#especially dove
unpopularbunny · 3 months
Man it’s 2024 and I’m tired of hoarding all my homestuck fanfiction in notebooks so im going to write and upload it all here whatever
Pairing: fem Dave and fem tavros
Warnings: self indulgent lesbian shit, Dave is a fiend, dry humping like a DOG
minors: please…go away
Notes: for Riley ❤️ 🌟
Kisses from a pretty girl 💋
Dave met tavros through a friend of a friend of a friend that June knows, Dave was in a rut and June insisted a blind date would help. June showed her a picture that she didn’t even look at (Candy crush was more interesting and its not like June could see that she wasn’t looking from behind her shades.), a simple nod was all she needed to hook them up for a date. Dave met tavros in a park and the blonde really just wanted to get it over with. That was until Dave saw her walk up, sure she was a little more filled out than Dave thought, but what made dave clench her jaw was simply how pretty tavros was.
Sure tavros was a little taller, a few inches at most, but Dave never cared about height. She had a round soft face dotted with freckles, the cutest little septum piercing, a smile that could power New York-fucking-city, and a body shape so gracious that had Dave with the palms of a teenage boy and thoughts that had her no better than the common man. Tavros’ voice was just as cute as she, low and reserved but spiking when talking about any of her interests.
Dave was in trouble.
There was a moment where tavros paused from talking, only to pull out a small red squeeze tube of cherry lip gloss and spread some of the sticky gloss on her lips. Another instance of Dave being thankful for her shades, lest she scare tavros off with how lecherously she leered at her.
The first date was awkward at best, tavros did most of the talking as Dave was far too starstruck to add much to the conversation. The second date was fun, tavros invited Dave to sit in on a DND session with her friends in the back of a card shop. The third date was exhilarating, Dave invited tavros to the club she DJ’ed at and after a few glasses of bitter liquid courage, tavros kissed Dave. Every date after that ended with a peck on the lips at the threshold of tavros’ apartment door, Dave always lingered there, her brain itching to invite herself into her home. They’d lost count of the date number when tavros invited Dave to come over that threshold and inside.
So that led to now, Dave sat crisscross on tavros’ old beat up couch, one hand holding her phone and her eyes looking up over her shades at tavros. It was rather perverse and shameless the way she watched her girlfriends behind sway as she kneeled and dug around to open cabinet to her entertainment stand. Dave considered for a moment that had she been born a man, tavros would not have made it this far being so bottom heavy. Just five minutes in tavs bed and Dave would have her whining proper, she figured a girl like tavros absolutely had to be a pushover in bed. Easy to push into position and play with-
“So, what do you want to watch?” She turned her head and Dave looked back down at her phone.
“Whatever you want babygirl” She shrugged, Tavros nods and pops a DVD in before returning to the couch and plopping down next to Dave, who in turned leaned against her as the dvd menu came up on the screen.
”Is this okay?”
“Yeah, I’ve never really seen yugioh, I’ve seen nerds cream their fedoras over the cards though.”
“This is just the first season, I didn’t want to scare you, by putting on Peter Pan the first time you’re at my place haha”
“You couldn’t pay me to leave tavros, the police wouldn’t be able to pry me off this 70’s antique couch-“
“You’re so cute Dave.” It was simple, astute, and it stopped Dave’s words there. She sputtered for a moment then fell silent after faltering.
“-Yeah-And, okay” For once Dave has nothing to say and she sits in silence next to tavros. She instead tried to actually focus on watching yugioh and cool the thoughts of being pressed against the girl next to her. They hadn’t even had a conversation about sex or who would be doing what, they were just. Riding the waves on it.
So Dave would ride tavros’ current until a ship picked her up.
It wouldn’t be until five episodes later that Dave realized she hadn’t learned a damn thing except the main characters name. She had become more or less hyperfocused on how tavros was sitting. Thighs touching hers and sometime during the second episode Dave managed to worm her arm around tavros with succession. Every few minutes tavros would prattle off some kind of quick fun fact about a characters backstory or how the duels broke every single professional rule of the actual card game. Dave would return this with a nod of acknowledgement or even throw out a little ‘damn that’s crazy’ for a little pizzaz, a small effort to maintain an image of calm.
When in actuality Dave was tapping her foot with a sense of urgency and her jaw was clenching off and on.
She was hyper aware of how close tavros was and during the fourth episode tavros placed her hand on Dave’s thigh, not moving it since, much to Dave’s dismay. She had leaned in to maximize on their cuddles and in the process just simply placed her hand. It caused something to bloom and flutter in Dave’s stomach, something that left her mouth dry. Dave hadn’t felt this tense since the last time sis showed up at her apartment in the middle night for a strife to keep her in peak form. She was just about to call tavros when that bitch showed up, cal in one hand and a sword in the other.
Its during the eighth episode when tavros makes the bolder move once again, in the form of a quietly whispered question. Dave doesn’t hear her at first so she turns to tavros, asking her to very kindly repeat it.
“Oh, um, I was just asking if it would be cool if I kissed you was all.” She sounded nervous and god did dave not hesitate.
“God yes, I’ve been waiting all day, actually scratch that babygirl, I’ve been waiting since I first laid eyes on that homegrown farm raised outrageous body shape you got hiding under those Pokémon hoodies-“ She’s silenced with a kiss. One longer than the chaste pecks she gives tavros at the end of their dates.
The kiss is longer and longer, then Dave realizes that they are making out. Her lips pressed against tavros’ and leaned into each other. They part when Dave tilts her head to try and slip some sweet tongue action and tavros’ nose bumps her shades. When they pull apart, tavros notices that the tips of Dave’s ears are turning red along with her cheeks. Dave is fidgeting, unsure of where she can place her hands and how to even coordinate herself.
Tavros is slow and deliberate as she reaches up, removing Dave’s shades and leaning in so close their noses brush, “There, they won’t get in the way now” She whispers it like a secret. Like a dirty secret.
They kiss again, this time a little more desperate and tavros takes initiative to press her tongue rather forcefully into Dave’s mouth. Dave is far too willing to open her mouth and moan low in her throat and try to press closer. The way her tongue brushes tavros should be a sin, an act so offensive to god that they’re smited where they currently sit locking lips. It’s tavros who pulls away this time, tongue running along her upper lip and giving Dave a smile that has her clenching her toes in her socks.
“Fuck,” Daves voice cracks just a little, “You’re so goddamn hot if you asked me jump I wouldn’t even ask how high, I’d just jump out the fucking window.”
“So do you, want to continue then?” Tavros hand is sliding up Dave’s thigh and she begins to feel froggy. Ready to leap.
“Only if you want to, last thing I’d ever want to do is push you. You know? You’re just so fucking pretty and your lips feel so good and-“ a finger is pressed to her lips to silence her.
”I want to touch you” Her other hand brushes Dave’s belt buckle on the front of her jeans and bumps raise on Dave’s skin, “Can you take these off?” Her voice is low and heavy.
“Yea baby, of course.” She complies without another word and slides off the couch, undoing her pants and dropping them. Before she could get a quick joke out about her wearing boxers (something something boxers vs briefs argument), tavros takes her hand and gently pulls her into her lap, seating dave on one of her thighs. Dave can feel the warmth of tavros’ hands on her waist through her shirt and suddenly she wants to be naked, she needs to be naked and tavros needs to be naked and-
“Stop thinking so fast, silly,” Tavros taunts lightly, one hand sliding around Dave’s neck to the back of her head and pulling her in, “You’ll have more fun, let me show you.” Dave wholeheartedly agrees and kisses tavros with renewed vigor. It’s messy, sloppy even.
The hand at the back of Dave’s head slowly applies pressure and guides her to tilt her head until its in just the right spot. The hand at her waist is slowly pulling her shirt up until Dave feels the cold over her breasts and that combined with the warmth of tavros pressed against her has her slowly beginning to rock her hips, grinding against tavros’ thigh. Its shameless but god Dave is desperate for friction. For touch. For tavros.
Daves thoughts are filled with tavros, how soft and warm she feels, how badly Dave needs to know what its like to please her with her mouth. Her thoughts run so far and wild that she doesn’t notice tavros’ hands that have moved to her hips, pressing and guiding Dave to hump her thigh like a dog. For a moment Dave remembered that she was planning to get tavros on her back, spread and pliant for her. The true ironic lesson here to be learned was something about judging books and because of that Dave was now whining and teetering on the precipice of an orgasm from the mere thought of eating out her new girlfriend.
When the thought of them grinding against each other naked crossed Daves mind she jerked back, a small string of saliva keeping them connected for a moment before it broke. Dave was still grinding, tavros’ hands still steady on her hips to keep them moving. Both of them were rightfully flushed, Dave’s thighs quivered and when their eyes locked her movements stuttered.
“Are, Are you okay?” Tavros sounded just as needy as Dave felt and she wasn’t even being touched.
“I think-I- Ah-“ Dave couldn't take in enough air she thought, her head was floating above the clouds and ever higher to space.
”You’re doing a good-A good job” One of the hands on Dave’s hips was gone, “You look really, really pretty like this.” It wasn’t fair that those words stroked Dave’s ego in the sicknastiest way. Tavros was cheating. She was cheating by the way she touched herself to the sight of Dave’s rutting, cheating by saying those things to dave.
It was erotic, dirty, it was lewd.
It wasn’t fair how easy Dave came when tavros kissed her again, her tongue in her mouth and her moans muffled between them. She rode out the waves of pleasure, hands gripping tavros’ shoulders for stability. When Dave pulled back as her mind cleared she realized that she came just from kissing. Kissing and heavy petting like some kind of teenage boy who just discovered girls. Her lips felt tingly and swollen from the kissing, she never wanted this feeling to go away.
Her eyes snap down when she notices tavros removing her hand from her pants and then Dave realizes she acted completely selfish, only chasing her own pleasure and not considering her partners. Truly no better than a man. Before Dave can throw herself to the floor in desperation and bow to apologize, Tavros shifts and makes a face, eyebrows screwing together in confusion.
“Uh, Dave, Not to….make you uncomfortable but…My thigh is wet.” Tavros looks away, Dave’s stomach drops as she looks down and in true dog fashion, Dave made a mess.
“Shit, tavros I’m so sorry,” She slides off her lap and Dave’s thighs feel sticky. Before she can turn tail and run, tavros smiles and shrugs.
“I’ll forgive you, if you stay the night.” Her smile is mischievous and Dave knows shes in trouble now.
“If that’s what it takes, tavbaby, I’ll bark for you.” Dave winks.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
God Dave hoped so.
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tailsnumber1fan · 6 months
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revisited an old design i made for mobian elise!! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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peacerisendove · 3 months
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Saw this meme and just had to redraw it as Thad and Match. Just imagine if the writers had given Match his original personality during Titans East, or just them meeting up again. These two would have tension. (Honestly, ESPECIALLY post Match's Suicide Squad run. There would be hero/villain tension or just tension caused by meeting up your best friend and realizing how much they've changed, how things have CHANGED between you two, and dealing with all of that.)
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letterful · 1 month
Jean Madar, chairman and CEO of InterParfums Inc, recently told Bloomberg that fragrance is part of a person’s “core identity”. And while cosmetic companies can face criticism for conflating external products with existential outcomes [...] perfume conveniently sidesteps the problems of the flesh. It’s not trying to change how you look, but how you feel, and, for the span of a spritz at least, it does. In the age of wellness-as-beauty and neurocosmetics, the science of scent is marketing gold.
[...] I wonder if what we’re after here is not a sense of self but a (related) sense of life.
I say “we” because – despite my documented skepticism of beauty brands – I, too, am powerless against a good perfume ad.
Last month, casually depressed and subconsciously seeking comfort and some sort of release, I spent $240 on a scent called Tears by Régime de Fleurs. “What a luxury to weep,” the website read. It described the perfume as “emotion in liquid form, the romance and the sadness”. It promised “nostalgia” too, with notes of lilac to remind me of my grandmother’s front yard and frankincense to call up childhood Sundays spent in incense-blessed church pews. I suppose I wanted Tears to take me back to a time when someone who loved me baked me cookies every week, when I believed in God and goodness, and life stretched ahead of me in an endless expanse of hope and potential.
Of course, it didn’t do that. It smelled fine. I felt something, for a second. But I was still me, and I was still mostly numb.
I thought of that perfume the other day while reading the preface to Henry James’s 1902 novel The Wings of the Dove. James summarized it as the story “of a young person conscious of a great capacity for life” – someone “passionately desiring” to “achieve, however briefly and brokenly, the sense of having lived”.
Something clicked: how to explain Tears if not a brief and broken sense of having cried?
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devi1sange1 · 1 month
If I had any artistic ability you best believe I would be putting Elain Archeron into these looks.
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bonefall · 5 months
do you have any plans for snaptooth or flywhisker, ever since I saw that fake map I've fallen in love w flywhisker lmao
You know, for the longest time I've been planning to have Snaptooth and Flywhisker be adopted kits of Toadstep and Lionblaze, but I'm writing an SE rework for Nightcloud right now and I have a temptation.
I found a good moment to send off Snapstorm, the best friend of Brushblaze, as a complication of a boar hunt gone wrong. It's right around the time that Brushblaze's kits are being born, and something feels odd about the fact he didn't name any of his kits after someone who was by his side for his entire life. SO I'm thinking about shuffling Snaptooth over to HIS litter.
Which leaves Flywhisker over in ThunderClan.
Lionblaze is the adopted father of Dovewing and Ivypool... and his terrible parenting caused Dovewing to leave ThunderClan, and Ivypool to be permanently traumatized. He breaks up his false mateship with Cinderheart to go be with the cat he really loves, Toadstep, and Flywhisker is adopted after being found abandoned.
Lionblaze's destruction of the ThunderClan family tree has been undone; so now he would only have three children. Ivy, Dove, and Fly. I like it, because Fly is growing up with all the expectations of being Firekin, but also holding the knowledge that her loving father... wasn't always the best, to her older sisters.
It would be cool if Fly was always a little bit of a rebel, and found a really good friend in WindClan. I could work her into the conflict of TBC better too, being accused of being in a HalfClan relationship when the truth is that Snaptooth is more like a brother to her. Then, of course, have them leave the Clans together.
Brushblaze's litter would be Snaptooth, Smokehaze, and Galerunner... and so, Galerunner would be left alone after his brother leaves permanently with Flywhisker.
But I'm still unsure. It's a big change, because I'd been planning for Fly and Snap to remain siblings in BB. But it does seem to work better, thinking about it...
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noxcaelestia · 1 month
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Saw a cute mourning dove today 🕊️🎀
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klaustheclowse · 1 month
Someone get those damn Amazon bots out of the dungeon meshi tag
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Perhaps I should just start describing myself characteristic wise as a soap. brb gonna write a poem about soap.
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elfcollector · 10 months
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Release the Wardens from their bindings and surrender! I won't ask twice. No. You won't. The Elder One showed me how to deal with you in the event that you were foolish enough to appear again.
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loserchildhotpants · 1 year
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hello i am sooooooo sad and lethargic and sick and it would make me soooooo happy if you gave my exhaustively researched Titanic!AU w destiel and samwena, Three Princes, a read ; A ;
i didn't put warnings on it (for Reasons) but also jsyk do not STOP reading before the epilogue :)))))
but look! i made art for it and there's songs for each chapter and switching POVs and there's extensive smut and there's booze smuggling and dancing and tragic backstories and pining and all sorts of stuff!!!
is Cas a Russian priest? almost! does Dean have Stage 4 Mommy Issues? you bet! does Sam sweat loudly around a milf that could kill him w a glance? more than once! is Rowena complex and morally grey while still maintaining a likable charm? i - i mean, god i hope i worked really hard on this one, guys!!
if u give it a chance, leave a comment on it or let me know what u thought of it here or on the cursed bird app - my focus is shot rn bc of meds and illness so i can't really get any further w my current WIPs atm and i need external validation or i shall simply whither away to dust on the wind T A T
imma tag folks (if u want me to remove u from the list lemme know slkdhfj this feels a little brazen of me to tag people ?? but everyone im tagging seems so nice and supportive and im a poor little meow meow rn so)
@queerstudiesnatural @starcrosseddeancas @casblackfeathers @casdeanel @emeraldcas @castiel
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another-clive-blog · 7 months
i want clive to eat a manchineel
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Don't mess with Flora. She will neither forget nor forgive mdkvtkbf
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peacerisendove · 5 months
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Feeling crazy. It might be the shipper glasses, but the amount of times it feels like this manga seems like it's implying that Teru likes Akane-kun (pictured here because dear god Aoi and Akane's names are so confusing hhhh) is getting to that suspicious number for me.
I know there's another moment before this but I can't remember when, but I am going to go back to find it.
Also just this following bit:
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If Teru doesn't look a bit starstruck by Akane then I don't know what this is.
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nebulousboops · 9 months
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Style swap!
...Or style fusion?
I did something with how they dress
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dove-da-birb · 4 months
As a reminder; don’t bring lilies, daffodils, tulips or azaleas into your house if you have cats
These flowers are toxic to cats
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sir-subpar · 8 months
Does anyone else wonder how Helluva Boss would've turned out differently if Stella was made to be sympathetic instead of Stolas?
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What if the narrative explored how hard the marriage was for her? How hurtful it was for someone she was loyal to for years to cheat on her, and finding out because the guy her husband cheated with told her?
I personally would have liked to see that
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