things, sticking up for others when it clearly has no benefit for you, and give it a few weeks….or months and she may trust you.
Aiden – Help him out in a hard spot, or help family/friends.
Max – If you’re not openly malicious or he doesn’t feel like you’re lying/hiding anything his default if to trust until proven otherwise.
26. Do they have a lot of mood swings?
Feiell – Not really, she’s not a very emotional person. Unless you count her temper which can light like a matchstick.
Aiden - Known to be moody, to the point of it being a well known joke among friends. On bad days he can even out do Anders.
Max – Only if the stress is overwhelming him or he’s pretty sick. Otherwise he’s pretty even tempered.
27. Do they like to be the center of attention or do they prefer to be in the background?
Feiell – Hates being the center of attention and would rather be left alone. Unfortunately she’s had to get use to the attention after becoming Warden-Commander.
Aiden – If people could forget who he is it would be really nice. Likes being the center of attention among friends and family, doesn’t like it with crowds of strangers.
Max – Loves entertaining people and making them laugh which makes him great for parties. He grew up attending big gatherings and is an expert at navigating them, which means he's also very good at slipping away from them when he tires of the crowds.
28. Do people think they’re pretentious?
Feiell – Sometimes, her natural expression can give that impression but most of those people that make this mistake are racist shems that don’t like the power she has. Or the fact that she could kill them without breaking a sweat.
Aiden – No, his face is too friendly and if that doesn’t do it the self-deprecating jokes do.
Max – Yes, it’s easy for people to assume that since he comes from money. He’s never thought himself better than anyone though and tries to dispel that impression, but you can’t control what people want to think of you.
29. Is your OC detail oriented or do they focus more on the big picture?
Feiell – Details, details, you add them all up and that’s how you get a bigger picture. Other words, very detail oriented.
Aiden – Big picture. How you get there is a mystery though.
Max – Big picture first then an outline of the main details to get there.
30. Which high school movie stereotype would they fit best?
Feiell – The ice queen/The strict, scary teacher.
Aiden – Class clown/Troublemaker/Weird but laid back teacher
Max – The jock that befriends the weird kid/Hot science teacher
31. Are they good giving advice?
Feiell – Defiantly not, she’s better at giving orders.
Aiden – Only ask if you want to get in trouble. Ok, that’s not completely true, occasionally he can give good advice. Particularly to help cheer someone up.
Max – I would say yes, he’s gotten quite a bit of good advice over the years and likes to pass it on.
32. Which one of the 7 deadly sins fit your OC more? do they see it as a flaw?
Feiell – Wrath: Only a flaw if you think beating your enemies is a bad thing.
Aiden - Sloth: Regrets this flaw. If he had acted sooner on many things they might not have escalated the way they did.
Max – Pride: A flaw he has worked hard to temper over the years. Was more of a problem when he was younger than now.
33. Is your OC more likely to keep their feelings to themselves or to share them?
Feiell – Keeps them mostly to herself. A couple close friends may get a glimpse but only Zevran knows her well. He’s learned when to prod to get her to open up.
Aiden – Doesn’t like to burden others so keeps his feelings to himself even when he shouldn’t.
Max – His oldest sister is his best friend and confidant, she gets to hear everything. Max has started to lean on Dorian in this way too. Basically immediate family and good friends will know what’s up.
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC? (For all of them :D)
Feiell Tabris - Her dry, sarcastic sense of humor and that she loves to tease her friends. No one ever expects it from her because she looks so serious all the time. It took then awhile to figure out exactly when she was joking too. With her face it's kinda hard to tell.
Aiden Hawke - Its kinda weird to say but his vanity, mostly how he takes really good care of himself which also plays into how he like taking care of others too. Aiden can't cook to save his life and is terrible with talking about his own feelings, but he's the one you call when you need help doing your hair, scrubbing your back, or just need someone to listen.
Max Trevelyan - His love of archery and horses. His family raises and breeds horses so he's grown up around them. Max's skill with a bow and arrow is something he's worked hard for and is especially proud of. His father suggested archery when Max was very young because he could see how adventurous his youngest son was and wanted to keep Max out of trouble. Luckily young Max took to the pursuit but it only partially kept him out of trouble.
Taydwin Amell - His talent for shapeshifting, it's one of the few talents he really has. His natural ability with it even impressed the normally unflappable Morrigan. He is known for the hybrid grey Peregrine/Prairie falcon form he takes. Also a slighty grey Halla and a wolf, he can probably take more forms but his favorites are the falcon and wolf so he sticks to those.
Lelenah Mahariel - Her role as Tayd's adopted older sister. From the moment her father adopted Taydwin the two siblings were inseparable. This became especially true after her father was killed few years later.
Aarion Brosca - She's the only one of the Blight Brigade that has any talent for cooking. It came as a relief to everyone when she took charge of cooking from Alister. It's too bad she had to become a Grey Warden cuz she would have made a great chef.
Jynn Hawke - I'm not set on this one yet, but I think Jynn is actually a pretty good healer. Not that anyone would know since all she dose is set people on fire all the time.
Herah Adaar - She looks very serious and intimidating but she's actually really friendly and silly. She loves teasing people and while she wouldn't prank people herself she dose instigate Sera's pranks. Herah also knows how to make things like slime which is unfortunate for a few people on Sera's hit list.
Mercy Cadash - She is terrified of horses. No one can know though because it would ruin the cold blooded killer aspect of her personally. Anyone who finds out is dead.
Thank you for the ask! Some of these took awhile.
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
Taged by @1orweth
I know you taged me in a picdrew thing too but it hates my tablet and won't load sadly. Thank you for the tags though!
Feiell (Fe-lee-all) Tabris is my first and main Warden Commander for Dragon Age. She's a very angry city elf with a dessert dry sense of humor and is stoic enough to rival any Qunari.
If she somehow was sucked through the fade into the Continate then she would be a very angry city elf that would have jumped at the first chance to join the Scoia'tael and terorize dh'oine. Unless she became a child surprise and became a witcher. In which case she would kill everything and revell in the gore. Melitele help us all.
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arms crossed on chest / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off; cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows
arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows raising / lips pressing into a thin line / strict, unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / narrowed eyes
hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steepled hands / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel / wide eyes / standing akimbo
chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / biting lips / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “whew” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants whilst seated / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with pointer; marker; cane(;weapon) / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing or cracking fingers sporadically
short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales
I'm always open to questions about Feiell or any other ocs, wardens, inqusitors, hawkes, etc. (or just Dragon Age or Witcher stuff in gereral)
though I guess if you want people to ask things you actually have to post something to ask about.
I tag @temerian-lily @advena87 @starsandskies
but only if you guys want to of course!
If anyone else sees this and wats to do it. Go for it!
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
👹 🏀 & 🌙 for your OCs? :)
Thank you for the ask! I had a lot of fun with these.
I think at this point I should start warning people that my answers are never short. 😅
👹 How does you OC act around different people and how does their personality change to match the environment they’re in? How do they act with: friends, family, strangers, children or their lover(s)?
Feiell Tabris fits this one best.
Most of the time she is very cold and distant, her default expression is disinterest or mild irritation. Not having a very expressive face certainly doesn't help make her any more aprocable. She's also very blunt and to the point so even though she is a small, thin elf she is still rather intimidating. (Particularly in full armor lol)
It can take quite awhile to gain her trust but once you're in you are in for good. She is extremely protective of people she cares about. Once she relaxes around you then you may even get to see the rarest thing in the world: her smiling. Might even start to figure out when she's joking cuz her dry, sarcastic humor and natural deadpan expression make that difficult.
Feiell: *slaps you on the shoulder* Don't worry, I was joking. I won't kill you...yet.
As a lover she tries to express a bit more emotion and affection since she know how hard it is to read her. No one expects her to be as good at flirting as she is but oddly enough its a natural talent. Very loving, supportive, and adventurous, she is open to many different things. This actually makes he a lot of fun whether you want to starts a new hobby, travel, or try something new in private. (You have no idea how good a match her and Zevran are.)
She looks like the strict mom but in reality she would only have a handful of rules to never break and as long as those are followed she's cool. 100% teaches self-defense from a young age, always stick up for yourself and your friends, travels together with family, and trusts their kid to let them do their own thing kinda parent.
🏀 Does your OC have any skills that people wouldn’t expect them to have? Do they have a hobby or pass time that others would consider strange or weird? How did they learn this particular skill or pick up this hobby?
I don't talk about Taydwin Amell enough.
Tayd is really stealthy without trying. It's second nature after being raised in a Dalish clan since they have to hunt and avoid evil Shems. He tends to suddenly pop up on people without thinking about it and scaring the crap out of them. He's also weirdly talented at picking locks, which makes almost no sense for a mage let alone someone raised in a forrest. He's an arcane warrior so I played him as a shapeshifting mage/duel wielding rouge. (And yes, that is as difficult as it sounds but I'm freakin stubborn.) His sister is a duel wield rouge and she's the one who taught him, though he defiantly is much better with magic.
Zevran: *Is struggling with a lock*
Tayd: *makes sure no one is looking then pops the lock* Hey, Zev got the door open!
Zevran: How...ah, nevermind *winks at Tayd*
Tayd: *thumbs up back*
I do talk about Maxwell Trevelyan a lot, but I never get to meantion how book smart he is.
He's a polyglot and at the start of Inquisition was fluent in at least three languages. Perks of growing up rich and your family having businesses in other countries. He surprises Dorian with how quickly he picks up Teven. Also after spending enough time with Solas, Max eventually convinces him to give some lessons in Elven.
Max: *stares at mural depicting Fen'harel freeing the slaves and realizes it's Solas* The Dread Wolf....taught me Elvan....*also realises all the info Solas had and could have shared* That bastard was holding out on me!
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favorites? Favorite food, color, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Herah Adaar has a few
She loves being up just before the sun rises to do some stretching/yoga as the sun comes up. Once finished she will sit and watch the sunrise, sipping on one of her favorite things: chai tea, minimal cream so it stays extra spicy.
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
OC Fighting Styles
Tagged by @starsandskies thank you for the Tag!
I love doing things like this but never know who to tag. I also can't remember who has OCs (aside from the one who tagged me lol) so if you have OCs and want to do this consider yourself tagged by me. Hit me up with your answers, I'd love to see them!
Da rules:
bold = often (or always)
italics = sometimes
default = rarely
strike = never
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly, apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer a gun / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing / would succumb slowly
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly, apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer a gun / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing / would succumb slowly
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly, apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer a gun / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing / would succumb slowly
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
28 & 35 for the oc association meme :3
I actually forgot I rebloged this thing. Thank you for the ask and have fun in my Witcher tag. 😉
These are my Dragon Age protags and OCs in case you don't know.
28. Gets lost easily
Hmm, I haven't really thought about this one until now. I would say Max Trevelyan and Aarion Brosca fit this one.
Max gets turned around easily but eventually will find his way. Sometimes with help and sometimes after taking the same wrong turn several times before remembering it again and turning back. Trial & error is his best friend and somehow hasn't killed him yet.
Aarion has amazing navigation in caves and anywhere underground, but put her above ground and she'll get lost in an open field. The surface is a beyond terrifying place that even after ten years she is still adjusting to. And still needs a buddy to lead her back to the nice, safe road.
35. Has amazing hair
Two amazing ladies (?) and one vain man: Feiell Tabris, Herah Adaar, and Aiden Hawke.
Feiell's red mane will always be a mystery to all but Zevran because she always has it braided. There were bets among the Blight Brigade on how long her hair is but to date no one has won. Some days her hair is in a deceptively simple French braid and doesn't look that long, other days it's in a braided bun so complicated there must be at least four feet of hair to make all those twists and turns. No one knows and Zevran's lips are sealed.
Herah lets her hair down when she's not working or fighting and tends to wow everyone when she dose. Mostly because there's more hair than there appears to be since anything less than a tight wrap won't hold it. Her hair is thick with tights curls and Sera even got her hand stuck in it once. The private joke that Herah's hair "bites" has stuck since.
Aiden may not look it but he is incredibly vain and cherishes his auburn locks. The soft, smooth shine and the way the subtle hint of red is enhanced is a product of his meticulous care routine. He learned to braid hair after Bethany was born to help care for her and young Bethany loved braiding big brother's hair. It is still one of their things to this day and also why Aiden wears simple braids occasionally. He also braids it before bed because if he forgets to then his hair is a nightmare to deal with. Fenris gets to watch this event in more than a little bemusement because he's been the cause of it. It takes Aiden forever to get all the knots out.
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
Tagged by @starsandskies for this ----> Picrew.
Thank you for the Tag!
Herah ended up kinda looking like Isabella lol.
Feiell Tabris Lelenah Maharial
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Aarion Brosca Herah Adaar
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
- My OC Masterlist -
Because I really need one if I want people to know who the hell they are, but also mostly for my own reference.
List constantly under construction and updated as I post things and do more stuff with them.
All OCs are fair game for any ask or tag game anytime! Honestly I don't care how long ago I rebloged any ask game, just copy and paste the question you want! If you're asking about one of my favorite things in the world (*hint* my OCs) you are never bothering me! 💚
OCs with their own tag mean you can also search my blog for their content. Not much original content yet aside from asks or tag games lovely people asked me to do, but it's a work in progress. Tagged OCs may tend to be more developed but don't count the nontagged ones out completely! They likely have personalities too but I just don't have as much reason to play with them. (You can always give me one *wink*wink*)
Full list below the cut to keep it neat.
Dragon Age
Feiell Tabris - Commander of the Grey/Hero of Feledan
#My OC: Feiell Tabris
Profile / OC Study / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Body Language / OC Fighting Style / OC Can Do / OC + Fears / If They Were A Deity
Taydwin (Mahariel) Amell - The (Human) Dalish Mage
#My OC: Taydwin Amell
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Can Do / OC + Fears / Negative OC Traits / OC Stats
Lelenah Mahariel - Tayd's Big Sis The Dalish Hunter
#My OC: Lelenah Mahariel
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Aarion Brosca - The Castles Archer
#My OC: Aarion Brosca
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Can Do
Aiden Hawke - The Champion of Kirkwall
#My OC: Aiden Hawke
Profile/ OC Study / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Fighting Style/ OC Can Do / OC + Fears
Aisling Hawke - Aiden's Big Twin Sis
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Jynn Hawke
#My OC: Jynn Hawke
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: Negative OC Traits
Jameson Hawke
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Maxwell Trevelyan - The Inquisitor
#My OC: Maxwell Trevelyan
Profile / OC Study / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Stats / OC Fighting Style / OC Can Do / OC + Fears / Ascetic Search
Herah Adaar - Mercenary Mage/Arcane Enthusiasts
#My OC: Herah Adaar
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Can Do / OC + Fears
Mercy Cadash - The Carta Muscle
#My OC: Mercy Cadash
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Can Do / OC + Fears / Negative OC Traits
Rayla Trevelyan - Max's Mage Cousin
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Mass Effect
Jaxson Shepard - Commander Shepard
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Thad "Scott" Ryder - The Pathfinder
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Savanna "Sarah" Ryder - Thad's Big Sis
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
(Less developed, aside from my main Dragonborn/Vessage. Some I only remember names for and a couple details.)
Freya of Skyrim - Dragonborn/Vessage
AKA Freya the Nord (Or, a Khajiit from Skyrim)
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Dar'sei - The Argonian Mage
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Ammiittue - The Warden
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Arrow-Heart - Argonian Nighblade
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
19 notes · View notes
inkprintedfox · 4 years
For Feielle: 01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
  02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
  34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)
For Feiell:
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
Pronounced Fee-E-All.
I literally pulled the name out of my ass. As far as I know it means absolutely nothing and I haven’t found anything concrete on Google to say it dose. I strung some sounds together and somehow got lucky it didn’t mean anything nasty (to my knowledge). I should give it a meaning someday.
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
Failure, people die when she fails so she has to succeed no matter what. Only a select few might know her weaknesses because she rarely let’s anyone in that close. Even if you know her well she’s still hard to read and insecurities are masked by anger. I doubt any of this makes her easy in any sense let alone easy to exploit.
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
Where do I start? People who exploit those with less power than them, harming her family or friends, throwing someone else under to save yourself, abusing others, hurting children, hypocrisy, I mean this list can go on for a long time. People in general make her angry and rage isn’t that hard to switch on for her. She’s a berserker/reaver class so that might give you some insight into her.
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)
I haven’t thought about this before but I don’t think she dose? Sure coffee is nice on days with no sleep, sweet stuff is alright, if food tastes great that’s awesome, but I don’t think she would care that much otherwise. Food keeps her alive and that’s the main goal.
Wait, I forgot whisky. Good quality whisky because its not something you can go cheap on.
Fe is strangely hard to write. Well, maybe not that strange because she is stubborn as hell.
Thank you for the ask!! 💚
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
Tagged by @temerian-lily thank you for the tag!
I had more fun than I expected with this. I'm a sucker for symbolism.
I'm not sure who to tag for this? If you want to do this consider yourself tagged by me!
If They Were A Deity
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Deity of: Vengeance
Associated with: Harsh justice, Karmic return for your wrongs, Retrebution for wrongs done upon you or for your own wrong doings, Occasionally for absolvement for a past mistake that has been paid for
Sacred plants: Black Dahlia, Asphodel, Tansy, Rainflower
Sacred stones / gems: Fire Opal, Alexandrine, Bloodstone
Colors: Mahogany Red, Gold, Silver is added when asking for absolvement
Food: Pomegranate, Lamb, Red Wine
Accepted offerings / ways to honor: Alter with statues carved out of Bloodstone with Fire Opal details, such as eyes or holding a sword. (Or Alexandrine substitute) Newborn lamb can be sacrificed to call retribution upon the one who wronged you, write their name(s) upon the alter in the lamb's blood. If asking forgiveness, the lamb is to be humanely killed then sliced into portions and roasted over an open flame. One portion left at the alter, the rest divided between one asking forgiveness and the injured party. For a lesser wrong a goblet of red wine can be offered with pomegranate seeds in it, the number of seeds to signify length/number of punishments or number of wrongs to repent for.
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
OC Can Do
Tagged by @starsandskies thank you so much! I apologize for the wait.
I spent way longer on this than was necessary but was carried away on a welcome wave of inspiration and I enjoyed the ride. For some reason my brain demanded me to make all the DA peeps in Inquisition because I needed nice pictures of everyone. No regrets. My Warden and Inqusitor feature along with the rest of their squad. Because as far as I'm concerned all wardens and Inqusitors made after the your canon one are added squadmates to the Blight Brigade and Inquisition. Added Hawks are either additional or undiscovered family.
This is gonna be long.
Maxwell "Max" Trevelyan
(My canon Inqusitor)
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swim / scuba dive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customize clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all Pokémon in the Pokémon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / ice-skate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
Max may be a charming man from a rich family but repeatedly butting heads with his father caused him to run away from home quite often. Thus he has learned to survive on the streets and experienced a bit of the rougher part of life. Even though he's always able to return home afterwards, seeing the other side of the coin has left a deep impression on him from early on. Not to mention that he's also picked up some not very noble skill sets.
Feielle "Fe" Tabris
(Canon Warden-Commander)
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swim / scuba dive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customize clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all Pokémon in the Pokémon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / ice-skate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
A life of oppression and gross mistreatment growing up in the alianage has made Feielle an incredibly angry and closed-off individual. Her natural stoic resting expression has never much helped her make friends but once you can get over her walls you are family for life. Blood has nothing to do with it. Command comes easy to Fe as she learns rather quickly on her feet and revels in finally letting out her anger in battle. The whole journey of ending the Blight and becoming Warden-Commander has helped her grow in ways she'd never dream of. Even though Feiell has learned how to handle her softer emotions by no means have they softened her.
Aiden Hawke
(Canon Hawke He's a rouge, please ignore the staff. I didn't feel like going through the prologue again.)
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swim / scuba dive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customize clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all Pokémon in the Pokémon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / ice-skate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
Taydwin "Tade" Mahariel (Amell)
(Human raised Dalish, mage and shapshifter)
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swim / scuba dive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customize clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all Pokémon in the Pokémon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / ice-skate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
Aarion Brosca
(Dwarven archer and technically queen regent if she'd ever accept it)
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swim / scuba dive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customize clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all Pokémon in the Pokémon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / ice-skate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
Herah Adaar
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swim / scuba dive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customize clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all Pokémon in the Pokémon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / ice-skate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
Mercy Cadash
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swim / scuba dive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customize clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all Pokémon in the Pokémon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / ice-skate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
Tagged by @starsandskies for THIS picrew. Thank you for the tag!
Sorry if you thought I ignored this. I got sidetracked so many times and also forgot I put it in my drafts then proceeded to bury it by accident. 😅 I cleaned my drafts and found it.
I tag @kylauren @illusive-girl @temerian-lily
Only if you want to of course! No pressure.
Feiell Tabris & Aiden Hawke
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
OC Picrew #2
Once again tagged by @1orweth forever ago. I apologize again.
Feielle Tabris, Aiden Hawke, and Maxwell Trevelyan. Thank you for the tag!!
Here's the Picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/138834
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
OTP Game!
Pick your top 10 OTPs without reading the questions.
Tagged by @advena87
Did you write this? It's freaking awesome and I had a lot of fun with it! Thank you for tagging me!
I ship quite a few things but I tried to pick the 10 that hold most of my attention right now or are classic favorites of mine that I'll never be over.
1. Iorveth x Roche
2. Iorveth x Geralt
3. Roche x Geralt
4. Zevran x Warden
5. Fenris x Anders
6. Fenris x Hawke
7. Dorian x Inquisitor
8. Reyes Vidal x Scott Ryder
9. Kaidan x MShepard
10. Vetra x Sara Ryder
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
Fenris x Hawke
Uh YEAH, it's one of the top things that made me look forward to playing DA2 and is still one of the top things I love about the game.
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2?
Iorveth x Geralt
Yep, actually fanfiction is what made me ship it. For some reason it never occurred to me while playing the game. After reading some fics though I'm like, it actually makes a lot of sense? They're really cute together and the fluff in this ship kills me.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr screen saver?
Zevran x Warden
No, maybe one day if I ever commission a piece of him and my Warden though.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
Dorian x Inquisitor (Maxwell Trevelyan)
Noooooo! Maxie what the hell did you do? Go to Tevinter and make it up to him NOW! Honestly though if Dorian ever left him Max would probably go back to Ostwick and drink himself to death. Then the Inquisition falls apart and SOLAS TEARS THE VEIL APART AND THE WORLD ENDS. *cries forever*
5. Why is 1 so important?
Iorveth x Roche
I relate heavily to both characters and am a sucker for antagonistic relationships. I love how two characters that share a lot of similarities can be two completely different people. And even though I do like the romantic relationship with them I actually see them more of mortal enemies turning into best friends or even adopted family. I think that scenario just fits them more that them being lovers. Plus if we're all being honest it's more likely they would kill each other rather than fuck. (But we can all fantasize RIGHT?)
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Kaidan x MShepard (Jaxson Shepard)
Oh, that is beyond serious. Jax fell for Kaidan in ME1 after the first month with the team and held on to that unrequited love all the way till ME3 when Kaidan blows his mind and asks him out. Jax played it cool but in reality was in total shock and it took him a full week to recover.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Dorian x Inquisitor (Maxwell Trevelyan)
They just clicked right away. Max is a flirt and was actually interested in a few others but once Dorian and him started talking it was over, no one else mattered.
8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
Zevran x Warden (Feielle Tabris)
Max & Dorian and Jax & Kaidan are close runner ups on this but I think Fe and Zev have to win this one. They have always 100% trusted each other and even though they spend a lot of time apart when they meet again it's like they never left. They just understand one another so well they don't even have to use words. (Not that it stops Zevran from pouring praise and compliments on her.)
9. How many times have your read/watched 10’s fandom
Vetra x Sara Ryder
Not very often right now since I'm on my Witcher high. I do miss all my Mass Effect peeps though so once the longing starts to get overwhelming I'll go back and play with Sara and Scott again.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
Zevran x Warden (Feielle Tabris)
It's been 10 years in canon between DAO and DAI and they are still together.
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
Fenris x Hawke (Aiden Hawke)
Bwhahaha! I'm dying that this question landed on them. Twice, once after the initial hook up at the manor, and again after Fenris found out about Aiden's fling with Anders. ("That was before you, Fenris! I didn't think you would want to be with me!") They are more steady now though there's still a few bumps.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
Iorveth x Geralt vs. Reyes Vidal x Scott Ryder
Oh no, Iorveth and Geralt definitely. Reyes and Scott have a chance though, they've both crawled their way out of shit situations so I wouldn't count them out.
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
Dorian x Inquisitor (Maxwell Trevelyan)
They never hid anything but they weren't very loud about it either. Max never cared who knew and after he started falling hard for Dorian he made sure everyone knew.
14. Is 4 still together?
Zevran x Warden (Feielle Tabris)
If I haven't made this clear above HELL YES!
15. Is 10 canon?
Vetra x Sara Ryder
To me and quite a few others it is. Not to everyone though.
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Iorveth x Geralt with Feielle (Warden), Jaxson (Shepard), and Fenris hanging out
This wouldn't be the Hunger Games, it would be the Heartbreak Games as most of these couples get to watch their loves die. Especially those that while they may be badasses their partners are not, and there's too many threats to protect from at once. Imaging Geralt facing off with Feielle and Shepard fighting Fenris would be epic to see. In the end I think Geralt's witcher swordmanship combined with Iorveth's skill in archery would win it for them. Sneaky squirrel would nail them while Geralt keeps their attention.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
Fenris x Anders
Hawke? All the people that hate to see them together because it's "problematic"?
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
Dorian x Inquisitor (Maxwell Trevelyan)
I just can't see them with anyone else? Max would die without him, he just wouldn't see the possibility of life without Dorian. I think most of the others would be able to move on if they needed to.
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
Roche x Geralt
TT I might if there was more content for it. Though I can understand why there isn't a big crowd for this ship. I mean, Roche is a difficult man to like to start with, not to mention the writing makes him read as mostly strait. Geralt also has a ton of choice when it comes to people to ship him with too.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
Roche x Geralt
Lol Geralt has all his sorcereress to go to and Iorveth can pick up Roche. Or there's always making OCs for Roche cuz someone will love you ya bastard!
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