#extra-legal exemptions
garudabluffs · 2 months
Trump effect: Justice system ‘bends over backwards’ to shelter 'defendant Trump,' legal expert says
Mar 1, 2024 #MSNBC#Trump#justicesystem
Donald Trump’s team is trying to delay his classified documents trial, as the former president continues to face prosecution on several fronts. Trump evading court despite his dozens of indictments and what that means about our criminal justice system are discussed by Joy Reid and her expert guests on The ReidOut.
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lonleydweller · 5 months
BTAS characters (any and how ever many you want to write for) dealing with a s/o who is very stubborn especially with injuries. Like they’re the type of person who works long, horrible hours on their feet all day only to continue to stand on their aching feet after their shift. S/o will rarely acknowledge the pain/discomfort around their partner until it’s literally unavoidable (like they can’t walk from being on their feet so much they get an injury).
And yes this happened to me. Even now my brain doesn’t want to rest and recover.
🌹BTAS Penguin +Two face with stubborn overworked s/o🌹
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Decided to so these two as they don't have anything yet!!
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Warnings: mentions of being overworked, injuries
● He admires your work ethic truly, he does, just not that comes at your own expense.
● Constantly trying to get you to take breaks, whether you know it or not, offering a day out, dinner, saying he needs your help with something, no, no work can wait!
● He tries to urge you to get a different job, unless it's your dream job, if not he'll help you get whatever your dream job is, which is hopefully less physically demanding. He'll even offer you a job at the iceberg lounge if you'd like! If it is your dream job, he offers any assistance he can.
● Whenever you get home, whether you live with him or not, expect a warm bath ready, some pillows, and blankets when you walk in.
● You may also find over time your boss is suddenly giving you more pay, less hours, or less laborious work. Questioning your boss may result in a nervous chuckle and them brushing you off. Oswald claims he only had a friendly conversation with said boss.
● Regardless of what you do he ends up doting on you to hell and back.
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● Their confusion manifests itself with annoyance and nagging, Why do they work you to this extent? Who's your boss? Who's in charge of making the shifts? Why don't you quit and get a different job?
● They'll be bugging about your hours, how much are they paying you, are they paying over time, are you getting any bonuses or benefits? Surely this can't be legal, or they at least have to have something illegal going on. Every company skeletons in their closets.
.● While he may not be a D.A anymore, he still has some friends in the legal space he could "persuade" to take action. If he can't do anything that way, some good old intimidation and guns are sure to shut your boss down.
● No? You don't want him to do that? Fine. However they're tagging along to your work as much as they can, making sure you're not being pushed around by some lousy higher up, and helping you with whatever task you've been assigned.
● Luckily whenever he's tailing behind you upper management seems to lay off. How nice, some even offer a bit of extra help and allow you more frequent breaks!
● They'll offer to get you more comfortable shoes, socks, they'll offer to carry you around as well! They'll also see if he can find any medicine like painkillers that could help, hey that's another idea, see if you could get a medical exemption. They're really just trying to help in any way you'll let them.
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lawsofchaos1 · 1 year
Promptlet: Malec Early Meeting
Izzy and Jace start clubbing early because Shadowhunters consider themselves adults around fourteen when they begin full mission status at the Institute. So, sixteen year old Alec just sighs and brings his Advanced Clave Law seminar work to Pandemonium and sits in the corner of the bar with a thick legal text and his battered spiral notebook for his rough draft essays. He doesn’t care if Jace and Izzy are taking field assignments, they’re still his little siblings and need a chaperone.
Magnus, obviously, starts hearing gossip from his bemused bartenders about the young nephilim downing club sodas with lime while frantically highlighting a battered copy of the Accords and decides he needs to figure out what's going on. Immediately.
So, Magnus ends up chatting with Alec (who, as it turns out, really likes the Shirley Temple Magnus snaps up for him in what was supposed to be a joke) and starts flipping through Alec's latest homework assignment. Magnus blinks, snaps up another Shirley Temple to keep Alec busy, and carefully reads the essay twice over, pulling out his own notebook (bound leather and fountain pen with a gold nib of course) halfway through. Alec found a loophole, a big loophole, that would exempt Downworlders from being questioned without notification to their faction leader. 
Alec is an absolute disaster of a baby gay whenever Magnus so much as says hello or looks in his general direction, but, once he starts arguing the Law? He is vicious and ruthless and sharply concise. (Although Magnus becomes a little bit of a disaster himself when Alec absentmindedly starts chewing on his cherry stem while debating the finer points of interpreting The Clave vs. HOTI-Beijing, 1823.)
Ragnor comes over all the way from England just to see Magnus utterly lose his cool at this now seventeen year old shadowhunter who is literally drinking Shirley Temples and eating his weight in the extra cherries the bartenders slip him because they adore him too. Also, in terms of relationship dynamics? I think it would be kind of fun to explore Alec having a gigantic crush on Magnus (and Magnus just kind of utterly adoring Alec in turn between his obvious looks and, more importantly, his intelligence and his sharp humor and just .. everything) but also realizing that Alec is seventeen.
Alec is much more open (not that he had a snowball's chance in hell of hiding his Gigantic Crush on the High Warlock from anyone in Pandemonium except his siblings), and wages what amounts to pretty much open warfare to get Magnus to date him. He's insistent that Shadowhunters don't mature as slowly as mundanes (which.. fair) and makes bulleted lists and actions plans for every reason Magnus tries to say he deserves better/Magnus is too old/Alec is too young/etc.
And.. just how the Downworlders slide a stray Shirley Temple across the table for advice? Alec starts bringing little vouchers for a certain amount of advice time (or maybe little cupcakes or chocolate chip cookies that he makes for Jace and Izzy or something?) and slides them furtively across the table.
"Where might one take the High Warlock of Brooklyn out on a date?"
And then somehow two days later Magnus ends up in Central Park responding to a call from one of his warlocks and instead Alec is waiting there with a picnic lunch and a blanket and looking very, very smug.
This teenage Shadowhunter is outsmarting him. What even is this?
Also, Can you imagine the first time an old fling of Magnus' portals in to Pandemonium for the evening, expecting a night of fun, and the moment they ask where Magnus is at the bar, every Downworlder in hearing distance is glaring? Suddenly a good dozen wolves and vampires put aside their decades old fights and start running interference to keep this brazen interloper away from where Alec is holding court ranting about the Clave's shoddy grammar and lack of consistent position on Oxford commas (which, how dare) and how that can be used to interpret their latest ruling in three different ways, depending on what side you want to fight on.
(Magnus is sighing and staring dreamily from across the table.)
One day, Camille starts her usual nastiness and trying to get Magnus to come crawling back and Magnus feels .. nothing for her. The only thing Magnus feels is rage that Camille would try to interfere when he's clearly ... dating someone now.
And Magnus blinks wildly internally because holy shit he's dating Alec. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN MAGNUS DOES NOT KNOW
I do think Magnus would hold off on anything physical until Alec was what Magnus considered of age, so think how fun it would be to explore how the two of them date when their primary love language can't include sex?
Think of all the cuddles and the literal sleeping together and the hand holding and the forehead kisses and, excuse me but did I mention the cuddles? I really want Magnus and Alec cuddling on Magnus' throne at Pandemonium after a hard patrol and Alec falling asleep and all the Downworlders just kind of cooing at their very favorite nephilim.
(I also imagine an impressively oblivious pair of siblings who don't realize their brother isn't just moping in a corner while they dance for literal years.)
When Alec is older maybe Jace and Izzy start trying to subtly tell him it's okay to be gay, he doesn't have to hide it - they'll still love him, and Alec is just .. like .... 'what are you talking about?' as he smugly claims his gorgeous boyfriend.
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sablegear0 · 1 year
Pondering over Other M again and I had a thought about Adam’s choice to restrict Samus’s gear. He’s likely never seen any of it in action first-hand.
If the very start of Zero Mission is an indication of what she was equipped with during her time with the Galactic Federation Police, barring any additional supplies from the GF of course, her loadout is pretty bare-bones. She may not even have had the Morph Ball during her term with the GFP. (I personally like to think she did if only for the comedy factor, but I digress.) Basic plating, no extra movement technology, no missiles, a beam weapon with infinite ammunition but severely limited range. Besides the infinite ammo and presumably more durable plating, she’s not much better off than a standard solider. Adam might be loosely familiar with what Chozo tech is capable of, given the Chozo’s involvement in founding the Federation, but he’s never seen for himself what a fully-equipped powersuit can do.
The only information he would have to go on would be mission reports and item schematics from Samus herself, and hearsay from any field troops who happen to see her in action... (More under the cut)
For the former, presumably Samus includes some mention of what she finds in mission reports, and she likely has to submit some basic empirical data about her weapon systems for, like, licensing reasons. (Eg. “This missile launcher has a maximum capacity of 255 homing micro-missiles. Each round is capable of producing a [#]-ton explosion.”) She would probably have to provide data about her weapon systems to the GF so she can actually legally carry them on Federation vessels and habitats, or to apply for exemptions to do so.
While that’s reliable, empirical data, it’s still kind of difficult to work with. How big of an explosion is that really? What would that do to an un/armoured person? To a small vehicle? To the hull of a ship? And that’s just a simple weapon system like a missile launcher. What about crazy stuff like the Wave and Plasma beams, that can pierce some solid structures or organic matter? What about high-powered movement tech like the Speed Booster? How do you even begin to quantify something like the Screw Attack?
(As an aside, it’s interesting that Adam uses the game’s item names for upgrades. This is probably a bit of a game conceit, so the Player actually knows what he’s talking about. In “reality” the Federation probably have more technical/descriptive terms for Samus’s equipment. For example, the name “Speed Booster” doesn’t actually tell us all that much about what it does. But something like “Supersonic Somatic Accelerator” is a bit more descriptive. Her upgrades are probably given technical names in official files, and the item names we as the Player know are Samus’s personal terms for them.)
For the latter, there’s no way that’s a wholly reliable source. Imagine hearing from one of the Demolition Troopers Samus has to escort during Corruption. “She fought off a dozen Pirate troopers and killed a Berserker with a single shot and dodged a train and shot down half a dozen more aerotroopers and-” As the Player we know it’s the truth, we were there doing it. But as a shrewd, experienced soldier? It sounds like a tall tale. Or worse, it sounds like par for the course, and the story probably only gets grander as it gets passed from person to person! By the time of the events of Other M, Samus is a legendary figure, and there are probably countless stories -both overblown and totally accurate- of the crazy feats she’s managed to accomplish and the insane weaponry she can bring to bear to do it.
Adam has only (rather unhelpful) empirical numbers and (equally unhelpful) urban legends to go on by the time Samus shows up on the Bottle Ship. He really has no personal measure of what her current, thoroughly upgraded equipment can do. He only has the rawest data and the most elaborate legends, and he has to make a measured, careful decision about what sort of threat she might present to what believes to be a civilian rescue mission*. Since she refused to leave when told, he was well within his rights to restrict her gear; for the safety of his squad, for the safety of any potential civilians present, and for the integrity of the unstable environment. (He was within his rights to detain her too, but that doesn’t make for an exciting video game or a very fine hello when reuniting with an old friend.)
The missile tutorial at the very beginning of the game is a perfect example of this. Normal breaching charges weren’t having any effect on a blast door that Samus casually blows open with a single missile round. She has that sort of destructive power available without even expending effort. The only sane thing to do would be to make her presence conditional on restricting her weaponry unless explicitly authorized. And this is a major failing of the translation, I acknowledge. If this point was made clear, the authorization gimmick would make much more sense to the Player, but that’s not really the point I’m trying to make here.
The point I’m trying to make is from an in-world, character-driven perspective. Adam simply cannot assess the threat that Samus might pose with the information he has, so he opts to proceed with extreme caution. And this choice makes his exchange with her at the doors to Sector Zero even more poignant.
He’s been watching through Samus’s eyes for the duration of the mission. He finally has a chance to see first-hand what she can do, what her gear and her abilities can accomplish. By meting out her weapons and movement tech, Adam calibrates his understanding of her capabilities - and recognizes the severity of the situation because all these things became necessary over the course of the mission. And when he reaches the point he can’t continue, he’s seen enough to know he can safely make the choice he does. Because he has the data now, he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Samus can handle this solo. All the raw numbers have context and all the absurd legends are true. And while I deeply dislike the phrasing used in the English version, calling her a “Galactic Saviour”, it is genuinely a moment where Adam acknowledges his own limits are far behind those of his old friend. He knows he is safely expendable, because he’s seen and learned everything he needed to know to make that choice. (I suspect even if he didn’t have the insurance of a digital backup, Adam would have been willing to take the same actions. His trust in Samus by that point was absolute.)
[*It wouldn’t be a blog about Adam and OM if I didn’t discuss my favourite headcanon/au, that Adam was aware of the nature of the facility and became the “Deleter” in an attempt to keep it secret. I’ve discussed this before but obviously there’s another element of caution in Adam’s decision in this context. He can’t let Samus go tearing through the Bottle Ship unrestricted if he’s here to recover its materials and/or continue to keep its true nature secret. He also can’t let her run around at full power if he’s considering the possibility of having to terminate or otherwise deal with her himself. Because she was too stubborn to leave, and too inquisitive not to learn the truth, he has to measure out what he can give her without letting her become a genuine threat to his covert mission, or himself.
Eventually, seeing the enormity of the odds against him and observing Samus’s righteous wrath and determination first-hand through her video feed, helps sway his change of heart by the end. As much as he was desperate to conceal his massive mistake, he’s confident he can trust Samus to get the job done and end the present threats on the Bottle Ship, even at the cost of his own life and reputation.]
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
The Scavengers are all very young in this, born either from Croaton's (a Titan who went with the Decepticons) hot spot before it went dormant or from the incredibly rare births or buddings. The second is now incredibly rare among Decepticons as a virus released during the war almost destroyed their ability. Decepticons have a birth rate of 0.03 percent following the war that they've only reason to 1 percent after years of study and information on unaltered Autobot coding being sent back by Shockwave.
Krok is the oldest Scavenger and was the last generation born on Cybertron before they fled it following the end of the war. The others are younger miracle babies except Fulcrum who was born during Croaton's last generation.
Reproduction like this is heavily regulated and an assigned duty among Autobots. Like being an organ donor you can sign up to be part of the program and other bots are trained to care for them once they are safe to separate. Autobot military though are required to be a part of the program. You do not raise your own creation unless a special exemption is given and the privilege is awarded. A Magnus, Guild Leader, high ranking Prime for instance may. Reproductive or turned off upon adult registration to the Commonwealth.
In the colonies it is much less restricted and most bots get license to reproduce and caretaker simultaneously. Bulkhead was raised by his three creators who trined and supported his application to Cybertron.
All this is important because the Scavengers were specifically assigned to "safe" duty with Krok scavenging legal shipwrecks and asteroids for resources and they are civilians (or as close is) and he doesn't want to fight a group that is strong enough to have a Prime and an Omega ship on so no name backwater planet called Dirt. He will be in so much trouble if he doesn't get them back which he is arguing to Prowl about not reporting them.
Because when the Autobots find them the Scavengers have already arrived and are trying to convince Misfire to leave.
Prowl, the oldest thing on the island, thinks GrimFire is adorable and doesn't want to fight these kids (who are of age with his younger teammates), so he's willing to let them leave on their own. Bulkhead also thinks they are a cute couple and is dealing with a bunch of staring and tongue tied Cons because he is incredibly cute for Decepticons and sweet and smart and Spinister keeps tripping over himself to talk to him only to not be able to think or to literally trip. Plus most of them don't have age mates so he's extra interesting.
Blackarachnia is mildly annoyed to lose prime real estate opportunity but has bigger concerns.
Damnnnnn okay okay, cool!
Tfa autobots being pretty dystopic yet again yet again
Ooo oh right I forget sometimes that Bulkhead comes from a colony world (as in his energon farm was on a colony world)!
I've exactly had that idea (a crew of younger mecha being given the "safe" assignments to keep them away from the fighting)!
Krok is the responsible one and thus no one will listen to him today
Sdfh ohhh yess on tfa Spinster here, Bulkhead and Prowl definitely consider this one of their favorite interactions with decepticons (the bar is on the floor though tbh), the Scavs agree on the vice versa angle
BA does have bigger concernsss
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shrikeseams · 9 months
I don’t understand this idea that Finwë is forcing Miriel into staying dead forever because he wants to get with Indis - the text makes it very clear that he tries for years to get Miriel to come back, and she consistently makes insists that she’ll never return. Why should Finwë stay alone forever for the sake of someone who never opens on coming back? The story even says that she doesn’t even consider coming back to life until until he dies himself. I don’t see how Finwë, and especially Indis, did anything wrong.
It's late and I'm tipsy, so this may not be my best effort, but here goes, and if you want clarification/further response you'll have to reply or reblog:
TL;DR: I have no issue with Finwe's remarriage. My issue is that his remarriage was conducted in such a way (by both finwe and the Valar) that a) functionally left Miriel facing all of the long-term consequences while Finwe got just what he wanted, and b) was conducted in unseemly haste for a species that is LITERALLY IMMORTAL. THERE IS NO REASON FOR FINWE TO BE IN A RUSH. HE HAS THE ENTIRE LIFETIME OF ARDA. And also, c) Finwe ultimately proves faithless to Indis as well, which (to me) suggests that this is a finwe problem. If he had just gotten a divorce and severed his fate from miriel's, I... would still not have a high opinion of him. But I wouldn't want to beat him with a 2x4, y'know? The real issue here is that true divorce is a positive social good, but that in its absence Finwe and the valar chose a course of action that only benefited one party.
TLDR-er: Just because miriel wasn't healed when it was convenient to finwe does not give him the right to steal her right to reimbody if and when she does heal. Even the act of asking is, to me, unforgivable. I don't think he was obliged to stay marrived to her, but what he actually did was to functionally ask her to die for his comfort. (Indis's only wrongdoing was bad taste in men. 😔)
TLDRest: I actually think it's worse to ask somebody to die/stay dead for eternity than it is to ask someone not to have a wife and more children! I kinda thing finwe should have looked into adoption and maybe joined a bowling league! The absence of his wife is not, in fact, Doom him to be Forever Alone!
TLDREST FOR REAL THIS TIME: Miriel's right to live (and therefore to eventually reimbody) supercedes finwe's right to remarry for any reason. And his willingness to compromise that makes me doubt his moral character.
Firstly, let's acknowledge my personal bias. Every time I think of miriel, I am thinking of her as if she were one of my friends. That is by basis for looking at the miriel-finwe-indis relationship: how would, personally, view finwe if he were the spouse of a friend? If you can't at least partway accept that premise then I do not expect that this will be convincing.
and because I know this approach isn't universal, my baseline reading is that miriel is suicidally depressed, in a situation where even a completed suicide does not release her from the pressures of her husband, society, and religion.
Now. Let's shift the circumstances a little, to a more real-world version. Let's say that Miriel just has extreme postpartum depression, and she's gone to a facility for inpatient treatment of her own choice. And then, because she isn't any better and still needs that extra support, she stays in that facility for years.
What would you think of a husband who repeatedly pressured her to leave inpatient care? What would you think of a husband who pressured his wife to leave medical care specifically because he wants more kids (the thing that put her into care in the first place)? Would you think well of him for using his political power♧ to functionally get a legal exemption for bigamy, under the condition that his first wife can't ever leave inpatient care (even if she heals)?
Now, take whatever emotional reaction you had to that scenario (which could be different from mine!) And bring it back to Arda.
And when you do that, please remember that 1) elves are immortal and literally have the option to wait for a spouse until the end of the world if they so choose. But ,y understanding is that the longest Finwe ever waited to remarry in a draft was Feanor's early adulthood. So you have a literal immortal who can't give his wife a few millenia of grace to heal. and also--
2) Finwe and miriel lived in a society where that was, in fact, the expectation. That was the deal they made when they married. That was the choice. Even if they married in Aman with expectation of eternal paradise, they both made the journey, and had lived in the real world, and presumably had at least some cultural scripts for the death of a spouse.
And keep in mind what finwe's remarriage isn't: it's not a divorce. It leaves miriel bound to death and finwe free to remarry. The only benefit to miriel was that everybody stopped pestering her to be healed already.*
With all that in mind--are you comfortable with finwe's choice? If Finwe were a friend of yours, would you think he had done well by his first wife? Did he honor his vows to her? Did he act in justice?
And does that answer change when he later abandons indis of his own free will?
♧ do you think finwe's petition would have gone anywhere but the garbage bin if he (and indis) weren't royal? Because I don't.
*i think this is technically a tangential thought but: is it ethical to ask a suicidally depressed personal, who literally already killed herself, to stay dead forever for someone else's benefit? Because to me, if she were healed enough to answer that question with a clear mind, then the situation itself becomes irrelevant. This is only relevant if you read miriel as depressed/ill in some way, I suppose, but there's an inherent catch-22 there that I feel like the valar and finwe handled in an intrinsically unethical way.
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foreverlogical · 8 months
NEW YORK (AP) — The Biden administration will propose a new rule Wednesday that would make 3.6 million more 
U.S. workers eligible for overtime pay, reviving an Obama-era policy effort that was ultimately scuttled in court.
The new rule, shared with The Associated Press ahead of the announcement, would require employers to pay overtime to so-called white collar workers who make less than $55,000 a year. That’s up from the current threshold of $35,568 which has been in place since 2019 when Trump administration raised it from $23,660. In another significant change, the rule proposes automatic increases to the salary level each year.
Read More: America Gave Up on Overtime—and It’s Costing Workers $35,451 a Year
Labor advocates and liberal lawmakers have long pushed a strong expansion of overtime protections, which have sharply eroded over the past decades due to wage stagnation and inflation. The new rule, which is subject to a publicly commentary period and wouldn’t take effect for months, would have the biggest impact on retail, food, hospitality, manufacturing and other industries where many managerial employees meet the new threshold.
“I’ve heard from workers again and again about working long hours, for no extra pay, all while earning low salaries that don’t come anywhere close to compensating them for their sacrifices,” Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su said in a statement.
The new rule could face pushback from business groups that mounted a successful legal challenge against similar regulation that Biden announced as vice president during the Obama administration, when he sought to raise the threshold to more than $47,000. But it also falls short of the demands by some liberal lawmakers and unions for an even higher salary threshold than the proposed $55,000.
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, almost all U.S. hourly workers are entitled to overtime pay after 40 hours a week, at no less than time-and-half their regular rates. But salaried workers who perform executive, administrative or professional roles are exempt from that requirement unless they earn below a certain level.
The left-leaning Economic Policy Institute has estimated that about 15% of full-time salaried workers are entitled to overtime pay under the Trump-era policy. That’s compared to more than 60% in the 1970s. Under the new rule, 27% of salaried workers would be entitled to overtime pay because they make less than the threshold, according to the Labor Department.
Read More: More and More Employers Are Using an Overtime Loophole to Pay People Less
Business leaders argue that setting the salary requirement too high will exacerbate staffing challenges for small businesses, and could force many companies to convert salaried workers to hourly ones to track working time. Business who challenged the Obama-era rule had praised the Trump administration policy as balanced, while progressive groups said it left behind millions of workers.
A group of Democratic lawmakers had urged the Labor Department to raise the salary threshold to $82,732 by 2026, in line with the 55th percentile of earnings of full-time salaried workers.
A senior Labor Department official said new rule would bring threshold in line with the 35th percentile of earnings by full-time salaried workers. That’s above the 20th percentile in the current rule but less than the 40th percentile in the scuttled Obama-era policy.
The National Association of Manufacturers last year warned last year that it may challenge any expansion of overtime coverage, saying such changes would be disruptive at time of lingering supply chain and labor supply difficulties.
Under the new rule, some 300,000 more manufacturing workers would be entitled to overtime pay, according to the Labor Department. A similar number of retail workers would be eligible, along with 180,000 hospitality and leisure workers, and 600,000 in the health care and social services sector.
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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What shameless act or felonious activity was not evidenced on Hunter Biden's laptop? Racist attitudes toward Asians? Soliciting prostitution? Felonious use of drugs? Photographed nudity and perverse sex? Admissions to illicit foreign shakedowns?
Hunter accused his father, President Joe Biden, of also being on the foreign take: "I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family... Unlike Pop, I won't make you give me half your salary."
Hunter's alleged felonies range from bribery to tax evasion. That he has not yet been prosecuted for anything is scandalous. His exemption is attributable only to Attorney General Merrick Garland's likely weaponized directives to federal prosecutors to downgrade or forget altogether felony charges against Hunter.
So, given such wild behavior, why would Hunter not tone it down, stop the global grifting, cease the reckless behavior -- and quit redirecting attention to the likely illegal acts of his father, the president?
Why did he not just settle the child support suit filed by his paramour, Lunden Roberts? Why haggle over money for his own daughter?
Hunter instead outrageously claimed near poverty. That excuse was hilarious, given he flies on private jets and pays nearly $16,000 a month to rent a house in tony, celebrity-ridden Malibu.
Why did Hunter ever get involved with a performance stripper in the first place after his past widely publicized liaisons with prostitutes? Why also with his own widowed sister-in-law?
Given Hunter has little or no experience or training in high-stakes international finance and investment -- and thus has no market value as an investor or broker. But he was infamous for translating that nothingness into millions in lucre due solely to his ability to monetize the influence of then-Vice President Joe Biden.
So why now, when under 24/7 scrutiny, would Hunter dare recreate himself as an "artist" by blowing through straws in his mouth?
His amateurish canvasses somehow have sold for up to $500,000 a pop. Both Biden donors and gamers saw their buys of such mediocre art as gambits either to meet with or profit from his father, Joe Biden.
But would not his painting grift only bring greater prosecutorial scrutiny and more significant embarrassment to the president?
Hunter Biden's attorneys sought to leverage federal prosecutors into agreeing to drop their charges -- by threatening to call in as a pro-Hunter witness President Joe Biden himself and thereby likely invoke a constitutional crisis!
In such a scenario, the president under oath, would be forced to lie again that he had no knowledge of or involvement in Hunter's illegal behavior. Or if he admitted the truth that he did, he would thus contradict years of his adamant denials.
Why would Hunter put his father and president in such a publicity circus?
Hunter has lost an incriminating laptop by abandoning it at a repair shop. He has forgotten his crack pipe in a rental car. His illegally registered handgun turned up in a trash dumpster near a school.
So would not the carefree Hunter insist that all the Bidens in the spotlight remain extra careful never to abandon incriminating drugs -- especially in the White House?
Yet in a West Wing first, cocaine was recently found lost in an entrance vestibule. Various media outlets claimed it belonged to someone in the "Biden family orbit."
One of two things explain the continuous reckless behavior of wayward son Hunter Biden:
One, he is either still on drugs or so suffers from past addiction that he has lost all common sense and judgment and simply cannot control his behavior.
Or, two, Hunter is an embittered, angry son. As the Biden bagman for foreign shakedown cash, he did the dirty work and most risked the legal exposure that made all the Bidens rich.
Yet, instead of familial praise -- or so the broke Hunter seems to whine on his laptop --Hunter gets no respect from those he enriched.
And now he, not they, might first go to jail.
As a result, does his continuous recklessness send a not-so-subtle reminder to all the Bidens -- his father, the "Big Guy" especially?
That is, Hunter is not going to take the fall. He will not end up in prison for decades while the other exempt Bidens continue to enjoy their ill-gotten riches due to Hunter's imaginative cons.
No wonder the first family moved Hunter into the White House for months and put him on Air Force One.
Is it now, "Keep Hunter close and self-important -- or else"?
TOWNHALL (https://townhall.com/columnists/victordavishanson/2023/09/08/column-n2628142)
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Of the many questions surrounding serial fabulist George Santos as he joins the new Congress, one of the most basic is also one of the hardest to answer conclusively: Has he been a U.S. Citizen for seven years, one of the three requirements for the job specifically listed in the Constitution?
No one in a position of authority, it appears, has asked this question. Nor is anyone exactly responsible for doing so.
The office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives tells VICE News it’s not their job to check, New York State’s election board says it wasn’t their job and isn’t their problem now, and neither House Republicans or Democrats have anything to say on the matter. The question would perhaps go to the House Ethics Committee, but it points to the House Administration Committee, which for its part points back to the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Experts said that no one is missing anything and that in fact no one is really in charge.
All of this raises the absurd yet fascinating possibility that someone plainly ineligible under the Constitution, such as the 16-year-old king of a foreign nation, could win election and be seated as a member of Congress with no one doing anything about it.
"Do you know anything we should know about George Santos? Contact the reporter at [email protected], or through the Signal app at 267-713-9832 for extra security."
That the question of who is supposed to make sure members of Congress are legally able to serve in Congress comes up at all is due to the sheer scale of the lying and dissembling Santos—who at one point found himself defending his false claim that he was Jewish by asserting that he’d in fact said that he was “Jew-ish”—has, he confesses, done about his own past.
Last fall, Santos, 34, won an upset victory as a Republican in New York’s third congressional district, running as a living Horatio Alger story. The proudly gay son of immigrant parents, raised in a working-class Queens community, he’d become a real-estate mogul, philanthropist, and enthusiastic Donald Trump supporter after attending Baruch College and New York University and climbing his way up the ladder at Wall Street’s most powerful firms—or so he said.
Last month, the New York Times revealed that Santos’ biography was nearly entirely fabricated. He hadn’t attended Baruch or NYU, hadn’t worked for Goldman Sachs or Citigroup, and didn’t run a tax-exempt charity. Further reporting showed that his grandparents weren’t Holocaust survivors and that his mother wasn’t in the South Tower of the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attack. She wasn’t a New York finance executive, either, and in fact doesn’t seem to have raised him in Queens. She lived and died in Brazil, where he had, at age 19, been charged with fraud after allegedly using checks stolen from a man she was nursing—a crime to which he confessed but now denies he committed.
Santos now faces several investigations headed by people ranging from his local district attorney to Brazilian authorities who want to prosecute him on fraud charges, even as congressional leaders express confidence that the House itself will look into him and federal prosecutors reportedly scrutinize his campaign-finance arrangements.
One lacuna in all this involves whether Santos fulfills the Constitution’s citizenship requirement.
Santos says that he was born in Queens, and a decade-old Brazilian court document describes him as a U.S. national. Ordinarily, this would be enough to answer any questions.
Given the context, though, and the impossibility of believing anything Santos says, it’s understandable that even the most minor inconsistency would draw scrutiny. And a number of actors ranging from Democratic partisans to racist anti-immigration organizations have in fact scrutinized minor inconsistencies. A report from Patch, for example, has drawn attention for quoting a former coworker as saying that Santos had said he was born in Brazil, and as Talking Points Memo noted, one version of a statement issued by Santos’ lawyer referred to him as an immigrant. (“George Santos,” it read, “represents the kind of progress that the Left is so threatened by—a gay, Latino, immigrant and Republican.”)
Santos, who didn’t respond to emails from VICE News and has also not responded to inquiries from other news organizations, hasn’t offered any clarity here. Neither the Republican and Democratic caucuses or national committees responded to inquiries.
In the meantime, there appears to be no official body that can confirm that Santos is indeed qualified for office, or that has looked into the matter.
The Clerk of the House of Representatives would seem to have responsibility for ensuring that members of Congress meet the requirements of office. (By statute, the clerk is responsible for making a roll of representatives-elect, consisting of “such persons only, whose credentials show that they were regularly elected in accordance with the laws of their States respectively, or the laws of the United States.” The Precedents of the House go into detail about the clerk’s role in making sure members are properly certified.) A staffer in the Clerk’s Office, though, who did not give a name, initially told VICE News that they believed this was the business of the House’s ethics or administration committees.
Staffers for those committees declined to speak on the record. An ethics staffer pointed VICE News to the administration committee’s website, which plainly puts questions of “credentials and qualifications” under its purview; an administration staffer, for their part, pointed VICE News to the statute that would appear to make this the business of the clerk.
A staffer for the Clerk, though, who would only identify himself as George—he declined to give a last name because he “doesn’t have to do that anymore”—disclaimed any such responsibility, saying the office’s role is only to rubber-stamp certification provided by the states.
“We as the Office of the Clerk don’t certify him until the state sends certification,” George said. “The state is responsible for the certification of elected members. We don’t look up anyone’s information. The state certifies him.” This process, he said, is already complete.
In response to questions from VICE News, John Conklin, a spokesperson for the New York State Board of Elections, said that the certifications it provides have nothing to do with whether candidates are qualified for office under the Constitution.
“In New York, as ministerial agencies, boards of elections are tasking with reviewing the sufficiency of ballot access documents, not the qualifications of candidates,” Conklin told VICE News. “If there is a question as to the candidate meeting the qualifications of office, an objector may bring a timely action in court challenging the candidate’s qualifications and evidence can be presented in open court. If the court rules that the candidate does not meet the qualifications they will be denied access to the ballot.”
No one appears to have brought a timely action in court, but in any event ballot access isn’t the issue, since Santos has already accessed it, with great success. In response to further questions, Conklin said that the House could choose not to seat an unqualified candidate, or that the U.S. Attorney General could bring a quo warranto proceeding.
The Department of Justice did not reply to a request for comment.
Casey Burgat, director of the legislative affairs program at George Washington University’s graduate school of political management, expressed bewilderment and amazement when all of this was laid out to him, but said that he wasn’t aware of any real enforcement mechanism for constitutional-eligibility requirements other than an open court challenge, something which seemingly wouldn’t be possible after a member is seated, or, possibly, a secretary of state declining to certify a representative-elect, or withdrawing their certification. (In New York, the secretary of state plays no role in certification, said a spokesperson, who directed questions to the Board of Elections and the Republican and Democratic parties.) In other words, if a 16-year-old were somehow elected and seated, no one could do anything about it except Congress—or, possibly, the Department of Justice.
All of this is most likely academic, and not just because the most solid and authoritative evidence there is, the Brazilian court document, strongly suggests that Santos is qualified—at least as a matter of law—to hold a seat in the House.
Arcane matters of procedure are of far less moment than the variety of criminal investigations already ongoing, and the ultimate question is whether, in a narrowly-divided House, Republicans will investigate someone who serves as a number for them and act upon their findings. Still, just as the failures of both major parties and the press to verify the most basic facts about Santos led to this situation, it appears that the failure of authorities to put in place any mechanism for enforcing constitutional requirements makes possible any number of absurd scenarios.
“You could have a constitutionally illegitimate sitting member of Congress,” asked Burgat, thinking through the implications, “and nobody could do anything about it except Congress?”
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zorciarkrildrush · 9 months
Kind of random but it's hilarious Jews were so commonly associated with communism because wait, really? People who strongly value academics and arguing are into communism? At the very least socialism? Get out of town. The same people who were frequently pushed into banking, and practicing law and medicine? And due to this have a complex relationship with capital, and justice and equality in treatment? And speaking of capital, it being the only sort of social power this group can hope to get, since politics and state religion were barred to them, making it a frequent objective? The same people who even in the most tolerant societies* were always "other" formally or informally, so they will naturally consider a philosophy relating to absolute equality? People who already typically congregate into large-household communal lifestyles, and where lending aid to anybody in need is baked into the religion? That group?! Insane! I wonder how come one of the first forms of modern Jewish immigration to Israel/Palestine was with Kibbutz settlements who were hardcore communist. The mind boggles.
This was frequently a bad connotation, an easy example being Churchill who was extra antisemitic because naturally British Jews will be in cahoots with USSR Jews, but also like - Jews do have a predisposition towards communism, absolutely shocking.
*The most tolerant societies for Jews to be in were historically Islamic ones, as well as pre-Islamic Persia, but in all of them they were always - and usually by legal definition - set apart from others, exempted from political positions, especially taxed for protection and so on. I won't bother talking about Jews in Europe/the US, you can imagine why.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Constitutional Monarchy
Okay, really quickly before I go back to attempting to de-stress a bit:
A lot of people are flagging up that “England is not a democracy; it’s a constitutional monarchy”. And yes, that is technically true. But it also isn’t.
I know that when a lot of people think of a constitution, they think of the one in the US. One document codifying all the things that a constitution is meant to codify.
We ... don’t have one of those.
When the English say ‘constitution’, they’re talking about a ragtag uncollected collection of documents scattered hither, thither, and yon across the legal and political landscape, and that gives it a lot of wiggle room for a lot of nastiness. Case in point... well ... everything, at this point.
The monarch is supposed to uphold this fragmentary constitution, and probably understands it better than anyone else in the country, but given what we’ve already seen, that knowledge only gets used by the monarch to better the monarch’s personal position. Beyond that, government can do more or less as they please so long as they get royal assent for it. Which the monarch is generally happy enough to give as long as they’re exempt from anything they don’t like the sound of.
Summary: there isn’t a document that anyone in the country can point to and say, for instance, “I have the right to remain silent; our forefathers said so”, or “I have the right to speak freely without fear of arrest”. Without that, things like the Public Offenses Act and the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act become constitutional by the very act of their passing, because the only people who could call it unconstitutional don’t want to.
The UN had words about this whole situation in the UK right now. Violation of civil liberties. England said, “I don’t like the tone they took” and went right back to violating civil liberties. Apparently this is fine. We don’t have the constitutionally guaranteed right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, after all. Not in a way that everyone can point to when someone tries to take those rights away, at least.
The UK is technically a constitutional monarchy. However, without a solid codified constitution, what we are is a monarchy with extra steps. We have a monarchy that lets the government in power do whatever they want provided that they, the monarchs, are comfortable and left alone to do as they like. So if the monarchs who understand the constitution won’t uphold any parts of it that benefit their people, and the politicians won’t either, and the monarchs will only get involved for their own benefit (which overspills into the benefit of the rich in general) ... we’re not even a monarchy in practice. I don’t know what we are when the leaders we don’t get to vote for can do whatever they want because we don’t have the shield of a codified constitution. Closest I can come is “fascist state”, but I’m not sure that’s right either. I think the only term that really applies is “clusterfuck”.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On June 22nd 1725  the Malt Riots, took place in Glasgow.
The Malt Riots led to fatal shots being fired in Glasgow with unrest rippling through the streets of the land, from Elgin to Dundee and Stirling in the summer of 1725.
Scotland became “virtually ungovernable” as the riots spread but the unrest came with perhaps an unlikely consequence – the dawning of a new age of the legal Scotch whisky industry.
Protest flared, both among the people and politicians, when Westminster wanted to extend a tax on malt bushels to Scotland. It had been paid in England to help fund the wars against France with the 1707 Treaty of Union at first exempting Scotland from the levy.
By 1725, the tax was brought in across Great Britain at a price of 3d a bushel – half of what had been paid in England.  The price of everyday goods, including beer - drunk by the gallon as a safer alternative to water – faced a hike and an “explosive, two stage reaction” shook the country, according to historian Christopher A Whatley, author of Scotland and the Union, Then and Now.
It was perhaps Glasgow that felt the full force of the anti-tax riots with the unrest spreading and to the mansion of Duncan Campbell of Shawfield, Glasgow’s first MP at Westminster, who supported the tax.
His home, which sat on the corner of Glassford St and the Trongate, was broken into and ravaged by a mob armed with hatchets and other weapons.
Attempts to control the crowd only served to inflame it with soldiers shooting eight members of the crowd in which “stone-throwing females and butchers were prominent”, Whatley said. A further 18 people were wounded.
The soldiers were forced to flee for their lives and took refuge at Dumbarton Castle with General Wade sending 1,300 troops into Glasgow to restore order with the city living under a military presence. Protests followed over the summer in Ayr, Dundee – where a merchant’s house was sacked – as well as Elgin, Paisley and Stirling.
“The fact is that Scotland had become virtually ungovernable,” Whatley said.
Duncan Campbell was compensated by the City of Glasgow for the damage to his home with £10,000 paid to the MP – around £2.1 million at today’s values – with some of the money raised by selling common land.
With the compensation, Campbell went on to buy Islay and Jura.
Emily Coyle, brand development manager at Glasgow Distillery Companysaid : “Campbell took the compensation to buy Islay and Jura, where he encouraged local farmers to seed extra barley which ignited the production of Scots whisky.”
Following Campbell’s death in 1753, his estate passed on to his grandson Daniel who set up the village of Bowmore. The Bowmore Distillery was founded shortly thereafter and a new era of legal whisky production began with the spirit, arguably, funded by the riot of the people.
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cindylouwho-2 · 2 years
Etsy Charging GST & HST on Canadian Sellers’ Fees - Possibly Incorrectly
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UPDATED: September 6, 2022
As posted May 31, Etsy intended to start charging GST and HST on some Canadian seller fees, to comply with the government of Canada’s new(ish) tax rules for digital economy businesses. Despite these rules being released back in April 2021, Etsy was inexplicably unable to comply with them by the final deadline of July 1, 2022; an Etsy Support person told me on July 15 that they were still working on the coding. (They also messed up the GST and HST they were supposed to charge on sales as of July 1; more on that here.) 
Suddenly on August 30th, some Canadian sellers reported that Etsy had started retroactively charging the GST and HST on sales going back to July 31, with one-line-per-charge entries in seller payment accounts, in some cases draining the accounts entirely and even forcing them into the negative. A few days later, the above announcement appeared on our payment account pages, although some of us still haven’t had any tax charged. We don’t know if Etsy received an extra month’s exemption from the July 1 deadline, or if they are paying the July taxes out of Etsy profit. 
This raises 2 key questions:
Is it legal for them to back-charge GST and HST on seller fees? 
Why are they charging GST/HST-registered sellers tax, when other platforms are not, and the federal government’s info states these taxes should apply to non-registered sellers only.
Several people are investigating point 1, but we do not have a clear answer yet. You can contact Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) digital economy business phone line or email address here to ask them about this. 
Point 2 seems pretty clear: despite what Etsy thinks, they aren’t supposed to be charging GST and HST on the fees of tax-registered sellers. 
Why Tax-Registered Shops Shouldn’t Be Taxed on Etsy Seller Fees
Some of us became suspicious of Etsy’s plan to tax all Canadian seller fees, since Amazon only charges GST and HST on order-related fees of sellers who do not provide a GST registration number. (Marketplace Tax Collection is Amazon’s method of allowing individual businesses to charge the correct taxes on their sales; fees from those sales are not taxed by Amazon.) My website builder, Squarespace, does the same with subscriptions. Were these other companies wrong and Etsy right, even though Etsy needed more than an extra year to code the site?
While tickets have been submitted, I am not yet aware of the CRA telling anyone Etsy should not be charging these taxes on the fees of GST-registered sellers. However, the government website seems quite clear. When defining what gets taxed, the CRA says:
“You have to charge and collect tax on specified supplies that are generally taxable supplies of intangible personal property or services that you make to specified Canadian recipients.”
“Specified Canadian recipients” are defined as:
“...a recipient of a supply in respect of which the following conditions are met:
the recipient has not provided to the supplier, or to a distribution platform operator in respect of the supply, evidence satisfactory to the Minister that the recipient is registered under the normal registration regime; and
the usual place of residence of the recipient is situated in Canada.” [my emphasis]
I’m unable to find any exceptions that would make seller fees related to sales on the site taxable federally for GST registrants. 
So there you have it: once again, Etsy has completely botched their tax obligations, and sellers are the ones who suffer. Given the pace with which Etsy usually moves on these things, it may take months to get this mistake reversed, meaning some sellers will be paying up to 15% more on their seller fees, knowing that they will have to wait a long time to get this money back. 
Why doesn’t Etsy simply hire an expert when these new tax obligations arise? It’s clear, after multiple mess-up like this one, including with the charging of VAT on fees and the incorrect charging of BC PST on orders coming from outside of Canada, that they do not have any staff competent to deal with these issues. 
I still have not been charged GST on my seller fees, but promise to update this post when I file my complaints with Etsy and the CRA. Please let me know if you have anything to add! 
Looking for my article on Etsy forcing tax-registered sellers to add the GST into their prices? Click here to read that piece. 
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 2 years
Since I got into B fandom, a fic idea I've had is B helps the reader through getting an abortion (either with him definitely not or almost definitely not the impregnator). With the striking down of Roe v Wade (which protected abortion based on privacy instead of sex equality/equal protection/due process, which also was weaker compared to what the latter would have done, as Ginsburg herself has said eg I don't think the Hyde Amendment, which forbade federal funds for abortion unless her life was at risk or incest/rape (as defined by law) probably or definitely caused the pregnancy & thereby effectively excluded very poor women from legal abortion in most cases (including rape that doesn't meet the legal threshold eg marital rape in many cases, nonforcible rape) could have stood under sex equality/equal protection rationale BC equality is a far more absolute protection, and privacy is partial/the state has less obligation to ensure & enable privacy than it does equality, privacy is more of a balancing act of competing interests and a situational right than equal protection/equality...), I should actually get around to it, and it would change it needless to say.
Also, note the other rulings also being called into question now that they could overturn Roe, explicitly by Clarence Thomas (Obergefell, Lawrence, Griswold. Notably, Thomas, a conservative black man (who also sexually harassed women, inc telling them of rape porn he watched, most notoriously Anita Hill) married to a white woman, didn't list Loving, the case declaring anti-mixed race marriage laws unconstitutional, in the cases he also considered open to overturning/mistakes, but you can bet other right wingers are eyeing that one too).
(also interesting and I legit thought all the states had changed their law post-Lawrence, but 14 states still criminalize "sodomy" (defined differently in diff states eg bestiality, oral sex, pia, at least one state says any genital *contact* (presumably scrotal, vulval, clitoral too) with an anus or object entry of it is illegal, even as "any unnatural act" or "perverted act" which could effectively mean anything other than piv, inc hetero sex in 11 states.)
Edit: I've long thought the criminalization, erasure, shaming, etc of non-piv sex & mandating, centring, mythologizing of piv (eg piv is mandated in marriage by law, religion *wants* married women to have regular piv and reproduce, even mandates it, marital rape exemptions, the sex=piv=sex equation, how piv is even seen as synonymous with intimacy, is seen as the only mutual or intimate sex, the only real sex, the best sex ever, the invention of virginity,erasure of het tribadism, even genital-genital contact w/o piv, overall phallocentric and "penetration/pole in hole" framing of sex eg how pia is seen increasingly as sex and is engaged in...) , women's reproductive abilities & our vulnerabilities to males, controlling & exploiting womens sexuality & reproduction were all of the same cloth and Clarence Thomas, the overturning of Roe, & current US law around abortion & non-piv sex just made that extra clear again.
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ask-de-writer · 2 years
About  FIENDSHIP IS MAGIC  (Part 35 of ?) : (work in progress)
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@mordenheim who READ, LIKED,
FIENDSHIP IS MAGIC  (Part 35 of ?)
(work in progress) to
@nevermord​ who gloated:
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Right!  Caught by Romain, roving reporter for the Ponyville Prancer, who started her career too poor to buy lunch and now is the highest paid reporter in all of Equestria!  She is the bane of Civil Misconduct and general idiocy!  She has turned down full time pay, preferring to be paid by the published column inch!  Having all the inches in an Extra isn’t going to hurt her pocket book at all!
The Dawnguard claim to be a religious organization.  They have failed the legal tests for tax exemption.  Sort of a watered down version of Hortimer’s old Celestain Church.  They do acknowledge the importance of the other kinds of pony but Unicorns and others with the magic horn should be the natural leaders.  I have only been hinting around the edges about them. 
One thing that I have tried to make clear is their fundamental dishonesty.  They have been using the “Lewdness” card to steal tips from the dancers at the clubs.  They hoped to use the anti lewdness campaign as a lever to political power.  That has just blown up in their faces!
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What Are the Common Pitfalls in Applying for Canadian Citizenship?
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The journey to Canadian citizenship is an exciting path many choose to embark upon, dreaming of the benefits and rights it confers. Yet, this process, filled with its legal nuances and bureaucratic requirements, can often become a labyrinth for the unprepared. This blog aims to shed light on the most common pitfalls encountered during the application process and provide practical advice on how to navigate these hurdles effectively.
Understanding Eligibility Requirements
Residency Requirements
The foundation of your citizenship application is proving you’ve lived in Canada long enough. Applicants must have been physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days within the five years before they apply. A common mistake is miscounting these days, especially when frequent trips outside Canada are involved. Ensure you’re using the official calculator provided by the Canadian government to track your days accurately.
Language Proficiency
Demonstrating proficiency in English or French is non-negotiable. Accepted tests include the CELPIP for English and the TEF for French. A pitfall here is failing to provide valid test results that meet the required benchmarks. Be sure to check your test scores against the latest citizenship requirements to avoid this error.
Filing Taxes
Having a history of filing taxes in Canada during at least three years within the five-year period is mandatory. Many applicants slip up by not submitting the required tax records, or by submitting incomplete records. This oversight can delay your application or lead to a denial, so double-check your tax filing status before applying.
Criminal Record Check
Canada takes security seriously, and a criminal record can be a significant barrier to citizenship. Be transparent and thorough when disclosing any past convictions or charges, as failure to do so can be seen as misrepresentation and cause major delays or rejections of your application.
Application Pitfalls
Missing or Incomplete Documents
One of the most straightforward yet overlooked aspects is the completeness and correctness of your application. From language proof to travel documents, ensure every document is up-to-date and correctly filled out. Missing information is a leading cause of delayed processing.
Incorrect Forms or Payment
Using the latest forms available on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website is crucial, as is ensuring that the payment method for the processing fee is accepted. Check these details twice to prevent unnecessary setbacks.
Omitting Essential Details
Every field of your application form matters. Leaving out information such as personal details, addresses, and employment history can lead to processing delays or outright denials. It’s worth taking the extra time to review each section carefully.
Interview and Test Preparation
Understanding the Citizenship Test
The citizenship test is a critical step that assesses your knowledge of Canadian history, values, institutions, and symbols. Underestimating this test is a common error. Prepare thoroughly using official study guides and sample questions available from the IRCC.
Interview Process After passing the test, you’ll be scheduled for an interview where an officer will verify your documents and ask questions about your application and background. Not bringing the correct documents or being unprepared to discuss your application can lead to further scrutiny or a negative outcome.
Special Considerations
Minors Applying for Citizenship
Applications for minors have slightly different requirements, including parental consent forms and specific documents related to custody. Overlooking these nuances can delay a minor’s application.
Citizenship for Seniors
Applicants aged 55 and older are exempt from the language and knowledge tests. However, ensuring that all other documentation is meticulously prepared is crucial as seniors are not exempt from other requirements.
Legal Assistance and Resources
Navigating the citizenship process isn’t always straightforward. If your situation is complex, seeking legal advice can be invaluable. Additionally, regularly consulting the IRCC website for updated information and guidance can help steer your application in the right direction.
Applying for Canadian citizenship is a monumental step that requires careful preparation and attention to detail. By understanding and anticipating these common pitfalls, you can enhance your chances of a successful application. Remember, thoroughness is your ally in turning the dream of Canadian citizenship into reality. Read more, Immigration Service in Canada
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