#fairy evolution
skylaryozora · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion: Why I prefer the way Bloom gained her Enchantix
Yet another thing I realized while rewatching the show.
But I guess we need to start with the episode where Faragonda told Alfea's students about the final fairy form.
Faragonda: The test will find you at a critical moment in time. You will need to rescue someone from your own world and it will require a great sacrifice. If you succeed, then and only then you will achieve the final transformation.
As much as I love Enchantix as the brand new fairy level and aesthetic (the soundtracks, the concept of Fairy Dust, and the wings, omg, I would die to have Stella's or Flora's ones), there is one thing about it that has always bugged me, namely, the way it is earned.
Now, please refrain from throwing stones at me for the time being, and give me a chance to elaborate on that. I do not have a problem particularly with girls proving how noble, selfless, and courageous they are, I absolutely love that. I am strictly talking about the... technical side.
The ultimate condition determines that in order to achieve Enchantix one has to rescue someone from their own realm. I see two problematic aspects of that:
This is clearly an external factor, something a fairy does not even have an impact on. What if a fairy is "unlucky" enough not to encounter anynone who would need their help? What is she supposed to do then, create such an opportunity? (XD) And also, what if she tries her best to save someone, but fails for some reason? The default way to gain Enchantix implies putting oneself in danger and even sacrificing your life if necessary, which makes it a very precarious trial, and maybe some fairies could dare consider it an awful chore to get over with and mark as completed, which kind of brings me to my next point. Digression: See, the condition to gain Charmix was to overcome personal fears and anxieties, which makes more sense to me because it is an internal factor. It is different for everyone and it gives great value to the next fairy level, because it celebrates the fact that a fairy managed to grow as a person and step out of her comfort zone.
The limitation regarding the rescued person's origin is just plain ridiculous for me. Honestly, it makes little to no sense, and I dare say it is even discriminatory. What if it was Bloom or Musa who saved Flora's sister or Stella's dad for some random reason? It would not count as an Enchantix-worthy deed, because Bloom's planet is dead in S3 and Musa has her own different realm she should "focus" on? But what about Tecna then? She activated her Enchantix through self-sacrifice but not directly for Zenithean citizens' sake, but rather for the whole magical dimension, which just makes it a bit confusing. In that case, Bloom could do the same thing, in fact, she was ready to do so (only together with Aisha, Tecna, and this Androsean sage Tabok who was eventually useless), but Tecna decided to do it of her own accord (Tabok prevented Aisha from stopping her by saying she must fulfill her destiny... Honestly, what destiny all of a sudden? If I remember correctly, we never hear about Tecna's destiny before and after that episode). Also, what if a fairy detests her home realm and its inhabitants (and let's assume she has a legitimate reason for that), and wants to break free from it for good? She unwillingly comes back there and gets a chance to rescue someone, but it is a person whom she absolutely despises for the same legitimate reason. Is such person simply not able to achieve the final form? I know it is an extreme example, but it is still possible.
The second condition has a considerable impact in Bloom's case, as it makes her feel excluded and deprived of a chance to evolve into a full-fledged fairy. She genuinely wishes to become stronger, and she asks the headmistress for guidance. This is what Faragonda tells her:
Faragonda: There's only one place you can go to become stronger, Bloom. It is called Pyros. The island of dragons. The power you can acquire there is great, but the dangers are severe and your survival is far from certain.
Leaving aside many aspects which confuse and upset me about this turn of events and Pyros arc (like this small dragon Buddy existing just for one episode, or Bloom not being told how exactly staying on Pyros can help her acquire this great power), Bloom is teleported to a place where she meets a new mentor, Maya, the only one who offers her some concrete instructions.
Maya: If you want to get stronger, you must open your heart and your mind. (...) Your magic is more focused, and you're able to control your fear. Your powers reached a whole new level of sophistication. (...) Every magical place has a unique kind of essence and not just every place, but every magical being too - and that includes you. Just like Pyros, you are defined by the particular blend of magic which lies deep at your core. What you must do is allow your own essence and that of Pyros to come together and work as one.
During her training with Maya Bloom learns how to medidate, which is officially proven to be a major performance booster if done well, and also does some physical workout, which I also appreciate because I imagine that growing more powerful implies it is an all-encompassing process which enhances both your body and mind.
Besides, no wonder why Bloom will always be considered the strongest in the show: she seems to get more opportunities to hone her skills and even learn secrets related to spiritual development after all. I am aware it is partly because she herself is big on self-improvement because she often feels not good enough in comparison with her Enchantix squad, but still, the other girls do not get opportunities to acquire this kind of knowledge, which would benefit them too and make them even more powerful. Bloom is later seen using the knowledge she acquired during her quest on Pyros in order to understand how to approach the guardian dragon of the Omega Dimension, which clearly gives her an upper hand in understanding how the magical world works.
Maya even gives Bloom a vial containing the essence of Pyros, which basically becomes Bloom's Fairy Dust (!). Of course, it is not said that Bloom is now bonded with Pyros forever, which would make sense, but it is something I find especially interesting.
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Maya: All the energy you possess was totally focused for one perfect moment, and that's what set your Enchantix free. It can only happen to someone who has the Dragon Fire within. (...) You found yourself, Bloom.
Faragonda: Bloom, I'm not going to lie to you, your Enchantix power is dangerously incomplete. The others have a power that was born out of sacrifice, yours was created by the pure force of will, it's not the same.
So, Bloom made her way to Enchantix through refining her mind power, achieving inner peace, learning how to focus her energy, and becoming one with the realm of dragons, not to mention going through various physical trials, sometimes without using magic and wings. Basically she forced herself into Enchantix form using the honed strength of her character and the ungiving power of her will... and you are telling me that her Enchantix is incomplete (to make it worse, this is repeated like ten times throughout the show, which I find incredibly annoying) just because she had no choice but to do it in her own untypical way?!
This is where I need to state I do believe that the way Bloom got Enchantix is more fascinating and just deeper when you think about it. I adore the idea of gaining the final magical form through understanding what is inner peace and achieving the ultimate focus, which in fact translates to more effective performance (let me remind you that Valtor was medidating too!). It kind of resembles spiritual awakening which could be a huge milestone in fairy's evolution, right after conquering one's fears. Bloom went out of her way to prove she is uniquely gifted, after all she acquired the final form by herself, without being granted it by some external source.
And yet, Bloom is told that despite her being unique, one of a kind, super powerful and what not, she is still not good enough, and Faragonda does not specify what actually makes Bloom's Enchantix a demo version.
One last but random thing, you know what might have been cool? If teachers had not revealed to them that such a final fairy form exists and how to acquire it. This way Aisha's transformation would have been an even greater surprise for the girls and all of the Alfea students, and a moment of enlightenment of what it takes to achieve this level (and they would need to figure it out by themselves!).
That is all from me, and I am eager to read about your take on Bloom's case and Enchantix in general.
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vcreatures · 11 months
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Sirenia Sphyrnidae, better known as the Hammerhead Maid, is one of the apex predators found within the Sirenia class. Yet despite this, their interaction with man is quite limited. Unlike many other mermaid species that can be found in coastal seas the Hammerhead maid has no interest in interacting with humans. You will not find this species luring sailors, quite the opposite actually. Living mostly solitary lives the Hammerhead Maid is quite content not interacting with species outside their own. Having taken an extreme approach to their camouflage many times humans might not even be able to distinguish between actual shark and maid. 
While humans are relatively safe around this apex predator other marine life, including smaller mermaid species, better steer clear. Using their serrated “toothed” arms, coined “mandible arms” they can quickly strike and cutch fast moving prey. 
As with many Mermaid species, males and females are nearly identical. The only obvious dimorphism found are on males who possess “claspers” used in mating. 
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atompalace-official · 3 months
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pretty poncho 🍮🎀🩵 Sylveon’s holowear from Pokémon Unite!
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darksilvania · 2 years
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DUMMIKYU (Ghost/Fairy) The Ventriloquist Pokemon
DUMMIKYU is MIMIKYU's evolution. They hide in the shadows where their dark bodies can't be seen. Then, they use their doll and the ability to imitate human voices to lure children into playing with them, feeding on their energy.
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DUMMIKYU, as its name sugests, it's based on ventriloquist dummies and how utterly terrifying they can be
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melnathea · 9 months
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Mega Umbreon
Poisonous fog created from it’s own sweat covers the body of this Pokémon. The more angry it becomes, the brighter its markings glow.
This fakemon design is free to use! Read more below ⬇️
You can freely use this design concept to make ocs, include it in fangames or other projects!
You can link back to here so others can find it too, but else i don’t require credit unless you specifically use the art above!
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araenu · 10 months
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Mega friends 🎀✨🤍💕💙
(OCs - left: @araenu (me) | right: @ohsweetsweetie)
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triplesnet · 3 months
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Ending Fairy ♡ Invincible Show Champion 231018
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Classification poll 2
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Go vote in the other polls!
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amphibioticdescent · 2 years
💗 Tinkaton line 💗
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Heres the full line together! Not much to say, but I was watching rt while starting this game when he named his tinkatink Taffy and I havent been able to think of a better name for them since ^×^
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webdiggerxxx · 1 month
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pokemonlolitaproject · 10 months
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A coord inspired by Pokemon #719 Mega Diancie before I'm gone for the weekend
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As always I'll be answering basic questions while I'm away (No Shipping/NSFW) and feel free to make requests as long as you know I won't get to them till next week!
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vcreatures · 11 months
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The Prickly Pumpkin Patch Drake is one of the smallest of the genus. Males reaching about 7 inches from head to tail and females ranging from 5 to 6 inches. As their namesake suggests this species of Pumpkin Patch Drake (or Jack-o-lantern Drake) has the signature Jack-o-lantern markings hidden beneath a layer of spiny skin. When provoked it will inflate it’s body revealing it’s hidden pumpkin face. However this Pumpkin Patch drake comes with another line of defense, noxious fumes. While not deadly these fumes are a major irritant to any would be predator. 
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justahusk · 29 days
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Another fakemon sprite I made at someone else' request: TAPU LIWI, the fire/fairy tapu of the volcanoes that make up Alola. Its shell is based on the hawaiian honeycreeper. Enjoy!
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pen-papers · 2 years
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★ Cutiefly + Ribombee
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aquaspiderart · 6 months
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Pokécember Day Twenty Five: Favorite Battle Gimmick
Ko-Fi / Patreon / Store
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