#epic hero asriel
askcharaandfriends · 8 months
Chara! i know it may sound rude but is not meant to be could you please rate 1 to 10 your relationship with everyone? 1 being we need to work out some big issues/problems and 10 is we have the most awesome Friends/Family relationship!
Chara: um well... I don't know If I could just rate my relationship with everyone. But I can describe what I feel and how I think about them.
Dad- big warm soft hug factory. Always there for me. Listens and takes my opinions seriously. Not the best chef, but probably the best gardener ever. Protective and sturdy. Home is where the Asgore is. Sometimes very sad, but always tries to keep smiling and find something nice about the day.
Toriel- complex woman with a lot of responsibilities. Stuck halfway in between being a good mom and a good queen. Super kind and loving but with quite a lot of weight in her chest. Baking extraordinaire. Can make even snails appealing. Also quite good at textiles- taught me everything I know. Bit of a grammar police but in a gentle corrective way.
Asriel- more than a friend. My partner. Soft and cute. Kind and thoughtful. I can't imagine not being by his side. We are thick as thieves. Great at video games and has a superb imagination. Also not half bad at video editing. Sometimes a bit of a scardy cat and a pushover, but incredibly brave and cool when it really counts.
Sans- full of energy and puns. Loves his brother to pieces and will do anything for him. Parkour expert. Ninja skills. 9th level black belt in pranks. Secret love of junkfood. And socks. And toriel. A man of many secrets in general. But very fun loving, cool and caring.
Papyrus- well crafted puns finely aged in an Oaken cask. Equal parts silly and serious. Very cool without even trying. If he ever tried- watch out world! Loves his brother more than anything in the world. Depression disguised as laziness- but he's getting better. Mild sugar addiction. Astonishing capacity for forgiveness and giving second chances.
Alphys- anime antagonist turned ally. Gives amazing long-winded speeches. She deserves an Oscar. Highly opinionated and passionate. Hard outer shell like a hermit crab. Surprisingly soft insides. Fond of cute things. Highly skilled and trained warrior. Hero of her own story. A blast to hang out with except- ironically- when watching anime due to her opinions often Clashing with mine. We're like epic rivals.
Undyne- an excellent mad scientist. Brilliant and creative inventor. Very enthusiastic about her work and her girlfriend. Prefers to show rather than tell. Surprisingly Pyro for a fish lady. Almost always exciting. But also has a soft and sad side that she likes to sweep under the rug. She has a good heart though and is loyal to a fault.
Tem- the unreformed Stitch in my life. Little gremlin. Mild chaos. They're a lot of fun at the best of times. At the worst of times... well at least they aren't bent on causing permanent damage anymore. Cranky chihuahua. Grumpy cat. Lonely haunted doll. They say they don't feel anything and literally do not have those emotions, but I don't know. They must be really good at acting because they feel genuine enough sometimes. Even if they don't have a SOUL, they must have some kind of echo of one or else why can they get so mad when I destroy them in smashbros? Out of everyone they seem to tolerate me the most. I think it's because I remind them of their best friend....even though we are nothing alike.
Napstaton- an amazing dj and super cool and chill. Surprisingly shy for a world famous celebrity. Seems like they like to party but in reality big crowds drain their batteries really fast. Greatly prefers to just vibe.
Hapstablook- pretty much the opposite of his cousin but not in a bad way. The undead of the party. A trendsetter and fashionista. Loud and highly opinionated- somehow more than Alphys. Sometimes pushy. Completely glamorous. Kept trying to dress me up until I put my foot down. But He's cool and respects my fashion choices, even if he doesn't always agree.
Dr Hermann- mysterious scientist from the space between spaces, but apparently not originally from there. Apparently Sans and Papyrus' mom. Didn't get to raise her boys as much as she would have liked. Seems loving and caring and glad to be back. Also somehow a Latina even though many generations of monsters were under Canada.... though I suppose it's not that strange. It explains why both Sans and Papyrus occasionally break out in to Spanish.
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 year
His Dark Materials: The Clouded Mountain (3x07)
Dayummmm I'm gonna cry so much when I watch the last episode, it's not even funny...
The thing is, this show never should have tried to pull off an action movie. The special effects don't pass muster, they're forced to rely on shortcuts that just aren't all that visually interesting... angels and witches are having an epic battle but we can't really see it, human troops are valiantly dying for the cause but it's in dark snippets we can barely focus on. The Gallivespians continue to have not enough to do. It's not a matter of what's on the screen being bad, so much as it is a matter of them not being able to put stuff on the screen that should be there, if they really want it to.
Underpinning this problem with effects is a bigger one of Asriel's motivations. This whole time, his vendetta against God himself has been sort of a weak point. In the books, Asriel is more of a distant figure. By giving him so much screen-time in this final season, we sort of shine a spotlight on the fact that his whole war is a little silly and kind of useless. In the end, it's all about Lyra and the prophecy. So why is Asriel bothering with all of this? Is it just a distraction, a la the battle at the black gates in The Lord of the Rings, so Frodo can destroy the ring, or in this case, so Eve has the chance to "fall" the way she's destined to do? I don't know. When you really look at it, kinda weaksauce.
Also, Metatron ended up being kind of anticlimactic as a villain. He's just some name that we hear, then we meet him as a force of destruction, and then he's just Some Dude that our heroes of the hour can defeat by pushing off the side of a cliff. Meh.
That stuff probably makes it sound like I didn't like this episode, but honestly for all my talk of how the finale will make me cry, this one got me weepy as well.
Starting with Will and Lyra, who took a backseat this episode. Their main role is getting reunited with their daemons. We get to see Will's daemon for the first time, and we're reintroduced to Pan who is... deeply hurt and betrayed still by Lyra's decision to leave him behind. We get this reunion moment but it's not fulfilled; it's painful and there's agony and longing on both sides, and then more plot stuff happens which means we're still unresolved with that. I loved the way Will reacted to the first sight of his daemon. Like meeting a friend he'd forgotten he once knew so well. Quietly beautiful.
I also want to mention Will and Lyra killing God. It's such a quick moment, anticlimactic, and the kids don't even know what they've just done. They set an old creature free, let him go to a merciful rest. It's a blink-and-you-miss-it moment, here in the show and honestly in the book as well. That's just as it should be.
The rest of this review is just going to be about Marisa and Asriel, are you surprised? Knowing this was coming, I was anxious about how it was going to play out. I've been praising the performances from these actors from the jump, and the writing for Mrs. Coulter has been one of the most intriguing, gorgeous parts of the whole show. The writing and use of Asriel has been a little more hit and miss. McAvoy does a great job giving Asriel the presence and gravitas he needs to have, but his mission and his goals and his wishy-washy-ness about his priorities has made his build to this final moment a little less satisfying than what we've got going on with Marisa.
But that said, it all becomes so worth it to me for those moments at the very end. Mrs. Coulter, playing mind games one final time, against an adversary more formidable than any other. She uses her real feelings of pain in order to trick Metatron. Asriel is on the ground, weeping and weak, and Mrs. Coulter approaches him to "gloat." And then her daemon, left behind, deploys a weapon that turns everything on its head, and Asriel, Marisa, and Stelmaria together are able to knock Metatron into the Abyss from whence there shall be no return for any of them.
Just... the beauty of Marisa and Asriel doing this for their daughter, giving up everything so Lyra can save the day, both of them finding selflessness within them but only just in time to give their lives for a greater goal... this element of the books always gives me goosebumps and they did a properly epic job of depicting it here. The real gut-punch comes with the golden monkey, Marisa's daemon reaching out to touch Lyra in his final moments, but fading away into dust before their hands can connect. Lyra watches the moment her mother's soul ceases to be, and knows herself orphaned.
And... yeah. We're setting the stage for the finale to be the emotional center of the story, to focus on Lyra and Will where the focus should ultimately be. This episode wasn't some strong pinnacle of everything TV can be. I had my problems with it. But the stuff that worked about it was so strong that I was just happy to be there to see those elements, at the end of the day!
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asrielsans999 · 3 years
AsrielVerse battles
over dreaming against the broken mirror
Insanity Asriel vs epic hero storyshift Asriel
*when is happened* after mirrored insanity (Ss swap) *if insanity Asriel won*
Where* dusttale... around the snowman area....
⚠️ Warning gore and bloody character is in the story, so BE A MAN AND DON'T LET THE HORROR GET TO YOU...ok enjoy u totally not less than 13 viewer*
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Art *on the left* there original owners that are amazing
Insanity Asriel was edited by me
Here are the pages
Hold on......
The broken mirror
Part 2 a blazing determination inside
Part 3 shattered determination against hopes and epic dreams on a vine
Part 4... cliffhanger 😖
(⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾) whyyyyyyyyyy
(but.....now it's about time)
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tenpixelsusie · 3 years
ooh, what're your general headcanons for the kids? (hobbies, personalities, etc etc.)
ok so this might be a bit of a stretch but i headcanon frisk with adhd (or generally neurodivergent in someway) and their special interest being nature and magical myths
(edit) OH AND they're really extroverted both as a kid and in later years! they're pretty outgoing and love socializing lol
which also ties into why i think they fell down, they wanted to see if the legends were real, and whoops! they are!
chara was DEF an artist in their living life you can't tell me otherwise
asriel made super overpowered ocs (and god of hyperdeath was their super epic oc)
oh and i headcanon azzy as a he/they :)
chara, mk, and frisk use they/them!
if azzy and chara had lived longer i think azzy would have gotten into baking and had tori teaching him
frisk has a notebook of different types of plants and magic types (this one was inspired by bnha and deku's hero notebook lMAO)
those are most of em! sorry for the rant lol
Edit: forgot to add! i think frisk and chara would be aroace in later years
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aion-rsa · 3 years
His Dark Materials Season 2 Ending: What Does the Post-Credits Scene Mean?
Warning: contains spoilers for His Dark Materials season two and The Amber Spyglass
That’s the lid closed on season two. Like Lyra, His Dark Materials is all packed away for the time being. The episode’s closing scene showed our hero kidnapped and drugged and stashed in a steamer trunk by her mother, who was promising to take her somewhere safe. Having learned that Lyra was destined to be the new Eve – the fate of every world resting on a choice she was foretold to make – Mrs Coulter vowed to stop her daughter from bringing about another Fall. She would protect Lyra and thereby save humanity from Dust and sin. 
In another realm, Lyra’s father was preparing to take on the Authority. Unaware of the prophecy surrounding his daughter, Asriel would take an opposite view to his ex-lover. Believing that Dust and ‘sin’ are consciousness and free will, he would want his daughter to fall, freeing the worlds from the Authority’s tyrannical rule. Families: never not complicated.
With a reunion, two painful goodbyes and a little hint at what’s to come tucked away at the end, here’s how everything was left by the stunning season two finale… 
Roger’s cry for help
After the credits rolled on the finale, a familiar voice was heard in the darkness saying “Lyra. Lyra help me!” As the little figure of Roger Parslow emerged from the shadow, Lyra’s voice replied: “Roger! What is this place?” Good question. Roger was killed by Lord Asriel in the season one finale, who used the energy created by cutting the boy from his daemon to open a window into another world. His death cast a shadow over Lyra throughout season two.
[Book spoiler ahead] Unless it’s a dream, the exchange seems to be a flash-forward to the third season. Roger and Lyra are in the World of the Dead, another of His Dark Materials’ parallel universes where people’s ghosts go after they die. In book three of Philip Pullman’s trilogy The Amber Spyglass, Lyra and Will travel to the Land of the Dead by cutting a window there using the Subtle Knife. It’s a desolate place ruled by the Authority, where ghosts are tormented by harpies. Part of Lyra and Will’s mission is to help to free ghosts like Roger, and bring them peace.
Lyra, the New Eve and the Fall
In the finale, Mrs Coulter finally found the answer to a question she’d asked the alethiometer in season one: who is Lyra Belacqua? According to the Witches’ prophecy, Lyra’s other name is Eve, the mother of all. Like the biblical Eve, the child is destined to be tempted by a ‘serpent’ and either to resist, or give in and in so doing – in the eyes of the Magisterium and Mrs Coulter – to bring Dust and sin once again upon the heads of mankind. 
It all depends on your perspective on Dust. The Magisterium sees it as sin and therefore bad, while Asriel and his followers see it as consciousness and free will, and therefore good. The Angels originally bestowed Dust on mankind, making them sentient beings. The Magisterium wants to separate humanity from Dust so that it can have absolute control over its subjects. That’s the war Asriel is waging, on the Authority and those seeking to control and repress free will. 
Who is the Serpent destined to tempt Lyra?
Dr Mary Malone. Dust/the Angels told Mary that she was destined to act as the serpent. She will be the one to tempt the new Eve to do the equivalent of Biblical Eve eating a forbidden apple from the tree of knowledge, after being tempted by a serpent in the Garden of Eden.
Why all the biblical references?
Philip Pullman’s original His Dark Materials trilogy is a reimagining of John Milton’s epic biblical poem Paradise Lost, which tells the story of rebellious angel Satan being exiled from heaven, and his role in tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden to eat the forbidden fruit and, as Christian myth has it, lead humanity into sin. The title ‘His Dark Materials’ is a quote from Milton’s poem. Pullman wanted to tell an inversion of the story in which Eve wasn’t responsible for humanity’s sin, but for bestowing free will and consciousness on humankind. 
Read more
His Dark Materials: What is the Prophecy About Lyra?
By Louisa Mellor
His Dark Materials Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Æsahættr
By Louisa Mellor
Asriel recruits the rebel Angels
When we saw Lord Asriel for the first time since the season one finale, he seemed to be speaking from a parallel world called the Republic of Heaven, where he builds a basalt fortress from which he raises an army to attack the Authority. 
Asriel’s blistering recruitment speech to the rebel Angels ended with them pledging their allegiance to his fight against the Authority. As the Witches said earlier in the season, “If Asriel has Angels on his side, he can do anything.” What Asriel wants to do is defeat the Authority and overthrow his oppressive reign. But to do that, as we learned in the finale, he’ll need the Subtle Knife.
Why does Asriel need the Subtle Knife?
For that, it’s useful to know that the Subtle Knife’s other name (from where the finale takes its title) is the Æsahættr. That’s the name Jopari used for it, and what the cliff ghasts call it when Ruta Skadi is eavesdropping on their conversation about the coming war. Æsahættr translates as ‘God-Destroyer’. It’s the only weapon in any universe that is able to destroy the Authority, just as it’s the only weapon that scares the Spectres. 
What were those creatures Ruta eavesdropped on?
Cliff ghasts, last seen in season one attacking Lee Scoresby’s balloon and causing Lyra to fall out and into the Panserbjorn kingdom, where she managed to trick the usurper king into facing Iorek Byrnisson in battle, winning Iorek his rightful throne.
What was different from the book?
Jopari’s death was slightly different in The Subtle Knife. He was still running from Magisterium soldiers to meet Will at the ravine, but he wasn’t killed by one of them. In the book, Will and his father met, and fought in the dark, not realising who each other was to begin with. The moment Jopari realised Will was his son, he was shot by a Witch. Juta Kamainen was the Queen of the Lake Visha clan of Witches. She had fallen in love with Jopari but he refused her, staying loyal to Will’s mother, which hurt and angered the Witch. When she saw Jopari speaking with Will, she shot him with an arrow through the heart, and then killed herself. 
In the TV series, Jopari and Will met in the light, and recognised each other almost immediately, giving them a little time for an emotional father-son talk before Jopari gave Will the mission of taking the knife to Asriel. Jopari spotted a Magisterium soldier about to shoot, and spun Will around to take the bullet himself and protect his son.
Lee’s death played out almost exactly as in the book. He told Jopari to go on ahead while he held off the Magisterium soldiers, taking them out but hit by a bullet in the process. He calls for Serafina Pekkala’s help, but she arrives too late, and says a protective spell over Lee’s body to prevent it from being desecrated. In the books, Lee’s good friend Iorek Byrnisson eats his corpse as a mark of respect, but this adaptation may have decided that was a bridge too far on screen?
Are Jopari and Lee really dead?
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Yes. We saw their daemons dissipate, which means that in this world, they’ve definitely gone. The little glimpse we saw of Roger though, shows that there is a place where ghosts go after people die…
The post His Dark Materials Season 2 Ending: What Does the Post-Credits Scene Mean? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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digigal-transbian · 6 years
So I had some ideas for books...
I have so many ideas for books and such, but part of me doesn’t know if I’ve really got anything that would be worth my time. I’m gonna list a bunch of ‘em below because I need some reassurance on them. If I write anything though, it’ll be on my side blog for writing, @nasosbooks
Clichetus: In a world where everything is extremely cliche, one man becomes self-aware and notices that the world is held together very loosely. So loosely in fact that once he achieves this awareness, everything begins to collapse. He approaches the Higher Power (literally just a plot device) who tells him about the only way to save the world.
Creator’s Despair: The story of a being that wakes up in a strange world, alone. Or are they? One day, the small world grows to be seemingly infinite in size. Are there other sentient beings in this new, expanded world? And why did the world so suddenly increase in size?
Cthulhu.edu: A group of high-school freshmen, at a party they shouldn’t be at, summon the Great Dreamer of R’lyeh to win them a game of beer pong. The Eldritch being grows an odd fondness for the mortals and eventually becomes their classmate. Can Cthulhu handle the terror that is Lunch Lady Gertha, Prom, and the new Assistant Principal, Nyarlathotep?
Jackson Solvé: The amateur private investigator who never purposely solves a case. A complex criminal underground. A legendarily good bean dip. Can the rookie rid Charleston of its criminal underbelly, or will he fail to realize that there even is one?
Once and Forever: A sequel to the Epic of Gilgamesh, where the god Ea offers King Gilgamesh immortality, so long as he completes one single task. There has been a… thing, travelling through time and creating havoc. It is now time for the hero once forgotten to set things right and kill this mysterious temporal corruptor.
Parallelism: Two worlds, parallel to one another, of matter and anti-matter, discover the other’s existence simultaneously. However, these two worlds can never meet, lest there be the total annihilation of both universes. Is there a way for these star-crossed worlds to meet, or will there be two fewer universes in the cosmic order?
Precursor’s End: A Halo Fanfic that centres around the collapse of the Precursor race, the creation of the Flood, and the Precursor-Forerunner war.
Resurrected Power Galactic (RPG): The story of four galaxies, each with a piece of the key that could unleash the ultimate evil, and the stories of worlds in said galaxies. Each world holds a secret and a story to be told. It’s just a matter of saving everything from the sealed evil.
Secret of the Ancients: A Thing (I think it was supposed to be a Temple Run fanfic) that @shadowpelt-d-neko and I worked on a while back, revolving around an adventurer in the vein of Indiana Jones stumbling upon some ancient ruins with a dark secret.
The Child of Sorrow: A prelude to Timeless that focuses on Gaius Gasona as a child on the Niale homeworld. The child forsaken by the rest of his species must learn to be strong and control his emotions in order to survive the abuse wrought upon him by the people he thought he could trust, lest his unfathomable power eradicate everything.
Timeless: The tale of Gaius Aeterna, Niale born Temporal of Order, and the struggle to come to terms with his own past. To top off the problematic sundae, an inter-dimensional terrorist organization known as the Void Council has started becoming more active. Will Gaius have the strength to face the weight of his past and the Void Council, or will he crumble under the weight of his own mind?
Truest Pacifist: An Undertale fanfiction @shadowpelt-d-neko and I worked on a while back, revolving around Frisk and Asriel going back through the underground to tie up a few loose ends. (Gaster and followers, REDACTED, Chara, and the Human Souls)
Stories in Obscure Foreign Languages: Tales written in a variety of languages covering the general history of the civilization, tell the tale of a specific individual, tell of the gods, and recount a war(real or fake for all). Languages included would be: Babylonian, Cherokee, Chinese, Japanese, Middle Egyptian, and Proto-Indo-European. A few Con-langs that would also get this treatment would be R’lyehian, Nasovian, Nialish, Revap, and Audium.
Various HP Lovecraft inspired stories, which would centre around various encounters with the Outer Gods.
A bunch of short stories that I can’t really summarize here because I haven’t really thought much more about it than that I want to do some.
And like 8… steamy novels ifyouknowwhatimean.
Oh, and I’ll do short stories on request. Can’t forget to mention that. I do that on @nasosbooks
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left4cake-gaming · 7 years
AllJackGaming has summoned the Vapor Crew for an epic quest of epic proportions, a scavenger hunt. but it seems Left4Cake here is having alot of trouble throughout his adventures. Will he succeed. Find out in another exciting episode of Minecraft Vaporcraft. --- Vapor Craft Crew --- AllJackGaming https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbI7CGx9cjKgcAD7qpOb3KA Arcade Wolf https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ6TH0Jyp8WgMHUfwvVIHFg David https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJj5GmFKv-8wnedY5plkcGg HERO https://www.youtube.com/heroproductions JackKanry https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCubegq_M5N1HljpTFhxgcEg Jo_Zeph https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp7nqvi43Qo7MGIMfyGOjYw mhuggins5 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWisTtheQDnI8tue923HH9A Orangeman2000 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeh0S9-q3ndPJbG_pL5NoEg RoughRider360 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHWV_Uxa6JQ3H1fjG5B3hg SergeantM https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT8eExNJMcuNTb_XcYT92yw Squiddey_Squidney https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZBH4ZVh-cOQAiqizoqfFow TurboNinja https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPXUVYYjRBOqMwic7pYSnVg Also find me on: Discord: http://ift.tt/2au15Pk Twitter: http://twitter.com/l4cake Tumblr: http://ift.tt/2aFdrCa deviantArt: http://ift.tt/1OdZYje Google+: http://ift.tt/2bqmNP6 Amino: http://ift.tt/2etOz3v Also Check out Old School Dude: https://www.youtube.com/user/OldSchoolDudeGaming JennaMagenta: http://ift.tt/22QZgMM Asriel Dreemurr, The Dreamer Reborn : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_Wy3wkRurP5S0FNJWxajg FreeStyleOMG: https://www.youtube.com/user/FreestyleOMG Music used from on of these sources YouTube Aduio Libarty: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music Incomptech: http://incompetech.com/ Teknoaxe: https://www.youtube.com/teknoaxe/ Undertale: http://undertale.com/
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bublp0pr · 7 years
UT ramblings. undyne + monster politics
most people don’t seem to appreciate undyne the same way that they appreciate sans or pap etc. (I could go on for hours about how much the UT fanbase is far far faaar to focussed on sans but that’s not really relevant...) So i just wanted to bring up all the facts because most people don’t really realise that ALL the main characters of undertale are extremely 3 dimensional with backstory and depth and purpose and motivations and relationships and dreams. A lot of stories/art i see of undyne just focusses on her aggression, her over-enthusiasm or her relationship with Alphys, but she’s more than just some trope. 
So i guess i’ll just start with the generic stuff and get more detailed as i go. 
Hope for monsterkind
Undyne is a monster (gasp! never would’ve guessed that one would ya?) and so she is trapped underground with the rest of monster-kind underground. The sneaky thing about Undertale is it’s very good at giving us absolutely noooo reference points to infer the time of various events in it’s history (damn you Toby Fox for your sneakily vague ways) but the common conception i’ve encountered within the fanbase is that she was either born underground and as such has never seen the surface or that atleast she was really young when it happened. 
Now this is important: to her getting out of the underground isn’t a lamenting about what has been lost, because she doesn’t have many/any memories to hold it towards, they’re all just stories to her. What drives her wanting to leave is little to nothing about leaving herself but providing hope for the monsters of the underground. 
Backstory history stuff:
Monsters you can talk to from all corners of the game make it clear that they are actually struggling a great deal because of their situation with problems such as dreariness, overcrowding and lack of sunlight. They say that most make jokes and such to try and ignore the fact that there’s a lot to make them lose hope. Hope in leaving, hope in their situation in life improving, hope for there being any purpose to monster-kind existing at all. 
A part of this despair is mostly from their royal dramas (namely Chara’s plan backfiring :P). 
The loss of their royalty’s future heir, Asriel, to humans of all people after trying to make things right for them re-iterates just how much they are, even in this state, completely at their mercy. It emphasises how futile fighting it is - even if they do make it to the surface. Not to mention how knowing that their leader has lost his next-in-line would affect political confidence of the kingdom. 
What makes matters worse is that Chara (yes. I’m using the true name to refer to the first human, it makes logical sense within lore to select the name most endorsed by the primary material. deal with it) was also a variable within the state of the people at this time. With the arrival of this human and the king and queens actions at making peace and welcoming them, Chara likely symbolised the first step in making peace with humanity - proof that monsters and humans could co-exist in harmony. With their death coupled with the involvement of humanity with Asriel’s actions to peacefully mourn them, it crushes all the ideals that came with that. Asgore, in response to the deaths, declared war on humans which would set the ground for monster-kind’s bias against them. 
We all know how Toriel responds to Asgore’s actions. As people who play the game, the idea of her fleeing to the ruins and locking herself there makes perfect sense, but to everyone else at the time all they know is that their queen just disappeared one day. There might’ve been rumours about how she had been arguing with Asgore, how their marriage had begun to fail after losing their child, but the general public would just see it as their weakened royalty becoming even more so at their hour of need.
(ok... back to what i was actually talking about)
Anyway, Undyne is absolutely crucial to stopping them from losing hope. To put it simply, she inspires them. In a time when there are hundreds of reasons to hate life, and the only ones doing ok are either too ignorant to understand the problem or are simply pretending that they don’t exist, she is the figurehead for change. She takes action. Unlike their king who, for as a kind a person as he is, feels reluctant to take an assertive stance on the attack (opting instead to just sit around and wait for the humans to come to him, hoping they never will, like toriel put it) Undyne provides ways that monsters can be helpful NOW. 
Many call her the hero of the Underground - and for good reason. Her passion is infectious, it inspires others and for the first time in a long time (again, don’t know how long though because TIMELINE). She makes them think it’s actually possible, like a future on the surface is within their reach. Afterall, Asgore already has 6 souls, all they need is one. She makes it sound so simple, so possible. It doesn’t hurt that she’s the most capable fighter the Underground’s seen in a while either (excluding Asgore obviously) which makes them feel powerful for once.
In short, Undyne is single handedly bringing momentum and hope back to the underground. Because of her the Underground at last is in a position to take back the surface and they feel empowered. And she’s not bearing it alone either, she’s bringing every lasts monster who wants to help with her, inspiring the masses to action.
What drives her (sorta linked to last one)
From a phone calls you can make in the echo flower rooms, we learn that she has heard the personal wishes of many monsters made to echo flowers all united in their desire to leave this place. I spoke a bit before about how it’s unlikely she has much experience with the surface herself. She’s doing this because she cares about others. What drives her is the dreams and determination of everyone she knows and cares about.
How awesome is that?! I mean, that concept alone should make her one of the most respected people in the game. Compared to Sans (and i’m not hating here, Sans is awesome too) who fights you because there’s absolutely no other options left, to let you pass would be to mean everything be deleted forever (i mean, how could you NOT fight at that point, he had nothing to lose); Undyne’s reasoning requires commitment, passion, energy, devotion! This isn’t something she had to do. This is the accumulation of all her compassion for the monsters and her bravery to stand for change. She’s doing this for the ones she loves, the ones she hates, EVERYONE. She’s doing this for her people, for Asgore, for the sake of monsterkind! NGGGAHHHHHH!!!! (sorry, got a bit carried away there)
Representing the people
Something that really resonates in the undertones of the game through her story arc is the responsibility she bears. She is the representative of the people, the hero, a role model to the younger ones and a saviour for the older ones. Everyone is following her because of her passion to the cause. She needs to be strong, to show just how committed she is. 
Something that really shows in her character is how much she cares about the people who depend in her. She sees herself as someone who needs to meet that standard. Fortunately for her, she’s basically perfect for the job, being driven is who she is. She loves it, she loves the stakes, the fighting. The energy she brings to the table comes naturally for her, she’s a natural leader. Truly, she just bears the expectations of monsters like a real champ.
For an added bonus though, calling her in the room behind the waterfall shows she takes breaks too :) “When i feel like relaxing, i always take a break there. Which means NEVER!! I hate relaxing! I LOVE being ANGRY and STRESSED OUT! Just kidding.”
I like to think that Monster Kid kinda is an analogy for all the people she’s fighting for in the game. She’s his role model, his idol. He wants to be just like her when he grows up, even though he has no arms. The kid has no arms!!! And she still makes him feel like he can take on the world! Isn’t that just so inspiring? And what does she do when he gets in the way of fighting you? She takes him aside to protect him. She put the safety of a kid she barely knows before the epic fight she’s been dreaming of, the final showdown that will finish this once and for all. A lesser person would have just dismissed him and fought you anyway. But she’s not like that. Because she CARES. Extending the analogy even further, MK is an innocent, he just wants to be friends with you. And this confuses and annoys Undyne. Because everything she does is for them. Don’t they WANT her to break the barrier? That’s where a lot of her anger comes in about your ”goody two shoes schtick” in her fight. 
Can i also point out that when you kill monsters in Snowdin, she remembers them? She lists them by name, defends their intentions and fights you to avenge them? How noble is that!
I’m still always flabbergasted that she actually USED determination. I mean, not even sans did that. Her cause meant so much to her, she had with her the support and hearts and dreams of so many people that it literally filled her with determination. For the sake of all monsters she refuses to even DIE! And when she starts to melt, her form physically incapable of handling the powers she’s meddling with, SHE STILL PRESSES ON. TO THE VERY LAST ATTACK SHE FIGHTS! 
Just... just take a moment to think that through.
I can see why people find her drive very two dimensional. Even with all the caring stuff behind it, which makes it more meaningful, she still comes off as very cliche protagonist. Firstly, she’s supposed to be like that, it’s ironic because she’s like a real life anime hero just like she idolises in Alphys’ um... *cough* history books. She’s sincere, it’s a fundamental character trait. She’s true to her convictions and when she wants something she takes action, some people are just like that. She has passion and she refuses to hold that back. Cooking with her definitely shows you that haha. 
But she wasn’t always so popular. Can i remind people that, in true anime fashion, she ALSO has a tragic backstory that she refuses to let hold her back??? It’s actually mentioned a few times in the game but you never really notice it. Undyne is scary. Under any other circumstance, where she didn’t stand up to take the role and there was reason to admire her, everyone was too scared to be around her. That energy that everyone finds endearing made people frightened. She didn’t have many friends growing up because all the kids were to scared of the overly-aggressive fish monster. She says she doesn’t care about popular people to papyrus. It’s because, if things hadn’t turned out like they did, she too would be unpopular. She was alone, a misfit, strong and weird. 
For me that really changes how i look at her. When she fights for the underground, she’s fighting for the people that used to be afraid of her. Her energy, the thing that left her ostracised, is the hope of everyone. I like to also reflect on how nice it is that she can fill this role too, it sounds just like a TV show for the strange one to rise up and be all that is good regardless. It’s also nice how she isn’t resentful of it. She still cares about the people as a whole and about each and every individual that makes it up.
Okay, now the alphys stuff
So i find the way that her and Alphys meet so enjoyable to look into. It’s heavily implied that Alphys has at times been suicidal (and there’s even suggestion to her taking this action in some of the neutral routes). Undyne meets her at the edge of a waterfall into the abyss and listens to talk to her for hours about the theories about what’s at the bottom. This is SO consistent with her character, of course she’d be the perfect kind of person to talk to when Alphys is like that. Undyne’s kindness shines through again. Also, the way that Alphys can go on for hours is just as driven as Undyne’s drive for other things. The parallels are what she admires about her. 
It’s also cute the little things you notice that suggest she’s got a crush too. Normally Alphys’ side of the affection is what we notice but the tiny things... Like how a monster at Grillby’s knew undyne was off limits because she had a crush on someone. And how undyne would call alphys about the weather when there literally isn’t a sky. And how undyne corrected her statements about no nerds being allowed in her room. The water cooler being added in also shows that Undyne visited the lab often enough for Alphys to get concerned and install it - Undyne, a fish used to cold wet climates, literally went to a place filled with dry fiery rocks to see her. 
Another thing i find fascinating about the pair is that they are quite similar actually. Both feel the need to bear responsibility in freeing monsters from the underground and face the pressure of wanting to meet people expectations. In a way, Alphys creating Mettaton has provided a similar effort to monster’s attitude as Undyne. Alphys researching determination is her way of fighting the barrier the same way Undyne leading the royal guard is. The difference obviously comes in the degree of confidence the two have, Alphys is clearly very insecure and her failure with the DT experiments only make it worse for her.
Sigh, do i even need to explain this one? She admired Pap’s dedication, respects him as a person and fighter and doesn’t let him join the royal guard because she worries about him which is really sweet. Instead of just flat out saying no, she even goes the extra mile of encouraging his other hobbies and entertaining his dreams. They’re good friends.
Random extras
She trained under Asgore and respects him a lot (but we already know all about that if from the cooking date). She was committed to fighting him again and again until she could finally beat him and pacifist Frisk reminds her of him. Sweet.
She plays piano. Can i point out that her fight is one of the few with straight up piano in the soundtrack? It’s a cool little easter egg and i can’t help but imagine her practising her battle music. It also ties in with the ancient artefact puzzle, which Undyne funnily enough made (a nice little extra :) )
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its-hyacinthus · 7 years
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Introducing Flowey from the DCtale AU.
He has become the one and only Billy Batson, I mean Captain Marvel/Shazam.
You can probably wokrk out why but I’ll tell yall anyway, Flowey looks weak but then he becomes epic when he is omega flowey or asriel. Billy is a kid but then he’s an awesome hero when he says the word ‘Shazam!’.
Welp, I can’t procrastinate the comic by makin sprites anymore.
Guess I know what I’m doing next...
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descentale · 7 years
Descentale: Prologue, and a preview of Chapter One!
I really didn’t want to post any part of the Descentale re-write until I had the first chapter finished, but... it’s been months??? I’m a horrible person???? So I’m making up for it by posting the prologue, as well as a preview as of the as-of-yet-unfinished Chapter One!
I’m posting the prologue here first, then I’ll be posting it on Archive of Our Own (after I take down the original version of Descentale).
I let people down... I don’t want to do it again... so here it is, the prologue of this fanfic that honestly should have had its first chapter finished a long damn time ago. And a sneak peek of that same damned first chapter.
Enjoy... and... I’m sorry. I love you all so much.
(Just to warn you, I did re-use old bits from the original Descentale for these. So please don’t be too disappointed...)
An Undertale Fanfiction
By Melissa E.M.
Once upon a time, in the year 202X, a child named Frisk fell into the underground of Mt. Ebott, a place where it is said no one returns from.
Frisk entered the Monster Kingdom, where they befriended everyone they met. Through their DETERMINATION, they were able to help shatter the barrier that kept monsters underground.
Returning to the surface with their new friends, Frisk took on the role of monster ambassador, and helped spread the word about how friendly and peace-loving monsters truly were.
Humanity, for the most part, welcomed their long-forgotten neighbors. To make up for the cruel and hateful actions of their ancestors, the humans helped build a large settlement at the base of Mt. Ebott for monsters to live in. The mountain and much of the surrounding land now belonged to monster-kind.
Nearly two years later...
Frisk is now living with Toriel, Sans, and Papyrus as one happy family. Little do they know, someone has been watching them for quite some time now.
Not only that, but this person has also been watching certain other humans as well... humans that all share something in common with them.
And one such human is moving into the monster settlement with their child.
Name Frisk's partner.
The true name.
No Yes
Chapter One:
“Dust, Magic, and Water”
It had been nearly two years since monsters were freed from beneath Mt. Ebott, and for many, it was a rather exciting time. Humans had reacted with shock and awe upon being reintroduced to their unusual neighbors from the Underground. Some humans were fearful, and some were blindly hateful, both because monsters being real was something new and different that they didn't understand. Fortunately, thanks to Frisk's hard work and natural charisma, most humans were accepting and welcoming to monsters, and they even helped them get settled in on the surface. It was decreed by human leaders that Mt. Ebott would become a monster reservation, and a the beginnings of a large city was built surrounding the base of the mountain. King Asgore Dreemurr, still lacking in creativity as much as ever, named this city “New New Home”.
For a while, Frisk was the only human who lived in New New Home. Any other humans that showed up were usually tourists wanting pictures of monsters, or various human officials whom they had meetings with at the monster embassy office. Eventually, however, humans began showing interest in living in New New Home. Asgore consulted with his former wife, Toriel, on the matter. The king was more than willing to open the doors to any humans interested in befriending their kind, but he wondered if it was too soon for this. The city had not been standing all that long, after all, and despite the city's size, the monster population was already quite high. Toriel, in response, pointed out that it would improve relations between monsters and humans if their doors were opened to them. Plus, any humans living among them would give incentive to human leaders to provide monetary assistance that would improve quality of life in New New Home. Besides, with all the gold monsters possessed, she felt that they had plenty of resources to build as many homes for humans as needed. And so, open-minded humans looking for a cheaper, cleaner, more positive place to live took up residence in New New Home.
Frisk didn't mind having human neighbors, especially when they turned out to be far nicer and more accepting than most other humans they'd met in the past. However, it was around other human children that the monster ambassador found themselves feeling nervous. They never explained why to Toriel or their friends, but Frisk knew all too well how cruel human children could be. Frisk often recalled watching those chilling tapes from the True Laboratory, and how sick to their stomach it made them.
“I... I don't like this idea, Chara. Wh... what? N-no, I'm not... big kids don't cry. Yeah, you're right. No! I'd never doubt you, Chara... Never! Y...yeah! We'll be strong! We'll free everyone. I'll go get the flowers.”
Poor Asriel. Chara had not been kind to their brother. They had manipulated and abused the young prince. And Frisk knew that they knew this, judging by the way their shared soul reacted to that conversation. Frisk remembered when, after the Barrier had broken, Asriel told them that Chara wasn't the greatest person; Chara had not taken those words well, judging by the wave of sorrow that overtook Frisk's soul in that instant. Thank goodness Frisk had such a good poker face. The last thing Asriel needed was to see their friend cry.
It was strange... Frisk had not felt Chara's presence ever since they walked away with Toriel from Mt. Ebott that fateful day. It was as though Chara's spirit was tied to the Underground. Frisk supposed that, for as long as Chara remained buried beneath those flowers in the Ruins, they would be stuck there forever. And yet, despite this, Chara's happier memories with Asriel often echoed in Frisk's dreams. Frisk could never forget those images, no matter how hard they tried; those memories were like a residue left behind on their soul long after Chara had left. They left Frisk feeling melancholy; the love between the two siblings warmed their heart, but knowing what became of that relationship, what became of those two children no older than Frisk themselves, was devastating.
Not to mention, Frisk was rather disturbed by Chara's appearance. They had a different skin tone than Frisk's, as well as large eyes, rosy cheeks, and a seemingly innocent smile. But they were also the same height as Frisk. Their hair, though a different color, was styled in the same fashion as Frisk's. The shape of their face was the same, too. They even wore a striped shirt. It was almost like looking into a mirror. No wonder Asriel had mistaken Frisk to be Chara.
So, imagine just how Frisk felt one Saturday afternoon when they saw whom they thought was Chara walking in broad daylight towards their front yard.
Frisk had playing with a stick by dragging gently it across the yard's white picket fence and listening to the resulting sounds. Their head perked up at someone chirping “Hello!” in a cheerful, high-pitched voice. Frisk dropped their stick in shock when they saw who had spoken. It was a child, no older than themselves, and though they lacked the striped shirt and rosy cheeks, they looked a great deal like Chara. Frisk stared at them, too frightened to move or make a sound.
“Oh, did I scare you?” asked the child. “I'm sorry! P-please, don't be upset! I... I was just trying to say hi!”
Frisk processed the child's words. Their voice did not sound like Chara's had in Frisk's mind. They did not speak like Chara did. And they seemed a bit more feminine than Chara was. But the hair, the eyes, the skin tone, even the shape of the face, those were the same.
Frisk swallowed hard. “... Who are you?” they asked quietly.
“Me? Um, my name's Patricia!” the child responded nervously. “But everyone calls me Pat,” she added with anxious smile. “I just moved to this town with my mom!”
Frisk let out a breath they didn't know they'd been holding. Not Chara. Thank goodness. “So... you're new here? When did you get here?”
Pat, seeing Frisk relax a bit, sighed with relief before speaking. “Mom and I just finished moving everything in last night! I was helping Mom unpack boxes today, but I got super-bored. Mom said I could go explore the city as long as I had my smartphone with me, so... here I am! So, what's your name?”
Ah, so she didn't recognize them? Frisk wasn't self-absorbed, but they did know their reputation preceded them quite a bit. How would Pat react once she found out who she was talking to? Time to find out. “I'm Frisk Dreemurr,” they said with a smile.
Pat's jaw dropped. “WHAT!? Y-you're Frisk Dreemurr!? The monster ambassador!? No way! How did I not recognize you, oh my god!? I am so sorry, I didn't realize who you were!”
Frisk couldn't help but giggle a bit. “Hey, that's okay. I don't expect everyone to know who I am.”
“Ugh, but I should have known!” said Pat, slapping her own forehead in frustration. “Before I even moved here, my mom and I have been keeping up-to-date on monster-related news. You'd think I'd remember what the kid who saved an entire civilization looked like!”
Frisk fought back a grin of amusement. “Aw, I'm not that special. I'm just a kid like you, you know?”
Pat shook her head. “You're definitely not like me, Frisk. You freed an entire race of people from a centuries-old prison. You're a hero.”
“Who says you can't be a hero, too?” asked Frisk. “You can be anything you want to be if you're determined enough.”
“I don't know about that,” said Pat. “My mom told me that just because you want something bad enough, it doesn't always mean you'll get it, no matter how hard you try. So, as cool as being a hero would be... I'd rather be a bit more realistic in my goals.”
“Well, what do you want to be, then?” asked Frisk.
“A rock star!” Pat declared, striking an epic pose. “I've been playing guitar since I was three years old! I took lessons from my grandpa, and then taught myself further by watching videos online! My mom says I'm really talented!”
“That's cool!” said Frisk with a nod. “I'd like to hear you play someday.”
“R-really!? You wanna hear me play!?” squealed Pat excitedly. “I'd love to play you some music, Frisk! My guitar and amplifier haven't been unpacked yet, but once they are, I'll come right over with them and play you a concert! Would you like that? Because I know I would!”
Frisk grinned. “Sure!”
Pat pumped her fist in the air. “Sweet! I can't wait!”
Frisk turned when they heard the front door open behind them. Toriel was standing in the doorway on the front porch, wearing an apron over a purple dress. “Frisk? Who are you talking to, dear? Have you made a new friend?” The boss monster came down the creaky steps, approached the fence and stood beside Frisk. No sooner did she do so that she froze and gasped quietly, mouth agape as she stared at Pat.
Frisk knew exactly what their mother was thinking. They had to defuse the situation before it became awkward. “Uh, Mom? This is Pat. She and her mom just moved to New New Home,” Frisk explained quickly.
“Uh, h-hi!” stuttered Pat. She looked nervous, perhaps thinking she had offended Frisk's mother somehow.
Toriel stared a few seconds longer before she inhaled deeply and took on a calmer expression. “Oh, I do apologize. Greetings, Pat. Forgive me, but you look so much like another human I used to know. For a moment, I thought was looking at a spirit!”
“Oh, is that all? Thank goodness,” said Pat. “I thought maybe I'd done something wrong.”
“Oh, no, not at all, my child!” Toriel assured her. “I was just a bit surprised, that's all. So, you are living here with your mother?”
“Yes, ma'am!” Pat confirmed with a nod.
“Well, allow me to give you a warm welcome! I am Toriel, Frisk's mother,” said the boss monster.
“Pleased to meet you!” Pat chirped. “Say, aren't you the ex-queen of the monsters? You're so much prettier in person!”
Toriel blushed. “Oh! Why... thank you, my child! I do appreciate the compliment,” she said with a giggle. “And to answer your question... yes, I was queen once. However, I gave up my crown quite a long time ago. While I am still somewhat looked to as a leader... and though my former husband looks to me for advice now and then...” she added with a slight grimace, “I have the far more humble title of teacher now,” she ended with a smile.
“You're a teacher?”
“Yes! I started a school here in New New Home called Delta Rune Elementary. I assume you will be continuing your education there now that you live here, yes?”
“Uh-huh! That's what mom tells me,” said Pat. “I'm... I'm a bit nervous, though. I know monsters are supposed to be really nice – and you seem really nice too, Miss Toriel! – but I've never been in a school full of them before... I'll be an odd one out...” Pat cast her gaze downward. “Plus... my mom... she's very different from most other humans and...” Her voice trailed off.
Toriel opened the gate of the fence and stepped out in front of Pat. She knelt down before her and spoke in a kind, warm voice only an experienced mother would have. “Do not fret, my child. If it makes you feel any better, there are a few other humans your age at my school. You will not be an odd one out. I will admit, however, you will be a minority. But I will do everything in my power to make sure you feel welcome and included among the other children. I make sure of this for all the students that attend Delta Rune. So, worry not.”
“Thank you, Miss Toriel,” said Pat quietly, still looking down. “But...”
“But?” inquired Toriel patiently.
“... Like I said. My mom. She's... she's not like most other humans. She's different. At my old school, I got teased for it.”
“Oh? How is your mother different?” asked Toriel.
Frisk leaned forward on the fence, just as curious about Pat's answer.
“Mom... she has... um... Miss Toriel, do you know what autism is?” asked Pat.
Toriel nodded. “Indeed! I have a couple of human students who have it. I familiarized myself with it through much personal research, in an effort to make the learning environment more comfortable for them.”
“Oh, good. Well... my mom has autism, Miss Toriel,” Pat explained. “She's high-functioning, so she can hold a job and take care of us both just fine. But... the kids at my old school kept teasing me. They called my mom bad names, and they accused me of being autistic, too, as an insult. They think being autistic means you're stupid. B-but... my mom isn't stupid!” she insisted. “She's really smart! And she's super-nice!” Her voice cracked, and a tear ran down her face. “Even some of the adults said bad things about my mom! She already has enough issues to deal with! She... she doesn't need...!”
Without any prompting, Toriel wrapped her arms around Pat and gently held her close. Pat returned the embrace automatically, gripping her tightly and sobbing into the boss monster's shoulder. “There, there, my child,” Toriel soothed her. “I promise you, I will personally see to it that your mother feels welcome here in New New Home. I know very well that having autism does not make a human stupid. One of my autistic students gets exceptional grades, and though the other has their share of difficulties, I know they too have areas of great expertise.” She stroked Pat's back as she continued. “I am so glad that you love and accept your mother the way she is, even with all that you have been through. You are a very strong child, Pat. I cannot begin to imagine how painful those experiences were for you.”
“I... I don't feel strong!” Pat wept. “Look at me, I'm crying! Big kids don't cry!” Frisk felt a twinge of discomfort when she said that.
“Well, of course they do!” said Toriel. “Do not be silly! Everyone cries sometimes, Pat. It does not matter how big or little you are. Even I cry sometimes! Right, Frisk?”
Frisk stepped closer and placed a hand on Pat's right shoulder. “Mom cries at Disney movies all the time. You should have seen her when we first watched Bambi together! She was like a water fountain.”
Toriel rolled her eyes playfully. “That is a bit of an exaggeration, Frisk, dear. But yes, I did cry quite a bit. I am not ashamed of my tears, and you should certainly not be ashamed of yours, Pat. Besides, we have only just met, and here you are crying openly in front of us. That takes a lot of bravery, to show your true emotions.”
Pat pulled away to look up at Toriel, her eyes still wet. “You... you think I'm brave? Really?”
Toriel nodded. “Absolutely.”
Pat wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her pink shirt. “Thank you, Miss Toriel... that makes me feel a little better.”
“I am very glad,” said Toriel with a smile. “Now then... how would you like to come inside for a little bit and have a drink? I know humans are mostly made of water, and you seem to have lost quite a bit of that just now.”
Pat chuckled a bit. “Yeah... I guess I did, huh? Sure, I can come inside for a while. Mom just wants me to be home before dark.”
“Wonderful!” said Toriel, standing back up. “Would you like water, juice, milk, or perhaps some lemonade? I just made the lemonade today, and it should be nice and chilled by now.”
“Homemade lemonade!?” cried Pat happily. “Oh my gosh, yes, please!”
Toriel laughed. “Very well, then! Come along, children!” She made her way past the gate and motioned for Pat and Frisk to follow her. The two children followed close behind, Frisk walking behind Pat as they reflected on what had just occurred. Pat did not seem anything like Chara personality-wise, but there was no mistaking the resemblance physically, especially now that Toriel confirmed it. Did Pat's mother look like Chara, too? Were they related to Chara?
Perhaps, Frisk thought as they entered the house, it was only a coincidence that Pat looked so much like Chara. There were plenty of humans who looked alike, they knew. Some monsters looked alike, too, like Froggits. Frisk always had a hard time telling any of them apart. Still, if it all really was a coincidence, it was quite a big one. But... it couldn't hurt to find out more about Pat's family, right?
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asrielsans999 · 3 years
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Epichero! Asriel vs insanity Asriel*
part 3 shattered determination against hopes and epic dreams on a vine
Insanity Asriel* why must I be insane...mom...why did you let him do this to me...
Flowerd mad Epichero Asriel* slashes Insanity Asriels chest
Insanity Asriel* gos insane again...
Flowermad epic hero*I can't control this rage I'm sorry you're going to suffer but now you're going to face hell of my worst nightmare
Insanity Asriel* doesn't say anything and trows a ton of bloody sabers and fires insanity busters
Flowerdmad Epichero* gets his massive chaos buster to block but takes 4 hits from insanitys sabers
*insert more battle moves here while this theme plays*
(or animate it if you're really like it)
After a lot of fighting
(at 3:10 in song)
Flowermad Epic hero Then fires the buster back insanity moves out of the way but...it hits head chara
Insanity Asriel* HEAD CHARA!!!!!
Flower mad form disappears... it's all my fault...
Insanity tears up with blood (dt stuff)
epic hero* I'm...im sorry....
Insanity Asriel*......'in normal voice' im sorry too....
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who do you think survived*
well see on Sunday just to enjoy seeing you guys suffer to a good cliff hanger
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Hope you enjoyed the story even if the bloody gore character was apart of this
UPDATED! (-added emotional-ness to end part)
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asrielsans999 · 3 years
Our blogs next upcoming Asriels.
*Art belongs to the rightful owners*
Meet the next Asriels coming soon
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stats info
*bounty Asriel stats are found in amino apps or in a picture saying wiki with his picture on google
epic hero Asriel
Face the power of hopes and awesomeness
Att* 90 Def*40
This goat is over dreaming himself
Main attacks* Heroic Sabers, epic Star blazers, awesome thunder busters *ik right*. Awesome dream *like last dream idem that can heal himself*and ULTRA awesome Chaos buster!!!! (Power of Asriel finale form's hyper death beem* so watch out for that attack*
Bounty Asriel*(from a story I found that I'll read later) he kinda is almost like a mcree from overwatch but is an Asriel. and plus error sans is his employer and hates all humans and star sans group (syntax @lazyodraw know you're looking at this)
last breath Storyswap Asriel (non color version I think) just like any ol last breath characters)
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*phase 3 version
In phase 3 he goes low bonkers at first but get faster and faster with attacks as the battle blazes on and eventually feels like he's spamming screen flips and saber stabs at his 4th last attack
Not only able to destroy the usual undertale buttons but he's able to shut down overwrite players hack button*, anti viruses keyboard, and virus sans keyboard*
*how ever this will drain him if used on the *star* marked buttons
(Yes this is a my take fanon stuff)
And that's all thank you and enjoy these Asriels like my blog)
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asrielsans999 · 3 years
(Asrielverse-HERO!storyshift vs INSANITY*)
Part one the broken mirror....Story updated
Epic hero Asriel* tps in duststoryswap 2hours after mirror insanity fight
*heh so quiet but DAMN THIS SNOW MAN IS SO COOL....
He looks a sanses snow poff next to the headless Snow papy *
(this will be the theme for the battle)
Radriel* WHO GO THER........omo
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Epic heroriel* (he just thinks that it a dream)
Def increased* I'LL SLAY THIS NASTY NIGHTMARE...gets SUPER AWESOME Hyper chaos buster*
Because your facing the hero of hopes and awesomeness
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Insanity Asriel* hahaha I have already killed a really powerful foe
(Insert a small battle sequence in your head for fun with the music if you like)
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asrielsans999 · 3 years
Asrielverse battls (epichero Asriel vs insanity Asriel) cliffhanger no more
Part 4 only one surviver
Entry number *Static.......*
This battle has been very interesting....
This epic hero or subject #365 has actually gotten DT subject #9's to show his emotions for a first time......
How ever.....both subjects are in critical condition....
This must be the Time. if subject can just get subject 365 to persuade DT subject 9's emotions one more time he can maybe get him to reset finally
Gaster hand hovers onto heros soul
Hero* it's up to me to fix this....
Walks over to insanity.....
Insanity Asriel lost his legs one part of his side and his left ear*
Hheheheh....y are you about to fini.....hero hugs him before he finishes
Hero* I'm sorry about everything....I didn't mean to kill your chara I just lost myself to my true nightmare
Insanity**normal voice* it's ok...I was feeling the same as you were...
Hero* dusts a bit* i don't want to die though
sanity Asriel* your right...(determination glows as he trys to summon a button..
Hero* ...
Sanity* you are the the hero of hopes and awesomeness....
Hero* smiles really bright...
Insanity* but just don't come back... because it'll just happened again
Epic hero*ok
Insanity* hits reset
(i usually am to insane to make friends or show Mercy...how ever this person I have fought just got to me..... after I fatality hit him of course
But despite all victims that I gave no 2nd chance to
There was only....one surviver*
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asrielsans999 · 3 years
Epichero vs insanity asy
Part two....(update! -Now with music)
Blazing determination
Insanity asy gets dusted*
Epic hero asy* HAHA that's was it you thought you could haunt me with ur sinfully smile and horrific Def against AWESOMENESS. Well JOKES ON Yo.....
Charas determination fuels in insanitys Dust
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Hero azzy* ooooh your glowing....
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The battle continues
blaster after bloody star
After Bloody saber trows
After Epic basters and so on
After 24 attacks
Insanity asy trows chara head which heroe caches and as he looks at the face of her suffering which it finally breaks hero azzy
Insanity then stabs the petrified Asriel
Insanity asy*finally
Hero* what kind of person are you
Why did you kill her..she doesn't deserve this
INSANITY* the blood on his face disappears
Here's the thing...I used to be just a normal Asriel...but..*my gaster* though of experimenting his special sample of a condensed dt. To see if we I a monster can obtain reset...he knew that there was a chance to drive me crazy but it instead......
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hero* vnv I see.... but now... sense it's too late to just hope on saving you
Vines takes over his soul as he form's into is hyper form
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INSANITY azzy* has a few second thoughts but the determination takes control
(yes ink Asriel has been apart of this)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
His Dark Materials Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Æsahættr
This His Dark Materials review contains spoilers and references to the plot of The Subtle Knife. 
Did you stay until the end? All the way to the end, after the production names and notices about the support of the Welsh government and tax credits from the Hawaii Film Office? Then you saw him – a hint as to where this fantastic (in all senses of the word) tale is heading. 
Lyra has spent season two tormented by guilt over Roger’s death and wishing she could have done more to help him. Now it looks like she’s going to get the chance. First, of course, she needs to get out of that trunk and her mother’s clutches, but as Mrs Coulter noted earlier in this run, Lyra has a tendency to escape traps…
Just as this agile adaptation has a tendency to avoid them, from the fast work season two did to absorb the loss of an episode caused by the pandemic, to its confident weaving in and out of the source material. Whenever the series has concertinaed the timeline or invented scenes not taken from the books, it’s made for a more satisfying story. 
The death of Will’s father, for example, was more powerful for coming via an anonymous Magisterium bullet instead of (as in The Subtle Knife) the over-complication of a vengeful, spurned witch. Setting their reunion in daylight and therefore letting Jopari recognise Will as his son almost immediately rather than seconds before death, made his exit slightly less cruel than it is in the book. It also created a neat symmetry between Lee and Jopari’s heroic deaths; both men died sacrificing their life for a child they love. 
If only Covid-19 hadn’t forced production to scrap that planned standalone James McAvoy episode, season two might have enjoyed perfect storytelling balance. As it was, this impressive finale wobbled a couple of times when Lord Asriel’s absence was missed. It seemed odd for his meeting with Ruta Skadi to have happened off-screen, particularly when she’d flown off promising to bring him back with her. Asriel’s recruitment of the rebel Angels – exhilarating though that scene was – also felt anti-climactic when we already knew them to be allies through their dealings with Mary. 
Still, that was some speech by Lord A, in quite some surroundings. Before we move on, let’s take a moment to shake our heads in collective disbelief and acknowledge that this is what TV looks like now. From Andy Pandy to Pebble Mill to… measureless volcanic landscapes and shoot-outs in vertiginous tropical canyons. This finale couldn’t have looked better. 
Read more
His Dark Materials Season 2 Ending: What Does the Post-Credits Scene Mean?
By Louisa Mellor
His Dark Materials Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Malice
By Louisa Mellor
The episode had more than just looks going for it. Jack Thorne’s script took care to leave room for emotional beats, from Will and Pan’s tender campfire exchange (that’s such a novel dynamic to witness – the relationship between a person and the soul of someone they love), to Mrs Coulter’s silent and desperate discovery of Lyra’s winter coat – shed like a skin and left behind so many episodes ago, a reminder of how far our hero has come. 
Then there were the performances. Asriel aside, Jopari has probably had the least screen time minute-for-minute this season, but a little of Andrew Scott goes a long way. His finest work was Jopari telling Will that they’d both go home when all of this was over. Saying those words, he suddenly became the father to a young son, lying for Will’s sake while knowing that he was making an impossible promise. So it proved to be, when that bullet came. This casting team really have yet to put a foot wrong.
Season two was really Will’s story, and Wilson was equal to everything it asked of him. Seeing Will literally take up his dad’s mantle when he put up the hood on that totemic coat felt a little bit legendary. A quiet superhero moment in the midst of all the pain and loss.
Speaking of which: how far they flew! Lee and Hester had a classic hero’s exit, holding off the enemy until the mission was complete. There was no mitigation of the book’s cruelty here, with Serafina arriving too late to save Lee, just as always. Lee radiates warmth as a character, and his final moments were as moving as they were sad. RIP, aeronauts. You got the job done. 
As did Mrs Coulter, who’d spent the whole season trying to discover who her daughter really is and finally found out: Lyra is the new Eve, the mother of all. It’s her destiny to be tempted by a serpent, and the fate of all the universes rests on whether or not she succumbs. 
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How are we already here? It feels like only a moment ago Lyra was being quizzed on Eve and the Garden of Eden in a Jordan College classroom. (She snuck out of there too, if I remember.) That’s the mark of a true epic – the greatest journey, in the blink of an eye. I can’t wait for the next step.
The post His Dark Materials Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Æsahættr appeared first on Den of Geek.
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