#even in headspace lol
mama-vaggie · 2 months
Hey, I love how so many of the little ones are having fun at Lulu World. 💜
I'm over here in the splash zone with Rhea. I got a nice shady spot, many pairs of of noise canceling headphones, and I made a cozy little blanket nest here in the grass. If anyone needs a sensory break, a nap, a clothes/diaper change, or just a quiet moment, come find Mama. I got you. 💜
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keepthetension · 5 months
still stuck on mhok's trauma, unsurprisingly. i keep thinking about the opening scenes of this show, showing us day losing his sight, and mhok losing rung. i really thought that the show would spend equal time and care on both
my first post about this show was pointing out that the first shot of day is a close up of his eyes, and the first time we see mhok, he's holding something in his mouth. and i thought it was so interesting that we see mhok gagged, because society generally doesn't care what people who've been incarcerated have to say. or poor people. and by and large, it doesn't care about the voices of traumatized people, either
and i was so curious to see what the show was going to do with that. i can't believe the show itself was never really interested in what mhok has to say
and i'm stuck on mhok's time in hawaii. the show highlighted over and over again how poor he is, and we know that he didn't like studying. what are his english skills like? we saw singha there, and i think one other thai person. was that the extent of his social circle? he seemed pretty happy to leave hawaii behind, so did he make no new friends? did he spend his days off just sitting in his room by himself, the way day did when he went to songkla with mhok?
i assume he and porjai were still in touch, but he moved abroad at a time when his ptsd was getting worse, and in the wake of a terrible breakup, and he just walked all of that off? alone???
feeling overly protective and over-responsible is absolutely an understandable trauma response for mhok, but you know what else is? losing a relationship, and feeling like you HAVE to go back and fix it, and that if you can just get a do-over, you'll be able to do everything perfectly this time, and you'll get everything right, and everything will be okay! this makes more sense to me in the final episode than the idea of mhok and day having a happily ever after does
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lunalucykat · 1 month
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🌿 🌻 Someone who always sees the bright side of things… 🌻 🌿
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willkimurashat · 1 year
The more I’m thinking about the way s6 is going, the more I have mixed feelings about it? I swear it’s like, fusebox decided to give us the longing and the yearning and the pining straight from day one, and I’m just like, “but we didn’t even have the time to build a relationship with our li yet??” Sure, we’ve spoken and we’ve kissed, and sure yeah, I enjoy having the attention, but at the same time I’m just like, it’s what, day.. 2? Like, let us be in a couple for a bit so that the pining makes sense?? Idk..
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lvmbien · 1 year
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I spent a few days hyper focusing on this because I wanted to make a reference sheet of sorts for myself. And then I gave him actual clothes that aren't built into him because i think the mechanical built in clothes look... really dumb. (sorry <//3)
I adore him to absolute bits. I seriously don't know how or when it happened but he snuck his way into my comfort characters list and now I'm fighting Idia for title of favorite brother.
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antis-hell · 8 months
Plural culture is
"Hey where did $80 go from our bank account??" -🪐
"Jacksepticeye comics Jacksepticeye comics Jacksepticeye comics Jacksepticeye comics" -🗡
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brainrotdotorg · 10 months
oh oh i went to one of my classes yesterday and in the building they have a shelf full of free to take books- most of them are books that people had to get for classes but just didnt want to keep once they were done with them. anyway i picked up one of em bc i was curious and i kinda like it so far, its the revolution of everyday life n the person who last had this book must have really liked it too becaue it's full of notes in the margins n stickies and stuff. one of my favorite parts of getting secondhand books tbh. anyway im not super deep into it yet but the illustrations ive seen so far are neat and im liking the language.
"in its concrete and tactical form, the concept of class struggle constituted the first marshalling of responses to the shocks and injuries which men live individually; it was born in the whirlpool of suffering which the reduction of human relationships to mechanisms of exploitation created everywhere in industrial societies. It issued from a will to transform the world and change life."
LOVE this kind of wording tbh . but also. guy who's only played disco elysium. getting a lot of disco elysium vibes from this...
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
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I started this on a plane ride on no sleep and finished a couple days later instead of sleeping. Anyways, here’s some thumbnails/storyboard for my rewrite of that last scene in EE
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woundedheartwithin · 4 months
It’s so distressing to simply not remember big ol chunks of your fucking life??? Like apparently I’ve been happily not remembering what it was like being 19 without realizing it, but now that I know that I don’t remember I can’t stop thinking about it. And like there is no reason for me to not remember my 19th year on this planet. I was just in community college. I hung out with my friends and went to school and that was it but like I remember literally nothing else. I don’t remember if it was good or not. I don’t remember anything particularly specific about it. It just was. God it’s just like my elementary school years. I remember bits and pieces of it but most of it is just one big blank. I remember high school and college the best, and everything else is just ?????? Like where was I???
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bunnihearted · 5 months
#only 30 tags lol i ran out... so furthermore#we only get one life. im gonna try as much as i can to enjoy the little moments. nd to not give up on myself nd my life#i will die one day anyway. why rush it. i'll enjoy as many books and as many walks and songs and tv shows as possible#if i get a loan nd have more money i wanna bleach my hair nd dye my hair green#and later this year i think i might change my name#it was the name i wanted to change to from the beginning. but i was in such a bad headspace i just picked eden at random#i do kinda like it now nd im attached to it but i more feel like this other name actually is me. my birth name nd my current name dont feel#really right. so maybe. i havent decided yet. like i rlly dont know. im also attached to this name for some other reason. like it's who i am#to a person i rlly like and if i change... will i be anything to them? i cant put it into words but that makes me hesitate#but it's unhealthy to stay attached to someone i cant truly have even if i want to. so i mean. idk im just weird abt it#but i do kinda wanna change my name (to embla. my mom wanted to give me that name but my dad was like nooo >.<) i am not 100% sure tho so#when i've been getting used to going to school nd working out at the gym. nd after my surgery nd i have more energy#i will try to face my avpd and try apps for making friends. there r two apps where u can find new girl friends!! maybe i can try that#also like i've never tried apps but i think maaaaaybe i can use bumble to try to find friends and women to date. potentially. idk.....#rn it's hard for me to think in those terms bc. i mean i am hung up on someone!!!! i cant evwn imagine dating or being intimate w anyone els#sometimes i feel like.. they're the only person i've ever felt like it'd even be possible. who i'd event want to do that w#not only physically but emotionally. so ig it's even harder to let go bc im so scared i will never feel like that w anyone else#but i rlly need to try to make the most of whatever life i have. the world will collapse soon anyway#that makes me even more sad that i cant be w who i wanna be w nd do what i wanna do but#all pain will all be completely descimated eventually. it's not forever bc life isnt forever#i've just never felt this before. like i want smth to be real so bad but if it happened once surely it can happen again? right?#i wont spend my life alone without intimacy and love and comfort nd support nd understanding right???? :o hope not#im still so sad nd exhausted rn. nothing in my life is working nd theres no repreive nd no help#it gets sooo hard to endure everything sometimes when everything just keeps piling up and gets so heavy it feels like im drowning#nd atm i dont feel like i have any anchor. nothing that keeps me grounded nd im just floating away nd im constantly being overwhelmed by my#feelings nd emotions. im like a stupid little kid who dont understand how to handle what im feeling. or make rational decisions#i feel so ... stupid and useless. i dont know what im doing. i have no idea. i have no compass. its so scary
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stylesharrys · 9 days
Would anyone be interested in a little blurb/concept night over the next few days 🥹🥰
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swaterhousett · 2 days
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dawnthefluffyduck · 5 months
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Post with content that scares the duck has breached containment
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lilac-gold · 10 months
Biro Doodles :)
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I got a bit bored earlier, so enjoy your messy lil 3 Rococos and a Spaceboy :]
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alectoperdita · 1 year
Chapter 3 of What you can't bury was a fucking pain to write and get to the draft stage. But now that I've left it to marinate for several weeks, it's not so bad re-reading it. Edits may actually be easy for this one. (Whereas chapter 2 was the opposite, easy to write a first draft but then a pain in the ass to edit a dozen times). Is it because there's only half a smut scene in this chapter and the rest is plot? 😂
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