#established strevin
Heyyy. Could you do a CandyBat fic about the immediate aftermath of the Tasty treats ep? Thank you 🙏
Of course. I’ve been avoiding writing about tender treats specifically because I didn’t want to misrepresent anything but hopefully this is okay. I just kinda started writing and didn’t stop. Not really sure what to title this though. I hope everyone enjoys.
Kevin should’ve gone home immediately. As soon as the coast was clear, should’ve gone right home.
There had been a sinking pit in Kevin’s stomach for the rest of his shift. He should’ve listened to it. Not convince himself it was all in his head.
That might be Kevin’s biggest regret of the night. He should’ve been faster.
Thinking back on it now, Kevin has a lot regrets tonight.
He should’ve called the police immediately.
He should’ve kept those two gremlins in sight so they couldn’t cause any more damage to anyone else.
He should’ve . . .
Kevin stands up with a growl. He stomps his (good) foot hard against the vinyl floor. The pain shoots up his calf before dispersing, leaving the bottom of his foot sore. He wants to stomp (and scream and cry and break things and just absolutely die) more but looking around at the other bereft and grieving visitors, he sits back down.
He’s not the only one in pain.
Kevin resorts to clenching his hands, digging his nails into his palms as hard as he can.
It doesn’t help.
“Uh, hel—hello, d—dear. Kevin, right?”
Kevin looks up. A tall woman with long dark hair he recognises to be the mom to one of the gremlins. Skeleton one’s mom, Kevin thinks. Lila was it?
“Yea—“ Kevin’s throat has been closed for hours now, his voice thick and wavering. He clears his throat before he can sound any more pathetic to this lady. “Yeah. Why?”
Lila’s face goes from slightly nervous to full of pity. Kevin watches it in real time. Somehow she knows. Normally that wouldn’t bother him, he’s proud of himself and strangers can fuck off about it. But normally strangers frown at him. They don’t look at him like this.
It’s making it too real.
Kevin looks down at the floor. He wants to crawl away from this woman.
“I just wanted to thank you, dear, for protecting my son.” The woman sits down in the chair next to his. So she’s staying then. Great.
Kevin wants to scoff but shrugs instead. He wants to be rude, tell her he doesn’t care about her son, but that’d be a lie. If he didn’t care, he would’ve ran from the store the minute her son showed up. But he does blame her son.
Not that he’s going to tell her that. “What kind of person wouldn’t, if they were in my position?” Kevin tries to play it cool, keep his tone light, but everything’s flashing through his head, the recall instant and blurry but oh so overwhelming.
Kevin’s heart picks up again and his hands start trembling for the umpteenth time tonight. It’s more than just his hands. His legs are shaking and his skin’s crawling and it’s fuzzy. Everything feels fuzzy and he can’t breathe again.
The tears drip onto the floor before Kevin can wipe them away. The lady definitely noticed now. Kevin’s about to get up and leave when he’s suddenly trapped.
Lila’s got her arms wrapped around him and he’s stunned. He doesn’t know what to do.
“Oh dear. It’s okay. You don’t have to pretend.” Lila sounds just like any mother should and despite her not being his own, Kevin is drawn into the comfort. He buries his face in her shoulder and cries quietly. Her sweater is soaked in under a minute with how hard Kevin is letting himself cry.
Kevin couldn’t help reliving tonight’s events.
He stayed behind to clean up with Rick after being attacked. Neither called the cops about it. They really should’ve. Why didn’t he?
Still, Kevin didn’t start walking home until after the shop was clean and locked up.
He only started running after he noticed the sirens following him. They weren’t after him, they were just going where he was going. When the ambulance passed him, Kevin booked it.
Kevin had never run so fast in his life.
The crowd around his home was massive, it had to be the entire neighbourhood plus some. Kevin played it off, of course there’d be a crowd. Streber goes all out every year and he’s always a hit.
Except the ambulance parked on the front lawn was a new addition that had Kevin’s heart sinking.
He should’ve been faster.
Kevin had to muscle his way through his neighbours to find out what happened, all while hearing glimpse of gossip.
“Poor man—“
“His arm—“
“He’ll never be the same—“
Right there, on their shared porch steps, was Streber.
EMTs were strapping him to a stretcher. They were acting fast but Kevin found himself wanting to shout at them to hurry up.
There was so much blood, Kevin couldn’t actually see Streber underneath it all.
He ran to the EMTs, ran to Streber.
“Is he okay?! Wha—what happened?!” Kevin couldn’t hear himself over the sound of his heart in his ears.
“Excuse me sir,” the third EMT who wasn’t holding the stretcher placed a gentle hand on Kevin’s chest, keeping him at bay. “You’re gonna need to step back. We’re taking the patient to the hospital now. Are you his family?”
Kevin was nodding before he really knew what he was nodding too. The EMT guided him to the ambulance where Streber was being looked at by the other two officers. He was in a daze at this point.
The ride to the hospital was blurry and fast and Kevin held Streber’s bloody cape in his hands the entire time. It was wet and sticky with blood but Kevin didn’t notice. Or seem to care.
It wasn’t until he was finally sitting in the waiting room that Kevin’s mind finally settled. It was the cops who’d gotten his attention.
They’d explained everything.
That maniac broke out and went on a rampage for those two kids and attacked Streber in the process.
This was those kids’ faults just as it was Kevin’s.
It’s been hours now, and Streber’s still in surgery.
Each minute that passes kills Kevin just a little bit more.
Kevin cries in Lila’s shoulder for longer than he normally would’ve allowed himself but today’s a unique exception.
He pulls away to wipe his face. Lila does the same, giving Kevin a bit of room.
He’s about to apologise to the woman when there’s a loud bam at the end of the hallway. A doctor in messy scrubs hurries over. “Are you the family?”
Kevin immediately stands to his feet. This is it.
His heart is on hold and he can’t read the doctor at all.
“Yes! Me. It’s me. I’m the family.” Kevin trips over himself, a strange sense of pride welling in him from those words. In any other circumstances, Kevin’d probably smile and boast that he’s Streber’s family, because he is and always will be.
The doctor focuses on Kevin, staying unreadable. “The patient lost a lot of blood. We’ve closed the wound and started blood transfusions but we were unable to recover the patient’s arm to attempt reattachment. Unfortunately, the patient has lost his arm from the elbow joint down. This is an extremely life changing injury and he will need all the support he can get. You can see him now, but he won’t be awake for several more hours.”
The doctor turned around and started walking down the hall. Kevin immediately takes after him, his mind buzzing with questions, but not knowing where to start at all.
“But he’s going to be okay?” Kevin finally asks. The doctor nods, leading him to the post-op room where Streber is.
“Visiting hours will be over shortly. Someone will inform you when it’s time to leave but you may come back tomorrow when visiting hours have started.” The doctor stays at the doorway. Kevin nods, not looking back. He doesn’t know the doctor’s left until he hears the door jam click.
All Kevin can look at is Streber. He’s hooked up and unconscious in the most uncomfortable looking bed ever. If he were awake, he’d complain for sure how it’s not big enough like their giant, king sized bed at home. He’d probably also complain that the colour scheme here is too bright and plain. It’d be a joke of course, and Kevin would laugh.
Kevin’s feet drift forward, he’s stumbling to Streber’s side in an uncoordinated haste.
All cleaned up now, Kevin sees what the doctor was talking about. Streber’s arm is gone. There’s only a bandaged stump where his elbow would be.
Kevin can’t quite comprehend it. There should be an arm there, and a hand. A hand he knows very well. But there isn’t.
Thankfully there’s a chair close enough to the bed that Kevin’s legs can give out without him falling flat on his ass. He lands in the chair and reaches for the hand that isn’t there anymore.
Kevin was sure he’d cried all the tears he could earlier.
Seems he was wrong.
It’s just him and the quiet steady beeping of the hospital machines here. He cries, gripping the bed’s sheet where Streber’s hand should be.
Kevin isn’t sure if he’s crying in relief or in pain. It might both. Because he’s so goddamn relieved Streber is still here. But not all of him is. And Kevin knows it’s going to crush Streber when he wakes up to see what he’s lost.
Still. He’s here. And the doctor said he was going to be okay.
Kevin let’s that thought pacify him for the rest of the night.
Streber may not be whole, but he’s going to be okay.
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Could you do a CandyBats Christmas/holiday fic pls <3 thx
It’s a little rushed as I’m a day late (sorry), but here’s a little Christmas fic of just Kevin and Streber being domestically soft. Hopefully everyone enjoys it. And Merry belated Christmas everyone.
The house smells like egg nog and chocolate. Two odd things to mix together. It's making Kevin's stomach churn as he hangs up the mistletoe in the kitchen partition. Streber’s out at the store so it's the perfect time for Kevin to put up the decoration.
He likes to pretend he doesn't care for such things, it's embarrassing, but secretly, Kevin loves to do sappy and cute things with his boyfriend.
With the mistletoe secured in arguably one of the most common spots in the house, Kevin feels pretty satisfied with himself. He steps down off the stool and folds it up to put away before Streber gets back.
The house really is coming together in the strangest way as Kevin remarks at all of Streber’s decorations. Everything is still Halloween themed (little skeletons atop mantles, paper bats hung on the walls as garlands, tiny pumpkin candle lights on shelves) except Streber painstakingly took the time to put little Santa hats on everything, the skeletons, the bats, the pumpkins, and somehow it works. Kevin can feel the Christmas spirit despite being surrounded by Halloween memorabilia.
The Christmas tree is another thing however. A white, plastic tree, absolutely covered in black and orange ornaments of vary designs of Jack o’ lanterns, skulls, bats, Halloween banners draped across. The topper is even a witch’s hat. Streber loves it, it’s his pride and joy of the Christmas season.
Kevin doesn’t really have an opinion towards the tree (it could be a little more christmasy) but Streber’s huge grin every time he sees it makes it worth it to Kevin.
Just as Kevin is closing the storage closet after having stashed away the stool, he hears the front door open roughly.
“Kevin? Little help?” Streber calls from the door. He must’ve gone nuts at the store and is now overwhelmed with shopping bags. Kevin makes his way over, a twinge in his bad leg with every step that he pointedly ignores.
At the front door, Streber is juggling four shopping bags in his arm, another three at his feet. His keys are hanging from the lock, the lanyard swaying. Kevin holds back a laugh. He grabs Streber’s key out of the door and wraps the lanyard around Streber’s neck through the bags. He leans in like he’s going to kiss the man and Streber leans in, following Kevin’s obvious signs, only for Kevin to grab the most precarious bag out of Streber’s arms.
Streber makes a noise of shock, “wha—hey!” He playfully frowns at Kevin’s teasing. Kevin shrugs, an almost shit eating grin making its way onto his face.
He grabs the three other shopping bags off from the ground, utilizing the hauling methods he’s learned from work (moving inventory and all that). Kevin makes his way through the doorway, his leg throbbing with each step and the new added weight.
Streber follows with the remaining bags in his arms. He kicks the door closed behind him. “Thanks. I got more stuff to bake cookies. You’re still up to handing them out with me, right?” He asks, stumbling slightly behind Kevin through the walkway. Neither takes off their shoes. They’ll do that once all the groceries are in the kitchen.
“Of course. Looking forward to it.” Only when he is roped into it via bonding time with Streber, will Kevin willingly seek out children’s company. It’s only because Streber likes kids and likes being a good, fun neighbour that everyone thinks highly of.
Kevin makes his way unto the kitchen and dumps all the shopping bags in his arms onto the island. Streber follows him. He didn’t seem to notice the newly added decoration Kevin put up while he was gone.
“Awesome!” Still it doesn’t seem to matter that he didn’t notice because Streber, impassioned, kisses Kevin on the cheek. “You’re the best.” He pulls away, focusing on the groceries now.
Kevin is left, a blushing fool. He’s weak in the knees for Streber just inherently, but every time the man pulls a stunt like that, Kevin has to fight to stay standing.
Streber is humming something vaguely similar to this is Halloween but it’s a little too out of pitch to be absolutely sure while he takes out the ingredients for sugar cookies.
Now that he’s gotten started, Streber won’t stop until the cookies are cooled and decorated. This will be a few hour affair. So Kevin goes to the living room. He’s on standby, but otherwise, he doesn’t want to get in Streber’s way while he’s baking. Plus his leg has been throbbing for a bit now and he could really stand to sit for a bit.
“Here you go, egg nog just as you requested.” Kevin hands Streber the cup of egg nog he asked for. The living room is dimmed and and kitchen light is off. All that illuminates the house is Streber’s little pumpkin tea lights. It’s the perfect atmosphere to watch a movie.
“Thaaank you!” Streber replies gleefully. He takes an immediate and large sip through his straw. Kevin takes his seat next to him on the couch, setting his own glass of oat milk on a coaster on the coffee table.
The movie’s all queued up and ready to go. They’re watching The Nightmare Before Christmas because it’s Streber’s favourite holiday movie. Kevin likes the morbidity of it more than the holiday aspect of it so he’s always down to watch it with Streber at Christmas.
“Man. This is the perfect way to end Christmas. I’m definitely going to bed right after this,” Streber laughs, leaning his head on Kevin’s shoulder. Kevin can relate, they’d spent all afternoon and evening, going door to door and handing out the cookies Streber made. They’re both beat and a movie sounds like the perfect way to relax for the rest of the night just the two of them.
“You said it.” Kevin grabs the remote from the coffee table and hits play. Streber must really be as tired as he says, because he isn’t reciting the opening lines along with the narrator like he usually does. Kevin huffs a quiet laugh to himself, wrapping his arm around Streber’s waist, pulling him in closer.
This was a nice, quiet Christmas and Kevin couldn’t have had it any better.
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Makeup Is hard With Fangs
This is a short fic that I originally wanted to be a 5+1 but it ended up taking too long so I just kept it as is. It’s based on my headcanon that Kevin does not believe Streber’s a vampire (he just rationalises it to be something else lol) and my friend and I’s shared headcanon that Streber’s fangs just fucking destroy his lipstick sometimes. Enjoy. I know nothing about makeup.
“Keviiiinnn.” Streber cries from across the house, in the bedroom probably. Based on his tone, Kevin knows exactly what the problem is.
Streber has no doubt messed up while applying his lipstick. Again. This almost always happens.
Kevin knows it’s because Streber was born with weird teeth that make him look like a vampire so it’s not really his fault but it’s still annoying the amount of lipstick the man goes through because of his teeth.
“Hold on.” Kevin calls back from the living. He hauls himself off the couch with a very old man sounding groan that should be considered unbefitting of a 21 year-old like him. He gets away with it though due to the lingering effects of getting stabbed in the leg not too long ago. It’s likely psychological at this point (as he’s considered fully healed by medical professionals standards) but Kevin’s leg will just sporadically start throbbing from minutes to hours. And it hurts. Makes him feel old.
Kevin ambles his way across Streber’s house to the bedroom (he stayed over for a stay-in movie night date). The door is already cracked ajar so Kevin just pushes it open with his hip, his arms crossed. The door creaks when he hits it.
Inside, Streber is sitting at his very Victorianly Gothic vanity that has no mirror—who even still uses furniture like that except vampire wannabes?—his makeup box strewn across the vanity’s top. In his hands is a broken black lipstick.
Streber turns towards the door. His face is a mess, lipstick smeared across his lips and even on his two weird fangs that don’t fit in his mouth, the main cause of his predicament. That and the fact this fool doesn’t ever use mirrors. Distressed tears bubble in Streber’s eyes, his chin quivering.
Well shit.
Kevin can’t scold Streber for not using a mirror now that he’s about to cry. It’d just make him a jerk.
“Need help?” Kevin asks, stepping fully into the room, uncrossing his arms. He can bring up the mirror issue again later.
Kevin makes his way over to Streber and his still very ridiculous vanity. At this point, Kevin knows exactly where everything is in the drawers of the vanity. He grabs the bag of cotton swabs and walks over to the ensuite. It’s a routine at this point, for Kevin to help Streber with putting on his face whenever he stays over.
Kevin dampens a cotton swab in the sink before returning to a distressed but not yet crying Streber. The lipstick on his two fanged canines and around around his lips looks just awful. Kevin swears it wasn’t until they started dating that Streber became so bad at doing his own makeup.
“Alright. Hold still.” Kevin leans down and grabs Streber’s chin with one hand, not gently, but not harshly either. Streber’s face is ice cold under Kevin’s fingertips, a shock that no matter how many times he experiences it, always gets him at first touch.
Kevin rubs at Streber’s fangs with the damp cotton, cleaning the makeup off with a slight bit of elbow grease put into it. “Seriously, Streb,” Kevin starts, his focus now on the makeup around but not actually on the man’s lips. “How does this happen?” Kevin wipes away the last of the lipstick, the cotton swab now a very dark grey and Streber’s normally ghostly white skin a raw shade of pink where Kevin had rubbed clean.
Just so Streber doesn’t get too upset, Kevin leans in for a quick peck before finally letting go of his face. “There. All clean. Maybe use a mirror this time.” Kevin throws the cotton swab in the little dust bin by the vanity.
“But wait—Kevin, I still need help. Please?” Streber grabs Kevin’s arm before he gets too far away to reach.
Kevin looks over his shoulder at Streber in disbelief. "Seriously?" He faces Streber again. “I’ve seen you with makeup before. Why are you suddenly so bad at it whenever I’m around?” He didn’t mean for it to come out so harshly but he speaks before he can really think about what he’s saying.
“Just. Help, please?” Is all Streber says, dodging the question like a champ. Kevin sighs and sits down on the edge of the bed. Streber twists on his stool to face Kevin, smiling like a pleased little bat who just swindled his way into getting pampered by his boyfriend.
“So really, you just suck at makeup is what you’re telling me. Why wear it then?” Kevin has been teasing Streber for weeks now since the last time he “needed” help.
“No. I don’t suck at it. You’ve seen me do just fine.” Streber crosses his arms, frowning. It only achieves in making Kevin’s heart swell with how cute he looks, his fangs reminding Kevin of a sad little bat.
“Then prove it.” Kevin challenges Streber completely on a whim. He says it before he even thinks about any possible fallout. He figures Streber can prove it by just putting on his face without messing up or asking for help. Simple.
“Wait. Does this mean, you’ll finally let me dress you up?” Streber immediately uncrosses his arms, seeming to have moved past any sense of irritation from Kevin’s teasing.
“What? No. Just do it yourself without my help.” Kevin leans away from Streber as if worried he’s about to be snatched up and beautified instantly.
Streber’s face falls a bit. “Oh come on. Please? Just this once? I’ll never ask for your help ever again if you let me do this.” He clasps his hands together and holds them under his chin, doing his best pout.
Kevin forces himself to look away before he breaks instantly. He weighs his options, taking a peek or two at Streber’s adorable face.
God, if he isn’t weak to this man’s face.
Streber can get Kevin to do just about anything if he pouts hard enough shit if he doesn’t take advantage of that fact all the damn time.
Still, the idea of having to stay still for however long it takes to put on goth makeup sounds excruciatingly mind-numbing to Kevin. He just doesn’t have the patience or attention span to sit still that long. And the idea of having to wash it all off after also sounds annoying. Kevin’s seen Streber’s nightly routine enough to know washing off makeup is far too tedious for himself to want to deal with.
Kevin’s sure he’s come to a decision but one last look at Streber has him wavering on his resolve. It’d make him happy. And he’d finally stop asking to dress him up. And he’ll stop asking for help with his own makeup.
“Fine. Alright. Fine. You can put makeup on me. Just, don’t make me look bad, please,” Kevin finally relents, shifting forward again so Streber can reach.
Streber’s face goes wide in astonished glee and he lunges at Kevin, wrapping his arms around Kevin’s neck and squeezing him in a very tight and happy hug. “Thank you! You won’t regret this, I promise.”
He’s laughing in a way that sounds much too mischievous not to be concerning.
Guess they’ll just have to see how it goes. Kevin resigns himself to his fate and enjoys the chilly embrace of his boyfriend.
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