#favorite otome characters
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moeblob · 1 year
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I know one (1) person who used to follow me (maybe still does!) who knows this game.
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lovebirdgames · 1 year
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30 bad ends await you in Band Camp Boyfriend. Will you collect them all--or do everything in your power to avoid them?
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daelishit · 1 year
i was actually wondering why medea is going on that path — yk, getting closer to eros, gaining his trust at all costs, "seducing" him, and i've come to two conclusions:
1. she may just want to destroy him inside out. crush his pride, crush what little heart he has — it wouldn't be out of character, but then again there are other ways of doing so (even though it could the most satisfying, as he's done the same to psyche)
2. but! game!medea made me reconsider things. i mean, look — yes it's not the same thing, it's not quite literally the same person, but still. they both got the same way of loving and caring, and game!medea tried to go through that path to better protect her people and lessen sacrifices. she thought that that way, she would take the biggest blows and get rid of him with little collateral damage, while getting eros out of psyche's sight and shielding her (and taking his attention to herself altogether)
so yeah im curious about manhwa!medea real motives
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neonganymede · 9 months
Have I ever asked you who your favorite hakuouki boy is?? (If I did I'm sorry I forgot but. I want to know)
I don't think you have! My favorite is Okita ^^ his constant threats to kill me and his incurable lung disease have me captivated~
What about you?
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fortune-maiden · 1 year
Looking back on Boueibu, it’s wild just how much content there was.
There was the anime,
There was a manga,
There were light novels,
There were drama CDs,
There was a musical,
There were seiyuu events,
There was a whole Otome game...
I’m sure I’m missing something but W O W we were spoiled in the best way!
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Otome Characters I Loved Long Ago...
A/N: I actually had a few days in December where I tried to find characters from older Otome games that I was so in love with when I was in my late teens. It's kinda funny how my love for otome boys seemed to extend well into my 20s. And while some games/love interest paths are no longer available (I'm actually sad by that), some are.
Warning: Major Spoilers?
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Mad (Hatter) - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
Like Satan from Obey Me is now, Mad was my absolute favorite character back then. I think where he was so kooky and sweet, I was just so head over heels. And I just loved how he and the MC interacted together (not to mention that there were these two little boys named Humpty & Dumpty who Mad & MC took care of like a family). This man learned to love as the story progressed (and depending on your choice, it got you the good or bad ending). I absolutely adore him.
To be fair, all of the love interests in the game was amazing.
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Leo - Shall We Date : Niflheim
Firstly, I'm so happy that his story route is on Story Jar (Damn, it was like 8 years ago when they released his story). But I can tell you that I love him dearly. I mean, he just kinda literally sweeps you off your feet in his story. King Leo claimed MC as his wife after all (despite her being engaged to King Jean). Not to mention he is so handsome. (I will mention that I feel like Mammon is a mix between him and the King Jean). And he has a Red Wolf named Surt that is his closest companion. Anyways, he deserves all the kisses, I love him.
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Cheshire Cat / Noir - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
Speaking of amazing love interests, I LOVE Noir! You actually didn't get to see what he really looked like until you actually played his route. And I'll admit, Cheshire Cat randomly appearing for chaos only mad me angry. But after playing his story, I just fell so in love with this mysterious yet sweet chaotic fella.
And as much as I'd love to play his story again, after most of the Shall We Date games were deleted forever and/or moved to one main app, his story was completely removed (along with Ash's & Bill's). So I'm kinda pissed about that.
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Pale Ghost / Nick - Shall We Date : Niflheim
So he's a sad boy, but I loved him. Honestly since the story has you betrothed to Jean from the very prologue, I was glad that there was an option "not" to romance Jean (while I played his story eventually, I did not like him at first), meeting Nick in story was like fate. It was mysterious how you were the only one who could see him. And just he and the Niflheim MC just clicked instantly. I absolutely loved their romance and even cried when I thought they were doomed. Seriously this character and his story sent me through through emotional turmoil.
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Joker - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
While I was playing Mad's story, my best friend was playing Joker's. So once I got around to it, I definately saw why she would giggle about him. He was this loveable tsundere boy who had a sad backstory. And he was certainly charming and good intentioned. Naturally, I'd fall in love with him as well.
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Diavel (Demon) & Ruvel (Reaper) - Shall We Date : Angel or Demon
This was one of the Otome Games that walked so others could run. I remember that I took a liking to these two way more than I did the angel Latis. I don't know, they were just so cool and mysterious. Not to mention, Diavel was very seductive in general (0f course). However I regret that I don't remember too much about them. I just remember that the MC had 7 days to live before their soul would be taken by one of those guys. And the story had a sad ending from what I can remember (like ofc, a human couldn't be with these beings ig).
Unfortunately as this game was one that was permanently deleted, I'll never get to play it again.
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Yamato Kougami - My Forged Wedding
I'm 100 sure that this was my first ever otome love. Looking back, I can't believe I was really into the tsundere boys that were kinda really mean. However, as the story progressed, he turned out to be alright. I'm not sure I would chose him today if I could replay it. But I would at least give him a second chance.
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Takao Maruyama - My Forged Wedding
So after playing Yamato's story, I played Takao's story. And honestly I just adored him from the get go, but slowly my heart would break as he would distance himself from MC at times. I'm sure if I played it now, I wouldn't be so bothered but since I was like 17 or 18 when I played this, my tiny heart just shattered as I was so emotionally invested. I do remember the story resolving into something nice though. And now looking back, I think the story was written pretty well for what it was.
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lemme-just-oops · 2 years
Thank you so so so much for your writing!! i would like to request some hcs with a reader who plays an ocarina and plays it like a lullaby sometimes, sorry if its too specific lol
Alpheratz: He tried to never ask you for this, but it escalated. Whenever he got upset over an argument with certain other people, he was tempted to ask you to play. And trying to not give in was even more stressing, so it was a matter of time until he asked you to play a lullaby for him. And he immediately became addicted. But he tries to not show it, because he wants you to play because you like it, not because you feel obligated to do him this favor every now and then.
Arcturus: We all agree that he plays the flute or lyre, right? Everyone would love being near you when you two duet. But he only ever played slow melodies, because he is not able to keep up with the stress of anything too quick. He may even show you how to combine music and magic.
Pollux: This man has no idea what an ocarina is, but will insist that he will quickly learn how to play it. Do not lend him your ocarina, for the sake of everyone's ears. Sadly, he cannot sit idly for too long, so when you play, he always needs to fiddle with something or act and by doing that he accidentally misses the entire melody you played.
Sirius: Sadly, he is not good with music when he does not expect it. Probably because ears of animals work differently, and it would be too exhausting to change how beings experience the world with every transformation. And his dog-audio does not like ocarinas. Imagine a high pitched tone stuck for ten minutes, that is how he thinks of ocarinas in that state. But when he expects your notes, he calls them calming and soothing, perfect to be played during the twilight.
Spica: Though he prefers traditionally more "elegant" instruments such as a cello or harp, he understands that an ocarina was a wonderful invention. You can play it in his office, if you feel like doing so, he would enjoy the company. A conversation would be distracting to him, but music not so much. It even adds to the quality time you two have.
Vega: He feels like there was a game he used to like as a child, and the ocarina somehow remimds him of it, but he cannot quite remember. But he does enjoy the sound of it, especially for lullabies. Closes his eyes and daydreams with every melody. This is fine. You are wonderful and skilled, and he just appreciates that your hobby makes you (and him) happy.
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cherchersketch · 7 months
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Me if I was ever isekai-ed into one of the hundreds of manhwa I’ve read
_(:3 」∠)_
Raffine’s Plan: Save my Favorite Character
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my-current-obsession · 8 months
Pleased to say that I've only done two "love stories" of the Even if Tempest FD and it's already GREAT. Even if literally everything else lets me down (which is pretty unlikely I think) I'd be fairly satisfied with what I've already got.
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cleaetpauline60 · 2 years
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~ BAD APPLE WARS Favorite characters (Female) 💝
♡ N°1 : Rinka ♡
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couldbebetterforsure · 11 months
Still slowly (VERY slowly 😭) making progress on replaying Fire Emblem Engage so I can get back to the point I was at before my save got deleted and continue my liveblog. As I’m doing that I decided it had been too long since I enjoyed an otome game so I have also been playing Jack Jeanne!
It’s funny when I first heard the news of Jack Jeanne being localized it actually didn’t catch my attention. But like a week ago I saw a random post about it praising it and then I looked it up and saw it was getting a TON of praise. I also looked up some non-spoilery art and info and thought the style looked gorgeous and liked the bits of story and gameplay I found. So I said fuck it and bought it like four days ago.
And WOW I am happy I did!!!!!
First off, the art in this game is BEAUTIFUL! Sui Ishida, the writer and artist for Tokyo Ghoul, is responsible not only for the gorgeous art and character designs but also did a bunch of other stuff for this game (even writing the lyrics for the songs which is incredible). Seriously the amount of time I spend just staring at CGs is nuts, they’re all so incredible whether they’re comedic or dramatic. The character designs are all so wonderful too and so expressive!
The music is so incredible too! The background tracks are great and fitting for the situations. So far I only just finished the Newcomers’ Performance so the only vocal songs I’ve heard so far are the main theme Jack & Jeanne of Quartz, and the two songs for The Sleepless King: Fortune Color is Crystal and Beyond the Plane Tree. Bruh….I never skip the main theme that’s how good it is. And it’s sung in character by the heroine and the six LIs. I went and bought the mp3 for it I’ve been obsessing over it that much. Fortune Color is Crystal was not what I expected considering the nature of the play it’s in but it’s so catchy! And holy fucking shit Beyond the Plane Tree is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard, the harmonies in it are so 😭😭😭😭 I’m playing this game blind (with a spoiler free guide) so I haven’t listened ahead to the other songs but I was so impressed by these three that not only did I buy the mp3 for the main theme I ordered the vocal collection since the other songs aren’t available for mp3 download.
The story is definitely interesting me so far. Like I said I’ve only just finished the Newcomers Performance so I’m not that far in the story but it managed to hook me in entirely despite the seemingly simple sounding premise of “heroine disguised herself as a boy to attend all boys academy”. I’m actually surprised by how many times so far I actually forgot our heroine is supposed to be in disguise 😂😂😂 Not because the game doesn’t use the premise properly but more because there’s so much shit going on!!! And it slowly introduces new characters and plot points so that I’m always eager to see what happens next. Especially in terms of the plays (oh yeah this takes place in a theater school sorry I forgot to bring that up)! With this first play I was excited to see who was cast in what roles, the plot of it, watching the rehearsals, and seeing it all come together in the end in spectacular fashion! I like the stat raising element, nothing complex or luck based about it so it’s not aggravating. I’m totally in love with the rhythm game aspect, though it means whenever we get to the actual plays I’m more focused on getting a top score than watching the video of the performance. But that’s what the gallery is for right? The interesting thing about this game from what I hear is that, unlike typical otome games, Jack Jeanne is like 80% common route. Like while you make choices that earn affection and can pick who you hang out with, the LI specific routes don’t come in until WAAAAAY later. I thought I would mind since I generally prefer more romance in my otome (sounds silly but people who play otome games probably understand what I mean) but so far I don’t care because the story is just that enjoyable (and it’s not like there’s no moments at all).
And then there’s the characters. I like when MCs are voiced and I’m especially glad Kisa is voiced since this is a story about theater. I really like her so far she’s sweet and a hard worker, I can’t wait to see how she grows as both an actor and a person! I love her standing up to Otori and doubling down on seeking assistance and working together during practice. And I love how sweet and bell-like her voice is! Suzu (to the surprise of no one because I’m Miss Predictable) is my fave. Sweetheart, earnest, energetic, puppy in human form? Yeah that’s a LI tailor made for Willow! I love how much he has already grown as an actor from how robotic he sounded when he first practiced his lines to his PHENOMENAL performance for his first time on stage in The Sleepless King (which by the way how did my boy Suzu not win any award for that performance?!?!?! This game is rigged😡). And bruh I nearly fucked up both rhythm game segments for the Newcomers Performance because of how blindsided I was by how beautiful his singing voice is (don’t know why I was so shocked I know his VA is incredible). Sou is so soft and sweet so far and I can already see some hints for where his story might go (possibly about him not standing out as much?). I like that he’s in the know about Kisa and I do love me some childhood friend romances! Mitsuki makes me laugh with his tsundereness but I love how compared to typical tsundere characters he’s more softspoken and doesn’t go heavy handed on it. Negi is so funny so far I really enjoy whenever he’s onscreen talking a mile a minute or causing his own little brand of chaos. Kai seems super kind and I love that he seems like an animal expert, I wanna know more about him. And Fumi is just super cool to me, his design to his voice to his personality. I really love this Quartz squad, they’re so lovable and have such enjoyable dynamics with each other! Regarding side characters I’m only just beginning to know some, and I know there are a ton I have yet to meet, but I really like the ones I’ve met so far. They’re either kind, funny, a mix of both, or have yet to really display any trait that makes me feel one way or another. The only side character I have strong feelings towards as of where I am now in the game is Otori. And even then I find him enjoyably annoying. He’s talented and knows it, but he’s also an annoying dick and I enjoy proving him wrong. Also he’s hilarious without ever meaning to be, which keeps me from being too annoyed at him.
Anyways yeah that’s my ramble about Jack Jeanne so far! There’s probably a ton I missed or forgot but I just wanted to gush for a moment about this great game! I’m having so much fun so far and can’t wait to see what the rest of the game is gonna bring. I’m at the very start of June so it’s the Summer Performance next!
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nyanykamito · 1 year
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Starting New Year with screenshots of what I've been working on, this lil fan project has been teaching me alot. And I can't wait to share it in all its glory. 
I'm really proud with how far I've come with this game in such a short amount of time. the coding has been ...interesting and having to draw, and write my own script is a learning experince. This has also been teaching my time management.. which is fun TuT
yes this is an otome fan game, I have set characters planned for routes and potential character route planned. We'll see what happens
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everythingsfan · 2 years
Is it just me who noticed that voltage really gave up on putting random routes for free ?! like it has been months since I last saw a new route on the free list !
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arpechele · 2 years
ankou and yves virche are literally Guys of All Time i wish i could scoop them out and put them in a medium people would actually play and enjoy
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
Favorite Characters Ranking! (September)
A/N: I haven't done one of these in a while. I kinda forget about it to be honest.
Some of the ones I've done before: April | May
Warning: Potential spoilers (for all here), most of this here is just me simping and being love with many of these characters
Ranking Notes:
Haurchefant/Emet-Selch/Hythlodaeus will always be best boys in my heart
characters with go up or down on the chart by how much I hyper-focus on them or spend time thinking of them (interacting with them if they are in games)
if characters go down in rank, it doesn’t mean I love them less or hate them. I just have to put ‘em somewhere
this is just for fun
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#10 Zero, Asmo, Mina, Chiaki
I have no words, Zero makes speechless
Okay but for real, I'm calling it now, Zero is going to be in my top 5 in October. I need more content with her
Honestly how could I not have my other Obey Me bestie on this list? Honestly there's just too many characters
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#9 Fandaniel, Mephisto, Sero, Kaede
My boy has fallen from the high ranks 😭perhaps next time
Mephisto WILL be climbing the ranks from now on. He's the right amount of chaos for me
watch out Satan
Besides the anime, tiktok has definately made me love Sero more
I do love some of the headcanons with him
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#8 Erenville, Solomon, Shinso, Ibuki
I will say it again, I would love to see more Erenville content. I adore him.
So Solomon is really putting a spell on me, eh?
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#7 Hades/Emet-Selch, Belphie, Tamaki, Kazuichi
I didn't realize it til now but it seems that Emet-Selch hasn't changed in his ranking. He was #7 last time as well.
Surely in October he will be up the list due to what I'm writing about him
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#6 Hermes, Mammon, Hawks, Maki
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#5 Aymeric, Thirteen, Aizawa, Gundham
Aymeric is finally back in the top 5, he's really fighting back for me to give attention these days. I can't complain honestly, he's my Heavensward love (besides Haurchefant)
I'm so happy that Thirteen is further up the rank! Her presence in the game (at least in the little mini events that she appears) is just golden
Honestly Gundham is so fun to write for & he's such a compelling & interesting character. Not to mention in the game, his dialogue is beyond fantastic
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#4 Haurchefant, Simeon, Kirishima, Rantaro
All I have to say is: I just love them much 🥰🥰
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#3 Urianger, Levi, Katsuki, Miu
Honestly what can I say? These four really have some sort of hold on me even if they've moved rank a few times
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#2 Estinien, Satan, Izuku, Nagito
With how much I've been fixating on him lately, I'm so surprised Estinien's not in the #1 spot
Tannie, I'm sorry but Barbi is just so 🥰 honestly I'm shocked that Tannie has been dethroned.
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#1 G'raha Tia, Barbatos, Denki, Shuichi
G'raha is back in his rightful spot. However, Estinien & Zero are coming for his spot
Barbatos 🥰 I've just been so fixated on lately. I love him a lot
Denki really shocked me by sliding past Kitkat (Katsuki), Kiri & Izuku, into my heart. Honestly he's so cute and deserves much more love
Honestly with V3, I'm surprised that he hasn't become my all time favorite character soon. Then again, since I last made a list that included him in April, he's been my favorite & comfort character
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