#esprit store
obsessedbyneon · 2 months
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Esprit Store in Los Angeles, designed by Paul d'Urso, 1989.
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a moment of silence for all the cool songs I heard in public places but will never be able to find again
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bitd · 2 years
PERCEPTION [Sight] [Easy: Success] - As you skim the shelves, a familiar title catches your eye.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Fisticuffs Convention, by Charles Plucky. Often stigmatized as revolutionary literature, it tells the story of a young man whose anti-capitalist and masculine urges lead him to an amnesiac double life, hallucinating an idealized alter ego.
INLAND EMPIRE - A handsome, emotionally regulated, cigarette-smoking parallel of yourself appearing alongside an amnesic episode?
LOGIC [Easy: Fail] - Come to think of it, have you seen anyone else acknowledge Kim directly? I mean, you haven't been paying close attention, but maybe…
YOU - "Kim, I think you're a hallucination of my idealized self, emerged from my subconscious to guide me in my time of need."
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant, already impatient with your leisurely browsing, does not seem to agree with your theory. "Doubtful. Plucky's novel was driven by the protagonist's estrangement from his mundane and meaningless life. By contrast, you seem rather… emotionally invested."
YOU - "Hold on, emotionally invested in what?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Most things, from what I've seen."
INLAND EMPIRE [Challenging: Fail] - Don't give up on this yet, you know that there's SOMETHING about the novel that resonated with you.
LOGIC [Easy: Success] - If Kim isn't your alter ego projection, that leaves only one option.
LOGIC - You must be his.
VOLITION - Are you guys fucking serious?
- [Rhetoric: Godly 16] Convince Kim you're his alter ego.
- No, that can't be right, my identity is too complex to be anyone else's.
YOU - "Kim, I've figured it all out. Why I can't remember anything before you got here, why we make such a good duo."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Oh? It had nothing to do with your activities prior, after all?" He sounds sceptical, and he hasn't even heard your genius theory yet!
YOU - "That's the thing, there were no activities prior. I'm not real."
KIM KITSURAGI - He raises an eyebrow at you, imperceptibly.
PERCEPTION [Trivial: Success] - Bullshit. It's perceptible. I'm perceiving it. It's not all of us who are completely socially incompetent and can't read facial expressions - just you.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Detective," he starts, in a tone even the most socially competent would find unreadable, "Our acquaintances at the Whirling-In-Rags would likely disagree."
YOU - "Look at yourself, Kim. Calm. Reserved. Repressed. You wear glasses. Now look at me. Cool. Wild. Unrestrained. I wear sunglasses. I'm a superstar. Would you agree that I am, more or less, everything you're not?"
EMPATHY [Trivial: Success] - He realizes where this is going moments before you get there, defeat etched into his face.
YOU - "Maybe even everything you wish you could be?"
YOU - "Come on, Kim, it's obvious. It was you who trashed the Whirling-In-Rags, and you're projecting me while you clean up your mess!"
KIM KITSURAGI - Despite everything, he keeps his patience. "That is an... intriguing theory, detective, but there are multiple witnesses who can attest for our separate physical embodiments before and after my arrival. I also haven't lost any time, so it seems unlikely I would be experiencing some sort of latent dissociative disorder."
ESPRIT DU CORPS [Legendary: Success] But that might actually explain some things, now that it occurs to him. A previous inquiry on 'talking thoughts' flashes through his mind.
KIM KITSURAGI - He acquiesces, almost too easily, "I suppose there's no proving it either way. Perhaps tonight after we've finished our work for the day you could do some more research into the matter. I'm sure this store must have some psychological texts you could consult."
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youngkingstork · 1 year
SAVOIR FAIRE [Heroic: Failure] — You can't. There's too much. You walk, but there's too much, it's slowing you down. There's too many Milky Ways(TM). You're slipping...
CASHIER WOMAN — "Officer, you need to pay for those first."
SAVOIR FAIRE — And, like that, it's gone. Your chance. Best have your wallet ready.
DRAMA [Medium: Success] — Folly! Such cries do not even reach your ears. You are tired, sire, and unwilling to listen to her nonsense.
YOU — Pretend not to hear her.
CASHIER WOMAN — You make it a few steps out the door. The shoplifting alarm blares. You're probably not going to be allowed to shop here again.
AUTHORITY — An officer of the RCM, banned from a supermarket? Disgraceful -- on both your part and the store's. Honour point reduction for you both.
ESPRIT DE CORPS — And think of the PR...
HALF LIGHT [Challenging: Success] — Stores would stop serving police officers. Police officers would stop being able to buy essentials. Police officers would *starve.*
INLAND EMPIRE — And then, with no officers to police them, stores would begin selling ketamine... fentanyl...
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Meth. Heroin. Morphine.
LOGIC [Challenging: Success] — And where would they acquire these? The crime syndicates -- who would be growing much more powerful now that stores are free from the bounds of law and police officers have to scrounge on the street like dogs.
INTERFACING — You are setting in motion events that will unravel the tenuous police-besmertie balance in Revachol West. One breath is all it takes.
PERCEPTION — The alarm is still blaring in your ear. A warning of what is to come.
SHIVERS — How many will die?
YOU — (Walk back into the store.)
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Formidable: Success] — The right call. God knows what the outcome of your leaving would have been. The river splits a thousand different ways. Don't bring a canoe.
CASHIER WOMAN — The girl gives you a servile smile as you place your fifteen Milky Way(TM) bars on the conveyor belt.
She picks one up, and begins scanning it multiple times underneath the laser.
INTERFACING — This feels... wrong, somehow. She's not doing it right. They have to be scanned individually.
YOU — Why?
INTERFACING — You don't know, but it's making you *very* uncomfortable. Stop her before this gets out of hand.
YOU — "I need you to scan the bars individually, ma'am."
CASHIER WOMAN — Her smile fades by some as she stops her work. "Why?" she asks.
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] — It's the LAW.
INTERFACING [Medium: Success] — Something electrical. Chocolate isn't supposed to come that close to electricity.
YOU — [Drama: Formidable] Come up with something.
-1: No electricity
+1: Tried to shoplift
DRAMA [Formidable: Failure] — The nonsense rolls smoothly off of your tongue...
YOU — "To prevent any electrical infetterence."
CASHIER WOMAN — "Um..." The brunette has no clue what you're trying to say.
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] — Double down. Repeat it. Act like it's a real thing, and she's the wrong one.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] — The best liars lie to themselves.
YOU — "Electrical infetterence."
CASHIER WOMAN — This does not help her any. She takes a moment to process your every syllable. Something finally clicks.
"Do you mean 'interference,' officer?"
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] — NO! *Electrical infetterence!*
HALF LIGHT [Easy: Success] — What is so *goddamn* hard to understand about the words electrical infetterence?
YOU — [Authority: Challenging] "Electrical. Infetterence."
-1: What's so hard to understand?
AUTHORITY [Challenging: Success] — A switch flips in your brain. You are now acting in Official Capacity. All will kneel.
CASHIER WOMAN — The woman shrinks away and quietly begins to scan each individual Milky Way(TM). When she finishes, she tells you the price.
"Eleven ré-"
VOLITION — Something goes *wrong* inside Lindeen Area 9. It malfunctions, leaving the gate open for a bizarre desire. Inexplicably, your basal ganglia, colluding with your amygdala, has become convinced, utterly and truly convinced, that the best way forward is to...
YOU — But I don't want to do that...
VOLITION — I don't either. None of us *want* you to do that. This is an executive decision. Ask the shades about it when you go to sleep tonight.
YOU — (Yawn in the woman's face.)
CASHIER WOMAN — Her smile is totally gone by now. She waits for you to finish before to attempting to speak again...
VOLITION — Oh, god. It's happening again. This has been upgraded from something being *wrong* to something being *bad.* This is malicious. You need surgery.
YOU — (Yawn again.)
CASHIER WOMAN — She barely reacts. She's unimpressed.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] — She sees worse than this daily. You are a tame troublemaker.
CASHIER WOMAN — "Eleven r-"
INTERFACING — Uh-oh. I think we might be getting stuck again.
YOU — (Yawn.)
EMPATHY — A sudden guilt overcomes you as you watch the woman recoil slightly.
SHIVERS — It's not for her. It's for Revachol West. If this continues, you will be kicked out -- and it'll only get worse from there...
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Medium: Success] — A twitch at the corner of your mouth. It's not happy with this new regime. If you worked with it, you could mouth something like...
YOU — (Mouth "I don't want to do this.")
CASHIER WOMAN — "...What?"
VOLITION [Easy: Success] — You can do it. Just say it again -- but louder.
YOU — [Empathy: Impossible] "I don't want to do this."
-1: Tame troublemaker
-1: Vision of what is to come
+1: Infetterence
+1: *Doubled down* on infetterence
+2: Attempted shoplifting has not left her mind
EMPATHY [Impossible: Failure] — I'm so, so sorry.
YOU — (Yawn -- but cry a little.)
CASHIER WOMAN — You do not cry a little. You cry a *lot* as you yawn at this poor woman.
VOLITION — It dislodges something. The echo of emotions past are in those tears. Pain. Joy. An insufferable longing...
CASHIER WOMAN — "Officer? Are you okay?"
VOLITION — You find yourself able to speak freely as the tears wet your cheeks -- however free that can be.
YOU — "...how much do they cost!?"
CASHIER WOMAN — She can't bring herself to answer you -- as though to do so would push you from the brink and off the cliff.
YOU — "How much? Please!"
CASHIER WOMAN — "...Eleven réal, sir."
INTERFACING — You fish inside your wallet and pull out a crisp black ten réal bill. That's the good news.
YOU — What's the bad news?
INTERFACING — That's *all* you have in there.
SAVOIR FAIRE [Challenging: Success] — No, you got this. Slam it on the counter. 'Keep the change.' Then do finger guns.
YOU — [Savoir Faire: Formidable] Act like you've somehow done her a favour.
+1: Started crying
+1: Failed to shoplift
SAVOIR FAIRE [Formidable: Success] — It works flawlessly. The graceful *slam* on the linoleum. The effortless execution of the syllables -- no infetterence to be found here. The wink. The finger guns. The triumphant walk out of the store with your fifteen Milky Way(TM) bars.
It is safe to say that you have just *won* buying things at the store. You are going to get such a good grade.
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microcosme11 · 7 months
This is only part of a love letter Napoleon wrote
Je ne sais pas quel sort m’attend ; mais s’il m’éloigne plus longtemps de toi, il me [devient] insupportable ; mon courage ne va pas jusque-là. Il fut un temps où je m’enorgueillissais de mon courage, et quelquefois, en jetant les yeux sur le mal que pourraient me faire les hommes, sur le sort que pourrait me réserver le destin, je fixais les malheurs les plus inouïs sans froncer le sourcil, sans me sentir étonné. Mais aujourd’hui, l’idée que ma Joséphine pourrait être mal, l’idée qu’elle pourrait être malade, et surtout la cruelle, la funeste pensée qu’elle pourrait m’aimer moins, flétrit mon âme, arrête mon sang, me rend triste, abattu, ne me laisse pas même le courage de la fureur et du désespoir… Je me disais souvent jadis : les hommes ne peuvent rien à celui qui meurt sans regret ; mais aujourd’hui, mourir sans être aimé de toi, mourir sans cette certitude, c’est le tourment de l’enfer, c’est l’image vive et frappante de l’anéantissement absolu. Il me semble que je me sens étouffer. Mon unique compagne, toi que le sort a destinée pour faire avec moi le voyage pénible de la vie, le jour où je n’aurai plus ton cœur sera celui où la nature aride sera pour moi sans chaleur et sans végétation… Je m’arrête, ma douce amie ; mon âme est triste, mon corps est fatigué, mon esprit est étourdi. Les hommes m’ennuient. Je devrais bien les détester : ils m’éloignent de mon cœur.
Je suis à Port-Maurice, près Oneille ; demain, je suis à Albenga. Les deux armées se remuent ; nous cherchons à nous tromper. Au plus habile la victoire. Je suis assez content de Beaulieu ; s’il manœuvre bien, il est plus fort que son prédécesseur. Je le battrai, j’espère, de la belle manière. Sois sans inquiétude, aime-moi comme tes yeux ; mais ce n’est pas assez : comme toi ; plus que toi, que ta pensée, ton esprit, ta vie, ton tout. Douce amie, pardonne-moi, je délire ; la nature est faible pour qui sent vivement, pour celui que tu animes. [...]
Adieu, adieu, je me couche sans toi, je dormirai sans toi, je t’en prie, laisse-moi dormir. Voilà plusieurs jours où je te serre dans mes bras, songe heureux mais, mais, ce n’est pas toi…
I don’t know what fate awaits me; but if it keeps me away from you any longer, it [becomes] unbearable to me; my courage only goes so far. There was a time when I prided myself on my courage, and sometimes, casting my eyes on the harm that men could do to me, on the fate that destiny could have in store for me, I stared at the most incredible misfortunes without frowning, without feeling surprised. But today, the idea that my Joséphine could be unwell, the idea that she could be ill, and above all the cruel, fatal thought that she could love me less, withers my soul, stops my blood, makes me sad, dejected, does not even leave me with the courage of fury and despair… I often used to say to myself: men can do nothing to those who die without regret; but today, to die without being loved by you, to die without this certainty, is the torment of hell, it is the vivid and striking image of absolute annihilation. I seem to be suffocating. My only companion, you whom fate has destined to make with me the painful journey of life, the day when I will no longer have your heart will be the day when arid nature will be for me without heat and without vegetation… I stop, my sweet friend; my soul is sad, my body is tired, my mind is dizzy. Men bore me. I should hate them: they take me away from my heart.
I am in Port-Maurice, near Oneille; tomorrow I'm in Albenga. The two armies move; we seek to deceive each other. The most skilful wins. I am quite happy with Beaulieu; if he maneuvers well, he is stronger than his predecessor. I will beat him, I hope, in a good way. Don't worry, love me like your eyes; but that’s not enough: like you; more than you, than your thought, your spirit, your life, your everything. Sweet friend, forgive me, I am delirious; nature is weak for those who feel keenly, for those whom you animate. [...]
Goodbye, goodbye, I'm going to bed without you, I'll sleep without you, please let me sleep. It's been several days since I held you in my arms, happy dream but, but, it's not you…
link to the entire letter on napoleonica
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teenytinyjimin · 12 days
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je ne sais pas (j. hoseok)
dans mon esprit tout divague, (in my mind everything goes wild)
je me perds dans tes yeux (i lose myself in your eyes)
je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux (i drown myself in the wave of your loving gaze)
je ne veux que ton âme divaguant sur ma peau (i only want your soul going wild on my skin)
summary: in which two strangers spend an unforgettable day together without actually getting to verbally understand each other.
pairing: hoseok x reader
word count: 2.8k
tags: fluff, language barrier, idol!hoseok, quebecois!reader, strangers to lovers, im bad at this tagging stuff
warnings: none, just enjoy some sweet hoseok fluff <3
author’s note: im really excited about this one yall 😭 i love the idea of language barrier romance because just think about it... u love someone so much that talking to them doesn't matter as much as the memories u create with them.. god ok ill stop speaking please please enjoy!
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The province of Quebec is often quite peaceful for about 85% of the year, with the exceptions typically being one of two things. First, there's always the typical influx of tourists that happens during peak times of the year like summer, Christmas, things like that. However the second exception is typically related to whatever artist is in Montreal for the Canadian leg of their world tour. It wasn't uncommon for there to be a little bit of buzz around the famous singer in question, however no one seemed to go harder than kpop fans when their group or soloist of choice was coming for a show or two.
You weren't really a fan of kpop in the way that many of your friends were. Sure, you've listened to some songs before, but you never felt the desire to get invested in any of the artists or the lore that came with them. It would be nice to hear your friends babble on about a new song that was released or a new tour that was announced, however you were absolutely not expecting the absolute freakout that was to come when BTS announced that they'd be doing a show in Montreal.
"Can you believe it?" One friend asked you with excitement. Yes, you could. They were famous. Of course they were going to come to Canada for a world tour. It's not that you weren't excited for your friends, who called themselves 'Army', but you just weren't as invested so it didn't mean as much to you. It also didn't help that a lot of their discussions with fellow fans and the things they'd post relating to BTS on their social media profiles were in English.
The majority of Quebecois people were able to communicate in English as well as their native language of French, but for some reason your family lived under a rock and you didn't learn anything beyond basic greetings and conversations in English. You felt rather left out because it felt like you were behind your friends and everyone else around you, however as you grew older you tended to not let it bother you that much. Since French is a prominent language in Quebec, you weren't bothered about language barriers and knew you could get around and live life normally without worry.
Since your friends were much deeper down the Bangtan rabbit hole, they were able to secure floor tickets to their Montreal show and were extremely busy completely overthinking the event and what they wanted to wear. It was now the day before the show and they were last-minute panicking, roaming the stores of downtown Montreal to put together outfits that were both cute and appropriate for the vibe of the concert.
Given that they were rather busy with this, you decided that this would be a weekend to yourself where you could peacefully do whatever you wanted. The quaint cafe you work at full-time decided to close for the weekend given the occasion (apparently the owner was also an Army), so it was a perfect opportunity for you to go down to the local park and do some reading on a bench.
And that's exactly what you did. You found yourself parked on the lawn of Mount Royal Park, right next to the lake. You brought some light reading with you, a small romance novel that involved the typical coffee shop trope, prepared to do some reading but also some people watching in between. It was absolutely perfect, and you couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the weekend. As you peacefully read your cliche novel, cup of iced coffee from a local coffee shop in-hand, you thought the day couldn't get any better. Until it did.
"Hey, excuse me, can you help me?" You looked up from your book to see a boy standing a short distance away from you. He had the warmest smile on his face and his eyes were bright with cheer. You tilted your head slightly, not too sure what he was asking. After a minute of silence, his smile dropped slightly.
"Uh... E-English?" He asked. It was clear that he was struggling with his words as well, even though you didn't speak the language. You shook your head, a slight frown on your face. "Français?" You ask in response, to which he mirrors you and shakes his head in return. The boy looks down for a second, clearly stumped as to what to do at this point. Part of you thought that he was about to walk away, however his feet didn't move from where he was standing.
After a second, he looked back up, his sweet smile once again appearing on his face. With his phone in hand, he pointed at it, then pointed at himself, then pointed at you. Was he asking for your number? Raising an eyebrow, you started to shake your head, however you watched as his smile dropped again and he shook his head rapidly. "No! No!" He said frantically, before mimicking the act of taking a photo, making a little 'click click' noise. He wanted a photo!
Finally understanding what he was saying, you grin and nod, causing him to squeal in delight. He approached you briefly to hand you his phone before backing up toward the lake a little more. You start to turn his phone landscape before he shakes his head and lets out a little yelp, indicating that he wanted the photo to be in portrait mode. You giggle at his antics as he attempts to pose in the way he wants, admiring his efforts to not only have a good photo but also to communicate with you.
Once it seems like he's ready for you to take the photo, you begin clicking the photo button and watch as he begins to move a little bit to hit different styles of poses. And wow, this man was incredible at modeling. You watched in wonder as he effortlessly moved his body in all kinds of directions, going from casual to silly to cute and back to casual. He was absolutely gorgeous, there was no denying that. A ten in a world of fives.
After a couple minutes, he stops posing and giddily bounces back over to you. When he takes his phone back to look at all the photos, he makes a couple of 'woaaahhhh' noises, clearly impressed with your photography skills. You turn away as a blush creeps to your cheeks, flattered that he's happy with the photos. When you look back you watch him slightly bow to you in thanks before pointing to himself. "Hoseok," He says, making sure to enunciate each part of his name in the correct way so that you know how to say it.
You smile and nod, offering your name back to him, to which his smile grows into one of the most beautiful smiles you have ever seen. If it weren't for your impeccable self-control, you probably would have fainted the very first time he smiled at you, given how absolutely charming he was. However, this most recent smile made you a little weak on your feet. You were able to tough it out and stay strong, but God, he was just stunning.
You go to sit back down on your spot in the grass, but before you get the chance to you feel a gentle hand grasp your wrist. Face hot with shyness, you peer back over to him and notice his smile has dropped. You watch as he points toward the exit of the park and into the main city, and gives you a 'come on' motion, indicating that he wanted you to come with him. If this would have happened a few minutes ago when he first approached you, you might not have taken the offer. But now that you've gotten to somewhat know this breathtaking stranger, it was an offer you couldn't turn down. Grabbing your book and iced coffee from off the ground, you decide to follow him out of the park.
As you step back onto the streets of Montreal, walking with this random man, you watch as he turns to you and thinks for a second. You can tell he was trying to figure out how to communicate his next thought, so you remain silent and patient. After a second, he points at his eyes, and then gives this huge gesture with his arms, almost like he's expressing something blowing up. Letting out a soft giggle, you tilt your head slightly, resulting in a laugh coming from his own mouth. His laugh was so loud, sweet, and full of joy, and it was like pure honey dripping from his tongue. He retries his previous charades, now acting like he is looking at something with his hand above both of his eyes. He then goes 'woahh!!' and gives an amazed look, and you realize that he's asking to see some of the highlights of the city. With a soft nod, you take his hand, watching a soft blush creep to his cheeks as you pull him along the street and show him everything he needs to see in your beautiful city.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
After spending hours with Hoseok, showing him about everything in Montreal and taking a picture of him with it, you found yourselves once again back in the park where you first met. It was a rather chaotic day, pulling the boy around and watching his face light up at absolutely everything, but what seemed to be weirder was the fact that multiple times during your tour you guys received a few looks and even whispers. Every time that it happened, Hoseok would indicate to you that he wanted to move on and go to the next spot while also pulling up the light scarf that he had around his neck to cover his mouth and nose. You thought that it was rather bizarre but dismissed it as people being disrespectful since he was a rather loud and excited tourist.
Now, though, it was just you and him, sitting in the grass in front of the lake as you ate a late lunch/early dinner. He asked you to go with him to a local store where he went around and picked out a bunch of ready-made food as well as a bottle of champagne, paying for it all and implying that he wanted to eat it with you back at the park. Considering this stranger was doing more than anyone had ever done for you in the last twenty-something years of your life, you were beyond flattered and at this point you were hardcore swooning for him.
You half expected your meal to be quiet and consist of you guys looking at the lake, looking at each other, and silently eating your meal. But this was Hoseok, the man you had learned was anything but quiet. Even though he couldn't speak your language and you couldn't speak his, he was telling you all kinds of stories through the power of charades and sound effects. For most of the time, he had you in tears, laughing at his impeccable sense of humor and all-around silliness. But he also provided you with moments of peace so you could eat without choking, which was rather respectful of him, you thought.
After a while of fun storytelling, you two fell silent. You gazed over at the lake, watching as the sun made the water shimmer, and let out a sigh. When you looked back over to Hoseok, you caught him staring at you, causing a blush to creep to your cheeks. Raising an eyebrow, you nudged him as a way to ask 'what are you looking at?'. Shaking his head, he hesitantly stretched out his arm to wrap it around your waist. Just by looking at him you could tell he was internally freaking out, his eyes wide with nervousness. You smiled softly and inched your way closer to him, accepting his embrace as you rested your head on his shoulder.
There was something about this man that was so much different from anyone else that you had ever met. His charisma, his kindness, his energy – all of it was so attractive. It was the fact that he wasn't just a pretty face, he was a pretty human. You could tell he was raised right with a heart of gold and you felt beyond lucky to have ever met him in the first place. For him to have asked you of all the people in Montreal to take a picture of him made you feel extremely lucky, because had he not approached you, the two of you would have never met.
He pulled back a little bit to prompt you to remove your head and look at him. You watched as he pointed at himself, then cleared his throat before singing a little bit of a song. His singing voice was as sweet as can be, and you were about to just sit there and admire him, until you realized that the song he was singing was familiar. You didn't quite know what the name of the song was, and he wasn't singing it in quite the right tone, but you knew it was by BTS. The kpop group that was currently in Montreal and about to perform the following day.
Your mouth gaped open as you realized what was happening. You didn't even realize that you had been spending the entire day with a member of BTS. The people looking and whispering throughout were probably people who recognized him, not people who were judging him. And he was hiding his face because he didn't want to be recognized. He just wanted to spend the day with a beautiful girl and feel like a normal human being. You didn't blame him for not telling you sooner, though. It's not like you're a diehard fan of his group, but you probably wouldn't have looked at him the same way had he told you immediately.
After processing what was happening, you closed your mouth and smiled, giving him a vigorous nod. Once he gave you a smile in return, you went back to resting your head on his shoulder and grabbing your glass of champagne to hold. You wanted to show him that it was cool, everything was fine, and things weren't going to change. You liked him as Hoseok, the boy he introduced himself as when he eagerly asked you for a picture earlier. Not the kpop idol that stands in front of thousands on a stage and performs for them.
As time continued to pass and the sun got to a point where the day started to become sunset, you two sat in blissful silence while enjoying one another's presence. After a while Hoseok once again nudged you, causing you to look up at him. You watched as he once again admired your face, a blush creeping to your cheeks as you became shy from the eye contact. Just as you were about to look away he reached his hand over to brush a strand of hair behind your ear, and then rested that hand against your cheek.
At this point there was no need for charades because all you needed to do was look into his eyes and he told you absolutely everything you needed to know. He dipped his head down slightly as you both pulled each other in for a kiss, his sweet lips meeting yours in absolute harmony. Your stomach did about five thousand backflips as adrenaline coursed through your veins and your brain went fuzzy. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, this was a moment that you were waiting for practically all day. Little did you know, however, this was a moment that he had been anticipating even before he spoke to you for the first time. It all started when he saw you from a distance and his heart almost beat out of his chest because he was so enamored by your beauty.
As you both pulled away from the kiss, you watched as his mouth curled into the sweetest heart smile and he leaned in once again to peck the tip of your nose. You knew that today was going to be absolutely perfect, but your new romance made it about ten times better than perfect if that was even possible.
It's safe to say that the next day you were at barricade at the biggest concert of the year in Montreal, courtesy of BTS' resident rapper and dancer, J-Hope. Or, as you knew him, your smiley Hoseok.
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operation-priority · 3 months
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Tankiste Operating Outside the Tank
This is an impression of a French tank crewman operating outside their tank. One may see this uniform on tank commanders marching in front of their tank with cane in hand during road marches and on other crew members behind the lines. The marching cane was particularly useful within the Artillerie Spéciale as tank commanders used it to judge the softness of the terrain the tank is moving over. Often one can tell which tankiste was the commander of the crew as they may be walking beside the tank nonchalantly with their marching cane.
Being outside the tank, the tankiste may be seen wearing their 2-liter Bidon Modèle 1877 modifié 1915 (canteen) and Étui-Musette Modèle 1892. Despite being one of the larger examples of a liquid container during the Great War, these canteens would most likely have wine or coffee inside them instead of water as the French struggled with providing clean drinking water to the troops for nearly the entirety of the war. The tankiste per regulation were issued two canteens, though usually only one was worn as pictured with the other stored elsewhere. The secondary canteen may also be in the form of the earlier 1-liter Bidon Modèle 1877. Both canteens would usually have different liquids in them.
The first cloth headgear issued to the tankiste was the standard infantry horizon blue wool Bonnet de Police Modèle 1918 service cap with its Napoleonic style of two tall peaks on each end. When performing vehicle maintenance, this service cap would sometimes fall off the head and get stuck in the small confines of the tank, becoming visibly dirty. Because of this, tankiste would purchase black civilian Basque style berets to replace their service cap, becoming commonplace by 1917. The berets seen being worn by the tankiste were all civilian berets purchased by the tankiste themselves and were not regulatory, varying in size and style. The black beret was well liked among the crews as it fit snugly on the head and would not fall off while inside the tank. Just to be safe many of the tankiste would wear the beret in an interesting fashion - centered and pushed snug down over the head to ensure it would not fall off. Wearing the beret like this appears to be some sort of inside fashion joke among Veteran tank crews, as this method of wearing the beret would continue after the war despite proper beret wearing regulations in place by then. Like the black leather coat, the black beret was chosen as it masked any vehicle oil stains the beret may collect when in use.
The beret would soon be adorned with various metallic or embroidered insignias such as rank stripes, badges, playing card symbols, and other miscellaneous AS pins. In the case of the tankiste here, he wears an NCO version of the original insignia of the Artillerie Spéciale, depicting a mythical fire breathing salamander. The NCO versions were in silver while the Officer versions were in gold. While not technically within regulation, the wearing of such insignias and unit markings was ignored by the AS administration as it promoted esprit de corps. The black leather coat was not immune to this adorning of insignia, and we can see here that a private purchase Renault FT pin has been placed on the left breast of the coat. Like the AS specialist insignia tab on the tunic, this pin is intended to show others that the wearer was a tank crewman when wearing the coat. This was less common to see but many of the enthusiastic and eager fighters within the AS would sport pins like these. Unlike the French infantry which were characterized as the rugged and reluctant warfighter Poilu, the tankiste remained in a high morale and eager to fight state throughout their service during the war - a side effect of incorporating many officers who previously served within other 'proudly elite' units like the cavalry.
Additionally we see a closer view of the regimental collar tabs and left arm service and insignia tabs. The buttons on the Vareuse Modèle 1915 were of course standard artillery buttons with a flaming bomb over two crossed cannons.
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e642 · 18 days
Journée plutôt morose. J'ai pas dormi de la nuit, entre terreurs nocturnes, insomnies, réveil tôt, travaux. J'ai ouvert les stores et il pleuvait. Je n'ai jamais aimé la pluie, même dans un foyer où il fait chaud, avec son amoureux, sous la couette, ça m'a toujours inspiré du chagrin. Loin de l'apaisement que certain.e.s peuvent ressentir. Voir en continu des crashs de gouttes sur le sol, ça m'a toujours fait quelque chose. Ça ne me réconforte pas la pluie, ça me conforte dans une sorte de léthargie. Je fume ma énième clope à la fenêtre. Je ne me sens pas mal, seulement vide, et je crois que c'est pire pour moi. Je fais les cents pas. Je ne sais pas par où commencer ma journée étant donné que je me languis qu'elle se finisse. L'impression de perdre mon temps est à son apogée. Remarque, il y a très peu de moments où je n'ai pas cette sensation désagréable que tout m'échappe et que je pourrais combler les minutes si je le voulais vraiment. Je constate toujours que mon appartement est en bordel très rapidement mais mon énergie ne se recharge pas aussi vite. Alors je slalome entre les objets en désordre, les trucs qui traînent, certains n'ont pas bougé depuis mon emménagement, je vois la poussière s'accumuler, ça me fait me dire que ça fait déjà longtemps que je suis entre ces 4 murs. Tout est une question de constant dans ma vie. Je me sens loin de tout et tout le monde. J'ai pas spécialement envie de parler à des gens, ni les voir, partager ou raconter quoi que ce soit. J'ai des inquiétudes presque triviales du fait que tout le monde les a et que de toute manière je suis soumise au paramètre temps. Dur de m'en détacher, douloureux de continuer à ne pas le faire. J'apporte rien et on ne m'apporte rien. Mon esprit est boulimique de l'insolvable, du compliqué et pourtant si restrictif quand il s'agit du léger, du récréatif. Toujours à réfléchir aux moindres choses qui finalement n'ont rien de complexe et qui ne demandent même pas de réflexion de prime abord. L'art de rendre tout plus indigeste. Pourtant c'est pas un concours, ni me faciliter la vie. Il y a si peu de jours qui semblent déterminants comparés à ceux qui semblent si inféconds.
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obsessedbyneon · 2 months
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Esprit Showroom, Düsseldorf, West-Germany, by Aldo Sibic (Sottsass associates), 1984 - 1986 - 1989.
Can you locate all photographs in the scheme? :)
Scan / my post
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discount-elysium · 5 months
Fic: House Fire
Pairing: Harry/Kim
Fic tags: Dom/sub AU, Dom!Kim
YOU - What starts it is, of all things, a discussion of Communism.
There have been precious few things you’ve been certain of, since you woke largely-nude and stinging like an exposed nerve in room 1 of the Whirling-in-Rags.  Money, books, the country you live in, your own name– if any of these things used to be stored inside that alcohol-fumigated skull of yours, they certainly aren't any longer.  You’ve spent the past two days pawing uselessly at concepts a child should understand–and sometimes, you think with the image of Annette in your mind, you’ve even had children do the explaining.  You are certainly not a man overburdened with shame, but even you have your limits; there’s a creeping tension along your spine, and it snarls tighter every time you stumble across yet another thing you ought to know.
And yet, there are, even in the vacuous depths of your mind, some things that came through intact.  Some shining bastions that seem to indicate that yes, a fully functioning adult did once occupy this very body, before he moved out indefinitely and left you with his pieces.  Most notably–
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Trivial: Success] - Communism.
YOU -  You may not know your own name, but by god do you remember the plight of the common worker.  You were maybe a little more enthused about this knowledge before it became clear that your now-reunited snakeskin shoes are in fact some of the very boots pressing down on the back of the oppressed masses, but you figure that if anybody’s equipped to bring the RCM around from the inside, it’s probably you! 
ESPRIT DE CORPS  [Easy: Failure] - Oh, definitely.  You’re gonna be a mover and shaker for the Masovian agenda inside the establishment.  The RCM is fertile ground, and baby, there’s a new farmer in town.
LOGIC [Easy: Success] - You do not have even the slightest idea of how farming works.
VOLITION [Medium: Success] - You had a point, somewhere in here?
YOU - So maybe–not to delve too deep into the mess of your psyche here–maybe you lean a little bit hard into spreading the good word of Communism, those first few days.  Like, maybe you mention the Masovian meat grinder to a few people who, in retrospect, were perhaps not interested in advancing the cause of the common man, and certainly were not interested in particularly graphic imagery about bourgeoisie man-sausage.  
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Trivial: Success] - Heh.  Man-sausage.
YOU - If you did, though, it’s certainly because of your Deep and Abiding Devotion to the Communist cause.  Yeah.  Definitely that.  Definitely not because you were clinging desperately to the single intact thought you still had kicking around in the now-echoing–and aching–cavern that used to hold your mind.  No displaced anxiety acting up here, no sir!
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - Oh, you’re anxious alright.  Have you noticed how your hands shake, when you’re not consciously stliling them?
PAIN THRESHOLD [Formidable: Failure] - That admittedly might be the DTs.  It’s not great in here.  It’s…really not great in here.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Trivial: Success] - You know what would fix that right up?  I’ll give you a hint.  It comes in a bottle and costs 3 reál at Frittte!
VOLITION [Formidable: Success] - Enough.
YOU - It’s during one of these little Communist tangents that It happens.  The Pivotal moment.  The thing that shakes loose another little broken concept from your mind that had previously been collecting dust.  Because as you ramble on about the benefits of Communism to a dock worker who’s looking increasingly less focused on the words you’re saying, Kim says–
KIM KITSURAGI -  “Officer.”
YOU -  Just that.  One little word.  Officer.  
EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] - He says it with a tone of disappointment.  Almost despite himself, Kim Kitsuragi is beginning to see that even your more eccentric methods sometimes yield unexpectedly useful results.  Still, he knows that this is not going to be one of those moments.  He wants you to stay on task.  It’s been a long couple of days already, and Kim would like to move things along.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Challenging: Success] - Lieutenant Kitsuragi thinks, briefly, of deploying The Eyebrow.  He responded well to it, once.
INLAND EMPIRE [Legendary: Success] - That’s not the only thing Kim is thinking of deploying.
INLAND EMPIRE - Suddenly, you’re looking at your own face.  It’s a surprisingly faithful depiction: the large eyebrows, the puffy skin on the cheeks, the booze-soaked redness of the nose, the distant look in the green eyes.  The one place it differs from the reality of you is that this you has his mouth stretched open wide over something rubbery and black–
LOGIC [Easy: Success] - A ballgag.
INLAND EMPIRE - There’s moisture beading at the corners of your lips: drool, gathering behind the gag, not yet spilling down the stubbled-skin of your chin.  It ought to look pathetic; it does, in a way.  Seeing your jaw straining against the restraint, your throat working futilely to try to swallow your own saliva before it can spill past your stretched lips.  It is pathetic.  And yet, as a driving-glove clad hand moves to your jaw and uses its grip to tilt your face upwards–as a soft, familiarly lilting voice says, “That’s better,” and one finger taps against the gag silencing you–the look on your face doesn’t strike you as pathetic at all.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - It’s grateful.
YOU - And then the moment dissolves, and instead of looking at your own face, you’re looking at Kim Kitsuragi, lieutenant of the 57th, who has just thought about putting you in a ballgag to shut you up.
COMPOSURE [Godly: Failure] - And your face is very, very red.  More red than usual.  New shades of red have been invented just for your face, just for this moment.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - What an honor.  
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - Yeah, that’s not the only thing flushing with blood, if you catch my meaning.  
VOLITION [Impossible: Failure] - Okay, fuck, pull yourself together.  We can do this.  We were talking about something.  Uh.  Money?  No, that doesn’t sound right.  Shit.  I’m all turned around in here.  Does anybody else know what we were talking about?  Anybody?
DOMINANCE [Challenging: Failure] - We were going to show that binoclard weakling what real Dominance looks like.  Who the fuck does he think he is, imagining you like that?  How dare he imagine himself degrading you like that?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - Mm, yeah, you’re sooooo right.  Let’s talk about him degrading us.  Please. 
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - No.  Say the right thing.  You know what it is.
YOU - “Yes, Lieutenant?”
KIM KITSURAGI - Kim is, by long practice, a still sort of person.  Where you fidget, pace, open containers, lick things that oughtn’t be licked, and generally exist as a hurricane of a human, Kim is a damming wall, an immovable object.  The tides of life break against Kim Kitsuragi, and he holds himself resolute against their breaking.  He’s a tightly controlled man, always.
PERCEPTION (Sight) [Formidable: Success] - But for just an instant, Lieutenant Kitsuragi becomes even more still, as if he’s carefully holding something back.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - Interesting, he thinks.
HALF-LIGHT [Trivial: Success] - HE WASN’T SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT.  Fuck, we fucked it up.  He’s going to know.  He's going to know and then it's all going to be over. 
LOGIC [Medium: Failure] - Fucked up what?  What’s he going to know?  
There’s a hell of a lot of holes in your memory, but this one’s a doozy: there’s something you ought to know about yourself, and you’ve misplaced it.  Ooooh boy.  I’ve got to tell you, seems like it’s a big one.  There’s a lot of fear and adrenaline sparking off in here all of a sudden.  Seems like you’ve got a secret you don’t want other people knowing, funky baby.  Good luck protecting your secrets when you don’t know what they are!  Lieutenant Kitsuragi is looking at you now, and this is no time to be making quips about his eyesight.  He’s seeing you, baby.  Clock is ticking.
Research time:  Longer than it's going to take Lieutenant Kitsuragi, that's for damn sure.  (This may take a while)
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ENCYCLOPEDIA - [Medium] Find the source of the Expression.
RHETORIC - [Legendary] Convince Gaston to give us his sandwich, [Impossible] Open cargo container door.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - [Impossible] What's up with the backyard wall?
VOLITION - [Challenging] Ring the doorbell again, [Medium] Ask Joyce about the pale.
SUGGESTION - [Medium] Why is Annette familiar?
PAIN THRESHOLD - [Medium] Find a Man from Hjelmdall book.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - [Challenging] Is Roy high? [Impossible] Stop making the Expression.
COMPOSURE - [Legendary] What makes Rene stand so proud?
REACTION SPEED - [Medium] Find a Dick Mullen book.
INTERFACING - [Challenging] Fix the broken faucet in our hotel room, [Medium] Find a figurine in Roy’s store.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - [Legendary] What kind of gun fired the bullet?
Temporary bonus: -1 Shivers: No shakes
It is generally understood that human beings are carbon-based organisms, fusing little carbon tubes together to form complex, mushy structures capable of thought, love, and locomotion. It is also known that these structures sometimes like to “take the edge off” by consuming ethanol, amphetamine, etc. In such cases, it is important to supplement your body with magnesium. Tired? Mag it! Down? Mag time! Liver damage? MAXIMUM MAG! Some people say magnesium doesn’t really do anything and you just need to quit. What do we tell them?
Temporary bonus: -1 Esprit de Corps: Confusing behavior
By now it’s clear you like to look inside containers. You like to open doors and see what’s behind them. Maybe secrets? Maybe... more juicy containers? Let’s be honest, you like *all* containers. Trash cans, utensil trays, manholes, coat pockets, secret containers left behind by the Filippian kings that hold forbidden relics. Okay, you haven’t come across one of those yet, but *one day*... Wait. Is that why you’re so hellbent on opening containers? Do you think you’ll find the Holy Scepter and the Orbe de Montagne?
Temporary bonus: -2 Conceptualization: An idiotic idea
Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau -- when you say it, it feels like you're taking a bite of lemon meringue while sitting on the terrace of a seaside cafe. On a cool summer day. In Sur-La-Clef. It's everything you're *not*. You haven't created many things during your stay in Martinaise, but you've created this. A fancy, sophisticated name that makes you sound intelligent. And that no one seems to *acknowledge*. Don't you feel like you deserve a reward for coming up with something so special? And what would that reward *be*?
Temporary bonus: -1 Rhetoric: Weird jaw
Hey, so a little observation. It's all cool, man. Don't freak out, but every time you say “I am the law“ -- and you say it *a lot*, it's basically *hello* for you -- your jaw does this *weird thing*. It sort of shifts sideways, hanging off your face at a jaunty angle, while the word *law* sounds oddly guttural and low. It's... strange. You wouldn't notice it, but after saying you're the law eighty thousand times, the question *does* come up: why *do* you have Law Jaw?
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193819ffgjh · 2 months
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Takashi Homma, “Trails”.
From the beginning of his career, Takashi Homma has focused on the relationship between man and nature, documenting both the happiest and most glorious outcomes, and the most deleterious ones. Specially designed for the spaces of the Esprit Nouveau Pavilion, originally designed by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, this exhibition combines two works by the Japanese photographer over a long period of time between 2000 and 2018. The M series collects and compares the facades of a series of McDonald's stores in different parts of the world, dwelling on both their differences and the countless similarities that refer to the standardization of the food itself. The Trails project instead shows the traces of blood left by some deer hunters in the mountains of Hokkaido, whose cruel elegance is reminiscent of traditional calligraphy. The speed of consumption opposes the slowness of the research, keeping the sacrifice of the animal at the center.
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dashboard-elysium · 1 year
The Case of the Missing Swordsman / Post 3 / Previously: 1, 2
PERCEPTION – No one’s cleaned the coffee corner in a while. There are grounds scattered everywhere. A couple balled up napkins, stained brown from soaking up spills. Steam rises from the pot. It’s full. Freshly made.
SAVOIR FAIRE – You recognize the smell of the Frittte store brand. Cheapest coffee money’ll buy.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – It’s not good coffee, but it’s coffee. Pour yourself a cup. Cream and sugar will cover up the taste.
INTERFACING – You open the cabinet and reach in, operating on muscle memory. Your mug resides on the top shelf, far right. Your arm knows this as well as your fingers know your ex’s phone number.
ESPRIT DE CORPS – As well as your feet know the walk between your apartment and the precinct.
YOU – Your hand closes on air.
INTERFACING – Don’t freak out. Look at all these other mugs in the cabinet. Use one of them.
YOU – Don’t these mugs belong to other people?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Yeah. But you need that coffee. You didn't have any speed this morning. It's an emergency. They have to understand.
YOU – You search through the cabinet for a different mug.
You find:
a mug with the logo of the Stormers, Revachol’s ultra-popular rugby team
a plain blue mug
a black mug with the RCM logo
a chipped white mug from a nearby 24-hour diner. (Could it be stolen? Maybe you should look into that.)
a black mug with gold letters so ornate they’re almost unintelligible. After a moment, you make out the words Universiteit van Vredefort.
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Esprit’s Graphic Work 1984-1986 
Julie Silber
Photography by Roberto Carra and Oliviero Toscani, Book design by Tamotsu Yagi
Esprit, San Francisco 1987, unpaged, approx 250p , 25×37 cm, ISBN  9780961443726
euro 280,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Incredibly rare and iconic, award-winning book published by Esprit De Corp in 1987, designed by Japanese designer and ESPRIT art director Tamotsu Yagi and Roberto Carra (Fiorucci), with photographer Oliviero Toscani (Benetton, Fiorucci, Colors). Housed in it's original printed plastic sleeve, this first and only die-cut cover edition showcases all aspects of the design work of the pioneering Californian fashion company, ESPRIT, from the years 1984-1986. Through it's wonderful, quintessentially Californian 1980's post-modern design, this book profiles ESPRIT's product packaging, clothing and home-ware design, pop accessories, catalogue campaigns, advertisements, various identity and event collateral (party announcements , posters, flyers, business cards), apparel print graphics, and retail interior design by Ettore Sottsass and Sottsass Associates one-of-a-kind, visually dazzling book and a wonderful, rare piece of commercial design history that led ESPRIT and Tamotsu Yagi to win the AIGA design leadership award in 1986. In 1968, American environmentalist, adventure film-maker, conservationist and founder of The North Face outdoor clothing company, Douglas Tompkins, his wife Susie, and her friend Jane Tise began selling girl's dresses out of the back of a VW bus. In 1971, they incorporated the booming business under the name "Plain Jane" which later became ESPRIT, one of the hottest and most successful clothing companies of the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's.From the early days running out of the Tompkins' apartment in San Francisco, Douglas Tompkins titled himself "image director", overseeing all aspects of the company's image, from store design to catalog layout, while his wife served as design director. In 1984 the role of art director was taken up by Japanese designer Tamotsu Yagi. All facets of design were of primary importance to ESPRIT. From the iconic logo design by John Casado (who aslo designed the first Apple Macintosh Computer logo and album covers for the Doobie Brothers) to the ESPRIT store and office interiors by Ettore Sottsass (of Memphis Design Group and Sottsass Associates) to the fashion campaign photography of Oliviero Toscani (also well-known for his controversial campaigns for Benetton, work with Fiorucci, and co-founder of Colors magazine), ESPRIT was a total design vision of the 1980's .
orders to:     [email protected]
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telekinetictrait · 8 months
build/buy items i'd like to see from the sims 3 store in my sims 4 game - part one
i went down the rabbit hole of sims 3 store sets last night and i kind of fell in love with some stuff. just so i can keep track, under the cut i'm gonna list some of my build/buy faves and put my cas faves in another post. if any of you have links to conversions of any of these i'd highly appreciate you sending them to me!!
atomic age pets - space-age sleepy pet vessel and futuristic food bowl
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happy halloween: gory goodies - decoffinated table
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halloween treats - skullbatter's chandelier and dark midnight end table
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more halloween treats – dark midnight buffet table
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harvest bounty - thanksgiving pumpkin
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farm fresh folk (build/buy) – kerosine flower lamp, fantastic fringe loveseat, they don't build 'em like they used to desk, and country candelabra
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country livin' (build/buy) – grandma's pantry, hand stenciled chair + dining chair, painted milk jug, and family treasures wall shelf
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live, laugh, love (build/buy) - blooming garden, ancient warriors, ancient mosaic rug, and wedding reception table
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mid-century fantasy - lloyd wright bookshelf
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jazz age living room - on the level bookshelf, ab-so-lute-ly stunning door, croon to me softly mic stand, thats my dame table sculpture, and he's a live wire radio
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hewnsman dining room - classic window
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bayside bathroom set - vorn bathtub and lightbulb sconce
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storybook set – poetic justice wall sconce, towel drying stand, romantique overstuffed armchair, romantique telephone table, storybook door, neoclassical amphora, fantasie bay window, fleur de glee stencil pane, and magique window
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le cirque esprit – tunnel of love living room chair, dramatic entrance double doors, mystic's table shade, bearded lady's lounge, oddities etc. wall display, and fabulous flourish wall art
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gothic glamour – aichmophobia despair sofa, botanophobic's nemesis sculpture, aichmophobia despair loveseat, and cathisophobia misery loveseat
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just the entire goddamn edwardian expression kitchen set
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indulgent living – beautiful boudoir bed, delightful end table, perfect privacy screen, corset wall lamp, and bodice floor lamp
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animals abound – branching bird wall lamp, the happy elephant, annas living chair, forest curtains, and sherman shark
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gothique sleeping and living rooms
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regal living – victorian kerosene wall lamp, divided partition, advantageous washstand, victorian kerosene lamp, retronator stove, alistair armchair, penelope bed, and johan door
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