#Streber angst spooky month
Heyyy. Could you do a CandyBat fic about the immediate aftermath of the Tasty treats ep? Thank you 🙏
Of course. I’ve been avoiding writing about tender treats specifically because I didn’t want to misrepresent anything but hopefully this is okay. I just kinda started writing and didn’t stop. Not really sure what to title this though. I hope everyone enjoys.
Kevin should’ve gone home immediately. As soon as the coast was clear, should’ve gone right home.
There had been a sinking pit in Kevin’s stomach for the rest of his shift. He should’ve listened to it. Not convince himself it was all in his head.
That might be Kevin’s biggest regret of the night. He should’ve been faster.
Thinking back on it now, Kevin has a lot regrets tonight.
He should’ve called the police immediately.
He should’ve kept those two gremlins in sight so they couldn’t cause any more damage to anyone else.
He should’ve . . .
Kevin stands up with a growl. He stomps his (good) foot hard against the vinyl floor. The pain shoots up his calf before dispersing, leaving the bottom of his foot sore. He wants to stomp (and scream and cry and break things and just absolutely die) more but looking around at the other bereft and grieving visitors, he sits back down.
He’s not the only one in pain.
Kevin resorts to clenching his hands, digging his nails into his palms as hard as he can.
It doesn’t help.
“Uh, hel—hello, d—dear. Kevin, right?”
Kevin looks up. A tall woman with long dark hair he recognises to be the mom to one of the gremlins. Skeleton one’s mom, Kevin thinks. Lila was it?
“Yea—“ Kevin’s throat has been closed for hours now, his voice thick and wavering. He clears his throat before he can sound any more pathetic to this lady. “Yeah. Why?”
Lila’s face goes from slightly nervous to full of pity. Kevin watches it in real time. Somehow she knows. Normally that wouldn’t bother him, he’s proud of himself and strangers can fuck off about it. But normally strangers frown at him. They don’t look at him like this.
It’s making it too real.
Kevin looks down at the floor. He wants to crawl away from this woman.
“I just wanted to thank you, dear, for protecting my son.” The woman sits down in the chair next to his. So she’s staying then. Great.
Kevin wants to scoff but shrugs instead. He wants to be rude, tell her he doesn’t care about her son, but that’d be a lie. If he didn’t care, he would’ve ran from the store the minute her son showed up. But he does blame her son.
Not that he’s going to tell her that. “What kind of person wouldn’t, if they were in my position?” Kevin tries to play it cool, keep his tone light, but everything’s flashing through his head, the recall instant and blurry but oh so overwhelming.
Kevin’s heart picks up again and his hands start trembling for the umpteenth time tonight. It’s more than just his hands. His legs are shaking and his skin’s crawling and it’s fuzzy. Everything feels fuzzy and he can’t breathe again.
The tears drip onto the floor before Kevin can wipe them away. The lady definitely noticed now. Kevin’s about to get up and leave when he’s suddenly trapped.
Lila’s got her arms wrapped around him and he’s stunned. He doesn’t know what to do.
“Oh dear. It’s okay. You don’t have to pretend.” Lila sounds just like any mother should and despite her not being his own, Kevin is drawn into the comfort. He buries his face in her shoulder and cries quietly. Her sweater is soaked in under a minute with how hard Kevin is letting himself cry.
Kevin couldn’t help reliving tonight’s events.
He stayed behind to clean up with Rick after being attacked. Neither called the cops about it. They really should’ve. Why didn’t he?
Still, Kevin didn’t start walking home until after the shop was clean and locked up.
He only started running after he noticed the sirens following him. They weren’t after him, they were just going where he was going. When the ambulance passed him, Kevin booked it.
Kevin had never run so fast in his life.
The crowd around his home was massive, it had to be the entire neighbourhood plus some. Kevin played it off, of course there’d be a crowd. Streber goes all out every year and he’s always a hit.
Except the ambulance parked on the front lawn was a new addition that had Kevin’s heart sinking.
He should’ve been faster.
Kevin had to muscle his way through his neighbours to find out what happened, all while hearing glimpse of gossip.
“Poor man—“
“His arm—“
“He’ll never be the same—“
Right there, on their shared porch steps, was Streber.
EMTs were strapping him to a stretcher. They were acting fast but Kevin found himself wanting to shout at them to hurry up.
There was so much blood, Kevin couldn’t actually see Streber underneath it all.
He ran to the EMTs, ran to Streber.
“Is he okay?! Wha—what happened?!” Kevin couldn’t hear himself over the sound of his heart in his ears.
“Excuse me sir,” the third EMT who wasn’t holding the stretcher placed a gentle hand on Kevin’s chest, keeping him at bay. “You’re gonna need to step back. We’re taking the patient to the hospital now. Are you his family?”
Kevin was nodding before he really knew what he was nodding too. The EMT guided him to the ambulance where Streber was being looked at by the other two officers. He was in a daze at this point.
The ride to the hospital was blurry and fast and Kevin held Streber’s bloody cape in his hands the entire time. It was wet and sticky with blood but Kevin didn’t notice. Or seem to care.
It wasn’t until he was finally sitting in the waiting room that Kevin’s mind finally settled. It was the cops who’d gotten his attention.
They’d explained everything.
That maniac broke out and went on a rampage for those two kids and attacked Streber in the process.
This was those kids’ faults just as it was Kevin’s.
It’s been hours now, and Streber’s still in surgery.
Each minute that passes kills Kevin just a little bit more.
Kevin cries in Lila’s shoulder for longer than he normally would’ve allowed himself but today’s a unique exception.
He pulls away to wipe his face. Lila does the same, giving Kevin a bit of room.
He’s about to apologise to the woman when there’s a loud bam at the end of the hallway. A doctor in messy scrubs hurries over. “Are you the family?”
Kevin immediately stands to his feet. This is it.
His heart is on hold and he can’t read the doctor at all.
“Yes! Me. It’s me. I’m the family.” Kevin trips over himself, a strange sense of pride welling in him from those words. In any other circumstances, Kevin’d probably smile and boast that he’s Streber’s family, because he is and always will be.
The doctor focuses on Kevin, staying unreadable. “The patient lost a lot of blood. We’ve closed the wound and started blood transfusions but we were unable to recover the patient’s arm to attempt reattachment. Unfortunately, the patient has lost his arm from the elbow joint down. This is an extremely life changing injury and he will need all the support he can get. You can see him now, but he won’t be awake for several more hours.”
The doctor turned around and started walking down the hall. Kevin immediately takes after him, his mind buzzing with questions, but not knowing where to start at all.
“But he’s going to be okay?” Kevin finally asks. The doctor nods, leading him to the post-op room where Streber is.
“Visiting hours will be over shortly. Someone will inform you when it’s time to leave but you may come back tomorrow when visiting hours have started.” The doctor stays at the doorway. Kevin nods, not looking back. He doesn’t know the doctor’s left until he hears the door jam click.
All Kevin can look at is Streber. He’s hooked up and unconscious in the most uncomfortable looking bed ever. If he were awake, he’d complain for sure how it’s not big enough like their giant, king sized bed at home. He’d probably also complain that the colour scheme here is too bright and plain. It’d be a joke of course, and Kevin would laugh.
Kevin’s feet drift forward, he’s stumbling to Streber’s side in an uncoordinated haste.
All cleaned up now, Kevin sees what the doctor was talking about. Streber’s arm is gone. There’s only a bandaged stump where his elbow would be.
Kevin can’t quite comprehend it. There should be an arm there, and a hand. A hand he knows very well. But there isn’t.
Thankfully there’s a chair close enough to the bed that Kevin’s legs can give out without him falling flat on his ass. He lands in the chair and reaches for the hand that isn’t there anymore.
Kevin was sure he’d cried all the tears he could earlier.
Seems he was wrong.
It’s just him and the quiet steady beeping of the hospital machines here. He cries, gripping the bed’s sheet where Streber’s hand should be.
Kevin isn’t sure if he’s crying in relief or in pain. It might both. Because he’s so goddamn relieved Streber is still here. But not all of him is. And Kevin knows it’s going to crush Streber when he wakes up to see what he’s lost.
Still. He’s here. And the doctor said he was going to be okay.
Kevin let’s that thought pacify him for the rest of the night.
Streber may not be whole, but he’s going to be okay.
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catsockpuppet · 2 months
candybats angst, blood warning for last frame
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zamazingz · 4 months
Angst time >:) the song is I don’t smoke by Mitski.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Okay but what if Streber had a S/O who acted like an elder sibling to Skid and Pump? Like them taking those kids trick or treating, when they arrive at their boyfriend's haunted house. They give a peck on the cheek to their boyfriend, following after skid and pump after they head inside after their brothers. When they discover Streber later, S/O is the one to get Streber to a hospital, wrapping his bleeding (stump?) arm with their cloak.
Ik Kevin x Streber is canon (w ship btw 10/10) but I'll give this one to the Streber simps-
As Skid and Pump ran up ahead, you were just catching up to them, nearly out of breath. Sometimes they were tough to chase after.
Not only because you were basically like an elder sibling to them (and thus their babysitter during "Spooky Month"), but you were worried about some devil-dressed creep following them around. You could see him the shadows, watching you all from afar before disappearing.
Lila was freaked out over their safety, but after a frantic phone call you managed to calm her down and reassure her that you’ll watch over the kids while they trick-or-treat. You didn't want them to get freaked out, and instead allowed them to drag you to all these spooky places. Moving from place-to-place so quickly was a good way to get that weirdo off your back.
Eventually, you put it out of your mind upon arriving to the haunted house run by Streber. It was safe, with plenty of actors who could keep an eye on things outside.
Plus, it’s the perfect excuse to check up on your boyfriend.
Upon arriving to the entrance, a cloud of smoke greeted the three of you before a certain eccentric vampire jumped out. “Ah! Welcome to the hauntiest of houses, gentlemen! As you can see, I am a real vampire!”
He pushed the boys towards the nearby mirror to demonstrate, with you grinning all the while at his performance. Skid was in awe while Pump seemed confused that the stump on his mask vanished.
Then Streber jumped back to the entrance. "Now..get inside and get scared!" He laughed, seeing the pair running in with excitement.
After they disappeared inside the house, he finally noticed you, his smile becoming softer. "Hello, my dear."
"There’s my hard working vampire~" You chuckled, taking his hands and kissing him on the cheek. He blushed at the gesture, happy that you decided to visit him. “This must be the best job in the world.”
“Oh it’s a lot of work, but not to worry! Sometimes I don’t feel like I’m working at all!” Streber’s optimism was brighter than the sun; it was almost infectious, in a way, as you couldn’t help but grin. “How are the boys? They haven’t changed a bit, I see.”
“Not at all. We had some weirdo following us earlier, but we’re okay now that we’re here. What time do you get off?”
"Ah, it'll be a late shift, I'm afraid." He pouted slightly, though he was back to smiling. "But we can catch up on some scary movies tomorrow if you want."
"Sounds good." You nodded. "I'll head inside. I don't wanna leave them alone for too long, but I'll see you when your shift is over."
"I'll see you soon. Enjoy the house, darling~" He winked, kissing your lips briefly before letting go of your hands.
As you ran inside to catch up with Skid and Pump, he sighed lovingly, wondering how he got so lucky with you.
That’s when Bob arrived to the house, walking up the steps with a wide grin on his face. Instead of charging right inside, he first approached the vampire, who perked up and snapped out of his thoughts upon seeing another visitor.
“Hello, little devil fellow! Would you like to get scared?” Streber put on a menacing expression, resuming his usual act.
Though Bob’s expression never wavered.
"Did you know if you eat a human brain, you'll get a disease similar to mad cow?" He spoke lowly, saliva dripping from his mouth as he loomed over the smaller man.
Streber was immediately confused--and rather uncomfortable--as he stared up at him, wondering why he blurted out such a bizarre “fact”.
But he also noticed the awfully realistic-looking knife in his hand, alongside a sharpener.
Skid and Pump made it out of the haunted house before you did, laughing all the while. 
They loved every minute of it! Neither of them got scared, per se, but they had a fun experience and looked forward to coming back next year....and then the year after that.
But they abruptly stopped upon hearing an..odd sound.
It sounded like...
Concerned, they quickly noticed Streber was now lying on the porch, curled up into a ball--in a pool of red blood. He was moaning and sobbing in agony as he clutched one of his arms.
Or, rather, a bloody stump where his arm would be.
“Woah...that looks so real!” Pump grinned in delight, believing this to be all part of the vampire’s act, too. What a show he was putting on, even when they were just leaving! 
This was one final scare that almost got them.
He then looked to the haunted house and frowned slightly when you didn’t come out yet. Surely you couldn’t have been lost.
“Let’s get some more candy!” Skid urged him.
“But..we should wait for [y/n]-”
“Nah, they’ll find us! Besides they wanna be with their boyyyfriend.” The skeleton costumed-child grinned. He always loved teasing you, making “bleh” sounds whenever he saw you and Streber kissing--even if it’s just a simple cheek kiss.
You probably needed a break from them. You’ll know where they are.
“Yeah, you’re right." Pump eventually agreed. “Let’s go!”
Oblivious to Streber’s genuine pleas for help, the duo ran off to CandyClub.
Only a moment later, you came out of the house, annoyed when you didn’t immediately find your brothers anywhere. “Skid! Pump! Where did you guys....holy shit. Streber!!” 
Noticing the horrific state of your boyfriend, you removed your cloak, kneeling down to wrap it around his stump as a makeshift torniquet, praying he wasn’t losing too much blood. You didn’t care if it got on your pants, he was more important. “Oh god, okay..okay. H-Hang on. Stay with me, honey.”
Your mind and heart were racing, trying to make sense of how this could’ve happened considering you were only in the house for a few minutes. Although you did hear bloodcurdling screams while inside, you just assumed that was the ambience or other guests.
‘Oh god..what if that was him?’
“HELP!! I NEED AN AMBULANCE HERE!!” Shouting as loud as you possibly could, you saw a few actors run out, all of them shocked at the scene.
“What’s going on--oh my god!!!”
“Is he okay?!!”
“Oh yeah, he’s just bleeding to death......OF COURSE HE’S NOT OKAY!!” You snapped at them. “Call an ambulance!” 
After they ran off to do exactly that, the sound of Streber’s whimpers made you turn your attention back to him. You gently guided his head into your lap, stroking his hair and hushing him as he kept sobbing. He was trembling all over, and it shattered your heart considering how happy he was only a little while ago.
“It’s okay, baby..it’s gonna be okay.” You tried to soothe. “Help is coming. Just stay with me.”
“...I-I don’t wanna die...”
“You’re not gonna die. You’re gonna make it...and we’ll see those scary movies, alright? We’ll see all of them. Just stay with.....me...?” However you trailed off as you heard the sounds of thumping boots as somebody exited the house.
You looked up at him to ask for help, only to freeze upon realizing who it was:
That devil-dressed freak.
He had a bone in his hand, licking the blood off as if it were a lollipop before casually dropping it beside you and Streber.
It was a forearm bone.
For a few long heart-pounding moments, he just stared down at you two, tilting his head as if to say “I did nothing wrong”. You glared back at him. ‘Fucking hell, he’s a stalker AND a cannibal.’
“S-Stay away from us..and my brothers, you sicko.”
Just when it seemed like you were gonna be his next meal, the sirens of a nearby ambulance made Bob change his mind. Instead he calmly walked down the steps and disappeared among the many other trick or treaters, surprising you.
But thank god he spared your life.
You just hope you could save Streber’s in time.
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ethans-stars · 6 months
I still rememeber your smile.
ANGST!!!!!! i am somewhat sensitive to angst and get really sad whenever i see it, so if any is also uncomfy or sensitive please look away!!!!!!
(up to you to decide if streber is dead!)
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personally i like to think streb is still alive, but has fallen into a huge depressive state and cant manage a smile anymore. i love bullying my blorbos
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spamtontheg · 4 months
Streber and Ethan angst!!! (Streber's incident)
Also TW for angst, sadness and gore
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michax-forever · 1 year
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sunny6677 · 1 year
Hear me out, Dead Ross AU.
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Hear me out on this one too
Dead Kevin AU/Kevin gets attacked by Bob instead of Streber
(I saw that one candybats angst animatic, and decided to make it inspired off of that one song called Heart to Heart)
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M&Ms And Melatonin
Synopsis: After being attacked, mutilated, and forced to watch as people passed by him assuming he was nothing more than a living prop, Streber suffers the after-effects of assault and learns to deal with post traumatic stress disorder, being aided all the while by his guilt-ridden boyfriend Kevin who is internally ashamed due to the fact he wasn't there when Streber needed him most. Adding to this is the fact that they're both fairly certain they're being haunted and hunted by a familiar face...
Part One
Kevin struggles to keep his eyes open. There’s a dryness over them, but every time he blinks, his eyes stay shut longer and longer. Despite his insistence that he’s fine, he’s become less and less sure of that with each passing moment. 
He was lucky he’d lived in this town for years, and that everybody generally knew everybody. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure they would have let him sit and wait to hear back about Streber’s condition. 
He’d wanted to barge straight into the room and see him, but was warded off multiple times due to the fact Streber had been placed into immediate surgery, and that afterwards he’d be under close supervision. After all, he’d lost a lot of blood by the time he was found.
Every once in a while a doctor would approach him, signal to the blood staining his clothes, and ask if he was alright. Each looked concerned or confused when he tiredly answered “it’s not mine.” 
It was Streber’s. 
His stomach suddenly rumbles, and he immediately feels guilty for even thinking about eating at a time like this. Glancing towards the corner of the waiting room, there’s a vending machine that seems to be shining under the fluorescent lights. But when Kevin spots a pack of candy, he’s immediately hit with guilt again. 
He shouldn’t have been working. He’d promised Streber he’d help out with the haunted house. He was supposed to be there.
Growling louder this time, a lady next to him glances his way, and Kevin covers his stomach with his arm, turning his gaze toward the ground. 
With the way he was feeling, he doubts he’ll be able to actually stomach anything anyway. He could already feel the few pieces of candy he snuck during his shift churn uncomfortably in his stomach. A couple times he had to suppress gags, which only made him feel worse when the lady near him shifted over a couple seats. 
Lost in his own head, fretting about whether or not Streber was going to live, hours ticked by. He’s encouraged a couple times to go home and rest, stating they’ll call him if any significant progress is made, but Kevin refuses. He’s not abandoning Streber again. 
A few times, he waves over doctors and asks about his condition, but their uncomfortable, practiced response of “we aren’t quite sure yet. We’ll have to continue monitoring him for the time being” does little to ease Kevin’s growing anxiety. 
He’s there all night, and when morning rolls around, he proceeds to stay, ignoring the calls he gets from his boss, no doubt demanding to know why he’s not at CandyClub, opening up like he should be. Rick quit after one day, and Kevin believes that spoke to the state of the shop anyway. Overworked and underpaid; he’s sick of working all the time because they’re understaffed. He’ll go back no doubt, and he’ll probably be rehired if this gets him fired, due to the fact nobody else was applying. But even thinking about CandyClub brings back that weird, nauseous gut feeling. 
Finally, around mid-morning, he convinces himself to grab a granola bar from the vending machine. His phone was long dead. 
But when two officers walk in, and are directed down a hallway, Kevin feels himself perking up. He watches a doctor escort them, before walking into a room, shutting the door behind them. Streber’s door. 
A nurse behind the counter in the waiting room notices his shifted attention. 
“He’s awake now,” she says, softly. “I personally don’t believe interrogating him as soon as he’s up is too smart, but I know the police recently… apprehended-” the way she says the word makes it seem like they did a lot more than “apprehend,” “-a potential suspect. I think they’re looking to confirm whether or not the man they got is the same man that attacked him, or if there’s another monster on the loose.” 
Kevin’s quick to stand up from his seat, crumbs falling off of him and onto the floor. 
Right as he moves to follow the nurse, somebody bursts through the doors, being led by yet another doctor. 
Black hair up in a messy ponytail with red dyed hair underneath… 
“Ethan?” Kevin asks, voice raw due to his crying from the night prior. Ethan’s eyes immediately find his, and he’s relieved to see a familiar face. 
But his face displays concern. 
“You haven’t seen him yet, have you?” Ethan asks, as he rushes to Kevin’s side. Kevin didn’t know him that well; he’d only been around him briefly due to hanging out with Streber, but he seemed off. From what Kevin knew about him, he was usually cool and able to keep a chiller composure. But now, he was clearly stiff. Uncomfortable. Worried. 
His question makes Kevin’s stomach churn. “No. I’m about to. What happened? Nobody’s telling me anything.” 
“Maybe that’s for the best,” Ethan replies, offhandedly, turning his gaze away from Kevin as they both speed after the nurse, who waves them along and guides them through the pristine - and awfully crowded - halls. 
“Ethan, what happened?” 
Ethan’s lips purse together, and he looks almost sick. He doesn’t respond for a few seconds, before he says something under his breath, so quiet that Kevin can’t hear it. 
Kevin nudges him in response, and Ethan comes to a stop in the middle of the hallway, grabbing Kevin’s wrist to bring him to a halt as well. Staring straight into Kevin’s eyes, Kevin could see the slight tremble in Ethan’s body. Kevin’s breath is pulled from his body.
“I found him.” 
* * *
Streber faintly hears a creaking sound. 
He wants to open his eyes; what made that sound? Footsteps upon wooden plants, as they make their way up onto the porch? They usually only creak under heavy weight. Typically bigger adults will bend the weak wooden steps. 
Whispers follow, and again, Streber wishes to open his eyes. 
What were they saying? Dizzily, he recalls a few words from earlier. Facts being told. Arm? Bone? No, no. Not those facts. What disease can people gain upon eating a cow brain…? 
Something touches his hand. More panicked now, Streber needs to see who it is. 
What starts out as a hand grab could quickly turn to more. A tight grip around his wrist, a second hand on his upper arm. Pulling. Cracking. A hand around his mouth to silence his screaming, and to push his body back as his arm is pulled forward. Pulling. 
Pain shoots through his arm, and suddenly light hits Streber’s arms as he bolts upright, screaming. 
His mouth tastes metallic, and his head throbs, but as he goes to touch his aching arm, his hand passes right through it, and hits the stiff bed under it. 
Head cocking to the side, Streber doesn’t see his other arm. Instead, he sees a bandaged stump that ends at about his elbow. His entire forearm was missing. Oh God, his entire forearm was missing. 
Chest tightening, Streber stares at the area, before he hears a soft “Streber?” 
His head snaps to the other side, and he sees Kevin and Ethan next to his bed. Ethan’s sitting in a chair pulled up to the side of his bed, while Kevin stands next to him, one of his hands resting against the bed, as if it was previously holding Streber’s own. 
Oh. It was… it was just Kevin. And Ethan. No mad cow disease… no monsters. No monsters.
“Calm down,” Ethan urges him, putting on a smile. “It’s okay. You’re safe now.” He reaches forward to set a hand on Streber’s shoulder. “The person who attacked you is dead.” 
Kevin glances at Ethan, cringing. Streber doesn’t notice. 
Instead, Streber stares at him, face falling as he processes Ethan’s words, before his arms shoot up in victory. A wide smile on his face, Streber can’t help but exclaim “yeah!” overwhelmed with relief almost instantly. No monsters. 
Pain shoots up his injured arm at the sudden movement, but he finds himself able to ignore it for now, instead laughing with relief as tears actually slip past his eyes. He falls back against the hospital bed as his heart monitor beeps rhythmically, steadily slowing back down after his sudden burst of excitement. 
“Are you okay?” Kevin suddenly asks, drawing Streber’s attention towards him. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I told you I’d help out; I just… there were some kids who came into the store and this guy-” 
“I got over there as soon as I could close up the shop. I didn’t expect there to be police cars, or caution tape-” 
Kevin’s silenced in the middle of his ranting, teary eyes looking towards Streber’s face. But Streber’s giving him a genuine half smile. 
“It’s okay,” he replies, with a shrug. “You’re okay. I can’t expect you to throw your job away for my benefit. You’re not responsible for the CandyClub being understaffed, or for having to pay your rent.” 
Kevin sighs, as he leans over the bed, hesitantly grabbing Streber’s hand again. He squeezes it, and Streber squeezes back, giving him a comforting smile. Though, Kevin keeps his head slightly bowed. 
“I should have been there. I should have been with you.” 
Streber snorts. “I had a lot of people with me. Even if you were there, there’s no guarantee what… what happened wouldn’t have happened. Some people even thought it was part of the show! Ha… ha…” Streber’s exaggerated laughing fades into uncomfortable silence, as bittersweet air fills the room. Despite his attempt to lighten the mood, both Kevin and Ethan look upset at the admission. 
Clearing his throat, Streber sits fully up once more, ignoring the ache in his body. “So… how long until I can leave?” 
Ethan chokes on his spit. “Leave?! Streber, it’s been like… a day and a half.” 
“ So, you need to heal! You just got-” Ethan cuts himself short as Kevin winces, Streber himself cringing at the reminder. Self-consciously, he brings his hand to the bandaged wound, squeezing the bloody bandages and hissing in the pain it causes. 
Before anything else can happen though, there’s suddenly commotion outside the door, followed by it being slammed open and Liv and Leon tripping over each other to get inside. 
Multiple balloons bonk against each other as they awkwardly squeeze through the doorway, and a barrage of cards and candies fall out of their arms as they scramble to get past each other on the floor. 
“Streber!” Liv exclaims, as she’s the first to push herself off the ground. “You’re alive! You had us all scared half to death!” 
Leon follows suit, arms filled with the collection of treats previously strewn across the ground. 
He dumps them onto Streber’s lap, huffing dramatically. “I thought I warned you not to die on us. You cut it very close.”
Huffing, Liv lightly shoves Leon with her elbow. “Don’t be insensitive! He could have really become part of the undead! And instead of being bitten and turned into an extremely handsome and charming vampire-” she strikes a dramatic pose, emphasizing her playful tone, “-he would have become a slow and loathsome zombie!”
She sticks her fingers in her mouth and pulls her cheeks apart as she sticks out her tongue with an exaggerated “bleh!” 
Streber chuckles. 
He goes to raise a hand to his mouth to stifle his snorts, before feeling more pain as his stump is moved. 
Out of either arm, it had to be his dominant one. 
“You’re probably going to have to stay for physical therapy,” Kevin states, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Streber doesn’t meet his gaze, sighing in resignation at the statement. 
Noticing the awkward shift in tone, Kevin clears his throat and attempts to lighten the situation once more. “Not that that’ll take long, of course! You’ll relearn how to write and stuff in no time! And soon, you’ll be back to engineering.” 
“Gotta come up with something that’ll impress the kids even more than your greenscreen mirror,” Leon adds, matter-of-factly. 
Streber’s stomach drops at the reminder. 
It was fun. It was fun showing off. A simple green lining on the inside of his cape made for an excellent invisibility trick, but it didn’t actually hide him. Besides, those two kids seemed more impressed with what came after anyway. 
He became an unwilling part of the experience. 
A doctor steps quickly into the room, and rather anxiously pushes past Leon and Liv. Kevin’s hand tightens in Streber’s, as Streber’s fingers clench his so hard his knuckles turn white. 
“Streber,” the doctor states, glancing between the monitor and Streber’s pale face. 
He was walked by like he was just a prop .
“Streber, you need to breathe,” the doctor insists, as another nurse walks into the room. Quickly, she ushers Liv and Leon out, before moving to do the same regarding Kevin and Ethan. 
Ethan pushes himself out of his chair, concerned. 
“What’s going on?” he asks, voice soft, but quaking with worry. Streber was staring straight ahead, chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. His heart monitor starts to beep. 
He was smiled and pointed at while lying there dying.
“Streber, you’re not there anymore.” The doctor’s voice is firm, as the nurse outright tells Ethan and Kevin they need to go. Ethan lets the nurse take him by the arm and lead him to the door, but Kevin stays still, his own breathing speeding up. 
Tears were welling up in Streber’s eyes. Though he wasn’t staring at anything in the room, Kevin could see him looking at something. 
“Sir, you need to leave,” the nurse reinstates, and Kevin can only break his gaze away from Streber’s momentarily to look at her. 
“No,” he says, voice weak. It’s uttered so softly, she doesn’t even hear it. 
More sternly, the nurse goes to grab him. “Sir, your presence in this room could potentially disturb the patient further, as well as subject you to things you don’t want to see. It’s best if you-”
“ No,” Kevin reaffirms, louder this time, strengthening his posture. “I’m not leaving him alone again.” 
“Did you know that if you eat a human brain…”
Looming. Threatening. Tender voice with malicious intent. 
Streber could see the man clearly in front of him. No longer was he in a hospital, but back at the haunted house. Sweat glistens on his forehead, both out of anxiety, as well as exhaustion from a day of work finally catching up to him. 
“...you’ll get a disease similar to Mad Cow?” 
Dangerous. Uncanny. A wide smile reflects Streber’s scared reflection back to him. 
He’s nearly frozen. His mind screams at him to take a step backwards, but instead he shrinks beneath the intense gaze of the devil in front of him. 
“What?” is all he can reply, voice meek. His hands clamp together in front of him, rubbing together with concern. The hair on the back of his neck stands up. 
Something grabs his arm, and his body bursts into flames as screams tear themselves from his wrecked lungs.
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luzxii · 7 months
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joke: a mini spooky month angst fic
characters: kevin, ethan, streber (mentioned)
content warnings: character death (streber), self injury, head injury
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Kevin was on his way home after a long, traumatizing day at work on a fateful Halloween night. His curiosity couldn't help but be struck when he heard police sirens nearby. Though that mild, dwindling feeling faded to horror as he realized it was coming from the direction of Streber's haunted house.
He went into denial. Certainty he was being irrational, he convinced himself that the odds were in his favor, there it couldn't have to do with Streber. But.. he couldn't help but check. Just to put his concerns to rest.
But when he arrived, his heart skipped a beat. The entire front yard was crowded with police men, the entrance blocked off with caution tape. It couldn't be. Surely this was nothing more then a prank.
He practically jumped from his car, running to the first person he recognized.. Ethan. He was standing outside with the rest of Streber's friend group. But no Streber, he was nowhere to be seen.
Once his sprinting came to a stop, he noticed Ethan had been crying; mascara running down his face. Kevin and Ethan starred into each others eyes, a sense of realization between the two of them.
" .... Where is Streber? "
" ..... He's dead, Kevin... He's dead .... "
Kevin finally broke. He finally came to a snapping point. He looked to his hands, shaking to the point he could barely stand. The love of his life was gone. His life was ruined.
" SHIT! "
He bolted to the brick wall of house, bashing his head into it as hard as he possibly could. He fell backwards, collapsing to the ground as he sobbed. He wept till his lungs burnt.
Ethan bolted right after him as soon as he saw that he was harming himself, squeezing onto him to hold him back if he tried to do it again. Kevin's ears rung, his head stung, he didn't care.
He wanted Streber. He wanted Streber to tell him it was all a sick, sick joke.
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cryptidofthekeys · 11 months
Hmmm what aboutttt
Bib attacking kevin instead of streber that night?
What way to end the “hauntiest of houses”
Y'all are out for Angst n Bloodshed d a m n- ...I do wanna go ahead and state now that I don't usually take requests like this so I don't,, wanna make this a habit BUT... This one...
I'm assuming ya just mean regular old Spooky Month and not any AUs so-
TW: Violence, Blood, Implied/Maybe Death, Cannibalism, and Gore.
Kevin had been hanging out at the Hauntiest of Houses aka the haunted house that Streber runs every year, now usually Kevin would be working right now but he managed to convince Rick and Radford since Rick wouldn't do all the work on his own to help out, he'd just owe them some major solids later on.
The reason Kevin wanted to be here? ...Well, to hang out with Streber of course! The two of them had been together for awhile and well in all honesty, Kevin wanted to hang out with his boyfriend tonight, Streber had really wanted him to come by and stay at The Hauntiest of Houses for awhile!
Before all the kids and everyone showed up, Kevin and Streber had just sat around and talked for awhile and then Streber had brought up the idea of Kevin even dressing up and participating to which Kevin had anxiety about "I-I Strebs, no... I... I can't... I'll just wind up... Messing everything up"
Streber rolled his eyes "Oh, nonsense Kev! C'mon! It'd be so much fun to have you participating in The Hauntiest of Houses!" Kevin had still been reluctant on this "Strebs, I don't even know WHAT I'd dress up" And this caused Streber to grin, showing those fake fangs and he quickly grabbed Kevin by the arm and lead him into the room full of costumes.
"I have plenty of costumes! Look, I'll make it easier for you, Kev, I'll grab some costumes I think would suit you best and you won't even have any lines to rehearse or say, it's simple, you just gotta scare the kiddies! The folks that came through!" Streber finally finished before walking over to the costumes and props.
Kevin watched as Streber pulled out a giant sucker that had some spikes on it, almost like a big candy mace and handed it to Kevin who was a bit surprised how light it is "...What... What is this, Strebs?" And of course at Kev's question, Streber chuckled "Candy themed mace, I have a sort of... Candy Man themed outfit ...Not... Related to that one horror movie of course"
Kevin blinked in surprise as Streber pulled out a costume now that fit with the candy themed mace, it was themed to well... Candy related things, the costume even looked like it had a few bites taken out of it for extra effect, the bow tie on it had a bite down out of it, the right side of the outfit did.
Streber then grinned "...I think these would suit you perfectly if I do say so myself!" And then Kevin squinted in suspicion "...Streber... ...You literally designed these specifically for me, didn't you?" The man dressed as a vampire began to sweat a bit before chuckling nervously "...N-Nooo... No no, just, a little... ...Okay yes, but to be fair, you gave me inspiration!"
Streber then put the costume and the candy mace prop down "I mean c'mon, Kev! Think about it, the kiddies and folks would be terrified of a candy-themed monster...! The candy fights back this Halloween night~!" Streber then draped his cape in front of himself for dramatic emphasis.
Kevin couldn't help but laugh at that one "...Okay, that was cheesy..." Kevin then thought about it, and he could see the pleading almost puppy dog look on his boyfriend's face and then he sighed "...Alright, alright, I'll do it" Streber then beamed at Kevin's response "You won't regret this, Kev! I'll make sure of it! ...Do you... Mind any... Makeup...?"
. . .
And so that was the start of it, first... Streber helped Kevin get the outfit on himself, Kevin looked at it and okay, he wouldn't deny ...He did sorta like ti, and then of course, Streber, along with some of his friends that were working in this Haunted House helped Kevin into some makeup themed along with this supposed 'CandyMan' monster.
Kevin wouldn't deny, his face felt itchy but when he looked in the mirror, he damn near scared himself, there was makeup that was themed to be like he had a bite taken out of him in a few places, and then of course it also looked like melting candy and or chocolate in a few other areas "...H-Holy shit..."
Streber grinned proudly "Well, whaddya think, Kev? ...Is... is it too much?" Streber asked, he was a bit concerned, not because he was worried Kevin didn't like it but he didn't want the other to be super uncomfortable or even in pain.
Kevin shook his head "...Nah, I'm fine, Strebs... It looks... Really cool..." Kevin admitted as he held up his candy mace and this made Streber positively beam and okay that got Kevin's heart to beating wildly in his chest to see his boyfriend so happy with this "You look cool, Kev!"
It was nearly time, the sun had just begun to set, so that meant the kids would be here soon and so Streber had gathered everyone in the same room, including Kevin and went over the plans with them, he made sure to not leave out a single detail since Kevin was just now joining them and well Kevin appreciated that.
The other scare actors/actresses had encouraged Kevin as well, everyone could see how nervous Kevin was looking and acting, they had all encouraged Kevin and even reminded him of just how cool and scary he looked, in fact they had enough time, and so... They taught Kevin how to properly scare and sure they had scared HIM at first which Streber had giggled at.
Which resulted in Kevin playfully bopping him with the candy mace but eventually, Kevin had seemed to get the gist of it and he nodded "...O-Okay, I'm ready... I'm ready..." And then Streber smiled reassuringly at his boyfriend "You'll do great, Kev, I'm sure we all will!" And then the man dressed like a vampire clapped his hands "Okay, let's get into place everyone! The kids are gonna love this!"
Everybody knew where their places were, Kevin did not but luckily, Streber had gently taken him by the hand since, well, his other was also dressed up in makeup, just a simple melting effect, that's all, but Streber had taken his boyfriend's hand and decided for Kevin's sake... It'd be best if he was outside with him.
"Okay, Kevin, since this is your first time ever being a scare actor, I'm gonna keep it easy on you, I don't want you stressing out! Just remember, have fun with it!" Kevin had nodded at Streber's words and then of course Streber had pointed to that bowl of candy sitting on the other end of the porch.
He guided Kevin over and positioned him almost as if he were a statue "Okay, let me explain... You can stand over this candy bowl, and act like an animatronic... For example, gently swing your candy mace" And then Kevin hesitated for a moment before with one hand he just brought it up and down as stiff as he could manage to really sell the animatronic deal.
Streber grinned happily and excitedly "That's perfect, Kev! Okay so just, keep doing that, and just turn your head from side to side every once in awhile, make sure to keep it stiff, rigid, a little janky even to REALLY make the kiddies believe your an animatronic... And then when they get close... BLEH!" Streber held his claws out.
Kevin had nodded at that "O-Okay, I'll... I'll try my best, Strebs..." The man dressed as a vampire nodded and well while he couldn't risk kissing Kevin and ruining the makeup right now, he blew the man a kiss instead "You'll do great, Kevin... I know you will, just try to relax and have fun, that's what it's all about"
And then with a final nod, Kevin had done exactly what Streber had asked him, just getting into the animatronic rhythm of gently swinging his candy mace and moving his head side-to-side, meanwhile Streber was just waiting in the darkness, the entrance of the haunted house until finally... Trick-Or-Treaters began to show up.
Streber was the first to greet the first set of kids, just throwing down a little smoke bomb and acting like well, a vampire, welcoming the kids to the Hauntiest of Houses, even telling them as they could see he was a real vampire before flipping his cape to the green side, that mirror, Streber had invented himself, it made him look invisible to the kids.
And the kids were absolutely enthralled by it, now before Streber had told them to go inside like he usually would, the vampire gestured over to Kevin who was still doing his animatronic movements, he was nervous deep down but determined "Now, go on kids! Go and take some candy, if you dare...! But beware! The Candy Man...! For he guards that bowl of candy...!"
Kevin could feel his nerves rising a bit but he steeled himself, just keeping on with his animatronic movements, the kids had even pointed out which made him feel a bit better "Psh, yeah, that's just an animatronic!" And then they started approaching... Kevin was somewhat looking to Streber in a subtle manner.
And sure enough when the kids had began to put candy in their buckets, when they finished, Streber mouthed the word 'Now' And then Kevin made a growl sound and began to step forward, raising his candy mace high, not actually going to hit the kids obviously but it scared the absolute hell out of them, they screamed and ran into The Hauntiest of Houses.
Streber couldn't resist the little snort before he just began to laugh, Kevin wouldn't deny either, that was actually really fun... He can understand now why Streber seems to enjoy this haunted house so much and of course, Streber praised his boyfriend "You did AMAZING Kevin! For your first time being a scare actor...! That was great!"
Kevin smiled happily at that, and so, the two continued, Streber would greet the kids likewise, and then gesture for them to take candy, after that did, Kevin would make a sound and raise his candy mace, the two worked in rhythm, eventually to the point where Streber didn't even need to mouth 'now' to Kevin anymore, Kevin had gotten the hang of his supposed 'Candy Man' role.
It continued this way for a long while into the night, until Kevin had caught a glimpse of two familiar kids coming up and he muttered under his breath 'Oh god...' Not them... Of all the kids that could show up, it had to be, sure enough, Skid and Pump, beelining for The Hauntiest of Houses, now, Streber knew Kevin had some... Issues with those two but the vampire just shook his head.
Likewise, Kevin would keep doing his animatronic movements, Streber would greet the two kids, and of course show them he was a real vampire, and okay, Kevin wouldn't deny, it was a little funny watching Pump look up in confusion and grab the little green stem on his costume because it was gone.
And then likewise, it was Kevin's turn as Streber gestured for Skid and Pump to take some candy, they had ran up eagerly and grabbed some and Kevin well, attempted to scare them like he had been doing but both kids instantly recognized him even through the makeup and spoke simultaneously "Hi Kevin!" ...Much to the Candy Man's dismay who just sighed in irritation and lowered his mace.
Skid and Pump did both compliment his costume though, saying that they thought it was so spooky and cool! And sure both Streber and Kevin were a little confused how the kids just seemed so fearless but hearing that they liked Kevin's costume and thought it was spooky and cool made Kevin smile and thank the kids which Streber was happy to see.
And then of course Skid and Pump then ran off into the Haunted House, Streber had chuckled at that "...Well at least they still thought you were spooky and cool" Kevin nodded, and then Streber spoke up, he told Kevin he had to go take care of something real quick since no other Trick-Or-Treaters were coming up and Kevin nodded, watching his boyfriend walk off into The Hauntiest of Houses now.
And now... Kevin was alone, he sighed and relaxed himself now, his neck was a bit sore from this movements and so was his arms, but either way, he was happy to do this for his boyfriend, and Streber seemed so thrilled, he seemed so genuinely happy by this and that made Kevin's heart flutter.
He loved to see his boyfriend happy, he loved to see Streber happy like that... Kevin began to just, think about his boyfriend, just having some nice, pleasant little thoughts ...Before suddenly...
Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom, Boom...
Were those... Footsteps...? Those were, loud and heavy footsteps that crashed against the ground as they walked and then creaked the wood of the porch, Kevin turned over and his eyes widened slightly as he saw a HUGE man dressed in a devil costume approaching, and Kevin got a chill down his spine, something about the man was off...
But likewise, Kevin got into his animatronic position again and just kept doing that, he watched as the devil fellow climbed the steps and onto the porch, he had a massive grin on his face, a grin that was far too wide to be considered normal by any means, there was a look in his eyes that just... Unsettled Kevin...
The man dressed in the Devil costume approached, towering over Kevin, just tilting his head a bit curiously before his eyes flickered down to the candy bowl, he reached down and like Kevin had been doing with all the kids and folks who came to the haunted house, he raised his candy mace and tried to scare the man.
The man however just leaned back up and his grin seemed to somehow get even wider when he realized Kevin wasn't an animatronic, the man had quickly popped some of the candy into his mouth before standing now at his full height, he had to be at least 6'8" and for a moment it was silent...
Bob looked Kevin, mostly down considering how tall he was, there was a look in his eyes that resembled hunger, he looked hungry, Kevin was getting more creeped out by the second and it didn't help when Bob spoke up, his accent had a Southern twang to it "...Did you know if you eat a human brain, you'll get a disease, similar to Mad Cow?" And then he drooled.
His drool dripping down his chin and onto the wood below, and Kevin's eyes were wide at this point, he was silent for a few seconds... "...Wh-What...?" His voice was meek, afraid and that just seemed to entice Bob even more and then Kevin could see him pulling out a butcher's knife and his breath hitched in his throat.
Kevin immediately tried to run but Bob had quickly grabbed him by the arm, his grip iron-like and his claws were digging into Kevin's skin who cried out, Kevin tried desperately to pull his arm from the man's grasp, and then he tried to scream out for help before suddenly, he was slammed, hard, onto the wooden porch below.
Kevin didn't even get a chance to react as Bob was now crouched on top of him, just holding his mouth with his hand to muffle any sort of screams, Kevin was absolutely terrified, he was trembling and his eyes were wide as he stared up at the devil who just laughed cruelly at him "...Now, if ya just hold still fer me... ...Ah hell, who am I kiddin', this is gonna hurt regardless!"
Kevin screamed in a muffled way, he struggled, squirmed and fought with everything he had, even trying to pick his candy mace back up, just something, ANYTHING as Bob gripped his arm tight again, and then Kevin could feel the devil beginning to pull at his arm, he pulled slowly at first, he pulled until Kevin could feel it stretching out in a painful way.
Kevin was still trying to scream for help but given all the sounds in The Hauntiest of Houses, there was no way anyone would hear him and if they did, they'd just think its a kid afraid... Kevin watched as the man wrenched his arm in a painful way, causing tears to prick at his eyes, Kevin couldn't even beg for his life because of the hand muffling his mouth.
And then suddenly, Kevin felt it, he felt the cold steel blade against his arm, and before he could even react, Kevin screamed even louder, even despite being muffled by Bob's hand, he could feel the butcher knife piercing into his flesh, cutting it, shredding it, he could feel the devil practically sawing into his flesh.
Kevin struggled wildly, trying desperately, anything, EVERYTHING to get his attacker off of him, tears were pooling down Kevin's face as he could feel blood splattering all over him, he could even see his own blood splattering onto Bob as well, the pain was excruciating as he felt the knife saw away at his arm, the pain was so intense that Kevin was even convulsing.
After the knife had sawed, Kevin then suddenly heard a sickening crack and he screamed again, practically nearly thrashing his vocal chords in the process, he just watched in horror as the monster ripped his arm clean off, just like that, Kevin was sobbing and crying from all the agony he had been in, and the blood was still gushing from his wounds.
Bob had been laughing nearly the entire time, a deranged sense of laughter, he had gotten some sadistic enjoyment from tearing this man's arm off, and to make matters worse, Kevin could see Bob placing the severed limb up to his mouth and taking a bite out of it, he could hear the sickening sounds and it made Kevin want to throw up when he saw the cannibal eating his severed arm.
Kevin was still convulsing due to the pain and then Bob of course let him go, letting him flop to the hard wooden floor of the porch, blood all over the place, and without another word, he heard the loud booming footsteps, the heavy footsteps beginning to walk away, walk into The Hauntiest of Houses, leaving Kevin to bleed out and die here...
Kevin had tears running down his face, he was sobbing and crying, trying desperately to reach his hand over but it was no use, it was just too painful to move and so Kevin laid there on his back, his vision getting blurry now from the blood loss, his last thoughts were of his boyfriend Streber before Kevin passed out...
Leaving it there lol, did he die? ...Imma leave that up to interpretation <3 as a treat for y'all I suppose
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Spooky Month (Short Films - Sr Pelo) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kevin/Streber (Spooky Month) Characters: Kevin (Spooky Month), Streber (Spooky Month), Original Female Character(s), Pump and Skid (Spooky Month) Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Streber has ptsd (spooky month), He’s trying to get better, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Minor Original Character(s), Streber gets therapy, (and a new therapist), It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, but it does get better, Candybats Angst, Streber angst (spooky month), Kevin angst (spooky month), Post-Canon Series: Part 3 of Short King Streber Summary:
Streber is trying to get better. He’s been pushing Kevin away and he needs to fix things. But it’s hard.
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I've been thinking of dialogue for the next Sweet's Clothing story and I really wanted to visualize it-
You can tell I can't draw hugs well-
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painmiau · 1 year
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my babygirls have been grumpified... I am free to answer whatever lore questions arise, I have been thinking about this au
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eunchancorner · 1 year
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Found a cool art
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ethans-stars · 11 months
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couldnt resist for some angst :3
(more roomate au)
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