#f: nv
anna-neko · 3 months
Prime dropped a fresh new trailer soo...uhhh... ya local Vault Dweller is just gonna cast some cards to see what they say 'bout that Bethesda quality™
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weeeeelp, the cards don't lie!
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all props 'cept the playing cards: me 📸 by: whatChuLookingAt.com
nuclear blast marks radiation damage (quite the visible sunburn): the damn Sun! ☀️
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danses-with-dogmeat · 8 months
Day 8 -- Legate Lanius
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober, Day 8 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Breeding with Legate Lanius x F!Six
Yeah, I'm so sorry. This is utter filth and depravity. It's everything wrong with the Legion and Lanius, it's awful, I don't know what possesses me with these horrible Legion guys, honestly, it just... Ugh.
I hope you like it though, it's definitely quite filthy, but I know there's at least a couple of you out there who are into that 👀 so this one's for you!
(just an FYI, if you liked my Vulpes kinktober work from last year, this is pretty similar.)
PLEASE read ALL of the Included on this one... it's a doozy and it's full of trigger warnings!
Here is the link to the Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Breeding, Master/Slave, noncon/marital rape, thoughts of suicide, abusive relationship, blow jobs, misogyny, legion bullshit, one (1) face slap, sexual slavery, regular slavery, mating press, size kink, large cock, penis in vagina sex, painful sex, cervix bullying, creampie, cockwarming, SUPER toxic man and relationship. Lil bit of Stockholm syndrome.
Words: 4.1k
Six thought back sometimes, to how different things might’ve been… Maybe if she’d listened to House, or Yes Man, if the NCR had been more wary, had been more prepared, if she’d gathered more allies, then maybe… Maybe things could be different than they are now, with the Legion in control. 
It hadn’t surprised her all that much when the Legate had chosen her to be his wife.
Wife… odd how anyone could call her that, when the true nature of their relationship was as far from a happy marriage as two people could get. He must’ve chosen her for that reason, Six thought, as she let out another huff of air just before entering their tent, before opening the flaps and allowing the large sack of supplies to drop to the dusty ground below. 
I’ll have to sweep in here before he returns. No matter how often I do it though… Dammit, but the sand always seems to come back in the span of five whole minutes. It was never-ending.
Lanius must’ve picked her just to make her suffer. To make her regret ever trying to stand up to The Legion, ever even attempting to resist him. It made Six's stomach churn as she thought back on his victory, to the night after, when bloodlust ran thick and hot in the air and The Legion staked its full, violent, unopposed claim on the Mojave. 
She was glad she could only remember bits and pieces, her mind having blocked out the majority of it defensively. 
Lanius’s booming voice rang out behind her as Six unloaded the pack of supplies. How such a massive man managed to move so quietly, she’ll never know, but she's grown used to it. That, and many, many other aspects of her new reality.
“Master.” She turned and immediately kneeled before him. As was customary.
The Legion and their customs… they weren’t to be taken lightly. Six had realized that early on too. To disrespect their traditions is to disrespect Caesar himself, which-- as is known among all within the faction-- is unthinkable.
Resisting, as well, as Six had tried for so long… it was futile. Another form of disrespect that earned her more than a few permanent marks upon her skin, and as much as she'd like to think otherwise, it always amounted to nothing.
She never thought she'd come to regret fighting back against a man so villainous and detestable as Lanius was, but when it only ever meant pain and humiliation, when it meant a sort of suffering that her past self couldn't even comprehend... Six wondered how she ever thought her defiance could mean something.
If her time here had taught her anything, it was that it hadn't. Her struggles, her misery, her wounds both mental and physical, they didn't make her stronger, they only weakened her empathy, her resolve, and any chance she had to hope.
Escaping this hell maybe wasn’t completely out of the question, though. That sole belief was all that remained of her previous optimism, all that had survived the purge of her noble convictions.
If not... If there was no escape; however, then there was nothing for her at all. The only thing left to hope for was a swift death at the hands of those who captured her.
Six blinked up at her husband, her neck craning as she remained kneeling down in his broad shadow on the sandy floor. He didn’t like repeating himself, she knew, but unfortunately, this often happened. 
“Lost in thought again, pet?” 
“Yes, master.” Six hung her head as she spoke, showcasing her shame at her failure to attend to him, as was expected. As she knew.
“Hmph.” Lanius's grunt left him like a lead barrel from a cannon, making her flinch. “And what have I told you about that? Thinking… For a woman in your position. It’s dangerous.” 
“I know. I’m sorry, master. I should focus on my duties.” 
The words left her so easily now. Ones that used to feel like burning, heavy, molten steel as they were forced painfully out of her throat. But she’d been taught the lesson too many times now. 
She would obey. She would be his perfect little slave, until the time came that he could trust her. She only hoped that came before–
“Well, if you’d been listening, you’d know what I require from you. What time it is.” 
“Yes, master. Of course.” Her voice grew instinctually smaller. “I live to serve you.” 
An appreciative hum left him, and though it shouldn’t have, his approval sent warmth to pool within Six’s belly. 
“Here, then, wife.” He moved to take a heavy seat in the desk chair near their bed roll, and began to remove his mask.
Six was careful to look away as he did this. 
As his wife, she was glad that he had decided not to blind her, like he had so many other slaves, to keep his face a secret from any and all eyes who may seek to question the story of his past. With Six though, he had simply told her to look away from his face. Always.
And she did... whenever he was awake to see, that is. Six had seen him now; though, more times than she could count, and she knew the truth of his past merely from the lack of scarring there. Yet, even still, she never broke the habit of averting her gaze. He need never know the truth of her disobedience. 
Next, she heard the clinking of the decorative belt over Lanius's tunic as he removed it, and set it upon the desk beside him. 
No armor today. She’d noted when he was gone this morning, knowing it meant he’d be back earlier than usual, that she would be subjected to his torments well before the sun went down.
Their marriage did have its... routines in that way, so maybe… Maybe it wasn’t a complete sham. 
But she couldn’t think that way. Not if she ever wanted to get out of here with her mind intact. 
Her body never would be, Six knew. Not with the marks upon her, the brand seared into her skin, not with everything Lanius has taken from her. But that didn’t mean that– one day– she couldn’t at least be partially free of him. 
At least in her mind, one day she wouldn't have to consider his every move, fear the times his voice rang out, cringe under his cruel touch. There would be a day, she hoped, when his voice didn't rule in her head as it had out in the world now, for so long; suggesting, reprimanding, praising her only when she did exactly as he'd demanded, and scolding her harshly when she slipped up, berating her, when she spoke out-- or even thought of opposing him.
Six moved towards her husband now, not wanting to upset him with her lack of haste. She crawled on the still-sandy floor, feeling the roughness dig into her knees and the palms of her hands before she reached the space between his spread legs. It was there she settled on her knees, with her gaze drawn down to the floor, her hands folded neatly in her lap, and waited for his instruction. 
Lanius stood up, not bothering to tell her to move back as his clothed crotch pressed to her face, and removed his tunic from over his head. 
He was fully bare beneath it, but she refused to let her eyes wander over his large, muscular form, refused to let her gaze focus in on his broad member, where it was surely beginning to stand at attention between his huge thighs, where she could feel the undeniable heat coming off of his skin from right in front of her. Six was glad though, that now she knew him-- his form-- well enough not to have that fear spike through her at the mere thought of having someone so substantial inside her. 
Lanius settled back in his chair, his meaty hands spilling over the sides of the armrests, and she knew the word he would speak before his mouth even opened. 
At that, Six leaned forward, feigning eagerness as her hands swiftly wrapped around the overwhelming girth of his manhood. Even half-hard, like he was, Lanius was more than well-endowed. It was like he'd been created specifically to instill pain in the bodies of those he was close to; to her, in particular.
There was more than one reason all of the other slaves were terrified of him, but this… this likely was the main one. This, or his infamous temper.
Both traits often reminded her how lucky she was to be the Legate's wife.
With one hand, it was impossible for Six's fingers to wrap fully around him, and even with two, it was startling how difficult it was to do so, but as she said before, the courier had grown used to it by now. 
Her body had re-shaped itself to accommodate him, much like her mind had had to re-form with this new lifestyle.
It truly did put things in perspective. 
Her mind continued to wander, as it often did, as she set her mouth upon him. Her tongue laved over the length of his shaft, working from base to tip as her hands followed suit, stroking rhythmically until she’d spread the moisture of her spit over the whole of him. Then, she directed his broad, darkening cockhead between her lips, and began to ease it inside. Lanius’s breath picked up from above her, and her eyes watched as his stomach swelled and deflated, as she worked him over with her obedient, worshipful lips and tongue.
He was often silent through most of their trysts, and Six didn’t much mind it. She figured he liked to hear her, but only a ‘tasteful amount’ as he’d once put it. He didn’t like when she squealed and whined like an inexperienced slave, it only got him mad. 
Thoughts like that reminded her that Lanius truly was the worst scum she’d ever had the displeasure to meet, and now… Now she was used to him. Now she heard his sighs, his hums of approval and they made her unwillingly giddy, now she obeyed him without question, she apologized for thinking, she let him debase her this way, without qualm or complaint. 
I really am losing it. 
A light smack against her cheek had Six jolting from the sudden pain. 
“Stop thinking.” He growled down at her, and Six pulled her mouth away briefly as her hands continued stroking over him. 
“Yes, master. I apologize.” 
“Don’t care if you’re sorry, pet. Don’t let me catch you again.” The edge in his deep voice sent a chill through her body, and she nodded as she set her attentions back on his cock. 
Six was more intentional this time, making efforts to run her tongue over him just the way she knew he enjoyed, sucking and hollowing her cheeks until they ached from the pressure. For a moment, she pulled her hands away, taking him as far down her throat as she could without gagging, and shimmied the top of her slave rags down to her waist, unveiling her breasts to his gaze. 
Another hum of approval, and Six felt wetness pooling between her thighs. 
She tried not to think about it.
Her hands returned to their work, running over the remaining half of his shaft she couldn’t fit down her throat; though, she tried. For him, Six always tried.
She had to. 
Each forward bob of her head, and she took his massive cock a fraction deeper, and felt her eyes water as she began to gag with the movement. 
Six was rewarded for her efforts, though, with a light buck of Lanius’s hips that jammed him into the very back wall of her esophagus. His generous way of appreciating her actions.
As her lips made it steadily further up his shaft , one hand tucked down between his legs, running over the inside of his meaty thigh and taking his heavy balls in-hand. They pulsed against her touch, hot and wanting as she methodically massaged them with careful, diligent fingers.
Another soft grunt told her he approved of that action as well.
She hated that she knew his preferences better than her own these days. Hated that she committed details-- like the sounds he made, the feeling of him, the signals of his body-- to memory in order to better please him.
I may not feel like his wife, but I'm most certainly his slave.  
All she had to ask herself now was... which was worse?
Lanius soon reached full hardness form her efforts, his balls now twitching and tightening where her palm worked them over, his length stiff as a rock as he filled her throat to capacity over and over.
Tears pricked at Six's eyes, drool ran down her bulging neck and she felt that draining wetness drip down over her jostling breasts as their combined actions grew messier, less rhythmic, more aggressive.
“Off.” Lanius finally said, his voice only a bit strained, as one hand grasped at the fuzzy scalp of Six's buzzed head and pushed her back and suddenly off of him. She gagged again, at the rapid drag of his cock against the walls of her esophagus, but released him without preamble, and only a couple of coughs. 
“Down. On the bedroll.” 
His rough voice commanded as she tried to catch her breath, Six hadn't realized in the moment how much she’d had to hold it to keep him so deep in her throat-- how long she'd been holding her breath in order to bring him unwilling pleasure. 
“H-how would you like me, master?” It came out as little more than a croak, and she heard what she could only guess was a prideful scoff at the sound of her struggle.  
“What am I doing to you, pet?” 
Six gulped, her blood running cold in her veins at his question. 
“B-breeding me, master.” 
And he had been trying, for the past two months. She’s been lucky so far, still able to keep thoughts of escape in her head without the added obstacle of pregnancy. But Lanius was growing impatient. Like any respectable man in the Legion, he craved male heirs, and if she couldn’t provide…
“Then you should know. Use those thoughts of yours to serve, slave.” 
“Yes, master.” 
Six didn’t allow herself to get too caught up in her worries. As it was, she already had enough fear coursing through her body at any given time. She couldn't give in to that possibility, couldn't lose even more of that last hope she clung to so desperately that it left blisters on her hands and lacerations in her muscles, fractures in her bones. She needed that last hope, or she surely would never be free again.
Six crawled over to the bedroll as Lanius stood up, his cock now shining with her spit and jutting proudly outward, as much as the hefty weight of it would allow. 
She felt like it was threatening her, just with its mere presence in this tent, attached to the intimidating body and cruel mind of her husband.
Arranging herself onto her back, Six set her hands beneath her thighs, pulling them up and towards her chest in a traditional mating press.
In preparation. 
Lanius grunted his approval of her position, at the ease in which she fell into it. After months of hardship and intense training, now she was almost docile.
It's what I need him to believe. Six told herself firmly as she relented to his every word without an ounce left of hesitation.
One of Lanius's large hands crept down to slot around his cock as he approached, giving it a few quick jerks as he settled onto his knees in front of her well-presented pussy. 
“Wet for me?” He asked, almost cheekily. Obviously knowing the answer, since he was looking directly between her legs as he touched himself. 
“Always, master.” 
Six felt the broad tip of his cock nestle between her slickened folds as she continued avoiding his visage, staring up at the cloth ceiling of their shared tent instead, noting the way it gave with the breeze outside, the way the light of the setting sun seemed to set it ablaze.
If only.
“Good.” Lanius growled, interrupting her thoughts for the hundredth time, and with one immediate, unforgiving thrust, he slotted the whole of him inside her. 
That too, was a habit of his.
Lanius was an impatient man, and he would never debase himself by easing politely into one of his slaves. They were meant for this treatment, it was their most important duty, a product of their nature. Their bodies had to take him, and Six’s most of all. 
Still though, as accustomed as she was to having him inside her, filling her up to the brim so suddenly like this, she couldn't stifle her gasp at the painful intrusion. He gave her no time to adjust, either. Again, the issue of patience, of courtesy towards her; it drove him to set a fast and aggressive pace into her body right away, lest he be taken for soft, kind, or sympathetic. 
God forbid. Six thought with a grimace, feeling tears wet her eyes again as he bruisingly reached the very back of her, and then pulled away until he’d fully left her. Already, she was sore and gaping from his attentions, but he paid her clenched jaw and pained expression no mind as he pressed back in to the hilt. Lanius always did this a few times first, tearing her walls open for him, shaping her entrance to his girth, pressing far enough inside to nudge her cervix painfully, to remind her where he was meant to pour his seed, where it was meant to stay and take root in her womb.
His womb. Her broken mind reminded her, even in the midst of his assault, for all of me belongs to him now. 
Though it wasn’t true, Six knew it wasn’t true, that she was her own person… It felt like it just about now. With him pile-driving into her, forcing her body to yield to his will, forcing both pain and pleasure upon her traitorous physical form all at once.
It hurt, he always hurt inside her. He wasn’t the kind of man she could ever be truly used to. He was just so much larger, so rough and selfish; but what pained her even more was how she responded to him. Her body complied with his dominance over her, submitting to his will, growing wet from it, her own slick making it easier to pound into her and claim her as his every damn night. Any time he chose. 
Strained little grunts left her with each savage lurch into her body and Six’s legs began to burn at the stretch of holding them up, but finally, she felt a small sense of relief as Lanius unbraced his arms and let his body lay fully overtop hers.
That meant he was a little closer, at least. He was finished pulling out of her completely now, instead opting to jam the entirety of his cock as far inside as it would go, straining the back wall of her cervix  and making her feel like the end of him was in her throat. His heavy-laden balls pressed firmly to her ass, their fullness flexing as she felt his length twitch inside her, as she could see the distinct bulge of him pulsing and jutting out the skin of her belly.
Now that her husband was settled over her, his weight crushing her body into the hard ground below, his broad shoulders forcing her legs wide apart, and high up until her feet were well over her head, he shimmied his hips, ensuring his tip was nestled painfully against the very back of her, and began to thrust anew.
Lanius was hardly pulling out of her now, just cruelly jabbing his cockhead against the opening of her cervix over and over again, without respite.  
With that, Six couldn’t help it. The pain was blinding, was aching to the point of intense nausea, and she began to shout aloud at the overwhelming feeling, the way the nerves lit up her spine and belly with immensely uncomfortable pressure. Without the conscious decision to do so, she began to struggle, but Lanius’s substantial body weight held her firmly down and in place as he continued his brutal assault.
“Since you seem u-unable to quicken from my seed," He grunted out, his voice heavy and deep with arousal. "This action is necessary, wife.”
Six only let out another yell in response, her throat already sore and straining after his earlier abuse, as he ruthlessly ground into her again.
“Siri assured me. Your body will yield." Lanius growled, as though her womb could hear him. As though he could intimidate that into submission, too. "It has no choice. I will barricade its final defenses, and hear me now, slave. It. Will. Yield.” 
“Y-yes, master.” Uncontrollably, Six was beginning to sob now, the pain of his abuse making her sweat and writhe and flinch all at once as he took her, as he drove into her with the force of the siege weapon he was likening himself to. 
“You are mine.” He punctuated the words with a series of wild thrusts, his pace growing more unsteady, more unbridled with every passing moment. 
“My wife.” He thrust forward with a grunt, and Six saw black dotting her vision, felt like there wasn't enough air in the world to be able to fill her straining lungs. 
“My slave.” He growled, and his cock gave a notable throb within her very depths. 
“Mine!” Lanius roared through gritted teeth, his hips merely flexing rapidly now, no longer bothering to pull out at all. The head of his cock bullied her cervix relentlessly, forcing the miniscule opening as wide as physically possible with his fruitless hope of penetrating this last, unsullied orifice until; finally, his balls tightened against the swell of her ass, and he shouted out his explosive release. 
Six still sobbed as she struggled to keep her legs up, allowing– encouraging, even– his body’s assault of her innermost place as it did as he demanded and yielded to him. 
Warmth spread within her as her husband shuddered and twitched, pouring his spend against the mouth of her womb in forceful, overwhelming spurts. He filled her up easily, the size of him forcing some of his cum out to drizzle down the crack of her ass as he completely overloaded her depths with his claiming seed. 
Finally, one last notable flex of his cock, one final buck of his hips into her, and the very last of his release emptied inside.
She actually felt heavier, as Lanius laid inside her, keeping his seed plugged within as he breathed heavily and came down from his high. 
Six wasn’t sure if she came or not, she knew Siri recommended that as well, to increase odds of pregnancy, but most legionaries scoffed in her face at the notion. With Lanius, he wasn’t one to actively deny her-- women were meant to take pleasure in serving their masters, he believed-- but he would never go out of his way to pull one from her. 
Either way though, her body felt like lifeless jelly beneath him. Her insides ached and protested at his persisting presence, at the continuing, aching pressure against her tired, defeated cervix, but at least… At least it was over now. 
For now. Her mind corrected.
Obediently, Six held onto her thighs, remaining completely still as he laid above her and still within her, willing his cum to do it's duty within. Slowly, his substantial cock began to deflate, and the pressure against her walls eased a bit, allowing her to finally breathe properly. 
“Your body,” Lanius panted out, making sure to keep his length still inside her as he sat up, bracing both hands on either side of her head. “It will yield to me. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, master, I understand.” Six answered him quickly, her voice so weak now, it hardly came out as a squeak. 
“Good. Because if it doesn’t, this,” He bucked his hips forward for emphasis, causing sparks to fly over her vision from the pain, “Will be your reality until it does. This, or something worse.” 
Finally, her husband pulled out completely, leaving her gaping and sore beyond reason as he stood to grab a towel from the dresser. 
“You understand?” Six vacantly heard him prompt as blackness threatened to overtake her vision. 
“Yes, of course, master.” She managed out with an aching twinge in her chest, as she stayed still-- like he'd demanded-- and darkness overtook her. “I will yield to you, always.” 
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thedeadthree · 6 months
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tis the season besties!! the loveliest lovely @leviiackrman tagged me to share my wrapped for this year!! ty jess !!!!!! <3 (and saw @shellibisshe and @statichvm do this as well!)
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @ruinbringer, @unholymilf, @grapecaseschoices, @risingsh0t, @chuckhansen, @arduath, @queennymeria, @jillvalentinesday, @shadowglens, @jendoe, @florbelles, @faerune, @bloodofvalyria, @loriane-elmuerto, @gortash, @full---ofstarlight, @jackiesarch, @leondaltons, @aponibolinayen, @bbrocklesnar, @d-vx, @captmactavish, @confidentandgood, @quickhacked, @katsigian, @jacobseed, @celticwoman, @alltoowelltv, @fragilestorm, @nokstella, @dekarios, @mrdekarios, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @themysteriouslou, @villainthirst, @envergothash, @inkrys, @avallachs, @gwynbleidd, @amyreads, @minaharkers, @myrkulyte, @pheedraws, @cptcassian and you!
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zareleonis · 3 months
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the majority of trans furina content of any type is neuvifuri with furina depicted as a trans mlm. a sizeable portion of the non-neuvifuri works featuring trans furina are by artists and writers who have also created for neuvifuri. this fact can be easily verified by anyone who has ever searched trans furina on both tumblr, ao3, and even twitter which is not as easy to search on. given that i have witnessed the individual in this screenshot discuss transmasc furina and bemoan the relative lack of content on several occasions, i find it hard to believe they have never, ever searched searched trans furina on any of these platforms.
it's incredibly disheartening and offensive to see someone willfully erase the hard work of both myself and several other artists and writers who have championed trans depictions of furina since the character first appeared in the game over 6 months ago. and for what? to fuel their irrational hatred of a harmless and completely fictional pairing?
if anyone truly is interested in trans furina fanworks, i personally maintain a masterlist of transmac furina works and highly encourage anyone to peruse the works there and give the creators your support. if anyone truly wishes to discuss any trans coding where furina is concerned, i personally have written my own short photo essay about why i believe the character of furina can be interpreted as transgender.
if this truly is a question of ignorance, something which i am dubious of given the individual's history, i fervently encourage actually looking at what trans content actually exists for a character before flagrantly erasing the mostly trans creators who are behind the majority of it.
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solitaireships · 15 days
Before AAPI month ends, gonna take a second to shout out all my Asian F/Os (this is a mix of canon and hc)
Jame is half Taiwanese, Chae-Yeong is a quarter Korean, Himeko and Sara are Japanese, Boone is half Filipino, and Xianyun and Yanfei are Chinese!
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ladyofsnark · 4 months
(Been on a fallout binge lately. This is my version of the Female Sole Survivor meeting Hancock.)
Hancock couldn’t keep an eye on the gates all the time, which meant that he didn’t always see newcomers cross the threshold. But he’d been on a walk with Fahrenheit to check in on Goodneighbor’s denizens, and happened to be returning to the State House when he saw the scene unfolding at the gate.
He wasn’t sure what sort of chems Finn was high on, but it must have been one hell of a trip to think he had a chance against that.
It was impossible to tell the newcomer’s gender as their body was completely obscured by riot armor and a heavy duster and their face was hidden by some kind of helmet with a full gas mask. They carried a rifle on their back, a pistol on their hip, and a definite aura of “don’t fuck with me” energy.
They were maybe a woman if Hancock had to guess going on their height alone. They weren’t what he’d call short, but the Commonwealth bred them big and stupid these days and they didn’t quite fit the bill.
There were a lot of things wrong about them, actually. From the fancy armor to the dog crouched in front of them, snarling at Finn. He’d never seen a dog like that before in his life. The gunners had some pretty fancy guard dogs and the raiders kept those half-feral mongrels, but this one looked fresh out of a painting or some shit.
“Your type thinks you can just walk into our neighborhood–”
“Since I just ripped through every freak and asshole from Concord to the West End, you’re right. I can. The only reason I haven’t shot you yet is because I’m not convinced you’re worth the ammo.”
Definitely a woman then. Her voice was distinct even through the obvious radio crackle of her helmet. And Hancock was immediately intrigued. He was half-tempted to see how she handled herself, but at the same time Finn was out of line and that asshole was his responsibility.
“Hey, when someone walks through the gates for the first time we treat them like a guest,” Hancock said, raising his voice to be heard as he stepped out of the dark of the alley between Kleo’s and the state house. “You knock it off with that extortion shit.”
Finn wheeled around to look at him. “You’re weak, Hancock,” he snapped. “If you let just anyone walk all over us, there will be someone new in charge one day.”
“No love for your mayor, Finn? C’mon, man.”
Finn opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off by the stiletto Hancock rammed into his gut. Once and then twice more. It went deep and Finn let out a soft gurgle before hitting the ground. Probably not dead yet but well on his way.
Hancock wiped the blood off the knife onto his pant leg and glanced over at the newcomer. “You okay, sister?”
“No, but that’s my normal these days,” she replied, blandly.
He laughed. “That’s everyone’s normal these days.”
There was a soft snort of agreement and then a pause before the helmet tilted curiously to the side. “You’re… a ghoul, I’m guessing.”
“Yeah, though I’m afraid not everyone turns out as handsome as this. Problem?”
“Not at all, I like men with scars. Just as long as you’re not going to try to chew my face off like the ones in Cambridge. I'm not into that on a first date.”
Hancock grinned. “I’ll only bite if you ask me to, toots.”
There was another soft snort, this one more amused. “Maybe later, handsome,” she replied, throwing out her own pet name with an ironic twist of humor. “Anywhere I can find a bed and some running water in this heap?” 
Hancock liked her already. “You need somewhere to stay, the Rexford’s probably got a room,” he said. “Otherwise, you can come share my bed.”
“Depends. You got hot water? Because that would be really fucking sexy.”
He laughed and motioned for her to follow. “Yeah, this way.”
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slink-a-dink · 2 years
sorry sir i cant understand you you don’t have subtitles
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johnmeowston · 11 months
“ohhh ulysses is so emo”HIS NAME IS LONESOME ROAD
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starseverance · 1 year
1, 4, and 7 in that new ask game you reblogged!
- @itfitsitshipsart
Ask Game Link! Hi hi Evelyn! Thank you so much for the ask, and I hope that you are having a lovely day! <3 I will answer these for my F/O 🪙!
1) what do you headcanon your f/o's handwriting to look like? I headcanon🪙's handwriting to look neat and polished. When writing official documents he uses a cursive flourish; but when working on his personal notes it becomes a lot more clipped and scrunched together.
4) does your f/o have an official title in addition to/instead of their given name? do they have a preferred name or a stage name? 🪙 has an official title, and five different epithets! I'd love to share 'em, but that would involve (publicly) sharing exactly who 🪙 is, and I don't want to do that hehe.
I will say though, that despite my adoration of 🪙, one of his epithets is totally incorrect. No offense, but 🪙 has done literally nothing to earn that. It would be more accurately assigned to one of his enemies, who very much has earned it.
Not that I'd ever say that to his face.
7) is your s/i famous for something? or are they a behind-the-scenes kind of person? I'm still working on writing that story, but I am well-known-ish (aside from my association with 🪙.) I've travelled a very long distance to serve 🪙, so most of the people who would consider me "famous" are around 3000 kilometers away!
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anna-neko · 1 year
Fallout: New Vegas is FREE on Epic Store until the 1st of June do yourself a favor and go play!
good mod options to add immediately: New Vegas Uncut - restores a LOT of cut content from abandoned code to best of their abilities, fixes up some 'broken' things too
Old World Radio, CONELRAD Civil Defense Radio - moar soundtrack for ya wanderings
Dead Money: No Collar Explosion - just in case you're like me who hated teh sudden game mechanics switch so late. Listen, Sierra Madre has some fascinating story, but when you been conditioned to certain in-world play mechanics for hundreds of hours..... its jarring
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see ya out in the Mojave Wasteland
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danses-with-dogmeat · 8 months
Day 12 -- Caesar
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober 2023, Day 12 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Somnophilia with Caesar x F!Six
Caesar is... super creepy and bad overall. Just had to put that out there. He's a bad guy, a very shitty person, and this is him still being shitty and bad.
That being said... he is pretty interesting to write for? Just the way that a person's mind, when they are practically deified, can become so egotistical as to think that the universe literally revolves around them and their experiences was just... wild to explore.
Anywho, I hope y'all like it?
This is another one though, DEFINITELY read the included for a whole SLEW of TWs.
Here is the link to my  Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: (nonconsensual) Somnophilia, medical play, noncon/rape, aphrodisiacs, slavery, legion bullshit, entitlement & ego, restraints, (really) possessive sex, unhealthy relationships, obsession, allusions to erectile dysfunction, painful sex, breeding kink, purity kink, delusional and misogynistic Caesar, creampie, (author approves of absolutely none of this at all).
Words: 4k
“She looks so innocent this way, so… vulnerable. But I suppose that’s what sleep is, isn’t it? Vulnerability… You know,” Caesar ran his fingers over the sleeping courier’s arm, keeping his gaze locked to her peaceful expression, even as his head turned to better address Siri, where she stood across from him in the extended room of his tent. “Most social species understand this very idea. They post sentries for the pack while the others sleep, while they are exposed, unable to resist any fate which may befall them whilst they’re unconscious… A shame the courier didn’t have the option, nor the social resources, to take such measures. Hmm... When will she wake?” 
He spoke still without looking at the slave. Siri need not be paid any mind, as she was merely the administrator, the examiner, and now her job was finished. Now, he and Six could be alone. 
“Soon.” She answered him quickly. “The herbal mixture should pass through her system in the next half hour, or so. Shouldn’t be longer than that, surely. Though, it’s not always easy to tell when–”
“Enough. That answer was adequate, I don’t need to hear your rambling. Is mine ready yet?”
She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted before she could utter so much as a word. 
“A simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ will suffice. I don’t need every ingredient involved, or your life’s story.” 
“Yes.” Siri’s voice was monotone. Unemotive, but unbothered. 
It wasn’t like this sort of interaction was uncommon. 
And Caesar… while he appreciated her function in his society, he’d never taken a particular liking to her. One thing was certain now, though. She didn't envy Courier Six. 
“Good. You’re permitted to leave.” 
She nodded to him, almost more akin to a bow, and moved to take her leave, before his cold voice stopped her once more. 
“Oh, and Siri? Tell the others I’m not to be disturbed.” 
One more affirming nod, and the tent flaps opened to allow her through. As they fluttered to a close, Caesar tore himself from Six’s table and went to take the herbal mixture Siri had left him into his hand. He swirled it around curiously in the mortar she’d prepared, before downing the bitter potion with a grimace. 
The taste may have been rather grotesque, but the effect of the mixture was near immediate. Or perhaps it was merely placebo, but it mattered not. If it worked, who was he to care?
Caesar sighed aloud as he felt his body physically warm, his spine tingling as an anticipatory feeling settled deep in his gut. It was almost as though he could feel the way his pupils dilated, the way his blood ran hotter and faster through his veins. 
The absence of pain was a boon as well, particularly in his head. He’d often considered utilizing this mixture’s effects on his worst headache days for that reason, but there were… adverse symptoms to consider. 
Symptoms which he now planned on taking full advantage of. 
“You have managed to do the near impossible, my pet.” He spoke now to the unconscious Six, strapped down on the medical cot she’d been examined upon. His voice was low, strained with a growing intensity of feeling, of the sensations roiling within him. Caesar was relieved no one was here to witness the way he was, so quickly, becoming undone. 
“You…” Caesar paused to pant out a few heavy breaths, trying to keep from becoming completely overwhelmed at the licentious feelings spiraling through him, the promiscuous thoughts that barricaded his usually composed and aplomb mind. “You have surprised me. Quite the feat, I know.” 
He approached her now, prowling like a possessed animal until he could brace his stiff hands on the side of the cot, and then run his fingers over her bare side. 
Naked women in the Legion were about as common as clothed ones in any other society, but even still, to look upon the courier so wholly… The delicacy of it had his mouth watering, had his tongue wanting for a taste of what was now his. 
Scars small and large littered her otherwise delicate skin, her muscles were toned from surviving in this harsh land, like many of the slaves they kept on such a rigorous schedule of serving. But even still… there was something alluring about her… unremarkable visage. Perhaps it was that she was a dead woman walking, as surreal to gaze upon as a ghost, but no less beautiful than a dancing spirit, however haunting one might be. She was the one, the point zero one percentile, that could evidently survive anything the wasteland threw her way. It was admirable; her tenacity, her cunning, the way she’d tried to betray him… her innocence too, was something he found tasteful. 
Of course he’d been tracking her every move, having Vulpes or another Frumentarius listen in on her conversations. If he was ever going to trust her, he needed to know where her loyalties lay. 
Caesar would never trust her though. Trust is a fickle thing that would just as soon stab you in the back as promise to be in your life forevermore. 
No, but if he could control her… Then he could explore this curiosity of his, he could understand her, inside and out. She could be his. 
All he needed was this. Siri to put her under, to do an examination, ensure she had no wasteland diseases she could give him, no seed of a previous partner already festering inside her, where only he belonged. 
But the girl had come up clean. So clean, in fact, the minx had him wondering if she was pure… Oh, to be this creature’s first… To take something from this extraordinary person that can never be returned to her, and make it– make her– his own. 
You’d have to be a fool not to see that Six was created for him, brought to him like fate delivers years upon the living; inevitably, forcefully, demanding your attention. Their meeting was as certain as the sunrise, as notable as the stars, and he’d known, from that moment, when he saw the twin scars upon her forehead, when he felt his pain pulse cripplingly in that very same spot within himself that he saw marked upon her… Caesar knew that their futures were tied with one another with so many bounds of rope. 
“Now…” He continued speaking to her in hushed tones, his voice rough from the climbing arousal spreading through his body. “Now I will make you mine.” 
His hands had been exploring her all the while Caesar was in his thoughts, dragging his shaking fingers over her smooth torso, her lower stomach, up to her shapely throat, her full breasts. Those, he paid particular attention to, noting the way he felt his cock begin to swell, with more than just what the herbs provided him. 
A rare talent indeed.
He’d thought maybe it would be worth seeing if she could keep him hard all on her own, if she could get him all the way through his climax… But the herbs became more attractive when he remembered how long they lasted. 
If only her own medication lasted longer. I like her this way. Pliant, yielding. Unable to interrupt me or refuse me at every turn. 
There was a certain appeal to her resistance of him, the fire in her, and she chose to showcase it with her words and wit more so than with physicality, which was refreshing, but he wanted to at least be able to get her ready for him without such a fuss. 
Six was tied down, so he didn’t fear too much unwillingness from her in that sense, but she was strong-willed, and would fight the arousal Caesar was bound to bring her, and if she truly was innocent, well…
He’d rather not have her in pain. As much as that sort of discipline worked wonders on their slaves, Six was his, not the Legion’s. He would not have her completely broken before she’s able to properly serve. 
In time, who knows? She may come to have affection for him. Caesar knows that the possibility is there from the feelings he often finds festering within himself on those sleepless nights he thinks of her; the conversations they’ve had buzzing about his aching head, her expressions, the annoyed ones and the inquisitive ones, her anger and her mirth. 
Caesar looked forward to the myriad of looks he would be privy to tonight. 
Without further preamble, the Legion leader set his sights between her slightly spread legs. The bonds were holding her knees wide enough apart for him to slot his hips between them, but there would be time enough for that soon…
First, he set a finger upon her, starting at her entrance and smoothing the pad of it between her lower lips until he felt the point of her clit. She was still slick from the jelly Siri had used to examine her, but he could do better. 
Raising that same hand to his nose, Caesar took a deep inhale and felt his limbs shake with anticipation as her musky, sweet scent curled around him until he could all but taste it. He was almost tempted to drink from the source, as it were, but that was for a night when she’d earned it, for when he was feeling more patient, and his erection wasn’t practically ripping a hole in his tunic. 
No, he decided. Just his hands, for now. 
Before he carried on, Caesar adjusted the bed that way he’d seen Siri do it, dropping it to be perfectly level with his hips. 
It was orgasmic already, the way his head didn’t ache, the way the most discomfort he could feel was emanating from his swollen cock, and that too, would soon be rectified. 
Caesar’s hand returned to her then, two fingers stroking around her folds, spreading the moisture that was already there down to her entrance and back up to brush over her sensitive little nub. Sparingly, he rubbed there with his thumb as well, until he felt it begin to swell under his touch and saw the way her hips twitched unconsciously upwards in her sleep. Usually, Caesar would never opt to give a woman pleasure this way. She was meant to derive it from ‘the bliss of servitude,’ but he knew it was bullshit. It was meant to demean them, and give his men an excuse not to be too distracted by the slaves here. They were meant to be used, not fallen in love with, not doted over, not pleased. 
Six was his, though, and while he would discipline her the way he might a slave at first, he also planned on rewarding her when she was deserving of it. 
Six’s breathing picked up in her sleep, and Caesar looked on with intensity at the way her brows furrowed over her closed eyes, the way her breasts jostled with every breath, the way her muscles tensed beneath his attentions. He licked his lips at the sight of it, at the feeling of her own unique wetness beginning to gather over his prodding fingers. 
No more waiting. Caesar told himself, and pulled his hand away, scowling at the way her movements ceased, her breath slowed again. 
She’ll be awake any minute. 
Caesar stepped back to pull apart his tunic, moving the folds so he could reveal his erection to his unconscious companion. He hissed as the moist tip met the cool air of the Mojave night, and felt goosebumps erupt over his arms and the back of his neck at the sensitizing feeling. Trembling slightly, the leader stepped forward, his hand shaking as it guided the broad head of his cock to her little entrance. Six’s lower lips were dark with arousal that he dreamed mirrored his own, as he noted the dark color encasing his member, the way his own pre-arousal leaked from the weeping slit. 
“Tu eris bonum mihi, meus deliciae, won’t you? My Six…” 
It wasn’t often he became sentimental, least of all with women, but this… Caesar wished he could document it somehow. It felt pivotal, significantes, Homeric… fateful. 
There were no proper words to describe the overwhelming feeling of one’s fate being fulfilled, of two destinies intertwining for the first time, when it was bound to have been planned out from the very dawn of the ages of man, and of the earth itself. 
Perhaps he could request a painting from one of his more talented artists to commemorate an event such as this…
She was warm against him as he rubbed the tip of his length along her folds, not wishing to stall, but not wanting to rush through this process either. It would only happen once, after all. Especially if this was the moment in which he was stripping her purity away, in favor of endowing her with the honor of his occupancy en perpetuum.
With that thought fresh and desirable in his mind, Caesar slotted the head of his cock against her opening, pushing forward an inconsequential smidge, to the feeling of only a little resistance on her part. 
A good sign. 
A sigh escaped him as he gripped his cock more firmly with his hand, the other resting on her hip, his fingers sinking and dimpling the skin there. 
She will accept me. 
His eyes stayed trained between her legs as he began to unreservedly press inside. The movement only grows in its unyielding nature, as he feels her entrance stretch around him, as her walls expand to take his very shape. Like the artists of old, Caesar took her body like a slab of marble, etching his name into her, shaping and molding her to the image he perceived, to the one he desired. Her face was a work of art in and of itself, as Six’s eyes finally fluttered open, the color of them startlingly vivid as her gaze met with his. It was hazy with her fatigue, but her brows were drawn together in what he could only determine as discomfort. 
It was all he could hope for. 
Six waking up just as he settled completely within her. She was utterly full of him, and her breath hitched as the image she was met with made sense in her fatigued mind, as it melded with the sensations of her body. 
She was likely to be sore already, what with Siri’s thorough examination, but after his anticipated attentions, Six would be lucky if she could stand in the morning. 
With that smug thought, Caesar wrapped both hands around the swell of her hips, and hauled himself out until only the tip of his cock remained. Six’s eyes widened and glistened at her waterline as she felt the drag of him leaving her, and then, he slammed back in. It was with distinct effort that Caesar kept himself from repeating that euphoric action immediately and with even greater vigor. 
Just once is enough. For now.
No breaking her. His cross mind reminded him. We have time. 
“W-wha.. The hell?”
Six’s voice was weak, slurred a bit from her groggy awakening, but Caesar paid her no mind, only kept his eyes trailing hungrily over her form as he pulled back and delivered another dizzying thrust into her. Though this time, he did force himself to hold back, to move more slowly, despite the herb-enhanced sensations urging him on, on, on.
“F-fuck, what the hell? What are you doing?”
The pain of his last invasion seemed to spike her into reality faster than was usual with the medication she’d been given. Caesar couldn’t complain though. Not now that he was firmly within her, not now that his plans were in full motion.
“Taking what is mine by right. Lex nostra est. You are a woman in the Legion, what did you expect?” He spoke to her almost passively as he continued focusing on the physical, the bliss sparking through his doped up body as his pace steadily increased. 
Truly, Caesar was being quite polite in terms of the Legion. He’d warmed her up, he was taking his time, he didn’t punish her for the way she spoke to him, so out of turn.
Others in her position likely would have been on their way to a cross by now.
Due to the circumstances though, Caesar would allow his Six a few select liberties. For now.
“Yours by– goddamn it, I never should’ve– Ah, fuck, get off of me!”
A panic seemed to set in, and she shouted rather dramatically as she strained against the ties that held her firmly to the cot. 
“I’m serious, you asshole, get off of me now!”
Caesar paused in his thrusting, feeling the distinct pulse of his cock within her spasming walls as he panted heavily from above her struggling form.
“You command me?” He scoffed, “I don’t think so. Not here. Are you so blind as to not see it?” 
Six's confused expression and distracted squirming were enough of an answer for him. 
“The way that you belong with me?” He punctuated it with a violent surge of his hips against her, and Six's gaze locked to him with a gasp, as she fully ceased her struggles. Pure horror shone through her expression, disbelief and fear and disgust rampant in those vivid eyes, and Caesar had to keep from slapping her. 
Am I really alone in my belief? It cannot be so…
Instead, he hiked his hips out of her until only his tip remained, and drove forward painfully until his hips smacked audibly against the skin of her ass. A yelp of pain left her throat unwillingly as he repeated the action, testing the strength of the cot’s bonds with every fervent, furious movement. 
“You. Are. Mine.” Each word left him with a forceful buck of his hips, his teeth gritting together painfully as he felt his anger boil up inside him.
So be it. If breaking the ungrateful whore will get her attention, if it will force sense into her unreasoned mind and inject understanding into her stubbornness, then that is the sacrifice I will make.  
The herbs he’d been given were known to do this as well, to increase all sensations, in addition to libido, to make one have less reservations, to feel emotions more vividly than usual. 
Perhaps he should have saved a sip of the mixture for her. Maybe then her potential affections for him could've been forced to the surface.
“I’m not yours.” Six spat, crudely interrupting his thoughts as his gaze honed in on her: the way her fists clenched in pain against the metal sides of the cot, her gritted teeth, the tears running down over her temples, the veins bulging in her neck. 
What a sight… If only she could understand.
“Are you a fool, Six?” Another painful thrust had the woman wincing away from him with tears in her eyes. “You truly believed you would be treated differently here? After you saw the other slaves, after Siri warned you what you might become if you stayed?” 
“I d-don’t know… You talked to me, I thought…” She was starting to look confused now, some sort of female hysteria setting in and causing her to go numb, he was certain. It happened with many slaves during their breaking. 
So soon though… maybe she’s not the spitfire I thought she was.
“I trusted you.” Six said with a snarl and a realization, and Caesar half-grinned at the savagery that rose within her in just that short moment. 
Ahh, I thought too soon. Good.
“Get fucking off me! Can you just– I want to talk, we can discuss–”
“No, Six. I’m not leaving until you understand. Meus es.” He pushed forward then with finality, sinking into her more slowly as he let his body lay upon hers, his hands sliding up from her hips, grazing over her belly, up to both breasts, then to cage in her face from either side. 
“You are mine.” 
His grip tightened until he could feel her jaw tensing, feel the bones beneath the swell of her cheeks. 
“Nothing you say or do from here onwards can change that. You have been mine, since I first heard your story.” He was still panting from his exertion, but his voice was less feverish now. The certainty of his resolve was plain within it. “A life as indestructible as yours, a mind so impenetrable, to mix with my brilliance, my power… We’ll be insurmountable.” 
Six’s mouth hung open, maybe in shock, maybe in awe, and maybe those were just too similar to bother distinguishing between. Nonetheless, Caesar took advantage, and plunged his lips against hers, capturing her opened mouth with his tongue, conquering and swiftly pulling away before she had a chance to bite. 
She would yield to him, in time. Already, his muse was doing beautifully. A fine mix of resistance and submission that had his cock swelling and his thoughts running wild with the possibilities. 
He was growing close, and so, Caesar pulled away again, until he was fully out of her. The action– his absence– he hoped would make Six realize how she craved the feeling of him filling her. She would associate this gaping nothingness, the want that came with it, with her desire for him to remedy it, to make her feel whole once more. 
Six needed him. 
She had to see it that way, had to see that they would be unstoppable as a force, that the Legion was meant to thrive, with them leading the way. The future of this great faction lies within the realm of both of their responsibilities. She needed him to lead her and the faction both, needed him in order to become a mother, as he knew all women craved, and… He needed her as well. For the future of his faction, Caesar needed her to bear his heir before the pain in his mind took him for good. 
She needed his intellect, he needed her wit. He craved the way she amused him, and she surely needed an audience. 
They completed each other in every way possible, and that fact was evident, as Caesar reinserted himself and surged forward until he felt the very last resistance within her. Six cried out and her body tensed deliciously around him. 
Instead of pulling away for another thrust, Caesar merely ground his hips against her, keeping himself buried as far as he could go and laying waste to the last barricade within her. She bucked her hips in discomfort beneath him, lost for words as she whined out incomprehensible expletives and writhed against the feeling of him within her. 
Sweat beaded on Caesar’s forehead, lightning shot in bursts down his spine, and his hands gripped her hips until they were sure to leave marks there, but finally, he felt his bliss reach a peak, he felt himself tense up, felt his length swell further within her, and then he was bursting against that final, defensive rampart deep inside. Vise-like walls gripped him until he felt wrung of all his blistering, white seed as her body reacted favorably to his final claiming of her. 
It took Caesar a moment before he could see or hear anything but bright, splotchy colors surrounding him with his explosive release, but when the fog began to clear from his head, when the last rope of spend leaked out from his eager slit, he heard the way Six moaned out his name. 
Perhaps it was to curse him, to ask him one last time to get off of her, or maybe he had her. Maybe she’d come to realize all he said was true. Maybe now she knew she was his. 
It didn’t matter too much to Caesar, regardless. If Six was cursing him or declaring her dedication to him, he would know her true colors in the coming months. For now, though, for tonight, it didn’t matter what she said or felt. She would grow used to this, in time. 
Perhaps even by the end of the night. Caesar thought, and felt his blood begin to boil up again.
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thedeadthree · 1 year
besties and mutuals who play fallout nv on pc if y’all know a way to keep it from crashing i would owe you my life 🥀✨🥹
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dark-nautica-2 · 2 years
How many fandoms do you draw for?
oh hmm usually i draw for things im interested in at whatever time i either ask for requests or inspiration strikes!
things i generally never tire of are transformers (and am ihnmaims) tho
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minaande · 4 months
Shitass doodle of my blorbo
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emosharafisalm87 · 5 months
SPI F-RAM Memory, nv ram, f-ram memory, Fram chip, NV RAM memories
MX29F Series 4-Mbit (512 K x 8) 70 ns 5 V Surface Mount Flash Memory - PLCC-32
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enlichened · 9 months
kel isnt going to be in the Big 18 drawing project so im glad he gets to be in the alternate lyrics one im doing rn.
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