#falin speaking
galaxiikingdom · 18 days
🍏! ^-^
🍏 - What's your favorite thing about being plural? If you don't have a favorite/don't enjoy being plural, use this as a free space to gush about whatever you'd like!
I think our favorite thing about being plural is being able to discover new things about ourself as a system as a whole. For example, different members have slightly different food preferences— I can eat just about anything, but Lysander prefers savory foods or meats and doesn’t care for sweets that much, or Wraith loves snacks like chips that they can eat while they’re busy doing other things or foods they can easily put down if they have to do something or suddenly aren’t hungry anymore.
There have also been times where we’ll feel very odd about a situation, and before we’d have simply shrugged off those quite literal ‘mixed emotions’, but now we try to take stock of everyone’s opinion on a situation and it’s helped all of us feel a lot better! It’s nice to have a ‘council’ to consult on matters on-hand.
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narwhalsarefalling · 3 months
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s-aint-elmo · 5 months
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part 2 of my pining falin agenda aka I STAND WITH MARCILLE THAT DRESS WAS CUNT
part 1
(ID in alt text)
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pollyanna-nana · 2 months
“Actually Falin’s not fat-“ wrong. I spoke to Marcille last night and she told me herself how much she loves sucking on her gf’s fat tummy. Also 12d6 fireball damage
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yuurionviktor · 2 months
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So I read dunmeshi
Yes, Falin is wearing that one stomach skeleton tshirt
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twicetheheartx2 · 23 days
I know people are thinking that in Marcille having a Falin doll in her nightmare is cute and all, but it made me soooooo sad. Especially since she's so desperately clutching on to it the entire time. And then when she talks about how everyone leaves her and that what happened to Falin was her fault.
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It’s important to note that the caption of the bottom post is “genuinely love this genre of farcille fanart”
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dykexenomorph · 2 months
a bit terrified tiktok is gonna mute this so tumblr is getting it too!!!!! "ppl don't post edits here th-" SHUT UP! I DO WHAT I WANT!!!
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imaybe5tupid · 21 days
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Touden observations
(I hc them as fantasy Norwegian)
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
How I feel about this and next week's dungeon meshi episodes
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I'm already seeing people going at it and it's gonna get SO much worse next week when The Fight™ happens. I am so tired. I just wanna stare at my and marcille's hot dragon chicken wife. Is that too much to ask?
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manzanamarim · 4 months
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Did u know I love them. Did you
(This is a redraw of a pencil doodle I made while I was still catching up w the manga, I was like half way through hehe doodle below!)
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theatricdawn · 2 months
I haven't watched Dungeon Meshi yet but I love how every time I get spoiled about this anime I acquire fun worldbuilding and backstory tidbits, but a total net zero information about the actual plot. Like yeah of course they get Falin back but why tf does she have feathers now? Who is the blue eyed curly haired man and why does he seem so obsessed with Laios? Where did Izutsumi come from? What's with Marcille's emo outfit? I am biting at the bars of my enclosure
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mamafalin · 15 days
I’d like to take some time to give some love to other polyamorous people in the agere community.
Shout out to polyamorous littles; those with multiple caregivers they’re in romantic relationships with in big space, those with multiple QPP’s, those with relationships with their regressor siblings.
Shout out to polyamorous caregivers; those with multiple regressors, or other caregivers, or QPP’s in their life.
We have a lot of love to give and I’m so proud of you for making it to today to continue giving it. 💕
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shima-draws · 2 months
HHFHGHHH caught up with the Dungeon Meshi anime…can’t even describe how absolutely fucked up it was to watch Laios have to reassemble the digested bones of his dead sister (that were drenched in her blood) piece by piece. Like. Idk how homie didn’t go through a mental breakdown in the middle of that
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pollyanna-nana · 2 months
Thinking about Thistle’s potential character dynamics with the others.
He and Marcille have so much in common I bet after the initial awkwardness they’d have so much to talk about wrt feeling out of place and being scared of watching loved ones die before you.
I think he and Chilchuck would squabble a lot but in the “oh this is a punk ass teenager” kind of way. Ultimately though Chil’s a dad he can’t hold it against him.
I bet he’d be rly annoyed by Laios’ monster infodumping but secretly be fascinated and love listening to it. Probably gets called out for it at least once and is extremely embarrassed while Laios is oblivious (as always).
Senshi I actually think they’d get along well upon realizing that they both have a lot of experience thinking about and tending dungeon ecosystems but from different directions (as dungeon dweller and dungeon lord). Plus he would absolutely try to get Thistle to eat more.
Izutsumi I can see them clashing because their backstories actually have a lot of similarities except with very different reactions to the circumstances (Izutsumi hating her captors/the people who bought her and Thistle desperately wanting to please them) but in reality I think if they ever got over that they’d be terrifying together. Absolutely unhinged potential sibling energy if I’m being honest.
Falin would mother hen him into the ground but that’s a given. I can foresee him having to hide from the Falin-Senshi tag team “you need to take better care of yourself!” duo on a regular basis lol.
Mithrun. lol. Obviously Thistle hates his guts for (mostly) irrational reasons but I think hilariously Mithrun has a lot of respect for him. Bc like. He had a really good reason to become dungeon lord comparatively and we all know Mithrun’s favorite thing is talking about how much of a lil bitch he was prior to getting his desires eaten.
Kabru I’m not sure but I think there would be hostilities. Thistle I think would call him out for being fake immediately and with Kabru’s Elf Baggage™️ it might not go well at least at first.
Basically. Give him the found family he deserves.
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lilraccoonhands · 1 month
Controversial take though it may be, wasn't like... Toshiro right in the end to be worried about Marcille's usage of black magic?? He was worried it would put the woman he loves and others he cares for in danger. And like. Yeah. It did put Falin in catastrophic danger. It did set the Western elves off to investigate the party for what happened. Marcille wasn't entirely just for her actions. Both what Marcille and Toshiro were doing was done out of love, but both are extremist in their respective ways.
(Also, Marcille is similar to Toshiro in vying for an 'idea' of Falin. Moreso, the Falin she went to school with. The Falin she can care for and dote over. Weren't a lot of their interactions post-resurrection essentially Marcille harking back to their school days? Recalling old times like sleeping in the same bed together? Laios isn't exempt from this either. Everyone has their own idealised view of Falin. Honestly, the only person I could argue doesn't have any such view is Chilchuck, who, if I recall correctly, accurately describes her as "the girl who can't say no". Falin pleases and pleases and tries to appease everyone's ideal of her, not just Toshiro.)
((And, for the record, saying this as someone who adores Farcille as a ship, as well as someone who finds Marcille especially relatable. That being said I don't appreciate the slander Toshiro goes through in the process to put the ship on a pedestal, because it isn't entirely perfect either! Devotion can be all consuming and selfish sometimes! Laios even says this to Marcille's face that her devotion has become selfish!! Trust I have been there!!!))
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