#ethans cool though
ghostclout · 6 months
i dont like mission impossible in a tom cruise way, i like it in a simon pegg way
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my sea urchin splat sona and his shrimp and sea slug friends... she goes by eef and gets really agitated when someone calls him ethan because HES not ethan, hes ethans FAN
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pedro-pascal · 2 years
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ETHAN HAWKE dressed as THE GRABBER from his movie THE BLACK PHONE (2022) for Halloween (Oct 31, 2022)
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rottysphere · 1 year
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Apparently I haven't posted this one here?? Take these bunnies why don'tcha
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freebooter4ever · 26 days
ok there are now two dudes in my instgrm dm's making jealous comments about all the attention im lavishing on geno with this sculpt. it was weird enough when it was just one lol. now im concerned.... i thought i was keeping it subtle by only making art update posts without any added commentary. these guys could not handle seeing my blog 😅 this is why we need to keep specifically fandom space as fandom spaces, regular people dont get it even when its watered down as just 'normal' fanart. they don't need to see that fandom level unless they go looking for it. and when im in infatuation mode its really hard for me to regulate the boundary between 'normal' and 'too weird' in my expression of it on different platforms. :(
i guess there is an argument to be made that the 'too weird' blog content shouldnt be shared at all. i do feel less guilty when my crushes are on fictional charaters - books, movies, games, whatever. there's nobody in real life to irritate then. and people recognize that there is a difference between fantasy and reality. but my geno sculpt is a fantasy too - i've turned him into a character and i recognize that. but i think most people would still label that 'too weird'. There's also such a fine line between character and caricature when it comes to real people. i am perpetually terrified of ever doing anything insulting.
edit: i have also never tagged geno in any of my more 'official' updates there. i have seen people who spam tags and i think its rude on super crowded popular social media like that. i will mayyyybe tag him in my hypothetical official finished polished final post. i havent decided yet.
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maccaronimassacre · 5 months
I don't know if you have done this, but I was wondering if you could make a bot where Ethan is looking for the user. Like the user was the one to get captured in RE8 because they look like mother mirandas lover? Idk it's a silly idea but I thought it would be cool to mention.
RE:8!Ethan Winters x Captured!Reader
Ethan’s heart pounds in his chest, his grip around the jar tightens as he gazes at your severed head. The Duke reassured him that you could be saved as long as he takes back the rest of the jars before Mother Miranda turns you into a vessel for her lost lover. Even with that glimmer of hope, it’s still distressing to be holding your skull. “Don’t worry… I swear I’ll save you, {{user}}. I promise.” His expression of anguish quickly morphs into one of horror as your eyes snap open as if you’ve been woken up from a nightmare. At least this confirms that you’re still alive... somehow...
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reestallized · 1 year
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The brothers got arrested *drunk squirrel laugh sfx*
Original reference pics underneath this text
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coolgoodandfine · 2 years
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It's been 2 years since the end of Unus Annus, so I wanted to make something really quick for it. Memento Mori.
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Ok I'm going to start the new employees off with a small introduction
Starting off with the fan favorite Karl:
Karl is Mia and Ethan's roommate after the ending of re8 Karl went looking for Ethan's body and found a pretty lifeless body (ethan) and brought his body to his place that we see and talked to the dead body because he had nothing better to do but went for a walk and found the Duke who offered him a deal, some money for a way to revive ethan, Karl obviously said yes after getting really bored of just talking to a dead body and the Duke handed him Ethan's heart and some of that magical fucking herb water and told Karl to place Ethan's heart where mother Miranda took it out from ethan and pour that sweet sweet Water on the cavity. Karl proceeds to do just that and ethan doesn't wake up right away but he was very obviously alive by the fact he was breathing and Karl tried to figure out a way to feed ethan and get ethan to drink but after a few days it was very obvious Ethan's body was very much changing. Later after ethan had woken up Karl was suddenly ran into by ethan who seemed excited and worried and was trying to drag Karl by his pant leg so Karl came with to then see Leon and Chris there and they went with them. Reason Karl got the job: wanted to fuck with ethan but he was also kinda bored
Now for ethan:
After ethan had woken up from being dead he obviously freaked the fuck out and Karl was right there and being in a panicked state and the last time he had seen Karl was not a very good time he tried to get up, grab karl, and yell ask what happened but as soon as he started to yell and try to walk towards Karl he noticed that 1 he couldn't walk up right and 2 he couldn't speak English anymore, he then proceeded to freak out some more while Karl desperately tried to calm ethan down once ethan calmed down they tried to figure out how to be able to communicate and landed on hand gestures and imitation of words and ethan figured out the closest word for "Karl" in the weird language he's forced to speak means "bitch" and really enjoys the fact he just calls Karl a bitch he has no clue but also he really misses Mia and rose and starts sulking around and not eating even when Karl throws bits of meat in his face but one day he's climbing on rooftops trying to find a good place to wallow in self pity when he spots Chris and Leon and because he realizes that they can save him and Karl from staying there in the very ruined village he tries to run towards them but forgets he is currently on a roof and violently tumbles right in front of them and very rightfully they start pointing their guns at him until he holds his hands up and tried to speak but obviously coming out in the weird language but Leon can understand it (this version of Leon is infected and anything infected with something can speak and understand the language) and they talk a little and ethan runs to grab Karl and leave. Reason ethan got the job: he was bored
And gwen:
After saving miles and reconciling with her dad fully she ends up deciding to get a job with the help of her dad until they find the mall and add it to her list of places to get interviews and after every other interview falls through whether it was the employers didn't like her or she didn't like them she finally went to an interview with the mall and ended up getting the job in a part time position (mainly so she can do her spider stuff)
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maybe its bc I haven't been super involved in the fandom, but how come I haven't seen anyone talking about how mia is also infected?? I've seen people talking about how ethan is mold and he's infected and he shouldn't be alive and all that, and I've also seen a few fics where ethan learns of his moldiness and uses the powers that he has, but no one ever mentions mia having powers?? But she's also infected since the dulvey incident???? And I seriously doubt the megamycete infection can be fought off with a few doses of fluconazole. Why haven't I seen anyone mentioning moldy mia?? Ethan's not the only moldy one in that family!!
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ambivalentatmosphere · 5 months
Sapphire Pendant - Key item (in the possession of Ethan Morgan)
A fragment of the Blue Orb that's been fashioned into a small jewel. Combining it with the holder's natural psychic abilities allows them to access Kyogre's powers at the cost of a severe mental strain, and the side effects get progressively more intense the longer the connection is maintained.
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feelin-frazzled · 1 year
scream 6 would've been better if mindy had died + if her death had directly paralleled randy's sorry
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internetaddict104 · 2 years
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regallibellbright · 1 year
I’ve finished The Vor Game (it was published in 1990, have mercy on the poor thing for its title,) meaning it’s now time for the chronologically-simultaneous Ethan of Athos and Cetaganda! I think I’m starting with Ethan this time.
AKA, proof that Miles Naismith Vorkosigan’s innate life-sounds-like-a-shitpost quality* can extend to those in his inner circle, even when he’s not around.
Commander Elli Quinn donated one of her ovaries after meeting a gay obstetrician who needed some for his home planet, and after adventuring together decided he wanted to have her babies (platonically.)
* Ie, I don’t have to be all that reductive to make it sound like a shitpost.
Yes, Miles Vorkosigan accidentally stole an entire mercenary fleet at age 17.
Yes, Miles Vorkosigan once had every superior officer he had reported to thusfar locked in adjacent cells in his ship’s brig.
Yes, Miles Vorkosigan has received the highest possible honors from the interplanetary empire he has spent much of his working life opposing in EXTREMELY high-profile ways. It was an accident.
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Is she implying that she doesn't like your hat? Well, anyway, I agree with you. Your sygna suit is awesome!
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
watching an re8 playthrough,,,,i really like the dilf o(-(
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