#everyones name in one way or another is either named after real go players or localized chinese equivalent to their japanese names
wosoluver · 2 months
Healers got to date protectors - Headcanons
Misa Rodriguez x Physio!reader
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Your first kiss
"Hey guys, good game tonight!" You came in smiling. They were all in the ice tubs.
Misa looked particularly moody.
"Hey. Are you in any pain?" You asked coming closer to her.
"No. Just disappointed with the results. We couldn't manage to get a goal."
"Well, you didn't suffer any either. It's the best defense we've had, in the last couple of games. Give yourself a little credit."
Misa cracked a small smile. She was the type to always focus on the things she considered to be bad, then to try and find the silver lining.
Differently from you, she spent most of her time, looking in.
Something that was hard for you to do. Hence your career based on taking care of others.
"Y/N!" Brunn caught your attention. "We're going out to celebrate, are you coming?"
By now you had already settled in. You had a great relationship with the players. You had earned each others trust. Friends almost. It was clear for everyone that even though you got along greatly with the medical staff, you just hadn't much in common with them. They were mostly middle aged man who took everything too seriously. You stood out like a sore thumb.
The girls practically took you in as one of them.
"Am I being the designated driver again?"
"You're off duty today. I already volunteered." said Misa.
"I'm in. I have to check up on Athenea and I'll head home, to get ready."
"I'll pick you up at 8." Misa let you know.
By 8:30 you were all at the club, having a drink at the table you had reserved.
Into the night you guys went. Between dancing bodies and drinks you finally decided going to the restroom, you let the girls know and made your way there.
Misa had gotten back from ordering another round at the bar and she realized you were not with the group.
"Where is Y/N?" she had to scream over the loud music.
"She went to the bathroom."
"Alone?!" as soon as they nodded yes, she was already running after you. Maybe where they're from, it is safer for women who were drunk and alone, but that wasn't the case here in Spain.
You were just coming out of the bathroom when a man you didn't know corned you against a wall.
"Please let me go."
"I just want to know your name. Are you single?"
But before you could say anything else, he was pushed away harshly. When you looked to check by who, you saw Misa. Angrier than you had ever seen her before.
You were about to thank her, when the man pushed her back. And before you could register anything else, she had landed a punch on the man's face.
Soon security was there.
The man was escorted out. But you didn't feel like partying anymore. And Misa could tell.
"Come, I'll drive you home. We can text the girls to let them know we've left." She took your hand to guide you through the crowds of people.
"How are they getting home?"
"They can share an uber."
Arguing with her would be of no use. So you just let it be.
Once you got to the car, you could see her knuckles holding tightly to steering wheel. They were already bruising, one of them even had a small cut.
"Misa, your hand."
"It's fine, don't worry." her facial expressions still in a scary-angry way.
"I'm so sorry."
"The girls shouldn't have let you go alone."
You sobered up real quick after the scare you had.
Arriving home you didn't even say goodbye to her as you got out of the car.
"You can park here."
"What?" she asked confused.
"Your coming up with me, so I can take care of your hand.
And I'm not taking no for an answer."
She parked the car and got out to follow you up to the apartment.
"Come in, sit down while I get my aid kit." you said unlocking the door and turning the lights on.
Misa followed your commands quietly. Something everyone had noticed when you were around each other.
She would act like you were god on earth.
You came back to stand between her legs as you took her hand to check it.
You started cleaning the small cut, and proceeded to bandage it up.
"Does it hurt too much? I can't get you some pain meds."
But she only shook her head no. As you applied a healing ointment to the bruises.
"All done." you said as you looked up from her hands to her eyes.
You were so close you could feel each others breaths.
"Thank you." You said gently, on a low tone.
By now her face had already softened. In a way you had never seen before. It always felt like she couldn't let her guard fully down. So this sight was new to you.
"You worried the hell out of me." she said in a similar tone to yours. Giving a small laugh in the end.
"I'm sor-" but you were cut off by her lips on yours. As she pulled you in. After a minute or so, you both pulled away to breath properly.
"Healers need protectors, at least once in a while."
Hope you guys enjoy! Please leave your comments! There is a third part already planned, but if you have any ideas, you can send them in.🩷
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alotofpockets · 3 months
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Revelation | Daphne van Domselaar x Reader
Summary: Everyone on the team knows you and Daphne like each other, except the two of you. Will a minor injury change that?
A/n: Happy birthday to my favourite goalie!
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.3k
Ask any one of your national team teammates, and they would say that you liked Daphne and that Daphne liked you. The only two people on the team that were oblivious to this were Daphne and yourself. Your teammates tried to get the two of you together many times, but they had given up after they kept hearing “She doesn’t feel the same way.” or “I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” They figured that the two of you would figure it out eventually, and that they would just have to endure the endless pining you did over each other.
With another national camp well underway, you were spending a lot of your downtime either with Daphne or the whole team. Downtime with the whole team usually consisted of an activity at the hotel, while for downtime with just Daphne, you loved to explore the city you were currently staying in.
The latter being your plan for this morning. After having breakfast with the rest of your teammates, Daphne was waiting for you at the exit while you were still talking to Daan. She looked over her shoulder to where you kept looking, and smirked when she saw the reason. “Oh sorry, I didn't mean to keep your girlfriend waiting.” Your cheeks flushed red at her comment. “Daphne is not my girlfriend.” Danielle loved to tease you, so she continued. “I mean I never mentioned a name.” With a roll of your eyes you playfully shove Daan, and make your way over to Daphne. “Ready to go?” She asked with a big smile, you nodded in response and the two of you were out of the door.
You spend some time walking around the city, visiting some spots you had previously planned out, as well as admiring the places you found along the way. When you both got hungry again, you found a cute lunch spot, and enjoyed some food together. Spending time with Daphne was always easy, the two of you could talk for hours on end and you would never get bored.
y/n_y/l/n just posted to their story
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When you got back to the hotel, you went your separate ways. Daphne headed to the common room, where some of the team had gathered, while you headed to your room. The moment Daphne was in the eyesight of her teammates, Kerstin spoke up. “How was your date with the missus?” Her comment earned her a snicker from a few of the other girls, and a blushing Daphne. “It wasn't a date, and she’s not my missus, but our day was good.” Kerstin shrugged her shoulders, “Did you ask her if she wanted it to be a date? I’m sure she would’ve said yes.” Daphne plopped down on the couch, “I thought you had all dropped this.” She says in defeat. “Well, in our defence, we thought you would have asked her out by now.” This stayed the topic for the next hour, which made Daphne glad to hear that it was time to head out to the stadium for tonight’s match.
oranjeleeuwinnen just posted to their story
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Your match against Germany was well underway. Both teams were strong, and no goals had been scored so far. Though, there had been many attempts on both sides. As a striker you were getting frustrated that none of your balls were hitting the back of the net, but you had to set those frustrations aside and keep pushing for the win.
It was currently Germany working on their attack, with a long ball over the midfield. The ball had the Dutch defenders running back along with the German player that was making the run. You were too far up on the field to be of any real help, but you moved down a bit along with the German defence line moving up.
Daphne read the situation well and saw that she had to get out of her goal for a one on one with the German striker. She blocked the ball with her whole body effectively, making it deflect out of play for a corner, but before she realised that, a sharp pain shot through her hand. The German player wasn’t able to stop her run in time, and landed on Daphne’s hand with her boot. 
You ran down the field to make your way towards her, when you saw that she stayed down and clutched her hand to her chest. “What happened?” You hadn’t seen the moment happen since there were many players between you and her, but by the tears in her eyes you knew that she was in pain. “She stood on my hand.” You wince at the thought on the studded boots hitting her hands. “Ouch.” You comment, making Daphne chuckle, “You could say that yes.” You help her take off her glove, before the medics arrive, and look it over. There didn’t seem to be any superficial wounds, which you hoped was a good thing. 
When the medics arrived, you stayed by Daphne’s side. They examined her hand properly, and didn’t think it was injured, though they expected it would bruise later. She got handed an ice pack to put on her hand for a moment, to relieve some of the pain. “Are you good to continue?” They asked her. “I think so.” The medical team took back the ice packs, and you took over again. You held out her glove, and helped her put it on. After you help her back up, you wipe away the tears that were still present on her face, before you both made your way back to your own places on the field.
Daphne continued playing the rest of the match, you were worried for her hand the whole time, but were able to push the worrying to the back of your mind. You had a match to win, and needed your focus for that. With a last minute goal by Damaris, from your assist, the Netherlands managed to win the match.
As a team you loved to celebrate your wins, but seeing as tomorrow morning you would be an early wake up call for another training session, you decided on a movie night together. Everyone was gathered in the common room, the movie had been playing for a good fifteen minutes, but your focus was not on the screen. Instead your eyes kept making their way over to Daphne’s hand, the worry for her well being now being at the top of your mind. Daphne who was sitting next to you realised you kept watching her hand. “I’m okay, really.” She whispered, not wanting to interrupt the movie for the rest of the team. “But,” You reach for her hand, inspecting it up close for yourself. “It’s bruising.” You lightly trace the slight bruising that was already visible with the tip of your finger. Daphne took the moment to intertwine her fingers with yours, “See, all okay.” 
Your heart started beating rapidly, she was holding your hand, and for a moment you forgot how to function. You just stared at your intertwined fingers until you snapped out of it, letting your eyes meet hers. The realisation of the other maybe reciprocating your feelings was now all that was on your mind. The revelation made a blush creep up onto your cheeks. The rest of the people around you disappeared as if you were in a bubble together. Her sparkling eyes looked between your eyes and your lips, before she started leaning in slowly. Your smile grew as you realised what was about to happen. You close the gap between you, and your lips meet hers in a soft kiss.
The moment that the two of you parted, your bubble was broken by your teammates loudly cheering. “Fucking finally.” Kerstin exclaimed. Besides that you heard a number of different comments like, “Took you long enough.” and “Thank God.”. You let them have their fun, because you just kissed the girl of your dreams. Daphne put her arm around you, and you leaned into her side. “Can you all shut up? We’re trying to watch a movie here.” Daphne said, not being able to hide the smile on her face.
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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ughthisisntright · 11 months
This is For Us | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader | Part 3
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Summary: You meet Bradley's friends, someone gets too friendly.
Warnings: Unwanted flirting, Jake being Jake tbh
Word Count: 1,894
Next Part
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The giddy feeling you had from your first date with Bradley spilled over into the next week as you were getting ready to leave for work Friday, almost one week after you’d seen him last. You hadn’t been so excited for something since you moved to San Diego, and that was merely because this new job brought you here. Never, in your wildest dreams, did you think that you’d have met a man here. And not just any man, either. The man that put all your ex boyfriends to shame. And you’re declaring this before you’ve even slept with the guy. You were eager to test that theory, as well.
Texting back and forth with Bradley, forcing yourself to eat something, and walking out to your car, you felt the new pep in your step. It seemed Bradley was your new obsession. You weren’t complaining, though. He was just the sweetest. The sweet way he tricked you into a beachside picnic, the kind consideration in his voice when he spoke to you, and his lips… Okay there was obviously a lot of chemistry between you two. You just hoped that wasn’t the case with any of the other women you’d seen hanging on him the night you two met.
You hated to think about it, but it couldn’t be helped. Bradley was gorgeous. Surely, he’d been a player when he was younger. There was no way someone could look so good and be so classy. At least, not in your experience. The very thought of him being intimate with someone else the same way he was with you made your heart wrench in your chest and your stomach churn. And then, as you went about your work day, you received a text from Bradley that made your heart stop.
It was precisely the last thing you needed right now.
Bradley: Hard deck tonight? Want you to meet my friends :) 
Your mind raced. So soon? Did his friends know who you were? Had he mentioned you to them?
You snapped back to reality when he sent you another text.
Bradley: They don’t believe you’re real!
You breathed a sigh or relief. He wouldn’t mention you to his friends if he didn’t like you. Maybe this was just your own little brand of self-sabotage. You shot back a quick text, your heart fluttering again.
You: I’ll be there, trickster ;)
The music was way more laid back tonight, thankfully. The way it came out of the bar was less intrusive than it had been the other night. Sometimes you wondered if the people around here were really as laid-back as you’d been told. The music choices in this dive were plenty to confirm your suspicions.
You were just about to walk into the bar when you felt a pair of hands on your waist, pulling you backwards. You jumped and whirled around, only to be caught in a kiss with Bradley as he lifted you up in his arms. You sank into the kiss and eventually, he let you down. Grinning from ear to ear, he took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles gently.
“Surprised?” He asked with a suggestive wiggling of his brows.
“You’re lucky I didn’t start kicking, Bradshaw,” you gently shoved him before he wrapped a strong arm around your shoulders. He kissed the top of your head a few times and let out a laugh.
“You probably would have won had you done that,” he winked and led you into the bar where he was greeted by a chorus of “Rooster” and “Bradshaw!” You stood by his side as he greeted the various folks who’d greeted him happily. He didn’t leave you out, though. No, every time he saw someone new, he’d put you on display like a trophy.
“This,” he started. “Is the finest little thing in all of San Diego.” He gave everyone your name and they all greeted you with open arms. It was only when a certain friend of his walked up that he let go of you.
“Ah! I want you to meet Natasha,” Bradley said with a beaming smile as he hugged the shorter girl. She was gorgeous, older than you, and seemed to have everyone wrapped around her finger. She smiled warmly at you, no hint of disingenuity to her expression, and took your hands in hers.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” she said kindly. “Rooster doesn’t shut up about a lot of things, but he certainly won’t shut up about you.”
Bradley clutched his chest and gasped melodramatically. You only shook your head with a small laugh and looked at Natasha with a grin.
“You’re right about one thing: he never shuts up,” you looked at Bradley and he gave you a little pout before walking to get the two of you some drinks. You turned back to Natasha and decided to break the ice first.
“So, are you an aviator as well?”
“Yeah,” she leaned up against the pool table. “Call sign is ‘Phoenix,’ if you ever feel like using it. You don’t have to, though. It’s kind of funny for civilians to use our call signs sometimes.” She was so sweet, but you couldn’t help the nagging feeling in your gut. Bradley hadn’t hugged anyone else except her. Was there something more to that?
“I’ll keep that in mind! Thank you,” you gave her the warmest smile you could and turned to look at Bradley, and so did she. He was leaning on the bar, chatting with the bartender while she poured his beer and mixed your drink. You smiled softly at the sight - he was so domestic, even in a place like this. Natasha was looking too, you noted.
“He’s a big teddy bear,” she said with a fond smile. “Never too kind, always a cuddle bug.” She let out a soft laugh and turned back to her game of pool with the other guys. Bradley had started his journey back to you by the time she was well engrossed in the game again. He smiled widely and handed you your drink.
“For the little lady,” he said in a sing-song voice. He sipped his beer and wrapped his arm around you. “Having fun so far?”
You nodded and sipped your drink, taking in the scenery. You’d been to this bar a couple times, only with those urchins you called “friends,” but now it was more alive than you remember. People laughing, playing games, hooting and hollering more than you remembered the night you and Bradley met. It was a welcomed change.
“Bradshaw,” a deep, Southern drawl called from behind the two of you. You both turned to see a tall, blonde man chewing a toothpick - seriously? - and grinning mischievously at the two of you. He walked closer and looked you up and down, sizing Bradley up at the same time. “As I live and breathe.”
Bradley ley out a heavy sigh and smiled at the blonde man. “Hangman,” he started. “Can we not do this in front of this one?” He gestured down to you and you gave a sheepish smile. The man, whom Bradley had called “Hangman,” looked down at you and his grin seemed to widen.
“Ohh, this is her?” He mused. “Well, it’s lovely to meet you, sweetheart. Name’s Jake,” he held his hand out to you. You took it gently and he brought it to his lips, kissing where Bradley had kissed you earlier. You felt Bradley’s arm tighten around your body as Jake did this.
“Nice to meet you, Jake,” you said sheepishly. Bradley was being summoned by his other buddies and he groaned softly.
“I’ll be right back,” he said into your ear before walking away for a moment. Jake took this as an opportunity to strike.
“So, what’s a gorgeous girl like yourself doing with someone like him?” He raised a brow and brought his glass to his lips.
“Well,” you started. “We’ve only been on one date. I’m thinking it’s pretty promising,” you suddenly found some confidence, using it to your advantage. “Why? A little jealous he saw me first?”
“Whoa, whoa, little lady,” he said with a chuckle. “Who says I didn’t see you first?” He stepped closer and brushed some stray hairs from your face. You narrowed your eyes.
“You really think that’s a good idea, Jake?” You warned.
“Depends,” he said in a hushed tone. “Want me to stop?” You grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist around.
“Don’t,” You said firmly. He laughed and pulled away from you, shaking his hand out when you let go.
“I like you,” he said with a smile. He patted your shoulder affectionately. “We’re gonna get along just fine.” He was then off to get himself another drink. You shook your head and sighed. You turned your head and searched for Bradley.
And then there he was - arms around Natasha as you’d expected. You swallowed the doubt in your chest and walked up to the group. Bradley’s expression brightened when he saw you.
“Hey!” He called, then introduced you to three more friends - Payback, Fanboy, and Bob. You greeted them all warmly. You felt like you were becoming one of them by the second hour of hanging out with them.
Your feet throbbed and your head was spinning. Bradley was leading you out of the Hard Deck and to his car. Your laughter was the only thing Bradley could hear over the music thumping inside the bar. You hung onto him loosely as you tried to walk with him.
“Okay, looks like four drinks is your limit, baby!” He said with a laugh as he all but dragged you to his Bronco.
“Nuh-uh!” You protested. “I’m perfectly fine,” you hiccupped.
“Yeah, okay,” he remarked sarcastically. He opened the passenger side door and helped you get in. It was just then that your drunken brain decided now was the perfect time to get a little more physical with him.
You slung your arms around his neck and placed an open-mouthed kiss on his lips. He was surprised, but kissed back nonetheless. You drew him in closer with your legs, wrapping them around his and pulling him flush against you. A guttural groan reverberated in his chest as he slid his hands up your back. You felt his hands shaking a little.
“Bradley…” you breathed out. He didn’t answer, only began kissing hungrily down your neck. His lips kissed and sucked your skin, while his teeth nipped gently every so often. That sensation alone was enough to drive you crazy. You could feel some heat pooling in your core as he ground his hips against yours. You hoped you weren’t hallucinating - the feel of something thick and hard against your clothed pussy was not to be mistaken. You felt dizzy. It was all so good, yet so much at the same time. He was everything in this moment. And he clouded your vision until all you saw was black.
You woke in your bed with a massive headache. You opened your eyes slowly and took note of the water on your bedside table, and the croissant sitting there, as well. There was a small note on the table too.
Bradley’s hand-writing.
They all loved you, sweets. Good thing - I’m not letting you go anytime soon. I’ll call you later.
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heyclickadee · 1 year
Tech’s Alive, Part Three: Ace
I’m gonna level with y’all right off the bat: This going to be one of the more cracked entries in this series. The next two I’m writing focus are both a lot more grounded more on structure and narrative, and they’re going to hold up a lot better. THIS is me awake at 3 am waving my hands at a conspiracy board and making a wild attempt hail mary throw that probably means nothing. Buuut I’m going to bring it up anyway.
So, it always struck me as kind of weird that Romar calls Tech “Ace” back in “Ruins of War.” And it’s not that the nickname doesn’t fit. “Ace” is a slightly old-fashioned nickname you give to someone who’s extremely skilled at what they do, and Tech is. Ace technician? Yeah. Ace pilot? Oh hell yes. Tech is so gosh darn competent in his role that, yes, he’s about as much as an ace as you can get, so the nickname absolutely works. So it’s not that it’s strange for someone to call him “ace,” it’s just that it’s strange coming from a complete stranger like Romar, because Romar has no real way to know that about Tech. It would be one thing if Romar started up with that nickname after Tech fixes his data storage…cube…thing, but he actually calls him “ace” for the first time directly before that.
I do think that there’s a perfectly good watsonian explanation for why Romar uses this nickname. Either he heard Echo, Tech, and Omega talking and picked up that Tech’s an ace pilot from their conversation, or maybe Echo or Omega called Tech that out of hand, and Romar thought it must be Tech’s name. To be honest, though, I’m really not as fussed about why Romar addresses Tech as “ace” as much as I’m interested in what it’s meant to signal to the audience.
My initial impression was that it’s meant to be part of a pattern of clone characters being called by their names only by other clone characters, and everyone else failing to do so, either because they don’t realize clones have names (which might be the case with Romar, at first anyway), because they’re trying to avoid getting attached (Cid), out of affection (Phee, who does actually introduce them by their names at one point), or as a sign of disrespect and dehumanization (every imperial character except Hemlock, whose use of the clone’s names is every kind of messed up keep their names out of your mouth sir). I think that’s still at least partially the case, because multiple things can be true at once, but in light of the finale, I think there’s another possible meaning to it.
So, in cards, and in poker specifically, the ace can be a pretty important card. I should probably acknowledge that not every association between “ace” and the ace in cards is positive—the ace of spaces, for example, is associated with death, and I don’t think that’s necessarily irrelevant even if Tech is alive—but I am going to lean hard into the more positively applicable ones here. In some versions of poker, each player is dealt a card that only they can see, and which is placed facedown in a hole. Because ace is high in poker, an ace in the hole can mean a winning hand. The term “ace in the hole” has colloquially come to mean a hidden asset or advantage that can be brought out when the right opportunity presents itself. Which could potentially be applicable here, because Ace
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(Sorry, I just really love this screenshot. He’s so flabbergasted.)
Fell into a really freaking big hole:
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Tech fell into the clouds—literally into mist, figuratively into uncertainty. They obscure his ultimate fate to us, and to the other characters. He’s not just gone, he’s hidden. A very literal “Ace in the hole.”
Now, whether or not that means Tech will be brought back by the writers, and whether that means he’ll be brought back at a moment that provides an advantage(1) to Hunter and the rest, is pretty up in the air. This may not be anything at all. But it was a thought I had, so I figured I may as well share it.
(1): Okay, but, like, “the eagles are coming,” but instead of eagles it’s Tech as air support. I can see this happening
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
mcstrome and bogosort (like the compsci algorithm lol)
ok i read the wiki article for this and also several memes about it and i'm still not sure i understand it, because i am a humanities girlie whose brain makes dial-up noises when anything too math-y or science-y is introduced into my enclosure. so i'm sorry if i misunderstood the concept but i am going on vibes alone here. this would be a multiverse fic. a fic about connor mcdavid experiencing the multiverse.
so, at the start of this story, maybe connor and dylan aren't totally estranged, but they're not close like they used to be either. they've drifted apart. they text for, like, birthdays and major life events. connor's not sure whose fault that is, and it makes him kind of sad to think about, but honestly, he doesn't think about it too much. they just have their own lives now. connor is very busy trying to drag edmonton kicking and screaming into something resembling a success story; dylan has finally found a team that appreciates him in washington; they are living their lives, separately.
the oilers come to dc for their annual visit. connor and dylan don't get dinner — they stopped doing that a long time ago. sometimes, they'll chat in the hallway after a game, but sometimes the most they do is bump each other on the ice in that way that means hello, i'm aware that you're here. this feels like it's going to be one of those nights, where it's just the bump, the acknowledgement. it's whatever. not important. the oilers need the win. they've been having a rough roadtrip. they go up two early, then cough up three in a row in the second, and in the third, connor takes a big hit while he's crashing the net and whacks his head hard on the crossbar of the goal. everything explodes, and then everything goes black.
and then he wakes up. not on the ice, not in the hospital, not anywhere he recognizes — he's not in his own life. maybe this first one is the universe where buffalo won the mcdavid sweepstakes in 2015, and he's in a condo overlooking lake erie. maybe there's a recent picture of him and dylan on the refrigerator, which is weird, because they haven't taken a photo together in years. i am physically restraining myself from figuring out all of the universe-hopping stuff, but long story short, this keeps happening. every time he falls asleep, he wakes up in a new universe. sometimes he's an oiler, sometimes he's not. he's almost always a hockey player, but sometimes he's not. once, pretty early on, he wakes up to a familiar voice while someone shakes him gently awake on a couch.
"come on, davo, you know sleeping out here always gives you a crick in your neck," dylan is saying. connor, half-asleep, lets himself be tugged to a bedroom, arranged into being a little spoon. as he's drifting off, he wonders if he was on the couch because they fought, wonders what they could have fought about, wants desperately to know what lives they're living here in this world, but he's too far gone, and he wakes up alone in another new universe feeling so dumbstruck with sadness that he rolls over and goes back to sleep without even figuring out where or what he is.
most of the worlds are just a few steps away from his own reality, but some of them are weird and wild. dystopian worlds, worlds with incredible technological advancements, a world where he can see ghosts, a world where he can read minds. a world where he has dylan inked on the inside of his wrist, and he thinks it's a tattoo until he sees that everyone has a name on their wrist like that. he looks everywhere, convinced that because the name is there, dylan must be nearby, but he can't find him anywhere.
he doesn't know if any of this is real, if it even matters what he does in all of these worlds, and he doesn't know if he'll ever get back to his original reality, or if one day he'll wake up in a world and just be stuck there, so he does his best in each one, trying not to fuck things up. sometimes he's married to a woman. he never knows how to act in those universes. sometimes, he wakes up with guys who are clearly one-night stands. a couple of times, he has a boyfriend who's a secret. once, he has a boyfriend who's not. he doesn't know how to act with them, either. he doesn't know them.
then he wakes up with dylan again. or, he wakes up with with lips on his neck and a hand sliding into his pajama pants, a good morning murmured in his ear. they never did this in real life. or — in that life, connor's first life, the one that's starting to feel frighteningly far away. but connor doesn't think about that in this moment, because they never did this in real life, even when he wanted it, when he was a teenager with the most painful crush in the world and there were a moments when he thought it might be possible. they have slow, lazy sex. dylan touches him like every inch of him is familiar. afterward, when they're laying together all sated and pleased, connor thinks to himself, don't fall asleep don't fall asleep don't fall asleep, but he must doze off for even half a second, because he opens his eyes in a hotel room in atlanta. he's in a universe where the thrashers still exist.
and on it goes. worlds upon worlds, universes upon universes. it gets lonely; it gets boring. connor wants to go home. he wants to wake up with dylan again. if he woke up with dylan again, he wouldn't mind one more universe, but he's just about had it with the rest of them. he misses his real teammates, misses his stupid text thread with his brother, wants to call his mom. he starts waking up and, if it's not his real life and dylan's not there, he just goes back to sleep. if he can't fall back asleep — fuck every well-rested version of himself, seriously — he bullshits his way through until he can figure out where to buy some melatonin or whatever.
maybe he's dying. or maybe he's dead, and this is hell. or purgatory. he doesn't think his family believes in purgatory, but that doesn't mean it's not real.
the barrier between worlds starts getting thinner. now, if he just closes his eyes for too long, he's gone. new universe. he starts to be able to — hear isn't quite the right word, but it's the best one he has for the sensation, so — hear the next universe coming, if he closes his eyes and concentrates. it makes it easy. a new kind of tedium. flipping through worlds with barely a glance, because all he wants is—
he wakes up with dylan again. or, precisely, he wakes up to a giant, fluffy golden retriever licking his face, and dylan in the background, calling out with laughter and resignation, "buddy, no, let him sleep!"
too late, connor thinks. "too late," he says out loud. it's been dozens of universes since he spoke out loud.
"i swear he can sense the moment you start even thinking of waking up," dylan says. "come on, if you're up anyway, i'm making breakfast."
connor is wearing a ring on his left ring finger. his stomach growls. he goes to the kitchen, and dylan serves him eggs on a plate held be a hand with a matching ring on the left ring finger.
"please tell me you made coffee," he says, and of course dylan did. connor downs as much of it as he can stomach. he is not falling asleep today.
they're still hockey players. they're in — raleigh, connor figures out through context clues. it's their day off. they're supposed to go grocery shopping. they do go grocery shopping. they hold hands while grocery shopping. it feels like a dream. it's perfect. after they put the groceries again, dylan looks at him askance and asks, "is there something on my face? you keep staring at me today."
"uh," connor says. "i don't know, maybe i'm in love with you or something."
dylan rolls his eyes, but also beams, and crowds connor against the kitchen counter to kiss him. they kiss for a long time before they move to the bedroom. having sex again, connor wonders if it's real that dylan's body feels familiar. he's so careful to not close his eyes for more than a blink. he wouldn't be able to handle it if this got ripped away from him, too. there's still a lot of day left when they're done, and it's lazy and lovely and perfect. when they go to bed that night, connor lays awake for as long as he can, watching dylan sleep. at around three in the morning, he wakes dylan up just so he can kiss him a little bit more. dylan complains about the waking up, but not the kissing, and falls back asleep quickly once connor lets him. connor makes it to sunrise before he can't keep his eyes open anymore. he tries, he tries so hard, but he hears the next universe whooshing in, cold, a bloom of pain in his head—
he's on his back on the ice at capital one arena. everything is too bright, and he makes out the feeling of the hand squeezing his before he can actually see anything. "hey, connor, don't move, we're bringing out a board," someone is saying. connor shuts his eyes, hard. he doesn't go anywhere. another squeeze, too tight.
"davo," dylan says.
connor blinks him into focus. their eyes meet, and dylan exhales something like a relieved laugh.
"hey," he says, his hand warm around connor's. "there you are."
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kchasm · 1 year
Ryu Number Chart Update: Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
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Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is the fourth game in the Call of Juarez series, all but unrelated to the first two installments and thankfully unrelated to the third (let's us not talk about the third). This game features Silas Greaves, an aging gunman and bounty hunter in 1910 Abiline, Kansas who's got some recollections to regale a handful of saloongoers about, the majority of which have to do with wandering the Wild West and putting lead in people who perhaps deserve to have a bit more lead in them. Mind, Greaves isn't exactly what you'd call a Reliable Narrator... but he's not an Unreliable Narrator, either.
Gunslinger plays with the story-in-a-story narrative in a few pretty neat ways. As the player character stalks through a brightly lit swamp, one Greaves' listeners notes that the weather must have been nice, to which Greaves responds that no, it was foggy—and the environment immediately becomes so. Paths open up for the player character to follow as Greaves mentions them. More than once, Greaves gets distracted, causing the story (i.e. gameplay) he's narrating to change, or, on one occasion, spin into worrying surreality. The best example, I think, is when one of the characters sat at the saloon says he knows how the tale goes, providing narration and scenario for the player to shoot through FPSly, only for Greaves to tell him that that's not how it went at all; this is how it went—and then you play through that.
(So yeah, this technically means that all of the stages are Greaves' recollections and tales, which means they're technically not happening during the game's narrative which is wholly set at the saloon—if they ever happened at all, is another issue—but seeing as no significant amount of gameplay occurs outside of his narrative, and at least some of the stuff Really Did Happen—including various non-Greaves bits throughout the game—I'm going to call on the Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. precedent here and count it while circumnavigating the best I can in the future around using this game for characters that only appeared in Greaves' recollections. If you have any objections, these objections are completely fair and valid and you can stop reading this post now.)
(Hey, you're still here! Aces.)
One element that differentiates Gunslinger from previous entries in the series is the number of historical Wild West figures who show up in Greaves' tales. As the game notes, it wasn't unusual for dime novels to turn real-life gunhandlers into celebrities and folkheroes, if it wasn't those slingers doing the selling themselves—and Greaves, for all the low regard he's got for those novels, is selling a heck of a story. The very first stage, in fact, involves his brief and ill-fated team-up with Billy the Kid.
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And yes, all the Big Names get intro screens like this. It's awesome.
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Caveat: Henry Plummer's appearance in Greaves' story is especially suspect, on account of that it places him in after 1882, about a score of years after the real-life Plummer was given an awfully tawdry corded necklace and instructed to hang around. Too anachronistic to count, then?
Maybe. I dunno if it changes anything, but (and this is completely baseless speculation, so don't you dare copy-paste me like I'm some voice of expertise) to me, it almost feels like a mistake from outside the game. A point for this hypothesis: There's a character from the saloon who's prone to interjection whenever he thinks Greaves' story has gotten a little too far off reality, and while he does pipe up during the Plummer matter, all he says is that Greaves got the location wrong, which you'd think would barely qualify as peccadillo next to the whole time thing.
But no, everyone's perfectly fine with the time thing, which suggests that it isn't an error—not within the game, at least. Ever read Umney's Last Case? It's a short story. Stephen King.
... But hey, maybe Greaves really is just making the entire Plummer business up, and that specifically is the reason it's chronologically out of whack. It's more than implied at the end of the game that Greaves has—at least at one point during the whole game—stretched some truth, somewhere, but the where and when and how much and how important go cheerily unanswered.
Also, Plummer has an appearance on-screen during a not-directly-related-to-Greaves bit where they explain who he is For The Benefit Of The Player, which means it doesn't matter whether Greaves is making anything up or not, which means this whole multiparagraph massacre was for the benefit of nothing.
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I waste your time! I waste all of your time!
Anyway, Ryu Numbers:
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Wait, sorry, Dwight D. Eisenhower? Like the American president Dwight D. Eisenhower? Mr. I-Like-Ike?
Yeah, there's a reason the framing device bits happen in Abilene, Kansas, of all places. Eisenhower—born 1890—grew up there, before going to West Point in 1911. Before the Wild West era finally sunset, Wild Bill Hickok himself, in the early 1870's, served as marshal of the city. Tradition states that the Abilene of that time was a town of wickedness and criminality, which Hickok did his utmost to restore to lawfulness almost singlehandedly in the face of repeated attempts at assassination. And yes, there was a shootout in the Old West style, with the grievances petty but the consequences violent and lethal.
The truth, of course, is a lot more complicated (and a lot more interesting—see Robert Dykstra's 1961 paper in American Studies, "Wild Bill Hickok in Abilene"), but it wouldn't be wrong to say that Eisenhower grew up with the specter of the Old West hanging around.
... Which feels wrong, doesn't it? Talking about the Wild West and Eisenhower in anything like the same era. But the American Civil War only ended in 1865 (which means we haven't even gotten a bicentennialsworth of not-enslaving-not-imprisoned-people, incidentally), which is where a whole lot of the Wild West's big names owe their production (gotta take out that trauma somewhere). And then Manifest Destiny and genocide (all the genocide) and the Homestead Acts, and paved roads and the automobile (and in the opening cutscene, Silas Greaves' horse panics when the car nearly runs them over), and then it's World War I and an uncountable number of fresh-faced American boys are going to Europe to die face-down in the mud.
That's 1917. That's only just over fifty years.
Horse ebooks was right. Everything happens so much.
(For future reference, the characters who you can almost definitely count as showing up even if Greaves is pulling the maximum amount of bunk are Billy the Kid, Curly Bill Brocius, Johnny Ringo, Old Man Clanton, Henry Plummer—anachronism or otherwise—John Wesley Hardin, Bob Dalton, Grat Dalton, Emmett Dalton, Bill Powers—or however you'd prefer to spell him—Dick Broadwell—Bob, Grat, and those last two appear in Ben's recollection of the Dalton Gang, their bodies laid out in reference to an actual photograph that was taken—Jim Reed—that portion of Greaves' story is confirmed true—Jesse James, Frank James, Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, and of course, Dwight D. Eisenhower.)
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fanficsandfluff · 11 months
would welcome any more tickle headcanons you’ve got about ted from ted lasso 🤭😁😁😁
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here we go-go, mu-cha-cho!
Because of Ted's people-pleasing mentality, we all know he wants everyone around him as happy as possible at all times.
That means he can totally ler it up, but because I am so deeply in love with Jason Sudeikis and Ted Lasso equally.... I can't not let my cute man be on the receiving end of some tickles.
I can see Ted being all 'awwwhawhaw! you got me!' after he's jogged around with someone chasing him, letting them get close enough to actually get him, obv.
Ted isn't quite sure how to handle getting tickled for real, honestly.
He's been jostled and huddled and hugged so much in his life, what with his duties as a coach and having a close team around him at all times. And it always makes him smile and chuckle.
But getting tickled definitely takes some getting used to for him. And like anything new for Ted (minus the start of therapy, I suppose), he welcomes the experience with open arms and a willingness to try it out.
He's really jumpy at the start of it, when someone would give him pokes/jabs/quick wiggling fingers somewhere sensitive. But it always illicits a giggle.
I imagine Ted being really open to letting Rebecca try this out on him, what with the amazing close friendship they've developed.
And she's so teasy and so delicate with him that it drives him NUTS.
Literally Ted can melt into a puddle of whines and wheezes and giggles with ler!Rebecca coming after him.
He's a big safe word guy, even if it's literally 30 seconds of casual, playful tickling. Similar to the 'Oklahoma' safe word used in the show, I'm sure this one would be another state or perhaps a town in England to even up the playing field. Or honestly something utterly silly like a player's name (Bumbercatch! Tartt!).
Rebecca cracks up when her and Ted have gotten to the point where he'll just start yelling random words through his laughter to get her to ease up. And she always does. He chooses a new word every time a tickle attack happens and just repeats it over and over again. Rebecca knows all of Ted's signs by now so she knows when not to overstep.
Ted slowly finds some comfort in getting tickled. It sends shivers up his spine when he gets the itch for it, or when he knows it's heading his way.
Ted definitely has an easier time falling into the ler role.
He loves when he sees tickling used as a form of bonding between the players. It doesn't fluster him unless the tickling's aimed his way (sorry sorry I'll stop with lee!ted 😉).
He's playful and loving as all hell with his son so of course he's thrown tickles in there when Henry was younger.
Getting out of the in-character canonness of the show, and moving to the general xoc or xreader side of tickling, I have a few thoughts...
If Ted finds out you're ticklish, it'll be like you'd given him his Christmas gift early.
But he'll take things slow, again, not having tickling being a recurring part of his own personal life.
His first step would be to get more cuddly with you, more than he's ever been before. Like a warm up to prepare for what's coming.
He'll pepper in ticklish kisses in sensitive spots like the neck, collarbones, the inside of the wrist/palm of hand, on/behind the ear.
And from there depending on the mood he finds himself in, he'd either deliver the most loving ticklish gestures and kisses OR he'd be evil-ler-dad-mode and attack with tickles.
You bet your ass Ted uses his bristly mustache to his advantage and your demise. That poor belly...
Like Rebecca does with him, Ted absolutely respects any boundaries when it comes to tickling.
But he'll be a teaser while it's happening, of course. Saying his typical funny, naive, simple Ted things. I am clearly not up to par with the Ted Lasso writing staff, so I cannot come up with much of anything good he'd be saying. But you get the idea.
"Ooohwee I didn't know this was such a good spot!" "You've been holding out on me." "Geez! With all that kicking you're doing, I could put you to good use at Richmond!" "Who knew tickling someone could be so damn fun?"
Happy Ted makes brain go brrrr!
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Hyodo Kumon - Translation [SSR] One Concealed in Light and Darkness (1/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kumon: “So this is the place you’re scoping out, huh? Well, you’ve already failed letting me get behind you so easily.”
Tsumugi: “…You’ve still got a lot to learn if that’s what you think.”
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Kumon: “WHAT!? Was this your tactic to lure me out all along…!”
Sakyo: …Oh? (A street act with Tsukioka and Hyodo Jr.? It looks like they’re playin’ ninjas.)
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Kumon: Ah! “Brother! I’m over here! SAVE ME! BROOOOTHER!”
Sakyo: Huh?
Tsumugi: “Hmph, come at me. I shall send you and your brother to the next world together!”
Audience member A: By brother, does he mean that guy with the glasses?
Audience member A: They’re bringing the audience in—what an amazing show!
Sakyo: You guys… “Geez… aren’t I always telling you your voice is way too loud?”
Kumon: “Sorry ‘bout that, brother!”
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Troupe members: Thank you very much!
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Kumon: That was so fun~! It got super hyped when Sakyo-san joined in!
Sakyo: Good grief… I was only plannin’ on watching as a guest.
Tsumugi: Fufu. It looks like you enjoyed yourself as well though.
Izumi: Great job, you three!
Kumon: Ah, Director! So you were watching, after all!
Sakyo:  After all?
Kumon: I thought I noticed them in the audience part way through~.
Tsumugi: What did you think of our ninja etude?
Izumi: It was really fun! You were just like real ninjas even without the costumes and props…
Kumon: Really!? Yaaay, thanks!
Izumi: Actually, I have a something I’d really like to talk to you three about, seeing as you did a ninja etude…
Kumon: An interactive escape game based on a VR game?
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Izumi: Exactly. Citron-kun, Banri-kun, and Hisoka-san participated in the past by playing spies. Do you remember?
Sakyo: That’s right. That did happen, come to think of it. Was that that job they took on by chance?
Tsumugi: I remember too. If I recall correctly, you participated as a test player, didn’t you, Director?
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Izumi: Yes, that’s right. We received another offer from that very same company… Here’s the proposal.
Sakyo: “Interactive Mystery-Solving Ninja Game”…
Izumi: It appears to be based on a VR game, just like last time.
Kumon: Awesome! Sounds lit!
Tsumugi: So basically, our role is to accompany the players in the game as rookie ninjas, help them solve the riddles and progress through the game.
Izumi: I was planning to discuss with everyone once I got home. But then I spotted you three doing a ninja etude…
Sakyo: And you thought we’d be perfect?
Izumi: I’m just saying—isn’t that an amazing coincidence? Plus the offer was for three people!
Tsumugi: Haha, I can’t argue with that.
Izumi: So… if you don’t mind, won’t you participate?
Kumon: Aw yeah, I’m down! I wanna be a ninja! I was the only lord in Summer troupe’s 5th performance, so I’ve been dying to try playing a ninja!
Tsumugi: I’m interested.
Sakyo: Well, I don’t mind.
Izumi: Alright, it’s settled then! Here’s the script and the character sheets to start you off.
Kumon: What’s the script about?
Izumi: I actually haven’t read it either. I’m going to be a test player again this time.
Tsumugi: Oh, I get it. You’re going to get spoiled if you read it.
Kumon: ‘Kay, look forward to the day of then!
| next
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noblebs · 7 months
thank you Kraken! 🖤 I'm just going to keep answering these for Orion, I'm sure everyone's sick of hearing about him by now but Im not ready to talk in-depth about my two newer characters yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🏷️: What is their full name? Do any of their names have any special meaning? How did you come up with them?
haha his full, complete, real name is just Orion. he tacked on Murphy as a surname to blend in better with humans, but it has no significance tbh
it’s just a name Ive always really really liked the shape & sound of, I briefly thought about renaming myself Orion before I picked Skylar so it was still fresh in my mind when I was making him
🎁: If they needed to give a friend a gift, how would they go about choosing one? Would they buy it, make it, or do something else? Would others consider them good at gift-giving?
ooh Orion would probably be great at gift-giving, but she does it very rarely. I think fae consider giving gifts uncouth at best* so it's not her first inclination, but yeah if she decided to do it she'd look for something she knows would be meaningful/relevant to their interests and personalize it in some way on top of that. you better believe if she's going to do something it's going to be over the top
*fae are all about social contracts and interpersonal debts, so giving a gift without expecting something in return is like walking up to someone and saying, "I do not want to be friends with you." fortunately Orion has assimilated into human society well enough to know that they fucking love it when you do that
🤲: Do they have any deep desires that they don't talk about and/or don't even realize they have? Do these desires conflict with their main goal at all?
ohohoho okay so, Orion has wanted to become human for ~20 years because of the death of her human lover. she has deliberately gotten herself stuck and refuses to let herself grieve + move forward
but she's just about reached a breaking point. you can't dwell in grief and loss forever, eventually something has to give. so deep down, part of her wants to just let it go and move on, but she's terrified of doing so because she doesn't know what else to do with herself
she's also desperate for intimacy and love/acceptance, but she can't bear the thought of another loss, so she either pushes people away or holds them so tightly they get sick of it and leave on their own. these are not feelings I can relate to or have drawn from any experiences btw
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: What is their family like? Are there any family members that are particularly influential and/or important to them (whether in a positive or negative sense)?
I am so proud of what I've come up with for Orion's family! so he has 3 parents - Aries, Fornax, and Lacerta. yes their family members must always be named after constellations. he probably has a couple grandparents floating around, but he's never met them, and no siblings. his parents were his whole world growing up. I could write essays about each of them, suffice to say they are very loving but Aries and Fornax just can't understand why she's all hung up on non-fae people, Lacerta is more supportive but also has a more hands-off approach to parenting
💘: Do they have a "canon" romantic partner? If so, who is it and what is their relationship like? If not, what kind of person would be the optimal romantic partner for them (the most interesting narratively, not necessarily the healthiest/what they think their preferences are)?
in writing, no, and as much as I want to write a subplot for that, I feel weird about doing so BECAUSE
in game, there's this one motherfucking NPC who was introduced in I think our 3rd session. I adore him but I'm worried I as a player have missed my chance lol. if Orion doesn't get to be obsessively codependent with this depressed demonic senior citizen then what's the point!!
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sincerely-sofie · 7 months
Check-in for October 27th, 2023
I spent 3 hours straight working on a single assignment that was meant to take half as long as it did. It took all my brain power to complete it, and I couldn’t get much tangible work on personal projects done as a result. Still got some planning done for business stuff, though. And I’ve been gathering inspiration and references for my dating sim / visual novel project.
The visual novel doesn’t have a premise yet, but I’m building up some creative guidelines to help me generate ideas. I also am planning out some scope limits to keep the size manageable. With NaNoRenO coming up in March, I’m hoping to get all the prep work done at a leisurely but consistent pace over the next few months, then finish up the project over the course of March. That’s very wishful thinking, but you know what they say: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” And if my wishing and daydreaming about goals is given the planned-out structure of a checklist and schedule, I can maybe, possibly, hypothetically complete this game.
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I still need to think of a premise, though, so I better get cracking on that.
I’ve had a few ideas for visuals styles— like making scrapbook-y visuals with collages, journaling ephemera, and paper textures scanned in from real life, combined with actual photos for backgrounds. I’ve also had ideas for atmospheric flair, like typewriter noises playing whenever characters “speak.” Not sure if any of these would appear in my final product when I don't know what the story would even be, but I am very excited either way!
After doing some research on different visual novels, both ones I've played and ones that I've wishlisted or thought looked cool, I've tentatively decided I want to make a wackier sort of visual novel--- one that would preferably be a dating sim of some kind, but I'm not picky. I once drafted the ground work of a cryptid dating sim as a teenager where romance-able options included an angsty gray alien, a spoiled rich boy lizardman, a reverse-spiderman situation heroic vigilante mothman, and an eldritch god named Paul. That project is definitely too big for me to make with my current skillset and patience, so I can't take it on as a project quite yet--- but I can dream.
I'm tempted to make a dating sim based on some OCs in a setting I mentioned previously that is populated by bug people, but that's pretty niche, and I'm honestly not too sure if there's an audience for that sort of thing--- especially if it's essentially an extended inside joke with myself. Even so, I am tempted. So very, very tempted.
One day I will make finalized art of these characters, and everyone will know why they're peak examples of blorbohood.
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That being said, I have other ideas that could be adapted to a visual novel or dating sim. One of them involves a tech enthusiast whose computer gets possessed by a malware demon, another details the player going on a blind date with a stereotypical "Hero of Prophecy" fantasy character, and another one is a playable bedtime story. I'll spend some time going through the archives of concepts and try brainstorming some new ones. Still going to need to take it easy for a while--- I've got a busy month coming up with NaNoWriMo, and I don't intend to burn out ahead of that--- but I'll be working on the concepts and required research at a gentle pace!
Seriously, though, fingers crossed on the possibly-completing-a-game thing! I finished a pilot / minimum viable product of an RPG titled Momther a while back and it made me realize I had the chops to actually enjoy game dev as a hobby--- I just have to stay focused and committed, ADHD be darned. If I manage my health well, both mental and physical, that should be nice and doable. I got this!!! Kinda!!! Hopefully!!!
Sincerely, Sofie
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rosewithinyou · 9 months
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Swords at her throat, one from Cid, another from Clive, then others at the Hideaway- outnumbered but she didn't gasp while her eyes dilated briefly, as her silver stardust hair trembled with her body, though eventually floating down, with the situation focusing.
She was in the highly anticipated newest Final Fantasy by Square Enix, which she had enjoyed, while hiding from the world to play and dive into it, just to ignore the heartbreak of that previous week.
How she got here...what a dream this was...and she had to bury her gaze, frequently from both Cid-- who,she crushed on from her t.v screen, and Clive, who, sympathy laid after getting more than twenty hours into the game--side quests be damned, or maybe more ,but who counted in their misery?
"How in the hell did you find this place -!"
Reaching across her chest, though pausing briefly as her breathing stretched, tightening around her heart and the cold sting of metal twanged between her fingertips-- she instantly knew it, as it was her weapon.
A pair of daggers.
Of course.
She'd be the thief class in this game, either way, she had to speak even if it was meaningless.
"I come to save you all. I've come from the future."
Several glanced, some fierce but note puzzling than before though those swords remained at the forefront of her throat, the skin of which held the coldness of such metal with barely space in-between.
"Load of bollocks."
"Wait, Cid--"
Cutting back her words, her mouth began to speak too easily and eagerly. What else could she do but this? 
"I know of you, Clive Rosfield and Cidolfus Telamon, and I've come to aid you in these trying times." Quiet firm tone, her hands arching though if she allowed herself to detach, to wander from home, would she want to go back?
Easement, from all and then, her tears erupted leaving more confusion from everyone and mostly from herself, with all the confidence gone, quashed by her sensibilities.
"It's all right."
Comfort, however gruff it was, was just that, comfort even pity, though disguised as care, even worry which she admired.
"Hey, don't cry all over us. Don't, look," a pause, "I'll take care of her, you get yourself some rest Clive."
Reassurance, as Esmée's hands were taken despite the tears, and how awesome this could be but this wasn't the world in which she wouldn't dare even come into-- that would be Animal Crossing. Why couldn't it be that world?
Tears matching that rain.
The only comfort which she found under her blankets and the game of her youth, a franchise's renewal.
Final Fantasy XVI
Cid dutifully led her to an open bedroom, which, she could easily sink her head into, though quaking in her body, shivering now at the expectation of her life's beginning here. A life without a death sentence in her real life.
"We'll talk of it later, you and I- have a name, don't you?"
Curiosity had him-- of course she'd aid them despite being the player, though now--what else would she expect of herself for them?
"Esmée." Quietly answered.
Timid, with semblance of authority though melting away as she molded into the bed, however cozy it was, she sobbed into it. Sobbed into it as Cid's deep voice called above it.
"Now now, we can't have you crying. We can't have a pretty lass just crying away."
In his way, she immediately spotted his kind nature if overly roguishly in his manner of talking and body language - he was the real deal and one, which, she'd gladly do anything for but truly, he didn't have to know that now, or at all.
"Thank you, Mr.Telamon."
"Cid. Just Cid."
A flickering light - his cigarette; a most abhorrent habit but one, she could only smell through the sheets, focusing on it highly. 
Cid was that light.
All mesmerizing to why this appearance stuck in this world, this video game, but could certain fates be averted by the very instance of her here? Maybe, she could rewrite Cid's death at this point in the game before storming the Capital. Maybe, she could help end this...for her heart thudded wildly...
"I know what you're offering. Their right to live the way they want. The bearers-- just anyone seeking freedom. That's what you are."
"So, you know."
Pointedly, as Cid's expression relaxed, though how could this lie continue? Or could this be the way to this new life without the death sentence in the non video game world-- Earth, where everything was made of stars and not crystals.
Weren't they all the same in the end, all owning to the planet, itself, this world? Any world.
"Regardless, how dangerous it must have been for you, so relax and we'll let this be your room. If you need anything - milady, please don't wait on me."
A grin.
"What if I want to wait on you? No- listen, Cid," Odd. "I know the future and...I have to..."
"You do? How fortunate."
"I'm serious. I'm here to be the one that saves you all-- well, that sounded better in my head." Admission. How was the whole being sent an angelic prophecy to save one kingdom, kind of went? How could she continue doing this? 
A light chuckle.
Amused, maybe? Maybe he could expect more of this? Or was she being too literal about being a Joan of Arc type, a sort of heroine for the world and to ease Clive's journey and to save lives. Lives like Cid's.
"You're quite cute, lass, and I admit I'm taking a shine to you. Either way," another pause, one which hung over their shoulders; so how much longer did these men have to continue this game? This solitude? "I'll hear you out tomorrow. For now, get yourself some rest and feel free to enjoy the Hideaway at your leisure."
Then with the shuffling with feet, he was at the door, fingers on the edge of the knob, "As my personal guest."
Darkness and rest certainly went together, which she sunk into.
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thespoonisvictory · 1 year
“Ok, but,” Verity stabbed a pancake, spearing raspberries with precision, “what exactly is stopping Ophelia from dying?”
James scoffed. “Her good health.”
Across the table, Brynn laughed into her drink. Verity shot a glare. 
“Besides the point. If Stella’s pact is unfixable in the what? Twelve days?” Brynn nodded. “Twelve days we have, then someone’s going to have to die. Better that it impede the war somehow.”
Stella shrunk into her chair. “I just don’t know what would happen. Last time it was my brother, this time…”
“It could be Ophelia?” Brynn said.
“Or me.” 
“Or any one of us.” Verity emphasized, eyes traveling over the party. 
Leilani drained the last bits of her orange juice. “So. She dies. We can’t blame the king, because that’s a lost cause. We can’t blame councilmembers, because we don’t have enough information, and they don’t have enough power in the first place.” She frowned. “Who’s left?”
Another raspberry stabbed. Jeffrey stared past the doors’ windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of his old coworkers. Brynn sighed into her coffee. 
In a rare moment, relative silence settled over the table. Pieces of toast, fruit, and soupy cream and syrup were pushed around on various plates. Ideas were pushed around with much the same enthusiasm, furrowed brows and pursed lips. No one wanted the councilwoman dead, but Stella’s death wasn’t particularly appealing either. It was a non-option. Yet, so was war, what with James’ family on the line, and Lani’s father, and millions of other innocent people. There were too many players, too many allies, enemies, too many pieces moving around. 
Knocking even one off the board could completely change the circumstances. 
Even one. Suddenly, Verity’s head shot up.
“Sileria.” She said. 
Stella raised a brow.
“We frame their ally. Sileria.” She continued, fork clattering downward.
Brynn stuck her knife at her, immediately catching on. “There’s an idea.” 
“Sileria looks war hungry, killing a beloved councilmember like that. They look desperate, anxious.” There was motion now, forward momentum in her tone. All eating had stopped as everyone turned to look at the mounting hope.
“And if, say, Lieutenant Broadwick caught wind that Sileria was only seeking to weaken the Republic, encouraging this conflict–” She turned to Jeffrey, a glitter in her eyes.
“From a trusted confidant, let’s say.” He said, cat’s grin growing. “Someone on the inside, someone who he would believe implicitly.”
Leilani laughed; it was so perfect. “A long-lost lover, at last returned, who would want only best for them, for the Republic.” 
“So he’s reporting to the masses that Sileria maybe doesn’t have the best intentions, right after they seem the obvious subject for such a public murder. It would be a drain on the Republic’s resources, this war, and for what real reason? The Halbits’ motivation is obvious, but Sileria’s is murky. Surely that buys some sort of suspicion.”
Brynn grinned. “Some sort of doubt.”
“From the people, from the king, who cares?” There was no stopping this idea now, not with the way Verity was grinning as she said it, the way Stella’s eyes were doing silent risk calculations, and coming up with nothing big enough to comment. “That’s it then. We kill Ophelia, frame Sileria.”
For a moment, everything was within reach.
At once, a clammer sounded outside, gasps of surprise, chairs squeaking outwards suddenly. For all the private room’s soundproofing, nothing could disguise the noise of unfortunately shocking news, the kind that never meant good things for the newly named Eyes of Jade. 
James pulled the door open and cautiously stepped out, quietly hoping this wasn’t something they’d somehow caused. The rest of the party stood, peering from behind. All the better, then, that he was the one to hear what came next, out of the mouth of some pale, prissy elf, blue skin flushing purple with the horror of it all. 
“She’s been murdered, in the biggest royal massacre in history. The Queen of Sovakia is dead.”
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savingthrcw · 9 months
under request: Solona Amell
she's meant to be a Joke but I also love her so here she is (Joke because overpowered but still will allow you to explore your character's emotions as much as you'd like, and different dynamics)
"human" mage (yeah, right) / Eldritch Horror / Hero of Ferelden & Warden Commander / doesn't have a dark side any more than Barbie does / meant to be generally seen as beautiful, real life fc is Margot Robbie. This gives her privileges which is why I made a point of mentioning it. (your muse is allowed not to find her attractive, obviously).
Wanted interactions: Dragon Age characters because I cannot imagine more people wanting to given that she's all-powerful, but if you request her I'll write her with your other ones too. Solona can easily be played as follower (and a bonus one at that, who is basically more powerful than Sandal, she's not to be taken too seriously as a character, I'll write more about it soon). Open to romantic interactions with: potentially all. Demiromantic, Pansexual. Has tried a bit of everything because curious. It's unclear to her what is socially acceptable to say.
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Hair color is like in the first pic (which is her by the time of DAI), not the third which is blonder, but the third shows Margot at 22 which is closer to Solona's age (somewhere near 20)
So, what about Solona? Why is she not to be taken too seriously?
Because she has the KILL-ALL console command and mods. Normally she uses other spells because she thinks it's fun to make battles last but she is overpowered.
She's found in the Deep Roads by a group of dwarves, surrounded by dead Darkspawn and chilling. Has no memories except for the fact that her name is Solona. It seems they were trying to make her into a BroodMother and died for it. She's in her late teens and has never seen a spellbook, all her magic is purely elemental. She picks the last name Amell.
She's VERY gifted which could make her a problem, but because she's so happy to follow Circle rules, is friendly, kind, and has such a pretty face, they let her be; the general idea is that she's too 'simple' to be dangerous. When it takes less than ten minutes to go through the Harrowing they all freak out and decide to find an excuse to make her Tranquil, because that can't be right. Also maybe they should study her. She helps Jowan because he asks her to, and even if she warns Irving, if only for their own safety, they use that as the Excuse. Duncan "saves her" as much as she 'needs' to be saved (meaning she can walk away without bloodshed) so she thanks them all for the opportunity and leaves. She knows NOTHING of the world besides the few things she was taught at the Circle, she finds everyone very amusing and everything is just so great. She will learn more about humanity as the story goes by and feel more things (there is a reason if her icons come from the Barbie movie)
The rest is history, as in DAO really starts.
Notes for other players: -if you play another HoF, Hawke or Inquisitor or someone in the position of being 'scary/in charge', only ask me to use her if you are okay with the fact that she cannot feel threatened by them and if they are very dark/serious/dominant she'd just be like 'okay lol' and not take them seriously. If that bothers you because you feel it's challenging their credibility or any other reason DO NOT interact with her. If she's a follower she could either be found at the Circle during the mission to recruit the mages or have been recruited by Duncan as a Warden not long before your muse was, depending on who you play, and was found on the way to Lothering.
-If you play a Solas and you want her to be able to tell that he's more than just an elf let me know, it'd be funny if she knew and didn't say anything because nobody asked?? -if you play an Anders and want him to have safe passage after DA2 tell me and she'll take care of him. -if you want to use her to retrieve an Alistair/Hawke from the Fade, you can -if you play anyone else and you want to change some fundamental part of your muse's life tell me, she probably can do it. Found an undefeatable enemy and snap her fingers to have it die? Done. Remove a demon/spell like it's nothing? Done.
[below what happens in game / her personality and relationships]
Beginning She travels with a constant smile, she doesn't pass out at the Joining, she doesn't need time to recharge when using spells in Ostagar, just keeps burning/freezing/electrocuting at will. She has a great time! Until Duncan is betrayed. She only needs saving (via Flemeth) because she is hit over the head from behind and passes out after freezing because she felt Duncan's death. Flemeth can probably feel there is something Different about her. Same for Solona but she says nothing because nobody asks. She knows near nothing about life, the Circle doesn't encourage close relationships, so she'll ask her companions about it.
Kill-all mod and other spells. One day the rest of the team sees her not smiling after her Mabari Juliette is hurt in battle, and she immediately kills the entire group army of Darkspawn around her with one move of her hand, then go do the same to the ones who were left behind. This is how they find out that everyone she wants dead and is within thirty feet from her will die on the spot.
It takes her about five seconds to recharge after every hit of the Death spell. So the only reason she doesn't just go up to the Archdemon and kills it on the spot is that she thinks all the different races should fight together to make them remember they are meant to be friends. That and there is enough Darkspawn to tire her, plus she can't be everywhere at the same time. Her nature and other skills: Her origins are unclear but it becomes clear she must be some sort of benevolent creature that looks human, and maybe partly is. She ages and is mortal now but who knows what she was. She cannot heal people nor can morph. She can do extra spells like levitate things. She still uses normal elemental spells because they are fun, the Death Spell is boring. She can feel things that other people can (see Flemeth being More). Can go back to the Fade with some effort. She's very caring and very excited to meet everyone, finds them all very funny. She really doesn't care about killing en masse, she'll just say "they are the enemy :D", but mostly follows Alistair for moral guidance (which makes them all very lucky). Gullible, easily persuaded to do things if she's not already set on a specific choice. So Very Ready to Help.
Some game choices: Loghain dies by Alistair's hand - Anora is queen (alone). Elves and Werewolves are at peace. Bhelen wins the throne. The Circle get rescued. She tries to take care of Cullen after, doesn't hold a grudge against anyone there. Doesn't harden companions, completes all their missions. Kills the Archdemon immediately once she sees it. Either convinced Alistair to perform the ritual because worried about him or she just Could Do That. Kills the Architect.
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muppetable · 1 year
alright new blog. gonna drop a long rant and theory about plot here once and a while and then most of is just ships so enjoy this long rant about the orange side.
a little while after working through intrusive thoughts was released, almost everyone who watched it started theorizing on the orange side, teased by logan’s glowing eyes.
but the thing is, we already were teased of this before. and not only this side, but another.
someone in the comments of wtit (i can’t find the comment anymore sadly) pointed out that logic is the enemy of passion. the two work against each other. while logic tries to overrule strong emotions by settling them with fact, passion discards these facts to make room for the emotion, similar to a movie character sweeping everything off a table to lay down a map.
several people also speculated this could be wrath/rage/ignorance. these make perfect sense too.
another channel called mika cookiegaming brought in another interesting perspective to this. they called to mind the way patton turned into a giant frog monster in his rage and complex emotions in svs redux, and that this might not be another side on its own, it could be logan about to crack similarly to patton.
this is definitely an interesting theory. i’m not sure i agree with it in full, but the mention of svs redux pushed me to rewatch this, looking for any clues i might have missed. and sure enough… i found one.
at around 20:18 into the video, we’re given a video game metaphor again, but we can see the player (implied to be either thomas or the viewer) switching through the characters icons. some of them say the normal names, like “morality” and “anxiety”, but two are changed. in logan’s icon, instead of reading “logic”, it reads “passion.” reminder- THIS IS NOT THE ONLY TAB THAT WAS CHANGED.
janus’s tab doesn’t read “deceit.” it reads “denial.” many people caught this, but not the first tab reading “passion”.
several viewers of the show, including myself, have noticed that some sides are opposites- like roman and remus, or virgil and patton. denial and passion sound nothing like the grounded janus and logan we know, leading me to believe these are their “mirror sides”.
mika may be right. passion may be just logan lashing out. logan might even be the dark side mirroring a light.
however, virgil is the key factor here. he’s mirrored by all the light sides. he is anything but touchy-feely like patton, not nearly as dramatically egocentric as roman, and tends to ignore the facts unlike logan. so who IS his true mirror?
its denial.
the side deceit was originally speculated to mirror.
think about it.
anxiety is trying to convince yourself something perfectly normal could go wrong, while denial is trying to convince yourself something completely broken is all fine.
deceit’s real mirror is morality.
we know what the other sides are now, and who they’d interact with. they’re passion and denial. who is a light side or a dark? what are their personalities like? that’s all we need.
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lomoshield · 2 years
Judgment night soundtrack youtube
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The finished album perfectly matched Happy Walters’ vision of bridging these two worlds together. Likewise, we were enjoying how Fatal just kept rapping different lyrics until it sat over the music.” I remember everyone getting really excited when Andy first played that doomy riff. Fatal was there getting a feel for it and then he’d go into the rec room and write some lyrics and try them out. It was quite hypnotic, grooving off the loop. “ T-Ray had a basic drum loop which he played through the headphones and the three of us just jammed around various parts. “It was a new process for us,” Therapy? bassist Michael McKeegan told Hype magazine about their collaboration with rapper Fatal, Come and Die. And Kerry just thought it was gonna be great that I was gonna do the song and just fuck their heads up.”įor some of the rock and metal musicians involved, the recording sessions were an eye-opening experience in terms of seeing how their hip hop contemporaries worked. “And there was all these white kids wylin’ out on some racist shit, and they were wearing Slayer shirts. “I’ll never forget that night we were in the studio, there was some racist America shit on, like some talk-news shit,” recalled. We picked which parts of the songs we would sing and we just blasted it out.”Īs exciting as it was creatively, there was also an awareness from some of the acts involved that this was a crossover that would go some way to changing the perception of rap amongst rock fans, and vice versa. Tom and I were both in the booth at the same time. “We just got in there and screamed,” he continued. They were mashing us into Exploited, like three songs ( War, U.K. I had no idea what song we were doing until I got to the studio. “I knew what the fuck was up and I knew they was the baddest motherfuckers at the time. Also into the idea was Ice-T, who described the chance to collaborate with Slayer on Disorder, a raging medley of three songs by UK punk warhorses The Exploited, as working with his “idols”. The rappers were equally quick to fall in line: House Of Pain and Cypress Hill were already on Walters’ management roster, while Run DMC had previous experience via their collaboration with Aerosmith. Soon, Walters had acquired the services of Pearl Jam, Living Colour, Mudhoney, Biohazard, Teenage Fanclub and Dinosaur Jr. With three ‘name’ bands signed up for the the soundtrack, things began to snowball. We were like, 'This could actually be something that we do that’s kind of cool.'” “It was right after Angel Dust, so we got offered a lot of compilations, but there wasn’t really a thing with real hip-hop bands collaborating with rock bands. “We were pretty popular back then,” said Gould, whose band collaborated with heavyweight Samoan rappers Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E on one of the album’s standout tracks, Another Body Murdered. Which really helped with others.”įaith No More bassist Billy Gould later recalled being all-in on the idea from the start. Those three, I think, were the first ones to come onboard, which were all credible and cool at the time. “Sonic Youth, Helmet, their managers were super supportive,” he told Rolling Stone. But Walters recalled a handful of key players being interested from the start. It could have gone either way – Rage Against The Machine’s debut album had yet to be released, and the merging of rap and rock was still seen more as a novelty than an industry standard. “Once that was achieved, the artists had to be stirred.” “First I had to get hold of all and get them excited about the project,” Walters told Rolling Stone. He began to pitch the idea of a soundtrack made up of various rock and rap collaborations to other managers he knew. He figured the movie’s would-be gritty take on the gangster genre was the perfect vehicle for his idea. When Everlast signed on to appear Judgment Night, Walters spotted his chance.
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xinyuehui · 3 years
棋魂 anon - no, i'm 100% central european, started chinese for no reason bc poor impulse control upon seeing the poster advertising classes. which. is not what i would recommend in general lol but it worked. it is hard but very fun and i'm good with languages, kept me sane because lockdown came immediately after starting, all other classes were cancelled so i had nothing else to do but learn chinese lol. irl go player, cool, which one? unfortunately all i could find is one yu liang playing poker
Yo that’s pretty cool, do you speak other languages too?
I read an article with qihun trivia that talked about the names of characters.
时光 Shi Guang, the surname Shi is an homage to 时越 Shi Yue (and Guang being the Chinese equivalent of Hikaru)
俞亮 Yu Liang, surname homage to 俞斌 Yu Bin (again, Liang is Chinese equivalent of Akira)
褚嬴 Chu Ying, tribute to 褚胤 Chu Yin, renowned Go player in Southern Dynasty, which later was sentence to death due to politics.
俞晓暘 Yu Xiaoyang, his name is a combination of 俞斌 Yu Bin, 马晓春 Ma Xiaochun, 常昊 Chang Hao (Yang corresponds to Hao)
白潇潇 Bai Xiaoxiao, homage to 黑嘉嘉 Hei Jiajia, famous female Go player. (Bai means white, Hei means black, black and white stones of Go) She cosplayed Sai before!
Some say 何嘉嘉 He Jiajia is also named after her, but Kaga’s corresponding Chinese character is 加 jia, maybe it’s a double whammy.
These are the ones I know so far!
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