mariusroyale · 1 year
when the main driving force in a fic is miscommunication
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monsterlovefantasy · 1 year
To all Nashuri/Namuri and Namor x reader fanfics writers
I am from the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, I think I can give you some tips to differentiate Spanish words from Mayan words: Mayan words usually have these signs ´´´´ between letters, they also constantly use the letters X, CH, T, K ,H, as well as W, Y, N, J, B. Mayan words usually repeat vowels like áa,ée, íi,óo,úu (take Líik'ik Talokan as a reference). Please be careful with the translators, remember that Namor hates Spanish as much as he hates the colonizers. https://instagram.com/josuemaychi?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= This is the IG of Josué Maychi, the mayan adviser and who played of the shaman of talokan; he is a Mayan speaker from the peninsula, you can look at his publications as references, he writes in Maya in most of them
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reversemxxn · 4 months
These days I've been thinking about creating a Yakuza discord server for fanfickers and people interested in Yakuza fanfiction, but I really have to ask: will someone be interested in joining that? I want to know because I started creating it but I really want to know if it will be worth it.
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kaya16universe · 1 year
Elsanna week is here!
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Hooli! Aparezco para festejar la Elsanna week! Amo este ship con toda mi alma, siempre me dio vida ♥ No sé, tiene algo que me puede, más allá del gustito de lo prohibido (en la ficción siempre garpa). Creo firmemente que Anna nació para Elsa y viceversa. Desde que vi la peli por primera vez tuve ese pensamiento y nada ni nadie pudo sacármelo de la cabeza. Así que acá estamos, siendo una fan más de este ship medio polémico pero no por eso menos adictivo.
Me alegra que la convocatoria de todos los años siga igual de concurrida! Por falta de tiempo no voy a poder participar :( Pero como igual quería aportar mi semillita (aprovechaba la hdp) les dejo por acá uno de mis fics Elsanna por si les pinta leerlo. Lo escribí hace un tiempo ya. Es del que más estoy orgullosa, espero que les guste :)
And now, once again but in English:
I appear to celebrate the Elsana week! I love this ship with all my soul. It is one of my favorites (and I have many).
I am glad that the call every year is still as big! Due to lack of time, i won't be able to participate this year :( But i still wanted to contribute my little seed, so i leave here one of my Elsanna fics. I wrote it a while ago. It's the one i'm most proud. It's in Spanish, but you can easily read it with the translator. I hope you like it :)
Tittle: The door
Rated: Mature +18
Warnings: incest, explicit sexual content
Review: Anna receives an unexpected visit from Elsa after she was quite absent after her coronation. The problem? Elsa reappeared with a question that could destroy her everyday life and, even worse, her sisterhood.
Enjoy! ♥
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uptoolateart · 4 months
Where We Find Ourselves Again - Ch 27
Marinette shot up in bed, her chest heaving with ragged gasps.
‘Oh god…just a dream…just a dream….’
The same one she’d had over and over for years – yet it never got any easier.
She put her hand to her breast and tried to take slow, deep breaths. But the nightmare images – the twin’s charred faces – were still too clear in her mind.
Emma –
Louis –
Are they – do they –
Tears were thick in her eyes, and she swallowed hard, blinking at her surroundings until her eyes adjusted to the dim light leaking through the curtains. Searching for something to focus on – to anchor her thoughts. Something to blot out the pictures in her head.
Where – where was she?
The room – it was smaller than their bedroom, the walls closing in on the double bed. And the closet wasn’t right. The windows weren’t right.
Memory slammed back into her head, almost making her fall back against the pillows.
This – this wasn’t the apartment. This wasn’t even some hotel room she might be holed up in on a business trip. This was….
Nathalie’s apartment.
The previous day came back to her in fits and starts. They’d – they’d come here to hide. They’d come here after they’d packed up the twins and –
Panic was sharp in her heart, making her gasp again. If she didn’t get hold of herself, she was going to have some sort of attack.
Read at Ao3
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greenisnotpretty · 1 year
shen jiu's past always makes me sad, him being afraid of men and finding family in brothel ladies. i can't forgive yue quingyuan for not telling him the truth.
i can understand him thinking he may not deserve forgiveness but more then that shen jiu didn't deserve to spend his whole life believing he had been abandoned by his only friend. believing that no one cared about him enough to come back for him.
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mishiroweek · 9 months
Admin 1 is also a Taiora fan, but your girl got screwed up by Toei more than 20 years ago. I guess it was my destiny to ship non canon couples only 🫣
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
Who are your favorite artists and favorite artworks from the Hetalia Fandom?
Oh Anon I've got a lot! it's somehow not fair because I like everything and everyone I follow but, whose come to my mind now are @ironicorange, @pabro-picasso, @trevo4folhas
In Twitter most of them are asian:
Maho sensei
The works I like the most involve Portugal, EngPort, England, FrUk, UsUk (not romantic), the UK Bros, SpaPort, SpaBel, TurkGre. But I'm a multishipper gal, so I'm open to discover new combinations, even more than two, kinks and so one~.
Also, historical, symbolic, mythical, supernatural and family dynamics, like the FACE.
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liticia09 · 1 year
Новый мини!
💔 Цвет настроения красный
Направленность: Гет
Пейринг: Теодор Нотт/Пэнси Паркинсон
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 14 страниц, 1 часть
Автор: Liticia09
Бар «Red seduction» стал для Тео и Пэнси началом их отношений. Спустя пять лет этот бар, уже порядком потрёпанный жизнью, открывает свои двери для них снова. И в этот раз это становится точкой невозврата. А издевательская надпись возле двери «Find your love and let it kill you» теперь приносит только боль.
Читать на фикбуке
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calcar · 1 year
Ok but nough is enough. We NEED to stop making so many selfless protagonist that are ready to put themself on fire to keeps others warm. The ones who are always first to blame themselfs whenever someting goes wrong and think are they are never good enough. I know yall's mentaly ill asses find them relatable but honestly. We as society individuals would benefit from more unapolegetic, confident heroes I belive
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skorpiono · 1 year
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#dragonball #dragonballz #dragonballz #dragonballgt #dbz #dbkai #dragonballlegend #dbl #songoku #goku #manga #comics #fanfick episode one https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQqVRoKUFg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mariusroyale · 1 year
i am so envious that the stuff you wrote as a 7th grader is the best literary work ive read in YEARS
regardless of fnaf canon whatfuckingever this collection has my heart and soul
no seriously the way they used such descriptive words and emotive language at the age of 14??????? I CAN ONLY IMAGINE WHAT SOLAR LUNACY IS RN (haven’t read it but fuck it i might as well) it’s insane
i n s a n e
the writing is so fucking detailed and concise and i adore it so much i love writers like these
you will always have my praise like UAAGAAAAAAU
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brattybatt · 2 years
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Mis preferencias en esta maravillosa otp (Lo he decorado un poquitin because why not)
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kaya16universe · 1 year
Elsanna Week 2023! Day 3: First date
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¡Hooli de nuevo! (señooora déjese de molestar). Aparezco para colaborar con el día 3 de la Ensanna week (sí, vengo atrasada. La historia de mi vida *shora*). Tengo un fanfic que escribí hace años que creo que podría llegar a encajar bien con la temática de este día.
Lo subí a Ao3. Antes tenía el fic en otra plataforma pero me lo borraron por incestuoso :( Loco ya no se puede escribir sobre nada (? Me niego a aceptar que me cancelen mi expresión artística, ME NIEGO.
Dejando de lado la indignación, ¡espero que les guste la historia! En su momento la escribí con mucho amor ♥
And now, like always, once again but in english (a poor english, sorry for that):
Hi again! I'm here, enjoying the Elsanna week :) And u? enjoying too? I hope so. I appear to collaborate with the day 3 of the Ensanna week: first date. I have a fanfic i wrote a few years ago that i think might fit well with the theme of today (well, yesterday. Yes, i'm late. I'm always late D:). Still, i hope u will enjoy the story. It's set shortly before the death of Anna and Elsa's parents. I wrote this story with a lot of love because i LOVE so much this ship ♥
Like the other fanfic i uploaded, it's in spanish. If u want, u can use the translator to read it.
Tittle: Just for today
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Relationships: Anna/Elsa
Warning: incest
Review: a short story of a surprise meeting in which Elsa and Anna reveal their feelings in the most unexpected way.
Enjoy! :)
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yourmikiblog · 2 years
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GaryCato -we coming back baby! - 1(re-write)- Even Longer Call (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1226848744-garycato-we-coming-back-baby-1-re-write-even?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=MikiMakoya&wp_originator=lp%2F11smUJTf1kTnD5WzN3JhhELkcxtQaWvWvjfCP0h31XADG6DSA3b%2B7%2FYeIYLKd%2B%2FVD6eRsAvcZEdTaXkZZ8Xl305cVBAMduzbiqpBHp7CK0WwjOMDC6hAIXqKMlEV1 Final space belong to Olan Roger i just write stiuped fanfiction. After freeing Bolo, Quinn and Gary go to planet called Earth 2.0, where all the humans that survived go. Avo and his son stayed with Ash, Fox, Sheryl and Clarence stayed in space for work. Gary took in his sister from another mother, after her parents died when they loose Earth. However after five years in space and year with his new friends he miss the rap out of them, it turned out, they miss him too...
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spijder13 · 3 months
Writing the part that goes better with an Aqua song but this one comes up and I can't stop thinking about another part of the series entirely that I have not even yet begun and cannot begin until I finish two more titles... betrayed by my own playlist!
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