#ennead bread god
reileionard21 · 1 month
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girlwithwolftatoo · 1 year
If you’re still accepting requests (I’m sorry if you’re not, you can totally ignore this):
Hw would the moon boys react with a reader whose love language is cooking and baking? Like, on a random day, their partner just starts making them all sorts of dishes and pastries for them to take to work, leaving little love notes with it.
Ihate cooking/baking, but the moment I’m in love I suddenly become a three Michelin star chef. 😂
*Undusts herself and looks around* Oh my gods, sorry about the HUGE delay! But here it is, I had a sudden idea while investigating about Hannukah (I hope I wrote it right) so... Marc Spector:
*Marc has some issues with the linking between food + love, we know why (coughcoughchapterfivefromseriescough). When you make him breakfast or he takes care of a meal for you, he perceives it as a simple couple task.
*So, why are you suddenly preparing such special dishes? If it happens you're not from the Jewish community, you begin to make traditional sweets or even whole meals, and you always seem expectating when practically dragging Marc to the table so he can "point" your cooking skills.
*It takes Marc some time to understand the reason behind your extra effort, and once he does... well, he's ready to swear to the whole Ennead he'll love and devote his life to yours until the end of this universe.
*He's not very picky with food, remember he was a marine and later a mercenary. To his eyes, whatever you do looks like a three-course banquet, and it overwhelms him in a special way.
*Marc is more into normal meals than comfort food, but will never say no when you ask him to try a just baked cupcakes or a natural fruit parfait. It's sweet, he thinks, but never sweeter than you.
Steven Grant:
*This man NEEDS someone to fill his stomach, like, ASAP. And I don't mean it because he's a vegan, but because we know he tends to forget to feed himself properly, like... almost every other esencial self-care tasks.
*The first time you prepare the breakfast for him, he disolves himself in compliments and kind words to you. Of course, he'll try to be fair and make meals for you too, so it's pretty usual that, when he invites you to stay in his place, he spends like three hours watching a tutorial to make a very fancy pasta and other things (specially if you're omnivore).
*One day, you show up to his work with a cute lunch that resembles a lot the kawaii meals you can see in the internet. Another day, you bring cookies you baked. And another day, you ask him if he's interested in some banana bread (and he better says yes because you've already cooked it).
*You could ask Steven to munch on a shoe and he'll do it happily. He loves everything you cook and bake for him and eats it like if it was the last meal on Earth. He looks almost like a little boy, his eyes reflect all the good feelings he has when you feed him.
*Of course he has his favourites, perhaps some specific cookies or, if it's summertime and you're up to, a sorbet flavor, but he's always up to experiment with whatever you have in mind.
Jake Lockley:
*Jake has an oposite vision about food than Marc. For him, if someone takes their time to cook or bake something, without being paid for that, it means they love the person they're cooking for with all their heart.
*So, try to picture what runs through his mind the first time you invite him to eat something you prepared in your apartment. He'll finish with the whole portions if you allow him.
*You know he's the most eccentric of the Moon boys, even more than Steven, so baking desserts is the right way to keep yourself into his heart (but, honestly, even if you handed him a bowl of cereal with fruit he'd still follow you like a loyal dog). Donuts and muffins are his favorites, and you don't have problems in spending some extra money to get the tools and ingredients for some decorations like whipping cream and royal ice.
*And ohh if this man doesn't love the cute messages you put along with his brand new box of bread. A little secret: he keeps all the notes you include in his meals, sticking them together with tape so they don't break and he can keep them like other people do with photos in their wallets.
*He's not affraid to ask you for certain things, if you tell him you want to try another thing (a cake, per example), he'll offer all of his support. And, in the case you fail a recipe, he'll be there to hug you and remind you that, for him, you're the best person in the world and you make him happy with or without food.
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queenclaudiabrown · 7 months
Living Legend | Chapter Two: The Prelude
Content warnings: uncensored cussing; references to events in both episodes listed; events of Moon Knight S1E1 and corresponding triggers; Media: Moon Knight S1E1 “The Goldfish Problem”; Primeval S3E1 Word count: 3,401
     When Sarah woke up on the morning of Thursday, April 24th, 2025, she had no reason to assume it would be the beginning of a chain of events unlike anything she’d ever lived before, even during her time at the ARC.
     She got up, she showered.  She made breakfast and ate it in her robe, then got dressed and packed a lunch for herself and Steven.  The ride on her bicycle was no shorter or longer than it usually was.
     As usual, Steven hadn’t gotten there yet when she did.  But she checked her watch, and when it said that it was ten past eight, she decided to take a walk to the little girls’ room, passing the gift shop on her way.  Steven wasn’t there- third time this week he’d been late- so Sarah spent a few minutes loitering in the loo before heading back.  This time, Steven was there, and Donna was walking away.  Before Sarah could reach his kiosk, however, Dylan strolled up and started talking.  Sarah was too far away to hear the interaction, but she caught the confused look on Steven’s face as she walked away.
     Donna sauntered back up just as Sarah reached them.  “Stevie, you absolute rascal.  I didn’t know you’d taken a crack.”  She remarked.
     “I didn’t know either.”  Steven admitted, confusing Sarah.
     “Hang on, did she say ‘steak’?”  Donna had clearly heard more than Sarah.  “What in the world’s a bloody vegan going to eat in a steakhouse?”
     “I don’t know, Donna.  Salad?  Bread?”  He replied, the sassiest he could be.  Which wasn’t much, bless him, but it was nice to see him snarking back at Donna after all the abuse she put him through.
     “Yeah, I can see why she went for it.  Real catch, you are.”  Donna sneered back, unimpressed.  She departed with the knocking sound of heels, and not for the first time Sarah was reminded of the similarities between her and another high-ranking blonde at a museum who liked to put those under her through pain.
     Sarah scowled at her retreating back, but it easily morphed into a genuine smile as she turned to Steven.  “Got a date, then?”
     He chuckled awkwardly.  “Apparently.  Dunno how I managed that.”
     “With your kindness and charm, of course.”  Sarah replied sincerely.  “Let me know how it goes.”
     “I will.”  He pledged.  “Any tours today?”
     “Yeah, one coming in at ten.”  Sarah replied.  She checked her watch, and her mocha eyes widened.  “Shit, that’s two minutes!  I’ve gotta go.”
     “Be off with you then.”  Steven answered jovially.  “We’ll have lunch after?”
     “Of course.”  Sarah agreed.
     The day passed normally, and Steven and Sarah met up again as they left the closing museum.  Steven always insisted on walking Sarah to her bike, even though it was unlikely anyone would try to cause trouble at that hour, despite them leaving late than normal because Donna had put Steven on inventory duty and Sarah had insisted on staying to help.  As usual, Steven kept up a lively stream of chatter that Sarah honestly enjoyed listening to.  “When I was coming in this morning, I saw the banners outside, I noticed something.  I’m not trying to slag off marketing, but there’s been a major blunder with the Ennead.  They put up seven gods on the banners and poster, but the Ennead-”
     “-has nine.”  Sarah completed.  “Who’s missing?”
     Steven smiled.  “Why don’t I tell you who isn’t missing, and you can guess?”  Sarah nodded, and he rattled out the list: “Horus, Hathor, Isis, Osiris, Tefnut, Geb, and Shu.”
     Sarah ran through the list in her head.  She had noticed that in this universe, the Ennead’s members differed slightly from the one in her universe, so there was a chance she would screw it up.  “Atum and… Set?”
     Steven shook his head.  “So close.  Atum and Nut.”
     “Ah, Nut.  Good luck keeping your head if you try to tell Donna, though.”
     Steven winced.  “Already did.”
     It was Sarah’s turn to wince.  “Blimey.  How’d that go?”
     Steven chuckled.   “What do you think?”
     “Poorly, I’ll wager.”  They reached her bike.  “You’ll be alright to get home?”
     “Yeah, I’m sure I can grab a bus.  G’night, Sarah.”
     “Good night, Steven.  See you in the morning.”
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     Friday morning came, but it wasn’t like every other Friday morning.  Steven never appeared.  Donna stormed around, demanding of every employee who interacted with Steven where he was.  No one knew.  When lunch came and went and there was still no sign of him, worry curled in Sarah’s gut, and she began sending texts that weren’t answered and placing calls that weren’t taken.  With every one she grew more and more worried, and it was all she could do to maintain a friendly persona and remember anything at all for her tours.
     After work, she biked to his flat and knocked on the door.  There was no response, which led to her outright banging on the door and alternatively demanding and pleading that he come to the door or at least reply to her messages.  There was no indication that he was even inside.
     Saturday was even more distressing.  Dylan blazed up to Sarah pretty much the moment she came in the door, fuming that Steven had stood her up without so much of an apology text.  This only further worried Sarah, who knew that Steven wouldn’t have stood Dylan up for anything short of being violently ill or having a family emergency, and that he would have contacted her and apologized for an hour straight at minimum.  What could’ve induced him to disappear like that?
     Sunday was no better.  Again Steven was absent, and again without a single message to anyone- not to Donna, not to Dylan, not to J.B., not to Sarah.  It was as if he’d dropped off the face of the Earth.
     Sarah thought of the anomalies, and wondered if in a way he had.
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     Monday morning took Sarah by surprise.  Steven was back, but he looked more exhausted than she’d ever seen him, and his entire weary body seemed taut with a stress that was foreign to him.  In fact, when she saw him, he was speaking to a man she’d never seen before and looking utterly uncomfortable- as in worried for his safety, not just awkward, judging by how he was backing away from the ever-approaching man.  Suspicious, Sarah walked over quietly and paused nearby to eavesdrop, pretending to rummage through her purse.
     The man was middle-aged with nearly shoulder-length grey hair, and his matching and uniform clothes gave him a put-together and gentlemanly air.  In on hand was a cane, although he didn’t seem to really need it.  “The justice of Ammit surveys the whole of our lives.”  He said.  It wasn’t his American accent that was strange about his voice- it was how calmly he was speaking of frankly absurd things with such a certainty that had Sarah both confused and on edge.
     “Got it.”
     “Past, present, future.  She knows what we’ve done and what we will do.”
     “Great.”  Steven said, clearly trying to leave this bizarre conversation.  “Okay.  Well, the books must have left that part out.”  He said, turning to go.
     However, his path was blocked by the closing of a pair of doors, the security guard whose name she couldn’t remember standing in front of them like he was going to throw hands if Steven tried to go through them.
     Steven did not, turning again and making to escape in another direction, only to stop short when a random visitor a couple meters away rolled up her sleeve and presented her forearm to him.  What on Earth was going on here?  Who were these people and why was Steven so terrified of them?  Sarah’s fingers found the pocketknife Becker had given her, inconspicuously working it up to the top of her purse’s contents.
     “Consider this.”  The American continued, closing in on Steven.  “Had Ammit been free, she would have prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought.  Nero, the Armenian genocide, Pol Pot.”
     “Not nice people.”  Steven agreed.
     “But she was betrayed.”  The strange man pressed.
     “Was she?”
     “By indolent fellow gods.”  The man confirmed, although Sarah couldn’t tell if he was answering Steven’s question or just rambling on heedless of her friend’s comments.
     “By even her own Avatar.”.
     “‘Avatars’.  Blue people.  Love that film.”  Somehow, Sarah had a pretty good idea that that wasn’t what this nutter was referring to.
     “By ‘Avatar’, what I mean-”
     “-you mean the anime?”
     “Steven.  Stop it.”  Wait, they knew each other?  This wasn’t just a drug trip or a weird attempt at pulling a stranger into what was clearly a cult?
     “Are you going to kill me?”  Steven’s bold question, spoken with fear, hit Sarah like a kick to the chest.  Steven had a tendency to think the best of people, so if this bloke who kept going on and on about an Egyptian deity- something Steven would usually be chuffed to discuss- had earned Steven asking to his face if he planned on killing him, he definitely had a good reason to ask that.  One-handed, Sarah began opening the knife, careful to be quiet.
     The lights flickered above them, momentarily distracting Sarah.  There was no abnormal weather today, so what could be causing that?
     An anomaly.
     She remembered quite clearly how Connor Temple had accidentally locked an anomaly with the electrical current of a lamp on the first day they’d met- a day she remembered every moment of with as vivid a clarity as if it was happening right now- and his subsequent and successful efforts to build a device to lock anomalies for the sake of both time periods and their inhabitants.
     Anomalies could be affected by electricity, but could it affect it in turn?  That wasn’t really her area, but she supposed it would make sense.
     Abruptly, the power stopped flickering, and the strange man spoke again.  “It’s maddening, isn’t it- the voice in your head?”  He nearly whispered.  “Relentless, forever unsatisfied.  No matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there’s nothing left but a hollow shell.”  He continued, and the bad feeling in Sarah’s gut worsened.  He rolled up his sleeve as he talked, but Sarah couldn’t see his forearm clearly from her angle and distance.   “And the more you ask for help, the more you begin to sound like the boy who cried ‘wolf’.”  He took hold of both of Steven’s hands, and Sarah took three quiet steps forward, mentally preparing herself to wield her blade against this creep.  It was not lost on her that he had not, in fact, told Steven that he wasn’t going to kill him.
     “I can’t help you.”  Steven told the wacko, breathing labored with anxiety and fear.
     “I am trying to help you.”  He returned, but those words brought no comfort to Sarah, and didn’t appear to bring any to Steven.
     “I saw you kill that woman in the Alps.”  Steven blurted out, his voice still low enough that no bystanders but Sarah and the rest of this guy’s apparent cult could hear.  Dread coiled in her stomach at that proclamation, and her heartbeat kicked up a notch.  This man was a killer- a murderer, if his suspicious behavior and Steven’s terror were anything to go by- and he had his hands on her best friend.  Sarah shifted the handles of her purse to the other hand, freeing her entire arm to stab him if need be.
     She had been powerless to save Professor Cutter from his mad (ex-?) wife.
     She would not fail to save Steven if this madman tried to kill him.
     The man brought their collective four hands close together and put the head of his cane between them.  “I only told her what millions more will soon learn.”  He responded calmly.  “Do you wanna know the truth?”
     Sarah adjusted her trajectory, advancing on them still but in a bit of an arc- no pun intended- to get a better look at whatever he was doing.  She could see now that Steven’s forearms were touching, palms facing upward as the man held the bottoms of his wrists.  The double-sided handle of the cane rested across the tops of Steven’s wrists, and without either man moving the cane began to swing back and forth, pivoting on its handle.  Steven and the man stared down at the latter’s exposed forearm intently, and when she squinted Sarah could just barely make out something moving on it- something like a tattoo, if tattoos could move like they were alive.
     A moment later, the man raised his head, an expression she couldn’t read on his face.  “There’s chaos in you.”  He uttered.
     “There’s what?”
     A moment later, the double doors Steven had meant to flee through opened noisily, tourists passing through it and startling everyone.  The man dropped Steven’s arms and her friend wasted no time moving away from the creep and walking quickly toward the doors, breaking into a literal run a moment later.  “Let him go!”  The man instructed his comrades (minions?) in a raised voice.
     Sarah adjusted her bag to look casual and headed for the door at a fast clip.  She needed to catch up to Steven and find out just what the hell was going on.
     Despite her friend’s hurried pace as he fled, Sarah’s determined strides carried her to him within a minute.  “Steven, what the hell was that?”  She demanded.  “Who was that and what was he talking about?”
     Steven stopped and turned to Sarah, and the fear in his eyes disquieted her.  “His name is Arthur Harrow.  Something’s happened, and… Sarah, I think I’m going mad.  I’ve got to be.”
     Sarah’s first instinct was to chuckle and quip that everyone does at some point, then berate him for disappearing off the face of the earth for three days, but the absolute raw terror in his voice gave her pause.  If someone was mad, it was that creep that had just had his hands all over Steven, not Steven himself.  Even so, Steven was quite brilliant (contradictorily to popular opinion), and this wasn’t a conclusion he would’ve come to offhandedly.
     “Why do you think that, Steven?”  Sarah asked softly.
     Steven took a deep breath and launched into a tale that had Sarah covering her mouth in equal parts nausea and horror by the end.  He told her about waking up in the Alps and being attacked by strangers, having a series of blackouts with progressively worse situations every time he woke, a booming voice in his head, an apparently very important scarab, and worst of all, Arthur Harrow, self-appointed executioner of those a tattoo on his arm and a cane supposedly powered by Ammit.
     Apparently when he woke up things didn’t get any clearer.  Apparently on Sunday night he’d woken up in his flat and thought that the debacle in the Alps was just a horrid dream and that it was Friday afternoon.  After discovering that Gus had apparently been replaced with a two-finned version, he had rushed to the steakhouse for his date with Dylan.  “Had a steak.  Middle or center or something, well done.”  He told her.
     When he went home, it got worse.  “And now I’ve gone and found a secret compartment in my flat!  Literally, in the wall like I’m a bloody spy or something!  There’s a box I found in there, with keys to a storage facility and a mobile that’s not mine.  I went on the mobile and I found a bunch of missed calls from somebody called ‘Layla’, and when I rang her she kept talking like she knew me.  She called me ‘Marc’ and then hanged up on me and I started hearing this voice.”
     “The same one you heard in the Alps?”  Sarah questioned.
     Steven shook his head.  “No, this one was different.  He was American, and he knew my name.  I thought it was coming from my loo but no one was there, and then it was like he was my reflection, talking to me out of the mirror.  Then my flat started shaking like it was a bloody earthquake and the lights were all flickery like a horror film, and I tried to get out through the lift but it wasn’t working.  And there was this- thing- coming toward me on the second floor, but then it turned out to just be a little old lady.  But then it was right behind me in the lift, and I saw a face, and next thing I know I’m on the bus on my way to work.  But I saw ’im in the street as I went, and then I got off and I saw bloody Arthur Harrow on the bus and I think he’s following me.”
     Sarah drew in a deep breath and put her hands on Steven’s shoulders.  “You’re not mad, Steven, not even close.  I can’t explain these voices you’re hearing, or your blackouts, or the thing you saw in the lift.  I can’t tell you what the scarab is or why it’s so important.  But I can tell you that you’re not going mad.  Something is going on, and my gut tells me it’s much, much bigger than we can imagine.”
     He nodded, his eyes still teary but his overall demeanor a bit calmer.  “What about Harrow?  I don’t watch the news much; is he like a political figure or something?”
     She shook her head.  “If he is, I haven’t heard of him.  All I can imagine is that he’s a cult leader.  There’s religion, and then there’s cults.  This is the latter.  And I don’t think it’s stereotypical of me to say that cults are always bad news.  And even if it wasn’t a cult, I don’t think anyone who seems to exclusively worship and revere the Ancient Egyptian soul-eating demon goddess of the underworld and kills in her name should be trusted.  You saw him kill that woman for something she might not have even done, and when you asked him if he was going to kill you, he didn’t say that he wouldn’t.”  Sarah swallowed, her anger morphing for a moment into fear and grief as she remembered the moment she watched Connor Temple emerge from the smoky remains of the ARC, their dear friend dead in his arms.  And then Danny, Connor, and Abby had disappeared to hunt down his killer, though for a different reason… she couldn’t lose anyone else.  Especially not to a lunatic who thought they were justified in their atrocities.
     Blinking away tears even as they formed, she swallowed and drew in a breath.  “Before I started working here, the place I worked at before… there was this woman, this mad, horrible woman, who killed a friend of mine.  We later realized that she had even worse plans- genocidal plans- and three of my friends left to try to stop her.  I never saw them again after that, but I know that they succeeded in taking her down, or we’d all have died.”  She cleared her throat, but it did nothing for the tightness strangling her.  “Anyway, I got ahold of her journal, and I read every line of it ten times over.  I could probably recite bits of it to you.  The way she talked… that creep Harrow sounded just like her.  Not what he was saying, but how he said it, that… that certainty that doing something horrible was the right path to take….”  She shook her head and finally met Steven’s eyes, watching her with concern and sympathy.  “I’m staying here with you until your shift ends.”
     “Donna’s got me on inventory again.”  He admitted.
     Sarah rolled her eyes.  “Witch.  Well, I can help you with it, get us out of here sooner.  I don’t think he’ll try anything if there’s a lot of people here, so if we can finish and get home before the museum’s entirely empty, we should be fine.  He left earlier when the tour group came in, so something tells me that he doesn’t want witnesses.  Or interference.”
     Steven smiled at her with watery eyes.  “You’re a good friend, Sarah.  I don’t deserve you.”
     She wrapped her arms around him.  “No, Steven, you deserve better.  I think the best thing I ever did was be friends with you.”
     “I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done too.”
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The MCU’s version of the Ennead is slightly inaccurate, which I mentioned in a roundabout sort of way. I found the seven on the poster on Reddit, as well as the potential candidates for the missing ones. The two I picked to be mentioned (Sarah’s guess and the correct answer) were no coincidence. Set was known for the desert, storms, and violence; Nut was known for the stars, the sky, and the universe.
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ir-egipto-travel · 2 years
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Eve of the 'Uag'-Feast: “Day of the Eve of the 'Uag'-Feast; offerings for Amon-Ra, King of the Gods, with His Ennead, and the portable image of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Ramses III, in this day of festivity.” (The offerings are bread, biscuits, jars of beer, a bull, bouquets and baskets of fresh flowers, geese, ordinary fowl, onion-strings, jars of wine, baskets of incense, bowl of various fruit, baskets of fruit, bundles of vegetables, meal) [from the calendar in the Temple of Millions of Year of King Ramses III at west 'Uaset'-Thebes] Some of the Decans represented on the ceiling of the "House of Gold wherein one rests" (the burial chamber) of the "House of Eternity" of King Sethi I, Valley of the Kings (KV17), West Uaset-Thebes. To the left, Isis-Sothis and Osiris-Orion (Sȝḥ) #iregipto #egyptpassion #mbplanet #ancientegypt #egyptology #kemetic #ancientegyptian #egyptologist #anticoegitto #egittologia #egiptologia #antiguoegipto #religion #pagan #paganism #polytheism #kemet #egypt #archaeology #orion #sirius #osiris #isis #gods #goddess #stars #decan #decans #astronomy https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXK95ZLxno/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aoiveae-monsters · 2 years
big ol wip of Khonshu headcanons, there are going to be a lot of typos and things will probably change once I´m done. also not to confuse anyone, there are three diffrent readers in this fic. the normal reader, you good bread and butter. the other two are, witch reader(btw for those who don´t know, witch is a gender neutral word but maybe I´ll change it to priest reader idk yet) and ennead reader. Right now I´m still working on the witch reader.
now to the preview
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Khonshu x Gender Neutral Reader
Normal reader!
You probably met Steven before Khonshu, when he was pulled in all that moon knight Business. However, while you could not see Khonshu yet, he very much could see you. At first he didn't think much of you but the more he watched you the more he grew interested in you.
So one night out of the blue, he appeared in front of you. He was expecting screaming but no-
You were calm, even facinated by the moon god in front of you. Of course that stroked his Ego and he took an immediat liking to you
Steven didn't know you met Khonshu until you two were hanging out, with Khonshu present, and you said hi to him.
Poor man was freaking out because he thought Khonshu would hurt you
He wouldn't
It would take a while but you two grew closer, night by night. With that the elder god was begining to be confused. He never felt this way to a mere mortal and honestly, it scared him a little
But now to the romance~
Khonshu would be the first to confess, in his own silly way
He first would come to you one night, on a full moon, and say how truly lucky you are for having gained the affection of an elder god. Going on a Monologe onto how blessed you were, which was quickly shut down when you said that you also like him
Birb man was so happy
At the begining in the relationship Khonshu would have trouble seeing you as his equal but after a while he would (with great difficulty) swallow his pride and see you as his other, equal half
He is still very new to this so please be patient and if you are you'll get a doting moon god!
Murder bird is so down bad for you.
Khonshu showers you in his love, whenever the moon shines, you feel his loving embrace
Every moring you wake up he makes you Breakfast
While you can't directly touch him, you can feel a little of his presence. Him holding you close, beak softly nudging your neck.
Khonshu is also exrtemly protective, the god is aware how fragile humans are, so he would not have you in any moon knight matters
He loves you dearly and could not bare to see you hurt
Khonshu hates it when others Flirt with you, he'll throw one of his trantums, effectifly scaring them away.
After that he will be a little grumpy, give him a few kisses and long words, that will lighten bis mood
you are not the only one being doted on. Give him kisses, hugs and loving words
He will croon when you tell him how much you love him or give his beak little kisses, like-
"Yes little human, I am great aren't I?"
When he was imprisioned in stone by Ennead, being away from you pained hin greatly. He despratly earned for your loving embrace.
When he and Ammit where freed, he fought his hardest, so that ammit and harrow could never harm you.
Once he returned, he immediatly took you in his arms.
Khonshu refused to leave you alone for weeks, the time he was away should have been nothing to him but being seperated from you was to much for him.
However you two are together once again and he will never leave you again
Witch Reader!
Working with deities is not uncommen for witches and you thought you'd give it shot as it might help you a lot with your practice.
Khonshu was one deity you were planning on working with
The night you started the Ritual was on a full moon, hoping that would help Khonshu hear you and he did. At first Khonshu was confused, he had not someone reach out to him in a long time and specialy Not in such a way either
After the Ritual was Khonshu decided to answer this little human's prayers, you however did not exspect him to appear directly in front you-
But then again you shouldn't be suprised, in a world of a himbo with a thunder hammer, a big green dude and a man that has been in ice for 80 years this is probably the most normal that happened in a while
Khonshu would tell you how much of a wise decision you made chosing him over other moon deities
He would help you with your witchcraft and give you Protection under the moons silber glow but in exchange he wants something in return.
Humans have started worshiping the old gods again and he wants a devoted little follower, a priest! Give him praise and offerings-
You just throw bird seeds at his face:/
At least that got him to shut up
He does bonk you with his Staff in return tho
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smarmykemetic · 4 years
I will be starting the discord chat in the Mourners of Outlaws discord (message me for the link) probably around 3:30pm The ritual will officially start at Saturday May 16th 4pm MST (time zone converter). The plan is as follows:
Start the voice chat, wait for the friend who requested the Catholic rite to join. Recite Catholic prayer to the best of my ability.
Make offering to Anubis, and pray to him as a psychopomp to watch over the ritual and make sure that all the souls who don’t want to go to the Duat are ferried to their appropriate afterlives.
As close to 4pm MST as possible, begin the ritual.
Personal prayer/adoration of the Outlaw Dead.
Music and singing.
Discussion of what spells I am willing to ask the OD for help with on your behalf (the ones that have consented/will consent to the job, that is) in exchange for a charitable donation to living Outlaws (especially to ones affected by the virus). I’m planning on researching a handful of charities to suggest, but I’ll accept donations to a charity of your choice as well.
Reversion of offerings and generally hanging out in the voice chat (for fun and so that I can relax and ground myself). Me and my irl friends are probably gonna play a drinking game afterward, and it would be really fun for yall to participate with that, since I bet we’ll all appreciate something goofy and fun after this.
This is going to be an emotionally intense event, as it is every time I do the full rite, especially since the whole point is for us to collectively mourn and, hopefully, begin to process the collective trauma of this awful shit we’re all going through right now. Especially since I know from experience I tend to get a little errmm carried away when doing magic or rituals, I want to warn anyone that this will very likely be triggering to some; I’m not entirely confident in my ability to stay calm once I get going with this. I am definitely going to cry like a baby like I always do can we get an f in the chat, and then I’m gonna get tipsy on the ritual alcohol, so as a perk to helping honor the beloved dead, you get to giggle at me acting drunk and foolish lol. (My bf and a friend of ours, both Norse pagans who don’t really use Tumblr, will also be listening in in person, and you’ll likely get a chance to chat with them too, in case that sweetens the pot for anyone.)
If you want to participate rather than just listen, you’ll need to set up a space to offer stuff to Set, and a separate space to offer to the OD. You don’t absolutely have to use icons for either of them, but consider using the sigils I made to represent different factions of the OD 
You will also need: two candles, lighter, incense, water, two cups, something to give for an offering (one for Set, one for the Dead). The OD aren’t picky, but they love alcohol and music; most of the rites I do for them end up having more of a friendly gathering/party vibe, after the serious and/or magical stuff is done. I think it’s because part of the offering is the company and attention of the living, not just the offerings themselves; basically, after we let ourselves get really sad and angry on their behalf, I’m expecting them to pivot it to a more positive and camaraderie-focused vibe, as they usually do. 
Finally, I want to encourage yall to not stress too much about getting all the details right in your own rituals, and to branch out to invite your own gods, or apply your own traditional methods for such a situation, if you so choose. I highly recommend at least making an offering to Set and asking him for protection before doing anything with the OD, since this whole thing is his project and that means he’s more liable to sufficiently supervise people trying to help him with it, but you can likely ask your patrons/trusted psychopomps to help you with it just as well.
(Ritual under the cut)
Approaching the Shrine:
Awake in peace, Lord of the Red Land, awake in peace.
I come to you, your servant, your son, I come to you.
Your beautiful scent, it calls me forward.
And upon you filling my nostrils
I, your servant, your son, I come to you.
I have made my way and I enter into your presence.
I am one of you.
Do not repulse me on the god’s path.
My feet are not impeded, I am not turned back from the god’s place.
I have looked upon you. I know you.
Your mighty Sha have enclosed me.
I have entered this place with ma’at in my heart
In order to honor each and every Akh in the Duat upon this day.
*Step forward, or open the shrine, depending on your setup*
I open your temple. I come to you.
Your warmth and beauty surrounds me as I enter. I am not repulsed.
Behold, I have come to you to offer Ma’at,
to make sound the Eye for its lord.
Presentation of Light:
The torch comes to your ka, O Set, Lord of the Oasis.
Here comes he who promises the night after the day;
Here comes the two sisters from Ra;
Here comes she who was manifested in Abdju.
For I have caused it to come to you.
Even the Eye of Horus comes to you
Because I have made it so.
*Light first wick*
Come to this Eye of Horus, Great Set.
Let its light renew your youth in peace.
*Light second wick*
 Come to this Eye of Horus, O Numerous Akhu who reside in the Duat.
Come to this light and let it renew your youth in peace.
 The Eye of Horus is your protection, O Weary One.
It spreads its protection over you; it defeats all of your adversaries.
Truly, your adversaries are fallen.
 The Eye of Horus is your protection, O Akhu.
It spreads its protection over you; it defeats all of your adversaries.
Truly, your adversaries are fallen.
 The Eye of Horus comes intact and shining
like Ra on the horizon.
The four torches go to your ka, O Set.
The four torches are your protection, O Lord of Ma’at
You are truly Enduring because of their protection.
 It is Set who causes a torch to be bright for the potent Bas in the Duat.
May you make the living Ba of each and every Akh within your Domain
to be strong with their torch so that they will not be
repelled or turned back from the portals of the West.
 Through your Rebellion and Strength,
Each and every akh in your Domain flourishes.
They are restored to their true shape and form
As sure as the sun crosses the sky every day.
 Purification of offering space:
 *Take up water bowl/pitcher*
 O water, may you remove all evil,
I give you essential water, O Destroyer of the Damned One, a tide in your time.
I bring the flood waters to purify your sanctuary.
I bring you the flood waters to purify your temple
and your statue in your place.
*wet your finger and touch the four sides of your shrine, offering table or plate, etc.*
O Set, your altar is cleansed by the water;
Your altar is purified by the incense;
You are cleansed by Horus;
You are purified by Thoth.
Water invigorates your body;
It is I, your servant,
who comes to you in the palace where you reside.
Presentation of Libations:
 These your cool waters, O Set
have come from your nephew, Horus.
I have come to you having gotten Horus’s eye,
So that your heart may become cool with it;
I have gotten it under your feet.
Accept the outflow that comes from you:
So that your heart will not become weary.
 *Pour the water into first cup or bowl*
 This water is the Eye of Horus,
take it to your countenance,
that it may brighten your face.
 O Set, take this Eye of Horus
Which has been given to you by your son
So that you may live in Eternity
Glorious and pure.
*Pour the water into second cup or bowl*
 O Glorious Spirits, take this Eye of Horus
It parts your mouth so that you may you taste its taste
Accept this Eye so that you may live in Eternity
Glorious and pure.
Presentation of Offerings:
Oh He Who Commands the Riot, stand up and sit down to a thousand of bread,
a thousand of beer, roast meat, your rib-meat from the slaughterhouse, “pulled” bread from the broadhall.
*place first offering*
 As you are provided with a god’s-offering, these akhu are provided with bread.
You have come to your ba, Set, ba among the akhs,
in control of all that he sees, whom the Ennead tend in the Official’s Enclosure.
I have given you Horus’s eye, I have allotted it to you: may it endure for you with you.
 *place second offering*
 O Glorious Akhu, stand up and receive this your bread from me.
O Great Spirits, I will be an attendant for you.
O Enduring Akhu, accept Horus’s eye, your bread-loaf, and eat.
 As everything is for those under your protection,
let everything be for the bodies of the Blessed Dead.
 Grow aroused, you Great Akhu
Take this Eye of Horus and become uplifted.
In your place of Completeness you do not hunger. You have no thirst.
Your contentment is all you know in the land of the Duat.
Your heart becomes awash with joy
And your hearts fill with ma’at.
 As you take in the Eye of Horus
You shall become as complete as every NTR:
your head as Horus of the Duat—an Imperishable Star;
your face as Eyes-Forward—an Imperishable Star;
your ears Atum’s twins—an Imperishable Star;
your eyes Atum’s twins—an Imperishable Star;
your nose as the Jackal—an Imperishable Star;
your teeth Sopdu—an Imperishable Star;
your arms Hapi and Duamutef—when you demand to go up to the sky, you go up;
your legs Imseti and Qebehsenuef—when you demand to go down to the undersky, you go down;
your limbs Atum’s twins—an Imperishable Star.
O Great Akhu, become clean through Horus’s Eye and
Make your bones firm.
O Great Akhu, become Whole through Horus’s Eye and
All of your obstructions will be removed through Set’s mighty Sha.
 You will not perish, your ka will not perish
As Set lives, you shall live.
As you live, Set lives.
 Sun and Thoth, take each and every akh with you,
that they may eat of what you eat of,
that they may drink of what you drink of,
that they may live on what you live on,
that they may sit where you sit,
that they may grow powerful from what you grow powerful from,
that they may sail in what you sail in.
The booth of each and every akh is plaited of reeds;
the flood of each and every akh is in the Marsh of Offerings;
their feasts are among you, gods;
the water of each and every akh is wine, like the Sun.
They will circumnavigate the sky like the Sun,
They shall course the sky like Thoth.
And both akhu and NTRW shall live in peace in the Duat.
Whole and Complete. A million times effective.
 Reversion of offerings:
 O He Who Makes the Sky Tremble, your enemies withdraw from you.
Heru has turned himself to his Eye in its name of Reversion-of-Offerings.
These your divine offerings revert;
They revert to your servant for life, stability, health and joy.
So that you may flourish for eternity.
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dua-yinepu · 4 years
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The praising of Osiris, Lord of Rosetjau, and the Great Ennead which is in the God’s Domain by the Osiris scribe Ani. He says: Hail to you, O Foremost of the Westerners, Wennefer-dwelling-in-Abydos, I have come before you, my heart bearing truth, without wrongdoing in my body, without saying falsehood knowingly. I have not done a misdeed— (repeat) twice. May you give me bread which comes forth upon the altar of the Possessors of Truth. May I enter into and go forth from the God’s Domain, without my Ba being hindered. May I see the sun and may I behold the moon every day.
Words spoken by the Pillar-of-his-Mother Priest, he says: I have come before you, O Great Councilors who are in the sky, earth, and the God’s Domain, I have brought to you Osiris Ani who is blameless before all the gods, let him be with you every day.
The praising of Osiris, Lord of Eternity, and all the Councilors of Rosetjau by the Osiris scribe Ani, the vindicated. He says: Hail to you, King of the God’s Domain, Ruler of the Land of Silence, I have come before you, I know your ways, I am equipped with your forms of the Underworld. May you give me a place in the God’s Domain in the presence of the Lords of Truth, and a permanent endowment in the Field of Offerings. May I receive offerings in your presence.
Words spoken by the Son-Whom-He-Loves Priest, | have come to you, O Great Councilors who are in Rosetjau, I have brought to you the Osiris Ani. May you give him bread, water and air, and an endowment in the Field of Offerings, like a follower of Horus.
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I know! It's been like a year! But since I'm working considerably less and have much more time on my hands, it's Book of the Dead time babey !!!
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frostbittenstar · 5 years
Praise for Dhwtj
Be sure to give thanks to the god of knowledge, magic, and the moon, Dhwtj. Ask him for protection and guidance during your practice of magick. Give him an offerings of beer, bread, water, writing materials, grimoires, and earthy scents.
Prayer to Dhwtj - Translation of the Anastasi V papyrus by J.L.Foster
Come to me, Djehuty! O glorious sacred Ibis,
God, who loves Hermopolis.
Scribe of letters to the Ennead.
exalted in Heliopolis!
Come to me that you may give good counsel
and make me wise in your affairs.
Your calling is splendid above any other –
it makes for greatness;
One discovers knowledge in it
to form a distinguished man.
I have seen the many men you favored,
and they are high officials, seated on the Council of the Thirty,
Strong and powerful because of what you do;
and it is you who gave them wisdom.
And it is you who give good counsel to him without a mother;
fate and good fortune are in your hand.
O come to me that you may give me wisdom!
I am a devotee of your domain,
Let me recount your mighty deeds
wherever I may be.
Then shall the multitudes of people say,
“Great are the things Djehuty has accomplished.”
Then they shall come bringing their children,
offering them to your service.
The service of the Lord of Power is perfection!
And happy he who is allowed to follow it.
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nebthet-blog · 5 years
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 The Contendings of Horus and Seth  (Chester Beatty Papyrus 1)  [adapted from ‘nefertiti.iwebland’]
     [There came to pass] the adjudication of Horus and Seth, mysterious in (their) forms and mightiest of the princes and magnates who (ever) came into existence. Now it was a young [god] that was seated in the presence of the Universal Lord, claiming the office of his father Osiris, beautiful in (his) appearances, the [son of Pt]ah, who illumines [the west with] his [complex]ion, while Thoth was presenting the uninjured Eye to the great prince who is in Heliopolis. Then said Shu, the son of Re, in the presence of [Atum], the great [prince] who is in Heliopolis: "Justice is a possessor of power. [Administer] it by saying, 'Award the office to [Horus].' "
    Said Thoth to the [Ennead]: "It is correct a million times."
    ... Then Seth, the son of Nut, said: "Have him dismissed outside with me that I may let you see my hand(s) prevail (over) his hand(s) [in the pre]sence of the Ennead, since there is not known [any] (other) method [of] dispossessing him."
    Said Thoth to him: "Shouldn't we ascertain (who is) the imposter? It is while Osiris's son Horus is still living that his office is to be awarded to Seth?"
    Re-Harakhti became exceedingly furious, for his wish was to give the office to Seth, great in virility, the son of Nut.  [Re was beholden to Seth for defending him against the demons who assailed him on his daily journey through the skies.]
    [At the urging of Atum, a letter is sent to Neith, the warrior goddess of Sais, for her to decide.]
     Then Neith the Great... sent a letter to the Ennead, saying: Award the office of Osiris to his son Horus. Don't commit such blatant acts of inequity which are illegal, or I shall become so furious that the sky will touch the ground. The Universal Lord, the Bull who resides in Heliopolis, ought to be told: Enrich Seth in his possessions. Give him Anath and Astarte, your two daughters, and install Horus in the position of his father Osiris. [Anath & Astarte = Phoenician goddesses, Fertility-Victory and Love (=Ishtar)]
     And so the letter of Neith the Great, the God's mother, reached this Ennead as they were sitting in the 'Horus with the projecting Horns' court, and the letter was delivered into Thoth's hand. Thereupon Thoth read it out in the presence of the Universal Lord and the entire Ennead, and they declared unanimously: "This goddess is correct."
    Then the Universal Lord (Re) became furious at Horus and told him: "You are despicable in your person, and this office is too much for you, you lad, the flavourof whose mouth is (still) bad." [The ennead is furious and] Seth says to Re in contempt: "Your shrine is vacant."
         Re-Harakhti took offense at the insult which was said to him and lay down on his back very much saddened. And so the Ennead went outside and let out a loud cry before the face of Bedon(=Seth), the god. They told him: "Get out; this offense that you have committed is exceedingly great."
    And they departed to their huts. And so the great god spent a day lying on his back in his pavilion very much saddened and alone by himself. After a considerable while Hathor, Lady of the Southern Sycamore, came and stood before her father, the Universal Lord, and she exposed her vagina before his very eyes. Thereupon the great god laughed at her. Then he got right up and sat down with the Great Ennead [apparently convening a trial]. He said to Horus and Seth: "Speak concerning yourselves."
     Seth, great in virility, the son of Nut, said: "As for me, I am Seth, greatest in virility among (the) Ennead, for I slay the opponent of Re daily while I am at the prow of the Bark of the Millions, whereas not any (other) god is able to do it. I should receive the office of Osiris."
    Then they said: "Seth, the son of Nut, is correct."
    Onuris and Thoth let out a loud cry, saying: "Is it while a bodily son is still living that the office is to be awarded to a maternal uncle?"
    Then said Banebdjede, the living great god: "Is it while Seth, his elder brother, is still living that the office is to be awarded to the (mere) lad?"
     The Ennead let out a loud cry before the face of the Universal Lord and said to him: "What is the meaning of the words that you have said which are unfit to be heard?"
    Said Horus, son of Isis: "It is no good, this cheating me in the presence of the Ennead and depriving me of the office of my father Osiris."
    Thereupon Isis became furious at the Ennead and took an oath by (the) god in the presence of the Ennead as follows: "By mother Neith, the goddess, and by Ptah-Tatenen, with lofty plumes, who curbs the horns of gods, these matters should be submitted before Atum, the great prince who is in Heliopolis, ...."
    And the Ennead said to her: "Don't become angry. The rights will be given to the one who is in the right. All that you have said will be done."
    Seth, the son of Nut, became furious at the Ennead when they had said this to Isis the Great, the God's Mother. So Seth said to them: "I shall take my scepter of 4,500 nemset-weight and kill one of you a day."
    And then Seth took an oath by the Universal Lord, saying: "I shall not go to law in the tribunal while Isis is (still) in it."
     Said Re-Harakhti to them: "You shall ferry across to the Island in the Middle and decide between them there and tell Nemty, the ferryman, not to ferry any woman across resembling Isis."
    And so the Ennead ferried across to the Island in the Middle and sat down and ate bread.
 [Isis disguised as an old woman tricks Nemty and then fools Seth]
     Then Isis came and approached Nemty, the ferryman, as he was sitting near his boat, after she had transformed herself into an old woman who walked with a hobble and (wore) a small golden signet-ring on her hand. She said to him: "It is in order that you might ferry (me) across to the Island in the Middle that I come to you, because it is for the young lad that I have come carrying this bowlful of porridge, since he has been tending some cattle on the Island in the Middle for five days now and is hungry."
    He said to her: "I have been told not to ferry any woman across."
    But she said to him: "It is with reference to Isis that you have been told this which you have (just) mentioned."
    He said to her: "What will you give me in order that you may be ferried across to the Island in the Middle?"
    Said Isis to him: "I will give you this cake."
    He said to her: "What good is it to me, your cake? Is it in exchange for your cake that I should ferry you across to the Island in the Middle when I have been told not to ferry any woman across?"
    Then she said to him: "I will give you the golden signet-ring which is on (my) hand."
    And he said to her: "Hand over the golden signet-ring."
    And she gave it to him. Then he ferried her across to the Island in the Middle.
     Now as she was walking under the trees, she looked and saw the Ennead sitting eating bread in the presence of the Universal Lord in his pavilion. Seth looked and saw her when she had come closer from afar. Then she conjured by means of her magic, transforming herself into a maiden whose body was beautiful and whose like did not exist in the entire land. Thereupon he desired her most lecherously.
    Seth got right up from sitting eating bread with the Great Ennead and proceeded to overtake her, no one having seen her except himself. Then he stood behind a sycamore tree and called to her. He said to her: "I am here with you, beautiful maiden."
    And she said to him: "Respect, my great lord. As for me, I was a wife (living) with a cattleman to whom I bore a son. My husband died, and the lad started tending his father's cattle. But then a stranger came and settled in my stable. He said thus in speaking to my son, 'I shall beat you and confiscate your father's cattle and evict you,' said he in speaking to him. Now it is my desire to have you afford him protection."
    Thereupon Seth said to her: "Is it while the son of the male is still living that the cattle are to be given to the stranger?"
    And so Isis transformed herself into a kite and flew up and perched on top of an acacia tree. She called to Seth and said to him: "Be ashamed of yourself. It is your own mouth that has said it. It is your own cleverness that has judged you. What comeback do you have now?"
    And so he became ashamed and went to where Re-Harakhti was, (still) ashamed. Then Re said to him: "What's bothering you still?"
  �� Said Seth to him: "That wicked woman has come to me again. She has tricked me again, having transformed herself into a beautiful maiden before my eyes. She said to me, 'As for me, I was a wife (living) with a cattleman. He died, and I bore him a son, who is tending some of his father's cattle. A stranger took lodging in my stable with my son, and I gave him meals. Now after many days following this, the visitor then said to my son, 'I shall beat you and confiscate your father's cattle, and they will become mine,' he said in speaking to my son.' So she said to me."
    Then Re-Harakhti said to him: "And what did you say to her?"
    And Seth told him: "I said to her, 'Is it while the son of the male is still living that the cattle are to be given to the stranger?' So I said to her: 'This visitor's face should be smitten with a rod, and he should be evicted and your son put in his father's position.' So I said to her."
    Thereupon Re-Harakhti said to him: "Now look here, it is you yourself that has judged your own self. What comeback do you have now?"
    So Seth said to him: "Have Nemty, the ferryman, brought and severe punishment inflicted upon him, saying, 'Why did you let her be ferried across?' So it shall be said to him."
    Then Nemty, the ferryman, was brought before the Ennead, and the forepart of his feet removed. So Nemtyabjured gold even to this day in the presence of the Great Ennead, saying: "Gold shall be because of me an abomination unto my city."
    Then the Ennead ferried across to the western tract and sat down on the mountain.
     Now (afterward) at evening time Re-Harakhti and Atum, Lord of the Two Lands, the Heliopolitan, wrote to the Ennead, saying: "What are you doing still sitting here? As for the two youths, you will be having them finish their lifetime in the tribunal! When my letter reaches you, you shall place the White Crown upon the head of Horus, son of Isis, and appoint him to the position of his father Osiris."
     Thereupon Seth became terribly furious. And so the Ennead said to Seth: "Why have you become so furious? Isn't it in accordance with what Atum, Lord of the Two Lands, the Heliopolitan, and Re-Harakhti have said that (things) should be carried out?"
    Then the White Crown was set upon the head of Horus, son of Isis. Seth, being very angry, let out a loud shriek before the face of this Ennead, saying: "Is it while I am still living as his elder brother that the office is to be awarded to my younger brother?"
    Then he took an oath as follows: "The White Crown shall be removed from the head of Horus, son of Isis, and he shall be thrown into the water in order that I may contend with him or the office of Ruler."
    Re-Harakhti acquiesced.
     Thereupon Seth said to Horus: "Come, let's both transform (ourselves) into hippopotamuses and submerge in the deep waters in the midst of the sea. Now as for the one who shall emerge within the span of three whole months, the office should not be awarded him."
    Then they both submerged. And so Isis sat down and wept, saying: "Seth has killed Horus, my son."
    Then she fetched a skein of yarn. She fashioned a line, fetched a deben-weight's (worth) of copper, cast it in (the form of) a harpoon, tied the line to it, and hurled it into the water at the spot where Horus and Seth had submerged. But then the copper (barb) bit into the person of her son Horus. So Horus let out a loud shriek, saying: "Help me, mother Isis. Appeal to your copper (barb) to let go of me. I am Horus, son of Isis."
    Thereupon Isis let out a loud shriek and told (her) copper (barb): "Let go of him. See, it is my son Horus. He is my child." So her copper (barb) let go of him.
    Then she again hurled it back into the water, and it bit into the person of Seth. So Seth let out a loud shriek, saying: "What have I done against you, my sister Isis? Appeal to your copper (barb) to let go of me. I am your maternal brother, Isis."
    Then she felt exceedingly compassionate toward him. Thereupon Seth called to her, saying: "Do you prefer the stranger to (your) maternal brother Seth?"  So Isis appealed to her copper (barb), saying: "Let go of him. See, it is Isis's maternal brother whom you have bitten into." Then the copper (barb) let go of him.
     Horus, son of Isis, became furious at his mother Isis and went out with his face as fierce as an Upper Egyptian panther's, having his cleaver of 16 deben-weight in his hand. He removed the head of his mother Isis, put it in his arms, and ascended the mountain. Then Isis transformed herself into a statue of flint with no head.
    Said Re-Harakhti to Thoth: "What is that which has arrived having no head?"
    So Thoth told Re-Harakhti: "My good lord, that is Isis the Great, the God's Mother, after Horus, her son, removed her head."
    Thereupon Re-Harakhti let out a loud cry and said to the Ennead: "Let us go and inflict severe punishment upon him." Then the Ennead ascended those mountains in order to search for Horus, son of Isis.
 [Seth steals the eye(s) of Horus—and sexually assaults him]
    Now as for Horus, he was lying under a shenusha-tree in the land of the oasis. Seth found him, seized hold of him, threw him down upon his back on the mountain, removed his two eyes from their sockets, and buried them on the mountain so as to illumine the earth. The two balls of his eyes became two bulbs which grew into lotuses. Seth came away and told Re-Harakhti falsely: "I did not find Horus" - although he had found him.
    Then Hathor, Mistress of the Southern Sycamore, set out, and she found Horus lying weeping in the desert. She captured a gazelle and milked it. She said to Horus: "Open your eye(s) that I may put this milk in them."
    Then he opened his eye(s) and she put the milk in them, putting some in the right one and putting some in the left one. She told him: "Open your eye(s)." And he opened his eye(s). (She) looked at them and found that they were healed.   She set out to tell Re-Harakhti: "(I) found Horus after Seth had deprived him of his eye(s), but I have restored him back (to health). See, he has returned."
    Said the Ennead (apparently provoked by Seth’s crime): "Let Horus and Seth besummoned in order that they may be judged."
    Then they were brought before the Ennead. Said the Universal Lord before the Great Ennead to Horus and Seth: "Go and obey what I tell you. You should eat and drink so that we may have (some) peace. Stop quarreling so every day on end."
    Then Seth told Horus: "Come, let's make holiday in my house."
    Horus told him: "I'll do so, surely, I'll do so, I'll do so."
    Now afterward, (at) evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both lay down. But during the night, Seth caused his phallus to become stiff and inserted it between Horus's thighs. Then Horus placed his hands between his thighs and received Seth's semen. Horus went to tell his mother Isis: "Help me, Isis, my mother, come and see what Seth has done to me."
    And he opened his hand(s) and let her see Seth's semen. She let out a loud shriek, seized the copper (knife), cut off his hand(s) that were equivalent. Then she fetched some fragrant ointment and applied it to Horus's phallus. She caused it to become stiff and inserted it into a pot, and he caused his semen to flow down into it.
 [Isis ‘seeds’ the lettuce and thus tricks Seth into betraying his manhood]
    Isis at morning time went carrying the semen of Horus to the garden of Seth and said to Seth's gardener: "What sort of vegetable is it that Seth eats here in your company?"
    So the gardener told her: "He doesn't eat any vegetable here in my company except lettuce."
    And Isis added the semen of Horus onto it. Seth returned according to his daily habit and ate the lettuce, which he regularly ate. Thereupon he became pregnant with the semen of Horus. So Seth went to tell Horus: "Come, let's go and I may contend with you in the tribunal."
    Horus told him: "I'll do so, surely, I'll do so, I'll do so."
     They both went to the tribunal and stood in the presence of the Great Ennead. They were told: "Speak concerning yourselves."
    Said Seth: "Let me be awarded the office of Ruler, for as to Horus, the one who is standing (trial), I have performed the labor of a male against him."
    The Ennead let out a load cry. They spewed and spat at Horus's face. Horus laughed at them. Horus then took an oath by god as follows: "All that Seth has said is false. Let Seth's semen be summoned that we may see from where it answers, and my own be summoned that we may see from where it answers."
    Then Thoth, lord of script and scribe of truth for the Ennead, put his hand on Horus's shoulder and said: "Come out, you semen of Seth."
    And it answered him from the water in the interior of the marsh. Thoth put his hand on Seth's shoulder and said: "Come out, you semen of Horus."
    Then it said to him: "Where shall I come from?"
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
Gods of Ancient Egypt
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By shirleytwofeathers
The deities listed here are by no means all those recorded in the Egyptian pantheon. It would be impossible to list them all. Anyone interested in an in-depth study of Egyptian deities should read The Gods of the Egyptians by E. A. Wallis Budge. Also there are vast differences in the spellings of Egyptian deity names. This is because Egyptian hieroglyphs had no vowels.
This is a simple list of Egyptian gods and goddesses from Egyptian mythology, along with their titles and some of their attributes. The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods at different times and in different places. Some gods changed in importance over time.
Aebehout (Kebehet, Kabachet, Kebhut,  Kebechet, Qebhut, Qeb-Hwt) – Goddess of the Water of Life. The goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess or the lost child, she presides over the magical reviving power of water.
Amaunet (Amunet) – Goddess of Heaven, Wife of Amun. (see also Amonet)
Amen (Amoun, Amun, Amon, Ammon) – The Hidden One; Lord of the Libyans; Lord of the Setting Sun and Moon; The Time Lord; Earth Father; Giver of Breath; Giver of Life, Vizier of the Humble, Who Answers the Voice of the Poor. The great god of Thebes of uncertain origin; represented as a man, sometimes ithyphallic; identified with Re as Amen-Re; sacred animals, the ram and the goose.
Ament (Amenti) – The Westerner; The Hidden Goddess; Goddess of the Land of the West; Goddess with Beautiful Hair. She welcomed all deceased people to the land of the dead with bread and water. (see also Amonet)
Ammit (Ammut, Ahemait) – The Eater, Devourer of the Dead; Eater of Hearts; Bone Eater; Devourer of Millions; Greatness of Death. This is the crocodile goddess also known as Ammit the Devourer. She also assists Anubis with carrying out the Judgements,
Amonet (Amunet, Amaunet, Ament, Imentet, Amentat) – The Mother Who Is Father. A primordial spirit composed of the two deities Ammon and Ammit.
Amun-Ra (Akmun-Ra, Ra, Re, Phra) – The Creator; The Supreme Power; The Only One; Great Father; Father of the Gods; Sun God. Ra is the god of the Sun, head of the great ennead, supreme judge; often linked with other gods aspiring to universality, and king of the gods until Osiris took over his throne.
Anat (Anath, Anta) – The Girl; Lady of Heaven; Mistress of All Spirit; Strength of Life; Lady of Mercy. A goddess of Syrian origin, with warlike character; represented as a woman holding a shield and an axe.
Anhur (Anher, Anhert, Onouris) – Skybearer, The Divine Huntsman. Very early aspect of Osiris, God of war, sun and the sky.
Anput – Goddess of the seventeenth Nome of Upper Egypt
Anubis (Anpu, Sekhem Em Pet) – Foremost of the Westerners. He is god of judgement of life and death, the jackal-god, patron of embalmers; the great necropolis-god.
Anuket (Anqet, Anukis, Anoukis)  – The Clasper; The Embracer; Bestower of Life; Lady of Nubia. She is the goddess of river Nile and the cataract-region at Aswan; wife of Khnum; represented as a woman with a high feather head-dress.
Apep (Apophis) – The chaos snake. Demon enemy of the Sun, the eternal enemy of Ra. He is a god of chaos and war.
Apet (Opet, Tauret, Taurt, Thoueris, Rertrertu, Taweret, Ta-Urt, Tauret) – Mistress of Talismans. The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Arsaphes (Herishef)- A ram-headed god from Heracleopolis.
Apis – A live bull worshipped as a god at Memphis. This is a rare case of an animal being worshipped as a god while alive, then mummified when he died.
As (Aset, Eset, Tait, Isis) – Supreme  Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life.
Astarte (Ashtarte) – Lady of Heaven; Mother of the Blessed. A goddess of Syrian origin; introduced into Egypt during the Eighteenth Dynasty.
Atem (Atum /Temu, Tem) – Dark Eye of Ra. Personification of God in human form and of the setting Sun. Father of the human race, he helped the dead. In one of his forms he was worshipped as a huge serpent.
Aten – The disk of the sun Originally an aspect of Ra
Athor (Athyr, Hert, Hat-Hor, Hathor) – The Great One of Many Names; The Golden One; Lady of Malachite; Lady of Turquoise; Sady of the Sycamore; Lady of the Date Palm; Lady of the West; Lady of the Dead; The Womb of Horus; House of Horus; Lady of the Evening; My House in the Sky; Lady of the Uterus; Lady of the Vulva; The Womb Above. This popular goddess is the matron goddess of all women, the embodiment of the female principle. She has many functions and attributes.
Auser (Osiris)- Lord of the Far World. Osiris is the god of the underworld and the afterlife. He is identified as the dead or mummified king; also a god of the inundation and vegetation.- Lord of life after death, Sun god, Universal Lord
Au Set (Isis, As, Aset, Eset, Tait) – The Great Lady; Queen of the Earth; Light Giver of Heaven; Mistress of Magic; The Many Named; Queen of the Throne; She Who Is Rich in Spells; Great of Sorcery; Redemptress: Star of the Sea; The One Who Is All; Mother of Gods. Isis is the divine mother, goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and motherhood. She is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She is one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and Canopic jars; sister of Nephthys with whom she acted as a divine mourner for the dead. Supreme Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life
Auf (Euf Ra) – Aspect of the Sun god Ra
Babi – God of baboons
Ba-neb~Tetet (Banebedet, Banaded, Banabdedet, Banabdjedet) – The Soul of Mendes; Lord of Mendes; The Ram of Mendes. The calm cool headed ram deity who found a peaceful solution to the power struggle between Horus and Set.  God of discussion, arbitration, peace.
Bast (Bastet, Pasht) – Mistress of the Oracle; Great Conjuress of the Casket. The cat goddess with dominion over sex, fertility, marriage, magic, music, childbirth, and the pleasures of life. Cat Goddess known to protect pregnant women and children. The protector of Ra, his third eye.
Bes  – Dancing. Lord of the Land of Punt. Bes is the dwarf god with leonine features; a domestic god, protector against snakes and various terrors; helper of women in child-birth. Dwarf God God of Pregnant woman, newborn babies, and family also known to protect from snake and scorpion bites
Buto (Uajyt, Uatchet, Utchat, Per Uadijit, Uazrr, Uto, Uraeus) – Eye of Ra; Lady of Heaven; Lady of the North. At times she was portrayed as a cobra, sometimes winged, sometimes crowned. Goddess of protection, hiding from evil. See also Wadjet.
Djehuti (Zehuti. Thoth, Tehuti, Thout)  – Lord of Divine Words; Lord of Books. Thoth is the ibis-headed scribe of the gods, the god of wisdom, inventor of writing. The ape as well as the ibis is sacred to him. Judge of the Gods.
Edjo (Buto, Wadjet, Udjat) – Goddess of protection. Sister of Nekhbet. Lady of Flame; Lady of the North; Lady of Heaven; Queen of Holy Spirits. The cobra-goddess of Buto in the Delta, a goddess of protection, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king.
Ernutet (Renenet, Renenutet) – Lady of the double granary, Goddess of the 8th month of the Egyptian calendar.
Eset (Tait, Isis, As, Aset) – Supreme Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life.
Euf Ra (Auf)  – Aspect of the Sun god Ra
Geb (Keb, Seb) – Father of the Gods. A fertility Earth god, similar to the Greek Cronus, always shown with erect phallus. Presides over fertility, new beginnings, creation, and crops.
Hapi – God of the Nile in inundation; represented as a very fat man. God of the Nile, crops, fertility, water, and prosperity.
Hat-Hehit – Fish-goddess of Mendes in the Delta; sometimes represented as a woman with a fish on her head.
Hathor (Athor, Athyr, Hert, Hat-Hor) – The Great One of Many Names; The Golden One; Lady of Malachite; Lady of Turquoise; Lady of the Sycamore; Lady of the Date Palm; Lady of the West; Lady of the Dead; The Womb of Horus; House of Horus; Lady of the Evening; My House in the Sky; Lady of the Uterus; Lady of the Vulva; The Womb Above. This popular goddess is the matron goddess of all women, the embodiment of the female principle. She has many functions and attributes.
Heh (Neheb) – God of eternity, longevity, and happiness. Shown as a man squatting on the ground wearing a curved reed on his head.
Heqet (Heqtit, Heket) – Midwife of the Sun, Giver of Life; Spirit of the Primordial Waters; Mother of the Spirits. She is the frog-goddess of Antinoopolis where she was associated with Khnum; a helper of women in child-birth.
Herishef  (Arsaphes) – A ram-headed god from Heracleopolis.
Horus (Haroeris, Haru-Er, Harsiesis, Harpocrates) – The Enchanted One. Horus is the god of war, sky, and falcons. He is regarded as the son of Osiris and Isis, for the former of whom he became the avenger.- Falcon headed Sun and Sky God, Divine Child, reborn Sun
Imentet (Amentat, Amonet, Amunet, Amaunet, Ament)  – The Mother Who Is Father. A primordial spirit composed of the two deities Ammon and Ammit.
Imhotep (I-Em-Hetep, Imouthes) – He Who Comes In Peace. The deified chief minister of Djoser and architect of the Step Pyramid; in the Late Period venerated as the god of learning and medicine; represented as a seated man holding an open papyrus; equated by the Greeks with Asklepios. God of knowledge, medicine, magick, compassion, drugs, herbs, sleep
Isis (As, Aset, Eset, Tait, Au Set) – The Great Lady; Queen of the Earth; Light Giver of Heaven; Mistress of Magic; The Many Named; Queen of the Throne; She Who Is Rich in Spells; Great of Sorcery; Redemptress: Star of the Sea; The One Who Is All; Mother of Gods. Isis is the divine mother, goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and motherhood. She is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She is one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and Canopic jars; sister of Nephthys with whom she acted as a divine mourner for the dead. Supreme Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life
Kabachet (Kebhut, Kebechet, Qebhut , Qeb-Hwt, Aebehout, Kebehet) – Goddess of the Water of Life.The goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess or the lost child, she presides over the magical reviving power of water.
Keb (Seb, Geb)- A fertility Earth God of new beginnings, creation, crops.
Khepri – God of scarab beetles Ra’s aspect in the morning
Khensu (Khons, Khonsu) – God of the Moon; Traveller; The Navigator; He Who Crosses The Sky In A Boat; God of the New Moon. He is the moon-god, represented as a man; with Amun and Mut as father and mother, forming the Theban triad.
Khepera (Khepra, Khepri, Kebechet, Khepera, Kefri) – Father of the Spirits, He Who Becomes. The scarab-beetle god, identified with Re as a creator-god; often represented as a beetle within the sun-disk. A god of transformations, rebirth, resurrection of the body, reincarnation, and rebirth.
Khnemu (Khnum, Khnoum) – The Sculptor Who Gives Life; The Molder; The Divine Potter; Lord of Destiny; Father of Fathers; Mother of Mothers; Lord of the Cool Water. The ram-headed god of Elephantine, god of the Cataract-region; thought to have moulded man on a potter’s wheel. Ra’s aspect in the evening.
Kuk – Personification of darkness
Maahes – Egyptian lion-headed god of war
Maat (Ma’at, Maa, Maut, Mayet) – Lady of Heaven; Queen of Earth; Mistress of the Underworld; Eye of Ra; Daughter of Ra; Lady of the Judgement Hall. Ma’at is the goddess of justice,order, truth, right, and orderly conduct; represented as a woman with an ostrich-feather on her head.
Mafdet – God of justice. Executioner of criminals, protector of the King’s chambers
Mehueret, Mehurt – Lady of Heaven; Mistress of the Earth. A universal Mother Goddess associated with night.
Menhit – Minor lion goddess, Wife of Anhur
Menthi (Menthu-Ra, Mentu, Mont) – Sun god, often with a bull head. In his war aspect he personified the destroying heat of the sun. God of protection, war, and vengeance.
Meretseger – She Who Loves Silence; Lioness of the Summit; Lady of the Necropolis. A protector of tombs and guardian of the Necropolis.
Meshkenet (Meskhenet) – Goddess of Childbirth. Protects labouring women and newborn babies.
Min (Minu, Menu) – Lord of the Eastern Desert; Lord of Foreign Lands. The primeval god of Coptos; later revered as a god of fertility, and closely associated with Amun.
Mut – Lady of Heaven; Queen of Deities; Mother of the Mothers. The vulture-goddess who is the spirit of maternity. Her name means “mom.” An extremely beloved goddess later represented usually as a woman.
Neheb (Heh)  – God of eternity, longevity, happiness
Nehebkau – Serpent God of the Underworld
Nefertem (Nefert-Temu, Nefertu) – The Lord of Fragrance. He is the god of the lotus, and hence of unguents, perfumes and fragrance; worshipped at Memphis as the son of Ptah and Sakhmet; represented as a man with a lotus-flower head-dress.
Nehebkau (Neheb-kau) – A serpent god of the Underworld, dangerous to both the gods and humans. Death, cursing, vengeance. Some-times represented with a man’s body and holding the eye of Horus.
Neith (Neit, Net, Nit) – The Oldest One; Nurse of the Crocodiles. This goddess of Sais is represented as a woman wearing the red crown; her emblem, a shield with crossed arrows; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses who guarded coffins and Canopic jars; identified by the Greeks with Athena.
Nekhbet (Nekhebet) – Lady of the South. The vulture-goddess of Upper Egypt, presides over maternity, childbirth, life and death.
Nephthys (Nebt-Het, Nebthet, Nebhet) – Funerary Goddess, Lady of the House; Lady of Life; Lady of Darkness; Lady of Death that Is Not Eternal; Mistress of the Palace, The Revealer, Mistress of the West. Nephthys is the river goddess, sister of Isis; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, who guarded coffins and Canopic jars; with Isis acted as mourner for Osiris and hence for other dead people.
Nun (Nu) – God of the primeval chaos.
Nut (Nu) – Life giver, Mother of the Gods, Protector of the Dead. Mother of Stars; Queen of Heaven; Mother of the Deceased; She Who Holds a Thousand Souls; Mistress of All; She; Who Protects. Nut is the goddess of sky and stars, represented as a woman, her naked body curved to form the arch of heaven.
Onnophris (Unnefer, Wenen-Nefer) – a name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.
Onouris (Anhur, Anher, Anhert) – Skybearer, very early aspect of the God Osiris
Opet (Tauret, Taurt, Thoueris, Rertrertu, Taweret, Ta-Urt, Tauret, Apet) – Mistress of Talismans. The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Ophis (Wepwawet, Upuaut)  – Opener of the Ways. the jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of the necropolis and an avenger of Osiris. Opener of roads, God of the Underworld
Osiris (Auser) – Lord of the Far World. Osiris is the god of the underworld and the afterlife. He is identified as the dead or mummified king; also a god of the inundation and vegetation.- Lord of life after death, Sun god, Universal Lord
Pakhet – A goddess of motherhood and of war
Pasht (Bast, Bastet)  – Cat Goddess known to protect pregnant women and children. The protector of Ra, his third eye.
Per Uadijit (Uazrr, Uto, Uraeus / Buto / Uajyt, Uatchet, Utchat) – Cobra goddess and protectress of Lower Egypt
Ptah (Ptah-Neb-Ankh) – The Opener, the Divine Artificer, Father of Beginnings, Creator God. Lord of the Sky; Lord of the Two Lands; Lord of Truths; Lord of Sunrise; Father of Fathers; Power of Powers. He is the god of creation, creator-god of Memphis, the patron god of craftsmen; equated by the Greeks with Hephaestus.
Ptah-Seker-Osiris – A composite deity, incorporating the principal gods of creation, death, and after-life; represented like Osiris as a mummified king.
Phra (Ra, Re) – The Supreme Power, The Creator, Great Father
Qebhut  (Qeb-Hwt, Aebehout, Kebehet, Kabachet, Kebhut, Kebechet) – Goddess of the Water of Life. The goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess or the lost child, she presides over the magical reviving power of water.
Qebui – God of the North Wind
Qetesh – A mother-goddess of fertility. Adopted into ancient Egypt from Kadesh in what is now Syria.
Ra (Re, Phra, Amun-Ra, Akmun-Ra) – The Creator; The Supreme Power; The Only One; Great Father; Father of the Gods; Sun God. Ra is the god of the Sun, head of the great ennead, supreme judge; often linked with other gods aspiring to universality, and king of the gods until Osiris took over his throne.
Raet-Tawy – Female sun goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt. Female counterpart of Ra.
Rat (Tat-Taiut, Rait) – Lady of the Heavens; Mistress of the Gods; Mistress of the Heliopolis; Mother of the Gods; Goddess of the Two Lands. Goddess of wisdom and knowledge, shown as a woman wearing a disk with horns and a uraeus.
Renenet (Renenutet, Ernutet, Thermuthis) – She Who Rears; The Nourishing Snake; Lady of the Double Granary .Goddess of harvest and fertility; represented as a snake or a snake-headed woman. Goddess of the 8th month of the Egyptian calendar.
Renpet – Mistress of Eternity. Goddess of youth, springtime, the year, and the general idea of time.
Rertrertu (Taweret, Ta-Urt, Tauret, Apet, Opet, Tauret, Taurt, Thoueris)  – Mistress of Talismans. The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Reshef (Reshpu) – God of war and thunder, of Syrian origin.
Sarapis – A god introduced into Egypt in the Ptolemaic Period having the characteristics of Egyptian (Osiris) and Greek (Zeus) gods; represented as a bearded man wearing the modius head-dress.
Sati (Satet, Satis) – She Who Shoots Forth; She Who Runs Like an Arrow; She Who Pours. This Nile River spirit is entrusted to maintain balance and peace at the Nile’s first cataract, the traditional border between Egypt and Nubia. Goddess of the Cataracts, Goddess of fertility, water, the hunt, planting.
Seb (Geb, Keb) – A fertility Earth God of new beginnings, creation, crops.
Sebek (Sobk, Suchos) – Lord of Death, the Hidden One.
Seker (Sokar, Socharis) – The guardian god of the door to the Underworld.
Sekhem Em Pet (Anubis, Anpu)  – God of dead, embalming, funerals, and mourning ceremonies
Sekhmet (Sakhmet) – The Mighty One; The Terrible One; The Powerful; The Beloved of Ptah; Dark Sister of Bast; Great of Magic; Lady of Terror; Lady of Action; The One Before Whom Evil Flees; Mistress Dread; Lady of Flame; The Scarlet Woman. Goddess of lions and fire also goddess of vengeance, a lion-headed goddess worshipped in the area of Memphis; a fiery manifestation of the Eye of Ra. She represented the destroying power of sunlight and was the goddess of war and battle, physicians and bone-setters.
Selqet (Selket, Selquet, Selchis, Serqet, Serquet) – Mistress of the Beautiful House. A scorpion-goddess, identified with the scorching heat of the sun; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and Canopic jars. Protectress of marriage, goddess of happy marriages and married sexual love.
Seshat (Seshet, Sesheta) – Lady of the Builder’s Measure; The Great One; Lady of the House of Books, Queen of Construction; Goddess of Writing. The goddess of writing and measurement, the divine keeper of royal annals.
Set (Seth, Seti, Sutekh, Suti, Sertesh) – Great of Strength; He Who Is Below; Lord of the Desert; Lord of Chaos and Disorder. God of deserts, storms and violence, evil, and chaos also later version ruler of the underworld. He is brother of Osiris and his murderer; the rival of Horus; equated by the Greeks with Typhon.
Shai (male), Shait (female) – Guardian angel, presiding over destiny and fate. Sometimes a Goddess, sometimes a God.
Shu – Lord of the Sky. God of Air and the North Wind. Connected with the heat and dryness of sunlight. Shu and Tefnut – his twin sister- form the first pair of gods in the Heliopolitan ennead; shown often as a man separating Nut (sky) from Geb (earth).
Sobek (Suchos, Sebek, Sobk) – Lord of Dark Water; The Hidden One; He Who is Shut In. Sobek is the crocodile-god, worshiped throughout Egypt. An aggressive guardian who repels and devours malevolent spirits who threaten his devotees. Rows Ra’s Sunboat through the Duat.
Sopdu – A god of war Associated with the sun and with the planet Venus
Tait (Isis, As, Aset, Eset)  – Supreme Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life.
Tatjenen – The primeval earth-god of Memphis; later identified with Ptah.
Tat-Taiut (Rait, Rat) – Lady of the Heavens, Goddess of Wisdom and knowledge.
Taweret (Thoeris, Taurt, Ta-Urt, Apet, Opet, Rertrertu) – Mistress of Talismans. The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Tefnut (Tefenet) – The goddess of moisture, dew, rain, and mist. She is said to live at the bottom of the underworld. She and her twin brother – Shu – form the first pair of gods in the Heliopolitan ennead.
Temu (Tem, Atem, Atum) – Dark Eye of Ra. Personification of God in human form and of the setting Sun. Father of the human race, he helped the dead. In one of his forms he was worshipped as a huge serpent.
Thoth (Tehuti, Thout, Djehuti, Zehuti) – Lord of Divine Words; Lord of Books. Thoth is the ibis-headed scribe of the gods, the god of wisdom, inventor of writing.The ape as well as the ibis is sacred to him. Judge of the Gods.
Thermuthis (Renenet, Renenutet, Ernutet) – She Who Rears; The Nourishing Snake; Lady of the Double Granary. Goddess of harvest and fertility; represented as a snake or a snake-headed woman. Goddess of the 8th month of the Egyptian calendar.
Uajyt (Uatchet, Utchat, Uazrr, Uto, Uraeus, Buto, Per Uadijit)  – Cobra goddess and protectress of Lower Egypt
Udjat (Edjo, Buto, Wadjet) – Goddess of protection. Sister of Nekhbet. Lady of Flame; Lady of the North; Lady of Heaven; Queen of Holy Spirits. The cobra-goddess of Buto in the Delta, a goddess of protection, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king.
Unnefer (Wenen-Nefer, Onnophris) – a name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.
Upuaut (Ophis, Wepwawet)  – Opener of the Ways. the jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of the necropolis and an avenger of Osiris. Opener of Roads, God of the Underworld
Wadjet (Udjat, Edjo, Buto) – Goddess of protection. Sister of Nekhbet. Lady of Flame; Lady of the North; Lady of Heaven; Queen of Holy Spirits. The cobra-goddess of Buto in the Delta, a goddess of protection, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king.
Wadj-wer – Personifies the Mediterranean Sea and other lakes.
Wenen-Nefer (Onnophris, Unnefer) – A name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.
Wepwawet (Upuaut, Ophis)  – Opener of the Ways. The jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of the necropolis and an avenger of Osiris. Opener of Roads, God of the Underworld
Zehuti (Thoth, Tehuti, Thout, Djehuti)  – Lord of Divine Words; Lord of Books. Thoth is the ibis-headed scribe of the gods, the god of wisdom, inventor of writing.The ape as well as the ibis is sacred to him. Judge of the Gods.
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kakaphoe · 7 years
Someone in the comments of that Thoth post is claiming to be a High Priestess of Thoth and trying to shame people who “think they can summon Thoth with meme magic” (when the post was obviously a joke in the first place).
And I’m sitting here thinking “this person doesn’t understand the very basic tenet of a voice-offering in Egyptian theology while claiming to be an authority on that same faith”.
For people with no knowledge of Ancient Egyptian religion and the ancestor cult, lemme explain what a voice offering is: In the Ancient Egyptian religion saying you were giving an offering of bread, beer, incense, etc. to the dead was considered exactly the same as actually giving those things to the dead physical. This is why people wrote offering formulae to their ancestors and themselves on statues, because just reading and understanding the formula was itself an offering. The dead and the gods could be fed by the essence of the names of the things, as well as the physical items themselves
So yeah, by Ancient Egyptian standards just thinking of Thoth and saying his name would be considered an invocation and/or offering to him. It would be the most basic thing, and prayer and making offerings would be more usual, but it’s the initial thought behind all prayer and ceremonial magic.
Here’s a image of a Late Egyptian (c. BCE 1350-700) prayer to Thoth transcribed into Hieroglyphics (the original is in Hieratic text from Papyrus Anastasi V; sheet 4):
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And here’s an English translation by J. L. Foster.
Come to me, Djehuty! O glorious sacred Ibis, God, who loves Hermopolis.
Scribe of letters to the Ennead. exalted in Heliopolis! Come to me that you may give good counsel and make me wise in your affairs.
Your calling is splendid above any other – it makes for greatness; One discovers knowledge in it to form a distinguished  man.
I have seen the many men you favored, and they are high officials, seated on the Council of the Thirty, Strong and powerful because of what you do; and it is you who gave them wisdom. And it is you who give good counsel to him without a mother; fate and good fortune are in your hand.
O come to me that you may give me wisdom! I am a devotee of your domain, Let me recount your mighty deeds wherever I may be. Then shall the multitudes of people say, “Great are the things Djehuty has accomplished.”
Then they shall come bringing their children, offering them to your service. The service of the Lord of Power is perfection! And happy he who is allowed to follow it.
So yeah, by the very principle of what constitutes magic in Ancient Egypt religion, simply rebloging this text would be enough to “cast” it and invoke Thoth.
(Also you cannot claim be an anointed Priestess of a cultural religion which hasn’t existed for more than 2000 years, you can, at best, dedicate yourself to a neo-pagan idea of what those mysteries involved, but that is absolutely not the same thing.)
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reileionard21 · 1 month
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Wich team are you?
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ancestraldevotion · 7 years
The Pierce Festivals Calendar in ancient Egypt
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They were either painted or carved into temple walls or on papyrus, and the paint is flaking away; time, weather and mankind have destroyed large portions of them. Secondly, only casual mention of ritual is found, and in some places, none at all. The pictures of food and other offerings, however, provide information in surprising detail, and those of you who place daily offerings on your personal altars will find useful information here. The Gods, in most instances, are the national ones: Re, Horus, Osiris, Hathor, and Isis. There are inclusions of the other naturu and naturitu as the individual season required.
These calendars afford us a wonderful picture of those early worshipers. The festivals were great, happy affairs, planned for and looked forward to in much the same way Christians look forward to Christmas or Easter.
Food, drink and general party going was the rule, never the exception. Picture in your mind a whole town in party dress celebrating the feast of “Chewing onions for Bastet.”
Festivals of Opet
Opet or Ipet means “harem,” The original name is “The Beautiful Feast.” On this day the barque of Ammon-Re would be removed from its temple shrine, and, along with the image of Ammon-Ra, would journey up the Nile to the temple of his wife Ammonet. This was a serious party festival, lasting for twenty days, with a special ritual held at every stop of Ammon-Res barque.
After nine months had passed Ammonet-Mut would ceremonially be taken into the Temple birthing chamber to give birth to Ammon-Re’s son, Khonsu. Even today, remnants of this festival are still observed. Today Opet has been renamed; it is now “The Festival of Saints,” celebrated by Moslems. During the festival, a small boat is carried out of the Mosque of Abu El Haggag and paraded through the streets of Luxor.
“The Feast of Sothis” (the heliacle rising of the star Sirius) was celebrated with a special ritual. Most temples housed more than one natur or naturit. Normally secluded images of the temple’s naturu would be removed from their shrines and taken to the roof of the temple so that the first light of the first day of the New Year would fall upon them.
~ Diana Janeen Pierce
The Yearly Five Days
Remember, it is permissible to eat offerings once the naturu have taken the essence from them. They can be removed and eaten after an hour.
Honey, raw grains, prepared meats (Goose was a favorite, as was beef. However, avoid pork. It was considered unclean because of its connection to Sutekh. Also, avoid fish if you honor Osiris.Other offerings were fruit, flowers, oils (scented and olive) bees wax, bread (all kinds, plain or fruit filled, often in special shapes: pyramids or sacred objects) and incense, along with scented candles.
June 22     Birth of Osiris
June 23     Birth of the Original Horus
June 24     Birth of Sutekh
June 25     Birth of Isis
June 26    Birth of Lady Of The House
Akhet, Inundation
Festivals And Holidays Of The Month Thuthy
Offerings, same as above.
The Sacred Days:
June 27  The birth of Re. First day of Thuthy. Feast of Thoth.
June 29  The Birth of the Aton.
July 2    Monthly feast of Re.
July 6   Second monthly feast of Re.
July 13 Feast of the Dead. Offerings given in the Necropolis.
July 15  Festival of Nut and Lord Re. Main Festival of Lord Thoth.
July 18  Holy to Osiris.
July 21  Holy to Sakhmet (The destructive form of Hathor.)  Mysteries of Osiris. Feast of Lights of Isis.
There is evidence that indicates that this Festival is the true “Festival of Intoxication.” The possible mistaken belief that it honors Thoth not Hathor/Sakhmet stems from the fact that the feast falls in the month of Thoth. Strong evidence points to the myth recounting the destruction of mankind as the basis for this festival.
According to this story, in order to end Hathor’s bloody rampage, Re tricked her into drinking beer laced with mandrake and red ocher. He flooded Egypt with this drugged beer. Hathor/Sakhmet, thinking it was blood, consumed so much of it that she became drunk and passed out and lost interest in destroying humanity. The yearly inundation by the Nile, with its rich, red silt, is the earthly re-enactment of this flood of beer. This feast of intoxication is the Egyptian “October fest.”
July 22  Honors the battle between Horus and Sutekh.
July 23  Honors the peace between Horus and Sutekh.
July 25  Sky Feast of Lord Re.
July 26   Ritual day in the Temples of Re, Osiris and Horus.
Festivals And Holidays Of Paopy 2nd Month Of Akhet
Offerings, same as above.
July 27    Month of Paopy, Holy day of Re.
July 28    Procession of Horus to the city of Neith.
July 29    Thoth orders the eye of Horus healed.
July 31     Feast of Osiris.
August 1   Feast of Opet, the marriage of Ammon-Re to his wife Ammonet.
August 2   Monthly feast of Re.
August 4   Jubilation of the Heart of Re
August 5   Procession of Bast. Birth of Nut.
August 6   Monthly feast of Re.
August 7   Birth of Hathor (Hut-hert).
August 8   Satisfying the hearts of the Ennead.
August 9   Horus receives the White Crown.
August 11 Feast of Osiris.
August 13 Ceremony of Transformation (Anubis) Mummification of Osiris.
August 14 Ceremony of raising the Sacred Djed Pillar.
August 16 Neith goes forth to Aten.
August 22 Lighting the fires of Neith.
August 25 Sky Feast of Re. Feasts of Osiris and Horus.
Festivals and Feasts Of Hathys 3rd month of Akhet
Offerings, same as above
August 26      Month of Hathor begins. Feast of Hathor. Feast of Re.
August 30      Honors Hathor.
August 31      Feast of the naturu of the black mud of Egypt (Khemet.)
September 1   Monthly Feast of Re.
September 3   Isis emerges.
September 5  Monthly feast of Re.
September 6    Osiris go out of Abydos; Purification Of The Naturu AndNaturitu ib-hearts. Feast of Hapy. Offerings are given to the Nile.
September 7  Hapy is created.
September 8  Jubilation of the Dead.
September 9  Fertility of Min. A day of offerings to Min, especially from husbands wishing for sons.
September 10  Day of the appearance of the Eight Primordials.
September 11  Lamentation of Isis and Lady Of The House for Osiris.
September 12 Feast of Hathor (Third month of Akhet.) The statue of thenaturit was taken by boat and procession to the mortuary complexes to visit pharaoh’s tomb.
September 14   Bastet appears before Re.
September 15   Feast Of Ma’at.
September 17   The dispute between Horus and Sutekh judged by Re.
September 18   Isis emerges.
September 20  The Black Land given to Horus the Red lands to Sutekh.
September 21  The Autumn Equinox.
September 22  Horus is crowned King. The appearance before Ptah
September 24  Feast of the Noble Ladies. Sky Feast.
Festivals and Feasts of Choiach 4th month of Akhet
Offerings, same as above
September 25  Month of Choiach begins. Feast of Re and Sekhmet.
September 26   Feast for all naturu.
September 28   Feast of Sobek. Sacred crocodiles are honored this day.
September 29  Procession of Hathor.
October 1         Feast of Sorqet. Feast of Thoth.
October 2         Monthly Feast of Re.
October 5        Feast of Osiris in Abydos.
October 6        Transformation of the Bennu Bird (Re).
October 7        Procession of Hathor and the paut naturu.
October 8       Feast Of Naturu and Naturitu and Fate. Emergence of the Transformed Bennu.
October 9        Feast of Sakhmet-Bastet-Re.
October 11      Feast of the judging of the crew of the Solar Barque. Holy day of Hathor.
October 15      Ritual of Raising the Djed Pillar.
October 16      Feast of Plowing the Earth.
October 21      Feast of Isis seeking Osiris’ body.
October 22     Feast of the loss of Osiris by Isis.
October 23      Feast of rejoicing that Isis finds the body of Osiris.
October 24      Feast of the paut naturu of Re. Feast of Osiris and Horus. Offerings for the ka (living memories.)
Poret, Emergence Festivals of the month Tyby
Offerings,  same as above.
October 25      The month of Tyby begins. The Heb Sed Jubilee. (Pharaoh demonstrates his vigor before the people) Feast of Re. Feast of Bast.
The word Heb means “Festival,” and Sed means “cloth,” as well as “tail.” One of the requirements of this festival was that the King had to run around the circumference of the temple inner court, carrying ritual objects in his hands. It is believed that some form of rejuvenation occurred during the event. This feast took place every three years, with an even grander version occurring at a Pharaoh’s Thirtieth Year Jubilee.
October 30    Feast of Clothing Anubis.
October 31     Feast of Sakhmet and the purifying of the flame.
November 1    Monthly feast of Re.
November 2    Feast of Sakhmet.
November 5   Monthly Feast of Re
November 6   Feast of Hathor and Sakhmet. Day of prolonging life and the goodness of ma’at.
November 11  The naturu leave Abydos. Mouth Of The Far Horizon
November 13  Bastet leaves Bubastis to guard the two lands.
November 14  Feast for the followers of Re.
November 16  Feast of Neith.
November 21  Feast of Thoth’s oath.
November 22  Sky feast.
November 23  Feast in the temple of Hapy.
Festivals of Menchir 2nd month of Poret
Offerings, same as above
November 24 Month of Menchir begins. Festival of Little Heat (left eye of Re.) Feast of Ptah lifting up Re with his hands.
November 25  Re returns to the sky.
November 26  Sutekh emerges.
November 29  Feast of Isis.
December 1    Feast of the Great Heat (Right Eye Of Re.) Feast of Hathor.
December 2    Monthly feast of Re.
December 3    Birth of Horus the younger (son of Isis and Osiris.)
December 4    Birth of Sobek.
December 5    Feast of “Lifting the Sky” (Re.)
December 6    Monthly feast of Re.
December 10  The day of Keeping Osiris in the hands of Anubis.
December 13  Day of Nut.
December 15  Feasts of Horus and Ptah.
December 16  Festival of Isis.
December 19  Feast of Min. Isis sees Osiris’ face.
December 20  Feast of Sokar. Feast of Osiris.
December 21  Sky feast. The Winter Solstice.
Festivals of Famenoth 3rd month of Poret
Offerings: same as above
December 24  The month of Famenoth begins. Feast of entering Heaven (Re.) Sky Feast.
December 28  Festival of Lights of Neith.
December 29  Procession of Anubis. Jubilation of Osiris.
December 31  Festival for Khnum.
January 1        Day of Hathor.
January 2        Day of Thoth. Monthly feast of Re.
January 6        Monthly feast of Re.
January 8        Day of opening the Doors and courts of Karnak.
January 10      Feast of Nut.
January 11      Birth of Nut.
January 14      Birth of Apep.
January 15      Feast of Horus. Offerings made for the Dead.
January 18      Day for those in the Imenty (below the western horizon.)
January 20     Feast of Osiris.
January 22     Festival of the Doorways of the Horizon are Opened. Sky feast.
Festivals for the month of Parmuthy, Fourth Month Of Poret
Offerings: the same as above
January 23     Month of Parmuthy begins: Feast of Re.
January 24     Procession of Geb to see Anubis.
January 28     Feast of “Chewing onions for Bastet.”
(Native Americans in Oklahoma have a yearly spring festival where they fry the first wild green onions of spring and eggs. Since we have no idea what this festival of Bast (Goddess of Joy and the gentle rays of sunlight) was for, it might be a way to honor her. Do it for dinner and chase it with a beer, I do. Since I’m also Cherokee Indian, this covers both events nicely.)
January 29     Feast of Min.
January 30     Monthly feast of Re; Counting the parts of the Wadjit eye.
February 3     Monthly feast of Re.
February 4     Feast of Nut.
February 7     Procession of Khopry.
February 8     Procession of Sut.
February 10   Feast of Re.
February 18   Feast of Sakhmet destroying mankind.
February 20   Adoration of Beautiful Being. Sky Feast.
February 21   Offerings to Re, Osiris, Horus, Ptah, and Sokar.
Shomu (Harvest) The season of Re
Festivals and holidays for the month of Pachons.
Offerings: same as above
February 22   Month of Pachons begins. Feast for Ra, Horus, and Renemutet.
February 26   Feast of Sexual fertility of Min.
February 27   Harvest festival. Festival of the great one of the House of Re.
March 1        Festival of Isis. (This day became New Year’s Day in the Roman calendar until it was replaced by the Egyptian Calendar on the order of Emperor Augustus.)
March 2        Monthly feast of Re.
March 3        Festival of Clothing Anubis.
March 6        Monthly feast of Re.
March 7        The day of cutting out the tongue of Sobek, the Crocodile God.
March 10      Day of Hathor.
March 11      Day of joy for Re and his Ennead.
March 12      The day of the counting of Thoth.
March 13      Ma’at judges souls.
March 21     The Spring Equinox.      
March 23     Celebrations for Re, Osiris, and Horus.
The festivals and holidays for the month of Paony, Second month of Harvest.
Offerings: same as above
March 24      Month of Horus begins, Feasts for Re, Horus and Bastet.
March 28      Holy to Re and his Followers.
March 30      Feast of the Wadjet eye.
April 1           Feast of Re.
April 5           Feast of Re.
April 10         Feast of Osiris.
April 13         Feast of the children of Nut.
April 17         Sacred to Re.
April 18         Procession of Neith.
April 20         Day of purifying all things.
April 22         Sacred to Thoth. Feast of Re.
The holidays of the month of Epipy,3rd month of Harvest.
Offerings: same as above
April 23         Month of Epipy begins. Festivals to Hathor, Bast. Day of the great feast of the southern heavens for Re.
April 24         The Goddesses feast in their temples.
April 27         Hathor sails for Punt, Third month of Shomu, ending with the New Moon.
Feast of the “Beautiful Reunion.” Hathor’s barque was called the “Mistress of Love.” During this festival, it was believed that Hathor left her temple in Dendera and sailed south to visit Horus in the city of Edfu. During her trip she stopped to visit Mut’s temple, the second day she visits Anukis, (A form of Nephthys, “Lady Of The House.”) On the third day, she is joined by the Local God of Nehan (a form of Horus) before ending her travels in Edfu at the great Temple of Horus there. Horus would set out in his barque and meet Anukis outside Edfu. At this time, the two statues were enshrined together for fourteen days, and then the statues were taken to the temple roof to greet the sun god Ra.
April 29         The other Gods follow.
May 2           Monthly feast of Re.
May 7           Horus hears the supplications of the god.
May 8           Ma’at appears before Re.
May 10         Ma’at and Re leave in secret.
May 21         Festival of Mut; Sky feast
May 22         Ceremony of Horus-Of-The-Winged-Disk
Festivals and sacred days for Mesore 4th Month Of Harvest
May 23            Month of Mesore begins. Feast of Re.
May 24           Sacred to Ma’at.
May 25           Feast of Raet. Feast Of Hathor as Sopdut.
May 26           Processional day of Sopdut.
May 27           Day of the appearance of Min.
May 29           Anubis Travels to the necropolis.
May 30           Wadjit’s Summer Solstice.
June 1             Monthly feast of Re. Holiday of Anubis.
June 4           Feast of the Followers Of Horus.
June 6            Re goes forth to honor Nun.
June 10          Day of the return of the complete The Eye of Re (Uadjet eye.)
June 13          Anubis feasts with the children of Nut and Geb.
June 19          Feast day of Min.
June 20          Feast in the Temple of Sokar (“Opening The Aperture” lasted seven days, and represented the opening of the Epagomenal days and Re’s birth). Feast of Ptah.
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dua-yinepu · 5 years
Introductory Hymn to Osiris
Worship of Osiris Wennefer, the Great God who dwells in the Thinite nome, King of Eternity, Lord of Everlasting, who passes millions of years in his lifetime, first-born son of Nut, begotten of Geb, Heir, Lord of the Wereret-crown, whose White Crown is tall, Sovereign of gods and men. He has taken the crook and the flail and the office of his forefathers. May your heart which is in the desert land be glad, for your son Horus is firm on your throne, while you have appeared as Lord of Busiris, as the ruler who is in Abydos. The Two Lands flourish in vindication because of you in the presence of the Lord of All. All that exists is ushered in to him in his name of "Face to whom men are ushered"; the Two Lands are marshalled for him as leader in this his name of Sokar; his might is far-reaching, one greatly feared in this his name of Osiris; he passes over the length of eternity in his name of Wennefer.
Hail to you, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ruler of Rulers, who took possession of the Two Lands even in the womb of Nut; he rules the plains of the Silent Land, even he the golden of body, blue of head, on whose arms is turquoise. O Pillar of Myriads, broad of breast, kindly of countenance, who is in the Sacred Land: May you grant power in the sky, might on earth, and vindication in the God's Domain, a journeying downstream to Busiris as a living soul and a journeying upstream to Abydos as a heron; to go in and out without hindrance at all gates of the Duat. May there be given to me bread from the House of Cool Water and a table of offerings from Heliopolis, my toes being firm-planted in the Field of Reeds. May the barley and emmer which are in it belong to the Ka of the Osiris Ani.
Chapter for not letting Ani's heart create opposition against him in the God's Domain
O my heart which I had from my mother! O my heart which I had from my mother! O my heart of my different ages! Do not stand up as a witness against me, do not oppose to me in the tribunal, do not be hostile to me in the presence of the Keeper of the Balance, for you are my Ka which was in my body, the protector who made my members hale. Go forth to the happy place whereto we speed; do not make my name stink to Entourage who make men. Do not tell lies about me in the presence of the god; it is indeed well that you should hear!
Thus says Thoth, judge of truth, to the Great Ennead which is in the presence of Osiris: Hear this word of very truth. I have judged the heart of the deceased, and his soul stands a witness for him. His deeds are righteous in the great balance, and no sin has been found in him. He did not diminish the offerings in the temples, he did not destroy what had been made, he did not go about with deceitful speech while he was on earth.
Thus says the Great Ennead to Thoth who is in Hermopolis: This utterance of yours is true. The vindicated Osiris Ani is straightforward, he has no sin, there is no accusation against him before us, Ammit shall not be permitted to have power over him, Let there be given to him the offerings which are issued in the presence of Osiris, and may a grant of land be established in the Field of Offerings as for the Followers of Horus.
Thus says Horus son of Isis: I have come to you, O Wennefer, and I bring Ani to you. His heart is true, having gone forth from the balance, and he has not sinned against any god or goddess. Thoth has judged him in writing which has been told to the Ennead, and Maat the great has witnessed. Let there be given to him bread and beer which have been issued in the presence of Osiris, and he will be forever like the Followers of Horus.
Thus says Ani: Here I am in your presence, O Lord of the West. There is no wrongdoing in my body, I have not wittingly told lies, there has been no second fault. Grant that I may be like the favored ones who are in your suite, O Osiris, one greatly favored by the good god, one loved of the Lord of the Two Lands, Ani, vindicated before Osiris.
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