#except I'm in the endgame so maybe I should keep it on
pikmincorrect · 10 months
Oh fck this is that really what it's going to be
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ikol-art · 1 year
I'm not a writer so don't ask me for a fic, but
I keep imagining a scenario where Merlin is holding Arthur as he's dying, but with a magical grief outburst like Morgana's over Morgause. Except for Merlin it sends his time manipulation powers into overdrive and he ends up reversing it, all the way back to the beginning. I've read several fics where he time travels back, but in this scenario I imagine Arthur ALSO knows about it, because Merlin was holding him as it happened. Imagine Camelot at the very start of season 1 and only Arthur and Merlin have knowledge of the past/future 10 years. I'd imagine it would change quite a bit (they def support Morgana from the beginning, smuggle out any sorcerers because they don't quite want to actually murder the king, maybe Arthur and Morgana end up simply traumatizing him with their stances on magic idk, they adopt mordred and also hatch and smuggle Aithusa in, gaslighting everyone into thinking she's a bird)
Now Arthur has to do the whole 'keep Merlin's magic a secret' thing.. he's terrible at it, Morgana ends up knowing within 5 minutes
I would also imagine it would change the relationship dynamics, sharing 10 years with only one person is bound to bring you even closer together (yes I need merthur to happen here, but it could also be mergwenthur 👀 or if Merthur is endgame Gwen should at least get to end up with both Lancelot and Morgana, she deserves everything)
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I’m not gonna lie I actually really loved this season AND the fact that they went this way with Wilhelms character. Because I do think doing otherwise would be the easier choice. It is harder as a viewer to realize that a character you love comes from a place of privilege and aren’t just magically free from their upbringing by falling in love with someone from another standing. Do I understand why people don’t like this choice? Sure! But personally I’m really happy with it. Also just another note, this season in particular (or what we have got so far) feels very scandinavian to me. Like the plot and angst and how the writers choose to go about it. Both good and bad.
I really liked this season! I really liked what they did with every character... except Felice. I might be alone in that one, though, and maybe after a few rewatches I'll feel differently.
Showing Wilhelm still being selfish and privileged was important. It was also important to show Simon really not understanding that his life is changing because of Wilhelm.
While Wilhelm continues to try to control everything and act on his privilege without consequence, Simon is still trying to be an activist and show his "fuck the monarchy" attitude. These things can coexist but not without balance, which neither of them are willing to provide. Because they are literally children.
Wilhelm tries to change Simon by censoring him until he is fit for the crown. Simon tries to change Wilhelm by asking him to take a stand on things that he (Wille) doesn't believe he is allowed to. And neither of them are talking about how they really feel about it because they both start to panic. Because of this, neither of them is willing to change, either.
But they do give in. They do compromise with each other, while not in the best way.
Neither of them can magically change because they have fallen for someone of another standing. It isn't all Wilhelm's fault nor all Simon's fault. Like everything else, it's both of them.
Their joint stubbornness to keep things exactly as they think they should be is what made them have such a rocky relationship. Both of them have a predisposition for how they believe their life and their lover should be and both of them are wrong because they aren't taking in the other's idea.
I really really love this season, actually. I'm excited to see how it ends. I know people are nervous about endgame, but I'm really not.
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fotibrit · 6 months
I don't have anyone to talk to about this fic idea I was to put in a oneshot, so I'm gonna tell you. (Maybe others get inspired, who knows)
Post NWH Spider-Man fights some magic user (that Dr Strange should have handled, Peter keeps telling himself) and is blasted by something. Spell, missile, who knows, Peter surely didn't get a chance to see before he was knocked out.
When he wakes up next, he's in a private hospital room, hooked up to one too many tubes. Using his enhanced hearing, Peter can hear people talking outside the door. Doctors, he assumes. And they're talking about a 14 years old kid that's been brain dead for a week after a car crash him and his family were in. Peter thinks "poor parents, having to say goodbye to their child".
Thing is, Peter is that kid. And the parents that are suppose to come say goodbye to their child are the Starks.
What is happening?
okay. I could see a few things here.
Peter, accidentally jumping to a different universe where he's the Starks bio kid. And all the pain of trying to decide whether he should tell them, or just settle into his new life
He assumes they're doctors, but they're not. They're SHELD agents, proposing various potential cover-up stories
Mistaken identity. There is a young kid that was in a car crash. the "car crash" was the magic villain, hurling a car (and its occupants) at peter. Peter knocked out, the villain sunk to the shadows to bide its time, and the Starks took in the occupants of the car to supervise their care while the try to figure out who the magic villain was. Think is, Peter was in civilian clothes (dont ask why, idk) and they think he was one of the occupants. The trauma caused the other family members to be disoriented, and they havent yet pointed out that Peter isnt one of them. Now peter has to figure out how to either escape, or comvince the others that he was always with them. While the big bad waits...
Tony was assumed dead at Endgame, and nobody ever told Peter that he secretly recovered. They never told anyone, except Morgan and Pepper. But, Peters "death" brought tony out of the shadows. Suddenly, an Iron Man everyone thought was gone was fighting this magic user full-force, and Peter was swept away into recovery. Everyone else tried to wrap their minds around tony being alive- and for 10 days, Tony tried to wrap his mind around Peter being dead... until he woke up.
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rinadragomir · 11 months
Saga of finding out Matthew's endgame love interest🔎 join the investigation!
Volume Ⅰ
➤Esme Hardcastle
I'm starting with chronological order. We know that she used to have a crush on Matthew during the "Academy era".
Nothing but shadows:
Matthew's friendship made other friends creep forward, too. Esme cornered James and told him how sorry she was that Mike was being an idiot. She also told him that she hoped James did not take this expression of friendly concern in a romantic way.
"I have rather a tendresse for Matthew Fairchild, actually," Esme added. "Please put in a good word for me there."
Unfortunately, we haven't seen any of her interactions with Matthew during TLH🤷🏼‍♀️ But who knows, maybe after he returns to London we'll get something?👀 Personally, I found this idea pretty interesting, Esme seems like an adorable and confident girl✨
Volume Ⅱ
➤Eugenia Lightwood
Listen, listen. First of all I should mention what @roseofthomas validly pointed out: Matthew is officially 17 in the beginning of Chain of Gold and Eugenia is 21. And I also would be against anything romantic between them if it stayed this way. But TLH plot covers an entire year. So in Chot epilogue Matthew is already 18. And he leaves London for at least one year. So when he comes back he's 19. So what we got is ~ 19/23. Which is not a huge gap and Matthew will be an adult. Everyone remembers Malec's age gap? Diana & Gwyn? Yeah...So everything I'm talking about below I say in the context of Matthew being 19. Deal?🌱🌿Deal🌸🪷
I reread every part where she's mentioned. And I can confirm that we didn't get any info on how Matthew sees Eugenia except "she's a good girl". We know that she's not exactly a part of "the gang", at least before Chain of Thorns. She had her own group with Catherine, Ari and Rosamund and Barbara. So it's unlikely that Matthew sees her as some older cousin like James does.
1. Thomas’s sister Eugenia had danced with Matthew, tossing her long dark hair.
2. It was Eugenia, who had come up to them, her yellow cap askew on her dark hair. “Never mind. I am not interested in your dull friends. Matthew, will you dance with me?” “Eugenia.” Matthew looked at her with a weary affection. “I am not in a dancing mood.” “Matthew.” Eugenia looked woebegone. “Piers keeps stepping on my feet, and Augustus is lurking about as if he wants a waltz, which I just can’t manage. One dance,” she wheedled. “You’re an excellent dancer, and I’d like to have a bit of fun.” Matthew looked long-suffering but allowed Eugenia to lead him out onto the floor.
1) Eugenia was kinda "dating" Augustus Pounceby, who actually loved Catherine but still gave Eugenia an idea that they can work. Apparently he saw her as an "if I can't get Catherine, I can at least have Eugenia"
Matthew was kinda "dating" Cordelia, who actually loved James but still gave Matthew hope for her affection. Apparently for Daisy it was "if I can't have James, I can at least be with him"
2) Eugenia leaves London after Augustus proposes to Catherine. She feels humiliated and wants to be away from Enclave to get some peace.
Matthew leaves London after Cordelia breaks up with him and comes back to James. He wants to heal and doesn't really want to be around Jordelia for some time, cause he's still getting over Daisy.
3) Eugenia returns to London after a few months and acts pretty confidently. It's implying that she healed mentally in Idris and is ready to be back in action. She's slowly becoming a part of the gang but it still looks like she spends more time by herself.
I believe that Matthew eventually returns after a year or so and I expect him to act pretty much the same. Like he feels healed, has more confidence in himself and is fine with being around kissing Jordelia. But he still feels a bit lonely (my theory)
My bestie @afloralrib mentioned that their relationship has "Penelope & Colin" vibes and has some valid parallels WHICH IS TRUE
Volume Ⅲ
➤Claude Kellington
Exes, exes...like yeah BUT CASSIE said "no obvious love interest". And I believe that ex is someone who immediately comes to mind, so idk....and he broke his heart🥺. Still possible tho~
Volume Ⅳ
I remember someone mentioned Matthew/Grace but...I really don't think that it can work between them, even though he forgave her. So we'll just have to wait and see🌿🌱
That's it, my researchers. Thank you for joining me in this pointless adventure 🫶 cause Cassie will probably say that his true love is Claribella and leave it be💅🏻
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rox-of-iu · 2 years
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just another one of the many, many NPC Shen Yuan AU's out there
this one is an author SY in PIDW, bingyuan flavoured very briefly about it under the cut if u wanna
ok like i said i'll go over kust the brief basic stuff cuz I'm not good with words. but basically its sy dropped in pidw like, mid endgame ig, with already blackened protag and no system. so he's like, this might as well happen and goes to vibe and explore bc he's been dropped with the basic necessities to live for a bit. after some time he realizes he's in PIDW and after the initial outrage decides to capitalize on it and uses knowledge from his days spent editing the pidw wiki for fun. so he's running along having fun cataloguing things into several bestiaries and herbals (and cartography stuff etc just compiling worldbuilding) and decides to publish them with an actual success and he becomes a bit of a well-known author in the encyclopedia scene. so he's living out his best life, traveling from place to place, using his meta timeline knowledge to stay clear of the places that are plot-relevant at the time, happy to stay clear out of the path of his blackened blorbo.
that is until someone publishes a binghe biography that is so bad and so 'conquests' focused that he cant help but write his own (leaving out too personal things that he's sure lbh wouldn't want out there) under a pseudonym as a deliberate critique of the other one, which he even clearly states in the prologue of it (that the work is a disservice and disrespectful to the lord and wives alike and much more flowery vitriol, just letting his old angry commenter out)
so its published and it doesnt actually do half-bad because over the years of writing he has gotten pretty decent and that's it for a while. Until it gets to the demon lord. it gets brought to his attention by his court which takes care of notifying him of any possibly slanderous works (lbh doesn't actually care that much about stuff like that but they insist on it and its less tiresome to just let them do whatever than to keep telling them off) so they're like, there's one book, which isn't technically, a critique of the lord, but does criticise the other one which sings praises to him to all heavens so?? technically? (lbh knows of the first one but thought nothing of it bc it was mid and mostly inaccurate but again, he doesn't acre about that stuff rly) so they hand it over and he skims through it and slowly realizes that there is a lot of things that no-one or just a select few should have any idea about so, ok much more concerning than any bad portrayal of his person, even if nothing actually too-secret didn't get exposed in it. its about the principle. so he first conducts a search of his palace and his circle of people if the author is any of the people around because, who else could know about all this (trying to ignore the stuff that no-one except from him should be aware off) but it turns out with no results. so he orders his people to try to find them but the lands are vast and there's authors of plenty so of course that is also almost impossible.
what i think would be funny tho is if liu mingyan was like can I take a look/help, skimmed through it and was oh yeah I've seen this before and is able to trace it back to sy because he used unconsciously a modified phrase from his previous world that is not at all common here that he already used in one of his previous works (or maybe in an angry review of a novel, to scratch that forum commenter itch, that'd be maybe more probable for my to come across) so she notices that immediately because the first time she saw it she was left puzzled so she was sure it has to be most likely the same person again. and so bingge is set to go get his man hsdakhj
idk rly about the rest, maybe he finds him in a forest sketching down demonic beasts so he shapeshifts and a demon hound to get to him and spy on him (idk if he can but he's op so I say he can) or maybe he just comes over and invites himself him Idk. and the plan at first was just to squeeze the information out of this pesky scholar of how he knows about the shit he knows so he doesn't have to stress about it, but the plan turns into "ok new plan I'm keeping this one actually" sajdhkh and i didn't really think of what of next so thats that, whatever floats your boat is next cuz this is already a few days old so new brainrot took its daydream place haha xD
......wait thsi was supposed to be brief why is this wall of text here how did this happen (also I'm not rereading it so if it doesn't make sense I'm sorry lol)
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thepictureofjune · 3 days
The Music of Colin Thewes
— from the failed love confession to the reunion
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once again nolin playlist for more stuff
Here we go w Colins counterpart except it's much sadder, weil ich das ganze Ding hier kurz nach 1056 gemacht hab TT aber heute kriegt er ja endlich sein happyend!
Yours by Conan Gray
I'm somebody you call when you're alone I'm somebody you use, but never own I'm somebody you touch, but never hold And you're somebody I'll never really know I know I'm not the one you really love I guess that's why I've never given up 'Cause I could give you all you want, the stars and the sun But still, I'm not enough Oh-oh, all I really wanted was that look in your eyes Like you already know that I'm the love of your life Like you already know you're never sayin' goodbye But I'm not yours I'm not yours, I'm not yours I want more, I want more But I'm not yours And I can't change your mind But you're still mine So tell me that it's time for me to go 'Cause you know I can't do it on my own
What if I love you by Gatlin
By now I should be OK That's easy for you to say What if I loved you? What if I loved you way too much? What if I love you? What if I love you way too much? They say it's once in a lifetime But does it really count if you were like, "Nevermind" And I'm being too nice Dropping it all just to see you tonight?
Hello Heartache by Avril Lavigne 
You were perfect I was unpredictable It was more than worth it But not too sensible Young and foolish That seemed to be the way And I was stupid To think that I could stay Oh, oh, to think that I could stay Goodbye my friend Hello heartache It's not the end It's not the same Wish it didn't have to be this way, but You will always mean the world to me, love Goodbye my friend
Say Don't Go by Taylor Swift 
I've known it from the very start We're a shot in the darkest dark Oh no, oh no, I'm unarmed The waiting is a sadness Fading into madness Oh no, oh no, it won't stop I'm standin' on a tightrope alone I hold my breath a little bit longer Halfway out the door, but it won't close I'm holdin' out hope for you to say, "Don't go" I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go" Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin' Why'd you whisper in the dark Just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin', screamin'
Arcade by Duncan Laurence
A broken heart is all that's left I'm still fixin' all the cracks Lost a couple of pieces when I carried it, carried it, carried it home I've spent all of the love I saved We were always a losing game Small town boy in a big arcade I got addicted to a losing game Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh All I know, all I know Loving you is a losing game
Find Me by Sigma, Birdy
We said goodbye That's what you told me once So many times we've made our peace But this is love, I'll never give you up I know you'll always come home to me Like a river, always running I keep losing you Like a fire, always burning I'll be here for you If you're ready, heart is open I'll be waiting, come find me If you're searching for forever I'll be waiting, come find me
Dandelions by Ruth B.
Maybe it's the way you say my name Maybe it's the way you play your game But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine 'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine And I see forever in your eyes I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
is this the time to say i've been a colin dandelions truther since last year? i hope they play it during the nolin scenes cuz it just fits so good :(
Happy endgame day btw!!
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Hello, could you do a Saul Silva x Goddess reader like maybe the goddess of witchcraft and society, the two have been dating for a long time but Saul doesn't know anything about the reader and finds out she's a goddess
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Saul Silva believed he knew his girlfriend well. If he had to bet his life on it, he'd lay his head on the block with a smile, certain he'd win it. There were no signs warning him otherwise. He had shared his heart and soul, she did too.
Or so he believed up until this very moment.
Up until he watched his beautiful, unimaginably sweet girlfriend summon fire and save Alfea from Burned ones.
It wouldn't have been a problem had she been a fire fairy, but Y/N was a specialist who had fought by his side for a decade, most of which they've spent with hearts entangled.
"THAT WAS INCREDIBLE", Farah exclaims, hugging Y/N whose eyes still glowed a a pale blue, a stark contrast to the dark shades he fell for.
Those very eyes had refused to look away from Silva who didn't know what to do or think. Maybe he's crazy, unreasonable, for he should just be happy she's safe and they all get to live another day but when he looks at her, all Saul can think is how she broke his trust as well as his heart.
"How did you do it?!" Farah asks, failing to notice the tension that keeps growing. "Were you a fairy this entire time? Did you know?!"
Shaking her head, Y/N swallows thickly. She can tell by the way Saul is looking at her that no answer she presents will be enough to lessen the betrayal he is feeling. He won't understand, he can't. After all, he's a mere mortal. Mortals do not have the capacity to understand ethereal creatures, despite how badly she wishes he were the exception.
"I'm not a fairy", Y/N sighs as she spares Farah a glance simply to give herself respite. Staring at the man she loves who is on the verge of turning away from her is ripping her heart open. But when she tells someone her truth, she wanted it to be him and hope he likes her all the same.
So when she speaks, she directs her gaze and small smile his way. Her eyes are softer, the glow vanished and the usual color's returned. She's her again - the woman Saul had fallen for at first glance. Not even a look was needed for him to be certain she'd be his endgame.
"I'm a goddess", her confession slips past her lips and his eyes widen ever so slightly. "I've been alive for thousands of years, protector of witchcraft and society."
"That can't be", Farah frowns, stepping away as well.
A meek smile forms on her pale lips. "Most gods do not mesh with humans. I tend to devote myself to my charges."
"Is that what I was?" Saul finally speaks, his voice raspy, breaking.
"If you were this would have been much easier", her smile falters.
"Did you ever love me?"
"I do", she steps closer, "I do love you. With all my heart."
"But not enough to be honest with me?" Saul raises a brow, "How is that love?"
"We have a code", she tries, but Saul chuckles dryly.
"I'm sure you do, but we", he points to her and then himself, "had a code too and you broke it."
"They would have forced me to return home. I'd never see you again", she explains and his jaw clenches.
"You told me now. You're not being dragged away." His snarky response is cut short as he sees her eyes filling with tears.
"But I am", she manages to say before she disappears right before his eyes.
Lips parting, Saul turns around frantically. He's searching for her as his lungs betray him, robbing him of oxygen.
Dropping to his knees, he clutches his chest in despair. With quivering lips, he lets out a whimper.
He didn't say it back, he realizes.
She's gone and he didn't say it back.
"I love you too", he whispers, aware it's too late.
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kurisus · 6 months
Noragami reread: Volume 7 & 8 thoughts
A little late because instead of reading last night I slept for 15 hours. Here we go.
This volume (7) kicks right off with more foreshadowing that pains me. We have:
Hiyori refusing to have her ties cut because she wants to be with Yato longer. Not "forever," but longer. Postponing the inevitable.
Yato being so touched by this statement he takes it way too far
The first mention of the sorcerer (or crafter as he is called in the official but I don't like that term as much) in the same chapter as Fujisaki's introduction, which is saving Hiyori from a nasty fall. They could have picked a lot of "meet cute" scenarios, but they chose this one maybe because of Hiyori naturally feeling indebted to this guy.
Yato remarking that he hasn't looked at cherry blossoms in a long time. Of course not, because they always make him sad.
Yato complaining that Hiyori made it a party since the three of them haven't hung out in ages. Choking in final arc
Hiyori and Yukine agreeing to do this again next year. Choking again. CAN THE LAST CHAPTER PLEASE HAVE THIS. IF NOTHING ELSE.
And still in the same chapter, Tenjin warning Hiyori that she needs to cut ties because what's happening on the far shore doesn't affect her. Well, we see how much that's not true.
Yukine decides that as a guide, he should let go of all desires except the one to protect Yato. Which, of course, becomes his downfall. I'm being crushed over here.
It seems like Father is deliberately mocking Yato and Yukine by giving Yato cases that parallel Yukine's past to an unnerving degree. But how could he have known this? Yato hasn't even dropped a hint to anyone. Maybe he just noticed their father-son relationship and assumed Yukine was a victim of domestic abuse, then went "okay Yaboku now go kill these evil men and you can't argue <333 don't you feel like you're doing the world a favor"
And he CAN'T argue because not killing these men would be like failing to save Yukine. I just. AGH. THE PARALLELS. There's a lot in this arc that really sticks out once you know more.
Father and Yato's first interaction reveals a lot too. Yato is so terrified of him, he can't even move. Even though he'd just been yelling about wanting to go home and attacking the ayakashi.
Yato and Ebisu's conversation in Yomi gets more heart-wrenching with every reread. Yato is bitter because Ebisu will always continue to live so he can afford to be careless with his life, while Ebisu wishes he could value his life like Yato. Yato will take a few lessons from Ebisu's way of doing things--the whole god of fortune thing, as well as living in the background and not interfering so much.
There's a lot to unpack about both Hiyori's and Yato's journeys in volume 8, especially with regards to the series' ending. This is the volume where Hiyori forgets about Yato (albeit temporarily), and she's distressed the entire time her memory is blank. Does this point to an ending where she keeps all her memories? I don't know. I feel like the best ending for me at this point would be for her to keep all her memories, but choose to part ways of her own accord. As Tenjin rightly points out, this isn't more important than her real life. She can't keep running around here forever. But I don't want her to forget, either. The entire story has been about her avoiding that.
Now I'm switching gears to being sad about Yato. Again, he learns from Ebisu here that a god should exist for his people and not interfere with their lives. So what does that mean for endgame? I don't want Yato to reincarnate. That was what he wanted, after all, and it was a result of him not valuing his life, the same mistake Ebisu made. Plus, if he did, he would forget Sakura, and as sad as that story is he should remember her. If he ceases to exist? I will be crying screaming kicking at the walls...but it would be a fitting end to his character arc. But of course, the remaining issue with that is Yukine. I don't want Yukine to be left alone either. Perhaps he and Hiyori can keep hanging out...in my ideal scenario where she keeps her memories but chooses not to involve herself with the far shore anymore.
But my preferred ending for Yato would be for him to remain as he is. He's gone through so much, and he deserves to continue to live, memories intact. That goes for Hiyori too. (Plus when Yato got his shrine, Kofuku said "now you can live a long life.")
God the closer I get to the ending, the sadder I get. See you tomorrow with more sadness.
Oh, Discord reactions:
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thessalian · 9 months
Thess vs Devs' Intentions
I read an article yesterday (I think it was GameRant) about a whole bunch of stuff that was cut out of Baldur's Gate 3 before official release. I don't remember all of them, but that's probably because they weren't very important to me one way or the other. However, there were a few that, for better or for worse, caught my attention. And ... well, I'm me. Before I start liveblogging the ridiculous cuteness that is the start of the Shadowheart romance (because whatever multiverse she lives in, Alisaie apparently goes for the dark-haired, mostly-serious, adorkable-when-allowing-herself-to-be-vulnerable godly ones), I wanted to talk about a few of them.
Exhaustion Mechanic: Oh dear sweet fucking gods, I'm glad they scrapped that one. Apparently that whole bit where the companions remark how tired they are is a holdover from that, but it used to come with a decrease to stats, just like the exhaustion mechanic in the PHB. Except ... I'm not sure they could have implemented that without it being ridiculously punishing. Encumberance is bad enough; don't hit my stats because I want to keep playing without taking a long rest, okay?
More Crafting Than Just Potions: Apparently at one point they were looking at allowing people to make and enchant their own weapons and armour. This is why you tend to find gems and metal ingots all over the place. While I'm a little sad about the lack of a crafting mechanic, I can see why they left it out - having a herbalism kit in the TTRPG version is one thing, but carrying around a fucking forge is something else again. And at least now I know this, so I can actually sell off the stupid metal ingots (except the infernal iron, obviously) because I don't actually need them.
Minsc: Apparently he should have been introduced earlier in the game, with a much more comprehensive character arc. I'm not sure why they went with the "rushed in Act 3" introduction to him in party, mostly because I haven't got that far yet, but I would imagine it has something to do with party management.
The Entire Upper Level of Baldur's Gate: Apparently there's an entire section of Baldur's Gate the city that was just ... excised from the game. Maybe they didn't have enough time to finish it, or maybe it just made the game too unwieldy, but apparently data mining indicates that there were a few things tied to the upper city that ... well, were really, really important to varoius characters' endgame states. So if you're dissatisfied with some characters' endings? It's probably to do with that. (And I won't go any further because spoilers.)
The Dark Urge: Now, here's the one I look at and really think, "Larian learned some lessons from Divinity: Original Sin 2" as regards player agency and going too far on the grimdark. Because apparently? Originally, the only way you could have an original character was to take the Dark Urge. There was no Tav / Dark Urge divide; if you wanted your own character instead of playing one of the origin characters? You were stuck with the Dark Urge, whether you wanted it or not. Now, don't get me wrong; if someone wants to play that, more power to them. Just, from what I've read about it, it does involve a certain loss of agency dependent on your stats. If you have to resist that Dark Urge, you're going to need saving throws, and if that's your dump stat because you wanted to play a strength-based character, that's just ... yeah. I don't mind the option being there; it's interesting on the conceptual level. I just wouldn't want that to be my only option. So I'm glad that Larian pried themselves out of Grimdark Valley long enough to go, "Okay, some people might not want to spend all their time fighting blind murderfrenzy just to play a good character", and make a separate, non-Dark Urge Tav. I also figure it has something to do with the issues in Divinity: Original Sin 2 where you'd want to take a specific course of action only to have one of your companions slaughter the quest objective before you could talk to them. (Still never forgiving them for that.)
So ... yeah, some things I'm really glad they stripped out. Others I wonder why? And some, while I enjoy them as mechanics (look, I am a crafting fiend, okay?), I can accept that they wouldn't have added much. I guess I wonder the thought processes that were going on in dev meetings where they came to those conclusions. I imagine the Dark Urge thing and the exhaustion mechanic thing both got, "Look, we can't stick them with this; they will riot", but ... what happened to that whole section of Baldur's Gate?
Maybe I've been dealing with too much bullshit from various AAA game companies*, but if they sell that shit as DLC I am going to set something on fire.
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pinkarachnia · 1 year
Lesbian Anime Review #9 - Birdie Wing Golf Girls' Story Season 2
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The world is a miserable place and I hope we all die.
So I just finished the last episode of Birdie Wing and I feel very differently about season 2 compared to how I felt about the first half. I'm going to spoil what does and, more critically, what doesn't happen in this show in this review, so read on at your own peril.
I am so fucking disappointed.
When I saw the first season of Birdie Wing I thought it was exceptional. The yuri force was so strong with that show that I was out here thinking it was the chosen one. But I digress, rather than vent about how sad I am, I should actually try to write a proper review to some level.
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Season 2 of Birdie Wing is about Eve and Aoi playing golf in different tournaments across the world while they aim for the pro tour so that they can fulfill their promise of golfing against each other. They barely get to see each other for the whole show. There's a lot of them playing against other characters who don't matter, inevitably winning and then thinking about how great it will eventually be when they see each other.
Sidebar 1 - fuck yearning
I'm sick of this shit. The most common yuri trope is yearning and it seems like this defines some people's interpretations of how yuri is supposed to be. I think there's an issue with anime in general where characters entering into a relationship is considered "endgame", so you'll often see those plotlines get dragged out needlessly to keep characters from getting together, but it feels particularly egregious here in Birdie Wing season 2.
Season 1 of Birdie Wing ended with Eve and Aoi winning a doubles tournament together. Eve had promised to kiss Aoi if they won. This is never brought up for the entirety of season 2. They launch into season 2 with a secret parents plot, which I actually enjoyed.
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(Damn I went looking for a gif and I think this is the only time Eve touches Aoi's face in season 2. Ladies, I'm at my limit.)
Eve has had amnesia for all of the first season and she gets her memories back suddenly and remembers who her dad is. It's Aoi's dad! That sucks for her. They briefly have an "oh shit are we related" moment, but then Aoi learns that her dad might not be her real dad because her mother had an affair with the guy who has been coaching her for her whole life. So both the main characters get a secret parents plot, and I kind of love this. It's so absurd but it feels just right for this show, which seems to relish in its own absurdity. I get that the parent stuff would have fully distracted the girls from their season 1 yuri promise, but once they've figured this out, nothing seems to change.
Season 2 feels weighed down by the way it splits its focus between the two main characters. Both Eve and Aoi go through their own separate stories independent of each other where they both learn about their secret parents, both learn new golfing techniques and both go through physical struggles in order to play golf. Aoi has a disease that she inherited from her dad that gives her headaches and makes her pass out if she exerts herself, and Eve's golfing style is so physically demanding that she breaks all her bones or something. She has to go through a training montage where she works out until the following tournament after she creates her signature shot, Rainbow Bullet Burst. This specific part is something I like, but that's because I still think Eve is the best anime protagonist maybe ever.
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Season 2 is 12 episodes long, and after Eve and Aoi go their separate ways in episode 4, they don't see each other again until around the end of episode 10, and even then they barely interact with each other. Season 1 had enough gay subtext that I was genuinely impressed, but that was nowhere in season 2. There was one episode that covered the backstory of Aoi's caddy, and they put all their romantic analogues in that episode and then have her say "no homo" at the end. I wasn't really bothered at the time because I was never that invested in those two having anything, but now that the season has ended, I can see that on reflection, that was the episode with the strongest romantic themes, and that feels like a punch in the gut.
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The golf was also more boring in season 2 compared to season 1. In season 1, Eve used a series of colour-themed golf swings which she would reveal throughout the season, but in season 2, she only really needs to use the rainbow bullet and then rainbow bullet burst. These shots are too good and she never needs to use any of her previous swings any more. It seemed to me that there were a lot of reused animations in season 2. I got so sick of seeing the exact same animation for one of Eve's opponents who does a run-up swing with a cannon motif because I saw it over and over. It's a 12 episode show, but that didn't stop them from recycling these same shots all the time. At least if the main characters got more unique moves it might have been more forgivable, but it didn't impress me like the first season did.
Sidebar 2 - season 1 is still good
The thing that's hitting me the hardest when I think about season 2 of Birdie Wing is that the first season was incredible. In terms of the sports setpieces, the characters that I loved and the yuri content, season 1 was masterful. Season 2 seems to be making some attempt to recapture that, but it doesn't seem to have any new ideas. The stakes in season 1 feel huge because Eve has to play golf against the mafia to defend the home of her loved ones or play for her own life. Season 2 has the British Open. They include some of these elements in season 2, but they're brief and only appear to tie up loose ends. Eve has one match in the mafia setting so some golfer can job to her and it's over in an episode and then she never has to deal with them again. The official tournament setting means they don't get to do anything zany with the courses, it's just regular golf. The coolest parts of season 1 feel watered down in season 2. Season 1 had Rose in it. No character has ever been as sick as her.
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Season 1 had this in it
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I need a stiff drink, fuck.
I've been slowly working through a bottle of The Shin, it's a Japanese blended whiskey. It's alright, but for a similar pricepoint I think Suntory Toki tastes better. The other day I treated myself to some Yamazaki 12 at a whiskey bar and for a while I was thinking that I just can't taste why it's so much more expensive than other whiskeys. On reflection and after having a few others for comparison, I think I can appreciate the quality a bit more, but it's still way out of my price range. Give me a Macallan 12 any day.
Anyway what else can I even say about this show
Look, it's complicated because season 1 did not feel like yuri bait. Look at that gif! It haunts me! I'm in pain writing this.
Season 2 however, is 100% unequivocally yuri bait. They don't kiss. I'm sorry. I feel betrayed. When I finished the episode, the first thing I did was go to MAL to look at the staff credits for these shows because it made me think that surely season 2 was written by someone else and that's why it ended like this. From what I can tell, it's the same staff. I would love to be proven wrong on this; please if you know better, prove me wrong. It's insane to me that the same people who made Birdie Wing season 1 would choose to end the show in this way. Season 1 gave me hope, but season 2 has eroded the good faith that season 1 built up in me. I'm a husk of a woman. Birdie Wing season 2 might be the reason I read Berserk.
I'm not giving this show a review score because it doesn't feel like I can sum up these feelings with a number like that.
I'll never forget season 1 of Birdie Wing.
I'll never forget Evangeline Burton.
She shot right through me with her rainbow bullet.
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hide-in-imagination · 2 years
It's funny how I'm writing a Navier fic when I don't even like Javier. And I mean that, I really don't like him. And you wanna know why? Because he's not a genuine nice guy like Simón, for example. (Can't help but make comparisons, sorry).
He feels entitled to Sofía. I swear to god, this man. Do you remember the first episode of season 2 when he tried to kiss her after she'd lost her freaking house? Like, opportunistic much??? And then he was all frustrated like "Bad timing, it was bad timing"-- YEAH, IT SURE AS HELL WAS; HAVE SOME EMPATHY.
But, okay, everyone makes mistakes, let's put that aside. Then, he gets angry every time Sofía shows interest in Raúl, and you could argue it's because Raúl was 'the bad guy' and so he's pissed she's forgetting that and fraternizing with the enemy, but the way it is framed and the way he complains to her about it makes it very obvious that it's jealously, and it's also very clear that he feels he is the better option and that he feels frustrated and betrayed by Sofía for not choosing him when he's been right there helping her with everything from day one.
Which takes us to-- HE'S ONLY HELPING HER WITH SECOND INTENTIONS. And this is what's really disgusting to me. He's not just genuinely Sofía's friend-- He's waiting for something to happen.
This is clearly demonstrated in episode 8 of season 2, minute 15:26, when they're looking at the evidence board Javier made in his room for her and he says "When I saw you with Raúl, I almost got rid of it, but I didn't."
Why Sofía being with whoever the fuck she pleases should affect whether or not you care about your classmates being attacked, and whether or not you help your friend ??? If I was Sofía, I'd be like "Um, okay, I thought you were helping me out as friends, but thanks for letting me know you're only WAITING FOR ME TO PUT OUT"
I honestly can not even with this dude. I had a problem with him starting from season 1. He followed Sofía even to the girl's bathroom??? And that was his first day at school! Intense much??? I mean, I found it funny at the time, like he was following the first person who talked to him like a baby chicken, but then it was made clear he was interested in her and that the writers wanted to show them in a romantic light, so then it was... not funny anymore. Sad maybe? Like he was totally simping after her? Except then he started acting entitled and selfish, and he lost all my sympathy.
Also, from day one he was shady as fuck. I honestly expected him to be the bad guy in season 1, and I'm still somehow waiting for him to be revealed a psycho in this last season even though I know it won't happen because, honestly, there's something wrong and very dark with this dude!! Like- funny how everyone found out he pushed someone out of a balcony and killed him and then no one ever mentioned it again ???? (Or I think maybe Raúl did once, and honestly? I stan) Like, that was fucked up and everyone just pushed it under the rug, and I feel like that was deliberate from the writers because they want to show Javier as the nice guy, they want him to be the underdog and for us to root for him to get the girl or whatever-- But I don't. To be honest, JavierxSofía could not disgust me more, and it makes me very angry that the writers keep teasing it and building it up to be the big endgame that they 'should've been all along', but excuse me sir, no. Nonono, Sofía does NOT owe Javier anything for being nice to her or for helping her with these cases, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FRIENDS; THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS DO. Seeing Javier all pissed off and contemplating not helping her anymore because she got with someone else honestly makes me want Sofía to be with literally anyone else. Have her date Pablo or have a threesome with María and Claudia-- I genuinely don't care. Just don't push her towards this disgusting Nice Guy™ or I will vomit.
Worst part is, I'm sure that's what they'll do.
Although, Sofía is no innocent sunshine either, let me tell you. She acted so offended and pissed when Javier had her thing with Natalia ??? Even though, again, they're JUST FRIENDS??? Girl, he can kiss whoever the fuck he wants, especially when you've rejected him on multiple occasions. Like, if you're gonna complain so much, then give this sad excuse for a friend the kiss he so strongly believes he deserves and get it over with, I'm done. I'm sosososo tired of this dynamic; it's toxic and gross.
And yes, before you come at me, Natalia making out with his dad it's less toxic and gross because at least she has the excuse that she was doing it to save her life, and his dad was never a good person to begin with, it's not like any wholesome dad-son relationship was lost.
But you know what? I understand if you don't support that ship. I honestly don't blame you and, to be honest? It's not like I love it either, because, like I said, I hate Javier's guts. Natalia deserves better.
BUT, I hate JavierxSofía so much that I'm clutching Navier like a last canteen of water in the middle of a desert, because I'm desperate for him to end up with literally ANYONE ELSE as well! GOD, I'm so pissed at these writers. Please have them end up together for the love of GOD, I cringe just thinking of the alternative.
But, again, that's what's gonna happen and I'm screwed, so I'm venting my frustrations writing this fic.
That would be the end of my rant. Thank you for reading. Goodnight, everybody.
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protagonistheavy · 2 years
Since I cant trust Gamefreak to make a full and fulfilling Pokemon game anymore, I've been looking forward to spinoffs and the potential those might have. Legends Arceus had some bumps but it was ultimately a satisfying experience, so I think there's still hope that the non-mainline games can occasionally get the love and attention they deserve.
A game I'd really like to see at this point is a Pokemon Stadium 3, with an emphasis on customizing your dream Pokemon teams and battles. Importantly, I'd want to see every possible mechanic brought into one, consolidated game -- mega evolutions, Z-moves, dynamaxing, everything. Let people tweak and adjust any pokemon to their liking, up to their legal limits; pick out the exact nature, ability, EV distribution, etc. Add every holdable item, add every variation of pokemon, let the player pick out every move from their movelist. Yeah I know that this is basically that online Pokemon game but what I'm obviously looking for here is a proper gaming experience, with full graphics, polish, and in-game reasons to grind and keep coming back.
Not everything would have to be frontloaded to the player either. In fact I think a really cool idea would be unlocking these features through a straightforward campaign. That campaign could have the player going through tournaments or facing line-ups of trainers, and with each circuit you beat, you unlock new eras of pokemon to pick from, gradually unlocking their different forms, abilities, etc. Specific customizations for pokemon could even be locked behind challenges or achievements specific to that pokemon -- so you might be able to initially pick between its two normal abilities, but after using that pokemon to get a KO or something, you unlock the choice to use its hidden ability. Sort of like a prestige system, with the endgame reward for each specific pokemon being that you unlock their shiny variant.
Campaigns and other in-game events could also encourage all sorts of different playstyles and combinations. The main campaign can see rules being added, like only allowing certain types of pokemon, prohibiting certain moves or special attacks, etc. so that players have to think about battles differently. Special events could get even wackier and bend the rules, maybe giving every pokemon a specific ability or moveset, or doubling the effectiveness of stat boots, whatever. Ultimately the fun comes from seeing these different rulesets and finding your own way to approach them, while also grinding out different goals to keep expanding your options.
The cherry on top would be making battles themselves more efficient, faster. Text boxes should be minimalized and quick; animations and pop-ups for effects should be simultaneous; buffs/debuffs should all happen at the same time rather than one stat at a time. Add the right polish to battles, give players free camera movement, have the pokemon approach each other for physical attacks, etc. etc. etc.
A game like this could ideally be made on a tighter budget too. Yeah thered be a lot of pokemon and effects to put in but there wouldn't be any elaborate overworlds, bare minimum new characters, almost no need for any human models except maybe the ability to customize your own trainer, no epic plots or involved storylines. Just encourage players to build up their dream team and then play against each other in fast, fresh matches.
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. sushi eater sake drinker honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
I hope so too, if not I will cancel 2023 hahahaha so far so good, except for me being very tired. I don't know why the last week has really been draining my energy.
Yes, I work today but only til 6. My friends are coming over around 7ish, so we will be enjoying ourselves by then 😁 I did try a shot last night though.. I may have made it too strong 😅
Ooh definitely sounds like a good day for you yesterday. What is your favorite kind of sushi and ramen? Also what kind of sake is it? I wanna try it because I haven't had sake before.
When you say coffee from your sister, is it a brand that you can't find in the stores?
Nooo I haven't yet and I keep seeing gifs on tumblr about it. Maybe next day off I will go to the movies to watch it. Or get the DVD. I'm going to make a list now of what movies I need to watch this year.
I think that's why I didn't like her hairstyle, because you can definitely tell that it's a wig. Either it looked to big or it was too square lol I like her hair in endgame, where it was reddish and white, and she always had braids on.
Hm I don't think I know any movies either that remind me of my highschool. My life wasn't cool like the ones in the movies... it's cooler. Ahahahaha just kidding 😂
Okay, I don't think I have any more movie questions.
So let's do holiday questions. I don't have to ask what your favorite is since we already know that. What's your least favorite holiday?
Hiii corn-punn jello shot maker cool kid in highschool righty eyebag.😅
How r u? How was ur day? I got home from texas like around 8.30pm. Now im laying down in bed.hahaha.
I hope u feel better n not feeling drained anymore.. been having fun with ur friends? Ouuh i wanna try ur jello shots if it's strong.lol.
I mostly eat sushi n rarely eat sushi rolls. My favorite sushi r bluefin toro sushi (fatty part of blue fin tuna), albacore belly sushi, amaebi/sweet shrimp and uni /sea urchin sushi with quail egg, also inari (sweet bean curd sushi) 😁 what about urs?
For ramen i usually like the clear broth ramen such as soy ramen. Sometimes i like thick pork broth ramen. I love them spicy with extra hot in temperature. I also like the tsukemen (dipping ramen) n i love them better if they have it with a perfectly cooked marinated soft boiled egg. What about urs?
I dont know what kind of sake it is. I forgot to check the bottle.. all i remember is the bottle is black. 😅
U should try sake.. Try Kikusui sake. It's smooth. I also like Nigori sake. This is one is milky n sweet. N i think another brand i like is Hana Sake but the apple flavor.
Have u try plum wine? It's really good too.. it's sweet. Or try Plum Wine Cooler, so it's a mix of plum wine with seltzer water n lemon juice.. or u can add sprite to it too. (Thats how the sushi restaurant where i used to work make it)
When i said coffee from indonesia, so i meant the coffee that was grown there. They smell really good. Indonesia produce quite a lot n very good coffee.
No no, the movie Glass Onion is not on theater anymore. U can watch it in netflix.
Yeah true, her hair on iron man 2 obviously look like wig n the curls r to weird for me.. but she is still hot no matter what.hahah. i like her hair in endgame too. I guess, im a sucker for redhaired women,😅
I dont know if valentines day is a holiday but im not a big fan of it. I dont know why. 😅 i meant if my partner want to celeebrate it with me, it's great n i will gladly celebrate it. But if not, i dont mind either.haha. what about u?
Next question?
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thatnerdyfangirlcat · 2 years
Imma talk about Sylki *Loki Spoilers* *No Way Home Spoilers* *TW: selfcest and mention of incest*
It seems the Sylki discourse has returned due to a certain recently released movie, and uh...I'm kinda mad.
So, first things first, we live in a world where having any kind of relationship with an alternate version of yourself is most likely impossible. Meaning "selfcest"...isn't a real thing. Why are people getting so angry about it when it has no basis in reality? My argument here makes me a bit of a hypocrite, I suppose, cause I still have a big problem with Steve's time travel thing in Endgame, which also has no basis in reality, but I'm gonna keep going.
Firstly, I would like to point out that I have yet to see or hear of someone that makes the "selfcest" claim without also being a Lokius shipper, which...is kind of a problem for me? I get it, I shipped Loki and Mobius at first, up until Sylvie was introduced and I saw the romantic tension and the possibility for huge character growth for both parties, especially Loki. And it's fine to not agree with ships, and even discuss why you think certain ships don't work as well as others. But do you really have to villainize the shippers that are just trying to enjoy a piece of media? Just because your ship didn't become canon? Not to mention hating on the creators and even the actors that are working very hard to bring you a long-awaited and requested story, only for you to turn around and say "This doesn't live up to my very specific standards, therefore it is Bad." Shipping inspires discourse. I get it. But come on, at some point you gotta grow up a little and just move on when something doesn't go your way.
Next, I'd like to address something a little more sensitive. Something that bothers me quite a bit. In villainizing this (fictional) idea of selfcest, and using specifically that word, it kind of...compares selfcest to actual incest? This may not be the intention, but that's what it seems like to me. Which is kind of an issue for me, because people are taking this entirely fictional concept and equating it to a very real concept that is...not good. In doing so, though, it actually takes away from the seriousness of the actual real concept, which is probably not really a good thing. I may be the only person that feels this way, but...yeah.
Now for the No Way Home spoilers.
So, the three Peter Parkers are now considered brothers. But wait, I thought we established that Variants could have romantic feelings for each other? And now the feelings are familial? This doesn't make sense! Well guess what, different types of relationships exist. Not everyone will have the same feelings in the same situation. I mean, we saw it in Loki. Kid Loki and Gator Loki have a found family/best friend/pet relationship (and are, btw, of entirely different species), Boastful Loki has a purely self-serving relationship with all the other Loki Variants, President Loki has an authoratative relationship with some of the other Variants. It should also be noted that in declaring brotherhood, the Peters recognize that they are not, in fact, the same person. You wouldn't say that identical twins are the same person, would you? So if Loki and Sylvie are not, in fact, the same person in any way, shape, or form, genetically, physiologically, mentally or emotionally, except for their alleged place in the universe, why shouldn't they be allowed to have romantic feelings for each other?
I am personally quite fond of the whole self-love thing they've going on here, and the direct metaphor is kinda hilarious. Through Sylvie, Loki can finally understand how he actually affects those that care about him. In accepting Sylvie and all the other Loki Variants, he can finally accept himself and grow into the best version of himself.
Just be kind to each other about shipping. We're all just here to find pieces of ourselves in fiction, right? Maybe to escape this hell of a reality we live in? Might as well make it a comforting place to escape to.
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parismystere · 2 years
Are there Adrien Salt takes that you agree with?
[walks in three days late with an iced coffee]
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yes. i know that everyone else said no, but trust me, i am not being contrarian in order to stand out. how crazy that risk leaked and kind of confirmed to me what i was meaning to write anyway.
i think i'm familiar with probably all adrien salt takes, and while i easily dismissed them all, there was one that kept coming to my mind as more episodes rolled in. the Adrien Is Only For Angst angle. buckle up, buttercup, because this is going to take a while.
so, if you go on an adrien salt blog, you see a lot of comments that range from cruel to mean-spirited, from insensitive to downright baffling. you have people mocking his ~sad white boi tears. you have people hating it every time he displays anything beyond obedience towards maribug (ha). maybe the most unkind comments are the ones who mock him for grieving his mother's death. there's a lot of 'boo hoo your mom died why should i care, stop showing me adrien', as if the show demanding empathy for adrien is some kind of disguisting notion and a mistake that must be immediately rectified, and if the show isn't willing to do it, well, we're gonna be spiteful and mock a 14-year old kid for being upset with his home life.
but! but. at some level there is truth to this. when was the last time adrien was used for anything beyond angst and melodrama? why does everything about him boil to how gabriel and ladybug treat him? what happened to s1 adrien who wanted to make friends and experience as many firsts as possible?
it's kind of hilarious because adrien salters usually insist that marinette is the one who suffers in the show. when it couldn't be more clear that adrien is the punching bag, and what i wrongly assumed was narrative depth, was just throwing every tragic thing at a level that is surely inhumane (ha) and unrealistic and downright confusing when you consider how the other characters are faring.
he's not only the villain's son, he also has to fight said villain weekly. he's not only from an abusive household, he's from a home in which he would be manipulated into killing off humanity or he will be the key link in the end of the world. he didn't only lose his mother, he possibly caused his mother's demise. his mother isn't only sketchy, her corpse is also in the basement while he thinks that it's buried. his father not only does keep secrets from him, so does his endgame lover. his cousin is not only magical and non-human, he himself is also a non-human that is tied to his cousin's existence. he is written as someone with an inferiority complex, but the show isn't interested in helping him gain a healthy sense of self-worth. he questions who he is, but it leads up to a gotcha! moment of him not being human.
it begins to feel a little sadistic, especially since this is a light-hearted cartoon and not a dystopian young adult series.
moreover, the show isn't interested in adrien playing an active role in any of this, neither as a civilian, nor as a superhero. things are done to him, and he cannot even react, because if he does, the villainous father pulls out the ring and forces him to obey. he's in a dead-end street until someone saves him, and i hate it.
it's the stuff of fairy tales - he's the sleeping beauty, asleep to the terror going around him, waiting for the kiss that will save him.
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and i posted about it a bit today so i won't go much further, but - it's reductive. it's boring. it's the exact same shit we've been seeing for ages, but it's the boy that's the damsel and the girl who saves him. except that if you look more carefully into the show, you see that adrien has an abuse storyline going on, or that the show will often put him down to uplift marinette (reflekdoll). his narrative and characterization is dripping with femininity. the show isn't saying anything interesting or new about gender roles. the ladynoir dynamic is still uplifting masculinity as the only gender axis that truly matters.
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something me and my fellow deranged adrien stans loved to talk about was adrien as the glue of the show, about how adrien holds all the threads together, how much this artifical position of endless passivity hurts the show because the plot cannot progress without adrien. he is the plot, for better or worse.
but adrien feels more and more like a ghost in what on paper clearly screams his story.
the thing about sentimonster adrien is that it seems wildly unneccessary. he's magical! but he looks exactly like a human, behaves like a human, functions like a human, really, everything about him is human except that his incubation was a little different and his life is much more fragile. (@crocojagged: wait, does adrien have a belly button? / me: oh my god, HE DOES!) we already know that adrien is abused (except that now the show is watering down said abuse by mixing up abuse and foreshadowing to the point it's hard to tell what is what, plus gabriel isn't a biological parents because god forbid children's media show that biological parents aren't saints sometimes), we already know that he has a lot going on, we know that he suffers - how does him being a sentimonster add anything except more shackles? we know that he's either gonna get his amok or become a Real Boy, so what are the stakes here?
and at the end of the day... it doesn't matter. the idea is for marinette to save adrien from his family, even if it takes her four seasons to understand that he's unhappy and miserable and kind of done with his life. the idea is for him to be an atoll of a person. you can pile as much angst as you want on him, as much conflict that, logically, he should be enmeshed in but stays on the outskirts of instead, as much melodrama as you think the show needs - the agrestes are just there for the Mystery, for the crumb of information you might get per season.
adrien being a sentimonster works perfectly, because even though i am sure the show will find novel ways to make it entirely about marinette, he ends up being her crusade the way emilie is for gabriel. he's a prop that sparks marinette's heroism. nothing is truly about him.
the idiotic thing is that we completely misread the show.
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