#favorite don bluth movie
punster-2319 · 9 months
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sketch-shepherd · 1 year
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Still convinced these are the same picture your honor
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phantompoguefangirl · 3 months
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The level of chemistry and tension between two ANIMATED characters is unmatched.
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cornerofhell · 7 months
"Now and Forever
As sure as the snow,
As long as the ocean roars!
I'll love you in a way that I'll never begin to outgrow!
I'll now and forever BE YOURS!"
-Now and Forever, The Pebble and the Penguin
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mrsonvsyoutube · 9 months
This Movie Traumatised Me
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qu1cksylver · 6 months
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The Champion’s Shield 🔥
This is one of my favorite retro drawings I’ve done. I LOVE making Scarlet super cartoony, though I want to revisit my Peril design and try to make her fire more accurate to Don Bluth movies.
Edit: Backgrounds are from The Land Before Time!
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vanessagillings · 1 month
Please talk about your favorite animated movies and what makes them special to you! I'm really curious about what you enjoyed about them both in the past and now?
haha, okay you asked!
I LOVE animated movies. My theory on this is that it took me a long time to emotionally relate to most media growing up, where I felt next to nothing watching most movies and shows as a young kid, and didn't relate to books until I was quite a lot older (I read picture books until I was around 10, and then suddenly in middle school, I hopped right to adult novels like 1984 and the entire Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley, ha). But even before I emotionally related to fiction, I really enjoyed watching animation. It was nice to look at, and I enjoyed watching everything move and change. I grew up in the 90's where animated movies were largely 2D, and I spent hours watching and re-watching my favorite movies just studying how the characters moved -- it's definitely a lot of where I got my understanding of human expressions from. But I also think as I got older and started to relate more to fiction, animation was easier to parse emotionally than live action. The body language is clear. The stories are direct and not as forgiving of bad human behavior (I get frustrated sometimes with the defeatism in adult media, that assumes that People Just Act Badly, and that just needs to be accepted). Facial expressions are also exaggerated and more stylized -- think of a single arched eyebrow, for example, an expression that's commonly drawn to express one particular emotion in animation/illustration but which you next to never see on a real human face. My first introduction into serious reading was also manga -- a highly visual medium -- which uses a lot of the same tactics stylistically as western animation: big, expressive faces, bold gestures and big stories. Compare manga with western comics being printed at the time and it's even more obvious to me why I didn't particularly like comics until I was given manga as an option -- and thankfully I lived close to a kinokuniya, so I could spend all my allowance on untranslated books and magazines, which is also where I learned Japanese (もうたくさん忘れてしまいましたけど).
As far as my favorite movies? THAT IS SO HARD. The first animated movie that BLEW MY MIND was The Lion King. I saw it in theaters when I was eight and I was obsessed; it was definitely one of my first special interests. I know that entire movie line by line, frame by frame, and I had the stuffed animals and the trading cards and the clothes (man, was I teased for those clothes!). My other favorite movies as a kid were The Land Before Time, American Tale, and The Secret of NIMH (I was a big Don Bluth fan!) which have left deep impressions on how to approach storytelling for children; I warn you, I go hard on emotions for kids, because I needed that as a kid, and I know I'm not alone. Some of my other favorites are anything Miyazaki but especially Howl's Moving Castle (I relate to Sophie a lot), Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (what I watch when I'm In A Mood), Ratatouille (a huge source of echolalia for my husband and me, we often detect nuttiness, let me tell you), Wallace and Gromit and Fantastic Mr Fox, which I watch every fall as an autumnal tradition. Even as an adult who likes live action, too, I still tend to like slightly over the top directors like Wes Anderson and Guy Ritchie, or movies that are highly cinematic like Road to Perdition, which is still one of my favorite films of all time.
In my opinion, animation is a super important medium outside of it being a very beautiful one. I truly believe it helped me access and understand emotion better as a child, and as an adult, it's a massive source of inspiration in my own work 💛
(Sorry for length, but you did ask!)
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shadowpuppetteer · 9 days
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To my favorite Glimbow fan! It struck me to combine N.D. Stevenson's She Ra and Don Bluth's Thumbelina. Tried to emphasize the Don Bluth glitter, cause dang, those movies have the best glitter effects!
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Also, I could not help but put in Seahawk as a Don Bluth bird! Gotta love those Bluth Birds.
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tornrose24 · 6 months
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More 'FNAF but the human characters are animals.' And at the rate I'm going, there might as well be a universe where the FNAF movie is more like an animated film from the 70's/80's where everyone is an animal and the Fazgang are just a regular band that's not murderous or possessed by the dead.
-So, that means I also made CoreyxKenshin/the Taxi driver and MatPat/Ness animals too. Why those animals? IDK I just had this instinct to make them a bison and an otter for some odd reason, and I don't even know what their favorite animals are.
-Also yes, I actually ship Foxy and Mangle (who works for the fazgang in this weird made up universe).
-I have a fondness for Security Breach, so I made Cassie a dog and Gregory a bear. (Gregory is not biologically related to Glamrock Freddy–he is happily adopted by him, because SB is bascially a really good ficitional adoption story.)
-I didn't know what Aunt Jane was going to be besides some kind of predatory animal. After some discussion with @artistcaptainbendythey suggested a cheetah because of that one jacket she wears. Maybe in another life she's a Disney/Don Bluth villain (who teams up with Afton, though Lord have mercy if that happens.)
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crazycometspecular · 3 months
I love your art so much especially your character designs! They’re so amazing! I was wondering What are your favorite pens on procreate and do have any tips for anyone who want to be a character designer or storyboard artist?
Thank you for anything answer you’ll give
Hi!! + thank you so much!!
So the main default brushes I like to use are gesinski ink (for sharper and smaller lines) and technical ink or flat brush for coloring
Lately though I’ve been obsessed with these custom colored pencil brushes I’ll add a link: https://fatimamandouh.gumroad.com/l/sdcbd
For tips eeHm,
So for character design lately I’ve gotten more interest in pushing shapes and adding variety to my designs
First and foremost I HIGHLY recommend doing research if you plan to add something specific to a design that’s maybe pulling something from real life; consulting people on behalf of what you may be pulling from help too and can give you a sort of direction of what to add and what not to add (amount of research depends on how much you already know; if you’re not sure of something definitely look into it)
Watching movies helps too (I found myself in a Don Bluth/ Classic Disney rabbit hole recently and I’ve gotten obsessed)
Gesture drawings, body types, & uniqueness in shape in size are all important as well and it’s also super fun! Getting a bit wacky with it wouldn’t hurt
And storyboarding hrmm
I’m not much of an expert in that department (though I do like doing it to practice) but I have learned that when it comes to constructing a scene don’t be bothered adding so much detail, you just need enough to get your point across
Also!! Learn about cinematography and things like camera angles and character acting
The more you know about that stuff the stronger your storytelling is (I would very much like to get better at it haha)
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bestanimatedmovie · 2 days
Revenge of the Underrated
32. The Swan Princess vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
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The Swan Princess
The Swan Princess is my favorite movie of all time. It is truly beautiful from the backgrounds, to the animation itself, the score, oh I could go on and on. The soundtrack is just filled with bops and amazing songs. If your familiar "What else is there/How to offend women in fige syllables or less" thats this movie. Odette is just the best Princess; She gorgeous but of course theres more to her. Shes so resilient and upfront about her feelings the whole movie. Shes so effortlessly caring and modesty down to earth. Odettes singing voice is Liz Callaways the same as Kiaras from TLK 2. Derek is voiced by the one and only Howard McGillin. Rothbart is an amazing and classicly fun villain. His his fight with Derek at the end as the Great Animal is so well done. Oh and the writing! Its so funny. Also not to mention that its a great trilogy(we don't talk about the CGI sequels). I feel like The Swan Princess is always overshadowed because it isn't Disney or Don Bluth. But The Swan Princess is an amazing wonderful movie and deserves to be acknowledged. Is it perfect? No. But it means the world to me.
I've seen a million times! It's funny, it's magical, it comes fro the ballet Swan Lake. Both the princess and the prince save eachother, and it's an actual love story no love at first sight nonsense
v enchanting to me as a kid!!
"You should write a book: How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less"
Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
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oreozfox · 2 months
Sooooo you have an original story you’re working on?? 👀
I'm glad you asked!
Yes, I do! A whole series in fact. Not sure what the overarching title is gonna be, if there is one, but I usually just call it the Hywel Universe. I even have a side blog for it! @hyweluniverse
It's mostly just reblogs of things that remind me of the characters, but you'll find a few mood boards and excerpts there too!
Gonna try not to infodump too much, but my gosh I love talking abt this story and its characters. They're my babies!
It first started when I saw a piece from a 1983 art book by Hayao Miyazaki.
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When I saw it, I got a surge of inspiration to write a story about a boy finding a mermaid in a place she normally wouldn't be. That idea became the first book, Hywel and the Mermaid! I've been working on it since freshman or sophomore year of high school and I have the first manuscript done, but it's far too short at the moment, so it's still a work-in-progress!
It's about Hywel Annesly, a thirteen-year-old Welsh printmaker's apprentice who finds a mermaid his age named Runa hidden in a room above his workplace, and he promises to get her back to the ocean she was captured from.
I went in wanting Hywel and Runa's story to be like something from Ghibli (esp Castle in the Sky, my favorite movie ever), but honestly, Hywel and Runa's relationship is more like Jen and Kira's than anything! When writing this story, I take inspiration from many things, esp the books I read as well as movie like The Last Unicorn and others by Ghibli, Jim Henson, and Don Bluth, for example.
The rest of the series follows the lives of the Annesly family as it branches out into other families, from the first book in 1909 to the current last book in 1983. So far the other books are Hywel and the Griffin's Feather (1911, Hywel returning a magic feather that was stolen from a griffin so the griffin can have its powers back), Anita and the Werewolf (1967, a werewolf girl going abroad for college and learning to love the lycanthropic side of herself thanks to meeting Hywel's nephew, Connell), Nico and the Manhattan Manticore (1969, Anita's younger brother struggling to deal with all the changes in his life, and bonding with a captured manticore named Kian along the way), Lonely Jim and the Myth-Protectors (1920s to 1950s-60s, the backstory of Connell's older brother), and Stella and the Skriker (1983, a detective investigating mysterious murders in New York City and reluctantly enlisting Nico's help).
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elleventures · 1 year
Don Bluth is one of my favorite animators. Growing up, I was drawn to Bluth's animated work — my childhood favorites include Anastasia, Land Before Time, and Thumbelina.
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callsign-magnolia · 6 months
Thumbelina (The Don Bluth version) was my FAVORITE movie as a kid. "Let Me Be Your Wings" came on while I was listening to music at work and now I'm hard-core thinking about a Thumbelina AU 🙃
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weirdgirl92 · 10 months
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I’m kinda shamelessly ripping off those nostalgic poster/cover compilation posts I saw from @thenamelessdoll, and doing it with other Don Bluth movies (besides Thumbelina and Anastasia), because I thought it looked like a fun little idea. Plus, I just recently rewatched The Secret of NIMH, and decided to start with that one.
So anyway, which covers or posters are your favorite?
((I won’t lie, I do have a big nostalgic soft spot for covers 10, 11 and 12, since those were the ones I’d usually see when I’d go to Blockbuster to rent it in the late 90s. But I also feel like the first poster captures the mood and spirit of the movie a lot better.))
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