#fallen enchantress
Ok I guess I realized I have some brief notes for stuff I've played since June that hasn't made it onto here, so let's just do some quick ones starting with the category in my notes for games I played on Steam that I then hid from my library because I don't see myself ever playing them again:
Teleglitch: Sounded interesting forever ago, didn't really like the vibe or the way it played
Ryse: Son of Rome: Incredibly bland and mediocre interactive cutscene with bad dudebro energy
Rise of the Triad (2013): Not interesting enough that I even remember what I did or didn't like
Fallen Enchantress: Same, but also kinda janky
Cultist Simulator: Strong contender for most irritating/frustrating thing I've played this year because the UI sucks and is completely unexplained, and I uninstalled it pretty quick
Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!: Came in a bundle, seems like a fighting game that feels worse to play than other options while also being too waifu heavy for me
Wolfenstein: The New Order: Surprisingly boring and unsatisfying for a game where you play as a Jewish person running around killing Nazis, not bad, just bland
Tyranny: Probably has some interesting things in it because it's Obsidian, but I just wasn't feeling it a few hours in (and I have a strong bias against real-time-with-pause to begin with because it's terrible)
Divinity: Dragon Commander: I like the premise and what I saw of the characters and story outside the game, but the game itself feels pretty clunky bad to play
Code Vein: I hit alt-F4 and uninstalled it before finishing the character creator because it made me physically uncomfortable
Injustice 2: The first game was surprisingly fun and had a surprisingly good story, but this one looks uglier, didn't feel great to play to me, and the load times were absolutely atrocious even from an NVMe drive
Borderlands 3: I cannot stress enough how good the gameplay feels and how incredibly awful everything else is. They polished the gameplay really well, made interesting skill trees and added some good mechanics, and just running around doing stuff in the world feels pretty great...but the writing is brain-meltingly awful, I either hate or don't care about every single character I met in the first five hours, and the UI has somehow gotten even worse than the previous games
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whimseysthrone · 3 months
Dominions 6: Same Great Taste, More Accessible
Don’t play it for the graphics I love fantasy strategy games. I’ve played piles of them. That includes most of the Age of Wonders series, Master of Magic (the original and the new version), Warlock, Fallen Enchantress, Heroes of Might and Magic 1 through 5, and more. But Dominions outshines those games in multiple ways. If you’re already someone who plays the Dominions games, you’ll have heard…
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quibbs126 · 10 days
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Okay but it’s kind of funny how out of all the Ancients, from day one Dark Cacao was just designed to be Dark Choco’s dad
Like his original beta designs have the Oreo pads, but with a different design, he has the same star shape, they have the same eye colors, and like the Wiki says, I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason his design changed is because he looked too similar to Dark Choco, which would cause potential confusion
Like even with Hollyberry, who is the other Ancient to have had a pre-existing character be related to them, she doesn’t look identical to Princess and it’s not immediately obvious they’re related. Heck if anything, her beta design looks even less like they’re related, at least a little and at least to me
So like, why was this specifically a thing with Dark Cacao? Did one of the designers just really like Dark Choco or something? What’s going on?
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zoethehead · 2 months
Here's a redo of the "last hopes of earthbread" fic.
Now it makes 50% more sense!
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hello-its-em · 4 months
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I’m so bummed that the 5 beasts are seemingly aligned with dark enchantress.
Don’t get me wrong, the beasts are really cool and intriguing characters (especially shadow milk), but why does every villain in CRK need to be involved with dark enchantress?
the only “villain” I can recall that wasn’t involved with DE was smoked cheese cookie, and he wasn’t entirely a villain.
Also I can’t see the beasts working for anyone y’know? Shadow milk doesn’t seem like the type of character to take a liking to taking orders from someone else, in this case DE.
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lilacthebooklover · 4 months
quotes from @charismabee and i's crk bad end au plan:
"they're all communicating in sign language but none of them have fingers so it's really hard."
"pure vanilla spends all of his time at the bar, but sparkling isn't allowed to serve him anything except tea. wizard is next to him offering sympathy and sipping on champagne"
"golden cheese is the best woman. shadow milk gets to be the man of honour <3"
"caramel arrow is still fighting the sea"
"she's always saying i'm a fossil, so what does that mean for you? the sacrifice may be immine-- oh no, my malteasers!"
"nobody is helping the babies rescue chocolate grandpa. madeleine is actively trying to steal his soul jam, he just can't figure out how to get into the fish tank"
EATEN: Clotted Cream "he deserves it."
"drugs child can be assistant librarian"
"to stir up drama, shadow milk accuses him of cheating in the middle of the wedding"
"who is pity dragon cookie"
"gingerbrave has no control over who joins the revolution. that's why they're failing so badly and also dark enchantress is there"
"SCHWARZWALDER: the war hounds"
"wildberry also hates his step-grandma"
"well, if they didn't want to die, they shouldn't have been an enemy of the War."
"you'd think it would be easier to just take him out of the fish tank, but it's actually had wheels this whole time"
"silent salt knows that this is only a quarter of his soul jam. the real reason dark enchantress is helping is because she's on the run from him."
bonus doodles from our call's jamboard:
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(these were made solely with the square mouses below our laptop keyboards hjgkkg, the struggle is real)
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daydreamerdrew · 4 months
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The Avengers (1963) #38
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lolo3h · 3 months
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My theory of why Wind Archer didn't appear in the Beast-Yeast updates despite his saying he was going to travel there in the Towards the Light story
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bccfggffbgv · 10 months
"It is okay to cry my child...What has happened was beyond your control...Despite what it may look like, there is still hope. You along with everyone else that's been taken by "Him" will soon be allowed to rest at last...Your brother will be there for you...Be patient and do not lose hope..."
Enchantress Pink, while comforting a lost and confused CYN who was stuck within her own mindscape thanks to "His" influence over the Absolute Solver.
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polhph · 2 years
Fallen enchantress legendary heroes faction traits
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Quendar- Flame Tongue does fire damage to an enemy within 1 tile Pariden- Soul Spark does lightning damage at range, but costs mana Mancer- Mancer units get +1 Movement and +1 accuracy per level Kraxis- Fortify ability increases the Dodge and Accuracy of units in fortified tiles (as it was in FE) Ironeer- Guarded Strike ability allows the unit to attack for half damage but puts the unit into a defending stance Updated Graphics Engine: An improved graphics engine delivers stunning new visuals while improving performance on older machines.Īltarian- Rush ability allows them to use their attack to go again.Larger Maps: A new gigantic sized map delivers truly epic games.More Magic: New spells like ‘Lightning Form’ and ‘Raise Skeletal Horde’ add new options and dangers to battle.The events of the Fallen Enchantress have raised the dead and caused forgotten creatures to return to the surface of the world. New Monsters: The legendary heroes didn’t reach our lands alone.Updated Tactical Battles: Battles are now more intense with additional special skills, combat mechanics, spells and new maps.Make your mage into a powerful Necromancer, or train your Assassin in special attacks that bleed the life from your enemies. New Leveling System: Your sovereign and champions now evolve through a skill tree that visually allows you to plan what kind of hero you want him or her to be.And not all of these legendary heroes were Men or Fallen… Gain Champions Through Fame: Champions are no longer simply found, instead, they seek you out based on the amount of Fame your kingdom has generated.See the complete Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Walkthrough and see all the features that the game has to offer as you go through it: The game is a standalone expansion and as gamer you will forge a new empire in a world sundered by powerful magic, fight against terrible creatures, complete quests and rediscover lost secrets in their bid to rule the world of Elemental.įallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Walkthrough Part 1 Follow the complete walkthrough to get the best strategy to advance through the game as you face brood hunters, banshees and powerful magic. Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Walkthrough will take you through this strategy gameplay.įallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Walkthrough will guide you through the beginning levels of the game and provide you with some of the best tips and tricks to take on this turn base fantasy game.
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cookierunauprompts · 5 months
AU Prompt #6 💓♪
Time slowed to a full stop around you as you focused, the chaos surrounding the silver tree all brought to a halt. Not even Pure Vanila Cookie or White Lily Cookie could move a singular fiber of their being. Such is the perks of having Dungeon Master Cookie as your patron. And, speaking of your patron, she stared down at you with her huge, white eyes. " So, the seal upon the silver tree has broken, thus releasing the five Fallen Heroes into the land of Earthbread once more. Now, Reader Cookie, I suspect you want to do something before I have you roll initiative, yes?" " That's correct, Dungeon Master Cookie." You reply, staring up at the holy, towering figure. However all the seriousness of this moment was thrown out of the window with a few, simple words. " I'd like to roll to seduce the Jester." Your patron seemed... unamused? Yet also as if she were expecting this. After all you did the exact same thing with Dark Enchantress Cookie, but that was just for the funny(plus, you got a nat1 that time). You were completely serious about attempting to woo Shadow Milk Cookie, maybe even another one of the Beasts if they showed themselves. " Are- Are you seriously doing this again?" She asked exasperatedly, to which you eagerly nodded. With a sigh and a wave of her hand, a D20 appeared in your arms. " Fine, fine, give me a Charisma check." And once again, fate blesses you. With a natural 20. " ... NAT 20 LET'S GOOOOO!!!!" You can feel the tired aura from Dungeon Master Cookie. " Alright, alright... I'll let you have this." She sighed as the world faded back into motion. You stood tall and proud next to Pure Vanilla Cookie + Gingerbrave and Friends before you stepped forwards. You're pretty sure that you gave PV war flashbacks with the expression on your face. " Reader Cookie for the love of the Witches-" He attempted to plead, but it was already far too late. " Shadow Milk Cookie, hm?" You began, your tone flirty as it always was when you did shit like this. " What a fine name for such a clearly ever so powerful cookie~" You hummed flirtatiously, batting your eyelashes at the gigantic jester before you. " Oh?" Shadow Milk Cookie hummed, leaning down to get a better look at you. " My my! I didn't think I had such an adoring fan of mine waiting for me here~!" He chirped, a subtle yet bright blue hue taking over his face. " Lord have mercy on us all..." Pure Vanilla Cookie mumbled to himself almost desperately. If both you and Shadow Milk Cookie are flirts... then you'll probably be here, locked in a battle of the heart for a while.
Or, You, Reader Cookie, have a Patron named Dungeon Master Cookie. Cue DnD shenanigans brought to the world of Cookie Run. And of course, the natural chaos a nat20 brings when you decide to flirt with the bbeg of the current adventure.
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sunseed-fandump · 30 days
Not Every Hand
Had a scene for the Liar's Circus AU pop into my head so I decided to write it out rq.
It's when Gingerbrave meets Dark Choco! Enjoy!
Gingerbrave wandered the dark halls alone. This was the palace the Enchantress had claimed as hers. It was kind of old and in need of a lot of loving care, but if he tilted his head just right, squinted his eyes, and imagined really hard, he could see how this would be a beautiful place again someday!
For now though, it was rather dark and dreary. Don’t get him wrong, Gingerbrave wasn’t afraid of the dark. There were plenty of dark places inside the Circus, after all. However, the tent felt a lot… Safer.
The darkness there was cozy, like a perfect summer’s night under the stars. The darkness here felt like it held malice. For who or what, Gingerbrave wasn’t sure, but he sure did hope none of it was directed at him.
Maybe he should have stuck with Strawberry and Wizard instead of going off on his own. If he was sensing this ominous feeling, then no doubt they were feeling it too. Ah, but Wizard Cookie had gone off to prove Licorice Cookie wrong about some sort of spell. Meanwhile Strawberry had taken to showing Poison Mushroom Cookie one of her games. Then there was the Ringmaster…
He’d been talking to the Enchantress for an awful long time by now. The two of them had shut themselves out on a balcony to discuss something important and haven’t emerged yet. Well… Nobody said making the world a better place would be easy. They were probably talking about all sorts of plans! Just thinking about the complexity of it made Gingerbrave’s head spin--
He bumped into something.
It felt as hard as a brick wall, but as he stumbled backwards he realized it was a cookie. He sort of recognized this stranger from when they had all been gathered earlier. The name escaped him, but Gingerbrave remembered him by his one striking red eye and the scar down the side of his face.
A hand caught his arm before he could go toppling over.
“Careful,” Muttered the stranger who helped Gingerbrave back to an upright position.
“Whoops! My bad…” Gingerbrave rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin, “Sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going! Thanks for the help. Er…” His smile faltered. The name was on the tip of his tongue...
“Dark Choco Cookie…” The stranger grunted, standing up straight. He seemed rather wary, but about what, Gingerbrave wasn’t sure.
“Thanks for the help, Dark Choco!” Gingerbrave’s sunny smile was wholly out of place in this dark castle. “I’m Gingerbrave, it’s nice to meet you!”
Dark Choco Cookie fixed the boy with an odd look. “You do not… Recognize my name?”
Gingerbrave took a moment to really think on it, his face scrunching up in a way he felt made him think better. After a beat, he shook his head. “Nope! Sorry. Should I?”
A bitter chuckle escaped the dark prince. “No, I… Am rather glad you don’t.” He wouldn’t be surprised if his father had stricken every record of him. “Plus, I suppose you would be a bit too young to have experienced it. Someone who’s only a decade old would not have been around for--”
“Wait, do I really look like I’m ten?!” Gingerbrave cut him off with surprise. Dark Choco faltered and took a moment to reassess the cookie before him.
For all intents and purposes, Gingerbrave looked and acted like a child around ten years of age. Unless, he had been distanced from normal society for so long he was starting to lose track of how proper aging was supposed to look…
“My apologies. I should not have assumed.” Dark Choco said instead, “How old are you?”
“Well… Let’s see…” The boy took a moment to do the math in his head, then redid it while counting off on his fingers to double-check his work. “I’d say… About a year? Year and a half?” When he looked back up at Dark Choco he was met with an astonished expression. The fallen prince’s eye was blown wide and his jaw had gone slack.
“But… There is no way that could be…” He muttered before realization dawned on him, “Unless… Were you baked by a Witch?” He whispered the word Witch as if afraid the shadows would hear him.
Gingerbrave nodded, “My friends Wizard Cookie and Strawberry Cookie were baked around the same time. Sooo, they’re around the same age!”
“I… See…” Dark Choco took a moment to regain his composure. He had heard legends of cookies baked by Witches hands. How they either had strange destinies or were gifted unique powers. The tales and whispers never stayed the same between storytellers, but one thing remained the same: they were forces to be reckoned with.
And yet this child seemed so… Innocent. So kind. His eyes lacked any form of shadow or guilt. Dark Choco couldn’t help but be ever so slightly jealous.
The sword at his side felt heavier.
“Allow me to offer you a piece of advice…” Dark Choco Cookie let his cloak fall closed. “Keep the knowledge of your origin close to you. There are many who would seek to abuse it.”
Gingerbrave fidgeted with his gloves and bounced on his feet. The boy seemingly couldn’t sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. Fitting for - if Dark Choco recalled correctly – an Acrobat.
“Yeah… The Ringmaster told that to me too. Something about how some cookies might want to hurt us or study us or something…” His distracted look turned into a warm smile a moment later. “But, you seem nice! So I trust you.”
Trust… Trust was the last thing Dark Choco Cookie felt like he deserved.
“Not every hand that is extended to you, is a kind one…” The fallen prince grumbled, but he knew it was probably falling on deaf ears.
“I… Don’t understand…” Gingerbrave’s brow furrowed.
He scoffed. Of course… “I’m saying, evil has many faces. Some harder to spot than others. You would be best to learn the difference between an ally and an enemy.”
Gingerbrave thought deeply on this advice for a moment. He still didn’t entirely get it. Bad guys usually did… Well… Bad things. And they liked doing the bad things! And they didn’t really help others so…
“Do you wanna be friends?” The question caught Dark Choco, who had begun to walk away, by surprise.
“… What?”
“You helped me not fall down and gave me some good advice!” Gingerbrave concluded with a confident nod, “You’re a good guy. So let’s be friends!”
He almost wanted to laugh. A good guy. If he was such a good guy then why did the weight of his sins threaten to crush him? Why was he here instead of anywhere else? Why had he betrayed the trust of everyone he had ever known?
Dark Choco did not believe he was a good guy.
And yet… Something about the boy’s innocent declaration made a small part of his frozen heart thaw. That small part of him who wanted to escape this nightmare, who wanted to leave his dark path, who still dared to hope, stirred at the thought that maybe… Just maybe…
He stomped on the emotion before it could turn into anything else.
Dark Choco Cookie didn’t respond. He turned his back and began walking away.
“Uh…! Okay! I guess I’ll catch you later Dark Choco Cookie!” Gingerbrave called after him. “You should come watch me and my friends practice later! It’s going to be cool! Bye!”
And like that the boy was gone, having taken off in the direction he had come.
Dark Choco Cookie sighed, suddenly feeling wound up. He changed his course to the training grounds, hand already itching at the hilt of his sword so he could let out this pent-up energy.
Just a child walking down a fool’s path… He wondered if his father had seen him the same way.
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
I don't know if your taking request , but if your not then please delete this :D
do you think I can request yandere pure vanilla and clotted cream rivalry ?
If you don't feel doing yandere then that fine ! Can be normal rivalry if you want 3
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The Serenity or The Charismatic (Pure Vanilla vs. Clotted Cream Cookie)
Clotted Cream Cookie wanted to take you to the Creme Republic.
Pure Vanilla Cookie wanted you to stay here at the Vanilla Kingdom with him.
The two are a stand still over you, with neither side wanting to back down from this obstacle they call their opponent.
Clotted will try kinds of persuasion and manipulation to convince the cookies around him that taking you with him to the Republic is a good idea, you’ll be amazed by the sights and be perfectly safe.
Pure Vanilla will raise objections, this kingdom was where you called home and it would be wrong of Clotted to just yank you away from it. PV will use emotional words to tug at the heartstrings and convince others to his side!
With his wealth and status, no doubt Clotted will try to woo you over with pretty tasty delicacies, those scones are looking pretty tasty.
Pure Vanilla presents you with familiar foods from the Crow Inn, why try something new when you can have all the food you want that you’re familiar with!
Both will face you declining their advanced with brief sorrow, but with more determination to win you over from the other!
Clotted could try to discourage PV from pursuing you by using his past against him, how will he protect you when he had fallen to Dark Enchantress Cookie?
Again, PV will not be easily discouraged from getting what he wants, you.
Walks around the castle and gardens are how PV is able to keep you away from the Consul. He’ll also just straight up lead you away even in the middle of conversation with Clotted if he feels the House Custard cookie has been getting too close.
Both do a good job of suppressing their anger for each other, but it’s only a matter of time before one of them goes ballistic from the other’s meddling, which would likely be the Consul. PV is able to hide his rage, but when he goes mad, he goes mad.
Clotted will try to bring up the notion that with the Soul Jam, PV will outlive you and you will only become just another memory for the ancient, but with him, you both can make the most of your limited time in these lands.
Yeah right, Pure Vanilla will gladly put down the Soul Jam if it meant he got to spend the rest of his days with you. Death will not be doing you and him part.
PV might even need to ask Dark Cacao Cookie to get Clotted to back down from this competition of theirs, can’t he see that you and PV were meant to be?
When it came to you, Clotted was uncharacteristically unfazed and will not stand away from you, his love for you giving him the boldness to remain at your side!
He didn’t care what PV had to say, he’s taking you with him on that airship!
Pure Vanilla will pull you away, you’re to remain here with him and that’s final as he glared at Clotted. Perhaps he should get Black Raisin’s crows to peck apart the airship…
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zoethehead · 2 months
So, the process has been started with no delays....
Also yes, those are peridot's holograms.
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akiraryoreal · 3 months
I think I’ve fallen in love with your art 💕 if I may ask, what’s your CRK team/favourite characters? :)
Oh! I'm sorry that I'm answering your question very late. Apparently she couldn't see it.
and thank you very much for the nice words! I appreciate it very much!!
Besides the fact that I really love Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla, I really love Aunt Holly. She is the best woman in the world, but Golden Cheese and Saint Lily are in no way inferior! they are adorable too. I love women more than men haha! and I try to draw them more often. Also, I really like Moonlight, also a dream woman. I’ll show them some excerpts from the art….
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I love Dark Choco with all my heart too! one of my favorite male characters
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maybe I still love Dark Enchantress cookie, nice woman! so strong and correct. but unfortunately there are not enough drawings with it... I’ll try to fix it
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By the way, I have a funny thing! you could say my team was in Crk that spring-summer time. then I deleted this game.
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lilacthebooklover · 4 months
"i'd eat clotted cream anyway, even though i don't like cream. he deserves it."
dragging @charismabee into the cookie run fandom is simultaneously the best and worst thing i've ever done. we're currently in the midst of a bad end au where the fallen heroes win, it's both ridiculous and angsty as heck, and we've somehow managed to cover so much of the lore and characters in the span of around three hours. earthbread's split into five: the pink sugar kingdom, fire fire everywhere, the silent library, nothing church, and the gilded cafe (as unlikely as it sounds, lava land is probably the most appealing to live in, especially if you aren't pink)
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